Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMINT OF EDUCATION REGION TV-A CALABARZON Gate 2, Karangalan Village, Cainta Rizal Email: : ' ,. .l r., Fax: (02) 642 2l\4 MEMORANDUM TO THE SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS Divisions of Batangas Province, Cavite Province, Quezon, Antipolo City, Batangas City, Calamba City, Cavite City, Dasmariflas City, Bacoor City, lmus City, Lipa City, Lucena Clty, San Pablo City, M. SAN ANTONIO FROM Director SUBJECT TRAINING OF FACILITATORS (TOF) FOR CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) DATE June 5, 20'14 ln line with the Total Quality Management (TQM) initiatives to capacitate region/division and school level leaders and personnel, a Training of Facilitators (ToF) for Continuous lmprovement Program (ClP) will be conducted on July 30-August 1,2014 at NEAP CALABARZON, Malvar, Batangas. This training aims the participants to 1. gain an in-depth understanding on the following a. TQM principles, tools and methods and b. c. d. 2. 3. 4. how these can be applied in an SBM context; to process KPls, process that will achieve KPI targets. mapping and implementing the "Triple A" Process lmprovement Methodology and project documentation. CI programs that supports the broader DepED reforms especially with regards to School Based Management (SBM) process management, translating learners needs ideniify priority school-based processes for CY project initiatives the "Triple A" Process lmprovement Methodology and project documentation apply process simplification and visual management in improving processes develop a change management plan and personal commitment to the challenge of the DepED Vision and Mission hrt-vrd. lollp)-r L/roll! tl 12,( Participants to this 3-day training will be the following 1. Continuous lmprovement Program Focal Person (preferably Assistant Schools Division Superintendent) who will assist the SDS in the Cl program implementaiion ( 1 per division) 2. All regional key officials and education program supervisors who will compose the Regional CIP team They are expected to be in the venue on July 30, 2014 at 7.00 AM The opening program will commence at 8:00 AM. The first meal to be served is Breakfast and the last meal will be dinner of the last scheduled day Travelling expenses relative to this activity shall be charged against local funds while board and lodging of the participants, supplies and materials, honoraria of speakers and other incidental expenses shall be charged against regional funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. For clarifications and/or confirmation of participants, please call Planning Unit at telephone no. O2-647 5964 c/o Ms. Melna R. Albano. lmmediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned desired Troininq ond DeVelopmenl is TRA|NTNG OF TRATNORS/FAC|UTATORS coNTINUOUS EDUCATTON PROGRAM (Crpl llame o{ Pard.ipanb 1 Dr. Diosdado M. San Antonio ReeionalDrrector 2 Dr. Eeatri? Torno L !ub-total 2 Cuni.ulum & Learninr Mat rials Dlvision tri.o M. Habiian 4 Chief . Education Prosram SuDervisor 1 tducation Proeram Suoervisor 1 5 1 Dominador villafria 1 8 iob 5. Zape, Jr. 1 9 1 10 Elaine Balaogan 1 11 1 12 1 Sub total 10 Field & Technical Assisbnce 13 t4 Andrea Mabelle Abrencillo Education Proqram SuDervisor Edscation Proaram 5upervisor Education Proaram Supervisor 15 sub-total 1 1 1 3 Quality Assuranc€ Oivision Education Program superuisor Education Prosram Supervisor 16 Edenia O. Libranda 77 Lourdes Catolico 18 Danilo llasan Education Prosram Supe0isor Education Proeram SuDervisor 1 4 Sub-total Educ.tion Support Serviccs Division 20 Edu.ation 21 Education Proeram SuDervisor Education Prosram Suoervisor 2) P roEram Suoen/isot Sub'total Poli.v, Planniu and ReseaEh Divisior 1 3 senior Education Proqram specialist 23 ?4 Education Prosram Supervisor ') 5ub-total Human Resourre Devclopmenl Division )5 )6 tducation Prosram Supervisor Education Prosram Supervisor 2 Administrativ. Support )l Ann Geralyn T. Pelias 2A Mariies GIoria 29 Aris Delson Acay Cawilan 30 Nancy Dizon 31 Anselina Mendiola Ch€l Admrnrstrative Otf'cer (Adm) chief Ad m inistrative Officer lBudset) LegalOfficer lrl 1 Administrative Oflicer V Administrative OfficerV Administrative Officer V 33 Virginia Bagacay sub'total 34 Ronaldo V. Polancos 1 1 Human capitalAsia 35 l 3€ 1 5ub-total 38 Batangas Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Carlito Rocafort 31 Batangas ld€ntified 39 Bataneas Citv Asst. Schools Division superintendent 1 40 Calamba City Asst. 5chools Division Superintendent 1 41 Asst. 5chools Dvisron 5uperintendent 1 'dentified ldentified ldentifi€d CIP Focal Person CIP focal Perlon CIP focal Person CIP Focal Person TRA|NTNG OF TRATNORS/FACTUTATORS coNTINUOUS EDUCATTON PROGRAM (Ctpl Namc of Participants 47 43 Rizrl M Session Guide Writer cloria Roqu€ Rizal Dr. Marites lbaner 45 Laguna 46 Laguna 47 Lipa City 48 San Pablo Crty To be identified bysDs lbanez Asst. Schools Division SuDerintendent ldentified ldentified ldentified ldentified ldentified ldentified ldentified ldentified ldentified ldentified Asst. 5chools Divisron 5upenntendent Asst. Schoo15 Division 5upenntendent 49 50 Antipolo city Cavite City Asst. S.hools Division 5upenntendent Asst. srhooh Division 5uoerintendent arst S.hools DrvEon SLrperintendenr Bacoor City Asst. Schools Divrsion Superintend€nt lmus City Asst. 5chools Divrsion Supenntendent 51 Cavite Asst. 5chools Divrsion Superiniendent Asst. Schools Division 5uperintendent 56 auezon 57 auezon Anqelina castillo 1 5a auezon CIP Pehon clP Focal Person clP rocal Person CIP Focal Person clP Focal Person CIP Focal Person CIP Focal Person clP Focal Person clP rocal Person CIP Focal Person Session G!,de Writer S€rsion G!ide Writer 60 Asst. Schools Divi!ion 5uperintendent Epifania carandans 61 Asst. Schools Division Superintendent 59 Lucena Citv Grard Total ldentified CIP Focal Person Session Guid€ Writer ldentified )s 6t CIP Focal Person
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