HP NonStop Cluster I/O Protocols (CIP) Configuration and Management Manual HP Part Number: 541613-024 Published: March 2014 Edition: J06.05 and subsequent J-series RVUs; H06.16 and subsequent H-series RVUs © Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Legal Notice Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor’s standard commercial license. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Export of the information contained in this publication may require authorization from the U.S. Department of Commerce. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel, Pentium, and Celeron are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Java is a U.S. trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Motif, OSF/1, UNIX, X/Open, and the "X" device are registered trademarks, and IT DialTone and The Open Group are trademarks of The Open Group in the U.S. and other countries. Open Software Foundation, OSF, the OSF logo, OSF/1, OSF/Motif, and Motif are trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. OSF MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THE OSF MATERIAL PROVIDED HEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. OSF shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. © 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. The OSF documentation and the OSF software to which it relates are derived in part from materials supplied by the following:© 1987, 1988, 1989 Carnegie-Mellon University. © 1989, 1990, 1991 Digital Equipment Corporation. © 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990 Encore Computer Corporation. © 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc. © 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Hewlett-Packard Company. © 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 International Business Machines Corporation. © 1988, 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. © 1988, 1989, 1990 Mentat Inc. © 1988 Microsoft Corporation. © 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 SecureWare, Inc. © 1990, 1991 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG. © 1986, 1989, 1996, 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. © 1989, 1990, 1991 Transarc Corporation.OSF software and documentation are based in part on the Fourth Berkeley Software Distribution under license from The Regents of the University of California. OSF acknowledges the following individuals and institutions for their role in its development: Kenneth C.R.C. Arnold, Gregory S. Couch, Conrad C. Huang, Ed James, Symmetric Computer Systems, Robert Elz. © 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Regents of the University of California. Contents About This Document...................................................................................13 Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs)................................................................................13 Intended Audience..................................................................................................................13 New and Changed Information................................................................................................13 New and Changed Information in the 541613-024 Edition.......................................................13 New and Changed information in the 541613-023 Edition.......................................................13 New and Changed Information in the 541613-022 Edition.......................................................14 New and Changed Information in Previous Editions................................................................15 Notation Conventions..............................................................................................................22 General Syntax Notation....................................................................................................22 Notation for Messages.......................................................................................................23 Related Information.................................................................................................................25 Related Documents.............................................................................................................25 Linux Man Page Documentation and Help.............................................................................25 Glossary...........................................................................................................................25 Publishing History...................................................................................................................25 HP Encourages Your Comments................................................................................................26 1 Overview................................................................................................27 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Compliance.............................................................................27 CIP Hardware Overview..........................................................................................................27 CIP NonStop Host System Software Overview............................................................................28 NonStop Host System Management.....................................................................................28 CIP CLIM Software Overview...................................................................................................29 CLIM Management............................................................................................................29 Persistence........................................................................................................................31 The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP)..........................................................................31 IP Protocols.......................................................................................................................32 Telco Protocols...................................................................................................................32 Multiple CLIMs per Provider................................................................................................32 Multiple Providers per CLIM................................................................................................33 Using Multiple Providers.....................................................................................................34 Using Multiple SWAN Paths in a Single Provider...................................................................34 Using Multiple Listeners with Round Robin Sockets..................................................................34 Routing in the CIP Subsystem...............................................................................................34 Failover in the CIP Subsystem...............................................................................................36 Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)...........................................................................................48 Name Resolution...............................................................................................................50 SNMP Support..................................................................................................................51 IP CLIM............................................................................................................................51 CIP iptables/ip6tables Support (climiptables)........................................................................55 IB CLIM............................................................................................................................56 The CIP Subsystem for Storage I/O (Storage CIP) and the Storage Subsystem.................................57 Storage CLIM....................................................................................................................58 Subsystem ID and Product Numbers..........................................................................................59 Capacity and Resource Use.....................................................................................................60 Restrictions........................................................................................................................60 2 Quick Start..............................................................................................62 Default Processes and Naming Conventions...............................................................................62 Change the CLIM Passwords....................................................................................................64 Configure and Start CIP...........................................................................................................65 Contents 3 Configure the Eth1 Through Eth5 Interfaces (Does Not Apply to Storage CIP)..................................65 Configure CLIM-To-CLIM Failover (Applies to IP CIP Only, Not Storage CIP)....................................66 Check Network Applications (Does Not Apply to Storage CIP).....................................................68 3 CIP Configuration and Management...........................................................69 Using Linux Commands and Custom CIP Commands...................................................................69 Entering CIP Commands..........................................................................................................71 Errors...............................................................................................................................72 Configuring CIP......................................................................................................................72 On the NonStop Host System..............................................................................................72 On the CLIM.....................................................................................................................81 Policy Based Routing...............................................................................................................81 Troubleshooting Routing......................................................................................................85 Displaying the CIP Configuration..............................................................................................86 On the NonStop Host System..............................................................................................86 On the CLIM.....................................................................................................................86 Displaying Man Pages for CIP Commands.................................................................................93 Monitoring CIP.......................................................................................................................94 On the NonStop Host System..............................................................................................94 On the CLIM.....................................................................................................................94 Configuring Bonded Interface Failover (IP CIP)............................................................................94 Configuring CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP).................................................................................95 Replicating the Configurations from One CLIM to Another CLIM....................................................99 Using the CLIMCMD /IN/ run-option...................................................................................99 Starting and Restarting CIP....................................................................................................100 Starting CIP on the NonStop Host System............................................................................100 Starting CIP on the CLIM...................................................................................................101 Starting the IP Applications (IP CIP Only).............................................................................101 Restarting CIP on the NonStop Host System.........................................................................102 Restarting CIP on the CLIM................................................................................................102 Controlling Interface States (IP CIP).........................................................................................102 Activating an Interface......................................................................................................102 Deactivating an Interface..................................................................................................103 Configuring IPSec (IP CIP)......................................................................................................104 Installing X.509 Certificates...............................................................................................104 Setting Up Links to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and to the Certificate Authority (CA).......105 Configuring Pre-Shared Keys.............................................................................................105 Configuring Security Policies..............................................................................................105 Configuring Security Associations.......................................................................................106 Configuring Remote Information.........................................................................................106 Controlling the Virtual Private Network (VPN)......................................................................107 Using IPSec.....................................................................................................................107 Configuring Transport of Authentication Events from CLIM..........................................................108 Checking the Status of the Collector $ZCLA ........................................................................108 Starting the Collector........................................................................................................108 Adding the Collector........................................................................................................108 Viewing the Events in the Collector $ZCLA..........................................................................108 Retrieving the Events from the $ZCLA by an Application........................................................109 Deleting the Collector.......................................................................................................109 Configuring CIP iptables/ip6tables (IP CIP)..............................................................................109 Configuring climiptables...................................................................................................109 Configuring iptables/ip6tables..........................................................................................110 Examples........................................................................................................................110 Configuring Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) (IP and Telco CIP).................................112 Round-Robin Filtering.............................................................................................................112 4 Contents Logging Messages................................................................................................................113 Configuring IPv6 (IP CIP).......................................................................................................113 Running Applications in Multiple Environments (IP CIP)..............................................................113 Managing the Configuration Preservation................................................................................113 Managing the Configuration Database on the NonStop Host System......................................114 Managing Persistence on the NonStop Host System..............................................................114 Managing the CLIM Configuration Preservation...................................................................114 Planning for Coexistence With Conventional TCP/IP (IP CIP Only)...............................................116 Stopping CIP........................................................................................................................116 Preparing to Stop the CIP Subsystem...................................................................................116 Stopping CIP...................................................................................................................118 Monitoring the Network (IP CIP).............................................................................................119 Testing Access to Internet Network Hosts by Using the Ping Command (IP CIP)..............................119 Displaying a Datagram’s Route to a Network Host by Using Traceroute...................................119 Event Management System (EMS) Messages........................................................................119 Troubleshooting Tools and Tips...............................................................................................119 CLIMCMD clim Command................................................................................................120 Event Logging..................................................................................................................121 Detecting Duplicate IP Addresses.......................................................................................122 Displaying Link Speed......................................................................................................122 Verifying the lunmgr Configuration of Two Storage CLIMs......................................................122 Tip: Finding an Available UDP Port (IP CIP Only)..................................................................125 CLIM and Host Incompatibility...........................................................................................125 Troubleshooting Network Applications Using Tcpdump.........................................................126 Mapping CLIM Name......................................................................................................128 Setting Up Multiple Providers per CLIM....................................................................................129 Enabling the MULTIPROV Attribute......................................................................................129 Disabling the MULTIPROV Attribute.....................................................................................130 Changing Providers, Adding and Starting a CLIM (IP and Telco Only).........................................130 CLIMs with MULTIPROV OFF..............................................................................................130 CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON..............................................................................................131 4 Upgrading CIP.......................................................................................133 Performing an Online Upgrade of the CIP Subsystem on the NonStop Host..................................133 Replace CIPMON (Only)..................................................................................................133 Replace CIPMAN (Only)...................................................................................................134 Replace CIPMAN and CIPMON Simultaneously..................................................................134 Replace CIPSAM.............................................................................................................135 Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware.................................................................................135 Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic................136 Upgrading CLIM Software with the System Running..............................................................136 Upgrading CLIM Firmware with the System Running..............................................................150 Upgrading Multiple CLIMs in Parallel..................................................................................160 Upgrading Multiple CLIMs of Different Types.......................................................................165 Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down .............................................165 Overview of Optimized CLIM Software and Firmware Update Procedure.................................166 Prepare CLIMs for Down System Firmware Update................................................................166 Halt the Processors...........................................................................................................166 Update CLIM Software on a Down System..........................................................................166 Update CLIM Firmware on a Down System..........................................................................167 Load the System...............................................................................................................168 Falling Back to Conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6........................................................168 Falling Back to Conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6...................................................168 Falling Back to Previous RVUs that Support the Multiple Providers per CLIM Feature.......................169 Falling Back to a Previous CLIM Version...................................................................................169 Contents 5 5 LUN Manager for Storage CIP.................................................................170 Lunmgr Commands...............................................................................................................170 approve Command..........................................................................................................170 Binaryfind Command.......................................................................................................170 Clear Command..............................................................................................................170 Delete Command.............................................................................................................170 Enclosures Command.......................................................................................................171 Find Command................................................................................................................171 Help Command...............................................................................................................171 Led Command.................................................................................................................171 Print Command................................................................................................................172 Renumber Command........................................................................................................172 Scan Command...............................................................................................................172 Startover Command.........................................................................................................172 Unblock Command..........................................................................................................172 Update Command...........................................................................................................172 WWNs Command..........................................................................................................173 6 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences........................174 Summary of High-Level Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP.........................174 Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP........................................175 SLSA Subsystem...............................................................................................................181 Network Partitioning Differences........................................................................................182 Routing Differences..........................................................................................................182 Failover Differences (Fault Tolerance)..................................................................................183 Differences That Affect Planning for CLIMs Instead of G4SAs.................................................183 IPv6 Differences...............................................................................................................183 Fault Tolerant Sockets.......................................................................................................183 Remote Sockets................................................................................................................184 New Error Codes when Using IPSec...................................................................................184 Avoiding Interfaces With Link Pulse Down...........................................................................184 Error on Sockets When CIPSAM Process Aborts...................................................................186 Connecting to Non-Loopback Address after Binding to Loopback...........................................186 CIPSAM Commands.........................................................................................................186 Configuring SWAN Adapters on a CLIM............................................................................187 Application Programming Differences Between NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP.................................188 Suppressing Compatibility Errors........................................................................................188 Bind to INADDR_ANY and a Specific Address on the Same Interface.....................................188 Changing Destination of a Connected UDP Socket...............................................................189 Multicast Bind and Set or Join on Separate Interfaces...........................................................189 Multicast Loopback..........................................................................................................189 Receiving Broadcasts on Specific Addresses........................................................................189 Error after UDP Send to Unreachable Port...........................................................................189 Conversion of Limited Broadcast to Subnet-Directed Broadcast...............................................190 Binding to a Recently Used Address and Port.......................................................................190 Round-Robin Socket Support Considerations........................................................................190 Socket IOCTL Differences..................................................................................................190 Socket Options................................................................................................................191 TCP/IP Attributes in CIP.........................................................................................................193 NonStop TCP/IPv6 Attributes and Their CIP Equivalents........................................................194 Attribute Default Values and Ranges...................................................................................199 NonStop TCP/IPv6 Attributes Not Supported.......................................................................201 How to Migrate From NonStop TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6 to CIP...........................................203 Migrate the Environment...................................................................................................203 6 Contents 7 Storage CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences...............204 8 Collecting Data for CLIM Issues................................................................206 Create CLIM Debug Information.............................................................................................206 CLIM Log Files......................................................................................................................206 Collecting CLIM Log Files using CLIMDBUG.............................................................................206 OSM Event Viewer Log for CIP Event 5231..........................................................................209 Copying CLIM Debug Information to NonStop..........................................................................209 Collecting iLO and IML Logs...................................................................................................211 Collecting lunmgr Information.................................................................................................213 Collecting EMS Logs.............................................................................................................213 Collecting SCF Information.....................................................................................................213 Collecting Network Information..............................................................................................214 Collecting SSH Information....................................................................................................214 Collecting IB Network Status..................................................................................................214 9 Telco CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences...................215 10 SCF Reference for CIP...........................................................................216 SCF for Cluster I/O Protocols.................................................................................................216 SCF Commands for CIPMAN Compared to SCF Commands for CIPSAM.....................................216 Object Types........................................................................................................................217 CIPMAN PROCESS Object................................................................................................218 CIPSAM Object...............................................................................................................219 MON Object..................................................................................................................219 CLIM Object...................................................................................................................219 PROVIDER Object............................................................................................................219 ROUTE Object.................................................................................................................220 SUBNET Object...............................................................................................................220 Naming Convention Summary................................................................................................220 Wildcard Support.................................................................................................................221 Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................221 Summary States....................................................................................................................222 Sensitive and Nonsensitive Commands....................................................................................223 SCF HELP Facility..................................................................................................................223 LISTDEV CIP and LISTDEV TCPIP..............................................................................................224 CIPMAN SCF Commands......................................................................................................224 ABORT Commands..........................................................................................................224 ADD Commands..............................................................................................................226 ALTER Command.............................................................................................................231 DELETE Commands..........................................................................................................233 INFO Commands............................................................................................................235 LISTOPENS Commands.....................................................................................................243 NAMES Commands.........................................................................................................248 PRIMARY Command.........................................................................................................251 START Commands............................................................................................................251 STATS Commands............................................................................................................252 STATUS Commands..........................................................................................................257 STOP Commands.............................................................................................................272 SWITCH CLIM.................................................................................................................273 TRACE Commands...........................................................................................................275 VERSION Commands.......................................................................................................279 CIPSAM SCF Commands.......................................................................................................281 ABORT Command, CIPSAM..............................................................................................281 INFO Commands, CIPSAM...............................................................................................281 NAMES SUBNET, CIPSAM................................................................................................286 Contents 7 PRIMARY Command, CIPSAM...........................................................................................287 STATUS Command, CIPSAM..............................................................................................287 STOP Command, CIPSAM.................................................................................................288 TRACE Command, CIPSAM...............................................................................................288 VERSION Command, CIPSAM...........................................................................................289 11 CLIMCMD and CLIMCMD climconfig Commands (Man Pages)...................290 1 Standalone Commands (Man Pages)........................................................291 clim(1).................................................................................................................................292 climstatus(1).........................................................................................................................294 ifstart(1)...............................................................................................................................296 ifstop(1)...............................................................................................................................297 prov(1p)..............................................................................................................................298 psclim(1)..............................................................................................................................300 2 Climconfig (Man Pages)..........................................................................301 climconfig(1)........................................................................................................................302 climconfig.all(1)....................................................................................................................303 climconfig.arp(1)...................................................................................................................304 climconfig.bondmode(1)........................................................................................................306 climconfig.climiptables(1).......................................................................................................308 climconfig.failover(1).............................................................................................................310 climconfig.hostname(1)..........................................................................................................313 climconfig.interface(1)............................................................................................................314 climconfig.ip(1).....................................................................................................................321 climconfig.ip6tables(1)...........................................................................................................324 climconfig.iptables(1).............................................................................................................336 climconfig.prov(1).................................................................................................................347 climconfig.psk(1)...................................................................................................................349 climconfig.remote(1)..............................................................................................................351 climconfig.route(1).................................................................................................................356 climconfig.sa(1)....................................................................................................................362 climconfig.slaveinterface(1).....................................................................................................368 climconfig.snmp(1)................................................................................................................370 climconfig.sp(1)....................................................................................................................372 climconfig.sysctl(1).................................................................................................................376 climconfig.tunnel(1)...............................................................................................................378 climconfig.vpn(1)..................................................................................................................381 A SCF Error Messages...............................................................................383 B Fault Codes...........................................................................................401 Index.......................................................................................................416 8 Contents Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 OSM Service Connection displays for CIP...........................................................................31 Distribution of Functionality in the CIP Subsystem..................................................................32 Multiple CLIMs per Provider, Example Configuration.............................................................33 Multiple Providers per CLIM, Example Configuration.............................................................34 Intra-CLIM Interface Failover..............................................................................................37 CLIM-to-CLIM Failover, Single Interface...............................................................................38 Full CLIM Failover............................................................................................................39 DL385 G2 or G5 IP CLIM Interfaces, Five Copper Interfaces..................................................52 DL380 G6 IP CLIM, Five Copper Interfaces.........................................................................52 DL385 G2 or G5 IP CLIM Interfaces, Three Copper, Two Fiber Channel Interfaces....................53 DL380 G6 IP CLIM Three Copper, Two Fiber Interfaces.........................................................53 DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM 1 Interfaces — Five Copper Ethernet Interfaces....................................54 DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM and Telco CLIM Interfaces, Option 2 Three Copper, Two Optical Interfaces........................................................................................................................55 DL 380 G6 IB CLIM 2 InfiniBand Interfaces, Three Copper Ethernet Ports................................56 DL385 G2 or G5 Storage CLIM Interfaces..........................................................................58 DL380 G6 Storage CLIM Interfaces....................................................................................58 DL380p Gen8 Storage CLIM Interfaces...............................................................................59 Bound Socket Problem Configuration Without Policy Based Routing........................................82 Bound Socket Problem Configuration With Policy Based Routing.............................................83 Server Socket Problem Configuration Without Policy Based Routing........................................84 Server Socket Problem Configuration With Policy Based Routing.............................................85 Configuration State..........................................................................................................98 Configuration State..........................................................................................................99 Two Interfaces Connected To The Same Subnet..................................................................185 Two CLIMs Connected to the Same Subnet........................................................................186 CIP SCF Object Hierarchy...............................................................................................218 Tables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Interface Resource Failover Behavior...................................................................................40 Interface Type for Failover Behavior....................................................................................42 CLIM-to-CLIM Failover.......................................................................................................43 CLIM and Attached Storage Device Default Naming Conventions...........................................62 Sample Safe Linux Commands...........................................................................................69 Custom CIP Commands....................................................................................................71 Sample CLIM upgrade form, all types...............................................................................138 Sample populated Storage CLIM upgrade form..................................................................141 Sample populated IP CLIM upgrade form..........................................................................144 Sample populated Telco CLIM upgrade form.....................................................................146 Firmware Update Time Estimates and Calculation Form.......................................................154 Sample populated Storage CLIM group upgrade form........................................................161 Sample populated IP CLIM group upgrade form.................................................................164 Sample populated Telco CLIM group upgrade form............................................................164 Sample populated IP CLIM group upgrade form.................................................................165 High-Level Differences Between Conventional TCP/IP, Parallel Library TCP/IP, NonStop TCP/IPv6, and CIP........................................................................................................................174 Subsystem Task Comparison............................................................................................176 Differences in Socket Options Defaults..............................................................................193 TCP/IP Attribute Default Values and Ranges.......................................................................199 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 TCP/IP Attributes, CIP Equivalents, and their CIP Default Values and Ranges..........................200 IOAM and CLIM Based Operations Comparison................................................................204 CLIM Based Operations Information.................................................................................205 IOAM and Telco CLIM Based Operations Comparison........................................................215 Commands and Object Types for CIPMAN........................................................................217 Commands and Object Types for CIPSAM.........................................................................217 Object Naming Convention Summary and Reserved Names ...............................................220 Command and Object Type Abbreviations........................................................................222 Object Summary States .................................................................................................222 Object State Descriptions................................................................................................222 Sensitive and Nonsensitive SCF Commands.......................................................................223 Examples 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Configure Failover for the CLIMs........................................................................................66 Climstatus Command ServerNet Status Information, IP and Telco CLIM....................................87 Climstatus Command ServerNet Status Information, Storage CLIM..........................................88 Climstatus Command Ethernet LAN Status (IP and Telco CLIM)...............................................88 Climstatus Command IP Routing Table Information (IP and Telco CLIM) (J06.10/H06.21 and later RVUs)......................................................................................................................89 Climstatus Command IP Routing Table Information (IP and Telco CLIM) (RVUs prior to J06.10/H06.21...............................................................................................................90 Climstatus Command Hard Disk Space Usage.....................................................................91 Climstatus Command Failover Configuration (IP CIP).............................................................91 Climstatus Command IPSec Configuration (IP and Telco CLIM)...............................................91 Climstatus Command SNMP Information.............................................................................92 Climstatus Command CLIM Configuration...........................................................................92 psclim Command.............................................................................................................93 CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP)............................................................................................95 Ethtool Link Speed Display..............................................................................................122 Using tcpdump..............................................................................................................126 Enabling MULTIPROV.....................................................................................................129 Disabling MULTIPROV.....................................................................................................130 Changing Providers........................................................................................................131 Changing Providers or Adding New Providers...................................................................131 Collect Debug Data From Single CLIM..............................................................................208 Collect Debug Data From Multiple CLIMs..........................................................................208 Using Help to Obtain Information About an Error...............................................................223 ABORT CLIM.................................................................................................................224 ABORT MON................................................................................................................225 ABORT PROCESS...........................................................................................................226 ABORT PROVIDER..........................................................................................................226 ADD IP CLIM.................................................................................................................228 ADD Storage CLIM........................................................................................................228 ADD PROVIDER.............................................................................................................230 ADD ROUTE.................................................................................................................231 ALTER CLIM With MULTIPROV ON...................................................................................232 ALTER PROVIDER...........................................................................................................233 DELETE CLIM.................................................................................................................233 DELETE PROVIDER..........................................................................................................234 DELETE ROUTE..............................................................................................................235 INFO CLIM With Summary Display, NonStop NS16000 Series Server..................................235 INFO CLIM, Summary....................................................................................................236 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 INFO CLIM, Detailed, IP CLIM.........................................................................................236 INFO CLIM Detailed, Telco CLIM, OPEN MODE................................................................237 INFO CLIM Detailed, Storage..........................................................................................238 INFO CLIM With OBEYFORM Display..............................................................................238 INFO PROCESS Summary...............................................................................................238 INFO PROVIDER Summary Display..................................................................................239 INFO PROVIDER With Detailed Display............................................................................239 INFO PROVIDER (Maintenance) Detailed..........................................................................241 INFO PROVIDER (Maintenance) With OBEYFORM.............................................................241 INFO PROVIDER (IPDATA) With OBEYFORM.....................................................................242 INFO PROVIDER (ZTCO) With OBEYFORM.......................................................................242 INFO ROUTE Summary..................................................................................................242 INFO ROUTE With OBEYFORM......................................................................................243 LISTOPENS MON Summary............................................................................................243 LISTOPENS MON Detailed.............................................................................................244 LISTOPENS PROVIDER Summary......................................................................................246 LISTOPENS PROVIDER Detailed.......................................................................................246 NAMES $ZZCIP............................................................................................................249 NAMES CLIM................................................................................................................249 NAMES MON..............................................................................................................249 NAMES PROCESS.........................................................................................................250 NAMES PROVIDER........................................................................................................250 NAMES ROUTE.............................................................................................................251 PRIMARY PROCESS........................................................................................................251 START CLIM..................................................................................................................252 START PROCESS............................................................................................................252 START PROVIDER...........................................................................................................252 STATS CLIM...................................................................................................................253 STATS MON.................................................................................................................255 STATUS CLIM Summary..................................................................................................257 STATUS CLIM Detailed....................................................................................................258 STATUS CLIM Detailed....................................................................................................258 STATUS CLIM, Starting....................................................................................................264 STATUS CLIM, Detailed, Storage CLIM..............................................................................264 STATUS MON Summary.................................................................................................265 STATUS MON Detailed...................................................................................................266 STATUS PROCESS Summary............................................................................................266 STATUS PROCESS Detailed.............................................................................................267 STATUS PROVIDER Summary...........................................................................................267 STATUS PROVIDER Detail................................................................................................268 STATUS Maintenance PROVIDER Detail.............................................................................270 STATUS PROVIDER Route.................................................................................................271 STOP CLIM...................................................................................................................272 STOP MON..................................................................................................................272 STOP PROCESS.............................................................................................................273 STOP PROVIDER............................................................................................................273 SWITCH CLIM...............................................................................................................274 SWITCH CLIM RESTORE.................................................................................................274 TRACE CLIM.................................................................................................................277 TRACE MON................................................................................................................277 TRACE PROCESS...........................................................................................................278 TRACE PROVIDER..........................................................................................................279 VERSION CLIM Summary, IP...........................................................................................279 VERSION CLIM Detailed, IP............................................................................................280 VERSION MON Summary..............................................................................................280 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 VERSION MON Detailed................................................................................................281 VERSION PROCESS.......................................................................................................281 ABORT PROCESS...........................................................................................................281 INFO PROCESS (CIPSAM) Summary................................................................................282 INFO PROCESS (CIPSAM) Detailed..................................................................................282 INFO SUBNET (CIPSAM)................................................................................................285 INFO SUBNET Detailed..................................................................................................286 NAMES SUBNET (CIPSAM).............................................................................................286 PRIMARY PROCESS (CIPSAM).........................................................................................287 STATUS SUBNET (CIPSAM)..............................................................................................287 STOP PROCESS (CIPSAM)...............................................................................................288 TRACE PROCESS (CIPSAM).............................................................................................289 VERSION PROCESS.......................................................................................................289 About This Document This manual provides overview information about the HP NonStopTM™ Cluster I/O Protocols (CIP) subsystem as well as procedures for configuring, managing, and migrating to CIP. Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs) This manual supports J06.05 and H06.16 and subsequent J-series and H-series RVUs until otherwise indicated in a replacement publication. Intended Audience This manual is intended for network and storage administrators who need procedures for installing and managing the CIP subsystem on an HP Integrity NonStop system; system planners and other decision makers can also use this manual to study the CIP product and the migration requirements for using CIP. New and Changed Information New and Changed Information in the 541613-024 Edition • In Chapter 1, updated “Using Multiple SWAN Paths in a Single Provider” with details about configuration under “Using Multiple Providers” (page 34). • In Chapter 3, corrected syntax in “Adding the Collector” under “Configuring Transport of Authentication Events from CLIM” (page 108). • In Chapter 3, updated “climbkup and climrstr Considerations” (page 115) with additional information. • In Chapter 4, updated “Estimating Time for CLIM Firmware Updates” (page 154) and “Performing CLIM Firmware Updates with the System Running” (page 155) to clarify steps. New and Changed information in the 541613-023 Edition • Corrected Figure 12: DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM 1 Interfaces — Five Copper Ethernet Interfaces (page 54). • Updated climconfig.interface(1) with clearer syntax diagram. Supported Release Version Updates (RVUs) 13 New and Changed Information in the 541613-022 Edition Authentication Events These are the updates associated with Authentication Events, effective with the H06.27/J06.16 RVU: • In Chapter 3, added new section “Configuring Transport of Authentication Events from CLIM” (page 108). IPSec Changes • In Chapter 1, added resources to table, “Interface Resource Failover Behavior” (page 40). • In Chapter 3, changed “climconfig tool” to “climconfig command tool” under “IPSec Configuration” (page 48), “Configuration Changes” (page 48) and “Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)” (page 48). • In Chapter 3, made additions and changes to these subsections: ◦ “Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)” (page 48) ◦ “IPSec Related Files” (page 49) ◦ “IPSec Configuration Files” (page 49) ◦ “Configuring IPSec (IP CIP)” (page 104) ◦ “Configuring Pre-Shared Keys” (page 105) ◦ “Configuring Security Policies” (page 105) ◦ “Configuring Security Associations” (page 106) ◦ “Configuring Remote Information” (page 106) ◦ “Using IPSec” (page 107) Other Changes • 14 In Chapter 3: ◦ Added information about the ifstop command in “Deactivating an Interface” (page 103). ◦ Added information to hplog under “Sample Safe Linux Commands” (page 69). ◦ Updated “Replicating the Configurations from One CLIM to Another CLIM” (page 99) with corrected steps. ◦ Added information to “climbkup and climrstr Considerations” (page 115). • In Chapter 4 under “Performing CLIM Firmware Updates with the System Running” (page 155), Step 9 now indicates that you need to do a power cycle to complete the firmware update. • In Chapter 10, made modifications to “TRACE PROVIDER” (page 278) description. • Added a command to the considerations list (prov(1p)) of the –prov standalone command. New and Changed Information in Previous Editions Changes to 541613-021 include: DL380p Gen8 CLIMs These are the updates associated with DL380p Gen8 CLIMs, which are effective with the H06.26/J06.15 RVU: • In Chapter 1 under “CLIMCMD Tool” (page 29), added Note and Example showing how to set the TACL parameter SUPPRESSCLIENTBANNER to display the SSH Client banner. • In Chapter 1 under “Integrated Lights Out (iLO)” (page 30), changed iLO 2 designation to iLO to include all iLO versions. • In Chapter 1 under “IP CLIM” (page 51), added Figure 12: “DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM 1 Interfaces — Five Copper Ethernet Interfaces” (page 54) and Figure 13: “ DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM and Telco CLIM Interfaces, Option 2 Three Copper, Two Optical Interfaces” (page 55) showing diagrams and descriptions of ports used. • In Chapter 1 under “Storage CLIM” (page 58), added Figure 17: “DL380p Gen8 Storage CLIM Interfaces” (page 59) showing diagrams and descriptions of the Gen8 Storage CLIM Interfaces. Changed port numbering under all figures for consistency. • In Chapter 8 under “Collecting iLO and IML Logs” (page 211), updated screens and steps to show the latest version of iLO. Sustaining Changes • In Chpater 3 under “climbkup and climrstr Considerations” (page 115), added a note indicating that a CLIM configured with T0853H01^ACB or later cannot be restored with a pre- T0853H01^ACB backup. CLIMRSTR exits with errors if an incompatible backup file is specified. • Added a note to the -peer_idvalue field under climconfig.remote(1) to indicate that the entire pathname has to be specified for idvalue type file. Changes to 541613–020 include: Multiple Providers per CLIM Effective with the H06.25/J06.14 RVU, a CLIM can be associated with multiple data providers simultaneously. These are the updates associated with the Multiple Providers per CLIM functionality: • In Chapter 1, added section, “Multiple Providers per CLIM” (page 33) and modified sections “Multiple CLIMs per Provider” (page 32) and “Using Multiple Providers” (page 34). • In Chapter 1, added information on how multiple providers affect routing to “Routing in the CIP Subsystem” (page 34). • In Chapter 1, added information to “CIP iptables/ip6tables Support (climiptables)” (page 55) to indicate that there is a separate configuration for each provider if MULTIPROV is ON. • In Chapter 2, added MULTIPROV option to “Configure and Start CIP” (page 65) and “Configure CLIM-To-CLIM Failover (Applies to IP CIP Only, Not Storage CIP)” (page 66). • In Chapter 3, added a note on network-sensitive commands under “Using Linux Commands and Custom CIP Commands” (page 69). • In Chapter 3, updated syntax under “Entering CIP Commands” (page 71). Updated text for MULTIPROV and added text that climconfig never requires the provider option to CLIMCMD. • In Chapter 3 under “Policy Based Routing” (page 81), indicated that policy based routing applies to all providers on the CLIM if the MULTIPROV ON option is used. New and Changed Information 15 16 • In Chapter 3 under “On the CLIM” (page 86), indicated that the provider option must be used for CLIMs using the MULTIPROV ON option. • In Chapter 3, changed examples under: ◦ “Ethernet LAN Status” (page 88) ◦ “Kernel Routing Table Information” (page 89) ◦ “Hard Disk Space Usage” (page 91) ◦ “IPSec Configuration” (page 91) • In Chapter 3, deleted obsolete information from Example 13: “CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP)” (page 95). • In Chapter 3 under “Running tcpdump” (page 126), added example for CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON. • In Chapter 3 under “Configuring CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP)” (page 95), added reference to section describing configuring CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON. • In Chapter 3 under “Configuring Pre-Shared Keys” (page 105), indicated that each provider under MULTIPROV ON has its own pre-shared keys. • In Chapter 3 under “Configuring Security Policies” (page 105), indicated that each provider under MULTIPROV ON has its own security policy configuration. • In Chapter 3 under “Configuring Security Associations” (page 106), indicated that each provider under MULTIPROV ON has its own security association configuration. • In Chapter 3 under “Configuring Remote Information” (page 106), indicated that each provider under MULTIPROV ON has its own remote configuration. • In Chapter 3 under “Using IPSec” (page 107), indicated that the example assumes MULTIPROV is OFF. • In Chapter 3 under “Configuring climiptables” (page 109), changed syntax to include -prov prov-name option. • In Chapter 3 under “Configuring iptables/ip6tables” (page 110), described the -prov prov-name option. • In Chapter 3, added note under “Displaying a Datagram’s Route to a Network Host by Using Traceroute” (page 119) and “Troubleshooting Network Applications Using Tcpdump” (page 126) for CLIMs with the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON. • In Chapter 3, added new section, “Setting Up Multiple Providers per CLIM” (page 129). • In Chapter 3, revised section, “Changing Providers, Adding and Starting a CLIM (IP and Telco Only)” (page 130). • In Chapter 4, added new section, “Falling Back to Previous RVUs that Support the Multiple Providers per CLIM Feature” (page 169). • In Chapter 6 under “Network Partitioning Differences” (page 182), added information on the MULTIPROV option. • In Chapter 6, changed table under “NonStop TCP/IPv6 Attributes and Their CIP Equivalents” (page 194) to support the MULTIPROV option. • In Chapter 10 under “LISTOPENS PROVIDER” (page 245), added the MULTIPROV option to the syntax. • In Chapter 10, made changes to several commands to support Multiple Providers per CLIM: ◦ “ADD CLIM” (page 226): Added the new MULTIPROV option and changed the PROVIDER option. Added a new section, ADD CLIM Guidelines. ◦ “ADD PROVIDER” (page 228): Modified the character length under prov-name to seven characters. ◦ “ADD ROUTE” (page 230): Changed the CLIM clim-name option to add the MULTIPROV option. ◦ “ALTER CLIM” (page 231): Added this new ALTER command, along with syntax, field descriptions, and guidelines, to add the MULTIPROV option. ◦ “ALTER PROVIDER” (page 232): Added prov-name and changed the ALTER PROVIDER Guidelines. ◦ “INFO CLIM” (page 235): Updated the examples and field descriptions to support the MULTIPROV functionality. ◦ “INFO PROVIDER” (page 238): Updated the example and field descriptions to support the MULTIPROV functionality. ◦ “NAMES PROCESS” (page 249): Updated the example to support the MULTIPROV functionality. ◦ “STATUS CLIM” (page 257): Updated the example and field descriptions to support the MULTIPROV functionality. ◦ “SWITCH CLIM” (page 273): Updated the syntax and field descriptions to add the PROVIDER option. New and Changed Information 17 Man Page Updates for Multiple Providers per CLIM • Modified the following man pages under Climconfig (Man Pages) to support Multiple Providers per CLIM: ◦ climconfig.all(1) ◦ climconfig.arp(1) ◦ climconfig.bondmode(1) ◦ climconfig(1) ◦ climconfig.climiptables(1) ◦ climconfig.interface(1) ◦ climconfig.ip6tables(1) ◦ climconfig.iptables(1) ◦ climconfig.prov(1) ◦ prov(1p) ◦ climconfig.psk(1) ◦ climconfig.remote(1) ◦ climconfig.route(1) ◦ climconfig.sa(1) ◦ climconfig.sp(1) ◦ climconfig.sysctl(1) ◦ climconfig.tunnel(1) ◦ climconfig.vpn(1) Sustaining Changes 18 • In Chapter 1, added a note and caution and modified other information under “IPSec Configuration Files” (page 49). • In Chapter 1, modified information under “Restrictions” (page 60). • In Chapter 3, modified section “Displaying Man Pages for CIP Commands” (page 93) • In Chapter 3 under “Displaying Man Pages for CIP Commands” (page 93), modified syntax and pointed to man page chapter. Eliminated references to “help” for Linux commands since they use man commands, rather than help commends. • In Chapter 3 under “Installing X.509 Certificates” (page 104) indicated that while there are independent IPSec configurations for each provider, they all look for certificates from this common directory (/etc/racoon/certs). • In Chapter 4, added steps under “Replace CIPMON (Only)” (page 133). • In Chapter 4 under “Performing an Online Upgrade of the CIP Subsystem on the NonStop Host” (page 133), modified the note concerning which RVUs are supported. • In Chapter 4, added new section, “Replace CIPMAN and CIPMON Simultaneously” (page 134). • In Chapter 4, added bullet to the Caution under “Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware” (page 135). • In Chapter 4, changed information under “Preparing to Update CLIM Firmware with the System Running” (page 150) and “Firmware Update Time Estimates and Calculation Form” (page 154). • In Chapter 4, revised section “Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down ” (page 165). • In Chapter 6, rewrote section “Network Partitioning Differences” (page 182). • In Chapter 10 under “LISTOPENS PROVIDER” (page 245), added steps to the RecvQ fields. • Added a new section for standalone man pages: “Standalone Commands (Man Pages)” (page 291). • Additional man pages descriptions are now included for clim(1), climstatus(1), ifstart(1), ifstop(1), prov(1p), psclim(1) in a new section of this manual, “Standalone Commands (Man Pages)” (page 291). • Corrected first example under climconfig.failover(1). • Added note to climconfig.remote(1). Changes to 541613–019 include: IP Tables Enhancement IP Tables updates include: • In Chapter 1, added subsection, “CIP iptables/ip6tables Support (climiptables)” (page 55). • In Chapter 3, added information about IP Tables under “Displaying CLIM Status Information With climstatus” (page 87): • • • ◦ Added option t, climiptables config information, to the table. ◦ Referred to two examples under “IP Tables Status” (page 89). In Chapter 3, added a new section, “Configuring CIP iptables/ip6tables (IP CIP)” (page 109), with two subsections: ◦ “Configuring climiptables” (page 109) ◦ “Configuring iptables/ip6tables” (page 110) In Chapter 8 under “Collecting CLIM Log Files using CLIMDBUG” (page 206) added statement: Effective with the J06.13/H06.24 RVU, CLIMDBUG also collects the following information: ◦ SCF configuration details of CIP subsystem ◦ SSH configuration details ◦ EMS logs ◦ SSH logs ◦ NSK Software Configuration file Added and changed man pages in “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301): ◦ Updated climconfig(1) ◦ Added new man page, climconfig.climiptables(1). New and Changed Information 19 ◦ Added new man page, climconfig.iptables(1). ◦ Added new man page, climconfig.ip6tables(1). • For the failover command, climconfig.failover(1), updated error message to read: “Invalid destination interface, it should be one of the eth[1-n], bond[0-n] or ib[0-n].” • For the interface command, climconfig.interface(1), updated the -mtu parameter and error messages to indicate no support for InfiniBand. • For the sp command, climconfig.sp(1), added consideration for sp –add stating: “The parameters protocol, mode and level are required and valid if and only if the parameter specified for policy is ipsec.” TCPTIMEWAIT Parameter For the TCPTIMEWAIT parameter: • Added text to TCPTIMEWAIT in the table under “NonStop TCP/IPv6 Attributes and Their CIP Equivalents” (page 194). • Added text to the “TCPTIMEWAIT” (page 198) subsection. Src Parameter -src option updates include: • Added new error message to climconfig.ip(1). • For climconfig.route(1), made these changes: • ◦ Updated the syntax for the default and non-default IPv4 routes. ◦ Added the -src parameter and its description. ◦ Added a column for the -src parameter to the table that shows possible option combinations for different route types. ◦ Added new error messages. ◦ Added the consideration, “-src is not valid for an IPv6 route.” ◦ Added Src to the examples. For the interface command, added Src to “EXAMPLES” (page 319). Obeyform Parameter Obeyform updates include: 20 • Added new climconfig.all(1) reference page. • Updated climconfig.arp(1). • Updated climconfig.bondmode(1). • Updated climconfig.climiptables(1). • Updated climconfig.failover(1). • Updated climconfig.interface(1). • Updated climconfig.psk(1). • Updated climconfig.remote(1). • Updated climconfig.route(1). • Updated climconfig.sa(1). • Updated climconfig.snmp(1). • Updated climconfig.sp(1). • Updated climconfig.sysctl(1). • Updated climconfig.tunnel(1). CLIM-to-CLIM Replication Replicate CLIM-to-CLIM updates include: • Added new subsection to Chapter 3: “Replicating the Configurations from One CLIM to Another CLIM” (page 99). OSM Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool OSM Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool updates include: • Rewrote and rearranged text concerning software and firmware updates in Chapter 4. Other Changes • Added link to “Upgrading IB and Telco CLIMs” to list under “Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware” (page 135). • Under “Collecting CLIM Log Files using CLIMDBUG” (page 206), added additional information that CLIMDBUG. Changes to 541613–018 include: • Added support to InfiniBand CLIM: “CIP Hardware Overview” (page 27), “IB CLIM” (page 56), and “Upgrading IB and Telco CLIMs” (page 145). • Added a section on “Mapping CLIM Name” (page 128) under Troubleshooting. • Added a chapter “Collecting Data for CLIM Issues” (page 206). • Updated Table 4: CLIM and Attached Storage Device Default Naming Conventions (page 62) for IB CLIM naming conventions. • Updated the manpages for climconfig.remote(1) command, climconfig.interface(1), “climconfig.ip Description” (page 321), and climconfig.route(1). • Updated Considerations section of the climconfig.sysctl(1) command. • Added a note to “Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware” (page 135) describing a shorter procedure that can be used if you are not performing a SUT update. Changes to 541613–017 include: • A correction was made to the ordered list on (page 118). The former step 2, stopping the CLIMs, is now step 4, after stopping the Providers. • Reorganization of the CLIM software and firmware update procedures for use on an active system, including the addition of two notes to the CLIM firmware update section. • The addition of CLIM software and firmware update procedures optimized for use when the system is down or idle. Changes to 541613-016 include: • • Updated the Table 5: Sample Safe Linux Commands (page 69) with detail description for Linux commands. Updated the Example 69: STATUS CLIM Detailed (page 258), Example 77: STATUS PROVIDER Detail (page 268), and Example 98: INFO SUBNET (CIPSAM) (page 285) with the additional loopback address information. New and Changed Information 21 • Updated the “PARAMETERS” and “ERROR MESSAGES” section of the climconfig.interface(1) man pages. • Replaced instances of “net.ipv4.tcp_rfc1337” with “net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling” as applicable. • Removed instances of “TCPTIMEWAIT”, as it is not supported for J06.10+ RVUs. Notation Conventions General Syntax Notation This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual. UPPERCASE LETTERS Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example: MAXATTACH Italic Letters Italic letters, regardless of font, indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. For example: file-name Bold Text Bold text in an example indicates user input typed at the terminal. For example: ENTER RUN CODE ?123 CODE RECEIVED: 123.00 The user must press the Return key after typing the input. [ ] Brackets Brackets enclose optional syntax items. For example: TERM [\system-name.]$terminal-name INT[ERRUPTS] A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or none. The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines. For example: FC [ num ] [ -num] [ text] K [ X | D ] address { } Braces A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to choose one item. The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines. For example: LISTOPENS PROCESS { $appl-mgr-name } { $process-name } ALLOWSU { ON | OFF } 22 | Vertical Line A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces. For example: INSPECT { OFF | ON | SAVEABEND } … Ellipsis An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times. For example: M address [ , new-value ]… - ] {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}… An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that syntax item any number of times. For example: "s-char…" Punctuation Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described must be typed as shown. For example: error := NEXTFILENAME ( file-name ) ; LISTOPENS SU $process-name.#su-name Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a required character that you must type as shown. For example: "[" repetition-constant-list "]" Item Spacing Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma. For example: CALL STEPMOM ( process-id ) ; If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other items: $process-name.#su-name Line Spacing If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line. This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections. For example: ALTER [ / OUT file-spec / ] LINE [ , attribute-spec ]… Notation for Messages This list summarizes the notation conventions for the presentation of displayed messages in this manual. Bold Text Bold text in an example indicates user input typed at the terminal. For example: ENTER RUN CODE Notation Conventions 23 ?123 CODE RECEIVED: 123.00 The user must press the Enter key after typing the input. Nonitalic Text Nonitalic letters, numbers, and punctuation indicate text that is displayed or returned exactly as shown. For example: Backup Up. Italic Text Italic text indicates variable items whose values are displayed or returned. For example: p-register process-name [ ] Brackets Brackets enclose items that are sometimes, but not always, displayed. For example: Event number = number [ Subject = first-subject-value ] A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list of all possible items that can be displayed, of which one or none might actually be displayed. The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines. For example: proc-name trapped [ in SQL | in SQL file system ] { } Braces A group of items enclosed in braces is a list of all possible items that can be displayed, of which one is actually displayed. The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines. For example: obj-type obj-name state changed to state, caused by { Object | Operator | Service } process-name State changed from old-objstate to objstate { Operator Request. } { Unknown. } | Vertical Line A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces. For example: Transfer status: { OK | Failed } % Percent Sign A percent sign precedes a number that is not in decimal notation. The % notation precedes an octal number. The %B notation precedes a binary number. The %H notation precedes a hexadecimal number. For example: %005400 %B101111 %H2F P=%p-register E=%e-register 24 Related Information Procedures that apply to the CIP subsystem but which are documented in other HP manuals are not duplicated here. This subsection provides a guide to those procedures and other related documentation. Related Documents CIP Subsystem Operations In addition to this manual, to operate the CIP subsystem, you may need to refer to the SCF Reference Manual for the Kernel Subsystem for information about managing persistence for generic processes. The CIPMAN, CIPMON and CIPSAM processes are added and managed through the Kernel subsystem. If you are managing the storage subsystem, also refer to the SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem. Linux Man Page Documentation and Help You can get information about networking and IP protocol configuration from man pages and help residing on your CLIM. Use the CLIMCMD man command from the NonStop host system, followed by the feature for which you are seeking information. For example, N1002532 is the host name of one of the CLIMs. (See “Displaying Man Pages for CIP Commands” (page 93) for the complete syntax): TACL> CLIMCMD n1002532 man climconfig Press Enter before the output display starts. After all the output has been displayed, press the q (quit) key to return to the TACL prompt. This example displays information about the Linux free command: TACL> climcmd n1002581 man free To obtain information about the climconfig utility itself, enter: TACL> CLIMCMD n1002532 climconfig -help This command displays the climconfig syntax, including the version number and the supported climconfig commands. Alternatively, you can append the man command with the | more option. For example: TACL> CLIMCMD dl385p man climconfig ~| more Glossary The terms used in this manual are defined in the common Glossary. The Glossary is located under G in the NonStop Technical Library. Publishing History Part Number Product Version Publication Date 541613–017 H01 May 2011 541613–018 H01 July 2011 541613–019 H01 February 2012 541613–020 H01 August 2012 5416130–021 H01 February 2013 Related Information 25 HP Encourages Your Comments HP encourages your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or compliments to: [email protected] Include the document title, part number, and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document. 26 1 Overview The Cluster I/O Protocols (CIP) subsystem provides a configuration and management interface for I/O on certain HP Integrity NonStop systems. To find out if your system supports CIP, see appropriate planning guide; for example, for NS16000 Series systems, see the NS16000 Series Planning Guide. You can also find information about which networking products are supported on your system in the NonStop Networking Overview. CAUTION: The CIP subsystem includes a front-end device running the Linux operating system. Do not use any Linux command that is not documented in this manual as a supported command. Using unsupported Linux commands can cause failure of the CIP subsystem. This chapter provides an overview of the CIP subsystem including: • “CIP Hardware Overview” (page 27) • “CIP NonStop Host System Software Overview” (page 28) • “CIP CLIM Software Overview” (page 29) • “The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP)” (page 31) • “The CIP Subsystem for Storage I/O (Storage CIP) and the Storage Subsystem” (page 57) • “Subsystem ID and Product Numbers” (page 59) • “Capacity and Resource Use” (page 60) Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Compliance The CLIM complies with Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), an Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched networks, and has passed official certification of IPv6 readiness. CIP Hardware Overview NOTE: Your system might require a NonStop System Console that supports DHCP and TFTP. For more information, see the planning guide for your system. The CLuster I/O Module (CLIM) provides the physical interface to the network or storage devices. The CLIM includes a ServerNet PCIe card with multiple ports that interface to the ServerNet fabric of the NonStop host system. The CLIM is rack mounted in the NonStop system cabinet and connects to one or two X and Y-fabric ports by means of fiber cables running from its ServerNet PICs to ServerNet ports on the NonStop host system. The CLIM connects from its management processor interface (eth0) and its Integrated Lights Out (iLO) interface to a maintenance switch. Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Compliance 27 The CLIM can be configured for: • IP protocols (IP CLIM and IP CLIM Carrier Grade (CG) IP CLIMs are configured with a Mode attribute of IP • Storage protocols (Storage CLIM and Storage CLIM CG) Storage CLIMs are configured with a Mode attribute of STORAGE • Telco protocols (Telco CLIM and Telco CLIM CG) Telco CLIMs are configured with a Mode attribute of OPEN • IB protocols (IB CLIM) IB CLIMs are configured with a Mode attribute of OPEN NOTE: To find out if your system supports Telco or IB CLIMs, see the planning guide for your system. The IP and Telco (OPEN mode) CLIMs are configured similarly and provide similar services. Notable differences are that the Telco CLIM provides additional services provided by HP OpenCall software for telecommunications. For information about the OpenCall product, see the Guide to Operations and Maintenance for HP OpenCall Intelligent Network Server and the Installation Guide For HP OpenCall Intelligent Network Server. IB CLIMs (OPEN mode) provide InfiniBand connectivity to a customer-supplied IB switch using a customer-supplied cable as part of the Low Latency Solution. CIP NonStop Host System Software Overview CIP requires the J06.04 or later J-series RVU, or the H06.16 or later H-series RVU, on the NonStop host system. CIP provides an integrated manageability solution from the NonStop host system to manage the Linux capabilities of the CLIM. CIP provides SCF, a new command line interface, OSM, EMS, and the NonStop I/O Essentials plug-in to HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM) for configuration, control, and management of the NonStop connection to the CLIM, of TCP/IP, IPSec, and of LUNs on the CLIM. CIP on the host also converts CLIM syslog and evlog events to EMS events. NonStop Host System Management The Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) is the management tool for the NonStop host system objects. The objects in the NonStop host system allow monitoring of subsystem status and statistics and provide a TCP/IP process to serve as a transport-service provider for NonStop host system socket applications. For information about SCF, see Chapter 10 (page 216). Configuration Persistence Persistence in the NonStop host system is provided through the system configuration database and the persistence manager, which store and start the CIPMAN, CIPMON, CIPSAM (IP CIP only) SCF objects ($ZZKRN.#ZZCIP, $ZZKRN.#cipsam_name and $ZZKRN.#CIPMON). Maintenance Provider Two SCF Provider objects (see “PROVIDER Object” (page 219)) are configured by default on two IP or Telco CLIMs (one each) to provide OSM connectivity from the NonStop host system to the dedicated service LAN and to support dedicated-service LAN traffic. These maintenance Providers (MPs) connect through a logical interface (eth0:0). The TYPE attribute for the maintenance Provider is MAINTENANCE. 28 Overview NOTE: The physical interface eth0 connects each CLIM to the dedicated service LAN. Only IP and Telco CLIMs can have the logical interface eth0:0 and the associated maintenance Providers. NOTE: In this manual, unless stated explicitly otherwise, “Provider” refers to an IPDATA Provider. Maintenance Provider Restrictions • There is no failover support for the maintenance Provider. However, HP recommends configuring two maintenance Providers running on different CLIMs with different IP addresses. OSM can then switch to a different maintenance Provider if one of them fails. • The maintenance Provider supports only IPv4 addresses. • The maintenance Provider does not support the IP loopback address (, 127.*.*.*, class D, or class E IP addresses. • There is a limit of one maintenance Provider interface and one maintenance Provider IP address for each CLIM. CLIM Object Name and Hostname The CLIM object name on the NonStop system must be the same as the host name on the CLIM itself for the CLIM to be brought to the STARTED state. You assign the name. Host names on CLIMs on different systems can be the same as long as the combination of the system name and the host name on the CLIM are unique across the dedicated service LAN. For example, if you have two systems named \A and \B, you can have a CLIM with a host name of CLIM1 on each system, since the combination of system name and CLIM name are unique. Neither the CLIM object name nor the host name on the CLIM can be changed while the CLIM object is in the STARTED state. The CLIM object is configured by using SCF. The host name on the CLIM is configured by using the climconfig tool. CIP CLIM Software Overview The CLIM runs the Linux operating system offering many of the open source networking features and providing an intelligent device for storage applications. The CIP software on the CLIM uses Linux tools to configure and control TCP/IP and IPSec, SNMP agents for health monitoring, HP Integrated Lights Out (iLO) Management for low-level diagnostics, and the syslog and evlog event mechanism for event reporting. When using CIP, you do not need to use Linux commands directly on the CLIM and in fact very few Linux commands are supported. Instead, use the CLIMCMD command line interface from the TACL prompt on the NonStop host system. The CLIMCMD CLI provides persistence and failover for the configuration and also offers only Linux commands that are safe to execute on the CLIM. CLIM Management A combination of OSM, the CLIMCMD tool, I/O Essentials, and an integrated Lights Out Management (iLO) interface are the management tools for the CLIM. CLIMCMD Tool The CLIMCMD tool provides a pass-through for commands issued from the NonStop host system to the CLIM. This mechanism uses a Secure Shell (SSH) server accepting SSH requests from the NonStop host system. This tool provides support for both Storage and IP CIP. The CLIMCMD tool with the climconfig command is used to configure networking attributes, SNMP (for both IP and storage) and the LUN manager on the CLIM. The CLIMCMD tool is also used for other commands. See Chapter 3 (page 69) for a complete list of CLIMCMD utilities. You run the CLIMCMD tool on the NonStop host system from the TACL prompt. CIP CLIM Software Overview 29 NOTE: The default behavior of CLIMCMD is to not display the SSH Client banner. Effective with the J06.15 RVU, the SSH Client banner can be displayed in the output of CLIMCMD by setting the TACL parameter SUPPRESSCLIENTBANNER to ‘N’ before executing CLIMCMD. To revert to the default behavior, explicitly set the TACL param SUPPRESSCLIENTBANNER to any value other than ‘N’. For example: > $SYSTEM SYSTEM 25> climcmd N1002531 psclim PID RSS %MEM %CPU TIME START STAT CMD 4829 1024 0.0 0.0 00:00:27 Oct 12 Sl /usr/local/bin/climmon --time 30 4974 1180 0.0 0.0 00:00:31 Oct 12 Sl confsync 4975 23604 0.6 0.0 00:01:39 Oct 12 Sl cipssrv --number 0 4976 94008 2.3 0.5 00:44:18 Oct 12 Sl climagt --number 1 Termination Info: 0 > #SET #PARAM SUPPRESSCLIENTBANNER N > $SYSTEM SYSTEM 25> climcmd N1002531 psclim SSH client version T9999H06_14Jun2012_comForte_SSH_0092 PID RSS %MEM %CPU TIME START STAT CMD 829 1024 0.0 0.0 00:00:27 Oct 12 Sl /usr/local/bin/climmon --time 30 4974 1180 0.0 0.0 00:00:31 Oct 12 Sl confsync 4975 23604 0.6 0.0 00:01:39 Oct 12 Sl cipssrv --number 0 4976 94008 2.3 0.5 00:44:18 Oct 12 Sl climagt --number 1 Termination Info: 0 > #SET #PARAM SUPPRESSCLIENTBANNER Y > $SYSTEM SYSTEM 25> climcmd N1002531 psclim PID RSS %MEM %CPU TIME START STAT CMD 4829 1024 0.0 0.0 00:00:27 Oct 12 Sl /usr/local/bin/climmon --time 30 4974 1180 0.0 0.0 00:00:31 Oct 12 Sl confsync 4975 23604 0.6 0.0 00:01:39 Oct 12 Sl cipssrv --number 0 4976 94008 2.3 0.5 00:44:18 Oct 12 Sl climagt --number 1 Termination Info: 0 Integrated Lights Out (iLO) iLO is supported on the CLIM and is used for operator tasks such as remotely powering up or down the CLIM and diagnostics. For more information about iLO features, refer to the HP website http:// www.hp.com/server/lights-out. For instructions for invoking the iLO management screen, see “Change the CLIM Passwords” (page 64). OSM The OSM Service Connection is used for displaying the status of the CLIM and as an alternative to SCF for starting, stopping, adding and deleting SCF CLIM objects, and for adding SCF CLIM objects. 30 Overview Figure 1 OSM Service Connection displays for CIP For more information about using the OSM Service Connection, see the OSM Service Connection User's Guide and the NonStop Operations Guide. The OSM Low Level Link is used to: • Configure CLIMs, as described in the CLuster I/O Module (CLIM) Installation and Configuration Guide. • Upgrade CLIM software, as described in Chapter 4 (page 133). HP NonStop I/O Essentials NonStop I/O Essentials is a plug-in to HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM). HP SIM is an infrastructure management tool for HP systems that runs on the system console. The NonStop I/O Essentials plug-in provides a graphical user interface alternative to the command line interfaces of the CLIMCMD tool and SCF. For more information about using NonStop I/O Essentials, see the NonStop I/O Essentials Installation and Quick Start Guide. Persistence Persistence in the CLIM is provided by configuration files stored on the CLIM hard drive. Changes made by using the CLIMCMD climconfig command line interface (CLI) to the protocol attributes are stored and are persistent. For example: > CLIMCMD n1002532 climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl 25 This command sets the time interval between the retransmissions of unacknowledged keepalive packets to 25 seconds and the change is preserved across CLIM reboots. The persistent CLIM configuration is backed up by the CLIM backup utility and, in the event of a CLIM failure or CLIM hard drive failure, can be restored onto the replacement CLIM by using the CLIM restore utility. See“Managing the Configuration Preservation” (page 113) for more information about these utilities. The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) The Cluster I/O Protocols (CIP) subsystem provides an IP facility for the NonStop system that leverages current, open-source networking features and takes advantage of the NonStop system architecture for application scalability. The Cluster I/O Protocols (CIP) subsystem also provides The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 31 Telco connectivity with management facilities and Telco applications on the NonStop host and Telco protocols on the CLIM. The CIP subsystem resides partly on the NonStop host system and partly on the CLIM. In the CIP subsystem, IP functionality is distributed between the NonStop system and the CLIM. Figure 2: Distribution of Functionality in the CIP Subsystem shows this distribution of functionality. Figure 2 Distribution of Functionality in the CIP Subsystem CIP includes a NonStop host system subsystem that provides: • An application programmatic interface (API) • Transport service providers • A Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) interface for monitoring the subsystem and for configuring host-to-CLIM relationships NOTE: There are some migration considerations when porting applications from conventional and Parallel Library TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 to CIP. See Chapter 6 (page 174). CIP provides a socket access method (SAM) process on the NonStop system for applications to use as a transport service provider. Monitoring and management of the CIP subsystem on the NonStop system is provided by SCF and by the CLIMCMD CLI. See Chapter 10 (page 216), for more information. You use the CLIMCMD climconfig tool to add, modify, delete, and display information in the network, IPSec, and Failover configuration files. For more information about the climconfig tool, see “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301). IP Protocols IP CIP supports these protocols: • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (including IPv6 and IPv4) • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) • Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) • IP Security (IPSec) Telco Protocols Telco CIP supports the Message Transfer Part Level 3 User Adaptation layer (M3UA) protocol. Multiple CLIMs per Provider Multiple IP and Telco CLIMs can be configured in the same IPDATA Provider. This feature provides scalability for applications that need high bandwidth. Unless the MULTIPROV attribute is set for multiple providers, as described under “Multiple Providers per CLIM”, a CLIM can only belong to one IPDATA Provider, but a maintenance provider can also be configured to use it. 32 Overview Figure 3 Multiple CLIMs per Provider, Example Configuration Multiple Providers per CLIM Effective with the H06.25/J06.14 RVU, a CLIM can be associated with multiple data providers simultaneously. You can enable or disable this Multiple Providers per CLIM functionality on a per-CLIM basis by setting a new MULTIPROV attribute of each CLIM object. The MULTIPROV attribute is not valid for a CLIM with STORAGE MODE. See “ADD CLIM” (page 226), “ALTER CLIM” (page 231), and climconfig.prov(1). NOTE: Detailed displays of command output in this manual are updated to show support for Multiple Providers per CLIM. The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 33 Figure 4 Multiple Providers per CLIM, Example Configuration Using Multiple Providers You can use multiple providers to customize network configurations to an application's needs, while isolating that application's configuration from other applications in other providers. To associate a CLIM and all of its interfaces with multiple providers, set the MULTIPROV attribute of the CLIM object to ON using the ADD CLIM or ALTER CLIM command. See “ADD PROVIDER” (page 228) and “ADD CLIM” (page 226). Using Multiple SWAN Paths in a Single Provider CIP supports configuring path A and path B in a SWAN configuration to run in the same Provider only on a single CLIM. If you use two CLIMs in a SWAN configuration, you must use different Providers. Using Multiple Listeners with Round Robin Sockets NonStop TCP/IPv6 had a limitation of one listening process per processor per port. CIP does not have this limitation. There can be many listening processes per processor per port. The only limitation is the amount of memory available to create sockets. Routing in the CIP Subsystem In a Provider comprising multiple CLIMs, a socket that is bound to a specific local IP address other than a loopback address (IPv4 or IPv6 ::1) is associated with a CLIM containing that address. An outgoing connection or packet for these kinds of sockets is sent through that CLIM. However, sockets not yet bound, bound to INADDR_ANY, or bound to a loopback address might be used to listen for incoming connections or packets on addresses that exist in all the CLIMs of a Provider and so are associated with all of the CLIMs. If the socket is used for an outgoing connection or for sending a packet, the host must choose one of the CLIMs to send it. This process uses the destination address and is similar to IP routing, but is used only to select a CLIM within a Provider. With either type of binding, the sending CLIM then performs its own IP routing to select an interface and the first hop in the external network. 34 Overview Network routes are configured on the CLIMs. You specify static routes by using CLIMCMD climconfig commands. Dynamic routes are created by the system as the result of various protocol events. CIP keeps separate routing tables for IPv4 and IPv6 destinations. Default routes have a prefix or subnet-mask length of zero and indicate where to send packets or connections when no other routes match the destination address. Default routes can be static or dynamic. A CLIM that does not have a default route cannot route to arbitrary destinations. If a CLIM is configured to join multiple providers, an independent set of routes is maintained for each of the providers. When sending packets, only routes for the provider that was used to send the packet are used. Each CLIM uploads a copy of the statically-configured entries, entries added for each local IP address, and the dynamic default entries in its routing tables to the NonStop host system for each interface as it reports that the interface is up. Each CLIM continues updating the host as changes are made to its tables. The host merges the routing tables from all the CLIMs in a Provider into one IPv4 and one IPv6 table for the Provider. When the host needs to use a destination address to decide which CLIM gets an outgoing connection or packet, it consults the corresponding table. If it finds that more than one CLIM could be used, it uses round-robin selection to help balance the load among them. Once the connection or packet gets to the CLIM, the CLIM uses its own tables to decide on an interface and first-hop destination. In many environments, nearly all CLIMs have default routes defined and most traffic uses these routes, so simple round-robin selection may not be adequate. The ROUTE object on the NonStop host system allows additional control of default route use. Each ROUTE object indicates a CLIM to use for a default route and a PRIORITY for its use. The PRIORITY is a number from 1 to 100 where higher numbers indicate higher priority. The CLIM is considered only if it actually has a default route defined in its routing table for the desired address family. When a default route is needed, the CLIM with the highest priority is selected. If more than one CLIM has the highest priority, round-robin selection is used. If no ROUTEs have an available CLIM, any CLIM with a default route defined is used. If no CLIMs have a default route, the packet cannot be routed. Every CLIM contains a loopback interface (lo) and the loopback addresses for the configured IP address families (IPv4 and/or IPv6 ::1). When a NonStop host system application connects or sends to a loopback address or to a local address, the connection or data is sent to a CLIM and is looped back to the host using the loopback interface. If the sending socket is bound to a specific local IP address other than a loopback address, then the CLIM containing that address is chosen. If the socket is not bound or is bound to INADDR_ANY, the CLIM containing the destination address is used. If the destination is a loopback address, any CLIM can be chosen. NOTE: If a socket is bound to a specific local address and connects or sends to a local address on a different CLIM, the data is passed from one CLIM to the other over the external network. Even though the addresses are both local in the Provider, a path through the external network is required. Sockets bound to a loopback address are replicated in all the CLIMs of the Provider like sockets bound to INADDR_ANY. If the socket is later used to listen for incoming connections or packets, it can get them at that address no matter to which CLIM they are directed. The NonStop host system performs these steps to select a CLIM for an outgoing connection or packet in Providers with multiple CLIMs: 1. If the socket has bound to a specific local IP address other than a loopback address ( or ::1), use the CLIM containing that address. 2. If the destination address is a loopback address, make a round-robin selection of any CLIM. 3. If the destination address is a local address in one of the CLIMs, use that CLIM. 4. If the destination address matches one or more network-route entries that are not default routes, make a round-robin selection of one of the CLIMs containing the entries with the same longest matching prefix or subnet-mask length. 5. Make a round-robin selection of any available CLIM that has a default network-route entry. When selecting a CLIM containing a default route, only the available CLIM(s) with the highest The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 35 6. ROUTE PRIORITY attribute value are considered. If there is more than one with the same highest value, one is round-robin selected from that group. CLIMs with no ROUTE object are considered to have the lowest priority, and if those are all that are available, one of them is round-robin selected. If no available CLIMs have a default network-route entry, then no route can be found. Return an error to the application. Failover in the CIP Subsystem CIP failover allows the resources associated with a failing interface to be switched to another interface so they remain available to the external network with minimal impact on socket applications. Upon failure of one or more Ethernet interfaces or an entire CLIM, CIP can ensure the availability of the interface resources such as IP addresses, sockets, connections, routes, and tunnels by either sharing those resources among multiple physical interfaces on the same CLIM or migrating them to another interface on a different CLIM. While most resources can be migrated during failover, some are lost if migration to a different CLIM is required. This section defines resources and describes their treatment in failover situations. There are two types of failover in CIP: failover from one interface to another in the same CLIM, and failover from one CLIM to another. Intra-CLIM Failover – Overview Intra-CLIM failover occurs when a link to the external network has failed, but the CLIM is still operational. It is configured and handled completely within the CLIM by using bonded interfaces. The NonStop operating system does not need to take any action. All interface resources are switched without disruption. Bonded interfaces share interface resources among multiple physical interfaces. They can be configured to be similar to NonStop TCP/IPv6 failover with the SHAREDIP option except that the interfaces must be in the same CLIM and are not limited to just two interfaces. Bonded interfaces do not support a mode similar to the NonStop TCP/IPv6 NONSHAREDIP option in which each interface has a different IP address until failover. Figure 5: Intra-CLIM Interface Failover (page 37) illustrates intra-CLIM failover. The figure uses shaded rectangles to show CLIM interfaces, ovals for the resources using those interfaces, and lines for the physical interfaces associated with them. Bonded interface bond1 is defined in the CLIM to consist of the two slave physical interfaces: eth1 and eth2. If either slave interface goes down, the other takes its traffic with no disruption. The NonStop OS tracks the bonded interface, not the slave interfaces, so no changes are made in the NonStop OS tables or resource locations when this occurs. 36 Overview Figure 5 Intra-CLIM Interface Failover CLIM-to-CLIM Failover – Overview CLIM-to-CLIM failover is invoked when a CLIM fails, a non-slave physical interface or bonded interface fails, or an SCF SWITCH command is issued. Physical interfaces fail when their driver indicates a physical fault or link pulse remains down. Bonded interfaces fail when all their slave interfaces fail. During failover, most interface resources are switched to their configured backup interfaces in other CLIMs, but since much of the connection state was saved inside the original CLIM, TCP and SCTP connections are lost and applications are given ECONNRESET errors. Failure of an entire CLIM is treated as failure of all the interfaces on that CLIM and each interface is failed over to its configured failover destination individually. Interface resources are configured or created for each physical or bonded interface, called the home interface, for those resources. These are listed in “Interface Names and Resources” (page 40). A separate failover interface can also be configured for each interface. The failover interface must be in the same broadcast domain as the home interface, its CLIM must be in the same Provider, and if it uses failover, it must use this home interface as its failover interface. It need not be the same type of interface, physical or bonding, but the IP configuration should match to avoid unexpected changes in protocol behavior when failover occurs. Like interface configuration, failover configuration is specified on the CLIMs. If an interface or CLIM fails, its home interface resources are migrated to the failover interface(s) and become visiting resources. If the interface or CLIM becomes available again, its resources are not automatically moved back as this might disrupt TCP and SCTP connections. An SCF SWITCH command must be used to manually restore resources to their home interface. If the failover interface or CLIM fails, an attempt is made to automatically restore the visiting resources back to their home interface. Failover interfaces must be configured in pairs, where each interface specifies either the other as its failover interface or no failover. To spread the load on other CLIMs when a CLIM fails, each of the interfaces in a CLIM can be paired with interfaces in different CLIMs under the same Provider. The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 37 As of the H06.21 and J06.10 RVUs, CLIM-to-CLIM failover is supported for all types of CLIMs, and Telco CLIMs do not require a unique Provider. Failover is not supported for the maintenance Provider interface, only the data LAN interfaces. Multiple maintenance Providers can be configured on different CLIMs if fault-tolerance is desired but fault handling must be done explicitly by the applications in that case. Figure 6: CLIM-to-CLIM Failover, Single Interface (page 38) and Figure 7: Full CLIM Failover (page 39) both show CLIM-to-CLIM failover. Figure 6: CLIM-to-CLIM Failover, Single Interface (page 38) shows what happens when a single interface fails or loses network connectivity, but the CLIM is still operational. The clim1.eth4 interface is paired with clim2.eth1 for failover. When clim1.eth4 fails, its resources are moved to clim2.eth1 and the NonStop OS updates its tables so references to clim1.eth4 are directed to clim2.eth1. Figure 6 CLIM-to-CLIM Failover, Single Interface 38 Overview Figure 7: Full CLIM Failover shows what happens when an entire CLIM fails. In the figure, CLIM2 has failed and the resources for all its interfaces have moved to interfaces in other CLIMs. The NonStop OS has updated its tables to refer to their new locations. Figure 7 Full CLIM Failover Failover Behavior in Detail This section describes CIP failover in more detail, including: • “Interface Names and Resources” • “CLIM Interface Types” (page 41) • “CLIM Bonded Interfaces” (page 42) • “CLIM-to-CLIM Failover” (page 43) The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 39 • “Fail Back (Restore Behavior)” (page 44) • “Failover Failure” (page 45) • “CLIM Startup Behavior” (page 45) Interface Names and Resources On the NonStop system, interfaces are given a unique name within a Provider by pre-pending the CLIM home interface name with the CLIM name and a period (.). For instance: n1002531.eth4 or n1012542.bond0. Physical and bonded interfaces are tied to physical ports and so cannot move in a literal sense. However, many of the resources associated with an interface can be moved from one interface to another, which is how failover works. The resources are given the name of their home interface, so one can say that n1002531.eth2 is currently located at n1012542.eth4, meaning that the resources configured or created for interface n1002531.eth2 have been moved to n1012542.eth4. The NonStop OS contains an interface table that gives the current location of each interface name. On the CLIM, each interface can contain resources from either none, one, or two interface names. The normal state is to contain only the home resources. If CLIM resources have failed over, the CLIM has no resources and the interface is down. If the failover interface has failed, the home CLIM contains both the home resources and the visiting resources from the failover interface. Visiting resources cannot be present unless the home resources are also present. Table 1: Interface Resource Failover Behavior summarizes the interface resources, how they are created, and how they are migrated during failover. Bonded interfaces share many of their resources among multiple physical interfaces, making intra-CLIM failover a matter of just letting the others take over the load. CLIM-to-CLIM failover requires actual migration of resources to a new location. Table 1 Interface Resource Failover Behavior 40 Resource Created by Intra-CLIM Failover CLIM-to-CLIM Failover MAC address Hardware parameter Shared, migrated, or not migrated depending on bonding mode Not migrated Static IPv4 addresses Configuration Shared Migrated Static IPv6 addresses Configuration Shared Migrated Link-local and autoconfigured IPv6 addresses Protocol Shared Migrated Joined-group multicast IP addresses Applications Shared Migrated Solicited-node multicast IP addresses Protocol Shared Migrated UDP sockets Applications Shared Migrated TCP listening sockets Applications Shared Migrated Static routes Configuration Shared Migrated Dynamic routes Protocols Shared Not migrated, re-created as needed Static ARP entries Configuration Shared Not migrated, must be configured the same on the failover CLIM Dynamic ARP entries Protocol Shared Not migrated, re-created as needed Overview Table 1 Interface Resource Failover Behavior (continued) Resource Created by Intra-CLIM Failover CLIM-to-CLIM Failover TCP connections Applications Shared Not migrated, client can reestablish the connections SCTP connections Applications Shared Not migrated, client can reestablish the connections Static IPv6-over-IPv4 Tunnels Configuration Shared Migrated when interface containing the local address is migrated IPSec PSKs Configuration Shared Not migrated, must be configured the same on the failover CLIM IPSec SAs Negotiation Shared Not migrated, renegotiated by new endpoints IPSec SPs Configuration Shared Not migrated, must be configured the same on the failover CLIM IPSec remotes Configuration Shared Not migrated, must be configured the same on the failover CLIM IPSec X.509 certificates Configuration Shared Not migrated, must be configured the same on the failover CLIM CLIM Interface Types Table 2: Interface Type for Failover Behavior lists the various interface types supported by the CLIM and how they are supported by failover. The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 41 Table 2 Interface Type for Failover Behavior Interface Type Characteristics Failover Loopback • Reflects output back to its input • Named lo Exists in every CLIM so failover is not needed. Cannot be configured for failover, but does have an entry in the NonStop OS interface table. • Corresponds to a physical Ethernet interface connected to a user network Can be configured for CLIM-to-CLIM failover. The backup interface can be a physical or bonded interface. Physical (non-slave) • Reports link pulse from the physical interface • Named by the CLIM kernel: eth1, eth2, … Logical • Adds an IP address to a physical interface Not supported and cannot be configured on data LAN interfaces. • Named by appending a colon (:) and number to the physical interface name: eth2:1 Bonding • Combines two or more physical interfaces Can be configured for CLIM-to-CLIM failover. If all its slave interfaces fail, the interface for fault tolerance resources of the bonded interface are migrated. • Each physical interface is called a slave The backup interface can be a physical or interface bonded interface. • Reports link pulse down only if down on all slave interfaces • Named by the user, must be either : bond0 or bond1 (only two bonded interfaces allowed on each CLIM) Slave • A physical interface that is combined into Cannot be configured for failover and does not have an entry in the NonStop OS interface a bonded interface table. Static IPv6-over-IPv4 Tunnel • Encapsulates IPv6 packets inside IPv4 packets. • Named by the user, typically: TUN0, TUN1, TUN2, … Maintenance Interface Follows the physical or bonded interface associated with its local address. Cannot be individually configured for failover, but does have an entry in the NonStop OS interface table. Cannot be configured for failover and does • Corresponds to a physical Ethernet interface eth0 connected to the dedicated not have an entry in the NonStop operating-system interface table. service LAN • Used for CLIM access to the dedicated service LAN • Named by the CLIM kernel as eth0. (A single wire from the eth0 interface to the dedicated service LAN is used for both eth0 and eth0:0.) Maintenance Provider Interface • Configured for maintenance Provider • Used for NonStop OS access to the dedicated service LAN • Associated with maintenance interface eth0 Cannot be configured for failover and does not have an entry in the NonStop OS interface table for a data Provider. Does have an entry in the NonStop OS interface table for the maintenance Provider. • Added at startup, named eth0:0 CLIM Bonded Interfaces CIP supports failover of Ethernet interfaces within the same CLIM using the CLIM bonding driver. The bonding driver groups multiple physical interfaces, called slave interfaces, into a single bonded interface. The bonding driver transparently handles failure of a slave interface by switching traffic 42 Overview to the others. The number of bonded interfaces and the number of slaves in each is limited only by the number of data LAN interfaces on the CLIM. Typically, the bonded interface takes up the MAC address of its first slave. A bonded interface can be configured to use one of several policies for fault tolerance and bandwidth aggregation. CIP supports all current policy modes as long as their prerequisites are met. See “climconfig.bondmode Description” (page 306) for descriptions of the bonding modes. Interface resources are configured and created for the bonded interface, not the individual slave interfaces. CLIM-to-CLIM failover can switch a bonded interface to a configured failover interface by command or if the bonded interface indicates a failure. This occurs only if all its slaves have failed. As of J06.10 and H06.21, the DL380 G6 CLIM is available, which has 2 embedded NICs, one for eth0 and eth1 and the other for eth2 and eth3. It also has one external PCI NIC for eth4 and eth5. This allows you to create 2 bonded interfaces that are spread across two NICs, for example eth1 and eth4 as bond0, and eth2 and eth5 as bond 1. In this configuration losing one NIC will not result in losing an entire bond. CLIM-to-CLIM Failover CIP supports failover of individual interfaces from one CLIM to interfaces on other CLIMs under the same Provider. Failover of an entire CLIM is treated as failover of all its interfaces. Table 3: CLIM-to-CLIM Failover describes the various scenarios of failure and resulting failover action: Table 3 CLIM-to-CLIM Failover Failure Definition Probable Causes Resulting Failover Action Failure in all processors to receive heartbeat from CLIM for more than a heartbeat time • ServerNet path failure between all Initiate failover of all interfaces on the CLIM processors and the CLIM • CLIM panic halt or hang • CLIM reboot • CLIM CLIMCMD clim stop command • CLIM software problem Failure indication on data LAN interface or on all interfaces in a bonded interface • NIC hardware failure Initiate interface failover. Loss of link pulse on data LAN interface or on all interfaces in a bonded interface for less than link pulse time • Transient condition No failover action • Recoverable failure in bonded interface • Cable briefly disconnected • Cable permanently disconnected • Switch or network down Loss of link pulse on data LAN interface or on all interfaces in a • Cable permanently disconnected Initiate interface failover • Switch or network down The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 43 Table 3 CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (continued) Failure Definition Probable Causes Resulting Failover Action CLIM-initiated interface down on a data LAN interface • CLIMCMD ifstop command No failover, but interface resources using the interface become unavailable. Failure indication, loss of link pulse, or CLIM-initiated interface down on maintenance interface • NIC hardware failure No action. bonded interface for more than link pulse time • Cable disconnected • Switch or network down • CLIMCMD ifstop command Operator initiated failover • SCF SWITCH CLIM command Initiate CLIM or interface failover as directed. NonStop OS-initiated CLIM stop • SCF ABORT CLIM or STOP CLIM command No failover, but the CLIM object goes to the STOPPED state. Interface resources still on the CLIM become unavailable. Those resources that have already failed over to other CLIMs remain active unless the INTFALL option is given. Heartbeat time enforces sending a heartbeat signal from each CLIM to indicate it is running properly. Failover is triggered only when all NonStop system processors have lost contact with the CLIM. Link pulse time keeps failover from triggering because of a transient link pulse problem. It is a fixed value less than two seconds. All changes in the CLIM interface status are reported as EMS messages even if they do not result in failover. Each individual interface can be configured with its own failover interface, including the CLIM and interface names. Failover interfaces are configured in pairs, so both interfaces of the pair specify either the other as their failover interface or no failover. It is not necessary that all interfaces in a CLIM have their failover interfaces on the same CLIM. It is also acceptable for a failover interface to be a bonded interface or a physical interface regardless of the home-interface type.Table 1: Interface Resource Failover Behavior (page 40) summarizes how CLIM-to-CLIM failover migrates each type of interface resource from the failed interface to the failover interface. “Interface Resource Migration” (page 45) describes migration of each of these resources in more detail. A two-way periodic heartbeat timeout is used on both the NonStop host system and CLIM to detect failure of a CLIM, the host, or the ServerNet connection between them. If a CLIM can no longer communicate with any processor in the NonStop host system, it removes all the IP addresses from its data LAN ports. If the NonStop host system is truly down, a down-state is conveyed to the external network. If the NonStop host system is actually still up, it allows the host to migrate the IP addresses to another CLIM. If no NonStop host system processor can communicate with a CLIM, the host initiates a CLIM-to-CLIM failover of all the interfaces on the CLIM. The resources for each interface are migrated to its configured failover interface. Each interface can have its own failover destination and hence a CLIM failover could result in failover of interfaces to multiple CLIMs. Each interface migrates separately from the others. Hence, a problem migrating one interface does not affect the others. Fail Back (Restore Behavior) Fail back or restore is only supported by a manual method and initiated from the host only by using a SWITCH CLIM command. Fail back of interfaces also follows the “check-break-make” principle and the actual sequence is similar to a failover sequence. See “Failover in the CIP Subsystem” (page 36) for an overview of the CIP failover sequence. 44 Overview Failover Failure When a CLIM-to-CLIM failover operation is started, the host tries to migrate the resources to the failover interface and to the home interface alternately, separated by 10 seconds. If the resources are successfully brought up on one of the interfaces, failover is complete. If the resources cannot be brought up on either interface within 10 seconds, the failover has failed. Sockets using the interface are marked to return an error to the application on the next or current socket call and joined multicast groups are removed from the interface resources. The remaining resources, such as IP addresses, become unavailable both to applications and to the external network. If the resources end up on the same interface where they started, which might happen if the failed interface comes back up quickly, it is still a failover operation and resources normally not preserved across a CLIM-to-CLIM failover are lost. After a failover failure, the host continues to try to migrate the remaining resources alternately to the home or failover interfaces until it either succeeds or an SCF STOP or ABORT CLIM command for the home CLIM is issued. When either the home or failover interface comes back up, the resources migrate to that interface and become available again automatically. CLIM Startup Behavior If a CLIM crashes, it can lead to a failover, where all its interfaces are migrated to the failover CLIM(s). If the failed CLIM subsequently boots up and brings all its interfaces to the UP state along with the respective IP addresses, it could lead to a duplicate IP address conflict. To avoid such scenarios, the CLIM boots in this manner: • All the Data LAN interfaces are disabled (DOWN state) on startup. However, all interfaces are initiated (drivers for such Ethernet cards loaded) and the bonding configuration is done. • No IP addresses are assigned on any of the Data LAN interfaces. No tunnel configurations are enabled/started. • Only the Maintenance interfaces and maintenance Provider interfaces are enabled (UP state) and have their IP addresses assigned. • When an SCF START CLIM command is given on the host and the CLIM object goes to the STARTED state, the host starts the home interface resources on the new CLIM if they do not already exist on other CLIMs. Interface Resource Migration This section gives more details about how interface resources are treated during CLIM-to-CLIM failover. MAC Addresses MAC addresses are associated with hardware and are not migrated. IPv6 addresses derived from the home interface’s MAC address are migrated. Sockets How socket failover is performed depends on the socket state. • No migration needed. Sockets not yet bound, bound to INADDR_ANY, or bound to a loopback or multicast address and have not done a TCP or SCTP connect might be used to listen for incoming connections or packets on addresses that exist in all the CLIMs of a Provider, so they are replicated in all the CLIMs. Since the socket exists in all the CLIMs of the Provider, the one in the failing CLIM can be allowed to go away without migration since copies exist in the other CLIMs. • Socket migrated. When a socket binds to a local address other than INADDR_ANY or a loopback address, the copies in the CLIMs other than the one containing the local address are removed, so the socket exists in only one CLIM. On failover, a new socket bound to the The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 45 same IP address is re-created in the failover CLIM. Any state-changing operations done on the socket since the bind (such as listen or setsockopt) are repeated in the failover CLIM. • Socket lost. When a socket has a TCP or SCTP connection, it is also removed on all but one CLIM if this was not already been done by a previous bind. Sockets associated with TCP and SCTP connections do not survive a failure. Each such socket is marked to return an error to the NonStop application on its next or current socket call. For TCP sockets, the failover CLIM attempts to reset the connection. This reset is not issued for SCTP sockets. A UDP connect by itself does not affect failover handling. UDP sockets always fall into the No migration needed or the Socket migrated categories. For UDP sockets that have joined a multicast group, the IP multicast addresses are moved to the failover CLIM. During migration of UDP sockets, a transient loss of data may occur. IP Addresses All IP addresses associated with an interface are migrated during failover. Before an address can be added to the failover CLIM, it must be removed from the home CLIM. When the failover addresses are all removed from the network, the failover CLIM adds them to the failover interface and tells the host to update its interface tables. IPv4 Addresses Static IPv4 addresses are part of the configuration files copied to the failover CLIM from the home CLIM and are migrated by adding them to the destination interface. Duplicate IP address checking is not done for IPv4 addresses. The failover and home interfaces are tried alternately until one succeeds or the CLIM object is stopped. If it has not completed after a certain time, the failover operation is declared a failure and all sockets are marked to return an error on the current or next socket call. IPv6 Addresses Static IPv6 addresses are also part of the configuration files copied to the failover CLIM from the home CLIM and are migrated by adding the failover addresses to the destination interface. The link-local IPv6 address is derived from the MAC address of the home interface and is migrated by adding it to the destination interface. Auto configured IPv6 addresses are derived from the MAC address of the home interface and prefixes advertised by routers in the external network. Since both interfaces of a failover pair must be in the same broadcast domain, it is assumed they have the same prefixes. They are added to the destination interface by using the prefixes in the auto-configured addresses of the home resources for the destination interface. As the prefixes change or expire, the same changes are made to the failed over auto-configuration addresses. IPv6 automatically performs duplicate IP address checking. Duplicate addresses remain assigned to the interface, but marked as tentative. If an address is still marked tentative after a certain time, all the addresses are removed and the alternate interface is tried until one succeeds or the CLIM object is stopped. Multicast Addresses IPv4 and IPv6 multicast addresses are added by applications when they join multicast groups by means of the setsockopt() call. The NonStop host system code saves these addresses along with their associated interfaces as it passes them to the CLIM. If the interface requires failover, the same multicast groups are joined on the failover interface. Duplicate-address checking is not needed. A solicited-node multicast address exists for each unicast address and is failed over with the unicast address. 46 Overview Routes Static routes configured for an interface are migrated during failover. They are copied to the failover CLIM from the home CLIM as part of the interface configuration and are added when the failover logical interface is started. Dynamic routes were created as the result of information received from routers in the external network and are not failed over. The failover CLIM has or obtains similar information when it starts taking over the workload of the failed interface. TCP and SCTP Connections TCP and SCTP connections are not migrated during CLIM-to-CLIM failover. An ECONNRESET error is returned to the local application instead. For TCP connections, the failover CLIM attempts to reset the connections that were using the failed interface so the remote application can be quickly informed that the connection is gone. SCTP connections are not reset. Clients are expected to handle error recovery by attempting to re-establish connections on a new socket. IPv6-over-IPv4 Tunnels Static IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel interfaces configured with a local address are migrated during failover of that address. Their configuration is copied to the failover CLIM from the home CLIM as part of the interface configuration and the interface is added when other failover resources are added. IPSec Configuration IPSec parameters are not migrated during failover. It is expected that the IPSec configuration on the home and failover CLIMs is identical for addresses that can fail over between them. IPSec SAs that were negotiated between the CLIM containing the failed interface and the remote endpoint cannot be failed over. They must be renegotiated with the failover CLIM. The remote endpoint sees an unexpected request for renegotiation, which it must allow. Failover Configuration Failover is configured on the CLIMs using the climconfig tool. See “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) for command syntax. CLIM Interface Configuration Interfaces are configured on their home CLIM using the climconfig tool. Loopback, physical, and IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel interfaces can be configured. Intra-CLIM failover is configured by creating a bonded interface and adding slave interfaces to it. Logical interfaces cannot be configured. Static routes and ARP entries can be associated with interfaces. The interface configurations are kept in standard CLIM files on the home CLIM and are copied to a mirror file sub-tree on their failover CLIMs. Subsequent configuration changes trigger a copy of the configuration again. Failover Configuration A non-slave physical or bonded interface can have a failover interface name associated with it. If it does not, its interface resources do not fail over if the interface fails, loses link pulse, or the CLIM fails. If it does, the failover interface name specifies the CLIM and interface to use for failover. The failover CLIM must be different from the one on which the interface is configured; the failover interface must be a non-slave physical or bonded interface on the failover CLIM. If an interface and its failover interface both use failover, they must be configured to use each other. Even if an interface is not configured for failover, that interface can be used as a failover interface by only one other interface. The interfaces configured on a CLIM can specify failover interfaces on differing CLIMs. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, if configured, are failed over. IPv4 resources include IPv4 addresses, sockets, and routes. IPv6 resources are IPv6 addresses, sockets, routes, and tunnels. The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 47 IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel interfaces are not directly configured for failover; rather, they follow the interface containing their configured local address. The interface name configured on the home CLIM is used on the failover CLIM; therefore, tunnel interface names must not be the same on the home and failover CLIMs. Interface Status Control The CLIMCMD utilities ifstart and ifstop are provided to bring interfaces up and down, respectively. They coordinate with the CLIM software and host to start and stop the proper interface resources. Failover is suppressed when an interface is brought down using ifstop. The INTFALL option of the SCF ABORT CLIM command brings down all home interfaces on the specified CLIM even if they have failed over to other CLIMs. Otherwise, failed-over interfaces are not affected by ABORT CLIM. The INTFALL option can be used on CLIMs that have already been aborted to bring down just the failed-over interfaces. IPSec Configuration IPSec is configured on the CLIM using the climconfig command tool (see “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301)). The IPSec configuration is not failed over and must be identical on the home and failover CLIMs for addresses that can fail over between them. Configuration Changes When a configuration change is made using the climconfig command tool that affects failover, such as changing interfaces, IP addresses, routes, or failover-interface names, the failover configuration becomes invalid and failover does not occur until: • The failover configuration is propagated to all CLIMs containing failover interfaces. This is done automatically as long as the failover CLIMs are available on the dedicated service LAN. • The home CLIM object is in the STARTED state, at least briefly, so the host can retrieve information about the configuration change. When an interface has failed over, changes made to its configuration do not take effect until the interface is restored to its home interface. Invalid Failover Configuration Some invalid failover configurations cannot be detected until the affected CLIM objects become STARTED. These invalid configurations include: • Failover interface does not exist or is not allowed, such as a slave or tunnel interface • Home and failover interfaces do not form a pair • A configuration change has been made and the CLIM has not copied the new configuration files to the failover CLIM • A configuration change has been made and the home CLIM object never became STARTED • A CLIM interface is specified that is configured on the system, but is not under the same Provider. When an invalid failover configuration is detected, an EMS message is issued and failover does not occur either manually or automatically. When the condition is repaired, another EMS message indicates that failover is now possible. Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) For background information about IPSec, see the NonStop Networking Overview Manual. The CLIM has IPSec functionality enabled by default. The climconfig command tool allows configuration of the IPSec security policies, security associations and dynamic internet key exchange (IKE) functionality using racoon. 48 Overview IPSec security associations (SAs) can either be configured to be manually added to the security association database (SAD), with fixed predetermined secret keys, or can be configured to be automatically negotiated with the remote node. Since manually added SAs pose a security risk over a period of time, HP discourages this practice, and recommends configuration of automatically negotiated SAs instead. CLIM runs a daemon process called racoon, which establishes automatically keyed IPSec security associations and supports authentication using pre-shared keys or X.509 security certificates. Whenever an application sends network data, the CLIM kernel checks whether there are security policies in the security policy database (SPD) matching with the source and destination IP addresses. If a security policy is found, and there is no security association corresponding to this security policy, the kernel triggers the racoon daemon to establish the security association. To accomplish this, racoon queries "remote" and automatic SA objects configured by climconfig to determine the parameters for the Internet Key Exchange (IKE). The climconfig remote objects tell racoon how to authenticate the remote peer and what parameters to use for the security assocations for IKE phase 1. The climconfig automatic SA objects tell racoon the SAs that need to be established with IKE phase 2, and added to the SAD for further communication over the IPSec connection. The application data is then transferred over the newly created IPSec connection. IPSec Related Files This section details the set of configuration files related to IPSec (setkey and racoon). If the automatic SA establishment is preferred, either the mechanism of configuring the pre-shared secret key or providing X.509 security certificates can be used for Internet key exchange (IKE). IPSec Configuration Files Files containing configuration details reside on the CLIM. The IPSec configuration commands are used to edit the contents of these files. The IPSec configuration files are: CAUTION: The IPSec configuration files must not be edited directly. Use the climconfig commands to change them. NOTE: For CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON, a separate copy of each one of the files listed here is maintained for each provider. File Description In CIP, Modify by using the... psk.txt Pre-shared secret key for racoon IKE phase 1 “climconfig.psk Description” (page 349) /etc/racoon/certs/security-certificates Security certificates to be used instead of pre-shared key for the key exchanges during the racoon phase-1 IKE establishment These are generated by the use of tools which generate a certificate signing request. See “Security Certificates – Public and Private Key Certificates” (page 50) and “Installing X.509 Certificates” (page 104) racoon.conf Racoon configuration, containing configured "remote" and "automatic SA" configurations to direct racoon on the parameters for IKE negotiations. “climconfig.remote Description” (page 343) and “climconfig.sa Description” (page 354)“climconfig.sa Description” (page 362)and climconfig.remote(1) The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 49 File Description In CIP, Modify by using the... ipsec-tools.conf IPSec Security Policies (SPs) and manually configured Security Associations (manual SAs). “climconfig.sp Description” (page 364) and “climconfig.sa Description" (page 354)“climconfig.sa Description” (page 362)and “climconfig.sp Description” (page 372) psk.txt– pre-shared secret key for racoon IKE phase 1 The pre-shared secret keys are contained in the file psk.txt. This file consists of the IP addresses or fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) of the remote machines with the corresponding secret key. A sample psk.txt file is: # IPv4/IPv6 Adresses simple psk 0xe10bd52b0529b54aac97db63462850f3 # USER_FQDN [email protected] This is a psk for an email address # FQDN The secret key is a hexadecimal number or text. Any text or any hexadecimal number can be specified as the pre-shared key. Security Certificates – Public and Private Key Certificates Instead of the pre-shared key mechanism, you can also use security certificates for the key exchanges during the racoon phase-1 IKE (Internet key exchange) establishment. The security certificates are X.509 generated public and private keys. These files are placed under the directory /etc/racoon/certs/. These security files are generated by the use of tools which generate a certificate signing request and are certified by the root certificate authorities like Verisign or Thawte with the use of these tools. The generation of the certificates is not done by the IPSec configuration tools. For procedures for using CIP IPSec, see “Using IPSec” (page 107). Commands for Controlling Virtual Private Networks The set of commands that allow you to activate and deactivate VPN connections are: vpn start status stop sp sa X X X X See “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) for the command syntax and options for these commands. Name Resolution Name resolution for NonStop host system applications is processed by the NonStop operating system socket library either by using the HOSTS and IPNODES files or by using the Domain Name System (DNS). You configure the Guardian environment to use the HOSTS file (which invokes IPNODES, if necessary) by specifying a DEFINE for =TCPIP^HOST^FILE. When the DEFINE for =TCPIP^HOST^FILE is not set, the NonStop host system uses DNS. The name server accessed is defined in the $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP.RESCONF file. 50 Overview The Open System Services (OSS) environment inherits these Guardian-environment defines and also uses the RESCONF files. For information about using the resolver in applications, see the TCP/IP Programming Manual or the Open System Services Library Calls Reference Manual for OSS socket-library applications. For information about the use of defines and name-resolution files in the OSS environment, see the Open System Services Management and Operations Guide. SNMP Support SNMP support is provided on the NonStop system with CIP, similar to the SNMP support on NonStop systems without CIP, with a few exceptions mentioned below. Using SNMP on the NonStop host system, you can integrate your SNMP-based management application to manage and monitor the NonStop system. In addition, SNMP support is provided on the CLIMs, but only within the dedicated service LAN. This support is used by HP management applications, such as OSM, to monitor the CLIMs. SNMP on the NonStop Host System The NonStop SNMP support in CIP is similar to SNMP support in the NonStop TCP/IP and TCP/IPv6 environments. For the CIP subsystem, the SNMP agent, EMS Trap Subagent, NonStop NET/MASTER Trap subagent, Host Resources subagent and TRAP Multiplexer subagent and Manager are supported. However, the TCP/IP subagent (TCPIPSA) and Ethernet subagent (ETHSA) are not supported for CIP subsystem. For configuring the supported SNMP components on NonStop refer to SNMP Configuration and Management Manual. CLIM SNMP Support SNMPv1 support is provided on the CLIM, but only on the dedicated service LAN. It provides an extensible agent for responding to SNMP queries for management information. CIP supports configuring the SNMP agent (snmpd) on the CLIM using the climconfig interface. The SNMP agent supports many existing networking, storage, and server MIBs that are qualified for Debian TE. These are used by the NonStop management applications, such as OSM, to monitor the CLIMs. NOTE: SNMP trapdests must be configured on each CLIM for it to be able to send the SNMP traps to the NonStop host. When the eth0 is configured/modified by the user using config ip -add eth0 ip-address or climconfig interface -modify eth0 ip-address, the climconfig tool updates the /etc/defaults/snmpd configuration file with the new listening address as the dedicated service LAN IP. The SNMP agent on the CLIM has public as trap community string. Public is the default community string to be used when sending traps. The SNMP agent on the CLIM has public for read-only and read-write as community names. These are the read-only and read-write communities that are used to access the agent. CLIM SNMP Agents CLIM SNMP agents monitor CLIM hardware presence and status and environmental status. CLIM SNMP agents also monitor attached SAS enclosures hardware presence and status and environmental status. The OSM server issues SNMP calls to obtain the information and status. The OSM server also creates an SNMPTMUX process to listen to traps generated by CLIM SNMP agents. IP CLIM The IP CLIM provides the physical interface to the network and performs the IP protocol processing. It can be configured with either five copper or three copper and two fiber Ethernet interfaces for The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 51 customer data. (However, the Telco CLIM only supports copper Ethernet interfaces.) Another, built-in Ethernet interface can also be used for customer data. See the system planning guide for your system for more information about where the CLIM fits into your NonStop system. For carrier grade CLIMs, contact your service provider for more information. NOTE: The CLIM is intended only for the NonStop host system I/O functionality described in this manual. HP does not support any other use of the CLIM. Any other use of the CLIM, including installation of any unauthorized software, voids the warranty. In particular, do not attempt to install customer code or any customer-originated Linux utilities within the CLIM. The physical Ethernet interfaces on the CLIM include two built-in Ethernet interfaces and four additional ones in one or two expansion PICs. The interfaces are named by the CLIM kernel from top to bottom as shown in Figure 8: DL385 G2 or G5 IP CLIM Interfaces, Five Copper Interfaces (page 52) or Figure 9: DL380 G6 IP CLIM, Five Copper Interfaces (page 52), depending on the CLIM's model. NOTE: In this manual, for IP CLIM and IP CIP, “interface” refers to the Ethernet port in the network interface card (NIC). The term “port” refers to the UDP or TCP number present in the header of a data packet and used to map data to a particular process running on a computer. Figure 8 DL385 G2 or G5 IP CLIM Interfaces, Five Copper Interfaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Slot 1. Customer-usable interfaces: 4 copper Ethernet interfaces, eth2 to eth5, numbered from top to bottom Slot 2 (empty) Slot 3: two pair of ServerNet PICs Slot 4 (empty) Slot 5: SAS HBA for the internal disk Two pair of ServerNet ports, from left to right: A — YX, B — YX SAS HBA eth1 customer-usable interface Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface ILO Figure 9 DL380 G6 IP CLIM, Five Copper Interfaces 52 Overview 1 2 Slot 1: ServerNet PCIe card Slot 2: 2-port network interface card, from left to right: 2A: eth 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2B: eth 5 Slot 3 (empty) Slot 4 (empty) Slot 5 (empty) Slot 6 (empty) Four ServerNet ports, from left to right: XB, YB, XA, YA LAN 4: eth 3 customer-usable interface LAN 3: eth 2 customer-usable interface ILO: Maintenance LAN interface LAN 2: eth 1 customer-usable interface LAN 1: Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface An IP CLIM can also be configured with three copper ports and two Fibre Channel interfaces. Slots 2 and 4 can each contain one HP NC373F PCI Express Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter. In that case, the Fibre Channel interfaces are in slots 2 and 4 as show in Figure 10: DL385 G2 or G5 IP CLIM Interfaces, Three Copper, Two Fiber Channel Interfaces (page 53) or Figure 11: DL380 G6 IP CLIM Three Copper, Two Fiber Interfaces (page 53), depending on the CLIM's model. Figure 10 DL385 G2 or G5 IP CLIM Interfaces, Three Copper, Two Fiber Channel Interfaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Slot 1: Customer-usable interface: 2 copper Ethernet interfaces, eth2 and eth3, numbered from top to bottom Slot 2: eth5 fibre channel customer-usable interface Slot 3: two pair of ServerNet PICs Slot 4: eth4 customer-usable interface Slot 5: SAS HBA for the internal disk Two pair of ServerNet ports, from left to right: A — YX, B — YX eth1 customer-usable interface Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface ILO Figure 11 DL380 G6 IP CLIM Three Copper, Two Fiber Interfaces The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 53 2 Slot 1: ServerNet PCIe card Slot 2: One port network interface card: 3 2A: eth 4: customer-usable optical interface Slot 3: One port network interface card: 1 3A: eth 5: customer-usable optical interface Slot 4 (empty) Slot 5 (empty) Slot 6 (empty) Four ServerNet ports, from left to right: XB, YB, XA, YA LAN 4: eth 3 customer-usable interface LAN 3: eth 2 customer-usable interface ILO: Maintenance LAN interface LAN 2: eth 1 customer-usable interface LAN 1: Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gen8 IP and Telco CLIMs can be configured with five copper interfaces or three copper interfaces and two Fibre Channel interfaces. In Figure 12: DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM 1 Interfaces — Five Copper Ethernet Interfaces (page 54), slot 2 contains an Ethernet 4 and an Ethernet 5 port, from left to right, whereas in Figure 13: DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM and Telco CLIM Interfaces, Option 2 Three Copper, Two Optical Interfaces (page 55), slot 2 contains an Ethernet 5 and an Ethernet 4 port, from left to right. Figure 12 DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM 1 Interfaces — Five Copper Ethernet Interfaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 54 Slot 1: ServerNet PCIe card Four ServerNet ports, from left to right: AY, AX, BY, BX Slot 2: 2-port network interface card, from left to right: eth5, eth4 Slot 3 (empty) Slots 4, 5, 6 (empty) LAN 4: eth 3 customer-usable interface LAN 3: eth 2 customer-usable interface LAN 2: eth 1 customer-usable interface LAN 1: Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface ILO: Maintenance LAN interface Overview Figure 13 DL380p Gen8 IP CLIM and Telco CLIM Interfaces, Option 2 Three Copper, Two Optical Interfaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Slot 1: ServerNet PCIe card Slot 2 from left to right: Ethernet 5 and Ethernet 4 ports Slot 3: (empty) Ethernet 5 port Ethernet 4 port Four ServerNet ports, from left to right: AY, AX, BY, BX ILO: Maintenance LAN interface LAN 1: Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface LAN 2: eth 1 customer-usable interface LAN 3: eth 2 customer-usable interface LAN 4: eth 3 customer-usable interface For information about the carrier-grade system version of the IP and Telco CLIMs, contact your support provider. NOTE: The fiber Ethernet interface option is not available for the Telco CLIM. CIP iptables/ip6tables Support (climiptables) For CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON, each provider has its own iptables/ip6tables configuration, which can be independently manipulated and disabled or enabled. The CIP implementation of iptables/ip6tables only supports the INPUT chain of the ‘filter’ table. In addition, CIP does not directly support invoking the Linux iptables/ip6tables through CLIMCMD. Rather, CIP wraps these commands with similar iptables/ip6tables commands in climconfig. These wrappers allow the CIP software to preserve similar iptables syntax while allowing CIP software to: 1. Use iptables/ip6tables internally. CIP software filters out iptables/ip6tables commands that are in conflict with CIP internal rules. The CIP rules are used during failover and to control the dedicated service LAN IP traffic. 2. Provide automatic configuration persistence. The CIP software persists the iptables/ip6tables configuration across CLIM boots and HP CLIM software restarts. 3. Provide configuration backup and restore. CIP software has a provision for allowing customers to backup and restore the configuration of a CLIM, including the iptables/ip6tables configuration. 4. Ensure that the exposed iptables/ip6tables functionality is conforming to the ways the CLIM is used in the CIP environment. This involves removing the support for some functionality, mostly related to router functionality which is not supported by the CLIM. CIP iptables/ip6tables depends on Linux iptables/ip6tables. Functionality changes in subsequent versions of Linux iptables/ip6tables may affect the functionality of CIP iptables/ip6tables. The CIP Subsystem for Internet Protocols (IP CIP) 55 The following assumptions relate to CIP iptables/ip6tables support: • You must not execute the Linux native iptables/ip6tables commands directly. • You should not edit any configuration files on the CLIM. • You should invoke the climconfig commands provided for iptables/ip6tables support on the CLIM, either through CLIMCMD or Nonstop I/O Essentials to configure and control iptables/ip6tables. • Automatic failover of iptables/ip6tables rules is not supported. Similar to IPSec rules, you have to pre-configure the failover CLIM’s iptables/ip6tables rules in anticipation of a failover. You can compare the configuration of the home CLIM and failover CLIM by comparing the –obeyform output of climiptables from each CLIM and ensuring any iptables/ip6tables rules on the home CLIM exist on the failover CLIM in anticipation of a failover. The only Linux built-in chain that is supported is the INPUT chain of the ‘filter’ tables. However, you cannot manage it directly. Instead, use the CIP built-in chain CIP_INPUT as a target for commands that are intended for the Linux INPUT chain. The climiptables facility is disabled by default. Before using the facility it must be enabled using “climconfig climiptables –enable”. The climiptables are initialized during CLIM start up. At that time, the CIP built-in chains CIP_INPUT and CIP_INPUT_p are created and the iptables and ip6tables configurations are set in place. The CIP_INPUT_p chain is used internally for simulating policy setting on the CIP_INPUT chain and should not be modified directly by the users. IB CLIM The IB CLIM is a DL380 G6 server which is used in some of the NonStop BladeSystem configurations to provide InfiniBand connectivity through dual-port Host Channel Adapter (HCA) InfiniBand interfaces. The HCA IB interface on the IB CLIM connects to a customer-provided IB switch using a customer-supplied cable as a part of the Low Latency Solution. NOTE: IB CLIMs are only used as a Low Latency Solution. They do not provide general purpose InfiniBand connectivity for the NonStop systems. The Low Latency Solution architecture provides a high speed and low latency messaging system for stock exchange trading from the incoming trade server to the NonStop system. The solution utilizes the third-party Informatica Ultra Messaging Streaming software for messaging and order sequencing. For information about obtaining the UMS software, contact your service provider. The Low Latency Solution also requires a customer-supplied IB switch and Subnet Manager software either installed on the IB switch or running on another server. Figure 14 DL 380 G6 IB CLIM 2 InfiniBand Interfaces, Three Copper Ethernet Ports 56 Overview 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Slot 1: ServerNet PCIe card Four ServerNet ports, from left to right: XB, YB, XA, YA Slot 2 (empty) Slot 3 (empty) Slot 4: Two InfiniBand ports, from left to right: ib1, ib0 Slot 5 (empty) Slot 6 (empty) LAN 4: eth3 customer-usable interface LAN 3: eth2 customer-usable interface ILO: Maintenance LAN interface LAN 2: eth1 customer-usable interface LAN 1: Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface NOTE: The Informatica software which is part of the Low Latency Solution uses only one InfiniBand interface on the IB CLIM. HP recommends connecting to the ib0 InfiniBand interface for ease of manageability. The CIP Subsystem for Storage I/O (Storage CIP) and the Storage Subsystem To find out of your system supports Storage CLIMs, see the planning guide for your system or the NonStop Networking Overview. Storage CIP provides the NonStop host system storage subsystem an industry-standard server (the CLIM). User applications, SQL, and DP2, can access Storage CLIMs without any changes. Storage CIP uses mostly the same CLIM hardware as IP CIP with some additional storage specific hardware such as storage-controller adapters and disk storage. Storage CIP interfaces with the NonStop host system storage subsystem with these restrictions: NOTE: For the remainder of this manual, Storage CIP refers to the Storage CIP subsystem ($ZZCIP) and storage subsystem refers to the NonStop host system storage subsystem ($ZZSTO). • Storage CIP requires a CLIM object to be configured within the CIP subsystem before a CLIM can be accessed by the storage subsystem. The storage subsystem cannot use a CLIM object that is configured for IP. A CLIM object that is in use by the storage subsystem cannot be removed from the CIP subsystem. • Some management and status information provided by the CIP subsystem is essential for management of CLIMs by OSM and I/O Essentials. The CLIM object must be in the STARTED state within the CIP subsystem in order for the CIP subsystem to provide some of this information (mostly through the STATUS CLIM command). • CLIM hardware event reporting is provided using a common mechanism for both IP and Storage CIP. Syslog and evlog events generated in the CLIM are sent to EMS and I/O Essentials. The CLIM object must be in the STARTED state within the CIP subsystem for this event reporting functionality to work. The CIP subsystem allows you to configure and monitor the CLIM as a storage I/O device. To configure storage features, such as disk paths, use the SCF interface for the storage subsystem. See the SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem. Storage CIP commands include: • Adding a CLIM • Deleting a CLIM • Monitoring events from a CLIM • Obtaining information and various statistics about the CLIM The CIP Subsystem for Storage I/O (Storage CIP) and the Storage Subsystem 57 Storage CLIM For storage I/O, the CLIM supports Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) and fibre channel connections. In addition to the features of the basic CLIM, the Storage CLIM can be configured with: • Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) that contain a serial attached SCSI (SAS) interface • HBAs that contain fibre channel ports Figure 15: DL385 G2 or G5 Storage CLIM Interfaces (page 58) shows interfaces for the DL385 G2 or G5 Storage CLIM. Figure 16: DL380 G6 Storage CLIM Interfaces (page 58) shows interfaces for the DL380 G6 CLIM. Figure 15 DL385 G2 or G5 Storage CLIM Interfaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Slot 1, Fibre Channel HBA, port 1 and port 2, numbered from top to bottom Slot 2 — empty Slot 3 — two pairs of ServerNet PICs Slot 4 — SAS HBA Slot 5 — SAS HBA that connects to the SAS disk enclosure and the internal drive Two pair of ServerNet ports, from left to right: A — YX, B — YX Slots 4 and 5 — SAS HBA Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface ILO Additional SAS or FC HBA will be in slots 1 and 2. Figure 16 DL380 G6 Storage CLIM Interfaces 1 2 Slot 1: ServerNet PCIe card Slot 2: 2-port SAS HBA: 2A: SAS port 1E 3 4 5 58 Overview 2B: SAS port 2E Slot 3 (empty) Slot 4 (empty) Slot 5 (empty) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Slot 6 (empty) Four ServerNet ports, from left to right: XB, YB, XA, YA LAN 4: no connect LAN 3: no connect ILO: Maintenance LAN interface. LAN 2: no connect LAN 1: Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface Additional SAS or FC HBA can be added to slots in these combinations: Configuration Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 One SAS HBA (default) SAS Two SAS HBA SAS SAS One SAS HBA , one FC HBA SAS FC One SAS HBA, two FC HBA SAS FC FC Two SAS HBA, one FC HBA SAS SAS FC Figure 17 DL380p Gen8 Storage CLIM Interfaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Slot 1: ServerNet PCIe card Slot 2: 2–port SAS HBA Slot 3: (empty) SAS port SAS port Four ServerNet ports, from left to right: AY, AX, BY, BX ILO: Maintenance LAN interface LAN 1: Maintenance LAN interface. Eth0 and eth0:0 interface See your system planning guide for more information about the Storage CLIM. For information about the carrier-grade system version of the Storage CLIM, contact your support provider. Subsystem ID and Product Numbers The CIP subsystem ID on the NonStop host system is ZCIP (number 259). CIP includes the following software components on the NonStop host system and CLIM: Component Product Number Manager process T0690 CIP CLIM software T0691 CIP Linux OS T0692 Subsystem ID and Product Numbers 59 Component Product Number Socket access method T0693 Monitor processes, Library T0694 Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) product module T0695 Trace facility T0696 kIT-API software T0715 comForte SSH T0801 Storage CIP software T0830 CLIMCMD T0834 CLIM DVD installation software T0853 CLIM DVD source T0891 For descriptions of the manager, monitor, and socket access method processes, as well as the trace facility and SCF, see Chapter 10 (page 216). The CLIM software is pre-installed on new CLIMs. Capacity and Resource Use CIP has the following capacity: Max number of CLIMs in a system 24 IP CLIMs, 22 Storage CLIMs User Ethernet interfaces (IP CIP) DL385 G2 or G5 CLIMs: Five; one embedded gigabit Ethernet and four on NICs DL380 G6 CLIMs: Five; 3 embedded ports and 2 on NICs Serial attached SCSI (SAS) Host bus adapters (HBAs) and Two SAS ports. Can support a maximum of 4 SAS ports. fiber channel (FC) HBAs (Storage CIP) Can support a maximum of 4 FC ports. Max number of sockets on a NonStop host system processor (IP CIP) 128K (131,072) Max number of sockets on a CLIM (IP CIP) 64K (65,536) Max number of LUNs for each CLIM, including SAS disks, 512. Each primary, backup, mirror and mirror backup ESS and tapes: path is counted in this maximum. Restrictions These restrictions apply to the CLIM: • The eth0 interface and the eth0:0 interface, if configured, are restricted to dedicated service LAN use and do not accept data traffic. For data traffic, use the eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4, and eth5 interfaces. • You must use IPv4 for the dedicated service LAN IP addresses for the CLIM. • NOTE: Effective with J06.14/H06.25 and later RVUs, the following restriction has been removed. For CLIMs on RVUs prior to J06.14/H06.25, the default subnet of the dedicated service LAN is 192.168.*.*/16; therefore, the data interfaces eth1 - eth5 and bond0 - bond1 cannot have IP addresses in the 192.168.*.*/16 range. In addition, eth1 - eth5 cannot communicate with hosts having an address in the 192.168.*.*/16 range when the address is already assigned to the dedicated service LAN. 60 Overview Example of eth1 - eth5 or bond0 - bond1 Address Restriction When eth1 has an address in the 192.168.*.*/16 range, the dedicated LAN must not have an address in the 192.168.*.*/16 range. Example of Destination Restriction via Gateway When eth1 has an address of and tries to communicate with a remote host which has an address in the 192.168.*.*/16 range, the dedicated LAN must not have an address in the 192.168.*.*/16 range. To avoid the restriction, change the dedicated service LAN addresses or change the addresses of the conflicting subnet to use a different private subnet. Any address is valid, but these private addresses are recommended: - (10/8 prefix) - (172.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix) See Chapter 6 (page 174) for a complete list of compatibility and migration considerations for IP CIP. Capacity and Resource Use 61 2 Quick Start The installation of the CLIM is a service procedure; therefore, some basic configuration tasks have been performed. • Two CLIMs are connected to the NonStop host system. • Management facilities OSM and SCF are installed and configured on the NonStop host system. • CIP subsystem components are installed on the NonStop host system. • CIP subsystem components are installed and configured on the CLIM. • NonStop system and CLIMs are powered up. • CLIM interface to the dedicated service LAN is configured. • ◦ A CLIM has been added for the dedicated service LAN. ◦ Two maintenance Providers are configured for the dedicated service LAN. (These serve the NonStop host system and all the CLIMs.) The CIPMAN and CIPMON processes have been configured and started. If your service provider has not already done so, change the default passwords on your CLIMs to secure your environment. The iLO and eth0 interfaces have passwords. CAUTION: Best Practice: You should always back up the configuration files after changing any configuration information. For information on how to perform a backup, see “Managing the CLIM Configuration Preservation” (page 114). Default Processes and Naming Conventions The CLIM comes with the software pre-installed. To upgrade the software, see “Performing an Online Upgrade of the CIP Subsystem on the NonStop Host” (page 133). The CLIM and attached storage devices have the default naming conventions shown in Table 4: CLIM and Attached Storage Device Default Naming Conventions: Table 4 CLIM and Attached Storage Device Default Naming Conventions Resource Type Naming Convention Example Description IP CLIM IGroup N1002532 IP CLIM that has an X1 attachment point of fiber on the ServerNet switch port located in group 100, module 2, slot 5, port 3, and fiber 2 All CLIMs are connected to both fabrics (X and Y). However, the names of the CLIMs are always dependent on their X fabric connection. For example, if a CLIM has a name of N1002532, you can determine this information about it: Module Slot Port fiber1 • it is an IP CLIM • its X1 connection point is c7000 ServerNet switch fiber at group 100, module 2, slot 5, port 3, fiber 2 • its Y1 connection point is c7000 ServerNet switch fiber at group 100, module 3, slot 7, port 3, fiber 2 This sample CLIM is never named N1003732, because that name 62 Quick Start Table 4 CLIM and Attached Storage Device Default Naming Conventions (continued) Resource Type Naming Convention Example Description corresponds to the same CLIM as N1002532. Storage CLIM SGroup S1002532 Storage CLIM that has an X1 attachment point of fiber on the ServerNet switch port located in group 100, module 2, slot 5, port 3, and fiber 2 O1002532 Telco CLIM that has an X1 attachment point of fiber on the ServerNet switch port located in group 100, module 2, slot B1002534 IB CLIM that has an X1 attachment point of fiber on the ServerNet switch port at group 100, module 2, slot 5, port 3, fiber 4 Module Slot Port fiber Telco CLIM OGroup Module Slot Port fiber IB CLIM for a NonStop BladeSystem BGroup Module Slot Port fiber SAS disk volume $SASnumber $SAS20 Twentieth SAS disk volume ESS disk volume $ESSnumber $ESS10 Tenth ESS disk volume in the system Tape $TAPEnumber $TAPE01 First tape in the system Maintenance CIPSAM process $ZTCPnumber $ZTCP0 First maintenance CIPSAM process for the system Maintenance Provider $ZZCIP.ZTCPnumber ZTCP0 First maintenance Provider for the system, associated with CIPSAM process $ZTCP0 Maintenance CIPSAM process $ZTCPnumber $ZTCP1 Second maintenance CIPSAM process for the system Maintenance Provider $ZZCIP.ZTCPnumber ZTCP1 Second maintenance Provider for the system, associated with CIPSAM process $ZTCP1 IPDATA CIPSAM process $ZTCnumber $ZTC0 First IPDATA CIPSAM process for the system IPDATA Provider $ZZCIP.ZTCnumber ZTC0 First IPDATA Provider for the system Maintenance TELSERV process $ZTNPnumber $ZTNP1 Second maintenance TELSERV process for the system, associated with CIPSAM process $ZTCP1 Non-maintenance TELSERV process $ZTNnumber $ZTN0 First non-maintenance TELSERV process for the system, associated with CIPSAM process $ZTC0 Maintenance LISTNER process $ZPRPnumber $ZPRP1 Second maintenance LISTNER process for the system, associated with CIPSAM process $ZTCP1 Non-maintenance LISTNER process $LSNnumber or $LSnnn $LSN0 First non-maintenance Listner process for the system, associated with CIPSAM process $ZTC0 TFTP process Automatically created by WANMGR Default Processes and Naming Conventions 63 Table 4 CLIM and Attached Storage Device Default Naming Conventions (continued) Resource Type Naming Convention WANBoot process Automatically created by WANMGR SWAN adapter Snumber 1 Example Description S19 Nineteenth SWAN adapter in the system The fiber number only applies to NonStop BladeSystems. CAUTION: Do not change the names of the $ZTCP0 and $ZTCP1 processes, as doing so could lead to internal errors. Change the CLIM Passwords If your service provider has not already done so, change the passwords on the maintenance interface and the iLO interfaces of your CLIMs. 1. Change the password on the iLO interface of a CLIM (the default user name and password for the iLO are: Admin and hpnonstop): 1. In the OSM Service Connection, right click on the CLIM and select Actions. 2. In the next screen, in the Available Actions drop-down window, select Invoke iLO and click Perform Action. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2. 64 In the iLO interface, select the Administration tab. Select the Admin local user. Click View/Modify. Change the password. Click Save User Information. Keep track of your CLIM iLO password. Change the password of the maintenance interface (eth0): Quick Start • From the NonStop host system, enter the CLIMCMD command for password: > CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address | dns} passwd It will ask for a password twice. For example: $SYSTEM STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD n1002531 passwd comForte SSH client version T9999H06_11Feb2008_comForte_SSH_0078 Enter new UNIX password: hpnonstop Retype new UNIX password: hpnonstop passwd: password updated successfully Termination Info: 0 3. Change the iLO and maintenance interface passwords for each CLIM. The user name and password for the eth0:0 maintenance provider are the standard NonStop host system ones, for example, super.super, and so on. Follow standard procedures for setting up NonStop host system user names and passwords. Configure and Start CIP 1. 2. Enter SCF. Check the CIP processes on the NonStop system. > STATUS PROCESS $ZZKRN.ZZCIP NONSTOP KERNEL — Status PROCESS \BLITUG.$ZZKRN.$ZZCIP Symbolic Name Name State Sub Primary PID 0 ,317 Backup PID None Owner ID 255,255 Sub Primary PID 0 ,320 1 ,301 2 ,292 None Backup PID None None None None Owner ID 255,255 255,255 255,255 ZZCIP $ZZCIP STARTED ZZCIP > STATUS PROCESS $ZZKRN.CIPMON NONSTOP KERNEL — Status PROCESS \BLITUG.$ZZKRN.$CIPMON Symbolic Name Name State CIPMON CIPMON CIPMON CIPMON $ZCM00 $ZCM01 $ZCM02 $ZCM03 STARTED STARTED STARTED STOPPED NOTE: The CIPMAN, CIPMON and (for IP CIP) CIPSAM processes are pre-configured. If you need to add these processes to the persistence manager in the Kernel subsystem, see “Starting and Restarting CIP” (page 100). 3. Get the information on existing CLIMs from the NonStop host system. • Determine the names of the CLIMs: > Info CLIM $ZZCIP.* CIP Info CLIM Name N1002541 N1002551 N1002581 N1002553 Mode IP IP IP,STORAGE STORAGE Location (100 ,2 ,5 (100 ,2 ,5 (100 ,2 ,5 (100 ,2 ,5 ,4 ,1 ,5, 1 ,8 ,1 ,5 ,3 ) ) ) ) ConnPts 2 2 1 2 Provider ZTC0 ZTC0 ZSAM1 -- MultiProv ON OFF OFF -- In this example, the user-defined Provider names (defined by the TPNAME attribute) for applications to use IP CIP are ZTC0 and ZSAM1. Configure the Eth1 Through Eth5 Interfaces (Does Not Apply to Storage CIP) These interfaces, for customer data communication, are configured by using the TACL climconfig facility. The TACL prompt ‘>’ is shown at the start of each command for clarity. Configure and Start CIP 65 NOTE: You must name physical interfaces eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4 and eth5 and bonded interfaces bond0 or bond1. These procedures assume you have two CLIMs, each configured with physical interfaces eth1 and eth2 and bonded interface bond0. This example shows how to change eth1 and eth2 on one CLIM into a bonded interface and how to configure physical interface eth5 on both CLIMs. The example uses the CLIM IP address and the CLIM host name to show different ways of qualifying the CLIM. NOTE: In some commands, the CLIM IP address rather than the CLIM name is used in the CLIMCMD command to demonstrate this option. The CLIM IP address used in this example,, belongs to the CLIM dedicated service LAN interface, eth0 of the first CLIM. The second CLIM is identified by its name N1002531. 1. Create the physical interface eth5 on both CLIMs: > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -add eth5 > CLIMCMD climconfig ip -add eth5 -ipaddress -netmask > CLIMCMD N1002531 climconfig interface -add eth5 > CLIMCMD N1002531 climconfig ip -add eth5 -ipaddress -netmask 2. Change the physical interfaces eth1 and eth2 to bonded interface bond1 on one of the CLIMs: > CLIMCMD ifstop eth1 > CLIMCMD ifstop eth2 > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -delete eth1 > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -delete eth2 > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -add bond1 -jumbo on > CLIMCMD climconfig ip -add bond1 -ipaddress -netmask > CLIMCMD climconfig slaveinterface -configure bond1 -add eth1 > CLIMCMD climconfig slaveinterface -configure bond1 -add eth2 > CLIMCMD climconfig route -add bond1 -net -target -netmask -gateway NOTE: 3. You do not need to start the interfaces. They start automatically. Add a default static route to the bond1 interfaces on each CLIM: > CLIMCMD N1002532 climconfig route –add bond1 -default -gateway > CLIMCMD N1002531 climconfig route -add bond1 -default -gateway Configure CLIM-To-CLIM Failover (Applies to IP CIP Only, Not Storage CIP) To configure failover, the two CLIMs must belong to the same Provider. In the example in “Configure and Start CIP” (page 65), the CLIMs are in different Providers: ZTC00 and ZTC01. The CLIMs must be reconfigured to be in the same Provider for failover. To reconfigure the CLIM, delete one of the CLIMs and then re-add it to the same Providers as shown in Example 1: Configure Failover for the CLIMs. Example 1 Configure Failover for the CLIMs 1. Stop the CLIM that is using ZTC00 by using the SCF ABORT command: > ABORT CLIM N1002532 2. Collect the current configuration by entering this SCF command and recording the display: > INFO CLIM N1002532, OBEY 3. 66 Delete the CLIM: Quick Start > DELETE CLIM N1002532 CIP E00015 CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 is associated with an existing Maintenance Provider object. 4. Find the associated Maintenance Provider: > INFO CLIM N1002532, detail CIP Detailed info CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.N1002532 Mode........................... Configured Location............ ConnPts........................ X1 Location.................... Y1 Location.................... SvNet ID 1..................... IP Group 100 , Module 2 , Slot 5 , Port 3 , Fiber 2 1 Group 100 , Module 2 , Slot 5 , Port 3 , Fiber 2 Group 100 , Module 3 , Slot 7 , Port 3 , Fiber 2 Network CLIM Information: MultiProv....................... OFF Provider........................ ZTC00 Index........................... 0 Maintenance Providers Configured: ZTCP1........................... NOTE: 5. The Fiber field is displayed only for systems that support it. Abort the maintenance Provider: > ABORT PROVIDER ZTCP1, forced 6. Delete the maintenance Provider. a. Record the current configuration: > INFO PROVIDER ZTCP1, obey ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP1 , & TPNAME $ZTCP1 , & HOSTNAME "osmlany" , & HOSTID , & TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN 128 , & TYPE MAINTENANCE , & CLIM N1002532 IPADDRESS b. Delete the Provider: > DELETE PROVIDER ztcP1 7. Delete the CLIM: > DELETE CLIM N1002532 8. Add the CLIM using the required data Provider: > ADD CLIM N1002532, mode ip, connpt 1, location (100,2,5,3,2), provider ztc01 9. Add a maintenance Provider using recorded attributes: > ADD PROVIDER ztcp1, type maint, clim n1002532, ip, hostname "osmlany" 10. Start the CLIM: > START CLIM n1002532 11. Start the maintenance Provider: > START PROVIDER ztcp1 12. Check the configuration: > INFO CLIM * CIP Info CLIM Name Mode Location ConnPts Provider MultiProv Configure CLIM-To-CLIM Failover (Applies to IP CIP Only, Not Storage CIP) 67 N1002532 N1002531 IP IP (100 ,2 ,5 ,3 ,2) (100 ,2 ,5 ,3 ,1) 1 1 ZTC01 ZTC01 OFF OFF Configure two-way failover for the bond1 and eth4 interfaces from source N1002532 to target N1002531: > > > > CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD N1002532 N1002532 N1002531 N1002531 climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig failover failover failover failover –add –add –add –add bond1 -dest N1002531.bond1 eth4 -dest N1002531.eth4 bond1 -dest N1002532.bond1 eth4 -dest N1002532.eth4 Check Network Applications (Does Not Apply to Storage CIP) Check the LISTNER and TELSERV processes. From the SCF prompt, issue the LISTOPENS MON commands: > LISTOPENS MON $ZZCIP.* This command displays all the processes that are using the CIP subsystem, including the LISTNER and TELSERV processes. 68 Quick Start 3 CIP Configuration and Management This chapter explains the tasks involved in configuring, running, and managing the CIP subsystem on the NonStop host system and on the CLIM. Tasks that are only relevant for IP CIP, Storage CIP or Telco CIP are identified throughout the text. For information about the LUN manager, see Chapter 5 (page 170). The tasks covered in this chapter are: CAUTION: Best Practice: You should always back up the configuration files after changing any configuration information. For information on how to perform a backup, see“Managing the Configuration Preservation” (page 113). Using Linux Commands and Custom CIP Commands Table 5: Sample Safe Linux Commands provides examples of Linux commands HP considers safe to use with the CIP subsystem. For instructions on obtaining man pages and help for Linux commands, see “Linux Man Page Documentation and Help” (page 25). CAUTION: The CIP subsystem includes a front-end device running the Linux operating system. It is safe to use Linux commands for simple operations, such as copying a file, searching a string, or collecting logs. Table 5: Sample Safe Linux Commands shows examples of Linux commands that are safe to use. Do not use any destructive Linux command on the CLIM. Using destructive Linux commands can cause failure of the CIP subsystem. NOTE: This table contains a number of network-sensitive commands that need to have a provider specified when invoked on a CLIM with MULTIPROV ON. Those commands are flagged with an X in the second column and are also listed under prov(1p). Table 5 Sample Safe Linux Commands Linux Command Specify Provider arp -a X Task Description Location Displays the Internet-to-Ethernet address translation tables used by the address resolution protocol. See the arp man page for more information. cat Concatenates files and prints on the standard output. See the cat man page for more information. cd Changes current directory. Use the help cd command for more information. date Prints or sets the system date and time. See the date man page for more information. dmesg Prints or controls the kernel ring buffer. See the dmesg man page for more information. ethtool interface-name X Displays ethernet card settings for the given interface. See the ethtool man page for more information. free Displays amount of free and used memory in the system. See the free man page for more information. grep Print lines matching a pattern. See the grep man page for more information. hplog X HP ProLiant Integrated Management Logging (IML) utility. See the hplog man page for more information. Since hplog is not a network-sensitive command and its agents execute only in %MAINT provider, hplog must always be executed in the ‘%MAINT’ provider. ifconfig X Displays status of currently active interfaces. See ifconfig man page for more information. Using Linux Commands and Custom CIP Commands 69 Table 5 Sample Safe Linux Commands (continued) Linux Command Specify Provider Task Description Location ifconfig interface-name X Displays status for the given interface. See the ifconfig man page for more information. ifconfig -a X Displays status of all interfaces, even those that are down. See the ifconfig man page for more information. (other forms of this command are not supported) ip addr show X Displays all the IP addresses for each of the network interfaces. See the ip man page for more information. ip route show X Displays contents of routing tables. See the ip man page for more information. ip link show X Lists all the network interfaces. See the ip man page for more information. (Other forms of the ip command are not supported. Use the man 8 ip command to obtain the man page for the Linux ip command instead of the man ipcommand.) less Filter for paging through text, one screen at a time. But, it allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement. See the less man page for more information. ls Lists directory contents. See the ls man page for more information. man An interface to the on-line reference manuals. See the man man page for more information. mii-tool Displays the negotiated link speed and link status of each ethernet interface. Not supported. Use the ethtool command. mkdir Creates directory/directories, if they do not exist. See the mkdir man page for more information. more Filter for paging through text one screenful at a time. See the more man page for more information. netstat X Prints network connections, routing tables, masquerade connections, interface statistics and multicast memberships. See the netstat man page for more information. ping X Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts. See the ping man page for more information. ping6 X Sends ICMP6 ECHO_REQUEST to network host. See the ping6 man page for more information. passwd Changes passwords for user accounts. See the passwd man page for more information. pwd Prints full filename of current working directory. See the pwd man page for more information. rm Removes files or directories. See the rm man page for more information. rmdir Removes empty directories. See the rmdir man page for more information. tcpdump 70 X X Dumps traffic on a network. See the tcpdump man page for more information. tee Reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files. See the tee man page for more information. top -b Displays Linux tasks. See the top man page for more information. touch Changes file timestamps. See the touch man page for more information. CIP Configuration and Management Table 5 Sample Safe Linux Commands (continued) Linux Command Specify Provider traceroute X Prints the route that packets take to the network host. See the traceroute man page for more information. traceroute6 X Traces path to a network host. See the traceroute6 man page for more information. Task Description Location vmstat Reports virtual memory statistics. See the vmstat man page for more information. wc Prints newline, word, and byte counts for each file. See the wc man page for more information. who Shows who is logged on. See the who man page for more information. Table 6: Custom CIP Commands lists the custom CIP commands. Table 6 Custom CIP Commands CIP Command Task Description Location climconfig “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) clim “Troubleshooting Tools and Tips” (page 119) climstatus “Displaying CLIM Status Information With climstatus” (page 87) and“Monitoring CLIM Devices and Network Interfaces” (page 94) cmd “Linux Command Logging with cmd Command Wrapper” (page 121) (J06.10/H06.21 and later RVUs only) ifstart “Controlling Interface States (IP CIP)” (page 102) ifstop “Deactivating an Interface” (page 103) lunmgr Chapter 5: LUN Manager for Storage CIP (page 170) psclim “Displaying System Information” (page 93) and “Monitoring CLIM Processes” (page 94) Enter Linux and CIP commands with the tools described under “Entering CIP Commands” For an explanation of how to view man pages, see“Linux Man Page Documentation and Help” (page 25). Entering CIP Commands The primary methods of entering commands for the CIP subsystem (see Table 5: Sample Safe Linux Commands (page 69) and Table 6: Custom CIP Commands (page 71)) are the command line interface tools: Subsystem Command Facility (SCF) and CLIMCMD. Occasionally, you also must enter TACL commands. For example, for IP CIP, to established soft links for IPSec, you create and run a TACL macro (see “Setting Up Links to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and to the Certificate Authority (CA)” (page 105)). Certain configuration and management tasks are performed by commands that are executed on the CLIM. A TACL command line tool, CLIMCMD, is provided that enables you to enter those commands on the NonStop host system; the commands are then run on the CLIM. CLIMCMD uses root login for users belonging to the super group and non-root login for users belonging to the non-super group. To enter a CLIM command using CLIMCMD, enter the command name and any associated arguments. The CLIMCMD... CLIMCONFIG portion of the command is not case sensitive but the parameters are case sensitive. The syntax is: CLIMCMD {clim-name | IP-address | host-name} [-provider prov-name] [command [arguments]] Entering CIP Commands 71 If clim-name is specified, the command line interface uses the SCF INFO CLIM CLIM-NAME, DETAIL display to get the dedicated service LAN IP address corresponding to that CLIM. If the IP address is specified, the command line interface uses SSH to run remote commands on the CLIM. For a MULTIPROV ON CLIM, -provider specifies the provider in which the command should be executed. If you omit command[arguments] from the CLIMCMD command, a list of supported Linux commands for the specified CLIM is displayed. CLIMCMD requires the presence of the dedicated service LAN Providers ZTCP0 and ZTCP1 and the secure shell processes ZSSP0 and ZSSP1. One of the CLIMCMD commands is climconfig. The climconfig command takes many arguments and supplies most of the configuration interface to the CLIM. climconfig never requires the -provider option to CLIMCMD. Refer to “Using Linux Commands and Custom CIP Commands” (page 69) for a list of commands that must have the provider specified. Also see “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) for syntax descriptions of these commands. Other CLIMCMD commands are documented in this chapter. The CLIMCMD command line interface has these assumptions: • The dedicated service LAN (eth0) is operational. • The CLIM has been properly installed and configured, with a secure relationship established between the CLIM and the NonStop console. • climname is an invalid CLIM name • Maintenance Interface IP Address is not known • Neither (ZSSP0,ZTCP0) nor (ZSSP1,ZTCP1) pair of processes exist • Connection could not be established to the clim climname Errors Configuring CIP To use CIP, you must configure components on the NonStop host system and the CLIM. It doesn’t matter which set of components you configure first. This subsection covers configuring CIP: • “On the NonStop Host System” (page 72) • “On the CLIM” (page 81) On the NonStop Host System Configure CIP components on the NonStop host system by using SCF. First add CIP processes to the system configuration database by issuing SCF commands to the NonStop Kernel subsystem. Then define the CIP management objects by issuing SCF commands to the CIP subsystem. For more details about SCF commands you use with CIP, see Chapter 10 (page 216). Configuration tasks explained in this subsection include: 72 • “Configuring CIP Processes for Persistence” (page 73) • “Other CIP Management Objects” (page 73) • “Setting the Host Names (IP and Telco CIP Only)” (page 74) • “Customize the NETWORKS File” (page 77) CIP Configuration and Management Configuring CIP Processes for Persistence Three types of CIP processes run on the NonStop host system: • CIPMAN. The CIPMAN process is the main management component on the NonStop host system side of the CIP subsystem. The CIPMAN object is the root of all other CIP configuration objects on the NonStop host system side and is used to configure, control, and query the components of CIP on its local system. One CIPMAN process pair runs on each NonStop host system. You can run the CIPMAN process pair only in processors 0 and 1 (the location of $System.) • CIPMON. The CIPMON process is a monitor process (MON object). It is responsible for CLIM connection management and for stack operations other than data transfer, for example socket migration and OSS shared sockets. You configure one CIPMON process per processor, for a maximum of 16 CIPMON processes per NonStop host system. • CIPSAM (for IP CIP only). The CIPSAM process pair is a transport provider: it provides the Socket Interface TCP^PROCESS^NAME. You configure as many CIPSAM process pairs as you need to serve applications on the local system. To ensure the availability of your CIP subsystem, CIPMAN, CIPSAM (IP CIP only), and CIPMON are configured as in the Kernel subsystem. These processes are pre-configured in manufacturing. See Chapter 2 (page 62) for a list of pre-configured processes. The SCF commands directed to the Kernel subsystem add the CIPMAN, CIPSAM and CIPMON processes to the NonStop system configuration database. For information about the attributes shown in these configuration examples, see the SCF Reference Manual for the Kernel Subsystem. The CIPMAN, CIPSAM, and CIPMON processes are system-managed processes (managed by the $ZPM persistence manager). By adding CIPMAN (#ZZCIP) with a nonzero AUTORESTART attribute and a STARTMODE attribute set to SYSTEM, makes these processes persistent, so whenever the processes stop, $ZPM restarts them. See “Starting CIP on the NonStop Host System” (page 100) for examples of the SCF commands for adding these processes to the Kernel subsystem. Other CIP Management Objects In addition to the CIPMAN, CIPSAM and CIPMON processes, these CIP management objects are also required. • CLIM. The CLIM object on the NonStop host system represents the NonStop host system interface to a CLIM; it does not really represent the CLIM device itself. The CLIM itself starts operating as soon as it boots the CLIM software, but the NonStop host system gains access to the CLIM by starting the CLIM object. • PROVIDER (for IP CIP only). The PROVIDER object represents a transport service provider and directs socket requests to a specific CLIM. Each provider must have a corresponding CIPSAM process whose name is used by applications to select the transport service provider. It is best to make the provider name the same as the CIPSAM name. If you do not, then you must specify a TPNAME attribute in the ADD PROVIDER command and that attribute must match the CIPSAM name. To define these objects: 1. For IP CIP only, add a PROVIDER object by using the SCF ADD PROVIDER command: > ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC02 The Provider name must match the CIPSAM process. You can either name the Provider to match the CIPSAM process (for example, $ZZCIP.ZTC02, where $ZTC02 is a CIPSAM process name) or use the TPNAME attribute (for example, $ZZCIP.SAM1 , TPNAME ZTC02, where $ZTC02 is CIPSAM process name). NOTE: If you want more than one provider for this CLIM, see “Setting Up Multiple Providers per CLIM” (page 129) and “Changing Providers, Adding and Starting a CLIM (IP and Telco Only)” (page 130). Configuring CIP 73 2. Add a connection to a CLIM by using the SCF ADD CLIM command: NOTE: This step is usually done by your service provider but if you delete a CLIM for some reason, you need to re-add it to make it operational again. > ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532, LOCATION (100,2,5,3,2) , PROVIDER ZTC02 This step does not affect the CLIM itself; rather, this command adds a CLIM SCF object to the CIP subsystem on the NonStop host system. Alternatively, you can use the Configure CLIM action in the OSM Service Collection to add the connection to the CLIM. Add subsequent CLIMs to the subsystem by using the OSM: 1. In OSM, right-click on the CLIMs object and select Actions. 2. Select the Configure CLIMs action and click Perform action 3. Read the confirmation text and then click OK. 4. Enter the desired CLIM parameters and click OK. 3. For IP CIP, ADD a CIPSAM process to go with your new provider. > ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPSAM, AUTORESTART 10, PRIMARYCPU 1,& BACKUPCPU 2, NAME $ZTC02, PROGRAM $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.CIPSAM, & HOMETERM $ZHOME, STARTMODE SYSTEM, STOPMODE SYSMSG, & STARTUPMSG "<BCKP-CPU>" 4. The CIPSAM process starts automatically. For IP CIP, to start the provider, issue the SCF START PROVIDER command. For example: > START PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC02 5. To start the SCF CLIM object, issue the SCF START CLIM command. For example: > START CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 Other Tasks (IP and Telco CIP Only) Setting the Host Names (IP and Telco CIP Only) Name resolution for CIP is a function of the socket library on the NonStop host system. To provide for this function, customize the following files and parameters: NOTE: These files are in $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP on the NonStop host system. For information about managing these files during a SUT installation, see the H06.xx Software Installation and Upgrade Guide or the J06.xx Software Installation and Upgrade Guide. (H06.xx and J06.xx are the RVUs associated with your CIP RVU. For example, if you have the CIP version that supports H06.14, see the H06.14 Software Installation and Upgrade Guide in the NonStop Technical Library (NTL) on docs.hp.com,. • The HOSTS file • The TCPIP^HOST^FILE DEFINE • The IPNODES file • The TCPIP^RESOLVER^ORDER PARAM • The RESCONF file • The NETWORKS file Hosts within an IP network communicate through their IP addresses. However, IP addresses are not easy to remember. As a result, it is common practice to assign host names to IP addresses; commands can then refer to a host by name. The component that provides the translation between a host name and an IP address is called a Domain Name Resolver (DNR). To resolve names, the DNR uses either a Domain Name Server (DNS) or a HOSTS file; configure the DNR to use one or the other. 74 CIP Configuration and Management Using the Domain Name Server is the preferred way of resolving names on the network. If a name server is not available, use a HOSTS or IPNODES file. Configure the HOSTS File (IP CIP Only) The HOSTS file is a simple edit type file that contains an entry for each remote host known to your system. Specify each remote host's IP address, host name, and alias. Each entry in the HOSTS file has this format: IP_address host_name [alias...] The IP_address is a 32-bit numeric value expressed in dotted decimal form. The IP_address must begin in the first column of an entry in your edit file. The host_name and aliases are alphanumeric and separated by at least one space. For example: # HOSTS file me loop geoff mark cyclone CB21 cb21 6 CB22 cb22 Notice the first entry beginning with has several aliases. This indicates user can use any of these aliases to communicate with the destination host that has the IP address The IP address is a TCP/IP convention that refers to “this” host or loopback. Specifying an alias for a host is optional, and a host can have more than one alias; however, the aliases must be separated by spaces and be on the same line. The other entries (beginning with each have two host names: one in uppercase and one in lowercase. Neither the host name nor the alias is case sensitive. You can add comments to the HOSTS file by preceding the comment with a pound sign (#). You can add comments as separate lines of the file or after the IP address and host entry. Include comments like the line name or hardware address that can be used for reference. The site update tape (SUT) comes with a sample HOSTS file called SMPLHOST, which is installed into $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP. Modify this file for your environment. Configure the TCPIP^HOST^FILE DEFINE The default behavior of the Domain Name Resolver (DNR) is to use the Domain Name System (DNS) (and the RESCONF file), rather than the HOSTS file. If you want the DNR to use the HOSTS file, you must set the TCPIP^HOST^FILE environment variable, using a TACL ADD DEFINE command. For example: ADD DEFINE =TCPIP^HOST^FILE, FILE $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP.HOSTS You also must set the TCPIP^HOST^FILE parameter at each terminal that uses the IP network. Then, when you invoke a TCP/IP application, the DNR uses the appropriate HOSTS file to resolve references to host names. For convenience, include an ADD DEFINE command as an entry in the TACLCSTM file, so that the command is executed automatically every time you log onto the NonStop system. Configure the IPNODES File The IPNODES file contains information regarding the known IPv6 (and IPv4) nodes on the network. If you are using INET6 communications and want to use a name resolution file, you must create $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP.IPNODES to support local definitions of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. (For DUAL mode, you can either use HOSTS for IPv4 addresses and IPNODES for IPv6 addresses, or you can put your IPv4 addresses in IPNODES.) The format of the IPNODES file is the same as for the HOSTS file. For example: # # ipnodes - local database associating names of nodes with IP Configuring CIP 75 # addresses. IP addresses can be either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. # The ipnodes file can be used with, or instead of, the HOSTS file. # 2::56:a00:20ff:fe7b:b667 foo # John Smith grand-poohbah bobafet-xx 0:0:0:ffff:0d:1:44:3 bar-mapped 0:0:0:0:d:1:44:3 bar-compatible 1080:0:0:0:8:800:200c:417a some-addr 1080:0:0:0:8:0:0:0 compress-this Items are separated by any number of blanks or tab characters, or both. The pound sign (#) indicates the beginning of a comment; characters up to the end of the line are not interpreted by routines that search the file. Network addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6, are converted to binary format by using the inet_pton() routine from the NonStop OS sockets library. Node names can contain any printable character other than a field delimiter, new line, or comment character. The getaddrinfo() routines as defined in RFC 2553 (Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6), support the use of the $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP.IPNODES file. and getnameinfo() There is no sample IPNODES file on the SUT; you must create this file yourself if you want to use it. Add the TCPIP^NODE^FILE DEFINE If you want to use an IPNODES file that is located someplace other than the default location ($SYSTEM.ZTCPIP.IPNODES), set the TCPIP^NODE^FILE environment variable, by using the TACL ADD DEFINE command: ADD DEFINE =TCPIP^NODE^FILE, FILE $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP.IPNODES Also, for the resolver to use IPNODES in stead of DNS, you must set the TCPIP^NODE^FILE DEFINE. Add the TCPIP^RESOLVER^ORDER PARAM You can override system defines for the HOSTS file by using the TCPIP^RESOLVER^ORDER PARAM. The syntax is: PARAM TCPIP^RESOLVER^ORDER value value indicates the file that the socket library should query. Valid values are: DNSONLY Query only the DNS. HOSTFILEONLY Search only the HOSTS file. DNS-HOSTFILE Query the DNS and if the host name is not found, search the HOSTS file. HOSTFILE-DNS Search the HOSTS file and if the host name is not found, query the DNS. This PARAM takes precedence over the HOSTS DEFINE. The PARAM name and value are not case-sensitive. If there are no DEFINEs or PARAMs in effect for the process, the socket library consults DNS first. If it doesn’t find the address there, it consults the IPNODES file. 76 CIP Configuration and Management Configure the RESCONF File The DNR resolves domain names to IP addresses using either DNS or a HOSTS file to provide the translation. If you did not set the TCP^HOST^FILE or TCP^NODE^FILE parameter, the DNR assumes it must use DNS. To determine which DNS to use, the DNR interrogates the RESCONF file. Therefore, you must configure the RESCONF file when using DNS. The RESCONF file specifies the name of the domain in which the host is running and the IP addresses of DNS servers to consult. The following example lists three DNS IP addresses (nameserver 127.1, nameserver, and nameserver domain HP.COM nameserver 127.1 nameserver nameserver The first server address is the primary server. If that server is unavailable, the resolver contacts the second server. If the second is unavailable, the resolver tries to contact the third server. Notice that the first server address is 127.1; this is the address you would use if the current NonStop host had a server available. The site update tape (SUT) comes with a sample RESCONF file that is installed into $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP. The name of this file is SMPLRESC. Modify this file for your environment. Add the TCPIP^RESOLVER^NAME DEFINE To override the default RESCONF file, use the environment variable TCPIP^RESOLVER^NAME. This variable provides flexibility in selecting the RESCONF file accessed for name resolution. The default RESCONF file is located on $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP. To select a different RESCONF file, use a TACL ADD DEFINE command like: ADD DEFINE =tcpip^resolver^name, FILE $data.user.resconf Customize the NETWORKS File The NETWORKS file lists the names, numbers, and aliases of networks known to the current host. This file converts an Internet network address to a symbolic name. Applications use this file when they call a getnetbyaddr() or a getnetbyname() function. The NETWORKS file included with the CIP software is a prototype; you should customize this file. Each entry of the NETWORKS file has this format: network_name network_number [alias...] Where network_name is an alphanumeric name, network_number is the assigned network number, and alias is an alphanumeric name. The alias is optional for each network, and each network can have more than one alias. The aliases for each network must be on the same entry line and separated by spaces. Sample NETWORKS File: SMPLNETW The site update tape (SUT) comes with a sample NETWORKS filethat is installed into $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP. The name of this file is SMPLNETW and the contents are shown in the display: # # Network configuration file # loopback 127 xxx-ether 192.9.200 tdm-oldether 125 xxxether ethernet localnet tdmoldether # # Internet networks # Internet networks Configuring CIP 77 # arpanet 10 arpa ucb-ether 46 ucbether Modify this file for your environment. Customizing the Protocols, Services, and Programs (IP and Telco CIP Only) Applications that use CIP rely on several other configuration files on the host: • The PROTOCOL file, to identify all available protocols (TCP, UDP, and so on) • The SERVICES file, to identify all available port-level services (FTP, SMTP, and so on) • The PORTCONF file, to list the ports monitored by the LISTNER and to identify, for each port, the program the LISTNER invokes to service requests PROTOCOL File The PROTOCOLfile contains the names of the protocols currently supported by the CIP software, as well as some not currently supported. Applications use the PROTOCOL file to get protocol names and Internet protocol numbers. When an application calls the functions getprotobyname or getprotobynumber, the PROTOCOL file provides this information. You do not need to alter this file. Each entry has this format: protocol_name protocol_number PROTOCOL_NAME Where protocol_name is the protocol name in lowercase, protocol_number is the well-known Internet protocol number and PROTOCOL_NAME is the protocol name in uppercase. (Because the functions getprotobyname and getprotobynumber are case sensitive, both uppercase and lowercase representations of the protocol names are included in the PROTOCOL file.) Sample PROTOCOL File: SMPLPROT The site update tape (SUT) comes with a sample PROTOCOL file that is installed into $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP. The name of this file is SMPLPROT and the contents are shown in the display: # # @(#)protocols 1.1 Tandem # # Internet (IP) protocols # This file is never consulted when the yellow pages are running # ip 0 IP # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number icmp 1 ICMP # internet control message protocol ggp 3 GGP # gateway-gateway protocol tcp 6 TCP # transmission control protocol pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol udp 17 UDP # user datagram protocol ipv6 41 IP # internet protocol for v6 icmpv6 58 ICMP # internet control message protocol for v6 Precede comment lines with a pound sign (#). NOTE: sctp You must add an entry for SCTP to use that protocol. To use SCTP, add this line: 132 SCTP # stream control transmission protocol SERVICES File The SERVICES file contains the Internet port level services that are available with the CIP software. Applications use the SERVICES file to get the service port numbers and service names. When the 78 CIP Configuration and Management application calls the getservbyname(), getservbynumber(), or getaddrinfo() function, CIP uses the SERVICES file to provide that information. Each entry specifies a service name, the port number through which that service is accessed, and the corresponding protocol that supports that service. You can use an alias to identify the service. Sample SERVICES File: SMPLSERV The site update tape (SUT) comes with a sample SERVICES file that is installed into $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP. The name of this file is SMPLSERV and the contents are shown in the display: # # @(#)services 1.16 90/01/03 SMI # # Network services, Internet style # This file is never consulted when the NIS are # tcpmux 1/tcp echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp netstat 15/tcp chargen 19/tcp ttytst source chargen 19/udp ttytst source ftp-data 20/tcp ftp 21/tcp telnet 23/tcp smtp 25/tcp mail time 37/tcp timserver time 37/udp timserver name 42/udp nameserver whois 43/tcp nicname domain 53/udp domain 53/tcp hostnames 101/tcp hostname sunrpc 111/udp sunrpc 111/tcp piccolo 2787/udp piccolo piccolo 2787/tcp piccolo # # Host specific functions # tftp 69/udp rje 77/tcp finger 79/tcp link 87/tcp ttylink supdup 95/tcp iso-tsap 102/tcp x400 103/tcp x400-snd 104/tcp csnet-ns 105/tcp pop2 109/tcp uucp-path 117/tcp nntp 119/tcp usenet ntp 123/tcp NeWS 144/tcp news # # UNIX specific services # # these are NOT officially assigned # exec 512/tcp running # rfc-1078 # usually to sri-nic # usually to sri-nic # Cornerstone Software # Cornerstone Software # ISO Mail # Post Office # Network News Transfer # Network Time Protocol # Window System Configuring CIP 79 login shell printer courier uucp biff who syslog talk route new-rwho rmonitor monitor pcserver srvr ingreslock 513/tcp 514/tcp 515/tcp 530/tcp 540/tcp 512/udp 513/udp 514/udp 517/udp 520/udp 550/udp 560/udp 561/udp 600/tcp cmd spooler rpc uucpd comsat whod router routed new-who rmonitord # # # # no passwords used line printer spooler experimental uucp daemon # # # # experimental experimental experimental ECD Integrated PC board 1524/tcp You may need to edit the SERVICES file for the DSM/SCM Planner Interface to work. For more information, see the H06.nn Software Installation and Upgrade Guide or the J06.nn Software Installation and Upgrade Guide for the RVU you are currently running. PORTCONF File The PORTCONF file specifies the ports that the LISTNER process listens to and the corresponding server program it invokes when the request comes in. Here is an example of the PORTCONF file: # ftp $system.ztcpip.ftpserv finger $system.ztcpip.fingserv 7 $system.ztcpip.echoserv Sample PORTCONF File: SMPLPORT The site update tape, SUT, comes with a sample PORTCONF file that is installed into $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP. The name of this file is SMPLPORT and the contents are: # # This file tells the listner program which ports to # listen to, and what programs to run # Telnet is directly, and does not use the listner's # services. # To run the listner use: # $system.ztcpip.listner / name.../ [config-file-name] # where config-file-name is this file. # ftp $system.ztcpip.ftpserv finger $system.ztcpip.fingserv 7 $system.ztcpip.echoserv You may need to edit the PORTCONF file for the DSM/SCM Planner Interface to work. For more information, see the H06.nn Software Installation and Upgrade Guide or the J06.nn Software Installation and Upgrade Guide for the RVU you are currently running. For more information about the PORTCONF file, see the TCP/IP Applications and Utilities User Guide. 80 CIP Configuration and Management On the CLIM Configuring the CLIM involves a variety of tasks: • “Setting the Host Name” (page 81) • “Defining Networking Interfaces (IP CLIM Only)” (page 81) • “Mapping IP Addresses to Ethernet Addresses (ARP) (IP CLIM Only)” (page 81) Setting the Host Name The CLIM host name identifies the CLIM in various banners and prompts. s1002532 To change the host name, use the CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address } climconfig command. See climconfig.hostname(1). NOTE: The CLIM hostname must match the SCF CLIM object name. If the CLIM hostname and SCF CLIM object name do not match, the CLIM does not go to the STARTED state. Defining Networking Interfaces (IP CLIM Only) The CLIMCMD climconfig interface command sets the protocols, IP addresses, and other parameters for the interface. Using this command, you can add an interface, delete an interface, view and modify attributes of existing interfaces. See climconfig.interface(1). You may configure the interfaces eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4, and eth5 for data communications. Eth0 and eth0:0 are pre-configured.) Mapping IP Addresses to Ethernet Addresses (ARP) (IP CLIM Only) ARP maps IP addresses to hardware MAC addresses. The CLIM usually builds the ARP cache automatically as it discovers the MAC addresses of other entities, but you can also add, delete, and view ARP cache entries by using the “climconfig.arp Description” (page 304). Policy Based Routing NOTE: Policy based routing applies to all providers for CLIMs with the MULTIPROV ON option. For J06.04 to J06.09 and H06.16 to H06.20 RVUs, you cannot associate an application with a specific interface on a CLIM by binding to the IP address configured on that interface. For these RVUs, if you need to restrict access of an application to an interface, you can use one interface or set of interfaces on a CLIM by just adding a subset of the possible physical interfaces (for example, eth1 and eth2). As of J06.10 and later J-series RVUs and H06.21 and later H-series RVUs, you can use policy based routing to ensure that the interface with the IP address bound to a socket will be used by that socket for outgoing network traffic, or that an interface with an IP address in the source address of the network packet is used for routing the packet. This feature is enabled by default, but you can disable it. Use the CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} clim command to enable or disable policy routing. The default is on. See “CLIMCMD clim Command” (page 120) for syntax. Figure 18: Bound Socket Problem Configuration Without Policy Based Routing (page 82) and Figure 20: Server Socket Problem Configuration Without Policy Based Routing (page 84) show configurations that may encounter routing problems. Figure 19: Bound Socket Problem Configuration With Policy Based Routing (page 83) and Figure 21: Server Socket Problem Configuration With Policy Based Routing (page 85) show the same configurations with policy routing enabled, which alleviates the routing problems. Policy Based Routing 81 Figure 18: Bound Socket Problem Configuration Without Policy Based Routing shows a bound socket configuration with these characteristics: • There are two interfaces on the same IP subnet (A.0). • A.0/24 is the subnet route added automatically when the IP address A.11 was configured on the CLIM. • eth3 is activated first (non-deterministic). • The subnet route on eth3 is used for all outgoing connections to the network. • The socket is bound to the A.11, IP address on eth1. • The source address used in the packet is the one that is bound by the socket. Problem: A packet is sent out on the eth3 interface with a source address from the eth1 interface. Figure 18 Bound Socket Problem Configuration Without Policy Based Routing With policy based routing enabled and no configuration change, the packet is sent out on the eth1 interface with a source address from the correct interface, eth1, as shown in Figure 19: Bound Socket Problem Configuration With Policy Based Routing: 82 CIP Configuration and Management Figure 19 Bound Socket Problem Configuration With Policy Based Routing Figure 20 (page 84) shows a server socket configuration with these characteristics: • There are two interfaces on the same IP subnet (A.0) • A.0/24 is the subnet route added automatically when the IP address A.11 was configured on the CLIM. • eth3 is activated first (non-deterministic) • The server is listening on the eth1 IP address • Incoming requests come through the eth1 interface • Outgoing requests go through the eth3 interface Problem: The response is sent on a different interface than the one the request came in on. Policy Based Routing 83 Figure 20 Server Socket Problem Configuration Without Policy Based Routing With policy based routing enabled and no configuration change, the response is sent on the same interface that the request came in on, as shown in Figure 21 (page 85): 84 CIP Configuration and Management Figure 21 Server Socket Problem Configuration With Policy Based Routing This CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climstatus -or report shows the additional tables created by policy routing: $SYSTEM.SABUN 22> climcmd n1002571 climstatus -or SSH client version T9999H06_21Jun2010_comForte_SSH_088 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IPv4 routing table TABLE main: dev eth5 proto kernel scope link src dev eth5 proto kernel scope link src dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src default via dev eth5 TABLE ETH0: dev eth0 TABLE ETH5: dev eth5 dev eth5 default via dev eth5 The original entries are listed under “TABLE MAIN”. Additional tables are listed as “TABLE ETH5”, and so on. Troubleshooting Routing If you upgrade to RVU J06.10 / H06.21 and find that routing behavior has changed, disable policy based routing. It is enabled by default. See “Policy Based Routing” (page 81) for details and “CLIMCMD clim Command” (page 120) for syntax details. Policy Based Routing 85 Displaying the CIP Configuration This section describes how to display information on the NonStop host system and on the CLIM. On the NonStop Host System To display the configurations of CIP objects on the NonStop host system, use the SCF INFO command and specify the name of the object. For example: • The INFO CLIM command indicates whether the specified CLIM is present and displays the location of the CLIM (the group, module, slot, port and, on systems that support it, fiber) where the CLIM is installed) as well as the name of the associated Provider. • The INFO PROCESS command displays the process ID of the CIPMAN and CIPSAM (IP CIP only) processes. • The INFO PROVIDER command (for IP CIP only) displays, for the specified provider, the name of the transport provider (CIPSAM) process, the name of the associated CLIM (if the detail option is specified in the INFO PROVIDER command), and the configured host name (for example, the Expand node name). • The STATUS CLIM command displays a variety of information about the CLIM. • The LISTDEV CIP command displays the CIP monitor and manager processes. See “LISTDEV CIP and LISTDEV TCPIP” (page 224) • The LISTDEV TCPIP (for IP CIP only) command displays the TCP/IP processes, including the CIPSAM processes. See “LISTDEV CIP and LISTDEV TCPIP” (page 224). This is not a complete list of display commands. For more information about all commands, see Chapter 10 (page 216), “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) and the various tasks described in this chapter. For Information About the... See... INFO CLIM command “INFO CLIM” (page 235) INFO PROCESS command “INFO PROCESS” (page 238) and “INFO Commands, CIPSAM” (page 281) INFO PROVIDER command “INFO PROVIDER” (page 238) STATUS CLIM command “STATUS CLIM” (page 257) LISTDEV TCPIP and LISTDEV CIP “LISTDEV CIP and LISTDEV TCPIP” (page 224) On the CLIM Use the CLIMCMD command line interface from the TACL prompt on the NonStop host system to display configuration information. • To display the current setting of a TCP/IP protocol parameter, use the climconfig sysctl info command, specifying the all parameter. See “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) for details. • To display the routing table, you can use the Linux netstat -r command. NOTE: • For better performance, always use the –n option. To display the ARP cache, use the CLIMCMD arp command with no arguments. See the arp(8) man page for details. NOTE: netstat and arp are network-sensitive commands, requiring that the -provider option be specified to CLIMCMD if the MULTIPROV option is ON. 86 CIP Configuration and Management Displaying CLIM Status Information With climstatus The climstatus script displays status information for CLIM objects and devices, including the ServerNet, the Ethernet LAN, the kernel IP routing table, and hard disk drives. Invoke climstatus either from the command line by using the CLIMCMD command from TACL or (partially) from I/O Essentials. (I/O Essentials allows you to show Routing Table Information, which is equivalent to climstatus -o r). Some of this information can also be obtained from the SCF STATUS CLIM command. The syntax is: CLIMCMD {clim-name | IP-address} climstatus [-o option] option is any of these: Option Displays information about... s ServerNet. The display includes SCS status, X and Y fabric connectivity status, and link locations. l Status of the local area network. The display includes, for each interface, the interface name, type, status, link status, and IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6). LAN information is split into sections, one for the data interfaces (loopback, eth2, eth3, eth4, eth5), and one for the maintenance interfaces (eth0). r Kernel IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables. The display for IPv4 includes the interface name, destination IP address, the gateway address and network mask. The display for IPv6 includes the interface name, destination IP address, and next hop. h File system disk space utilization. The display includes, for each configured disk, its name, type, size, space used, space available, percentage in use, and mount point. i IPSec configuration. f Failover configuration. m SNMP configuration. c climprep config information. t climiptables config information. Invoking the tool without options displays information about all components. Options allow you to specify the components for which to display status. ServerNet Status This command provides ServerNet status information: Example 2 Climstatus Command ServerNet Status Information, IP and Telco CLIM \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD n1002532 climstatus -o s CLIM Configuration & Status: Mode..................... IP State.................... STARTED ConnPts.................. 2 X1 Location.............. Group 100, Module 2, Slot 5, Port Y1 Location.............. Group 100, Module 3, Slot 7, Port X2 Location.............. Group 100, Module 2, Slot 5, Port Y2 Location.............. Group 100, Module 3, Slot 7, Port X1 Connection Status..... UP Y1 Connection Status..... UP X2 Connection Status..... UP Y2 Connection Status..... UP Last Restart Time........ Wed Oct 17 03:21:26 2007 CIP/Linux Hostname....... CLIM1 Network SW Version....... T0691H01_01MAY2008_AAA_CLIM Storage SW Version....... T0691H01_01MAY2008_AAA_CLIM CIP SW Version........... T0853h01_01AUG2008_23JUL2008_AAA 3, 3, 4, 4, Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber 2 1 2 2 Telco SW Version........... T08718INS_17FEB2011_18JAN2011_XYZ 29West SW Version...........T01234IBX_17FEB2011_18JAN2011_XYZ Number of Socket Servers. 1 Displaying the CIP Configuration 87 CIP/Linux Version: Linux version 2.6.18-5-telco-amd64 (Debian 2.6.18.dfsg.1-14~hpde1.8) ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 28 20:50:40 UTC 2007 Example 3 Climstatus Command ServerNet Status Information, Storage CLIM \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD s1002531 climstatus -o s CLIM Configuration & Status: Mode..................... STORAGE State.................... STARTED ConnPts.................. 2 X1 Location.............. Group 100, Module 2, Slot 5, Port 3, Fiber 1 Y1 Location.............. Group 100, Module 3, Slot 7, Port 3, Fiber 1 X2 Location.............. Group 100, Module 2, Slot 5, Port 3, Fiber 2 Y2 Location.............. Group 100, Module 3, Slot 7, Port 3, Fiber 2 X1 Connection Status..... UP Y1 Connection Status..... UP X2 Connection Status..... UP Y2 Connection Status..... UP Last Restart Time........ Fri Apr 25 15:04:37 2008 CIP/Linux Hostname....... S1002531 Network SW Version....... T0691H01_01MAY2008_AAA_CLIM Storage SW Version....... T0830H01_01MAY2007_22APR2008_ CIP SW Version........... T0853H01_01MAY2008_23APR2008_ Number of Socket Servers. 1 CIP/Linux Version: Linux version 2.6.18-6-clim-amd64 (Debian 2.6.18.dfsg.1-18hpdeetch1hpde1.3) ( [email protected]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Mar 31 19:17:50 UTC 2008 Ethernet LAN Status This display shows Ethernet LAN status information for an IP CLIM. Notice the separate displays for the data interfaces and the dedicated service LAN (also called maintenance LAN): Example 4 Climstatus Command Ethernet LAN Status (IP and Telco CLIM) For CLIM(s) with the MultiProv feature enabled, the following is the output for LAN Interfaces status. \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD n1002532 climstatus -o l MultiProv: ON Maintenance LAN Status & IP Addresses: Name Status LkP Master / IP Family & Address lo UP -IPv4: eth0 UP UP IPv4: Maintenance Provider Interface Status & IP Addresses: Name Status LkP Master / IP Family & Address lo UP -IPv4: eth0:0 UP UP IPv4: Data Provider ZTC0 Interface Status & IP Addresses: Name Status LkP Master / IP Family & Address lo UP -IPv4: IPv6: ::1 eth1 UP UP IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:24de IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:24de IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:24de eth2 UP UP IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:24df IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:24df IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:24df Data Provider ZTC1 Interface Status & IP Addresses: 88 CIP Configuration and Management Name lo Status UP LkP -- eth3 UP UP Master / IP Family & Address IPv4: IPv6: ::1 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:257e IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:257e IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:257e Unconfigured Interfaces: Name Status LkP eth4 DOWN -eth5 DOWN -bond0 DOWN -- IP Tables Status For examples of iptables/ip6tables information, see Section : To allow all inbound FTP traffic on all but eth2 and to allow inbound telnet traffic only on eth2: (page 110) and Section : To allow inbound SNMP TRAPS (port 162) from IP address only: (page 111) under Configuring CIP iptables/ip6tables (IP CIP) (page 109). Kernel Routing Table Information Example 5: Climstatus Command IP Routing Table Information (IP and Telco CLIM) (J06.10/H06.21 and later RVUs) shows the kernel routing table on an IP CLIM for J06.10/H06.21 and later RVUs. IPv4 and IPv6 routing information is displayed separately. Example 6: Climstatus Command IP Routing Table Information (IP and Telco CLIM) (RVUs prior to J06.10/H06.21 shows the kernel routing table on an IP CLIM for RVUs prior to J06.10/H06.21. Example 5 Climstatus Command IP Routing Table Information (IP and Telco CLIM) (J06.10/H06.21 and later RVUs) For CLIM(s) with the MultiProv feature enabled, the following is the output for Kernel IP Routing table. $SYSTEM.SABUN 22> CLIMCMD n1002571 climstatus -o r Maintenance LAN IPv4 Routing table TABLE main: dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src default via dev eth0TABLE ETH0: dev eth0 scope host dev eth0 scope host dev eth0 scope host dev eth0 scope host dev eth0 default via dev eth0 Maintenance LAN IPv6 Routing table TABLE main: fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256 advmss 1440 hoplimit 4294967295 mtu 1500 Maintenance Provider IPv4 Routing table TABLE main: dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src default via dev eth0 Maintenance Provider IPv6 Routing table TABLE main: fe80::/64 dev eth0 metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 hoplimit 4294967295 ff00::/8 dev eth0 metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 Displaying the CIP Configuration 89 hoplimit 4294967295 Data Provider ZTC0 IPv4 Routing table TABLE main: dev eth2 scope host metric 5 dev eth2 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src dev eth3 proto kernel scope link src TABLE ETH1: dev eth1 TABLE ETH2: dev eth2 scope host dev eth2 metric 5 TABLE ETH3: dev eth3 Data Provider ZTC0 IPv6 Routing table TABLE main: fe80::/64 dev eth2 proto kernel metric 256 advmss 1440 hoplimit 4294967295 fe80::/64 dev eth1 proto kernel metric 256 advmss 1440 hoplimit 4294967295 fe80::/64 dev eth3 proto kernel metric 256 advmss 1440 hoplimit 4294967295 mtu 1500 mtu 1500 mtu 1500 TABLE ETH1: fe80::/64 dev eth1 metric 256 hoplimit 4294967295 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 TABLE ETH2: fe80::/64 dev eth2 metric 256 hoplimit 4294967295 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 TABLE ETH3: fe80::/64 dev eth3 metric 256 hoplimit 4294967295 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 The original entries are listed under “TABLE MAIN”. Additional tables are listed as “TABLE ETH5”, and so on. Example 6 Climstatus Command IP Routing Table Information (IP and Telco CLIM) (RVUs prior to J06.10/H06.21 \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD n1002532 climstatus -o r Kernel IP routing table: Destination Gateway Genmask Iface localnet * eth0 * eth1 eth1 * eth1 * eth0 default eth0 ....................................................................... ....................................................................... Kernel IPv6 routing table: Destination Flags Metric Ref Use Iface ::1/128 U 0 13 2 lo 90 CIP Configuration and Management Next_Hop :: :: U 0 0 :: U 0 0 :: U 0 0 :: U 0 0 :: U 0 0 :: U 0 0 :: U 0 0 :: U 0 0 3ffe:1200:aaaa:bbbb::/128 U 0 0 :: 2 lo 2 lo 2 lo 2 lo 2 lo 2 lo 2 lo 2 lo 2 lo :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Hard Disk Space Usage This display shows information pertaining to hard disk space usage. Example 7 Climstatus Command Hard Disk Space Usage \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD n1002532 climstatus -o h CLIM1:~#climstatus -o h Filesystem Disk Space Usage Filesystem Type Size /dev/sda2 ext3 32G tmpfs tmpfs 2.0G tmpfs tmpfs 10M Used 11G 64K 9.8M Avail 20G 2.0G 224K Use% 36% 1% 98% Mounted / /dev/shm /dev Failover Configuration This display shows failover configuration. Example 8 Climstatus Command Failover Configuration (IP CIP) \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD n1002531 climstatus -o f Interface Failover Configuration: Source Destination N1002531.eth1 N1002533.eth1 N1002531.eth2 N1002533.eth3 IPSec Configuration This display shows IPSec configuration. Example 9 Climstatus Command IPSec Configuration (IP and Telco CLIM) For CLIM(s) with the MultiProv feature enabled, the following is the output for IPSec configuration. \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD n1002531 climstatus -o i Data Provider ZTC0 Security Policies --------------------------------------------------[any][any] any in ipsec esp/transport//require created: Feb 8 14:54:57 2007 lastused: lifetime: 0(s) validtime: 0(s) spid=8 seq=2 pid=369 refcnt=1[any][any] any Displaying the CIP Configuration 91 out ipsec esp/transport//require created: Feb 8 14:54:57 2007 lastused: lifetime: 0(s) validtime: 0(s) spid=1 seq=1 pid=369 refcnt=1[any][any] any fwd ipsec esp/transport//require created: Feb 8 14:54:57 2007 lastused: lifetime: 0(s) validtime: 0(s) spid=18 seq=0 pid=369 refcnt=1 --------------------------------------------------Data Provider ZTC0 Security Associations -------------------------------------------------- esp mode=tunnel spi=104020735(0x06333aff) reqid=0(0x00000000) E: 3des-cbc 89bc2167 67e907db 36194b58 163d37f4 966907d8 c6dc4feb A: hmac-md5 77902409 4ddf1ea3 7522e4b8 fb202793 seq=0x00000000 replay=4 flags=0x00000000 state=mature created: Feb 8 15:19:02 2007 current: Feb 8 15:19:20 2007 diff: 18(s) hard: 28800(s) soft: 23040(s) last: hard: 0(s) soft: 0(s) current: 0(bytes) hard: 0(bytes) soft: 0(bytes) allocated: 0 hard: 0 soft: 0 sadb_seq=7 pid=863 refcnt=0 esp mode=tunnel spi=67944745(0x040cc129) reqid=0(0x00000000) E: 3des-cbc ae9637c0 4093cc5e 457f248d a35518e2 3fe45e53 a1304a03 A: hmac-md5 883dd135 b494dff9 99bf9796 fe7b0165 seq=0x00000000 replay=4 flags=0x00000000 state=mature created: Feb 8 15:19:02 2007 current: Feb 8 15:19:20 2007 diff: 18(s) hard: 28800(s) soft: 23040(s) last: hard: 0(s) soft: 0(s) current: 0(bytes) hard: 0(bytes) soft: 0(bytes) allocated: 0 hard: 0 soft: 0 sadb_seq=3 pid=863 refcnt=0 SNMP Information This display shows SNMP information. Example 10 Climstatus Command SNMP Information \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig snmp -info comForte SSH client version T9999H06_11Feb2008_comForte_SSH_0078 Trap Receiver IP Address SNMP Agent State STARTED SNMP Agent Listening IP Address Termination Info: 0 CLIM Configuration Information This display shows CLIM configuration information. Example 11 Climstatus Command CLIM Configuration \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD s1002581 climstatus -o c 92 CIP Configuration and Management CLIMPREP Configuration: VERSION CONNECTED_GMS SYS_NAME SNET_SPEED NETWORK_CLIM DISK_CLIM NUM_SNET_CONN SWITCH_TYPE PCI_SLOTS 1 MYSYS 2 1 0 2 1 1.2C,2.1F,3.DC,4.1F,5.VO Displaying System Information Use the psclim tool to display system information about CLIM processes. The psclim command shows the process PID, memory used, percentage memory, percentage CPU time, accumulated CPU time, start time, run status, and start command. For field descriptions, see the ps(1) man page. This command displays information about CLIM processes on s1002532: Example 12 psclim Command \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD s1002532 psclim PID RSS %MEM %CPU TIME START STAT CMD 1640 1616 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 Sep 25 S /usr/local/bin/climmon 1698 7312 0.1 0.0 00:00:00 Sep 25 S confsync 1644 7360 0.1 0.0 00:00:00 Sep 25 S cipssrv --number 0 1690 7316 0.1 0.0 00:00:00 Sep 25 S climagt --number 1 Displaying Man Pages for CIP Commands The CLIM man commands provide online documentation for the CLIM side of CIP. The man pages include entries for the clim(1), climstatus(1), ifstart(1), ifstop(1), prov(1p), psclim(1), and climconfig(1) commands and the CLIM configuration files. See Chapter 11: “CLIMCMD and CLIMCMD climconfig Commands (Man Pages)” for documentation on CIP man pages. Most Linux commands have man pages. You can access Linux man pages by using the CLIMCMD command. The man commands have this syntax: CLIMCMD {clim-name |IP-address} man [section] command section man pages are grouped into sections of related commands. By default, all sections are searched for documentation on a command. To disambiguate documentation for commands with the same name, you can optionally specify the section to indicate which command is intended. For example, the linux command "ip" is grouped into section 8, while the ip object of climconfig is documented in section 1. Specifying the section to the man command allows these two different man pages to be accessed: CLIMCMD N1002531 man 1 ip CLIMCMD N1020531 man 8 ip command Is the CLIM or Linux command for which you want information. For example, the command CLIMCMD n1002531 man man displays a description of the Linux man command. If you want to see a man page for a climconfig command, enter climconfig.subcommand-name, for example, CLIMCMD n1002531 man climconfig.failover. You can obtain help by using the SCF help command. See “SCF HELP Facility” (page 223). Displaying Man Pages for CIP Commands 93 Monitoring CIP Because CIP resides on both the NonStop host system and the CLIM, monitoring it requires use of the Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) and the CLIMCMD CLI. On the NonStop Host System Monitoring CIP Processes To monitor the CIP processes on the NonStop host system, you use the SCF commands: • STATS CLIM, to display protocol statistics for individual processes on the CLIM • STATS MON, to display statistics pertaining to the interaction of CIP processes on the NonStop host system with applications using the socket interface For more information about these commands, see Chapter 10 (page 216). Monitoring the Interface to the CLIM To monitor the interaction between CIP processes on the NonStop host system and individual CLIMs, you use the SCF commands: • STATUS MON, to display the status of the interaction of CIP processes on the NonStop host system with individual CLIMs, for example, fabric status. • STATUS CLIM, to discover whether a given CLIM is present and, if so, whether it is started or stopped and whether it is currently being traced. The detail option also displays information about the physical connection of the CLIM to the NonStop host system. For more information about these commands, see Chapter 10 (page 216). On the CLIM SCF commands on the NonStop host system can show only a limited amount of information about the operation of the CLIM and its TCP/IP protocol stack. More information is available using commands that run on the CLIM itself. Monitoring CLIM Processes You use the CLIM psclim script to monitor CLIM-specific processes. This script is derived from the Linux ps command and reports information such as the process ID, memory and CPU utilization, start time, and run status of specific processes on the CLIM. For detailed information, see “Displaying System Information” (page 93). Monitoring CLIM Devices and Network Interfaces You use the CLIM climstatus script to monitor CLIM-specific resources. You can invoke the script without options to monitor a wide range of CLIM devices or specify options to find out the status of a particular resource: • The s option provides information about the ServerNet. • The l option provides information about the Local Area Network (Ethernet). • The r option provides information about the Kernel IP routing table. • The h option provides information about Linux file-system disks and disk space. See “Displaying CLIM Status Information With climstatus” (page 87) for the syntax of this command. Configuring Bonded Interface Failover (IP CIP) To set up interface-to-interface failover, use these CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig commands: 94 CIP Configuration and Management 1. 2. 3. Use interface to add a bonded interface. Use ip to add an IP address to the bonded interface. Use slaveinterface to configure the bonded interface with multiple slave interfaces. With multiple physical interfaces configured for each bonding interface, when one physical interface has a problem, the traffic will be switched to another interface. Use the -primary option to designate a primary interface to be used for the bonded interface when using bond mode 1. This interface will be used as the active interface for the bond whenever it is available. See the “climconfig.slaveinterface Description” (page 368) command. Also see Example 13: CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP) (page 95) for an example of configuring a primary interface for the bonded interface. Configuring CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP) To set up CLIM-to-CLIM failover, use the CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig failover command to add a destination interface on a different CLIM. For examples of these commands, see “Configure the Eth1 Through Eth5 Interfaces (Does Not Apply to Storage CIP)” (page 65) and “Configure CLIM-To-CLIM Failover (Applies to IP CIP Only, Not Storage CIP)” (page 66). For the full syntax of these commands, see “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301). For faster failover, on the router, do not set the Retrans Timer field of the router advertisements, or set it less than or equal to 1000ms. CAUTION: If the Retrans Timer field of the router advertisements is set to greater than 1000ms, failover may not work. Example 13 CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP) This example is for CLIMs with MULTIPROV OFF. See “Setting Up Multiple Providers per CLIM” (page 129) for a discussion of configuring CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON. 1. Find already configured CLIM interfaces. > CLIMCMD c1002581 climconfig interface –info all comForte SSH client version T999H06_20Mar2008_comForte_SSH_079 Interface : lo Interface Type : Loopback Interface Interface Interface MTU IP Type Size Address Netmask ROUTE Details Route Type Destination Address Netmask Gateway Address Metric Minimum RTO InitCWND Auto Negotiation Details Status Line Speed Duplex Software MAC Address : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : eth0 Physical Interface 1500 Interface Interface MTU IP : : : : eth1 Physical Interface 1500 Type Size Address Default Route 0 Unspecified Unspecified on Not Applicable Not Applicable Unspecified Configuring CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP) 95 Netmask Details Route Type Destination Address Netmask Gateway Address Metric Minimum RTO InitCWND Auto Negotiation Details Status Line Speed Duplex Software MAC Address : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Interface Interface IP Type Address Netmask : : : : eth0:0 Logical Interface Type Size Address Netmask Details Route Type Destination Address Netmask Gateway Address Metric Minimum RTO InitCWND : : : : : : : : : : : : : ib1 Physical Interface 2044 Type Size Address Netmask : : : : : ib0 Physical Interface 2044 ROUTE - Interface Interface MTU IP ROUTE - Interface Interface MTU IP 2. Default Route 0 Unspecified Unspecified on Not Applicable Not Applicable Unspecified Default Route 0 Unspecified Unspecified Delete CLIM interfaces > CLIMCMD c1002581 ifstop eth2 –force comForte SSH client version T9999H06_20Mar2008_comForte_SSH_0079 Interface is stopped. Termination info: 0 \BLITUG.$SYSTEM.SABUN 15> CLIMCMD c1002581 climconfig interface –delete eth2 comForte SSH client version T9999H06_20Mar2008_comForte_SSH_0079 Deleted the Interface. Termination info: 0 3. Check that all data interfaces are deleted. > CLIMCMD C1002582 climconfig interface –info all comForte SSH client version T9999H06_20Mar2008_comForte_SSH_0079 Interface : lo Interface Type : Loopback Interface Interface Interface Jumbo IP ROUTE – 96 Type Frame Address Netmask Details Route Type Destination Address Netmask Gateway Address CIP Configuration and Management : : : : : : : : : : eth0 Physical Interface NO Default Route Metric Interface Interface Jumbo IP : : : : : : Type Frame Address Netmask 0 eth0:0 Logical Interface NO Termination Info: 0 4. Set up bond mode C1002581 and C1002582 on LAN A: > > > > 5. climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig bondmode bondmode bondmode bondmode –info –modify 1 –info –modify 1 CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD c1002582 c1002582 c1002852 c1002582 climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig interface –add bond0 slaveinterface –configure bond0 –add eth4 slaveinterface -configure bond0 -add eth5 -primary eth5 ip –add bond0 –ipaddress –netmask Bond the interface of C1002581 on LAN A with eth4 as primary. > > > > 7. c1002582 c1002582 c1002581 c1002581 Bond the interface of C1002582 on LAN A with eth5 as primary. > > > > 6. CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD c1002581 c1002581 c1002851 c1002581 climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig interface –add bond0 slaveinterface –configure bond0 –add eth5 slaveinterface -configure bond0 -add eth4 -primary eth4 ip –add bond0 –ipaddress –netmask Configure failover on C1002582: > CLIMCMD C1002582 climconfig failover –add bond0 –dest C1002581.bond0 comForte SSH client version T9999H06_20Mar2008_comForte_SSH_0079 Added the Failover Configuration Termination Info: 0 > CLIMCMD C1002582 climconfig failover –info C1002582 –interface bond0 comForte SSH client version T9999H06_20Mar2008_comForte_SSH_0079 SOURCE DESTINATION C1002581.bond0 C1002582.bond0 Termination Info: 0 Figure 22: Configuration State shows the configuration state at this point: Configuring CLIM-to-CLIM Failover (IP CIP) 97 Figure 22 Configuration State 8. Configure failover on C1002581: > CLIMCMD C1002581 climconfig failover –add bond0 –dest C1002582.bond0c 9. Configure LAN B. > CLIMCMD c1002581 climconfig ip -add bond0 -ipaddress netmask > CLIMCMD c1002581 climconfig ip -add bond1 -ipaddress -netmask 10. Configure LAN C > CLIMCMD C1002582 climconfig interface –add eth2 > CLIMCMD C1002582 climconfig ip –add eth2 –ipaddress –netmask > CLIMCMD C1002582 climconfig ip –add eth2 –ipaddress –netmask Figure 23: Configuration State shows the state of the configuration at this point: 98 CIP Configuration and Management Figure 23 Configuration State Replicating the Configurations from One CLIM to Another CLIM To replicate any portion or the entire configuration from one CLIM to another CLIM, use the IN and OUT run options of CLIMCMD, described here: 1. Use this command: CLIMCMD /OUT file-name/ {clim-name|IP address} climconfig command-args –obeyform to obtain the desired configuration information from the CLIM to file-name. For example, to place the configurations from C1002581 into the file ‘config,’ enter: CLIMCMD /OUT config/ C1002581 climconfig interface –info all –obeyform 2. 3. 4. Edit file-name for any changes in the configuration value. Stop the destination CLIM. Use this command: CLIMCMD /IN file-name/ {clim-name|IP address} to replicate the configuration on the destination CLIM. For example, to replicate the configuration from C1002581 on C1002582, enter: CLIMCMD /IN config/ C1002582 5. 6. Start the CLIM. For a Storage CLIM, you must run the lunmgr -a command for each enclosure so that they will be numbered correctly. For the full syntax of the climconfig commands, refer to “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301). Using the CLIMCMD /IN/ run-option You can create a file manually with the set of commands to be executed on a CLIM and specify the /IN/ run-option of CLIMCMD. It is mandatory that the user-created file have the command ‘exit’ added at the end. Replicating the Configurations from One CLIM to Another CLIM 99 1. Create a file ‘config’ with the list of commands followed by an ‘exit’. End-Of-Line characters in a command that spans multiple lines must be escaped using the ‘\’ character, as shown in the second command, below. climconfig interface -add eth5 climconfig ip -add eth5 -ipaddress \ -netmask exit 2. Pass this file to the /IN/ run-option: CLIMCMD /IN config/ C1002581 Linux C1002581 2.6.32-clim-18-amd64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 19 18:36:07 UTC 2011 x86_64 The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Thu Jan 5 00:44:32 2012 from C1002581:~# climconfig interface -add eth5 Added the Interface. C1002581:~# climconfig ip -add eth5 -ipaddress \ > -netmask Added the IP. C1002581:~# exit logout Termination Info: 0 Starting and Restarting CIP Upon installation, the CLIM software is configured to start automatically when power is applied to the CLIM device. On the NonStop host system side, first start CIP and then the applications that will use the subsystem. For examples of the commands needed to start the CIP subsystem, see Chapter 2 (page 62). The commands shown are issued to the Kernel subsystem and they start the CIPMAN, CIPSAM (IP CIP only) and CIPMON generic processes for the first time or after they have been stopped by an SCF ABORT command to the Kernel subsystem. Because CIPMAN, CIPSAM and CIPMON are configured as persistent processes, the persistence manager restarts them whenever the system is reloaded or whenever an SCF STOP or ABORT command is issued to the CIP subsystem rather than to the Kernel subsystem. Starting CIP on the NonStop Host System The CIP manager, monitor, and socket access method (SAM) (IP CIP only) processes are persistent and are restarted by the persistence manager unless you set the AUTORESTART parameter to 0 (zero) and the STARTMODE parameter to MANUAL in SCF ADD command to the Kernel subsystem. See “Managing Persistence on the NonStop Host System” (page 114) for more information about managing persistence. The commands used for a typical configuration of the CIPMAN, CIPSAM (IP CIP only), and CIPMON processes are: 1. On the NonStop host system, add the CIPMAN process to the system configuration database by using SCF to the Kernel subsystem: > ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP, AUTORESTART 10, PRIMARYCPU 0, & BACKUPCPU 1, NAME $ZZCIP, PROGRAM $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.CIPMAN, & HOMETERM $ZHOME, STARTMODE SYSTEM, STOPMODE SYSMSG, & STARTUPMSG “<BCKP-CPU>” 100 CIP Configuration and Management 2. Add the CIPMON process to the system configuration database by using SCF to the kernel subsystem: > ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPMON, CPU ALL, NAME $ZCMnn, & HOMETERM $ZHOME, AUTORESTART 10, & PROGRAM $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.CIPMON, & STARTMODE SYSTEM, STOPMODE SYSMSG 3. For IP CIP, add the CIPSAM process (IP CIP only) to the system configuration database by using SCF to the Kernel subsystem: > ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPSAM, AUTORESTART 10, PRIMARYCPU 0,& BACKUPCPU 1, NAME $ZTC02, PROGRAM $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.CIPSAM, & HOMETERM $ZHOME, STARTMODE SYSTEM, STOPMODE SYSMSG, & STARTUPMSG "<BCKP-CPU>" 4. Start all processes. > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPMON > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPSAM 5. Add a CLIM object. > ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 6. Add a Provider object. > ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC02 7. Start the CLIM and Provider objects. > START CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 > START PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC02 You can also start and stop the CIP subsystem by using the SCF START and STOP commands to the CIP subsystem ($ZZCIP). However, if $ZZCIP is a persistent process, it restarts automatically. See “START PROCESS” (page 252) and “STOP PROCESS” (page 272). Starting CIP on the CLIM The CLIM itself starts automatically. Under certain circumstances, you may need to issue the ifstart command. See “Controlling Interface States (IP CIP)” (page 102). The SCF CLIM object does not start automatically, however. Start the CLIM by using the START CLIM command. For example: > START CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 Starting the IP Applications (IP CIP Only) LISTNER and TELSERV come preconfigured on your system. However, if you need to start them, follow these procedures. 1. Delete and add a DEFINE and PARAM for CIPSAM processes to be used as the transport service providers for LISTNER and TELSERV. From the SCF prompt, issue these commands: > > > > > 2. DELETE DEFINE =TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME ADD DEFINE =TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME, CLASS MAP, FILE $ZTC0 DELETE PARAM TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME PARAM TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME $ZTC0 PARAM ZTNT^TRANSPORT^PROCESS^NAME $ZTC0 Start LISTNER: > RUN $SYSTEM.SYSnn.LISTNER /TERM $ZHOME, OUT $ZHOME, NAME $LSN0, CPU 0, NOWAIT, PRI 160/1 LOG_GOTCONN 3. Start TELSERV: > RUN $SYSTEM.SYSnn.TELSERV /TERM $ZHOME, OUT $ZHOME, NAME $ZTN0, CPU 1, NOWAIT, PRI 170/ -BACKUPCPU 0 Starting and Restarting CIP 101 Restarting CIP on the NonStop Host System To restart the NonStop host system side of the CIP subsystem, you can stop and restart all the objects subordinate to CIPMAN. This is like a reboot of the subsystem; all active connections are stopped. CAUTION: If you are not running an alternative TCP/IP subsystem, connect to CLCI by using the OSM Low Level Link. (CLCI provides a primitive terminal emulation when no other TCP/IP subsystem is available, but has limited functionality.) To connect to CLCI using OSM Low Level Link: From the File menu, select Start Terminal Emulator > For Startup TACL. This launches a CLCI TACL session. 1. Stop the subordinate objects by using the SCF command: > ABORT PROCESS $ZZCIP, SUB ONLY, FORCED 2. Restart the subordinate objects by using the SCF command: > START PROCESS $ZZCIP, SUB ONLY Restarting CIP on the CLIM To restart the CLIM, issue these CLIMCMD commands: > CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} clim abort > CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} clim start You can also reboot a CLIM using the Reboot action in the OSM Service Connection. For information about using the clim command, see “Troubleshooting Tools and Tips” (page 119). Controlling Interface States (IP CIP) To bring an interface up or down, use the ifstart and ifstop CLIMCMD commands. Use these commands under these circumstances: • If you want to delete an interface once the CLIM is started; for example, if you want to change physical interfaces to bonded interfaces. (You need to bring the interface down before doing so.) • If you want to delete the only remaining slave of a bond. (You need to use ifstop on the bond and then delete that slave.) • If you want to perform maintenance of the CLIM interfaces. (For example, when changing the cables of an interface, you can do so without bringing down the entire CLIM. First issue an ifstop command. This notifies the host that the interface is being intentionally brought down for maintenance by the operator. The host does not take any action (such as failover) for that interface. After you are done with the maintenance, issue an ifstart on the interface to activate it for use. NOTE: Sockets are not affected by ifstop but some socket operations that require the interface state to be up may receive an error. For example, a connect may receive an unreachable error. Activating an Interface Use the ifstart command to activate an interface if you stopped using the ifstop command. For all data interfaces (eth1 – ethn, ib0–ibn, bonding and tunnel interfaces), this command informs the NonStop host system to start using the specified interface. You execute the ifstart command on the CLIM by using the CLIMCMD tool as described under “Entering CIP Commands” (page 71). Only use the ifstart command to restart the interface after using ifstop command. The ifstart command syntax is: 102 CIP Configuration and Management CLIMCMD {clim-name | IP-address} ifstart interface interface Specifies the network interface name to be used by the NonStop host system for all interface functionality. The interface name can be specified as a physical or bonded interface name, for example, eth1 or bond0 or ib0, or a tunnel interface (for example, MYTUN). Errors • The interface interface name is not configured. • This command is not supported for the interface eth0. • This command is not supported for the interface lo. • This command is not supported for the interface eth0:0. • slave interface is not configured for this bonded interface. • climagt process is not executing. • Interface is already in started state. Deactivating an Interface Use the ifstop command to deactivate an interface. ifstop brings down the physical, bonding, and tunnel interfaces. All the IP addresses and routes associated with a network interface are deactivated, including the IP addresses migrated to the failover CLIM. You execute the ifstop command on the CLIM by using the CLIMCMD tool as described in “Entering CIP Commands” (page 71). For all data interfaces (eth1 - ethn, ib0–ibn, bonding, and tunnel interfaces), the ifstop command brings down the interface. The interface is brought down by the NonStop host system. Issuing ifstop on an interface does not trigger a failover. If there is a tunnel associated with the specified interface, and if the tunnel interface is UP, CIP does not allow the interface to be stopped. The tunnel interface must be stopped before its parent interface can be stopped. The ifstop command syntax is: CLIMCMD {clim-name |IP-address} ifstop interface [-force] interface Specifies the network interface to be brought down. The interface name can be a physical or bonded interface name, for example, eth1, bond0, ib0 or a tunnel interface name (for example, MYTUN). -force When used without –force option, ifstop prompts for confirmation before stopping the interface. If the –force option is used, ifstop stops the interface without prompting for the confirmation. Errors • The interface interface name is not configured. • This command is not supported for the interface eth0. • This command is not supported for the interface lo. • This command is not supported for the interface eth0:0. • climagt process is not executing. • Interface is in already in stopped state. • The interface interface has a tunnel interface associated with it. The tunnel interface should be stopped prior to stopping the specified interface. Controlling Interface States (IP CIP) 103 Configuring IPSec (IP CIP) Internet protocol security (IPSec) provides application-transparent encryption services for IP network traffic. You can set up IPSec on an IP-address-to-IP-address basis, and optionally on a UDP or TCP port, but you cannot establish IPSec on a per interface basis. NOTE: In CIP, limited SCTP security is provided. IPSec is configured on the CLIM using the climconfig command tool. See “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) for detailed syntax of the IPSec configuration commands. The IPSec configuration is not failed over and must be identical on the home and failover CLIMs for addresses that can fail over between them. Installing X.509 Certificates Obtain certificates from a certificate authority (CA) and install them on the NonStop console by following the instructions from your CA. Move the certificates, the private key files, and the certificate revocation lists, which are stored in PEM format, to the /etc/racoon/certs directory on the CLIM. NOTE: While there are independent IPSec configurations for each provider, they all look for certificates from this common directory (/etc/racoon/certs). If the certificate of the peer is to be checked against a certificate authority, the certificate of the CA also has to be stored in this directory. For OpenSSL to find the certificate it has to be linked using the hashed name: ln -s CAfile.pem 'openssl x509 -noout -hash < CAfile.pem'.0 If the certificate additionally is to be checked against a certificate revocation file (CRL) the CRL must be stored in the same directory (/etc/racoon/certs) using a similar linked hashed name: ln -s CRLfile.pem 'openssl x509 -noout -hash < CAfile.pem'.r0 Once the certificates are on the console, transfer them to the CLIM by using secure FTP from the PuTTY application. You can find the PuTTY SFTP application (psftp.exe) on the console in C:\ Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\putty\psftp.exe. From the DOS comand prompt, run psftp.exe as follows: psftp root@clim eth0 ip-address NOTE: Use PuTTY only for transferring files between the CLIM and the console, not for CLIM commands. At the psftp prompt use the lcd command to go to the NonStop console folder where the certs are located and the cd command to change directories to /etc/racoon/certs. Then use the put command to transfer the files. 104 CIP Configuration and Management Setting Up Links to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and to the Certificate Authority (CA) To set up links to the certificate revocation list (CRL) use this command (which executes using open SSL): 1. Create a TACL macro file called clinks (for example) with these lines (substituting real values for the parameters): ?tacl macro CLIMCMD %1% ln -s /etc/racoon/certs/%2% /etc/racoon/certs/`openssl x509 -noout -hash < /etc/racoon/certs/%2%`.0 CLIMCMD %1% ln -s /etc/racoon/certs/%3% /etc/racoon/certs/`openssl x509 -noout -hash < /etc/racoon/certs/%2%`.r0 Where: • %1% is the CLIM name • %2% is the CA certificate file name • %3% is the CRL file name For example: TACL> clinks DL385C cacert.pem crl2.pem Configuring Pre-Shared Keys Pre-shared keys are used by the racoon daemon to establish automatically keyed IPSec security associations. Use the climconfig psk commands to configure pre-shared keys. These commands alter the contents of the /etc/racoon/psk.txt file. NOTE: There are independent pre-shared key configurations for each provider when the MULTIPROV option is ON for a particular CLIM and the -prov argument must be specified to select the desired provider's configuration. Climconfig Command Description psk –add Add pre-shared key information psk –delete Delete pre-shared key information psk –info Display pre-shared keys configured Configuring Security Policies Specific security requirements are defined at each node by a list of policies that form the node's security policy database (SPD). The protection provided to each incoming or outgoing traffic flow is verified or decided by consulting the SPD. You use the following climconfig commands to configure the SPD. These commands alter the contents of the /etc/ipsec-tools.conf file. SP objects added by climconfig are, by default, not immediately added to the active SPD maintained by the kernel, unless the -load parameter is specified. The climconfig sp -start command allows all configured SPs to be simultaneously added to the SPD, allowing you to configure security policies carefully and then activate them as a group. CLIMs that are rebooted automatically load all configured SPs into the SPD. The climconfig sp -stop command removes all configured SP objects from the kernel's SPD, but keeps them configured. Configuring IPSec (IP CIP) 105 NOTE: There are independent security policy configurations for each provider when the MULTIPROV option is ON for a particular CLIM, and the -prov argument must be specified to select the desired provider's configuration. Climconfig Command Description sp –add Add security policy configuration sp –delete Delete security policy configuration sp –info Display security policies configured sp –start Loads all configured security policies into the SPD sp –stop Empties the SPD, deactivating all configured security policies Configuring Security Associations Security associations are used by the authentication header (AH) and encapsulating security payload (ESP) to agree upon the security algorithms, transforms, and parameters shared by the sender and the receiver of a protected traffic flow. Use the climconfig sa command to configure the security associations. SA objects can either be configured as automatic SAs (the default), or as manual SAs (specified with the -manual argument). Manual SAs are, by default, not immediately added to the active SAD maintained by the kernel, unless the -load parameter is specified. Automatic SAs alter the configuration of racoon, but racoon is not informed immediately of the change unless the -restart argument is specified. Automatic SAs do not result in SAs being added to the SAD until racoon successfully completes an IKE negotiation, as directed by the automatic SA configuration. NOTE: There are independent security associations for each provider when the MULTIPROV option is ON for a particular CLIM, and the -prov argument must be specified to select the desired provider's configuration. Climconfig Command Description sa –add Add security association to configuration file sa –delete Delete security association from configuration file sa –info Display security associations configured Configuring Remote Information The climconfig remote command alters racoon configuration to add or delete instructions for IKE Phase 1 with remote peers, specifying how to authenticate the peer and what security parameters to use for Phase 1 SAs. Like automatic SAs, racoon is not immediately informed when remote configurations are added, unless the "-restart" parameter is specified to restart racoon with the new configuration. The remote command alters or gets information about the contents of the /etc/racoon/racoon.conf file. 106 CIP Configuration and Management NOTE: There are independent remote entries for each provider when the MULTIPROV option is ON for a particular CLIM. Climconfig Command Description remote –add Add remote entry into racoon.conf configuration file remote –delete Delete proposals for remote IP address from racoon.conf configuration file remote –info Display proposals and other configurations for the remote IP address from the racoon.conf configuration file Controlling the Virtual Private Network (VPN) You activate and deactivate the virtual private network (VPN) connections by using the following commands: Command Description sp –start Load configured security policies into the security policy database vpn –status Display status of virtual private network (VPN) connection sp –stop Unload security policies from security policy database sa –stop Unload security associations from security association database Using IPSec Tasks for configuring and managing IPSec are: • Configuring, controlling, and monitoring manual IPSec connections • Configuring, controlling, and monitoring automatic IPSec connections by using pre-shared key or X.509 security certificates • Configuring all IPSec related attributes such as SP, SA, remote, and psk on a set of CLIMs • Adding a static route on the IPSec-enabled CLIM so the host routing decisions favor NonStop host system application traffic to be forwarded to this CLIM • Restarting the racoon daemon if you add a new SA or remote attribute using the -restart option. (Restart of racoon causes all active SAs in the kernel's SAD to be flushed (whether these were automatically established by racoon, or were manually added SAs by climconfig). This results in disruption of existing application data traffic over the established IPSec connections.) • If a SP is modified (delete followed by add), a new IPSec connection is re-established Here is a sample script for using CLIMCMD on a CLIM with MULTIPROV OFF on the NonStop host system to issue IPSec climconfig commands to do sp, remote and sa with X.509 security certificates: CLIMCMD climconfig sp -add -s -d -u any -dir in -policy ipsec -protocol esp -mode transport -level require -load CLIMCMD climconfig sp -add -s -d -u any -dir out -policy ipsec -protocol esp -mode transport -level require -load CLIMCMD climconfig remote -add -ip -M base -idtype asn1dn -pubcert host1_cert.pem -privkey host1_key.pem -E 3des -H md5 -A rsasig -D modp768 -restart CLIMCMD climconfig sa -add Configuring IPSec (IP CIP) 107 -s -d -u any -P modp1024 -E aes -A hmac_md5 -C deflate -restart Configuring Transport of Authentication Events from CLIM The CLIM Authentication Transport feature transports the authentication events from the CLIM to the NonStop Host System. These authentication events record various security-related activities on the CLIM. For example, events are generated by the SSHD process running on the CLIM when a remote user attempts to log on to the CLIM. After the generation of these events on the CLIM, the events are transported to the NonStop Host System. At the NonStop Host System, these authentication events received from the CLIM are formatted and logged as EMS event 5239, zcip-evt-clim-auth-event under a new EMS collector $ZCLA. The EMS collector $ZCLA is automatically configured on the NonStop Host system as a persistent process and is managed by the SCF KERNEL subsystem manager. Checking the Status of the Collector $ZCLA Issue this command to check the status of the $ZCLA collector: $SYSTEM SYSTEM 2> scf status process $zzkrn.zcla SCF - T9082H01 - (23JUN11) (02MAY11) - 05/02/2013 11:56:35 System \VIHAR (C) 1986 Tandem (C) 2006 Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P. NONSTOP KERNEL - Status PROCESS \VIHAR.$ZZKRN.#ZCLA Symbolic Name Name State ZCLA $ZCLA STARTED Total Errors = 0 Sub Primary PID 0,383 Backup PID 1,380 Owner ID 255,255 Total Warnings = 0 Starting the Collector Issue this command to start the collector if the collector is in STOPPED state: $SYSTEM SYSTEM 7> scf start process $zzkrn.zcla SCF - T9082H01 - (23JUN11) (02MAY11) - 05/03/2013 14:58:09 System \VIHAR (C) 1986 Tandem (C) 2006 Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P. KERNEL W00030 Process \VIHAR.$ZCLA started successfully. Adding the Collector Issue this command to add the collector with its default settings if the collector was not already added: ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.ZCLA , & AUTORESTART 5 , & BACKUPCPU 1 , & DEFAULTVOL $SYSTEM.ZAUDIT , & HOMETERM $ZHOME , & NAME $ZCLA , & PRIMARYCPU 0 , & PRIORITY 150 , & PROGRAM $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.EMSACOLL , & STARTMODE SYSTEM , & STARTUPMSG "LOGSUBVOL $SYSTEM.ZAUDIT, SECURITY & NUNU, LOGPREFIX C, BACKUP <BCKP—CPU>, EXT 512" Refer to the SCF Reference Manual for the Kernel Subsystem for details on parameters, their values and the commands to change the values of these default parameters. Viewing the Events in the Collector $ZCLA You can view the authentication events by using EMSDIST for the collector $ZCLA. Issue this command: 108 CIP Configuration and Management TACL> #SET #INFORMAT TACL TACL> EMSDIST COLLECTOR $ZCLA, TYPE P, TEXTOUT [#MYTERM] Retrieving the Events from the $ZCLA by an Application This feature will allow security audit applications running on NonStop to access these logs and include them in the audit reports. The application can retrieve these events from the collector $ZCLA. Please refer to the EMS Manual for details on procedures to be used to retrieve the EMS messages from the alternative collector. Deleting the Collector The logging of authentication events is an optional service. If you are not interested in authentication events and do not want to have the collector $ZCLA running and creating the EMS logfiles, the $ZCLA collector can be aborted and deleted. This stops logging of authentication events to the collector $ZCLA. To abort and delete the $ZCLA collector, use the following commands: $SYSTEM SYSTEM 3> scf abort process $zzkrn.zcla SCF - T9082H01 - (23JUN11) (02MAY11) - 07/08/2013 20:24:47 System \VIHAR (C) 1986 Tandem (C) 2006 Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P. KERNEL W00028 Process \VIHAR.$ZCLA aborted successfully. $SYSTEM SYSTEM 4> scf delete process $zzkrn.zcla SCF - T9082H01 - (23JUN11) (02MAY11) - 07/08/2013 20:24:57 System \VIHAR (C) 1986 Tandem (C) 2006 Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P. Configuring CIP iptables/ip6tables (IP CIP) To configure CIP iptables and ip6tables, use the CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig {climiptables|iptables|ip6tables} commands. The CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig climiptables command enables and disables the configured functionalities for iptables and ip6tables, and also displays the state and configurations of the iptables and ip6tables. Before using climiptables you must enable the facility. See : “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) for detailed syntax of the configuration commands. The CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig {iptables|ip6tables} commands are used to configure the iptables and ip6tables configuration rules. Later in this section are two examples of how one would use the climiptables facility: “To allow all inbound FTP traffic on all but eth2 and to allow inbound telnet traffic only on eth2:” (page 110) and “To allow inbound SNMP TRAPS (port 162) from IP address only:” (page 111). NOTE: The CIP iptables and ip6tables configurations are not failed over. You must pre-set the failover CLIM’s iptables and ip6tables configuration in anticipation of a failover. You can compare the configuration of the home CLIM and failover CLIM by comparing the –obeyform output of climiptables from each CLIM and ensuring any iptables/ip6tables rules on the home CLIM exist on the failover CLIM in anticipation of a failover. Configuring climiptables The command syntax for climconfig climiptables is climconfig climiptables [-prov prov-name] {-enable | -disable [-force] | -status | -info [-obeyform] | -h | -help | --help } Climconfig Command Description climiptables -enable Enable the iptables and ip6tables functionality climiptables -disable [-force] Disable the iptables and ip6tables functionality Configuring CIP iptables/ip6tables (IP CIP) 109 Climconfig Command Description climiptables -status Display the state of the climiptables climiptables -info Display the state of the climiptables and the iptables and ip6tables configurations climiptables -info -obeyform Generate obeyform lines for the current iptables and ip6tables configurations Configuring iptables/ip6tables The command syntax for climconfig iptables is climconfig iptables [HP options] arguments [-force] The command syntax for climconfig ip6tables is climconfig ip6tables [HP options] arguments [-prov prov-name] [-force] The two options that can be used with iptables/ip6tables are -prov prov-name and -force. Each provider has its own iptables and ip6tables configurations, and the -prov option to specify the provider is mandatory on CLIMs that have the MULTIPROV ON option enabled. –force, used with a sensitive command, causes the command to bypass user confirmation. Climconfig iptables and climconfig ip6tables configure CIP iptables and ip6tables with the same Linux iptables and ip6tables commands and options with some limitations: • Only INPUT chain of the ‘filter’ table is supported. • The Linux INPUT chain is accessed indirectly via the CIP built-in chain CIP_INPUT chain. Direct access to the Linux INPUT chain is not permitted except for the ‘-L’ command. • The functionality of the configured iptables and ip6tables rules are controlled by the state of climiptables. iptables and ip6tables can be configured while climiptables is disabled. The configured iptables and ip6tables rules take no effect until climiptables is enabled. Examples To allow all inbound FTP traffic on all but eth2 and to allow inbound telnet traffic only on eth2: climcmd g6clim1 climconfig iptables -N ftp climcmd g6clim1 climconfig iptables -A ftp -i eth2 -j REJECT climcmd g6clim1 climconfig iptables -A CIP_INPUT -p tcp --dport 20:21 -j ftp climcmd g6clim1 climconfig iptables -N telnetchain climcmd g6clim1 climconfig iptables -A telnetchain ! -i eth2 -j REJECT climcmd g6clim1 climconfig iptables -A CIP_INPUT -p tcp --dport 23 -j telnetchain Following is the output for these commands: \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD g6clim1 climstatus -o t climiptables Enabled: Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------IPTABLES Configuration: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 11 packets, 889 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 7636 1970K ACCEPT all -- any any g6clim1 anywhere 656K 228M ACCEPT all -- eth0 any anywhere anywhere 204 13045 CIP_INPUT all -- any any anywhere anywhere 146 9781 CIP_INPUT_p all -- any any anywhere anywhere 110 Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 1166 packets, 220K bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination CIP Configuration and Management Chain CIP_INPUT (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in 18 972 ftp tcp -- any tcp dpts:ftp-data:ftp 4 224 telnet tcp -- any tcp dpt:telnet out any source anywhere destination anywhere any anywhere anywhere out source destination Chain ftp (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out 2 120 REJECT all -- eth2 any reject-with icmp-port-unreachable source anywhere destination anywhere Chain telnet (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out 1 60 REJECT all -- !eth2 any reject-with icmp-port-unreachable source anywhere destination anywhere Chain CIP_INPUT_p (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in IP6TABLES Configuration: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 21175 2062K ACCEPT all eth0 any anywhere anywhere 0 0 CIP_INPUT all any any anywhere anywhere 0 0 CIP_INPUT_p all any any anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 169 packets, 12844 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain CIP_INPUT (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in destination out source Chain CIP_INPUT_p (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination ---------------------------------------------------------------------Termination Info: 0 To allow inbound SNMP TRAPS (port 162) from IP address only: climcmd climcmd climcmd climcmd g6clim1 g6clim1 g6clim1 g6clim1 climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig iptables iptables iptables iptables -N -A -A -A snmptrap snmptrap ! -s -j REJECT CIP_INPUT -p tcp --dport 162 -j snmptrap CIP_INPUT -p udp --dport 162 -j snmptrap Following is the output for these commands: \MYSYS.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMCMD g6clim1 climstatus -o t climiptables Enabled: Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------IPTABLES Configuration: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 1 packets, 64 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 5652 1325K ACCEPT all -- any any G6CLIM1 anywhere 586K 228M ACCEPT all -- eth0 any anywhere anywhere 14 725 CIP_INPUT all -- any any anywhere anywhere 3 144 CIP_INPUT_p all -- any any anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 821 packets, 165K bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain CIP_INPUT (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in destination out source Configuring CIP iptables/ip6tables (IP CIP) 111 10 2 528 snmptrap 117 snmptrap tcp udp --- any any Chain CIP_INPUT_p (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in any any anywhere anywhere anywhere anywhere out source destination Chain snmptrap (2 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out 11 581 REJECT all -- any any reject-with icmp-port-unreachable tcp dpt:snmp-trap udp dpt:snmp-trap source destination ! anywhere IP6TABLES Configuration: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 16466 1599K ACCEPT all eth0 any anywhere anywhere 0 0 CIP_INPUT all any any anywhere anywhere 0 0 CIP_INPUT_p all any any anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 6 packets, 456 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain CIP_INPUT (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in destination out source Chain CIP_INPUT_p (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination ---------------------------------------------------------------------Termination Info: 0 Configuring Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) (IP and Telco CIP) CIP only supports one-to-one SCTP associations. To use SCTP, select the SCTP protocol socket option from your application and ensure the PROTOCOL file contains an entry for SCTP. See the TCP/IP Programming Manual for more information about setting the socket option to use SCTP. See “PROTOCOL File” (page 78) in this manual for procedures for adding SCTP to the PROTOCOL file. Additional SCTP support is available on the Telco CLIM. Please see HP OpenCall INS documentation for more information. Round-Robin Filtering For background information about round-robin filtering, see the NonStop TCP/IPv6 Configuration and Management Manual. To use the round-robin feature you must explicitly configure it; the default configuration is for non-round-robin. If you are using Providers, you must also define the appropriate transport-service provider (CIPSAM process) in the same TACL session in which you define the filter key so incoming connections are distributed among application instances within the same Provider. For application servers in a Provider environment to use the round-robin filtering feature, they must share both the round-robin filter-key DEFINE and the transport-service provider DEFINE. Enable round-robin filtering in CIP the same way you enable it in NonStop TCP/IPv6. Set the DEFINE to enable round-robin filtering on your server processes by using this ADD DEFINE command at the TACL prompt: ADD DEFINE =PTCPIP^FILTER^KEY, CLASS MAP, FILE file-name You can limit the shared ports by adding one or both of these DEFINEs: ADD DEFINE =PTCPIP^FILTER^TCP^PORTS, FILE Pstartport.Pendport ADD DEFINE =PTCPIP^FILTER^UDP^PORTS, FILE Pstartport.Pendport The startport and endport variables are integers specifying the allowable port range. The =PTCPIP^FILTER^TCP^PORTS key limits the shared TCP ports to the range defined in startportand 112 CIP Configuration and Management endport. The =PTCPIP^FILTER^UDP^PORTS key limits the shared UDP ports to the range defined in startport and endport. Ports outside those ranges are not shared. You must always specify the =PTCPIP^FILTER^KEY DEFINE to enable round-robin filtering. If you want to limit TCP and UDP ports, add the appropriate DEFINE after the =PTCPIP^FILTER^KEY DEFINE. In CIP, unlike in NonStop TCP/IPv6, you can have multiple application listeners in each processor. NOTE: The round-robin feature is used only for listening (server) sockets and not client sockets. Logging Messages The CLIM software logs error and some informational messages to /var/log/syslog as do the kernel and most other applications. Messages from the CLIM software always include the component name. The messages are forwarded to the Event Management System (EMS) on the NonStop host system. Configuring IPv6 (IP CIP) This section provides an example of configuring IPv6. 1. Configure IPv6 for the eth4 interfaces on each CLIM: > CLIMCMD n1002532 climconfig ip -add eth4 -ipaddress 2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ab -netmask 64 This interface is installed in network 2001:0db8:0:0/64. > CLIMCMD n1002531 climconfig ip -add eth4 -ipaddress 2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:1428:57ac -netmask 64 2. This interface is also in network 2001:0db8:0:0/64. Add a default IPv6 static route to the eth4 interfaces on each CLIM. > CLIMCMD n1002532 route –add eth4 -default –gateway 2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:0:1 > CLIMCMD n1002531 route –add eth4 -default –gateway 2001:0db8:0:0:0:0:0:1 Running Applications in Multiple Environments (IP CIP) You may run applications in the conventional TCP/IP, NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP environments. If you are using ATM or token-ring adapters your applications must use conventional TCP/IP. If you are using Ethernet adapters, you can run your application in all environments. Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 environments cannot share the same LIF but they can share an Ethernet 4 ServerNet adapter (E4SA) or Gigabit Ethernet 4-port ServerNet adapter (G4SA) as those adapters have multiple LIFs. However, a Fast Ethernet ServerNet adapter (FESA) and a Gigabit Ethernet ServerNet adapter (GESA) have only one LIF, so they can only support one environment. Only CIP can run on a CLIM. Managing the Configuration Preservation The system configuration database (CONFIG) is part of the NonStop Kernel subsystem. The conventional TCP/IP subsystem (NonStop TCP/IP) does not participate in the system configuration database, but NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP do (although their configuration databases are not compatible). When you configure CIP for the first time, the SCF objects are added to the system configuration database and any alterations to those objects also update the configuration of those objects in the system configuration database. The system configuration database stores your subsystem configuration and can be accessed at any time to restore the subsystem to its last configuration. The CIPMAN, when started, starts any subordinate objects that are stored in the system configuration database. Logging Messages 113 Managing the Configuration Database on the NonStop Host System Save your configuration database before configuring CIP for the first time and record the name and date of the saved database. This saved configuration database can be used if higher RVUs of CIP are incompatible with the CIP records residing in the system configuration database. If a new RVU of CIP is incompatible with the data stored in the configuration database, you can restore the saved configuration database and reconfigure CIP. This SCF command saves the current configuration database file in a new file located at $SYSTEM.ZYSCONF.CONF0104: > SAVE CONFIGURATI0N 01.04 The SCF SAVE command is documented in the SCF Reference Manual for J-Series and H-Series RVUs. CAUTION: The configuration database stores all SCF commands that you issue to modify your CIP environment. If you use startup scripts to start your CIP subsystem, you should compare your configuration database to those startup files to ensure that the startup files reflect these additional modifications to the environment. For more detailed procedures and specific migration considerations, see Chapter 6: IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences. Managing Persistence on the NonStop Host System You can add a generic process to the system configuration database and define that generic process in such a way that the persistence manager restarts the generic process whenever the generic process abends, is stopped through TACL, or the system is reloaded. To define the generic process this way, set the STARTMODE to SYSTEM. If you add the CIPMAN, CIPMON, or CIPSAM (IP CIP only) process as a generic process configured in this way, these processes start automatically upon system reload and subsequently restores their stored and subordinate objects. Alternatively, when you add the CIPMAN, CIPMON, or CIPSAM process as a generic process to the system configuration database, you can choose to configure it using STARTMODE MANUAL; this method requires that you start $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP manually by using an SCF START command to the NonStop Kernel subsystem. The persistence manager restarts persistent generic processes whenever they are stopped by the TACL STOP command (if the generic process is configured with STARTMODE SYSTEM) in addition to starting those generic processes when the system is reloaded. Hence, if CIPMAN, CIPMON, or CIPSAM is a generic, persistent process (AUTORESTART > 0), any time you issue a TACL STOP command to the CIP subsystem, CIPMAN, CIPMON, or CIPSAM gets restarted by the persistence manager. To avoid this behavior and stop a persistent, generic, CIPMAN, CIPMON, or CIPSAM process, issue the ABORT command to the NonStop Kernel subsystem as in this example: > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPMON > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPSAM For more information about generic processes and the persistence manager, see the SCF Reference Manual for the Kernel Subsystem. Managing the CLIM Configuration Preservation HP recommends that you store the CLIM configurations any time you change them. Two TACL scripts are provided for this practice: one for backing up and one for restoring the CLIM configuration. NOTE: You must be logged on as a super group user to run these commands. climbkup and climrstr Command Synopsis {climbkup | climrstr} {clim-name | ip-address | hostname} [file-name | volume | volume.subvolume | subvolume.filename | volume.subvolume.filename] 114 CIP Configuration and Management clim-name Is the name of the CLIM to be backed up or restored. ip-address Is the IP address of the CLIM to be backed up or restored. hostname Is the hostname of the CLIM to be backed up or restored, without the subsystem qualifier. For example: C1002531. file-name Is the name of the file on the NonStop system in which the backup configuration is stored. If file-name is not specified, the default file name is BACKUPGZ. subvolume Is the name of the subvolume on the NonStop host system in which the backup configuration is stored. If the command specifies a CLIM name, the default subvolume is clim-name. If the command specifies an IP address, the default subvolume is the current subvolume. volume Is the name of the volume on the NonStop host system in which the backup configuration is stored. If the command specifies a subvolume and no volume, the default volume is $SYSTEM. If the command does not specify a volume or subvolume, the default location is current-volume.subvolume. climbkup and climrstr Considerations • A CLIM configured with J06.17 RVU or later can be restored with a backup file taken from any RVU from J06.08 to the RVU with which the CLIM is configured. For example, if the CLIM is configured with J06.17 RVU, any backup file taken from the RVUs J06.08 to J06.17 can be used to restore on this CLIM. This is not true for a CLIM configured with pre-J06.17 RVUs. In that case, a backup file should be used only to restore on CLIMs that use the same RVU version as the backup file. For example, if the backup file was taken from the J06.09 RVU, it can only be used to restore on a J06.09 CLIM. It may not be used to restore on a J06.10 CLIM. • CLIMRSTR is not designed to be run on a CLIM that is in the STARTED state. Additionally, CLIMRSTR requires a reboot to be done after the restore. If a failover occurs during a restore operation such that the CLIM being restored takes over the other CLIM, the failover information and network configuration of the CLIM that fails may not be correct on the failover CLIM. HP recommends using CLIMRSTR this way: 1. Abort or stop the CLIM. 2. Perform the restore operation. 3. Start the CLIM. Examples To create a backup copy of the CLIM configuration on the $SYSTEM volume of the NonStop host system, use the CLIMBKUP clim-name TACL script. This command stores the configuration files of CLIM n1002531 in $SYSTEM.n1002531: tacl> CLIMBKUP n1002531 To restore your CLIM configuration files, use the CLIMRSTR clim-name TACL script. For example: tacl> CLIMRSTR n1002531 This command copies the configuration information that was saved during the backup operation on the NonStop host system from the $SYSTEM disk to the CLIM. Before invoking this command, the CLIM should be stopped or aborted. Upon completion of this command, the CLIM must be rebooted to load the new configuration. Managing the Configuration Preservation 115 The following table shows examples of behavior for the CLIMBKUP command and indicates differences in behavior between different releases: Example Command Backup File and Location (J06.06 and Behavior and File Backup Locations for H06.17 and later RVUs) Previous RVUs CLIMBKUP N1002531 $system.n1002531.backupgz Same CLIMBKUP N1002531 file-name $system.n1002531.file-name $current-vol.file-name.backupgz CLIMBKUP N1002531 subvol.file-name $system.subvolume.file-name UNSUPPORTED CLIMBKUP N1002531 $volume $volume.n1002531.backupgz UNSUPPORTED CLIMBKUP N1002531 $volume.subvolume $volume.subvolume.backupgz Same CLIMBKUP N1002531 $volume.subvolume.file-name $volume.subvolume.file UNSUPPORTED CLIMBKUP $current-vol.current-subvol.backupgz UNSUPPORTED CLIMBKUP file-name $system.current-subvol.file-name $current-vol.file-name.backupgz CLIMBKUP subvolume.file-name $system.subvolume.file-name UNSUPPORTED CLIMBKUP $volume $volume.current-subvol.backupgz UNSUPPORTED CLIMBKUP $volume.subvolume $volume.subvolume.backupgz Same CLIMBKUP $volume.subvolume.file-name $volume.subvolume.file-name UNSUPPORTED Planning for Coexistence With Conventional TCP/IP (IP CIP Only) For the same application processes, one socket can be associated with the conventional NonStop TCP/IP subsystem, another with the NonStop TCP/IPv6 subsystem and another with the CIP subsystem by programmatically changing the transport-service provider process. NOTE: Parallel Library TCP/IP cannot coexist with CIP. Stopping CIP CAUTION: If you are not running an alternative TCP/IP subsystem, connect to CLCI by using the OSM Low Level Link. (CLCI provides a primitive terminal emulation when no other TCP/IP subsystem is available, but has limited functionality.) To stop the CIP subsystem follow these procedures: • “Preparing to Stop the CIP Subsystem” • “Stopping CIP” (page 118) Preparing to Stop the CIP Subsystem Task Summary 1. 2. Ensure that you do not stop the TCP/IP process running your terminal. Check for applications using CIP. Tasks: Preparing to Stop the CIP Subsystem 1. 116 Ensure that you do not stop the TCP/IP process that is running your home terminal. CIP Configuration and Management a. Enter WHO at the TACL prompt: > WHO \HOME.$SYSTEM.SYSTEM 2> WHO Home terminal: $ZTNP1.#PTYPRAB TACL process: \HOME.$Z34A Primary CPU: 2 (NSR-G) Default Segment File: $SYSTEM.#0000382 Pages allocated: 24 Pages Maximum: 1024 Bytes Used: 32820 (1%) Bytes Maximum: 2097152 Current volume: $SYSTEM.SYSTEM Saved volume: $SYSTEM.SYSTEM Userid: 255,255 Username: SUPER.SUPER Security: "AAAA" Logon name: SUPER.SUPER The TELSERV process, $ZTNP1, is listed next to the HOME TERMINAL field. Make note of the TELSERV process. b. Check all TCP/IP processes to find the one that has your TELSERV process listed as an opener. This is the process that you do not want to shut down. > SCF > LISTDEV TCPIP LDev 204 298 305 332 c. d. Name $ZTC0 $TCPS3 $TCPS1 $ZTC01 PPID 1,302 3,278 1,341 0,301 BPID 0,322 1,389 Type (48,0 (48,0 (48,0 (48,0 ) ) ) ) RSize 32000 57344 57344 57344 Pri 200 201 201 201 Program \HOME.$SYSTEM.SYS07.TCPIP \HOME.$SYSTEM.SYS07.CIPSAM \HOME.$SYSTEM.SYS07.CIPSAM \HOME.$SYSTEM.SYS07.CIPSAM Make a note of the CIPSAM processes (in this example, $TCPS3, $TCPS1, $ZTC01) so that you can shut them down in your shutdown procedures (see “Stopping CIP” (page 116). Issue a LISTOPENS PROCESS $process-name on each process listed in the display for LISTDEV TCPIP until you find the process that is running the TACL prompt of your home terminal. The listing shows all the processes depending on $ZTC0: > LISTOPENS PROCESS $ZTC0 Openers PPID $ZPRP1 1,304 $ZPRP1 1,304 $ZPRP1 1,304 $ZTN1 1,305 $ZTSM 0,307 $ZCVP1 0,324 $ZPMP1 1,266 $ZPMP1 1,266 $ZTNP1 1,305 $ZNET 0,21 BPID PLFN 4 5 6 3 22 1 2 3 4 2 BLFN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Protocol TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP UDP UDP TCP TCP #ZSPI Lport echo finger ftp telnet 980 548 111 111 telnet * In the Openers column, $ZTNP1 is an opener of the $ZTC0 process. In this example, $ZTNP1 is the TELSERV process running our home terminal so you must make sure you do not shut it down. If the process running your home terminal is a CIPSAM process, use TELNET to connect to another TCP/IP process (conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6) if one is available. If you are not running an alternative TCP/IP subsystem, connect to CLCI by using the OSM Low Level Link. (CLCI provides a primitive terminal emulation when no other TCP/IP subsystem is available, but has limited functionality.) 2. Determine if any applications are using the CIPMONs and make a note of the application names. Enter this command at the SCF prompt (a sample display follows this command): The listing shows all the processes depending on the CIP subsystem: > LISTOPENS MON $ZZCIP.* CIP Listopens MON \HOME.$ZZCIP.#ZPTM0 Openers $ZPT0 $ZPT0 $ZPT0 PPID BPID 0,295 0,295 0,295 PLFN BLFN 6 7 Protocol 5 0 0 0 Lport TCP TCP TCP echo finger ftp Stopping CIP 117 $ZTN0 $ZTN0 $ZTN0 $ZTN0 $ZTN0 $ZTN0 $ZTN0 $ZTN0 $ZTN0 $Z07S 0,277 0,277 0,277 0,277 0,277 0,277 0,277 0,277 0,277 0,331 3 5 10 7 4 8 9 6 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP telnet telnet telnet telnet telnet telnet telnet telnet telnet ftp In the above display, you would record all the opener processes: $ZPT0, $ZTN0, $ZTF0, $Z0KW, $Z0KX, $ZTN0, and $Z07S to be stopped. Stopping CIP You must stop the CIP subsystem from a conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6 environment or by using CLCI. Perform the tasks in “Preparing to Stop the CIP Subsystem” (page 116) before following these procedures. Task Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop all openers of the CIPMONs. the CLIM. the CIPSAM processes. the PROVIDER objects. the CIPMON processes. the CIPMAN process. 1. Stop all openers of the CIPMONs. Tasks NOTE: The LISTNER and TELSERV do not support the SCF ABORT command so you must use the TACL STOP command to stop those processes. Enter these commands at the TACL prompt: > STOP PROCESS $ZTN0 > STOP PROCESS $LSN0 2. Stop the CLIMs by entering these SCF commands: > STOP CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name 3. Stop the CIPSAM processes by entering these SCF commands: > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPSAM 4. Stop the PROVIDER objects by entering these SCF commands: > ABORT PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC1, FORCED > ABORT PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC0, FORCED > ABORT PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP0, FORCED > ABORT PROVIDER $ZZCIP.$ZTCP1, FORCED 5. Stop the CIPMON processes: > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPMON 6. Stop the CIPMAN process: > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP 118 CIP Configuration and Management Monitoring the Network (IP CIP) To monitor your network, use these management tools: • ping command • Tracer utility • Event Management System (EMS) Messages NOTE: Before using the ping and tracer utilities, set the transport provider name to the appropriate CIPSAM process by using the ADD DEFINE TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME command. Testing Access to Internet Network Hosts by Using the Ping Command (IP CIP) The ping command accepts an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or node name on the command line. For information about using the PING command, see the TCP/IP Applications and Utilities User Guide. Displaying a Datagram’s Route to a Network Host by Using Traceroute The CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} traceroute command displays the path taken by IP packets on route to a network host. Use the CLIMCMD traceroute command to determine any problems that these packets might encounter. From each gateway system along the path, the CLIMCMD traceroute command tries to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED message. From the destination remote host, the CLIMCMD traceroute tries to elicit an ICMP_PORT_UNREACHABLE message. > CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} traceroute For more information see the traceroute man page by entering: > CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} man traceroute For more information on tracing, see “TRACE Commands” (page 275). NOTE: Since traceroute is a network-sensitive command, the provider option be specified to CLIMCMD if the MULTIPROV option is ON. If the MULTIPROV attribute is set to ON, see the Considerations section under prov(1p). Event Management System (EMS) Messages CIP generates event messages that are documented in the Operator Messages Manual. NOTE: Messages with number 5227 are Linux messages: they have no immediate effect but may indicate a problem on the CLIM. These are most likely informational events but may be used by your service provider. Linux events are also sent to EMS. Troubleshooting Tools and Tips Several tools are available to you for troubleshooting the CIP environment. • SCF STATUS, DETAIL command for information about all or failing CIP objects • SCF INFO, DETAIL command for information about all or failing CIP objects • SCF LISTOPENS, DETAIL command for information about MON and PROV (IP CIP only) • Linux tcpdump command to collect network tracing info. You also can use the CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} clim command to abort, reboot and start the CLIM as well as to collect information. The CLIMCMD clim command is automatically Monitoring the Network (IP CIP) 119 invoked when a CLIM stops because of issues in software. A snapshot file that captures the CLIM debug files is created when a CLIM has failed due to a software or hardware problem or when a CLIM is aborted by the operator by using the CLIMCMD clim abort command. The snapshot is created as /home/debuginfo/clim-date-time.tgz. (date-time is computed and replaced automatically). The snapshot includes the network configuration files, core files of the CLIM software components, and network configuration in the kernel. This automatically created snapshot is available as of the J06.04 and H06.16 RVUs. However, in the following scenarios, the CLIM snapshot file is not created automatically: • Configuration issues • Failover issues • Any issue that does not result in an intended or unintended stop of the CLIM or CLIM software In these scenarios, create the CLIM snapshot manually by using the CLIMCMD command clim with the onlinedebug parameter on the problematic CLIM. The onlinedebug parameter manually generates and archives the snapshot file /home/debuginfo/clim-date-time.tgz. The onlinedebug parameter is available as of J06.05 and H06.16. HP recommends sending this snapshot to your support provider for analysis during troubleshooting. CLIMCMD clim Command CLIMCMD {clim-name | clim-ip-address} clim [abort | clearlog | reboot | start | onlinedebug | enable-policy-routing | disable-policy-routing | info ] abort Abort and dump all CLIM processes. clearlog Allows a CLIM that has stopped trying to restart itself after reaching a retry threshold to be resumed. Should be followed by 'clim start'. reboot Reboots the CLIM, after taking a system memory dump. start Starts the CLIM software. The CLIMMON, CONFSYNC, CLIMAGT, and CIPSSRV processes are started. Before starting the processes, CLIM related information is packaged into a compressed tar file for debugging purpose. onlinedebug Packages clim-related information into a compressed tar file for debugging purposes. enable-policy-routing Enables policy based routing, which ensures that the interface with the IP address bound by a socket will be used by that socket for outgoing network traffic, or that an interface with an IP address in the source address of the network packet is used for routing the packet. The default is enable-policy-routing. disable-policy-routing Disables policy routing on the next CLIM reboot. info Provides clim configuration information. This command displays the current value/status of configurable clim parameters. clim Command Examples If you need to reboot the CLIM, issue the CLIMCMD clim command with the clearlog and reboot options: 120 CIP Configuration and Management > CLIMCMD n1002532 clim clearlog > CLIMCMD n1002532 clim reboot Here is an example of using onlinedebug: > CLIMCMD n1002532 clim onlinedebug Here is an example of checking policy routing settings: > CLIMCMD n1002581 clim info SSH client version T9999H06_21Jun2010_comForte_SSH_0088 policyRouting: Enabled Termination Info: 0 Event Logging The CIP subsystem generates NonStop host system reporting of CLIM issues. The report may be in the form of error codes for cancelled commands or Event Management System (EMS) messages issued in the NonStop host system. See the Operator Messages Manual for information about events reported through the Event Management System (EMS). Use the CLIMCMD climstatus command to show the current CLIM state and to obtain status information. See “Displaying System Information” (page 93), climstatus(1) NOTE: For pre-J06.08 and H06.19 RVUs, the time zone on the CLIM is GMT. For J06.08 and later J-series RVUs and H06.19 and later H-series RVUs, the time on the CLIM is synchronized with the time on the NonStop host. For these RVUs, CLIMs run with the local time of the NonStop host. During a failure, some information is automatically dumped, zipped and stored in the /home/debuginfo directory. Procedures for managing these files (copying, transferring, and deleting) are similar to managing files collected by using tcpdump. Linux Command Logging with cmd Command Wrapper Certain native Linux commands issued via CLIMCMD, whether destructive or not, need to be logged into the system log. cmd is the command wrapper used for executing supported Linux commands on the CLIM and logs them into the system log. The user-entered command is logged in its entirety to the system log, along with its arguments and information on the NonStop user who issued the command. The result of the command, along with the CLIM user information, is written to the system log. NOTE: This feature is supported for J06.10/H06.21 and later RVUs only. The syntax is: CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip-address } cmd command-name [arg1 arg2...argn] command-name Specifies the Linux command to be executed. arg1 Specifies arguments for the command. arg2 Specifies arguments for the command. This example shows the execution of a rm command using the command wrapper, and the corresponding text logged into syslog: TACL> CLIMCMD C1002781 cmd rm file1 NonStop User: SUPER.OPER CLIM User: root Command Succeeded: rm file1 Troubleshooting Tools and Tips 121 Detecting Duplicate IP Addresses As of RVU J06.10 / H06.21, CIP detects duplicate IPv4 addresses and MAC addresses in a subnet. When a duplicate IP or MAC Address is detected, EMS Event 5230 will be created. One of these alarms will be created: • Duplicate CLIM IP Address: A duplicate IP address has been detected within the same network and a potential loss of network connectivity for sockets using that source IP address may occur. This alarm must be manually deleted. • Duplicate CLIM MAC Address: A duplicate MAC address has been detected within the same network and a potential loss of network connectivity through the interface with that MAC address may occur. This alarm must be manually deleted. Displaying Link Speed Use ethtool to display the speed of a link. The syntax is: ethtool interface-name where interface-name is eth1, eth2, etc. Example 14: Ethtool Link Speed Display shows the display: Example 14 Ethtool Link Speed Display ethtool eth1 Settings for eth1: Supported ports: [ TP ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full Supports auto-negotiation: Yes Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes Speed: 1000Mb/s <==== current Speed Duplex: Full <--- current duplex mode Port: Twisted Pair PHYAD: 1 Transceiver: internal Auto-negotiation: on Supports Wake-on: g Wake-on: g Link detected: yes Verifying the lunmgr Configuration of Two Storage CLIMs To provide fault tolerance, two storage CLIMs must always be connected to the same physical disk. Each storage CLIM identifies the disks connected to it and assigns a LUN to each device. This LUN must match between the two CLIMs. If they point to different physical devices on the two CLIMs, neither path to the disk can be started. This can occur when one storage CLIM in a pair is replaced or a new enclosure is added or removed. To detect LUN configuration problems, use the CLIMSCMP tool. The syntax is: CLIMSCMP [/out out-file | /outv var-name] clim-name-1 clim-name-2 out out-file Directs the display text to the file out-file. outv var-name Directs the display text to the variable var-name. 122 CIP Configuration and Management clim-name-1 Specifies the name of the first storage CLIM to be compared. clim-name-2 Specifies the name of the second storage CLIM to be compared. CLIMSCMP Considerations CLMSCMP must be run by a member of the SUPER group. CLIMSCMP displays its completion status with a message completion code. Successful termination results in a completion code equal to zero. Error conditions are reported with a completion code greater than zero; warning conditions are reported with a completion code less than zero, as follows: Completion Code Description -6 ESS LUN is connected through two different FC ports -5 Tape enclosure is configured but not connected to the CLIM -4 Disk enclosure is configured on both the CLIMs, but is disconnected from one of the CLIMs -3 Disk enclosure is configured but not connected to the CLIM -2 Certain enclosures were found to be single ported 0 Success 1 Syntax Error 2 At least one of the specified CLIMs does not exist in the CIP subsystem 3 At least one of the specified CLIMs is not of type STORAGE 4 SSH connection could not be established to at least one of the specified CLIMs 5 lunmgr –e command did not execute successfully on at least one of the specified CLIMs 6 A mismatch was found while comparing the enclosure information of the two CLIMs 7 A non-super group user invoked CLIMSCMP 8 Disk enclosure is connected to both the CLIMs, but not configured on one of the CLIMs CLIMSCMP Examples Below are examples of various configurations and the messages that CLIMSCMP returns. • All enclosures are correctly configured and connected on both the CLIMs: TACL> CLIMSCMP C1002581 C1002582 The enclosure configurations of ‘C1002581’ and ‘C1002582’ CLIMs match. Termination Info: 0 • Enclosures are configured and connected to both the CLIMs but there is a mismatch in the attribute values: TACL> CLIMSCMP C1002581 C1002582 Error: Mismatch in enclosure configurations of two CLIMs C1002581: C1002582: lun 200 200 type 1 1 stable address enclosure 500143800045e880 enclosure 5001438000464500 serial # SGA802004A SGA802004H revision 2.18 2.18 Termination Info: 6 Troubleshooting Tools and Tips 123 • Disk enclosure is configured but not connected to the CLIM: TACL> CLIMSCMP C1002581 C1002582 Warning: Enclosure disconnected from the CLIM 'C1002581' C1002581: lun type stable address serial # 200 1 enclosure 500143800045e880 --- revision --- Termination Info: -3 • Disk enclosure is connected to both the CLIMs, but not configured on one of the CLIMs: TACL> CLIMSCMP C1002581 C1002582 Error: Enclosure configured on the CLIM 'C1002581' but not on the CLIM 'C1002582' C1002581: lun 200 type 1 stable address enclosure 500143800045e880 serial # SGA802004A revision 2.18 Termination Info: 8 • Disk enclosure is configured on both the CLIMs, but is disconnected from one of the CLIMs: TACL> CLIMSCMP C1002581 C1002582 Warning: Enclosure disconnected from the CLIM 'C1002533' lun type C1002581: 300 1 C1002582: 300 1 Termination Info: -4 • stable address enclosure 500143800046f780 enclosure 500143800046f780 serial # SGA8040070 ------- revision 2.28 ------ Tape enclosure is configured but not connected to the CLIM: TACL> CLIMSCMP C1002581 C1002582 Warning: Enclosure disconnected from the CLIM 'C1002581' C1002582: lun 1 type 3 stable address tape HP M8505 #HU10837WNA serial # ------ revision ------ Termination Info: -5 • All enclosures are correctly configured and connected on both CLIMs. However, certain enclosures were found to be single ported: TACL> CLIMSCMP C1002581 C1002582 Warning: Following enclosures are single ported C1002581: C1002582: lun 200 300 type 1 1 stable address enclosure 500143800045e880 enclosure 500143800045e880 serial # SGA802004A SGA802004A revision 2.18 2.18 400 500 1 1 enclosure 5001438000464500 enclosure 5001438000464500 SGA802004H SGA802004H 2.18 2.18 Termination Info: -2 • All the disk enclosures are correctly configured and connected on both the CLIMs. However, certain enclosures have ESS LUNs connected through two different FibreChannel ports: TACL> CLIMSCMP C1002551 C1002553 124 Warning: ESS LUN is connected through two different FC ports lun type stable address serial # C1002551: 1000 2 port 50060e8004289406 10388 C1002553: 1000 2 port 50060e8004289413 10388 revision 5009 5009 Warning: ESS LUN is connected through two different FC ports lun type stable address serial # C1002551: 1500 2 port 50060e8004289406 10388 C1002553: 1500 2 port 50060e8004289413 10388 revision 5009 5009 CIP Configuration and Management Termination Info: 0 CLIMSCMP Messages Error messages: • Error: Only SUPER group users are allowed to run 'CLIMSCMP'. • Error: No value specified for the 'run-option' run-option. • Error: Unsupported run-option 'run-option' specified. • Error: 'clim-name' is not a configured CLIM. • Error: 'clim-name-1' and 'clim-name-2' are not configured CLIMs. • Error: SSH connection could not be established to the CLIM 'clim-name'. • Error: SSH connection could not be established to the CLIMs 'clim-name-1' and 'clim-name-2'. • Error: No CLIMs specified for the comparison of enclosures. • Error: Only two CLIMs can be specified for the comparison of enclosures. • Error: 'clim-name' is not a storage CLIM. • Error: 'clim-name-1' and 'clim-name-2' are not storage CLIMs. • Error: Could not successfully execute 'lunmgr -e' on the CLIM 'clim-name'. • Error: Could not successfully execute 'lunmgr -e' on the CLIMs 'clim-name-1' and 'clim-name-2' Warning messages: • Warning: Only SUPER group users are allowed to run 'CLIMSCMP'. • Warning: Following enclosures are single ported. Tip: Finding an Available UDP Port (IP CIP Only) Use the LISTOPENS MON command to display UDP ports in use. See the Expand Configuration and Management Manual for examples of finding available UDP ports. CLIM and Host Incompatibility If the CLIM stays in the STARTING state, the CLIM software might be incompatible with the host. In this case, event 5228 is generated. To fix this, upgrade or downgrade the CLIM software to match the host RVU version. See Chapter 4 (page 133) for the CLIM upgrade procedure. See the Software Installation and Upgrade Guide for your host system RVU for procedures for downgrading the CLIM, or contact your service provider to perform the downgrade. If the CLIM is in the STARTED state, you can determine the CLIM software version by using OSM Low Level Link, OSM Service Connection, or by entering: SCF > VERSION CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name If the CLIM is not in the STARTED state, you can use either OSM Low Level Link or the CLIMCMD command with the Linux cat subcommand by entering: > climcmd clim-name cat /etc/vproc Multiple RVUs of a CLIM are allowed on a system as long as all CLIMs have CLIM RVUs that are compatible with the host RVU. Troubleshooting Tools and Tips 125 Troubleshooting Network Applications Using Tcpdump To trace and collect network traffic, you can use the Linux tcpdump command. On systems running J06.06 or later J-series RVUs or H06.17 or later H-series RVUs, you can then transfer those files to the NonStop host. CAUTION: For pre-J06.06/H06.17 RVUs, do not use SFTP to transfer dumps and logs from CLIMs to the NonStop host system. The only supported SFTP application for transferring files between the CLIM and the console on pre-J06.06/H06.17 RVUs is PuTTY SFTP. Do not use PuTTY to enter CLIM commands. NOTE: Since tcpdump is a network-sensitive command, the provider option be specified to CLIMCMD if the MULTIPROV option is ON. If the MULTIPROV attribute is set to ON, see the Considerations section under prov(1p). NOTE: In pre-J06.09/H06.20 RVUs, tcpdump can show large IP packets even when the jumbo frame feature is not enabled on the CLIM interface. This can occur because Ethernet ports on the IP and Telco CLIM were configured with TCP Segmentation Offloading (TSO) in hardware. TSO enables the network stack to buffer a large stream of data (much larger than the supported MTU of the medium) to the NIC. The NIC hardware segments it into MSS-sized packets with proper sequence numbers. Because the packet-capture engine used by tcpdump operates above the interface layer, the packet-capture engine captures the packet prior to the NIC-hardware segmentation. This behavior results in packets captured by tcpdump showing a larger packet size than the supported MTU. Packets passively captured on the wire (using a mirrored port on the switch) would show the correct packet size. Running tcpdump can impact system performance. These suggestions can reduce this impact: 1. Run tcpdump with -n to avoid name resolution. 2. Save the traces to a file with -w. This option causes the raw packets to be saved instead of being parsed and printed in real time. 3. Do not run tcpdump with -i any. 4. Limit the capture size to the minimum when possible. Specifying -s 1500 can increase the performance impact. Running tcpdump Here are steps for collecting traces by using tcpdump: 1. Create a trace directory on the CLIM 2. Identify all the TCP/IP attributes required to focus on only the data to be traced. 3. • Use the -n flag to avoid reverse look up of IP addresses • See the tcpdump man page for details. Capture the trace data and save to the trace file in bin format. NOTE: 4. 5. 6. You must be logged on as a super group user to run tcpdump. Move the collected trace file to the NonStop host or the NonStop console. Remove the trace file and trace directory from the CLIM. Decode the trace file. Example 15 Using tcpdump 1. Create a trace directory on the CLIM. Use climcmd clim-name mkdir tracedir > == Create a temporary directory on the CLIM > 126 CIP Configuration and Management >climcmd n1002582 mkdir /home/mylog comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 Termination Info: 0 > == List the directory and files > > climcmd N1002582 ls -lrt /home/mylog comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 total 0 2. Capture the data. a. For CLIMs with MULTIPROV OFF: Use climcmd clim-name man tcpdump for information. Press the break key > > > > > on Mr-Win6530 to stop the tracing. == run tcpdump (must be super group user) and save == the output goes to a binary file, that can be == decoded by other tools or tcpdump itself == Look for traffic from/to host climcmd N1002582 tcpdump -n -i any -w /home/mylog/telnet-data-to-10 host comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 tcpdump: WARNING: Promiscuous mode not supported on the "any" device tcpdump: listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 96 bytes ***CLIMCMD: Script terminated at user request > > == Stop tracing by the <break> key b. For CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON: Use climcmd clim-name man tcpdump for information. Press the break key > > > > > on Mr-Win6530 to stop the tracing. == run tcpdump (must be super group user) and save == the output goes to a binary file, that can be == decoded by other tools or tcpdump itself == Look for traffic from/to host climcmd N1002582 –provider ZTC0 tcpdump -n -i any -w /home/mylog/telnet-data-to-10 host comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 tcpdump: WARNING: Promiscuous mode not supported on the "any" device tcpdump: listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 96 bytes ***CLIMCMD: Script terminated at user request > > == Stop tracing by the <break> key 3. Decode the trace file. Use climcmd clim-name ls —lrt tracedir to list the trace file. Use climcmd clim-name tcpdump -r tracefile to decode the file. > == Check the trace output file > > climcmd N1002582 ls -lrt /home/mylog comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 total 124 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 122880 2009-01-29 01:01 telnet-data-to-10 Termination Info: 0 > > == Decode the tracefule using tcpdump -r > > climcmd N1002582 tcpdump -r /home/mylog/telnet* comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 reading from file /home/mylog/telnet-data-to-10, link-type LINUX_SSL (Linux cooked) 00:48:50:339967 IP N1002582.ssh > P 1:197(196) ack 0 win 349 9 <nop,nop,timestamp 135991971 86225567> 4. Copy the trace file to the NonStop host. Troubleshooting Tools and Tips 127 NOTE: This SFTP syntax can be used for J06.06/H06.17 and later RVUs only. Use sftp -S $zssp0 user@ip-address:trace-dir/trace-file target-file > == Move the file from the CLIM to the host > > sftp -S $zssp0 [email protected]:/home/mylog/lnet-data-to-10 tcpd10 comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 Connecting to Fetching /home/mylog/telnet-data-to-10 to tcpd10 -----------------------------------Filename BytesNow % Bytes/s Remaining -----------------------------------/home/mylog/telnet-data-to-10 0 0% 0.0KB --:------------------------------------Filename BytesNow % Bytes/s TimeSpent -----------------------------------/home/mylog/telnet-data-to-10 192KB 106% 0.0KB 00:00 > > fileinfo tcpd10 $MYSYS.MYSUB CODE TCPD10 0 > EOF 196608 LAST MODIFIED 29JAN2009 0:21 OWNER 255,255 RWEP NUNU PExt SExt 14 112 For J06.10/H06.21 and later RVUs only, you can use the CLSFTP script. The syntax is: CLSFTP {clim-name |clim-ip-address} [sftp commands] For example: > CLSFTP n1002532 get file2 In interactive mode: TACL> CLSFTP n1002532 CLSFTP - T0834 - version 1.2, 29-SEP-2009 Run sftp in interactive mode. using $ZSSP0... comForte SFTP client version T9999H06_18Dec2009_comF ... Connecting to via SSH2 process $ZSSP0 ... sftp> get file1 sftp> exit 5. Delete the trace file. Use climcmd clim-name rm /trace-dir/trace-file Then use climcmd clim-name rmdir /trace-dir > == Delete the file on the CLIM > > climcmd N1002582 rm /home/mylog/telnet-data-to-10 comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 Termination Info: 0 > climcmd N1002582 ls -lrt /home/mylog comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 total 0 Termination Info: 0 > == Delete the directory used for tcpdump > > climcmd N1002582 rmdir /home/mylog comForte SSH client version T999H06_14Oct2008_comForte_SSH_0081 Temination Info: 0 Mapping CLIM Name Log files are collected to the location specified when performing the action “Set Location for CLIM Log Collection” on the CLIMs object in the OSM Service Connection. The default location is $system.zservice. The clim-name is mapped to a two character ID as shown: 128 CIP Configuration and Management $system.zservice.zclimid file shows the CLIM name to ID mapping – in the listing below N1002582 is mapped to 04. \BLADQA3.$SYSTEM.ZSERVICE 25> fup copy zclimid #ZCLIMID: Maps CLIM name to unique two character ID N1002571 01 N1002573 02 N1002581 03 N1002582 04 N1002583 05 S1002531 06 S1002533 07 8 RECORDS TRANSFERRED Files named ‘ZCL04*’ belong to CLIM debug files from CLIM N1002582. There will be two sets of files, one set with ‘D’ (for data) in the filename which contains the PAK-file with the CLIM log/crash files, and the other set with ‘L’ in the filename which contains the log of the user/OSM action of transferring the data from the CLIM file. Both of these files, with the timestamp that is relevant to the problem instance must be collected for analyzing a CLIM problem. \BLADQA3.$SYSTEM.ZSERVICE 26> fileinfo zcl04* $SYSTEM.ZSERVICE CODE EOF LAST MODIFIED OWNER ZCL04D01 1729 21759572 18MAY2011 11:29 255,255 ZCL04L01 101 28600 18MAY2011 11:29 255,255 ZCL04L02 101 2048 19MAY2011 14:35 255,255 \BLADQA3.$SYSTEM.ZSERVICE 27> RWEP CCCC CCCC CCCC PExt 84 14 14 SExt 84 14 14 For more details, see “Collecting Data for CLIM Issues” (page 206). Setting Up Multiple Providers per CLIM Effective with the H06.25/J06.14 RVU, a CLIM can be associated with multiple data providers if the MULTIPROV attribute of the CLIM object is set to ON (enabled). The default is OFF (disabled), which configures the CLIM to use pre-Multiple Providers per CLIM behavior and use the sole provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of the CLIM object. Each CLIM contains configuration information indicating whether the Multiple Providers per CLIM functionality is enabled or disabled. When you enable the Multiple Providers per CLIM functionality, you associate a data provider with one or more data interfaces, which can be changed by using the climconfig command. See climconfig.prov(1) for a description on how to add, delete, and obtain information on a provider. See also these SCF commands and their guidelines for more information: “ADD CLIM” (page 226) and “ALTER CLIM” (page 231). All the CLIMCMD commands and the SCF commands are described under “CLIMCMD and CLIMCMD climconfig Commands (Man Pages)” (page 290) and “SCF Reference for CIP” (page 216). Enabling the MULTIPROV Attribute To enable MULTIPROV for an existing CLIM object, follow these steps: Example 16 Enabling MULTIPROV 1. To turn the MULTIPROV feature on: > SCF ALTER CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name, MULTIPROV ON 2. To verify that the MULTIPROV feature is on: > CLIMCMD clim-name climstatus -o l 3. To add new providers: > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig prov -add prov-name Setting Up Multiple Providers per CLIM 129 NOTE: An SCF PROVIDER object must also exist or be added. Disabling the MULTIPROV Attribute To disable MULTIPROV for an existing CLIM object, follow these steps: Example 17 Disabling MULTIPROV 1. Issue this command for each CLIM to display a list of providers for that CLIM: > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig prov -info all 2. Delete the unneeded providers and the objects using each of these providers. a. Issue these commands to delete the objects used by the providers: > CLIMCMD clim-name ifstop interface-name > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig interface —delete interface-name b. Issue this command to delete the providers: > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig prov —delete prov-name NOTE: When you delete a provider, you'll receive a message stating: Deleting the Provider prov-name will delete the IPSec configurations and IPtables rules associated with it. Continue? (yes/[no])? 3. Verify that each unneeded provider is deleted and check the status of each CLIM: > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig prov —info all > CLIMCMD clim-name climstatus —o l 4. Turn the MULTIPROV feature OFF: > SCF ALTER CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name, MULTIPROV OFF, PROVIDER prov-name NOTE: For this command to be successful, network resources on the CLIM must only belong to the provider associated with the CLIM object. 5. Recheck the status of each CLIM to verify that the CLIM's status has been changed to MULTIPROV OFF. > CLIMCMD clim-name climstatus —o l Changing Providers, Adding and Starting a CLIM (IP and Telco Only) CLIMs that are configured with the MULTIPROV feature OFF can participate in only a single IPDATA provider, as described under “CLIMs with MULTIPROV OFF” (page 130). CLIMs that are configured with the MULTIPROV feature ON can have any unassigned resources assigned to new providers without affecting any existing provider configuration, as described under “CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON” (page 131). Two maintenance Providers on two IP or Telco CLIMs are configured by default for the system (see“Maintenance Provider” (page 28) for more information). If you need to add maintenance Providers for the system, use these SCF commands: > ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP0, TYPE MAINTENANCE, CLIM clim-name1, IPADDRESS ip-addr1 > ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP1, TYPE MAINTENANCE, CLIM clim-name2, IPADDRESS ip-addr2 CLIMs with MULTIPROV OFF To change the provider to which a CLIM with MULTIPROV OFF belongs, you stop, alter, and start it. 130 CIP Configuration and Management Example 18 Changing Providers 1. Stop the CLIM by using the SCF ABORT CLIM command: > ABORT CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name, FORCE 2. Change the CLIM's provider by using the SCF ALTER command: > ALTER CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name, PROVIDER prov-name 3. Start the CLIM by using the SCF START command: > START CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name > START PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON To change the providers that a CLIM provides services to, you discover the current usage of the CLIM, free any resources that might be in use by pre-existing providers, and configure the new provider. Example 19 Changing Providers or Adding New Providers 1. Determine what providers exist on the CLIM: > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig prov -info all 2. Determine what interfaces are configured on the CLIM: > SCF STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name, DETAIL 3. Delete any interfaces that are no longer needed: CAUTION: Deleting interfaces will also delete IP addresses and routes. > CLIMCMD clim-name ifstop interface-name > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig interface -delete interface-name 4. Delete any unused providers on the CLIM: CAUTION: Deleting providers will also delete iptables rules and ipsec objects. Objects include sp, sa, psk, remote, iptables and ip6tables. > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig prov -delete prov-name 5. Add new providers, as necessary: > > > > SCF SCF SCF SCF ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.process-name, PROGRAM CIPSAM, NAME $process-name ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name, TPNAME process-name START PROCESS $ZZKRN.process-name START PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name For more options on adding the provider, see ALTER CLIM Guidelines (page 232). 6. Register the provider on the CLIM: > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig prov -add prov-name 7. Configure unused interfaces in the new provider: > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig interface -add interface-name -prov prov-name 8. Configure the objects for the new provider. > CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig ip -add interface-name -ipaddress ip-address netmask Refer to the climconfig prov command and the other commands for objects, such as sp, sa, psk, remote, iptables and ip6tables, under “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301). 9. Delete any unused providers on the NonStop system by issuing the following SCF commands: a. Verify that the provider is unused: Changing Providers, Adding and Starting a CLIM (IP and Telco Only) 131 > SCF INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name, DETAIL b. Delete the unused providers: > > > > SCF SCF SCF SCF STOP PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.process-name DELETE PROCESS $ZZKRN.process-name DELETE PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name For detailed information on how to use these commands, refer to “SCF Reference for CIP” (page 216) and “CLIMCMD and CLIMCMD climconfig Commands (Man Pages)” (page 290). 132 CIP Configuration and Management 4 Upgrading CIP This chapter provides procedures for online upgrading of CIP on the host and both online and down system methods for upgrading CLIM software and firmware (see “Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware” (page 135)). This chapter also provides information on falling back to previous TCP/IP subsystems and provides a pointer to information on falling back to previous CLIM versions if needed. Each procedure stands alone. If you are performing an RVU upgrade, you are likely to need to upgrade CIP on the NonStop host and on the CLIM; however, you also can upgrade CLIM software independently. If you have to update CIP on NonStop and the CLIM using an online procedure, the CLIM must be done first. Updating CLIM firmware is independent of CLIM software upgrades. Falling back to a previous CLIM version, independently from an RVU fallback, should rarely be required. Performing an Online Upgrade of the CIP Subsystem on the NonStop Host For 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Telco applications, HP recommends that you: Move traffic from the node. Stop the DPA and HLR application processes on the node. Shut down the INS node before performing an online CIP upgrade. Start the INS node, DPA, and HLR applications. Move traffic back to the node, starting with one link or linkset, and test traffic before moving all the traffic back. For information about INS, see the CMS documents Guide to Operations and Maintenance for HP OpenCall Intelligent Network Serve and the Installation Guide For HP OpenCall Intelligent Network Server. NOTE: You cannot perform an online upgrade of the CIP subsystem to J06.08/H06.19 or later RVUs from an RVU previous to that. A system load is required for these upgrades. Replace CIPMON (Only) TCP/IP socket connections are lost during this procedure. Storage paths are unaffected by this procedure. For each processor: 1. Rename the existing CIPMON and library files by using the TACL commands: > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMON, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMONx > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPDLL, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPDLLx > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPMDLL, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPMDLx 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Install the new CIPMON as $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMON. Install the new CIP library as $SYSTM.SYSnn.ZCIPDLL. Install the new Measure interface to CIP as $SYSTM.SYSnn.ZCIPMDLL. Stop the measure subsystem. Abort the CIPMON processes one processor at a time by using the SCF command: CAUTION: IP CLIM connectivity is temporarily lost, which can affect this operation. For example, if you are connected through $ZTC0 and stop the CIPMON process in the processor where $ZTC0 is running, you lose connectivity. Options are to reconnect through $ZTC1 after this operation or connect through $ZTC1 and perform this operation on the processor where $ZTC0 is running then, once the CIPMON is running in that processor, connect through $ZTC0 and perform the operation on the processor running $ZTC1. Performing an Online Upgrade of the CIP Subsystem on the NonStop Host 133 > ABORT MON $ZZCIP.ZCMprocessor-number Open connections still exist, okay to continue? Y 7. 8. The CIPMON processes are restarted automatically. Check to make sure each one is up before doing the next one. Restart the measure subsystem. Replace CIPMAN (Only) TCP/IP socket connections are not lost during this procedure. Storage paths are also unaffected by this procedure. 1. Rename the existing CIPMAN file by using the TACL command: > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMAN, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMANx 2. 3. Install the new CIPMAN as $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMAN. Stop the CIPMAN process by using the SCF command: > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP 4. Restart the CIPMAN process by using the SCF command: > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP Replace CIPMAN and CIPMON Simultaneously This procedure is required if there is a requisite between the new CIPMAN (T0690) and CIPMON (T0694) called out in the respective softdocs. CAUTION: TCP/IP socket connections are lost during this procedure. Storage paths are unaffected by this procedure. 1. Rename the existing CIPMON and library files by using the TACL commands: > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMON, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMONx > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPDLL, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPDLLx > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPMDLL, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPMDLx 2. Rename the existing CIPMAN file by using the TACL command: > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMAN, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMANx 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Install the new CIPMON as $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMON. Install the new CIP library as $SYSTM.SYSnn.ZCIPDLL. Install the new Measure interface to CIP as $SYSTM.SYSnn.ZCIPMDLL. Install the new CIPMAN as $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMAN. Stop the Measure subsystem. Abort the CIPMON processes on all CPUs (see CAUTION below): > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.CIPMON 9. Wait for the CIPMON processes to stop (approximately 15 to 30 seconds): file $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPMONx is no longer Open. 10. Stop the CIPMAN process by using the SCF command: > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP 11. Restart the CIPMAN process by using the SCF command: > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP 12. Restart the CIPMON processes by using the SCF command: 134 Upgrading CIP > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.CIPMON 13. Restart the Measure subsystem. CAUTION: You must connect to CLCI by using the OSM Low Level Link to perform this procedure. (CLCI provides a primitive terminal emulation when TCP/IP subsystem is available, but has limited functionality.) To connect to CLCI using OSM Low Level Link: From the File menu, select Start Terminal Emulator > For Startup TACL. This launches a CLCI TACL session. Replace CIPSAM TCP/IP socket connections are lost during this procedure. Storage paths are unaffected by this procedure. For CIPSAM processes configured under the Persistence Manager, use the SCF ABORT and START PROCESS commands to the Kernel subsystem, for example: > ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.name and > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.name. 1. Rename the existing CIPSAM file by using the TACL command: > RENAME $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPSAM, $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPSAMx 2. 3. 4. Install the new CIPSAM as $SYSTEM.SYSnn.CIPSAM. List all CIPSAM and other TCP/IP processes by using the SCF LISTDEV command. If the OSM maintenance processes are configured on CLIMs, stop them by using the SCF Abort command on the maintenance Providers. For example: > ABORT PROCESS $ZTCP0 > ABORT PROCESS $ZTCP1 5. Check to ensure the maintenance processes are stopped by using the SCF LISTDEV command. If the processes do not appear in the display, they are stopped. For example: > LISTDEV TCPIP 6. Start the OSM maintenance processes by using the SCF START command to the Kernel subsystem. For example: > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.ZTCP0 > START PROCESS $ZZKRN.ZTCP1 7. Stop and restart the remaining CIPSAM processes by : 1. Using the SCF ABORT command to the Kernel ($ZZKRN) or to the CIP subsystem ($ZZCIP). 2. Checking that the CIPSAM processes are stopped by using the SCF LISTDEV command. 3. Restarting the CIPSAM processes by using the SCF START command to the Kernel or CIP subsystem. Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware A new OSM tool, the Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool, now makes it possible to update the firmware for all CLIM components, in a single action, while the NonStop system is not running. Because this method allows the updates to be run on multiple CLIMs at the same time, resulting in a much more efficient update process, this is now the method prescribed for use during planned Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware 135 system down time, such as during RVU upgrades. As a result of this new option, this chapter now contains completely separate procedures for: • “Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic” (page 136) • “Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down ” (page 165) CAUTION: Before attempting the procedures in this section: • Ensure that the NonStop console has at least 2 GB memory (4 GB is recommended), before upgrading your CLIMs. • Be sure that the CLIM software is compatible with the host RVU you are currently running. For more information, see “CLIM and Host Incompatibility” (page 125). • Fix all alarms and bad attribute values in the OSM Service Connection before upgrading CLIMs. • “Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic” (page 136) requires careful planning (as described in this section) and execution to ensure the storage and networking resources that support your environment are protected. • “Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down ” (page 165) involves having the requisite software and advance preparation (as described in this section) before bring the system down. • Ensure the version of OSM Low Level Link has been updated to the requisite version as specified in the T0853 softdoc. Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic This section describes the procedures for upgrading CLIM software and firmware when you are not planning to bring the system down. It consists of two parts: • “Upgrading CLIM Software with the System Running” (page 136) • “Upgrading CLIM Firmware with the System Running” (page 150) If you plan to bring down the system, as needed during an RVU upgrade, see “Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down ” (page 165) for a faster, more efficient process. TIP: If you are updating a system with SPRs, without a SUT update, and if you need to perform a CLIM software update, you can do updates in this order and perform only one reboot: 1. Apply the SPRs. 2. Update firmware using OSM Service Connection Multi-Resource Actions dialog box (see “Upgrading CLIM Firmware with the System Running” (page 150)) but do not reboot the CLIM. 3. Update CLIM software (see “Updating CLIM Software Using the OSM Low-Level Link” (page 147)) including the reboot of the CLIM. Upgrading CLIM Software with the System Running You can perform CLIM software updates either one CLIM at a time or multiple CLIMs in parallel. If you are comfortable performing more than one CLIM upgrade at a time, additional considerations for group updates are provided in: 136 • “Upgrading Multiple CLIMs in Parallel” (page 160) • “Upgrading Multiple CLIMs of Different Types” (page 165) Upgrading CIP NOTE: • Performing multiple CLIM updates in parallel is optional and helps in reducing the total time for upgrading all the CLIMs. • CLIM software updates (excluding reboot) take about 10-15 minutes. The 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. steps for upgrading are: “Enabling the FTP Port on the Console” (page 137) “Backing up the CLIM Configuration Files” (page 137) “Installing the new CLIM Software on the System Console” (page 137) “Identifying the Target Software” (page 138) “Creating a CLIM Upgrade Form” (page 138) Depending on your configuration, performing one or more of: • “Upgrading Storage CLIMs” (page 139) • “Upgrading IP CLIMs” (page 143) • “Upgrading IB and Telco CLIMs” (page 145) Enabling the FTP Port on the Console Before upgrading the CLIM software, enable the FTP port on the console. The way you perform this step depends on whether or not a firewall package is configured on the console. If a firewall package is not configured, use the standard Windows method to enable this port. If a firewall package is configured, see the system console operations personnel. Backing up the CLIM Configuration Files Before upgrading the CLIM software, save your configuration files onto the NonStop host by using the Backup Tool described in “Managing the CLIM Configuration Preservation” (page 114). The Backup Tool archives configuration files, log files, and trace files. Installing the new CLIM Software on the System Console For the Telco CLIM, if you have an INS software upgrade DVD, follow the same instructions for that DVD. NOTE: The Telco CLIM may require both a CLIM software upgrade and INS software upgrade. The INS software upgrade does not include CLIM software upgrade. CLIM software is delivered on a DVD or, for J06.08 and H06.19 and later RVUs, as a downloadable file from Scout for NonStop Servers. You must load the software from the CLIM DVD Installation Software or from NonStop Scout onto the system console, then install it from the system console onto the CLIM. For 1. 2. 3. the CLIM DVD: Insert the CLIM DVD into the CD/DVD drive on the system console. In Windows, click the CD/DVD drive symbol. Click the setup icon, then follow the prompts to load the CLIM software on the system console. Scout for NonStop Servers: 1. Follow the download procedures provided in Scout for installing a self-extracting SPR (.exe) on T0853. NOTE: Downloading the file takes approximately 15 minutes. The process does not provide a status of the operation during this time. Please wait until it completes. Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 137 2. Click the setup icon, then follow the prompts to load the CLIM software on the system console. NOTE: The download from Scout of T0853 provides all necessary components. Identifying the Target Software 1. 2. 3. List the existing software versions for all CLIMs by using the SCF VERSION CLIM $ZZCIP.* command. List the available software version for the CLIM available on the NonStop console by using OSM Low-Level Link. See “Updating CLIM Software Using the OSM Low-Level Link” (page 147) for an example of using OSM Low-Level Link to determine the CLIM software versions on the console. Make note of the software versions to install on the CLIMs from the console or, if further updates are needed, from Scout for NonStop Servers. Creating a CLIM Upgrade Form Prepare a form to keep track of your CLIMs. Table 7: Sample CLIM upgrade form, all types shows an example: Table 7 Sample CLIM upgrade form, all types CLIM name 138 Upgrading CIP Type Running Maint Prov? If yes, which Storage one? path B/up CLIM name B/up CLIM started? Switch Normal and abort Upgrade CLIM operations done? done? restarted? resumed? Upgrading Storage CLIMs 1. Prepare the Storage CLIM for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running) a. List the CLIMs. > SCF INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.* Name Mode Location N1002541 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002542 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002581 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002582 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1012581 IP (101 ,2 ,5 N1012582 IP (101 ,2 ,5 O1002571 OPEN (100 ,2 ,5 O1002572 OPEN (100 ,2 ,5 S1002531 STORAGE (100 ,2 ,5 S1002533 STORAGE (100 ,2 ,5 ,4 ,4 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,7 ,7 ,3 ,3 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ConnPts 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Provider CSAM2 ZTC0 ZTC0 CSAM2 CSAM5 CSAM5 CSAM3 CSAM4 --- There are two Storage CLIMs configured in this example (S1002531 and S1002533). b. Ensure all the Storage CLIMs are in the STARTED state by issuing the SCF STATUS CLIM command to the CIP subsystem. > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.S* CIP Status CLIM Name S1002531 S1002533 c. Present Yes Yes State STARTED STARTED Trace OFF OFF Determine which Storage CLIMs are configured to provide dual paths to a set of disks by issuing the SCF STATUS CLIM command to the storage subsystem. > STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002531 , DETAIL STORAGE - Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZSTO.#S1002531 Configured Devices: Name State $SYSTEM-P *STARTED $DATA00-P *STARTED $DATA01-P *STARTED $OSS-P *STARTED $DATA03-P *STARTED $KMSF1-P *STARTED $DATA00-MB STARTED $DATA01-MB STARTED $OSS-MB STARTED $DATA03-MB STARTED Substate Primary PID 0,257 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 0,324 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 Backup PID 1,257 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 1,317 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 > STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002533 , DETAIL STORAGE - Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZSTO.#S1002533 Configured Devices: Name State $SYSTEM-B STARTED $DATA00-B STARTED $DATA01-B STARTED $OSS-B STARTED $DATA03-B STARTED $KMSF1-B STARTED $DATA00-M *STARTED $DATA01-M *STARTED $OSS-M *STARTED $DATA03-M *STARTED Substate Primary PID 0,257 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 0,324 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 Backup PID 1,257 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 1,317 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 These commands show that CLIMs S1002531 and S1002533 provide dual paths to the same disks. Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 139 NOTE: The STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.clim-name shows the status of the disk volumes belonging to this CLIM and shows the active path (denoted by the asterisk (*) in the State field). d. Switch the disk paths by using the SCF SWITCH CLIM command to the Storage subsystem ($ZZSTO). > SWITCH CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002531 , AWAY e. Ensure the switch worked by issuing the STATUS CLIM command to the storage subsystem. > STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002531 , DETAIL STORAGE - Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZSTO.#S1002531 Configured Devices: Name State $SYSTEM-P STARTED $DATA00-P STARTED $DATA01-P STARTED $OSS-P STARTED $DATA03-P STARTED $KMSF1-P STARTED $DATA00-MB STARTED $DATA01-MB STARTED $OSS-MB STARTED $DATA03-MB STARTED Substate Primary PID 0,257 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 0,324 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 Backup PID 1,257 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 1,317 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 S1002531 has disk paths that have no asterisk (*) next to STARTED in the State field, which means the paths configured on this CLIM are not active. > STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002533 , DETAIL STORAGE - Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZSTO.#S1002533 Configured Devices: Name State $SYSTEM-B *STARTED $DATA00-B *STARTED $DATA01-B *STARTED $OSS-B *STARTED $DATA03-B *STARTED $KMSF1-B *STARTED $DATA00-M *STARTED $DATA01-M *STARTED $OSS-M *STARTED $DATA03-M *STARTED Substate Primary PID 0,257 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 0,324 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 Backup PID 1,257 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 1,317 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 The backup disk paths are active on S1002533. Since all the disks still have active paths provided by CLIM S1002533, you can abort CLIM S1002531. f. Abort the Storage CLIM by issuing the SCF ABORT CLIM command to the CIP subsystem. > ABORT CLIM $ZZCIP.S1002531 g. Ensure the CLIM is STOPPED by issuing the SCF STATUS CLIM command to the CIP subsystem. > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.S1002531 CIP Status CLIM Name Present S1002531 Yes h. State STOPPED Trace OFF Update the form as shown in Table 8: Sample populated Storage CLIM upgrade form 140 Upgrading CIP Table 8 Sample populated Storage CLIM upgrade form CLIM name Type S1002531 St Running Maint Prov? If yes, which Storage one? path B/up CLIM name P B/up Switch CLIM CLIM and abort Upgrade restarted started ? done ? done ? ? S1002533 Y S1002531 Y Normal operations resumed? Y MB S1002533 St B M i. Continue with “2. Upgrade the Storage CLIM” (page 141). 2. Upgrade the Storage CLIM a. b. Perform the software upgrade as described in “Updating CLIM Software Using the OSM Low-Level Link” (page 147) Return to this procedure and continue with “3. Resume Storage CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 141). 3. Resume Storage CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running) a. Check that the upgraded CLIM is operational. > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* CIP Status CLIM Name N1002541 N1002542 N1002581 N1002582 N1012581 N1012582 O1002571 O1002572 S1002531 S1002532 b. c. Present Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes State STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED Trace OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Start the Storage CLIM if it is STOPPED. Check that the disk paths configured in the Storage CLIM are started by issuing the STATUS CLIM command to the storage subsystem. > STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002531 , DETAIL STORAGE - Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZSTO.#S1002531 Configured Devices: Name State $SYSTEM-P STARTED $DATA00-P STARTED $DATA01-P STARTED $OSS-P STARTED $DATA03-P STARTED $KMSF1-P STARTED $DATA00-MB STOPPED $DATA01-MB STARTED $OSS-MB STARTED $DATA03-MB STARTED d. Substate Primary PID 0,257 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 0,324 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 Backup PID 1,257 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 1,317 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 Start any stopped disk paths of the Storage CLIM by issuing the SCF RESET DISK and START DISK commands to the storage subsystem. For example: Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 141 > RESET DISK $DATA00-MB > START DISK $DATA00-MB STORAGE W01001 To START the disk, SCF must revive the information on \MYSYS.$DATA00-MB. This operation might IMPACT system performance, especially users of $DATA00-MB. Do you want to start a disk revive on \MYSSY.$DATA00-MB (Y/[N])Y Enter Y and press Enter at the prompt. e. Check the disk status again by issuing the SCF STATUS CLIM command to the storage subsystem. > STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002531 , DETAIL STORAGE - Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZSTO.#S1002531 Configured Devices: Name State $SYSTEM-P STARTED $DATA00-P STARTED $DATA01-P STARTED $OSS-P STARTED $DATA03-P STARTED $KMSF1-P STARTED $DATA00-MB STARTED $DATA01-MB STARTED $OSS-MB STARTED $DATA03-MB STARTED f. Substate Primary PID 0,257 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 0,324 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 Backup PID 1,257 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 1,317 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 Switch the disk paths for the Storage CLIM back to the default by using the SCF SWITCH CLIM command to the storage subsystem. > SWITCH CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002531 , DEFAULT g. Ensure the switch worked and make sure there is at least one active path on the restarted CLIM as indicated by an asterisk (*) next to STARTED in the State field. Use the SCF STATUS CLIM command to the storage subsystem. > STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002531 , DETAIL STORAGE - Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZSTO.#S1002531 Configured Devices: Name State $SYSTEM-P *STARTED $DATA00-P *STARTED $DATA01-P *STARTED $OSS-P *STARTED $DATA03-P *STARTED $KMSF1-P *STARTED $DATA00-MB STARTED $DATA01-MB STARTED $OSS-MB STARTED $DATA03-MB STARTED Substate Primary PID 0,257 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 0,324 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 Backup PID 1,257 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 1,317 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 > STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.S1002533 , DETAIL STORAGE - Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZSTO.#S1002533 Configured Devices: Name State $SYSTEM-B STARTED $DATA00-B STARTED $DATA01-B STARTED $OSS-B STARTED $DATA03-B STARTED $KMSF1-B STARTED $DATA00-M *STARTED $DATA01-M *STARTED $OSS-M *STARTED $DATA03-M *STARTED 142 Upgrading CIP Substate Primary PID 0,257 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 0,324 0,327 0,326 0,323 0,325 Backup PID 1,257 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 1,317 1,310 1,313 1,319 1,315 h. i. Update the form. Wait for about 15 minutes to make sure the system returns to normal operating condition before updating the backup CLIM. You have now completed the procedure for upgrading a Storage CLIM. Continue upgrade operations until all Storage CLIMs are upgraded. Upgrading IP CLIMs CAUTION: During this procedure, the IP CLIM loses connectivity. 1. Prepare IP CLIMs for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running) This example shows the preparation step for a failover-configured CLIM. If you are performing this step on a non-failover-configured CLIM or on a CLIM that is part of a multi-line-path Expand configuration, start with the Abort CLIM step. a. List the CLIMs. > SCF > INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.* Name Mode Location N1002541 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002542 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002581 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002582 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1012581 IP (101 ,2 ,5 N1012582 IP (101 ,2 ,5 O1002571 OPEN (100 ,2 ,5 O1002572 OPEN (100 ,2 ,5 S1002531 STORAGE (100 ,2 ,5 S1002533 STORAGE (100 ,2 ,5 ,4 ,4 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,7 ,7 ,3 ,3 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ConnPts 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Provider CSAM2 ZTC0 ZTC0 CSAM2 CSAM5 CSAM5 CSAM3 CSAM4 --- According to the info display there are six IP CLIMs (N1002541, N1002542, N1002581, N1002582, N1012581, N1012582). b. Determine which IP CLIMs are configured as failover pairs and ensure the primary and backup interfaces are up and their link pulses are up. > STATUS PROVIDER F Home N1002582.bond0 N1002582.bond1 N1002582.eth3 T N1002541.tun624 N1002541.bond0 N1002541.eth3 N1002541.eth2 N1002541.eth1 $ZZCIP.* , DETAILExcerpt from PROVIDER CSAM2 Sts LkP Failover/(Assoc) Sts LkP Current UP UP N1002541.bond0 UP UP N1002582.bond0 UP UP N1002541.eth1 UP UP N1002582.bond1 UP UP N1002541.eth3 UP UP N1002582.eth3 UP UP (N1002541.eth2) --N1002541.tun624 UP UP N1002582.BOND0 UP UP N1002541.bond0 UP UP N1002582.eth3 UP UP N1002541.eth3 UP UP --N1002541.eth2 UP UP --N1002541.eth1 Fovr Home Home Home -Home Home --- This extract shows that N1002541 and N1002582 are configured as a failover pair in Provider CSAM2, that all failover interfaces have status UP and link pulse UP, and the interfaces are running on their home CLIM. NOTE: If the interfaces are not running on their home CLIMs, perform an SCF SWITCH CLIM, RESTORE command to the CIP subsystem and check again. c. For a failover-configured CLIM, perform a manual failover. 1. Switch the CLIM activity to the backup CLIM. > SWITCH CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002582 , FAILOVER Open connections still exist, okay to continue? Y NOTE: 2. TCP and SCTP connections are lost during a failover. Ensure the switch worked. > STATUS PROVIDER $ZZCIP.CSAM2 , DETAILExcerpt from PROVIDER CSAM2 F Home Sts LkP Failover/(Assoc) Sts LkP Current Fovr Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 143 N1002582.bond0 N1002582.bond1 N1002582.eth3 T N1002541.tun624 N1002541.bond0 N1002541.eth3 N1002541.eth2 N1002541.eth1 d. UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP N1002541.bond0 N1002541.eth1 N1002541.eth3 (N1002541.eth2) N1002582.bond0 N1002582.eth3 UP UP UP -UP UP --- UP UP UP -UP UP --- N1002541.bond0 N1002541.bond1 N1002541.eth3 N1002541.tun624 N1002541.bond0 N1002541.eth3 N1002541.eth2 N1002541.eth1 BkOP BkOP BkOP -Home Home --- Abort the CLIM. > ABORT CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002582 Open connections still exist, okay to continue? Y Ensure that the CLIM you are about to upgrade is stopped. > SCF STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002582 CIP Status CLIM Name Present N1002582 Yes e. State STOPPED Trace OFF Update the form as shown in Table 9: Sample populated IP CLIM upgrade form: Table 9 Sample populated IP CLIM upgrade form f. CLIM name Type N1002541 IP N1002582 IP Running Maint Prov? If yes, which Storage one? path B/up CLIM name $ZTCP1 B/up Switch CLIM CLIM and abort Upgrade restarted started ? done ? done ? ? N1002582 N N1002541 Y Normal operations resumed? Y Continue with “2. Upgrade the IP CLIMs” (page 144). 2. Upgrade the IP CLIMs a. b. Perform the software upgrade as described in “Updating CLIM Software Using the OSM Low-Level Link” (page 147). Return to this procedure and continue with “3. Resume IP CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 144). 3. Resume IP CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running) a. Start the IP CLIM that you upgraded. > START CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002582 b. Check the status of the upgraded IP CLIM. > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002582 CIP Status CLIM Name N1002582 c. Present Yes State STARTED Trace OFF Switch the IP failover CLIMs back. > SWITCH CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002582 , RESTORE Open connections still exist, okay to continue? Y d. Ensure the default failover activity is restored. > STATUS PROVIDER Excerpt F Home N1002582.bond0 N1002582.bond1 N1002582.eth3 T N1002541.tun624 N1002541.bond0 144 Upgrading CIP $ZZCIP.CSAM2 , DETAIL Sts UP UP UP UP UP LkP UP UP UP UP UP Failover/(Assoc) N1002541.bond0 N1002541.eth1 N1002541.eth3 (N1002541.eth2) N1002582.bond0 Sts UP UP UP -UP LkP UP UP UP -UP Current N1002582.bond0 N1002582.bond1 N1002582.eth3 N1002541.tun624 N1002541.bond0 Fovr Home Home Home -Home N1002541.eth3 N1002541.eth2 N1002541.eth1 UP UP UP UP UP UP N1002582.eth3 UP --- UP --- N1002541.eth3 N1002541.eth2 N1002541.eth1 Home --- N1002582.bond0, N1002582.bond1 and N1002582.eth3 have a status of UP, show Home in the Fovr field and show themselves as the current interfaces in the Current field. They have been restored to the default. You have now completed the procedure for upgrading an IP CLIM. Continue upgrade operations until all IP CLIMs are upgraded. Upgrading IB and Telco CLIMs CAUTION: During this procedure, the Telco CLIM loses connectivity. For Telco CLIMs, redundancy is configured at the application level. Multiple links using different CLIMs are configured to each destination and traffic is load balanced across all active links to that destination. There is no failover for Telco CLIMs, just a redistribution of load across the link-set going to a common destination. CAUTION: Determine the configuration for all links on all the Telco CLIMs. Make sure that all the links on the CLIM being upgraded have a companion link to the same destination on another CLIM and that all those links are displaying a healthy status before performing the upgrade. NOTE: IB CLIMs are similar to Telco CLIMs although they do not have the CCMI tool. Use the procedure for Telco CLIMs for upgrading IB CLIMs. 1. Prepare the Telco CLIM for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running) a. List the CLIMs: > SCF > INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.* Name Mode Location N1002541 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002542 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002581 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1002582 IP (100 ,2 ,5 N1012581 IP (101 ,2 ,5 N1012582 IP (101 ,2 ,5 O1002571 OPEN (100 ,2 ,5 O1002572 OPEN (100 ,2 ,5 S1002531 STORAGE (100 ,2 ,5 S1002533 STORAGE (100 ,2 ,5 ,4 ,4 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,8 ,7 ,7 ,3 ,3 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1 ,3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ConnPts 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Provider CSAM2 ZTC0 ZTC0 CSAM2 CSAM5 CSAM5 CSAM3 CSAM4 --- There are two Open/Telco CLIMs (O1002571 and O1002572), configured in Providers CSAM3 and CSAM4. b. c. Examine the linkset configuration by generating a configuration report with the HP OpenCall INS Command Control and Monitoring Interface (CCMI). The Guide to Operations and Maintenance for HP OpenCall Intelligent Network Serve describes the Configuration Report generated from the System Home Page (used to get to CCMI) and the instructions for generating the report are in the online help. Ensure all Telco CLIMs are in the STARTED state. > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.O* CIP Status CLIM Name O1002571 O1002572 d. Present Yes Yes State STARTED STARTED Trace OFF OFF Determine which Telco CLIMs are configured as multi-link by using CCMI. See the Guide to Operations and Maintenance for HP OpenCall Intelligent Network Server. Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 145 e. f. Depending on your Method of Procedure, if appropriate, deactivate the signal link provided by the CLIM you are about to upgrade by using CCMI. (The syntax for the instructions are in the online help.) Abort the CLIM. > ABORT CLIM O1002571 Open connections still exist, okay to continue? Y g. Check that the CLIM was stopped. > STATUS CLIM O1002571 CIP Status CLIM Name Present O1002571 Yes h. State STOPPED Trace OFF Update the form as shown in Table 10: Sample populated Telco CLIM upgrade form: Table 10 Sample populated Telco CLIM upgrade form i. CLIM name Running Maint Prov? If yes, B/up which Storage CLIM Type one? Provider path B/up CLIM name started ? Switch and CLIM Normal abort Upgrade restarted operations done ? done ? ? resumed? O1002571 Telco O1002572 Y Y O1002572 Telco O1002571 N Continue with “2. Upgrade the Telco CLIM” (page 146). 2. Upgrade the Telco CLIM a. b. Perform the software upgrade as described in “Updating CLIM Software Using the OSM Low-Level Link” (page 147). Return to this procedure and continue with “3. Resume Telco CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 146). 3. Resume Telco CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running) a. Check that the upgraded Telco CLIM is operational. > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* CIP Status CLIM Name N1002541 N1002542 N1002581 N1002582 N1012581 N1012582 O1002571 O1002572 S1002531 S1002532 b. c. d. e. 146 Present Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes State STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED Trace OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Start the Telco CLIM if it is STOPPED. If you deactivated the signal link provided by the CLIM you upgraded, reactivate it by using CCMI. Check that the links and default activity are restored by using CCMI. See the Guide to Operations and Maintenance. This may take several minutes. Update the form. Upgrading CIP You have now completed the procedure for upgrading a Telco CLIM. Continue upgrade operations until all Telco CLIMs are updated. Updating CLIM Software Using the OSM Low-Level Link This procedure uses the IP CLIM as an example but the steps are the same for all CLIM types. 1. Log onto the OSM Low-Level Link on each CLIM. 2. This dialog box is displayed: 3. Select the Software Update option and, if updating INS on a Telco CLIM, also select the Configure box. Click OK. 4. The Software Update dialog box appears. If you selected multiple options, they are performed in sequential order; first the software update, then the INS Software Update. 5. Select the correct software version from the Available versions on NSC drop-down menu. Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 147 148 6. Click Update. 7. Follow the instructions displayed by OSM Low-Level Link to reboot the CLIM. This dialog box is shown after the update is completed on the CLIM: Upgrading CIP 8. 9. Click OK. Check the status in the log and ensure it shows that the software passed and that the version matches what you selected. For example: Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 149 10. Click Reboot. 11. To check the CLIM status, log onto its iLO and use the psclim command. 12. To check the version, from the iLO, use the cat /etc/vproc command. The version should match your new version. 13. Update the form. 14. Continue with the resume normal operations step for your CLIM type. Upgrading CLIM Firmware with the System Running NOTE: This is no longer the best method to update CLIM firmware during an RVU upgrade. Since you will need to bring down the system for the RVU migration, “Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down ” (page 165) provides a faster, more efficient method. Preparing to Update CLIM Firmware with the System Running This section contains notes, guidelines, and cautions to be followed to reduce the risk of interrupting network or storage traffic during the firmware updates. • Firmware versions must be compatible on the system. Verify all firmware versions. For more information, see the NonStop Firmware Matrices document available on the web at www.hp.com/go/nonstop-docs. To locate the document, in the main page, click HP Integrity NonStop Service Information under NonStop Technical Library. • You can update the firmware on multiple CLIMs by using the OSM Service Connection Multi-Resource Actions dialog box. If you plan to perform an update the firmware on multiple CLIMs at once, follow the same grouping scheme described in “Upgrading Multiple CLIMs in Parallel” (page 160). If the software or firmware update is to be done on a production NonStop system and storage or network traffic needs to be maintained, the updates of multiple CLIMs can still be done in parallel, but consideration has to be given not to affect storage or network traffic. Refer to “Upgrading Multiple CLIMs in Parallel” (page 160) for the procedure. 150 • You may not need to update firmware on all Storage CLIMs; for example, if the firmware update is for FC HBA firmware, you only need to upgrade Storage CLIMs that have an FC HBA installed. 1. If upgrading firmware from SPRs, place the files in the currently running SYSnn so that OSM can compare the new and current versions. 2. Check the firmware versions by using OSM Service Connection Multi-Resource Actions dialog box. 3. Update firmware as appropriate. • To ensure peak OSM performance, verify to make sure that the -Xmx200m Java runtime parameter is set: 1. Close all Internet Explorer windows. 2. Go to Control Panel→Start→Java. 3. In the Java Control Panel dialog box, select the Java tab. 4. Under Java Applet Runtime Settings, click View. 5. In the Java Runtime Settings dialog box, make sure that -Xmx200m is entered under the Java Runtime Parameters column for each supported JRE version listed. Upgrading CIP 6. Click OK to dismiss both the Java Runtime Settings and Java Control Panel dialog boxes. CAUTION: • For G2 and G5 CLIMs, if multiple CLIM component firmware updates are required, update the SAS HBA firmware in slot 5 last. During a SAS update of the slot-5 HBA, the CLIM may be rebooted automatically. • Even though, in the OSM Multi-Resource window, these objects can be selected and an action performed on them at the same time, internally, the OSM server performs these actions one at a time to maintain system stability: ◦ CLIM FC card (BIOS and firmware) ◦ CLIM SAS card (BIOS and firmware) ◦ SAS Disk enclosure firmware Divide Storage CLIMs into Primary and Backup Path Groups This optional procedure explains how to divide CLIMs into two groups such that the CLIMs configured as the primary and mirror paths for any given disk are not in the same group. The purpose is so you can update SAS card firmware and later reboot the CLIMs by group (as directed, in “Performing Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 151 CLIM Firmware Updates with the System Running” (page 155)), and not bring down both paths for any disk. • Check the storage disk configuration on the running NonStop system. • Make a primary group and a backup group based on the CLIMs configured as primary and backup paths for disks. 1. Find out through which CLIMs the disk paths are configured and the status of the paths: a. Using the Multi-Resource Actions window, select the resource type CLIM Attached Disk. All the logical disks configured through CLIMs are listed. The Primary Path or Backup Path attributes show the configured CLIM information of the disk. The Primary Path State and Backup Path State attribute show whether the path through the CLIM connected to the disk is up or down. 152 Upgrading CIP 2. Divide all the Storage CLIMs into two groups such that the same group does not have both CLIMs configured as primary and mirror paths for the same disk. For example, the data shown in the images in previous step, the CLIMs must be divided as: ◦ Group 1 – C1002543, C1002533 ◦ Group 2 – C1002541, C1002531 Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 153 • Check which two CLIMs implement $ZTCP0 and $ZTCP1. At the TACL prompt, issue the command: TACL> SCF INFO SUBNET $ZTCP*.*, DETAIL This shows which CLIMs implement the two processes. For example (IP addresses and system name removed): In this example, CLIMs C1002581 and C1002583 implement the $ZTCP0 and $ZTCP1 processes. Estimating Time for CLIM Firmware Updates You can use Table 11 (page 154) to estimate the total amount of time needed to update the specified components in your environment. Table 11 Firmware Update Time Estimates and Calculation Form Object T# CLIM ROM T0848 CLIM iLO T0848 Number of components updated Estimated time (minutes) Up to 16 2 to 4 Up to 32 4 to 8 Up to 16 5 to 7. No reboot required. Up to 32 15 to 21 NIC T0849 Multiple NICs on different CLIMs (1 NIC per CLIM) 2 Smart Array Controller T0846 Up to 16 2 to 4 Up to 32 4 to 8 154 Upgrading CIP Comments A maximum of 8 are updated in parallel. Estimated time for your environment (fill in the value based on the information in the previous columns) Table 11 Firmware Update Time Estimates and Calculation Form (continued) Estimated time for your environment (fill in the value based on the information in the previous columns) Object T# Number of components updated SAS HBA Firmware T0842 1 2 to 4 Single update >1 2 to 4 minutes per SAS HBAs to be updated This firmware is updated serially. 1 2 to 4 Single update >1 2 to 4 minutes per SAS HBAs to be updated This firmware is updated serially. 1 2 to 4 Single update >1 2 to 4 minutes per SAS HBAs to be updated This firmware is updated serially. Multiple NICs on a single CLIM 2 times the number of NICs on the CLIM 1 15 to 20 >1 15 to 20 minutesper MSA70 1 8 to 10 >1 8 to 10 minutes per D2700 1 8 to 10 >1 8 to 10 minutes per M8390-12 1 8 to 10 >1 8 to 10 minutes per M8391-24 SAS HBA BIOS FC HBA Firmware MSA70 D2700 SAS disk enclosure T0842 T0843 T0841 T0841 M8390-12CG T0856 M8391-24x T0856 Estimated time (minutes) Comments This firmware is updated serially. Total Time: Performing CLIM Firmware Updates with the System Running This procedure presents a suggested sequence for updating CLIM firmware using the OSM Service Connection. 1. To update CLIM iLO firmware: a. Open the OSM Service Connection Multi-Resource dialog box. b. Click Display →Multi-Resource Actions c. Select the resource type CLIM. d. Choose the iLO Update action. e. Select all the CLIMs that show the iLO Compare State attribute as Down-rev. f. Add the selected CLIMs to the bottom pane. Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 155 g. h. Click Perform Action. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. The progress bar at the bottom indicates the result of the performed actions (Passed/Failed). A (Passed) or a (Failed) indication at the side of each component shows the individual resource action result. Click Action Summary to view the summary of all the actions performed on the system. If this is the only firmware being updated, only an iLO reset is required. 2. 3. 156 Once the updates are completed, click Remove All to clear the bottom pane. To update ROM firmware: a. Perform steps 1.a through 1.c. b. Choose the ROM Update action. c. Select all the CLIMs that show the ROM Compare State attribute as Down-rev and add them to the bottom pane. Upgrading CIP d. e. Click Perform Action. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) 4. To update CLIM NIC firmware: a. Perform steps 1.a through 1.b. b. Select the resource type CLIM NIC. c. Choose the Firmware Update action. d. Select all the CLIM NICs that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev. e. Add the selected CLIM NICs to the bottom pane. f. Click Perform Action. g. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) 5. To update CLIM smart array controller firmware: a. Perform steps 1.a through 1.b. b. Select the resource type CLIM Smart Array Controller. c. Choose the Firmware Update action. d. Select all the CLIM Smart Array Controller that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev. e. Add the selected CLIM Smart Array Controllers to the bottom pane. f. Click Perform Action. g. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) 6. To update CLIM FC card BIOS: a. Perform steps 1.a through 1.b. b. Select the resource type CLIM FC Card. c. Select all the CLIM FC Cards that show the BIOS Compare State attribute as Down-revand choose the BIOS Update action. d. Add the selected CLIM FC cards to the bottom pane. e. Click Perform Action. f. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) 7. 8. Once the updates are completed, click Remove All to clear the bottom pane. To update FC card firmware: a. Perform steps 1.a through 1.b. b. Select the resource type CLIM FC Card. c. Choose the Firmware Update action. d. Select all the CLIM FC Cards that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev and add them to the bottom pane. e. Click Perform Action. f. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) 9. To update SAS disk enclosure firmware: a. Perform steps 1.a through 1.b. b. Select the resource type SASDiskEnclosure. c. Choose the Firmware Update action. NOTE: After you update the firmware, perform a power cycle to complete the MSA70 firmware update. (Even though the updated firmware revision information displays, the firmware is not completely updated until the power cycle occurs.) Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 157 d. e. f. g. Select all the SAS Disk Enclosures that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev. Add the selected SAS Disk Enclosures to the bottom pane. Click Perform Action. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) 10. To update CLIM SAS card BIOS: a. Perform steps 1.a through 1.b. b. Select the resource type CLIM SAS Card. c. Choose the BIOS Update action. d. Select all the CLIM SAS Cards that show the BIOS Compare State attribute as Down-rev. e. Add the selected CLIM SAS Cards to the bottom pane. f. Click Perform Action. g. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) 11. Once the updates are completed, click Remove All to clear the bottom pane. 12. To update SAS card firmware: a. Perform steps 1.a through 1.b. b. Update firmware of CLIM SAS cards that are not in slot 5: i. Choose the Firmware Update action. ii. Select all the CLIM SAS cards that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev and that are not in slot 5 (that is, whose Resource Name does not end with $ZZCIP.Clim-Name.5), and add them to the bottom pane. iii. Click Perform Action. iv. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) c. d. Once the updates are completed, click Remove All to clear the bottom pane. Update the down-rev CLIM SAS cards that are in slot 5 and the first group: i. Choose the Firmware Update action. ii. Select the SAS cards of Storage CLIMs that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev that are in slot 5 (that is, whose Resource Name ends with ‘$ZZCIP.Clim-Name.5), and whose CLIMs belong to the first group of Storage CLIMs to be updated (determined previously by looking at the primary and backup paths of disks). Add these SAS Cards to the bottom pane. iii. Group the SAS cards of half the networking CLIMs that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev that are in slot 5 (that is, whose Resource Name ends with $ZZCIP.Clim-Name.5). (Include the CLIM implementing $ZTCP0 in this group, but NOT the CLIM implementing $ZTCP1.) Add these SAS cards to the bottom pane. iv. Click Perform Action. NOTE: During a SAS update of the slot-5 HBA, the CLIM may be rebooted automatically. v. e. f. 158 Upgrading CIP Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) Step 12.d may result in some CLIMs being rebooted automatically, which will result in CLIMs transitioning to the STARTING state as shown by the SCF STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* command. If any CLIM has changed to the STARTING state, wait until the recovery is completed and the CLIM changes back to the STARTED state. Once the updates are completed, click Remove All to clear the bottom pane. g. h. Wait for the updated CLIMs to return to the STARTED state, determined by using the SCF STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* command to find the current status Update down-rev firmware of the remaining CLIM SAS cards that are in slot 5. i. Choose the Firmware Update action. ii. Select the SAS cards of Storage CLIMs that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev, that are in slot 5 (that is, whose Resource Name ends with ‘$ZZCIP.Clim-Name.5), and whose CLIMs belong to the second group of Storage CLIMs to be updated (determined previously by looking at the primary and backup paths of disks). Add these SAS cards to the bottom pane. iii. Select the SAS cards of the second group of networking CLIMs that show the Firmware Compare State attribute as Down-rev, and are in slot 5 (that is, whose Resource Name ends with $ZZCIP.Clim-Name.5). (Include the CLIM implementing $ZTCP1 in this group.) Add these SAS cards to the bottom pane. iv. Click Perform Action. NOTE: During a SAS update of the slot-5 HBA, the CLIM may be rebooted automatically. v. i. j. Check the estimated time in Table 11 (page 154) and wait for the updates to complete. (See the figures in step 1.h.) Step 12.h may result in some CLIMs being rebooted automatically which will result in CLIMs being transitioned to the STARTING state as shown by the SCF STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* command. If any CLIM has changed to the STARTING state, wait until the recovery is completed and the CLIM changes back to STARTED state. Wait for the updated CLIMs to return to the STARTED state by using the SCF STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* command to find the current status. Once all the CLIMs and their components are updated, the CLIMs must be rebooted. Verify if any CLIM was automatically rebooted as a result of the firmware update in step 12.d or 12.h. If so, do NOT reboot it again by using the CLIM reboot procedure in “Rebooting CLIMs When the System is Up” (page 159). Rebooting CLIMs When the System is Up This procedure reboots CLIMs in parallel while avoiding losing access to the OSM Service Connection, $SYSTEM, or any disk revives. 1. Switch away the paths of the first group of Storage CLIMs: a. Open the OSM Service Connection Multi-Resource Actions window by using the OSM Service Connection window and clicking Display→Multi-Resource Actions. b. Select the resource type CLIM. c. Choose the Switch Storage Paths Away action. d. Select the first group of Storage CLIMs to be updated (determined previously by looking at the primary and backup paths of disks) and add them to the bottom pane. NOTE: Do not select any Storage CLIM that already was rebooted at the end of firmware update procedure. e. f. 2. Click Perform Action. Wait for the updates to complete. See the figures in step 1.h of “Upgrading CLIM Firmware with the System Running” (page 150). Add the first group of networking CLIMs: Select half of the networking CLIMs (include the CLIM implementing $ZTCP0 in this half, but not the CLIM implementing $ZTCP1), and add them to the bottom pane. Do not select any networking CLIM that already was rebooted at the end of the firmware-update procedure. Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 159 3. Reboot all the selected Storage and networking CLIMs. a. Select Reboot. b. Click Perform Action. 4. Wait for the CLIMs to return to the STARTED state by using the SCF STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* command. Click Remove All to clear the bottom pane. Switch away the paths of the second group of Storage CLIMs to be updated. a. Select the second group of Storage CLIMs to be updated (determined previously by looking at the primary and backup paths of disks) and add them to the bottom pane, but do not select any Storage CLIM that was already rebooted at the end of firmware update procedure. b. Choose the Switch Storage Paths Away action. c. Click Perform Action. d. Wait for the updates to complete. See the figures in step 2 of “Upgrading CLIM Firmware with the System Running” (page 150). 5. 6. 7. Select the second group of the networking CLIMs: Select the other half of the networking CLIMs not included in the first set of reboots (include the CLIM implementing $ZTCP1 in this half), but do not select any networking CLIM that was already rebooted at the end of firmware update procedure, and add them to the bottom pane. 8. Reboot all the selected Storage and networking CLIMs. a. Select Reboot to reboot all the selected Storage and networking CLIMs. b. Click Perform Action. 9. Wait for the CLIMs to return to the STARTED state by using the SCF STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* command. Upgrading Multiple CLIMs in Parallel You can upgrade four CLIMs simultaneously. This example uses these 10 CLIMs: • Two Storage CLIMs providing dual paths to a set of disks. • Two IP CLIMs that form a failover pair. • Two IP CLIMs that are used for an Expand multi-line-path configuration. • Two IP CLIMs that are not in any backup configuration. • Two Telco CLIMs that provide multiple links for INS applications. In this example, the CLIMs are grouped by type, but you can also update multiple CLIM types in parallel. See “Upgrading Multiple CLIMs of Different Types” (page 165). To upgrade multiple CLIMs, update the software on each CLIM that is configured with a backup, one at a time, and ensure the first of each of these upgraded CLIMs is operational before updating the backup CLIMs. If you upgrade CLIMs that are not configured with some form of backup, plan for the unavailability of these network or storage resources. To update multiple CLIMs, open one window with OSM Low-Level Link for each CLIM. CAUTION: To make sure there are sufficient resources, upgrade four or fewer CLIMs at a time. Upgrading Groups of Storage CLIMs Although this example shows two Storage CLIMs, you can have four Storage CLIMs providing paths to a disk volume. If so, update one CLIM per disk volume at a time. 160 Upgrading CIP NOTE: Examples of Storage CLIMs not in fault-tolerant configurations include Storage CLIMs that are connected to a disk or tape that has no functioning backup path. If you have disks that do not have a backup path, only update the primary Storage CLIM that provides its path after planning for the unavailability of these disks. 1. For each Storage CLIM, check that the CLIM has a backup path by following steps 1 - 3 in “1. Prepare the Storage CLIM for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 139). Return to this procedure and fill in the group upgrade form as shown in this example (Table 12: Sample populated Storage CLIM group upgrade form). When you are filling in the group form, put the primary Storage CLIMs in one upgrade group and the backup CLIMs in another group so that a path to each disk remains active when one of the CLIMs is stopped. Table 12 Sample populated Storage CLIM group upgrade form CLIM name Type Group S1002531 Stor A Running Maint Prov? If yes, B/up which Storage CLIM one? path B/up CLIM name started ? P S1002533 Y S1002531 Y Switch and CLIM Normal abort Upgrade restarted operations done ? done ? ? resumed? MB S1002533 Stor B B M 2. 3. Perform the remaining preparation steps, steps 4 - 7, in “1. Prepare the Storage CLIM for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 139), but return to this procedure to complete the group form. (Do not perform the software upgrade yet.) Look at the form, which tells you which CLIMs are in the first group (group A in this example) and, selecting up to four CLIMs from this group, perform “2. Upgrade the Storage CLIM” (page 141) on all the CLIMs simultaneously by using multiple sessions of OSM Low-Level Link, one for each CLIM. For example: Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 161 4. For each CLIM in the group, perform “3. Resume Storage CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 141). Upgrading Groups of IP CLIMs CAUTION: When upgrading multiple IP CLIMs at a time, do not upgrade the one where $ZTC0 is configured or you will lose your session. 1. 2. See steps 1 - 2 of “1. Prepare IP CLIMs for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 143) to determine which IP CLIMs are configured as failover pairs then return to this procedure. Do not perform the failover yet. Divide all IP CLIM failover pairs in the system into the groups and update the form. • Upgrade Group A N1002541 • Upgrade Group B N1002582 3. Determine if any CLIMs have $ZTCP0 and $ZTCP1. > INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP0 , DETAIL CIP Detailed info PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZTCP0 *TPName.................... Type...................... *HostID.................... *Hostname.................. *TCP-Listen-Que-Min........ 162 Upgrading CIP $ZTCP0 MAINTENANCE home1 128 *BRecvPort................. No Ports Specified *CLIM...................... N1002581 *IPAddress................. > INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP1 , DETAIL CIP Detailed info PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZTCP1 *TPName.................... Type...................... *HostID.................... *Hostname.................. *TCP-Listen-Que-Min........ *BRecvPort................. *CLIM...................... *IPAddress................. $ZTCP1 MAINTENANCE osmlany 128 No Ports Specified N1002582 The maintenance Providers $ZTCP0 and $ZTCP1 are in N1002581 and N1002582. 4. Divide the CLIMs associated with $ZTCP0 and $ZTCP1 into two different groups and update the form accordingly. CAUTION: If one of these CLIMs is not in the started state, or its eth0:0 interface is not in the started state, correct this condition before upgrading. An SCF STATUS PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP* , DETAIL command shows the status of the eth0:0 interface (ensure Status and LkP show UP) and of the provider (ensure State and TPStatus show as Started). • Upgrade Group A N1002541, N1002581 • Upgrade Group B N1002582 5. 6. 7. Determine which CLIMs are configured for Expand multi-line paths. See the Expand Configuration and Management Manual. In this example, the two IP CLIMs N1012581 and N1012582 are configured in Provider CSAM5, which is the Provider for an Expand multi-line-path configuration. Make sure all lines part of the path are up. Divide these CLIMs into the groups and add them to the form. Group A N1002541, N1002581, N1012581 Upgrade Group B N1002582, N1002542, N1012582 8. Identify the IP CLIMs that are not configured with backups, either through IP failover or through Expand multi-line path redundancy. In this example, these CLIMs include N1002542 and N1002581. N1002581 was already put in group A as part of the step to divide the maintenance Provider CLIMs. N1002542 goes in group B. (It is not actually necessary to divide the CLIMs that are not configured with backup into different groups because they are independent. However, because CLIMs should only be upgraded in groups of four, it is a good practice to balance the number of CLIMs between groups.) Add them to the form. Upgrade Group B N1002582, N1002542 9. Complete the form as shown in Table 13: Sample populated IP CLIM group upgrade form: Upgrading CLIM Software and Firmware While Maintaining Network or Storage Traffic 163 Table 13 Sample populated IP CLIM group upgrade form Running Maint Prov? If yes, B/up which Storage CLIM one? path B/up CLIM name started ? CLIM name Type Group N1002541 IP A N1002542 IP B N1002581 IP B ZTCP0 N1002582 IP A ZTCP1 N1012581 IP N1012582 IP N1002582 Switch and CLIM Normal abort Upgrade restarted operations done ? done ? ? resumed? Y N/A N/A N1002541 Y A N1012582 Y B N1012581 Y 10. Return to steps 3 - 5 of “1. Prepare IP CLIMs for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 143) and perform the failover for the failover-configured CLIMs in the primary group. 11. For up to four CLIMs in the first group, perform “2. Upgrade the IP CLIMs” (page 144) by using multiple sessions of OSM Low-Level Link, one for each CLIM. 12. For each CLIM in the group, perform step “3. Resume IP CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 144). Upgrading Groups of Telco CLIMs CAUTION: Make sure you have a second CLIM that is connected to the same set of links before you perform the upgrade. 1. 2. Follow the information gathering steps, steps 1 - 4 of “1. Prepare the Telco CLIM for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 145) then return to this procedure. Divide all Telco CLIM pairs in the system, where both CLIMs are in the started state and the links are also functioning, into groups, and enter them on the form as shown in Table 14: Sample populated Telco CLIM group upgrade form: Table 14 Sample populated Telco CLIM group upgrade form 3. 4. 5. Running Maint Prov? If yes, which Storage CLIM name Type Group one? Provider path B/up CLIM name B/up CLIM started ? O1002571 Telco A O1002572 Y O1002572 Telco B O1002571 Y Switch and Upgrade CLIM Normal abort done restarted operations done ? ? ? resumed? Return to “1. Prepare the Telco CLIM for Upgrade (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 145), and perform steps 5 - 7, deactivating links and aborting the CLIMs in the first group. Fill in the group form in this procedure. For up to four CLIMs in the first group, perform step “2. Upgrade the Telco CLIM” (page 146) by using multiple sessions of OSM Low-Level Link, one for each CLIM. For each CLIM in the group, perform step “3. Resume Telco CLIM Normal Operations (skip if the host system is not running)” (page 146). 164 Upgrading CIP Upgrading Multiple CLIMs of Different Types 1. Follow the procedures for dividing the CLIMs into groups as described in “Upgrading Groups of Storage CLIMs” (page 160), “Upgrading Groups of IP CLIMs” (page 162), and “Upgrading Groups of Telco CLIMs” (page 164) and complete the form as shown in Table 15: Sample populated IP CLIM group upgrade form: Table 15 Sample populated IP CLIM group upgrade form Running Maint Prov? If yes, B/up which Storage CLIM one? path B/up CLIM name started ? CLIM name Type Group N1002541 IP A N1002542 IP B N1002581 IP B ZTCP0 N1002582 IP A ZTCP1 N1012581 IP N1012582 IP O1002571 N1002582 Y N1002541 Y A N1012582 Y B N1012581 Y Telco A O1002572 Y O1002572 Telco B O1002571 Y S1002533 Y S1002531 Y S1002531 St A P Switch and CLIM Normal abort Upgrade restarted operations done ? done ? ? resumed? MB S1002533 St B M B 2. 3. 4. Follow the procedures for completing the preparation steps for each CLIM type as described in “Upgrading Groups of Storage CLIMs” (page 160), “Upgrading Groups of IP CLIMs” (page 162), and “Upgrading Groups of Telco CLIMs” (page 164). Follow the procedures for upgrading the CLIMs, using appropriate groups such that a backup of each CLIM remains active during the procedure, by following the upgrade procedure as described in “Upgrading Groups of Storage CLIMs” (page 160), “Upgrading Groups of IP CLIMs” (page 162), and “Upgrading Groups of Telco CLIMs” (page 164). You can upgrade multiple types of CLIMs at a time. Follow the procedures for resuming operations as described in “Upgrading Groups of Storage CLIMs” (page 160), “Upgrading Groups of IP CLIMs” (page 162), and “Upgrading Groups of Telco CLIMs” (page 164). Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down This section describes how to update CLIM software and firmware during planned system down time, such as during an RVU upgrade, and provides guidance on optimizing CLIM software and firmware updates during an RVU upgrade. Updating CLIM software and firmware when the system is down, when there is no need to maintain network or storage traffic, is the fastest, most efficient method. All CLIM firmware can be updated simultaneously through the Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool. To update CLIM firmware when the system is down, you must also have the following Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down 165 requisite software, and also perform an action in the OSM Service Connection before halting the system: • OSM Service Connection, T0682 H02 ACV or later This SPR must be installed on $SYSTEM.SYS00 (having it in any other $SYSTEM.SYSnn is insufficient) for the Down System CLIM Firmware Update to work correctly. • OSM Console Tools product T0634 G06 ABB and later • SSH product T0801 ABA or later • Update OSM Low Level Link to the requisite version as specified in the T0853 softdoc. Overview of Optimized CLIM Software and Firmware Update Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. “Prepare CLIMs for Down System Firmware Update” (page 166) “Halt the Processors” (page 166) “Update CLIM Software on a Down System” “Update CLIM Firmware on a Down System” (page 167) “Load the System” (page 168) Prepare CLIMs for Down System Firmware Update In order to update CLIM firmware while the system is down, you must first perform the Prepare for Down System CLIM Firmware Update action in the OSM Service Connection. The action is located under the CLIMs object (the container object under which all individual CLIMs on the system reside). For more information, see the OSM Service Connection online help. Upon successful completion of this action, you will be able to perform the updates when the system is down, using the Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool (see “Update CLIM Firmware on a Down System” (page 167)). Halt the Processors Halt all the processors by using the OSM Low-Level Link, as described in the <RVU> Software Installation and Upgrade Guide. Update CLIM Software on a Down System Use the OSM Low-Level Link to update the CLIM software on all CLIMs in parallel. NOTE: 1. This procedure requires two NonStop system consoles (NSCs). Install CLIM software on both NSCs. You will update half of the CLIMs using the first NSC and the other half using the second NSC. 2. 3. From each NSC, start multiple OSM Low-Level Link sessions, one for each CLIM to be updated. For each OSM Low-Level Link session: a. Choose Software Update. b. c. 166 Upgrading CIP Enter the IP address of this NSC. Select the software version to use (IP address altered for example): d. Click Update. When the update is complete, it displays a dialog box stating that the update is complete. e. Click OK. f. Click Reboot in the I Software Update dialog box. OSM Low-Level Link automatically logs you off after the reboot. Update CLIM Firmware on a Down System Use the Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool, located on the NonStop system console, to perform the firmware updates. Updating CLIM firmware while the system is down requires this tool and any requisite software, as described in “Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down ” (page 165). Using this method also requires that you perform the Prepare for Upgrading CLIM Software or Firmware While the System is Down 167 Down System CLIM Firmware Update action before halting all processors, as described in “Prepare CLIMs for Down System Firmware Update” (page 166). Use the Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool, installed on NonStop system consoles as part of the OSM Console Tools product T0634 G06 ABB (and later), to perform the CLIM firmware updates. The Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool is launched from the Windows Start menu by selecting All Programs > HP OSM > Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool. For more information on using the tool, see the online help available from within the tool. When the firmware updates have completed, the Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool automatically reboots all CLIMs that require a reboot. You can now load the NonStop system, using the OSM Low-Level Link, as described in the <RVU> Software Installation and Upgrade Guide. Load the System When all CLIM firmware updates have completed and the Down System CLIM Firmware Update Tool has rebooted any CLIMs that require a reboot, load the NonStop system using the OSM Low-Level Link, as described in the <RVU> Software Installation and Upgrade Guide. Use the OSM Service Connection Multi-Resource Actions dialog box to confirm the CLIM firmware versions. Falling Back to Conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6 This subsection provides fallback procedures for returning your system to use either conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6. In addition to reading these procedures, see “Managing the Configuration Preservation” (page 113). NOTE: Parallel Library TCP/IP fallback is not listed here as it requires that you fall back to a G-series RVU. This procedure assumes that you are on an H-series or J-series RVU. NOTE: To fall back to a previous version of the CLIM software, see the H06.nn Software Installation and Upgrade Guide or the J06.nn Software Installation and Upgrade Guide for the RVU you are currently running. Falling Back to Conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6 1. 2. Follow one of the shutdown procedures in this section to stop CIP. Switch over to the existing conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6 environment. Reset the DEFINEs, PARAMs, and transport-service provider name-set procedure calls for your applications back to the conventional TCP/IP or TCP6SAM process name. a. Determine the name of your preferred transport-service provider name by using use the LISTDEV command to obtain a list of running TCP/IP processes: > LISTDEV TCPIP b. 3. Change the transport-service provider name for Guardian and OSS applications to the conventional TCP/IP or TCP6SAM process by entering one of these commands: • ADD DEFINE =TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME, class map, file $tcpip-process-name • PARAM TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME $tcpip-process-name Change these procedure calls for Guardian and OSS socket applications: • socket_set_inet_name() (for Guardian applications) • socket_transport_name_set() (for OSS applications) 168 Upgrading CIP Falling Back to Previous RVUs that Support the Multiple Providers per CLIM Feature You can fall back to a previous RVU that is supported by Multiple Providers per CLIM, but keep an IP and OPEN MODE (Telco or IB) CLIM at the new level if it is either configured with MULTIPROV OFF, or you install the minimum SPRs to support the Multiple Providers per CLIM feature along with that RVU. Although Multiple Providers per CLIM support is effective with the J06.14/H06.25 or subsequent RVUs, you can also use Multiple Providers per CLIM on NonStop operating systems with IP and OPEN MODE (Telco or IB) CLIMs beginning with the J06.08/H06.19 RVUs with a defined set of SPRs. Refer to the Cluster I/O Module (CLIM) Software Compatibility Reference for specific information on which SPRs are supported for each RVU. You only need to take fallback action on CLIMs configured with MULTIPROV ON. To determine if any CLIMs are configured in this manner, issue the SCF INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.* command. Delete the multiple provider associations and turn the MULTIPROV attribute off, as described under “Disabling the MULTIPROV Attribute” (page 130). Falling Back to a Previous CLIM Version It should never be necessary to fall back to a previous CLIM version, but if you want to do so, have your service provider see the Reimaging or Downgrading a CLIM service procedure. If you have to revert the software on the CLIMs during an RVU fallback, see the H06.nn Software Installation and Upgrade Guide or the J06.nn Software Installation and Upgrade Guide for the RVU you are currently running. The procedures in those guides account for the timing of CLIM fallback in the context of a system RVU fallback. Falling Back to Previous RVUs that Support the Multiple Providers per CLIM Feature 169 5 LUN Manager for Storage CIP In addition to this manual, see the SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem for commands such as STATUS CLIM, INFO CLIM, and configuring a disk or tape through a CLIM. Lunmgr Commands The lunmgr manages the LUN number assignments that the CLIM uses to communicate with the NonStop host system. Command syntax for lunmgr is: CLIMCMD clim-name | IP-address -option The lunmgr accepts these command line options: approve Command Displays the next enclosure number assignment that requires approval and accepts approval or change of the assigned number. Valid replies are y (approve), n (do not approve), or a base LUN number valid for the enclosure type. Yesall automatically approves all assignments at once. Verbose displays the enclosure table and enclosures present. The syntax is: -a [ yesall | verbose ] | --approve [ yesall | verbose ] Valid user replies are: y Approve n Do not approve lun A base LUN number valid for the enclosure type Yesall Automatically approves all assignments at once. Verbose Displays the enclosure table and enclosures present. Binaryfind Command Finds the physical identity and location of a device LUN. This command is like the --find command but produces a binary format output. It is not useful to an interactive user. The syntax is: -b [lun] | --binaryfind [lun] lun Is a decimal LUN number. Clear Command Clears devices from the LUN table in kernel memory and blocks all subsequent lunmgr commands except --unblock and --clear. If no slot is specified, the command clears the entire LUN table. If a slot but no port is specified, the command clears all LUNs connected to the slot. This option is used internally during maintenance procedures such as firmware replacement. No NonStop I/O process should have any paths UP through the cleared port(s). The syntax is: -c [slot slotnum [port portnum]]| --clear [slot slotnum [port portnum]] Delete Command Deletes enclosure table entries but only if there are no corresponding device LUNs. If no LUN is specified, delete all enclosure table entries with no corresponding device LUNs. The syntax is: -d [lun]|--delete [lun] 170 LUN Manager for Storage CIP lun Is a decimal LUN number. If no lun is specified, deletes all enclosure table entries with no corresponding device LUNs. Confirms with "Are you sure?". Enclosures Command Displays the enclosure table and enclosures present. The syntax is: -e | --enclosures Example of Lunmgr Enclosures Command Verify that the CLIM can see the corresponding ESS port WWN and that it is in the CLIM's enclosure table with the lunmgr --enclosures command. > CLIMCMD s1002532 lunmgr --enclosures The system displays the enclosures. This example shows two ESS ports connected but not yet approved into the enclosure table and one connected SAS disk enclosure that has been approved: -- Enclosure table -lun type stable address 100 1 enclosure 500110a000781200 -- Enclosures present -dev type stable address sda 2 port 50060e8004289406 sdw 2 port 50060e8004289416 sg63 1 enclosure 500110a000781200 controller slot 1, port 1 slot 1, port 1 slot 3, port 1, expander 1 serial # revision SGA7060029 2.10 Type 1 is a SAS disk enclosure. Type 2 is an ESS port. You can identify the port WWNs of the ESS in the stable-address column. Find Command Finds the physical identity of a device LUN. If no LUN is specified, find all devices. This provides additional information which is not shown by --print. The syntax is: -f [lun] | --find [lun] lun Is a decimal LUN number. If no lun is specified, find all devices. Example of Lunmgr Find Command To obtain the Storage CLIM's LUN for the SCF ADD DISK command: > CLIMCMD s1002532 lunmgr --find lunmgr displays the Storage CLIM's LUN: lun 1012 1513 type 2 (disk-ess) 2 (disk-ess) controller slot 1, port 1 slot 1, port 1 location port 50060e8004289406, lun 12 (0xc) port 50060e8004289416, lun 13 (0xd) The LUN shown on the left (under lun) is the Storage CLIM's LUN that you use in the SCF ADD DISK command. The port and LUN on the right (under location) are the ESS's port WWN and LUN. Help Command Displays a list of valid lunmgr options and effects. The syntax is: -h | --help Led Command Turns on or off an enclosure or disk locator LED. The syntax is: Lunmgr Commands 171 -l lun { on | off } | --led lun { on | off } lun Is a decimal LUN number. Print Command Displays a device LUN table entry from kernel memory. If no LUN is specified, display the entire device LUN table. The syntax is: -p [lun]| --print [lun] If no lun is specified, find all devices. Renumber Command Renumber an old enclosure base LUN to a new value. This command fails if any device in the old enclosure has an I/O operation outstanding or there is already an enclosure with the new LUN value. The syntax is: -r old new | --renumber old new old Is the old LUN value. new Is the new LUN value. If any device in old enclosure has an I/O outstanding or there is already an entry for new, returns an error. Confirms with "Are you sure?". Scan Command Scan all HBA ports for new devices. This option should be used after you create new ESS LUNs or new virtual tapes in a VTS so that the CLIM sees the new device LUNs. The syntax is: -s | --scan Startover Command Clears the device LUN table, enclosure table, and enclosure LCDs. If the existing enclosure table is significantly different from what is desired, then --startover followed by --approve may be simpler to use than several --delete and --renumber commands. The syntax is: --startover Unblock Command Unblocks lunmgr so that all subsequent lunmgr commands are allowed. If multiple --clear commands have been entered, then an equal number of --unblock commands must be entered before other commands, including --update, are allowed. The syntax is: --unblock Update Command Finds new storage devices and assigns new device LUN numbers to them. The verbose option displays the device table and devices present. This option is used internally whenever devices are added or removed, so it is rarely necessary to use --update interactively. The --approve and --unblock options automatically perform an --update. 172 • Recognizes and ignores non-storage devices. • Recognizes known devices by stable attributes and updates volatile I/O address. LUN Manager for Storage CIP • Assigns new Storage CLIM LUN numbers to previously unknown storage devices. • Recognizes the CLIM boot disk and excludes it from the LUN Table. The syntax is: -u [ verbose ]| --update [ verbose ] Verbose Displays the device table and devices present. Considerations for the Update Command Only 512 devices per CLIM are supported. If the device table is full, lunmgr displays this error message on the screen and in the NonStop host system EMS log: Can't add lun lun_number. 512 devices already in table. The recovery is to make fewer than 512 devices visible to the CLIM. Contact your service provider for this task. WWNs Command Displays the WWNs of all fibre channel HBA ports. The syntax is: -w | --wwns Lunmgr Commands 173 6 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences The same methods of specifying a NonStop TCP/IPv6 transport-service provider are available for CIP. Once CIP is installed, applications can use CIP by specifying a CIPSAM process name as their transport-service provider. An application can change transport-service providers while running and can also have sockets using conventional NonStop TCP/IP, NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP at the same time. (Parallel Library TCP/IP cannot co-exist with NonStop TCP/IPv6.) This chapter covers: • “Summary of High-Level Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP” • “Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP” (page 175) • “Application Programming Differences Between NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP” (page 188) • “TCP/IP Attributes in CIP” (page 193) • “How to Migrate From NonStop TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6 to CIP” (page 203) For high-level comparisons of all NonStop networking products, see the NonStop Networking Overview. Summary of High-Level Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP Table 16 summarizes the differences between conventional TCP/IP, Parallel Library TCP/IP, NonStopTCP/IPv6, and CIP. NOTE: To find out which servers support these subsystems, see the planning guide for your system or the NonStop Networking Overview. Table 16 High-Level Differences Between Conventional TCP/IP, Parallel Library TCP/IP, NonStop TCP/IPv6, and CIP Conventional TCP/IP Parallel Library TCP/IP NonStop TCP/IPv6 CIP Supported interface types: Supported interface types: Ethernet (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet with Jumbo frames) Supported interface types: Ethernet (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet with Jumbo frames) Supported interface types: Ethernet (Gigabit) with Jumbo frames System configuration System configuration database: Does not support database: Supports System configuration database: Supports System configuration database: Supports Subsystem name: TCPIP Subsystem name: PTCPIP Subsystem name: TCPIPV6 Subsystem name: CIP Transport-service provider name: ($ZTC0 default) or any TCP/IP process name. Program name is TCPIP transport-service provider name: Any TCPSAM process name. ($ZTC0 default). Program name is TCPSAM. transport-service provider name: Any TCP6SAM process name. ($ZTC0 default) Program name is TCP6SAM transport-service provider name: Any CIPSAM process name. ($ZTC0 default) Program name is CIPSAM. SPI subsystem ID: ZTCI SPI subsystem ID: ZTCP SPI subsystem ID: ZTC6 SPI subsystem ID: ZCIP SPI subsystem number: 80 SPI subsystem number: 220 SPI subsystem number: 246 • ATM • Ethernet (Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet without Jumbo frames) • SNAP (token-ring or Ethernet) • X.25 174 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences SPI subsystem number: 259 Table 16 High-Level Differences Between Conventional TCP/IP, Parallel Library TCP/IP, NonStop TCP/IPv6, and CIP (continued) Conventional TCP/IP Parallel Library TCP/IP NonStop TCP/IPv6 CIP Transport service provider process: TCP/IP PROCESS object Transport service provider process: TCPSAM PROCESS object Transport service provider process: TCP6SAM PROCESS object Transport service provider process: CIPSAM PROCESS object Supported protocols TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP and SCTP (see “Configuring Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) (IP and Telco CIP)” (page 112)) Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP Several operational differences exist between CIP and previous NonStop host system TCP/IP subsystems. The main differences are: • CIP does not use the ServerNet LAN Systems Access (SLSA) subsystem. • Routing configuration and behavior are different. • IPSec is a new feature supported in CIP. • The SUBNET object is only provided as a subordinate object for the CIPSAM (transport provider) object for application backward-compatibility. You do not configure the SUBNET. • There is no neighbor discovery and autoconfiguration (ND6HOSTD) process. In NonStop TCP/IPv6, the ND6HOSTD process received and processed IPv6 router advertisement (RA) packets and updated the global IPv6 address information in the DNS. You could use it for updating the DNS with automatically generated IPv6 addresses. • The SNMP TCP/IP subagent (TCPIPSA) is not supported and therefore you cannot collect information on the CLIM from the NonStop SNMP agent. • The CIP operational interface is significantly different. Table 17: Subsystem Task Comparisonshows how conventional NonStop TCP/IP, Parallel Library TCP/IP, and NonStop TCP/IPv6 tasks are performed in CIP. Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP 175 Table 17 Subsystem Task Comparison Task In Conventional TCP/IP, Use... In Parallel Library TCP/IP and In CIP, Use... NonStop TCP/IPv6, Use... Abort adapter (or SLSA SCF ABORT SAC module) command SLSA SCF ABORT ADAPTER command SCF ABORT CLIM command Abort a MON object No equivalent SCF ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#TCPMON or ABORT MON $ZZTCP.#ZPTMn SCF ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPMON or ABORT MON $ZZCIP.#ZCMnn Abort MAN process No equivalent SCF ABORT PROCESS $ZZTCP command SCF ABORT PROCESS $ZZCIP command Abort transport service provider process SCF ABORT PROCESS TCP/IP process-namecommand SCF ABORT PROCESS $TCP6SAM-process-name SCF ABORT PROVIDER $ZZCIP.provider-name Abort a network route. SCF ABORT ROUTE command SCF ABORT ROUTE command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig route - delete command. In CIP, there is no need to stop a route before deleting it Abort a network SCF ABORT SUBNET interface from command being used by the subsystem. SCF ABORT SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name ifstop interface command Abort Provider No equivalent No equivalent SCF ABORT PROVIDER command Add a Manager process No equivalent SCF ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZTCP command ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.#ZZCIP command Add a Monitor process No equivalent No equivalent ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPMON command Add a network interface SCF ADD SUBNET command SCF ADD SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig interface -add command Add an entry in the ARP table SCF ADD ENTRY command SCF ADD ENTRY command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig arp -add command Add a network route SCF ADD ROUTE command SCF ADD ROUTE command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig route -add command Add a No equivalent host-to-CLIM route No equivalent SCF ADD ROUTE command Add addrmap object No equivalent No equivalent Add server object SCF ADD SERVER command No equivalent No equivalent Add provider object No equivalent ADD SUBNET, LNPTPLIST SCF ADD PROVIDER command Add an adapter (or module) SLSA SCF ADD ADAPTER SLSA SCF ADD ADAPTER SCF ADD CLIM command SCF ADD ADDRMAP command Alter attribute SCF ALTER SUBNET values of a command network interface 176 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences SCF ALTER SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig interface -modify command to change jumbo frames and netmask. All other attributes must be changed by using the CLIMCMD Table 17 Subsystem Task Comparison (continued) Task In Conventional TCP/IP, Use... In Parallel Library TCP/IP and In CIP, Use... NonStop TCP/IPv6, Use... clim-name | ip-address climconfig sysctl command. Alter network environment attributes SCF ALTER PROCESS command SCF ALTER MON command SCF ALTER PROVIDER command and CLIMCMD sysctl command. (See Chapter 3 (page 69) for information about this command. Alter provider object No equivalent No equivalent SCF ALTER PROVIDER command Alter path to the CLIM No equivalent No equivalent SCF DELETE and ADD ROUTE commands Delete ARP entries SCF DELETE ENTRY command SCF DELETE ENTRY command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig arp -delete command Delete a No equivalent host-to-CLIM route No equivalent SCF DELETE ROUTE command Delete adapter (or module) SLSA DELETE ADAPTER SCF DELETE CLIM command Delete PROVIDER No equivalent object No equivalent SCF DELETE PROVIDER command Delete network route SCF DELETE ROUTE command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig route -delete command SLSA DELETE ADAPTER SCF DELETE ROUTE command Delete ADDRMAP SCF DELETE ADDRMAP object command No equivalent No equivalent Delete SERVER object SCF DELETE SERVER command No equivalent No equivalent Delete network interface SCF DELETE SUBNET command SCF DELETE SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig interface -delete command Get Info about SCF INFO ENTRY command SCF INFO ENTRY command entries in the ARP table, neighbor discovery code or both CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig arp -info command Get Info about networking environment settings SCF INFO PROVIDER command for some variables and CLIMCMD climconfig object -info commands, depending on which networking environment settings are needed. SCF INFO PROCESS, DETAIL SCF INFO MON, DETAIL command command Get Info about SCF INFO ADDRMAP ADDRMAP object command Get Info about network routes No equivalent SCF INFO ROUTE command SCF INFO ROUTE command No equivalent CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig route -info command Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP 177 Table 17 Subsystem Task Comparison (continued) Task In Conventional TCP/IP, Use... In Parallel Library TCP/IP and In CIP, Use... NonStop TCP/IPv6, Use... Get Info about the SERVER object SCF INFO SERVER command No equivalent No equivalent Get Info about the host-to-CLIM route No equivalent No equivalent SCF INFO ROUTE command Get Info about the PROVIDER object No equivalent INFO SUBNET command LNP SCF INFO PROVIDER field command Get Info about No equivalent the MAN process Get Info about current attribute settings for network routes 178 SCF INFO PROCESS command SCF INFO ROUTE command SCF INFO ROUTE command SCF INFO PROCESS command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig route -info command Get Info about SCF INFO SUBNET current attribute command settings for a network interface SCF INFO SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig interface -info command Get Info about current attribute settings for host-to-CLIM routes No equivalent No equivalent Get Info about the adapter configuration SLSA INFO ADAPTER, INFO SLSA INFO ADAPTER, INFO SAC, INFO PIF SAC, INFO PIF Get Info about the PROVIDER object No equivalent INFO SUBNET command LNP SCF INFO PROVIDER field command Get Info about the process SCF INFO PROCESS command SCF INFO PROCESS command SCF INFO PROCESS command Get Info about the ADDRMAP object SCF INFO ADDRMAP command No equivalent No equivalent Get Info about the SERVER object SCF INFO SERVER command No equivalent No equivalent SCF INFO ROUTE command SCF INFO CLIM command List information No equivalent about applications with open sockets in CPUs within which a specified MON is running SCF LISTOPENS MON command SCF LISTOPENS MON command List information SCF LISTOPENS PROCESS about command applications with open sockets associated with a transport provider SCF LISTOPENS PROCESS command (for CIPSAM process) SCF LISTOPENS PROVIDER command IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences Table 17 Subsystem Task Comparison (continued) Task In Conventional TCP/IP, Use... In Parallel Library TCP/IP and In CIP, Use... NonStop TCP/IPv6, Use... Get Names of No equivalent host-to-CLIM route names No equivalent Get Names of ENTRY objects SCF NAMES ENTRY command SCF NAMES ENTRY command No equivalent. Entries are not named. Get Names of network routes SCF NAMES ROUTE command SCF NAMES ROUTE command No equivalent. Network routes are not named. Get Names of SCF NAMES SUBNET network interface command names SCF NAMES SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig interface -info all command Make Primary SCF PRIMARY PROCESS process the command backup process and make backup process the primary process SCF PRIMARY PROCESS command SCF PRIMARY PROCESS command Start MON objects on each processor No equivalent SCF START MON command SCF START PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPMON command Start an adapter (or module) for host operations SLSA SCF START ADAPTER command SLSA SCF START ADAPTER command SCF START CLIM command Start a network interface SCF START SUBNET command SCF START SUBNET command If stopped by ifstop, CLIMCMD clim-name ifstart command, otherwise SCF START CLIM Start network routes SCF START ROUTE command SCF START ROUTE None (a network route is started when it is added) Start PROVIDER object No equivalent No equivalent, LNPs are started when configured SCF START PROVIDER command Get Statistics on statistics for protocol layers SCF STATS PROCESS command SCF STATS MON command SCF STATS MON command for socket send size histogram. Obtain other statistics with the Linux netstat -s command by entering CLIMCMD clim-name netstat -s -n. For better performance, always use the –n option. SCF STATS PROCESS for TCP6SAM command No equivalent Get Statistics for SCF STATS PROCESS a command transport-provider process SCF NAMES ROUTE command Get Statistics for specified route SCF STATS ROUTE command SCF STATS ROUTE command No equivalent Get Statistics on a specified SUBNET SCF STATS SUBNET command SCF STATS SUBNET command No equivalent Get Statistics about the CLIM object in the CIP subsystem No equivalent No equivalent SCF STATS CLIM command Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP 179 Table 17 Subsystem Task Comparison (continued) Task In Conventional TCP/IP, Use... In Parallel Library TCP/IP and In CIP, Use... NonStop TCP/IPv6, Use... Get Statistics SCF STATS ADDRMAP about the command ADDRMAP object No equivalent Get dynamic Status of a specified entry SCF STATUS ENTRY command No equivalent SCF STATUS ENTRY command No equivalent Get dynamic No equivalent Status of a MON process SCF STATUS MON command climcmd climname netstat –s Get Status on SCF STATUS PROCESS primary and TCP/IP backup processes process-namecommand SCF STATUS PROCESS $ZZTCP command for MAN process SCF STATUS PROCESS $ZZCIP for MAN process Get Status on the SCF STATUS PROCESS transport-service TCP/IP process-name provider SCF STATUS PROCESS TCP6SAM-name No equivalent Get Status on a SCF STATUS SUBNET network interface command SCF STATUS SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name climstatus -o l Get Status on network routes SCF STATUS ROUTE command None, routes have no status SCF STATUS ROUTE command Get Status on the SCF STATUS ADAPTER adapter (or $ZZLAN.adapter-name module) SCF STATUS ADAPTER $ZZLAN.adapter-name SCF STATUS CLIM clim-name, CLIMCMD clim-name climstatus and CLIMCMD clim-name psclim commands. See Chapter 3 (page 69) for information about these CLIMCMD commands. Get Status on the No equivalent PROVIDER object No equivalent SCF STATUS PROVIDER command Get Status on the SCF STATUS SERVER SERVER object command No equivalent No equivalent Stop a MAN process No equivalent task is needed SCF STOP PROCESS as there is no MAN process command. (If the process is configured as persistent, the STOP command must be issued to the kernel subsystem or the persistence manager restarts it.) SCF STOP PROCESS command. If the process is configured as persistent, the ABORT command must be issued to the Kernel subsystem or the persistence manager restarts it. See “Starting and Restarting CIP” (page 100). If there are open sockets, you ABORT PROCESS, FORCED command. Stop a MON process No equivalent task is needed SCF STOP MON command as there is no MON process SCF STOP MON if no open sockets, otherwise, ABORT MON, FORCED command. (If the process is configured as persistent, the ABORT command must be issued to the Kernel subsystem or the persistence manager restarts it. See “Starting and Restarting CIP” (page 100). 180 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences Table 17 Subsystem Task Comparison (continued) Task In Conventional TCP/IP, Use... In Parallel Library TCP/IP and In CIP, Use... NonStop TCP/IPv6, Use... Stop a network interface SCF STOP SUBNET command SCF STOP SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name ifstop command Stop a network route SCF STOP ROUTE command SCF STOP ROUTE command None, delete route with CLIMCMD climconfig route -delete command Stop an adapter (or module) SLSA SCF STOP ADAPTER command SCF STOP CLIM if no open sockets, otherwise, ABORT CLIM, FORCED command Stop SCF STOP PROCESS TCP/IP SCF STOP PROCESS TCP6SAM process-name process-name a transport- SLSA SCF STOP ADAPTER command serviceprovider process SCF STOP PROCESS CIPSAM process-name. If persistent, SCF ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.#CIPSAM. If persistent and you only want to stop one CIPSAM process, you can stop it implicitly by stopping the PROVIDER object upon which the CIPSAM process depends. Stop a PROVIDER No equivalent object No equivalent SCF STOP PROVIDER if no open sockets, otherwise, ABORT PROVIDER, FORCED command Switch the CLIM No equivalent SCF SWITCH CLIM command Trace IP interfaces SCF TRACE SUBNET command SCF TRACE SUBNET command CLIMCMD clim-name tcpdump (See the man page for information about tcpdump.) Trace a process SCF TRACE PROCESS command SCF TRACE PROCESS command SCF TRACE PROCESS command (traces the Manager process) Trace a MON process activities No equivalent SCF TRACE MON command SCF TRACE MON command Trace PROVIDER object No equivalent No equivalent SCF TRACE PROVIDER command (only one provider in a processor can be traced) Trace CLIM object No equivalent No equivalent SCF TRACE CLIM command Get Version level No equivalent of MAN process SCF VERSION PROCESS command SCF VERSION PROCESS command Get Version of No equivalent the CLIM software No equivalent SCF VERSION CLIM command Get Version level No equivalent of the MON object SCF VERSION MON command SCF VERSION MON command No equivalent SLSA Subsystem CIP does not use the SLSA subsystem. In conventional TCP/IP, Parallel Library TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6, there were two things you needed to do with the SLSA subsystem: Ensure that it was running before you started using TCP/IP and associate a specific network interface with your TCP/IP transport-provider process. In the previous subsystems, you could use the SLSA DEVICENAME Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP 181 attribute of the SUBNET object to specify which interface the TCP/IP transport-provider process would use to send and receive data. In CIP, there is no underlying subsystem that you have to ensure is running. In CIP, you can associate a transport-provider process (CIPSAM) with a CLIM but not with a single interface on a CLIM. You associate a network CLIM with a Provider by using the PROVIDER attribute of the CLIM object. (A maintenance Provider can be associated with a CLIM but there is no CLIM attribute for IP data Providers. See “ADD PROVIDER” (page 228) and “ADD ROUTE” (page 230).) Network Partitioning Differences In conventional TCP/IP, you can have multiple TCP/IP processes, each having one or more interfaces uniquely associated with it. In NonStop TCP/IPv6, you can configure the environment to use logical-network partitioning, each partition having one or more interfaces uniquely associated with it. In CIP, with the MULTIPROV option OFF, you can use the SCF PROVIDER object for network partitioning but you can only restrict a whole CLIM to a Provider (partition). You cannot restrict individual interfaces to a Provider. If you must associate an application with a specific IP address, bind the application to that IP address. Alternatively, you can use one interface or set of interfaces on a CLIM by just adding a subset of the possible physical interfaces (for example, eth1 and eth2). In CIP, with the MULTIPROV option ON, you can use the SCF PROVIDER object for network partitioning, with each PROVIDER having one or more interfaces on one or more CLIMs uniquely associated with it. Confining Applications that Bind to INADDR_ANY Server applications that are not configured with a specific IP address to accept incoming TCP/IP requests probably bind to INADDR_ANY. This allows the applications to accept requests on all IP addresses in the partition. You might be using network partitioning to confine such applications to a subset of the addresses on the system. However, many third-party applications can be configured to bind to a specific address so that they accept connections only to that address, much like binding to INADDR_ANY on a partition with one interface, as shown in this diagram: For example, the TCP/IP parameters used by the iTP Secure WebServer are configured in the Accept command. If this command has no address option, the WebServer binds to INADDR_ANY. However, if you add an address option with an IP address, the WebServer binds just to that address. Routing Differences The SCF ROUTE object plays a different role in the CIP environment than it did in the previous subsystem environments. In the CIP subsystem, the ROUTE object allows you to prioritize the CLIM(s) to use when no specific route matching the destination is configured on any CLIM in the Provider. In the previous subsystems, the ROUTE object allowed you to specify a route for the first hop on 182 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences the network. To specify a route for the first hop on the network in CIP, use the climconfig route commands. Failover Differences (Fault Tolerance) There are two forms of failover in CIP: CLIM-to-CLIM failover and interface-to-interface failover. CLIM-to-CLIM failover allows an interface on a CLIM to fail over to an interface on another CLIM. Interface-to-interface failover is provided by the bonding feature. Use the CLIMCMD Climconfig commands to establish failover between interfaces on a CLIM and between interfaces on two different CLIMs. Bonded interfaces share interface resources among multiple physical interfaces. They can be configured to be similar to NonStop TCP/IPv6 and Parallel Library TCP/IP failover with the SHAREDIP option, except that the interfaces must be in the same CLIM and are not limited to just two interfaces. The NonStop TCP/IPv6 and Parallel Library TCP/IP NONSHAREDIP option is most similar CLIM-to-CLIM failover in that each interface has a different IP address until failover with some important differences. While most resources can be migrated during failover, some are lost if migration to a different CLIM is required. Unlike NonStop TCP/IPv6 and Parallel Library TCP/IP, CIP does not migrate socketsthat have TCP or SCTP connections to the new CLIM. During a CLIM-to-CLIM failure, such sockets are closed and TCP or SCTP sessions lost. (For a description of interface resources, see “Failover in the CIP Subsystem” (page 36). Restoring resources to their home interface when it comes back up is not done automatically and requires you to issue an SCF SWITCH CLIM command. However, visiting resources using an interface that fails do attempt restoration to their home interface automatically. The restore procedure is similar to a failover sequence in how it handles interface resource migration. See “CLIM Startup Behavior” (page 45) for information about how the CLIM manages recovery. For procedures for setting up bonded interfaces and CLIM-to-CLIM failover, see “Configuring Bonded Interface Failover (IP CIP)” (page 94). Differences That Affect Planning for CLIMs Instead of G4SAs In CIP, there are differences from conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 in how the physical interfaces are divided among transport-service providers. These differences affect planning decisions for the number of CLIMs needed to support some existing G4SA-based network configurations. Each logical network partition (LNP) in NonStop TCP/IPv6 or conventional TCP/IP process can have its own, independent set of resources (Ethernet interfaces). One interface on a G4SA can be part of one partition or process while another interface can be part of another partition or interface. The four different interfaces of one G4SA can belong to four different partitions or processes. In CIP, each Provider can include more than one CLIM but a CLIM cannot be divided among different Providers. Hence, all Ethernet interfaces on a CLIM can only belong to one Provider. If you had a network configuration with a G4SA split between four LNPs or TCP/IP processes, one interface on each, you may need to change your configuration set-up or add more CLIMs to achieve the same result. IPv6 Differences Automatic tunnels are not supported in CIP. Fault Tolerant Sockets Conventional TCP/IP is a NonStop process pair and therefore allows sockets to be transferred from an application in one processor to its backup on another. NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP do not support this socket feature. Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP 183 Remote Sockets Conventional TCP/IP is a process and can receive socket requests from remote NonStop systems. NonStop TCP/IPv6 does not support this feature, nor does CIP. The EXPANDSECURITY MON attribute is only useful if remote sockets are supported and hence is not supported in CIP. New Error Codes when Using IPSec If IPSec is being used, there might be some new error codes: • EAGAIN is returned if there is no security association (SA) already established and an SA setup is started between CIP and the client. (The connect receives an EAGAIN error.) The next connect that is done after the SA is established works fine. • ESRCH is returned if the policy says that IPSec must be used, no keys have been entered manually, and racoon is not running. Avoiding Interfaces With Link Pulse Down For J06.04 to J06.09 and H06.16 to H06.20, conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 only select interfaces that have link pulse up for sending connections or data. CIP does not check for link pulse when selecting interfaces. If there are two interfaces (for example, eth2 and eth3) configured on the same subnet, and one interface loses link pulse, it is possible that the IP CLIM will choose the interface that has link pulse down to send packets to that subnet. To avoid this behavior, either have the interface configured for failover or take the interface down (ifstop). Figure 24: Two Interfaces Connected To The Same Subnet (page 185) and Figure 25: Two CLIMs Connected to the Same Subnet (page 186) show configurations that may encounter routing problems. Figure 24: Two Interfaces Connected To The Same Subnet shows subnet routes with these characteristics: • There are two interfaces on the same IP subnet (A.0) • Both interfaces have the same subnet route to the network • eth3 is activated first (non-deterministic) • The subnet route on eth3 is used for all outgoing connections to the network • The route through eth3 continues to be used even after it has lost link pulse The network becomes unreachable from a CLIM. 184 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences Figure 24 Two Interfaces Connected To The Same Subnet Figure 25: Two CLIMs Connected to the Same Subnet shows subnet routes on two CLIMs: • There are two interfaces on two CLIMs of the provider on the same IP subnet (A.0) • CLIMs are selected in round robin order for outgoing connections • The route through CLIM B continues to be used even after it has lost link pulse The network becomes unreachable for half of the outgoing connections. Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP 185 Figure 25 Two CLIMs Connected to the Same Subnet As of J06.10 and later J-series RVUs and H06.21 and later H-series RVUs, this problem has been fixed. Error on Sockets When CIPSAM Process Aborts In NonStop TCP/IPv6, when a SAM process is aborted, all existing sockets created using that SAM return an error on the current or next operation. In CIP, when a SAM process is aborted, existing sockets continue unaffected, but no new sockets can be created. To obtain behavior similar to NonStop TCP/IPv6, abort the Provider object. Connecting to Non-Loopback Address after Binding to Loopback Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 allow a socket bound to a loopback address to connect to any local address, whether it is a loopback address or not. CIP allows such sockets only to connect to a loopback address. CIPSAM Commands NonStop TCP/IPv6 provides a socket access method (SAM) SCF and SPI interface matching that of conventional TCP/IP for applications using that interface to get information about the TCP/IP subsystem. CIP also provides a SAM interface for the same reason, but supports fewer commands. Data that does not exist on CIP is displayed as dummy data for compatibility reasons. 186 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences The commands supported by NonStop TCP/IPv6 and those supported by CIP are: Command/Object Process Abort NonStop TCP/IPv6, CIP Info Nonstop TCP/IPv6, CIP Listopens NonStop TCP/IPv6 Names Route Subnet NonStop TCP/IPv6, , CIP NonStop TCP/IPv6, CIP NonStop TCP/IPv6, , CIP NonStop TCP/IPv6, CIP Primary NonStop TCP/IPv6, CIP Stats NonStop TCP/IPv6 NonStop TCP/IPv6 NonStop TCP/IPv6 Status NonStop TCP/IPv6 NonStop TCP/IPv6 NonStop TCP/IPv6, CIP Stop NonStop TCP/IPv6, CIP Trace NonStop TCP/IPv6, CIP Version NonStop TCP/IPv6, CIP Applications that expect the SAM process to have certain product numbers, versions, process name, or program name must be changed. Configuring SWAN Adapters on a CLIM Configuring SWAN adapters on a CLIM is the same as for standard IP, with one additional step performed on the Provider: the Provider must have the bootp receive port set. This is done with the SCF ALTER PROVIDER command. In the following example, the SWAN TCP processes (Providers) are $ZTC0 and $ZTC1: 24> alter prov $zzcip.ztc0, brecvport 67 25> info prov $zzcip.ztc0, detail CIP Detailed Info PROVIDER \NSBLDE6.$ZZCIP.ZTC0 *TPName.................... *Type...................... *HostID.................... *Hostname.................. *TCP-Listen-Que-Min........ *BRecvPort................. *Family.................... *Share-Ports............... $ZTC0 IPDATA NSBLDE6 128 (67 ) INET 1000 Associated CLIMs: Name Index C1002581 0 26> alter prov $zzcip.ztc1, brecvport 67 27> info prov $zzcip.ztc1, detail CIP Detailed Info PROVIDER \NSBLDE6.$ZZCIP.ZTC1 *TPName.................... *Type...................... *HostID.................... *Hostname.................. *TCP-Listen-Que-Min........ *BRecvPort................. *Family.................... *Share-Ports............... $ZTC1 IPDATA NSBLDE6 128 (67 ) INET 1000 Operational Differences Between Previous TCP/IP Subsystems and CIP 187 Associated CLIMs: Name Index C1002582 0 Application Programming Differences Between NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP If your application makes sophisticated use of the NonStop TCP/IP, Parallel Library TCP/IP or TCP/IPv6 programming API, it may be affected by differences in the CIP API. Review this section to determine if your application might be affected. If the behavioral differences in the API do not actually result in real problems for your application, you can use the suppress-all-errors feature to allow your application to continue running in the case of minor differences in the CIP environment. See Suppressing Compatibility Errors. This section describes application features and behaviors that need to be changed for CIP. Topics described are: • “Suppressing Compatibility Errors” • “Bind to INADDR_ANY and a Specific Address on the Same Interface” • “Changing Destination of a Connected UDP Socket” • “Multicast Bind and Set or Join on Separate Interfaces” • “Multicast Loopback” • “Receiving Broadcasts on Specific Addresses” • “Error after UDP Send to Unreachable Port” (page 189) • “Conversion of Limited Broadcast to Subnet-Directed Broadcast” (page 190) • “Round-Robin Socket Support Considerations” • “Socket IOCTL Differences” • “Socket Options” • “Binding to a Recently Used Address and Port” (page 190) Suppressing Compatibility Errors CIP does not support certain features supported by previous NonStop TCP/IP implementations. If you run an application in CIP that contains unsupported features, compatibility errors result. To allow applications not expecting these errors to run without modification, CIP supports a DEFINE to suppress errors caused by incompatibility: ADD DEFINE =CIP^COMPAT^ERROR, FILE SUPPRESS If the DEFINE is set with a file name of “SUPPRESS” when an application starts, socket calls that try to invoke a behavior allowed in a previous implementation but not in CIP return as if successful, even though the behavior did not occur as expected. If the DEFINE is not set or if the file name is not “SUPPRESS”, attempts to use behaviors that CIP does not support cause socket calls to return the appropriate error. Bind to INADDR_ANY and a Specific Address on the Same Interface Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 consider a bind to INADDR_ANY on a TCP or SCTP socket to exclude IP addresses that are bound to a specific address in another socket, so it is allowed to have both a socket bound to INADDR_ANY and one bound to a specific address on the same TCP or UDP port. CIP considers a bind to INADDR_ANY to include all IP addresses. If another socket is bound to a specific address on the same interface, an INADDR_ANY bind receives an error. In some cases, this incompatibility can be overcome by using one CLIM for applications using specific binds and another for INADDR_ANY binds, each in a different Provider. The only use of 188 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences this feature that cannot be solved using more CLIMs is a server that binds to INADDR_ANY to act as a backup for other servers that each bind to a specific address. Changing Destination of a Connected UDP Socket Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 select a local interface based on the destination address for each connect operation done on an unbound UDP socket or one bound to INADDR_ANY. In CIP, once a connect operation is done on an unbound UDP socket or one bound to INADDR_ANY, the socket is implicitly bound to an address and interface on a CLIM that has a route to the destination address. Subsequent connect operations are sent to the same CLIM, even if it does not have a route to the new destination address. If the CLIM cannot reach the destination, the application gets an EACCESS error. You can avoid a problem by ensuring that all CLIMs in a Provider are configured with the same routes. Multicast Bind and Set or Join on Separate Interfaces In Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6, applications can bind (using the bind call) a socket to a multicast address on one interface, join (using the setsockopt call with the IP_ADD _MEMBERSHIP or IPV6_JOIN_GROUP option) a multicast group on another interface, and set the multicast send interface (using the setsockopt with the IP_MULTICAST_IF or IPV6_MULTICAST_IF option) to yet another interface with no restrictions. In CIP, the interfaces that are referred to for these operations must be on the same CLIM. Furthermore, each interface on a CLIM can fail over to a different CLIM, so CIP might need to rearrange the interfaces during failover. CIP requires binding as well as joining to a multicast group before receiving messages from that group. If your applications use different interfaces for bind, join, and set, you need to change them. Multicast Loopback In Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6, an application that joins a multicast group receives data sent to that group even from the same interface or controller. In CIP, for IPv4, if the interfaces are on the same CLIM, an application will not receive the data unless the sender sets the IP_MULTICAST_LOOP socket option and joins the receiver's multicast group. For IPv6, an application receives the data regardless of whether the sender sets the IP_MULTICAST_LOOP option and has joined the receiver's multicast group. Receiving Broadcasts on Specific Addresses NonStop TCP/IPv6 and Conventional TCP/IP route incoming broadcast packets (IP Address to sockets bound to a specific IP address. CIP does not support this behavior. CIP has a Provider attribute that gives a list of the port numbers requiring emulation of the older behavior: BRECVPORT port [, port] … This attribute specifies the UDP ports to receive broadcast messages on sockets bound to specific IP addresses as well as INADDR_ANY. Up to eight port numbers can be specified, each a port number not in the ephemeral or shared-port ranges. Ports not in the list can receive broadcast messages only on sockets bound to INADDR_ANY. This attribute adds a configuration step, but makes application changes unnecessary. See “ADD PROVIDER” (page 228) and “ALTER PROVIDER” (page 232) for BRECVPORT syntax. NOTE: BRECVPORT is not supported with CLIM-to-CLIM failover. Error after UDP Send to Unreachable Port If a UDP message is sent to an unreachable port, the resulting ICMP error always causes Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 to return an error on the next request. CIP sometimes does not return an error at all or returns the error on a subsequent request. Application Programming Differences Between NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP 189 Conversion of Limited Broadcast to Subnet-Directed Broadcast If the destination address is the limited broadcast address (, conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 convert the address to a subnet-directed broadcast address (the specific subnetid and hostid are all ones) whether the socket is bound or unbound. CIP does this conversion only if the socket is unbound. Binding to a Recently Used Address and Port Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 allowed immediate reuse of an address and port if the SO_REUSEADDR socket option is set on the next use. CIP requires that the SO_REUSEADDR option be set on both the previous and next use. If the SO_REUSEADDR option is not set on both the previous and next use, there can be a delay of up to several minutes the address and port can be reused. Round-Robin Socket Support Considerations The NonStop TCP/IPv6 and Parallel Library TCP/IP round-robin filtering feature introduced considerations for applications and some of these considerations also apply to CIP: • If the first application that binds to a TCP or UDP port using round-robin filtering is a privileged user (for example, a super-group user), all further applications sharing the port must also be privileged. • All applications must bind using the same family value (for example, AF_INET or AF_INET6). • If your application uses round robin sockets where the same a TCP or UDP port is shared between an IPv4 socket and an IPv6 socket, you must change the application to use different TCP or UDPs for the different address families. Mixed family sockets cannot share the same TCP or UDP. Socket IOCTL Differences This section documents the changes to IOCTL commands that can be issued from the Guardian library calls socket_ioctl and socket_ioctl_nw and the Open System Services (OSS) system call ioctl. Adding and Deleting Routes by Name SIOCADDRT (add route) and SIOCDELRT (delete route) behave differently in CIP. Conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 can use route names to identify routes as well as addresses. CIP does not have route names. CIP can add routes, but does not save or assign a route name, so route names cannot be used to identify a route for deleting. If a route name is used with SIOCDELRT, the request is ignored if the compatibility error DEFINE is SUPPRESS or else returns an error. Deleting ARP Entries SIOCDARP (delete ARP entry) behaves differently. When an ARP table entry is deleted using an IOCTL command in conventional TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6, the entry is completely removed. CIP retains the entry, but shows its HW address field as incomplete. Getting Netmask and Broadcast Address on IPv6 Sockets SIOCGIFBRDADDR (get broadcast address) and SIOCGIFNETMASK (get network address mask) are supported differently in CIP, for IPv6 sockets. NonStop TCP/IPv6 allows these IOCTL commands on IPv4 and IPv6 sockets, but on IPv6 sockets, NonStop TCP/IPv6 returns IPv4 addresses. CIP does not support the operation on IPv6 sockets at all. 190 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences Socket Options Some socket options that are supported by NonStop TCP/IPv6 are not supported by or have changed with CIP and require application changes. These options are set by the Guardian setsockopt, setsockopt_nw library calls or the OSS setcsockopt system call. Socket Options Supported Differently These socket options are supported differently in CIP: Level IPPROTO_TCP This TCP_SACKENA socket option for level IPPROTO_TCP, which enables TCP selective acknowledgements, is supported differently in CIP. Use the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl command to set the net.ipv4.tcp_sack parameter. SO_PMTU This socket option, which turns path discovery on and off, is not supported in CIP. Use the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl command to change the net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc parameter.The SO_PMTU TCP_RXMTCNT CIP does not support the socket option TCP_RXMTCNT but you can configure the interfaces to achieve the same result. Use the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl command to change the net.ipv4.tcp_retries2 parameter. Unsupported Socket Options These socket options are not supported by CIP. Level IPPROTO_TCP Some NonStop TCP/IPv6 socket options for level IPPROTO_TCP are not supported by CIP: • TCP_DROP_IDLE This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18 (page 193) for default behavior. • IP_RECVDSTADDR This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • TCP_KEEPINIT This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • TCP_MINRXMT The TCP_MINRXMT socket option, which sets the minimum time for TCP retransmission timeouts is not supported in CIP. • TCP_MAXRXMT The TCP_MAXRXMT socket option, which sets the maximum time for TCP retransmission timeouts, is not supported in CIP. • TCP_NODELACK This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. Application Programming Differences Between NonStop TCP/IPv6 and CIP 191 • TCP_PAWS This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • TCP_PROBE_IDLE This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • TCP_PUSH This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • TCP_RXMTCNT This socket option, which set the maximum time for a TCP retransmission timeout, is not supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • TCP_RPTR2RXT This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • TCP_SACKENA This socket option, which enabled TCP selective acknowledgements, is not supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • TCP_TOTRXMTVAL The TCP_TOTRXMTVAL socket option, which sets the maximum continuous time spent retransmitting without receiving an acknowledgement from the other endpoint, is not supported in CIP. • TCP_TSOPTENA This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. Level SOL_SOCKET • SO_DONTROUTE This socket option, which specifies not to route messages, is not supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • SO_PMTU This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. • SO_USELOOPBACK This socket option, which was supported but not documented, is no longer supported. See Table 18: Differences in Socket Options Defaults (page 193) for default behavior. New Socket Option SO_ACCPTCONN The SO_ACCEPTCONN socket option is not supported by conventional TCP/IP or TCP/IPv6, but is supported by CIP. 192 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences Different Socket Options Defaults Table 18 Differences in Socket Options Defaults Previous TCP/IP Subsystem Default Level Socket Option CIP Default SOL_SOCKET SO_BROADCAST SOL_SOCKET SO_SNDBUF 61440 88000* SOL_SOCKET SO_RCVBUF 61440 88000* IPPROTO_TCP TCP_SACKENA 0 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 0) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_MINRXMT 2 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 2) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_MAXRXMT 128 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 128) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_RXMTCNT 12 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 12) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_TOTRXMTVAL 1440 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 1440) SOL_SOCKET SO_USELOOPBACK 0 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 0) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_RPTR2RXT 0 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 0) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_KEEPINIT 75 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 75) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_PUSH 0 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 0) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_NODELACK 0 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 0) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_TSOPTENA Unsupported ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 0) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_PAWS 20 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 20) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_PROBE_IDLE 75 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 75) IPPROTO_TCP TCP_DROP_IDLE 600 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 600) IPPROTO_IP, IPPROTO_IPV6 IP_RECVDSTADDR 0 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 0) SOL_SOCKET SO_PMTU 0 ENOPROTOOPT (With compatibility define returns 0) See “TCPPATHMTU” (page 197) for procedures on how to set the interface to provide this functionality. 0 *See “TCPRECVSPACE” (page 197) and “INITIAL-TTL” (page 195) for information about changing these defaults by using the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl command. TCP/IP Attributes in CIP Some conventional TCP/IP process and Parallel Library TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6 MON attributes are not supported in CIP and some are supported differently. TCP/IP Attributes in CIP 193 NonStop TCP/IPv6 Attributes and Their CIP Equivalents Many of the TCP/IP stack environment variables that you set by using attributes in the NonStop TCP/IPv6 ALTER MON/SUBNET command are now set in the CLIM environment. This subsection lists the attributes that you can configure on the NonStop TCP/IPv6 TCP6MON/SUBNET process and an equivalent way of configuring that attribute in CIP. The following table shows NonStop TCP/IPv6 attributes and the equivalent CIP action required to achieve the same result. For NonStop TCP/IP attributes and their CIP equivalents, including default, minimum, and maximum values, see Table 19: TCP/IP Attribute Default Values and Ranges (page 199). If you use this MON/SUBNET attribute in TCP/IPv6: Do this in CIP: “INITIAL-TTL” (page 195) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl value “HOSTID” (page 195) ADD PROVIDER “HOSTNAME” (page 196) ADD PROVIDER “MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT, MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT” (page 196) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range 'value value' NOTE: Changes to this sysctl parameter must be made on all CLIMs that share the same Provider. Also, all providers sharing a CLIM must similarly share that sysctl value. (page 196) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling value “TCPKEEPCNT” (page 196) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes value “TCPKEEPIDLE” (page 196) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time value “TCPKEEPINTVL” (page 196) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl value “TCP-MAX-REXMIT-COUNT” (page 197) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_retries2 value “TCPPATHMTU” (page 197) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc value “TCPRECVSPACE” (page 197) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_rmem 'value value value' NOTE: Changes to this sysctl parameter must be made on all CLIMs that share the same Provider. Also, all providers sharing a CLIM must similarly share that sysctl value. “TCPSACKON” (page 197) 194 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_sack value If you use this MON/SUBNET attribute in TCP/IPv6: Do this in CIP: “TCPSENDSPACE” (page 197) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_wmem 'value value value' NOTE: Changes to this sysctl parameter must be made on all CLIMs that share the same Provider. Also, all providers sharing a CLIM must similarly share that sysctl value. “TCPTIMEWAIT” (page 198) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle value NOTE: Changes to this sysctl parameter must be made on all CLIMs that share the same Provider. This change in sysctl parameter requires a CLIM restart. Connections that go through TCP state aware nodes, such as firewalls, NAT devices or load balancers may see dropped frames. The more connections there are, the more likely you will see this issue. “UDPRECVSPACE” (page 198) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.core.rmem_max value and CLIMCMD clim-name climconfig sysctl -update net.core.rmem_default value NOTE: Changes to this sysctl parameter must be made on all CLIMs that share the same Provider. Also, all providers sharing a CLIM must similarly share that sysctl value. “UDPSENDSPACE” (page 199) CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.core.wmem_max value and CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.core.wmem_default value NOTE: Changes to this sysctl parameter must be made on all CLIMs that share the same Provider. Also, all providers sharing a CLIM must similarly share that sysctl value. “IPV6RAENABLE” (page 199) Controlled by climconfig sysctl, with the default as ON. CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf 0 CLIMCMD{clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv6.conf.< intf-name>.autoconf 0 NOTE: The above commands are for disabling IPv6 auto-configuration. INITIAL-TTL This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies the initial value for UDP and TCPtime-to-live, can be set by using the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl command. HOSTID This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies the identification number (usually the host number part of the Internet address that is assigned to this host) is set by using the NonStop host system SCF commands ADD PROVIDER or ALTER PROVIDER. (See Section Chapter 10 (page 216) for more information about the HOSTID attribute.) TCP/IP Attributes in CIP 195 HOSTNAME This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies the official name by which the NonStop host is known to the Internet, is set by using the NonStop host system SCF commands ADD PROVIDER or ALTER PROVIDER. (See Chapter 10 (page 216) for more information about the HOSTNAME attribute.) MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT, MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT These NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attributes specify the starting and ending port numbers to allocate for TCP and UDP ephemeral ports. An equivalent effect can be created by using the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range command. This attribute, if changed, must be the same on all CLIMs in a Provider. RFC1323-ENABLE This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which causes TCP to support TCP Large Windows as documented in RFC 1323, can be set by issuing the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling command. TCPKEEPCNT This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies the number of times a keep-alive packet is sent without receiving an acknowledgment, can be set by issuing the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes command. NOTE: The default for the TCPKEEPCNT attribute differs from that of the tcp_keepalive_probes attribute. To change the tcp_keepalive_probes default to match the TCPKEEPCNT default, issue the CLIMCMD command: climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes 8 TCPKEEPIDLE This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies the amount of time, in seconds, before TCP issues a keep-alive packet on sockets that have enabled this option, can be set by issuing the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time command. NOTE: The default for the TCPKEEPIDLE attribute differs from that of the tcp_keepalive_time attribute. To change the tcp_keepalive_time default to match the TCPKEEPIDLE default, issue the CLIMCMD command: climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time 75 TCPKEEPINTVL This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies the time interval in seconds between retransmissions of unacknowledged keepalive packets, can be set by issuing the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl command. NOTE: The default for the TCPKEEPINTVL attribute differs from that of the tcp_keepalive_intvl attribute. To change the tcp_keepalive_intvl default to match the TCPKEEPINTVL default, issue the CLIMCMD command: climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl 75 196 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences TCP-MAX-REXMIT-COUNT This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which set the maximum number of continuous retransmissions allowed before a TCP connection was dropped, can be set by issuing the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl command. See “TCP_RXMTCNT” (page 191). TCPPATHMTU This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute is used to turn on Path MTU discovery. Path MTU discovery is on by default in CIP; if you want Path MTU discovery turned off, use the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc command. TCPRECVSPACE This NonStop TCP/IPv6 MON attribute, which sets the size of the window for receiving data for the TCP protocol, can be set globally with the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_rmem "value value value" command. This attribute, if changed, must be the same on all CLIMs in a Provider. The value variables affect kernel behavior for different conditions: • The first value sets the minimum TCP receive send buffer space available for a single TCP socket. • The second value sets the default buffer space allowed for a single TCP socket. • The third value sets the maximum TCP receive buffer space. You can also set the maximum and default sizes for socket buffers for all connections by using the climconfig sysctl -update net.core.rmem_max value and net.core.rmem_default value sysctl commands. NOTE: The net.ipv4.tcp_rmem parameter overrides the net.core.rmem_max and net.core.rmem_default sysctl commands for TCP connections. Changes to this sysctl parameter must be made on all CLIMs that share the same Provider. To change the sysctl parameters on the CLIM: 1. Stop the CLIMs and the Provider. 2. Alter the sysctl parameters. 3. Start the CLIMs and the Provider. If the CLIM is an Open type, reboot it. Background CIP supports the RFC1323 TCP high performance extensions. This includes large TCP windows to support links with high latency or bandwidth. To make use of them, you must increase the send and receive buffer sizes. Programmatic Alternative The TCP send window size can also be set on individual sockets by setting the SO_RCVBUF option. TCPSACKON This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies whether or not all TCP connections use TCP selective acknowledgements (unless specifically disabled by an application) can be set by using the CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address}climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_sack command. TCPSENDSPACE This NonStop TCP/IPv6 MON attribute, which sets the size of the window for sending data for the TCP protocol, can be set globally by using the CLIMCMD {clim–name | TCP/IP Attributes in CIP 197 ip–address}climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_wmem "value value value" command. This attribute, if changed, must be the same on all CLIMs in a Provider. The value variables affect kernel behavior for different conditions: • The first value sets the minimum TCP send buffer space available for a single TCP socket. • The second value sets the default buffer space allowed for a single TCP socket. • The third value sets the maximum TCP send buffer space. You can also set the maximum and default sizes for socket buffers for all connections by using the climconfig sysctl -update net.core.wmem_max value and sysctl net.core.wmem_default value sysctl commands. NOTE: Changes to the sysctl net.core.wmem_default parameter must be made on all CLIMs that share the same Provider. To change the sysctl parameters: 1. Stop the CLIMs and the Provider. 2. Alter the sysctl parameters. 3. Start the CLIMs and the Provider. If the CLIM is an Open type, reboot it. The net.ipv4.tcp_wmem command overrides the net.core.wmem_max and net.core.wmem_default sysctls for TCP connections. Background CIP supports the RFC1323 TCP high performance extensions. This includes large TCP windows to support links with high latency or bandwidth. To make use of them, you must increase the send and receive buffer sizes. Programmatic Alternative The TCP send window size can also be set on individual sockets by setting the SO_SNDBUF option. TCPTIMEWAIT This NonStop TCP/IPv6 attribute, which sets the minimum amount of time in seconds that a TCP connection remains in the TIME_WAIT state, can be set by using the command: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle value command. If this parameter is set(1), the sockets will remain in TIME_WAIT state, which is a function of the round trip time of the connection. If this parameter is unset(0), the socket will remain in TIME_WAIT state for a fixed time of 60 seconds. This attribute must be same on all CLIMs that share the same provider. If there is a change in the sysctl parameter value, restart the CLIM. Connections that go through TCP state aware nodes, such as firewalls, NAT devices or load balancers may see dropped frames. The more connections there are, the more likely you will see this issue. UDPRECVSPACE This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies the size of the window used for receiving data for the UDP protocol, can be set by using the climconfig sysctl -update net.core.rmem_max value and climconfig sysctl -update net.core.rmem_default value commands. 198 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences This attribute, if changed, must be the same on all CLIMs in a Provider. If the CLIM is an Open type, reboot it. UDPSENDSPACE This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies the size of the window used for sending data for the UDP protocol can be set by using the climconfig sysctl -update net.core.wmem_max value and climconfig sysctl -update net.core.wmem_default value commands. This attribute, if changed, must be the same on all CLIMs in a Provider. If the CLIM is an Open type, reboot it. IPV6RAENABLE If this attribute is set to ON, the NonStop TCP/IPv6 implementation performs the following tasks when a router advertisement (RA) is received: Router discovery Learns the IPv6 address of a router and installs default routes in the TCP/IPv6 routing tables. On-Link prefix discovery Learns IPv6 on-link prefix (ranges of IPv6 addresses that are directly reachable on a given link). Stateless address configuration Automatically creates and deletes interface addresses. Interface attribute configuration Automatically configures datalink attributes such as hop limit, reachable time, retransmit time, and link MTU. Sends RA message to ND6HOSTD process ND6HOSTD process is responsible for updating the global address information in DNS automatically. If this attribute is set to OFF, it disables the routing table and interface configuration update during RA message processing. TCPMON still sends RA messages to ND6HOSTD process. The default is OFF. In CIP, this attribute is controlled by climconfig sysctl, with the default as ON. CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf 0 CLIMCMD {clim–name | ip–address} climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv6.conf.<intf-name>.autoconf 0 ND6HOSTD is not supported in CIP. Attribute Default Values and Ranges Table 19: TCP/IP Attribute Default Values and Ranges shows TCP/IPv6 attributes and their default values and allowable ranges. Table 20: TCP/IP Attributes, CIP Equivalents, and their CIP Default Values and Ranges (page 200) shows these same attributes, their CIP equivalents, and their CIP defaults values and allowable ranges. Table 19 TCP/IP Attribute Default Values and Ranges TCP/IPv6 Attribute TCP/IPv6 Minimum TCP/IPv6 Default Value Value INITIAL-TTL 64 30 MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT 1024 1024 (MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT-16) MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT 65024 16 65535 RFC1323–ENABLE ON — — TCPKEEPCNT 6 1 20 TCP/IPv6 Maximum Value TCP/IP Attributes in CIP 199 Table 19 TCP/IP Attribute Default Values and Ranges (continued) TCP/IPv6 Attribute TCP/IPv6 Minimum TCP/IPv6 Default Value Value TCP/IPv6 Maximum Value TCPKEEPIDLE (seconds) 75 1 7200 TCPKEEPINTVL (seconds) 75 1 1260 TCP-MAX-REXMIT-COUNT 12 1 12 TCPPATHMTU ON — — TCPRECVSPACE 61400 512 61400 TCPSACKON OFF — — TCPSENDSPACE 61400 512 61400 UDPRECVSPACE 42080 512 61400 UDPSENDSPACE 9216 512 9216 MAX-PRIV-PORT 1023 IPV6RAENABLE OFF — — TCPTIMEWAIT (seconds) 60 1 120 1–(MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT) Table 20: TCP/IP Attributes, CIP Equivalents, and their CIP Default Values and Ranges (page 200) shows TCP/IPv6 attributes, their CIP equivalents, and their CIP defaults values and allowable ranges. Table 20 TCP/IP Attributes, CIP Equivalents, and their CIP Default Values and Ranges TCP/IP Attribute CIP Equivalent Attribute CIP Default Value CIP Minimum Value INITIAL-TTL net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl 64 0 255 MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range 32768 1024 65535–SHARE_PORTS. If the maximum value of net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range is set greater than 64535 the CLIM doesn't start with default SHARE-PORTS value. MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range 61000 1024 65535 RFC1323–ENABLE net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling TCPKEEPCNT net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes 9 TCPKEEPIDLE (seconds) net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time 7200 TCPKEEPINTVL (seconds) 75 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl CIP Maximum Value (<50) TCP-MAX-REXMIT-COUNT net.ipv4.tcp_retries2 15 TCPPATHMTU net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc 0 TCPRECVSPACE net.ipv4.tcp_rmem 4096–88000–1048576 4096 1048576 TCPSACKON net.ipv4.tcp_sack 1 1048576 TCPSENDSPACE net.ipv4.tcp_wmem 4096–88000–1048576 4096 UDPRECVSPACE net.core.rmem_default/rmem_max 42080 200 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences 0 0 1048576 1048576 Table 20 TCP/IP Attributes, CIP Equivalents, and their CIP Default Values and Ranges (continued) CIP Default Value CIP Minimum Value TCP/IP Attribute CIP Equivalent Attribute CIP Maximum Value UDPSENDSPACE net.core.wmem_default/wmem_max 9216 1048576 MAX-PRIV-PORT (built-in) 1023 1048576 IPV6RAENABLE net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf 1 0 1 TCPTIMEWAIT (seconds) net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle 0 0 1 NonStop TCP/IPv6 Attributes Not Supported ARPTIMER-REFRESHED This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute is not supported in CIP because CIP already restarts the ARP timer on each reference and cannot be configured differently. This action is the same as the NonStop TCP/IPv6 default. TCPTIMEWAIT This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute is not supported in CIP. The TIME_WAIT period cannot be configured in CIP. The application can use SO_REUSEADDR option to re-use the port. ICMP-FILTER-PKTS This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute is used to control the flow of the ICMP packets into the system. CIP does not support this capability. DELAYACKS This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies whether acknowledgments for TCP packets be sent immediately (as soon as a packet is received), is not supported in CIP. CIP uses a sophisticated ACK delay algorithm that makes this option unnecessary. DELAYACKSTIME This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specifies how much the delay time is before an ACK (acknowledgment) is sent for a packet, is not supported in CIP. ALLNETSARELOCAL This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute is a method of optimizing maximum segment size (MSS). CIP does not change the MSS advertisement based on whether the address is local. It uses the higher of the first hop device MTU and the /proc variable ip_rt_min_advmss, but may be overridden by information stored in the routing table from previous connections to the same remote address. The ALLNETSARELOCAL attribute therefore does not apply to CIP, but the advertised MSS may not match that of NonStop TCP/IPv6. MAX-PRIV-PORT This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specified the largest TCP and UDP port number that needed super-user access, is not supported by CIP. The value is fixed at 1023. NONSHAREDOUTDIST This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which specified whether or not the outbound data paths for connections over nonshared IP failover pairs are distributed over both SUBNETs of the failover pair, is not supported in CIP. TCP/IP Attributes in CIP 201 In NonStop TCP/IPv6, interfaces configured for NONSHAREDIP failover have separate IP addresses and outgoing data uses the usual routing table rules. (Only the first routing table match is used in NonStop TCP/IPv6, however, so even if both interfaces have a route, only one is selected.) SHAREDIP always alternates between the two interfaces of a failover pair and this option tells TCP/IPv6 to do the same for NONSHAREDIP. In CIP, CLIM-to-CLIM failover most closely resembles the NonStop TCP/IPv6 NONSHAREDIP failover. CIP uses round-robin rotation among the routes to CLIMs, so load balancing occurs as long as routes to both CLIMs exist. You can ensure any static routes are added to both CLIMs; dynamic routes will match because the CLIMs must be on the same LAN segment. This option is no longer needed in CIP. (See “Failover Differences (Fault Tolerance)” (page 183).) PORT-SHARE-ENABLE-ALL This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute allows applications running in different processors to bind to the same TCP or UDP yet have different IP addresses. CIP algorithms makes this attribute unnecessary, and it is therefore not supported in CIP. (This attribute enabled behavior unique to the NonStop TCP/IPv6 architecture.) TCP-INIT-REXMIT-TIMEOUT This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which sets the initial retransmit timer-value in milliseconds to use on a TCP connection, is not supported in CIP. TCP-MAX-REXMIT-TIMEOUT This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which sets the maximum time value in milliseconds allowed for a TCP retransmission timeout, is not supported by CIP. TCP-MIN-REXMIT-TIMEOUT This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which set the minimum value allowed for the TCP retransmission timeout, is not supported by CIP. TCP-TOTAL-REXMIT-DURATION This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which sets the total time a TCP connection can be in the retransmission state without receiving an acknowledgement from the other endpoint before the TCP connection is dropped, is not supported in CIP. TCPCWNDMULTIPLIER This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which was used to calculate the initial TCP congestion window, is not supported by CIP. CIP uses its own algorithm to calculate the initial TCP congestion window, ranging from 1 to 4. Higher values are considered potentially harmful to overall network stability and so the CIP defaults are used in CIP. TCPCOMPAT42 This NonStop TCP/IPv6 Monitor attribute, which set a flag to make the TCP6MON compatible with Berkeley Standard Distribution TCP/IP (BSD) 4.2 versions, is not supported by CIP. In BSD 4.2, TCP sequence numbers were 32-bit signed values. Modern implementations of TCP use unsigned values. This option caused the initial sequence number to start in the range 2^31 rather than the full unsigned range of 2^32. Also, under BSD 4.2, keepalive packets must contain at least one byte, or else the remote end does not respond. The default for this attribute was ON. IRDP SUBNET The IRDP SUBNET attribute enables or disables the ICMP Router Discovery Protocol on the SUBNET interface. IRDP is a mechanism for locating default routers. CIP does not support this attribute. 202 IP CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences How to Migrate From NonStop TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6 to CIP Migrate the Environment If you are running multiple TCP/IP subsystems and want to use CIP for your application but the default TCP/IP process ($ZTC0) is assigned to either Nonstop TCP/IPv6 or conventional TCP/IP, you can migrate your application to the CIP subsystem by adding a DEFINE or PARAM establishing another (non $ZTC0) CIPSAM process as the transport service provider in the TACL environment in which your program is running. The procedure documented here includes that final step of setting the DEFINE or PARAM as well as the preliminary steps of preparing for using the CIP environment. To migrate to the CIP networking environment: 1. Have your support provider install the CLIMs and bring up the subsystem. 2. Make any changes to your applications required by the compatibility differences documented in this chapter. 3. Change the applications to use a CIPSAM process. a. Find a CIPSAM process by using the SCF LISTDEV CIP command or create a CIPSAM process (see Chapter 2 (page 62)) that matches the name of the TCP/IP process your applications are using. b. Set up the transport-service provider name for Guardian and OSS applications to the CIPSAM process by entering one of these commands: • ADD DEFINE =TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME, class map, file $cipsam-process-name • PARAM TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME $cipsam-process-name • Use these procedure calls to set the transport-service provider to a CIPSAM process: ◦ socket_set_inet_name() (for Guardian applications) ◦ socket_transport_name_set() (for OSS applications) How to Migrate From NonStop TCP/IP or NonStop TCP/IPv6 to CIP 203 7 Storage CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences The user applications, NonStop SQL/MP, NonStop SQL/MX and Disk Process 2 (DP2) can access the Storage CIP devices without any changes. There are operational differences between configuring the storage subsystem on IOAM based systems and on CLIM based systems. This chapter describes those differences. The two biggest differences are the introduction of a new I/O subsystem (CIP) for CLIM configuration and of a new SCF object type, the Storage CLIM. The Storage CLIM is managed by commands from both the Storage subsystem and the CIP subsystem. The SCF product module for the storage subsystem uses the management object $ZZSTO and the SCF product module for the CIP subsystem uses the management object $ZZCIP. NOTE: To find out if your system supports Storage CLIMs, see the planning guide for your system or the NonStop Networking Overview. You can perform these tasks by using the SCF product module in the storage subsystem: • INFO CLIM $ZZSTO.clim-name • STATUS CLIM $ZZSTO.clim-name • SWITCH CLIM $ZZSTO clim-name Alternatively, each of the above commands can be issued from the CIP subsystem by substituting $ZZCIP for $ZZSTO for the management process specification. The INFO and STATUS commands display different information if issued to the CIP subsystem. The SWITCH command, when issued to the CIP subsystem, moves the IP resources back to the home interfaces. When issued to the storage subsystem, the SWITCH command initiates disk-path switches for the disks configured through the CLIM and sometimes takes paths up or down. For more information about the behavior of these commands when issued to the storage subsystem, see the SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem. These tasks can be done only through the CIP subsystem: • ABORT CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name • ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name • DELETE CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name • NAMES CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name • START CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name • STATS CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name • STOP CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name • TRACE CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name • VERSION CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name Table 21 (page 204) compares tools and tasks on IOAM or CLIM operations: Table 21 IOAM and CLIM Based Operations Comparison Tool/Task IOAM Based Operations CLIM Based Operations Communication device FCSA Storage CLIM Built-in storage Fiber channel disk module FCDM SAS disk enclosure 204 Storage CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences Table 21 IOAM and CLIM Based Operations Comparison (continued) Tool/Task IOAM Based Operations CLIM Based Operations Management interface SCF for storage subsystem SCF for storage subsystem, SCF for CIP subsystem and CIP subsystem CLIMCMD command line interface (CLI) Add a storage communication device No equivalent SCF command ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name Manage the LUN numbering to allow No equivalent the CLIM to communicate with ESS and attached storage CLIMCMD lunmgr command Table 22: CLIM Based Operations Information lists information sources for CLIM-based storage operations. Table 22 CLIM Based Operations Information Information SCF for the storage subsystem $ZZSTO SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem SCF for the CIP subsystem $ZZCIP This manual, Chapter 10 (page 216) How to manage LUN numbering This manual, Chapter 5 (page 170) Installation and initial configuration of the CLIM Your service provider has access to the CLuster I/O Module (CLIM) Installation and Configuration Guide and to other service procedures. Carrier Grade IP CLIM (IP CLIM CG) See your service provider. 205 8 Collecting Data for CLIM Issues This chapter provides various procedures for collecting NonStop system data for different CLIM types in case of failures. CLIM Type Failure Type What to do All All Create CLIM debug information All All Copy CLIM debug information to NonStop All All Collect EMS logs (both ZLOG and $0) All CLIM hung/not responding/reset Collect iLO and IML logs All SSOCLIM/CLIMCMD issues Collect SSH specific information Storage All Collect lunmgr information Storage All Collect SCF device configuration information IP/Telco All Collect network information IB All Collect IB network status Create CLIM Debug Information To create a compressed tar file containing debugging information for the CLIM, run the following command at the TACL prompt: TACL->CLIMCMD clim-name clim onlinedebug ... done The compressed tar file /home/debuginfo/clim-<yyyymmddhhmmss>.tgz has been created. Termination Info: 0 CLIM Log Files As of H06.23/J06.12, OSM collects CLIM logs from CLIMs that recover from a crash. OSM only collects the logs whenever the CLIM transitions to STARTED state. OSM also has an action, “Collect CLIM Logs”, on the CLIMs object in the OSM Service Connection that can be used to collect logs for all CLIMs in the system. Collecting CLIM Log Files using CLIMDBUG In a CLIM failure, the debug information is automatically collected, zipped, and saved on the CLIM in the /home/debuginfo directory as a .tgz file. The CLIMDBUG tool detects the log files on the CLIM, copies them to the NonStop file system, and packs them into a single data file. On successful transfer to the NonStop Host, the CLIMDBUG tool deletes the log files from the CLIM. Only supergroup users can execute this operation. NOTE: Collecting CLIM log information using CLIMDBUG is supported on systems running J06.12 or later RVUs. Effective with the J06.13/H06.24 RVU, CLIMDBUG also collects the following information: • SCF configuration details of CIP subsystem • SSH configuration details • EMS logs 206 Collecting Data for CLIM Issues • SSH logs • NSK Software Configuration file The syntax is as follows: CLIMDBUG [/run-option /]{clim-name-pattern | ip-address }[pak file] Where: run-option can be any of the options: online Generates an online CLIM debug data file before transferring the debug files to the host. originator originator-name Allows you to specify whether the tool is being invoked from another program or script. out out-file Redirects the display text to the file out-file. outv var-name Redirects the display text to the variable var-name. pri priority Specifies the execution priority. clim-name-pattern Specifies the CLIM name and supports patterns to target multiple CLIM names. The pattern may contain '?' for matching exactly one character and '*' for matching zero or more characters. ip-address Specifies the IP address of the eth0 interface of the CLIM. It does not support any patterns to target multiple CLIMs. pakFile An optional parameter which specifies the file location for the debug file on the NonStop Host file system. The parameter may be of the format of $vol, $vol.subvol, $vol.subvol.filename, subvol.filename, or filename. If vol or subvol is not specified, the default values are applied. If the filename is not specified, a unique filename from $vol.subvol is generated. If nothing is specified for the pakFile parameter, the default values are applied. The default values for $vol and subvol for the data file are $system and zservice respectively. Collecting CLIM Log Files using CLIMDBUG 207 Example 20 Collect Debug Data From Single CLIM \BLOKE.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMDBUG N1002582 $SYSTEM.OSMTEST Debug Info CLIM \BLOKE.$ZZCIP.N1002582 PAK File....................$SYSTEM.OSMTEST.ZCL04D01 Contents of PAK File......../home/debuginfo/clim-20101116220455.tgz /home/debuginfo/clim-20101116220456.tgz /home/debuginfo/clim-20101116220457.tgz Log File....................$SYSTEM.ZSERVICE.ZCL04L10 Termination Info: 0 Example 21 Collect Debug Data From Multiple CLIMs \BLOKE.$SYSTEM.STARTUP 3> CLIMDBUG /online/ S100253* Debug Info CLIM \BLOKE.$ZZCIP.S1002531 PAK File...................$SYSTEM.ZSERVICE.ZCL06D08 Contents of PAK File......./home/debuginfo/clim-20101116220458.tgz Log File...................$SYSTEM.ZSERVICE.ZCL06L11 Debug Info CLIM \BLOKE.$ZZCIP.S1002533 PAK File.....................$SYSTEM.ZSERVICE.ZCL07D09 Contents of PAK File........./home/debuginfo/clim-20101116220459.tgz Log File.....................$SYSTEM.ZSERVICE.ZCL07L11 Termination Info: 0 CLIMDBUG tool reports completion status on the last line of the displayed text as Termination Info:completion-code. The tool also, sets the :_completion:completioncode TACL variable to an appropriate completion-code value. On successful execution, the tool reports the completion-code as zero. Unsuccessful execution results in a non-zero completion-code. The errors are reported with positive completion-code where as warnings are reported with negative completion-code. Completion-code Description –1 A non-super group user invoked CLIMDBUG –2 There are no debug data files on the target CLIM 0 Success 1 Syntax Error 2 Less than 20 GB free disk space is available under the volume $vol on the NonStop file system where the data file needs to be created 3 clim-name-pattern is either invalid or it does not match any CLIM under the NonStop host 4 SSH connection could not be established to the target CLIM 5 Failure in generating online CLIM debug data file on the target CLIM 6 Failure in transferring debug data files from the target CLIM 7 Failure in creating the data file on the NonStop Host 208 Collecting Data for CLIM Issues OSM Event Viewer Log for CIP Event 5231 CLIMDBUG tool logs an EMS event for invocations which result in either success or error conditions. The following is the event log for CIP Event 5231: Header_type: Checksum: Last_error: Last_error_tkncode: Max_field_version: SSID: Used_byte_length: Buffer_byte_length: Console-Print: Generating-CPU: Emphasis: Event-Number: Standard-defined-type: User-defined-type: Event-Hdr-Version: ZEMS-TKN-FORWARDED: Generation-Timestamp: Logged-Timestamp: Node-Name: Node-Number: Generating-PIN: Process-Descriptor: ZEMS-TKN-REDUNDANT: Suppress-Display: Userid: Subject-Mark: CLuster IO Module:* (1,255,100): NonStop-User-ID:- 1 F no_error (0) (0,0,0) 0 TANDEM.CIP.H02 225 225 F 1 F CLIM Debug Info Collection Event not-specified (0) undefined (0) 2 F 2011-06-24 01:34:15.060.473 2011-06-24 01:34:15.061.571 "\BLOKE" 85 44 "\BLOKE.$Z0A9:3385669" F F 255 255 (5231) "N1002582 " "CLIMDBUG N1002582 $SYSTEM.ZSERVICE.ZCL04D01 [Termination Info: 0]" "SUPER.SUPER" 11-06-24 01:34:15 \BLOKE.$Z0A9 TANDEM.CIP.H02 005231 CLIM Debug Info Collection Event CLIM Name: N1002582 CLIMDBUG N1002582 $SYSTEM.ZSERVICE. ZCL04D01 [Termination Info: 0] Initiated by NonStop user: SUPER.SUPER Copying CLIM Debug Information to NonStop Use any of the methods described here to troubleshoot failures detected in the CLIM. NOTE: If the system is running J06.12+, then the preferred method to collect the debug information is through OSM Service Connection. For more details, see “CLIM Log Files” (page 206) Method 1: If the CLSFTP script is present on the NonStop system: 1. List all the CLIM debug files. TACL->CLIMCMD clim-name ls /home/debuginfo SSH client version T9999H06_21Jun2010_comForte_SSH_0088 clim-20100802125044.tgz climVersion Termination Info: 0 2. Obtain CLIM debug files. Be sure that you transfer all.tgz files in the /home/debuginfo directory to NonStop. For example: TACL-> CLSFTP clim-name get clim-debug-filename nsk-filename \JUNO1.$SYSTEM.MM 10> clsftp C100271 get /home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz climtgz1 Copying CLIM Debug Information to NonStop 209 CLSFTP - T0834 - version 1.2, 29-SEP-2009 using $ZSSP0... SFTP client version T9999H06_21Jun2010_comForte_SFTP_0088 Connecting to via SSH2 process $ZSSP0 ... sftp> get /home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz climtgz1 Fetching /home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz to climtgz1 ---------------------------------- -------- --- ------- ---------Filename BytesNow % Bytes/s Remaining ---------------------------------- -------- --- ------- ---------/home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 0 0% 0.0KB --:-/home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 280KB 1% 280.0KB 01:19 /home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 952KB 4% 476.0KB 00:45 … /home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 22MB 99% 672.0KB 00:00 ---------------------------------- -------- --- ------- ---------Filename BytesNow % Bytes/s TimeSpent ---------------------------------- -------- --- ------- ---------/home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 22MB 100% 665.4KB 00:34 23167953 bytes transferred in 34 seconds (665.4KB/s) sftp> SFTP Completion Code = 0 \JUNO1.$SYSTEM.MM 11> Method 2: If the CLSFTP script is not present on the NonStop system: 1. Obtain IP address of CLIM. SCF - T9082H01 - (04DEC06) (15NOV06) - 03/11/2010 12:33:02 System \NINJA (C) 1986 Tandem (C) 2006 Hewlett Packard Development Company, L.P. CIP Detailed Info CLIM \NINJA.$ZZCIP.C1002533 Mode....................... STORAGE Configured Location........ Group 100 , Module 2 , Slot 5 , Port 3 , Fiber 3 ConnPts.................... 2 X1 Location................ Group 100 , Module 2 , Slot 5 , Port 3 , Fiber 3 Y1 Location................ Group 100 , Module 3 , Slot 7 , Port 3 , Fiber 3 Net ID 1................. 0x000E3F62 X2 Location................ Group 100 , Module 2 , Slot 5 , Port 3 , Fiber 4 Y2 Location................ Group 100 , Module 3 , Slot 7 , Port 3 , Fiber 4 SvNet ID 2................. 0x000E3F63 Maintenance Interface IP... 2. Use the returned IP address to access the CLIM and transfer the files. Be sure that you transfer all.tgz files in the /home/debuginfo directory to NonStop. For example: <TACL> sftp –S $zssp0 –i $system.zservice.superkey root@ clim eth0 IP: clim-filename nsk-filename \JUNO1.$SYSTEM.MM 14> sftp -S $zssp0 -i $system.zservice.superkey [email protected]:/home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz climtgz2 \JUNO1.$SYSTEM.MM 14.. SFTP client version T9999H06_21Jun2010_comForte_SFTP_0088 Connecting to via SSH2 process $zssp0 ... Fetching /home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz to climtgz2 ---------------------------------- -------- --- ------- ---------Filename BytesNow % Bytes/s Remaining ---------------------------------- -------- --- ------- ---------/home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 0 0% 0.0KB --:-/home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 28KB 0% 28.0KB 13:27 /home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 672KB 2% 336.0KB 01:05 …. /home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 22MB 98% 679.0KB 00:00 ---------------------------------- -------- --- ------- ---------Filename BytesNow % Bytes/s TimeSpent ---------------------------------- -------- --- ------- ---------/home/debuginfo/clim-20100802125044.tgz 22MB 100% 665.4KB 00:34 210 Collecting Data for CLIM Issues 23167953 bytes transferred in 34 seconds (665.4KB/s) \JUNO1.$SYSTEM.MM 15> 3. Delete the .tgz files from the CLIM (execute this step for each .tgz file). TACL> CLIMCMD clim-name rm /home/debuginfo/clim-20090604152715.tgz TACL> 4. Send the files to HP technical support. Collecting iLO and IML Logs To collect information for a CLIM that is hung or not responding when an automatic reset of a CLIM is detected: 1. Open the iLO window. Invoke the OSM Service Connection on the NonStop Console. 2. Select Invoke iLO in OSM SC. 3. Log in with your username and password. Collecting iLO and IML Logs 211 4. 212 Click IML. Copy the log information from the screen and include it in the case data. Collecting Data for CLIM Issues 5. Click iLO Event Log. Copy the log information from the screen and include it in the case data. Collecting lunmgr Information To collect lunmgr information for any failures detected in the Storage CLIM types: 1. Save the output to a file. TACL->CLIMCMD clim-name lunmgr -e TACL->CLIMCMD clim-name lunmgr -f TACL->CLIMCMD clim-name lunmgr -p 2. Send the output file to HP technical support. Collecting EMS Logs To collect log information for any failures detected in the CLIM: 1. Collect the files $system.zservice.zzsv* and $system.zlogNN.zzev*, which contain the events for the period of interest. 2. Send the files to HP technical support. Collecting SCF Information To collect SCF configuration information for any failures detected in the CLIM: 1. Save output to a file. TACL->scf TACL->scf TACL->scf TACL->scf 2. info disk $*,obey info disk $*,obey status disk $* status disk $* Send the output file to HP technical support. Collecting lunmgr Information 213 Collecting Network Information To collect network configuration information for any failures detected in an IP, Telco or IB CLIM: 1. Use allow all error in SCF for the following commands: TACL> TACL> TACL> TACL> TACL> scf scf scf scf scf info clim $zzcip.*, detail status clim $zzcip.*, detail info prov $zzcip.*, detail status prov $zzcip.*, detail status prov $zzcip.*, route, cpu 0 Run the above commands on each running CPU. TACL> TACL> TACL> TACL> TACL> 2. scf scf scf scf scf version version version version version $zzcip mon $zzcip.* clim $zzcip.* $ztcp0 $ztcp1 Send the files to HP technical support. Collecting SSH Information To collect SSH specific information for failures such as SSOCLIM or CLIMCMD issues detected with the CLIMs: 1. Save the output to a file. TACL> scf info proc $zzkrn.ssh-*, detail TACL> scf status proc $zzkrn.ssh-*, detail 2. 3. Collect the files $system.zssh.sshcfg,$system.zssh.sshdb, and $system.zssh.sshlog*. Send the files to HP technical support. Collecting IB Network Status To collect the IB network status for any failures detected on an IB CLIM: 1. Collect InfiniBand network status using the following command: CLIMCMD clim-name ibstat > /tmp/ibstat.out 2. 214 Send the /tmp/ibstat.out file to HP technical support. Collecting Data for CLIM Issues 9 Telco CIP Migration, Compatibility and Operational Differences There are operational differences between configuring the 6763 Common Communication ServerNet Adapter and CLIMs systems. This chapter describes those differences. The two biggest differences are the introduction of a new I/O subsystem (CIP) for CLIM configuration and the absence of the SLSA subsystem. NOTE: The Telco CLIM is not a replacement for the CCSA because it does not provide E1/T1 support. Table 23: IOAM and Telco CLIM Based Operations Comparison shows comparison between tools and tasks on IOAM and CLIM based operations: Table 23 IOAM and Telco CLIM Based Operations Comparison Tool/Task IOAM Based Operations CLIM Based Operations Communication device 6763 CCSA Telco CLIM Management interface SCF for the SLSA subsystem SCF for CIP subsystem and CIP subsystem CLIMCMD command line interface (CLI) Add a Telco communication device SCF command ADD ADAPTER $ZZLAN.adapter-name SCF command ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.CLIM-name Add a logical interface to a device SCF command ADD LIF $ZZLAN.lif-name No equivalent Start a Telco communication device SCF command START ADAPTER $ZZLAN.adapter-name SCF command START CLIM $ZZCIP.CLIM-name Obtain information about a Telco communication device SCF command STATUS ADAPTER $ZZLAN.adapter-name or INFO ADAPTER $ZZLAN.adapter-name SCF command STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.CLIM-name or INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.CLIM-name Obtain version information about software on a Telco communication device No equivalent SCF command VERSION CLIM $ZZCIP.CLIM-name 215 10 SCF Reference for CIP This section provides information about: • The Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) • SCF commands available for CIP • Trace commands available for CIP SCF for Cluster I/O Protocols SCF provides an operator interface to an intermediate process, the Subsystem Control Point (SCP), which in turn provides the interface to the I/O processes of the various subsystems. The CIP subsystem runs on the NonStop system and the CLuster I/O Module (CLIM). This chapter explains the SCF commands that control the SCF objects that reside on the NonStop host system and on the CLIM. The CIP subsystem supports Ethernet connectivity. SCF Commands for CIPMAN Compared to SCF Commands for CIPSAM This section describes SCF command syntax for both the CIPMAN and the CIPSAM processes. CIPSAM SCF syntax differs from CIPMAN syntax because CIPSAM provides backward compatibility for applications. The CIPSAM and CIPMAN processes support different subordinate objects and yield different command results for subordinate objects they share. For example, CIPMAN does not have a SUBNET object. The SUBNET object is supported for the CIPSAM process to allow applications to obtain information about the CLIM interfaces in a format that is compatible with previous NonStop TCP/IP products. The object type name SUBNET, maintained for compatibility, really refers to a home CLIM interface as seen from the host. SUBNET object names are generated by CIPSAM and consist of “#SN” followed by a three-digit number. They are assigned to interfaces when the interfaces are first reported and do not change as long as the CIP subsystem continues running. The INFO SUBNET command displays the CLIM and interface name referenced by a SUBNET object. Also, INFO PROCESS for the CIPSAM process displays information an application would obtain from the INFO PROCESS command for the TCP6SAM process in NonStop TCP/IPv6, including a DETAIL option (not supported in INFO PROCESS for the CIPMAN process). The INFO PROCESS command for CIPSAM allows compatibility for applications written for the conventional NonStop TCP/IP product. NOTE: Many of the values for INFO PROCESS for CIPSAM are dummy values supplied for backward compatibility only. Conventional TCP/IP supplied detailed information on the TCP/IP process, which served as the transport-service provider in that subsystem. Table 24: Commands and Object Types for CIPMAN lists commands and object types for CIPMAN: 216 SCF Reference for CIP Table 24 Commands and Object Types for CIPMAN Object Types SCF Command CLIM MON PROCESS PROVIDER ABORT X X X X ADD X X ALTER X X DELETE X X X INFO X X X LISTOPENS NAMES X X X ROUTE X X X X PRIMARY X X X START X X X STATS X X STATUS X X X X STOP X X X X SWITCH X TRACE X X X X VERSION X X X Table 25: Commands and Object Types for CIPSAM lists commands and object types for CIPSAM: Table 25 Commands and Object Types for CIPSAM Object Types SCF Command PROCESS ABORT X INFO X NAMES PRIMARY SUBNET X X X STATUS X STOP X TRACE X VERSION X Object Types You can monitor and control the CIP subsystem by issuing commands that act on one or more CIP subsystem objects. Each object has an object type and an object name. The object type describes the type of object. The object name uniquely identifies the object within the system. Figure 26: CIP SCF Object Hierarchy shows the full object hierarchy for CIPMAN, CIPSAM, and the CLIM software. The CIPMAN, CIPSAM, MON, CLIM, ROUTE, and PROVIDER objects reside on the NonStop host system and are controlled and displayed by SCF commands directed to CIPMAN, CIPSAM, or the persistence manager ($ZZKRN). This section describes those commands. Object Types 217 The hostname, TCP/IP, interface, route, and arp objects reside in the CLIM and are controlled and displayed by the CLIM software commands and configuration files. Figure 26 CIP SCF Object Hierarchy CIPMAN PROCESS Object The CIPMAN PROCESS object is the main management object on the NonStop host system side of the CIP subsystem. The CIPMAN object is the root of the other configuration objects and is used to configure, control, and query the components of CIP on its local system. The CIPMAN process is started by the persistence manager. It is not involved in normal data transfer or socket creation but is required for SCF commands, error recovery, and changes in object status. It can be stopped for a short period, such as an online upgrade, with no affect on the normal operation of the subsystem. For specific information about adding and starting the CIPMAN process, see “Starting CIP on the NonStop Host System” (page 100). For general information about configuring generic processes (to be started and restarted as necessary by the persistence manager), see the SCF Reference Manual for the Kernel Subsystem. 218 SCF Reference for CIP CIPSAM Object The CIPSAM process object represents a transport-service provider process. In CIP, the CIPSAM object can be used only to display and control the CIPSAM process itself. The CIPSAM process is started by the persistence manager. For specific information about adding and starting the CIPSAM process, see “Starting CIP on the NonStop Host System” (page 100). For general information about configuring generic processes (to be started and restarted as necessary by the persistence manager), see the SCF Reference Manual for the Kernel Subsystem MON Object The MON object represents the CIPMON process and is used to query the subsystem on a processor or replace CIPMON and the CIP library. It is referenced in SCF commands as ZCMnn (no leading $ or # character), where nn is the two-digit processor number. The MON object can be in one of either the STOPPED, STARTING, STARTED, or STOPPING states. (For definitions of these states, see “Summary States” (page 222).) CIPMONs are started using the persistence manager. MON objects are added or deleted automatically by CIPMAN to match the running processors. A MON object state of STARTED indicates that CIPMON is running on the processor and CIPMAN has established communication with it. An individual CIPMON process can be manually stopped for online replacement or software reset by issuing a STOP or ABORT command to its MON object; the persistence manager then automatically restarts the CIPMON process. When the MON process is stopped, the operation of CIP on its processor is halted and existing sockets are closed. For specific information about adding and starting the CIPMON process, see “Configuring CIP Processes for Persistence” (page 73). For general information about configuring generic processes (to be started and restarted as necessary by the persistence manager), see the SCF Reference Manual for the Kernel Subsystem. CLIM Object The CLIM object on the NonStop host system represents the NonStop host system interface to a CLIM; it does not really represent the CLIM itself. The CLIM itself starts operating as soon as it boots the CLIM software, but the NonStop host system gains access to the CLIM by starting the CLIM object. A CLIM object can be in one of either the STOPPED, STARTING, or STARTED state. (For definitions of these states, see “Summary States” (page 222).) The LOCATION attribute gives the group, module, slot, port, and fiber of the ServerNet switch to which the actual CLIM is connected. If the specified location does not reference an operational CLIM, then the CLIM object cannot enter the STARTED state. PROVIDER Object The PROVIDER object represents a transport-service provider and directs socket requests to a specific CLIM. Each Provider must have a corresponding CIPSAM process. You associate the Provider with the CIPSAM process when you add the Provider object. (See “ADD PROVIDER” (page 228).) When a socket is created, the socket is associated with the CIPSAM process that is set as the environment’s transport service provider for the session. The PROVIDER attribute of the CLIM specifies the IPDATA Provider object with which the CLIM is associated. Multiple CLIMs can be associated with each Provider. This feature allows socket applications to treat the set of CLIMs associated with the same Provider object as a single multi-homed host. The sockets created by socket applications can be on any of the CLIMs associated with the Provider depending on the local IP address associated with each socket. In a Provider comprising multiple CLIMs, a socket that is bound to a specific local IP address other than a loopback address (IPv4 or IPv6 ::1) exists only in the CLIM containing that address. An outgoing connection or packet for these kinds of sockets is sent through that CLIM. However, sockets not yet bound, bound to INADDR_ANY, or bound to a loopback address might be used to listen for incoming connections or packets on addresses that exist in all the CLIMs of a Provider, so are Object Types 219 replicated in all the CLIMs. If the socket is used for an outgoing connection or for sending a packet, the host must choose one of the CLIMs to send it. This process uses the destination address and is similar to IP routing, but is used only to select a CLIM within a Provider. With either type of binding, the sending CLIM performs its own IP routing to select an interface and the first hop in the external network. See “ROUTE Object” and for more information about routing in CIP. The HOSTNAME and HOSTID attributes give the name returned by gethostname() and the number returned by the gethostid() socket library calls when the provider is selected. A PROVIDER can be in one of either the STARTED, STARTING, or STOPPED state. (For definitions of these states, see “Summary States” (page 222).) If an application tries to create a socket when the Provider is not in the STARTED state, the application programmatic interface (API) returns an error. Aborting a Provider that has open sockets also causes the API to return an error on the next or pending operation. For more information about the Provider object, see “ADD PROVIDER” (page 228). ROUTE Object The ROUTE object specifies which CLIM to use for default routing when there is no non-default routing specified on any CLIM that can be used for routing to the specified destination and the connection is not already tied to a specific CLIM. The ROUTE object is a method of selecting a CLIM for default routing when all other routing methods have failed (for example, no specific route or rule exists that would cause a specific CLIM to be picked). The route used in the external TCP/IP network is then determined by the configuration of network routes on the selected CLIM. See “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) for information about configuring network routes by using the CLIMCMD climconfig tool. See “Routing in the CIP Subsystem” (page 34) for more information about routing in CIP. Multiple CLIMs can define different default routes, however, and the ROUTE object on the NonStop host system controls which CLIM to select by assigning a PRIORITY attribute to each CLIM. The ROUTE is subordinate to the Provider object and requires a unique name. There are no reserved names. SUBNET Object An object represents the interface in the CIP subsystem. It is provided for backward compatibility and its fully qualified name is of the format: $ZZCIP.#subnet-name. The subnet name can be a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters. SUBNET names are generated by CIPSAM, not the user, and are always #SNnnnn, where nnnn is a unique number for each interface. The INFO SUBNET command displays the association between SUBNET names and CLIM interfaces. Naming Convention Summary Table 26: Object Naming Convention Summary and Reserved Names summarizes the reserved names for each object type and the naming convention rules. Table 26 Object Naming Convention Summary and Reserved Names Object Type Reserved Names MON (CIPMON) ZCMnn Starting Symbol (Required) First Character Requirement Naming Recommendation Character Limit None N/A MON names are assigned automatically. 5 null N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PROCESS (CIPMAN) $ZZCIP $ N/A The name is always $ZZCIP. 5 220 SCF Reference for CIP Table 26 Object Naming Convention Summary and Reserved Names (continued) Object Type Reserved Names Starting Symbol (Required) First Character Requirement Naming Recommendation Character Limit PROCESS (CIPSAM) None $ Letter ZTCxx where xx are letters or numeric digits. 5 CLIM None N/A Letter N, S, or OGroup 8 Module Slot Port Fiber PROVIDER None N/A Letter Limit to 5 characters; use CIPSAM process name. 7 ROUTE None N/A Letter None 8 Wildcard Support Normally, an SCF command line must include an object specifier composed of the object type and an object name. For many commands, the CIP subsystem accepts object-name templates. In an object-name template, one object name can be used to indicate that multiple objects of a given object type are to be affected by the command. Object-name templates allow you to specify multiple objects by entering either a single wild-card character, or text and one or more wild-card characters. In the CIP subsystem, you can use these wild-card characters: * Use an asterisk (*) to represent a character string of undefined length. The first example gives status all CLIMs subordinate to $ZZCIP. The second gives information on all CLIMs subordinate to $ZZCIP that have names starting with CL. The third gives status for all CLIMs subordinate to $ZZCIP that have names starting with CL and ending with 5. SCF> STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* SCF> INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.CL* SCF> STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.CL*5 ? Use the question mark to represent a single unknown character in a specific position. For example, $ZZCIP.S?1 selects all object names subordinate to $ZZCIP that begin with S, end with 1, and contain exactly one character between the S and the 1. You can use wildcard characters in any combination. If you have set a default process name by using the ASSUME command, you can omit the process name and use the asterisk (*) to specify all objects of the specified object type under the assumed process. For example, the next two commands set the default process to $ZZCIP and display information about all CLIMs under $ZZCIP: SCF> ASSUME PROCESS $ZZCIP SCF> INFO CLIM * Abbreviations Command and object type names can be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is not ambiguous. Table 27: Command and Object Type Abbreviations shows the minimal abbreviations currently allowed for CIP commands and object types: Wildcard Support 221 Table 27 Command and Object Type Abbreviations Command Abbreviation Object Type Abbreviation ABORT AB CLIM CLI ADD AD MON MO ALTER ALT PROCESS PROC DELETE DELE PROVIDER PROV INFO INF ROUTE ROU LISTOPENS LISTO NAMES NA PRIMARY PRI START STAR STATUS STATU SWITCH SW TRACE TR VERSION VERS Summary States The CIP subsystem objects have operational states, known as summary states. The summary state of an object at a given instant is important; certain commands have no effect on an object when it is in one state but can affect the object when it is in another state. The summary states supported by the CIP subsystem are STARTED/UP, STARTING, STOPPING, and STOPPED/DOWN. Table 28: Object Summary States shows states for each object: Table 28 Object Summary States Object STOPPED STARTED STARTING CLIM X X X MON X X X X X X X STOPPING null PROCESS (CIPMAN or CIPSAM) PROVIDER X SUBNET X X ROUTE Table 29: Object State Descriptions describes object states: Table 29 Object State Descriptions In this state... The object is... STARTED Running and ready to accept requests from other subsystem components. This state is called STARTED in SCF and UP in CIP. STOPPED Defined (that is, the object exists) but is not accepting requests from other subsystem components. The STOPPED summary state is not applicable to the PROCESS object. If the PROCESS object is not STARTED, it is undefined (that is, the process does not exist). 222 SCF Reference for CIP Table 29 Object State Descriptions (continued) In this state... The object is... STARTING Attempting to start, either because a command was issued to start it or because it is recovering from an error. STOPPING Shutting down because a command was issued to stop it. Sensitive and Nonsensitive Commands Table 30: Sensitive and Nonsensitive SCF Commands lists the sensitive and nonsensitive CIP SCF commands. For information about how to use sensitive and nonsensitive commands, see the SCF Reference Manual for J-Series and H-Series RVUs. Table 30 Sensitive and Nonsensitive SCF Commands Sensitive Commands Nonsensitive Commands ABORT Commands INFO Commands ADD Commands LISTOPENS Commands ALTER Command NAMES Commands DELETE Commands STATS Commands (without the RESET option) START Commands STATUS Commands STATS Command (with the RESET option) VERSION Commands STOP Commands SWITCH Commandss PRIMARY Commands TRACE Commands SCF HELP Facility The SCF HELP CIP command provides an online help facility for the NonStop host system side of CIP. The syntax is: HELP CIP [ command [ object-type ]] HELP CIP Gives an overview of the CIP subsystem. HELP CIP command Explains the specified CIP command. HELP CIP command object-type Explains the specified CIP command/object-type combination. HELP CIP object-type Explains for a specified CIP object type. HELP CIP error number Provides more detailed information about an error. For example, you can obtain help about error 00004 by entering help CIP 4 as shown: Example 22 Using Help to Obtain Information About an Error 4> help cip 4 HELP CIP 00004 Sensitive and Nonsensitive Commands 223 CIP E00004 Duplicate attribute specified. Probable Cause You specified an attribute more than once in a command. Recommended Action Omit the duplicate attribute and retry the command. 5> LISTDEV CIP and LISTDEV TCPIP When you need to obtain a list of CIP processes, use the LISTDEV CIP command. The SCF LISTDEV CIP command lists all the CIP processes and the SCF LISTDEV TCPIP command lists all the TCP/IP processes (including conventional TCP/IP and NonStop TCP/IPv6, if present). A program name in the SCF LISTDEV display of CIPSAM indicates a CIP socket access method process. CIPMAN SCF Commands ABORT Commands ABORT is a sensitive command used to halt the operation of the specified object even if it has existing users. If any sockets are using the object, a warning is first issued and the operator must confirm that execution is desired, unless the FORCED option is specified. The object is left in the STOPPED state if the command succeeds. ABORT CLIM The ABORT CLIM command stops operations on the specified CLIM even if it has open sockets. Existing sockets are closed and the CLIM refuses all new connections that would have been directed to the NonStop host system. If the associated PROVIDER object is in the STARTED state, that provider goes to the STARTING state. ABORT CLIM Command Syntax ABORT CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name [,FORCED ][,INTFALL] clim-name Is the name of the CLIM to abort. A wildcard can specify a set of the CLIMs known to this system. FORCED Causes the command to execute without displaying a warning and request for operator confirmation. INTFALL Causes all interfaces configured on the specified CLIM to be stopped, even the ones that are running on other CLIMs due to failover. This option works even if the specified CLIM(s) are already in the STOPPED state. Example 23: ABORT CLIM ends operation of N1002532. Example 23 ABORT CLIM > ABORT CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 Open sockets still exist, okay to continue? Y ABORT MON The ABORT MON command terminates the operation of the CIPMON process, even if it has open sockets, clearing all connections and closing all sockets on its processor. If the process has been 224 SCF Reference for CIP configured as persistent (AUTORESTART not equal to 1 in the command defining CIPMON as a generic process), the persistence manager restarts it. This command can be used for online replacement of the CIPMON and CIP Library modules, as discussed in Chapter 3 (page 69). ABORT MON Command Syntax ABORT MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn [,FORCED] MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn identifies the CIPMON process to ABORT. The variable nn can be 00 through 15. A wildcard can specify multiple MONs in this system. Example 24: ABORT MON ends operation of the CIPMON process on processor 3. Example 24 ABORT MON > ABORT MON $ZZCIP.ZCM03 Open sockets still exist, okay to continue? Y ABORT MON Guidelines If autorestart is off or if CIPMON is not configured under the persistence manager, you must allow a delay of at least 15 seconds between an ABORT or STOP MON command and a subsequent START MON command. This 15 second delay is necessary because MONs on processors that have sockets take longer to change their status to STOPPED after an ABORT or STOP than those on processors that do not have sockets. If the START is issued before the 15 second delay, MONs start only on processors that do not have sockets. MONs on processors with sockets stay in the stopped state and you need to reissue the START command. NOTE: The recommended autorestart value is 10. With this setting, the problem does not occur. ABORT PROCESS The ABORT PROCESS command terminates the operation of the CIPMAN process, even if there are open sockets. Subordinate objects need not be stopped and are not affected unless SUB ALL or SUB ONLY is specified. If the process has been configured as persistent (AUTORESTART not equal to 1 in the command defining CIPMAN as a generic process), the persistence manager restarts it. This command can be used for online replacement of the CIPMAN module. If SUB ALL or SUB ONLY is used, the CIP subsystem stops operation, and all existing sockets are cleared. If any sockets exist, the command displays a warning and request for operator confirmation. The FORCED option overrides the warning and confirmation request. ABORT PROCESS Command Syntax ABORT PROCESS $ZZCIP [, SUB [ ONLY | ALL | NONE ]] [,FORCED ] SUB Determines the set of objects and subordinate objects that the command targets: • ONLY specifies that only subordinate objects are targets of the command. • ALL specifies that the named object and the subordinate objects are targets of the command. This is the default used if the SUB keyword is used but no option is selected. • NONE specifies that none of the subordinate objects are targets of the command. This is the default selected if the SUB keyword is not used. FORCED Causes the command to execute without displaying a warning and request for operator confirmation. CIPMAN SCF Commands 225 Causes the command to execute without displaying a warning and request for operator confirmation. Example 25 stops the CIP subsystem until the persistence manager restarts it. Example 25 ABORT PROCESS > ABORT PROCESS $ZZCIP , SUB ALL Open sockets still exist, okay to continue? Y ABORT PROCESS Guidelines MON objects are not affected even with the SUB ALL or SUB ONLY options ABORT PROVIDER The ABORT PROVIDER command terminates operations on a provider, even if the provider has open sockets. Existing sockets and connections associated with the provider are cleared. ABORT PROVIDER Command Syntax ABORT PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name [,FORCED] prov-name Is the name of the provider to abort. A wildcard can specify a set of providers. FORCED Causes the command to execute without displaying a warning and request for operator confirmation. Example 26 halts PROVIDER ZTC2 with no warning, even if sockets currently exist: Example 26 ABORT PROVIDER > ABORT PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC2 , FORCED ABORT PROVIDER Guidelines HP recommends having a 15–second delay between issuing an ABORT PROVIDER command and issuing a DELETE PROVIDER command. This delay is especially recommended for the MAINTENANCE PROVIDER. ADD Commands ADD is a sensitive command that adds an object to the CIP subsystem. The fully qualified name assigned to the created object must be unique. The ADD command does not support wildcard characters. The CIP subsystem does not support the ADD MON or ADD PROCESS command. Add the CIPMON and CIPMAN processes in the Kernel subsystem, as described in Chapter 3 (page 69). ADD CLIM The ADD CLIM command makes a CLIM known to the system by specifying the name and location of the CLIM. The subsystem does not reveal whether an operational CLIM exists at the specified LOCATION until the CLIM object is started. ADD CLIM Command Syntax ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name ,LOCATION (group, module, slot, port, fiber) [ , CONNPTS { 1 | 2 } ] [ , MODE STORAGE | [, MODE {IP | OPEN}] [, MULTIPROV { ON | OFF } ] [, PROVIDER prov-name] ] 226 SCF Reference for CIP clim-name Specifies the name to be assigned to the CLIM. The name must be from one to eight alphanumeric characters long and use a leading alphabetic character. It must be unique within this system. The name must be the same as the CLIM hostname defined in the climconfig hostname command. HP recommends using a naming convention that identifies the physical location of the CLIM. See “Naming Convention Summary” (page 220) for information about how to name the CLIM. LOCATION (group ,module, slot, port, fiber ) Identifies the CLIM in terms of the physical location of the ServerNet switch to which the CLIM is connected. The group specifies the system enclosure, the module specifies the subset of the group, the slot specifies physical, labeled space in the module that identifies a particular ServerNet PIC. The port identifies a specific ServerNet connector within the ServerNet switch to which the CLIM is connected by a ServerNet cable. The fiber identifies a specific connector within ServerNet cable to which the CLIM is connected. Any one of the ServerNet ports to which the CLIM is connected can be specified and the other(s) are discovered automatically. The same location must not already be in use by another configured CLIM. The CLIM LOCATION attributes depend on whether your system has P-switches, VIO modules, or Blade switches. Valid CLIM LOCATION attributes for each of these types are: Group Module P-Switch 100 VIO Blade switch Slot Port Fiber 2 for X-fabric and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 3 for Y-fabric 1, 2, 3, 4 not supported 100 2 for X-fabric and 3, 4 3 for Y-fabric 1, 2, 3, 4 not supported 100, 101, 102, 103 2 for X-fabric and 5 for X-fabric 3 for Y-fabric and 7 for Y-fabric 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 1, 2, 3, 4 CONNPTS { 1 | 2 } Indicates whether there are one or two ServerNet connections for each fabric between the CLIM and the NonStop host system. The default is 2 for a STORAGE-mode CLIM and 1 for an IP-mode CLIM. MODE { IP | STORAGE | OPEN } Specifies the operation mode of the CLIM. IP mode provides access to TCP/IP networking. STORAGE mode provides access to disks and other storage devices. OPEN MODE provides access to the Telco CLIM. The default MODE is IP. A CLIM can be in IP and STORAGE modes and then provides access to both networks and to disks and other storage media. MULTIPROV { ON | OFF } Specifies whether the new CLIM with IP or OPEN MODE will support association with multiple IPDATA providers simultaneously. MULTIPROV OFF means that the CLIM can only be associated with the IPDATA provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM. MULTIPROV ON means that each data interface can be independently associated with an IPDATA provider. The MULTIPROV attribute is not valid for a CLIM with STORAGE MODE. The default is MULTIPROV OFF. PROVIDER prov-name Is the name of the single provider associated with the CLIM when MULTIPROV is OFF. If this CLIM has the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON, this provider is only used for an initial provider association for that CLIM during migration from MULTIPROV OFF. CIPMAN SCF Commands 227 The provider must already exist and must be of type IPDATA, but need not be started when configured. This attribute is valid only for a CLIM which has IP or OPEN MODE (i.e., a CLIM that can be used for TCP/IP networking). The same IPDATA provider can be associated with more than one CLIM. The default provider is ZTC0, which always exists and always is of type IPDATA. Example 27 adds to the system a network CLIM named N1002533 that is connected to the ServerNet switch in group 100, module 2, slot 5, port 3, fiber 3 and is associated with PROVIDER CSAM: Example 27 ADD IP CLIM > ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002533, LOCATION (100,2,5,3,3), PROVIDER CSAM, MODE IP This command adds to this system a Storage CLIM named S1002531 that is connected to the ServerNet switch in group 100, module 2, slot 5, port 3, fiber 1: Example 28 ADD Storage CLIM > ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.S1002531, LOCATION (100,2,5,3,1), MODE STORAGE ADD CLIM Guidelines • For an IP or OPEN MODE CLIM with MULTIPROV ON, an IPDATA provider is associated with each data interface that can be changed by the climconfig command. For an IP or OPEN MODE CLIM with MULTIPROV OFF, all data interfaces are associated with the IPDATA provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM. • The MULTIPROV attribute of a CLIM object has a direct impact on a CLIM-based configuration (a network configuration added using climconfig with the PROV attribute specified). When the MULTIPROV attribute is changed, the CLIM-based configuration is updated by CIP software to reflect the change in the MULTIPROV attribute. If MULTIPROV is changed from OFF to ON, all network resources already configured on the CLIM are associated with the provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of the CLIM object. If MULTIPROV is changed from ON to OFF, all network resources configured on that CLIM (specified by the PROVIDER attribute of the climconfig command used to configure the network resource) will no longer be explicitly associated with any specific provider, but are implicitly associated with the PROVIDER attribute of the CLIM object. ADD PROVIDER The ADD PROVIDER command creates a transport-service provider for application use. The PROVIDER object allows you to specify certain characteristics for applications such as IPv4 or IPv6. ADD PROVIDER Command Syntax ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name [[,TYPE IPDATA] [,SHARE-PORTS num-ports] [,FAMILY {INET | DUAL}]| ,TYPE MAINTENANCE, CLIM clim-name, IPADDRESS ip-addr] [,TPNAME tp-name] [,HOSTNAME hostname] [,HOSTID hostid] [,BRECVPORT (port [,port [...]])] [,TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN queue-size] prov-name Specifies the name given to the provider. The name must be from one to seven alphanumeric characters long and use a leading alphabetic character. If the name is no more than five characters long, it can serve as both the provider name and the CIPSAM process name; in that 228 SCF Reference for CIP case, omit the TPNAME option from the command. However, if the provider name is more than five characters long, it cannot be a CIPSAM process name; in that case, you must use the TPNAME option to specify the CIPSAM process name. The provider name must be unique within this system. TYPE {IPDATA | MAINTENANCE} Specifies the type of provider. IPDATA provider provides TCP/IP access by means of the data Ethernet ports of one or more CLIMs associated with that IPDATA provider. MAINTENANCE provider provides TCP/IP access by means of the maintenance Ethernet interface of a specific CLIM using a specific IP address. The default TYPE is IPDATA. SHARE-PORTS num-ports Is the number of ports reserved for TCP, SCTP, and UDP shared-ephemeral ports that can be on multiple CLIMs. Shared-ephemeral ports are those assigned by the CIP subsystem when an application has not bound to a specific IP address and interface. This attribute is valid only for a provider of TYPE IPDATA. The default is 1000. Possible values are in the range from 100 to 4000. FAMILY {INET | DUAL} Specifies the network mode of the provider. You can specify these modes: • INET – the provider is operated in IPv4 only mode • DUAL – the provider is operated in both IPv4 mode and IPv6 mode The default FAMILY is INET. CLIM clim-name Is the name of the CLIM associated with the Maintenance provider. This attribute is valid only for a provider of TYPE MAINTENANCE. The CLIM must already have been added and must be of IP MODE (that is, it must support TCP/IP networking), but does not need to be started. The same CLIM must not be associated with any other Maintenance provider. IPADDRESS ip-addr Specifies the IPv4 address associated with the Maintenance provider. This attribute is valid only for a provider of TYPE of MAINTENANCE. The IP address must be associated with the maintenance provider interface of the CLIM associated with the Maintenance provider (using CLIM-based configuration) before the Maintenance provider can be accessible by socket applications. Only class A, B, or C IP addresses are supported. IP address 127.*.*.* and D and E type addresses are not supported. TPNAME tp-name Is the CIPSAM transport-service provider process name. This is the name applications use to select the provider. It must be a valid process name with a leading dollar sign ($). The default value is the name of the PROVIDER object itself with a dollar sign ($) prepended. The process need not exist when you add the provider. HOSTNAME hostname Is the hostname returned by gethostname() when the transport-service provider is selected. The hostname is a string of up to 49 characters. The default is the Expand system name without the leading backslash (\). HOSTID hostid Is the host ID returned by gethostid() when the provider is selected. The host ID is in dotted quad format similar to an IPv4 address (but it is not actually an IPv4 address). The default value is BRECVPORT ( [ , port ] [ , port ] ... ) Specifies the UDPports that receive broadcast messages on sockets bound to specific IP addresses or INADDR_ANY. Ports not in the list can receive broadcast messages only on sockets bound CIPMAN SCF Commands 229 to INADDR_ANY. Up to eight port numbers can be specified. The range for each port number is 1 to 65535. The default is no port specified. NOTE: If any of the specified UDP ports are in the ephemeral or shared ephemeral port range, the behavior is the same as those ports not being specified. TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN queue-size Is the minimum queue length that is allocated on a TCP socket when a socket LISTEN or ACCEPT_NW1 function call is handled. This value is used if the queue length specified in the socket request is lower, otherwise the queue length in the socket request is used. The default is 128. The range is 1 to 1024. Example 29 adds an IPDATA provider named CSAM with an associated CIPSAM named $CSAM. The HOSTNAME is the local system name (MYSYS). Example 29 ADD PROVIDER > ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.CSAM ADD PROVIDER Guidelines • The CIP subsystem automatically adds a default IPDATA provider named ZTC0 during subsystem start up if that provider does not already exist. This default IPDATA provider cannot be deleted. • There is no access to the loopback IP address over Maintenance providers. • PROVIDER objects of TYPE MAINTENANCE always operate in IPv4–only mode. • The 1. 2. 3. • HP recommends having a 15 second delay between issuing a DELETE PROVIDER command and issuing an ADD PROVIDER command. This delay is especially recommended for the MAINTENANCE provider. correct order for adding CLIM and PROVIDER objects to the CIP subsystem is: Add PROVIDER objects with IPDATA TYPE Add CLIM objects Add PROVIDER objects with MAINTENANCE TYPE ADD ROUTE The SCF ADD ROUTE command creates a new ROUTE object in this system associated with an existing IPDATA provider. By adding a ROUTE, you can cause a provider to use a specific CLIM for default routing (when there is a valid default route configured on that CLIM). The SCF ROUTE object creates a route from the host to the specified CLIM. (See “ROUTE Object” (page 220) for more information about using the ROUTE object in CIP.) ADD ROUTE Command Syntax ADD ROUTE $ZZCIP prov-name.route-name , CLIM clim-name, FAMILY { INET | INET6 | DUAL } [,PRIORITY priority] prov-name Specifies the parent provider. The provider must already exist and must be of type IPDATA. route-name Specifies the name to be assigned to the ROUTE. The name must be from one to eight alphanumeric characters long and use a leading alphabetic character. It must be unique within the parent provider. CLIM clim-name Is the name of the CLIM associated with ROUTE. If the specified CLIM has the MULTIPROV attribute set to OFF, that CLIM must be associated with the parent provider (through the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM). To be configured, the CLIM must already have been added, 230 SCF Reference for CIP but need not be started. The same CLIM must not be associated with any other ROUTE object of the same family type with the same parent provider as this new ROUTE object. FAMILY { INET | INET6 | DUAL } Specifies the IP family for which this ROUTE object is applicable. This value can be: • INET, which indicates this ROUTE object is applicable to IPv4 • INET6, which indicates this ROUTE object is applicable to IPv6 • DUAL, which indicates this ROUTE object is applicable to both IPv4 and IPv6 The default value is the same as the parent IPDATA provider object FAMILY (either INET or DUAL). PRIORITY priority Specifies the relative priority level of ROUTE in relation to other ROUTE objects associated with the same provider. The priority value must be between 1 and 100. The default value is 50. Example 30 adds a route named ROUTE1 associated with parent PROVIDER ZTC0 and with N1002532. The priority is 50. Example 30 ADD ROUTE > ADD ROUTE $ZZCIP.ZTC0.ROUTE1, CLIM N1002532 ALTER Command The ALTER command includes ALTER CLIM and ALTER PROVIDER. ALTER CLIM The ALTER CLIM command is a sensitive command that changes one or more attributes of an existing CLIM in the target system. Only MULTIPROV and PROVIDER attributes can be changed using the ALTER CLIM command. ALTER CLIM Command Syntax ALTER CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name [, MULTIPROV { ON | OFF } ] [, PROVIDER prov-name ] clim-name specifies the name of the CLIM to be altered. MULTIPROV { ON | OFF } Specifies whether the new CLIM with IP or OPEN MODE will support association with multiple IPDATA providers simultaneously. MULTIPROV OFF means that the CLIM can only be associated with the IPDATA provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM. MULTIPROV ON means that each CLIM can be associated with multiple IPDATA providers. The MULTIPROV attribute is not valid for a CLIM with STORAGE MODE. The default is MULTIPROV OFF. PROVIDER prov-name Is the name of the single provider associated with the CLIM when MULTIPROV is OFF. If this CLIM has the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON, this attribute is only used for an initial provider association for that CLIM during migration from MULTIPROV OFF. The provider must already exist and must be of type IPDATA. This attribute is valid only for a CLIM which has IP or OPEN MODE (i.e., a CLIM that can be use for TCP/IP networking). The same IPDATA provider can be associated with more than one CLIM. The default provider is ZTC0, which always exists and always is of type IPDATA. This command reconfigures CLIM N1002541 so its MULTIPROV attribute is ON.: CIPMAN SCF Commands 231 Example 31 ALTER CLIM With MULTIPROV ON > ALTER CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002541, MULTIPROV ON ALTER CLIM Guidelines • The MULTIPROV and PROVIDER attributes can be altered only when the specified CLIM is not in STORAGE MODE. • If the specified CLIM has the MULTIPROV attribute set to OFF, the PROVIDER attribute can be altered only when the specified CLIM is in STOPPED state with no active interfaces failed-over to any other CLIMs and there are no ROUTE objects associated with the specified CLIM. • The MULTIPROV attribute can be altered to OFF only if the parent of all ROUTE objects associated with the specified CLIM is the same as the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM. • The MULTIPROV attribute can be altered to OFF when the specified CLIM is in STARTED state only if all configured network resources on the specified CLIM are associated with the provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM. • If both the MULTIPROV and PROVIDER attributes are being altered with the same command line, the behavior is the same as first altering the PROVIDER attribute (assuming the previous value of the MULTIPROV attribute) followed by altering the MULTIPROV attribute. If either attribute cannot be altered, both attributes will not be changed and the command will fail. • If the MULTIPROV attribute is altered successfully while the CLIM is not in STARTED state, the CIP subsystem will attempt to make sure that the configuration on that CLIM matches the updated MULTIPROV attribute during CLIM start up. If the configuration on that CLIM cannot be converted to match the updated MULTIPROV attribute, the CLIM will not be able to go to STARTED state and there will be an EMS event to indicate a configuration mismatch problem. In particular, if the MULTIPROV attribute is OFF but the CLIM is configured with MULTIPROV ON and has any configured network resources associated with a provider other than the provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM object, then the CLIM configuration cannot be converted to MULTIPROV OFF. • The CLIM may be altered in any state with the restrictions listed above. ALTER PROVIDER The ALTER PROVIDER command is a sensitive command that changes one or more attributes of an existing provider in the target system. ALTER PROVIDER Command Syntax ALTER PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name [,TPNAME tp-name] [,HOSTNAME hostname] [,HOSTID hostid] [,BRECVPORT {RESET |(port [,port [...]])] [,TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN queue-size ] [[,SHARE-PORTS num-ports] [,FAMILY {INET|DUAL}]| [,CLIM clim-name], IPADDRESS ip-addr]] prov-name specifies the name of the provider to be altered For the attribute definitions, see “ADD PROVIDER” (page 228) Example 32 reconfigures PROVIDER ZTC1 so its HOSTID is 232 SCF Reference for CIP Example 32 ALTER PROVIDER > ALTER PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC1, HOSTID ALTER PROVIDER Guidelines • The CLIM attribute and IPADDRESS attribute can be altered only when the specified provider is of MAINTENANCE TYPE and is in the STOPPED state. • The SHARE-PORTS attribute can be altered only when the specified provider is of IPDATA TYPE, the provider is in the STOPPED STATE, and all associated CLIMs are in the STOPPED state (or there is no associated CLIM). Associated CLIMs include all CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON that have one or more interfaces associated with the specified provider. • The FAMILY attribute can be altered only when the specified provider is of IPDATA TYPE and is in STOPPED state. • HOSTNAME, HOSTID, BRECVPORT, and TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN attributes can be altered even when the specified provider is in the STARTING or STARTED state. However, the new attribute values do not apply retroactively. For example, only new socket requests after the ALTER PROVIDER command completion are affected by the new attribute values. • TPNAME can only be altered when the specified Provider is in the STOPPED state. • Specifying BREVPORT RESET resets the list of UDP ports that receive broadcast messages on sockets bound to specific IP addresses or INADDR_ANY. The reset is to no ports specified. If you specify BRECVPORT with a list of ports, CIP sets the list of UDP ports that receive broadcast messages on sockets bound to specific IP addresses or INADDR_ANY to the new list of ports. The old list (if it existed) is ignored and no longer stored. DELETE Commands DELETE is a sensitive command that removes the specified object from the subsystem. DELETE CLIM The DELETE CLIM command deletes the specified CLIM object from this system. DELETE CLIM Command Syntax DELETE CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name clim-name Specifies the name of the CLIM to delete. Example 33 deletes S1003741 from this system. Example 33 DELETE CLIM > DELETE CLIM $ZZCIP.S1003741 DELETE CLIM Command Guidelines • The CLIM object must be in the STOPPED state, and no MAINTENANCE PROVIDER can exist that specifies the CLIM in its configuration. If an existing MAINTENANCE PROVIDER refers to the CLIM in its configuration, you must delete the MAINTENANCE PROVIDER before deleting the CLIM. • If there are any ROUTE objects subordinated to the associated IPDATA provider object that point to the specified CLIM, you cannot delete the CLIM . You must delete those ROUTE objects before deleting the CLIM. • If there are any interfaces associated with the specified CLIM still running on a failover CLIM, you cannot delete the CLIM. Use the STATUS CLIM command to obtain the list of CLIM interfaces CIPMAN SCF Commands 233 that are still running. Use the ABORT CLIM, INTFALL command to stop these interfaces on the failover CLIM. • If the CLIM is configured in STORAGE MODE and is being used by the storage subsystem, you cannot delete the CLIM. DELETE PROVIDER The DELETE PROVIDER command deletes the specified provider from this system. The provider must be in the STOPPED state, and no CLIM can exist that specifies the provider in its configuration. For the IPDATA provider, if an existing CLIM refers to the provider in its configuration, you must delete the CLIM before deleting the provider. The subordinated ROUTE objects must be deleted before the PROVIDER object can be deleted. DELETE PROVIDER Command Syntax DELETE PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name prov-name Is the name of the provider to delete. Example 34 deletes the provider named ZTC2. Example 34 DELETE PROVIDER > DELETE PROV $ZZCIP.ZTC2 Guidelines • The default IPDATA provider name ZTC0 cannot be deleted. • The proper order for deleting objects is: 1. Remove all ROUTE objects 2. Remove all PROVIDER objects of TYPE MAINTENANCE 3. Remove all CLIM objects 4. Remove all PROVIDER objects of TYPE IPDATA This order avoids the problem of a delete request being rejected due to the specified object being referenced by other objects. • HP recommends a 15–second delay between issuing a DELETE PROVIDER command and issuing an ADD PROVIDER command. This delay is especially recommended for the MAINTENANCE PROVIDER. • The IPDATA provider object cannot be deleted if there are configured interfaces associated with the provider, including data interfaces configured on CLIMs that have the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON. To see these data interfaces, issue the CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig prov -info {prov-name | all}, as described under climconfig.prov(1). DELETE ROUTE The SCF DELETE ROUTE command deletes the specified ROUTE object from this system. DELETE ROUTE Command Syntax DELETE ROUTE $ZZCIP.prov-name.route-name prov-name Specifies the parent provider. route-name Specifies the name of the ROUTE to delete. Example 35 deletes a ROUTE named ROUTE2 associated with parent provider ZTC1. 234 SCF Reference for CIP Example 35 DELETE ROUTE > DELETE ROUTE $ZZCIP.ZTC1.ROUTE2 INFO Commands INFO is a non-sensitive command that displays the configured settings for the specified object. An asterisk (*) next to a field name in the display indicates that the attribute is alterable. By default, the command displays a summary of the object configuration. Some commands allow specification of one or either of the following modifiers to change the output format: DETAIL Specifies that the display is to include additional detailed information about the object. OBEYFORM Causes the configuration to be displayed as ADD or ALTER commands so that it can be re-created. INFO CLIM The INFO CLIM command displays the configured attributes for the specified CLIM(s). NOTE: The storage subsystem ($ZZSTO) also supports an INFO CLIM command. For syntax and display examples, see the SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem. INFO CLIM Command Syntax INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name[,{DETAIL | OBEYFORM}] clim-name Is the name of the CLIM to display. A wildcard can specify multiple CLIMs. DETAIL Specifies that the display is to include additional detailed information about the CLIM. OBEYFORM Causes the configuration to be displayed as ADD command(s), so that it can be re-created. Example 36 displays summary information for all CLIMs recognized by this system. Example 36 INFO CLIM With Summary Display, NonStop NS16000 Series Server > INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.* CIP Info CLIM Name N100241 N100373 S101252 S101373 Mode IP IP STORAGE STORAGE Location (100 ,2 ,4 (100 ,2 ,5 (101 ,2 ,5 (101 ,3 ,7 ConnPts ,1) ,1) ,1 ) ,3 ) 2 2 2 2 Provider ZTC0 ZTC0 --- Mode Shows the operating mode of the CLIM. An IP CLIM provides access to TCP/IP networking. A STORAGE CLIM provides access to disks and other storage devices. A CLIM can provide both access to TCP/IP networking and access to disks and other storage devices. ConnPts Shows whether there are one or two ServerNet connections for each fabric between the CLIM and the NonStop host. Provider Shows the name of the IPDATA provider associated with a CLIM that is configured for IP MODE. Example 37 shows summary information for all known CLIMs on a NonStop system. CIPMAN SCF Commands 235 Example 37 INFO CLIM, Summary > INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.* CIP Info CLIM Name N1002541 N1002551 N1002581 N1002553 Mode IP IP IP,STORAGE STORAGE Location (100 ,2 ,5 (100 ,2 ,5 (100 ,2 ,5 (100 ,2 ,5 ,4 ,5 ,8 ,5 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,3 ) ) ) ) ConnPts 2 2 1 2 Provider *MultiProv ZTC0 ON ZTC0 ON ZSAM1 OFF --- Location Shows the location specified in the ADD CLIM command and is composed of five numbers: group, module, slot, port, and fiber. For descriptions of the fields, see Example 38. Example 38 displays detailed information for N1002541, which is configured for IP MODE. Example 38 INFO CLIM, Detailed, IP CLIM > INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002541, DETAIL CIP Detailed Info CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.N1002541 Mode....................... Configured Location........ ConnPts.................... X1 Location................ Y1 Location................ SvNet ID 1................. X2 Location................ Y2 Location................ SvNet ID 2................. Maintenance Interface IP... IP Group 100 , Module 2 , Slot 2 Group 100 , Module 2 , Slot Group 100 , Module 3 , Slot 0x000E3F22 Group 100 , Module 2 , Slot Group 100 , Module 3 , Slot 0x000E3F23 (Last Known) 5 , Port 4 , Fiber 1 5 , Port 4 , Fiber 1 7 , Port 3 , Fiber 1 5 , Port 3 , Fiber 2 7 , Port 3, Fiber 2 Network CLIM Information: *MultiProv.................. ON *Provider................... ZTC0 Index...................... 2 Maintenance Providers Configured: ZTCP0 NOTE: The Fiber attribute might not be supported on your system. For more information, see the planning guide for your system. Mode Shows the operating mode of the CLIM. An IP CLIM provides access to TCP/IP networking. A STORAGE CLIM provides access to disks and other storage devices. A Telco CLIM (Mode OPEN) provides access to Telco protocols to communicate with a Telco network. Configured Location Lists the location configured in the ADD CLIM command. ConnPts Shows whether there are one or two ServerNet connections for each fabric between the CLIM and the NonStop host. X1 Location Shows the CLIM's expected X-fabric connection location based on the configured location. Y1 Location Shows the CLIM's expected Y-fabric connection location based on the configured location. 236 SCF Reference for CIP SvNet ID 1 Shows the CLIM ServerNet ID based on the configured location. X2 Location Shows the CLIM’s expected second X-fabric connection location based on the configured location. This attribute is applicable only when the CLIM’s CONNPTS attribute is 2. Y2 Location Shows the CLIM’s expected second Y-fabric connection location based on the configured location. This attribute is applicable only when the CLIM’s CONNPTS attribute is 2. SvNet ID 2 Shows the CLIM’s second ServerNet ID based on the configured location. This attribute is applicable only when the CLIM’s CONNPTS attribute is 2. Maintenance Interface IP Shows the dedicated service LAN (eth0) IP address of the CLIM. If the CLIM is in the STOPPED state, this field indicates the last known dedicated service LAN IP address. If the information is not known, Not Known is displayed. If the information is based on last known information, but may not be accurate, (Last Known) is shown after the IP address. MultiProv Shows whether the specified IP or OPEN MODE CLIM support association with multiple IPDATA providers simultaneously. Provider Shows the name of the single IPDATA provider associated with a CLIM that is configured with IP or OPEN MODE and MULTIPROV OFF. For an IP or OPEN MODE CLIM with MULTIPROV ON, this shows the name of the IPDATA provider that would be associated with all networking objects configured on the CLIM during conversion from MULTIPROV OFF CLIM-based configuration to MULTIPROV ON CLIM-based configuration. Index Shows the index value for this IP or Telco CLIM within the associated IPDATA provider. This attribute is applicable only when the CLIM is configured with IP or OPEN MODE. This value is internally generated by CIPMAN. Maintenance Providers Configured Shows the name of maintenance providers that are associated with this CLIM and the IP addresses that have been configured for each maintenance provider. This attribute is applicable only when the CLIM is configured with IP MODE. This entry is not shown if no maintenance provider is associated with this CLIM. This is a sample detailed display of Telco CLIM O1002543, (Open MODE): Example 39 INFO CLIM Detailed, Telco CLIM, OPEN MODE > INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.01002543, DETAIL CIP Info 01002543 DETAIL CIP Detailed Info CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.01002543 Mode....................... Configured Location........ ConnPts.................... X1 Location................ Y1 Location................ SvNet ID 1................. X2 Location................ Y2 Location................ SvNet ID 2................. OPEN Group 100 , 2 Group 100 , Group 100 , 0x000E3F26 Group 100 , Group 100 , 0x000E3F27 Module 2 , Slot 5 , Port 4, Fiber 3 Module 2 , Slot 5 , Port 4, Fiber 3 Module 3 , Slot 7 , Port 4, Fiber 3 Module 2 , Slot 5 , Port 4, Fiber 4 Module 3 , Slot 7 , Port 4, Fiber 4 CIPMAN SCF Commands 237 Maintenance Interface IP... Network CLIM Information: MultiProv.................. OFF Provider................... ZSAM2 Index...................... 0 For definitions of the fields, see Example 38 (page 236). This is a sample detailed display of S1002551, configured as Storage MODE: Example 40 INFO CLIM Detailed, Storage > INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.S1002551, DETAIL CIP Detailed Info CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.S1002551 Mode....................... Configured Location........ ConnPts.................... X1 Location................ Y1 Location................ SvNet ID 1................. X2 Location................ Y2 Location................ SvNet ID 2................. Maintenance Interface IP... STORAGE Group 100 , Module 2 Group 100 , Module Group 100 , Module 0x000E3F28 Group 100 , Module Group 100 , Module 0x000E3F29 2 , Slot 5 , Port 5 , Fiber 1 2 , Slot 5 , Port 5 , Fiber 1 3 , Slot 7 , Port 5 , Fiber 1 2 , Slot 5 , Port 5 , Fiber 2 3 , Slot 7 , Port 5 , Fiber 2 The Fiber attribute might not be supported on your system. For more information, see the planning guide for your system. For definitions of the fields, see the IP CLIM example. A sample display N1002531 in the form of a command (Obey) file is: Example 41 INFO CLIM With OBEYFORM Display > INFO CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002531, OBEYFORM ADD CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002531 , & MODE IP , & CONNPTS 2 , & LOCATION (100 , 2 , 5 , 3 , 1 ) , & MULTIPROV OFF , & PROVIDER ZSAM2 INFO PROCESS The INFO PROCESS command displays attributes of the CIPMAN process. The DETAIL and OBEYFORM options are not valid for this command. INFO PROCESS Command Syntax INFO PROCESS $ZZCIP Example 42 displays summary information for CIPMAN on this system. Example 42 INFO PROCESS Summary > INFO PROCESS $ZZCIP CIP Info PROCESS \MYSYS.$ZZCIP PPID................ ( 2,289) BPID............... ( 3,271) INFO PROVIDER The INFO PROVIDER command displays the configured attributes for the specified PROVIDERs on this system. 238 SCF Reference for CIP INFO PROVIDER Command Syntax INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name [,DETAIL | ,OBEYFORM] provider-name Is the name of the PROVIDER object about which to display information. A wildcard can specify multiple providers. DETAIL Specifies that the display is to include additional detailed information about the provider. OBEYFORM Causes the configuration to be displayed as ADD or ALTER command(s), so that it can be re-created. Example 43 displays summary information for all PROVIDER objects. Example 43 INFO PROVIDER Summary Display > INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.* CIP Info PROVIDER Name PROV1 ZTC0 ZTCP0 *TPName $ZCSM1 $ZTC0 $ZTCP0 TYPE IPDATA IPDATA MAINTENANCE *HOSTNAME MYSYS MYSYS MYSYSMAINT Name Is the name of the provider. *TPName Is the name of the transport-service provider (CIPSAM) process. Type Shows the type of provider. An IPDATA provider provides TCP/IP access by means of the data Ethernet ports on one or more CLIMs associated with that IPDATA provider. The MAINTENANCE provider provides TCP/IP access by means of the maintenance Ethernet interface on a specific CLIM using a specific IP address. *HOSTNAME Is the name of the NonStop host system. Example 44 shows the detailed configuration of ZTC0 (IPDATA Provider). Example 44 INFO PROVIDER With Detailed Display > INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC0, DETAIL CIP Detailed Info PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZTC0 *TPName.................... Type...................... *HostID.................... *Hostname.................. *TCP-Listen-Que-Min........ *BRecvPort................ *Family.................... *Share-Ports............... $ZTC0 IPDATA MYSYS 128 No Ports Specified INET 1000 CLIMs Associated through CLIM’s PROVIDER Attribute: Name N1002541 N1002551 CLIMs Providing Data Access: Name Index MultiProv CIPMAN SCF Commands 239 N1002541 N1002551 N1002543 1 2 3 ON (Last Known) OFF ON TPName Is the CIPSAM transport-service provider process name. This is the name applications use to select the transport provider. It must be a valid process name with a leading dollar sign ($). The default value is the name of the PROVIDER object itself with a dollar sign ($) prepended. The process need not exist when you add the provider. Type Shows the type of provider. An IPDATA provider provides TCP/IP access by means of the data Ethernet ports on one or more CLIMs associated with that IPDATA provider. A MAINTENANCE provider provides TCP/IP access by means of the maintenance Ethernet interface of a specific CLIM using a specific IP address. HostID Is the host ID returned by gethostid() when the transport provider is selected. The host ID is an IPv4 address in dotted quad format. The default is Hostname Is the hostname returned by gethostname() when the transport provider is selected. The hostname is a string of up to 49 characters. The default is the Expand system name without the leading backslash (\). TCP-Listen-Que-Min Shows the minimum queue length that is allocated on a TCP socket when a socket LISTEN or ACCEPT_NW1 function call is handled. This value is used if the queue length specified in the socket request is lower, otherwise the queue length in the socket request is used. BRecvPort Shows the list of UDP ports that receive broadcast messages on sockets bound to specific IP addresses or INADDR_ANY. Ports not in the list can receive broadcast messages only on sockets bound to INADDR_ANY. If no port has been specified, “No Ports Specified” is displayed. NOTE: If any of the UDP ports shown are in the ephemeral or shared ephemeral port range, the behavior is the same as those ports not being in the BRECVPORT list. Family Specifies the network mode of the provider. INET family indicates the provider is operated in IPv4 only mode. DUAL family indicates the provider is operated in both IPv4 mode and IPv6 mode. Share-Ports shows the number of ports reserved for TCP and UDP shared-ephemeral ports. Ephemeral ports are those assigned by CIP subsystem when an application has not bound to a specific port. This attribute is applicable only when PROVIDER TYPE is IPDATA. CLIMs Associated through CLIM’s PROVIDER Attribute Lists the CLIMs associated with this provider. The PROVIDER attribute of these CLIMs is this provider. This attribute is applicable only when the provider is of TYPE IPDATA. NOTE: The list may be empty if there is no CLIM associated with the specified IPDATA provider. Name Is the name of the CLIM. 240 SCF Reference for CIP CLIMs Providing Data Access Lists the CLIMs actively providing network resources for use by this provider. Each of these CLIMs contains one or more interfaces associated with this provider. This attribute is applicable only when the provider is of TYPE IPDATA. NOTE: The list may be empty if there is no CLIM actively providing resources to the specified IPDATA provider. This attribute is displayed using — for both Name and Index. Name Is the name of the CLIM. Index Is the index value for the CLIM within the provider. MultiProv Is the MULTIPROV attribute value of the CLIM. “OFF” means the CLIM has the MULTIPROV attribute set to OFF. “ON” means the CLIM has the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON and currently has active interfaces associated with this provider. “ON (Last Known)” means the CLIM has the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON and previously had active interfaces associated with this provider. Example 45 shows detailed information for the provider ZTC0 (MAINTENANCE PROVIDER). Example 45 INFO PROVIDER (Maintenance) Detailed > INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP0, DETAIL CIP Detailed Info PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZTCP0 *TPName.................... Type...................... *HostID.................... *Hostname.................. *TCP-Listen-Que-Min........ *BRecvPort................ *CLIM...................... *IPAddress................. $ZTCP0 MAINTENANCE MYSYSMAINT 100 ( 109 , 1154 ) N1003741 CLIM Shows the name of the CLIM associated with the provider. This command is valid only for a PROVIDER of TYPE MAINTENANCE. IP Address Shows the IP address associated with the provider. This attribute is valid only for a PROVIDER of TYPE MAINTENANCE. Example 46 requests information for the PROVIDER ZTCP0 (maintenance provider) in the form of a command (Obey) file. Example 46 INFO PROVIDER (Maintenance) With OBEYFORM > INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP0, OBEYFORM ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP0 , & TPNAME $ZTCP0 , & HOSTNAME “MYSYSMAINT” , & HOSTID , & TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN 100 , & BRECVPORT ( 109 , 154 ), TYPE MAINTENANCE , & CLIM N1003741 , & IPADDRESS CIPMAN SCF Commands 241 Example 47 “INFO PROVIDER (IPDATA) With OBEYFORM” requests information for the provider PROV1 (IP Data Provider), in the form of a command (Obey) file. Example 47 INFO PROVIDER (IPDATA) With OBEYFORM > INFO PROVIDER $ZZCIP.PROV1, OBEYFORM ADD PROVIDER $ZZCIP.PROV1 , & TPNAME $ZCSM1 , & HOSTNAME “MYSYS” , & HOSTID , & TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN 128 , & TYPE IPDATA , & FAMILY INET , & SHARE-PORTS 1000 NOTE: Special handling of OBEYFORM output is done for the default IPDATA provider (ZTC0). For example, it must be specified using ALTER instead of ADD because ZTC0 cannot be added. NOTE: When the BRECVPORT attribute has no ports specified, the OBEYFORM output for the non-default IPDATA provider (in ADD format) does not omit the BRECVPORT attribute. For default IPDATA provider in ALTER format, the BRECVPORT attribute is specified as BRECVPORT RESET. Example 48 shows the INFO PROVIDER command for the default IPDATA PROVIDER (ZTCO). This command provides the output in a different format because the default IPDATA provider cannot be added. It can only be altered. Example 48 INFO PROVIDER (ZTCO) With OBEYFORM > ALTER PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC0 , & TPNAME $ZTC0 , & HOSTNAME "MYSYS" , & HOSTID , & TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN 128 , & BRECVPORT RESET , & FAMILY INET , & SHARE-PORTS 1000 For information about these attributes, see “INFO PROVIDER” (page 238). INFO ROUTE The SCF INFO ROUTE command displays the configuration of the specified ROUTE(s). INFO ROUTE Command Syntax INFO ROUTE $ZZCIP.prov-name.route-name [,OBEYFORM] prov-name Specifies the parent provider. A wildcard can specify multiple parent providers. route-name Specifies the name of the ROUTE to display. A wildcard can specify multiple ROUTEs. OBEYFORM Causes the configuration to be displayed as ADD command(s), so that it can be re-created. Example 49 shows the configuration of all ROUTE objects associated with provider PROV1. Example 49 INFO ROUTE Summary > INFO ROUTE $ZZCIP.PROV1.* CIP Info ROUTE 242 SCF Reference for CIP Name PROV1.DFLT1 PROV1.DFLT2 Family DUAL DUAL CLIM Priority N1003741 50 N1002532 90 Example 50 shows the configuration of ROUTE DFLT2 associated with provider PROV1 in the form of a command (Obey) file. Example 50 INFO ROUTE With OBEYFORM > INFO ROUTE $ZZCIP.PROV1.DFLT2, OBEYFORM ADD ROUTE $ZZCIP.PROV1.DFLT2 , & CLIM N1002532 , & FAMILY DUAL , & PRIORITY 90 For display field descriptions, see “ADD ROUTE” (page 230). LISTOPENS Commands LISTOPENS is a non-sensitive command that displays a list of the processes that currently have open sockets. By default, a summary of the processes and sockets is displayed. All commands allow a DETAIL modifier to show additional, detailed information. LISTOPENS MON The LISTOPENS MON command displays a list of all sockets opened by processes in the processor containing the specified CIPMON. LISTOPENS MON Command Syntax LISTOPENS MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn [,DETAIL] ZCMnn Identifies the CIPMON process to which the command applies. nn is a two-digit value in the range 00 through 15. A wildcard can specify multiple MONs. Example 51 displays a summary list of all processes in this system that have opened sockets in CIP: Example 51 LISTOPENS MON Summary > LISTOPENS MON $ZZCIP.* CIP Listopens MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM01 Openers \MYSYS.$ZPRP0 \MYSYS.$RMAIL \MYSYS.$MYWEB \MYSYS.$MYWEB Ppid 0,20 1,162 1,333 0,427 State LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN Proto TCP TCP TCP TCP Lport ECHO 10293 http 5988 Provider ZTCP0 ZTCP0 ZTCP0 ZTCP0 CLIM N1002531 N1002531 N1002531 N1002531 Proto TCP TCP TCP TCP UDP Lport telnet telnet telnet 10513 5010 Provider ZTC0 ZTC0 ZTC1 ZTC1 ZTC0 CLIM N1003742 N1003742 N1003742 N1003742 N1003742 CIP Listopens MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM02 Openers \MYSYS.$ZTN0 \MYSYS.$ZTN0 \MYSYS.$ZTN1 \MYSYS.$TEST6 \MYSYS Ppid 2,24 2,24 2,35 2,325 2,210 State LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN Opener Is the system name and process name of the process that opened the socket. If the process has no name, then only the system name appears. CIPMAN SCF Commands 243 Ppid Is the PID (cpu, process number) of the primary process that opened the socket. Bpid Is the PID (cpu, process number) of the backup process that opened the socket. If the process pair has no backup, the field is blank. Proto Is the protocol used to open the socket. Provider Is the provider used to open the socket. CLIM Is the CLIM that contains the socket. Lport Is the local port number associated with the socket. Common port numbers are displayed with a text name. Example 52 displays detailed information about opened sockets in processor 2. Example 52 LISTOPENS MON Detailed >LISTOPENS MON $ZZCIP.*, DETAIL CIP Detailed Listopens MON \SYSA.$ZZCIP.ZCM01 Opener:\SYSA.$ Plfn:6 Proto:TCP Provider:CSAM1 Lport:5000 FPort:0 Ppid: 1,325 Bpid: 0, 0 Blfn:2 State:0x0000080 SendQ:0 CLIM:N1002532 CLIM-FD:14 Laddr: Faddr: RecvQ:0 CIP Detailed Listopens MON \SYSA.$ZZCIP.ZCM02 Opener:\SYSA.$ Plfn:6 Proto:TCP Provider:CSAM1 Lport:0 FPort:0 Ppid: 2,304 Bpid: 0, 0 Blfn:1 State:0x0000080 SendQ:0 CLIM:N1002532 CLIM-FD:15 Laddr: Faddr: RecvQ:0 Opener Is the system name and process name of the process that opened the socket. If the process has no name, then only the system name appears. Ppid Is the PID (cpu, process number) of the primary process that opened the socket. Bpid Is the PID (cpu, process number) of the backup process that opened the socket. If the process pair has no backup, the field is blank. Plfn Is the logical file number of the socket in the primary process. Blfn Is the logical file number of the socket in the backup process, or zero if the backup process does not exist or have the socket open. Proto Is the protocol used to open the socket. 244 SCF Reference for CIP State Is the current state of the socket. The State value is either a translated text string for a TCP state or a cumulative bitwise value in hex format that represents a socket state. Text value: ESTAB indicates the socket is connected to a remote socket. LISTEN indicates the socket is in a listening state and is waiting for a connection from a remote host CLOSING indicates the socket is in the process of closing Hex value: 0x00010 indicates the socket can’t send any more data to its peer. 0x00020 indicates the socket can’t receive any more data from its peer. 0x00080 indicates the socket is operated in a privileged mode. This usually means the application is started by a super user. 0x00100 indicates the socket is operated in a non-blocking io mode. 0x04000 indicates the socket is a listening socket. 0x08000 indicates the socket has received a 0-byte indication. This usually means its peer socket is closed. SendQ Is the number of bytes of data in the send queue of the socket. RecvQ Is the number of bytes of data in the receive queue of the socket. If the socket state is "LISTEN" this is the number of connections queued on the socket yet to be accepted by the application. Provider Is the provider used to open the socket. CLIM Is the CLIM that contains the socket. CLIM-FD Is the CLIM software file descriptor number of the socket on the CLIM. Lport Is the local port number associated with the socket. Common port numbers are displayed with a text name. Laddr Is the local IP address associated with the socket. Fport Is the remote port number associated with the socket. Common port numbers are displayed with a text name. An asterisk (*) signifies that no remote port number is associated with the socket. Faddr Is the remote IP address associated with the socket. LISTOPENS PROVIDER The LISTOPENS PROVIDER command displays all sockets using the specified provider and identifies the process that opened each socket. CIPMAN SCF Commands 245 LISTOPENS PROVIDER Command Syntax LISTOPENS PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name [,DETAIL] prov-name Is the name of the provider to which the command applies. A wildcard can specify a set of providers. Example 53 displays information about processes that have opened sockets on PROVIDER ZTC0. Example 53 LISTOPENS PROVIDER Summary > LISTOPENS PROV $ZZCIP.ZTC0 CIP Listopens PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZTC0 Openers \MYSYS.$MYWEB \MYSYS.$MYWEB Ppid 1,333 1,333 Openers \MYSYS.$ZTN0 \MYSYS.$ZTN0 \MYSYS Ppid 2,24 2,24 2,210 State LISTEN LISTEN State LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN Proto Lport TCP http TCP http Proto TCP TCP UDP Provider ZTC0 ZTC0 Lport telnet telnet 5010 Provider ZTC0 ZTC0 ZTC0 CLIM N1002532 N1002532 CLIM N1002532 N1002532 N1002532 Opener Is the system name and process name of the process that opened the socket. If the process has no name, then only the system name appears. Ppid Is the PID (cpu, process number) of the primary process that opened the socket. Bpid Is the PID (cpu, process number) of the backup process that opened the socket. If the process pair has no backup, the field is blank. Proto Is the protocol used to open the socket. Provider Is the provider used to open the socket. CLIM Is the CLIM that contains the socket. Lport Is the local port number associated with the socket. Common port numbers are displayed with a text name. Example 54 displays detailed information about opened sockets using provider CSAM1. Example 54 LISTOPENS PROVIDER Detailed >LISTOPENS PROV $ZZCIP.CSAM1, DETAIL CIP Detailed Listopens provider \EUROPA.$ZZCIP.CSAM Opener:\EUROPA.$ Ppid: 2,480 246 SCF Reference for CIP Bpid: 0,0 Plfn:2 Blfn:5 Proto:TCP State:LISTEN SendQ:0 RecvQ:0 Provider:CSAM CLIM:*mult* CLIM-FD:41 Lport:3333 Laddr: FPort:0 Faddr: Opener:\EUROPA.$ Ppid: 2,480 Bpid:0,0 Plfn:7 Blfn:5 Proto:TCP State:ESTAB SendQ:0 RecvQ:0 Provider:CSAM CLIM:DL385F CLIM-FD:34 Lport:3333 Laddr: FPort:22861 Faddr: Opener:\EUROPA.$ Ppid: 2,500 Proto:TCP Provider:CSAM Lport:27501 Bpid: 0,0 State:0x00180 CLIM:DL385G Plfn:2 Blfn:5 SendQ:0 RecvQ:0 CLIM-FD:42 Laddr: FPort:0 Faddr: Bpid: 0,0 Plfn:7 Blfn:5 Proto:TCP State:0x080B0 SendQ:0 RecvQ:0 Provider:CSAM CLIM:DL385F CLIM-FD:34 Lport:3333 Laddr: FPort:27818 Faddr: Opener:\EUROPA.$ Ppid: 2,480 Opener Is the system name and process name of the process that opened the socket. If the process has no name, then only the system name appears. Ppid Is the PID (cpu, process number) of the primary process that opened the socket. Bpid Is the PID (cpu, process number) of the backup process that opened the socket. If the process pair has no backup, the field is blank. Plfn Is the logical file number of the socket in the primary process. Blfn Is the logical file number of the socket in the backup process, or zero if the backup process does not exist or have the socket open. Proto Is the protocol used to open the socket. State Is the current state of the socket. The State value is either a translated text string for a TCP state or a cumulative bitwise value in hex format that represents a socket state. Text value: ESTAB indicates the socket is connected to a remote socket. LISTEN indicates the socket is in a listening state and is waiting for a connection from a remote host CLOSING indicates the socket is in the process of closing CIPMAN SCF Commands 247 Hex value: 0x00010 indicates the socket can’t send any more data to its peer. 0x00020 indicates the socket can’t receive any more data from its peer. 0x00080 indicates the socket is operated in a privileged mode. This usually means the application is started by a super user. 0x00100 indicates the socket is operated in a non-blocking io mode. 0x04000 indicates the socket is a listening socket. 0x08000 indicates the socket has received a 0-byte indication. This usually means its peer socket is closed. SendQ Is the number of bytes of data in the send queue of the socket. RecvQ Is the number of bytes of data in the receive queue of the socket. If the socket state is "LISTEN" this is the number of connections queued on the socket yet to be accepted by the application. Provider Is the PROVIDER used to open the socket. CLIM Is the CLIM that contains the socket. CLIM-FD Is the CLIM software file descriptor number of the socket on the CLIM. Lport Is the local port number associated with the socket. Common port numbers are displayed with a text name. Laddr Is the local IP address associated with the socket. Fport Is the remote port number associated with the socket. Common port numbers are displayed with a text name. An asterisk (*) signifies that no remote port number is associated with the socket. Faddr Is the remote IP address associated with the socket. NAMES Commands NAMES is a non-sensitive command that displays a list of object types and names for the specified objects. NAMES $ZZCIP The NAMES command with no object type is identical to the “NAMES PROCESS”. The only required attribute for the NAMES command with no object type is the MAN process name, $ZZCIP. The NAMES PROCESS command shows the types and names of all objects subordinate to the specified process. NAMES $ZZCIP Command Syntax NAMES $ZZCIP 248 SCF Reference for CIP Example 55 NAMES $ZZCIP > NAMES PROCESS $ZZCIP CIP Names PROCESS \MYSYS.$ZZCIP PROCESS $ZZCIP MON $ZZCIP.ZCM00 $ZZCIP.ZCM01 $ZZCIP.ZCM02 $ZZCIP.ZCM03 PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC0 $ZZCIP.PROV1 CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 $ZZCIP.N1003741 NAMES CLIM The NAMES CLIM command displays the names of the specified CLIMs known by this system. NAMES CLIM Command Syntax NAMES CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name clim-name Specifies the CLIM names to display. If no such CLIM is known to this system, the output is an error message. A wildcard can specify multiple CLIMs. Example 56 displays the names of all CLIMs known by this system. Example 56 NAMES CLIM > NAMES CLIM $ZZCIP.* CIP Names CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.* CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 $ZZCIP.N1003741 $ZZCIP.N1012542 NAMES MON The NAMES MON command displays the names of the specified MON objects in this system. NAMES MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn ZCMnn Identifies the CIPMON process names to display. nn is a two-digit value in the range 00 through 15. A wildcard can specify multiple MONs in this system. Example 57 displays the names of all MONs in this system: Example 57 NAMES MON > NAMES MON $ZZCIP.* CIP Names MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.* MON $ZZCIP.ZCM00 $ZZCIP.ZCM01 $ZZCIP.ZCM02 $ZZCIP.ZCM03 NAMES PROCESS The NAMES PROCESS command displays the types and names of all objects subordinate to the specified process. CIPMAN SCF Commands 249 NAMES PROCESS Command Syntax > NAMES PROCESS $ZZCIP This command displays the names and types of all objects subordinate to CIPMAN on this system. Example 58 NAMES PROCESS > NAMES PROCESS $ZZCIP CIP Names PROCESS \MYSYS.$ZZCIP PROCESS $ZZCIP MON $ZZCIP.ZCM00 $ZZCIP.ZCM01 PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC0 $ZZCIP.PROV1 ROUTE $ZZCIP.ZTC0.ROUTE1 CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532 $ZZCIP.ZCM02 $ZZCIP.ZCM03 $ZZCIP.ZTC0.ROUTE2 $ZZCIP.PROV1.MYROUTE $ZZCIP.N1003741 NAMES PROVIDER The NAMES PROVIDER command displays the names of the specified PROVIDER objects on this system. NAMES PROVIDER Command Syntax NAMES PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name prov-name Identifies the PROVIDER object names to display. A wildcard can specify multiple providers. Example 59: NAMES PROVIDER displays the names of all providers known by this system: Example 59 NAMES PROVIDER > NAMES PROV $ZZCIP.* CIP Names PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.* PROVIDER $ZZCIP.SAM0 $ZZCIP.SAM1 $ZZCIP.SAM2 NAMES ROUTE The NAMES ROUTE command displays the names of the specified ROUTE objects on this system. NAMES ROUTE Command Syntax NAMES ROUTE $ZZCIP.prov-name.route-name prov-name Specifies the parent provider. A wildcard can specify multiple parent providers. route-name Specifies the name of the ROUTE to display. A wildcard can specify multiple ROUTEs. Example 60 displays the names of all ROUTE objects known by this system. 250 SCF Reference for CIP Example 60 NAMES ROUTE > NAMES ROUTE $ZZCIP.* CIP Names ROUTE \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.* ROUTE $ZZCIP.ZTC0.ROUTE1 $ZZCIP.ZTC0.ROUTE2 $ZZCIP.PROV1.MYROUTE PRIMARY Command The PRIMARY command changes the specified object in an object pair from the backup to the primary. PRIMARY PROCESS The PRIMARY PROCESS command is a sensitive command that changes which process of the CIPMAN process pair is the primary. PRIMARY PROCESS Command Syntax PRIMARY PROCESS $ZZCIP [,CPU cpu-number] cpu-number Is the new primary processor number. If you specify the current primary processor, the command does nothing. If you specify the current backup processor (or if you omit this parameter), the command switches to the backup processor. If you specify a number other than the current primary or backup processor, the command returns an error. This command switches CIPMAN to its backup process: Example 61 PRIMARY PROCESS > PRIMARY PROCESS $ZZCIP START Commands START is a sensitive command used to initiate operations on the specified object. The object enters the STARTING state, then progresses to the STARTED state if no error occurs during startup. START CLIM The START CLIM command starts operations on the specified CLIM. If the device at the configured LOCATION does not quickly respond as an operational CLIM, the CLIM object stays in the STARTING state. If an operational CLIM responds later, the CLIM object goes to the STARTED state. Prior to J06.08 and H06.19, the START command for the CLIM did not check that climcmnd was set up on that CLIM. As of J06.08 and H06.19, it does check. START CLIM Command Syntax START CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name clim-name Is the name of the CLIM to start. A wildcard can specify a set of CLIMs. This command starts operations on S1003741. CIPMAN SCF Commands 251 Example 62 START CLIM > START CLIM $ZZCIP.S1003741 START PROCESS The START PROCESS command starts the operation of all the objects in the CIP subsystem on this system. Because the target object is already started (by the persistence manager), the SUB ONLY option must be specified. START PROCESS Command Syntax START PROCESS $ZZCIP, SUB ONLY SUB Determines the set of objects and subordinate objects that the command targets. ONLY specifies that only subordinate objects are targets of the command. This commands starts all the configured objects in the CIP subsystem on this system. Example 63 START PROCESS > START PROCESS $ZZCIP, SUB ONLY START PROCESS Guidelines MON objects are not affected by the START PROCESS, SUB ONLY command. START PROVIDER The START PROVIDER command starts operations on the specified provider. The provider goes to the STARTED state only if the associated CLIM is in the STARTED state; otherwise it goes to the STARTING state. The associated CIPSAM process need not be running for the provider to be STARTED, but applications cannot use the provider until the CIPSAM process is started. START PROVIDER Command Syntax START PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name prov-name Is the name of the provider to start. A wildcard can specify a set of providers. Example 64 starts all configured providers: Example 64 START PROVIDER > START PROVIDER $ZZCIP.* STATS Commands STATS is a non-sensitive command that displays statistical information for the specified object. The STATS command shows statistics related to the NonStop system, the CLIM software, and communication between the two. The Linux ip, and netstat commands and the climconfig route command get TCP/IP, interface, and route statistics for the CLIMs . To access the Linux commands, enter: CLIMCMD clim-name Linux-command The RESET modifier resets the statistics to zero after displaying them. The command is sensitive if you specify RESET. STATS CLIM The STATS CLIM command displays statistical information kept by the NonStop Enterprise Division software on the specified CLIMs, which must be in the STARTED state. 252 SCF Reference for CIP The statistics pertain to the operation of the CLIM software and the CLIM-side communication with the NonStop host system. To get TCP/IP protocol statistics, use the Linux netstat command on the CLIM. (To obtain information about the netstat command, enter CLIMCMD clim-name man netstat at the TACL prompt.) NOTE: For better performance, always use the –n option with netstat. STATS CLIM Command Syntax STATS CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name [,RESET] clim-name Is the name of the CLIM for which to display statistical information. A wildcard can specify a set of CLIMs. RESET Resets statistics to zero after displaying them. Example 65: STATS CLIM displays statistics for N1003741. Example 65 STATS CLIM > STATS CLIM $ZZCIP.N1003741 CIP Stats CLIM \COCOA.$ZZCIP.N1003741 Sample Time ... 11 Jun 2008, 23:51:49.000 Reset Time .... 09 Jun 2008, 2:28:39.000 CLIMMON STATS Event Log Entries......... 0 CLIMAGT Failures.......... 0 Restarts.................. 1 CIPSSRV0 Failures......... 0 CLIMAGT STATS Event Log Entries........... Buffer denials.............. IT-API errors............... Last IT-API error code...... Linux errors................ Last Linux errno............ Current bfr bytes in use.... High bfr bytes in use....... Total msgs sent............. Total msgs received......... Current connected Cpus...... Queued Commands............. 7 0 4 12 2 22 0 2048 289299 289293 4 2 High connected Cpus......... 4 Failed Commands............. 0 CIPSSRV0 STATS Event Log Entries........... Buffer denials.............. IT-API errors............... Last IT-API error code...... Linux errors................ Last Linux errno............ Current bfr bytes in use.... High bfr bytes in use....... Total msgs sent............. Total msgs received......... Total bytes sent............ Total bytes received........ Current connected Cpus...... Deferred Sends.............. Current TCP Listen Sockets.. Current UDP Sockets......... Current TCP Connections..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1048727 1048727 69 76 1080 1024 4 0 0 0 0 High connected Cpus......... Failed Commands............. High TCP Listen Sockets..... High UDP Sockets............ High TCP Connections........ 4 0 0 1 1 CIPMAN SCF Commands 253 CLIMMON STATS Heads the statistics taken from the CLIMMON process, which starts and monitors the other CIP subsystem components on the CLIM. Event Log Entries Shows the number of syslog entries generated by the CLIMMON process since the last reset. Restarts Shows the number of times CLIMMON restarted the CLIMAGT and CIPSSRVx processes since the last reset. All these processes are restarted when any one indicates a failure. CLIMAGT Failures Shows the number of times the CLIMAGT process indicated a failure since the last reset. CIPSSRVx Failures Shows the number of times the given CIPSSRV process indicated a failure since the last reset. Only one CIPSSRV process (CIPSSRV0) is present in CIP. CLIMAGT STATS Heads the statistics taken from the CLIMAGT process, which performs management requests originating from the NonStop host system. Event Log Entries Shows the number of syslog entries generated by the process since the last reset. Buffer Denials Shows the number of times a buffer for communication with the NonStop host system could not be obtained since the last reset; this symptom indicates memory overflow. IT-API Errors Shows the number of errors returned from the low-level ServerNet communication handlers since the last reset. Last IT-API error code Shows the status code of the last IT-API error or zero if there has been no error. Linux Errors Shows the number of errors returned from the CLIM side of CIP since the last reset. Last Linux errno Shows the errno value of the last CLIM software error or zero if there has been no error. Current bfr bytes in use Shows the amount of memory currently used for communication with the NonStop host system. High bfr bytes in use Shows the highest amount of memory used for communication with the NonStop host system since the last reset. Current connected Cpus Shows the current number of NonStop host system processors connected. High connected Cpus Shows the highest number of NonStop host system processors connected at one time since the last reset. Total msgs sent Shows the total number of messages sent to all NonStop host system processors since the last reset. Total msgs received Shows the total number of messages received from all NonStop host system processors since the last reset. 254 SCF Reference for CIP Queued Commands Shows the number of SCF commands queued for processing. Failed Commands Shows the total number of SCF commands that could not be completed since the last reset. CIPSSRVx STATS Heads the statistics taken from each CIPSSRV process, which performs application socket requests. Only one CIPSSRV process (CIPSSRV0) is present in CIP. Statistics with the same title as those for the CLIMAGT contain the same information for the CIPSSRV process. Those unique to CIPSSRV follow: Total bytes sent Shows the total number of data bytes sent to all NonStop host system processors. Total bytes received Shows the total number of data bytes received from all NonStop host system processors. Deferred Sends Shows the total number of times a send request could not be performed immediately. Failed Commands Shows the total number of socket requests that could not be completed since the last reset. Current TCP Listen Sockets Shows the current number of open TCP listen sockets. High TCP Listen Sockets Shows the highest number of TCP listen sockets open at one time since the last reset. Current UDP Sockets Shows the current number of open UDP sockets. High UDP Sockets Shows the highest number of UDP sockets open at one time since the last reset. Current TCP Connections Shows the current number of TCP connections. High TCP Connections Shows the highest number of TCP connections at one time since the last reset. STATS MON The STATS MON command displays the statistics kept by the specified CIPMON process or processes running on this system. STATS MON Command Syntax STATS MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn, [RESET] ZCMnn Identifies the CIPMON process for which to display statistics. nn is a two-digit value in the range 00 through 15. A wildcard (*) can specify multiple CIPMONs. Example 66: STATS MON displays statistics for the CIPMON object ZCM01. Example 66 STATS MON > STATS MON $ZZCIP.ZCM01 CIP Stats MON \COCOA.$ZZCIP.ZCM00 Sample Time ... 11 Jun 2008, 23:55:55.300 Reset Time .... 07 Jun 2008, 16:15:13.781 SOCKET STATS CIPMAN SCF Commands 255 Total Recv Socket Reqs...... Total Recv Errors........... Total Send Socket Reqs...... Total Send Errors........... Data Bytes Sent............. Data Bytes Received......... Total Connections Out....... Current TCP Listen Sockets.. Current UDP Sockets......... Current TCP Connections..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOCKET SEND SIZE HISTOGRAM Size 1-128.................. Size 257-512................ Size 1025-2048.............. Size 4097-8192.............. Size 12289-16384............ Size 32769 and larger....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 MON STATS Total Messages Sent......... Total Messages Received..... Current Connected CLIMs..... Total Rejected Connections.. 0 0 2 129 Total Connections In........ High TCP Listen Sockets..... High UDP Sockets............ High TCP Connections........ 0 0 0 0 Size Size Size Size Size 0 0 0 0 0 129-256................ 513-1024............... 2049-4096.............. 8193-12288............. 16385-32768............ High Connected CLIMs........ 2 Deferred Sends.............. 0 Total Recv Socket Reqs Shows the total number of receive socket requests across all CLIMs since the last reset. Total Recv Errors Shows the total number of receive socket requests that returned an error since the last reset. Total Send Socket Reqs Shows the total number of send socket requests across all CLIMs since the last reset. Total Send Errors Shows the total number of send socket requests that returned an error since the last reset. Data Bytes Sent Shows the total number of data bytes sent to all CLIMs since the last reset. Data Bytes Received Shows the total number of data bytes received from all CLIMs since the last reset. Total Connections Out Shows the total number of connection requests sent to all CLIMs since the last reset. Total Connections In Shows the total number of connection requests received from all CLIMs since the last reset. Current TCP Listen Sockets Shows the current number of open TCP listen sockets. High TCP Listen Sockets Shows the highest number of open TCP listen sockets at one time since the last reset. Current UDP Sockets Shows the current number of open UDP listen sockets. High UDP Sockets Shows the highest number of UDP listen sockets open at one time since the last reset. Current TCP Connections Shows the current number of TCP connections. 256 SCF Reference for CIP High TCP Connections Shows the highest number of TCP connections at one time since the last reset. SOCKET SEND SIZE HISTOGRAM Shows the number of socket send requests across all CLIMs, organized by the length of the request. Size x-xxxx Is the count of socket sends between x and xxxx bytes. Size 32769 and larger Is the count of socket sends greater than 32769 bytes. Total Messages Sent Shows the total number of messages sent to all CLIMs since the last reset. Total Messages Received Shows the total number of messages received from all CLIMs since the last reset. Current connected CLIMs Shows the current number of CLIMs connected. High connected CLIMs Shows the highest number of CLIMs connected at one time since the last reset. Total Rejected Connections Shows the total number of attempts to connect to a CLIM that were rejected. Deferred Sends Shows the total number of times a send request could not be performed immediately. STATUS Commands STATUS is a non-sensitive command that displays the current status of an object as viewed by this system or CIPMON. Some STATUS commands accept the DETAIL option, which specifies that the display is to include additional, detailed status information about the object. STATUS CLIM The STATUS CLIM command displays the current status of the specified CLIM object(s) on this system. The summary display shows the summary state, which reflects the last START/STOP/ABORT command issued to the object. The detailed display also shows the status of the CLIM interfaces and the connections to the CLIM from the individual CIPMONs. Use the CLIM software climstatus command on the CLIM to display similar information from the viewpoint of the CLIM. NOTE: The storage subsystem ($ZZSTO) also supports a STATUS CLIM command. For syntax and display examples, see the SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem. STATUS CLIM Command Syntax STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name [,DETAIL] clim-name Is the name of the CLIM for which to display status information. A wildcard can specify a set of CLIMs. Example 67: STATUS CLIM Summary shows the state of all configured CLIMs: Example 67 STATUS CLIM Summary > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.* CIP Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.* Name N1002532 Present Yes State STARTED Trace OFF CIPMAN SCF Commands 257 N1003741 N1012542 Yes Yes STARTED STARTED 1, 2 2 Present Indicates whether an operational CLIM is present at the configured location and can have any of the values Yes CLIM is connected at all configured locations and is usable Partial CLIM is connected at some but not all configured locations and is usable No CLIM is not connected at any of the configured locations (not usable) Conflict Two or more CLIMs are connected to the configured locations (not usable) Problem A connection problem exists at one or more configured locations (not usable) Trace Shows a list of the processors that have started a trace on the CLIM, or OFF if none. Example 68: STATUS CLIM Detailed displays detailed status information for N100234 on a NonStop NS16000 server. Example 68 STATUS CLIM Detailed NOTE: The storage subsystem ($ZZSTO) also supports a STATUS CLIM command. For syntax and display, see the SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem. > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.N100234, DETAIL Example 69: STATUS CLIM Detailed displays detailed status information for C100271 on a NonStop system. Example 69 STATUS CLIM Detailed This example shows the Multiple Providers per CLIM option, MULTIPROV ON, and displays output for multiple providers. > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.C100271, DETAIL CIP Detailed Status CLIM \NSAA11.$ZZCIP.N1002541 Mode...................... Multiprov................. CLIM HW Connection Status. State..................... ConnPts................... X1 Location............... Expected Y1 Location...... X2 Location............... Expected Y2 Location...... X1 Connection Status...... Y1 Connection Status...... X2 Connection Status...... Y2 Connection Status...... Trace Status.............. IP ON Connected STARTED 2 Group 100 Group 100 Group 100 Group 100 Connected Connected Connected Connected OFF , , , , Module Module Module Module 2 3 2 3 , , , , Slot Slot Slot Slot 7 7 7 7 , , , , Last Restart Time......... 16 May 2012, 13:10:29.000 CLIM Hostname............. C100271 CIP SW Version............ T0853H01_17AUG2012_15MAY2012_ACA Port Port Port Port Network SW Version........ T0691H01_17AUG2012_ACA_CLIM_E13 Storage SW Version........ T0830H01_17AUG2012_14MAY2012_AAZ Number of Socket Servers.. 1 258 SCF Reference for CIP 1 1 2 2 Linux Version: Linux 3.2.12-clim-5-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Apr 27 22:27:05 UTC 2012 Fabric Status: CIPMON Mgmt ZCM00 XY-1 ZCM01 XY-1 ZCM02 XY-1 ZCM03 XY-2 ZCM04 XY-1 ZCM05 XY-2 ZCM06 XY-2 ZCM07 XY-1 ZCM08 XY-1 ZCM09 XY-2 ZCM10 XY-2 ZCM11 XY-1 ZCM12 XY-2 ZCM13 XY-1 ZCM14 XY-1 ZCM15 XY-2 Data XY-1 XY-1 XY-1 XY-2 XY-1 XY-2 XY-2 XY-1 XY-1 XY-2 XY-2 XY-1 XY-2 XY-1 XY-1 XY-2 CLIM Maintenance Interface Status & IP Addresses: lo Sts:UP Lkp:-IPv4: IPv6: ::1 eth0 Sts:UP Lkp:UP IPv4: IPv6: fe80::21c:c4ff:fede:d112 Data Provider CSAM Interface Status & IP Addresses: Flg Name Status LkP Master / IP Family & Address lo UP -IPv4: IPv4: IPv6: ::1 eth5 UP UP IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:190:1:21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1e IPv6: 3ffe:1200:190:2:21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1e IPv6: fe80::21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1e eth1 UP UP IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:190:1:21c:c4ff:fede:d110 IPv6: 3ffe:1200:190:2:21c:c4ff:fede:d110 IPv6: fe80::21c:c4ff:fede:d110 (T) TUN0 UP UP eth1 IPv6: 1234::12 IPv6: fe80::ac11:be1e bond1 UP UP IPv4: IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:190:2:21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1d IPv6: 3ffe:1200:190:1:21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1d IPv6: fe80::21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1d eth3 RDY UP bond1 IPv4: eth2 RDY UP bond1 IPv4: Data Provider CSAM2 Interface Status & IP Addresses: Flg Name Status LkP Master / IP Family & Address lo UP -IPv4: IPv4: IPv6: ::1 CIPMAN SCF Commands 259 eth4 UP UP IPv4: IPv6: IPv6: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:190:2:21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1f 3ffe:1200:190:1:21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1f fe80::21f:29ff:fe0d:ac1f Data Provider LOOP Interface Status & IP Addresses: Flg Name Status LkP Master / IP Family & Address lo UP -IPv4: IPv4: IPv6: ::1 Interface Failover Configuration and Status: Flg Name Failover/(Assoc) Fovr C100271.eth5 C100263.eth5 Home C100271.bond1 -(T) C100271.TUN0 (C100271.eth1) Home C100271.eth1 C100263.eth1 Home C100271.eth4 -- Current C100271.eth5 C100271.bond1 C100271.TUN0 C100271.eth1 C100271.eth4 Provider CSAM CSAM CSAM CSAM CSAM2 NOTE: The Fiber attribute might not be supported on your system. For more information, see the planning guide for your system. NOTE: CLIM Maintenance Interface Status & IP Addresses, Maintenance Provider Interface Status & IP Addresses, and Data Interface Status & IP Addresses are usually available only if the CLIM is in the STARTED state. Mode Shows the operation mode of the CLIM. An IP CLIM (Mode is IP) provides access to TCP/IP networking. A STORAGE CLIM (Mode is STORAGE) provides access to disks and other storage devices. An OPEN CLIM (Mode is OPEN) provides access to hosting application code other than the standard HP CLIM code and can be used for telecommunication or financial applications. CLIM can provide both access to TCP/IP networking and access to disks and other storage devices. MultiProv Indicates whether the specified IP or OPEN MODE CLIM supports association with multiple IPDATA providers simultaneously. CLIM HW Connection Status Indicates overall hardware connectivity between a CLIM and this NonStop system at the configured locations and can have any of the values: Connected CLIM is connected at all configured locations and is usable. Partially Connected CLIM is connected at some but not all configured locations and is usable. Not Connected CLIM is not connected at any of the configured locations (not usable). Conflict Two or more CLIMs are connected to the configured locations (not usable). Connection Problem A connection problem exists at one or more configured locations (not usable). State Shows the CLIM object state, either STOPPED, STARTING, or STARTED. If the object is STOPPED, the subsequent fields are omitted. If the object is not STARTED, the CLIM restart time, hostname, versions, and interface status fields are omitted. 260 SCF Reference for CIP ConnPts Shows whether there are one or two ServerNet connections configured per fabric between CLIM and the NonStop host system. X1 Location Shows the CLIM’s first X-fabric location based on the configured location. Y1 Location Shows the CLIM’s first Y-fabric location based on the configured location. X2 Location Shows the CLIM’s second X-fabric location based on the configured location. This is applicable only when CLIM’s CONNPTS attribute is 2. Y2 Location Shows the CLIM’s second Y-Fabric location based on the configured location. This is applicable only when CLIM’s CONNPTS attribute is 2. X1 Connection Status, Y1 Connection Status, X2 Connection Status, Y2 Connection Status Indicate whether the CLIM is connected to each ServerNet fabric at the expected location. X2 Connection Status and Y2 Connection Status are applicable only when the CLIM’s CONNPTS attribute is 2. The possible values are: Connected The CLIM is correctly connected at the specified location. Not Connected No operational device is connected at the specified location. Port Misconfigured The specified location is not configured for connection with a CLIM. Location Mismatch The CLIM is not configured to be connected at the specified location. System Mismatch The CLIM is not configured to be connected to this system. Mode Mismatch The MODE attribute of this CLIM object does not match the corresponding mode configured on the CLIM hardware. ConnPts Mismatch The number of ServerNet connections per fabric configured for this CLIM object is different than the value configured on the CLIM hardware. Unsupported Location Specified location is not a supported connection location for a CLIM on this system. Trace Status Shows the processors that are tracing the CLIM and each trace file name. If no processor is tracing the CLIM, the value in this field is OFF. Last Restart Time Shows the time of the last CLIM software restart as saved by the CLIM. CIP/Linux Hostname Shows the CLIM software hostname configured on the CLIM. This must be identical to CLIM object name. Network SW Version Shows the version of CIP subsystem network software running on the CLIM. Storage SW Version Shows the version of Storage subsystem software installed on the CLIM. Number of Socket Servers Shows the number of Socket Server (CIPSSRV) processes running on the CLIM. CIP/Linux Version Shows the version of CLIM software running on the CLIM. This value is retrieved from the /proc/version file. CIPMAN SCF Commands 261 Fabric Status Displays the CIPMON status, connections to the CLIM, and availability of the X and Y ServerNet fabrics for each running processor in the system. The Mgmt column shows the management connection to CLIMAGT, and the Data column shows the data path connections to the CIPSSRV processes. The possible values are: MON-DOWN CIPMON is down. -- CIPMON is up, but no connection is established. X- Connection is established; only the X fabric is available. -Y Connection is established; only the Y fabric is available. XY Connection is established; X and Y fabrics are available. The number suffix (for example, -1) indicates the particular set of ServerNet fabrics being used for the connection with the CLIM. For example XY-1 indicates that a connection is established on both fabrics using SvNet ID 1 (that is, ServerNet ID of the first set of ServerNet connections). CLIM Maintenance Interface Status & IP Addresses Shows the dedicated service LAN interface (eth0) on the CLIM, giving the interface status (UP or DOWN), link pulse status, and IP address. If multiple IP addresses are associated with the maintenance interface, they are shown on separate lines. Maintenance Provider Interface Status & IP Addresses Shows the maintenance provider interface (eth0:0) on the CLIM configured to support Maintenance Provider, showing: Interface name Name of maintenance provider interface on the CLIM (eth0:0) Interface status UP, DOWN or DNOP (down due to operator command) Link pulse status UP, DOWN, or — if no link pulse status IP address(es) IP address family and actual IP address for the interface If multiple IP addresses are associated with the maintenance provider interface, they are shown on separate lines. This attribute is applicable only when there is a maintenance provider interface configured on the CLIM and if the CLIM has IP MODE. Link pulse status of the maintenance provider interface is identical to link pulse status of CLIM dedicated service LAN interface. Data Provider prov-name Interface Status & IP Addresses Shows the CLIM’s data interfaces on the CLIM for a particular provider, including: Flag Indicates a special condition of the interface or IP address: • (V) for IP address created to support failover from other CLIM • (F) for interface that is currently active on a different CLIM) • (T) for manually configured IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel interface • (X) indicates an interface whose failover configuration is invalid Interface name Is the name of the interface on the CLIM Interface status Is UP, RDY, DNOP, or DOWN. • UP indicates the interface resources are active and usable • RDY indicates the interface is usable but resources are not active 262 SCF Reference for CIP • DNOP indicates the interface is down due to an operator command (not usable) • DOWN indicates the interface is down due to a failure on the CLIM (not usable) Link pulse status Is UP, DOWN, or — • UP indicates the link is active • DOWN indicates the link is inactive • — indicates no link pulse status if no link pulse status Master name Is the name of the master interface if this is a slave interface (otherwise, this attribute is empty) IP addresses Is the IP address family and actual IP address associated with the interface Physical interfaces other than eth0, logical interfaces, and bonded interfaces are shown. Slave interfaces show their master bonded interface in the column labeled Master. Each IP address associated with an interface (there can be multiple IP addresses) is shown on separate line. More information about the CLIM interfaces can be retrieved using the CLIM software ifconfig command on the CLIM. This attribute is applicable only if the CLIM is of IP or OPEN MODE and is in the STARTED state. NOTE: If the specified prov-name does not exist on the system, “(Provider Does Not Exist)” will be appended to the header line. If the specified is not an IPDATA Provider, “(Provider Not IPDATA)” will be appended to the header line. In both cases, you cannot use the interfaces associated with those providers. Interface Failover Configuration and Status Shows the CLIM’s data interfaces failover configuration and status information. Field definitions are: Flag Indicates a special condition of the interface: • (V) indicates an interface failover from another CLIM • (F) for an interface that is currently active on a different CLIM) • (T) indicates a manually configured IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel interface • (X) indicates an interface whose failover configuration is invalid • (P) indicates an interface whose provider configuration is invalid or does not exist Interface name Name of interface from the socket-application perspective, (host interface name) Failover/(assoc) Name of the failover interface for the specified interface or the name of the associate interface for a tunnel interface. If this field is shown in parentheses, then it is an associate interface. Failover status Indicates the failover status of the interface: • — indicates that no failover is configured • HOME indicates that the interface is running on its home interface • BkFO indicates that the interface is running on its failover interface due to a failure condition • BkOP indicates the interface is running on its failover interface due to an operator request • BkUN indicates the interface is running at its failover interface for an unknown reason. (CIPMAN has restarted.) CIPMAN SCF Commands 263 Current location Indicates the current location of the interface (home interface or failover interface). If there is no failover (HOME or __), the location is the same as the interface name. If there is failover, then this field is identical to the failover interface at the time of the failover. Provider Indicates the name of the associated IPDATA provider. NOTE: Interface failover status is only applicable when CLIM has IP or OPEN MODE. NOTE: In special cases, current can be something other than the home interface or the current failover interface. In such a case, current is the previous failover interface (which was correct at the time the interface failed over), but the failover configuration for that interface has changed to use a different failover interface. Example 70: STATUS CLIM, Starting displays detailed status information on a CLIM in STARTING state: Example 70 STATUS CLIM, Starting > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002541, DETAIL CIP Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.N1002541 Mode...................... MultiProv................. CLIM HW Connection Status. State..................... ConnPts................... X1 Location............... Y1 Location............... X1 Location............... Y1 Location............... X1 Connection Status...... Y1 Connection Status...... X2 Connection Status...... Y2 Connection Status...... Trace Status.............. IP ON Not Connected STARTING 2 Group 100 , Module Group 100 , Module Group 100 , Module Group 100 , Module Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected Not Connected OFF 2 3 2 3 , , , , Slot Slot Slot Slot 5 7 5 7 , , , , Port Port Port Port 4 4 4 4 , , , , Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber 1 1 2 2 Last Known Problem........ CLIM Hardware Not Connected Last Known MultiProv IPDATA Provider Associations: ZTC0 ZSAM1 Last Known Problem Shows last known reason for the CLIM staying in STARTING state. This entry applies to STARTING state, only, and is not shown for CLIMs in STOPPED or STARTED state. Last Known MultiProv IPDATA Provider Associations Lists the IPDATA providers that are associated with this CLIM based on the last known configuration information for that CLIM. This entry applies only when the CLIM has IP or OPEN MODE with MULTIPROV ON in STARTING or STOPPED state. This entry is not shown for CLIMs with STORAGE MODE, CLIMs with MULTIPROV OFF or CLIMs in STARTED state. If there are no known IPDATA providers associated with a CLIM with MULTIPROV ON, no names are listed. Example 71: STATUS CLIM, Detailed, Storage CLIM displays detailed status information for CLIM S1002553: Example 71 STATUS CLIM, Detailed, Storage CLIM > STATUS CLIM $ZZCIP.S1002553, DETAIL CIP Detailed Status CLIM \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.S1002553 264 SCF Reference for CIP Mode...................... CLIM HW Connection Status. State..................... ConnPts................... X1 Location............... Y1 Location............... X2 Location............... Y2 Location............... X1 Connection Status...... Y1 Connection Status...... X2 Connection Status...... Y2 Connection Status...... Trace Status.............. STORAGE Connected STARTED 2 Group 100 Group 100 Group 100 Group 100 Connected Connected Connected Connected OFF , , , , Module Module Module Module 2 3 2 3 , , , , Slot Slot Slot Slot 5 7 5 7 , , , , Port Port Port Port 5 5 5 5 , , , , Fiber Fiber Fiber Fiber 3 3 4 4 Last Restart Time......... 02 Sep 2007, 12:40:55.000 CLIM Hostname............. S1002541 CIP SW Version............ T0853H01_01MAY2008_03MAR2008_ Network SW Version........ T0691H01_01MAY2008_AAA_CLIM Storage SW Version........ TXXXXH06_19MAY2007_H06_YYYYYYY Number of Socket Servers.. 1 Linux Version: Linux version 2.6.18-6-clim-amd64 (Debian 2.6.18.dfsg.1-18hpdeetch 1hpde1.1) ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 28 01:10:30 UTC 2008 Fabric Status: CIPMON Mgmt ZCM00 XY-1 ZCM01 XY-2 ZCM02 XY-1 ZCM03 XY-2 Data XY-1 XY-2 XY-1 XY-2 CLIM Maintenance Interface Status & IP Addresses: lo Sts:UP LkP:-IPv4: IPv6: ::1 eth0 Sts:UP LkP:DOWN IPv4: For field descriptions, see the STATUS CLIM Detailed display for the IP CLIM. NOTE: The Fiber attribute might not be supported on your system. For more information, see the planning guide for your system. STATUS MON The STATUS MON command displays the current status of the specified MON(s), in this system. STATUS MON Command Syntax STATUS MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn [,DETAIL] ZCMnn Identifies the CIPMON process for which to display status. nn is a two-digit value in the range 00 through 15. A wildcard can specify multiple MONs in this system. Example 72 displays the status of all CIP MONs in this system. Example 72 STATUS MON Summary > STATUS MON $ZZCIP.* CIP Status MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.* MON ZCM00 ZCM01 ZCM02 ZCM03 ZCM05 ZCM06 ZCM07 Pid -1, -1 -1, -1 -1, -1 3,26 5,26 6,26 7,26 Status STOPPED STOPPED STOPPED STARTED STARTED STOPPED STARTED Priority -1 -1 -1 200 200 200 200 Trace OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF CIPMAN SCF Commands 265 Example 73 displays detailed status information for the MON named ZCM03: Example 73 STATUS MON Detailed > STATUS MON $ZZCIP.ZCM03, DETAIL CIP Detailed Status MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM03 Heap Memory Limit........ Heap Memory Used......... PID...................... Priority................. QIO Pool Current......... QIO Pool Limit........... State.................... Trace Status............. Trace Filename........... Fabric Status: CLIM Mgmt N1002532 XY-1 N1003741 XY-2 N1012542 X--1 Data XY-1 XY-2 X--1 133615616 147832 ( 3, 26) 200 729934 0 STARTED OFF Numdata 1 1 1 Fabric Status Displays the connections to each known CLIM and the availability of the X and Y ServerNet fabrics. The Mgmt column shows the management connection to CLIMAGT, the Data column shows the data path connections to the CIPSSRV processes, and the Numdata column shows the number of CIPSSRV processes. The possible values are: -- CIPMON is up, but no connection is established. X- Connection is established; only the X fabric is available. -Y Connection is established; only the Y fabric is available. XY Connection is established; both the X and Y fabrics are available. The number suffix (for example, -1) indicates the particular set of ServerNet fabrics being used for the connection with the CLIM. For example, XY-1 indicates that a connection is established on both fabrics using SvNet ID 1 (the ServerNet ID of the first set of ServerNet connections0. STATUS PROCESS The STATUS PROCESS command displays the current status of the CIPMAN process in this system. STATUS PROCESS Command Syntax STATUS PROCESS $ZZCIP [,DETAIL] Example 74 displays the state of the CIPMAN process: Example 74 STATUS PROCESS Summary > STATUS PROCESS $ZZCIP CIP Status PROCESS \MYSYS.$ZZCIP Name State PPID BPID Priority Trace $ZZCIP STARTED ( 0, 22) ( 1, 11) 200 OFF Example 75 displays the detailed state of the CIPMAN process: 266 SCF Reference for CIP Example 75 STATUS PROCESS Detailed > STATUS PROCESS $ZZCIP, DETAIL CIP Detailed Status PROCESS \MYSYS.$ZZCIP Heap Memory Limit........ Heap Memory Used......... PID Primary.............. PID Backup............... Priority................. QIO Pool Current......... QIO Pool Limit........... State.................... Trace Status............. Trace Filename........... 133615616 69632 ( 0, 22) ( 1, 11) 200 0 0 STARTED OFF STATUS PROVIDER The STATUS PROVIDER command displays the status of the specified providers in this system. STATUS PROVIDER Command Syntax STATUS PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name [,{DETAIL | ROUTE[,CPU cpu]}] prov-name Is the name of the provider for which to display status information. A wildcard can specify multiple providers. DETAIL Specifies that the display is to include additional detailed status information about the provider. ROUTE Specifies that the display is to show Provider-routing information. This option is not valid for the MAINTENANCE provider. CPU cpu Specifies the CPU for which to obtain Provider-routing information. The Default is to let CIPMAN automatically select a CPU. Example 76 displays the status of all known providers. Example 76 STATUS PROVIDER Summary > STATUS PROV $ZZCIP.* CIP Status PROVIDER Name ZCSAM PROV1 Status STARTED STARTED TPStatus Started Invalid Trace OFF (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) TPStatus Shows the status of the transport-service provider process associated with the Provider. The possible values are: Started The TP is running and is a CIPSAM process. Invalid A process with the specified TP name is running but the program name is not CIPSAM. Stopped No process with the specified TP name is running in the system. Trace Shows which processors that have started a trace on the Provider. OFF indicates that no processor is tracing the Provider. CIPMAN SCF Commands 267 Example 77 displays detailed status information for IPDATA PROVIDER ZTC0. Example 77 STATUS PROVIDER Detail -> STATUS PROV $ZZCIP.ZTC0, DETAIL CIP Detailed Status PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZTC0 State.................... TPStatus................. Type..................... Family................... Current Access........... Trace Status............. STARTED Started IPDATA DUAL ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) OFF Interface Status & IP Addresses: Name Current lo N1002532.lo N1003741.lo N1002532.eth1 N1002532.eth1 N1002532.eth2 N1002532.eth2 N1002532.eth3 N1002532.eth3 N1002532.eth4 N1003741.eth3 N1003741.eth1 N1003741.eth1 N1003741.eth2 N1002532.eth2 N1003741.eth3 N1003741.eth3 N1003741.eth4 N1003741.eth4 Status LkP Fovr Index UP --0x00000001 IPv4: IPv6: ::1 UP --0x00000001 IPv4: UP --0x00000001 IPv4: UP UP HOME 0x00003002 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:24de IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:24de IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:24de UP UP -0x00003004 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:24df IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:24df IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:24df UP UP HOME 0x00003005 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:257e IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:257e IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:257e UP UP BkFO 0x00003006 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:257f IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:257f IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:257f UP UP HOME 0x00004003 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:42ec IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:42ec IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:42ec UP UP BkOP 0x00004004 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:42ed IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:42ed IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:42ed UP UP HOME 0x00004005 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:42ee IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:42ee IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:42ee UP DOWN HOME 0x00004006 IPv4: IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:42ef IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0001:0215:60ff:fe04:42ef IPv6: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0215:60ff:fe04:42ef Interfaces Failover Configuration and Status: F Home Sts LkP Failover/(Assoc) N1002532.eth1 UP UP N1003741.eth1 N1002532.eth2 UP UP N1003721.eth3 (X) N1002532.eth3 UP UP N1002532.eth4 DOWN DOWN N1003741.eth3 N1003741.eth1 UP UP N1002532.eth1 268 SCF Reference for CIP Sts UP --UP UP LkP UP --UP UP Current N1002532.eth1 N1002532.eth1 N1002532.eth3 N1003741.eth3 N1003741.eth1 Fovr HOME -HOME BkFO HOME N1003741.eth2 N1003741.eth3 (X) N1003741.eth4 DNOP DOWN UP UP UP UP N1002532.eth2 N1002532.eth4 UP UP N1002532.eth2 DOWN DOWN N1003741.eth3 --N1003741.eth4 BkOP HOME HOME Type Shows the type of provider. An IPDATA provider provides TCP/IP access through data Ethernet ports of one or more CLIMs associated with that IPDATA provider. A MAINTENANCE provider provides TCP/IP access through the maintenance Ethernet interface of a specific CLIM using a specific IP address. Current Access Shows the processors that have established access to the provider. Trace Status Shows the processors that are tracing the provider and each trace file name. Family Specifies the network mode of the provider. An INET family indicates the provider operates only in IPv4 mode. A DUAL family indicates the provider operates in both IPv4 mode and IPv6 mode. Interface Status & IP Addresses Shows the data interfaces associated with the provider, giving: Name Is the interface name from socket application perspective (host interface name) Current Is the current location of the interface (which can be different in the case of failover). If no failover is configured (HOME or —), Current is identical to the failover interface at the time of the failover. For the special interface lo, this field is empty. Status Is the interface status. • UP indicates the interface resource is active and usable • DNOP indicates the interface is down due to operator command. It is not usable. • DOWN indicates the interface is down due to a failure on the CLIM. It is not usable. • -- indicates no CLIM in the STARTED state is associated with the interface. LkP Indicates the link pulse status: • UP indicates the link is active and usable • DOWN indicates the link is down and not usable • -- indicates there is no link pulse status Fovr Is the failover status of the interface. • -- indicates no failover is configured • HOME indicates the provider is running on the home interface • BkFO indicates the provider is running on the failover interface due to a failure • BkOP indicates the provider is running on the failover interface due to an operator request • BkUN indicates the provider is running on the failover interface after a CIPMAN restart Index Interface index value within the associated IPDATA Provider IP address IP address family and actual IP addresses associated with the interface. Each IP address (there can be multiple) is shown on a separate line. CIPMAN SCF Commands 269 Interface Failover Configuration and Status Shows the failover configuration and status for each data interfaces associated with the provider that has been configured to support failover, showing: F Indicates special condition of interface: • T indicates a manually configured IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel interface • X indicates the interface whose failover configuration is invalid Home Indicates the home interface name Failover/(Assoc) Indicates the failover-interface name or the name of the associate interface for a tunnel interface. (The associate interface is shown in parentheses.) Current Indicates the current location (which can be different in the case of a failover). If no failover has occurred, that is, if this is the home interface, then this value is identical to the interface name. If a failover has occurred, then this value is identical to the failover interface (at the time of failover). Fovr Is the failover status of the interface. • — indicates no failover is configured • HOME indicates the provider is running on the home interface • BkFO indicates the provider is running on the failover interface due to a failure • BkOP indicates the provider is running on the failover interface due to an operator request • BkUN indicates the provider is running on the failover interface after a CIPMAN restart For the home interface and the failover interface, these additional values are possible: Sts Interface status • -- Indicates the CLIM associated with the interface is not in the STARTED state • UP indicates the interface resources are active and usable • RDY indicates the interface is usable but resources are not active • DNOP indicates the interface is down due to an operator command, and is not usable • DOWN indicates the interface is down due to a failure on the CLIM, and is not usable LkP Indicates the link pulse status (UP, DOWN, or, if there is no link-pulse status, —) Example 78 shows the detailed status of the MAINTENANCE PROVIDER ZTCP0. Example 78 STATUS Maintenance PROVIDER Detail > STATUS PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTCP0, DETAIL CIP Detailed Status PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZTCP0 State.................... STARTED TPStatus................. Started Type..................... MAINTENANCE CLIM..................... N1003741 Current Access........... ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) Trace Status: CPU Filename 0 \MYSYS.$DATA.TEST1.TRCPRV Interface Status & IP Address: Name Status LkP IP Address N1003741.eth0:0 UP UP 270 SCF Reference for CIP CLIM Shows the name of the CLIM associated with the MAINTENANCE provider. This attribute is applicable only to provider with TYPE MAINTENANCE. Interface Status & IP Address Shows the maintenance Provider interface associated with the provider, giving the name, interface status (UP, DNOP (down due to operator command, or DOWN), link pulse status, and IP address associated with the interface. NOTE: This attribute is not shown unless the provider is in the STARTED state. Example 79: STATUS PROVIDER Route displays status of a provider route: Example 79 STATUS PROVIDER Route > STATUS PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC0, ROUTE, CPU 0 CIP Detailed Status PROVIDER \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZTC0 Provider State.................. STARTED Provider Routing Status (CPU 0): Destination/Prefix Length IPv4: IPv4: default IPv6: 3ffe:1200:0190:0002:0215:60ff:fe04:42ec/128 IPv6: default Type G S CLIM ROUTE Pri N1002532 N1002532 ROUTE1 50 N1002532 N1002532 ROUTE1 50 Provider State Indicates the PROVIDER object state, either STOPPED, STARTING, or STARTED. CPU Indicates the processor where provider routing information is obtained. Destination/Prefix Length Is the address family, IP address of the remote host or network that can be reachable via the CLIM specified in the CLIM field, and the number of bits in the prefix or subnet mask. The keyword default is shown for default routes (IP address and prefix length zero). Type Indicates the state, type, and origin of the route: G The destination is a gateway, not on the local subnetwork H The route is for a specific host, not a network S The route was manually added CLIM Is the CLIM through which the remote host or network specified in the DESTINATION field is to be reached. ROUTE Is the name of the ROUTE object subordinated to the specified PROVIDER object that is associated with the default route of the specified CLIM. This field is only shown for default routes that have associated ROUTE object. Pri Is the priority of the ROUTE object subordinated to the specified PROVIDER object that is associated with the default route of the specified CLIM. This field is only shown for default routes that have associated ROUTE object. CIPMAN SCF Commands 271 STATUS PROVIDER Guidelines The STATUS PROVIDER ROUTE command is rejected if the PROVIDER object is of TYPE MAINTENANCE. STOP Commands STOP is a sensitive command that halts the operation of the specified object. If existing sockets are using the object, the command fails. The object is left in the STOPPED state if the command succeeds. STOP CLIM The STOP CLIM command stops operations on the specified CLIM, provided that the system has no existing sockets using the CLIM. If the associated PROVIDER object is in the STARTED state, the provider goes to the STARTING state. STOP CLIM Command Syntax STOP CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name clim-name Is the name of the CLIM to be stopped. A wildcard can specify a set of CLIMs. Example 80: STOP CLIM stops the CLIM N1003741: Example 80 STOP CLIM > STOP CLIM $ZZCIP.N1003741 STOP MON The STOP MON command terminates the specified CIPMON process on this system, provided that there are no open sockets in its processor. If the process has been configured as persistent (AUTORESTART not equal to 1 in the command defining CIPMON as a generic process), the persistence manager restarts it. This command can be used for online replacement of the CIPMON and CIP Library modules. STOP MON Command Syntax STOP MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn ZCMnn Identifies the CIPMON process to be stopped. nn is a two-digit value in the range 00 through 15. A wildcard can specify a set of MONs in this system. Example 81: STOP MON stops the MON ZCM03: Example 81 STOP MON > STOP MON $ZZCIP.ZCM03 STOP PROCESS The STOP PROCESS command stops the operation of the CIPMAN process, provided that doing so would affect no open sockets. This can only occur if there are no active CIPMON processes running or all existing CLIM and PROVIDER objects are in the STOPPED state. Subordinate objects states are not affected unless SUB ALL or SUB ONLY is specified. If the process has been configured as persistent (AUTORESTART not equal to 1 in the command defining CIPMON as a generic process), the persistence manager restarts it. STOP PROCESS Command Syntax STOP PROCESS $ZZCIP [,SUB [ ONLY | ALL | NONE ] ] 272 SCF Reference for CIP SUB Determines the set of objects and subordinate objects that the command targets: • ONLY specifies that only subordinate objects are targets of the command. • ALL specifies that the named object and the subordinate objects are targets of the command. This is the default used if the SUB keyword is used but no option is selected. • NONE specifies that none of the subordinate objects are targets of the command. This is the default selected if the SUB keyword is not used. Example 82 stops the CIP subsystem on this system. Example 82 STOP PROCESS > STOP PROCESS $ZZCIP, SUB ALL STOP PROCESS Guidelines MON objects are not affected by STOP PROCESS even when the SUB ALL or SUB ONLY option is specified. STOP PROVIDER The STOP PROVIDER command terminates operations on a provider, provided that the system has no existing sockets using the provider. STOP PROVIDER Command Syntax STOP PROVIDER $ZZCIP.prov-name prov-name Is the name of the provider to stop. A wildcard can specify a set of providers. Example 83 stops the PROVIDER ZTC1. Example 83 STOP PROVIDER > STOP PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC1 STOP PROVIDER Guidelines HP recommends a 15–second delay between issuing a STOP PROVIDER command and issuing a DELETE PROVIDER command. This delay is especially recommended for the MAINTENANCE PROVIDER. SWITCH CLIM The SWITCH CLIM command initiates a manual CLIM-to-CLIM failover operation. It can specify either a single interface or all the interfaces on a CLIM. The type of operation is given as a parameter and can be: FAILOVER Migrate all the resources using the specified interface(s) to the alternate interface of their configured failover pair(s). Both home and visiting resources could be moved. RESTORE Migrate the home resources of the specified interface(s) back to their home interface(s), reversing the actions of a previous automatic failover. Resources already on their home interface are not moved. CIPMAN SCF Commands 273 NOTE: Do not use the SWITCH command to fail over interfaces you plan to delete. The interface remains in the UP state when you use the SWITCH command. Before deleting an interface, use ifstop. The ifstop command deactivates the interface, preventing autoconfigured IPv6 addresses and link local addresses from being created in the interim. NOTE: The storage subsystem ($ZZSTO) also supports a SWITCH CLIM command. For syntax and display examples, see the SCF Reference Manual for the Storage Subsystem. SWITCH CLIM Command Syntax SWITCH CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name {,FAILOVER | ,RESTORE } { [,INTF intf-name] | [, PROVIDER prov-name ] } [,FORCED] clim-name Is the name of the CLIM containing the interface(s) upon which to perform failover. Wildcard characters are not allowed. FAILOVER Moves all resources off the specified interface(s) to the alternate failover location(s). RESTORE Moves the home resources of the specified interface(s) back to the home interface(s). INTF intf-name Specifies the name of a single interface for the failover operation. The CLIM name part of the interface name must not be specified. Wildcard characters are not allowed. If this option and the PROVIDER option are omitted, then all interfaces on the CLIM are specified. PROVIDER prov-name Specifies the name of a single IPDATA provider for the failover operation. All interfaces associated with the specified IPDATA provider on that CLIM are affected by this failover operation. Wildcard characters are not allowed. If this option and the INTF option are omitted, all interfaces on the CLIM are specified. FORCED Indicates that no warning should be issued and confirmation is assumed. Example 84 migrates all interface resources off of N1002532 to prepare for maintenance. Example 84 SWITCH CLIM > SWITCH CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532,FAILOVER Open connections still exist, okay to continue? Y Example 85 manually restores interface clim2.eth3 back to N1003741. Example 85 SWITCH CLIM RESTORE > SWITCH CLIM $ZZCIP.N1003741,RESTORE, INTF ETH3 Open connections still exist, okay to continue? Y SWITCH CLIM Guidelines • • 274 For each specified interface, the interface must be up, a failover interface must be defined and valid, the destination CLIM must be in the STARTED state, and the destination interface must be up. No error is generated for interface resources that have already been migrated, but an error is given if interface resources cannot be migrated. Before migrating interface resources, each destination CLIM checks whether the migrating addresses already exist on the IP network. If any do, CIP issues an error and does not switch the interface. This behavior helps synchronize IP-address migration between the CLIMs involved. SCF Reference for CIP It does not affect other interfaces that are migrating at the same time. The SWITCH command does not complete until the outcome of the failover is known. If the duplicate-address check and resource migration may take some time, there could be a delay before SCF issues the next command prompt. • Failover migrates nearly all interface resources, but not TCP or SCTP connections. If a TCP or SCTP connection would be lost during a manual failover, SCF issues a warning and the operator must confirm that execution is desired, unless the FORCED option is specified. TRACE Commands TRACE is a sensitive command that controls trace-data collection for the specified object in a NonStop system. Trace data is saved in a disk file. You can later read the file by using the Ptrace utility, which is described in the PTrace Reference Manual. NOTE: When logging the trace records to a file using the "log" command, PTrace abends if the log file exceeds 99,999 lines because a file on the NonStop host system can support a maximum of 99,999 lines only. All TRACE commands accept these options: TRACE Command Syntax {,STOP |,TO file-spec [,{BULKIO|NOBULKIO}] [,COUNT count] [,LOCKSIZE locksize] [,NOCOLL] [,PAGES pages [,RECSIZE size] [,SELECT {select-option|select-option ...}][,WRAP]} STOP Ends the trace currently in progress. A TRACE command must include either the STOP option or the TO option. TO file-spec Starts the trace collection and specifies the name of the file in which to store the results of the trace. A TRACE command must include either the STOP option or the TO option. BULKIO | NOBULKIO Designates whether TRACE should use bulk I/O for tracing. Bulk I/O is faster than conventional I/O, reducing the number of missing frame errors reported by PTrace, but only one user can access the file at a time. The default value is BULKIO. BULKIO cannot be used with the NOCOLL option. COUNT count Specifies the number of trace records to be captured. The count is an integer in the range -1 through 32767. If it is omitted or equals -1, records are accumulated until the trace is stopped with the STOP option. LOCKSIZE locksize Designates how much memory space, in units of pages, is locked down at one time. The value must be less than or equal to the value of PAGES. The default value is the lesser of PAGES and 64 pages. NOCOLL Indicates that the trace collector process should not be initiated. The disk file is to be written to by Guardian. The attributes WRAP and NOCOLL cannot be specified together. PAGES pages Designates how much space, in pages, is allocated in the extended data segment used for tracing. Valid range is from 4 to 1024 pages. The default value is 64 pages. CIPMAN SCF Commands 275 RECSIZE size Specifies the length, in bytes, of the data in the trace data records. The size is an integer from 16 to 4050 bytes. The default value is 120 bytes. SELECT { select-option | ( select-option , ... ) } Selects the operations to be traced. Valid select options are described with each command. WRAP Specifies that when the trace disk file end-of-file (EOF) mark is reached, trace data wraps around to the beginning of the file and overwrites any data there. TRACE CLIM The TRACE CLIM command starts or stops tracing of CIP Library operations for the specified CLIM on the processor specified in the CPU modifier. Each CLIM can have no more than one trace active at a time on each processor, but multiple CLIM/processor combinations can be tracing simultaneously to different trace files. This command does not control tracing on the CLIM itself, but rather tracing of operations on the NonStop system for a particular CLIM. To trace on the CLIM, use CLIM software commands. TRACE CLIM Command Syntax TRACE CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name {,STOP |,TO file-spec [,{BULKIO|NOBULKIO}] [,COUNT count] [,LOCKSIZE locksize] [,NOCOLL] [,PAGES pages [,RECSIZE size] [,SELECT {select-option|select-option ...}][,WRAP]} clim-name Identifies the CLIM whose operations are to be traced. CPU cpu Optional with STOP and identifies the processor on which to stop tracing. If this option is not specified, all processors stop tracing the CLIM. CPU is required with the TO option and identifies the processor on which to start tracing the CLIM. SELECT { select-opt | ( select-opt , … ) } Selects the operations to be traced. Valid select options are: ALL -1 Trace all operations CALLIN 0 Trace calls in from external components to this CLIM CALLOUT 1 Trace calls out to external components from this CLIM CALLLOCAL 2 Trace local calls for the CLIM in the CIP library PING 3 Trace ping-related actions for this CLIM SMACH 4 Trace CIP library state machine operations for this CLIM ITAPIINTR 5 Trace IT-API interrupt events ITAPIXFER 6 Trace IT-API events CMOMSG 7 Trace messages between CIPMON and the CIP library for this CLIM ERROR 8 Trace CIP library errors for CLIM Example 86 starts a trace of operations in processor 1 for N1003741 to file $DATA00.TRC1003741.CPU1. 276 SCF Reference for CIP Example 86 TRACE CLIM > TRACE CLIM $ZZCIP.N1003741, TO $DATA00.TRC1003741.CPU1, CPU 1, RECSIZE 4050 TRACE MON The TRACE MON command starts or stops tracing of CIPMON operations on a specific processor. Each processor can have at most one trace command active at a time, but multiple processors can be tracing simultaneously to different trace files. TRACE MON Command Syntax TRACE MON $ZZIP.ZCMnn {,STOP | ,TO file-spec [,{BULKIO|NOBULKIO}] [,COUNT count] [,LOCKSIZE locksize] [,NOCOLL] [,PAGES pages [,RECSIZE size] [,SELECT {select-option |select-option ...}][,WRAP]} ZCMnn Identifies the CIPMON process to trace. nn is a two-digit value in the range 00 through 15. SELECT { select-opt | ( select-opt , ... ) } Selects the operations to be traced. Valid select options are: ALL -1 All other options EVT 0 CIPMON events INTMSG 1 CIPMON internal messages MEMORY 2 CIPMON internal memory resource mgmt MSG 3 CIPMON messages QUEUE 4 CIPMON internal queue operations REQ 5 CIPSREQ operations SMACH 6 CIPMON state machines operations TIMER 7 CIPMON timer activities USEFUL 8 A combination of the most useful keywords above (default) Example 87 starts a trace of memory allocation and other significant operations in ZCM02 to file TRACE1. Example 87 TRACE MON > TRACE MON $ZZCIP.ZCM02, TO TRACE1, SELECT (USEFUL,MEMORY), RECSIZE 4050 TRACE PROCESS The TRACE PROCESS command starts or stops tracing of CIPMAN operations. Only one trace command can be active at a time. NOTE: Set the record size for TRACE PROCESS to 200. TRACE PROCESS Command Syntax TRACE PROCESS $ZZCIP.ZCM {,STOP | ,BACKUP [,{BULKIO|NOBULKIO}] CIPMAN SCF Commands 277 [,COUNT count] [,LOCKSIZE locksize] [,NOCOLL] [,PAGES pages [,RECSIZE size] [,SELECT {select-option|select-option ...}][,WRAP]} BACKUP Specifies that the current backup CIPMAN process is to be traced. The default is to trace the primary process. The same process continues to be traced if its primary/backup status changes later. SELECT { select-opt | ( select-opt , … ) } Selects the operations to be traced. Valid select options are: ALL -1 All options listed below PROCESS 0 CIPMAN process management/operation OBJECT 1 CIP subsystem objects management CLIM 2 CLIM connection management QIO 3 QIO memory and messages operations SPI 4 SPI requests processing HWACCESS 5 CLIM hardware access management CONFIG 6 Configuration Database operations DEBUG 7 Miscellaneous operations (Trace, EMS, Exception) Example 88 starts a trace of CIPMAN to file TRACE2. Example 88 TRACE PROCESS > TRACE PROCESS $ZZCIP, TO TRACE2, RECSIZE 4050 TRACE PROVIDER The TRACE PROVIDER command starts or stops tracing of CIP Library operations for the specified PROVIDER on the processor given in the CPU attribute. Only one provider can have the trace active on a processor at a time and a provider can be traced on all or a set of processors at a time to separate trace files. Different providers can be traced on different processors simultaneously. Each provider can have no more than one trace active at a time on each processor, but multiple provider/processor combinations can be tracing simultaneously to different trace files. NOTE: Set the record size for TRACE PROVIDER to 300. TRACE PROVIDER Command Syntax TRACE PROVIDER $ZZIP.ZCM.prov-name {,STOP [,CPU cpu]|,TO file-spec [,{BULKIO | NOBULKIO}] [,COUNT count] [,LOCKSIZE locksize] [,NOCOLL] [,PAGES pages [,RECSIZE size] [,SELECT {select-option|select-option ...}][,WRAP]} prov-name Identifies the provider to trace. 278 SCF Reference for CIP CPU cpu Optional with STOP and identifies the processor on which to stop tracing. If this option is not specified, all processors stop tracing the provider. CPU is required with the TO option and identifies the processor on which to start tracing the provider. SELECT { select-opt | ( select-opt , ... ) } Selects the operations to be traced. Valid select options are: ALL -1 All available options EVT 0 PROVIDER events REQIN 1 PROVIDER input requests REQOUT 2 PROVIDER output requests LOGIC 3 Provider logic events DATIN 4 Provider incoming data DATOUT 5 Provider outgoing data This command starts a trace of PROVIDER ZTC1 on processor 0 to file $DATA00.TRZTC1.CPU0. Example 89 TRACE PROVIDER > TRACE PROVIDER $ZZCIP.ZTC1, TO $DATA00.TRZTC1.CPU0, CPU 0, RECSIZE 4050 VERSION Commands VERSION is a non-sensitive command that displays version information about the CIP subsystem components. Some version commands recognize the DETAIL option, which provides additional information. VERSION The VERSION command with no object type is identical to the “VERSION PROCESS”. You must specify the MAN process name. VERSION Command Syntax VERSION $ZZCIP VERSION CLIM The VERSION CLIM command displays the version numbers of software components running on the specified CLIM. The version of components provided CIP is followed by the CLIM software version. VERSION CLIM Command Syntax VERSION CLIM $ZZCIP.clim-name [,DETAIL] clim-name Identifies the CLIM for which to display version information. A wildcard can specify multiple CLIMs. DETAIL Specifies that the display is to include additional version information. Example 90 displays the version of N1012542 Example 90 VERSION CLIM Summary, IP > VERSION CLIM $ZZCIP.N1012542 VERSION CLIM \MYHOST.$ZZCIP.N1012542: T0853H01_01NOV2008_03SEP2008 CIP SW: T0853H01_01NOV2008_24SEP2008_AAB CIPMAN SCF Commands 279 NETWORK: T0691H01_01NOV2008_AAF_CLIM STORAGE: T0830H01_01NOV2007_24SEP2008_ SYSTEM: Linux version 2.6.18-6-clim-amd64 (Debian 2.6.18.dfsg.1-18hpdeetch 1hpde1.1) ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 28 01:10:30 UTC 2008 CIP SW Shows the version of CIP subsystem software running on the CLIM. NETWORK Shows the version of networking software running on the CLIM. STORAGE Shows the version of storage software running on the CLIM. SYSTEM Shows the version of system software running on the CLIM. Example 91: VERSION CLIM Detailed, IP displays the version for CLIM N1002532: Example 91 VERSION CLIM Detailed, IP > VERSION CLIM $ZZCIP.N1002532, DETAIL Detailed VERSION CLIM \MYHOST.$ZZCIP.N1002532 SYSTEM \MYHOST T0853H01_01NOV2008_24SEP2008 GUARDIAN – T9060 – (Q06) SCF KERNEL – T9082H01 – (04DEC06) (15NOV06) CIP PM – T0695H01 – (01AUG2008) (H01 SCF AAB) CIP SW: T0853H01_01NOV2008_24SEP2008_AAB NETWORK: T0691H01_01NOV2008_AAF_CLIM STORAGE: T0830H01_01NOV2008_24SEP2008_ SYSTEM: Linux version 2.6.18-6-clim-amd64 (Debian 2.6.18.dfsg.1-18hpdeetch 1hpde1.1) ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Feb 28 01:10:30 UTC 2008 VERSION MON The VERSION MON command displays the version number of the specified CIPMON process. VERSION MON Command Syntax VERSION MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn [,DETAIL] ZCMnn Identifies the CIPMON process for which to display version information. nn is a value in the range 00 through 15. A wildcard can specify multiple CIPMONs. DETAIL Causes the command to display additional information, as shown in the second example. Example 92 displays the versions of all CIPMONs on this system: Example 92 VERSION MON Summary > VERSION MON $ZZCIP.* Version MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM00: Version MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM01: Version MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM02: Version MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM03: Version MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM04: Version MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM05: Version MON \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM07: CIPMonitor CIPMonitor CIPMonitor CIPMonitor CIPMonitor CIPMonitor CIPMonitor - T0694H01_01AUG08_AAB_MON_Q41 T0694H01_01AUG08_AAB_MON_Q41 T0694H01_01AUG08_AAB_MON_Q41 T0694H01_01AUG08_AAB_MON_Q41 T0694H01_01AUG08_AAB_MON_Q41 T0694H01_01AUG08_AAB_MON_Q41 T0694H01_01AUG08_AAB_MON_Q41 Example 93: VERSION MON Detailed shows MON detailed version information for CIPMON on processor 3: 280 SCF Reference for CIP Example 93 VERSION MON Detailed > VERSION MON $ZZCIP.ZCM03, DETAIL Version PROCESS \MYSYS.$ZZCIP.ZCM03 CIPMonitor - T0694H01_01AUG2008_AAB_MON_Q41 GUARDIAN - T9050 - {T06) SCF KERNEL - T9082H01 - (04DEC06) )15NOV06) CIP PM - T0695H01 - (05AUG2008) (H01 SCF AAB) VERSION PROCESS The VERSION PROCESS command displays the version number of the CIPMAN process. VERSION PROCESS Command Syntax VERSION PROCESS $ZZCIP [,DETAIL] Example 94 displays the version of CIPMAN. Example 94 VERSION PROCESS > VERSION PROCESS $ZZCIP T0690H01_01AUG08_AAB_MAN_Q38 CIPSAM SCF Commands The SCF commands for CIPSAM support the PROCESS and SUBNET objects and require the name of a CIPSAM process running on this system. The SUBNET object refers to a home CLIM interface as seen from the NonStop host system. SUBNET object names are generated by CIPSAM and consist of “#SN” followed by a four-digit number. They are assigned to interfaces when the interfaces are first reported and do not change as long as the CIP subsystem continues running. The INFO SUBNET command displays the CLIM and interface name referenced by a SUBNET object. Table 25 lists the SCF commands and object types supported by the CIPSAM process. The page number of the command description follows the command name. ABORT Command, CIPSAM The only supported ABORT command for CIPSAM is ABORT PROCESS. ABORT PROCESS The ABORT PROCESS command for CIPSAM stops and deletes the CIPSAM process immediately, without regard for open sockets. Open sockets using the CIPSAM process are not affected, but no new sockets can be created. ABORT PROCESS Command Syntax ABORT PROCESS $cipsam-name cipsam-name Is the name of the CIPSAM process to abort. Example 95 displays the command to abort the CIPSAM process named $ZTC1. Example 95 ABORT PROCESS > ABORT PROCESS $ZTC1 INFO Commands, CIPSAM The INFO PROCESS and INFO SUBNET commands are supported for the CIPSAM process. CIPSAM SCF Commands 281 INFO PROCESS The INFO PROCESS command displays attributes of the CIPSAM process. For compatibility with the SAM process of TCP/IPv6, attributes that do not apply to CIP are displayed with zero (0) values. INFO PROCESS Command Syntax INFO PROCESS $cipsam-name [,DETAIL] cipsam-name Is the name of the CIPSAM process for which to display information. DETAIL Specifies that the display is to include additional detailed information about the object. Example 96 displays summary information for the CIPSAM process named $ZTC1. Example 96 INFO PROCESS (CIPSAM) Summary > INFO PROCESS $ZTC1 CIP Info PROCESS \MYSYS.$ZTC1 *TCPSendSpace 0 *TCPReceiveSpace *UDPSendSpace *UDPReceiveSpace 0 0 0 Example 96 displays detailed information for the CIPSAM process named $ZTC1: Example 97 INFO PROCESS (CIPSAM) Detailed > INFO PROCESS $ZTC1, DETAIL CIP Detailed Info PROCESS \MYSYS.$ZTC1 *TCP Send Space......... *UDP Send Space......... *Delay Ack Time......... *Keep Alive Idle........ *Keep Alive Interval.... *Host ID ............... *Host Name ............. Program Filename ...... *Debug.................. *Full Dump.............. *All Nets Are Local..... *TCP Compat 42.......... *EXPAND Security........ *TCP Path MTU........... *TCP Time Wait.......... Trace Status........... Trace Filename ........ *ARP Timer Refreshed ... *RFC1323 Enable ........ *TCP Init Rexmit Timeout *TCP Min Rexmit Timeout. *TCP Listen Queue Min... *Initial TTL............ 0 *TCP Receive Space...... 0 0 *UDP Receive Space...... 0 0 *Delay Ack.............. OFF 0 *Keep Alive Retry Cnt... 0 0 QIO Limit.............. 0% See "SCF->HELP CIP info process" to view values. \MYSYS.SYSTEM.SYS00.CIPSAM OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 0 OFF ON OFF 0 0 0 0 ms ms The only attributes with real values are: Program Filename Is the name of the file that is being executed for this CIPSAM process. Trace Status ON when the process is being traced using SCF. 282 SCF Reference for CIP Trace Filename Is the name of the current trace file. Trace Status ON when the process is being traced using SCF. Trace Filename Is the name of the current trace file. ARPTIMER-REFRESHED Always ON in the CIP environment. This attribute causes TCP to restart the ARP timer every time the ARP table entry is referenced when transmitting an IP packet. Some of the other attributes are no longer viewable with the CIP info process command but can be checked by issuing a sysctl command. Some attributes are not applicable in CIP and some are still applicable and available through the INFO PROCESS CIPSAM command. TCP Send Space tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_wmem. Is the space reserved for send operations for the TCP protocol. TCP Receive Space tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_rmem. Is the space reserved for receive operations for the TCP protocol. UDP Send Space tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.core.wmem_max or tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.core.wmem_default. Is the space reserved for send operations for the UDP protocol. UDP Receive Space tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_rmem or tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.core.rmem_default. Is the space reserved for send operations for the UDP protocol. Delay Ack Is a switch indicating if TCP is delaying acknowledgments. This attribute no longer applies in the CIP environment. Delay Ack Time Is the amount of time in 10 ms intervals that the acknowledgments are delayed. This attribute no longer applies in the CIP environment. Keep Alive Idle tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time. Is the amount of time in seconds before TCP issues a keep-alive packet on sockets that have enabled this option. See also “TCP/IP Attributes in CIP” (page 193). Keep Alive Retry Cnt tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes. Is the number of times a keep-alive packet is sent without receiving an acknowledgment after which the TCP connection is dropped. Keep Alive Interval tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl. Is the time interval in seconds between retransmissions of unacknowledged keep-alive packets. See also “TCP/IP Attributes in CIP” (page 193). QIO Limit scf> STATUS MON $ZZCIP.ZCMnn, detail. Is a percentage between 0 and 100, representing the amount of queued I/O or shared memory allowed to this process. CIPSAM SCF Commands 283 Host Id scf> INFO Provider $ZZCIP.provider-name, DETAIL. Is the ID (usually the host number part of the Internet address that is assigned to this host). It is a 32-bit number. Host Name scf> INFO Provider $ZZCIP.provider-name , DETAIL. Is the official name by which the host upon which the TCP/IP process is running is known in the Internet. This is a character string no longer than 50 characters. Debug No longer applies in the CIP environment. Full Dump No longer required for the CIPSAM process as there is a dump function on the CLIM. ALLNETSARELOCAL No longer applies in the CIP environment. ALLNETSARELOCAL set to ON causes TCP to use the interface MTU as a base for the determination of the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) for each non-local TCP connection. A non-local TCP connection is one that goes to another network (not just another subnetwork). The default is ON. If this switch is OFF, TCP conforms to RFC-specified behavior and uses 512 bytes as the default MSS for non-local segments. When ON, for example for Ethernet, the non-local MSS is 1460. This can be a large benefit to performance. TCPCOMPAT42 No longer applies in the CIP environment. TCPCOMPAT42 was the flag used to set the TCP/IP process compatible with BSD4.2 versions. See “TCPCOMPAT42” (page 202) for more information about this feature. EXPANDSECURITY No longer applies in the CIP environment. EXPANDSECURITY set to ON caused TCP to check if a SOCKET request from another NonStop Expand node has passed the Expand security check. TCPPATHMTU tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc . If set to ON, causes TCP to use PATH MTU discovery on all TCP type sockets (SOCK_STREAM), unless disabled by the SETSOCKOPT for SO_PMTU. The default for this option is OFF. See also “TCP/IP Attributes in CIP” (page 193). RFC1323-ENABLE tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling . If set to ON, causes TCP to support TCP Large Windows as documented in RFC 1323. When this option is enabled, the TCP/IP process uses the TCP Window Scale and Timestamp options as described in RFC 1323. The largest TCP window supported is 262144 bytes when this option is enabled, and 65535 when the option is disabled. The default for this option is ON. TCP-INIT-REXMIT-TIMEOUT Not supported in the CIP environment. TCP-INIT-REXMIT-TIMEOUT was the initial retransmit timer value in milliseconds to use on a TCP connection. TCP-MIN-REXMIT-TIMEOUT Not supported in the CIP environment. TCP-MIN-REXMIT-TIMEOUT was the minimum value allowed for the TCP retransmission timeout. TCP-LISTEN-QUE-MIN scf> INFO Provider $ZZCIP.provider-name, DETAIL. Is the minimum queue length that is set on a TCP socket when the TCP/IP process handles a socket LISTEN or ACCEPT_NW1 function call. This value is used if the queue length specified in the socket request is lower, 284 SCF Reference for CIP otherwise the queue length in the socket request is used. The default value is 5. The range is 1 to 1024. INITIAL-TTL tacl> CLIMCMD clim-name sysctl net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl. Specifies the initial value for UDP and TCP TTL. INFO SUBNET The INFO SUBNET command displays attributes of the CLIM interfaces belonging to a CIPSAM provider in a format compatible with previous NonStop TCP/IP products. Only IPv4 addresses are shown. Some field names in the header are tagged with an asterisk even though they are not alterable. INFO SUBNET Command Syntax INFO SUBNET $cipsam-name.subnet-name [,DETAIL] cipsam-name Is the CIPSAM process containing the SUBNET to display. subnet-name Is the internally-generated SUBNET name for the CLIM interface to display. A wildcard can specify a set of SUBNETs. DETAIL Specifies that the display is to include additional detailed status information about the SUBNET. Example 98 shows info for all interfaces in the Provider associated with $ZTC02. Example 98 INFO SUBNET (CIPSAM) -> INFO SUBNET $ZTC02.* CIP Info SUBNET \MYSYS.$ZTC02.* Name #SN0001 #SN0001 #SN0002 #SN0003 #SN0004 #SN0005 #SN0001 #SN0007 #SN0008 Devicename LO N1002532.lo N1002532.ETH1 N1002532.ETH2 N1002532.ETH3 N1002532.ETH4 N1003741.lo N1003741.BOND0 N1003741.BOND1 *ADDRESS TYPE LOOP-BACK LOOP-BACK ETHERNET ETHERNET ETHERNET ETHERNET LOOP-BACK ETHERNET ETHERNET *SUBNETMASK SuName %HFF000000 %HFFFFFFFF %HFFFFFF00 %HFFFFFF00 %HFFFFFF00 %HFFFFFF00 %HFFFFFFFF %HFFFFFF00 %HFFFFFF00 QIO OFF OFF ON ON ON ON OFF ON ON *R N N N N N N N N N Name Shows the internally-generated SUBNET name #SNnnn. Devicename Shows the home CLIM name and interface name associated with the SUBNET, converted to upper case. ADDRESS Shows the first known IPv4 address associated with the CLIM interface. TYPE Shows the type of interface, LOOP-BACK for interfaces named “lo” and ETHERNET for all others. SUBNETMASK Shows the subnet-mask for the first known IPv4 address associated with the CLIM interface. SuName Is always blank. CIPSAM SCF Commands 285 QIO Shows OFF for interfaces named “lo” and ON for all others. R Always shows N. Example 99 detailed info for the interface identified as SUBNET #SN004 in the Provider for $ZTC2. Example 99 INFO SUBNET Detailed > INFO SUBNET $ZTC2.#SN004,DETAIL CIP Detailed Info SUBNET \MYSYS.$ZTC2.#SN004 Name Devicename *ADDRESS TYPE #SN004 N1002532.ETH4 Trace Status ........ OFF Trace Filename ...... Interface MTU ....... 1500 Gateway ............. OFF ETHERNET *SUBNETMASK SuName QIO *R %HFFFFFF00 ON N Trace Status Is always OFF. Tracing of CLIM interfaces is set up on the CLIM. Trace Filename Is always blank. Interface MTU Is the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) size for the interface. Gateway Is always OFF. State Always shows STARTED. NAMES SUBNET, CIPSAM The only supported NAMES command for CIPSAM is NAMES SUBNET. NAMES SUBNET The NAMES SUBNET command shows the names of the specified SUBNETs. SUBNET names are generated by CIPSAM for all CLIM interfaces existing within the Provider. NAMES SUBNET Command Syntax NAMES PROCESS cipsam-name.subnet-name cipsam-name Is the name of the CIPSAM process containing the SUBNET names to display. subnet-name Identifies the SUBNET object names to display. A wildcard can specify multiple SUBNETs. Example 100 shows names for subnet $ZTCO: Example 100 NAMES SUBNET (CIPSAM) > NAMES SUBNET $ZTC0.* CIP Names SUBNET \MYSYS.$ZTC0.* SUBNET #SN0001 #SN0002 286 SCF Reference for CIP #SN0003 #SN0004 #SN0005 #SN0006 #SN0007 #SN0008 PRIMARY Command, CIPSAM The only supported PRIMARY command for CIPSAM is PRIMARY PROCESS. PRIMARY PROCESS The PRIMARY PROCESS command is a sensitive command that changes which process of the CIPSAM process pair is currently the primary. This command does not affect existing sockets. PRIMARY PROCESS Command Syntax PRIMARY PROCESS $cipsam-name [,CPU cpu-number] cipsam-name Is the name of the CIPSAM process to switch. CPU cpu-number Specifies the processor number of the current backup process. If you omit this option, the current backup processor is assumed. If you specify a processor other than the current primary or backup, the command returns an error. Example 101 switches $ZTC1 to its backup process. Example 101 PRIMARY PROCESS (CIPSAM) > PRIMARY PROCESS $ZTC1, CPU CPU number of backup process STATUS Command, CIPSAM The only supported STATUS command for CIPSAM is STATUS SUBNET. STATUS SUBNET The STATUS SUBNET command displays the current status of CLIM interfaces belonging to a CIPSAM’s Provider in a format compatible with previous NonStop TCP/IP products. STATUS SUBNET Command Syntax STATUS SUBNET [$cipsam-name][.subnet-name] cipsam-name Is the name of the CIPSAM process containing the SUBNET names to display. subnet-name Is the internally-generated SUBNET name for the CLIM interface to display. A wildcard can specify a set of SUBNETs. The INFO SUBNET command displays the SUBNET name associated with each CLIM interface. Example 98 shows the status of all SUBNETs in $CSAM2’s Provider. Example 102 STATUS SUBNET (CIPSAM) > STATUS SUBNET $CSAM2.* CIP Status SUBNET \MYSYS.$CSAM2.* Name #SN0001 #SN0002 #SN0003 #SN0004 #SN0005 #SN0006 #SN0007 #SN0008 Status STARTED STARTED STOPPED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED STARTED CIPSAM SCF Commands 287 STOP Command, CIPSAM The only supported STOP command for CIPSAM is STOP PROCESS. STOP PROCESS The STOP PROCESS command stops the operation of the specified CIPSAM process if it has no open sockets. If sockets are open, the command returns an error. STOP PROCESS Command Syntax STOP PROCESS $cipsam-name cipsam-name Is the name of the CIPSAM process to stop. Example 103 stops the CIPSAM process named $ZTC1. Example 103 STOP PROCESS (CIPSAM) > STOP PROCESS $ZTC1 TRACE Command, CIPSAM The only supported TRACE command for CIPSAM is TRACE PROCESS. TRACE PROCESS The TRACE PROCESS command starts or stops tracing of CIPSAM operations. TRACE PROCESS Command Syntax TRACE PROCESS $cipsam-name {{,STOP |[,BACKUP]} {,TO file-spec | [,BACKUP count]| [,LOCKSIZE]| [,NOCOLL]| [,PAGES pages]| [,RECSIZE size]| [,WRAP]}} PROCESS $cipsam-name Is the name of the CIPMAN process. If you omit the object name, SCF uses the assumed object name. For information about the ASSUME command, see the SCF Reference Manual for J-Series and H-Series RVUs. STOP Discontinues the trace currently in progress. TO file-spec Specifies the name of the file into which the results of the trace operation are to be placed. It is a required option if the STOP option is not used. BACKUP If BACKUP is specified, the command applies to the backup CIPMAN process (that is, the trace is stopped or started on the backup). If omitted, the primary is assumed. CIPMAN must be running as a fault-tolerant process pair if this syntax is used. If primary CIPMAN is being traced when a takeover by backup CIPMAN occurs, the trace of the same CIPMAN continues, but most events that were being traced prior to the CIPMAN switch are no longer traced. This is because CIPMAN being traced is no longer the primary. If neither PRIMARY nor BACKUP is designated, primary CIPMAN is traced. 288 SCF Reference for CIP COUNT count count is an integer in the range -1 to (32k-1). It specifies the number of trace records to be captured. If COUNT is not specified (or is specified as -1), records are accumulated until the trace is stopped or the file file-spec is full. NOCOLL Indicates that the trace collector process should not be initiated. The disk file is to be written to by Guardian. The attributes WRAP and NOCOLL cannot be specified together. PAGES pages pages specifies how many extended data segment pages are allocated when tracing. An integer value in the range 4 to 64 is expected. The default is 64 pages. RECSIZE size size is an integer in the range 1024 to 4050. It controls the length of the data in the trace data records. The trace header not included in the RECSIZE. The default is 120 bytes. Eight bytes are used for the header, and 120 bytes are trace data. WRAP Specifies that when the trace disk file end-of-file (EOF) is reached, trace data wraps around to the beginning of the file and overwrites any data that is there. This command starts a trace of $ZTC2 to file TRACE5. Example 104 TRACE PROCESS (CIPSAM) > TRACE PROCESS $ZTC2, TO TRACE5, RECSIZE 4050, SELECT ALL VERSION Command, CIPSAM The only supported VERSION command for CIPSAM is VERSION PROCESS. VERSION PROCESS The VERSION PROCESS command displays the version number of the specified CIPSAM process. VERSION PROCESS Command Syntax VERSION PROCESS $cipsam-name Example 105 displays the version of the CIPSAM process named $ZTC1: Example 105 VERSION PROCESS > VERSION PROCESS $ZTC1 $ZTC1: T0693H01_01AUG2008_AAB_SAM_Q35 CIPSAM SCF Commands 289 11 CLIMCMD and CLIMCMD climconfig Commands (Man Pages) man pages are described in these sections: • “Standalone Commands (Man Pages)” (page 291) • “Climconfig (Man Pages)” (page 301) These sections contain the information for the individual man pages, and can also be viewed directly on the CLIM. The pages listed under Standalone Commands are separate programs that are accessible through CLIMCMD, whereas those pages in the Climconfig section are accessible through CLIMCMD climconfig, as described in those sections. You can view a list of these man pages in the Table of Contents of this manual or issue the man and help commands, as described under “Linux Man Page Documentation and Help” (page 25) and “Displaying Man Pages for CIP Commands” (page 93). For the Multiple Providers per CLIM enhancement effective with the H06.25/J06.14 RVU, there is a standalone prov(1p) command and also a prov(1) climconfig command. To display the standalone prov(1p) man page, you would issue the man page command man 1p prov, and to display the climconfig.prov(1) man page, you would issue the man 1 prov command. Syntax for man pages is described in detail in the sections documenting them; for this example, see prov(1p) and climconfig.prov(1). 290 CLIMCMD and CLIMCMD climconfig Commands (Man Pages) Standalone Commands (Man Pages) This section contains reference pages for standalone commands. These standalone commands have a man-page format that includes the title of the man page, represented in man page format (for example, climstatus(1). These man pages are also available on the CLIM, using the "man" command through CLIMCMD or when logged into the CLIM directly with putty. 291 clim(1) NAME clim -- query and control the CLIM software. SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} clim [option] clim Description clim provides a set of commands to query and control the CLIM software, and to display the process status of each of the clim processes. PARAMETERS abort Abort and dump all CLIM processes. clearlog Allows a CLIM that has stopped trying to restart itself after reaching a retry threshold to be resumed. Should be followed by 'clim start'. disable-policy-routing Disables policy routing on the next CLIM reboot. enable-policy-routing Enables policy routing on the next CLIM reboot. This is the default configuration. info Provides clim configuration information. This command displays the current value/status of configurable clim parameters. onlinedebug Packages clim-related information into a compressed tar file for debugging purposes. reboot Reboots the CLIM, after taking a system memory dump. start Starts the CLIM software. status Displays the process status of the CLIM processes. The details of the CLIM processes in terms of system resource consumption are displayed. This is essentially the same as executing the psclim command at the prompt. ERROR MESSAGES None. CONSIDERATIONS 1. If the application restart threshold is exceeded, the 'clim start' command will output an error message and switch from doing an application level restart to doing a CLIM reboot. If the CLIM reboot threshold is exceeded, the 'clim start' command will output an error message and exit without attempting to do any further application-level restarts or reboots. Once the CLIM has given up attempting to restart the CLIM, operator intervention will be required to enable the CLIM to restart. The operator can accomplish this by using the 'clim clearlog' command, which will delete the log. EXAMPLES None. 292 SEE ALSO psclim(1), climstatus(1) 293 climstatus(1) NAME climstatus -- displays CLIM specific status information SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climstatus [-o option] climstatus Description climstatus is a program that provides active status information about active objects on specific CLIMs: (See climconfig(1) for information on obtaining permanent configuration information.) - ServerNet - EtherNet, Local Area Network (LAN) - Kernel IP Routing Table - Secondary Storage Devices, Hard Disk Drives (HDD) - IP Security policies and associations - Interface Failover configuration - SNMP Configuration information - climprep configuration information - iptables and ip6tables configuration climstatus, when invoked, provides status information of all the above-mentioned components by default. However, a user can view status information pertaining to a particular component by providing a -o option to the climstatus command, followed by a character that represents the desired component. The set of characters representing each component is listed under Parameters. PARAMETERS This section lists the options that can be used after the -o option. c Displays climprep information. f Displays interface failover information. h Displays the information pertaining to Filesystem Disk space usage on the CLIM. Displays information specific to the Filesystem disk space and usage status, such as name, type, size, used and available amount of space, percentage of used space, and the mount point. i Displays the information pertaining to the IPSec, such as security policies and associations. l Displays the status information pertaining to Local Area Network (EtherNet) only. Displays information specific to the Network such as the Interface name, type, status, link status, and IP addresses(both IPv4 and IPv6). The LAN information is categorized into three separate classes: Maintenance, Maintenance Provider and Data. The interface "eth0" is the onboard interface that has been reserved as the Maintenance interface and is used for clim internal housekeeping activities. The other interfaces are open for normal Data usage. m Displays CLIM SNMP information. 294 r Displays the status information pertaining to Kernel IP Routing Table. Displays information specific to the Kernel IPv4 routing table such as the Interface name, Destination IP address, Gateway, and Mask. In case of the Kernel IPv6 routing table, only Interface name, Destination IP address, and Next Hop information is displayed. s Displays the status information pertaining to ServerNet only. Displays information specific to ServerNet, X and Y Fabric connectivity status, as well as their link locations in terms of Group Module Slot Port (GMSP). t Displays iptables and ip6tables information. ERROR MESSAGES None. CONSIDERATIONS None. EXAMPLES None. SEE ALSO None. 295 ifstart(1) NAME ifstart -- start an interface SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} ifstart interface ifstart Description ifstart allows you to activate an interface if you have stopped the interface using the ifstop command. For all network interfaces (ethernet, ip-over-infiniband, bonding and tunnel interfaces), this command activates the specified interface. PARAMETERS interface Specifies the name of the network interface that is to be started and made available to the NonStop host. The interface name can be specified as a physical or bonded interface name, for example, eth1 or bond0 or ib0, or a tunnel interface (for example, MYTUN). ERROR MESSAGES The interface interface-name is not configured. This command is not supported for this interface. climagt process is not executing. Interface is already in started state. CONSIDERATIONS None. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD N1002581 ifstart eth3 SEE ALSO Ifstop(1), climconfig(1) 296 ifstop(1) NAME ifstop -- stop an interface SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} ifstop interface [-force] ifstop Description Use the ifstop command to deactivate an interface. ifstop brings down the ethernet, ip-over-infiniband, bonding and tunnel interfaces and deactivates all the IP addresses and routes associated with the network interface. PARAMETERS interface Specifies the name of the network interface that is to be stopped and made unavailable to the NonStop host. The interface name can be specified as a physical or bonded interface name, for example, eth1 or bond0 or ib0, or a tunnel interface (for example, MYTUN). -force When used without –force option, ifstop prompts for confirmation before stopping the interface. If the –force option is used, ifstop stops the interface without prompting for the confirmation. ERROR MESSAGES The interface interface-name is not configured. This command is not supported for this interface. climagt process is not executing. Interface is in already in stopped state. The interface interface-name has a tunnel interface associated with it. The tunnel interface should be stopped prior to stopping the specified interface. CONSIDERATIONS If there is a tunnel associated with the specified interface, and if the tunnel interface is UP, CIP does not allow the interface to be stopped. The tunnel interface must be stopped before its parent interface can be stopped. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD N1002581 ifstop eth3 SEE ALSO Ifstart(1), climconfig(1) 297 prov(1p) NAME prov -- execute a program under the context of a provider’s network stack SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} prov {prov-name} {command} [arg1..argN] prov Description CLIMs utilize multiple independent network stacks, or “providers.” At any time, a CLIM can have some of the following providers: %DEFAULT The reserved network stack that is used for all data communications on CLIMs configured in SCF with the MULTIPROV attribute set to OFF. %MPROV A reserved network stack used to service the optional maintenance provider configurable on the preconfigured SCF CLIM object. %MAINT A reserved network stack used to host CLIM manageability processes that provide services to the preconfigured maintenance LAN. provName Provider objects registered with the “climconfig prov –add prov-name” command, on CLIMs configured in SCF with the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON. PARAMETERS prov-name Provider name. command The command to be executed in the provider specified by prov-name. arg1..argN Optional arguments to the command. ERROR MESSAGES The specified provider does not exist. CONSIDERATIONS When logged into an interactive shell on the CLIM, commands that are network-sensitive will use the services of the currently active provider, and so only have access to the network configuration and devices that are in use by that provider. To select a different provider, the command must instead be run using the prov command, which runs the program under the network stack context of the selected provider. Commands that are invoked from NSK, through CLIMCMD, allow the provider to be selected in CLIMCMD syntax, and do not require the “prov” command to be invoked. Only programs that utilize the network stack require the prov command to be used. These programs include: - arp - ethtool - hplog 298 - ifconfig - ip addr show - ip route show - ip link show - mii-tool - netstat - ping - ping6 - tcpdump - traceroute - traceroute6 EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD N1002581 prov zct1 ping > CLIMCMD N1002581 prov zsam traceroute > CLIMCMD N1002581 prov csam ethtool –i eth1 SEE ALSO climconfig.prov(1), traceroute(1), ping(8), ethtool(8) 299 psclim(1) NAME psclim -- display the status of the CLIM processes SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} psclim psclim Description psclim is a derivation of the 'ps' command. It displays system information about the CLIM processes. The CLIM processes consist of climmon, confsync, climagt and one or more cipssrv. The information being displayed consists of process PID, memory used, percentage memory, percentage CPU time, accumulated CPU time, start time, run status, and start command. PARAMETERS None ERROR MESSAGES None CONSIDERATIONS None. EXAMPLES CLIMCMD CLIM1:~#psclim PID RSS %MEM %CPU TIME 6554 1648 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 6555 2416 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 6570 1174 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 6575 2192 0.0 0.2 00:00:00 SEE ALSO ps(1, clim(1), climstatus(1) 300 START 14:56 14:56 14:56 14:56 STAT S S S S CMD /usr/local/bin/climmon cipssrv --number 0 confsync climagt --number 1 Climconfig (Man Pages) This section contains reference pages for the climconfig command. Climconfig commands have a man-page format that includes the title of the man page, represented in man page format (for example, climconfig.arp(1). These man pages are also available on the CLIM, using the "man" command through CLIMCMD or when logged into the CLIM directly with putty. 301 climconfig(1) NAME climconfig -- configure network protocol parameters SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig command [parameter] climconfig Description This command is a parameter to the CLIMCMD command-line interface. It allows you to configure network, IPSec, climiptables, iptables, ip6tables, failover and SNMP parameters. Enter CLIMCMD at the TACL prompt on the NonStop system followed by the clim-name or CLIM IP address, climconfig and one or more command objects and associated parameters. COMMANDS climconfig supports the network configuration commands documented in this section. ERROR MESSAGES None. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig arp -add eth1 -host & -hwaddress 00:0E:7f:F5:6E:8A SEE ALSO For details about the climconfig command arguments, see the following man pages: CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD CLIMCMD 302 {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} {clim-name|ip-address} man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man man climconfig.all climconfig.arp climconfig.bondmode climconfig.climiptables climconfig.failover climconfig.hostname climconfig.interface climconfig.ip climconfig.ip6tables climconfig.iptables climconfig.prov climconfig.psk climconfig.remote climconfig.route climconfig.sa climconfig.slaveinterface climconfig.snmp climconfig.sp climconfig.sysctl climconfig.tunnel climconfig.vpn climconfig.all(1) NAME climconfig.all -- display the entire CLIM configuration SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig all -info [-obeyform] climconfig.all Description This command displays the entire CLIM configuration. PARAMETERS –info Displays the cumulative output of these commands: climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig interface –info all route –info all arp –info snmp –info bondmode –info failover –info sysctl –info all psk –info sp –info sa –info remote –info climiptables –info prov –info –info —obeyform Displays the cumulative output of these commands followed by the “exit” command: climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig climconfig interface –info all -obeyform snmp –info -obeyform bondmode –info -obeyform failover -info –obeyform sysctl –info all -obeyform psk -info -obeyform sp -info -obeyform sa -info -obeyform remote -info -obeyform climiptables -info -obeyform prov –info -obeyform ERROR MESSAGES None. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig all –info > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig all –info —obeyform 303 climconfig.arp(1) NAME climconfig.arp -- manage arp entries SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig arp -add {eth0|interface} -host host -hwaddress MAC-address CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig arp -delete {eth0|interface} -host host CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig arp -info [-obeyform] climconfig.arp Description This command: arp -add adds information about ARP entries. arp -delete deletes manually-added ARP entries. arp -info displays manually-added and kernel-added ARP entries. The arp -add and arp -delete commands add to or delete from the /etc/network/ interfaces file and if the interface is active, to the kernel. If the interface is not active, the add and delete commands affect only the /etc/network/interfaces file. The arp -info command displays information about ARP entries in the kernel (includes both manually-added and automatically-added entries). Entries that are automatically added by the Kernel cannot be deleted using this command. This command does not support InfiniBand interfaces. PARAMETERS eth0 Specifies the dedicated service LAN interface. interface Specifies an interface to configure. The interface can be either an existing physical interface name (for example, eth2) or a bonding interface name (for example, bond0). -host host Specifies the host. Use the host IP address for this parameter. -hwaddress MAC-address Specifies the MAC address of the host. -delete eth0 Specifies the dedicated service LAN interface. -delete interface Specifies an interface (physical or bonding). -info Displays information about ARP entries. -obeyform Generates user-configured ARP entries. ERROR MESSAGES For arp -add and arp -delete: 304 The interface interface-name is not configured. This command is not supported for the interface lo. This command is not supported for the interface eth0:0. This command is not supported for the interface tunnel-interface. The specified arp entry already exists for the interface-name. This command does not support InfiniBand interfaces. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig arp -add eth1 –host –hwaddress 00:0E:7f:F5:6E:8A > CLIMCMD climconfig arp -delete eth1 –host > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig arp -info Interface : eth0 IP Address : Hardware Address : 00:01:30:10:E6:50 Hardware Type : ether Flags : C Mask : > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig arp -info -obeyform climconfig arp \ -add eth0 \ -host \ -hwaddress 00:1c:c4:de:cf:ae climconfig arp \ -add eth0 \ -host \ -hwaddress 00:1b:78:07:69:70 climconfig arp \ -add eth0 \ -host \ -hwaddress 00:19:bb:1c:0c:00 #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 305 climconfig.bondmode(1) NAME climconfig.bondmode -- change bonding mode, get bondmode info SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig bondmode -modify bonding-mode CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig bondmode -info [-obeyform] climconfig.bondmode Description This command displays information about the bonding mode. The bonding mode applies to all the bonding interfaces in the CLIM. Only one slave in the bond is active. The supported bonding modes are: mode=1 (active-backup) Active-backup policy: Only one slave in the bond is active. A different slave becomes active if, and only if, the active slave fails. The bond's MAC address is externally visible on only one port (network adapter) to avoid confusing the switch. This mode provides fault tolerance. The primary option, specified in the climconfig slave interface command, affects the behavior of this mode. mode=5 (balance-tlb) Adaptive transmit load balancing: channel bonding that does not require any special switch support. The outgoing traffic is distributed according to the current load (computed relative to the speed) on each slave. Incoming traffic is received by the current slave. If the receiving slave fails, another slave takes over the MAC address of the failed receiving slave. mode=6 (balance-alb) Adaptive load balancing: includes balance-tlb plus receive load balancing (rlb) for IPV4 traffic, and does not require any special switch support. The receive load balancing is achieved by ARP negotiation. The bonding driver intercepts the ARP Replies sent by the local system on their way out and overwrites the source hardware address with the unique hardware address of one of the slaves in the bond such that different peers use different hardware addresses for the server. A different slave becomes active if the active slave fails. The bond MAC address is externally visible on only one network interface to avoid problems in the switch. This mode provides fault tolerance. Configuring the bonding mode applies to both bond interfaces, bond0 and bond1. Even if those bonds are assigned to different providers on CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON, the bonding mode still applies to both. PARAMETERS –modify bonding-mode Specifies the bonding mode to be applied to all the bonding interfaces –info Displays the configured bonding mode. The display format is: Bonding Mode : 1 ( active-backup ) –obeyform Generates the configured bonding mode information in modify command format. The display format is: climconfig bondmode -modify bonding-mode 306 ERROR MESSAGES For bondmode -modify, one or more of the Bonding interfaces is UP The value of the bonding mode should be either 1, 5, or 6 The software MAC address of the slaves <slave interface> and <slave interface> of bonding interface <bonding interface> cannot be same for bonding mode <mode>. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig bondmode –info Bonding Mode : 1 ( active-backup ) > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig bondmode –info -obeyform climconfig bondmode -modify 1 #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 307 climconfig.climiptables(1) NAME climconfig.climiptables -- configure climiptables SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig [-prov prov-name] -enable CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig [-prov prov-name] -disable [-force] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig [-prov prov-name] -info [-obeyform] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig [-prov prov-name] -status climiptables climiptables climiptables climiptables climconfig.climiptables Description This command allows you to display and configure CLIM IP tables: climiptables -enable activates configurations for the climiptables. Enable and disable states are persistent through CLIM reboots and software updates. climiptables -disable deactivates configurations for the climiptables. Enable and disable states are persistent through CLIM reboots and software updates. climiptables -info displays the state of the climiptables, iptables and ip6tables configurations. climiptables -info -obeyform obtains the obeyform lines for configuring climiptables in add/delete command format. climiptables -status displays the state of the climiptables. PARAMETERS -force Used with the -disable option, causes the command to bypass user confirmation. -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own iptables configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. -obeyform Used with the -info option, obtains climiptables configuration in obeyform format. ERROR MESSAGES For climconfig climiptables [-enable | -disable [-force] | -info [-obeyform]]: Error: File /etc/clim/climiptables/state does not exist. Error: Cannot open the file /etc/clim/climiptables/state: error code. Error: invalid version string “version”, file “/etc/clim/climiptables/state”. Error: version string major, minor is not compatible, file “/etc/clim/climiptables/state”. Error: Invalid climiptables state file. 308 CONSIDERATIONS None. EXAMPLES To enable climiptables: > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig climiptables -enable -force -prov MSC2 climiptables is now enabled > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig climiptables -disable -force -prov MSC2 Do you want to continue with DISABLING climiptables? yes/[no] - yes climiptables is now disabled > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig climiptables -force -disable climiptables is now disabled > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig climiptables -status climiptables is currently enabled > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig climiptables -info climiptables is currently enabled iptables configuration: -N snmptrap -A CIP_INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 162 -j snmptrap -A CIP_INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 162 -j snmptrap -A snmptrap ! -s -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable ip6tables configuration: -P CIP_INPUT DROP > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig climiptables -info -obeyform climconfig climiptables -disable -force climconfig iptables -force -N abc climconfig iptables -force -P CIP_INPUT ACCEPT climconfig iptables -force -A abc -p tcp -j ACCEPT climconfig ip6tables -force -P CIP_INPUT DROP climconfig climiptables -enable #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 SEE ALSO climconfig iptables, ip6tables 309 climconfig.failover(1) NAME climconfig.failover -- configure failover SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig failover -add src-interface -dest dest-clim-name.dest-interface CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig failover -delete {src-interface|all} [-force] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig failover -info clim-name -interface {interface-name|all}[-obeyform] climconfig.failover Description This command allows you to configure the failover behavior between CLIMs. You can configure both physical and bonding interfaces to failover to an interface on a different CLIM. failover -add adds a failover configuration to the failover.conf file. The command must be run for the CLIM that contains the src-interface for which the failover configuration is to be added. failover -delete deletes the failover configuration for the specified interface. The command must be run for the CLIM that contains the src-interface with the failover configuration that is to be deleted. failover -info displays the failover configuration of the specified interface. This command can be run for any CLIM. PARAMETERS src-interface Specifies the native interface name. It can be a physical (Ethernet or InfiniBand) or bonding interface. dest-clim-name Specifies the destination CLIM. dest-interface Specifies the destination interface. The specified interface can be a physical interface (Ethernet or InfiniBand) or a bonding interface. -all Deletes all of the failover configurations for the native CLIM. clim-name Specifies the CLIM containing the interface whose failover configuration is to be displayed. -clim Is the interface containing the failover configuration to display. If you specify interface-name the output is only one line. interface-name Specifies the interface for the failover configuration. For the -info command, the display format is: clim-name.interface-name.failover clim name.failover-interface all Specifies all failover configurations for the CLIM. The display format is: clim-name.interface-name failover-clim-name.failover-interface-name 310 -force Runs the command without prompting for confirmation. -obeyform Generates failover configuration information in add command format. ERROR MESSAGES For failover -add: Invalid source interface. Invalid destination interface, it should be one of the eth[1-n], bond[0-n], or ib[0-n]. Source and Destination CLIM name are same. Failover configuration for the source interface exists. The specified destination already exists. An Ethernet interface can failover only to another Ethernet interface. The dest-interface is not an Ethernet interface. An InfiniBand interface can failover only to another InfiniBand interface. The dest-interface is not an InfiniBand interface. For failover -delete: Failover configuration for the source interface does not exist. For failover -info: The CLIM clim-name does not exist. The interface interface-name does not exist. CONSIDERATIONS Failover of virtual interfaces is not supported. Failover configuration for a tunnel interface is not supported. Tunnel interfaces are automatically failed over along with the parent physical or bonding interface. There cannot be multiple failover configurations for a source interface. Both of the interfaces in the failover pair must be configured as part of the same provider. lo, eth0, and eth0:0 cannot be configured to fail over. To achieve a failover configuration, two interfaces are associated as a failover pair. Each interface can be paired with no more than one other interface and each interface of a pair must use either the other as its failover interface or no failover interface. At the time of configuration, the climconfig tool does not validate whether the failover configurations follow failover pairs. The host validates the configuration when the CLIM is STARTED. At the time of configuration, the climconfig tool does not validate whether the destination CLIM and destination interface exist and are part of the same provider. The NonStop server host does this validation when the CLIM is STARTED. If src-interface is Ethernet, then the dest-interface> should also be Ethernet. If src-interface is InfiniBand, then the dest-interface should also be InfiniBand. Only CLIM interfaces of the same type can be paired. Ethernet and InfiniBand interface pairing is invalid. For Example, Ethernet interfaces can be paired with only Ethernet interfaces and InfiniBand with only InfiniBand interfaces. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig failover -add eth1 -dest climy.eth2 > CLIMCMD climconfig failover -delete eth1 311 > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig failover -info clim2 eth1 SOURCE DESTINATION FAMILY clim2.eth1 clim1.eth1 INET clim1.eth2 clim3.eth1 INET > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig failover –info climx –interface eth1 SOURCE DESTINATION climx.eth1 climy.eth2 > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig failover –info climx –interface eth1 -obeyform climconfig failover \ -add eth1 \ -dest climy.eth2 #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 SEE ALSO climconfig interface -add 312 climconfig.hostname(1) NAME climconfig.hostname -- manage the CLIM host name SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig hostname -modify hostname CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig hostname -info climconfig.hostname Description This command modifies and displays the host name of the CLIM. PARAMETERS –modify Changes the host name of the specified CLIM. –info Displays the host name of the specified CLIM. hostname Specifies the host name to be modified. The hostname is converted to upper case. ERROR MESSAGES None CONSIDERATIONS The host name of a CLIM cannot be modified when the CLIM is in the STARTED state. The CLIM host name and the SCF CLIM object name must match. If you change the CLIM host name, you also need to change the name of the CLIM in the host. Use SCF to delete the CLIM and then add a new CLIM with a name that matches the new host name you have assigned to the CLIM. Hostname cannot exceed 8 characters. If there are any failover configurations existing for the CLIM for which you change the hostname, the climconfig tool automatically changes the source-CLIM name in its failover configurations. If the interfaces of the other CLIM are configured to fail over to this CLIM, manually change the failover configurations of the other CLIMs. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD climconfig hostname -info CLIM1 > CLIMCMD climconfig hostname -modify N100253 SEE ALSO SCF DELETE CLIM command, SCF ADD CLIM command 313 climconfig.interface(1) NAME climconfig.interface -- manage CLIM interfaces SYNOPSIS interface -add command: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -add {eth0:0|interface-name} [-prov prov-name] [-mtu mtu-value | -jumbo { on | off } ] interface -delete command: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -delete {eth0:0|interface-name} interface -modify command for eth0 interface: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -modify eth0 { [-ipaddress ipv4-address -netmask ipv4-netmask] | [-autonegotiation on] | [-autonegotiation on -linespeed 1000 [-duplex full ] ] | [-autonegotiation { on | off } -linespeed {10 | 100} -duplex { half | full } ] }[-force] interface -modify command for data interfaces: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -modify interface-name { [-mtu mtu-value] | [-jumbo { on | off } ] | [-autonegotiation on] | [-autonegotiation on -linespeed 1000 -duplex full]] | [-autonegotiation { on | off } -linespeed { 10 | 100 } -duplex { half | full } ] | [-macaddr {mac address | default} ] }[-force] For changing the eth0 IP address: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -modify eth0 -ipaddress ipv4-address -netmask ipv4-netmask For changing MTU settings: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -modify interface-name -mtu mtu-value For changing jumbo frame settings: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -modify interface-name -jumbo { on | off } For changing Ethernet card settings: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig interface -modify interface-name [ –force ] {[ -autonegotiation on ] | [ -autonegotiation on -linespeed 1000 [ –duplex full ] ] | [ -autonegotiation { on | off } –linespeed { 10 | 100 } -duplex { half | full } ] } For changing the MAC address for physical and slave interfaces: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -modify interface-name -macaddr {mac-address|default} [-force] For displaying the configuration of an interface: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig interface -info {eth0|eth0:0|interface-name|all}[–obeyform] 314 climconfig.interface Description This command does the following: interface -add adds the interface name to the /etc/network/interfaces file of the CLIM. The host brings up the interface when it is added. If the CLIM has MULTIPROV ON and the operator specifies the -prov command with the name of an unconfigured prov object, that object is implicitly added. Thus, for an unknown provider, you can specify climconfig interface -add interface-name -prov prov-name, which would be the equivalent of issuing the two commands, climconfig prov -add prov-name and climconfig interface -add interface-name -prov prov-name. The interface can be added even when the CLIM is in the STARTED state. Slave interfaces can be added by using the slaveinterface –configure command. If a bonding interface does not have any slave interfaces, it is not activated by the host. interface -delete removes the configured physical or bonding interface and its configuration (all the IP addresses and routes associated with the interface) from the /etc/network/interfaces file of CLIM. interface -modify changes the existing interface configuration in the CLIM /etc/network/interfaces file. For eth0, its IP address or MAC address settings can be modified. For modifying parameters of any option, only the modified parameter can be specified and other unmodified parameters need not be specified. You can modify the jumbo setting, IP address, mtu, autonegotiation settings, and MAC address individually, but not all on the same command. If an option does not exist, the new option and its parameter can be added. However, you cannot delete a previously configured option. This command does not support InfiniBand interfaces. interface -info displays the configuration of an interface. For a given interface, the IP address, netmask, gateway, minimum TCP Retransmission Timeout (RTO) value (in milliseconds), and other information, are displayed. An interface can have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses; in this case, the command displays both of the configuration details for the interface. The command displays the configurations only for an interface existing in the /etc/network/interfaces file. To display the configurations for an interface existing in the kernel, use the ifconfig command. PARAMETERS eth0 Specifies the dedicated service LAN interface. eth0:0 Specifies the maintenance Provider LAN interface. interface Refers to the physical (Ethernet or InfiniBand interface) or logical (software abstraction such as bond or tunnel) interfaces on the CLIM. interface-name Specifies the interface for the operation. For the -macaddr option, the interface, including slave interfaces must be physical interfaces. For other options, the interface can be either a physical interface (for example, eth1, ib0) or a bonding interface (for example, bond0). -ipaddress ipaddress Specifies an IPv4 address. 315 -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own interface configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. -netmask netmask Specifies an IPv4 network address in dotted quad form. all Displays information for all interfaces. -obeyform This option displays the user-configured resources of an interface in add command format. -mtu Sets frame size for an interface. If the option is not specified, the default frame size is 1500. For physical and bonding interface allowable values are 1280 to 9000. For tunnel interfaces allowable values are 1280 to 65508. If the mtu option is set for bonding interface, it will also be applied to a slave interface. Setting mtu option separately for a slave interface is not allowed. You cannot specify both the jumbo and mtu options. mtu cannot be specified for eth0, eth0:0, and InfiniBand interfaces. Specifying mtu overrides previous values set for jumbo. -jumbo on Changes jumbo frames for an interface other than eth0 or eth0:0. If jumbo is set (on), the frame size is 9000 bytes. If jumbo is reset (off), the frame size is1500 bytes. If the option is not specified, the default frame size is 1500 bytes. The jumbo option has a limited set of allowable values (1500 - OFF and 9000 - ON) for frame size, whereas the mtu option supports a range of values. The mtu option is the recommended method for setting the MTU size. The climconfig tool reports an error if the NIC does not support a frame size of 9000 bytes. If the jumbo option is set for a bonding interface, it will also be applied to a slave interface. Setting the jumbo option separately for a slave interface is not allowed. If the bonding interface is UP, the jumbo option is set and a slave interface is added that does not support frames of 9000 bytes, Climconfig reports an error while adding the slave interface. You cannot specify both the jumbo and mtu options. A jumbo frame cannot be set for eth0 and eth0:0. Specifying jumbo overrides previous values set for mtu. -jumbo off Disables jumbo frames for an interface. The frame size is set to 1500 bytes. If this parameter is not specified, the jumbo option is reset and the frame size set to 1500 bytes. -force Causes the command to modify the interface without prompting for confirmation. -autonegotiation on Enables autonegotiation. -autonegotiation off Disables autonegotiation. -linespeed and -duplex options must be specified. -linespeed 10 Sets the linespeed to 10MB/sec. 316 -linespeed 100 Sets the linespeed to 100MB/sec. -linespeed 1000 Sets the linespeed to 1000MB/sec. This option can be set only if -autonegotiation is set to on. -duplex half Sets the duplex mode to half. -duplex full Sets the duplex mode to full. -macaddr Specifies the MAC address to be assigned to the specified interface. If default is specified, the original hardware MAC address is assigned. NOTE: When the interface is deleted from the configuration, either as a slave interface or an independent interface, the configured software MAC address is not retained with the interface. ERROR MESSAGES For interface -add: The interface interface-name is already configured as an independent interface. Interface interface-name is slave interface for a bonding interface. It cannot be configured as an independent interface. Interface interface-name does not exist in the kernel. The -jumbo option is not supported for eth0/eth0:0. The -mtu option is not supported for eth0/eth0:0 or for ib0/ib1. Only one of -jumbo or -mtu options can be specified. A value within the range 1280 to 9000 must be specified for -mtu option. The –prov option is not supported for CLIM with SCF MULTIPROV option set to OFF. The –prov option must be specified for CLIM with SCF MULTIPROV option set to ON. The –prov option is not supported for eth0 and eth0:0. The specified provider name is invalid; it must not be more than seven characters and must be alpha-numeric characters with the first character being alphabetic. For interface -delete: This command is not supported for the interface eth0. This command is not supported for the interface lo. The interface interface-name is not configured. The interface interface-name has a tunnel interface tunnel-interface-name associated with it. The interface interface-name is UP, cannot execute this command. Cannot execute this command for the interface eth0:0, with eth0:0 in use. For interface -modify: This command is not supported for the interface lo. The -jumbo option is not supported for eth0/eth0:0 or ib0/ib1. The -mtu option is not supported for eth0/eth0:0. Only one of -jumbo or -mtu options can be specified. A value within the range 1280 to 9000 must be specified for -mtu option. 317 The IPv6 family cannot be specified for the eth0. -ipaddress option for the command - "climconfig interface -modify", is supported only for eth0. The interface interface-name is not configured. Cannot execute this command for the interface eth0 when the CLIM is in STARTED state. The tunnel interface and its parent interface have different jumbo settings. Internal Error in updating SLNP rules, error-code. The specified MAC address is not a software MAC address.The software MAC address of the slaves slave-interface-1 and slave-interface-2 of bonding interface bonding-interface cannot be the same for bonding mode mode. This command is not supported for InfiniBand interfaces. The specified Jumbo value already exists for the interface. The specified interface does not support the specified speed and mode. For interface -info: The interface interface-name is not configured. WARNING MESSAGES For interface -modify: Warning: SNMP configuration file /etc/default/snmpd is missing. Warning: SNMP configuration file /etc/default/snmpd is corrupt. Warning: Cannot restart SNMP daemon. Warning: Cannot restart SNMP agents. Warning: Cannot write to SNMP configuration file /etc/default/snmpd. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations for interface -add: The bonding interface will find an entry as one of the interfaces, with the slave interfaces configured within that bonding interface definition. Slave interfaces should not be added using this command. Slave interfaces for a bonding interface can be configured using the command climconfig slaveinterface -configure . . .. The climconfig tool does not allow addition of a virtual interface other than eth0:0. eth0:0 cannot be added when the CLIM is in the STARTED state. If the interface to be added is UP, it should first be brought down using the CLIMCMD ifstop command, and then added. Considerations for interface -delete: You cannot delete eth0, the dedicated service LAN interface. lo, the loopback interface, cannot be deleted. This command cannot be executed when the specified interface is active (UP). Use the CLIMCMD ifstop command to deactivate the interface before deleting it. An interface cannot be deleted before deleting any tunnel interface associated with it. This command cannot be used to delete tunnel interfaces. eth0:0, the maintenance provider interface, cannot be deleted when eth0:0 is in use by the NonStop host. Considerations for interface -modify: You cannot modify the IP address and netmask of eth0 when the CLIM is in the STARTED state. To modify the IP address on a CLIM, do a climcmd clim-name clim stop, then a climcmd clim-name climconfig interface -modify eth0 -ipaddress new 318 eth0 ip address -netmask Then issue the SCF CLIM START command to restart the CLIM after the changes. An IPv6 address cannot be assigned to eth0 interface. The -jumbo option cannot be used for eth0 and eth0:0. If the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of an active interface is changed using the jumbo option, a failover of that interface might occur. The loopback interface, lo, cannot be modified. Not all ethernet cards support all linespeeds and duplex modes. Fibre channel supports only –autonegotiation on. Gigabit ethernet standard requires auto-negotiation to be ON. You cannot specify SPEED 1000 Mb/s and AUTONEGOTIATION OFF. A MAC address can be modified only for an interface that is DOWN (stopped). Therefore, effectively, eth0 MAC address cannot be changed. When a MAC address is being modified, the interface must not have been failed over. The software MAC addresses of all slaves of a bonding interface must be unique in bonding modes 5 (balance-tlb) and 6 (balance-alb). A check is performed when you attempt to change the bonding mode. If the eth0 IP address is being changed, the known host information SSHDB on the NonStop host must be modified. Here are the required steps: 1. At the TACL prompt, enter: Tacl> sshcom open $zssp0; mode client; info knownhost *:old-eth0-ip-address.22; exit 2. For each entry listed above (one per user), issue this command: sshcom open $zssp0; mode client; delete knownhost user-name:old-eth0-ip-address.22; exit The old-eth0-ip-address is the IP address configured on eth0 that is being changed to a new IP address. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig interface -add eth1 -jumbo on > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig interface –add bond0 -jumbo on > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig interface -delete eth1 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig interface -modify eth0 -ipaddress -netmask > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -modify eth1 -jumbo off > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -modify -autonegotation off -linespeed 100 -duplex half eth1 > CLIMCMD climconfig interface –modify eth2 –autonegotiation on –linespeed 1000 > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -modify eth2 -macaddr 00:16:b4:3B:90:EE > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -info all > CLIMCMD climconfig interface -info all -obeyform 319 SEE ALSO climconfig ip -add 320 climconfig.ip(1) NAME climconfig.ip -- add or delete IP addresses SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig ip -add {eth0|eth0:0|interface} -ipaddress ip-address -netmask netmask CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig ip -delete interface -ipaddress ip-address -netmask netmask [-force] climconfig.ip Description This command does the following: ip -add adds an IP address to an existing interface. Multiple IP addresses can be added to an interface. ip -delete deletes an IP address from the specified interface. The IP address is deleted from the configuration file. If the IP address exists in the kernel, it is deleted from the kernel. PARAMETERS eth0 Specifies the dedicated service LAN interface. eth0:0 Specifies the maintenance provider LAN interface. interface Specifies an interface. This parameter can be either a physical interface name (such as eth1, ib0), a bonding interface name (such as bond0), or a tunnel interface (such as tun0). -ipaddress ipaddress Is the new IP address to be assigned to the interface (for ip -add) or the IP address to be deleted from the interface (for ip -delete). It can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 IP address. -netmask netmask Specifies the netmask for the interface. For IPv4 addresses, use dotted quad format. For IPv6 addresses, use the number of bits appropriate for the IPv6 address (for example, 64). -delete interface Deletes an IP address for the specified physical or bonding interface from the /etc/network/ interfaces file of the CLIM. This command also deletes the tunnel configurations associated with the interface. -force Causes the command to delete the IP address without prompting for confirmation. ERROR MESSAGES For ip -add: The interface interface-name is not configured. This command is not supported for the interface lo. Configuring IPv6 "address" is not allowed for eth0 and eth0:0 interfaces. Interface "eth0" already has an IP. Interface "eth0:0" already has an IP. The specified IP address already exists for the interface. 321 Cannot execute this command for the interface interface-name when the CLIM is in STARTED state. The "IPv4" family cannot be specified for the "tunnel interface". For ip -delete: This command is not supported for the interface lo. The interface interface-name is not configured. The specified IP address ip-address is not configured for the interface. The IP address cannot be deleted from eth0. The IP address cannot be deleted from eth0:0 with eth0:0 in use. A route with the specified IP address as a –src exists. WARNING MESSAGES For ip -add: Warning: SNMP configuration file /etc/default/snmpd are missing. Warning: SNMP configuration file /etc/default/snmpd are corrupt. Warning: Cannot restart SNMP daemon. Warning: Cannot write to SNMP configuration file /etc/default/snmpd. Cannot restart SNMP agents. For ip -delete: Warning: Could not remove IPv4 compatible IPv6 address from the kernel. CONSIDERATIONS For ip -add: For SNMP listening address configuration, when the IP address is added to eth0, the climconfig tool updates the /etc/defaults/snmpd configuration file with the new listening address as the dedicated service LAN IP. Tunnel interfaces can be assigned only with IPv6 addresses. An IPv6 address cannot be assigned to eth0 and eth0:0. Only one IPv4 address can be assigned to eth0 or eth0:0. The IP address is added either to the /etc/network/interfaces file, to the kernel, or to both. The behavior is defined as: —If the specified interface is down, the IP address is added to the file. —If the CLIM is in the STOPPED state, the IP address is added to the file. —If the specified interface is UP and the CLIM is in the STARTED state, the IP address is added to the file and to the kernel. The customer data interfaces, eth1 - eth5, cannot have IP addresses in the 192.168.*.* range, or whatever the dedicated service LAN address range is for the system. If the same static IPv6 address is configured and added to more than one CLIM, during the interface activation, the IPv6 address being duplicated remains as a tentative address. This IPv6 address is not automatically removed from the kernel/file configuration by climconfig. It is the operator's responsibility to remove such duplicate static IPv6 addresses from the configuration. For ip -delete: The IP address cannot be deleted from eth0. The IP address cannot be deleted from eth0:0, with eth0:0 in use. IP address from Loopback interface lo, cannot be deleted. 322 All the routes belonging to an interface for a particular network are automatically deleted from the kernel when the last IPv4 address belonging to that network is deleted from the interface. However, the routes remain in the configuration file. These routes will come into effect only when the interface is restarted (ifstop followed by ifstart) or when the routes are deleted and then added back after adding at least one IPv4 address corresponding to that network. For example: interface -info eth5 Interface Interface Type MTU Size IP Address Netmask ROUTE Details Route Type Destination Address Netmask Gateway Address Metric Minimum RTO : : : : : : : : : : : : eth5 Physical Interface 1500 Default Route 0 Unspecified When the IP is deleted, the default route is automatically deleted from the kernel. EXAMPLES > ip -add eth1 –ipaddress –netmask 323 climconfig.ip6tables(1) NAME climconfig.ip6tables -- configure ip6tables SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig ip6tables [-prov prov-name] [-force] arguments Or, CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig ip6tables [-prov prov-name] arguments [-force] climconfig.ip6tables Description This command supports the following options. If a command is labeled as sensitive, a user confirmation is required for execution unless the -force option is also specified. --append | -A chain rule-specification [options] This command appends one or more rules to the end of the selected chain. When the source and/or destination names resolve to more than one address, a rule will be added for each possible address combination. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. --delete | -D chain [rulenum | rule-specification [options]] This command deletes one or more rules from the selected chain. There are two versions of this command: the rule can be specified as a number in the chain (starting from 1 for the first rule) or a rule to match. For the latter case, the specified rule must match an existing entry in the chain exactly. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. This is a sensitive command. --insert | -I chain [rulenum] rule-specification [options] This inserts one or more rules in the selected chain as the given rule number. Number starts from 1. This is also the default if no rule number is specified. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. --replace | -R chain rulenum rule-specification [options] This command replaces a rule in the selected chain. If the source and/or destination names resolve to multiple addresses, the command will fail. Rules are numbered starting at 1. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. This is a sensitive command. --list | -L [chain [rulenum]] Lists all rules or the rule of the specified rule number in the selected chain. Any chain (including the built-in chains) can be listed. This command is valid for all chains including the Linux built-in chains, the CIP built-in chains, and all user-defined chains. If no chain is selected, all chains are listed. --list-rules | -S [chain [rulenum]] Prints all rules or the rule of the specified rule number in the selected chain in form of iptables/ip6tables commands. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. If no chain is selected, all users chains, if any, and the CIP_INPUT chain are listed. --flush | -F [chain] This command deletes all user-defined rules in a chain. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. If no chain is specified, this flushes all rules in the CIP_INPUT chain and in all user-defined chains. The CIP_INPUT_p chain is not flushed. This is a sensitive command. 324 --zero | -Z [chain] This command zeros out the packet and bytes counters in the specified chain or all chains if the chain name is not specified. This applies to all user-defined chains, the CIP built-in chain and Linux built-in chains if chain is not specified. A user may also specify the Linux built-in INPUT chain for this command. --new | -N chain This command creates a new user-defined chain by the given name. There must be no target of that name already, or an error is returned. Creating a CIP reserved chain (a name begins with CIP_) and any of the Linux built-in chains (INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD) is not allowed. --delete-chain | -X [chain] Delete the user-defined chain specified. There must be no references to the chain. If there are, you must delete or replace the referring rules before the chain can be deleted. The chain must also be empty, i.e. not containing any rules. If no argument is given, it will attempt to delete every user-defined chain in the table. The following built-in chains cannot be deleted: CIP_INPUT, CIP_INPUT_p, INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD. --rename-chain | -E old-chain new-chain This command renames the specified user-defined chain to the user-supplied name. Any references to the old chain name are automatically renamed by Linux iptables/ip6tables itself. The following built-in chains cannot be renamed: CIP_INPUT, CIP_INPUT_p, INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD. --policy | -P chain target This command sets the policy for the chain to the given target. Only a CIP built-in CIP_INPUT chain can be specified with a policy. Neither Linux built-in nor user-defined chains can be policy targets. Setting a policy to CIP_INPUT chain causes the target (the first and only rule) in CIP_INPUT_p chain to be replaced. -h | -help | --help This command prints the climconfig iptables/ip6tables help information. If it is specified after a match extension, some more information pertinent to that match could also be given. PARAMETERS -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own iptables configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. -force Used with a sensitive command, causes the command to bypass user confirmation. Must be either ahead of the command or at end of the line. [!] --protocol | -p proto To match protocol proto, which is either a protocol name or number. Supported protocols are: all(0), tcp(6), udp(17), icmpv6(58), esp(50), ah(51), and sctp(132). When the "!" argument is used, the ‘match’ operation is changed to the ‘not match’ operation. [!] --source | --src | -s address[/mask] To match a source address. Address can be either a network IPv4/IPv6 address (with /mask), or a plain IP address. The mask can be either a network mask or a plain number, specifying the number of 1s at the left side of the network mask. Thus, a mask of 24 is equivalent to When the "!" argument is used the ‘match’ operation is changed to the ‘not match’ operation. 325 [!] --destination | --dst | -d address[/mask] To match a destination address. Address can be either a network IP address (with /mask), or a plain IPv4/IPv6 address. The mask can be either a network mask or a plain number, specifying the number of 1s at the left side of the network mask. Thus, a mask of 24 is equivalent to When the "!" argument is used the ‘match’ operation is changed to the ‘not match’ operation. [!] --in-interface | -i interface_name[+] To match a packet by the interface in which it was received. If the interface name ends in a "+", then any interface which begins with this name will match. If this option is omitted, any interface name will match. When the "!" argument is used the ‘match’ operation is changed to the ‘not match’ operation. --jump | -j target Jump to a target, which can be a user-defined chain, a built-in or extension target. --match | -m match-module-name Load a match extension module. --numeric | -n Select numeric output of addresses and ports. --table | -t table Specify table to manipulate. table must be ‘filter’. --verbose | -v Verbose mode. --line-numbers Print line numbers when listing. --exact | -x To expand numbers (display exact values). --set-counters | -c pkts bytes This enables the administrator to initialize the packet and byte counters of a rule (during INSERT, APPEND, REPLACE operations). For example, iptables -A CIP_INPUT -c 100 2000 -p tcp -i eth2 --dport 21 -j ACCEPT would set the rule in the CIP_INPUT chain for accepting ftp packets targeted for interface eth2 and, at the same time, initialize the number of packets accepted to be 100 and number of bytes to be 2000. Match Extensions ip6 The supported match extensions are based on the Linux iptables man pages. They are subject to future changes made by Linux iptables implementation. ah Matches the SPIs in Authentication header of IPsec packets. [!] --ahspi spi[:spi] [!] --ahlen length --ahres comment Allows you to add comments (up to 256 characters) to any rule. --comment comment Example: ip6tables -A CIP_INPUT -s fe80::221:5aff:fec9:1a32/64 -m comment --comment 'A privatized IP block' 326 connbytes Matches by how many bytes/packets a connection has transferred. [!] --connbytes from:[to] --connbytes-dir {original|reply|both} --connbytes-mode {packets|bytes|avgpkt} Example: ip6tables .. -m connbytes --connbytes 10000:100000 --connbytes-dir both --connbytes-mode bytes ... connlimit Allows you to restrict the number of parallel TCP connections to a server per client IP address (or address block). [!] --connlimit-above n --connlimit-mask prefix_length Examples: # allow 2 telnet connections per client host ip6tables -p tcp --syn --dport 80 -s fe80::/64 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 16 --connlimit-mask 64 -j REJECT connmark * Matches packets in connections with value set by CONNMARK target. Not supported because it is valid only in the mangle table. conntrack Matches additional connection tracking information. [!] --ctstate statelist statelist is a comma-separated list of the connection states to match. [!] --ctproto l4proto [!] --ctorigsrc address[/mask] [!] --ctorigdst address[/mask] [!] --ctreplsrc address[/mask] [!] --ctrepldst address[/mask] Matches against original/reply source/destination address. [!] --ctorigsrcport port [!] --ctorigdstport port [!] --ctreplsrcport port [!] --ctrepldstport port Matches against original/reply source/destination port (TCP/UDP/etc.) or GRE key. [!] --ctstatus [NONE|EXPECTED|SEEN_REPLY|ASSURED|CONFIRMED][,...] [!] --ctexpire time[:time] --ctdir {ORIGINAL|REPLY} dccp * Matches DCCP-specific fields and types. Not supported because CIP does not support Datagram Congestion Control Protocol. dscp * Matches the 6-bit DSCP field within the TOS field in the IP header. 327 Not supported because Differentiated Services Code Point is QoS related. dst Matches parameters in Destination Options header. [!] --dst-len length --dst-opts type[:length][,type[:length]...] esp Matches the SPIs in ESP header of IPsec packets. [!] --espspi spi[:spi] eui64 Matches EUI-64 part of a stateless auto configured IPv6 address. frag Matches parameters in the Fragment header. [!] --fragid id[:id] [!] --fraglen length --fragres --fragfirst --fragmore --fraglast hashlimit Hashlimit for something like per destination-ip or per (destip, destport) tuple. It gives you the ability to express: “1000 packets per second for every host in” “100 packets per second for every service of” with a single ip6tables rule. --hashlimit-upto amount[/second|/minute|/hour|/day] --hashlimit-above amount[/second|/minute|/hour|/day] --hashlimit-burst amount --hashlimit-mode {srcip|srcport|dstip|dstport},... --hashlimit-srcmask prefix --hashlimit-dstmask prefix --hashlimit-name foo --hashlimit-htable-size buckets --hashlimit-htable-max entries --hashlimit-htable-expire msec --hashlimit-htable-gcinterval msec hbh Matches parameters in Hop-by-Hop Options header. [!] --hbh-len length --hbh-opts type[:length][,type[:length]...] helper Specifies the conntrack-helper module. [!] --helper string 328 hl Matches the Hop Limit field in the IPv6 header. [!] --hl-eq value --hl-lt value --hl-gt value icmp6 Matches ICMPv6-specific values. [!] --icmp-type {type[/code]|typename} Allows specification of the ICMPv6 type, which can be a numeric ICMPv6 type, type and code, or one of the ICMPv6 type names shown by the command: ip6tables -p ipv6-icmp -h iprange Matches on a given arbitrary range of IP addresses. [!] --src-range from[-to] [!] --dst-range from[-to] ipv6header Matches IPv6 extension headers and/or upper layer header. --soft [!] --header header[,header...] length Matches the length of a packet against a value or range of values. [!] --length length[:length] limit Matches a rule to a specified rate. A rule using this extension will match until this limit is reached (unless the '!' flag is used). [!] --limit rate [/second|/minute|/hour|/day] --limit-burst number mac Matches source MAC address. [!] --mac-source address mark * Matches packets with value previously set by MARK target. Not supported because it is valid only in the mangle table. mh * Matches the Mobility Header (MH) type. Not supported because CIP does not support ipv6-mh protocol. multiport Matches a set of source or destination ports. [!] --source-ports | --sports port[,port|,port:port]... [!] --destination-ports | --dports port[,port|,port:port]... [!] --ports port[,port|,port:port]... owner * Matches various characteristics of the (locally generated) packet creator. 329 Not supported because it is only valid in the OUTPUT and POSTROUTING chains. physdev * Matches on the bridge port input and output devices enslaved to a bridge device. Not supported because CIP is not a bridge device. pkttype Matches link-layer packet type. [!] --pkt-type {unicast|broadcast|multicast} policy Matches IPsec policy. --dir {in|out} --pol {none|ipsec} --strict [!] --reqid id [!] --spi spi [!] --proto {ah|esp|ipcomp} [!] --mode {tunnel|transport} [!] --tunnel-src addr[/mask] [!] --tunnel-dst addr[/mask] --next quota Implements network quota by decrementing a byte counter with each packet. --quota bytes The quota in bytes. rateest * Rate estimator. Not supported because it is mainly for making routing decisions (mangle table). realm * Matches the routing realm. Not supported because it is for dynamic routing. recent Matches against dynamically constructed list of IP addresses. --name name [!] --set --rsource --rdest [!] --rcheck [!] --update [!] --remove --seconds seconds --hitcount hits --rttl rt Matches on IPv6 routing header. 330 --rt-type [!] type --rt-segsleft [!] num[:num] --rt-len [!] length --rt-0-res --rt-0-addrs ADDR[,ADDR...] --rt-0-not-strict sctp Matches SCTP-specific information. [!] --source-port | --sport port[:port] [!] --destination-port | --dport port[:port] [!] --chunk-types all|any|only chunktype[:flags] [...] set * Matches IP sets which can be defined by ipset(8). Not supported because ipset is not supported. state Allows access to conntrack state for this packet. [!] --state statelist Where statelist is a comma-separated list of the connection states to match. Possible states are INVALID, ESTABLISHED, NEW, and RELATED. statistic Matches packets based on some statistic condition. --mode mode --probability p --every n --packet p string Matches a given string pattern. --algo bm|kmp --from offset --to offset [!] --string pattern [!] --hex-string pattern tcp Matches TCP-specific values. [!] --source-port | --sport port[:port] [!] --destination-port | --dport port[:port] [!] --tcp-flags mask comp [!] --syn [!] --tcp-option number tcpmss Matches the TCP MSS field of the TCP header. [!] --mss value[:value] 331 time Matches the arrival time/date of packets. --datestart YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss]]]]] --datestop MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss]]]]] --timestart hh:mm[:ss] --timestop hh:mm[:ss] [!] --monthdays day[,day...] [!] --weekdays day[,day...] --utc Interprets the times given for --datestart, --datestop, --timestart and --timestop to be utc. --localtz Interprets the times given for --datestart, --datestop, --timestart and --timestop to be local kernel time. (Default) tos Matches the 8 bits ToS (Type of Service) field in the IP header. [!] --tos value[/mask] [!] --tos symbol u32 Tests whether quantities of up to 4 bytes extracted from a packet have specified values. The specification of what to extract is general enough to find data at given offsets from tcp headers or payloads. [!] --u32 tests The argument amounts to a program in a small language described below: tests := location "=" value | tests "&&" location "=" value value := range | value "," range range := number | number ":" number a single number, n, is interpreted the same as n:n. n:m is interpreted as the range of numbers >=n and <=m. location := number | location operator number operator := "&" | "<<" | ">>" | "@" The operators &, <<, >> and && mean the same as in C. The = is really a set membership operator and the value syntax describes a set. The @ operator is what allows moving to the next header. udp Matches UDP-specific values. [!] --source-port | --sport port[:port] [!] --destination-port | --dport port[:port] Target Extensions ip6 The supported target extensions are based on the Linux ip6tables man pages. They are subject to future changes made by Linux ip6tables implementation. log When the LOG target is set for a rule, the Linux kernel will print some information on all matching packets (i.e., most IP header fields) to syslog. This is a "non-terminating target", i.e. rule traversal continues at the next rule. So if you want to LOG the packets you refuse, use two separate rules with the same matching criteria, first using target LOG, the next using DROP (or REJECT). 332 LOG has the following options: --log-level level Level of logging (keyword or numeric): debug (or 7), info (or 6), notice (or 5), warning (or 4), err (or 3), crit (or 2), alert (or 1), emerg (or 0). Default is warning if not specified. If the specified severity of log-level is ‘info’ or above (e.g., warning), the log message is also sent to NSK host generating a 5232 EMS event in $0. NOTE: Care should be used so as to not flood EMS with events. --log-prefix prefix Prefix log messages with the specified prefix; up to 25 letters long, and useful for distinguishing messages in the logs. --log-tcp-sequence Log TCP sequence numbers. This is a security risk if the log is readable by users. --log-tcp-options Log options from the TCP packet header. --log-ip-options Log options from the IP packet header. --log-uid Log the userid of the process which generated the packet. Example 1: Both syslog and EMS display the message. climiptables –A CIP_INPUT –j LOG --log-level info --log-prefix “LOGDROP” climiptables –A CIP_INPUT –j DROP Example 2: The message is only logged in the syslog not in EMS. climiptables –A CIP_INPUT –j LOG --log-level debug --log-prefix “LOGDROP” climiptables –A CIP_INPUT –j DROP reject Used to send back an error packet in response to the matched packet: otherwise it is equivalent to DROP so it is a terminating TARGET, ending rule traversal. The following option controls the nature of the error packet returned: --reject-with type The type given for ip6tables can be icmp6-no-route no-route icmp6-adm-prohibited adm-prohibited icmp6-addr-unreachable addr-unreach icmp6-port-unreachable port-unreach 333 ERROR MESSAGES climconfig ip6tables requires options/commands. Try 'climconfig ip6tables -h' for more information. climconfig ip6tables Error: File /etc/clim/climiptables/state does not exist. climconfig ip6tables Error: Cannot open the file /etc/clim/climiptables/state: error-code. Error: invalid version string 'version', file ‘/etc/clim/climiptables/state’. Error: version string major, minor is not compatible, file ‘/etc/clim/climiptables/state’. climconfig ip6tables Error: Invalid climiptables state file. climconfig ip6tables Error: max prefix length for '--log-prefix' is 25. climconfig ip6tables Error: Deleting/Appending/Renaming/Flushing a rule from/to the Linux built-in chain 'xxx’ is not allowed. climconfig ip6tables Error: Deleting/Appending/Renaming/Flushing a rule from/to the CIP policy chain is not allowed. CONSIDERATIONS None. EXAMPLES > climcmd n1002583 climconfig ip6tables -S -N ftp -N telnet -A CIP_INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 20:21 -j ftp -A CIP_INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 23 -j telnet -A ftp -i eth2 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable -A telnet ! -i eth2 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable Termination Info: 0 > climcmd n1002583 climconfig ip6tables -vL Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 11 packets, 889 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 7636 1970K ACCEPT all -- any any N1002583 657K 229M ACCEPT all -- eth0 any anywhere 204 13045 CIP_INPUT all -- any any anywhere 146 9781 CIP_INPUT_p all -- any any anywhere anywhere anywhere anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 1313 packets, 246K bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain CIP_INPUT (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt destination 18 972 ftp tcp -tcp dpts:ftp-data:ftp 4 224 telnet tcp -tcp dpt:telnet in out source any any anywhere anywhere any any anywhere anywhere out source out source Chain CIP_INPUT_p (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in destination Chain ftp (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt 334 in destination 120 REJECT all -eth2 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable 2 Chain telnet (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in destination 1 60 REJECT all -- !eth2 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable Termination Info: 0 any anywhere out source any anywhere anywhere anywhere SEE ALSO climconfig iptables, climiptables 335 climconfig.iptables(1) NAME climconfig.iptables -- configure iptables SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig iptables [-prov prov-name] [-force] arguments Or, CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig iptables [-prov prov-name] arguments [-force] climconfig.iptables Description This command supports the following arguments. If a command is labeled as sensitive, a user confirmation is required for execution unless the -force option is also specified. --append | -A chain rule-specification [options] This command appends one or more rules to the end of the selected chain. When the source and/or destination names resolve to more than one address, a rule will be added for each possible address combination. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. --delete | -D chain [rulenum | rule-specification [options]] This command deletes one or more rules from the selected chain. There are two versions of this command: the rule can be specified as a number in the chain (starting from 1 for the first rule) or a rule to match. For the latter case, the specified rule must match an existing entry in the chain exactly. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. This is a sensitive command. --insert | -I chain [rulenum] rule-specification [options] This inserts one or more rules in the selected chain as the given rule number. Number starts from 1. This is also the default if no rule number is specified. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. --replace | -R chain rulenum rule-specification [options] This command replaces a rule in the selected chain. If the source and/or destination names resolve to multiple addresses, the command will fail. Rules are numbered starting at 1. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. This is a sensitive command. --list | -L [chain [rulenum]] Lists all rules or the rule of the specified rule number in the selected chain. Any chain (including the built-in chains) can be listed. This command is valid for all chains including the Linux built-in chains, the CIP built-in chains, and all user-defined chains. If no chain is selected, all chains are listed. --list-rules | -S [chain [rulenum]] Prints all rules or the rule of the specified rule number in the selected chain in form of iptables/ip6tables commands. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. If no chain is selected, all users chains, if any, and the CIP_INPUT chain are listed. --flush | -F [chain] This command deletes all user-defined rules in a chain. This command is valid only for the CIP_INPUT chain and user-defined chains. If no chain is specified, this flushes all rules in the CIP_INPUT chain and in all user-defined chains. The CIP_INPUT_p chain is not flushed. This is a sensitive command. 336 --zero | -Z [chain] This command zeros out the packet and bytes counters in the specified chain or all chains if the chain name is not specified. This applies to all user-defined chains, the CIP built-in chain and Linux built-in chains if chain is not specified. A user may also specify the Linux built-in INPUT chain for this command. --new | -N chain This command creates a new user-defined chain by the given name. There must be no target of that name already, or an error is returned. Creating a CIP reserved chain (a name begins with CIP_) and any of the Linux built-in chains (INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD) is not allowed. --delete-chain | -X [chain] Delete the user-defined chain specified. There must be no references to the chain. If there are, you must delete or replace the referring rules before the chain can be deleted. The chain must also be empty, i.e. not containing any rules. If no argument is given, it will attempt to delete every user-defined chain in the table. The following built-in chains cannot be deleted: CIP_INPUT, CIP_INPUT_p, INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD. --rename-chain | -E old-chain new-chain This command renames the specified user-defined chain to the user-supplied name. Any references to the old chain name are automatically renamed by Linux iptables/ip6tables itself. The following built-in chains cannot be renamed: CIP_INPUT, CIP_INPUT_p, INPUT, OUTPUT, and FORWARD. --policy | -P chain target This command sets the policy for the chain to the given target. Only a CIP built-in CIP_INPUT chain can be specified with a policy. Neither Linux built-in nor user-defined chains can be policy targets. Setting a policy to CIP_INPUT chain causes the target (the first and only rule) in CIP_INPUT_p chain to be replaced. -h | -help | --help This command prints the climconfig iptables/ip6tables help information. If it is specified after a match extension, some more information pertinent to that match could also be given. PARAMETERS -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own iptables configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. -force Used with a sensitive command, causes the command to bypass user confirmation. Must be either ahead of the command or at end of the line. [!] --protocol | -p proto To match protocol proto, which is either a protocol name or number. Supported protocols are: all(0), tcp(6), udp(17), icmp(1), esp(50), ah(51), and sctp(132). When the "!" argument is used, the ‘match’ operation is changed to the ‘not match’ operation. [!] --source | --src | -s address[/mask] To match a source address. Address can be either a network IPv4/IPv6 address (with /mask), or a plain IP address. The mask can be either a network mask or a plain number, specifying the number of 1s at the left side of the network mask. Thus, a mask of 24 is equivalent to When the "!" argument is used the ‘match’ operation is changed to the ‘not match’ operation. 337 [!] --destination | --dst | -d address[/mask] To match a destination address. Address can be either a network IP address (with /mask), or a plain IPv4/IPv6 address. The mask can be either a network mask or a plain number, specifying the number of 1s at the left side of the network mask. Thus, a mask of 24 is equivalent to When the "!" argument is used the ‘match’ operation is changed to the ‘not match’ operation. [!] --in-interface | -i interface_name[+] To match a packet by the interface in which it was received. If the interface name ends in a "+", then any interface which begins with this name will match. If this option is omitted, any interface name will match. When the "!" argument is used the ‘match’ operation is changed to the ‘not match’ operation. --fragment | -f To match only the second and subsequent fragments of a datagram. ! --fragment | -f To match only the first fragment, or an unfragmented datagram. --jump | -j target Jump to a target, which can be a user-defined chain, a built-in or extension target. --match | -m match-module-name Load a match extension module. --numeric | -n Select numeric output of addresses and ports. --table | -t table Specify table to manipulate. table must be ‘filter’. --verbose | -v Verbose mode. --line-numbers Print line numbers when listing. --exact | -x To expand numbers (display exact values). --set-counters | -c pkts bytes This enables the administrator to initialize the packet and byte counters of a rule (during INSERT, APPEND, REPLACE operations). For example, iptables -A CIP_INPUT -c 100 2000 -p tcp -i eth2 --dport 21 -j ACCEPT would set the rule in the CIP_INPUT chain for accepting ftp packets targeted for interface eth2 and, at the same time, initialize the number of packets accepted to be 100 and number of bytes to be 2000. Match Extensions ip The supported match extensions are based on the Linux iptables man pages. They are subject to future changes made by Linux iptables implementation. addrtype Matches packets based on address type. Valid address types are: UNSPEC, UNICAST, LOCAL, BROADCAST, ANYCAST, MULTICAST, BLACKHOLE, UNREACHABLE, PROHIBIT, THROW, NAT, XRESOLVE. [!] --src-type type [!] --dst-type type --limit-iface-in 338 ah Matches the SPIs in Authentication header of IPsec packets. [!] --ahspi spi[:spi] comment Allows you to add comments (up to 256 characters) to any rule. --comment comment Example: iptables -A INPUT -s -m comment --comment 'A privatized IP block' connbytes Matches by how many bytes/packets a connection has transferred. [!] --connbytes from:[to] Matches packets from a connection whose packets/bytes/average packet size is more than FROM and less than TO bytes/packets. If TO is omitted, only a FROM check is done. "!" is used to match packets not falling in the range: --connbytes-dir {original|reply|both} --connbytes-mode {packets|bytes|avgpkt} Example: iptables .. -m connbytes --connbytes 10000:100000 --connbytes-dir both --connbytes-mode bytes ... connlimit Allows you to restrict the number of parallel TCP connections to a server per client IP address (or address block). [!] --connlimit-above n --connlimit-mask bits Examples: # allow 2 telnet connections per client host iptables -p tcp --syn --dport 23 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 2 -j REJECT connmark * Matches packets in connections with value set by CONNMARK target. Not supported because it is valid only in the mangle table. conntrack Matches additional connection tracking information. [!] --ctstate statelist statelist is a comma-separated list of the connection states to match. [!] --ctproto l4proto [!] --ctorigsrc address[/mask] [!] --ctorigdst address[/mask] [!] --ctreplsrc address[/mask] [!] --ctrepldst address[/mask] Matches against original/reply source/destination address. [!] --ctorigsrcport port [!] --ctorigdstport port 339 [!] --ctreplsrcport port [!] --ctrepldstport port Matches against original/reply source/destination port (TCP/UDP/etc.) or GRE key. [!] --ctstatus [NONE|EXPECTED|SEEN_REPLY|ASSURED|CONFIRMED][,...] [!] --ctexpire time[:time] --ctdir {ORIGINAL|REPLY} dccp * Matches DCCP-specific fields and types. Not supported because CIP does not support Datagram Congestion Control Protocol. dscp * Matches the 6-bit DSCP field within the TOS field in the IP header. Not supported because Differentiated Services Code Point is QoS related. ecn Matches different ECN fields in the TCP and IPv4 headers. [!] --ecn-tcp-cwr [!] --ecn-tcp-ece [!] --ecn-ip-ect num esp Matches the SPIs in ESP header of IPsec packets. [!] --espspi spi[:spi] hashlimit Hashlimit for something like per destination-ip or per (destip,destport) tuple. It gives you the ability to express: '1000 packets per second for every host in' '100 packets per second for every service of' with a single iptables rule. --hashlimit-upto amount[/second|/minute|/hour|/day] --hashlimit-above amount[/second|/minute|/hour|/day] --hashlimit-burst amount --hashlimit-mode {srcip|srcport|dstip|dstport},... --hashlimit-srcmask prefix --hashlimit-dstmask prefix --hashlimit-name foo --hashlimit-htable-size buckets --hashlimit-htable-max entries --hashlimit-htable-expire msec --hashlimit-htable-gcinterval msec helper Specifies the conntrack-helper module. [!] --helper string icmp This extension is loaded if '--protocol icmp' is specified. It provides the following option: [!] --icmp-type {type[/code]|typename} 340 Allows specification of the ICMP type, which can be a numeric ICMP type, type/code pair, or one of the ICMP type names shown by the command: iptables -p icmp -h iprange Matches on a given arbitrary range of IP addresses. [!] --src-range from[-to] [!] --dst-range from[-to] length Matches the length of a packet against a value or range of values. [!] --length length[:length] limit Matches a rule to a specified rate. A rule using this extension will match until this limit is reached (unless the '!' flag is used). [!] --limit rate [/second|/minute|/hour|/day] --limit-burst number mac Matches source MAC address. [!] --mac-source address mark * Matches packets with value previously set by MARK target. Not supported because it is valid only in the mangle table. multiport Matches a set of source or destination ports. [!] --source-ports | --sports port[,port|,port:port]... [!] --destination-ports | --dports port[,port|,port:port]... [!] --ports port[,port|,port:port]... owner * Matches various characteristics of the (locally generated) packet creator. Not supported because it is only valid in the OUTPUT and POSTROUTING chains. physdev * Matches on the bridge port input and output devices enslaved to a bridge device. Not supported because CIP is not a bridge device. pkttype Matches link-layer packet type. [!] --pkt-type {unicast|broadcast|multicast} policy Matches IPsec policy. --dir {in|out} --pol {none|ipsec} --strict [!] --reqid id [!] --spi spi [!] --proto {ah|esp|ipcomp} [!] --mode {tunnel|transport} 341 [!] --tunnel-src addr[/mask] [!] --tunnel-dst addr[/mask] --next quota Implements network quota by decrementing a byte counter with each packet. --quota bytes The quota in bytes. rateest * Rate estimator. Not supported because it is mainly for making routing decisions (mangle table). realm * Matches the routing realm. Not supported because it is for dynamic routing. recent Matches against dynamically constructed list of IP addresses. --name name [!] --set --rsource --rdest [!] --rcheck [!] --update [!] --remove --seconds seconds --hitcount hits --rttl sctp Matches SCTP-specific information. [!] --source-port | --sport port[:port] [!] --destination-port | --dport port[:port] [!] --chunk-types all|any|only chunktype[:flags] [...] set * Matches IP sets which can be defined by ipset(8). Not supported because ipset is not supported. socket Matches if an open socket can be found by doing a socket lookup on the packet. state Allows access to conntrack state for this packet. [!] --state statelist Where statelist is a comma-separated list of the connection states to match. Possible states are INVALID, ESTABLISHED, NEW, and RELATED. statistic Matches packets based on some statistic condition. --mode mode 342 --probability p --every n --packet p string Matches a given string pattern. --algo bm|kmp --from offset --to offset [!] --string pattern [!] --hex-string pattern tcp Matches TCP-specific values. [!] --source-port | --sport port[:port] [!] --destination-port | --dport port[:port] [!] --tcp-flags mask comp [!] --syn [!] --tcp-option number tcpmss Matches the TCP MSS field of the TCP header. [!] --mss value[:value] time Matches the arrival time/date of packets. --datestart YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss]]]]] --datestop YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss]]]]] --timestart hh:mm[:ss] --timestop hh:mm[:ss] [!] --monthdays day[,day...] [!] --weekdays day[,day...] --utc Interprets the times given for --datestart, --datestop, --timestart and --timestop to be utc. --localtz Interprets the times given for --datestart, --datestop, --timestart and --timestop to be local kernel time. (Default) tos Matches the 8 bits ToS (Type of Service) field in the IP header. [!] --tos value[/mask] [!] --tos symbol ttl Matches the Time to Live (TTL) field in the IP header. --ttl-eq ttl --ttl-gt ttl --ttl-lt ttl 343 u32 Tests whether quantities of up to 4 bytes extracted from a packet have specified values. The specification of what to extract is general enough to find data at given offsets from tcp headers or payloads. [!] --u32 tests The argument amounts to a program in a small language described below: tests := location "=" value | tests "&&" location "=" value value := range | value "," range range := number | number ":" number a single number, n, is interpreted the same as n:n. n:m is interpreted as the range of numbers >=n and <=m. location := number | location operator number operator := "&" | "<<" | ">>" | "@" The operators &, <<, >> and && mean the same as in C. The = is really a set membership operator and the value syntax describes a set. The @ operator is what allows moving to the next header. udp Matches UDP-specific values. [!] --source-port | --sport port[:port] [!] --destination-port | --dport port[:port] Extensions with an asterisk (*) are not supported but are not disallowed by CIP. Target Extensions ip The supported target extensions are based on the Linux iptables man pages. They are subject to future changes made by Linux iptables implementation. log When the LOG target is set for a rule, the Linux kernel will print some information on all matching packets (i.e., most IP header fields) to syslog. This is a "non-terminating target", i.e. rule traversal continues at the next rule. If you want to LOG the packets you refuse, use two separate rules with the same matching criteria, first using target LOG, the next using DROP (or REJECT). LOG has the following options: --log-level level Level of logging (keyword or numeric): debug (or 7), info (or 6), notice (or 5), warning (or 4), err (or 3), crit (or 2), alert (or 1), emerg (or 0). Default is warning if not specified. If the specified severity of log-level is 'info' or above (e.g., warning), the log message is also sent to NSK host generating a 5232 EMS event in $0. NOTE: Care should be used so as to not flood EMS with events. --log-prefix prefix Prefix log messages with the specified prefix; up to 25 letters long, and useful for distinguishing messages in the logs. --log-tcp-sequence Log TCP sequence numbers. This is a security risk if the log is readable by users. --log-tcp-options Log options from the TCP packet header. --log-ip-options Log options from the IP packet header. 344 --log-uid Log the userid of the process which generated the packet. Example 1: Both syslog and EMS display the message. climiptables –A CIP_INPUT –j LOG --log-level info --log-prefix “LOGDROP” climiptables –A CIP_INPUT –j DROP Example 2: The message is only logged in the syslog not in EMS. climiptables –A CIP_INPUT –j LOG --log-level debug --log-prefix “LOGDROP” climiptables –A CIP_INPUT –j DROP reject Used to send back an error packet in response to the matched packet: otherwise it is equivalent to DROP so it is a terminating TARGET, ending rule traversal. The following option controls the nature of the error packet returned: --reject-with type The type given for iptables can be icmp-net-unreachable icmp-host-unreachable icmp-port-unreachable icmp-proto-unreachable icmp-net-prohibited icmp-host-prohibited icmp-admin-prohibited ERROR MESSAGES climconfig iptables requires options/commands. Try 'climconfig iptables -h' for more information. climconfig iptables Error: File /etc/clim/climiptables/state does not exist. climconfig iptables Error: Cannot open the file /etc/clim/climiptables/state: error-code Error: invalid version string 'version', file ‘/etc/clim/climiptables/state’. Error: version string major, minor is not compatible, file ‘/etc/clim/climiptables/state’. climconfig iptables Error: Invalid climiptables state file. climconfig iptables Error: max prefix length for '--log-prefix' is 25 climconfig iptables Error: Deleting/Appending/Renaming/Flushing a rule from/to the Linux built-in chain 'xxx’ is not allowed. climconfig iptables Error: Deleting/Appending/Renaming/Flushing a rule from/to the CIP policy chain is not allowed. CONSIDERATIONS None. EXAMPLES > climcmd n1002583 climconfig iptables -S -N ftp -N telnet -A CIP_INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 20:21 -j ftp 345 -A CIP_INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 23 -j telnet -A ftp -i eth2 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable -A telnet ! -i eth2 -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable Termination Info: 0 > climcmd n1002583 climconfig iptables -vL Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 11 packets, 889 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 7636 1970K ACCEPT all -- any any N1002583 anywhere 657K 229M ACCEPT all -- eth0 any anywhere anywhere 204 13045 CIP_INPUT all -- any any anywhere anywhere 146 9781 CIP_INPUT_p all -- any any anywhere anywhere Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 1313 packets, 246K bytes) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination Chain CIP_INPUT (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out destination 18 972 ftp tcp -- any any anywhere tcp dpts:ftp-data:ftp 4 224 telnet tcp -- any any anywhere tcp dpt:telnet Chain CIP_INPUT_p (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in destination out source anywhere anywhere source Chain ftp (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 2 120 REJECT all -- eth2 any anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable Chain telnet (1 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 1 60 REJECT all -- !eth2 any anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable Termination Info: 0 SEE ALSO climconfig ip6tables, climiptables 346 climconfig.prov(1) NAME climconfig.prov -- configure prov SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig prov -add prov-name CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig prov -delete prov-name [-force] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig prov -info {prov-name | all} [-obeyform] climconfig.prov Description This command allows you to display and configure climconfig prov objects. All network objects configured on CLIMs with the MULTIPROV attribute set to OFF are associated with the provider that this CLIM is assigned to in the SCF CLIM object configuration. Network objects configured on CLIMs with the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON must be explicitly associated with a provider. That association is represented by a climconfig prov object. prov -add configures a new provider association. The new provider will have a loop back interface configured automatically. The provider name must not be more than seven characters long and must be alpha-numeric characters with the first character being alphabetic, and should directly correspond to the name of the PROVIDER object in SCF that this CLIM will provide network services to. The name can be specified in case-insensitive manner. climconfig converts the name to upper case. prov -delete deletes a provider association. All network objects configured using this provider association should be deleted first before deleting the prov object. If any network objects are associated with it, an error message is generated. NOTE: The sp, sa, psk, remote, iptables and ip6tables objects will be automatically deleted if the provider is deleted, and no error will be generated. prov -info displays all the configured provider associations. prov -info -obeyform obtains the obeyform lines for configuring the provider association in add format. PARAMETERS -force Used with the -delete option, causes the command to bypass user confirmation. -obeyform Used with the -info option, obtains the provider association configuration in obeyform format. ERROR MESSAGES For climconfig prov -add: Error: The specified provider name already exists. Error: The specified provider name is invalid; it must not be more than seven characters and must be alpha-numeric characters with the first character being alphabetic. 347 For climconfig prov -delete: Error: The specified provider name does not exist. Error: The specified provider has one or more interfaces still associated with it. Error: The specified provider name is invalid; it must not be more than seven characters and must be alpha-numeric characters with the first character being alphabetic. CONSIDERATIONS Climconfig prov objects are added implicitly during interface addition, so this command is only required if a provider with only loopback needs to be added. The deletion of a provider results in deletion of IPSec and iptables objects. If you want to preserve this configuration for later re-use, you can first run climconfig all -info -obeyform to capture the configuration of these objects. EXAMPLES To add the provider ztc1: > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig prov -add ztc1 To delete the provider ztc1: > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig prov -delete ztc1 To display all providers: > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig prov -info all ztc0 ztc1 To display all providers with the obeyform option: > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig prov -info all -obeyform climconfig prov –add ztc0 climconfig prov –add ztc1 #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. Exit SEE ALSO prov.1p (man 1p prov) 348 climconfig.psk(1) NAME climconfig.psk -- configure pre-shared keys SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig psk -add [-prov prov—name] -ip {ip-address|fqdn} -k {hex-number|string} CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig psk -delete [-prov prov—name] -ip {ip-address|fqdn} CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig psk -info [-prov {prov—name | all}] [-ip {ip-address|fqdn}] [-obeyform] climconfig.psk Description This command does the following: psk -add adds a pre-shared key for an IP address or fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) to the psk.txt file. Both the -ip and -k parameters are required. psk -delete deletes the pre-shared key for a given IP address or deletes the FQDN from the psk.txt file. The -ip parameter is required. psk -info displays the pre-shared key for a given IP address or displays the FQDN from the psk.txt file. The -ip parameter is optional; if it is omitted, all pre-shared keys for various IP addresses from the psk.txt file are displayed. PARAMETERS -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own IPSec configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. -ip ip-address Specifies an IPv4 or IPv6 address. -ip fqdn Specifies a fully qualified domain name. -k string Specifies a key as a series of hexadecimal digits preceded by 0x or double-quoted character string. -obeyform Displays the pre-shared key configuration in the format of add command(s). ERROR MESSAGES For psk -add: Please give the correct options. (The wrong options are displayed.) For psk -delete: The pre-shared key for the matched IP address is not found. For psk -info: There are no pre-shared keys found for the matching IP address. 349 If no options are specified, all the pre-shared keys from the file psk.txt are displayed. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -add –ip –k 0x12abfe34 > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -add –ip –k ""simple psk"" > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -add –prov ztc0 –ip –k “simple psk” > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -delete –ip > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -delete –prov ztc0 –ip > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -info > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -info –ip > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -info –prov zsam1 –ip > CLIMCMD n1002581 climconfig psk -info –prov ztc0 –obeyform The sample display for the psk -info command is: simple psk The sample display for the psk -info -obeyform command is: climconfig psk -add \ -ip \ -k "simple psk" #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 350 climconfig.remote(1) NAME climconfig.remote -- manage remote configuration for security associations SYNOPSIS Remote configuration for authentication method of pre-shared key: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig remote -add [-prov prov—name] -ip {ip-address | anonymous} -M exchange_mode [-idtype address [-idvalue ip-address] | -idtype {fqdn | user_fqdn} -idvalue string | -idtype keyid -idvalue file] [-peer_idtype address [-peer_idvalue ip-address] | -peer_idtype {fqdn | user_fqdn} -peer_idvalue string | -peer_idtype keyid -peer_idvalue file [-verify_identifier]] [-dpd_delay seconds [-dpd_retry seconds] [-dpd_maxfail number]] -E encryption_algorithm -H hash_algorithm [-A pre_shared_key] -D dh_group [-restart [-force]] Remote configuration for authentication method of certificates: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig remote -add [-prov prov—name] -ip {ip-address | anonymous} -M exchange_mode [-idtype asn1dn [-idvalue string]] [-peer_idtype asn1dn [-peer_idvalue string] [-verify_identifier]] -pubcert certfile -privkey privkeyfile [-dpd_delay seconds [-dpd_retry seconds] [-dpd_maxfail number]] -E encryption_algorithm -H hash_algorithm -A {rsasig | gssapi_krb} -D dh_group [-gssid string] [-restart [-force]] Remote -delete command: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig remote -delete [-prov prov—name] -ip {ip-address | anonymous} [-restart [-force]] Remote -add_proposal command for pre-shared key: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig remote –add_proposal [-prov prov—name] –ip {ip-address | anonymous} -E encryption_algorithm -H hash_algorithm [-A pre_shared_key] -D dh_group [-restart [-force]] Remote -add_proposal command for certificates: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig remote –add_proposal [-prov prov—name] –ip {ip-address | anonymous} -E encryption_algorithm -H hash_algorithm -A {rsasig | gssapi_krb} -D dh_group [-gssid string] [-restart [-force]] Remote -delete_proposal command: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig remote –delete_proposal [-prov prov—name] –ip {ip-address | anonymous} –tag tag-id [-restart [-force]] Remote -info command: CLIMCMD {clim-name | ip-address} climconfig remote -info [-prov {prov—name | all}][-ip {ip-address | anonymous}] [-obeyform] 351 climconfig.remote Description remote -add adds a remote entry into the configuration file racoon.conf. remote -add_proposal adds an additional proposal for the remote ip-address into the configuration file racoon.conf for the phase 1 IKE negotiation. A maximum of 10 proposals can exist in a remote configuration. remote -delete deletes a remote entry from the configuration file racoon.conf. remote -delete_proposal deletes a proposal with a tag identifier for the remote IP address from the configuration file racoon.conf. At least one proposal must exist in a remote configuration. remote -info displays the remote configurations from the configuration file racoon.conf. PARAMETERS -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own IPSec configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. –ip ip-address Specifies the IP address in the configuration file racoon.conf for which the remote command is issued. –ip anonymous Indicates that no IP address is specified. –M exchange_mode Defines the exchange mode for phase 1 when the racoon is the initiator. This parameter also defines the acceptable exchange mode when the racoon is the responder. exchange_mode is one or more of: main, aggressive, or base. You can specify more than one mode by separating them with a comma and enclosing them in double quotes. If you specify multiple modes, the racoon uses the first mode when it is the initiator. –idtype Specifies the identifier sent to the remote host and the type to use in the phase 1 negotiation. The value is one of: user_fqdn, fqdn, address, keyid, or asn1dn. –idvalue Specifies the idtype value. The value is one of: ip-address, string, file. NOTE: When the value is of type file, the entire pathname has to be specified. –peer_idtype Specifies the peer's identifier to be received. If it is not defined, racoon will not verify the peer's identifier in ID payload transmitted from the peer. If it is defined, the behavior of the verification depends on the flag of verify_identifier. The value is one of: user-fqdn, fqdn, address, keyid or asn1dn. –peer_idvalue Specifies the peer_idtype value. The value is one of: ip-address, string, file. NOTE: 352 When the value is of type file, the entire pathname has to be specified. –verify_identifier To verify the peer's identifier, set this to on. In this case, if the value defined by -peer_idtype is not the same as the peer's identifier in the ID payload, the negotiation will fail. The default is off. –pubcert certfile Specifies the file name of a public certificate. –privkey privkeyfile Specifies the file name of a private key. If you omit the –pubcert or -privkey option, the default behavior is to use the pre-shared key. The default path for pre-shared key is /etc/ racoon/psk.txt. –dpd_delay seconds Activates Dead Peer Detection (DPD) and specifies the time, in seconds, allowed between two proof of liveliness requests. The default value is 0, which disables DPD monitoring but negotiates DPD support. –dpd_retry seconds Sets the delay, in seconds, to wait for a proof of liveliness before considering it as failed and send another request. The default value is 5. This is set only if dpd_delay is set. –dpd_maxfail number Sets the maximum number of liveliness proofs to request, without reply, before considering the peer is dead. The default value is 5. This is set only if dpd_delay is set. –A authentication_method Specifies the authentication method used for the phase 1 negotiation. This parameter is required. The method is one of the values: pre_shared_key, rsasig, or gssapi_krb. –D dh_group Defines the group used for the Diffie-Hellman exponentiations. This parameter is required. group is one of the values: modp768, modp1024, modp1536, modp2048, modp3072, modp4096, modp6144, or modp8192. You can also specify one of the numerals 1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18 as the DH group number. When you choose aggressive mode, you must define the same DH group in each proposal. –E encryption_algorithm Specifies the encryption algorithm used for the phase 1 negotiation. This parameter is required. The algorithm is one of the following: des, 3des, blowfish, cast128, or aes for Oakley. Do not use this parameter for other transforms. –H hash_algorithm Specifies the hash algorithm used for the phase 1 negotiation. This parameter is required. hash_algorithm is one of the values: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, or sha512 for Oakley. –gssid string Specifies the GSS-API endpoint name, to be included as an attribute in the SA, if the gssapi_krb authentication method is used. If gssid is not defined, the default value host/hostname' is used, where hostname is the value returned by the hostname command. –tag tag-id The tag identifier that identifies the proposal of a remote configuration. Tag ids are numbered from 1 to 10. –restart Causes the newest racoon.conf file to be loaded by restarting the racoon daemon. A warning about the restart of the racoon daemon is issued to inform users that the SAs established in the SAD will be disconnected. 353 –force Used with the -restart option, causes the command to bypass user confirmation. -obeyform Displays the remote configuration in the format of add command(s). ERROR MESSAGES For remote -add: Please give the correct options. (The incorrect option is displayed.) For remote -delete: The remote information for the matched IP-address is not found. For remote -info: The remote information for the IP-address is not found. CONSIDERATIONS The configuration information is not loaded until the racoon daemon is restarted. To restart the racoon daemon, use the restart option. If no options are specified for the remote -info command all the remote information for the IP addresses contained in the configuration file racoon.conf are displayed. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig remote -add –ip –M main -dpd_delay 60 –E 3des –H md5 –A pre_shared_key –D modp768 > CLIMCMD climconfig remote -add –ip anonymous –M main –E 3des –H md5 –A pre_shared_key –D modp768 –restart > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote -add –ip anonymous –M main –E 3des –H md5 –A pre_shared_key –D modp768 –restart -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig remote -add –ip –M main –pubcert pubkey.pem –privkey privkey.pem –E 3des –H md5 –A rsasig –D modp768 –restart > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig remote -add –ip –M main –pubcert pubkey.pem –privkey privkey.pem –E 3des –H md5 –A rsasig –D modp768 –restart -force > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote -add –ip anonymous –M main –pubcert pubkey.pem –privkey privkey.pem –E 3des –H md5 –A rsasig –D modp768 With the following command, you will be asked for confirmation that you want to restart the racoon daemon: > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig remote -delete –ip –restart The following command does not prompt for confirmation: > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig remote -delete –ip –restart -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig remote -delete –ip anonymous > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig remote –add_proposal –ip –E 3des –H md5 –A pre_shared_key –D modp768 –restart > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig remote –delete_proposal –ip –tag 2 –restart –force > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote -info –ip anonymous 354 > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote -add –prov ztc0 –ip –M main –dpd_delay 60 –E 3des –H md5 –A pre_shared_key –D modp768 > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote -delete –prov ztc0 –ip –restart > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote –add_proposal –prov zsam1 –ip –E 3des –H md5 –A pre_shared_key –D modp768 –restart > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote –delete_proposal –prov zsam1 –ip –tag 2 –restart –force > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote –info –prov zsam1 > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote –info –prov ztc1 –obeyform > CLIMCMD climconfig remote -info Sample display for remote info: remote { exchange_mode main; proposal { encryption_algorithm 3des; hash_algorithm sha1; authentication_method pre_shared_key; dh_group modp1024; } } > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig remote -info -ip anonymous -obeyform > CLIMCMD climconfig remote -info -obeyform The sample display for a remote -info -obeyform command is: climconfig remote -add \ -ip \ -M main \ -E 3des \ -H sha1 \ -A pre_shared_key \ -D modp1024 #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit SEE ALSO climconfig psk, climconfig sa, climconfig sp 355 climconfig.route(1) NAME climconfig.route -- configure routes SYNOPSIS Command to add IPv4 route (non-default): CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig route -add {eth0|eth0:0 | interface} -target ipv4-address {-host | -net} [-netmask netmask] [-gateway gateway] [-mt metric] [-minrto time] [-initcwnd number] [-src ipv4-address] Command to add IPv6 route (non-default): CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig route -add interface -target ipv6-address {-host|-net} [-netmask netmask] [-gateway gateway] [-mt metric] [-minrto time] [-initcwnd number] Command to add default IPv4 route: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig route -add {eth0|eth0:0|interface} -default -gateway gateway [-mt metric] [-minrto time] [-initcwnd number] [-src ipv4-address] Command to add default IPv6 route: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig route -add interface -default -gateway gateway [-mt metric] [-minrto time] [-initcwnd number] Command to delete IPv4/IPv6 routes: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig route -delete { eth0|eth0:0 | interface} [-target ip-address] {-host|-net} [-netmask netmask] [-gateway gateway] [-default] [-force] Command to delete default IPv4/IPv6 routes: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig route -delete { eth0|eth0:0 |interface} -default -gateway gateway Command to obtain info about a route: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig route -info [-usrconfig | -obeyform] Command to add a route to a host in a different network: CLIMCMD {clim-name| ip-address} climconfig route -add {eth0|eth0:0|interface} -net -target host-ip -gateway gateway climconfig.route Description This command does the following: route -add adds a static route through an interface to specific hosts or networks. route -delete deletes a route from an interface. route -info displays route information. PARAMETERS {-add|-delete} eth0 Specifies the dedicated service LAN interface. Valid only for IPv4 routes. 356 {-add|-delete} eth0:0 Specifies the maintenance Provider LAN interface. Valid only for IPv4 routes. NOTE: eth0:0 is a logical interface and is hosted on the physical interface eth0 and both the interfaces have to belong to same subnet. Climconfig will maintain the same set or routes on both the interfaces. If a route is added to either eth0 or eth0:0, climconfig will add it to both eth0 and eth0:0. {-add|-delete} interface Specifies one of the following interfaces: An existing physical interface (for example, eth1 or ib0). A bonding interface (for example, bond0). A point-to-point tunnel interface (for example, mytun). Only IPv6 routes can be added to a tunnel interface. –host Indicates that the route is to the host within the network (within the same subnet). The –netmask, –net, –default, and –gateway parameters are not valid with the –host parameter. –net Indicates that the route is to the network or to a host in another network. The –default parameter is not valid with the –net parameter. Also: If –netmask is not specified, the route is to a host in a different subnet. If –netmask is specified, the route is a network route. For a network route, you can specify the –gateway parameter. –target Specifies the destination network or host. Specify a dotted-quad format IPv4 address or a colon-delimited IPv6 address. –netmask netmask Specifies the netmask to be used. For an IPv4 address, specify the netmask as an IPv4 address in dotted quad form; for an IPv6 address, specify the netmask as a number of bits (for example, 64). This parameter is not valid with the –default and –host options. If this parameter is omitted and –net is specified, default netmask values are for IPv4 routes and 128 for IPv6 routes. –gateway Specifies a gateway address. This parameter is required if the –default parameter is specified. –mt Specifies the distance to the target, measured in hops. This number is used to indicate the cost of the route so that the best route, potentially among multiple routes to the same destination, is selected. –minrto Specifies the minimum Retransmission Timeout (RTO) value, in milliseconds, to be used with the specified destination. Specify a decimal or integer value; for example, 5.5. The minimum RTO depends on the clock interrupt frequency, and might therefore get modified when assigned to the kernel. If the failed over route is the same as the home route, the failed over route uses the home route's minrto value. –initcwnd Specifies the maximum initial congestion window (cwnd) size in MSS (Maximal Segment Size) of a TCP connection. It sets the initial congestion window size to n * MSS. Value is from 1 to 357 4294967295. This option is used to improve performance on routes to SWAN concentrators, with a recommended value of 7. -default Specifies to use the default route if no other route matches. This option is not valid with the –host, –net, –netmask, and –target options. -usrconfig Valid only with the route -info command. This option displays user-configured routes only. If this option is omitted, the command displays the user configured routes and the dynamic routes added by the kernel. -obeyform Generates user-configured route (IPv4 and IPv6) information in add command format. -force If used without –force option, this command prompts for confirmation before deleting the route. -src The source IP address to use for outgoing connections or UDP packets using this route if the socket is not bound to an IP address. The option is useful if there is an interface with multiple IP Addresses and it is desired that outgoing client connection requests or UDP packets using that interface use a particular IP Address on that interface to the specified location. The –src option is valid for IPv4 routes only. This table shows possible option combinations for different route types: –target –netmask –gateway –mt –minrto –initcwnd -src –net required optional optional optional optional optional optional –host required optional optional optional optional optional optional –default optional optional required optional optional optional optional ERROR MESSAGES For route -add: This command is not supported for the interface lo. The interface interface-name is not configured. Configuring IPv6 route is not allowed for eth0 and eth0:0 interfaces. The IPv4 family cannot be specified for the tunnel interface. The specified route already exists for the interface-name. The specified IP Address ip-address is not configured for interface-name The –src parameter is not valid for an IPv6 route. For route -delete: The interface interface-name is not configured. This command is not supported for the interface lo. The specified route is not configured for the interface-name. CONSIDERATIONS Valid combinations of options for different route types for route -add and route -delete are: If the -net option is specified, then -target is required, and -netmask, -gateway, and -mt (route -add only) are optional. 358 If -host is specified, then -target is required, -netmask and -gateway are not required, and -mt (route -add only) is optional. If -default is specified, then -target and -netmask are not required, -gateway is required, and -mt (route -add only) is optional. If -all (route -delete only) is specified, then -target, -netmask, -gateway, and -mt (route -add only) are not valid. A route added by the route -add command is added to the /etc/network/interfaces file, to the kernel or to both, as follows: If the specified interface is down, the route is added to the file. If the CLIM is in the STOPPED state, the route is added to the file. If the specified interface is UP and CLIM is in the STARTED state and ifactivate is issued to the home resources by CLIMAGT, the route is added to the file and to the kernel. If the specified interface is UP and CLIM is in the STARTED state and ifdeactivate is issued to the home resources by CLIMAGT, the route is added to the file. All the options specified with climconfig route –add -net (except the –mt option) should be specified for climconfig route –delete –net. -src is not valid for an IPv6 route. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig route -add eth1 -net -target -netmask -gateway > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig route -add eth2 -default -gateway > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig route -delete eth1 -net -target –netmask > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig route -delete eth2 -default -gateway > CLIMCMD climconfig route -info CLIMCMD climconfig route -info Maintenance LAN routes Interface : eth0 Destination : Netmask : Gateway : Flags : U Metric : 0 Ref : 0 Use : 0 MinRTO : Unspecified InitCWND : Unspecified Src : Interface : eth0 Destination : Netmask : Getway : Flags : UG 349 Metric : 0 Ref : 0 Use : 0 MinRTO : 5ms InitCWND : Unspecified 359 Src : Unspecified Interface : lo Destination : 1128 Gateway : Metric : 0 MinRTO : Unspecified InitCWND : Unspecified Src : Unspecified Interface : lo Destination : fe80::128 Gateway : Flags : U Metric : 0 Ref : 0 Use : 2 MinRTO : 5ms InitCWND : Unspecified Src : Unspecified Maintenence provider routes Interface : eth0 Destination : Netmask : Gateway : Flags : U Metric : 0 Ref : 0 Use : 0 MinRTO : Unspecified InitCWND : Unspecified Src : Interface : eth0 Destination : Netmask : Getway : Flags : UG 349 Metric : 0 Ref : 0 Use : 0 MinRTO : 5ms InitCWND : Unspecified Src : Unspecified Interface : lo Destination : 1128 Gateway : Metric : 0 MinRTO : Unspecified InitCWND : Unspecified Src : Unspecified Interface : lo Destination : fe80::128 Gateway : Flags : U Metric : 0 Ref : 0 Use : 2 MinRTO : 5ms InitCWND : Unspecified Src : Unspecified Data Provider ZTC1 routes 360 Interface : eth1 Destination : Netmask : Gateway : Flags : U Metric : 0 Ref : 0 Use : 0 MinRTO : Unspecified InitCWND : 32768 Src : Termination Info: 0 > CLIMCMD climconfig route -info -obeyform climconfig route \ -add eth0 \ -default \ -gateway #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 SEE ALSO SCF ADD ROUTE command 361 climconfig.sa(1) NAME climconfig.sa -- configure security associations SYNOPSIS The command for managing security associations to the configuration file ipsec-tools.conf is: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sa -add –manual [-prov prov—name] -s src-ip -d dst-ip -p protocol -i spi [-m {tunnel|transport}] algorithm [-load] The command for adding proposals for a security association into the configuration file racoon.conf is: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sa -add [-prov prov—name]{ -s src-id -d dst-id -u upperspec| anonymous} [-P pfs_group] -E encryption_algorithm -A authentication_algorithm -C compression_algorithm [-restart [-force]] The command for deleting a security association from the configuration file ipsec-tools.conf is: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sa -delete -manual [-prov prov—name] -s src-id -d dst-id -u upperspec| anonymous} -p protocol -i spi [-unload [-force]] The command for deleting a security association from the configuration file racoon.conf is: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sa -delete [-prov prov—name] {-s src-id -d dst-id -u upperspec| anonymous} [-restart [-force]] The command for obtaining information about a security association is: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sa -info [-prov {prov—name | all}] anonymous|[-s src-ip] [-d dst-ip][-p protocol]|[-u upperspec]][-obeyform] The command for unloading SAs from the SAD is: CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sa -stop [-prov prov—name][-s src-ip -d dst-ip -p {esp|ah|ipcomp}|-i spi-value][-force] climconfig.sa Description The sa command does the following: sa -add adds the proposals for a security association into the configuration file racoon.conf. The command parameters are reformatted into a sainfo <...> format that the racoon daemon accepts. The SA establishment depends on the application connect. sa -add -manual adds a security association to the configuration file ipsec-tools.conf. The command parameters are reformatted into an add <...> type of setkey command. The SA is not loaded into the SAD unless the -load option is specified. sa -delete deletes the security associations from the file racoon.conf. If there are any SAs activated on the CLIM, they are not affected. sa -delete -manual deletes the security associations from the file ipsec-tools.conf. If any SAs are activated on the CLIM, they are not affected. The SA is not unloaded from the SAD unless the -unload option is specified. 362 NOTE: The -manual part of the command must follow sa -add and sa -delete directly. sa -info displays security association configurations from the file ipsec-tools.conf or racoon.conf. If no options are selected, all the SAs are listed from both of these configuration files. sa -stop unloads security associations from the SAD. If you specify any of the optional parameters in the first group (-s, -p, -d, -i), you must specify all of them. sa -stop is one of the commands for deactivating VPN connections. PARAMETERS -manual When specified with the add subcommand, adds a security association into the ipsec-tools.conf file. The command parameters are reformatted into an add <...> type of setkey command. The SA is not loaded into the SAD unless the -load option is specified. When specified with the delete subcommand, deletes a security association from the ipsec-tools.conf file. If there are any SAs activated on the CLIM, they are not impacted. The SA is not unloaded from the SAD unless the -unload option is specified. -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own IPSec configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. -s src-ip Specifies the source IP address of the secure communication as either an IPv4 or IPv6 address, and an optional port number enclosed in brackets, in the following form: address [/ prefix] [[port]] prefix and port must be decimal numbers. -d |dst-id Specifies the destination IP address of the secure communication as either an IPv4 or IPv6 address, and an optional port number between square brackets, in the following form: address [/ prefix] [[port]] -E Is the encryption algorithm. Supported algorithms are: des, 3des, des_iv64, des_iv32, rc5, rc4, idea, 3idea, cast128, blowfish, null_enc, twofish, rijndael, aes (used with ESP). This option is for the sa -add commands (not sa -add -manual) for which the configurations go into the racoon.conf file. -A Authentication algorithm. Supported algorithms include des, 3des, des_iv64, des_iv32, hmac_md5, hmac_sha1, hmac_sha256, hmac_sha384, hmac_sha512, non_auth (used with ESP authentication and AH). This option is for the sa -add commands (not sa -add -manual) for which the configurations go into the racoon.conf file. -C Compression algorithm. The supported algorithm is deflate (used with IPComp). This option is for the sa -add commands (not sa -add -manual) for which the configurations go into the racoon.conf file. 363 -p Specifies the protocol. protocol is one of : esp, ah, or ipcomp. You must specify one of these protocols. -u Upper layer protocol to be specified. Any of the protocols from the /etc/protocols file can be specified as upperspec, or icmp6, ip4, or any. any indicates any protocol. A protocol number can also be specified. -i spi Specifies the security parameter index (SPI) for the SAD. SPI must be a decimal number or a hexadecimal number with a 0x prefix. SPI values between 0 and 255 are reserved for future use by IANA and cannot be used. NOTE: The SPI value must be unique. -m mode Specifies the mode. Possible values are: transport or tunnel. -load Used with the sa add command. This is an optional parameter. If you specify this option, the SA is loaded into the SAD. For the sa add –auto command, you are warned that the racoon daemon will be restarted so as to load the newest racoon.conf file and that the restart will disconnect the SAs established in the SAD. -P Specifies the PFS group, which defines the group of Diffie-Hellman exponentiations. If PFS is not required, you can omit this parameter. Any proposal is accepted if this parameter is not specified. group is one of following: modp768, modp1024, modp1536, modp2048, modp3072, modp4096, modp6144, modp8192. Or 1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18 can be used to define the DH group number. algorithm (for sa -add -manual only) is one of: -E ealgo key, -A aalgo key, or -C calgo [-R]. -E ealgo key Specifies the encryption algorithm for ESP. ealgo key is one of: 3des-cbc (164-bit key) 3des-deriv (192-bit key) aes-ctr (160/224/288-bit key) Blowfish-cbc (40- to 448-bit key) Cast128-cbc (40- to 128-bit key) des-cbc (64-bit key) des-deriv (64-bit key) null (0- to 2048-bit key) rijndael-cbc (128/192/256-bit key) twofish-cbc (0- to 256-bit key) -A aalgo key Specifies the authentication algorithm for ESP. aalgo key is one of: Aes-xcbc-mac (128-bit key) hmac-md5 (128-bit key) hmac-sha1 (160-bit key) hmac-sha256 (256-bit key) 364 hmac-sha384 (384-bit key) hmac-sha512 (512-bit key) hmac-ripemd160 (160-bit key) keyed-md5 (128-bit key) keyed-sha1 (160-bit key) null (0- to 2048-bit key) Tcp-md5 (8- to 640-bit key) -C calgo [R] Specifies a compression algorithm for IPComp. calgo [R] is either deflate or Algorithm. If -R is specified, the SPI field value is used as the IPComp compression parameter index (CPI) on wire as-is. If -R is not specified, the kernel uses well-known CPI on wire, and the SPI field is used only as an index for kernel-internal usage. key Must be a double-quoted character string or a series of hexadecimal digits preceded by 0x. -unload Used with the sa -delete -manual command. This is an optional parameter; if it is specified, the SA is unloaded from the SAD. The command prompts for confirmation to unload the SA from the SAD. -restart Used with the sa -add and sa -delete commands. This is an optional parameter; if it is specified, the racoon daemon is restarted so that the newest racoon.conf is loaded. NOTE: The restart of the racoon daemon leads to the disconnection of the SAs already loaded into the SAD. A new connection established thereafter loads the SA into the SAD. You are prompted for confirmation to restart the racoon daemon. -force Used with -unload or -restart to cause the command to bypass user confirmation. -obeyform Displays the security association configuration in the format of add command(s). ERROR MESSAGES For sa -add and sa -add -manual: Please give the correct options. (The incorrect options are displayed.) For sa -delete and sa -delete -manual: Please give the correct options. (The incorrect option is displayed.) The security association for the matched options is not found. For sa -info: There are no security associations with the matched options. For sa -stop: SA configuration(s) not unloaded from the SAD. CONSIDERATIONS For sa -info, if no options are specified, all the security associations in the configuration files ipsec-tools.conf and racoon.conf are listed. For sa -stop: 365 The src-ip and dst-ip pair, upperspec and spi value are optional parameters. If the src-ip and dst-ip pair are specified, all the SAs that match the src-ip and dst-ip are unloaded from the SAD. If no option is specified, all the SAs currently loaded in the kernel are unloaded. Unless you specify the -force option, you are prompted for confirmation. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -add –manual –s –d –p esp –i 0x200 –m transport –E 3des-cbc 0x123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123 –A hmac-md5 0x12345678912345678912345678912345 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -add -manual -s -d -p esp -i 0x200 -m transport -E 3des-cbc 0x123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123 -A hmac-md5 0x12345678912345678912345678912345 -load > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -add –s –d –u any –E 3des –A hmac_md5 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -add -s -d -u any -E 3des -A hmac_md5 –restart > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -add -s -d -u any -E 3des -A hmac_md5 –restart -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -delete –manual –s –d –p esp -i 0x200 –unload > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -delete -manual -s -d -p esp -i 0x200 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -delete -manual -s -d -p esp -i 0x200 -unload -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -delete –s –d –u any > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -delete -s -d -u any -restart > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -delete -s -d -u any –restart -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -info > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -stop –s –d –p esp –i 0x200 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -stop –s –d –p esp –i 0x200 -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -stop > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa –stop -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -add –prov ztc0 -s -d -u any -E 3des -A hmac_md5 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -add -manual –prov zsam1 -s -d -p esp -i 0x200 -m transport -E 3des-cbc 0x123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123 366 -A hmac-md5 0x12345678912345678912345678912345 –load > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -delete -manual –prov zsam1 -s -d -p esp -i 0x200 –unload -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -delete –prov ztc0 -s -d -u any > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa –info –prov zsam1 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa –info –prov ztc1 –obeyform > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sa -info -obeyform The sample output for sa -info -obeyform is: # Auto SAs: climconfig sa -add \ -s \ -d \ -u any \ -P 18 \ -E des_iv64 \ -A des_iv64 \ -C deflate # Manual SAs: climconfig sa -add -manual \ -s \ -d \ -p esp \ -i 1024 \ -m transport \ -E des-cbc 0x1122334455667788 #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 SEE ALSO climconfig vpn and climconfig sp 367 climconfig.slaveinterface(1) NAME climconfig.slaveinterface -- configure bonding interfaces SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig slaveinterface -configure bonding-interface-name { [-add interface-name ] [ -delete interface-name ] [ -primary interface-name ] | none ]}} climconfig.slaveinterface Description This command configures existing bonding interfaces by adding or deleting slave interfaces. With this command, you can add new slave interfaces or delete existing slave interfaces. The addition or deletion of slave interfaces can be done dynamically (when the bonding interface is up). This command is not supported for InfiniBand interfaces. PARAMETERS bonding-interface-name Is the name of the bonding interface to be configured. -add interface Adds a slave interface to a bonding interface. To add a slave interface to a bonding interface, specify the interface name along with the –add option. -delete interface Deletes a slave interface from a bonding interface. To delete a slave interface from a bonding interface, specify the interface name along with the –delete option. -primary interface | none Specifies a slave as a primary slave. To remove a configured primary slave, specify -primary with the none option. ERROR MESSAGES The slave interface slave-interface-name specified with -add and -delete option is the same. The interface bonding-interface-name is not configured. The interface bonding-interface is not a bonding interface. Slave interface slave-interface-name is not configured for this bonding interface. The specified interface slave-interface-name is already a slave of bonding-interface-name interface. This command is not supported for the interface eth0. The specified interface slave-interface-name is already configured as an independent interface. The specified interface slave-interface-name does not exist in the kernel. The specified slave interface slave-interface-name is not a physical interface. The interface slave-interface-name is the first slave interface of the bonding interface and the bonding interface is UP. The slave specified with –primary is not one of the configured slaves of this bond interface. bonding-interface-name is already configured with the specified primary slave. bonding-interface-name is already configured without a primary slave. 368 Bonding is not supported for InfiniBand interfaces. CONSIDERATIONS The bonding interface should be configured using the command climconfig interface –add bonding-interface before adding the slave interfaces. eth0 cannot be configured as a slave interface of a bonding interface. A physical interface cannot be a slave interface for more than one bonding interface. A physical interface cannot be configured independently before being configured as the slave interface. Dynamically deleting (that is, deleting when the bonding interface is UP) the first slave interface of a bonding interface is not allowed. Using the -primary option: In active-backup mode, the primary slave will always be the active slave, if functional. Example 1: Bond0 is configured with eth2 and eth3, without any slave specified as primary. If eth2 is configured as the first slave, it will be used as long as it is functional (link pulse is present and interface driver indicates that the interface is present). eth2 is active and eth3 is passive. If eth2 fails, bond0 will start using eth3. If eth2 later becomes functional, bond0 continues to use eth3 and will switch to eth2 only if eth3 fails. Example 2: Bond0 is configured with eth2 and eth3, with eth2 specified as primary. eth2 will be used as long as it is functional (link pulse is present and interface driver indicates that the interface is present). If eth2 fails, bond0 will start using eth3. If eth2 later becomes functional, bond0 switches to eth2 from eth3, even though eth3 is functional. In balance-tlb mode, outgoing traffic is distributed according to the current load (computed relative to the speed) on each slave. Incoming traffic is received by the primary slave. Transmission of broadcasts and multicasts is done through the primary slave. In balance-alb mode, the outgoing and incoming traffic is distributed among all slaves. Transmission of broadcasts and multicasts is through the primary slave. Multiple instances of the –primary option are not allowed in a command line. The –primary option can be specified regardless of the bond interface status. If the slave interface specified as the primary is removed from the bonded interface, that interface will not have any slave configured as primary. When the configured primary slave is deleted from the bonding interface, a warning is issued. EXAMPLES > climconfig slaveinterface -configure bond0 -add eth1 > climconfig slaveinterface -configure bond0 -delete eth1 > climconfig slaveinterface -configure bond0 –primary eth1 > climconfig slaveinterface -configure bond0 -add eth1 –delete eth2 –primary eth3 > climconfig slaveinterface -configure bond0 –delete eth1 –add eth3 SEE ALSO climconfig interface -add 369 climconfig.snmp(1) NAME climconfig.snmp -- configure snmp SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig snmp -add trap-receiver-ipaddress CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig snmp -delete trap-receiver-ipaddress CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig snmp -start CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig snmp -stop [-force] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig snmp -info [-obeyform] climconfig.snmp Description This command does the following: • snmp -add adds a trap receiver IP address to the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file and restarts the SNMP daemon and agents. The trap receiver address defines the host that receives traps. • snmp -delete deletes a trap receiver IP address from the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file and restarts the SNMP daemon and agents. • snmp -start explicitly starts the SNMP daemon and agents. • snmp -stop explicitly stops the SNMP daemon and agents. • snmp -info displays SNMP configuration information. The display format is: Trap Receiver IP Address ip-address-1 . . . ip-address-n SNMP Agent State state SNMP Agent Listening IP Address ip-address PARAMETERS trap-receiver-ipaddress Specifies the trap receiver IP address to be added to or deleted from the configuration file. -force Causes the command to stop the SNMP daemon and agents without confirmation. –obeyform Displays SNMP configuration information in add command format. ERROR MESSAGES For climconfig snmp -add: • Trapsink already exists in SNMP configuration. • Internal error cannot restart the SNMP daemon, error-code. • Internal error cannot restart the SNMP agents, error-code. For climconfig snmp -delete: 370 • Trapsink already exists in SNMP configuration. • Internal Error cannot restart SNMP daemon, error-code. • Internal error cannot restart the SNMP agents, error-code. For climconfig snmp -start: • SNMP daemon and agents are already in started state. • Internal error cannot start SNMP daemon, error-code. • Internal error cannot start the SNMP agents, error-code. For climconfig snmp -stop: • SNMP daemon and agents are already in stopped state. • Internal Error cannot stop SNMP daemon, error-code. • Internal error cannot stop the SNMP agents, error-code. CONSIDERATION • You can designate multiple hosts to receive traps by using snmp -add to add additional trap receiver IP addresses to the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig snmp -info Trap Receiver IP Address SNMP Agent State STARTED SNMP Agent Listening IP Address > CLIMCMD N1002581 climconfig snmp -info -obeyform climconfig snmp -add #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 371 climconfig.sp(1) NAME climconfig.sp -- configure security policies SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sp -add [-prov prov—name] -s src-range -d dst-range -u upperspec -dir {in|out } -policy {discard|none|ipsec} -protocol {esp|ah|ipcomp } -mode {tunnel -srcdst src_ip-dst_ip|transport } -level {use|require|unique|default} [-load] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sp -delete [-prov prov—name] -s src-range -d dst-range -u upperspec -dir {in|out } [-unload [-force]] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig -info [-prov {prov—name | all}] [-s src-range ] [-d dst-range] [-u upperspec][-obeyform] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sp -start [-prov prov—name] [ -s src-range -d dst-range [-u upperspec]] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sp -stop [-prov prov—name] [ -s src-range -d dst-range -u upperspec -dir {in|out }] [-force] climconfig.sp Description This command does the following: sp -add adds a security policy to the configuration file ipsec-tools.conf. The command parameters are reformatted into a spdadd < ...> type setkey command. The SP is not loaded into the SPD unless the -load option is specified. sp -delete deletes a security policy from the configuration file ipsec-tools.conf. If any SPs were already activated, they are not impacted. The SP is not unloaded from the SPD unless the -unload option is specified. sp -info displays security policy information from the configuration file ipsec-tools.conf. If no options are selected, all the SPs are listed from the ipsec-tools.conf file. sp -start loads security policies into the SPD. sp -start is one of the commands for activating VPN connections. sp -stop unloads security policies from the SPD. sp -stop is one of the commands for deactivating VPN connections. PARAMETERS -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own IPSec configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. -s src-range Specifies the source of the secure communication as an IPv4 or IPv6 address and an optional port number between square brackets. This takes the form: 372 address[/prefixlen][[port]] -d dst-range Specifies the destination of the secure communication as an IPv4 or IPv6 address and an optional port number between square brackets. This takes the following form: address[/prefixlen][[port]] -u upperspec Specifies the upper layer protocol. Any of the protocols from the /etc/protocols file can be specified as upperspec, icmp6, ip4, or any. The any option indicates any protocol. You can also specify the protocol number. NOTE: The upperspec parameter does not work in the forwarding case. There are many protocols in /etc/protocols, but protocols other than TCP, UDP, and ICMP may not be suitable to use with IPSec. -dir direction Specifies in or out. -policy policy Is one of the values: discard, none, or ipsec. The discard parameter causes the packet-matching indexes to be discarded. The none parameter causes the IPSec operation not to take place on the packet. The ipsec parameter causes the IPSec operation to take place on the packet. -protocol protocol One of: esp, ah, or ipcomp. -mode mode Either transport or tunnel. -srcdst src_ip-dst_ip Specifies the end-point addresses of the tunnel. This parameter is specified as two addresses separated by a hyphen (-). If -mode is transport, this option is not required. If -mode is tunnel, this parameter is required. -level policy-level Specifies the policy level. The value is one of: default, use, require, or unique. If the SA is not available in every level, the kernel requests the key-exchange daemon to establish a suitable SA. The default option causes the kernel, when the kernel processes the packet, to consult the system-wide default for the protocol specified; for example, the esp_trans_deflev sysctl variable. The use sysctl option causes the kernel to use an SA if it is available; otherwise the kernel continues to run in normal operation. The require option causes the SA to be required whenever the kernel sends a packet matched with the policy. The unique option is the same as the require option. Additionally, the unique option allows the policy to match the unique out-bound SA. If policy level -level is specified as unique, racoon configures the SA for the policy. -load Causes the SP to be loaded into the SPD. This parameter optional, and is used with the sp -add command. 373 -unload Causes the SP to be unloaded from the SPD. This parameter is optional, and is used with the sp -delete command. Unless you specify the -force parameter, you are prompted for confirmation for this command. -force Causes the command to run without confirmation. -obeyform Displays the security policy configuration in the format of add command(s). ERROR MESSAGES For sp -add: Please give the correct options. For sp -delete: Please give the correct options. (The incorrect option is displayed). The security policy for the matched options is not found. For sp -start: SP configuration not found. For sp -info: Please give the correct options. (The incorrect option is displayed.) There are no security policies with the matched options. For sp -stop: SP configuration(s) not unloaded from the SPD. CONSIDERATIONS For sp -add: The parameters protocol, mode and level are required and valid if and only if the parameter specified for policy is ipsec. For sp -stop: The src-ip, dst-ip and upperspec are optional parameters. If src-ip and dst-ip pair is provided, all SPs that match the src-ip and dst-ip are unloaded from the SPD. If no option is provided, all the SPs currently loaded in the kernel are unloaded. Unless you specify -force you are prompted for confirmation to unload the SP(s) from the SPD. You must add the SP configurations separately for different IPSec protocols ESP and AH. However, in the file, the configuration is represented as a single configuration instead of two separate configurations. For example: spdadd any -P in ipsec ah/transport//require esp/transport//require; When you add the SP configuration for the second, different protocol and specify the -load option, the IPSec tool unloads the previous old SP configuration (AH or ESP protocol) from the SPD and loads the new SP configuration (both AH and ESP protocols) into the SPD. If you do not use the -load option, for example, if you do not load the SP configuration for the second protocol added, you must unload the old SP configuration manually (climconfig sp -stop <...> command) and then load the new SP configuration manually (climconfig sp -start <...> command). NOTE: If you try to load the new SP configuration without unloading the old SP configuration, the new SP configuration is not loaded into the SPD. 374 For sp -info: If no options are specified, the list of all security policies in the configuration file ipsec-tools-conf is displayed. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -add -s[any] -d[any] -u any -dir in -policy ipsec -protocol esp -mode tunnel -srcdst -level require -load > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -add -s -d -u any -dir out -policy ipsec -protocol esp -mode transport -level require -load > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -delete -s -d -u any -dir out -unload > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -delete -s -d -u any -dir out -unload -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -info -s -d -u any > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -info > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -stop > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -stop -force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -info –obeyform > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -info –s –d –u 1 -obeyform > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -add –prov ztc0 –s –d –u any –dir out –policy ipsec –protocol esp –mode transport –level require –load > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp -delete –prov ztc0 –s –d –u any –dir out –unload –force > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp –info –prov zsam1 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig sp –info –prov ztc1 -obeyform The sample output for sp -info -obeyform is: climconfig sp -add \ -s \ -d \ -u any \ -dir out \ -policy ipsec \ -protocol esp \ -mode transport \ -level require #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 SEE ALSO climconfig.sa, climconfig.vpn 375 climconfig.sysctl(1) NAME climconfig.sysctl -- set or display CLIM kernel parameters SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sysctl -update {clim-name|ip-address} CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sysctl -info {all|param-name}[-obeyform] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig sysctl -delete param-name param-value climconfig.sysctl Description This command sets the kernel parameter param-name values specified by param-value. In addition, this command causes an entry corresponding to the parameter to be added to or updated in the configuration file /etc/clim/kernelparam.conf. The configuration file /etc/clim/ kernelparam.conf is dedicated to maintaining only the customer-configured kernel parameters. When the CLIM is started, a script reads the /etc/clim/kernelparam.conf configuration file and sets the user configured kernel parameters in the kernel. Your changes remain persistent across CLIM reboots. To preserve changes made to the configuration file, a backup must be done, which can be restored when the CLIM is updated or the disk is replaced. This command also displays the user-configured kernel parameters along with their corresponding values existing in the /etc/clim/kernelparam.conf file. This command internally invokes the Linux provided sysctl utility with the param-name and param-value as arguments. Therefore, the behavior of this command is similar to that of the Linux provided sysctl utility. For information about the sysctl parameters, see the sysctl(8) man page on the CLIM. PARAMETERS param-name For sysctl -update, denotes the kernel parameter to be updated with the new value. For sysctl -info, specifies the kernel parameter in the /etc/clim/kernelparam.conf file to be displayed. For sysctl -delete, deletes the specified kernel parameter from the /etc/clim/ kernelparam.conf file. The parameter value remains unchanged in the kernel and is reset to its default value when the CLIM is rebooted. param-value Specifies the new value for the kernel parameter param-name. all Displays all the user-configured kernel parameters along with their corresponding values as they exist in the /etc/clim/kernelparam.conf file. -obeyform Generates the modify kernel parameter commands. ERROR MESSAGES The error messages are the same as those returned by the Linux sysctl utility. See the sysctl man page for information about errors. 376 CONSIDERATIONS • If the param-value has multiple entries, you must specify the entries as space separated values within single quotes. • Changes to these sysctl parameters must be done for every CLIM in a Provider: ◦ net.core.rmem_default ◦ net.core.rmem_max ◦ net.core.wmem_default ◦ net.core.wmem_max ◦ net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range ◦ net.ipv4.tcp_rmem ◦ net.ipv4.tcp_wmem • If a sysctl is deleted, the change will come into effect only after a CLIM reboot. • On a CLIM with MULTIPROV set to ON, the sysctl settings apply to all providers associated with that CLIM. • Changes to sysctl parameters should not be made when the CLIM is in STARTED state. To change the sysctl parameters on the CLIM: 1. Stop the CLIMs and the Provider(s). 2. Alter the sysctl parameters. 3. Start the CLIMs and the Provider(s). If the CLIM is an Open type, you must reboot it. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding 1 > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_rmem '4096 87380 1048576' > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig sysctl -info net.ipv4.tcp_rmem net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 1048576 > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig sysctl -info all net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 1048576 net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding = 1 > CLIMCMD n100253 climconfig sysctl -info all -obeyform climconfig sysctl -update net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout 60 #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 377 climconfig.tunnel(1) NAME climconfig.tunnel -- modify tunnel configuration SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig tunnel -add tunnel-interface -ipaddress ipv6-address -netmask netmask -endpoint {ipv4-address | any} -local ipv4-address [-ttltime ttl-time] - intf parent-interface [-mtu mtu-value | -jumbo { on | off } ] CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig tunnel -delete interface CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig tunnel -info {tunnel-interface|all}[-obeyform] climconfig.tunnel Description This command does the following: tunnel -add adds an IPv6-over-IPv4 (point-to-point) tunnel configuration to the /etc/network/interfaces file. IPv6 packets are encapsulated in IPv4 headers and sent across the IPv4 infrastructure through the configured tunnel. If the -mtu option is not specified, the tunnel interface is activated with an MTU size of 20 bytes less than its parent interface MTU size or with a value of 1280, whichever is higher. NOTE: When adding a tunnel interface to CLIMs with MULTIPROV ON, the tunnel is added to the same provider that the parent interface belongs to and does not need to be explicitly indicated in the command line. tunnel -delete deletes an existing tunnel interface. If the tunnel is active, the tunnel configuration cannot be deleted. tunnel -info displays tunnel configuration information for a specified tunnel interface. The display format is: Interface Name IPv6 Address Netmask Remote Endpoint Local Endpoint TTL Time MTU Size tunnel-interface ip-address netmask ip-address ip-address ttltime value If the Local Endpoint, Gateway, and TTL Time fields are not configured, they do not appear in the display. The -obeyform display format is: climconfig tunnel -add interface-name -ipaddress ipv6–address -netmask ipv6–prefix -endpoint ipv4–address -local ipv4–address -intf parent-interface [-mtu mtu-value][-ttltime ttl-time] 378 PARAMETERS tunnel-interface Is the name of the tunnel interface to be added, deleted, or displayed. The tunnel interface name is case sensitive. all Displays the configurations of all the interfaces. -obeyform For a specified Tunnel interface name, displays Tunnel configuration in add command format. –ipaddress ipv6-address Is an IPv6 address. –netmask netmask Is the netmask for the IPv6 address, specified as a number of bits, for example, 64. –endpoint {ipv4-address|any} Is the address of the tunnel endpoint. Specify either a dotted quad IPv4 address or any. If it is specified as any, the kernel determines the remote endpoint by examining the 6to4 address and creates a 6to4 tunnel. 6to4 tunnels do not have an IPv6 link local address like point-to-point tunnels. The local IPv4 address will be added as an IPv6 compatible IPv4 address. The kernel then encapsulates the packet and sends it to the IPv4 address embedded in the packet. –local ipv4-address Is the address of the local endpoint, specified as a dotted quad IPv4 address. –ttltime ttl-time Is the TTL setting indicating the network time to live. The maximum value is 255. –intf parent-interface Specifies the parent interface name (for example, eth1 or bond1) that hosts the local endpoint IPv4 address. -mtu Sets frame size for an interface. Allowable values are 1280 to 65508. You cannot specify both the jumbo and mtu options. Specifying the mtu option overrides previous values set for jumbo. –jumbo { on | off } Sets or resets jumbo frames for a tunnel interface. If set to ON, the frame size is set to 9000 bytes. If reset (OFF), the frame size is set to 1500 bytes. The jumbo option has a limited set of allowable values (1500 - OFF and 9000 - ON) for frame size, whereas the mtu option supports a range of values. The mtu option is the recommended method for setting MTU size. You cannot specify both the jumbo and mtu options. Specifying jumbo overrides previous values set for mtu. ERROR MESSAGES For tunnel -add: Tunnel interface interface is already configured as an independent interface. parent-interface is invalid parent interface. The interface parent-interface is not configured. The IP address ipv4-address specified with the -local option is not configured with the specified interface parent-interface. A tunnel for the specified endpoints exists. 379 Another tunnel with the same endpoints should not exist. Only one of -jumbo or -mtu options can be specified. A value within the range of 1280 to 65508 must be specified for the -mtu option. For tunnel -delete: The interface tunnel-interface is not configured. The interface tunnel-interface is UP; cannot execute this command. For tunnel -info: Tunnel interface interface configuration does not exist. CONSIDERATIONS As of J06.10 and H06.21, tunnels can be added only in upper case, but existing tunnels in lower case are supported and do not need to be deleted and re-added. The parent interface and the local endpoint address should be configured before adding the tunnel interface. eth0, lo, and eth0:0 are not valid parent interfaces for a tunnel interface. A tunnel interface cannot be the parent interface of a tunnel interface. If the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) value of an active interface is changed using the jumbo option, a failover of that interface might occur. A different tunnel with the same endpoints cannot exist. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig tunnel -add MYTUN1 -ipaddress 2001:0db8:fff5:6::101 -netmask 64 -endpoint -local -intf eth1 > CLIMCMD climconfig tunnel -delete MYTUN1 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig tunnel Interface : Interface Type : MTU Size : Associated Parent Interface Name: Local Endpoint Address : Remote Endpoint Address : TTL value : IP Address : -info MYTUN1 MYTUN1 Point-to-Point Tunnel Interface 1280 eth5 Unspecified dead:beef:face::1/64 > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig tunnel -info TUN2 -obeyform climconfig tunnel \ -add TUN2 \ -ipaddress 3ffe::218:71ff:fe79:b378 \ -netmask 64 \ -local \ -endpoint \ -intf eth4 #CLIMCMD expects 'exit' to be the last command. #This is required to terminate CLIMCMD session. exit Termination Info: 0 SEE ALSO climconfig vpn 380 climconfig.vpn(1) NAME climconfig.vpn -- obtain information about virtual private networks SYNOPSIS CLIMCMD {clim-name|ip-address} climconfig vpn -status [-prov {prov—name | all}] [-s src-ip -d dst-ip] climconfig.vpn Description This command displays the status of the VPN connection established between the source and destination IP addresses. The security policy and the association loaded in the Security Policy Database (SPD) and Security Association Database (SAD) are displayed in that order. -d and -s are optional parameters; if they are omitted, the status of all the VPN connections is shown. PARAMETERS -s src-ip Specifies the source IP address. -d dst-ip Specifies the destination IP address. -prov Specifies a provider name. This option is mandatory for CLIMs that have MULTIPROV set to ON and cannot be used if MULTIPROV is set to OFF. Each provider has its own IPSec configuration. The provider name is case-insensitive and always converted to UPPER case. ERROR MESSAGES The status for the VPN connection between src-ip and dst-ip is not found. Please check for the correct options and retry again. EXAMPLES > CLIMCMD clim1 climconfig vpn -status Security Policies from SPD:[any][any] any in ipsec esp/tunnel/ ah/tunnel/ created: Jun 22 20:48:13 2008 lastused: lifetime: 0(s) validtime: 0(s) spid=8 seq=2 pid=369 refcnt=1[any][any] any out ipsec esp/tunnel/ ah/tunnel/ created: Jun 22 20:48:13 2008 lastused: lifetime: 0(s) validtime: 0(s) spid=1 seq=1 pid=369 refcnt=1 Security Associations from SAD: esp mode=tunnel spi=262906055(0x0faba0c7) reqid=0(0x00000000) E: 3des-cbc f1eee61a f2642ace 2c89c610 c245978d 7ea13336 133d84d2 A: hmac-md5 d34b8476 cb8bda72 9d1b8e0b 059f14ad seq=0x00000000 replay=4 flags=0x00000000 state=mature created: Jun 22 21:03:02 2008 current: Jun 22 21:03:22 2008 381 diff: 20(s) hard: 28800(s) soft: 23040(s) last: Jun 22 21:03:03 2008 hard: 0(s) soft: 0(s) current: 252(bytes) hard: 0(bytes) soft: 0(bytes) allocated: 3 hard: 0 soft: 0 sadb_seq=3 pid=727 refcnt=0 esp mode=tunnel spi=7523920(0x0072ce50) reqid=0 (0x00000000) E: 3des-cbc b5e66f7b faeb03c3 4571b6ed 5686d721 c05350ad 49e967c2 A: hmac-md5 9206a14f 0f6dfb3a a2138e04 dc1c4140 seq=0x00000000 replay=4 flags=0x00000000 state=mature created: Jun 22 21:03:03 2008 current: Jun 22 21:03:22 2008 diff: 19(s) hard: 28800(s) soft: 23040(s) last: Jun 22 21:03:03 2008 hard: 0(s) soft: 0(s) current: 408(bytes) hard: 0(bytes) soft: 0(bytes) allocated: 3 hard: 0 soft: 0 sadb_seq=1 pid=727 refcnt=0 SEE ALSO climconfig sa -stop, climconfig sp -start, climconfig sp -stop 382 A SCF Error Messages This appendix describes the CIP subsystem SCF error messages. Error messages are listed with their accompanying subsystem programmatic interface (SPI) token. For operator messages, see the Operator Messages Manual. CIP 00001 (zcip-err-cmd-not-implemented) CIP E00001 Command not implemented. Cause You entered a command that the CIP SCF product module does not support. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Check the SCF section of this manual for a list of supported commands. CIP 00002 (zcip-err-internal-error) CIP E00002 CIP SCF Product Module Internal Error - contact GCSC. Cause CIP SCF Product Module encountered an internal error. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery This is a serious error. Send complete error information to your Global Customer Support Center for analysis. CIP 00003 (zcip-err-case-out-of-range) CIP E00003 CIP SCF Product Module Internal Error: Case value out of range. Cause An invalid case value was generated with no associated case label. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery This is a serious error. Send complete error information to your Global Customer Support Center analyst for analysis. CIP 00004 (zcip-err-cmd-attr-dup) CIP E00004 Duplicate attribute specified. Cause You specified an attribute more than once in a command. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Omit the duplicate attribute and retry the command. 383 CIP 00005 (zcip-err-wild-not-sup) CIP E00005 Object name object-name contains wild cards not allowed for this command. object-name Is the object name string that generated the error. Cause You attempted to use wildcard characters (*,?) in an object name for a command that does not support wild-cards. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Reissue the command without wild-card characters in the object name. CIP 00006 (zcip-err-cip-internal) CIP E00006 INTERNAL ERROR: error-number, Origin origin, Severity level for object-name. error-number Specifies an internal error number. origin Indicates where the internal error originated, such as CIPMAN, CIPMON, CIPSREQ. level Tells whether this error is informative, warning, fatal, or unrecognized. object-name Is the object name string that generated the error. Cause An internal error occurred within the CIP subsystem (CIPMAN, CIPMON, CIPSREQ). Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery This is a serious error. Send complete error information to your Global Customer Support Center for analysis. CIP 00007 (zcip-err-process-busy) CIP E00007 CIP process is busy - cannot process request. Cause CIPMAN or one of the CIPMONs is busy and cannot process the given request at this time. CIPMAN or CIPMON is probably starting up. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Retry command later. If this problem persists, contact your service provider. CIP 00008 (zcip-err-clim-inuse) CIP E00008 CLIM object-name is already assigned to another Provider or another Route. 384 SCF Error Messages object-name Is the CLIM object specified in the ADD or ALTER PROVIDER, or ADD ROUTE command. Cause The CLIM name in an ADD or ALTER PROVIDER command is already assigned to another Maintenance Provider or the CLIM name in an ADD ROUTE command is already assigned to another Route with an overlapping IP-address family. Effect The CLIM cannot be assigned to two Maintenance Providers or Routes with an overlapping IP-address family. Recovery Assign a different CLIM to the Maintenance Provider you want to add or alter or remove the current Maintenance Provider that is using the specified CLIM. Use INFO CLIM, DETAIL command to display the Maintenance Provider associated with that CLIM. Or assign a different CLIM to the Route you want to add or assign a different IP address family to the Route you want to add or remove the current Route that is using the specified CLIM. Use INFO ROUTE command to display the CLIM and IP address family associated with each ROUTE object. CIP 00009 (zcip-err-tpname-inuse) CIP E00009 Transport Provider process specified for provider-name is already assigned to another Provider. provider-name Is the PROVIDER object specified in the ADD or ALTER PROVIDER command. Cause The transport provider process (CIPSAM process) name in an ADD or ALTER PROVIDER command is already assigned to another provider. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Assign a different transport provider process to the provider you want to add or alter or remove the current provider that is associated with the specified transport provider process. Use the SCF INFO PROVIDER command to display the transport provider processes assigned to the providers in the CIP subsystem. CIP 00010 (zcip-err-tpname-invalid) CIP E00010 tp-name is an invalid TP name. tp-name Is the name of transport provider process (CIPSAM process) specified in the ADD or ALTER PROVIDER command. Cause The specified transport provider process (CIPSAM process) name is not a valid transport provider process name. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Re-issue the command with a valid transport provider process (TP) name. CIP 00011 (zcip-err-location-invalid) CIP E00011 Invalid CLIM location location. 385 location Is the CLIM location (group, module, slot, port, and, for systems that support it, fiber) that is invalid. Cause The LOCATION attribute in an ADD CLIM command is invalid because: • One or more of the numbers contain invalid characters. • Any of the group, module, slot, port or fiber values are out of range. • Two or more values are inconsistent. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Re-issue the command with a correct LOCATION. CIP 00012 (zcip-err-location-inuse) CIP E00012 CLIM location location is in conflict with CLIM owner-name. location Is the specified CLIM location (group, module, slot, port, and, for some systems, fiber) in conflict with the location already in use by an existing CLIM or has ownership of location that would be required by the current ADD CLIM command. owner-name Specifies the other CLIM which has ownership of that location either explicitly for example, has the exact same location specified in a previous ADD CLIM command) or implicitly (for example, has an equivalent location to the location specified in a previous ADD CLIM command). Cause The LOCATION attribute in an ADD CLIM command is already configured by another CLIM object. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Re-issue the command with a different LOCATION. CIP 00013 (zcip-err-location-incompatible) CIP E00013 CLIM location location is invalid for this type of system. location Is the CLIM location (group, module, slot, port, or fiber) that is invalid. Cause The LOCATION attribute in an ADD CLIM command is invalid for this system. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Re-issue the command with a location that is valid for this type of system. CIP 00015 (zcip-err-location-exclusive) CIP E00015 CLIM clim-name is associated with an existing maintenance Provider object. clim-name Is the CLIM object specified in the DELETE CLIM command. 386 SCF Error Messages Cause A DELETE CLIM command was issued for a CLIM object that is associated with an existing Provider object. You cannot delete a CLIM object until there are no PROVIDER objects dependent on the specified CLIM. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To remove the CLIM object, the PROVIDER object associated with the specified CLIM must be removed first. Use the INFO PROVIDER command to display the names of the providers and their associated CLIMs. CIP 00016 (zcip-err-cpu-not-avail) CIP E00016 The CIPMON in the specified processor to be traced is in the STOPPED state. Cause The user issued a TRACE command but there is no CIPMON to handle that request in the specified processor. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Issue the START MON command, then retry the TRACE command. CIP 00017 (zcip-err-qio-resource-short) CIP E00017 Command failed for object object-name due to QIO error error-number. object-name Is the name of the object that generated the error. error-number Is the QIO error number encountered. Cause The specified SCF command required use of QIO resources, but an error in manipulating these QIO resources caused the command to fail. Effect SCF ignores the command. Recovery Check the condition that caused the given QIO error, resolve that condition, then retry the SCF command. CIP 00018 (zcip-err-climconfig-db-fail) CIP E00018 Configuration failure due to cause on operation operation-type for object-name. cause Specifies what caused the error. The causes are: • Record not found • Record already exists • Obsolete record version • Record version too new • Database is locked by another process 387 • Record information is corrupted • ConfigDB operation fails operation-type Specifies the operation the object was performing when the error occurred. The operations are: • Locking • Unlocking • Inserting • Deleting • Reading • Updating object-name Is the name of the object that generated the error. Cause The SCF command requires CIPMAN to manipulate the configuration database, but it failed as specified by the cause information. Effect SCF ignores the command. Recovery Check the command and correct all problems, then try the command again. If failure persists, contact your service provider with the cause and operation-type information. CIP 00019 (zcip-err-open-sockets) CIP E00019 Cannot stop object-name, open sockets still exist. object-name Is the name of the object that generated the error. Cause A STOP command cannot be executed because the object still has open sockets. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Close all sockets using the object and reissue the STOP command, or use the ABORT command instead of the STOP command. CIP 00020 (zcip-err-obj-busy) CIP 00020 Object object-name is busy with other operations. object-name Is the name of the object that generated the error. Cause The object you issued the command to is busy performing other actions and cannot process the SCF command. Effect SCF ignores the command. Recovery Wait, then try the command again. Contact your service provider if the problem persists. 388 SCF Error Messages CIP 00021 (zcip-err-cip-timeout) CIP 00021 CIP command timed out on object-name. object-name Is the name of the object that generated the error. Cause A command expired before a response from the CLIM was received. Effect The SCF command you entered was initiated, but successful completion cannot be guaranteed. Recovery If possible, check if the command completed successfully; otherwise, reissue the command. CIP 00022 (zcip-err-inv-switch-cpu) CIP E00022 CPU is not the backup processor. Cause The CPU parameter in a PRIMARY command was specified, but its value was not the backup processor number. Effect The command is not executed. Recovery Use the correct backup processor number or omit the CPU parameter. CIP 00023 (zcip-err-hostname-invalid) CIP E00023 hostname is an invalid hostname. hostname Is the hostname specified in the ADD or ALTER PROVIDER command. Cause The specified hostname is not a valid hostname. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Re-issue the command with a valid hostname. NOTE: hostname is a string from zcom-tkn-objname-01 (almost identical to zcom-tkn-objname). CIP 00024 (zcip-err-filesystem) CIP E00024 Command failed for object object-name due to file system error error-number. object-name Is the name of the object that generated the error. error-number Is the NonStop host-system filesystem error number encountered. Cause A command failed during a file system operation on a specified file (most likely a trace filename). This caused the command to fail. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Make sure that a valid and correct filename is specified, then retry the SCF command. 389 NOTE: error-number is from zcip-tkn-cip-error-detail (field errcode). CIP 00025 (zcip-err-name-reserved) CIP E00025 Object name object-name is currently reserved and cannot be used. Cause You attempted to use an object name in an ADD command that is currently cannot be used within CIP subsystem for the specified object type. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Reissue the ADD command using different object name. NOTE: The specified object name probably already has a corresponding CIP subsystem configuration record within the configuration database that cannot be used by the CIP subsystem for some reason. See CIP EMS event 5206, 5306, and 5506 for more details. CIP 00026 (zcip-err-attr-val-invalid) CIP E00026 Attribute value invalid: text. text Is the text string describing the problem with the attribute value. Cause You issued a command, and tried to assign an invalid value to an attribute. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Reissue the command using a value for that attribute that is within the valid range. NOTE: This is used internally by the SCF product module. CIP 00027 (zcip-err-attr-incompatible) CIP E00027 Invalid attribute combination.. Cause The specified attribute conflicted with one or more of the other attributes on the command line. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Refer to the command descriptions (in the manual or help text) for information about which attributes can be combined. NOTE: This is used internally by the SCF product module. CIP 00028 (zcip-err-cpu-attr-invalid) CIP E00028 CPU attribute not supported. Cause You issued a TRACE MON or TRACE PROCESS command with the CPU attribute specified. Only TRACE CLIM and TRACE PROVIDER commands support the CPU attribute. Effect The SCF command is not executed. 390 SCF Error Messages Recovery Reissue SCF command without the CPU attribute. NOTE: This is used internally by the SCF product module. CIP 00029 (zcip-err-locksize-invalid) CIP E00029 LOCKSIZE must be less than or equal to PAGES. Cause You issued a TRACE command with a LOCKSIZE value that was greater than the PAGES value. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Retry the command with a LOCKSIZE value that is less than or equal to the PAGES value. If PAGES is not specified, LOCKSIZE must be less than or equal to 64 pages. NOTE: This is used internally by the SCF product module. CIP 00030 (zcip-err-cpu-attr-required) CIP E00030 CPU attribute is required. Cause You issued a TRACE CLIM or TRACE PROVIDER command and specified the TO attribute but not the CPU attribute. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Reissue the SCF command with the CPU attribute. NOTE: This is used internally by the SCF product module. CIP 00031 (zcip-err-context-invalid) CIP E00031 Request contains invalid or obsolete context information. Cause Continuation of an SCF command happens with invalid or obsolete context information. This can happen if too much time has elapsed between the initial request and command continuation. Effect The SCF command is not executed. Recovery Reissue the SCF command. CIP 00032 (zcip-err-unsynch-mon) CIP E00032 One or more CIPMON processes are out of synch. Cause An SCF request for configuration change (ADD, DELETE, or ALTER command) or state change (START, STOP, or ABORT command) cannot be executed because the CIPMAN process cannot communicate with one or more CIPMON processes to ensure consistency of CIP subsystem configuration. Effect The SCF configuration or state change command is not executed. 391 Recovery Reissue the SCF command. If the problem persists for more than a short duration, locate the problematic CIPMON process and fix the cause for that CIPMON process' inability to process the request from the CIPMAN process. CIP 00033 (zcip-err-sub-not-stopped) CIP E00033 One or more subordinate objects cannot be stopped. Cause A STOP or ABORT PROCESS SCF request with the SUB ALL option specified failed to stop the CIPMAN process because the CIPMAN process cannot stop one or more subordinated CLIM and PROVIDER objects. Effect The CIPMAN process is not stopped. Recovery If you only want to stop the CIPMAN process, reissue the STOP or ABORT PROCESS SCF request without the SUB option or with the SUB NONE option. If you want to stop all subordinate CLIM and PROVIDER objects as well as the CIPMAN process itself, use the ABORT PROCESS SCF request with the SUB ALL option. If the problem persists, investigate why the subordinate objects cannot be stopped. CIP 00034 (zcip-err-sub-not-supported) CIP E00034 Specified SUB option is not supported by command/object. Cause The SUB option is specified and it is not compatible with the specified command or the SUB option is omitted for a command that requires the SUB option. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Make sure that a valid SUB option is specified, then retry the SCF command. CIP 00035 (zcip-err-cpu-down) CIP E00035 The specified processor is currently down. Cause You issued a TRACE command but the specified processor is currently down. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue the TRACE command with a different processor. CIP 00036 (zcip-err-wrong-prov-type) CIP E00036 PROVIDER object-name type is not compatible with this request. object-name Is the PROVIDER object specified in the ADD or ALTER CLIM, ADD or ALTER PROVIDER, or ADD ROUTE or STATUS PROVIDER, ROUTE or SWITCH CLIM, PROVIDER command. Cause The provider name in an ADD or ALTER CLIM, ADD or ALTER PROVIDER, or ADD ROUTE or STATUS PROVIDER, ROUTE or SWITCH CLIM, PROVIDER command belongs to a type that is not compatible with the command. 392 SCF Error Messages Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue the SCF command with different provider that has the correct type or reissue SCF command with option that is compatible with the provider type. Use the INFO PROVIDER command to display the type of each provider. CIP 00037 (zcip-err-invalid-clim) CIP E00037 CLIM object-name is invalid for this request. object-name Is the CLIM object specified in the ADD or ALTER PROVIDER, ALTER CLIM, or ADD ROUTE command. Cause The CLIM name in an ADD or ALTER PROVIDER command has operational mode that is not compatible with the command. Or the target CLIM in an ALTER CLIM command has an operation mode that is not compatible with the attribute specified with the command. Or the CLIM name in an ADD ROUTE command is not associated with the parent PROVIDER object of that Route and the MULTIPROV attribute of that CLIM is set to OFF. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue SCF ADD or ALTER PROVIDER command with different CLIM that has the correct operational mode. Or reissue the SCF ALTER CLIM command with a different CLIM that has the correct operational mode. Or reissue the SCF ADD ROUTE command with CLIM and IPDATA provider names that are associated with each other or with a CLIM that has the MULTIPROV attribute set to ON. Use the INFO CLIM command to display the MULTIPROV attribute and the IPDATA provider associated with each CLIM. CIP 00038 (zcip-err-route-exists) CIP E00038 CLIM clim-name is associated with an existing Route object. clim-name Is the CLIM object specified in the DELETE CLIM or ALTER CLIM command. Cause A DELETE CLIM command was issued for a CLIM object that is associated with an existing Route object. You cannot delete a CLIM object until there are no (Maintenance Provider or Route) objects dependent on the specified CLIM. Or an ALTER CLIM a command was issued for a CLIM object that is associated with an existing Route object that would not be able to associate with that CLIM object if the ALTER CLIM command successfully completes. Although a Route object can be associated with any CLIM with MULTIPROV ON, a Route object cannot be associated with a CLIM with MULTIPROV OFF unless the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM is the same as the parent of that Route object. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To remove or alter the CLIM object, the Route object associated with the specified CLIM must be removed first. Use the INFO ROUTE command to display the CLIM associated with each Route object. CIP 00039 (zcip-err-storage-inuse) CIP E00039 CLIM clim-name is in use by Storage Subsystem. clim-name Is the CLIM object specified in the DELETE CLIM command. 393 Cause A DELETE CLIM command was issued for a CLIM object (with STORAGE operation mode) that is being used by Storage Subsystem. You cannot delete a CLIM object until there is no reference from Storage Subsystem to the specified CLIM. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To remove the CLIM object, the dependency of Storage Subsystem on the specified CLIM must be removed first. See Storage Subsystem for more details. CIP 00040 (zcip-err-interface-exists) CIP E00040 CLIM clim-name still has interfaces running on other CLIM(s). clim-name Is the CLIM object specified in the DELETE CLIM or ALTER CLIM command. Cause A DELETE CLIM or ALTER CLIM command was issued for a CLIM object that is associated with one or more interfaces configured on that CLIM that are currently running on other CLIM(s). You cannot delete a CLIM object or alter PROVIDER attribute of a CLIM object with MULTIPROV OFF until there are no interfaces configured on that CLIM running on any CLIM. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To remove the CLIM object, the interfaces associated with the specified CLIM must be removed first. Use the STATUS CLIM, DETAIL command to display the active interfaces associated with that CLIM. Use ABORT CLIM, INTFALL command to stop usage of all interfaces configured on that CLIM. CIP 00041 (zcip-err-clim-exists) CIP E00041 PROVIDER object-name is associated with an existing CLIM object. object-name Is the PROVIDER object specified in the DELETE PROVIDER command. Cause A DELETE PROVIDER command was issued for an IPDATA provider object that is associated with an existing CLIM object. You cannot delete a PROVIDER object until there are no (CLIM or Route) objects dependent on the specified provider. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To remove the IPDATA provider object, the CLIM object associated with the specified IPDATA provider must be removed first. Use the INFO PROVIDER, DETAIL command to display the names of the CLIM associated with that IPDATA provider. CIP 00041 (zcip-err-clim-exists) CIP E00041 PROVIDER object-name is associated with an existing CLIM object. object-name Is the PROVIDER object specified in the DELETE PROVIDER command. Cause A DELETE PROVIDER command was issued for an IPDATA provider object that is associated with an existing CLIM object. You cannot delete a PROVIDER object until there are no (CLIM or Route) objects dependent on the specified provider. 394 SCF Error Messages Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To remove the IPDATA provider object, the CLIM object associated with the specified IPDATA provider must be removed first. Use the INFO PROVIDER, DETAIL command to display the names of the CLIM associated with that IPDATA provider. CIP 00042 (zcip-err-object-unremovable) CIP E00042 PROVIDER object-name cannot be deleted. object-name Is the PROVIDER object specified in the DELETE PROVIDER command. Cause A DELETE PROVIDER command was issued for the default PROVIDER object ($ZZCIP.ZTC0) which can never be deleted. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue SCF command with a different Provider. CIP 00043 (zcip-err-intf-not-exist) CIP E00043 PROVIDER interface-name does not exist. interface-name Is the interface name specified in the SWITCH CLIM command. Cause A SWITCH CLIM command was issued for an interface that does not exist. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue SCF command with the correct interface name. CIP 00044 (zcip-err-intf-invalid) CIP E00044 Interface interface-name is invalid for specified CLIM. interface-name Is the interface name specified in the SWITCH CLIM command. Cause A SWITCH CLIM command was issued for an interface that does not belong to the specified CLIM object. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue SCF command with the correct interface or CLIM name. CIP 00045 (zcip-err-intf-no-fover) CIP E00045 Interface interface-name is not configured to support failover. interface-name Is the interface name specified in the SWITCH CLIM command. Cause A SWITCH CLIM command was issued for an interface that is not configured to support failover. 395 Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue SCF command with the correct interface name. CIP 00046 (zcip-err-intf-fover-invalid CIP E00046 Interface interface-name failover configuration cannot currently fail over. interface-name Is the interface name affected by the SWITCH CLIM command. Cause A SWITCH CLIM command was issued, either implicitly or explicitly, that affects an interface which is configured for failover, but the current condition makes failover to another CLIM impossible. The possible conditions include: • A target CLIM or interface for failover does not exist or is invalid. • A target CLIM is currently not accessible. • An interface is brought down by an operator request. • The target CLIM does not have sufficient configuration information to bring up the interface. • The interface for failover has a visiting interface. Effect The SCF command is rejected for that interface. Recovery Use the STATUS CLIM, DETAIL command to display failover configurations for all interfaces configured on a CLIM. Ensure that the failover configuration is correct and valid on the target CLIM and that the target CLIM is accessible. Then reissue the SCF command. CIP 00047 (zcip-err-intf-fover-fail CIP E00047 Failover attempt for interface interface-name failed. interface-name Is the interface name affected by the SWITCH CLIM command. Cause An attempt to fail over an interface as part of a SWITCH CLIM command failed and the specified interface cannot be brought up on the target CLIM. Effect The interface cannot be brought up on the target CLIM. Recovery Check CIP EMS event 5223 to find out more details about why the interface cannot be brought up on the target CLIM. Correct the problem and reissue the SCF command. CIP 00048 (zcip-err-clim-not-stopped CIP E00048 CLIM(s) associated with PROVIDER object-name are not stopped. object-name Is the PROVIDER object specified in the ALTER PROVIDER command. Cause The provider name in an ALTER PROVIDER command (with SHARE-PORTS option) has one or more associated CLIM(s) not in STOPPED state. Effect The SCF command is rejected. 396 SCF Error Messages Recovery Stop the CLIM(s) associated with the Provider by using the INFO PROVIDER, DETAIL command to display the list of CLIMs associated with the Provider and then using the STOP or ABORT CLIM command to stop the associated CLIM(s). Reissue the SCF ALTER PROVIDER command. CIP 00049 (zcip-err-ipaddr-invalid CIP E00049 ip-address is invalid. ip-address Is the IP address specified in the ADD CLIM command. Cause The specified IP address is not a valid IP address for a maintenance Provider. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Re-issue the command with a valid IP address. CIP 00050 (zcip-err-connpts-invalid CIP E00050 CONNPTS value connpts is invalid for specified location. connpts Is the CONNPTS attribute value specified in the ADD or ALTER PROVIDER command. Cause The specified CONNPTS value is not valid or not valid for the specified location. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Re-issue the command with a valid CONNPTS attribute value. CIP 00051 (zcip-err-family-invalid CIP E00051 FAMILY value family is invalid. family Is the FAMILY attribute value specified in the ADD ROUTE or PROVIDER or ALTER PROVIDER command. Cause The specified FAMILY value is not valid for the specified object type or the specified FAMILY value for ROUTE object is not valid for the specified parent provider object FAMILY. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Re-issue the command with a valid FAMILY attribute value. CIP 00052 (zcip-err-priority-invalid CIP E00052 PRIORITY value priority is invalid for specified location. priority Is the PRIORITY attribute value specified in the ADD ROUTE command. Cause The specified PRIORITY value is not valid. Effect The SCF command is rejected. 397 Recovery Re-issue the command with a valid PRIORITY attribute value. CIP 00053 (zcip-err-active-mon) One or more CIPMON processes are still running. Cause A STOP PROCESS SCF request failed to stop the CIPMAN process because one or more CLIM or PROVIDER objects are not in a STOPPED state and one or more CIPMON processes are still running (i.e., one or more MON objects not in a STOPPED state). Effect The CIPMAN process is not stopped. Recovery If you only want to stop the CIPMAN process, issue the ABORT PROCESS SCF request without the SUB option or with the SUB NONE option. If you want to stop all subordinate CLIM and PROVIDER objects as well as the CIPMAN process itself, use the ABORT PROCESS SCF request with the SUB ALL option. If the problem persists, investigate why the subordinate objects cannot be stopped. CIP 00054 (zcip-err-clim-config-mismatch) CLIM clim-name has incompatible configuration. clim-name is the CLIM object specified in the ALTER CLIM command. Cause An ALTER CLIM command was issued for a CLIM object whose configuration on the CLIM is not compatible with the new attribute value and cannot be converted to be compatible with the new attribute value. In particular, the MULTIPROV attribute cannot be altered to OFF if there are any network resources configured on the CLIM that are associated with a provider that is not the same as the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM object. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To alter the CLIM object, the configuration on the CLIM must first be updated to be compatible with the new attribute value. Then reissue the ALTER CLIM command. CIP 00055 (zcip-err-interface-exists-prov) Provider prov-name still has active associated interfaces. prov-name is the PROVIDER name specified in the DELETE PROVIDER command. Cause A DELETE PROVIDER command was issued for a PROVIDER object that is associated with one or more interfaces configured on one or more CLIMs. You cannot delete a PROVIDER object until there are no active interfaces on any CLIMs associated with that provider. This can happen when there are interfaces configured on a CLIM with MULTIPROV ON that are associated with the target PROVIDER object even though the parent CLIM object is not directly associated with the PROVIDER object (via the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM). Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To remove the PROVIDER object, the interfaces associated with the specified provider must be removed first. Use the STATUS PROVIDER, DETAIL command to display the active interfaces associated with that provider. On each CLIM, use “climconfig” to remove all interfaces associated 398 SCF Error Messages with that provider. On each CLIM, use “climconfig interface –info all” to list all interfaces with their associated provider to find all interfaces associated with that provider on that CLIM. CIP 00056 (zcip-err-prov-not-exist) Provider prov-name does not exist. prov-name is the PROVIDER name specified in the SWITCH CLIM command. Cause A SWITCH CLIM command was issued for a provider that does not exist. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue SCF command with the correct provider name. (SCFPM Note: prov-name is from zcip-tkn-provider-name.) CIP 00057 (zcip-err-clim-incompatible) CLIM clim-name software version is incompatible. clim-name is the CLIM object specified in the ALTER CLIM command. Cause An ALTER CLIM command was issued for a CLIM object whose software version on the CLIM is not compatible with the new attribute value. In particular, the MULTIPROV attribute cannot be altered to ON if the CLIM software does not support the MULTIPROV feature. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To alter the CLIM object, the configuration on the CLIM software must first be updated to be compatible with the new attribute value. Then reissue the ALTER CLIM command. CIP 00058 (zcip-err-interface-wrong-prov) CLIM clim-name has interfaces associated with other PROVIDER(s). clim-name is the CLIM object specified in the ALTER CLIM command. Cause An ALTER CLIM, MULTIPROV OFF command was issued for a CLIM object that has one or more interfaces configured on it which are associated with a provider other than the PROVIDER attribute of the CLIM object even though the CLIM object is not in STARTED state. You cannot alter the MULTIPROV attribute of a CLIM object to OFF until all known interfaces for that CLIM are associated with the provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM object. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery To set the ALTER MULTIPROV attribute of the CLIM object to OFF, the interfaces associated with the specified CLIM and providers other than the PROVIDER attribute of that CLIM object must be removed first. Use the ABORT CLIM, INTFALL command to stop usage of all interfaces configured on that CLIM. CIP 00059 (zcip-err-interface-wrong-prov) CLIM clim-name has no association with Provider prov-name. 399 clim-name is the CLIM object specified in the SWITCH CLIM command. prov-name is the PROVIDER name specified in the PROVIDER option of the SWITCH CLIM command. Cause A SWITCH CLIM, PROVIDER command was issued for a provider that does not have any association with network resources configured on the specified CLIM. Effect The SCF command is rejected. Recovery Reissue SCF command with the correct provider name. (SCFPM Note: prov-name is from zcip-tkn-provider-name.) 400 SCF Error Messages B Fault Codes This appendix documents fault codes that belong to the CIP subsystem and can appear in CIP subsystem EMS messages. Many fault codes suggest checking software versions. To obtain this information: • Use SCF VERSION PROCESS $ZZCIP to obtain the CIPMAN version. • Use SCF VERSION MON $ZZCIP.mon to obtain the CIPMON software version. • Examine the VPROC $SYSTEM.SYSnn.ZCIPDLL file to obtain the ZCIPDLL version. (This version should be the same as the CIPMON software version.) • Use SCF VERSION CLIM $ZZCIP.CLIM to obtain the CLIM software version or look in the /etc/vprocfile on the CLIM. Origin “CIP Manager” Fault Code 1003 Cause The size of the message CIPMAN received from CIPMON is inconsistent with what is expected. Effect The message is dropped without further processing. Recovery CIPMAN automatically retries the operation. If this problem persists over an extensive period of time, make sure the appropriate versions of software (CIPMAN, CIPMON, ZCIPDLL, CLIM) are running. If the problem persists, contact your HP service provider. Origin “CIP Manager” Fault Code 1011 Cause A configured CLIM object is now unusable due to a problem with hardware connectivity. This can be caused by there being no CLIM connected at the configured location, different devices connected on different fabrics corresponding to the same configured location, or other connectivity problems. There should also be a CIP subsystem event 5211 that provides more detailed information. Effect The specified CLIM object cannot be accessed. Recovery Make sure that the correct CLIM hardware is connected at the correct locations and that the CLIM and the ServerNet switch are configured correctly. Origin “CIP Manager” Fault Code 1012 Cause There are no active CIPMON processes running in any processor on the system. This is most likely caused by an operator request. Effect No access to any CLIM or provider from any processor. Recovery Make sure that CIPMON processes are started by the persistent manager. See “Starting CIP on the NonStop Host System” (page 100) for information about how to start CIPMON processes. Origin “CIP Manager” Fault Code 1015 Cause An attempt to read or write a configuration database record by the CIPMAN process fails. 401 Effect For reading of a non-critical configuration database record, CIPMAN continues without access to the object corresponding to the configuration database record. For a critical configuration database record, CIPMAN terminates and the backup CIPMAN takes over. Recovery None. This is an informational event. However, if an existing CIP subsystem object (such as a CLIM or Provider) is unexpectedly missing, you may want to restart the CIPMAN process. Origin “CIP Manager” Fault Code 1017 Cause A configured CLIM object is now unusable due to a mismatch between configuration on the CLIM and configuration on the NonStop System. Effect The specified CLIM object cannot be brought to STARTED state. Recovery Make sure that the configuration on the CLIM is consistent with the configuration of the CLIM object on the NonStop system. In particular, if the CLIM is configured with MULTIPROV set to OFF, all network resources on the CLIM must not be associated with any specific provider or all network resources on the CLIM must be associated with the IPDATA provider specified by the PROVIDER attribute of the CLIM object. Origin “CIP Manager” Fault Code 1018 Cause A configured CLIM object is now unusable because the version of software running on that CLIM does not support one or more features (such as MULTIPROV support) that have been turned on for that configured CLIM object. Effect The specified CLIM object cannot be brought to STARTED state. Recovery Make sure that the CLIM is running software that can support the feature sets configured for that CLIM object or turn off features that are not supported by the software running on the CLIM using theSCF ALTER CLIM command. Origin “CIP Manager” Fault Code 1019 Cause A configured CLIM object is now unusable due to CIPMAN receiving invalid CLIM-based configuration information from the CLIM. Effect The message is dropped without further processing. The specified CLIM object cannot be brought to STARTED state. Recovery CIPMAN will automatically retry the operation. However, if this problem persists over an extensive period of time, the operator should make sure that an appropriate version of the software (CIPMAN, CIPMON, ZCIPDLL, CLIM) are running and make sure that the configuration on the CLIM is consistent with the configuration of the CLIM object on the NonStop system. If the problem still persists, contact your HP representative. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2001 Cause An unexpected failure condition was encountered by a CIPMON process. 402 Fault Codes Effect The CIPMON process terminates. In an extreme case, the CIPMON processor may be halted. Recovery If the CIPMON processor is not halted, no recovery action is required. The CIPMON process is restarted automatically by the persistence manager. If the CIPMON processor is halted, perform a dump operation and reload the processor. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2002 Cause The CIPMON process either (a) attempts to obtain an invalid type of resource, (b) attempts to use resources that are not sufficient for the current operation, or (c) cannot obtain necessary resources (such as memory). Check the EMS event for more details. Effect The current operation by CIPMON fails. Recovery None. CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If this problem persists, make sure sufficient resources are available. Check the EMS event for more details about the type of resources that caused the problem. If this problem persists for an extended period of time, report the problem to your HP service provider. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2003 Cause CIPMON detects that the information within an internal control block is not consistent with what is expected. Effect The CIPMON processor is halted. Recovery This is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP service provider. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2011 Cause Either (a) CIPMON detects an attempt to access an invalid state machine, or (b) a state machine corresponding to a CIP subsystem object within CIPMON is put in an unexpected state. Effect For (a), the CIPMON processor is halted. For (b), the CIP subsystem object corresponding to the affected state machine is no longer accessible through that CIPMON process. Recovery This is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2013 Cause The CIPMON process receives a message from either the CIPMAN process or a CLIM with version information that does not match what the CIPMON process expects. Effect The message is dropped or rejected. Recovery Make sure the correct and matching software is running on both the NonStop host system and on the CLIM. 403 Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2022 Cause The CIPMON process receives a response message from a CLIM that has a CLIM type that was not expected for that type of request. Effect The message is dropped. Recovery Make sure the correct and matching software is running on both the NonStop host system and on the CLIM. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2030 Cause A CIPMON process in either the STARTING or STARTED state is incompatible with the current CIPMAN process. The CIPMAN protocol version is newer than that CIPMON protocol version. Effect The CIP subsystem does not function properly. If CIPMON is already in the STARTED state, the current socket operations might work correctly but there are not any recovery actions. If CIPMON is in the STARTING state, the CIP subsystem access through that processor is not available and additional MON object transient faults (Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2032) are likely to be generated. Recovery Install the correct, compatible versions of CIPMAN and CIPMON. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2031 Cause A CIPMON process in either the STARTING or STARTED state is incompatible with the current CIPMAN process. The CIPMAN protocol version is older than that CIPMON protocol version. Effect The CIP subsystem does not function properly. If CIPMON is already in the STARTED state, the current socket operations might work correctly but there are not any recovery actions. If CIPMON is in the STARTING state, the CIP subsystem access through that processor is not available and an additional MON object transient fault (Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2033) is likely to be generated. Recovery Install the correct, compatible version of CIPMAN and CIPMON. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2032 Cause A CIPMON process in the STARTING state is incompatible with the current CIPMAN process. The CIPMAN protocol version is newer than that CIPMON protocol version. Effect The CIP subsystem does not function properly. The CIP subsystem access through that processor is not available Recovery Install the correct, compatible version of CIPMAN and CIPMON. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2033 Cause A CIPMON process in the STARTING state is incompatible with the current CIPMAN process. The CIPMAN protocol version is older than that CIPMON protocol version. 404 Fault Codes Effect The CIP subsystem does not function properly. The CIP subsystem access through that processor is not available. Recovery Install the correct, compatible version of CIPMAN and CIPMON. Origin “CIPMON” Fault Code 2034 Cause A CIPMON process is taking unusually long time to process a set of requests. This can be caused by insufficient QIO memory resources. Effect Requests that goes through that particular CIPMON (such as some sockets operations and some SCF requests) can be slower than normal. Recovery None. CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If this problem persists, the operator should make sure that sufficient QIO memory are available. If this problem persists for extended period of time, please report the problem to your Global Customer Support Center analyst for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3001 Cause The operation is invalid for the current state of the object within the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL). Effect The operation fails. Recovery Make sure the correct and matching CIPMON and ZCIPDLL are running. If not, this is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3002 Cause The operation invoked by the CIPMON process is invalid for the object type of the specified object. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Make sure the correct and matching CIPMON and ZCIPDLL are running. If not, this is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3003 Cause A DSM trace request is not consistent with the current tracing status of the specified object. Effect Trace operation fails. Recovery None. This is an informational message. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3004 Cause The maintenance Provider object still has an associated interface within the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) and its configuration cannot be modified. 405 Effect The ALTER PROVIDER request fails. Recovery If this problem persists, send complete information to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3005 Cause One or more parameters that CIPMON passed into the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) are invalid. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Make sure the correct and matching CIPMON and ZCIPDLL are running. If not, this is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3006 Cause The specified object does not exist within the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL). Effect The operation fails. The object cannot be accessed on that processor. Recovery This is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3007 Cause Some needed resources are not available to the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL). Effect The operation fails. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If this problem persists, make sure sufficient resources are available. Check the EMS event for more details about the type of resources that caused the problem. If this problem persists for an extended period of time, report the problem to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3010 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) encounters too many errors in communication with the specified CLIM object. Effect Access to the CLIM is lost. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3012 Cause An unexpected error within the state machine occurred for the specified object within the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL). Effect The operation fails. 406 Fault Codes Recovery This is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3017 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) received an updated IP address or route (add or delete) from the CLIM that is not consistent with what is expected. Effect The IP address or route is not updated within the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) in that processor. Recovery If the problem persists, a CLIM reboot is recommended. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3018 Cause The size of the message the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) attempted to send to the CLIM is too large. Effect The operation fails. Recovery Make sure the correct and matching CIPMON, ZCIPDLL, and CLIM software versions are running. If mismatched versions are not the cause, this is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3020 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) receives a data message from the CLIM that is too small. Effect Access to the CLIM is lost. Recovery Make sure the correct and matching software is running on both the NonStop host system and on the CLIM. If mismatched versions are not the cause, this is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3021 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) encounters a socket operation error that requires CLIM access to be disconnected. Effect Access to CLIM is lost. Recovery Make sure that the correct and matching software is running on both the NonStop host system and on the CLIM. If the problem persists, send complete information to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3023 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) detects that there is no active connection with the CLIM. 407 Effect Access to the CLIM is lost. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3024 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) detects that the specified CLIM has an invalid operation mode or has an invalid associated PROVIDER object. Effect The CLIM object is not added. Recovery Make sure that the correct and matching NonStop host software (CIPMAN, CIPMON and ZCIPDLL) are running. If mismatched software is not the cause, this is a serious problem. Send complete information to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3025 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) detects that the specified PROVIDER object still has one or more associated CLIM(s) so the PROVIDER object cannot be deleted. Effect The PROVIDER object is not deleted. Recovery Make sure that the correct and matching NonStop host software (CIPMAN, CIPMON and ZCIPDLL) are running. If the problem persists, send complete information to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3026 Cause TCP/IP parameters from the specified CLIM either do not match the TCP/IP parameters from the CLIM(s) associated with the same provider that are already started, or the ephemeral ports information is inconsistent with the SHARE-PORTS attribute of the associated provider. Details are given in ErrorDetails1, ErrorDetail2, and ErrorDetail3. ErrorDetail1 Is an item defined in a sysctl parameter, displayed in hexadecimal: Items defined in sysctl parameter net.ipv4.tcp_rmem: 0x01 mismatch for minimum tcp receive buffer size 0x02 mismatch for default tcp receive buffer size 0x04 mismatch for maximum tcp receive buffer size Items defined in sysctl parameter net.ipv4.tcp_wmem: 0x08 mismatch for minimum tcp send buffer size 0x10 mismatch for default tcp send buffer size 0x20 mismatch for maximum tcp send buffer size Items defined in sysctl parameter net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range: 0x40 408 Fault Codes mismatch for starting ephemeral port number 0x80 mismatch for ending ephemeral port number Item defined in sysctl parameter net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range and PROVIDER share-ports value: 0x100 ephemeral port range start or end exceeds 65535 Item defined in sysctl parameter net.core.wmem_default: 0x200 mismatch for default socket send buffer Item defined in sysctl parameter net.core.wmem_max: 0x400 mismatch for maximum socket send buffer Item defined in sysctl parameter net.core.rmem_default: 0x800 mismatch for default socket receive buffer Item defined in sysctl parameter net.core.rmem_max: 0x1000 mismatch for maximum socket receive buffer ErrorDetail1 can be an accumulated value. If ErrorDetail1 is equal to 9 (1 + 8), that means there is a mismatch between the minimum TCP receive buffer size and the minimum TCP send buffer size. ErrorDetail2 and ErrorDetail3 will show the mismatch values of the last case, that is, the minimum TCP send buffer size. ErrorDetail2 Is the value of the ErrorDetail1 item set for the Provider. ErrorDetail3 Is the mismatched value for the reporting CLIM. Effect The CLIM is not accessible from that processor. Recovery Make sure that TCP/IP parameters on all CLIMs associated with the same PROVIDER object are identical. Also, make sure the ephemeral port ranges on all CLIMs associated with the same PROVIDER object are the same and leave enough ports between maximum ephemeral port number and maximum valid port number for the SHARE-PORTS. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3029 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) could not obtain sufficient memory to process the addition of a new local IP address or new route provided by the CLIM. Effect The IP address or route is not added within the CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) in that processor. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If this problem persists, make sure sufficient QIO memory is available. If this problem still persists, report the problem to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3030 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) encounters an error when it attempts to communicate with MEASURE. • ErrorDetail1 = -1 indicates MEASURE is too old to support the CIP subsystem. • ErrorDetail1 = 1 indicates MEASURE is too busy to process this request. 409 Effect The CLIM object cannot be added. Recovery For ErrorDetail1 = -1, check the version of MEASURE. For ErrorDetail1 = 1, retry the operation. For all other ErrorDetail1 values, send complete information to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3031 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) receives a local IP address from the CLIM that already exists for a different interface within the same provider. Effect The IP address is not associated with the interface specified in the message from the CLIM. Recovery Check configuration of all CLIMs associated with the same PROVIDER object to make sure the same local IP address is not associated with more than one interface for all associated CLIMs. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3032 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) cannot support any more objects of the specified object type. Effect The specified object cannot be added. Recovery None. This is an informational message. If a new object is needed, an existing object must be removed first. Origin “CIPSREQ” Fault Code 3033 Cause The CIP subsystem dynamic link library (ZCIPDLL) encounters a check-sum error for a data message from the specified CLIM. Effect Access to the CLIM is lost. Recovery This is most likely a hardware problem. If the problem persists for the same CLIM, have the CLIM hardware replaced. If the problem persists for multiple CLIMs, there may be a hardware problem associated with a NonStop host system processor. Contact your HP service provider for support. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5120 Cause CLIM configuration information (most likely the CLIM name) within the current START CLIM request from the NonStop host system does not match the CLIM configuration information of the first successful START CLIM request received by the CLIMAGT. This indicates that different NonStop host system processors are sending START CLIM requests to the CLIMAGT with conflicting CLIM configuration information. Effect The current START CLIM request is rejected. The CLIM is not accessible from that NonStop host system processor. 410 Fault Codes Recovery This is a serious problem. Send complete information (both NonStop host system and CLIM) to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5121 Cause The processor number associated with the START CLIM request from the NonStop host system is not valid (for example, not between 0 and 15). Effect The current START CLIM request is rejected. CLIM is not accessible from that NonStop host system processor. Recovery This is a serious problem. Send complete information (both NonStop host system and CLIM) to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5122 Cause The CLIM name provided within the START CLIM request from the NonStop host system does not match the CLIM host name information. Effect The current START CLIM request is rejected. The CLIM is not accessible from that NonStop host system processor. Recovery Make sure that CLIM hostname information matches the CLIM name on the NonStop host system . Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5124 Cause CLIMAGT calls to the transport library results in an error. This is most likely caused by an inability to obtain necessary resources. Effect The current CLIM request failed. Recovery Make sure there is sufficient memory on the CLIM. If the problem persists, reboot the CLIM. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5125 Cause The CLIMAGT encounters an error when it attempts to fetch detailed information about a CLIM for which this CLIM has backup information. This is likely caused by a stale directory entry under /etc/clim/mirror with no files in the subdirectory associated with that CLIM name. Effect The CLIM configuration cannot be obtained. The CLIM cannot be brought to the STARTED state. Recovery If the problem persists, reboot all CLIMs associated with the IPDATA provider belonging to the problem CLIM. If that does not work, contact your HP service provider. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5126 Cause The CLIMAGT cannot allocate memory. 411 Effect The current CLIM request failed. Recovery Make sure there is sufficient memory on the CLIM. If the problem persists, reboot the CLIM. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5127 Cause The CLIMAGT did not receive configuration information from CLIMMON. Effect The current CLIM request failed. Recovery Check if the CLIMMON process is running. Restart the CLIMMON process if necessary. If the problem persists, send complete information to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5128 Cause The NonStop host system processor that sends the current request is not in the STARTED state with respect to that CLIM, so the current request cannot be processed. Effect The current CLIM request failed. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If the problem persists, send complete information, especially from the NonStop host side, to your HP service provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5131 Cause The interface specified in the current request does not seem to be a configured interface. Effect The current CLIM request failed. Recovery Check to make sure interface is configured using climconfig command. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5132 Cause The interface specified in the current request has been stopped by the operator. Effect Current CLIM request failed. Interface cannot be brought to active state. Recovery Bring the specified interface to an operational state by using the ifstart command. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5133 Cause The tunnel interface specified in current request has its parent interface in a non-active state. Effect The current CLIM request failed. This tunnel interface cannot be brought to the active state. 412 Fault Codes Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If the problem persists, send complete information (especially on the NonStop host system side including CIPMAN) to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5134 Cause The visiting interface specified in the current request is associated with a local interface that is currently not active. The visiting interface can be brought up on the backup CLIM only if its backup interface is active on the backup CLIM. Effect The current CLIM request failed. The visiting interface cannot be brought to the active state. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If the problem persists, send complete information, especially on the NonStop host system side, including CIPMAN, to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5135 Cause The local interface associated with the visiting interface specified in the current request cannot be determined. Effect The current CLIM request failed. The visiting interface cannot be operated upon. Recovery None. Use the climconfig command to make sure the CLIM has correct and valid configuration information. If the problem persists, send complete information (including the CIPMAN on the NonStop host system side and the failover and interface configuration information on the CLIM side) to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5136 Cause The interface specified in the current request has one or more associated tunnel interfaces still in the active state. Effect The current CLIM request failed. The specified interface cannot be brought to the inactive state. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If the problem persists, send complete information, especially on the NonStop host system side, including CIPMAN, to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5137 Cause The interface specified in the current request has one or more associated tunnel interfaces. Effect The current CLIM request failed. The current CLIM request failed. The specified interface cannot be brought to the inactive state. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If the problem persists, send complete information (especially on the NonStop host system side including CIPMAN) to your HP support provider for analysis. 413 Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5152 Cause The interface activation failed. This can be caused by an interface configuration problem, the interface still being active on a different CLIM, or other internal problems. Effect The current CLIM request failed. The current CLIM request failed. The specified interface cannot be brought to the active state. Recovery Make sure the CLIM has correct and valid configuration information (by using the climconfig command). Otherwise, the CIP subsystem should automatically recover. If problem persists, send complete information (including the CLIM’s syslog information) to your HP support provider for analysis. Origin “CLIMAGT” Fault Code 5184 Cause The CLIM is running a new version of CLIM software and is configured for multiple Providers (MULTIPROV ON) but the NonStop system is running an older version of CIP Subsystem software that does not support MULTIPROV capability. Effect The current CLIM request failed. The CLIM cannot move to STARTED state. Recovery Make sure that the NonStop system is running a newer version of the CIP subsystem software that supports MULTIPROV capability. Origin “ITAPI” Fault Code 9 Cause The underlying connection between a NonStop host processor and a CLIM breaks. Effect That CLIM is not accessible from that NonStop host processor. Recovery The CIP subsystem should automatically attempt to re-establish an iT-API connection. If the problem persists, the CLIM may be hung. In that case, a CLIM reboot is recommended. Origin “ITAPI” Fault Code 8195 Cause The IT-API connection between a NonStop host system processor and a CLIM has been disconnected. (IT-API is the transport connection between the NonStop host system and the CLIM.) Effect That CLIM is not accessible from that NonStop host system processor. Recovery The CIP subsystem should automatically attempt to re-establish the IT-API connection. If the problem persists, make sure the CLIM is correctly configured. If the problem is related to a memory problem, reboot the CLIM. Origin “ITAPI” Fault Code 8196 Cause A CLIM process has rejected an IT-API connection establishment. This can be caused by running out of resources or a mismatch between the version of software on the NonStop host system and on CLIM. 414 Fault Codes Effect That CLIM is not accessible from that NonStop host system processor. Recovery Make sure the version of software running on the NonStop host system and the CLIM are correct and match with each other. Otherwise, if the problem is resources related and persists for an extended period of time, reboot the CLIM. Origin “ITAPI” Fault Code 8197 Cause An attempt to establish the IT-API connection between the NonStop host system processor and a CLIM has failed. ErrorDetail2 information within the EMS event specified the cause of failure in communication. • ErrorDetail2 = 1 indicates a connectivity problem between the NonStop host processor and the CLIM. • ErrorDetail2 = 5 indicates the IT-API transport library on the CLIM cannot create the necessary data structure. • ErrorDetail2 not present is the same as ErrorDetail2 = 0 and indicates the CLIM process is not running on the CLIM. Effect That CLIM is not accessible from that NonStop host system processor. Recovery • For ErrorDetail2 = 1, make sure that the correct CLIM hardware is connected at the correct locations. If the CLIM hardware is correctly connected, check to see if the CLIM is operational, the CLIM driver is loaded and the CLIM processes are running (by using the climstatus command) and start CLIM processes if necessary. If CLIM software processes are not running due to excessive failure, make sure the original failure was attended to, then issue the clim clearlog command followed by the clim reboot command to put the CLIM back in an operational state. • For ErrorDetail2 = 5, the CIP subsystem should automatically attempt to reestablish the IT-API connection. If the problem persists, CLIM reboot is recommended. • For ErrorDetail2 not present, which is the same as ErrorDetail2 = 0, make sure the CLIM processes are running (by using the climstatus command) and start CLIM processes if necessary. If CLIM software processes are not running due to excessive failure, make sure the original failure was attended to and then issue the clim clearlog followed by the clim reboot command to put the CLIM back in an operational state. Origin “ITAPI” Fault Code 8198 Cause The IT-API connection between the NonStop host system processor and the CLIM has been broken. This is most likely caused by failure of the ServerNet connection or failure of the CLIM. Effect That CLIM is not accessible from that NonStop host system processor. Recovery None. The CIP subsystem should automatically try to re-establish the IT-API connection. If the underlying problem persists, the IT-API connection establishment attempt will likely fail. In that case, the problem is likely to show up as CLIM Transient Fault event (5201) with ITAPI fault code of 8197. Please follow the recovery action for that fault code in that situation. 415 Index #ZZCIP, 73 $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP, 74 $ZCLA collector, 108 $ZPM, 73 $ZZCIP, 220 $ZZSTO, 204 192.168.*.* address range restriction, 60, 322 6763 CCSA, 215 Binaryfind command, LUN manager, 170 Binding to a recently used address and port, considerations, 190 Bonded interfaces, 43, 183 bondmode climconfig command, 306 BRECVPORT attribute compatiblity, 189 definition, 229 example, 240 Broadcast, behavior differences, 190 A C Abbreviations, SCF command, 221 ABORT commands SCF, CIPMAN, 224–226 SCF, CIPSAM, 281 ADD commands, SCF, 226–231 ADD DEFINE command CIP^COMPAT^ERROR, 188 HOST file, 75 NODE file, 76 RESCONF file, 77 resetting, 168 suppressing errors, 188 TCI/IP process, 168, 203 ADD PROVIDER command, 228 Address resolution protocol (ARP), 81 all climconfig command, 303 ALLNETSARELOCAL, not supported, 201 ALTER commands, SCF, 231–233 Application programming differences, 188–191 Applications and failover, 36–48 and name resolution, 50, 78 and services, 79 migration, to CIP, 174 monitoring, 94 running in both environments, 113 SQL and DP2, 57 starting, IP CIP only, 101 that need high bandwidth, 32 Approve command, LUN manager, 170 arp Linux command, 69 arp, climconfig command, 304 ARPTIMER-REFRESHED, not supported, 201 Authentication events, 108 Autoconfigured IPv6 addresses, 40 Automatic tunnels, not supported, 183 AUTORESTART attribute, 73 cat Linux command, 69 CCMI (Command Control and Monitoring Interface), 145 CCSA (Common Communication ServerNet Adapter), 215 cd Linux command, 69 certificate authorities, 50 Certificate revocation list (CRL) how stored, 104 setting up links to, 105 Certificate signing request, 50 Certificates, X.509, 104 CIP commands, custom, 71 CIP^COMPAT^ERROR, 188 CIPMAN process as persistent process, 100 object, 218 replacing CIPMAN and CIPMON simultaneously, 134 stopping, 118 CIPMON process determining openers of, 117 file, 133 identifying applications using, 117 persistent, 100 replacing CIPMAN and CIPMON simultaneously, 134 stopping, 118 CIPSAM process adding, 101 data, default, 63 determining name of, 117 listing, 224 maintenance, default, 63 new error codes, 186 object, definition, 219 operational differences, 186 persistence, 100 replacing, 135 stopping, 118 CLCI terminal emulation, 117 Clear command, LUN manager, 170 Clearlog command, 120 CLIM adding and starting, 130 CLIM-to-CLIM failover, 37–39 configuration, backing up, 115 configuration, restoring, 115 Symbols B Backing up best practice, 62, 69 CLIM configuration, 115 configuration files, 114 Best practice, backing up, 62, 69 416 Index failover architecture, 36–48 IP CLIM overview, 52–55 multiple CLIMs per Provider, 32 object, definition, 219 overview, 27 SNMP support, 51 software installation, 137 stopping, 118 Storage CLIM overview, 58 Telco CLIM overview, 52 timezone, 121 valid locations, 227 clim command, 120, 292 CLIM firmware upgrade with system down, 168 upgrade with system running, 150 CLIM software upgrade with system down, 166 upgrade with system running, 136 CLIM software and firmware, upgrading, 136 CLIM-to-CLIM failover as initiated by SWITCH CLIM, 273 compared to NONSHAREDIP, 202 configuration example, 66 how to set up, 95 migration comparison, 183 overview, 37–48 CLIMBKUP command, 114 CLIMCMD command case sensitive, 71 clim, 120 climstatus, 87, 121 ifstart, 102 ifstop, 103 Linux subcommands, 69 lunmgr, 170 man page command, 25 syntax, 71 traceroute, 119 Climconfig commands all command, 303 arp command, 304 bondmode command, 306 climiptables command, 308 failover command, 310 hostname command, 313 interface command, 314 ip command, 321 iptables command, 324, 336 man pages, 301 prov command, 347 psk command, 349 remote command, 351 route command, 356 sa command, 362 slaveinterface command, 368 snmp command, 370 sp command, 372 sysctl command, 376 tunnel command, 378 vpn command, 381 climiptables, climconfig command, 308 Climiptables, displaying with climstatus, 87 Climprep displaying CLIM configuration, 92 displaying with climstatus, 87 CLIMRSTR command, 114 CLIMSCMP tool, 122 climstatus command, 87, 294 CLSFTP script, 128 CLuster I/O Module see CLIM cmd, Linux wrapper command, 121 Coexistence NonStop TCP/IPv6 and conventional TCP/IP, 113 with conventional TCP/IP, strategy, 116 Command Control and Monitoring Interface see CCMI Common Communication ServerNet Adapter see CCSA Compatibility, IP CIP address bind limitations, 188 ALLNETSARELOCAL, not supported, 201 application programming differences, 188–193 ARPTIMER-REFRESHED, not supported, 201 automatic tunnels, 183 binding to a recently used address and port, 190 broadcast differences, 190 DELAYACKS, not supported, 201 DELAYACKSTIME, not supported, 201 deleting ARP entries, 190 failover differences, 183 fault tolerant sockets, 183 HOSTID, setting, 195 HOSTNAME, setting, 196 ICMP-FILTER-PKTS, not supported, 201 ioctl and socket_ioctl calls, 190 IPPROTO_TCP, 191 IPSec, 175 IRDP, not supported, 202 link pulse down, 184 MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT, 196 MAX-PRIV-PORT, not supported, 201 maximum time for retransmission timeouts, 191 migrating the environment, 203 MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT, 196 minimum time for retransmission timeouts, 191 MON/SUBNET attributes, 194 moving from G4SAs, 183 multicast bind, set or join, 189 multicast loopback, 189 multiple listeners, 34 ND6HOSTD process, 175 netmask and broadcast address, 190 network partitioning, 182 new error codes for aborted CIPSAM process, 186 new error codes for IPSec, 184 new socket option, 192 new UDP error, 189 NONSHAREDOUTDIST, not supported, 201 operational differences, 175–187 417 overview, 174–203 PORT-SHARE-ENABLE-ALL, not supported, 202 program name, 174 receiving broadcasts on specific addresses, 189 remote sockets, 184 resources, 183 retransmission timeout count, 191 RFC1323–ENABLE, 196 round-robin socket support considerations, 190 routes, deleting and adding, 190 routing differences, 183 setsockopt calls, 191–190 SLSA subsystem, 175, 182 SNMP TCPIPSA subagent, 175 socket loopback bind behavior, 186 socket migration, 183 socket option default differences, 193 socket options, 191–193 SPI subsystem ID, 174 SUBNET object, 175 subsystem name, 174 subsystem number, 174, 177 supported interface types, 174 suppressing compatibility errors, 188 system configuration database, 174 TCP selective acknowledegments, 191 TCP selective acknowledgements, 191 TCP-INIT-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP-MAX-REXMIT-COUNT, 197 TCP-MAX-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP-MIN-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP-TOTAL-REXMIT-DURATION, not supported, 202 TCP/IP attributes, 193–202 TCP_MAXRXMT, 191 TCP_MINRXMT, 191 TCP_TOTRXMTVAL, 192 TCPCOMPAT42, not supported, 202 TCPCWNDMULTIPLIER, not supported, 202 TCPKEEPCNT, 196 TCPKEEPIDLE, 196 TCPKEEPINTVL, 196 TCPPATHMTU, 197 TCPRECVSPACE, 197 TCPSACKON, 197 time to live, 195 total time for retransmission timeouts, 192 transport-service provider, 174 UDP sockets, 189 UDPRECVSPACE, 198 UDPSENDSPACE, 199 Compatibility, Storage CIP Disk Process 2 (DP2), 204 IOAM operations comparison, 204 NonStop SQL/MP, 204 NonStop SQL/MX, 204 overview, 204–205 Compatibility, Telco CIP, 215 Configuration database, 72 Configuration files 418 Index backing up, 114 CLIM interface, 47 failover, 46 HOSTS, 75 IP addresses, 46 IPNODES, 75 IPSec, 49 ipsec-tools, 50 name resolution, 74 NETWORKS, 77 PORTCONF, 80 psk.txt, 49, 50 RESCONF, 50 restoring, 114 security certificates, 49, 50 SERVICES, 79 TACLCSTM, 75 Conventional TCP/IP, coexistence with, 113 CRL see Certificate revocation list Current UDP sockets, 255 D date Linux command, 69 Dedicated service LAN maintenance LISTNER process for, 63 maintenance TELSERV process for, 63 Default processes, 62 DEFINE command see ADD DEFINE command DELAYACKS, not supported, 201 DELAYACKSTIME, not supported, 201 Delete command, LUN manager, 170 DELETE commands, SCF, 233–235 Destructive Linux commands, 69, 121 Differences, between TCP/IP products, 174 Disk Process 2 (DP2), 204 Displaying CIPSAM process, 224 CLIM configuration, 92 CLIM status information, 87 Ethernet LAN status information, 88 failover configuration, 91 file system disk space usage see Hard disk space usage, displaying hard disk space usage, 91 IP routing table, 89 IPSec configuration, 91 kernel routing table, 89 MON and MAN processes, 224 ServerNet status information, 87 SNMP information, 92 dmsg Linux command, 69 DNR see Domain Name Resolver DNS see Domain Name System Domain Name Resolver (DNR) and RESCONF file, 77 default behavior, 75 overview, 74 Domain Name System (DNS) default behavior, 75, 77 overview, 50 Downgrade see Falling back DP2 see Disk Process 2 E EAGAIN error, 184 Echo, 117 Enclosures command, LUN manager, 171 ENOPROTOOPT, 193 Environment, home terminal, 116 Ephemeral ports, 196 Errors, suppressing, 188 ESRCH error, 184 ESS disk volume, naming convention, 63 Eth0, 29 Eth0:0, 28 Ethernet 4 ServerNet adapter, 113 Ethernet LAN status information, 88 Ethernet subagent (ETHSA), 51 ethtool Linux command, 69 ethtool, displaying link speed, 122 Event logging, 121 Event Management System (EMS) documentation, 119 using to monitor network, 119 Event messages authentication events, 108 SCF, 383 F Failover architecture, 36–48 behavior, 183 CLIM-to-CLIM, 37–39 configuration, displaying, 91 how to configure, 66 interface, configuration sequence, 94 interface-to-interface, 36 optimizing for, 95 settings, 95 failover, climconfig command, 310 Falling back multiple providers, 169 to a previous CIP version, 168 to a previous CLIM version, 169 Fast Ethernet ServerNet adapter (FESA), 113 Fault tolerance architecture, 36–48 configuring, 94 differences, 183 Fault tolerant sockets, not supported, 183 FESA see Fast Ethernet ServerNet adapter File system disk space usage see Hard disk space usage Files $SYSTEM.ZTCPIP, 74 back up, 114 CIPMAN, replacing, 134 CIPMON, replacing, 133 CIPSAM, replacing, 135 configuration, CLIM interface, 47 configuration, failover, 48 configuration, IPv4 and failover, 46 configuration, IPv6 and failover, 46 configuration, name resolution, 74 HOSTS, 75 IPNODES, 75 IPSec, configuration, 49 ipsec-tools, configuration, 50 NETWORKS, 77 NODES, 76 PORTCONF, 80 PROTOCOL, 78 psk.txt, configuration, 49, 50 racoon, configuration, 49 RESCONF, configuring, 77 RESCONF, DNS use of, 50 restore, 114 security certificates, 49, 50 SERVICES, 79 SMPLHOST, 75 SMPLNETW, 77 SMPLPORT, 80 SMPLPROT, 78 SMPLRESC, 77 SMPLSERV, 79 TACLCSTM, 75 Find command, LUN manager, 171 Finger, determining name of opener, 117 Firmware estimating update time, 154 upgrading, 165 upgrading from SPRs, 150 upgrading with system running, 150 with system running, 155 FORCED option, 224 FQDN see Fully qualified domain names free Linux command, 69 FTP, determining name of opener, 117 Fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), 50 G G4SA see Gigabit Ethernet 4-port ServerNet adapter Generic CIP processes, 73 GESA see Gigabit Ethernet ServerNet adapter getaddrinfo(), 76, 79 getnameinfo(), 76 getnetbyaddr(), 77 getnetbyname(), 77 getservbyname(), 79 getservbynumber(), 79 Gigabit Ethernet 4-port ServerNet adapter (G4SA), 113 Gigabit Ethernet ServerNet adapter (GESA), 113 grep Linux command, 69 H Hard disk space usage, displaying, 91 Hash names, IPSec, 104 Help command, LUN manager, 171 419 High UDP Sockets, 255 Home terminal, 116, 117 Host name CLIM, 81 NonStop host system, 74 HOSTID, MON attribute, 195 hostname, climconfig command, 313 HOSTNAME, MON attribute, 196 HOSTS file, 50 see also ADD DEFINE command DNS file, 77 editing, 75 How to activate an interface, 102 add a default route, 66 change interface configuration, 66 change Providers for a CLIM, 130 change TCP/IP environments for applications, 168 configure CIP, 72 configure eth2 through eth5 data interfaces, 65 configure failover, 66 create physical interfaces, 66 deactivate an interface, 103 define CIP management objects, 73 determine openers of the process, 117 determine your home terminal, 116 display CLIM status information, 86, 87, 93 display link speed, 122 display man commands, 93 display SNMP info, 92 display the IP routing table, 89 downgrade see Falling back edit the HOSTS file, 75 enter CIP commands, 71 fall back to a previous version, 168 get a list of CIP processes, 224 list applications using CIP, 117 list CIPSAM processes, 117 monitor the network, 119 ping LISTNER and TELSERV processes, 68 reboot the CLIM, 120 replace CIPMON, 133 restart CIP, 134 select a CIP transport-service provider, 174 set host names, 74 stop CIP, 118 test access to the network, 119 trace a datagram's route, 119 troubleshoot, 119 upgrade, 133 verify lunmgr configuration, 122 HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM), 31 hplog Linux command, 69 I IB CLIM, 56 ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED message, 119 ICMP-FILTER-PKTS, not supported, 201 ICMP_PORT_UNREACHABLE message, 119 420 Index ifconfig -a Linux command, 70 ifconfig <interface-name> Linux command, 70 ifconfig Linux command, 69 ifstart command, 296 activating an interface, 102 overview, 102 ifstop command, 297 deactivating an interface, 103 overview, 102 IKE see Internet key exchange iLO see Integrated lights out INFO CLIM $ZZSTO, 204 INFO commands SCF, CIPMAN, 235–243 SCF, CIPSAM, 281–286 INITIAL-TTL, MON attribute, 195 Installing CIP, 133 CLIM software, 137 Integrated Lights Out (iLO) changing passwords, 64 collecting logs, 211 interface to maintenance switch, 27 overview, 30 Interface activating, 102 deactivating, 103 definition, 52 setting, on CLIM, 81 interface, climconfig command, 314 Internet protocol security see IPSec INTFALL, 48 IOAM comparison, storage CIP, 204 Ioctl call, 190, 191 IOCTL command differences SIOCADDRT, 190 SIOCDARP, 190 SIOCDELRT, 190 SIOCGIFBRDADDR, 190 SIOCGIFNETMASK, 190 IP addresses, duplicate, 122 IP CLIM connections DL380 G6 , 53 DL380p Gen8, 54 DL385 G2 or G5 , 52, 53 ip Linux command, 70 IP routing table information, 89 ip, climconfig command, 321 IP_RECVDSTADDR, 191 IPNODES file, 50, 75, 76 IPPROTO_TCP, 191 IPSec climconfig sp command, 372 compatibility, 175 configuration, 47, 48 configuration, displaying, 91 configuring, 104 configuring remote information, 106 configuring security associations, 106 configuring security policies, 105 controlling Virtual Private Network, 107 displaying information, 87 files, 49 hash names, 104 managing, 107 new error codes, 184 overview, 48–50 sa climconfig command, 362 IPSEC, climconfig script, 108 iptables, climconfig command, 324, 336 IPv6 configuring, 113 migration behavior of, 40 IT-API, 414 Joined-group multicast IP addresses, 40 Jumbo frames, 314 Ethernet interface, 174 SCF ALTER command, 177 tunnel interface, 379 Logging, 121 Logical interface (eth0:0), 28 Logical network partitioning (LNP), 182, 183 ls Linux command, 70 Lunmgr approve command, 170 binaryfind command, 170 clear command, 170 commands, 170 delete command, 170 enclosures command, 171 find command, 171 help command, 171 led command, 171 print command, 172 renumber command, 172 scan command, 172 startover command, 172 unblock command, 172 update command, 172 wwns command, 173 lunmgr configuration, 122 K M Kernel routing table information, 89 Kernel subsystem CIP commands for, 100 configuring CIP with, 73 stopping, 134 Maintenance Provider default, 63 overview, 28 Man page instructions, 25 Management objects, 73 MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT, 196 MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT, MON attribute, 196 MAX-PRIV-PORT, not supported, 201 Migrating to CIP, procedures, 203 Migration, IP CIP address bind limitations, 188 ALLNETSARELOCAL, not supported, 201 application programming differences, 188–193 ARPTIMER-REFRESHED, not supported, 201 automatic tunnels, 183 binding to a recently used address and port, 190 broadcast differences, 190 DELAYACKS, not supported, 201 DELAYACKSTIME, not supported, 201 deleting ARP entries, 190 failover differences, 183 fault-tolerant sockets, 183 getting netmask and broadcast address, 190 HOSTID, setting, 195 HOSTNAME, setting, 196 ICMP-FILTER-PKTS, not supported, 201 ioctl and socket_ioctl calls, 190 IPPROTO_TCP, 191 IPSec, 175 IRDP, not supported, 202 link pulse down, 184 MAX-EPHEMERAL-PORT, 196 MAX-PRIV-PORT, not supported, 201 maximum time for retransmission timeouts, 191 migrating the environment, 203 J L Led command, LUN manager, 171 less Linux command, 70 LIF, and older TCP/IP products, 113 Limitations, 183 Link speed, displaying, 122 Link-local IP addresses, 40 Linux see Linux commands Linux commands cmd wrapper, 121 destructive, 69, 121 logging, 121 unsupported, 27 using, 69 LISTDEV CIP and TCPIP command, 117, 168, 224 Listeners, multiple, 34 LISTNER process checking, 68 default process, 63 maintenance, 63 PORTCONF file, use of, 80 starting, 101 stopping, 118 LISTOPENS command MON, 125 MON, identifying applications using TCP/IP, 117 PROCESS, 117 SCF, 243–248 LNP see Logical network partitioning 421 MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT, 196 minimum time for retransmission timeouts, 191 MON attributes, 194 moving from G4SAs, 183 multicast bind, set or join, 189 multicast loopback, 189 multiple listeners, 34 ND6HOSTD process, 175 network partitioning, 182 new error codes for aborted CIPSAM process, 186 new error codes for IPSec, 184 new socket option, 192 new UDP error, 189 NONSHAREDOUTDIST, not supported, 201 operational differences, 175–187 operational differences, CIPSAM, 186 overview, 174–175 PORT-SHARE-ENABLE-ALL, not supported, 202 program name, 174 receiving broadcasts on specific addresses, 189 remote sockets, 184 resources, 183 retransmission timeout count, 191 RFC1323–ENABLE, 196 round-robin socket support considerations, 190 routes, deleting and adding, 190 routing differences, 183 setsockopt calls, 191 SLSA subsystem, 175, 182 SNMP TCPIPSA subagent, 175 SO_ACCEPTCONN, 192 socket IOCTL differences, 190 socket loopback bind behavior, 186 socket migration, 183 socket option default differences, 193 socket options, 191–193 SPI subsystem ID, 174 SPI subsystem number, 174, 177 SUBNET object, 175 subsystem name, 174 supported interface types, 174 suppressing compatibility errors, 188 system configuration database, 174 TCP selective acknowledgements, 191 TCP-INIT-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP-MAX-REXMIT-COUNT, 197 TCP-MAX-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP-MIN-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP-TOTAL-REXMIT-DURATION, not supported, 202 TCP/IP attributes, 193–202 TCP_MAXRXMT, 191 TCP_MINRXMT, 191 TCP_TOTRXMTVAL, 192 TCPCOMPAT42, not supported, 202 TCPCWINDMULTIPLIER, not supported, 202 TCPKEEPCNT, 196 TCPKEEPIDLE, 196 TCPKEEPINTVL, 196 TCPPATHMTU, 197 422 Index TCPRECVSPACE, 197 TCPSACKON, 197 total time for retransmission timeouts, 192 transport-service provider, 174 UDP sockets, 189 UDP time to live, 195 UDPRECVSPACE, 198 UDPSENDSPACE, 199 Migration, Storage CIP Disk Process 2 (DP2), 204 IOAM operations comparison, 204 NonStop SQL/MP, 204 NonStop SQL/MX, 204 overview, 204–205 Migration, Telco CIP, overview, 215 mii-tool Linux command, 70 MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT, 196 MIN-EPHEMERAL-PORT, MON attribute, 196 mkdir Linux command, 70 MON object, 219 Monitoring CIP, 94 more Linux command, 70 Multicast loopback, migration considerations, 189 migration consideration, 189 Multiple listeners, with round robin sockets, 34 Multiple Providers ADD CLIM guidelines, 228 ADD ROUTE, 230 ALTER CLIM command, 231 ALTER CLIM guidelines, 232 changing, 130 DELETE PROVIDER guidelines, 234 disabling MULTIPROV, 130 enabling MULTIPROV, 129 falling back, 169 independent remote entries, 107 independent security associations, 106 IPSec configuration files, 49 iptables/ip6tables (climiptables) support, 55 network partitioning, 182 policy based routing, 81 pre-shared key configurations, 105 routing, 35 security policies, 106 setting up, 129 using, 34 Multiple Providers per CLIM, 33 MULTIPROV attribute, 33 N NAMES commands SCF, CIPMAN, 248–251 SCF, CIPSAM, 286–287 Names, suggested, 221 Naming conventions, 62, 220 ND6HOSTD process, not supported, 175 Netstat command, 179, 253 netstat command, 86 netstat Linux command, 70 Network partitioning, 182, 183 Network-sensitive commands, provider specified, 69, 86, 119, 126 NETWORKS file, 77 Nonsensitive commands, 223 NONSHAREDIP failover option, alternatives in CIP, 183 NONSHAREDOUTDIST, not supported, 201 NonStop I/O Essentials, 31 NonStop SQL/MP, 204 NonStop SQL/MX, 204 NonStop TCP/IPv6, coexistence with, 113 Null object, 217 O Object specifiers, 221 Object types CIPMAN, 218 CIPSAM, 219 CLIM, 219 MON, 219 overview, 217 ROUTE, 220 SUBNET, 220 Object-name templates, definition, 221 One-to-one SCTP associations, 112 Online upgrades, 133 OpenCall software, 28, 112, 133, 145 Openers of CIPMONs, 117 of TCP/IP process, 117 Operator messages, 383 P PARAM command adding for transport-service provider, 168, 203 DELETE, 101 for TELSERV, 101 precedence, 76 resetting, 168 RESOLVER ORDER, 76 TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME, 101 ZTNT^TRANSPORT^PROCESS^NAME, 101 passwd Linux command, 70 Passwords, changing, 64 Path MTU discovery, 197 PEM format, 104 Persistence on the CLIM, 31 on the host, 73, 74 Persistence manager function, 114 process, 73 Persistent processes behavior, 100 starting, 100 stopping, 134 Physical interfaces eth0, 29 fault tolerance, 183 Ping command, 119 ping Linux command, 70 ping6 Linux command, 70 Policy based routing description, 81 enabling, 120 troubleshooting, 85 PORT-SHARE-ENABLE-ALL, not supported, 202 PORTCONF file, 80 Ports IP CLIM, 52–55 Storage CLIM, 58–59 Pre-shared secret keys configuring, 105 description, 50 file, 50 PRIMARY command SCF, CIPMAN, 251 SCF, CIPSAM, 287 Primary CPU, 117 Print command, LUN manager, 172 PROTOCOL file, 78 Protocols IP, supported, 32 Telco, supported, 32 prov, climconfig command, 347 prov.1p command, 298 PROVIDER object, 219 psclim command, 300 psclim script, for monitoring, 94 psk, climconfig command, 349 PuTTY, 104, 126 pwd Linux command, 70 R Racoon, errors, 184 Rebooting the CLIM, 120, 159 Remote socket, 184 remote, climconfig command, 351 RENAME command, 133 Renumber command, LUN manager, 172 RESCONF file DNR use of, 75, 77 DNS use of, 50 see also ADD DEFINE command sample on SUT, 77 Reserved names $ZZCIP, 220 ZCMnn, 220 Resolver order see PARAM command Restarting CIP, 102 CLIM, 102 Restoring CLIM configuration, 115 files, 114 Retrans timer field, 95 RFC1323–ENABLE, MON attribute, 196 423 rm Linux command, 70 rmdir Linux command, 70 Round-robin CLIM routing, 35 filtering, 112 socket support considerations, 190 ROUTE object, description, 220 route, climconfig command, 356 Routes deleting and adding migration differences, 190 migration differences, 183 policy based, 81 routing behavior, 34 tracing, 119 RUN command, LISTNER, 101 S SA see Security association SAS disk volume , naming convention, 63 Scan command, LUN manager, 172 Scout, CLIM software, 137 SCTP adding to PROTOCOLs file, 78 configuring, 112 IPSec, 104 Security association (SA) configuring, 106 Security certificates, 50 Security policy database (SPD), 105 Sensitive commands, 223 ServerNet LAN Systems Access (SLSA), not suported, 182 ServerNet status information, displaying, 87 SERVICES file, 79 Setsockopt calls, 191, 193 SFTP copy trace file to host, 128 entering commands with CLSFTP script, 128 Share-ports attribute restrictions, 233 example, 240 setting, 229 SHAREDIP failover option, alternatives in CIP, 183 SIM (HP Systems Insight Manager) see HP Systems Insight Manager SIOCADDRT, 190 SIOCDARP, 190 SIOCDELRT, 190 SIOCGIFBRDADDR, 190 Size 3260 and larger socket statistic, 257 Size x—xxxx socket statistic, 257 slaveinterface, climconfig command, 368 SLSA subsystem, not supported, 182 SMPLHOST file, 75 SMPLNETW file, 77 SMPLPORT file, 80 SMPLPROT file, 78 SMPLRESC file, 77 SMPLSERV file, 79 SNMP 424 Index information, displaying, 92 overview, 51 supported classes, 51 snmp, climconfig command, 370 SO_BROADCAST, 193 SO_DONTROUTE, 192 SO_PMTU not supported for IPPROTO_TCP, 191 not supported for SQL_SOCKET, 192 socket option differences, 193 SO_RCVBUF, 193 SO_SNDBUF, 193 SO_USELOOPBACK, 192, 193 Socket loopback bind behavior differences, 186 migration behavior, 183 option differences, 191–193 unsupported options, 191 socket_ioctl call, 190 socket_ioctl_nw call, 190 socket_set_inet_name() library call, 168 socket_transport_name_set() library call, 168 Software, upgrading, 165 Solicited-node multicast IP addresses, 40 sp, climconfig command, 372 SPI subsystem ID, 174 SPI subsystem number, 174 SQL/MP see NonStop SQL/MP SQL/MX see NonStop SQL/MX START commands, SCF, 251–252 Starting CIP, 65 CIP on the CLIM, 101 CIP on the NonStop host system, 100 STARTMODE attribute, 73 Startover command, LUN manager, 172 State, summary, 222 Static routes, 66 STATS commands, SCF, 252–257 STATUS CLIM for monitoring, 94 for storage ($ZZSTO), 204 STATUS commands SCF, CIPMAN, 257–272 SCF, CIPSAM, 287 STOP commands LISTNER process, 118 SCF, CIPMAN, 272–273 SCF, CIPSAM,, 288 TELSERV process, 118 Stopping generic processes, 134 interfaces, 103 provider objects, 118 Storage CLIM configuration, 122 Storage devices, suppported, 204 Subsystem name, 174 Subsystem number, 174 Summary states, 222 Supported interface types, 174 Supported IP protocols, 32 Supported Telco protocols, 32 Suppressing compatibility errors, 188 SWAN adapter, 64 configuring adapters on a CLIM, 187 multiple paths in a single Provider, 34 SWITCH CLIM $ZZSTO, 204 SWITCH command definition and usage, 273 for storage subsystem, 204 migration differences, 183 Synchronization of time on CLIMs, 121 synopsis, climconfig command, 362 sysctl, climconfig command, 376 System configuration database adding CIP processes to, 72 managing, 113 support comparison between products, 174 SYSTEM STARTMODE attribute, 73 Systems Insight Manager see HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM) T TACL process, 117 WHO command, 117 TACLCSTM file, 75 Tape, naming convention, 63 Task summary preparing to stop CIP, 116 stopping generic process, 118 TCP sockets, failover migration behavior, 40 time-to-live, 195 TCP-INIT-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP-MAX-REXMIT-COUNT, MON attribute, 197 TCP-MAX-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP-MIN-REXMIT-TIMEOUT, not supported, 202 TCP/IP process avoiding stopping connection when stopping CIP, 116 backward compatibility for INFO, 216 determining openers of, 117 migrating, 203 NonStop host system management, 28 obtaining list, 224 TCP/IP subagent (TCPIPSA), 51 TCP_DROP_IDLE, 191, 193 TCP_KEEPINIT, 191, 193 TCP_MAXRXMT, 191, 193 TCP_MINRXMT, 191, 193 TCP_NODELACK, 191, 193 TCP_PAWS, 192, 193 TCP_PROBE_IDLE, 192, 193 TCP_PUSH, 192, 193 TCP_RPTR2RXT, 192, 193 TCP_RXMTCNT, 191, 192, 193 TCP_SACKENA, 191, 192, 193 TCP_TOTRXMTVAL, 192, 193 TCP_TSOPTENA, 192, 193 tcpdump command, 126 tcpdump Linux command, 70 TCPIP^HOST^FILE, 75 TCPIP^NODE^FILE, 76 TCPIP^RESOLVER^NAME, 77 TCPIP^RESOLVER^ORDER PARAM, 76 TCPKEEPCNT, MON attribute, 196 TCPKEEPIDLE, MON attribute, 196 TCPKEEPINTVL, MON attribute, 196 TCPPATHMTU, MON attribute, 197 TCPRECVSPACE, 197 TCPRECVSPACE, MON attribute, 197 TCPSACKON, MON attribute, 197 TCPSENDSPACE, MON attribute, 198 tee Linux command, 70 Telco CLIM, 28 connections, 53, 54 deactivating signal link, 146 upgrading, 145 TELNET, determining name of opener, 117 TELSERV checking process, 68 default process, 63 starting, 101 stopping, 118 Templates for object names, 221 TFTP process, 63 Time synchronization, CLIM, 121 top Linux command, 70 touch Linux command, 70 TPNAME attribute, 73 TRACE commands SCF, CIPMAN, 275–279 SCF, CIPSAM, 288 Tracer utility, 119 Traceroute command, 119 traceroute Linux command, 71 traceroute6 Linux command, 71 Transport-service provider adding, 228 associating with a CLIM, 182 association with physical interfaces, 183 changing, 168 CIPSAM object, 219 coexistence with conventional TCP/IP, 116 default, 174 defining, 168 determining name of, 168 falling back to conventional TCP/IP, 168 for conventional TCP/IP, 216 getting statistics on, 179 getting status for, 180 how to select for CIP, 174 listing openers of, 178 network monitoring, 119 partitioning, 182 procedure calls for setting, 168 425 process, 175 PROVIDER object, 219 restricting access to, 182 SCF object for, 219 selecting, 174 setting, 203 stopping, 176, 181 TPNAME attribute, 229 TPName attribute, 239, 240 Trapdests SNMP, configuring, 51 SNMP, displaying, 87, 92 Troubleshooting CLIMCMD command, 120 duplicate IP addresses, 122 network applications, 126 routing, 85 tools, 119 with tcpdump, 126 tunnel, climconfig command, 378 U UDP BRECVPORT attribute, 229 connect, failover behavior, 46 defining, PROTOCOL file, 78 displaying current sockets, 255 displaying high sockets for, 255 ephemeral ports, 230, 240 errors, 189 in sample protocol file, 78 in SERVICES file, 79 MAX-PRIV-PORT, not supported, 201 ports BRECVPORT attribute, 189 defining use of, 229 ephemeral, 196, 229 finding, 125 receiving broadcasts on specific addresses, 189 setting, 229 specifying for broadcast messages, 189 receive window size, setting, 198 send window size, setting, 199 share-ports, setting, 229 socket migration issues, 189 sockets, failover migration behavior, 40 time-to-live, 195 unreachable port, 189 UDPRECVSPACE, MON attribute, 198 UDPSENDSPACE, MON attribute, 199 Unblock command, LUN manager, 172 Update command, LUN manager, 172 Upgrades, online, 133 Upgrading CIP, 133 Upgrading CLIM software and firmware, overview, 136 V Valid CLIM LOCATION attributes, 227 VERSION commands 426 Index SCF, CIPMAN, 279–281 SCF, CIPSAM, 289 Virtual private network (VPN) control, 50 Visiting resources, 183 vmstat Linux command, 71 VPN see Virtual private network vpn, climconfig command, 381 W WANBoot process, 64 wc Linux command, 71 WHO command, 117 who Linux command, 71 Wild-card support, 221 X X.509 certificates, 104 Z ZCMnn, 220
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