SHENG HUANG F4, Osquldasv 10, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
(46) 76 413 4173
[email protected]
[email protected]
1. Communication Theory Lab, School of Electrical Engineering, Royal Institute
of Technology (KTH)
PhD Candidate (Oct 2011 – present, Stockholm, Sweden)
2. Dept. of Mathematics, University of Hong Kong (HKU)
M.Phil in Mathematics (Sep 2009 – Sep 2011, Hong Kong)
3. Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics
BSc in Applied Mathematics (Sep 2004 – Jul 2008, Nanjing, China)
Research Interests
(Network) Information Theory; Coding Theory & Ergodic Theory.
Journal Papers:
1. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “Induced transformations of recurrent a.m.s.
dynamical systems,” Stochastics and Dynamics. Accepted for publication.
(Submitted October 2013.)
2. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “Encoding irreducible Markovian functions of sources:
an application of Supremus typicality,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
Submitted June 2013.
3. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “On linear coding over finite rings and applications to
computing,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Submitted October 2012.
Conference Papers:
1. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “Supremus typicality,” in Proc. IEEE ISIT, Honolulu,
USA, June 2014 (to appear).
2. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “On existence of optimal linear encoders over nonfield rings for data compression with application to computing,’’ in Proc. IEEE ITW,
Seville, Spain, Sep 2013.
1 3. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “On achievability of linear source coding over finite
rings,” in Proc. IEEE ISIT, Istanbul, Turkey, Jul 2013.
4. S. Huang, “Encode an arbitrary function of sources with or without memory with
linear coding over finite rings,” in Proc. IEEE ESIT, Ohrid, Macedonia, Apr 2013.
5. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “Computing polynomial functions of correlated
sources: Inner bounds,” in Proc. ISITA, Honolulu, USA, Nov 2012.
6. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “Linear source coding over rings and applications,” in
Proc. IEEE Swe-CTW, Lund, Sweden, Oct 2012.
7. S. Huang and M. Skoglund, “Polynomials and computing functions of correlated
sources,” in Proc. IEEE ISIT, Boston, USA, Jul 2012.
8. S. Huang, “An algebraic approach to coding for computing,” in Proc. IEEE ESIT,
Antalya, Turkey, Apr 2012.
Teaching Duties
1. Digital Communications (Teaching Assistant, Royal Institute of Technology,
2012 & 2013)
2. Fundamentals of Network Coding (Teaching Assistant, Royal Institute of
Technology, 2012)
3. Differential Equations (Teaching Assistant, University of Hong Kong, 2010 &
4. Probability Theory (Teaching Assistant, University of Hong Kong, 2010)
Important Academic Honors
Aug 2013
Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse (Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Trust)
May 2013
Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse (Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Trust)
Mar 2012
KTH-EE Program of Excellence (1 000 000 SEK / 120 000 EURO)
Sep 2010
HKU Postgraduate Studentship
Sep 2009
HKU Postgraduate Studentship
Jun 2008
Prize for Outstanding Graduate
Jun 2008
First-Grade Scholarship for Excellent Academic Performance
Jun 2008
Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Student (2007 – 2008 academic
year) Oct 2007
Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship (2006 – 2007
academic year)
2 Oct 2007
Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Student (2006 – 2007 academic
Oct 2007
Second-Grade Scholarship for Excellent Academic Performance
Undergraduate Students’ Mathematical Contest in Modeling
Nov 2006
Science and Technology Innovation Scholarship (2005 – 2006
academic year)
Nov 2006
Third-Grade Scholarship for Excellent Academic Performance
Nov 2005
First-Grade Scholarship for Excellent Academic Performance
Nov 2005
Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Student (2004 – 2005 academic
year) Academic Records
Undergraduate GPA
92.4/100 (Major)
A (Top 1 out of 73 in Dept. of Applied Mathematics)
Postgraduate All examinations pass (HKU & KTH give no grade for M.Phil & PhD level
Work Experience
Compal Information on Research and Development (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. (Apr 2008
– May 2009) Member of the Advance Software Center
Member of the System Integration Team
Member of Project Team of MID & SoC (System on Chipset)
Programmer of a suite of test programs and self-diagnose tools
Software porting and cross compilations
Programming Skills
C, Java, Linux script, Matlab, Mathematica, Latex
1. In charge of project A Survey of the Development and Market Potential of 3G
Technology in China which belonged to an undergraduate students’ training
program founded by the government (Jul 2007 – Apr 2008) 3 2. Contributor of open source community, Launchpad, sponsored by Canonical
Ltd. (2008 – 2009)
Language Skills
English (fluent)
Chinese: Mandarin (native); Cantonese (native)
Watches; music; playing piano; playing video games; travel.
Prof. Mikael Skoglund (PhD supervisor)
School of Electrical Engineering
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected]
(46) 8 790 8430