)Is I kfy in tliese words to acl(nowfetfge tlie lie{p received 6y .me in su6"!itti~g ~liis aoctora[ tliesis, I fin£ myself up against an arduous tasl( to ftmn an enttre [ije m a coupfe ofpages. CJJiougli I aou6t tlie a6ifity of words to efficiently transfate tlie feefings, I wi[[ try my 6est to do myself some justice. Pirst of a[~ I am tlianlifu[ to tlie )l[miglity for 6ringing forward tfie [ije, eacli aay, tlie way J{e does. (])own on eartli, I liave many wliom I need to tliankfor many reasons. It was my goodfortune to liave found Prof :Neera CBfia[[a Sarin, as my supervisor. CJJie years spent under tier tutefage ana care wi[[ remain etcliea in my memory for ever. I qpress my sincere gratitude ana regard for tier scientific advice, encouragement and tfiougfitju[ care. I am tlianlifu{ to Prof ~ CBamezai, (])ean, Sclioo[ of Life Sciences, and a[[ tlie former deans for providing tlie necessary facifities in tlie sclioo[ I takg tliis opportunity to tlianl( a[[ tlie facu[ty mem6ers of tlie sclioo[ ana tlie neigli6oring researcli institutes for sliaring tlieir wisdom at different times, on various foras. I am specia[Ey tlianlifu{ to (])r. qorango :Muk{iopadliyaya, SC:M:M, Prof Santosli :Misra, Vniversity of Victoria, Canada, Prof PI( cy"aaava, SLS for some fruitju[ discussions. I afso lium6Ey tlianl( Profs. 51( Sopory ana SC :Maliesliwari for going tlirougli tlie manuscript of my paper ana providing some va[ua6fe comments. I am grateju[ to tlie CIP staff :Mr. )lfe:{.ander, :Mr. 1(/ian, :Mr. :Mislira for tlieir lie{p at a[[ times. (])r. SP Sliarma lias 6een very kjn£ in many ways. I tlianl( :Mr. Saini for takjng tlie pliotograplis for tliesis, ana :Mr. (]inti for takjng care of tlie pfants in tlie garden. Sa[igram liad 6een a great lie{p in tlie glass liouse. I afso tlianl( tlie office staff at SLS, especia[Ey :Meenu madam for tier student frienaEy nature. J{PLC experiments took,me to pfaces! I tliank,Prof Syea)lk(itarJfussain, Jamia :Mi[[ia Isfamia, Prof CJ{:Maaliu6afa, SLS, ana Prof Vttam Pati, CCB'Tfor kjna{y a[fowing me tlie use of tlieir instruments. I am inde6tea to :Mayur, Prasad, (])r. :Nikfiat, :Mr. <J<gis, )I mit ana Pra61ia for actua[Ey sitting witli me wliife tlie J{PLC runs were on. If words were to fai~ tliey d"efiniteEy wi[~ as I tliank, (])rs. )lzliar )lziz ana 1(1iati6. Witli tliem, lie{ping me from day one at J:NV, tlie pface was never a[ien to me for a day. CJJie feefing of liomesick,ness, at times, jaded witli my refatives in (])e{lii a[ways 6eing tliere 6eliina me. I tliank, Prof :MJ{ Qureslii, :Najma pliuplii, Suliai[ 6/iai, )lsma appi, Slielifa ana Par/ian for providing me tlie feefing of 6eing at liome. Witli Saqi6, :Masooa 61iai anaSaud around I liaa a[ways 6een confident of my ownself. It lias 6een my good [uck, to liave fa6mates as lie{pfu~ caring, liaraworkjng ana inte[[igent as I lieu£. I sti[[ remem6er my first aay in tlie [a6 ana my acquaintance witli (])r. o/erslia CJ{aja. CJJie scientific temperament slie e:{.udes is wortli im6i6ing. I liave a[ways fool?ga upto my seniors in tlie [a6 (])rs. Prasanna, CJ?skfia CBislit, o/arisai, CJJiiru, :Mutliusamy, ana :Mukfsli. :Mukfsfiji set me on track§ witli my wor~ witli liis liard earned e:rperience. 11ie present postaocs in tlie Ca6. (])rs. :Jvteetu ana :Neeti liave a(ways 6een forthcoming to lie{p, witli a smife. I am e:xJremefy tlianlifuC to eacli ana every mem6er of my {a6 namefy, :Jvtanoj, Prem, Suclianira, (])irya, Sfia(u, Clianirama, fl_njana, Pawan, Sanjay, Prerna, :Nisliakgnt, Prem Jr., :Naresli ana Su6asli ji for tlieir clieetju( company. P.acli one of tliem is a unique gem tliat I fee( good to liave k_nown for a(( tliese years. 11ie 6adinage I sliarea witli ~vi ani :Nasser was a rejuvenating 6reakfrom tlie scientific tliouglits! 11iank§ a Cot, to a(( tlie :MSc project students in tlie Ca6, Imtiyaz, qautam, Pyniar ana (])eepakfor 6ringing youtfijufness to tlie Ca6. :NUflii ana Se(vi were a(ways tliere for support during tlieir stint in tlie Ca6. 11iank§ to Prem for liis ideas ana untiring work_ to reafize tliem. I liope success is round tlie corner. 11iis tliesis wouU liave tak.§n someotlier sliape liaa it not 6een for Pawan spending a sfeepfess niglit. I owe many tliank§ to my Jrientfs in tlie sclioo( namefy (])/ieeraj, (]opaC fl_(i, (])inesli, c.Rflju, :Naseem, CJ(ajk_umar, fl_niC fl_acfesli, fl_sliraf, Sawarkflr. (](ana, Jfimansliu, Iifan, 'l(f1maC Sanjay, rtariq, CJ(atnakgran ana Prasad ana Saura6/i from OBrr. 11iank§ to fl_nsuman ana :Jvtanju for lie{p at a critica( liour. :Jvtany tliank_ to Preeti, (]3imafa, fl_mar ana Pa(favi for tlieir ever-readiness to lie{p. I am e:xJremefy privifegea to liave great Jrientfs wlien tlie institution ofJrientfsliip is ta(i<gc[ to 6e crum6fing. I fee( ostentatious in liaving Jrientfs (ii<g fl. nand; :Jvtoon, Sain~ o/ijay, fl_nurag, fl_sliisli, 'l(pvita, :Jvtinlia;~ o/eenu, Sliweta, fl_jay, ana :Jvtaliima. 11ieir aftruism lias a(ways 6een tliere witliout askjng for. I tliank_ :Jvturaa for liis 6rotlierfy Cove ana for 6eing my eyes ana ears to tlie worU outside tlie Ca6, during a(( tliese years of P/i.(]). work:, I don't liave wortfs for tliankjng myJrientfs (])rs. Javed; :Jvtoosa, 1(/iursliid, Javed; Waqar ana qufslian. Witli nosta(gia, I remem6er my a(ma mater, tlie Spring (])a{e Sclioo( in Luck_now, to wliicli I wi(( owe any academic accfaim tliat I may ever liappen to cliance upon. I am inae6tea to (])r. 1(1( rtrivedi for kjnifing in me tlie fire of Cove for tlie 6iofogica( sciences ana :Jvts. Slio6/ia Pandey, wlio was sincerity personified ana e~mp(ijie£ Pina(fy, I am Ceft witli no adJectives wlien it lias come to tlie turn of tliankjng my famify. WeD; tliis is tlie safest Get of not 6eing castigated anagetting frowned Cook§ for not 6eing tlian/ifu[ I am, wliat I am, tliank§ to )l66u, fl_mm~ 1(/iafa, fl_ppi, (]3/iaiya ana a(( my refatives near or separated 6y pliysica( mifes. Pina(fy, :Jvtoney :Jvtatters!! 11iank§ to VC]C for monetary lie{p in tlie form of J(j(P ana SCJ(P ana to CSICJ((grant no. 38/1126/05/CE:Jvt~IIfor funis anaSCJtF'. 9dofuf. )Isfam rt"usuf
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