RESTORATION PRODUCTS Restoration Cleaners Tragically, sandblasting and waterblasting are often used to clean older buildings. Both processes "clean" by literally scouring away the dirt. In doing so, the protective surface of the masonry is removed, leaving the softer substrate exposed. When this protective layer is gone, weathering and resulting deterioration accelerates up to ten times faster. To counter such destructiveness, Sure Klean® Restoration Cleaners were developed. These proprietary chemical cleaners are safer. And they clean better. Wetting agents and surfactants hold the materials on the surface, gently dissolving the particles of dirt, carbon, algae and oxidation . . . then pressure water rinses the grime away leaving the masonry surface lookinjlike new. Sure Klean products are recognized and specified by leading historic preservation groups, state agencies, the General Services Administration and other federal agencies across the nation as the products to use for the cleaning of historic buildings. Sure Klean® Restoration Cleaner - Our original Restoration Cleaner has been proven effective on thousands of historical structures. Cleans brick, granite, marble, sandstone, terra cotta, exposed aggregate and many other surfaces. restorative cleaner. 766 Prewash is normally used for spot cleaning of heavily carboned areas such as window sills, parapet walls, cornices, etc. Use on brick, stone, limestone, concrete, terra cotta and other surfaces in conjunction with an "afterwash" of Sure Klean® Restoration Cleaner, Limestone Afterwash or Limestone Restorer. Sure Klean® Heavy Duty Restoration Cleaner - Highly populated urban areas result in extremely heavy accumulations of dirt, carbon and pigeon droppings. Sure Klean® Heavy Duty Restoration Cleaner is a highly concentrated product that removes built-up grime on brick, granite, marble, sandstone, terra cotta, exposed aggregate. 766 Masonry Prewash - 766 Prewash presoaks and softens layers of deep set carbon and mildew prior to application of the suitable Sure Klean® Limestone PrewashlAfterwash - A two-part cleaning system for heavily carboned, extremely dirty limestone and concrete surfaces. Limestone Prewash is an alkaline cleaner that penetrates and softens carbon and dirt, allowing water to rinse it away. Limestone Afterwash then neutralizes and brightens the surface, restoring the limestone to its natural color and appearance. Acid Stop® Strippable Masking - An easily applied liquid masking material that protects non-porous surfaces such as glass, metal, polished marble, etc. from cleaning chemicals and residues. Acid Stop® is applied with brush or rollers and dries to touch within minutes. After the cleaning is complete, Acid Stop® is easily removed by peeling from the surface in one piece. Put-up and take-down require approximately one-third the time of polyethylene protection. Asphalt and Tar Remover Removes tar, asphalt, grease and oil stains from brick, stone, concrete and other masonry surfaces. Also removes many clear sealers, caulk residues and light paint splatters from masonry. Aluminum Cleaner - Cleans aluminum oxidation, atmospheric dirt, carbon and other stains from all types of aluminum surfaces. Sure Klean ®Restoration Cleaners have been used on numerous historic buildings, a few of which include: Woolworth Building, New York Gty - N.Y.C. Landmark - glazed terra cotta, (1913) National Building Museum (Pension Building), Washington, D.C. National Historic Landmark - brick and terra cotta, (1881) Wainwright Building, St. Louis, Missouri - Louis Sullivan Landmark - brick and unglazed terra cotta (1890) Rookery, Chicago, illinois Burnham & Root Historic Landmark - sandstone, unglazed terra cotta (1886) u.s. Treasury Building, Washington, D.C. granite (1839) Grand Central Station In 1978, a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court saved Grand Central Station from the wrecker's ball. During the Station's restoration, carbon encrustation 3/4" thick was removed from its limestone exterior using Sure Klean® Limestone PrewashlAfterwash. Paint Strippers Among the most difficult tasks of a restoration project is the removal of years of accumulated paint. Sometimes more than 50 years of paint, uf to 1/2" thick and consisting 0 many different types of coatings, must be removed to allow the original beauty of the building to show through. Using ''hardware-store'' paint strippers, sandblasting or heat methods is costly, time consuming and damaging to the surface. Developed with the professional applicator in mind, Sure Klean® Paint Strippers are fonnulated to cut through multiple layers of paint with ease on any type of paint stripping project. They are easy to apply and water soluble. After the correct dwell time is reached, the dissolved paint and stripper residue can then be water rinsed from the surface. 509 Paint Stripper - A fast-acting paint stripper which removes high strength clear coatings, urethanes, enamels and other coatings which require extra-strong stripping power. Many strippers are not effective on these types of coatings. Also excellent for stripping wood and metal surfaces. Sure Klean® Heavy Duty Paint Stripper - A slow-working stripper that stays active up to 24 flours. Heavy Duty Paint Stripper cuts through multiple layers of paint - often removing 12 coats or more with one application . The product's longer dwell time allows contractors to work large surface areas, applying the stripper one day, rinsing the next. (This can result in tremendous labor savings, compared to strippers requiring several applications.) Available in brush grade and a new spray grade for greater labor efficiency . 859 Stripper - A fast-acting stripper that removes graffiti and paint coatings from masonry, wood and metal surfaces. 859 Stripper contains no aromatic hydrocarbons, making it safer for interior applications, and the product's high flash point minimizes the danger of combustion. 859 Stripper is effective for stripping both vertical and horizontal surfaces. The product is particularly good for restoring terrazzo and marble floors where old sealers and wax buildup have made the floor dingy and yellowed. 859 Stripper is formulated for use with power scrubbing equipment to remove such buildups with a minimum of labor. Sure Klean ®Paint Strippers have been used on numerous historic buildings, a few of which include: U.S. Capitol BuildinfY Washington D.C. , sandstone, (1795) Vice Presidential Residence, Washington, D.C. , wood and brick, (1893) Ringling Museum Complex, Sarasota, Florida - State of Florida Historical Landmark - limestone, stucco, glazed terra cotta, (1893) Montauk Lighthouse, Montauk, Long Island, New York - New York Historic Landmarksandstone, (1797) Fulton Fish Market, South Street Seaport, New York City - N.Y.C. Landmark - brick, (1912) The 110 Broadway building in San Antonio, Texas was built in 1907. For years its beautiful terra cotta and brick exterior was hidden beneath layers of white paint. After paint removal with Heavy Duty Paint Stripper, 110 Broadway is now restored to its original colorful beauty. (Building owner: Williams Properties, Tulsa, Oklahoma.) Interior Stone & Marble Cleaners Interior stone cleaning involves special challenges. Polished surfaces must be cleaned carefully to protect the smooth finish. Often the stains found on the elaborate stone columns, panels and carvings in historic buildings are deep-set and difficult to remove. They have resulted from a mixture of body oils combined with carbon, smoke and dirt. Poor ventilation within the building and the inability to use high pressure water for rinsing presents additional problems. Because of these limitations, cleaning is often attempted with unsuitable products, resulting in increased labor time and inefficient cleaning. Sure Klean® Interior Stone and Marble Cleaners were designed to counter these types of problems. Fonnulated to be strong enough to remove the most stubborn stain yet safe enough for any interior application ... they are low-fuming and require minimal rinsing. Interior Stone Cleaner - Cleans smoke, dirt and soot from marble, limestone, granite, slate and most natural stone. Safe for use in occupied buildings. Liquid Marble Cleaner - A blue-colored gel which cleans and restores polished stonework and glazed masonry. Liquid Marble Cleaner loosens and dissolves surface dirt, carbon buildup and other stains, allowing them to be washed away with a simple water rinse. Marble Poultice - An odorless blend of detergents and clay for removing heavy, deep-set stains. After mixing with water and Marble Poultice Additive, Marble Poultice is troweled on, covered, and left on the surface for 24-48 hours. As the poultice dries, it "pulls" the stain out of the marble. Used for restoring natural beauty to centuries-old marble without damaging the polished finish. Sure Klean ®Interior Stone and Marble Cleaners have been used on numerous historic buildings, a few of which include: Villard Houses, Helmesly Palace Hotel, New York City - Historic Landmark - interior marble, (1882) Maryland State Capitol Buildin~ Annapolis, Maryland, interior marble, (1918) St. Pauls Cathedral, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, interior limestone, marble, (1905-1907) New York State Capitol Buildin~ Albany, New York - National Historic Register - interior sandstone, granite, marble, (1869-1899) Old Post Office ([he Pavillion), Washington D.C. - National Historic Landmark - interior marble (1899) Conversation Hall Covered with sheet rock and ceiling tile, Conversation Hall in Philadelphia's City Hall was a buried masterpiece in 1983. The Hall was restored through the efforts of Friends of Conversation Hall, a civic preservation group. Cleaning with Sure Klean® Interior Stone Cleaner revealed beautiful granite and sandstone carved by American craftsmen at the tum of the century. The ProSoCo History in Restoration Cleaning In 1959, Mountain States Telephone Company was in the process of restoring their building in Denver, Colorado. Turning to ProSoCo, Inc., Mountain States asked for a cleaning agent that would remove the accumulated dirt without harming the delicate terra cotta on their building. Using what became the first cleaning material ever formulated specifically for restoration cleaning, Sure Klean® Restoration Cleaner, the results were dramatic and successful. From this one building in Denver, ProSoCo has emerged to become the nation's largest manufacturer of proprietary cleaning products for the restoration cleaning of masonry surfaces. How Our Experience Can Help You - Questions and Problems - Call our Kansas Gty, New Jersey or Georgia offices. A knowledgeable customer service representative will answer your questions. - Job site assistance Factory-trained representatives throughout the U.S. are available for assistance with cleaning specifications, applying test panels and trouble shooting. - Laboratory testing - Tough cleaning problems are reviewed and products are tested in the ProSoCo laboratory, located in our company' s Kansas City headquarters. - Our assurance of quality - All Sure Klean® products have been field and laboratory tested. Thousands of architects and historians have trusted our products to clean their buildings. We take pride in this reputation. In the future, we will continue to provide superior products and services for your restoration project. Min. States Telephone Building Denver, Colorado
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