2013 Residential WoRkshops - The Shepherd Centre

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2013 Residential Workshops
Workshop Program for deaf & hearing-impaired children aged 0-7 and their families
NSW South Coast
NSW North Coast
Wagga Wagga
2013 Residential Workshops
The Shepherd Centre’s Workshops for parents
and professionals are internationally renowned
for providing educational and practical
information on developing listening and
spoken language in children with hearing loss…
Designed for both families of a child with
hearing loss, and for professionals working
with children with hearing loss, workshop
attendees will benefit from the expertise of
our specialised clinical team, with access to
Listening and Spoken Language Specialists,
Audiologists and Child and Family Counsellors.
In 2013, The Shepherd Centre will host an
extended schedule of Workshops, in Sydney,
the North and South Coasts of NSW, Dubbo
and Wagga Wagga.
The week-long residential program in Sydney
in July offers short courses for parents and
professionals, as well as individual and group
language sessions with children, providing
A focus on ‘take home learning’ provides
families with the resources and strategies
needed to ensure their child’s spoken language
continues to develop and improve.
The Workshop programs are designed
to include the whole family, with sibling
participation encouraged at all levels.
How will my
family benefit?
• Intensive individual
listening and spoken
language therapy
“The best thing about the workshop
was meeting other families, getting
so much access to professionals with
expertise in the area of hearing loss,
an opportunity to reflect on Where to from here?”
Short course topics
ƒƒ Speech development
through listening
ƒƒ Language and play
development through
ƒƒ Goal setting for your child
• Speech and language
ƒƒ Causes of hearing loss
• Consults with child
and family counsellors
ƒƒ Developing literacy for
children of all ages
• Consults with
ƒƒ Techniques to develop
listening and spoken
• Language groups
for children
ƒƒ Assistance with listening
devices and technology
Group Sessions for parents
ƒƒ How to maximise
listening to develop
spoken language
ƒƒ Ways to develop speech
and language through
play and in daily life
ƒƒ Opportunity to meet
other families and share
ideas and strategies
Excursions for families
ƒƒ Developing your child’s
spoken language in
everyday environments
Please turn over...
educational and practical information on
developing listening and spoken language.
This course is complemented by shorter, threeday workshops on the Central and South
Coasts of New South Wales (March 2013), and
in Dubbo and Wagga Wagga (September 2013).
Families may choose to attend either a single
workshop, or multiple workshops throughout
the year.
The workshops are also open to professionals
working with children with hearing loss,
including Teachers of the Deaf, Itinerant
Teachers and other professionals. It is strongly
encouraged that professionals currently
working with attending families join the
family they are working with at the workshop.
To register to attend one of the Residential
Workshops as a parent/guardian or
professional, please complete the form over
the page. Alternatively, if you’d like further
information about our 2013 workshops, please
contact The Shepherd Centre on 02 9351 7888.
391-401 Abercrombie Streetƒ
Darlington NSW 2008
T: 02 9351 7888
W: www.shepherdcentre.org.au
E: [email protected]
Facebook: /ShepherdCentre
Twitter: @ShepherdCentre
Enrol on our website at www.shepherdcentre.org.au or complete the form below and return ƒ
by post, fax or email to: Sharon Hill The Shepherd Centre REPLY PAID PO Box 871 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012 ƒ
T: 02 9351 7888 F: 02 9351 7880 E: [email protected]
Parent/Guardian name(s):
Child’s name:
Child’s name:
Relationship to child/children:
Better Start CRN Number:
Hearing Loss
Device used
Australian Hearing Branch Attended:
Accommodation Required:
from (check-in)
Accommodation Requirements: No. of Adults:
to (check-out)
No. of Children:
Special Dietary Requirements:
2013 Workshop Program Schedule
NSW South Coast – 4-6 March 2013
Dubbo – 2-4 September 2013
Venue: TBC
Venue: TBC
Cost: Minimal cost to families
Cost: Minimal cost to families
Places at the workshop are limited, ƒ
so please register before Friday 8 February 2013.
Places at the workshop are limited, ƒ
so please register before Friday 9 August 2013.
NSW North Coast – 13-15 March 2013
Wagga Wagga – 11-13 September 2013
Venue: TBC
Venue: TBC
Cost: Minimal cost to families
Cost: Minimal cost to families
Places at the workshop are limited, ƒ
so please register before Friday 8 February 2013.
Places at the workshop are limited, ƒ
so please register before Friday 9 August 2013.
Three-day intensive workshop
Three-day intensive workshop
Three-day intensive workshop
Three-day intensive workshop
Sydney – 7-12 July 2013
Five-day annual workshop
Venue: Macquarie, Sydney
Cost: Minimal cost to families
Places at the workshop are limited, ƒ
so please register before Friday 31 May 2013.
The Shepherd Centre wishes to acknowledge the sponsorship of
Westfield’s Community Program, for making this program possible.
The Shepherd Centre Locations:
Darlington | Roseville | Canberra | Wollongong | Liverpool