Board of Trustees Open Session Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4 P.M. Mini Conference Center Liberty Campus BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Board of Trustees Dr. Rosemary Gillett-Karam, Chair Dr. Mary E. Owens Southall, Vice Chair Dr. Donald A. Gabriel Mr. Jay Hutchins Ms. Morgan McKie, Student Trustee Ms. Pamela Paulk Ms. Maria Harris Tildon Dr. S. Todd Yeary TAB 1 BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNAPPROVED OPEN SESSION AGENDA Tuesday, May 27, 2014, 4 p.m. Mini Conference Center Liberty Campus I. CALL TO ORDER (Dr. Rosemary Gillett-Karam, Chair) II. ADOPTION OF AGENDA III. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS College Excellence Award Presentation Dr. Richard Bucher, Sabbatical Update IV. BOARD ACTIONS/CONSENT AGENDA (All actions requiring a vote.) A. Approval of the May 27, 2014, Agenda ............................................................. TAB B. Approval of the April 22, 2014, Minutes ............................................................. TAB C. College Contracts………….. .............................................................................. TAB D. Student Government Association (Mr. Olayiwola Bakare, President) ................ TAB E. Faculty Senate (Dr. Katana Hall, President) ...................................................... TAB F. AFSCME Local #1870 at BCCC (Ms. Charlene Gray, President)...................... TAB 1 2 3 4 5 6 Action: Move to approve the Board Actions/Consent Agenda V. FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................... TAB 7 (Dr. Donald Gabriel, Finance Committee Chair) (Action) A. Operating Budget Request Overview B. Capital Budget Request Overview C. Proposal for Non-Credit Student Payment Information Agreement D. Tuition and Fees VI. PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Dr. Carolyn Anderson, Interim President) ..................... TAB 8 A. Updates (Information) Middle States Contractual Conversions (Ms. Sheryl Nelson, executive director of Human Resources) Enrollment Report (Mr. Ron Smith, Vice President of Student Affairs) VII. VIII. B. Active Search Listing ......................................................................................... TAB 9 (Information) MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT THE CLOSED SESSION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES IS DESIGNED TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL ISSUES; PENDING PURCHASE OF PROPERTY FOR THE FUTURE NEEDS OF THE COLLEGE; AND, TO OBTAIN LEGAL ADVICE. NEXT MEETING: June 24, 2014, Business and Continuing Education Division (BCED) TAB 2 BALTIMORE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNAPPROVED OPEN SESSION MINUTES Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 4 p.m. Mini Conference Center-Liberty Campus Board Members Present: Dr. Rosemary Gillett-Karam, Chair, Dr. Mary Owens Southall Vice Chair, Dr. Donald Gabriel (via conference call), Mr. Jay Hutchins, Ms. Pamela Paulk, Ms. Maria Harris Tildon, and Dr. S. Todd Yeary Board Members Absent: None I. PRELIMINARY PRESENTATIONS (Awards, recognitions, honors, etc.) None II. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS Dr. James Haynes and Mr. Dale Glenwood Green of Sulton, Campbell, Britt and Associates, presented proposed a potential collaboration with the College to rent space at the Gompers site once it is developed. Chair Gillett-Karam stated that the Board has opted not to proceed with any presence at the Gompers site at this time. III. BOARD ACTIONS/CONSENT AGENDA (All Actions requiring a vote.) The Board voted unanimously to approve the April 22, 2014, consent agenda: April 22, 2014, Agenda February 25, 2014, Minutes IV. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA None V. PROPOSALS FOR NEW INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMS (Dr. Tonja Ringgold, Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs) Dr. Ringgold presented the Health Information Technology Associate of Applied Science and Coding Specialist Certificate for approval, noting substantive changes in both programs must be made to comply with the new requirements issued by Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). Action: The Board of Trustees approved the Health Information Technology Associate of Applied Science and Coding Specialist Certificate. *Trustee Gabriel abstained from the vote VI. TUITION AND FEES The Board tabled the vote on tuition and fees to receive more comprehensive data that supports an increase. VII. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Please see the April 22, 2014 Board Book for the full President’s Report. VIII. ENROLLMENT UPDATE (Mr. Ron Smith, vice president of Student Affairs) No enrollment update was provided. Page 1 of 2 IX. NEXT MEETING May 27, 2014, Liberty Campus X. ADJOURNMENT The Board of Trustees meeting adjourned at 5:24 p.m. ATTENDANCE: Dr. Carolyn Anderson, Interim President BCCC Staff Present: Dr. Wayne Beckles, Ms. Linda Benjamin, Mr. Bill Booth, Ms. Vera Brooks, Ms. Leslie Brown, Ms. Kathy Odell Carlson, Mr. Dan Coleman, Ms. Angelique Cook-Haynes, Ms. Beatriz del Castillo, Ms. Marlene Downs, Ms. Patricia Edwards, Mr. Edward Ennels, Mr. Christopher Falkenhagen, Mr. Erik Fortune, Ms. Charlene Gray, Ms. Linda Hall, Mr. Tony Herrera, Dr. Meta Harris, Ms. Shaw Harrison, Ms. Dorothy Holley, Dr. Bob Iweha, Dr. Brad Lyman, Mr. Gregory Mason, Ms. Valerie McQueen-Bey, Ms. Shontee McMillan, Mr. Adam Morsy, Mr. Carlos Muhammad, Ms. Jacqueline McNair, Ms. Sheryl Nelson, Ms. Sue Niehoff, Mr. Scott Olden, Mr. Patrick Onley, Mr. Jerry Reichenberg, Ms. Sylvia Rochester, Mr. Scott Saunders, Ms. Sabina Silkworth, Mr. D. FitzGerald Smith, Mr. Ron Smith, Dr. Daphne Snowden, Ms. Kathy Styles, Mr. Chima Ugah, Mr. JaHon Vance, Ms. Robin Washington-Scott, Ms. Cynthia Webb, Dr. Dennis Weeks, Dr. Penny Weidner, Ms. Meintje Westerbeek, Ms. Brenda Wiley Others Present: Mr. Olayiwola Bakare, BCCC student; Ms. Sally Grant, BCCC Foundation Board; Mr. Bryan Perry, Assistant Attorney General; Ms. Nicole Lee and Mr. Charles Mezu, Coppin State University, Mr. Dale Green, Morgan State University student; Mr. Garret Halbach, Department of Legislative Services, CLOSED SESSION The Board voted unanimously, under the Open Meeting Act, State Government Article, Section 10-508, to convene in Closed Session on April 22, 2014, in the President’s Conference Room to discuss real estate, personnel and to obtain legal advice. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Anderson, Ed.D. Interim President *Full report on file in the President’s Office Page 2 of 2 TAB 3 BOARD AGENDA TAB 3-Action May 27, 2014 NO COLLEGE CONTRACTS TAB 4 BOARD AGENDA TAB 4-Information May 27, 2014 Baltimore City Community College Student Government Association April Board Report Respect the Craft April 8, 2014 The monthly “Respect the Craft” event was held in the Café in the Main Building from 7:00pm – 9:30pm. This event was very well attended, with over 90 attendees. There were over 10 very talented performers in a talent show format. The “Respect the Craft” show is a very popular event on campus. Performers from other colleges are often invited to this event held once a month. Bake Sale April 21, 2014 The T.R.U.T.H.S.S club had a bake sale and recruitment event. It was held at the Atrium and was very successful. They also had a special performer (Michael Jackson impersonator) to come on campus and entertain the students, faculty and staff. Fun was had by all. Passport to Student Leadership Program Review April 23, 2014 The monthly Passport Student Leadership Series is always a very popular event for the student body. The review was held this month and basically reminded students of the things they had learned from the previous sessions. This event was well attended with approximately 94 participants. The seminar was held in the Mini Conference Room in the Fine Arts Building. Pre-Panther Pride Week Activities BCCC’s Got Talent April 25, 2014 Many different students showcased their various talents. There was dancing, singing and poetry to name a few. It was very well received by the students and staff as they were extremely thrilled by the performances. This was our 3 rd annual show. This year’s event was sponsored by the Office of Student Life, the Student Government Association in collaboration with the 4A Program. Completion Mentoring Passport Program April 26, 2014 A group of students were able to have a great experience in the Nation’s capital. Students and their college mentors of the Completion Mentoring Passport Program visited the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial and the African American Museum of Art in Washington, D.C. The trip was fun, educational and a great bonding experience for all that attended. Page 1 of 2 Panther Pride Week Kick-Off April 28, 2014 Clubs & Organizations Day Many student clubs and organizations set up tables to give the College community information about their club. It was also a good recruiting event. They were able to create a serious buzz as they were all glowing in the spirit of Panther Pride. Re-Opening of the Game Room Students were very excited to see the game room re-opened during Panther Pride Week. It promoted the spirit of healthy competition among students who played against each other. It also served as an outlet for many students to relax after regular classwork. China Day April 29, 2014 It’s been the tradition of the International Student’s Club to celebrate a country every year. This year, they decided to celebrate The People’s Republic of China. It was an amazing and fun event. It was well attended by students, staff, faculty, and community members at large. The Baltimore Times reported about the event. The guest speaker was Mr. W. Fontaine Bell from the Maryland-China Business Council. There were also traditional Kung-Fu dancers from Baltimore, Lion Dancers from Washington, D.C. and elementary school students from the Baltimore International Academy who sang the national anthem in Chinese. This event was the talk of the week. Panther Block “PAW’’TY April 30, 2014 The rain could not stop the Block “Paw”ty. This event was scheduled to be outside but because of the weather it was relocated to the Student Atrium and it was a BIG Success. There were refreshments, giveaways and many activities for the students, staff and faculty. Some activities included a video booth, caricature artists, photo booth, personalized street signs, stuff plush animals and local vendors. The feedback from this activity was very positive. It was suggested that we move this event to the Student Atrium again next year…even if it does not rain. Page 2 of 2 TAB 5 BOARD AGENDA TAB 5-Information May 27, 2014 Baltimore City Community College Report of the Faculty Senate to the Board of Trustees May 12, 2014 The Faculty Senate elected Dr. Katana Hall, Professor of English, to the Presidency of the Faculty Senate for 2014-16. The Senate also elected Professor Theron Coleman as the 2014-16 Secretary. The Senate Executive Committee members are elected by academic departments. The Vice President is elected from its ranks by the SEC. The new SEC and officers take office on May 15, 2014. On April 30, 2014 President Lyman, President-elect Hall and Vice President Webb met with President Anderson. On April 30, 2014 President Lyman, President-elect Hall and Vice President Webb met with Vice President Ringgold. Outgoing Senate President Lyman is serving on the President Anderson’s Task Force to develop a statement on shared governance. You will recall that attached to the September 2013 Senate report to the Board of Trustees was The Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities issued jointly by the American Council on Education, the American Association of University Professors and the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges. The introduction provides the rationale for shared governance: This statement is a call to mutual understanding regarding the government of colleges and universities. Understanding, based on community of interest and producing joint effort, is essential for at least three reasons. First, the academic institution, public or private, often has become less autonomous; buildings, research, and student tuition are supported by funds over which the college or university exercises a diminishing control. Legislative and executive governmental authorities, at all levels, play a part in the making of important decisions in academic policy. If these voices and forces are to be successfully heard and integrated, the academic institution must be in a position to meet them with its own generally unified view. Second, regard for the welfare of the institution remains important despite the mobility and interchange of scholars. Third, a college or university in which all the components are aware of their interdependence, of the usefulness of communication among themselves, and of the force of joint action will enjoy increased capacity to solve educational problems. The Senate is also pleased that the Board of Trustees has included two faculty members on the Presidential Search Committee. The Senate Leadership is also appreciative of the opportunity to meet with the Presidential candidates in keeping with the Statement’s advice on Presidential appointment. Joint effort of a most critical kind must be taken when an institution chooses a new president. The selection of a chief administrative officer should follow upon a Page 1 of 2 cooperative search by the governing board and the faculty, taking into consideration the opinions of others who are appropriately interested. The president should be equally qualified to serve both as the executive officer of the governing board and as the chief academic officer of the institution and the faculty. The president’s dual role requires an ability to interpret to board and faculty the educational views and concepts of institutional government of the other. The president should have the confidence of the board and the faculty. The Board of Trustees can expect to receive the advice of the Faculty Senate upon the completion of candidates’ visits. Respectfully Submitted, Brad Lyman, PhD President of the Faculty Senate Page 2 of 2 TAB 6 BOARD AGENDA TAB 6-Information May 27, 2014 AFSCME Local 1870 Presentation To the Board of Trustees Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1. Labor Management Committee (LMC) (in progress) We met in April for LMC. Agenda items for the May 22 LMC will be: 1) Anonymous Supervisor Evaluation (ASE) where we will jointly review the previously approved ASE form and process. Union representatives will present proposal to disseminate ASE to Bargaining Unit employees between May 28 and June 4 as per process. These completed forms will be delivered to HR for data analysis and reporting. 2) Overtime Form. Agreement needs to be reached between labor and management on the form that the college is using so that there is consistency and so that the OT form accurately reflects MOU agreements. Other agenda items will also be discussed. 2. Update on Contractual conversion to PINS. Union is requesting details (work area; whether Bargaining Unit employee or management employee, etc.) of the three positions that recently got PINs where contractual staff were given the PIN positions. 3. Presidential Search (discussion of timelines and progress to date) 4. Middle States (update on recent communications and next step/timeline in process) 5. Other TAB 7 BOARD AGENDA TAB 7-Action May 27, 2014 FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS OPERATING BUDGET REQUEST OVERVIEW THE FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE FY2015 AND FY2016 BUDGET REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. CAPITAL BUDGET REQUEST OVERVIEW THE FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE FY 2016 – FY 2020 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR SUBMISSION TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND THE DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT (DBM). PROPOSAL FOR NON-CREDIT STUDENT PAYMENT INFORMATION AGREEMENT THE FINANCE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPROVE A SIX-MONTH INSTALLMENT PLAN THAT MAY BE USED BY NONCREDIT STUDENTS WHOSE PORTION IS NOT COVERED BY A THIRD PARTY AGREEMENT. TUITION AND FEES THERE IS NO INCREASE IN THE BASE CREDIT TUITION RATE FOR FY2015. AT THE FEBRUARY 2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING, THE BOARD DID NOT VOTE TO INCREASE TUITION AND FEES FOR THE FY2015 FISCAL YEAR. HOWEVER, THE OUT OF STATE TUITION RATE WILL INCREASE BY $15 (FROM $210/PER CREDIT HOUR TO $225/PER CREDIT HOUR) AS MANDATED IN THE COLLEGE’S ARTICLES OF EDUCATION. PLEASE SEE THE MAY 27, 2014, FINANCE COMMITTEE BOOK FOR THE FULL REPORT TAB 8 BOARD AGENDA TAB 8-Information May 27, 2014 Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) 2901 Liberty Heights Avenue. Baltimore, Maryland 21215 Interim President’s Board Report … May 27, 2014 The month of May ushers in many closing events and celebrations of achievement for students as well as staff. Commencement services, scheduled for June 7, 2014, will mark the ultimate achievement for many of our students, with an anticipated 488 graduates. The primary areas of focus for operations have been development of an Institutional Response to the Middle States Exit Report and development of the FY 2015 budget for review by the Board. This document highlights progress on BCCC Core Business and Operations matters. If there are other items about which you wish information, do not hesitate to contact Nikita Lemon, and information will be made available. BCCC Core Business Matters Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). The College has uploaded onto the MSCHE website the required Institutional Response to the Middle States Exit Report. When the full Commission meets in June, the visiting Team will present an oral report, and a decision will be rendered on the accreditation status of the institution. The College community continues to be involved in providing responses and action plans to address the concerns, suggestions, recommendations, and requirements reflected in the Exit Report. Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). The ACBSP Accreditation Team forwarded to the College a favorable review regarding eligibility and compliance for continued accreditation. BCCC Business Operations Matters Contractual Employee Conversion. Human Resources and Business and Finance have worked diligently to complete an assessment of the contractual employee workforce. The employment status of four contractual employees will be converted to PIN positions. Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA). The College continues to work closely with the State regarding the impact of the Affordable Health Care Act. The Governor’s office on Healthcare Reform has been charged with coordinating efforts on healthcare reform in Maryland and implementing federal mandates through the Maryland Healthcare Exchange. Anna Rutah, Benefits Coordinator, has worked with several employees who have expressed an interest. The most recent communication from the State indicates that more information will be forthcoming within the next several months. FY 2015 Operating Budget: The Governor’s FY 2015 budget allotment of $41,831,621 has been adjusted by the reduction of two PIN positions and a $79,000 rebate to the State Department of Budget and Management. TAB 9 HR Active Search Listing * As of May 9, 2014 *18 Active Searches 1 2 Div PIN # Position Date(s) posted Advertised Current Status/Updates AA 76824 Prescriptive Tutoring Manager 11/18/2013 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network Re-opened Search /Committee Reviewing AA 76591 Science Center, Coordinator 11/20/2013 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network Offered Accepted HERC, HEJ, MD job, CareerBuilder, network, Beyond, 8/29/2013 & 12/3/13 ADHA,, Socials AA 73961 Assistant Prof. Dental Hygiene AA 66654 Assistant Professor of Education 12/3/2013 & 05/7/14 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network Search Reopened AA 84362 Assistant Professor of Fashion Design 5/6/2014 Socials, Beyond, HEJ Search Open AA 66706 Dean of Special Projects 5/9/2014 Internal Search Open B&F 66982 Chief Budget Officer 3/18/2014 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network 2nd Interview Scheduled B&F 66653 Procurement Specialist II 1/14/2014 CB,HERC,HEJ, Chronicle, MD job Network, Beyond, socials Search to be re-opened B&F 66740 VP of Business & Finance SAR Process (signatures) B&F 66658 Accounts Receivables Clerk SAR Process (signatures) BCED 81695 Director, ABE 1/7/2014 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network Offered Accepted BCED 66633 Admissions Specialist 3/19/2014 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network Search Committee Reviewing applications BCED 84364 Non-Credit Healthcare Manager 3/19/2014 Socials, Advance Nursing, Academic Careers Search Reopened IAMR 66686 VP, IAMR 3/1/2013, 12/13/13 CB,HERC,HEJ, Chronicle, MD job Network, Beyond, socials Offered Accepted IAMR 67013 Accountant I 4/9/2014 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network HR Screening Resumes PO- HR 73168 Professional Development Professional 3/11/2014 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network Search Open PO-CITS 73032 Manager, Infrastructure, Systems, Telecommunications 11/9/2012, 12/13/2013 HEJ, ISHEJ, HERC, DICE, CB. Socials Reopening/Job Description Revised PO-CITS 66958 Helpdesk Supervisor 1/29/2014 HEJ,Beyond, HERC, MD/DC Job network, socials, Beyond, Career Builder, Dice Offered Accepted PO-HR 82345 Associate Director of HR 3/21/2014 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network 1st Interviews Scheduled PO-HR 82345 Talent Acquisitions 3/21/2014 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network Search Committee Reviewing applications SA 66991 Dean, Student Development 12/20/2013 HEJ,Beyond, HERC, MD/DC Job network socials, Beyond, Career Builder 2nd Interviews Pending SA 66633 Admissions Specialist 3/12/2014 socials, HEJ, HERC, Beyond, CareerBuilder, MD Job Network Search Committee Reviewing applications 3 Par Pending 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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