BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TENDER ENQUIRY FOR SUPPLY, TESTING, INSATALLTION of100 units of HAND HELD MACHINES (HHM) INCLUDING DEVELOPMENT/CUSTMIZATION OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE NIT No: 3 BMC/IT/Tender/2014/………Bhopal, Dated 31 Jan 2014 System Tender No 397 Bid Document Bid Document Purchased By Document Fee Details By NEFT/By E-payment UTR No Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC) Annapurna Building Near Sadar Manzil Bhopal Tel: 0755-2701190 Email : [email protected] Web : Disclaimer THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE BIDDERS IN RESPONSE TO THIS TENDER DOCUMENT WILL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF BMC corporation AND WILL NOT BE RETURNED. BMC RESERVES THE RIGHT TO AMEND, RESCIND OR REISSUE THIS TENDER DOCUMENT AND ALL AMENDMENTS WILL BE ADVISED TO THE BIDDERS AND SUCH AMENDMENTS WILL BE BINDING ON THEM. THIS DOCUMENT IS PREPARED BY BMC FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF HAND HELD COMPUTERS. IT SHOULD NOT BE REUSED OR COPIED OR USED EITHER PARTIALLY OR FULLY IN ANY FORM BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 2 BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION (Computer Section) Annapurna Building, Near Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal,MP, Phone 0755 2701190 NIT No: 3 / BMC/IT/Tender/2014/ Bhopal, Dated: 31 Jan 2014 Bhopal Municipal Corporation hereby invites the bids from reputed vendors for supply of Items mentioned in table below. S. No . 1 Details of Item SUPPLY TESTING INSATALLTION of 100 HAND HELD MACHINES (HHM) INCLUDING DEVELOPMENT CUSTMIZATION OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE Estimated Cost Rs 20,00,000 Earnest Money (EMD) Cost of RFP Rs. 50,000. Rs. 5,000/- Document Last Date and Time to purchase /download the RFP document 21.02.2014 17.25 Last Date and Time to submit the Bid 21.02.2014 23.59 The Request for proposal document is available in the tender section of BMC website and Interested bidders may submit the tender proposal via e- tendering portal The Nonrefundable document fee, EMD amount will be payable thorough NEFT/e-payment gateway of The Bid (s) will be opened on 22.02.2014 Corrigendum (if any) will be published on website not in Newspapers. So that bidders are advised to visit the above websites regularly. Additional Commissioner Bhopal Municipal Corporation BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 3 BIDDING ACTIVITY SHEDULE Purchase of Tender Start Date :* Purchase of Tender End Date:* Mandatory Submission (Envelope A)Open Date:* Financial Bid (Envelope C)Open Date:* 01.02.2014 , 12.30 21.02.2014, 17.25 Prebid meeting Date and Time: Bid Submission End Date:* 12.02.2014,14.30 21.02.2014, 23.59 Technical Proposal 22.02.2014, 10.30 (Envelope B)Open 22.02.2014, 11.00 Date:* 28.02.2014, 10.30 BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 4 Bid Data Sheet SNo 1 Tender Notice No. & 3 BMC/IT/Tender/2014/ Bhopal, Dated 31 JAN Date 2014 , System tender No BMC/TENDER NO -397 2 Name of the Work 3 Name and address Bhopal Municipal Corporation of the Agency Annapurna Building, Near Sadar Manzil Bhopal TENDER ENQUIRY FOR SUPPLY, TESTING, INSATALLTION of 100 HAND HELD MACHINES (HHM) INCLUDING DEVELOPMENT/CUSTMIZATION OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE Tel: 0755-2701190 4 Name & Address of Bidder 4 Earnest Deposit 5 Non Refundable INR 5,000 by NEFT Document Fee 6 Last date & time of receipt of bids- Due Date Money INR 50,000 by NEFT or E-payment on or E-payment on As per Tendering Schedule available on 7 Opening of technical bid 9 Opening of financial To Be Notified of Qualified bidders bid 11 Contact Number of Bhopal Municipal Corporation, Annapurna tendering authority Building, Near Sadar Manzil, Bhopal Phone 07552701190 Bidders Signature with seal BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 5 Bhopal Municipal Corporation Annapurna Building, Near Sadar Manzil Bhopal Tel: 0755-2701190 Bhopal Municipal Corporation wish to procure 100 HAND HELD MACHINES (HHM) INCLUDING DEVELOPMENT/CUSTMIZATION OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE. Detail specification of hardware and software is in annexure-A 1.00 Services to be provided by Successful/selected bidder: 1. Supply and Installation of desired hardware to client.(Detail Specification are given in annexure A) 2. Develop/Customize, test and install the integrated application software to be used on HHM. (Limited to Max 5 Application) 3. Train the BMC staff to operate HMM and software. 4. Provide one year onsite warranty followed by two year maintenance contarct 5. Take care and resolve of Software related issues(if any). 2.0 The Eligibility Criteria for Bidders 1. The bidder should be an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or their Business Partners/Agents/Authorised Dealer duly Authorised for participation in this particular tender. 2. The Bidder must have previous experience to supplying similar hardware (including development/customization of attached software) to any State Government of india / State government PSU/ Central government / Central Government PSU. 3. Bidder (or Respective OEM) should be a registered Company with at least 5 years of st existence as on 31 Dec 2013. 4. The average Turnover of bidder should not be less then 20.0 Cr in last three financial years out of which he Supplied the hand held machines costing more than Rs. 2 Crores 5. The Bidder should have valid Sales Tax & VAT registration. 6. The Bidder should have a valid IT-PAN. 3.00 Bidding Procedure 1. Request for proposal document is available on BMC and e- tendering portal website 2. Bidders may register themselves on E tendering portal 3. After successful registration bidders may download the RFP document from portal by paying desired document fee(Rs 5,000) and processing charges. The Document Fee and processing fee will be payable via NEFT-E-payment on BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 6 4. Bidders are required to pay Earnest money deposit Rs 50,000.00(Rs Fifty Thousand only) Via NEFT -E-payment on 5. The bidders are required to submit the online bid on by following manner 5.1 Fill the desired details in e-bid. 5.2 Upload the scan copy (PDF) of All documents mandatory for Bid submission. (a) (b) (c) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Signed Bid Cover Letter on headed stationary, RFP Document , Filled and Signed(on each page with rubber stamp) Authorization of OEM Product Brochure VAT registration, Copy of IT PAN. Company/Firm's registration certificate . Turnover certificate issued by CA or auditor of firm/comapany. Copy of work orders for similar products 5.2 Fill and submit the price bid in HTML template available on 5.3 Authenticate the bid by digital signature of authorized signatory of bidding firm . 6. OEM who chooses to bid for this order may submit their bid in electronic form (prescribed format (Annexure-B and Annexure-C) ) on 7. Financial Bid Must be submitted through e-tendering website only. 8. The Bid(s) will be accepted by e-tendering system only. Bidders who submit the Bid by any other means will not be accepted. 9. Bidder is libel to pay bid processing fee stipulated in NIT . The Bid processing fee will be collected by e-procurement portal directly. 10. If BMC issue corrigendum(s) , the same will be uploaded on BMC website .Bidders are advised to visit regularly on and 11. The Bid(s)/will remain valid for six months from last date of submitting bid(s). 12. Hypothetical/ conditional tenders will not be entertained. 13. A technical committee appointed by Commissioner Bhopal Municipal Corporation will evaluate th ebid/ product. Technical committee may call the a particular bidder and/or all bidder for demonstration of product. 7. Bidders who are NOT meeting the eligibility criterion of the tender bid, they shall stands disqualified and accordingly their financial bids shall not be considered for further evaluation. 8. If Technical committee in a view that product(s) /model (s) quoted in technical bid are not as per the specification given in annexure A, financial bid of same bidder shall not opened. 9. The Date of opening of Financial Bid will be notified to bidders by Email. 10. The lowest evaluated bid for (L1 Basis) shall be considered further for placement of contract after complete clarification and price negotiations as applicable. 11. L1 will be calculated on total cost burden on BMC. BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 7 12. BMC may call the bidders for price negotiation by price order. 13. The successful bidder will be informed to sign an agreement with BMC for supply of 100 HAND HELD MACHINES (HHM) INCLUDINGDEVELOPMENT/CUSTMIZATION OF APPLICATION SOFTWARE" 14. If Bidder fails to sign the agreement within 7 days, BMC will be free to forfeit the EMD and offer the assignment of other bidder. 15. Upon signing of agreement the bidder will be provided them with supply order. 16. The Earnest money deposit un-successful bidder is returned within 30 days of Bid finalization. 17. The Earnest money deposit of L2 Bidder will be returned after signing of contract by successful bidder. 18. The Earnest money deposit of Successful bidder will be converted to Security deposit and will be returned after warranty period(i.e. One year). No interest will will be provided on Earnest money deposit. 19. The door delivery price with all applicable taxes for configuration / item should be indicated. 20. Final choice of bidder to execute the work shall be made on the basis of conformity to technical specifications, appropriateness of the product offered, capability of bidder to execute and service the project and appropriateness of financial offer from the point of view of cost-effectiveness over the entire maintenance period for the product/services. 21. Supply, Delivery and Installation of Hand Held Machines is to be ensured very expeditiously but not later than one month from the date of signing of agreement. The agency has to install the Hand Held Machines with required software and has to give training to the staff of BMC. The source code (both software and machine source code) should be handed over to BMC after warranty. 22. The material supplied will be inspected by the technical persons of BMC and in case the supply is not found strictly in conformity with the approved specifications and any complaint is received about its quality and performance during the course of their use/utilization, the deficient supplies will have to be replaced with the good quality material, exactly commensurate with the approved specifications at the cost of tenderer. The decision of the BMC in this regard shall be final. 23. The supply of Hand Held Machines shall be required to be made within the stipulated time on issue of Purchase Order and in case supply is not made within the stipulated time and the BMC is forced to make purchases to meet the emergency demand, the renderer will be liable to make good the loss due to difference which the BMC may directly deduct from Bill/security and the renderer will also be liable for penalty as follows. 24. Penalty for Default in Delivery: • For any delays in delivery beyond accepted period for delivery, the vendor will be liable for penalties as follows: (Delivery period shall be counted from the date of receipt of Purchase Order) • For the delay of first one week or part there of 1 % of the value of the purchase order. • For additional delay beyond one week, for every one week or part BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 8 thereof a penalty of 0.5 % of the PO value will be levied. If the delivery time is more than 8 weeks, the above percentage of penalties are applicable but in a compounding manner ie., for 1st week 1% and 2nd week 2.5 % and so on. • If the delay exceeds more than 30 days, BMC will reserve the right to cancel the order without giving any notice and EMD will be liable for forfeiture. 25. The BMC will deal with the tenderer directly and no middlemen / agents / Commission agents etc. should be asked by the tenderers to represent their cause and they will not be entertained by the BMC. 26. Payment shall be made promptly by the BMC, but in no case later than (30) days after issuance of Acceptance Certificate. 27. BMC at its discretion, reserves the right to reject or accept any or all the tenders, wholly or partly, without assigning any reasons. 28. Even after awarding the said Contract, the BMC reserves the right to terminate the same at any time, without assigning any reason. 29. List of clientele in support of carrying out similar types of supplies to the Central Govt. /State Govt. /Autonomous Bodies/Semi Govt. / Corporation should be invariably enclosed. 30. It is a mandate that supplier should have experience in supplying such End to End solution, alteast in two municipal corporations in the country and the PO copies of the same has to be submitted along with one satisfactory letter from the respective municipal corporation. • 31. Statutory Deductions will be effected at the time of payment as per rules and vogue. 32. If the vendor fails to supply the items according to the rates quoted, action will be initiated against such vendor holding him/them responsible duly forfeiting the Earnest Money Deposit. 33. The contract period includes one year warranty period and two years AMC. The tenderer has to maintain a facility proper training to BMC technical teams and end user at Bhopal 34. The consignee on receipt of consignment shall verify and set forth defective supplies if any within three weeks from the date of receipt of supplies. 35. Whenever material is supplied, Invoice in duplicate to be submitted along with delivery challan duly signed by concerned for payment. 36. The agency/contractor shall arrange to repair or replace as the case may be the defective supplies at his own cost to the complete satisfaction of the purchaser within 7 days from the date of receipt of intimation from the consignee and shall obtain a certificate to this effect from the purchaser or any authorized officer of the purchaser. Failure on the part of the contractor agency will entail penalty. 37. If supplied material is found not genuine or not according to the required specifications, the EMD will be forfeited without any further notice. The bill amount together with the other bills if any pertaining to the said agency will not be entertained besides taking further action. 38. The tenderer attend the defects immediately whenever pointed out by BMC and any two Contact numbers for any technical problems. BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 9 39. Termination of the Contract: BMC is the sole arbitrator in case of failure by the vendor to perform any of its obligation under or arising out of the agreement. All disputes, differences and questions what so ever which may arise between the parties here to during the continuance of the agreement the BMC, Bhopal will have option to terminate the agreement or impose penalty. 40. If two or more bidders quote the same rate, the firm with more experience, infrastructure & service shall be considered. However, the sole discretion in such instance shall rest with Commissioner, Bhopal Municipal Corporation. 41. Commissioner, Bhopal Municipal Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reasons therefore and to add, modify or delete any of the terms and conditions without any notice. 42. In the event the bidder’s company or the concerned division of the company is taken over / bought over by another company, all the obligations and execution responsibilities under the agreement with BMC, should be passed on for compliance by the new company in the negotiation for their transfer. Special Conditions: 1. The Bidder shall meet the minimum qualification criteria mentioned in the bid document and shall furnish documentary evidence in support of the qualifying requirement. 2. Bidder shall have successfully executed the tender quantity within the last three years with any municipal corporation and should be in use. 3. Details of supplies made of similar items in the past three years to various utilities with documentary evidence and user’s certificate must be enclosed. Interchange ability 1. All similar materials and removable parts of similar equipment shall be interchangeable with each other. A specific confirmation of this should be furnished in the bid Quantity to Quote: 2. Bidder shall quote for full quantity indicated in the bid Specification. Offers for Partial quantity are liable for rejection. Conditions for Design, Testing & Commissioning: 3. The Supplier’s Scope of the Services in addition to supply of equipment and material shall also include the Inspection, testing and commissioning of the equipment. 4. The Supplier shall provide preservation and storage manuals (if any) BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 10 specifying requirement of preservation and storage of equipment and material at site. Training: 5. Free Training to Purchaser’s authorized personnel will be provided for the 2 weeks by the supplier on Operative functionalities on Hardware Systems along with Data Collection, Preparation of Bills, and Reports etc. Tests: 6. Tests will have to be conducted on the materials in case an order is placed, according to relevant standard and tests certificates in triplicate will have to be furnished. The tests that will be conducted on the materials as per relevant IS/ Tender specification should be stated in the tender. Each unit of the materials will be subject to the tests prescribed in the relevant standard (latest edition) before supply is affected. Untested materials will not be accepted. The certificates of type tests if any should also be submitted with the tender. Inspection 7. The bidder should notify the purchaser well in advance (minimum 7 days) about the program for testing of complete equipment/materials as per terms of order along with necessary work test certificate so that the purchaser can send his representative to witness the test at works on the mutually agreed date. The purchaser reserves the right to reject either raw materials or finished product found to be not complying with the requirement of the specifications. The supplier has to produce all documentary evidence in support of source of raw materials and its quality. 8. The bidder should extend all facilities for inspection and testing at any time during the course of manufacture and after offering of inspection and testing of the finished product for which no extra cost should be charged Dispatch: 9. (a) The manufacture / authorized dealer after receiving dispatch clearance from the respective inspection Authority / Purchaser should deliver the equipment/materials suitably packed to BMC designated Stores. The materials are to be suitable packed and fully insured against all risks and to be delivered as per dispatch instruction to be communicated in due course. 10. (b) Materials/ equipment as per dispatch clearance should have to be dispatched within the stipulated period of the order and inspection of further lots against the said order will be arranged after receipt of confirmation regarding physical delivery to our stores by the inspection authority. Deviation from Specification: 11. Any Deviation from the specified specifications or improvement over the specification should be stated in the offer in the enclosed Schedule of deviation format. 12. The detailed dimensioned drawing will have to be furnished with the tender incase if it is applicable. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 11 13. It is essential that the Purchaser as well as Bidder / supplier / contractor for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows: (i) “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution, and (ii) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the determinant of the purchaser, and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the purchaser of the benefits of free and open competition; (iii) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; (iv) Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract if it at anytime determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract. Patent Rights 14. The Supplier will indemnify the Purchaser against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark, or industrial design rights arising from use of the Materials / equipment or any part thereof. 15. Any disputes will be subjected at Bhopal Judiciary only. Warranty 16. The supplier will warrant for the satisfactory functioning of the material / equipment as per specification for a minimum period of 12 months from the date of delivery of material / equipment in good condition. 17. The Supplier shall ensure that the Materials / equipment supplied under the Contract are new of the most recent or current models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The supplier further shall ensure that all Materials / equipment supplied under this Contract will have no defect, arising from a design and / or materials as required by the Purchaser's specifications. 18. All the material will be of the best class and will be capable of satisfactory operation in the tropics under service conditions as indicated in this document without distortion or deterioration. No welding filling or plugging of defective parts will be permitted, unless otherwise specified, they will conform to the requirements of the appropriate Indian, British or American Standards. 19. Where a standard specification covering the material in question has not been published, the standards of the American Society for testing of Materials should be followed. 20. The entire designs and construction will be capable of withstanding the severest stresses likely to occur in actual service and of resisting rough handling during transport. 21. Unless otherwise specified the warranty period will be 12 months from the date of acceptance of the Materials / equipment. 22. The Purchaser will promptly notify the supplier in writing of any claims arising under this warranty. "Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier will within 15 days repair or replace the defective Materials / equipment or parts BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 12 thereof, free of cost at the ultimate destination. 23. The supplier will take over the replaced parts/Materials / equipment at the time of their replacement. No claim whatsoever will lie on the Purchaser for the replaced parts/Materials / equipment thereafter". In the event of any correction of defects or replacement of defective material during the warranty period, the warranty for the corrected/replaced material will be extended to a further period of 12 months. 24. If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the above period, the Purchaser may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Supplier's risk and expense duly deducting the expenditure from subsequent bills / EMD and without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have against the Supplier under the Contract. 25. To facilitate such repair works promptly, the supplier must keep open an outlet at BMC run by their technical capable representative to attend to the complaint forthwith. Packing 26. The materials/ equipment should have to be packed suitably. If the materials/ equipments are found to be acceptable after inspection and testing, the same should have to be suitable sealed by our inspecting officers. Due care should have to be ensured during transportation to keep the packing and seal intact for acceptance by consignee stores. All necessary Assistance in this regard should be extended by the party to BMC’s inspecting team free of cost. 27. Goods securely packed are to be delivered to the consignee mentioned below, during office hours on any working day within the period of delivery specified. Bills should be prepared in triplicate by the suppliers and marked distinctly as original, duplicate and triplicate and dispatched to the consignee quoting reference to purchase order. 28. The vendor at his cost shall arrange transport of the goods to the project site(s). 29. No variation or modification of the terms of the Contract shall be made except by written amendment signed by the parties. 30. The Vendor shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under this Contract, except with the prior written consent from BMC. 31. In the event the BMC terminates the contract in whole or in part, BMC may procure, upon such terms and in such manner, as it deems appropriate, goods or services similar to those undelivered, and the Vendor shall be liable to the BMC for any excess costs for such similar goods or services. However, the Vendor shall continue performance of the contract to the extent not terminated. 32. If a Force Majeure situation ("Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the Vendor and not involving the Supplier's fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to, acts of the BMC in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes) arises, the Vendor shall promptly notify the BMC in writing of such condition and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the BMC in writing, the Vendor shall continue to perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical and shall seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event. 33. The vendor should indicate in detail fail-safe procedure(s) for the following: BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 13 • • • • Power failure Voltage variation Frequency variation Temperature and humidity variations. 34. The payment to the successful bidder shall be made as under: # Payment 1 90% 5% 2 3 5% Condition/Event/Milestone 1. After delivery, verification, installation, demonstration and working condition of items at respective locations 2. Development/customization and testing of software 1. After Satisfaction of BMC technical committee about the performance of machine(s) and repair/replacement (If any) in machine suggested by technical committee. Installation and successful run of developed and customized software. 2. Completion of training of BMC Personnel ( Within 30 days of installation) 1. After warranty + Service period(i.e. Three years ) Additional Commissioner Bhopal Municipal Corporation BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 14 Annexure –A Technical Specification for Hand held Terminals Technical Specifications of Handheld Terminal S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Parameters Micro Processor CPU Speed Flash Memory RAM Memory display Specifications 32 bit ARM9 Core CPU 400 MHz or above 256MB Flash 128 MB RAM ( DDR) Minimum 3.5 inches Touch screen TFT LCD with keypad backlighting 6 Battery Lithium base battery 2.6Ah or above suitable for 12 hours operation. Life: 300 cycles. 7 8 Keyboard Charger Minimum with 31 Keys quarty Keyboard or Similar. +F Keys AC 100V to 240V charger for 3 to 4 hours charging. 9 10 11 SD Card Provision Card Reader Communication SD Card Holder to extend Memory Magnetic swipe card reader GSM/GPRS with SIM card 12 13 14 Camera Printer Cabinet Inbuilt camera Integrated thermal Printer (57 mm width, min 10 lines/Sec). Aesthetically designed ABS & Poly Carbonate plastic housing, with integrated Printer, LCD display, Smart Card reader and Keyboard. 15 Operating Temperature 0 to 55 degree Celsius 16 17 18 Humidity Operating System Data Ports 95% RH, None condensing. Linux 2.6 USB Host & Device, RS-232 & IR Port. 19 Protocol TCP/IP / HTTP /HTTPS 20 Carry Case Leather carry case to house the Handheld Transaction Terminal. 21 Immunity 22 Safety IEC 61000-4-2, Level 3 IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-6, IEC 61000-4-8, IEC 61000-4-9, all Level 4 CE 23 Weight 800 gms or less(with battery) Terminal Side Requirements: • • • • • • Terminal should support open standards OS like Linux environment ( 2.6 and above) Terminal should have both online & offline connectivity as well as batch process capability for transmitting the data from the terminal to the remote host. Terminal should have full IP protocol stack support to facilitate the data transfer from the terminal to the remote host in any form of standard TCP/IP, UDP, and HTTP. It should support minimum of 3DES (in symmetric encryption standards). Provision to attach external USB devices like Bar Code Scanner, Memory devices etc. SIM to Module LOCK BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 15 SPECIFICATION & IMPLEMENTATION APPLICATION SOFTWARE OF HAND HELD MACHINE 1. Integration & customization of HAND HELD MACHINE software according to the present tariff code & supply code specified by the BMC (Bhopal Municipal Corporation) under guidance and supervision of BMC technical team within One Month of provideing supply order (hand held machine). 2. BMC may ask the bidder to develop and customize the one or more applications (Limited to maximum five) for various processes of BMC. 3. The interface design / development / customization shall be done in close co-ordination / guidance and supervision of BMC technical team to meet the owner operational and security requirement. 4. The agency should supply utility software which should be web based for transfer of data / software from/to Windows / DOS / Open Source O.S based desktop to/from Hand Held Machines. This utility software should work on desktop with Windows operating system (including Windows XP & Windows 7)/ Open Source O.S (Linux). The software of this tool should be valid and with proper license to use offered number of HAND HELD MACHINE. Clear copy (soft) of such software shall be supplied with license certificate. 5. Data transferred from / to HAND HELD MACHINE to / from desktop shall be in the form of flat (text format) files. 6. The upload and download of HAND HELD MACHINE with data shall be selective. That is, selected records through any criteria only be down loadable from/to HAND HELD MACHINE to/from desktop. 7. Example: Data of 500 customers who are to be billed and loaded onto HAND HELD MACHINE. But out of these 500 customers only 100 are billed. But out of these 100 Nos., records of 50 consumers were already down loaded. The billed data of the remaining 50 billed customers only shall be transferable from HAND HELD MACHINE to desktop without disturbing data of other customers. 8. Provision should be available for checking the data on HAND HELD MACHINE and identity. • Master (input) data records of customers who are yet to be billed. • Billed data (out put) records of customers who are billed. • Billed (out put) data records of customers who were already billed and which are already down loaded from HAND HELD MACHINE to desktop. 9. Provision should be available to add additional records of customers to the existing records at any stage. Ex: (i) records of 1000 customers are loaded on the HAND HELD MACHINE. (ii) Out of these 1000 Nos. 500 customers were billed and their data was updated. (iii) Out of these 500 records of customers who have already billed 300 records were downloaded to desktop from HAND HELD MACHINE. At this stage it should be possible to add 500 more records of additional customers who are yet to be billed. 10. The bidder should supply HAND HELD MACHINE along with Web Based application software (executable & Source Code) & compiler (if it is not platform independent). The application software should be supplied with clear documentation of all details. All the processes involved should be explained through Source code. The following should necessarily accompany the quotation. BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 16 a) Hard copy of application software. b) Soft copy of (CD or any other media) of application software. c) Pseudo code /Source Code & Executable Code of application software. d) The required compiler to run application if needed. e) The software professional of the agency should be explained of all the details of application software step-by-step. 11. The application software is to be in “C” or any other 3 GL. The application software for Spot Billing is developable on any desktop system ( PC ) with Windows operating system / Open Source O.S. and the executable so formed shall be transferable to HAND HELD MACHINE. If the language of the application software for Spot Billing / Spot Collection is not in any standard 3 GL, then the offer shall include the following, in addition to other conditions stipulated below: a. Manual for such language. b. Training of personnel of BMC on such language. Licensed compiler (licenses and three copies of media with valid document of license c. Provision should be available to modify input and output formats easily. d. Provision should also be available to change components of bill easily. e. Provision should also be available to upload the new version application HAND HELD MACHINE software through Network or other suitable system. f. It shall be possible to load third party software for special applications such as data entry through keyboard of HAND HELD MACHINE, printing and display of balance memory etc. g. All the software shall have to be hardware independent and any changes in Software at a later date shall not be restricted by hardware used in the meter. h. All the communications shall have to be done through open protocol. The bidder shall provide all the details of protocol used for the communication. i. The software professionals of the vendor should explain all details of application software step-by-step. j. Software should be network enabled & take care off all present and future parameters required. k. Software should support data-logging. l. Software should provide a daily collection summary as well as an Overall Summary Report containing the Citizen file downloaded to the unit, total number of services, services billed / unbilled, total amount etc m. The software shall provide 2 levels of Password Protection – Supervisory level for functions of upload, download, time setting n. Bidder shall arrange all the hardware / software / environmental tools required for successful operation of spot billing at places, at his own expense and shall also maintain it for the operational period. o. The above specifications are not final and the successful bidder has to modify the software as and when required during the contract period. BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 17 Quality Standards 12. This specification covers design manufacture, testing and delivery of the materials described as in the tender document. 13. The materials offered should have been successfully tested and the design should be in satisfactory operation for the duration of the contract. 14. All the materials should conform in all respects to highest standards of engineering, design, workmanship, this specification and the latest revisions of relevant Indian / International standards, at the time of offer and the Purchaser should have the power to reject any work or material, which, in his judgment is not in full conformity to the standards specification. All material will be of the best class and will be capable of satisfactory operation under tropical conditions without distortion or deterioration. BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 18 A N N E X U R E –B(1) DECLERATION OF TENDERER I /We hereby declare that I / We read the specifications and all the relevant standards and requirements of the work and that I / We have myself/ ourselves are thoroughly satisfied about the quality, availability and transport facilities for all materials and required for the work on which I / We have based my /our rates for the work. The Specifications, terms & conditions of the contract have been received by me /us well in advance before submitting the tender. I/We am/are prepared to furnish detailed data in support of all my/our rates quoted, if and when called upon to do so without any reservations within (3) days from the date of receipt of communication. Agency: Signature of The Bidder BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 19 Annexure – B(2) Name of Bidder : Postal Address of Bidder : Status of Bidder : OEM /Authorized representative of OEM (In case of authorized representative, kindly attach authorizing OEM authorizing bidder To participate in this particular tender) Authorized person to sign the tender document : Contact details of authorized person : (Including Postal address, Email, Cell No.) Sales Tax/VAT Registration No of Bidder : (Pl Attach copy of certificate) Turnover of Bidding Firm : 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 IT PAN Details of Bidding Firm : (Pl Attach copy of IT PAN Certificate) We read the tender document and agree to comply all terms and conditions of mentioned in document. Signature : Name : Signed in Capacity of : Name of Firm : Rubber Stamp of Firm: BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 20 A N N E X U R E – B(3) I/ We enclosed Demand Draft along with application for tender schedule for the payment of sum of Rs50,000.00 (Rupees fifty thousand only) as Earnest Money Deposit which do not bear any interest. If my/ our tender is not accepted, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be returned to me/ us or my/ our application when intimation is sent to me/ us or rejection or at the expiration of three months after the last date prescribed for the receipt of tenders. If my/out tender is accepted, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be retained by the Corporation as security for the due fulfilment of the contract. If upon written intimation to me/us by the office of the Commissioner, BMC If fail to attend the said office on the date herein fixed or if upon intimation being given to me/ us by the Commissioner, BMC of acceptance my/our tender I/We fail to make the additional security deposit/EMD and to enter into the required agreement as stated in condition of the terms & conditions, then I/We agree to the forfeiture of the Security Deposit. Any notice required to be served on me /us herein under shall be sufficiently served on me /us if delivered to me /us personally or forwarded to me /us by post to (Registered or ordinary) or left at my/our address given herein. Such notice shall if sent by post be deemed to have been served on me/us at the time when in due course of post it would be delivered at the address to which it is sent. I/We fully understand that the written agreement to be entered into between me / us and the Corporation shall be the foundation of the rights of both the parties and the contracts shall not be deemed to be complete until the agreement has first been signed by me/us and then by the proper officer authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of BMC. Name : House No. : Locality : Town/City/post in Pin Code : District : Phone no. : Fax no. : Agency: Signature of the Bidder Seal: BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 21 A N N E X U R E – B(4) A) DETAILS OF Similar MATERIALS SUPPLIED BY THE TENDERER Name of Agency Name of Materials supplied/ No of Units supplied Estimated cost Amount of /Unit Contract Actual amount final bill received or to be received Note: B) The Tenderers may attach a separate sheet if the space left is insufficient. C) Purchase orders from Municipal corporations of India will be given high priority. Agency: Signature of the Bidder Seal: BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 22 A N N E X U R E – B(5) RECORD OF ARBITRATION & LITIGATION. The Tenderer shall record chronologically any disputes he had with any of his previous clients during the last (3) years, indicate whether Arbitration or Litigation, the nature, approximate duration and amount of claim involved in respective cases. Sl. No. Project Name & Description Identification address & Location of the client Nature of disputes Amount claimed Award in favour of Remarks client/ contract Name : Signature : Date : Seal of the Company : Designation : Note : Separate forms shall be submitted to cover details in above format for the individual members of joint venture. BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 23 Annexure -C To Be filled Online only BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Supply of Hand Held Machines Financial Bid NIT No: 3/ BMC/IT/Tender/2014/ Sl. No 1 Item Description Bhopal, Dated: 31 Jan 2014 Make / Model Unit Rate (Rs.) Incl. Taxes Total Amount for 100 Units (Rs.) Incl. Taxes, Freight, delivery, Installation and Warranty/AM C for Total 36 Months Supply, delivery and installation of 100 Hand Held Machines as per specifications fixed by BMC along with development /customization of (max 5 type) Device Software Application, Server Application and Integration with device application for complete item of work etc. with onsite warranty period of 12 months for complete finished item of work (Incl. Taxes) . Above also include the Comprehensive Annual Maintenance (maintaining hardware/software/trouble shooting) Contract for next 24 months after warranty period. At least one Service Engineer should available in our premises for attending daily complaints) Rs In Words Total The All above rates will be inclusive of all taxes. Digitally Signed Document BHOPAL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Page 24
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