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Children’s Musical: The Tale of the Three Trees
May 18, 2014
HWB = Hymnal: A Worship Book; STJ = Sing the Journey, STS = Sing the Story
Gathering and Praising God
Gathering hymn: HWB 22 Lord Jesus Christ, be present now
Prelude: “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (George Shearing)
Lighting the peace lamp
Call to Worship: Psalm 68:4-6, 34-35
one Sing to God, sing praises to his name;
lift up a song to him who rides upon the clouds his name is the Lord be exultant before him.
all Father of orphans and protector of widows
is God in his holy habitation.
one God gives the desolate a home to live in
he leads out the prisoners to prosperity,
but the rebellious live in a parched land.
all Ascribe power to God,
whose majesty is over Israel;
and whose power is in the skies.
one Awesome is God in his sanctuary,
the God of Israel;
he gives power and strength to his people.
all Blessed be God!
Hearing the Word
HWB 36 God of our strength
STJ 18
Over my head
Gospel reading: John 14:1-14
New Testament reading: 1 Peter 2:2-10
HWB 522 My Jesus, I love thee
STS 116 I saw a tree by the riverside
Children’s Musical
The Tale of the Three Trees (see insert)
Responding with Offerings
Moment in Mission - Matthew Lehman, Mennonite Mission Network
Offering our “First-fruits”
In gratitude and worship, we offer the first and best of who we are and what we
have, to be used for God’s mission in the world. [Deuteronomy 26:1-11]
Offertory: “Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation” (Richard Proulx)
Doxology [stand if you are able . . . words below, music in HWB 48]
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit! Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Text: Thomas Ken, adapted. Gilbert Viera, 1978, reprinted under A-701540
Prayers of the congregation
when leader says, “In your mercy, Lord”. . . respond, “hear our prayer”
Ending with the Lord’s Prayer . . .
We go forth
HWB 580 My Life Flows On
Ross Erb, worship leader • Karen Moshier-Shenk, song leader • Judy
Bomberger, children’s musical director • John Fast, organ • Yvonne Boettger,
Andy Richter, Lucinda Swartzentruber, musicians • Bonnie and Jim Hamilton,
readers • Bonnie Stutzman, visuals • Pastors Ross Erb, Barbara Moyer
Lehman, and Elder Gloria Diener, post-service greeters
1600 College Avenue • Harrisonburg, VA 22802 • (540)434-1604
[email protected] • •
...a community of communities engaged in Gods’ mission
Pastor: Phil Kniss
Program & Support Staff:
Judy Bomberger, music director
Associate Pastors:
Barbara Moyer Lehman, nurture & pastoral care John Fast, organist
Karen Moshier-Shenk, choir dir.
Ross Erb, children, youth & families
Heather Kiracofe, office manager
Elders: Bonnie Stutzman, chair; Gloria Diener;
Jane Eanes, finance & facility
Phil Helmuth, Shirley B. Yoder; Edgar Miller
Aaron Kishbaugh, communications
Congregational Chair: Ken Seitz
Warren Bock, lead custodian
Church Office Hours
Open 9-12 and 1-4, Monday-Friday
(except 9-9:15 for morning prayers)
Pastors’ days off: Monday for Phil and Ross, Friday for Barbara
Vol. LX
May 18, 2014
No. 20
Welcome, Visitors! – We’re glad you joined us in worship today.
• A “Welcome Table” in the foyer has a lot of useful information. Fill out a
visitor card and leave it there, or hand it to an usher, greeter, or pastor.
• Nursery available for children age 3 and under.
• Large print hymnals and bulletins on the table in the foyer.
• Hearing assistance units are available at the sound booth.
• Beverages are served in fellowship hall after the service. Please join us!
• DVDs or CDs of the service available in the library to borrow or purchase.
TODAY’S HOSPITALITY TEAM: Greeters: LeVon/Cindy Smoker,
Don/Erma Taylor & Lily, LaVerne Yoder/June Schrock, James/Doris
Bomberger; Ushers: Gordon/Bonnie Zook, Lee/Marie Moyer,
Elmer/Marianne Kennel
WORSHIP (9:30-10:45 a.m.)
Infants-2 yrs (nursery) – Gloria Mast, Emma Nouri
[Next week: Tara Kishbaugh, Sophia Cho]
2-3 yrs (Rm 6) – Laura Rhodes, Genevieve Cowardin
[Next week: Jane Eanes, Hannah Cho]
FELLOWSHIP BREAK (15 min.) Beverages and visiting in fellowship hall.
SUNDAY SCHOOL (11:00-12:00) Classes for all ages. Everyone welcome.
Nursery attendants – Heidi Yoder, Rhoda Kraus
Ages 3 & 4 (Rm 4) – Holly King
Kindergarten (Rm 5) – Beth Krall, Laura Yoder
Grades 1 & 2 (Rm 10) – Mark Brubaker, Ethan Zook
Grades 3 & 4 (Rm 9) – Randa Hendricks, Carissa Boettger
Grade 5 (Rm 8) – Qiang Sun
Grades 6-8 (Rm 18) – Carole P., Marta F., Barry C., Sam P.
MYF [high school] (balcony)– Youth/Adult conversations with Yalla
Colloquy (fireplace rm) – “Veils, Driving, Marriages, and more..”: Kathy
Elective Class (conference rm) – “What does it mean to be a watershed
disciple?” Week 3: Hearing from the Global Community: Everett
Logos (Rm 3) – Sermon discussion: Bonnie Stutzman
SALT (Rm 11) – “Jesus’ Teaching on the Law” (Matthew 15:1-11, 15-20):
Joe Longacher
Shalom (fellowship hall) – Peace building in Kabul, Afghanistan: SPI
participant Farshid Hakimyar (Rm 16) – Sermon discussion
Yalla (balcony) – Youth/Adult conversations with MYF
THIS SUNDAY: Patchwork Pantry offering
Shalom SS meal, 12 p.m., fellowship hall
Teacher/Nursery Caregivers Appreciation Picnic, 12:30 p.m., Hillandale
Park - Shelter #5
Good Company acappella concert, 3 p.m., sanctuary
EMHS Touring Choir concert, 7 p.m., sanctuary
No Adult Choir
MONDAY: Elders Retreat, Monday 7 p.m. until Tuesday 4 p.m.
TUESDAY: Men’s Bible Study: 6:45 breakfast, 7:00 study – “Peter and Paul”:
Ervin Stutzman, fellowship hall
Colloquy SS Social, 7 p.m., fireplace room
WEDNESDAY: MYF Bible study, 7 p.m., fireplace room
THURSDAY: Yalla potluck, 5:30 p.m., fireplace room
NEXT SUNDAY: Adult Choir, 12 p.m., sanctuary *please note time change
MCC School Kit offering
Elders meeting, 11:30 a.m., conference room
Mennonite Women monthly meeting, 9 a.m., fireplace room
Council meeting, 7 p.m., conference room
Pastoral Whereabouts: Pastor Phil will be out of town May 22-26 for a
family vacation in North Carolina. Pastor Barbara will be on sabbatical
starting May 24, 2014.
In your church mailbox is an invitation to subscribe to Mennonite World
Review, the independent newspaper covering the worldwide Anabaptist
movement. MWR is a nonprofit ministry of Christian journalism serving diverse
groups in the Anabaptist-Mennonite family of faith. There are several copies of
the magazine in the church library for review.
SAVE THE DATE! A congregational retreat is being planned for the weekend
of September 12-14, 2014 at Camp Brethren Woods. Activities will be
planned from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. Ralph and Lucinda
Swartzentruber will be retreat coordinators. Details forthcoming.
The 19th annual Summer Peacebuilding Institute at EMU is here! Our
community will be home to participants from places as diverse as Syria, Kenya,
and Iran. Please think about hosting someone in your home for a meal and an
evening of getting to know another culture. Also, these participants would be
excellent resources for Sunday school classes. If you would like to host dinner
in your home or a participant for your class, please let Trina Nussbaum know.
Email [email protected] or call (540) 421-1995. Join me in welcoming
the peacebuilders to our community!
What is Penny Power? Penny Power is a fun way to raise money through
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and Virginia Mennonite Missions
(VMM). The 2014 focus is promoting early childhood education. PVMC will
start this offering this summer to be collected and brought to the Virginia
Mennonite Relief Sale at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds on Saturday,
October 4.
“We are grateful for the prayers and thoughts for my dad, Bryan Sanders. The
stints and angioplasty have stopped the chest pain and shortness of breath. It's
taken a while for him to feel energetic again but after this weekend, he's feeling
normal.” - Tara Kishbaugh and family
Last Sunday’s worship attendance: 271; Faith Promise offering: $10,202.50