Dr. NGUYEN QUANG Habitat Programme Manager UN-Habitat Vietnam Office Green City initiative: Green Growth City Development Strategy I. Why Green Growth for sustainable city development? UN-Habitat Green City Initiatives II. Da Nang City Green Growth Strategic Initiatives III. Hoi An Climate Change Adaptive Eco-City Development 2 I. Why Green Growth for sustainable city development? Why Green Growth for sustainable city developmment? Integrated approaches to competitive city development Environmental City, of culture and sports, education and training, science and technology Industrialization & Modernization in the region and nation focusing on international economic integration, efficient exploitation of advantage, urban upgrading ? A. Growth and Economic Transformation: rapid growth?, how? And why? B. Competitiveness of cities: PCI, Quality of life, Cost of living, Quality of housing? C. Sustainable Tourism in a Green City: What is competitive tourism development? D. New Infrastructure development and accessibility (ex. BRT)? E. Urbanization and Agricultural Land Loss? F. Construction Master Plan: integrating the urban development direction? G. Urban redevelopment? H. Climate Change Adaptation and socio economic development? I. Eco system management under rapid urbanization to support sustainable city plan?? 4 Why Green Growth for sustainable city developmment? National Vietnam Green Growth Strategy Vietnam need new development paradigm and strategic solutions for economic restructuring and sustainable development Conventional & Brown economic growth (Simple Catch-up development strategy) Innovative & Environment friendly economic growth (tunneling-through/leapfrogging development strategy) Vietnam’s National Green Growth Strategy (VGGS) : Restructuring and improving economic institutions towards more efficient use of natural resources, improved competitiveness of the economy through increased investments in technological innovation, natural capital and economic instruments. Responding to climate change, reducing poverty/ ensuring sustainable economic development * Three Strategic Tasks: 1.Reduce intensity of GHG emissions, promote clean & renewable energy 2. Green production (clean industrialization with efficient use of resources ) 3. Green lifestyle & promoting sustainable consumption => Improving environmental quality while stimulating economic growth and job creation Why Green Growth for sustainable city developmment? Green lifestyle & promoting sustainable consumption Resource/ Solid Waste Management Green Growth Life Style Green Industrial Development Water Resource MGT Green Agriculture Eco system based dev/ tourism Social development /Governance - Expand green transportation - Construct public transit system - Increase accessibility to public infrastructure - Create green industries (esp. solar) - Energy/ resource use efficiency of industrial development - Cleaner production - Demand management and improve water ecosystem - Climate Change response with regional cooperation - Recycle water resource - Urban-rural linkage - green agriculture development - Integrate rural development with green village development - Community driven environmental protection - Eco system based tourism - Environmental Impact Assessment - Enhance public-private partnership - Build community resilience and capacity - Equitable Growth Sustainable City Development Access/ Mobility - Capacity Control of solid waste - Industrial and hazardous waste treatment - Recycle with (Circulation) & (waste-to-resource) Green Growth Opportunities for Sustainable City Development • • • • Sustainable Urban Service & Infrastructure Natural Resource Management for Development Social Development & Inclusive Growth Competitive/ effective utilization of service and infrastructure Effective utilization of natural resources, cleaner production Mobilization of necessary local assets and social capital Resource & Solid Waste Access & Mobility Green Industrial development Green Space and Construction Enrichment of natural capital • • • Green Agriculture & Rural Dev. • Water Resource Management • Eco system based • Development/Tourism Health and Labor Disaster and Climate Change Livelihood Resilience Governance for Inclusive GG Contribution to sustainable city development • • • • • Effective land use for new industrial/ residential development/ urban agriculture development Better disaster management with promotion of urban green space development Up-scaling Eco-tourism based on environmental land use planning and enhanced landscape High value added job & market creation (HTP) attracting biz opportunities (esp. SMEs, social enterprises) Economic incentives for integrated land management to relieve urbanization pressures Position of Green Growth oriented City Development Strategies <Green Growth Related programs > - - - Eco-friendly industries development High tech park development Energy efficiency Program Increasing MGT, Protection, development of natural resources Green Agricultural 8 Development Program Urban tree development Eco tourism development BRT Development Institutional Frameworks Socio Economic Development Plan Develop GG Strategic Initiatives Construction Master plan Eco city Development Plan Vietnam Green Growth Strategy Sectoral Plans Realize GG Strategic Initiatives Business Environment: Multi-sectoral Partnership * high-value added driven economic growth, effective resource use and high value addition, cleaner industrialization, sustainable use of natural resources, strong urban rural linkage, and strengthening social equity II. Da Nang City Green Growth Strategic Initiatives Overview of Da Nang Green growth opportunities and Strategic Initiatives Strategic Initiatives 1: Sustainable Material Management (Waste-to-Resource) 1. More Economic Benefits and Earnings (especially for rural residents and urban poor) • waste-to-resource(e.g. energy), creating markets/jobs/ industries • Resources from bio-degradable waste & agricultural by-products 2. Less environmental pollution in land, water and airfield • Minimize various negative side effects from rapid urbanization & growing population 3. Highlight the communities’ responsibility & closer PPP(public-private partnership) • Merits of the community-based waste management system 4. Provide sustainable jobs and safe working conditions to the poor • Integrate informal economic activity(waste business) into the IRRCs IRRCs development City IRRC focused on recycling & reusing; cooperated with SMEs for recycling focused on composting; local Rural IRRC residents and unions; link with biomass plants Strategic Initiatives 2: Green Transportation Development (Access & Mobility) Transformational Changes toward Green/Public transportation − Improve traffic safety and Build infrastructure for walkable city Awareness raising public service advertisement, education on traffic safety Creating New Market clean fuels(CNG, LNG, biofuel, etc.) and low-carbon vehicles (e.g. electric bikes) Infra Development pedestrian friendly streets upgrade traffic lights, signals, and crosswalks, sidewalks, etc. Transition to BRT Strategic preparation for BRT (Road, Parking lots, Bus management, Route Design, Operational Demonstration) Regulation & Enforcement speed limit, emission control, regular maintenance check, etc. Rural Transportation system development bus service for rural-urban connection, etc. * Preparing related infrastructure and management system for BRT Long-term tasks : Integrate transport and land use in the long term Strategic initiatives 3: Green Industrialization and infra development 1. Improve resource and energy use efficiency • Generate industrial symbiosis network in industrial parks 2. Internalize and promote cleaner production systems and network 3. Integrate strategic planning for High Tech Park into other dev plans Key program A. Energy Audits: Energy-guzzling companies⇒ Select companies after examining energy use of each company (e.g.) cement, steel, ceramic and paper industries (energy-intensive sectors) => ① ESCOs invest in energy-saving facilities and equipment (based on EA) ② Create profits through energy saving activities(reducing unnecessary costs) ③ Payback from the enterprises (less cost; no further financial/technical burdens) Key program B. Eco Industrial Park(EIP) Eco Industrial Park (EIP) Existing Industrial Complex Raw materials Raw materials Waste Input reduction Energy Reuse by-products & waste energy etc. Energy Environmental pollution Natural resources depletion <Figure> Relevant Activities of transformation to EIP Maximize resource and energy efficiency through resource circulation system Sewerage Treatment Waste MGT Storm Water Drainage Renewable Energy Industries Estate Developer Minimized waste & pollution Capacity Building Estate MGT Clean Production Infrastructure Development Eco Industrial Park Improved Environmental performance Resource Conservation Plantation & Landscaping Signage Disaster MGT Planning Estate MGT Status Report & GIS Environment MGT Plan Environment MGT Cells Pollution Control Key Program C: Strategic Master Planning of High Tech and Science City linked with green industry and green growth of Major Cities 1. New economic position created for businesses and industries in the locality 2. Global competitiveness of the national and regional economy strengthened 3. Specialized business city developed with professionalism and creativity 4. Innovative based knowledge industry and high-tech industry clusters developed 5. Low carbon green city developed with integrated urban environment 3. Classify sites -business, industry, supporting facility sites make 2. Cluster Development – IT/ BT/ NT/ GT -high tech trends Research facility Support 5. Differentiated/ creative infrastructure 6. Environmental management application use 4. Design places/ zones by types with high design standards Business Live Infrastructure of Science City knowledge 1. Self-sufficient urban ecosystem with mixed land use Strategic initiatives 4 : Utilize Integrated water Resource Management 1. Coordinate research, data collection, and management 2. Integrate land-use planning with natural resource management 3. Improve EIA process and integrate monitoring and evaluation indicators in system 4. Promote ecological and water literacy, while integrating a livelihoods approach into development process. Strategic initiatives 5: Green Urban Agricultural Development (Green product & Eco-tourism) 1. Increased urban rural linkage (more income to local farmers) 2. Gradual increases in revenue from natural resource • Guarantee better quality of the product + meet high-end consumers’ demand 3. Strengthened urban-rural linkage to develop much stronger social infrastructure 4. Improve environmental services especially water infrastructure 5. Facilitate efficient use of water resources step by step Urban Green Village Development linked with Green Production & Tourism III. Hoi An Climate Change Adaptive Eco-City Development V&AA for Hoi An Eco city development Key points # 1: V&AA framework, a part of a long term integrated approaches to Hoi An eco-city development framework • To define climate change adaptation priorities & plans VAA • To effectively manage the un-avoidable socio economic impact of climate change • To build on adaptive capacity including community assets to be Key Successful Factors for Hoi An eco city development toward 2030 (Phase 2011 :~ 2015) V & AA (2011) Exposure Sensitivity analysis Hoi An Adaptive Capacity analysis Eco city Performance index Eco city development Framework Community asset mapping (Phase 2 :~ 2030) Adopting Strategic framework with Local solutions • Community stewardship • Sustainable • Local governance financing (Urban rural linkage) • Urban service and infra mgt • Natural resource mgt (eco system and energy resource) 5 UN Agencies working for sustainable development of the province 18 VAA & Hoi An sustainability strategic planning Key points #2:V&AA is part of local institutionalization process of multi-dimensional “mitigation & adaptation” through Ecocity strategic planning Sustainability Assessment CC Vulnerability Adaptation Assessment Macro analysis (Master Plan, land use, Sectoral Plan) City development project analysis Strategic Goals & direction Hoi An sustainability performance areas •Equitable development •Place making •Social cohesion •Air Quality & Carbon •Energy •Access & Mobility •Water system •Ecosystem Function •Material management Strategic Solution Development • Software projects Local Governance Urban service & Infra Natural resource mgt Socio-cultural capital • Hardware projects Eco city Action planning •Effective and adaptive governance Model •Policy support for Targeted investment Business analysis For Biz development •Comprehensive financing •Community Engagement •Capacity Building VAA finding and multi-sectoral planning Key points # 3: V&AA process is evidence based with multi-dimensional layers supported by participatory approaches through whole process VAA and multi-sectoral planning and capacity building # 1. Community profile development and adaptive capacity survey - Community Interviews of different areas of Hoi An & Transect Mapping - Climate Change sensitivity and Adaptability of socio economic/ environmental dimensions - Gap Analysis for strategic initiatives and stakeholder relationship - Visual assessment # 1. Stakeholder analysis and mapping # 2. Collaborate with Hoi An Stakeholders through Eco city atelier - Review and refine goals with community/ private sectors and Hoi An CPC - Reassess and develop innovative strategic initiatives - Identify appropriate targets and indicators that are to scale # 3. Identifying Hotpots with Community consultation - Overlaying hazard maps and consultation of commune/ward leaders for hotspot identification - Community meetings at hotspots to verify information on assets, climate change exposure, sensitivity and adaptability # 4. Capacity buildings of Hoi An government -Conducting participatory VAA -Using results of VAA for planning process Climate Change Response Development – adaptive governance monitoring To monitor and evaluate responsiveness & resilience of cities focusing on participatory CC assessment / process and adaptive governance • • • • • • • • • • City level climate change organization Vulnerability and adaptation assessment Critical and protective infrastructure Safe education and health facilities Building regulations and land use planning with integration of climate change issues City-wide programs for education, training and public awareness Enhancing protective functions of Ecosystems for climate change adaptation Effective city wide systems for Early Warning, Preparedness and Response Recovery and Reconstruction in the city after a disaster Financing for climate change response in the city Thank you very much for your attention!
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