GCS K-5 Portfolio Writing Plan for 2014-2015

GCS K-5 Portfolio Writing Plan for 2014-2015
Writing Tasks
Students in grades 3-5 will have 3 writing products for the year.
1. Baseline Writing Task-To be completed and recorded for Extended Year and 10-Day Extended Year Calendars by Aug. 22nd and by
Sept. 5th for Traditional Calendars.
This writing task can be narrative or informational. Teachers will use the appropriate Smarter Balanced writing rubrics for grading the writing
tasks. The scores will be recorded on the online class profile sheet and emailed or digitally transferred to the curriculum facilitator.
2. Unit 1 or Unit 2 Summative Tasks –To be completed and recorded for Extended Year and 10-Day Extended Year Calendars by Oct.
17th and by October 24th for Traditional Calendars.
Teachers will use the summative assessment task in unit one for their grade level’s assessment. The purpose of this assessment task will be to
determine strengths and weaknesses of student writers at the classroom, school, and district level. Teachers will use the Smarter Balanced
writing rubric that aligns with the chosen genre to score student work for this assessment and record scores on the online class profile sheet.
Class profile sheets will be emailed or digitally transferred to the curriculum facilitator one week after the assessment window ends.
3. Content-Specific Writing Task #1 – Oct. 24th – Jan. 23rd for Extended Year and 10-Day Extended Year Calendars and October 28th –
Jan. 22nd for Traditional Calendars.
This writing task will be content specific in the area of science or social studies. The content specific task will be available to teachers in one
of three ways; predesigned prompts based on essential standards being taught during the window, ELA unit’s summative tasks that include
the integration of essential standards, or by the creation of content specific prompt through a grade level PLC lead by the curriculum
facilitator. Teachers will use the Smarter Balanced writing rubrics for grading the content specific writing tasks. The scores will be recorded
on the online class profile sheet and emailed or digitally transferred to the curriculum facilitator one week after the assessment window ends.
4. Content-Specific Writing Task #2 – Jan. 26th – April 2nd for Extended Year and 10-Day Extended Year Calendars and Jan. 27th –
March 31st for Traditional Calendars.
This writing task will be content specific in the area of science or social studies. The content specific task will be available to teachers in one
of three ways; predesigned prompts based on essential standards being taught during the window, ELA unit’s summative tasks that include
the integration of essential standards, or by the creation of a content specific prompt through a school PLC lead by the curriculum facilitator.
Teachers will use the Smarter Balanced writing rubrics for grading the content specific writing tasks. The scores will be recorded on the
online class profile sheet and emailed or digitally transferred to the curriculum facilitator one week after the assessment window ends.
GCS Office of Curriculum & Instruction
*Please remember if you chose a science content task for Task 1 then you must choose a social studies task for Task 2 and vice versa if
you chose a social studies task first.
Students in grades K-2 will have 5 writing products for the year.
1. Baseline Assessment –
The first assessment will be a baseline assessment. The purpose of the baseline assessment will be to determine a starting point for instruction
by pinpointing strengths and weaknesses of student writers. The baseline assessment is given within the 1st month of school and should also
be scored using the required rubric.
2. 1st - 4th Quarter Writing Tasks- Prompts for the writing tasks will be created by the teacher in connection with what has been taught that
quarter. Content area writing should be integrated in authentic instructional ways.
Data Submission
Teachers in grades K-5 will use the electronic district forms to record their writing data.
Teachers in grades K-5 will keep an electronic copy of the data in their class and then digitally send a copy to the curriculum facilitator.
Student Portfolios - Each student will have a writing portfolio which will house all writing documents for the current year. For K-2 students
this would include the baseline and four other writing tasks and 3-5 students will have a unit summative assessment task and two content
specific writing tasks.
Managing Portfolios
It is permissible to house student portfolios electronically. Student work can be scanned, if hand written, or saved to a file if using a digital
tool to complete the task.
GCS Office of Curriculum & Instruction
GCS Office of Curriculum & Instruction