Republic of Rwanda Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning P.O.BOX. 158 Kigali Tel: +250-252-577-994 Fax: +250-252-577-581 E-mail : [email protected] Single Action Plan 2014-2015 Output Indicators Baseline Targets Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) Outcome I : Increased private sector investment and financing Macroeconom Updated ic policy Macroeconomi analysis c Framework carried out A framework 2014/152015/16 Macro Framework Q1-Q4: Quarterly economic briefs provided with a lag of two 2012/2013 months after annual each quarter economic report highlighting; available. GDP growth rate, Inflation rate, performance on the trade balance and current accounts; forecasts of the trade balance and current account balances. Number of analytical reports on the impact of government domestic and external borrowing. N/A A framework N/A Q2: 2013/14 annual economic report. Q1-Q4: Analytical reports on the impact of government domestic and external borrowing, produced. Q4: A -Collect data and analyze Monetary, Fiscal, Real and External Sectors. MACRO BNR, RRA, NISR -Provide policy recommendations on the level of borrowing not adversely affecting the sustainability of the public debt. MACRO BNR, RRA, NISR -Develop a framework MACRO NISR -Update the Macroeconomic framework; -Analyze information on tax reforms and derive policy implications for TPC quarterly meetings. -Provide policy recommendations on inflation. 2 10,084,679,900 Output Indicators for analyzing the level of employment and job creation developed. Fiscal risk analysis of Government Business enterprises conducted. for analyzing the level of employment and job creation. -% of public enterprises submitted their financial reports 2012-2013 fiscal risk review report of Government’s Investment Baseline Targets framework in place. -80% of the Public Enterprises submitted their quarterly financial statements 2011/12 fiscal risk review report of Government’s Investment portfolio Q1: 85% of Public Enterprises (PEs) submit their quarterly reports for 2013/14 quarter 4 Q2: 90% of PEs submit their reports for 2014/15 quarter 1 Q3: 95% of PEs submit their reports for 2014/15 quarter 2 Q4: 95% of PEs submit their reports for 2014/15 quarter 3 Q1: Final Fiscal risk report for the FY 2012/13 available. Q2: Q3: Activities to deliver output for analyzing the level of employment and job creation. Lead Stakeholders -Collect and analyze Public Enterprises’ quarterly financial statements. GPMU Public Enterprises - Conduct fiscal risk analysis for GBEs by July 2014. GPMU GBEs - Collect and analyse GBEs annual financial 3 Budget (Rwf) 39,985,880 Output Government fiduciary risk exposure minimized Board members and DGs of public enterprises trained in corporate governance and strategic financial management. Indicators Baseline Targets portfolio available. Q4: First draft of the Fiscal risk report for the FY 2013/14 available. -First draft 2013/14 fiscal review report % of public enterprises and those where Government has minority shares and no controlling interest submitted their financial statements that are compliant to financial regulations 100% for public enterprises & 90% for enterprises where GoR has minority shares and no controlling interest submitted their financial statements then were analysed and recommendatio ns provided. 2011/2012 Number of 35 and 40 board members people were and DGs trained in trained. 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 respectively. Activities to deliver output statements. Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) -Prepare fiscal risk review report by June 2015. Q4; FY 2012/2013 100% of the public enterprises and 100% of enterprises where government has no controlling interest submitted their financial reports and analysed for proper recommendation s -Sensitize and GPMU encourage public enterprises and enterprises where Government has minority shares and no controlling interest submit their financial reports. GBEs, Q1: Q2: In-house training for Board Members and DG of One (1) Public Enterprise with identified needs carried out. Q3: In-house training for Board Members and DG of One -Carry out customized needs assessment for public enterprises. GBEs, -Organize the training sessions for Public Enterprises officials. 4 Lead GPMU 39,985,880 Output Indicators Baseline Targets (1) Public Enterprise with identified needs carried out. Q4: All Board Members and DGs of Public Enterprises trained on the roles and responsibilities of Board committees. 2011/12 Q1: 2012-2013 Government annual report Investment Q2: report available. Q3: Q4: Q1, Q2 and Q3 of 2013/14 Government Investment Report available. 2012/13 annual report on Government investments’ returns as well as for Q1, Q2 and Q3 of 2013/14 produced. Semi-annual and annual reports on Government Investment Portfolio produced. Reports on Government Investments returns Semi-annual and annual reports on Government Investment Portfolio. 2011/12 Gov’t Investment Portfolio report. BRD management New BRD management Old BRD management Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders - Monitor dividends, privatization proceeds and lease rent on a regular basis. GPMU Treasury, GBEs, BNR - Make reconciliation on dividends, privatization proceeds, lease rent and with OTR account. Q1: 2012/13 End -Identify all GPMU, year reports on Government GoR investment Investments. Portfolio -Prepare a report on all Q2: Government Q3: 2013/14 Half year reports Investments. on GoR investment Portfolio Q4: Q1: Atlas Mara -Review the current FSDD and BRD product offerings and 5 Budget (Rwf) 5,000,000 GBEs BRD/BNR 10,000,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets and operations restructured. (NLR) and operations structure and operations structure. management contract signed Q2: The new BRD structure operationalized. Agriculture insurance uptake increased. -Number of farmers taking up Index insurance. Revenue from SGF investments increased. % share of investment revenues financing SGF’s budget. % increase of insurance Premiums received. Insurance Premiums received by SGF Q4: Affordable housing and Agriculture financing products introduced as new suitable products. 116,474 farmers Q4: Agriculture covered.(78550 insurance uptake for kilimo increased by 5% salama and of 78,550 37,924 for making it 82,478 micro-ensurer) farmers insured by kilimo NB: Microsalama. ensure is moving out of the market. 2013-2014: 14% of the budget equivalent to 148 million 10% increase compared to 2012-2013 (528,000,000 Q1-Q4: 15% of the budget equivalent to160 million Q1-Q4: Insurance premiums received by Activities to deliver output recommend suitable ones for the targeted market. -Review the current structure and propose a new one; Lead Stakeholders -Design an agriculture financing product embedded with insurance. - Train MFIs and SACCOs staff on agriculture financing -Implement the recommendation of the tax implication study on agriculture insurance. -Invest SGF revenues in banks, T-Bills and T-Bonds. FSDD MINAGRI SGF BNR 1,000,000 - Monitor the timely remittance of insurance premiums provided by the law. SGF Insurance companies 1,000,000 6 Budget (Rwf) 25,000,000 Output Indicators increased SGF Policy on advocacy and advisory of vulnerable victims of accidents and damages finalized. Training workshops conducted on SGF mission and expectations. Pension and Medical contributions target achieved. Baseline Targets Rwf received in 2013-2014) SGF increased by 10% equivalent to (580,800,000 as compared to the baseline. Q2: Policy on advocacy and advisory of vulnerable victims of accidents and damages in place. Q1-Q4: Training workshops conducted in 8 sectors neighbouring National Parks. Q1-Q4: Rwf 100 bn collected under both Pension and Medical schemes of which: -Rwf 65 bn under Pension scheme -Rwf 35 bn under medical scheme. Q1: Prepare and launch the construction Policy Document on advisory and advocacy of vulnerable victims of accidents and damages Number of sectors (IMIRENGE) trained N/A Amount of Pension and Medical contributions collected. Total contributions for FY 2013/14 Rwf 95 bn. Of which: Rwf 62bn under Pension scheme -Rwf 33bn under medical scheme N/A Affordable/ % of Land in low cost construction Batsinda has houses works been acquired Activities to deliver output Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) -Prepare a policy on SGF advocacy and advisory of vulnerable victims of accidents and damages. BNR 10,000,000 -Organize training SGF workshops for SGF stakeholders in sectors to increase awareness on SGF’s mission and expectations. -Conduct sensitization RSSB and awareness campaigns across the country. RDB 20,000,000 FSDD 10,000,000 -Enforce all employers with arrears to clear them. -Design and begin RSSB construction works. 7 Lead RHA 10,000,000,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets constructed. completed. and is available design. for construction. Q2: 40% of the work done i.e. preliminary work/ basic infrastructure done. Activities to deliver Lead output -Hire construction and supervision contractors. Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) -Supervise the construction works. Q3: 55% of the work done: Erection of concrete structure. Q4: 70% of work done: continue with erection of concrete structure and block work High standing % completion Construction RSSB Q1-Q4: 504 -Supervise residential of the whole works have houses for Phase construction works. houses project. already started. I completed at Vision City – 80%. Gacuriro Phase I. constructed A study -A study on Signed contract Q2: Study -Conduct a study to RSSB establishing maternity leave with establishing establish Maternity maternity insurance International Maternity leave Leave scheme. leave Labour insurance insurance -Draft law Organization finalised. Draft a law conducted and establishing (ILO) to establishing Maternity a draft law maternity conduct study. Q3: Draft law insurance scheme establishing insurance establishing 8 RHA MINIJUST/Trea sury Council/FSDD 30,000,000,000 30,955,356 Output Indicators maternity insurance fund developed. (NDC) scheme. Baseline Targets Activities to deliver output Lead Maternity insurance scheme developed and submitted to the cabinet for approval. Mechanisms -Mechanism to In a process of Q1-Q4: Pension -Conduct actuarial RSSB to update update pension signing contract benefits updated. study to ensure pension benefits. with GAD sustainability of benefits (Government Pension Scheme while established. Actuaries’ updating Pension (NDC) Department, benefits. UK) to conduct study. -Conduct road shows CMA Q1-Q4: New -Number of 1)Equities: for IPOs Equities: securities securities listed Domestic New Domestic listings: 2 listed. -Improve the legal listing:1 Cross- framework by drafting 2) Cross- New new regulations on listings: 2 listings: 3 2) Bonds/Debts: Collective Investment 3)Bonds/Debts a)New Treasury: Scheme and guidelines on reporting by CMA. 4 a)Treasury: 3 b) Municipal: 0 b)Municipal:1 Public New Corporate:1 -Conduct education/awareness C) c) Corporate:1 sessions for issuers; Infrastructure:1 e)REITs(Real d) a)Radio and TV Infrastructure: 0 Estate Program Investment 1 f)CIS(Collective e)REITs(Real b) Make presentations Investment Estate Scheme):1 and talk sessions on Investment capital market. Trusts):0 9 Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) FSDD 23,141,536 FSDD 73,612,935 Output Indicators Access to finance Increased. Business Development Fund’s services communicatio Baseline Targets Activities to deliver Lead output c) Conduct seminars and workshops on capital market. FSDD Credit to the 15.7% as a % of Q1-Q4: 18% as a -Implement private as a % GDP, % of GDP (an entrepreneurship of GDP increment of programs and skills 2.3% from the (RICEM, Kora Wigire baseline) program) for the population (youth, women, etc) to enable develop bankable projects. -Coordinate training for banking/MFI sector’s staff on agriculture financing -Scale up BDF’s funds and create awareness among the population on different opportunities provided by BDF -Conduct a study to propose new instruments for financing the private sector (domestic and foreign). -Strengthen SACCO skills development and institution’s products. -Number of BDF services Q1: Mobile -Promote the use of FSDD BDF services communicated applications to Twitter as a communication through weekly monitor loan communication tool tools programs done application between BDF and its developed and in New times, response rates clients. 10 Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) BNR/ MINALOC/ National Youth Council/National Women Council/PSF 67,297,500 BDF 25,000,000 Output Indicators n tools disseminated. developed and disseminated to increase awareness and uptake of existing products. (NDC). Baseline Targets Isango and Umuseke. available; -Total grants and guarantees facilitated by BDF to clients with no collaterals. - Grant for 43 clients for 21,500,000 and Guarantee for 51 clients for 179,775,000 Q2: IT/ web based on-line platform to link with PFIs and make the guarantee request/ approval process easier and faster created; Activities to deliver output -Promote the use of the IT/ web based online platform to link with Participating Financial Institutions (PFI’s) & make the guarantee request approval process. - Grant: 52 clients for 26,000,000 Guarantee: 102 clients for 359,550,000 Q3: Social media (Twitter, Facebook, toll free 4777 in use - Grant : 61 clients for 30,500,000 - Guarantee: 153 clients for 11 Lead Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) Output Indicators Baseline Targets Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders -Work with MINICOM to provide facilities to youth and women to start-up MSMEs. FSDD BDF/MINICOM -Carry out sensitization campaigns on BDF new products in all districts through City Radio, Isango Star, Radio Rwanda and KFM. FSDD BDF Budget (Rwf) 539,325,000 Q4: Grant : 70 clients for 35,000,000 Youth and Women Startup MSMEs facilitated. (NDC) Number of start-ups MSMEs for Youth and Women facilitated through BIFSIR. Awareness campaigns on BDF services/produ cts conducted. Number of Districts in which awareness campaigns carried out. 2,878 MSMEs for Youth and women have been facilitated to startup Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Awareness campaigns on BDF services/product s have been done in 7 districts, in Western province, 5 districts in Northern province and 8 districts in the Southern province. Guarantee: clients 204 for 719,100,000 Q1: 850 (MSMEs) Q2: 850 (MSMEs) Q1-Q4: awareness campaigns conducted in 30 Districts. -Introduce the Direct Guarantee model. 12 222,988,261 50,000,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets Business Development Fund (BDF) services decentralized to reach the targeted groups. Number of BDC’s in which BDF services are decentralized. BDF services decentralized in 7 BDC’s. Q4: BDF services decentralized in 23 Business Development Centers (BDC’s) A study establishing an informal sector pension scheme conducted. (NDC) A study report on informal sector pension scheme Concept Paper is available. Q1: 1st Draft Report on informal sector pension scheme available. A framework to facilitate small miners to access financing from financial institutions established. Q2: A study report on informal sector pension scheme validated. A framework N/A to facilitate small miners to access financing from financial institutions. Q4: Informal sector pension scheme Roadmap Implemented. Q1: Opportunities/ch allenges and needs regarding accessing loans from financial institutions identified. Q3: A framework to Activities to deliver output -Mobilize RWF 2.5 billion and recruit 29 staff to work and coordinate Business Development Centers (BDCs). Lead Stakeholders FSDD BDF -Conduct a study on informal sector pension scheme to ensure informal sector’s access to Pension benefits. -Establish a roadmap on the implementation of the Informal Sector Pension Scheme. FSDD RSSB 200,000,000 MINERENA 100,000,000 -Organise a meeting FSDD between small miners and all the stakeholders to identify opportunities/challeng es and needs regarding accessing loans from financial institutions. 13 Budget (Rwf) 10,000,000 Output Indicators A saving mechanism for low income earners to facilitate them to acquire affordable houses established. A saving mechanism for low income earners to facilitate them to acquire affordable houses Baseline N/A Targets facilitate small miners to access financing from financial institutions developed. Q4: Implementation Progress Report on how small miners access finance produced Q1: A concept paper to establish a scheme for affordable houses prepared. Activities to deliver Lead output -Draw a financing partnership between financial institutions and small miners -Monitor the implementation progress of a framework to facilitate small miners to access financing from financial institutions. -Engage financial FSDD institutions including RSSB to establish a saving scheme for low income earners. -Develop a concept Q3: A saving paper to establish a scheme for scheme for affordable low income houses. earners to acquire Develop project affordable implementation houses roadmap. developed. Q4: Project Implementation roadmap in place. 14 Stakeholders Micro Finance Institutions/SME s Budget (Rwf) 100,000,000 Output Indicators Baseline A study to establish the funding gap of U-SACCO conducted. A study to establish the funding gap of U-SACCO N/A Targets Activities to deliver Lead output Q2: A study -Conduct a study to FSDD Inception report establish the funding produced. gap of U-SACCO. Q4: A study to establish the funding gap of U-SACCO produced. Q4: U-SACCO Implementation Roadmap in place. Q1: 5.6 billion mobilized BDF financial capacity increased. -Amount of funds mobilized 14 billion mobilized from MINICOM, MIGEPROF, BNR and BIFSIR Social security coverage increased. % of social security coverage. 27% of coverage rate for salaried workers. Q4. 30% coverage rate of salaried workers Number of rightful and willing retirees covered by Medical insurance 2,163 retirees (former RAMA members) are covered. Q1-Q4: All rightful and willing retirees covered. Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) U-SACCOs 50,000,000 BDF/BNR 800,402,145 -Engage stakeholders/BNR to Mobilise funds for SACCO refinancing. -Establish a roadmap for U-SACCO refinancing -Organize meetings with stakeholders to mobilize funds. FSDD Outcome 2: Improved resource base -Conduct sensitization RSSB and awareness campaigns on social security benefits. -Extend social security coverage to uncovered employed population. -Register new pension RSSB retirees for medical insurance -Conduct an analysis to know payment methods and contribution levels to 15 FSDD FSDD 30,000,0000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets Actuarial study conducted to update pension benefits. (NDC) -Actuarial study. Contract with GAD (Government Actuaries’ Department, UK) to conduct study has been signed. Q1: Actuarial study to update pension benefits finalised. A mechanism to facilitate Rwandans working in foreign countries and willing to transfer their social security contributions established. A mechanism to facilitate Rwandans working in foreign countries to transfer their social security contributions. Community Muteulle de Based Health Sante managed Insurance by RSSB. (CBHI)Muteulle de Sante An assessment aimed at ensuring the capacity to implement this target was conducted. Q2: Pension benefits updated. Q4: Pension benefits awarded Q2: A mechanism to facilitate Rwandans working in foreign countries and willing to transfer their social security contributions developed. Activities to deliver Lead output extend medical coverage to lump sum retirees and RSSB Pensioner Members (Non RAMA). -Conduct actuarial RSSB study to ensure sustainability of Pension Scheme while updating Pension benefits. Stakeholders -Set modalities to RSSB collect contributions and pay benefits for Diaspora. Embassies 23,141,536 5,000,000 -Remove voluntary contribution ceiling within the law. -Increase Rwandan Diaspora awareness through embassies on benefits and other services provided by RSSB Community Q1: Software -Put in place an RSSB Based Health managing CBHI organisational Insurance operations structure integrating (CBHI) is integrated into CBHI in RSSB. currently RSSB existing managed under systems and -Install a software 16 FSDD Budget (Rwf) MINISANTE/ MINALOC 50,000,000 Output Indicators integrated into RSSB. Baseline Targets MINISANTE operationalised. Activities to deliver Lead output managing CBHI operations Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) -Implement the financial education strategy/Initiative -Mobilize long term savings for private investment through developing private pension scheme. -Develop new mortality tables for Rwanda. -Mobilize funds for Agaciro Development Fund. FSDD BNR 50,000,000 FSDD BNR 50,000,000 -Operationalize and streamline Rwanda National Investment Trust FSDD BNR Q2: Muteulle de Sante managed by RSSB. Short and long-term savings for investment increased. -% of Gross National Savings as % of GDP, -14% Gross National Savings as % of GDP -Amount of AgDF mobilized. -23bn have been recovered so far in AgDF. Rwanda National Investment Trust A mechanism to improve the operation of District A mechanism to improve the operation of District Access Rwanda National Investment Trust (RNIT) was registered in August 2013. N/A Q4: 17.1% as % of GDP(an increment of 3.1 % from the baseline) Q4: New complete life mortality tables developed. Q4: 5.7 bn for Agaciro Development Fund mobilised. Q2: Rwanda National Investment Trust operationalized. (NDC) Q3: A mechanism to improve the operation of -Facilitate and work with RNIT in Sensitization Campaigns to invest in the trust fund. Carry out training to FSDD all staff of the SACCOs and Micro Finance Institutions 17 MINAGRI 508,980,409 25,000,000 Output Indicators Access to Finance Forums (DAFF) to address issues related to nonperforming loans and access to financial services in Districts established. U-SACCO network strengthened through harmonized Policies operations. (NLR). to Finance Forums (DAFF) to address issues related to nonperforming loans and access to financial services in Districts. -Harmonized Policies and procedures for SACCOs. Baseline Targets Activities to deliver output District Access on: to Finance -Procedures for Forums (DAFF) analyzing loans to address issues -Liquidity, Cash, related to nonSecurity and performing loans investment policy. and access to -Monitor Savings financial services groups (financial in Districts education and saving) developed. related initiatives in districts. Lead Stakeholders Draft Policies and procedures for harmonization of SACCOs have been prepared. Policies and procedures harmonized in all SACCOs: -Disseminate all Policies and procedures of SACCOs. FSDS BNR Q1: Policies and procedures of SACCOs disseminated. -Organize training workshops for Umurenge SACCOs on use of the disseminated policies, manuals and procedures. Q2: 100 SACCOs trained on the new Policies and procedures. Q3: 200 SACCOs trained on the new Policies and procedures. Q4: 116 SACCOs trained - Implement the standardized and harmonized policies of SACCOs. 18 Budget (Rwf) 650,000,000 Output Indicators Tax Revenue target achieved. Baseline -Total revenue collected. Tax revenue collection was Rwf 759.8 billion as at June 30th 2014. Number of taxpayers using electronic billing machines (EBM). 4,879 Tax payers. % of taxpayers submitting tax returns electronically Targets on the new Policies and procedures. Annual tax revenue target of Rwf 906.8 billion achieved. Q1: Rwf 212.3bn Q2: Rwf 226.4bn Q3: Rwf 234.3bn Q4: Rwf 233.8bn Q1: 5,245 taxpayers Q2: 5,611 taxpayers Q3: 5,977 taxpayers 69.3% of the total taxpayers Q4: 6,343 taxpayers Q1: 72% Q2: 74.5% Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders -Expand usage of electronic billing machines (EBM) and ensure strict compliance with their requirements. RRA MACRO -Conduct focused taxpayers’ education by sector of activities and by category of taxpayers. - Collect rental income tax, trading license, property tax and fees in all districts of the country. -Connect Commercial banks to e-payment platform Q3: 77.5% Q4: 80% 19 Budget (Rwf) 175,223,716 Output Indicators Baseline Targets Number of commercial banks connected to epayment platform 8 Commercial Banks Q1: Integration process started. Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders -Conduct tax awareness campaigns in different business centers targeting nonregistered businesses. RRA MACRO Budget (Rwf) Q2: Initial test with dummy data. Q3: Test with live data. Number of registered taxpayers. 105,691 active registered taxpayers. Q4: Deployment and go live epayment platform to (3 Commercial Banks) Equity Bank, Banque Populaire du Rwanda and Unguka Bank. 121,545 registered taxpayers (i.e. increase of 15,854 taxpayers or 15%). Q1: 109,654 active registered taxpayers. Q2: 113,618 active registered taxpayers. 20 80,905,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) -Draft law modifying and amending law no 59/2011 establishing the source of revenue and property of decentralized entities. RRA MACRO/ MINALOC 1,981,186,000 RRA MACRO/ MINICOM/ 500,460,015 Q3: 117,581 active registered taxpayers. Harmonized tax payment systems between central and local governments. Tax payment systems between central and local governments not harmonized. Q4: 121,545 active registered taxpayers. Q1-Q4: Central and local government tax payment systems harmonized. - Build a local government taxpayers’ database and carry out registration of new taxpayers. Burden and cost faced by taxpayers when fulfilling tax obligations reduced. Time to import and export. Cost of importation. Cost of exportation. 30 days. Q4: 8 days. 4,990 US$ per container Q4: 3,500 US$ per container 3,245 US$ per container Q4: 2,500 US$ per container. - Acquire and use new software for local government revenues management. -Implement Single Customs Territory. -Rollout the electronic cargo tracking system to all northern corridor trucks. -Rollout Rwanda Electronic Single Window to the remaining Ministries, 21 Output Indicators A single declaration form for PAYE and RSSB contributions. New companies listed. (NDC). Public awareness campaigns on the functioning of Capital Markets -Number of new Companies listed. Baseline PAYE, pension and medical contributions are separately declared on different forms. -5 companies listed (Bank of Kigali, BRALIRWA, KCB, NMG and Uchumi Supermarket from Kenya) -Number of -Public campaigns awareness conducted in campaigns have public been conducted institutions and to various specialized targeted segments like audience (local Targets Q3: A single declaration form for PAYE and RSSB contributions in place and operational. Activities to deliver output Government Agencies and other operators (MINISANTE, RTDA, EWSA, NAEB, RAB and Rwanda Geology and Mining Authority). -Implement the Gold Card scheme. - Draft law harmonizing filing periods for PAYE, pension and medical contributions. - Design and use a single unified declaration form for PAYE, pension and medical contributions. Q2-Q4: 2 -Conduct door to door companies listed. meetings with prospective issuers. Q1-Q4: 3 public awareness campaigns conducted and all universities and higher schools of - Awareness sessions on capital market in private and public institutions 22 Lead Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) RRA RSSB/FSDD/ MACRO CMA FSDS 12,000,000 CMA FSDD 70,000,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets enhanced. (NDC) Universities. learning, Government Ministries and all Districts are sensitized. Awareness campaigns to increase the culture of saving for productive investment among Rwandans carried out.(NDC) -Number of saving awareness campaigns carried out. government, high learning institutions, central government); -Various media outlets have been used for sensitization on capital market (radio, tv, publications); Saving Week held in all 30 Districts of the country. Q2: Savings campaigns carried out in all 30 districts. Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders -Engage Financial services providers to show their savings product. -Prepare and hold a Talk show on Radio and TV on impact of savings within an economy. -Work with stakeholders to carry out savings campaigns in all 30 districts. FSDS RSSB 23 Budget (Rwf) 25,000,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets External financial resources mobilized to meet EDPRS II needs and MDGs Indicative commitments of development assistance N/A Q2: Firm and Indicative Commitment communicated 15 days after the Development Partners Retreat (DPR). New Development Partners engaged N/A Q4: 1 new Development Partnership started Activities to deliver output - Organize the backward and forward looking Joint Sector Reviews (JSR) Lead Stakeholders EFU MACRO EFU MACRO Budget (Rwf) 138,422,700 -Organize Development Partner Coordination Group (DPCG) meetings that bring together GoR, DPs, CSOs -Conduct Country Portfolio Performance Review (CPPR). -Design engagement strategies of a new DP -Prepare Development Partners Meeting. Outcome 3: Availability of critical skills for service and industrial sectors Implementatio n of the 5 year priority skills programme coordinated. Strategic Capacity A report on the implementatio n of the 5 year priority skills programme. Updated data for the Critical Skills on the 5 year priority skills programme -No. of sectors supported N/A Q4: Implementation report from 7 sectors. -Coordinate the Implementation of the 5 year priority skills programme. NCBS NDPR 20,000,000 N/A Q1-Q4: 80% of the sectoral data updated. -Monitor, facilitate and report on the updating exercise NCBS NDPR 50,000,000 Q1-Q4: 4 sectors; -Facilitate in the recruitment process of NCBS NDPR 3,948,000,000 4 sectors: Agriculture, 24 Output Indicators Baseline Building in priority sectors supported through provision of Experts, Consultants, Technical Assistance and training facilitation to staff(counterp arts) -Number of experts/TAs/C onsultants provided to coach and mentor counterparts in priority sectors Infrastructure (Energy), Trade Industry and Investment, Natural Resources (Mining), SCBI Local professionals are trained, coached, mentored in critical skills needed for the priority sectors of Agriculture, energy, investment promotion and mining to deliver on EDPRS II Number of local professionals trained, coached and mentored. 36 Experts 67 Local Professionals Targets Activities to deliver Lead output Infrastructure, experts, development Agriculture, of M&E frameworks Natural and induction of new Resources, Trade experts and Industry and counterparts Investment, -Monitor and report on the implementation status including delivery and transfer of knowledge and skills Q1: 14 new local professionals Coached and mentored. Q2: 15 new local professionals Coached and mentored. -Document Success stories for the initiative -Support Coaching, NCBS mentoring and training of Strategic Capacity Building Initiatives (SCBI) Local professionals in priority areas of agriculture, energy, mining and investment. 25 Stakeholders NDPR Budget (Rwf) 424, 645,108 Output Indicators Capacity Building Forums to enhance Capacity Building coordination in Public and Private sectors Operationaliz ed Number of forums that are created and operational Interns identified and placed in relevant institutions Number of interns who rate their internship as relevant to their skills development Baseline 9 5,102 interns completed the program from 2009 Targets Q1-Q4: 14 Forums ( 12 Sector Skills Councils, 1 CB coordination Forum, 1 CB Suppliers Forum) Q1: 260 interns rates internship as their skills development Activities to deliver output -Develop Strategic Operational frameworks for the selected forums Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) NCBS NDPR 35, 000, 000 NDPR 340,000,000 -Organize regular meetings with Forum stakeholders -Organize awareness sessions for individual forums on how to drive capacity building in Rwanda -Provide professional NCBS internship to interns. Q2: 270 interns rates internship as their skills development Q3: 270 interns rates internship as their skills development Q4: 300 interns rates internship as their skills development. 26 Lead Output Indicators Baseline Targets Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) Q1. M&E Policy with an integrated system for planning, budgeting, M&E across Government finalized and piloted. -Harmonize M&E activities across Government Agencies NDPR PMO 404,416,300 -Work with NDPR MINAGRI to conduct a tracking study on agriculture inputs to improve preparation of agriculture seasons -Conduct analysis of priority export subsectors in collaboration with key stakeholders in the economic cluster -Issue the 2014/15 NDPR First Planning and Budget Call Circular in collaboration with the National Budget Department MDAs 58,369,300 Outcome4: Strengthened accountability National M&E Coordination Function Strengthened through continued support and harmonization of M&E across government. Analytical work in strategic areas of EDPRS 2 conducted. National M&E policy and planning guidelines. Number of studies in key areas of EDPRS 2 4 Studies conducted. Q2: 2 Studies in EDPRS 2 conducted. The planning Framework and coordination mechanisms improved. -First Planning & Budget Call Circular issued -2014/15 First Planning and Budget Call Circular for CG and LG Q1: Q2: 2015/16 First P&BCC for CG and LG issued Q3: 2015/16 Planning Consultations Held -Planning Consultations Held Draft National M&E policy in place. -2014/15 Planning Consultations - Disseminate and Conduct Sensitization & Trainings on National M&E Policy - Conduct quality assurance of institutional plans to ensure alignment 27 NBD 9,356,000 Output Indicators Number of Ministries’ Single Action Plans analyzed. 15/16-17/18 Public Investment Program (PIP) with required budget for expropriation where applicable, approved. Baseline Targets All Single Action Plans for 2013/14 analyzed. Q2.All Ministries Single Action Plans for 2015/16 analyzed. Number of 2013/14 action district action plans (31 action plans analyzed. plans i.e 30 from districts and 1 from Kigali City). Q3: Districts' 2015/16 action plans analyzed (31 action plans i.e. 30 from districts and 1 from Kigali City). Q2: 15/16-17/18 Public Investment (PIP) approved. 15/16-17/18 Public Investment Program (PIP). 14/15-16/17 Public Investment Program (PIP) Activities to deliver output between budget and annual action plans to National Priorities. Lead Stakeholders NDPR MDAs NDPR MDAs -Appraise projects NDPR feasibility studies and (PITT) expropriation requirements. -Identify new projects to be funded in 2015/16 -Prepare for the Public Investment Committee Meeting. -Produce PIP 15/16- MDAs -Organize planning consultations to discuss and agree on National priorities for the next fiscal year. -Ensure alignment of Annual Single Action Plans to SSPs and EDPRS2 -Ensure alignment of District Action Plans to DDPs and EDPRS2 28 Budget (Rwf) 1,500,000 Output Indicators Baseline EDPRS 2 implementatio n Reports produced. 2014/15 annual First Quarter EDPRS II Report for implementatio 2013/14 n report Q3. Semi-annual EDPRS II reports for 2014/15 produced. Coherent and complementar y plans across Government institutions ensured. (NLR) FY 2015/16 Priorities to deliver national goals/targets. Q2: Key strategic priorities for the FY 2015/16 to deliver 11.5 economic growth identified. 22 – CG (21 Ministries Plus RDB) 31 – LG (30 Districts Plus Kigali City) plans reviewed. Targets Activities to deliver output 17-18. - Monitor EDPRS2 implementation Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) NDPR MDA’s 3,169,300 NDPR MDAs/PMO 3,169,300 - Coordinate the Joint Sector Reviews -Issue the 1st planning and budget call circular with emphasis to inter Agency Consultations to ensure that each institution does not plan in isolation. -Ensure that plans are submitted ahead of planning consultations for review and quality assurance to ascertain complementarity of institutional plans. -Institutionalize Planning Consultations to ensure thorough screening & approval of plans to deliver EDPRS2 and build strong linkages to budgets. -Scrutinize Intensively public investments 29 Lead Output Indicators Baseline Guiding strategy elaborated & disseminated and quick wins to speed up development and selfreliance implemented. (NDC) Guiding strategy in place. Concept note on Q1: self-reliance. Q2: Guiding Strategy for selfreliance developed & disseminated. EICV4 poverty results availed. EICV4 report Demographic and Health Survey Number of quick wins implemented DHS5 preliminary report. EICV3 DHS4 Targets -Sensitization campaigns conducted Q3: Implementation report of 5 quick wins Q1: Data collection continued. Q2: Data collection and processing completed. Q3-Q4: Data analyzed, poverty report and EICV4 main report availed. Q1, Q2: data collection continued Activities to deliver Lead output through the investment Committee before they are funded. Stakeholders -Develop the guiding Strategy for selfreliance in consultation with stakeholder. NDPR PMO NISR NDPR/ MINALOC 1,309,590,628 NISR NDPR/ MINISANTE 1,875,372,001 21,800,000 -Conduct sensitization and awareness campaigns of the guiding strategy. -Spearhead the implementation of the identified quick-wins -Collect and analyze field data on households’ living conditions. -Conduct findings dissemination workshop. -Collect and analyze Demography and Health field data. 30 Budget (Rwf) Output Indicators Baseline (DHS5) preliminary results availed. Seasonal agricultural data released Measures that facilitate government institutions to get clean audit reports implemented: Agriculture Seasonal reports % of Audited institutions getting clean audit report. National Agriculture Survey 2013 32% of Audited Targets Q3: data analysis continued. Q4: DHS5 preliminary results availed Q1: Season B 2014 data collected and analyzed Q2: Season C 2014 data collected and analyzed. Q3: Season A 2015 data collected and analyzed Q4: Season B 2015 data collected, analyzed and 2014 Seasonal, Agriculture Survey results released. Q4: 35% of institutions have Audited clean audit institutions reports. receive clean audit report. Activities to deliver output Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) NISR MINAGRI 914,387,564 PAU MDA’s 225,000,000 -Release DHS5 preliminary results -List sampled area frames -Collect data related to National Agriculture Survey (NAS). -Analyze collected NAS data -Release NAS results Put in place measures that will facilitate government institutions to getting clean audit reports: 1. Enhance the capacity of staff in charge of public finance in central & local 31 Lead Output Indicators Public Institutions submitting audit reports increased through training. Number of newly recruited Internal Auditors and Audit committees trained. % of institutions submitting audit reports. Number of items updated and published. Lists of commonly procured items with their prices updated and published on RPPA website. Baseline Targets Activities to deliver Lead output governments through providing training; 2. Follow up on timely preparation of financial reports to verify and identify the gaps in implementing Auditor Generals’ recommendations 17 internal Q2. All newly -Train and Coach GCIA auditors and recruited Internal newly recruited 145 audit Auditors and Internal Auditors and committee Audit Audit committees members. Committees trained. -Provide Professional training and in-house courses Analyze and GCIA 75% of Q4: 80% of consolidate audit institutions institutions reports from Public submitting audit submit audit Institutions. reports. reports. Update a list of RPPA 6164 commonly Q1:1975 commonly procured procured items. commonly items and their procured items with their prices reference prices. updated. Publish the list of Q2:625 commonly procured commonly items and their procured items with their prices reference prices on updated. RPPA Website. Q3: 1300 commonly 32 Stakeholders AG’s Office Budget (Rwf) 93,466,980 AG’s Office AG’s Office 1,273,204 Output Indicators Baseline Public Procurement officials trained. Number of Procurement officials trained. 1197 Procurement officials Black list of bidders violating the law updated and published. Problem areas in contract management and delayed payments identified and a report produced. Black list of bidders. 2013/2014 updated black list. Report on problem areas in contract management and delayed payments in all procuring entities. 2013/2014 reports Targets procured items with their prices updated. Q4:3000 commonly procured items with their prices updated. Q1: 250 procurement Officials trained. Q2: 400 procurement Officials trained. Q3: 400 procurement Officials trained. Q4: 200 procurement Officials trained. Q4: Updated black list of bidders available on RPPA Website. Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4: reports on problem areas in contract management and delayed payments in all procuring entities available. Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders -Organize and carry out trainings of public procurement officials on procurement procedures, the new amended public Procurement law and regulations. RPPA AG’s Office 57,000,478 Update and publish RPPA the blacklist of bidders violating the law. MDAs 22,621,114 -Collect and analyze information from all procuring entities and produce a report on problem areas in contract management and delayed payments in public procuring entities. AG’s Office 33 RPPA Budget (Rwf) 5,000,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets Procurement audits conducted. Number of PEs audited 48 PEs. Annual nationwide statistical report on procurement activities Prepared. All construction companies, which are awarded tenders, categorized according to their capacities. (LR) Annual nationwide statistical report 2013/2014 report Q1: 10 PEs Audited. Q2: 20 PEs Audited. Q3: 20 PEs Audited. Q4: 20 PEs Audited. Q3: Annual nation-wide statistical report Available. - Criteria for categorization of construction companies N/A Large procurement contracts categorization available. -Percentage of contractors (construction companies) awarded construction tenders according to their capacities as specified in their categories. Percentage of large procurement Q1: Criteria for Q4: 100 % of construction companies Activities to deliver output -Conduct procurement audits in procuring entities every year. Lead Stakeholders RPPA AG’s Office 61,143,606 -Prepare annual nationwide statistical report on 2013-2014 procurement activities by-March 2014. RPPA AG’s Office 50,881,671 -Establish criteria for categorization of construction companies. RPPA AG’s Office 5,000,000 RPPA MDAs 3,000,000 - Categorize construction companies according to their capacities. awarded construction tenders according to their capacities. N/A Q1- Q4: 80 % of large procurement -Monitor and produce a report on the 34 Budget (Rwf) Output Indicators (above Rwf 500 million) monitored and a report produced. (LR) contracts (above Rwf 500 million) monitored. Agreement between the Government of Rwanda and the company that will develop e-procurement signed. A status report on the privatization process produced. Requests to use less competitive methods, from Report on monitoring of large procurement contracts (above Rwf 500 million). e-procurement development Agreement A status report on privatization process Report on authorization to use less competitive Baseline Targets contracts are monitored and a report available. Activities to deliver output implementation of large contracts (above Rwf 500 million). Lead Stakeholders Feasibility study Q1: Agreement signed. -Carry out analysis of technical and financial proposals for the establishment of eprocurement RPPA MDAs 500,000 2013/14 status report. Q2: Half-year report on privatized companies produced. -Monitor the implementation of privatization plan. GPMU RDB 500,000 RPPA MDAs N/A Q4: Annual report on privatized companies produced. Q1- Q4: Report on authorization to use less competitive -Analyze the performance of privatized entities. Receive and analyze requests for authorization to use less competitive 35 Budget (Rwf) 14,486,624 Output Indicators procuring entities, handled and a report produced. methods. Budget Outlook Paper 2015/162017/18 prepared Budget Frame Work Paper 2015/162017/18 Prepared. Baseline Targets methods available Activities to deliver output methods from procuring entities. Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) Decide on requests for authorization to use less competitive methods from procuring entities and send a response to procuring entities Budget Outlook Paper for 2015/16 Budget Frame work paper Budget Outlook Paper for 2014/15 BFP for 2013/20142015/16. Q1: Budget Outlook Paper for 2015/16 produced. Produce a report on authorization to use less competitive methods on a quarterly basis. -Update the macro NBD framework MACRO, NDPR 100,000 NDPR, MACRO 400,000 -Sectoral allocations Q3: BFP -Capture priorities 2015/16-2017/18 from Joint Sector produced. Reviews into the budget consultations by end October 2014 - Macro economic projections 36 Lead NBD Output Indicators Baseline Targets 2015/162017/18 Budget Call Circular and its annexes prepared. 2015/162017/18 1st & 2nd Budget Call Circulars and its/their annexes available by end of October & January 2014/15 respectively. 2014/15 Budget Call Circulars and their annexes Q1: The First BCC produced and submitted. 2015/16 finance law and its annexes prepared. The Finance Law aligned to EDPRS II thematic priorities. Explanatory Note of the Budget and Cabinet Paper prepared. -2015/16 Explanatory note -BFP 2015/2016 Activities to deliver output - Review national priorities Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) NBD MACRO 100,000 NBD RRA, MACRO 500,000 NBD NDPR, MACRO 200,000 - Review Budget execution report for 2014/15 Q3: The second BCC and its annexes prepared -Prepare annexes and and submitted. Indicative ceilings. -Prepare Joint Budget Sector Review reports (JBSR) 2014/15 Q4: Finance Law -Organize trainings of Finance Law the budget officers aligned to and its quarterly EDPRS II through network of execution planners. thematic reports. priorities and the medium term -Conduct the intermacroeconomic ministerial budget framework and consultations. MTEF. -Carry out trainings of budget officers on budget Master. Explanatory Q3: Explanatory -Gather data, analyze note for note for 2015/16 the trend and match it with the EDPRS II 2014/2015 available and priorities as well as submitted on micro fiscal BFP for time. 2014/2015 framework. 37 Lead Output Indicators Baseline Targets Budget Statement Prepared 2015/16 Budget statement. 2014/2015 Budget statement & BFP 2014/15 2014/15 budget execution Report prepared 2014/2015 Budget Execution reports Quarterly Budget Execution reports for 2013/2014 posted on MINECOFIN website. Q4: Budget statement in Kinyarwanda & English versions submitted Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Quarterly Budget execution reports submitted to cabinet by 15 days of the month following every quarter. Q1-Q4: Quarterly projects and portfolio performance reports produced & posted on the MINECOFIN website. 2014/15 Projects Portfolio Performance Monitored. -Quarterly projects performance reports for 2014/15. -Quarterly projects performance reports for 2013/14. Activities to deliver output -Prepare the budget statement in English and then translate in Kinyarwanda Lead Stakeholders NBD NBR 500,000 -Collect and analyze monthly data on revenues and expenditures performance against budget. NBD Treasury 100,000 PMMU PITT, EFU 4,000,000 PMMU PITT 3,967,500 -Prepare quarterly reports. -Collect and analyze monthly data on quarterly projects performance reports. Budget (Rwf) -Design project M&E framework. -Q4: Project M&E framework available. Reports on Challenges Quarterly progress N/A Q1-Q4: 20 projects visited quarterly to monitor their physical performance. Q4 (FY 2013/2014): ‐Monitor and produce quarterly progress 38 Output Indicators Baseline hindering reports timely implementatio n of Government projects assessed. (NLR) Targets Assessment of challenges hindering timely implementation of government projects carried out recommendation s implemented; Activities to deliver output reports on Government Projects implementation Lead Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) -Follow up to ensure the implementation of the recommendations Budget revision coordinated. Budget revision guidelines 2013/14 Quarterly budget execution reports Public Financial Management in subsidiary entities (sectors, schools and health centers) strengthened Number of Non Budget Agencies using the Simplified Easy to Use Accounting System in their financial reporting All sectors under Phase I use the Simplified Easy to Use Accounting System in their financial reporting Q1- Q4: Quarterly reports produced and submitted to cabinet Q2: 2014/15 Revised budget available by end December 2014. Q4: Non Budget Agencies in Phase II use the Simplified Easy to Use Accounting System in their financial reporting -Assess 2014/15 NBD budget implementation challenges -Design guidelines and disseminate them to end users. FDU -Install a simplified easy to Use Accounting System application in subsidiary entities under Phase II. -Conduct end users trainings on the use of easy to use accounting system 39 NDPR, MACRO 2,000,000 PAU 180,420,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets 2014/2015 citizen guide produced. 2014/2015 citizen guide 2013/14 Citizen guide Q1: 30,000 booklets produced in English, Kinyarwanda and French and disseminated to the public. Central Treasury accounts reconciled. Reconciled Central Treasury accounts. 2013/14 Reconciled Central Treasury accounts (Main and Special Accounts) Q1: Automatic monthly bank reconciliation in IFMIS regularly produced Q2: Q1 Reconciled Report produced both special and main accounts Q3: Q2 Reconciled Report available both special and main accounts Q4: Q3 Reconciled Report available both in special and main accounts Q1: 60% monthly reports received within the deadline Q2: 70% Reporting progress monitored, quality review conducted and % of monthly reports received within the deadline. 50% monthly reports received within the deadline Activities to deliver output -Carry out tendering process for the elaboration, translation and design layout of citizen guide. -Launch a Citizen Guide. -Disseminate a Citizen Guide to the public. -Analyze and record data in General Ledger. Stakeholders NBD Civil society (CLADHO) & MINECOFIN SPIU Treasury Unit BNR PAU CBMs Budget (Rwf) 1,200,000 200,000 -Reconcile data from BNR and RRA -Monitor monthly financial reporting by budget agencies and quality assurance 40 Lead 18,286,280 Output Indicators review feedback provided to chief Budget Managers. Government Consolidated Financial Statements produced and timely submitted to Executive Management ( semiannual) and to Auditor General (Annual) Consolidated financial statements. Baseline Targets monthly reports received within the deadline Q3: 80% monthly reports received within the deadline Q4: 90% monthly reports received within the deadline 2012/2013 Q1: Annual Annual Consolidated Financial financial Statements and statements 2013/2014 Half produced and Year and submitted to Annual Auditor General Consolidated before 30 financial September 2014 statements Q2: Q3: Semi-annual Consolidated Financial Statements produced and Submitted to Executive Management before 15th March 2013 Activities to deliver output -Provide regular quality review feedback to chief Budget Managers. Stakeholders PAU CBMs/OAG Budget (Rwf) - Prepare Quarterly progress reports. -Support and monitor MDAs -Reconcile and net off inter entity balances -Review and ensure quality of consolidated financial statements. -Consolidate annual financial statements and submit to OAG within statutory deadline Q4: 2013/2014 revised and audited 41 Lead 1,675,280 Output Indicators Financial regulations, Policies and Procedures manuals are revised and aligned with the revised Organic Law on State Finances and Property. Revised financial regulations and procedures’ manual Compliance with International Public Sector Accounting Standards. Asset registers produced across government institutions and Improved Financial Reporting Template. Baseline -Revised Organic Budget Law -Draft Financial regulations, Policies and Procedures manuals Asset management policy under development Targets consolidated financial statements produced Q1: Financial Regulations, Policies and Procedure manuals, validated. Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders -Publish Financial regulations, Policies and Procedures Manuals PAU CBMs 155,800,000 MDAs 300,000,000 -Train and disseminate the Financial Policies and Procedures through formal workshops -Develop a roadmap for IPSAS compliance and implementation roadmap PAU -Finalize the Q1: Asset development of Asset management policy finalized. management policy Q2: Training and -Train and disseminate dissemination of government accounting policy on asset fixed assets and management inventory. policy carried out Q3: Fixed asset registers implemented across all government 42 Budget (Rwf) Output Indicators Baseline Targets Capacity of Accounting Officers built Number of Public Finance Management Staff trained. Accounting officers for all MDAs trained during FY 2013/2014 Q4: DAFs and Accountants for District Hospitals trained into specific areas of PFM MINECOFIN external projects financially supported. Number of external projects financially supported 3 projects financially supported (BIFSIR, Institutional Development Fund, Public Finance Management) Q1and Q2: MoU with development Partners signed, annual Work Plans and budgets approved. Q3 and Q4: 4 Project supported; BIFSIR, Institutional Development Fund, Public Finance Management and support for Effective Development Cooperation for Results. Activities to deliver output -Train Accountants and Directors of Finance for District Hospitals. Stakeholders Budget (Rwf) PAU MDAs 50,000,000 SPIU MINECOFIN Units and Departments 20,000,000 -Benchmark tour for PAU team -On job training of newly recruited accountants and Directors of Finance -Elaborate new PFM Basket Fund MoU and have it approved. -Develop and approve annual Work Plans and budgets. -Finalize the 11th EDF- National Indicative Programme (NIP) programming & sign MoU. -Finalize and sign the MoU for UN project “Support for effective development cooperation for Results.” -Develop and approve the Annual Work Plan and budget. 43 Lead Output Indicators Baseline Targets IFMIS IFMIS system IFMIS interface Q3: IFMIS interfaced interface. requirements interfaced with with defined. IPPIS and Integrated National Bank Personnel and Payment Payroll systems. Information System (IPPIS) and National Bank payment systems Outcome V : Enhanced Corporate Management Effectiveness Employees Performance monitoring program implemented Employees performance appraisal report Performance appraisal report for FY 2013/14 Q3: Mid-term performance appraisal report available Q4: Annual Performance appraisal report available. 2015/2016 Action Plan prepared 2015/2016 Action Plan 2014/2015 Action Plan Q2: Draft 2015/2016 Action Plan produced. Activities to deliver output -Validate interface requirements. Stakeholders IFMIS BNR/MIFOTRA coordination unit -Design IFMIS system -Deploy and test IFMIS system -Prepare midterm employees performance appraisal report by Feb. 2015. Prepare annual performance appraisal report of MINECOFIN’s employees by June 2015 Follow up on the implementation of the recommendations of employees’ performance appraisal quarterly. Prepare FY 2015/2016 action plan Q4: Final 44 Lead HR All units HR All units HR Heads of units/Directorate s CPU All units and Agencies Budget (Rwf) 20,000,000 Output Indicators Performance reports produced quarterly Quarterly performance reports IT application and tools responding to the Ministry’s services delivery in place. IT application and tools responding to the Ministry’s services delivery 2015/2016 procurement plan prepared. Procurement plan MINECOFIN ’s Cash Flow plan for FY 2014/2015 prepared and 2014/2015 Cash Flow Plan Baseline Targets 2015/2016 Action Plan produced. 2013/14 Q1: - First performance quarter report reports. Q2: - Second quarter report Q3: - Third quarter report Q4: - Annual report Draft Document Q3: Planning and budgeting Solution Architecture established Activities to deliver output Lead Stakeholders -Prepare FY 2014/2015 performance reports quarterly and an annual report by June 2015. CPU All units and Agencies -Validate solution Architecture ICT NDPR, NB, IFMIS, PMO, MIFOTRA 1,000,000 1,000,000 -Train users N/A Q4: Library Management System implemented -Deploy system ICT HR FSMS committee and guiding document FY 2014/2015 procurement plan. Q4: ISO 27001 compliant ISMS implemented -Finalize development of FSMS - Implement FSMS ICT NB, AG’s Office, Internal Audit Q4: 2015/2016 Procurement plan produced. Prepare 2015/2016 procurement plan. Procuremen t office Finance and logistics 2013/2014 Cash Flow Plan Q1,Q2,Q3, Q4: MINECOFIN’s timely Cash Flow plans for FY 2014/ 2015. Prepare MINECOFIN’s Cash Flow plans for FY 2014/2015 quarterly. Finance and logistics Budget Agencies 45 Budget (Rwf) 20,000,000 Output Indicators Baseline Targets Activities to deliver output Budget execution reports 2013/2014 Budget execution reports Q1, Q2, Q3, and Prepare 2014/2015 Q4: Budget Budget execution execution reports reports quarterly. produced. Lead Stakeholders Finance and logistics Budget Agencies updated quarterly 2014/2015 Budget Execution Reports prepared. 46 Budget (Rwf)
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