-NO, 4 Published Werklj On ThnruUj WOODBRIDOE. N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 Knterrri » 2nd Clin Mull At p (i., WoodbrMgt, N j . PRICE TEN CENTS MDs Bai Bitter Factional Primary J 1)0 "art _ In Clink r ight§ r ace Both Parties; i n As to Kdictn; In Stiff by Unit 1 rill < IIAKITV DRIVfi BEGINS; Thr alimial i-ampiiiRn fur funds for thr Mt (armel Nursinit (iulld, conI,,,- l.iitli- Servant SI*Ur« of the Immaculate Cotin-|illon, officially lii-ean Friday at St. Joseph's Totivent, Hill. Tlir Guild taken carr of the bedridden, rniardlri* „! faith. Frmit row. Irft to right, Rev. Z. I*»Mrphrn'K ( hurrh, Perth Ampoy: Rt. Rev. Charlw (;. MeCorrldtin, St. Jam«' Church. Woodbridge: Bishop I union IHnew*: Rev. Joseph Kerr, Holy Spirit Churrh, firth Amboy; lUv. Daniel Glorgl, Holr Ronary ,,l, Amh.iy; bark row, Rev. Vlnrrnt Lenyi, Our l.ady of Mt. f.irmel Church. Woodbrldge; Rev. Joseph Bnoh ,.,. I..,,iv of Pmee Church, fordi: Rev. Stephen IHirvalli, Our Udy or Hungary Church, Perth Amhoy, Eev. M.ilin, Our lad.T of Fatlma Church, Perth Amboy. Itrv. (Iconic \rdus, Holy Trinity Church, Perth Amboy • nd Mini Margaret Sullivan, secretary, Finn MayHave Two Foes! WOODBRIDQE — With all thr commotion raised over whether Doctors of Osteopathy nhould be permitted to offor their services at polio inoculation clinics. Mrs. Heinz Kochlrr president of School 11 ParcntTeacher Association, announced t o d a y the parent-teathei groups in the Township have decided to abide by the decision WOODBRIDGK — Commisof the Middlesex County Medi-jsioner Clyde Edrington will not! cal Association and hold their serve as chairman of any of thej clinics as heretofore, with only standing committees of the M.D.s In attendance. Board of Education according Discussinft the issue raised to a list released today by by the Greater Iselln Civic As-.Francis Wukovets, Board presisociation. Mrs, Koehler said .she dent. wanted ^to make ft clear the Mr. Edrington last year clinics were not * Board of served as chairman of finance. Education, or a Township Asked why a chairmanship project, was not given to thr Colonia , "The parent-toheher groups! man, the only reply jUr. Wuko|buy the vaccine and syrlnaesjvets would make was: 1 and they pay all expenses". she "Selections were made on the explained. "We charge a dollar, performances of the various committee heads last year. We A disenwlon «n thii Issue feel this year's committees are will be ftund <n the editorial for the^ gpod and welfare of page entitled "It Thl« Really the community." Ne«e».wry?" For some time now Mr. Edirlngtoii has been at oddp with Edrington is Stripped Of Major B. of E,Post (. S., Jersey Coast, American Girls Welcome after Middle-East Trip $i»lih Seen Disappoint local \outh SsHais youndation for research. We meetings of the finance comhope the publicity given will mittee of which Mrs. Ruth not mar the Kahree and Robert Vogel were The clinics, for third inoculations only, will be held l n ; w ,r 'Mir .il. anti Jeriejfj iiiid Avenel March 14tn the after-YOU American! WOODBMDGE — The new committees are as liticat situation in the follows: ahip perhaps could be Finitnce, Mr. VoKel, chair- up best by L'll Abner With man; Dr. Halph Baronr, John cxpiRssion, "It's confusing, Feiz, Mrs, Kahree. amusing." Buildings and Grounds, John Both parties are laced jCsubai, c h a i r m a n ; Messrs. inter-party friction with diddles "jumping the gun" _„ iBarone. FRIZ. and Vogel. throw their hats in the rtrtfSupplies, Mr. Handerhan, and others threatening to xvm chairman; Messrs' Csabai, Ed- independently. rinRton and Felz. Friday night, Edward Beyle* Transportation, Mr. Mullen, Democratic Municipal chair* chairman; MesSrn,Csabai, Ed- man, called a meeting to se> rinRton and Handerhan. lect a First Ward candidate. I Athletics Committee ithls When the vote was counted committee has been revived there were nine for Wlnfield tins year to aid In High School J. Finn, former Board of EduV athletics particularly >, Mr cation president and five i<ft |Mullen, chairman; Messrs Felz Emil Pa}ak. Thereafter, Mt. Seyler declared Mr. Finn th« [Handerhan and Vogel. otganliatiob candidate statinf : Program and Policy, Dr both men had agreed to "let jBarone, chairman! Mr. Edrlng-the majority rule." 'ton, Mrs. Kahree and Mr Mr. Pajak yesterday said ha CI,YI)K EDRINGTON has made no such" agreement iHnnderJian. members. Whut dpcLsions were' Public Relations, Dr. Barone, and will confer with the groups made, Mi. Eriiinffton evidently 'chairman; Mr. • Csabai, Mrs interested in his candidacy first. In answer to the question iKahvee and Mr. V<fte made himself. whether he will run independently, as rumored, he replied: "I don't know yet." Meanwhile a third candidate has appeared. He is John J. Doyscak, Rowland Place, who has long been associated with the Democratic party. He, too, has not yet made w his mind whether he will rmf in the p*l- . mary against Mr. Finn or W&ktiJ independently in the NovembW or non-staggered; Law. This plan was -approved by;elections. wards, tha iithe votevfcTiifi l t mayor d i> elected' ' I" *hfy .*',, terms. a study by. its"&'\a four-year term. At the; (Continue. on Page 2> •%dl«on," , Charter Commission recora-[election in 1957, seven council-i mended a Mayor-Council Planlmen were elflcted: tMv for a E as set forth in Article 7 ofjtwo-year term and three for a the Optional Municipal Charter (Continued on Page 12) Make Own noon and March 1$ in the eveniiiK; Fords. Iselin and Woodbridge, March 16 in both after, noon and evening. Clinics will be held in the s&mt buildings' jas heretofore. ii.rniiiire a t tf»e j At Tuesday's sesMon of the, >• Niivxl Art h i jTown Committee, the Greater; (M 1: C'ovr, L I., ilsflitn Civie vAssoetation aaked i -(I frwn an jtiv committee to urge the! (Note: Thin is the second of mi a (relghWri I Medical Sdeil/fcy ta rescind its! a serieH of articles on the . v f a i l i U i : ' l i b e r s of the so- advisaUPty1 of ctunifint we creti fannet work with others I form (rfHirovernjiierit in Wood' 'practical »(irk who are not affiliated with the bridce Townsfifr. Every effort .-•mired of Webb AMA hat been made to present > ntt'i B«1 and Stewait Hutt, awitetant Town the pros and coJis on the » Bums of Cold iContlnued on Page 2) subject.) served as enBy RUTH WOLK | i'i> on the ship ir t r i p . WOODBRIDGE — Nearby) HOME tROM THr. MKDITK.KRAMAN — Hert Buwrnl is shown above In the livlnc••:• »"»« t l t f " S . 3 . room of bin homr, SJ frirnun Slrrrt, with * lullrctluu of Greek pUtn and vaaei that he municipalities, including Rahf the American way, Edison and Clark, have! brouxbt bark as «i(U for hi% mothrr. Mrs. Albert H. Boweri. I' cutried a 52seen fit to change their forms; I » cargo at for- mtt • •• *% » • • • of government to keep up with; Kiam H,d mm Thl» May Come as Surprise, but— the rise in population, the inI WOODBRIDQE—Milk vend- crease in municipal casts, to (By Staff Correspondent I in. It docked at —' |ittg machine owners are plan- enable-them to meet the prob- TRENTON — There is DO among ning to fight an ordinance lems facing their communities likelihood the state will grant which was introduced Tuesday at present and those problems' a charter for a bank in Iselin. t\|>nis Turkey,: by the Town Committee, regu- which will confront them in the Agitation for an Iselin bank :iolanca stud Teli has developed through relating the Installation, oper- near future. Town C.ommitteemun Complain* Victory Apre$ Residents ation and Inspection of me- This week, we will discuss cent weeks by a group of 3) Have Been Deprived of Something We Haven't Got! chanical milk vending ma- Edison Township, a munici- enthusiastic residents of that area who felt that it now is chines. Public hearing will be pality which has problems simi- sufficiently developed to warMarch IS. WOODBR1DOE — "Politics! pended on wells fur diinkmu the engineer said. "All that ii lar to ours, although their offi- rant establishment of a pureThe owners will contend the cials have been more adept in ly local banking institution. That In the only thing that dc-water rive septic tanks are left are Just minor details." layed the Victory Acres wwei^overjlowiiw with the result that Commltteeman John Evanko, proposed license fee of $80 lor attracting fine industries* and The state Department of project", Towiuhip Ennlneer itic lehidents ar» afraid to who served as chairman of the each machine is excessive and thus increase their ratables. Banking and Insurance, howHoward Madi»on said yestei -Idnnk the well water for fear of Township meeting in the discriminatory. As I wpote in last week's ever, has letjt be known that absence of Mayor Frederick M. According to the ordinance article the Optional Municipal while it applauds the local ! ar e Adams who is confined to his machines located ouUide build- Charter Law of 1950 dffers spirit, that it does not feel » reMdenl of!B lr* ' * delegation appeared Three moutlis 'ado, other from Townahlp meetliiK Tuendny CDinmltu-cman slated, "Mr home due to a bad cold, ings must be situated more three basie governmental forms sufficient support is as yet promised, the project will take han four feet from the proper- with numerous options such as available. As a consequence, by Pa- and demanded and received the Maciusou told u.s the project was 'top priority". The delegation y line aad lighted with non- various-sized council, non-parti- the chances for a charter promise that the sew«rs In the 75 jwi cent completed. The • it Wandra* and at first appeared satisfied and blinking lights during hours of san, or bi-partisan elections, are extremely remote. ; I*elin development will receive'other d»y on the phone he told ' Sunday in a election By wards or at-large, It was pointed out by those ,me it was 60 pei tent-corn- most of them started to leave darkness. ''•i | chase which 'top priority". Each machine, according to the room. Mr. MadiMD wtld the projecijpU-ud." • i<rt over pp miles the measure, must maintain a 'sull'ed by the previous MI-. Costollo then presented at Suddenly a conference ap- temperature between 35 and to be taking place and by most of th« reported ahinlHi4tration when it de-Vtmmj 45 degrees fahrenhelt and must >'=t vious day from vetoped tod iliie «ewers would ld co^t t propers-owners asking relief. | o n e ° r t l l e «l0UP demanded "clearly and concisely" give an 1! " Thelma Bakery twice aa much as other seper Yrsterdaj. Mr M a d i s o n | t h a t tt definite date be given. accurate description of the ' ;i " owner John W»t«|na of comparable size dw shu*.d Tin- Iiidfpeiident-Lead-!Voice5 w e r e l o u d a n ( 1M r - E v a n " product being.sold. l!v street. The Co-lto tlk rock condition in the,,,. M t|U. •umpleted plot plans^o ispped for order several) •'lio later admitted•»«»•" I and muph jutlining the sewer8.jtimes' '••'i. drovr to Union' Conunltieeman Thomus Cos- As you can xv. most of the! Mr. Evuako again promised i! "i' ins friend wittiiwllo acting u npokesman for work hnt> bi-eii completed anditha/t the "top priority" pledge •i"111 Hie'night after the groMp at Tuesday's newionl dcty anyone to estimate ac-jwotild -stand and that, everyaaid the development has nociiratrl.v.wiii'iher it is 60 per tiling posbibU would be doiw to 'cjty Wit«r" or sewers and de- cent or "S per w;nt completed", eleviate the «situat»on. ,]:, «oi n real x! Ii'om BetV : Mi and Mrs.' . .v hS Freeman Democrats,' Baffled, Seek Accord Wide Selection for Government Change is Offered by Statutes I Milk Vendors To Fight Law We Don't Haw 'City Water', Mr. Costello 'IVencral Bank Charter for Iselin Regarded as Improbable Base Rate Put at $17.80 WOODBRIDGE — When the Township budget was introduced Tuesday it appeared as if the base tax rate for 1980 per $100 assessed valuation close to Commissioner would be 117.88 as compared Charles ii. Howell of the with $16.57 for last year. Department, that adequate Yesterday, it developed the banking facilities are now rate will be $17.80 or possibly available through local and $17,78. In checking Township budget nearby institutions. Absence of substantial commercial or figures against certified budget industrial depositors which figure* received irom the Board could be counted as likely of Education yesterday, it wa» patrons of an Iselin bank also discovered they did not recon* was'cited as a reason for a clle. Inquiry revealed, the negative opinion on an appli- Township used preliminary cation fora new bank within figures issued by the Board, be* Woodbrldge Township. At fore it decided to cut appropri* present two banks — the ations and use more of Its siir* Woodbrldse National and plus. Fords National — ^already The result Is a break for thf serve the community, and in taxpayer. addition there are established To reach the figure released banks In Rahway. Perth Am- on Tuesday by the Township (Contlnued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2> | Woodbridge American Legion Post, Now 40, Has Auld Lang Syne Night with First Members Skills Dies; Jeweler Here J 4 UK I „ >\*VX HKU.N8; U tb ';" '"^ Municipal of r«...n«4 OKI for IUIi^i«U«f» Through Tnlnin«. «k* C ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ W .re by Mm, Kaymond Cbalt, Mrs, WOODBRIDGE -- Funeral services for Irving S. Sails, 52, 218 North Park Drive, chairman of the Woodbridge Township Parking Authority, were held yesterday afternoon from the Gieiner Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, with Rabbi! Samuel Nswbmer officiating. Burial was in Beth Israel Cemetery. Mr. Sails died early yesterday at Perth Amboy General Hospital aftur a .short Illnemj. For 20 years Mr. Sails con ducted Sails, Jewelers, Main Street. He was a member oi Woodbridge Lions Club, Ainerli:us Lodge, F and A. M., and Coutogatioii AriuUi Israel REMEMBERING 'OVKK THEKt': yid-tjiners of Woudbrldse American I.rtiini w*r«- hunured with eonsecwtWc membership Mi. S«Us also .served as an excardVul a dinuw 1'rWay at the Legion Home. Seated, Stewart A.tSchoder, Frank Monteialvo, Joseph J. 811**, Avel C. ecutive board member of RariJensen, Charles H. Kuhlmaiii|pharles Aiiness, Anton Larson. Standing, Roy G. Valentine, Michael J. Trainer, Atiiust F. tan Bay Council, Boy Scouts of Laurer! department eseeutive cominltte^man of Middlesex County* Emll Slry, Meinert O, Uunt, post commander; Wade L. America. He ww u member and Brown, vice oonunander,; Hyw r\ Lanon, and Boy E. Anderson, past Uepurtment Commander of New Jersey. past president, of the Wood bridge Businessmen's Auoqi Michael J. Trainer, Roy NeiU. Arthur Sotterstoiw, EnUI '•• WOODBRTOGB — Long-time August P. Grelnei, John J. ation M. jSiry, judge Bernwd W. ** He ii survived by his widow, mem^rs lit ^Woodbridge Anujrl- Haborak, Axel !C. Jensen, Q, Val«JttJn«. /Lillian (Shutlnskyi; a daugh C*n Legion were honored with Charles H. Kuhlman, Anton R. Thirty yaws. Wade L.'Bvoyn Vq , Hyer P. Uisen, Dr. Jo{ye»w, Wallace 1 .. , her, Mrs. Marvin Mofaowito, , Walter ivmn. Joaeph Kwca,!J Woodbridge; hit father, 8M»u. opMCutlve k Charles Jr., John p. Larion, Arthur , •1Q. SftUs, Miami, Fl». r . . Prlday at the Legion Home. Eiroy, William Meulok, Ltvi, Percy H Locker; Johft, «lstar, Mrs. Abrahwn Ftelabh< They are: forty years. Boy Miller p r » n k Montacalvo, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 • PAGE TWO They visited ti,, Maries f brew University in ,]cn, Edison has been working unstae Decibua i n selected as] orenjon, Barron W. Schoder and three councllmanic posi- tatid and prescribe to the der its new form of govern- Bert and Joe took a and saw the orlfjlnuis (,: superfloun at this time. tions at the next election two nincipta and purposes under Dead Sea Scrolls, The i Woodbridge National la wldt- the orftniuUon'8 candidate Edward A. Trost. months now vhich It Is established. Just as rears later, with all officials Othrn Honored NaJareth seemed imri1:i lr regarded as both itttffit However, his opponent, Chutes folks who worked for r he best automobile In the or thousands of ynw and well-managed a n d V Betersen, 547 Jensen Avenue, Fifteen years, Charles F. An* serving fottr year terms. changeover, a* a whole, feel the would, therefore, receive pri- Avenel, announced today that less, DomlnlckP. Aqulla, John "The mayor serves as chief hands of an Incompetent driver new setup has worked out well. to the wasn't an auto to bo SH i el was by donkey m , or consideration if banking he wlU make his bid at the Aquilt, John Baraniak, Dr. executive under this plan and an be wrecked quickly, the With the candidates running On the return trip an,, authorities believed Addi- Primary election. At the aamej [enry A. Belafsky, Edward 8 is required to appoint a busi- best form of government in the at-large, sectionalism has been the Riviera, . FORT READING - Funeral tional facilities in the WUn- time, Mr. Peterstn named irookfleld. Walter M. Coab, ness administrator charged hands of poor officials can wind Atlantic, the "Exerniom1 services for Walter J. Gurka, Colonia section were neces- James Hoffman, Avenel Fire Michael A. FBher, William H. with the duty of assisting the up badly. Mayor-Council,Plan overcome to a great extent. beaches were disappointing i-ery heavy weather, mth .,45, 915 West Avenue, tfho wai] sary for the public conveni- Commissioner, M his campaign Pullerton, Charles Oyenes, Ed- mayor in his administration E is an infinitely better vehicle However, there hits been some the boys thought bad stormtr and WHITS „ crushed to death early yester- ence. manager. A lifelong resident ward J. Henflowlfch, John The council serves as the legis- of government than the com- grumbling on this point from H J FarDl«e« n t 30 feet high. Th« ship ,-, day at ihe American Smelting \ot Avenel, he has served at lango, Richard Jannl, George lative body and has no adminis- mission plan, but it still needs folks who have been used toj -No"long, w h i t e sandy reduced speed the «h<ii<> calling the commissioner from and Rcflninc Co., plant will be County Committeeman and U iouser, Charles P. Howe, Ed-trative functions. . . " good men to guide It for the taking 11 days for the m held Saturday at 8:30 from the active In various Republican ward Keating, Thomas T. Rath, Under Ihe new Edison gov- best interest* of the Township their ward to have a hole in » when the west-bound coasT. bu the road fixed. Now the cal 'prelner Funeral Home. 44 organizations. 'r., Joseph Jursinsky, Oeorge ernment there is a Department S i ' r o c k s , almost," Bert con- had taken only eight Authority Ii Broad 'Continued from Patte V _ Green Street, Woodbridge and Mr. Declbus, attempted ). Kninun. John A. Kuhlman, of Administration and there "A change In the form of must be made to the head of tinued. "It> supposed o b e a The Webb cadets iuip. the department who may be a at 9 o'clock at St. Anthony's The pair came to Woodbridge'get B committee seat on twollc'hard W. Lfrsen. Alfred resort, but it w ten* generally In the enmm cannot be more than nine other government requires the makChureh. | l n e following afternoon andj p r e v i o u s occasions, both unsue- jombardi, Charles M. McOetperfect stranger to the comegress, and we dldn t see learning to shut down ti^ , 1 departments, all of which arejing of many decisions. Under i0 degress. plainant. offlcers saw the c«r onjoeggfuii?. A native of Port Employed F igan, Peter J. Mooney, Edwin directly responsible to the this plan, all offices, and ofEmply as a first claw elec-|the oeggfyiy, of the famous bikinis. It Jengines while ln ports ai,(i ,1 Among the old-line politi- any trlciun in the maintenance de- Route 27. At the same Ume. Reading, he now resides in M. Mooney, Javes P.*ooney, mayor. „ much too cold for them. up the auxiliaries, iw- 1 fleers, cease and determlno and wai cians there is also some grum- Nowhere on the trip did the •partment of the Perth h Amboyjthe A b h boys spied i d the th policemen l i jj Avenel. He is an ex chief ol Vrthur E. Morin, Dr. rarbert the government must be rewere responsible for ' , | | plant for ihe past 18 years, Mr.jand .took off onto the Oardeniport Reading Fire CompanyL. Moss, Alfred L. Peterson, The mayor Is required to apbling for they call the new form young Americans see any girls engineer's log. organized. The laws provide • Gurka had climbed to the top,State Parkway, riding on shoul-and a member of the Ward'i Walter Patskanlck, Joseph L. point a qualified administrator of government "more expen- ?ho compared in look, and atthat the board Asked if he had been M , of an overhead bridge crane m m of the road, cutting other Republican clubs, Paulln, Anthony Pesce. Arnt J. to assist him In budgeting, library board, housing author- sive." tracUveness with the talent at personnel and purchasing. The As one political figure who to Investigate a sluggish hoist.!vehicles and narrowly missing Snafu All Over Again Peterson, William W. Plerson, ity, magistrate, police and fire- asked to be anonymous put It: home. Not exactly, thank i;<» 'The Second Ward situation Robert Qulnn. Edward Re- mayor cannot "pass the(b,uck" while the crane operator. Harry several cars. A couple of the sh.p_s offi- But the first couple m men and employes protected by "It looks good on paper. But in the Republican ranks \i stll meczky, Malcolm J. Rutsn, for his administration, Jones, was oout to lunch. Mr. Officers Wandras and cers said Paris has good-iooKt e d re- finally caught up with thej» mystery. Julius Izw>, Ford* Howard R. Reyder, Russell J, The plan provides jnany tenure or Civil Service, are not Igive me my old commission tag girls," Bert admitted * f Ings out when I not rim • Jones, 61. Btaten IIntend, affected try the change The form any day" the 105 degree heat in i announced he was a candidate Rlley, Leo H. Seger, Henry O. checks and balances. turned and set the crane In' tu teenagers at Valley Road, near a grin, "but of course we dldn t glne room, with all thos> h t Mr. M the Clark-Westfield Exit, forc- last week, but he was not se Smithies. John W. Stephens, council adopts ordinances Sub- new governing body has au- Those who think the change . operation unaware tthat _ stomach felt qwei Ourkft wai working on.it. The ing them to stop at r m point. Incted at any Republican or Joeeplr P. Somers, RoWrt A. ject to approval or veto by thethority to set salaries by ordi- la all for the good feel the ex-iet UP there. Ill ssy one th ng for the European people that the least. But in three , Port Reading man was crushed |The boys were turned over to ganizatlon meeting, accordin Sullivan, George v | n Tassel mayor. Major appointments by nance, both for employes and penditure for the administrator we did meet, however. Almost days it djdn't bother nn and John M. Yuhas. the mayor hre subject to coun- for itself and the mayor. While bring* savings in other ways bttween the lift »nd a cross {Acting Captain Kenneth Vani to all of them could speak English our suggestions are not in any building truss. Pelt, head of the juvenile! At this point, party leaders Ten years, Morris J. Bern- cil approval. The mayor pre-way binding, we do recommend They are happy in the change pares the budget for review by insist t h e y are still Interview A resident of Port Reading ( bureau. stein, Leroy P. Caroson, James an annual salary of $6,000 for (To be continued next week) the French ' became Interested in in for 40 years, Mr. Gurka was It was the second arrest Offi- ing candidates in the Secom W.Duffell, Victor Dugan, Frank the council and Its approval or Bert said that one morning ^ w f t t e r , . n e n h l s Iftl]i |rejectlon. The council employs the mayor and $1,000-for the a member of the Port Reading cers Wandras and Singer made Ward and no final decitloi Fleckenstein, Richard H. the auditor to check the councllmen. The key poslin Cannes his friend, Joe. who n c u f f R o f t d y^,,,, Exempt Fireman's Association, involving juveniles attempting has been reached as to whethe: O. Holcroft, mayor's financial operation. lon in this plan is the office grew a beard for the trip a™ h f t d n i» own ruimiir . the Lone Star Social Club. Car- to get away in stolen cars with- Mr. IMO will be the candidate Foerch, Robert was sporting a beret, fell l n » 1 8 m l l n ' S creek and vo>,, 81dney W. Blanchard U th Donald G: Hutching5, William The council has the right to of business administrator. The (Continued -rom Page 1> teret, the Holy Name Society] m two Wee"ks Republican choice to rur E. O'Neill, Jr., Frank J. Investigate any aspect of ad-law says he shall be chosen of 8U Anthony'* Church. He u[ solely oh the basis of his execu-. against Committeeman Costett Schmidt, William J. Sirnack, ministration. survived by his widow, Helen tlve and administrative quallfl-' from "» gixtweek yncai. the Fourth Ward and Com Patrick A. Tufaro, Edward A. (Konkowich); two daughters, dock. Little progre." wns be ng ] n In its report the Edison Wojtkowski. cations, including experience in he hopes to 1 mltteeman John Evanko wi Carolyn and Lorraine at home. Charter Commission said of . 18-fooier seek reelection in the Fiftr or knowledge of accepted pracFive years, John W. Almasi, (Continued from Page 1' this part Albert A. AquUa, Charles J.| the auditors estimated $3.21 forjWard. "While the mayor would be a Blum, Richard P. Forbes. Start' Municipal purposes a drop of part-time official, as th? elect- vitally important that a w ley J. Cheslak, William J. HaugJ three cents; $11.45 for local Jr., Melnert O. Hunt, Arthur L. ed executive of the municipali- qualified man be obtained explained said l: ..' o t the ^ounUies explain schools an increase of seventyJennings, Jr.. Vincent Kafton, ty he will be in an ideal position this- position, preferably a man the^irit two yews ti.. : he * M J f " ™ " c a u M six cents and M.22 for the (Continued from Page V aa tt ;;. tt n Woodbrdg tthat h t he ne e Woodbridge kih thought Edward A. Kopper, Joseph A. to take the leadership In guid- with experience as a municipal * tute provides this. As n :• County, an increase of fortyexplained. "Turkish :oun»el, informed the commit- Kursery, Charles F. Lipke, Jr.,1 ing the local government. In manager. The Township shou Bert worked lusi eight cents. Now, the school ^ um aded the.the beret and hert o r C 8 O umO l t h mMI e Brooklyn Nav> • WOODBJUDGE Frank portion of the rate It expected tee "it has no jurisdiction over Charles J. Molnar, Constant J. community development, in' be prepared to pay b e t « e njj ^^ _ w e r e pftid 8 0 cents for an an Ca.sablanca was a plaw( wrai, governmental affairs and in$10000 the medical profession." and Montazioll, Eugene Zambo. $12000 for such an J S day. d th port of Martovic*. Meredith Road, Co- to be closer to $11.35. $10,000 and $12,000 Jght hoSr At the of appallmg extremes of P ^ ^ i» two final year-, t,< the political life of the Town- executive who would give full Lkendrum, a small town, aland ^alth "^be expected to get a Job' lonia, was named asslstan ^ The budget includes pro- hls.advice was not to Interfere. ship, leadership Is essential to In a naval architect's of!, time to the Job. The salary for^ u t ^ ^rved as the post;The Prench building inspector at 14,400 per vision for items which repre- Committeeman John Evanko, real progress." this he must find him> this position will be well spent£ f f l c e had the only heating.ful hole s year effective March 7, He re-sent additional municipal coats who served as chairman, ruled n orl e Mayor's Hands Full because a qualified man will, injlgtem around, and that wasjbdes, but the > *J |* ° ' * I guess you learn n ' places Edward Seyler who re ln 1960 not included In thethe committee could do nothing 'Continued from Page 1 > In Woodbridge Township, as jthe the lonir n.n ™ « f«r thethe corner." population live wrew •.tlllfe." the quiet, handsom. u o f of c o"coals' a ) g l n in long run. save farmn™ more » pa? cornerArab "|Arab population >lse "but to conform to the signed two weeks ago. prior budget as follows: four-year term. As their terms former Mayor Hugh B. Qulgley than his'annual salary." | AlsoatEakendrum local offi-ily, ^ e P t n * o n t h e s t r e omore concluded. "But The committee also received! Salary equalization and ad legal advice rendered us." discovered and as Mayor Fred- As it worked^ out, not all thej c i a i 5 boarded the freighter and night. expire, all counciltnen are iknow that I'll ever l. a letter of resignation from justment, $35,000; ordinance A statement by the Greater r e l erick M. Adams has already recommendations in regard to'posted signs saying that any-, much about so many n. " * Peter M. Kukan as Asslstan odifJcation, $5,000; contribu Iselin Civic Association, noted elected for four-year terms. 1 1 as I did In ti.' Township Engineer. In his Ion to hospltalizatlon insur there is "an authenticated re- Under the plan, Edison elect- found out, the position of salary were accepted. The Edi-Une found discussing politics The two A™™* * paused. I' letter Mr. Kukan noted the ance (50%), $30,000; purchas port the Middlesex C»unty ed to have the mayor and mayor is gradually becoming son mayor receives $6,000, the or the government would be found Israel a «tl- councllmen, $1,200 and fhe ad- J«rlled and fined $500. jture of customs " ™ ™ J » ~ ' ^ l d e r t u i Uip." Town Committee is planning ing department, $18,075; add! Medical Society will order the councllmen run on a partisan & full-time job. With an estis mated population of over 'O.-'ministrator, $9,000. I The "Exermont" tied up at from Biblical times and modern wo-__ to hire new personnel ln a po- tional park-playground equip withdrawal of its members and basis. , : — -— ;,-—-^——.—^«^^^"^^^"^ sition of lower classification ment and facilities, $29,600 support from the public health Members of Edison's charter 000, the problems are many a nd ; . with a salary higher than he 1959 Road Capital Improve project if and physicians and commission were William Mc- varied and received. ment Costs required by ordl surgeons DO., are permitted 'cord, chairman; Dr. Raymond manding to speak to someone "Such action", he wrote, nance to be included m theto participate. . ." Icurcio, William Dunham, Ed"<Joes not reflect a treatment 1960 budget, $25,692.17; and Dr. Benjamin F. SlobodlenJmund Sullivan and Anthony of employees on the basis of provisions got give additional;,ilairman"oT""tiie'EtWc7c"om- Yelencsics. Roland J. Delfausse One of the safeguards in the merit, experience and devoted; policfmen. 1 mlttee of the Middlesex County served as consultant. They met new Edison Charter which im Service." "~" Total general appropriation; Medlcal S o c l e t M t h e ^ ^ frequently, interviewed all their pressed me was that no lameMr. Kjikan said he will for I960 amount to »5,246,259.-| pendeTlt . Leader n e d i d n o t m . local officials, reviewed In d his own engineering office. tail the operations of the 20 as compared with $4,796,- g e s t o r o r d e r a n y . . w l t h d r a w a l . Frank Maklary was appolnt- 939.18 last year. jj o n i y t n a t t n e form of government, held pub code does ed as constable ffor one year. Committeeman John E v a n k o , ^ m m aany bli n y mmember e m b e r oof { t htheillc e hearings to sound out public without salary. announced that a special meet- SKlHy to w o r k w l t h R n y o n e l n ' sentiment and visited R a h w a y . j ^ 1 5 ' ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 i t discuss dicus the th budget w U ing to Ut h e professl()n n o t _ Teaneck, Vineland and Mount responsibility for executive and be held March 21. Copies will;w ! t h A M A o r i u b r a n c n e s . Holly to observe the adminisStolen Safe Found b V a U 8 l e b r e tration of other form* of gov-j V . n , , ^ ^ M f ' ^ do not intend to get acdetailed budget m a y . ' t * . ; t t n y c o n t r o w s y > a b o u t % ernment. -Less Cash, That h and Opportunities for seen at the office of the Town-1 The Edison Charter Commisbetter proWOODBRIDGE — A safe ship clerk. The release of the Iselin sion in Its report unanimous! The public hearing and final and more stolen Tuesday night from a group further states: declared that its old form New Brunswick tavern was passage of the budget Will takei «^.ne membership of the government—commission form place March 29. | Q r c a t e r Iselin Chic or ine governmentco found by y Woodbridge police J yesterday morning—but minus Aaod- _ . n a s l n h e r e n t fctecta v n l c h immediately ordered j ^ ; w i m i m ^ r , some $dS(). V 2 <Uctate against lta continued In recommending the change drafting of letters to various • A phone- call was received by j Mayor-Council Plan E, the local, county and state civic Further in ite report J the local police from an an- (Continued from Page 1' Edison Charter Commission commission stated: and Public Health agencies, Democrats have selected their * onrmous person informing "After careful consideration, took note that just changing a ' them that a safe could be found candidates. They are Joseph pointing out the situation. form of government did not; J on E. Arthur Avenue, Colonia, Nemyo, Fords, Second Ward; the letter stated that, in view we have determined to recommake for good government per » near Iselin. Detectives Arnold Robert Jacks, Freeman Street of the identical level of edu- mend Mayor-Council Plan E, * Hauser and Joseph Gyenes Woodbridge, Third W a r d ; cation and internship, and the which provides for a council' to . found the safe in a gully, with Committeeman Thomas Cos- same medical examination be- be elected at large with parti- They wrote in their report: • all the papers including deads,tello who will seek reelection ing required of both to obtain san elections. This plan pro- "We recognize that a change in the Fourth Ward and Joseph their license for the SUll prac- vides for an elected mayor to in the form of government is Intact. O. Kennelly, Colonia, Fifth tice of medicine and surgery in serve for four year term. The not the complete answer to obpapers indicated the The Ward. the State of New Jersey, the councilmen also serve for four tain better government. The. owner and New Brunswick poVERY SPECIAL!! law merely sets up the frameLADIES and CHILDREN'S lice were called Just at the Another case of apparently Greater Iselin Civic Association year terms, except for the first work of government to be adterm. Since Plan E provides for same time they were- called toj trying to force the organiza- deemed the action of the Midministered by men, The men tion's hand has occurred in the dlesex County Medical Society overlapping terms for councilInvestigate the robbery, First Ward in the Republican Is not in the public interest." men, three of the councilmen who run the government must ranks. Fred Strahl, who has The organization said that by lot, will be chosen to serve believe ln both the spirit and long been an ardent worker in f the decision of tke Medical for four years and the other letter of the law and be prepared to carry- it out. It is the group controlled by Mrs. Society were to affect the suc- four for two years. Thereafter (Continued from Page 1) John W. Boos, Introduced* :ess of the clinic, it will spon- there will be four councllmanic vitally Important that the can(Values to 8.95) boyiandMetuehen, all neigh- James Hackler to The Indepen- sor a clinic of lu own at "which positions to be filled at onedidates for public office under, (Values to 3.98) bors! dent-Leader, "as First Ward all duly licensed qualified phy- election and the office of mayor this plan of government under-j It also was recalled that candidate." Mr. Hackler him- iicians and surgeons will be in1 Ix>t of a r e c e n t application of self called yesterday to reaf- 'lted and permitted to particiWoodbridge National for es-firm Mr. Strahl's statement! pate, and in the willful absence COTTON tablishment, of branch facili- and to provide some back; of any group, the remaining ties to serve the Iselin-Colon- ground material on himself. participants will be given comSTBKTCII filr la area was rejected on theMr. Hackler is & life-long resi- plete and full cooperation." dent of the Strawberry Hill grounds a branch would be Concluding the association section of Woodbridge, attend S NYLON stated: Kr|. I N — Specialising in — ing the local grade schools and STRETCH •Concern h,as been expressed Pair is superintendent of a con(Regular to 4.95) AH Phases 9f Beauty Culture that this action by the County struction firm in Newark, Medical Society would Bet an' For Appointment Call Not Settled Yet unwholesome precedent, and LADIES' MEN'S IX)NG SLEEVE Ralph Kudilnsky, First Ward leads to uncertainty as to what GOP chairman, Insisted the could be expected in the event Marie Daldone, Proprietor organization "has not yet of a public disaster or cataspicked a candidate" and would; trophe where all qualified 37 Washington Ave. not do so until over the week- medical perwMUWl w o u l d be Carteret, Up*' Jersey end. Although Mr. Kushinsky urgently needed and would be did not indicate whether others equired to work together coSilts 12 to 40 are being [Considered, other operatively for the public good." (Vaues to 3.98) {Values to 3.95) party leaders stated "at least two men, not Including Mr H a c k l e r , are being InterBOYS' and GIRLS Ladies' viewed." (Continued from Page 1) The Republicans are having difficulty, too, in the Third McDonald, Harry A. Reyder, llVard, where by a vote of 7 to 6 Dr. C. Howard Both' uss, Fred Kills Plant Worker srs sros 90MPH Race —US ESS ^ and wel, I ^ t e ^ f f i f t , f^J U.S., Jersey Coast siRsSf Base Rate Colonia Man In Town Post MDs Bar !j3 ^ Wide Selection CHOPERS MUST60! Bitter Fights FINAL MONTH AT OUR ISELIN STORE Don't Miss these Spectacular Values... SHOES and SLIPPERS Bank Charter 1 MEN'S SLACKS MEN'S SOCKS Marie's Beauty Salon •'We're the talk oi the town for superior cleaning" CHILDREN'S 3 FOR 2 KM-4433 FULL SLIPS SPORT SHIRTS Blouses POLO 4QQ • JJ American Legion I and The word is spreading about (be w»y we (*t clothes and V FISH for LENT drapes really spic V span i«t many . . at rtawmable prices! MTTUM at no Try Our SHIRT LAUNDERING Vt AND PILIVUI TEL ME 4-«033 LOHKTKR TAIL* FISH STICKS SHRIMP • OYSTERS SCALLOPS • CLAMS FHOGS' LEGS • CKAB LKGK TROUT •EPLS •SAUCE8 WE DELIVER Call ME 4-0743 Cotton Dresses raiED FISH To Take Out EVXBY FBIDAY "IK I T S W I M S . . . W E H A W I f ! " moM HANDERW'S UVNUUUI HM JUkvar Avenue N. J. LADIES' Fresh Fish Daily • • • • • • SEA FOOD MARKET 96 Main Sim-t Nt" t*JKfw*i Woodbridge SHIRTS (Values to 1-98) (Values to 3.98) All Typtt of Charge! HEN.... POLOS (Values to 3.98) ALL SALES FINAL! No Exchanges No Refunds 8hgp Early Far Beat BARGAIN COUNTERSC I N O W 49 NOW 9 g lu III ^ CHOPER'S 1357 OAKTREE ROAD, ISELW ^ MW. '""" Friday 1:10 A ' Free | lull' ,tuiiW .. r * \ THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 PAGE THREE BPOEUmt4 To Insta Candidates Librarian AdToAltare Meet March Hth Lauds Club WOODBRIDGE — The Catholic lay committee of Rarltan Council Boy Scouts has anWOoDBRIDGE—A year has nounced that all candidates foi passed since the children's the Ad Altare religious award readinu room—a gift of the roust appear before the boiml Township Business of review on March 14 at 7 P. ami Professional Woman's Club M - a t Ovl l^&y of Peace church - was opened at the Barren Barren annex, Fords, Each Scout must Public Library, and It hasb r t r i 88 wl * n n l m h l s completed woonmuixiE A fpl.liiR of tin- Emblem Club, Of § j Wnodhridsie B.P.O. Elks held Monday at, Trinity Cm! Hiilt, Rahwny Avenue, Mrs. Joseph Mawpo pr> A benefit fashion show ; application. liati proved to be a circulation t)p held October 5 at The ! The annual presentation will builder, according to Mrs. Caro In Metuchen with Mrs. be held Sunday, March 27, at. lyn Bromann, librarian. f ireco, chairman, and Mrs. k "To say that this gift of St. Mary's Cathedral, Trenton, thony MHZMO, co-chalrmar)^ the Business and Professional w l t h Bishop George Ahr off) Mrs, Mfirsc Baio, Installation,^ Women la appreciated Is put- elating. dinner chairman, ft ting It mildly," Mrs. Bromann the dinner will be held AprjLSfr, 3 said. "The proof la the fact that at the LOR Cabin, Amboy '*W-V 20,360 books were circulated nue. from this room in the year It A total of 37 paid up HMftlhas been opened." bers was reported by Mrs. Phjfl* , The children's reading room Us Moore, membership chair20 x 40 feet — was constructed man. through the efforts of the BPW, W O 0 D B R I D G E- Mrs. Announcement was made M« which secured cash through Thoma» Bellanca, 60 Martin gardlng a movie which will be public subscription, labor dona- Terrace, has been named chairS AKK THE TOPS: So says the Air Force. Above U . Co|. . V. Hanelby, of man of the Woodbrldge area In ii shown at the May 9 meeting. tions and running affairs to Srrvire llendquarters, Wrlght-ratterson Air Forrr Base, (>„ In shown conitratFurther details will be avalMde raise money. It was completed the I960 campaign for funds -by nj tnhn !'. l.<"o. Hllh School principal durliiK a recent visit for the excellent at a later date. on February 28 Of lMt year and the United Cerebral Palsy As" „[ woodhrldif With School seniors who have taken the Air Force qualifying A group'of wo.mwt ftoin t h * an open house was held that sociation of Middlesex County. ,„ itiniis. l.t. Col. Hawlby said It was "a pleasure to meet officials and faculty memThe current drive, which will Perth Ambo> »nd Dov«? cHu>» ' day. The room was formally ",! i iiich school which produces hlxh caliber applicants for the electronic, pilot and CEREBRAL PALSY LEADERS IN WOODMUnOF. VIKIT TREATMENT CENTER: Mrs. were in attendance. Mrs. John opened to the youngster* on be conducted outside the United Julian Qulnn, co-chairman in Colonla, and Mrs, Thomas Bellanca. Cerebral Palsy Cam",,,„• positions in the Air Force." Left to right, Barnard Novlck, Guidance Counselor Fund orcai* seeks to raise (32, ; Bennett, Dover, Supreme DisMarch 2. '' . [| (ol. Hawfby, Dr. Lorn, MaJ. Douglas H. Kden, Commander of Air Force, repaign chairman in Woodbridge, vUlted the Perth Amboy Treatment Center to witness 500 to partially offset the antrict Deputy, presented t h * ' rrultlng In New Jersey, and M/Ngt. Carl Dunn, area recruiter. In addition to constructing nual operating expenses of the the program and services provided the County's cerrnrnt palsied victims. Her e they are charter forming the local group watching a demonstration in the social therapy department, given by Sharon Lovett, of the room from a dirt cellar, the association's treatm into an Emblem Club. BPW stocked the room with at 277 Bertrand Avenue, Perth Edison Township, under the direction of Mrs. Samuel Danziger, social therapist. Rie Those attending from Dcfrer 1960 goal for the "53 Minnt« March" is $32,500 to continue the operation of the clinic new books. The club also plans Amboy. included Mrs. Edith Reinhstfdt, for the balance of this year. to purchase additional books past president, Mrs, Grace this spring from money re- During the past year the cenLamerson, Mrs. Jessie Moatey, maining in its Barrou Library ter provided edueatlonal servand fund raising in these tones and Mrs. Elsie Miller. Fund. However, constant use ices and therapy to 167 chilcall for full team work and codren. Of this number 3 came ,,.|)HIMIX".B - Miss Paof books, especially by young- from Woodbrldge. Total treatoperation among voluntary and A rehearsal was held for tfe| WOODBRIDOE—The WoodHospital Building Fund. The \;.., \;<>on<y, daughter of governmental agencies to ad- ritual and installation of offibrldge Branch of the Perth Thrift Shop Is located at 401 sters, wears them put and newments given were 7,691, a 25 per ! Mr Krtwln M. Mooney Amboy Hospital Woman's Guild State Street, Perth Amboy, and books must be added often to cent Increase over 1958. Atvance In our battle against dis- cers April 30. Thereafter »thi9 K:il'n Avenue, and Edease and to supply essential ritual will be held at met at Fellowship Hall, Rahway Is open Thursday, Friday, and meet the demand. Children's tendance rose nearly 12 per meeting. books that are not obsolete and Sniilti. s o n of George Mrs. Bellanca Heads CP Drive u SmithMooney Hospital Branch to Hold Wedding Held Fashion Show March 24th Local Residents Named By Community Chest Avenue, with Mrs. Gerard Dal- Saturday from 10 until 4. cent and the total transported W O O D B R I D G E—Three Ice president; Gilbert P. Aug-character building family and are in good condition are alton presiding. Mrs. Dal ton announced ar- ways welcome and may be left was 4,227, an increase of more Township residents were elect- ustine, second vice president children's services. He emphaAssociation Circlet ed for three-year terms to theMorris Margaretten, third vice sized: A fashion show will take ranfjements are being made for with Mrs. Bromann at the li-than 7 per centr. The association hopes to oc-Board of the Raritan Bay Corn- president; Axel Olsen, treas- "We must obtain best leader- Meet This Afternoon o f place March 24 at 7 P. M. ata tour of the hospital. brary. Meetings for April, May, and The Pickwick Club and Other CUPV i t a n ^ treatment center minity Chest and Council at urer; C. A, LaZlzza, asslstan ship and the most competent WOODBRIDGE—The circles • i'n'Fbytertan Church, School U with Mrs. Joseph September, will be held at 82 friends of the library have add- in Roosevelt Park In September th" annual meeting, held at thetreasurer; and Mrs. Isadore personnel for our different of the Woman's Association ot Caso, general chairman. The .,: ,, at the chur«h agencies and We must forget the Firs^ Presbyterian Church theme will be "From Tots to Oreen Street, Woodbrldge. Theed new books to the shelves foronOctober «;f this year. Joseph Howard Johnson Restaurant, acobson, secretary. Teenagers". Mrs. Leslie Egry board meeting will begin at the first anniversary ot the J. Seaman, prominent civic Route 1, Serving on the Board Reelected to the Board foi the municipal boundaries In will meet this afternoon as. foli.,?!!f urn- Miss Kathy will be pianist. 7:30 P. M. and the regular children's room, now an Impor- leader and Perth Amboy ac- are Frank Bloom, Sewaren; three-year terms were: Robert our work arid think in terms of lows: Circle 1 with M r s . - D . ..- WixxibrldKP, »nd Committee chairmen are as meeting at 8:30 P. M. tant part Of a library built In countant, who Is serving as gen-Rodney Cotton, former man- W. Christofferson, Miss Sylvi area and regional association LocUe, 128 Green Etreet; Circle Vinstroim, Perth Am- follows: Mrs. Walter Puckett A flower show will be held at eral chairman, said the newager of the Woodbrldge tele- Kluft, Harold Levy, John E. so that we can better serve the2 w l t n M r s . w . Kalbherm.' 74 1876. They are: center will provide care for 400phone office; and Samuel Madsen, Morris Margaietten, people we aim to serve. pieetwood Road: and Clrcte 3 and Mrs. Charles Naulty. re- the next meeting. :, : ,t. Hi tended Union freshment*; Mrs. Sidney Dorn Program for the evening was "We Are All Americans," patients. Swerdel, Woodbrldge. Nathan Margaretten, Comm. with Mrs. O. Lauritsen, M33 "Enchanted Islands," "Sam TO PLAN REUNION c .;:• .:>• and Is a senior piano selections by Miss Fran Amboy Avenue, Metuchen,, and Mn. Paul Yuhas, prizes Patch," "Spaceward Bound," Mrs, Bellanca has been active Other new Board members Donald Olsen, George Otlowski, r ;hr Perth Amboy and decorations; Mrs. Jacob Heller, Iselin. "All About Marjory." "Buslne&s In Cerebral Palsy campaigns Include Edwin S. Quln, Super- Raymond Safran, Joseph J. WOODBRIDGE—A meeting The following will meet -JWa Scheln and Mrs. Mclvln Melanin Pets," "Just Like David,1 for the past eight years and intendent of Carteret Schools Seaman, Louis P. Sellyel, C. will be held at the home of Mrs.evening: Circle 4 with Mrs, D, :•: Kit^-i.Mim IK stationed son, tickets: Mrs. Lester "Newat, The Brave," "Expir- was chairman of the Cerebral Albert J. Cerulo, Arthur J Christian Stockel and Robert Michael Mltrosky, former Ann H . Aaroe,'423 Elmwood Circle; li.-;'.:.;nn. Georgia with Btockel and Mrs. Norbert Jost, Moe, 848 Forbes Avenue, Eagle Circle 5 with Mrs. C. J. Ebelto?, ing the Himalayas," "Rufus Palsy Telethon in Woodbridge. Lance, Dr. George Kohut, Wilentz. models. Redtail," "Mirror Mirror," "Kid A native of South Amboy, she Richard Schultz, Mrs. Henry Dr. Jesse B. Aronsson, direc- Rock Estates, Perth Amboy, on 103 Grove Avenue; and Circle 8 There will be a membership Brother," "My Heart 1R In thehas lived in Woodbrldge for theJaglowski, A. Clayton Hollen tor of the division of local Monday night at 8 to organize with Mrs. F. P. Howell, £13 drive In April, tin. Andrew Hills," "On the Trail of Inca past 13 years. She is married der and Miss Veronica Smith, health services of the N, J a committee to plan a 25 re-West Avenue, Sewaren. Lockle. membership chairman, WOODBRIDGE-Mrs. Frank Gold," "Sequoyaln." "Boy's and has two daughters, Kath- Officers elected for 1960 in Department Of Health, told union of Woodbridgs High elude Edward J. Patten, presi- more than 100 guests that School Class of 1936. Class Plan for World Trade Center announced FbrtJ-two new RUSMII. WoodbrWge and Mrs. Book of Camping," "Andrew leen and Betty. dent; James O. DeLancoy, firsi health and welfare planning members are urged to attend widely endorsed. members have Joined since re John Domejka, Fords, will be Carnegie,' "Treasures in the honored with state awards foi Depths," "Famou* Pirates," organiMtlon. Clubs; Miss Emma C. McGall, I Mrs Fred Ascough. Thrift five years of service at the an •Willie Skis," "Magnificent Westfleld, first vice president Finns "<"f<|ahop chairman, reported thatituuil awards luneheon of th« Pumpkin," "Birds of All Kinds" of the state group; Mrs, Marie out Dinner' ' . Chapter _ . of and "Uncle Remus." a onl Scout Dinner monies from the Thrift Shop go!Middlesex County Blddar, past president; Mrs. i 1.: at a meeting of to the Perth Amboy General the American CBiicer Society Katherine Ludovy, president, I BPW Birthd»T •. Auxiliary of the and training school. As the Barron Library cele- and Mrs, Marge Carley, first h>- wsi rooms with The luncheon will be held brates the first birthday of Its vice president of the R a h "The Friendly Store" V Meeting March 14 from 10 MA . to 1 children., reading room and way Business and Professional :,i!ci iJinc, and Mr*. .smith, Edwardsvllle, A, ir married by the Society To Give Awards Dinner Planned For Girl Scouts 1895 SeibyHoh the renovation of t h e . Sbrary, Women's Club, which served as sponsors of tne Woodbridge | Club. L-:r,;|).< AT ftkbrftttl mbets <t tneCancer Unit of The on Week with several St. James HoJy Hftmt Society Colonla Club for ten years of ans Club will mark Its third Miss Ruth Wolk, charter birthday tomorrow night at 32president of the Woodbridge will recetv* holy communion in continuous BPW, will read a brief history Oreen Street. <:IIILI<.:iity scrupbook serv- a body at the 7 45 A. M Mass Special guests, according to of the accomplishments of the .;ii M:- Andrew W a r g o BB'A light brenkfast will be s e r v e d ; T O \ V N EMPLOYE S E S S I O N Mass, and then the reg- WOODBRIDGE—The Town- MLss Betty La Bat, chairman club during the past three i (Itsciuued Books imzzlf.s arc needed ular meeting will be held. ship Employees Association wil will Include Mrs. Gertrude Lee years. A surprise program of Freehold, president of the Newentertainment will be presentWhite material Is Tomorrow night between 8tnold its regular meeting g g tomornllv needed for cancertand 9 P M. at St. Mary's row night at ii'P. M. at the Jersey Federation of Business ed by Miss LaBat and her comand Professional Women's mittee. Perth Amboy. a new township Karaite jChurch. j uu:;.-ity scupbook it be-jcycle of nocturnal adoration; .h::ii!tfd to the.Depart-jwill begin- Last year a total of •: New Jersey. LsdKa'|400 hours were achieved, and a {new goal of 600 hours or more •Acre given by Mrs. is planned for this year : '>bus. Mrs. Frank Rut-j This afternoon and tomorrow ' Mrs Al Wishney on'afternoon a Catholic literature •'••••'' projects. jand book -sale,will be held" In •:-it ion and election of i l * «chool auditorium The tale '••''• take place a t t h e will take place again on Sun' u s on March 10. A day from 7 30 A. M. until 12:30 IIU'MT will also be held. P M •amh.uy „ . :Chui<:h, New Brunswick. ~ ,i. li (.ill! SCOUtS III CHRISTENSEN'S 1960 Limited time only As seen on T V n you buy any playtex living bra MON-COIFFURE *3 _ 3 Hairdressers -^^f^-T'-j MAIN STRKKT, WOODBRIDOE 'Near Lonui TV) •>i»"iiliilng In (J^tM\ • r Blonding W E \ I Tinting Hiiir Styling IHoytex mokw this offer becouse th«y know that you'll olwoyi weor a Playtex Living Bra after you try the first one. All day long you'll enjoy th* heavenly comfort of America's # 1 elastic bra. You'll love the way that only Playtjx •tretchtt with you, breathe* with you, y«l d w a y j Jtoys in place. So right now buy a Playtex living Bra and Playtex will send you $1 00 for any tired,woriMwt old bra you send in. Bu" hurry, offer good for a short lime only., TtUphone ME -*-962-l [-Wr.f7Al and up x« ippomtmnn it\itn » AM t o * CM rrldMi Till 9 I'M • IVrmanents Start Planning Your Wedding at Playtox Living Bra with Magic-Circle'" Cups. CJfwIor jlilch tups that won't shrink or twist out of shape. White. J2A ti. 42C.$3.W."0"siMs$4.95.- TED'S OfFIR TW Pfayt.i U<lK« iMfllin* tra «iih •hi wciiino tloiik mogttHtiidtiD lor Ih* imaolhtil butt la hip lta» *rtr .32A to 44C. Whin <n mw low prkl o( $5.»J. STYLES • « A«y OtCB*lo« "D" nut U.9S. OUTSTANDING QUALITY TUXEDOS « T "How come telephone men all wear glasses, Mister?" TED'S - I *loillc bra. Black or whiit. 12* t , 42C. $1.99, " 0 " u r n *4.fJ. SATISFACTION OUARANTfED °Po» Fveningt By Appelntmrnt V| SIT OUR MEN'S SUIT DEPARTMENT i'.l! Suits by . . . HKTKOCELU," "UdG ••••SHIRE i t h AVENUE," an CLOTHES," TED'S Tailor Shop , ME 4-3826 I'reity oijscrvant young man! Yes, all no ?crvi«e is so urgentr-tliat we cannot telephone men who work with to'bls do wear, take time to perform our work safejy.". Safety he;lps make the Telephone Comglawcs. The reason is safety—protection un the job. That's the reason, too, why pany a good place to work. Protects teletelephone employees take special driving phone pedpje and the public. Increasei icsis and art given comprehensive first aid our efficiency in serving you. L»it year—if you-U pardon a little pride U4ining. It has meant accidents avoided, and often lives saved,'both on the j o b •—snothcr safety record was set at New Jersey Bell And lost time fr and off. In' every thing telephone people do, wai reduced for the fourth Straight year. wtety is comtantly emphasised^ , Wherever tekphone peopJe ivork, yqu'H Kr thj» sign; " N o job is w important and 1 Christensen s Department Store H*l G T H R F Open 9:J0 A. M. to 6 T. M. NEW JERSEY t l v l n » I r a wllk yJhiipl'" Cup). N»l pwMti but pi*4haM •» top you utwrally. Whin, 31A t» ) I C H O U R S Cloted All Day Wednewlay •Mi FREE PARKING At Be»r Entrnnoe '.§ PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, MARCH 3, I960 JUST SO MUCH BETTER OPEN SUNDAY 9A.M.to8P.M. ^ Every forkful of meat you buy at Mutual is guaranteed to be juicy, tender and simply delicious . . . or your money back. %j Our unconditional meat guarantee means simply this: We do everything humanly possible to make sura all Mutual meats are downright good eating every single time! Better meals build better families. FLAVORFUL, JUICY, TOP CHOICE RIBS o'BEEF ?/' MONEY vSk :'Y SAVING \y_ MUTUAL KING OF THE ROASTS! SIMPLY GOOD EATING THAT'S GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED. JUICY 10 INCH CUT M H M SUPER , i/< MARKETS x ; AR p r i m «fft<1iv« ihm itlvrdiy. Mirth 5, 1940. limit qnMtitiM. SIMPLY GOOD EATIN6, TOP CHOICE W« m Not wpontibU for typogriphicil wroti. SEAFOOD FOR LENT 1 U. S. No. 1 Canadian Smelts * 35C Fresh Fillet of Haddock »59' ' JUICY RIB STEAKS - 6 5 M^ ORK LOINS MARTINSON'S COFFEE YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT MUTUAL! RIB END H Ib. 25 LOIN END Ib 33 Center Cut Pork Chops Center Cut Pork Roast Country Style Spare Ribs Ib Ib 1 CHOCK FULL o NUTS 69< MUTUAL = COFFEE 69° CLOROX BLEACH Ib. can Ib. can HEAVENLY COFFEE D0N7 UT THE MICE FOOL YOU NONE 1ETTE* KIOAItDlISS OF f«IC£l Ib. can half 9.1. IN NEW NO-DRIP BOTTLE • 39' T O M A T O S O U P CAMPBELL S cans 69 69 57 29 10 FIERY RED, SWEET BATING WHITE MEAT TUNA 3 WATERMELONS 10 MAYONNAISE 49 BROCCOLI H0ST!SSSIE 1 PEPSI-COLA 7 GRAPEFRUITS 29c STARKIST SOLID PACK No. Vi cant LINDEN HOUSE DELICATELY SEASONED LARGE GREEN HEADS bot. bunch plus Urge GOOD SIZE-HORIOA SEEDLESS dtpotit FLORIDA URGE CRISP GREEN PEPPERS FOR I H O f I TASTY U S. No. 1 Vi-lb. L I. POTATOES AVOCADO PEARS , 0 ^ , • ASSORTED HARDY ROSE RUSHES 7««1.00 YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT MUTUAL Kl Orange Juice 19c Morton's Pies ' 13' 83c Morton's Macaroni and Cheese 7 ^ 1 . 0 0 Sliced Bologna 2,., 15c King Size Fish Sticks «X Pk9 49c ib,pk 49c River Valley Flounder Muenster Cheese •"> 15' • ! « . *hg. DOC Sea Pak Breaded Shrimp SLICED w CHUNK 69C 9 LINDEN HOUlt FRESH BAKED FRUIT PIES K f t S X SEE 'EM BAKED BEFORE YOUR EYES CHOICE OF: APPLE-PEACH BLUEBERRY CHERRY PUMPKIN-MINCE OPEN SUNDAY 9A.M.to6P.M. 59 Dinner Ready Ham Slices C River Valley String Beans ea Starkist Tuna Pies Birdseye French Fries SS 7*1. pk,. 4 S c 3 ,,1.00 JF^'1.00 or Cut Lpkgs. OOV 2 Z 45c 2,i!|.55c Margarine 4. UOKDENi YIUOW WMilt PIMENTO. SWISS 1 Cheese Slices 2 X .. 4 3 Coffee Ring; 23 ttORDENS OVEN KEAUV Mutual Super Markets WoodbrWge Rahwuy Ave. at Main St. OPEN SUNDAY 9A.IUQ6P.M. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 PAQEFIV1 (School 15 Lists Full Program Honor Students For Clubwomen OBITUARIES ractor. Born In Perth Amboy, Slate Nominated By Colonia VFW i s B U N - Donald c Whlta WOODBRIOGE OAKS REPORTS -| AVENEL — An address on GLADTS I . 8CANR COLONIA — The following Robert Nealc, Adams Street. loclal security was featured at slate of officers was -nominated Ml UMOIB aHbw»». IMUO • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kro- B n « W . 108 year*. Mr. Jen*% leaves announced the honor roll for the recent meeting of the •,\i..l:'T«L U-S-1679 neit and children, Barbara, at a recent me«tlng<of Colonln oad. who died daughter, Mrs w f k Ptamar. the third marking period a Junior Woman'. Club of AveEast Brunswick; a son, Louis, followsPost GOBI, Veterans of Foreign —Mr. dud Mrs. William Blh- Carol and Walter, Wood Avenel at the Avenel- Colonia First if Edison; two sisters, Mrs, Wars: Harold McCord, com- ler and children, Carol, Susan, nue, attended a birthday party Grade 1, Mr. Hodgson, Anita Aid Squad bulldlnif. Robert US Tindall Lgnes Oreintr, aoutb Amboy, mander; 8. L. Jones, senior vice Kathryn and William. Jr., 27Riven for Mrs, Walter Kronert, BattltoisDebra Corcoran, MariBmlth, of the Equitable Life nd M n . Mathilda Neary, commander; John Woods, W. Warren Street, attended a Sr., Livingston, on her 7ltfa niii.li. Middle -.|,'iii lyn Ecctes, Alan Oatley, CathInsurance Company was the •trth Araboy; two brothers, Junior vice commander; George birthday party given for Miss birthday. erine Sera, Patricia Willis. speaker, A question and answer H, Amboy, he harles Jensen and Nels LaurQulllen, (juartermaster; John Beth HlRRins, daughter of Mr. —Dinner guesU of Mr. and Orade l, Mrs. Roth, Scott period took place on the sub[,,tns Bereckl. Itzen, both of Pords; and three stanton. post, advocate: Paul and Mrs. A. L. Hlgglns, Port Mrs. Walter Kronert, Wood Cron, Joseph DaRold, Michael ject. A pamphlet, "Your Family grandchildren. Burial will be Inle Nichchaplain; Raymond Richmond, Staten Island. TheAvenue, were Mr. and Mra. ihe In Cloverleaf I'ark cem«tery, Hamlll, John Hubbard, Thomas Guide to Social Security," wa •nt of A\ Hughes, surgeon. Nomination party WAS held at the Hlggins Joseph Grodeck and daughter*. Krusen, Karl Janke, Robert distributed. Patricia Lynn and Deborah, ',,', before moving Woodbrldge. from the floof were: Bernard home. Nasy, Judy Brown, Judith Don- Plan* were made for the —Kflthlwn Leahy, daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Lanjenct '',l,i-.-i- years ago. Krajewski, commander; Walter nelly, Linda Grume, Barbara home arts show and exhibit to MOIXIE GOLDBERGER Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin, Trenton, and Mr. and llM. u . S . Marine Palmer, Jack Ztngg, senior vice •4 Uparl, Karen Sidner, Carolyn be held Tuesday. The AmeritOKbB—I'uneral services for any, Jr., Edward Street, was Mrs. Theodore Caliendo, Iselin. win- n. he was commander. The rest of the Teufel. can home department, undei Mr. and Mrs. William Llnkov. Motile Qoldberger, 63, 588 New nest of honor at a party in Vtimt sales co slate was unopposed. Bmtuwtok Avenue, who died in arade 1, Mrs. Bcharer, I d - the direction ot Mrs, Fran ibservtince of her eighth blrth- Newark, were guest* of Mr. and. Ernest Williams, chairman lay. Guests were' Iris and Mrs. Martin Cohen, Bradford Woodbrldge. Perth Amboy General Hospital ward Benkert, Barry Cron, Oeneskat has planned a fu of the Memorial Day parade Wendy Paye, Kathleen Gore- Place. , 1,15 widow, last Wednesday, were held Philip OaJaiso, Lorraine Davis. evening. The Judging of entrlei committee, Announced .plans ;er, Mary Ann CriUy, Kathleen Friday afternoon from the Katherine Jeffrey, Patricia In the Oeneral Federation o licrcckl; :» for the VFW'I participation. A ienton, Kathryn Blhtar, Doro- POSTPONE DANCE three brothers, Koytn > Funeral Chapel, 285 Miller, Karen Pwrlcone, Ro Women's Clubs and the Vogui Pattern Company contest wll new member inducted Into hy CavanauRh, Kathleen ,Vay- COLONIA — Wlllard M a o ., 11(1:1. N. Y High Street, with services at berta Tucker. membership w at Malcobr alla and Christopher Leahy. Argel, president of the Colonia , N Y, «nd Temple Beth Mordecal. Burial Orade 2, Mrs. Lauer, Joann take place with Mrs. Thomai Markotu, Avenel Woman's CIu! -Robert Barone, son of Mr.Village Civic Association, h u was in Beth Mordecal CemePralzner, 101 Harrison Avenur mn sisUrs, Mrs. Alello, Eileen Blackwell, Donna as Judge. The winner of thl and Mrs. Carl Barone, West announced that the date of th* tery. Iselin, ,.>,,,, Is. and Mrs Jean Bobak, Kenneth Brink1 lln She was born In Fords and man, Linda Brower, William contest will have her entry, The Post building committee Francis Street, is a patient at "a™" ^ « dinner-dance ha» Slovakia. been postponed from April 30 hand-made clubwoman's ou resided there all her We. She reported on progress of reno Memorial Osteopathlc Hospital, Callahan. Arlene Cwlekalo, fit, entered In the district Judg to May 14, due to a conflict o l SHOW FILMS ON SHRINE: A. Leo Tenella, is shown Elizabeth. was tht daughter of Aaron and vatlnn of the clubhouse.. Early ( | | \ H rui icral services Bertha Gross and was a mem- Kirk Katora, Laralee Hagan, ing. Members will also ente: with Rrv. Jacques Rinfret, Canada, before showing color April has been set as the date —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ack- dates with the School 2 and 18 Janet Hantell, Linda Hoover, PTO musical show. The din4ii. 33 Henry ber of Congregation Beth Mormovie* on ('ntholic Shrine* In Canada before St. Cecelia's for dedication. their favorite original cook: iiman and sons, Robert, Jr., Kathleen Kulcuyckl. Maureen ner-dance will be held at t i n Saturday at decal, Perth Amboy. Knights of Columbus and their Samuel Jones, Jr., vice com Joseph, James and Raymond, Colonia Country Club. .! Mazarelll, Robert Rosenfeld, recelpe in the first phase of Minil Hosplta. state-wide contest. Other a Besides her husband, Jack, Theresa Smith. mander and commltteeman 0: Adams Street, were winner - • 1 innrnlntf from she is survived by a daughter, tides, hand-made by the memthe Post-sponsored Boy Scou uests of Mr, and Mrs. Harold TO ADDRESS AJC Orade 3, Mrs. Miller, John 104 8 Mrs. Joseph Krupa, Miami, bers, will also be on display. A troop, announced that an ap Cope, Easton, pa. MENLO PARK TERRACE — Maloney, Chinese auction will complete Pa. Fla.; a son, Melvln 8. Gold' CrOftord, Patricia plication for a' Boy Scout char- —Mr. and Mrs. George atoll. The Middlesex County chapter William Mehler, Cheryl Watst. N'oholas berger, Perth Amboy; three ter has been submitted. Forma Wood Avenue, announce the of the American Jewish C m Wie program. Mrs. Donald organization of the troop wll birth of a son at Perth Amboy press (Women's Division) will ,i, Hinial was ' grandchildren; a sister. Mrs kins, Kathy Schweitzer, Lynn Roder will assist Mrs, Genesko Yesalonla. be made upon receiving th General Hospital. :ni l e : v . meet Wednesday evening a t th« Irene Halpern, Miami Beach. A candy sale wan Inaugurated Qrade 2, Mrs. Qitlin, Joseph .„ Kwiiod, P a ' , hiFla.; and two brothers, Nathan —Mrs. Jack Boerer, Moun Congregation Beth Shalom, 90 ISELIN - Knights of Co- ory was erected to honor St. charter. Response Of eligib' with Mrs. James Mazza, chairBernoske. Katherine Cortese, ,' helm 2.1 year and Joteph Grow. Metuchen umbus of St. Cecelia's and oscph, Canada's Patron Saint, boys has increased, and add tainslde, Is a guest of Mr. andCooper Street, Iselin. A speaker Dolores Damlano, John Olr- man. Orders will be accepted ,v thr PubH from the regional office of the their wives recently viewed Mr. and Mrs, A. Leo Terzella, tlonal adult guidance will b Mrs. Stoll. by her March 22. genttl. Nancy Graham, DougAnyone Interest* —Happy fourteenth wedding AJC will discuss "The German three color films on Catholic whose personal lives were af- needed. in Perth Am Mftl. VERON POKOL Reports were made by Miss FORDS — Funeral services as Greensteln, Diana Ljtchey, Dilemma." Shrines in Canada. Rev. Jac-ected by a visit to the Shrine should contact Harold Melt anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. i was a com- for Mrs. Veron iWarga) Pokcl. Robert Mortellltc, Donna Saw- Mary Lou Gallsln, art chair- ques Rinfret, who U a member )f St. Anne De Beaupre 14 10 Neptune Drive. Pott mem •nr Ukralnlar 301 New Brunswick Avenue, yer, Taffy Tucker. Sanford man; Miss Nancy Zarsky, Subof the Knights of Columbus in years ago, were present. Mrs. bershlp inquiries should be , M of the A r who died Sunday at her home, Green, Harry Lemchak, Oary Junior advisor and Mrs. Bruce Canada and Director of Pil- Terzella is a listed pilgrim or- dressed to Jack: Zingg, ,. Amboy. He were held yesterday afternoon Roach, Benjamin Soitentlno, McKee, merchandise club chair- grimages of Our Lady of the ganizer for Bt. Anne De Beau- Autumn Court. man. Mrs. McKee stated the \udow, Mary, from Kaln Mortuaries, Inc., Adeline Yunckes. ; .. Cape Shrine, Quebec, was pre, and Mr. and Mrs. Terzella Orade 3, Mrs. Baumgarten, present club will end March 22 present to expand on the film have been making pilgrimages Runaway heiress ruled ward|| M:s Susan ' A I State Street, Perth Amboy, Tray favors, honoring St Burial was In Alpine Cemetery. Leo Busslere, James Cerbone, •••lie. P a . coverage of St. Anne De Beau- o these three Shrines since °f t She was thr widow of the late Richard Rapp, Linda Agnew, Patrick's Day, will be made pre, Quebec, Our Lady of the1946. They lead a pilgrimage; "The Friendly Store" Him. Stephen Pokol. Born in Hun-Linda Corcoran. Katherine March 15 at the home of MrsCape Shrine at Cfiv De La of 55 to «0 people each year. Martin Gutowski, 14 Georg ".. Purw /*!j*aJ7. She resided In Forch for 55fCovacs. Madelaine, and St. Joseph's This year's tour Is scheduled ;,ih:i Berg, years and was a member of the Grade 3. Mrs. Kunkes, Ray- Street. These will be disti- Oratory of Mt. Royal, Mon for eight days in July, from the| . :.:l.\ who dl*d John Calvin Reformed Church mond Eichert, Richard Kur- buted t o ' the patients a 21 to the 28, treal. : iinnii', w r i t held Perth AmBoy. zenberger, James Teufel, Brett Wenlo Park Home for Disable Viewers witneased the multt - :.IHIII [mm Orrl- She U survived by two daugh- Tucker, Theresa Bowen, Bar- Soldiers. tude of people who visit these ! H m \ 44 Oreen ters, Mrs. Vllma Samu and bara dough, Barbara DzlomThe club Is collecting red shrines yearly. The miraculous ! in hb i Samuel Mrs. Louise Wosh. a son. James bak, Diane Estelle. Margaret scissors coupons. Persons wish statue of the Blessed Virgin ::. • . H U M Burial Pokol. Fords: three s1st*r«, Mrs. Schmidt. Irene Stopplello. ing to donate any of these cai the central point of Interest ai l1,i :lc O m r t a r y . Ida Bahush, Cartetrt. Mrs. (Still a Large Selection!) Grade 3. Miss Morrison, Wil- do so to any member of the Our Lady of the Cape Shrini jEthel Mlkula, Warren. 0 . andliam McCann, Patricia Sum- club. Cancer dressing materials hat been adopted by the Ca- ISELIN—fit. Cecelia's Cadet I Bectui* S. Bofet u m the Reg. $1,00 Values «! i)v his widow. M r g Louise Doltor, Hungary mons are being collected for the local nadian people as their National Corps will have a presentation Uteit cleaning techniqun •..•,'KV; 2 sons.!t»n brothers. Stephen and Grade 4. Mrs. Lotvln, Carol cancer dressing group. two Madonna, and St. Joseph's Ora and blessing of its colors at the| that measure up to the high .•r;nsdalp. N. Y..' El*k Warga, Hungary: nine Callendo, Jacqueline Fox, DiHoly Name Mass at 8 A.M. on| standard* of NIRC. Your Mrs. John Egan. Jr., youtl N. Berg. grandchlldren and ten great ane Mykletyn. the second Sunday of April. atmrance of th« cleanest . . . cooperation cnalrman, reported Hirer grand- vrandchlldrtn. Orade 1. Miss Spaldo, Ste- 1657 common stamps have been The corps Is jointly sponsored safcit rug cleaning possible. DIZio. Martin Ferwerda collected for a missionary by the Holy Nnme Society, the1 Richard Hubbard, Robert Pe[Court of Aicunh Set PTA, and St. Cecelia's Knights] 1 .1 w . \ group. She issued a plea for Call PA 1-1582 losi. Donald Walters, Nancy of Columbus. luiu'ral servBy SeuHiren LeadersAnola, Linda Cwlekalo, Mary more of these .stamps. It has been enthusiastically .'<•!,sen of Da hi Winner of the dark horse • tomorrow >„„,„„„, SEWARKN-At a nelghbor-JHamll'l. Angellka Ho«her. Betty prize was Mri. Egan, according received by the boys of the! You'll Find Odd Lots of h 0 0 < l O l r l 8 c o u t L( ad rl1 " * "i«t-|HovU, Nancy Kllby. Theresa to Mrs. Roder. chairman. Mrs. parish and Is another step in i hr Koyen Fu-! j i n g Tuesday night at the home'sesta. Ellen YaJtowenko, Del A v e the parish's lone range plan to •,\ .i Amboy Roder was hostess for the eveSport, Dress and Work Shirts, 0 provide good healthy activities :.•:;. \wlil the o»., i ' Mrs. Andrew Butkowsky. t>Orah Yesalonla. 1 lor the youth of the parish and si: me officiating. plans were made for a Court of. a ^ d e 4. Mrs. Webb, Arlenej Underwear, Jewely, Slacks 3 Awards to be held In Mat, dtJjiiKMatedo, June Kubert, Dona Imbue the youflgsterjj.with^tjt-j •!:••(! Wednesday In ft»mW of tU National spect and loyalty to- cbVfih,] Michel, Donald Paul, an dinaiiy other items . . , long to b« announced Inter afi ButkowikT ^d,. 5 . M r S Barbara. LUstate and community. The so-; la,ititate and New Jcriey retired P»lnt-, lroo|> Institute of Rug Cleaners. Mr». J o « p h U nn O Olrgenti cietles in this manner hope to •r hanner con-t g 'Medveti, troop organizer: d! drade, d jmftke adequate facilities availaS. Mrs. Schwarlek. the frtllowlnc girls were up-1 Bernard Ufrstncr. Oarry Snyble for the growing pre-teen] rfpirwuutiVM to t h e | d e r unda B a r b f r i rjonna Kra- WOODBRIDOE-Easter hats and teenage population of the] Low Fund evening t o - i m e r unit O'Connell. Lort will be on sale in the latest communities surrounding the morrow HIKIU at tiie Barron Ra ymO nd Marjorle Rosenfeld styles and shapes under the (parish. AVPI,W school' Maria Fnloll.; a r a d e g, M r . Eagan, Roger sponsorship of the Woman's Rev. John Wilus, pastor, has] Iroop 2: Linda Kosten, Troop A r ( ( a i a », Stewart Oreen. Vlckl Society of Christian Service In1 endorsed the Cadet Programj 18, Cheryl $zrnaM. Troop 19; :ranmer, Kathleen Kramer, the Methodist Fellowship Hall and expects to enlarge all par4th and SteTent Are. HA2b»ra Kljula, Troop 51; An-Lorraine Oatley. at 8 P. M. Friday. March 18. ish youth programs after com-] drea Butkowsky. Sandra Mesar South Amboy. New Jtrtey pletion of the school's new] Election of officers will take11 color guards. wing sometime next fall. place at the luncheon meeting HO8TES STO GROUP Jerry LewU'i »on, Jerry Jr.. C O L O N I A — Mrs. Walter of the Tuesday Afternoon Club at 13 hat retired from show Kammakas, 44 Rutgers Avenue on March 15, at the home of business. "I'm fed up." says he.was hostess Tuesday evening M™- George R. Merrill, 400 Ill devote my time now to myfor her sewing group, the MElmwood Avenue. Included in the program will; studies." N. O. Club. be papers read by Mrs. HampUnit 87 of Woodbridge . . . ton Cutter, "Schools Before and Now," and "The Marriage wishes to announce the beginning of their anthat will Change Japan" by irual household products sale by telephone, and Mrs. Albert R. Bergen. WITH A CHICKING ACCOUNT l''m ,,.,-BI arrange- >e had lived In Fords for many ker, Principal of School IB has helin K. of C9 Wives See Movies on Shrines 1895 Corps Colors To Be Blessed! Rugs cleaned at S. B O Y E S . . . look lovelier and Christenseifs « • FINAL CLEARANCE! MEN'S STRETCH and SIZE SOCKS Now 59c - 4 pair for 2.00 BARGAIN TABLES... 5 0 c . $1 _ $|5O . $2-00 ISocietytoHold* Easter Hat Show All Drastically Reduced! 5. Moyes ATTENTION MOTHERS.. We check your Rug Cleaning Co. ,lnc baby's shoe size with, AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY YOU'RE 3 JUMPS AHEAD I . You tiv* time paying bills when you write checks end mail them., V ATTENDS CONFERENCE C/OLONIA — Rev. Albeit R. Sweet, pastor of the New Dover Methodist Church, is among SlpNSHINE COTTON: The the sponsors of a three-session Fir Eastern influence is imconference on "The Nature of portant for resort wear. DorNuclear Warfare' to be put on othy Con of Tiinner selects by the Union County Clergy- paisley cotton fur a haltermen's Committee for Nuclear necked blouse pnl red up with a dirndl skirt. Information. wants to thank everyone in advance ,for their help. Chairman, Mrs. May Einhorn Phone // a . You luvs 1 clear tod I I concise record ol your spending-on your | 1 checkbook stubs.' |95 1 MM DC Ml COMPUTE! , Yrt. Service 1 •I! I II— PEA COAL NUT OR STOVE 1945 20.95 CHODOSH Bros, and WEXLER 9. You get receipts (your cancelled checks) automatically. Fitting Plan too fra FREE!' 8USHR BROWN'S FAMOUS POINT YOU CANT BUY BETTER 36 E. Grand Avenue. Railway FU 8-1000 OIL IURNER SALES t SERVICE Serving Resident, of: WOODBRIDGE, AVENEL. SEWAEEN, PORT READING, ISEUN, COLONIA and FORDS Open D»Uy Till 10 P. M. — Sunday Till 1 P. M. ^0 MONEY DOWN ••' * 5 U ° MONTHLY tf WOODBRIDGE LUMBER COMPANY OFBM AN ACCOUNT HBNBl OCT AHMAD I DtlUXE FEATURES A liUDGfT PRICE! s LIMITED! BUILDING MATERIAL STORE For this... or banking service consult... ME 4-0125 WOODBRIDGE, N.J. SERVING THE COMMUNITY £OR 45 YEARS "The Bunk wild ALL the Senkti" Children's Shoei bring your baby in for a fitting today Mother, our liuster Brown salesman checks your chilli's feet scientifically 6 ways—all the vital point* for gentle support and room to flex and grow. I Both feet are measured. The longer fool size and greater width it fitted. t Big toe |olnl it fitted to the widest inside line of the shoe. JSmqlLtoeii fitted to the widest outside line of : the shoe. 1 Approximately Vi inch allowance from Hi« tnd of the toe to the end of th« shoe. 5 Heel fitted wide enough at bottom and properly tnyg at top. g Intervali f gested for rethecking shoe site. kNBIMAICH lit ilta CM INDUSTRIAL 1 ! ""' - . Mui, •ML, "A*|iUMl'' si. : ""Mi WtSTWSLLi AO t MM "<-•'...„.. ANK AND TRUSTlCOMPANY Perth Amboy, N. J. 1 Corporation iinoiT RESIDENTIAL DO-IT-YOURSELF QtrbV. Me ,-Jjg5*J . Why not buy the BEST? It. may costa Me MM, but it's worth the difampe, : adjuvj|d0to'5& t Tue«,Wed,flndtNw.8fiOto50) • SatfKX*to Ihto STORE Open »:3» A. it. to 6 F. M. Friday TU1 9 P. M. HOURS Closed All Day Wednewlar FIXNTY OF H I ! fAEKINQ IH BEAK OF ITOM • '•".>: •>: PAGE SIX BRANDS BACK A G A I N ! BIGGER A N D BETTER TNAN EVER! The great annual tale event 3 Qreat Super Food Markets that means EXTRA SAVINGS on the fine products which bear this mark 0 of quality. Throughout (al located in complete shopping centers) the year, these brands are your best buys—offering top quality for less money. Now, during this • Menlo Park — Edison Township special event, the savings are even greater. A wonderful time to stock up! Just look for $ • East BraMwkk - Mid-State MaN label—ft$ your assurance of quolity . . . your assurance of savings. • Corttrtt — 775 Roosevelt Avenue pricet also effectit* m Safamy Perth Ambty -101 North Broadway South Amboy - 411 Amboy Avenue vacuum pack choice of grinds Cling Ptaches sliced or halvti £23- 29- Pure Preserves; Choice of Grape, Peach, Apricot or Boysenberry 31.00 Cherub Milk Kr£ 6 r. 79= a li Snow Star Ice Cream S £ K «X 63= Sprudi d> Sunnybank Margarine s£" 5*!. 1.00 Eaiily y Lucerne Print Butter UL 69Dutch Mill Cheese :r«m I Ib < } Q Lucerne Cottage Cheese Itylt oka Z 7 Lunch Box Spread Grad> A Creamery C Breakfast Gem Eggs Nu Made Salad Oil Mrs. Wright's Biscuits' Lucerne Lac-Mix Empress Grape Jelly Town House Juice Grada A A~J «oz. 4 / e Excsllenl lor dMP frying quart bollla Swaat MHk or Bultarmill -J 8 o t 0 ptigs. Imiam M1U The "AH American" d e s s e r t . . . P i e a [a mode I i-j 4 / c Bel-air Apple Pie 25 or pa 55* 5 IT 1.00 4 IT 1.00 3 ^ 100 Tomato RJcti Flavor Crown Colony . law Whita Ground Premium quality g . i Frozen Pies size so deliciou Tea Garden Hi Zippy Pickles Sea Trader Tuna Lunch Box Peanut Butter *g£ Bel-air Green Peas '"t^Jt^1 2'S0 01. Bel-air Lima Beans Grap* Juica Party Who*. Dilb Light Maat Chunk Style All of your Popular flavors Pramium Quality Frotan Food half gallon M or Frozen Hound* Fill* 1 *> froi«ii 49* Bel-o/r Prem/'iim Quafrfjr Frozen Foods Leaf or Chopped Spinach, 12 oz. Cur Green Beans, 9 oz. Chopped Broccoli, 10 oz. Government Grade A Smoked-Reody-to-eat Government Inspected Whole Chickens (by the pound} Full Shank Half (6 to 7 Ib. weight range) No center slices removed 35 c Ib. »37« 39 Sul! Hall; t> to 7 I'd waight rang* Smoked Ham Shrimp Cod Fillet Potato Patties, 12 oz. Beat ft Carrots, 10 oxMixed Vegetables, 10 ox. I Stripped Kale, 10 oz. [ Collard Greens, 10 oz. 'Orange Juice, 6 oz. Frozen .19 ib Fancy Potatoes U. S. No. 1 Grade 25 89c 45« 69 25 Celery Round Roast ^TctTl"* *-89« Pork Sausage &Z Cross Rib Roast ti£L » 89< Sliced Bacon ££& Round Steak ' J£& * 9 9 ' Fancy Smelts J T i S i *39« Ill Oranges Carrots Florid* tag* HIM Fin.it quality <*llo p«k Crisp Pascal economy size 5 £ 49« Onions Honeyd AdvertM price, effect. rt,rouflh Safeway Franks DUGAN'S Chocolate Fudge Square SAII MEKLO PARK S lORt; ONLY Hams Medium size Safeway's low price French Fried Potatoes, 9 oz. 61. Fryers Frying Chickens French Style Green Beans, 10 oz. Reg. Price 59c jars fofdhook Frotan PramiiM Quality J e l l - W e l l lanion.'Lt/gTapV chTry «*bto«*ch««y 4 <*»' * 10 oz. Tomato Sauce full rich flavor Town Home Prune Juice, 32 oz. Town House Fruit Cocktail, 30 oz. fl siltkl m^M f -idled Plow k ...i%n favorite fetch** favor iti Town H O U M Orange Juice, 46 ox. Captains Choice" Captains Choice! cans m^m Purt Vegttabk Shortening / Special deal pack offer Cleaning Helpen «9on*fl White Magic White Magic Cleanser White Magic Bleach White Magic Cleaner Scamper Liquid Brocade Soap 59 Cheddar Cheese ( \t 5 9 Edwards Coffee Town House -59' Royal Satin Kitchen Craft 5 47 I I I 5 Empress Lalani Juice Drink™-2 59 12 1.00 Town House Real Sharp Safeway Brand Storm at Crackers - Cookies Busy Baker Saltines Tea Timer Crackers Vanilla Wafers FavariM twy h k * Chocolate Chip RtaiTrwl Fudge Sandwich on the * Skinless All Beef fltpkg. 59 Skinless All Meat 11b. pk fl 49 y Y.llow ' and mild OwU THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 PAGE SEVEN f they wish to display their 3ld Bibles or one written tn toreign language. The Tom Thumb Wedding GOP Panel scheduled for May 21 has been • WOODBRIDOE — Mayor changed to June 4 at 4 P.M. Frederick M. Adams will ap-[•he first of the Those Interested In helping are AVENEL —Lazy Mary Cootipear on a panel at the third FORDS—A nominating comAVENEL — Committee* for Church's ftsked to call Mri. Fltld or Mrs, ette Club 460 celebrated their annual contention of Mid- the 81xth District Republican mittee was appointed at the held last Vlih. tenth anniversary Friday at the j third organization meeting of dle County Young Republi- Club of Avenel were appointed hom> of Mrs. William Danuell, Olrl ScOuta tfiil be honored Pershlng Avenue, Iselin. Guests Fords Community Council cans at the Roger Smith at the February meeting of U » Larson, currently Sunday with a special church were Mrs. John DomeJkn. past with Angelo Lombardl of the Hotel, New Brunswick, on organisation. Thomas Jonair Faith at Wort," nrvlM at 4 P.M. All protestantt state president, and Mrs. Wllpresident, announced tha f<*» Lafayette Estates Civic Asso- March 12. „,„! Christian fel The panel, entitled "The lowing chairmen: Mrs. Kenneth ..ii Olrl Scouta, parents and friends ^m WeVtTakT ciation as Chairman. The comjimtnd to the n mittee will meet March 10 to Republican Stand on the Is- Berscy and Richard Miller, ,„, revival Of the art Invited. Nomination and election Mrs. JamM •rt a slate of candidates for sues," will discuss the issues membership; was guest Sunday school teachers wllt officers took place with Mrs, at the various',levels, state, Schaeffer, ways and means; hold their quarterly meeting council offices. Ralph Ambrose named presil.nrson lerved M, James Hoffman, community Serving with Mr. Lombardl national, loflftl, and county. Monday at 8 P.M. dent; Miss Santlna Cftntamessa in the ; th U. 8 Senator Richard Stout of welfare; William ScheuermaU, arc Mrs. Sidney Felnberg (PTA World War II. Nominations of officers will senior vice president; Mrs. WilSchool 14), Mrs, Chester Bagln- Monmouth County will also social affairs; Mrs. Walte* , lull i,. (,f Lake For- take place at the ngular Term- liam Enoch, Junior vice presisky (Woman's Club of Fords), be on the panel and Con- Schaeffer and Mrs. Scheuer* ,1,1 Princeton Sem ite Fellowship meeUng Tuesday dent; Mrs. John F. Osthoff, Frederick Rankln (fords Civic gressman John B. Lindsay of man. good and welfare; Mrt* treasurer; Mrs. Dangcll. secrehns done poat- at 3;iO P.M. publicity;* Mri,, Improvement Association), and New York District 17 will be Hoffman, , k ,,t Boston Unl- A reminder is given to friends tary; Mrs. Edward Dowd, chapGeorge Burrows, Mr. Miller anS Theodore Larsen frords Little guest speaker. lain; Mrs. Ttose Lake, conducand neighbors of Colonla and i v e d PresbyMr. Jones, nominating commitII. h i i s League). in Blnghamton, Avenel of the charter bus serv- tress; Mrs. James O'Brien, tee. , . , ; ; , MI'S A constitution and by-laws ice for those wishing to attend Kuard; Mrs. Flora Rae Bird and PTA Council to Meet Plans for a spaghetti supper. wera presented by temporary was sclo- Church and Sunday school at Mrs. Oflorge Oassaway, trtiswere made with Mrs. Schaeffef, tees. parliamentarians, Arthur Casey Tonight at W.H.S. the 11 AM. servlcu. The bus nlf.n services Wll chairman. The affair will tak» and Edward Wlnslow, both of WOODBRIDaE—The Presii, Wednesday iillh start! at 10:30 AiM. at St. Installation will be place March 24 from 5-1:30 Rjr: the Roosevelt Civic Association. March 25, tentatively planned dents Council of P. T. A.'s will M. at Mrs. 8chaeffer'a hoa*V open to the Oeorge and Colonla Boulevard Although changes were made, pldki up passengers in for the Edison Post Home. Miss meet tonight at 8 In the high 306 Prospect Avenue,. Ticket*, will no formal acceptance of the school cafeteria, and presidents can be obtained from any memColonla and part* of Avenel, Cantamessa is chairman, , .nVICT. document was attempted. are asked to Invite their prin- ber. Serving pn the commute* returning after 12 noon. For stalling offloirs will be i>, v Dr. Charles Eight organizations have cipals, Immediate past presi- with Mrs. Schaeffer are Mr* further Information contact Do™Jk»> and Mrs. Westlake. '|mst<ir. Will «« Mrt. Field, Sunday ac taken seats on the council, and dents and first vice presidents Miller, Mrs. Scheuerman, Mri. The group participated ,,.<i of sermons on representatives of half a dor,sn to attend. superintendent or the church dance at Ljron* Veterans Hoffman, Mrs. Stanley Crapy, ..,,,.omits Believe. Office. others have expressed a desire By-laws will be presented to Mrs. John Nlsbltt and Mjg, ministration Hospital Monday '.,,1 id A.M. services night. to join, according to Mrs. Ba- the Council fof approval and Stanley Strenkowskl. ., ,ch on "Messages Elnaky, whose husband is tem- election of officers will take Norman Barr, president of A delegation will attend the «iincr.' a sermon state meeting April 3 In Whlpporary chairman of the coun- place. the Third Ward Republican^ '•.HcZof theUnlMd pany, cil. Their representation of the Special committees will sub- Club, Inc., was welcomed 88 i TOWNSHIP LEADERS a n nhown »t the annual meeting nf the Rftrltan Bay Community . Church's Brief council, however, must await a mit reports on eye screening guest. The club meets again Mrs. Enoch and Mrs. O'Brien Chest and Council dinner, Left to right: Cheater Cage, ColonJa, Roy Scout president; Mrs, ,,f the Reformed won the attendance prizes. Mrs. Cyril Hatnfcr, Woodbtifo; Edward J. PatUjLgeoretary of State, who serves a« Commuvote of trieir separate member- and on high school representa- March IS at the home of Mr. :. mid II AM. R*v. Oangell. retiring president, ar- nity Cheat president; Dr. Jetm B, Annum orfKe New Jersey State Department of Health, ships. tives. and Mrs. Scheuerman* 800 ,iin. asuooiate pasWOODBRIDOE — Interna- ranged th« anniversary celebraAt the Initial meeting a proProspect Avenue, giett speaker, and Harold J. Mortensen, Woodbrldge. , ,rh on "Christ on tional Friendship was the tion. posal was outlined calling for mittee, was shown at last .,[ Prayer." another tbeme of a party held by Interthe construction of a civic cen- week's meeting by Mr. Baglnskl BAR MITZVAH 1 nf sermons on AIDS SIGHTLESS Fashions will be by Frantell; PEPPERMINTS AS COINS mtdlata Troop 93. Mace mats ter and. swimming pool. Many to further clarify the council COLONIA — More than 40 HIP MounUintop.' hats by Lee's Hat Bar and furs ijrmbolUlng the country each I8EUN — Memberi of foe Vienna A shortage of of those present felt they had Idea. A discussion on commu- relatives and friends enjoyed a. , i choir will slni by Woodtarldga Fur Shop. girl represented were mad* at Iselln lions Club transported not yet had adequate opportu- nity needs whloh took place Bar Mltzvah party Saturday , is mo Telling" at Music will W tflrnlshed by "Ric small change in Bacau, eastern a previous meeting and used as several blind people to their under the a table decour with the globe monthly meeting In New BrunsRomania, has forced bus con- nity to stud^ the council's pro- touched on swimming facilities, night at the home of Mr. and and The ftfcntlmentals." posed structure, and this pre- road repair and the lack of Mrs. Joel Dlugasch, 83 Mercury Fraumann of the world u a centerpiece. wick this week. The club had a There will be a committee ductors to offer passengers mature Introduction of specific baseball fields. Avenue Mr. Dlugasch was a AVENEI^-A "Style Parade", music. Joyc« Kohler wore an au- typewriter repaired for an Ise- which will benefit the building meeting Tuesday at Mr. and cigarettes or peppermints as projects led to confusion in the The meeting date for the member of the adult Bar Mlte,!;,<. e d i t o r of thentic Bpanlsh costume, 8u- lln sightless girl. William Mrs. Levy's, 60 George Street change, the Romanian paper earlier meetings. council was set tot the fourth vah class Saturday at the ,<>ik' and graduate aannc Urban sang a Hungarian Dangell reported that the paper of the Avenel Presbyterian at 8 P.M. Avenel Synagogue. Romlnla Liberia has reported. A film, "The Invisible Com- Thursday of each month. Church of Avenel, will be held i H-mlnary. will be song, Ann Marie Brown recited drive held Sunday was successat Westminster Hall, March 31 at aingspiratlim a nursery rhyme In Cferman, ful with morn than six tons !.,v at 8 P.M. Mr. and a Dan Lin folk dance was collected. A difintr meatinf will at 8 P i i . n-Miiii-d by a team presented by Carol Chrlittn- be held March 7 at the Howard Chairman of the Affair Is ,Mry will speak on ttn and Mrs. F. ChrUtenien. Johnson Restaurant, Route 1, Mitt Betty U Bat. Mrs. Rob!;,• World of Com- Pictures and articles from other' Woodbrldge, at 6:45. ert Oram, Mrt, Robert Tunic A mala quartet countries were shown by the and Charles Miller a n In : J;irk Dietrich, following: Amy Aaroe, Carol STRANGE OCCUPATION charge of program and pub/•• i.,n. Chester Elliot licity; Mrs. John Powers and Los Angeles — For a blind Bobal, Anita Buonerba, Karen :r will sing several Miss La Bat, .finance, promoRannon, Ruth Malon, Alice Frank Bpagnuolo had a strange tion and public relations; M M . Stocktl and Diane Kacperow- occupation. He was a toookDaniel Levy, Mrs. Sari Smith, maker. •.rjili Fowler, seere skl. Mrs. William Morgan, Robert Spagnuolo pleaded guilty re•;iiil Life and StewA World Friendililp Cere::-p Elltabeth Pres mony was held and each mem- cently to violating the Federal Donato and Mr. Levy, decorating and Mrs. Edward Throm Tinty. will addrtsa ber received a pin. wagering tax law. and Mrs. George Woltscheck, How did he keep track of his : Association meet RcfreahmenU from eight dif..-.]•• fit I In c h u r c h ferent countries were served by beU? He made notes In Braille refreshments. ;>'iis will be led by Eileen Chrlstensen. l.ni Vlgh, entertalnderor will be *rM:s. Qustave Koch, TO SKI FILM Women's • <l uy Mrs. Andrew COLOHIA — • mii-rship secretary. Guild of tbt Church of the We wish to exprcw our appreciation and sincere, compiled by;Oood Shepherd will meet Monthanks to the voters of Fin pbtrict No. I for1 in*.p.. It now l)«lng day at > ?M at the home of Definition Is tntici- Mrs. Richard Koons, IS Joanna their confidence In returning us to office. Place. Mrs. Koons will speak on M.iy 1 "Missionary Education" and school Junior FRANK BARBATO film. Officers «f-Jhe JAMES CIARDEUO prc4l4en4a*Mti. r,,tcii VFW Unit Names New Officers Services Uriel in Avenel Community Unit To Elect Slate GOP New Committees „„,, : l l r Theme of Party Is Friendship' i\ For Style Show Some pay envelopes Thank You Otte: rkt prtSbfcnt. Fire Commissioners, District No. 2 Mrs. Donald Nutting; r* and friends to Mrs. F, I . McKeUlgett; tr**s Gano, chairman, urer, Mrs. 8. Clark Uim. SAVE Get Roctoti&fon Rmaular Gatf ABOUT A DOLLAR BILL ON EVERY There's more in a Galoil pay envelope than meets the eye. Part of every Caloiler's pay is in employee benefits that don't show w in the weekly envelope. ! ' Take the Annuity Plan. This Plan provides retirement income for all • Caloilers, Both the Company and the employee contribute. When an employee retires at his normal retirement date, the Company's contribution to the plan will have been twice as great as the employee's-sometimes even greater, Q r the Sickness and Disability Plans. These are, designed to provide* irltome fjor employees who are temporarily unable to wor^. because o£#lnes& or , injury. They go a long way towards taking the financial sting out of such timesj DTHUHC H HOUMV «T»«I*«OMI Caloil has a Stock Plan,( too. It can provide a really sipble additional j nest tgg at retirement. Any employee who has been with the company for at least 5 years and is over 35 can join the Plan. He earmarks a regular percentage of his pay Drive OLDSMOBILE'S 88! v * > r ENGINE CAR/ • A V I whan you buy I •AVB wh«n you Iradel OUssBobife't doOu-Mfiiic Djiumic 88 is ftkmt to 6( raw pod«t . . . padL«l with t*lM» Ml Ywi g * • • nm* •*•* " w f y N * •oalbrt, uapdout ityM *wl «*<" equipment" for Jmt MMy. rind <mi bow tuj it » 10 gtt Mt of lh« ordinary . . *. into ui UMil Y*t e u «tf*ct n a n . . . and p | wore . . . m oyu at-tndtin tirae - 0 U j N M k , * • * assigning a percentage of its net income to the purchase of stock for its employees. i> * • : • • • Tttjs Plan is a fine way tor Cateiten to^hare in tht profits of their Compa&y, ••> ntjte tn «Av m jam* today "You can't see any of these benefits in a pay envelope. But when a Caloiler •AVI whan you drlv#l Fit*! emu drop with th* Regular Kockel EagiM . . . •ttndard ia all Dynamic tt8'«! You •««• oo k>w«r«qil, ngular gat. H»J tb« a m Eeon-O-Wiy Carbunior with TwoS l a p Automatic ChoU MH f l tioa « f to 25% iuilM4 tp: purchase stock in the Company. The Company also contributes to the Plan, needs them most-when he's hid Up or when he retires-they're there. They're jus* one more reason so many Eerth Amboy peopk-feav« ch<^en T^hij OJkDi Oil Company as a good place to work. -,'f AUTHORIXIO AUTO SALES 15 ^ "•"'A THt "- ;' ,- 'V. CALIFORMIA OIL bOMPANY ^ your good nd^ibor in •H*i- 'f n i _s WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING COMPANY r-J Home of the three Easiest Growing WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS i in I MIDDLESEX COUNTY! Hit Wmm • LEADEt HSU* IHNSHP S FHUIS BEACON CARTERET \"> 1 G 1 1 V i THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 VH' \\o\lemr March 16th Set as Date ,,-H Talk For St. Patrick's Fete Colonia V.F.W. PAGE NINB Psychologist Melodears Win Child ARC Takes Part To Speak to PTA 11 National Award In CD Exercises M«civic To Install Officers WOODBWDOE - Dr. Ruth C. Boyle, child psychologist COL«ONIA-Nominatlon fmd| C l v l c Association will take place WOOOBRIDGE—The Melo- will be the speaker at Tuesday's WOODBRIDGE - The local . - U. 8. The MM. b o * will attend the Mass and election of officer* W»g heldjfj; ^nnfs Restaurant, U. 8. 1 dears Color Guard, sponsored meeting of School 11 PTA. HerChapter of the American Red . ] .abor James P- dlesex Council, Knlthts of Co-breakfast at 8t. Peter's hosTuesday nljht at a meeting of Woodbridge. on Monday at by Iselln Veterans of Foreign. topic will be "Individual Dif- Cross, under the direction ol Oliver the prin- lutnbus, and the Ladles Aux- pital chapej, Saturday, March Wars Post 2636 has won the f«ences in Children and Ho George Evans, disaster chairthe VetPiani'bf foreign Wars P, M. iliary, Ancient Order of Hi12, at 9 A.M. Btahop Qeorge .„ 11,,. 7th Annual Auxiliary, Post 6061, held nt the A short meeting will be held national junior open cham- * " « | man, participated in a countybernians, Division 8, will hold Ahr of the Trenton diocese will!' ll new h home owners in the plomhlpp given ••'ii-ulatioii C o n f e r - their annual St. Patrick's Day ? ^ at 8 home of Mr«. Bernard Krajew- All wide disaster exercise by tht • ; byy t h e A r c h e1> * *e » n001 *••«? g n001 be the celebrant. 1 are welcome to attei "f wdltarjum. i,, m iuctrd by the dance March 16 at the K.'of ski. Civil Defense and the American El Post; for. thh e second con-! "" * "f Elper Boyle, psychologist and Those elected were: Mrs. Ed,,,,,, s Association C. hall, Main Street. Peter Richard Swetltz was welsecutlve year. T h e girls, dJc 1 ! r( tessor Red Cross. comed to membership In thej ward Curtis, prttident; Mrs. fcaUnlt" irottier"color"^ar ds. P JT tTa' *•»N « w " k 8*»««,, The exercise was staged i n ; McCann, chairman, has anCouncil at a recent meeting. scored 90 9 College Uniop, is president of Raymond Hughes, first vice Will W nounced that ticket* may be Jamesburg where a freak Wind rI llf [icer president; Mm H»rold McCord. On February 15 the girls re- i t h e New Jer8ey p«ychologlcal storm was assumed to have ',,, iiic luncheon purchased at the door. [(Junior vice president; Mrs. Jsun] struck a portion of the town, The Council will meet Tuesi,\vill tllkf Pl»«« B t Odegard, treasurer; Mrs. Jacki where they , K commons, lo- day, March IS, at 7:JO P.M. to Psychologlsts. At causing a number of lnjurte* chaplain; Mrs. Walter land damaging a number of SEWAREN — Steve Mitzak,' against color guards from , m a m campus of tlo In a First Degree of the Is a member of the Palmer, guard; Mrs. f r o t h y homes, rendering some of them over the country. The Meloout-Roing president ol the 9eof New order in honor of John Graof the ( mvrrslty White, conductress; Mrs. Peggy unlrthabitable. lears were tops from the east, waren Employes' Association, ao nelU, diltrlot deputy. Steve iBroderlck, trustee for one year; ind were defeated only by the Red Cross volunteers from Rarer, chairman, aaid that a AVENEL — The librarian's an independent labor Union nt ,Mrs. Edward Curtis, 8r., trusWoodbrldge, Perth Amboy, Shell Oil Company, was honor- fllor guard sponsoring the con-! Stiivcr. circulation communion breakfast has been report was submitted at the to the Union Coun| lee for three yearsand patriotic ,rst. , [Mali [,eld Court-!{planned for April ty Mental Health Association J&mesburg, Plainfleld and New - - - 3- -at- -Co.monthly monthly meeting of of the the Board |instructor; Mrs, "fnotpas Burke, ed tit the annual union dinner were dispatched in of the Saturday, March 12, the girls! at Egan's Sports Spot, Perth lumblan hall. John Koatlck is of Trustees of the Avenel Pub-, secretary: Mrs, Krajewsk), hismotorcade to the rommlt- In Chana of tickets with Don- H Library by Mrs. Prank Maz-? Amboy, and was presented Jwlll compete In a contest spon-jlO PER CENT PHONE LEVY a 12-car torian. C transistor radio. sored by the Liberty Bell Drum President Elsenhower has InJamesburg nrehouse. aid Miller, chef zur. Circulation during JanuTwo new members were Ini- At a meeting of the assocl- Corps in Philadelphia. In thelslsted on extension of the 10 Miss Grace Huber and Mrs, 150 new* tiated: Mrs. White and Mrs Middlesex Council will bejyy was 292 adults, 1017 JuveMayfred Loveland were la circulation host to the state bowlers ban- nile, totaling 1309 books. She Broderlck. It was voted to hold atlon the following officers and Preliminary elimination con-per cent Federal tax on local charge of the shelter and weltests for this, ppresentative were elected: the) MModenra telephone service after June 30, ; : editoi s from q u e t Saturday, April n bftznar June 6, and to provide M«m- reported there are 1775 regisrejecting Governor Rockefel- fare services. Harold Bailey Jersey will at- • !n stove mid cooking utensils for Chester Aiv^pslewicz, presi stored 93.4.. tered borrowers; 452 adults ,the VFW clubhouse when lt is dent: Josejph Hovanecz, vice Members of the guard are ler's plan to transfer the levy sent 100 cota and blankets. >p|g conclave, and 1323 Juvenile. There are president; William Zsetdin Nancy Yuschak, captain; Mari- to states for educational needs Over 300 volunteers partlctrenovated, Mrs, KraJewskl jover 5078 books in the library. to comsecretary; A l b e r t Lehman anne Korch, co-captaln; ValA. White House Statement pated, with Wilson Coan, depbe In charge of Auxiliary olans New books on the shelves n DO A . M . the Governor's meet uty director of Defense W«lfar« for the Memorial Day parade, treasurer; Robert Jardot, anc erie Greet), Eva and ChaTfcnt! I are 20 "Great Illustrated Clas..iters who will adand Mrs, Hughes of the Poppy John Hlzy, trustees; Sldnej Llnzer, rifles; Jo-Ann Acardi intf with the President and Services, and Lawrence Mlllim, seems| i The new look In RlcS " u lgn t, romances for •iiMifrinn and parMurphy, compound floor; Ml Virginia Roller, Rhoda Zaal- other Administration officials liaison officer of Red Cross, and to be shorter Jackets. They arc older teenage girls, "Enough pmel discussion chael Boris, compound shipping eski, Donna Second), Joan cited ''the urgent need for some the office of Civil Defense Mocut off at a point Just beyond Good Men," "Famity Reader of COTTON KITTIES: Little Kduard Mack, r " jetc; Robert Bader, laboratory; Dltrl. Mary Lou Soltys, Lynne payment on the national debt" bilization, on hand to observe. FTed- the waist. If the skirt is full, American Masterpieces," "Ele- girls love kittens: mommies K l sentinel; Alex Nagy, office; Sharon Elko, flag bearers; Patty Cr,jr- in the fiscal year beginning1 This was the first of several the Jacket ends above the walit. ments of Style," "Meeting With .•,,'iicrs, English DeDyckman. drivers, dispatchers, mer, substitute. Prank Hegedua next July 1. It Is said this was such mobilizations to be held kittens too, especially if The new clothes are best de- Japan," "Zoomar," "This Sculp- love imSSrd Junior High etc.; George Karol, mechB they're tiiifham on a pi<iue drUmmer, Frank Kubtnak.lthe reason for the decision to throughout the county to con.;,,:nf:fld; Edward scribed M softer. Cut Is more tured Earth," and "The Lin- •mock that keeps a matching boiler house; Paul Ourzo, ter-jinstmctor; Howard Ludlow, dl-!retain about $350,000,000 of re- solidate the relationship of Red ! •,:dilation Manager,! Important than ever before. coln Lords." minal-stenclllers; Earl Carten-jrector; William Slgfrled, busl-i suiting revenues In the Federal Cross and governmental agendress clean, clean, clean, Louis Oorsuch, 1 The new dresses will often have Mrs. Daniel Levy, president cies at a time of disaster. sen, terminal pumphouse, etc. jness manager. Treasury. ; WOODBRIDQE — Joseph; Manner, Vlneland an eye-catching belt under the announced Dr, T. Symanskl,, iMendrez, new Lt. Governor of i PORDS - installation »f of.f,CCT8 o f t h 0 Lafayette a t B l e g Shell Employes Honor zal Avenel Library Lists New Books In Fashion Now Kiwanis Hears ;,M; Merritt E. I e r - | « a m . ,\iiti Manager, P a i The sheath now features a O«orge bloused back or a row of brass Avenel, donated a set of Dick-!Town ens books. These will replace Sale old volumes on the shelves. She to Regulate (the Kiwanis Clubs of Middlesex1, of the Earth; and Monmouth Counties, was 'a guest speaker at Twsdny nation Manager, button* down the side or back also stated a bicycle rack Is be- WOODBRIDGE—An ordin- night's meeting of the Woodv Evening N«Wi; to give It a bit more line ing donated. ance to regulate removal of bridge Kiwanis Club at the Log ,, Assistant Cireu- Blouated-back ihlrtdrestn will The book committee, chair- soil for sale or for use other Cabin Inn, and outlined JIT. Bergen l » e - be popular. man Charles Cloidt, was auth- than on the premises was In- proposed objectives of the DisM Me Cool, CtrTo qualify as new a hat mustorized to purchase more new troduced to the Town Commit- trict Kiwanis. Clubs in thlsl min«r, Camden1 be bit, bulky, and light in books. tee Monday. Public hearing area. He stressed the need for Alan Francis, weight. Individual citizenship responA rack for the "Geograph- will be held March 15. M.ir.wcr. Aibury Black is an Important color-! leal Magazines'. dating from The Ordinance provides an sibility lp local town affairs. Mi'hin Ellis. little black dreuet that 1943 to the present date, has application must be filed with and the continuance 1 :,^rr. New Brunimarked the chic woman a few been prepared by Mr*. Mazzur the Building Inspector for the good "Boys' 4hd Girls' work News; Walter yean ago will be as necessary and painted and readied for use removal of soil and that suchj Robert A.. Rusher, : iiuuoit Manager, application must be accompan- [president, outlined a part of the wardrobe for any by Daniel Levy, Press; woman who gets around a good Alex Hunter was appointed led by a map showing the pres-program and indicated the club Clrculabit. chairman of nominations. He ent contour lines of the site; w m sponsor at least two major : Woodbrldge InTaupe will be a favorite shall be In charge of the slate and proposed contour grades fund raising programs fnr ••adfr. Don Mul- | neutral. The outstanding red of officers and trustees whose resulting from the removal of nual contributions to boys' and! ,:.• publisher, Mont-j yellow of saffron will be usedUhree-year term expires this!Ithc soil. girls' work in thjs area. ! red Benson. ClrAccording to the ordinance i A check f o r | 5 0 0 was as (rim on many lulti and year n.iKcr, Ridge-wood dreates. Oreen will be used u\ A a p e c l a | n o t l w announced six inches of top soil must besented to Dr. P. Ij&crow, chair••. Henry Kreuter. a neutral and dre«ed-up w!thj Ine IM.W evening hours of the1 set aside and respreafl Over thelman of the Jje'ntnl Healtlr all shades of brown and picked library. It shall be open from area when the operation is Drive in the Rarjjjfcn Bay Area completed. Also provided for.by John,J. CuWS. up with saffron. 7 to 8:30 P. M.; a half hour any street repairs president. The new red* will go by such longer for the benefit of those, is that .. , , ... , At the conclusion, names ai cedar and redwood. uiln« the library facilities at a u s «' d b v t l l e transportation of [The true reds will be seen again night. using me library laciutiM a t j s o U m u s t b p ^M fQr b y t h e R US1MM . a d v i s e d t h a t K l w a n l , International won the "Top u«ed for Uw lUtk i«d cocSUUj u WM sported the movie1 appllcant. Township Engineer and: Fi-eedom Foundation idreM or the abort red coat, to^eld February 20 was a success, theThe Bhlp Award "^a the Ainericann building Inspector must ap(becoming on a drab winter day.:xhe next children's matinee prove proposed contour lines ar,comprtitlon flSpi the Freedoms .'. :.'\ihl: ;s being recogThe fur-collared wit, often iw tn be March 19 and will f«»before a permit. ^'Foundation at Valley Fofso '!!••• us a problem we] Costello In 1 : •>::uith;nj( about. Al- double-breasted In cut, will additure Abbott and a new fl»vor to the clawic suit!'B k Private*. ' The triutecs UC • : '• .,, d'-rn mag nine you are grateful to the Wood&rldgeL, j D ..• . i : ,id »UI carry «ver- line. ffr il(h& Beauty police for their protection a*Jf' « .;.« a year'ti'Um*. In: uu this subject order of the day.C ca«e of Bermuda flsliormuiis panto—the "«")' rlftimed crouinwi and to W , flv Oemocrtdir Club Plre Company for of chli- To Give Play AVENEL—Further arrangefor the card party, .scheduled by the Third Ward; WOODBRTOQE - Rehearsals v • - but it lt a tub-, have taken them tor M a r c h 22. jSlxth District Democratic Club;»re underway;for the Woody (I;-.cussed by people and play. Take men's shirts,: [ for Wednesday were planned! brW « e Township Education •'.i.K'. of life. H it uo aUUr has b*tn swiping big: !at its r e g u 1 a r businessi b e n e f l t Performance of "Father r o ' <iibjw:t covered with brother's and Dad's for several;™* MENLO PARK TERRACE-I meetiiw. --Jack ShulU presi- !of t h e Bride,' which will be a;n! shame. We know years now. result of this trend.School 19 PTA will meetjdent. asked all members to presented Fntfty and SaturMfniCMPss for certain resuil oi m » . . , , ^ m n w r t t h t a § f f a l r w h l c h wU1 lday. May 6 an4. May 7, at _. does are the popular little-boy ihiru;Wednesday at tl held at Fitzgerald's. MrsjBarfO11 Avenue School. famine*, but moreifor girls. Shirt dresses made of l » -P"rp°« room. member, will directiPrancis er Tobln, secretary, sentj All proceeds «totted ''••in this we have broadcloth »nd oxfoid cloth cloth tlckeu udl nce . . all _.. members and toward a scholarship f to i- tiicv wcskneiMs! have gone one itep further. The • « wrtkipatlon In "The asked all money be returned to• aid a- worthy Class of :• nine by the kind l i t u t ahirt dress features b u t - ! R u m w Qame " w ' llch wU1dem ! Woodbrldge High School graduthe breeding and her as soon as possible. 0 " "Hi leads. ton-down tab colUrs and !growth "**™* ofthe breeding rumors. A birthday! Robert Jack was welcomed asate to study to become :..-• mom importantied-up sleeves. .cake and celebration of Found-!a guest. Mr. Jack received the teacher. i'JM-nt can teach a The wrburban cet loves this! club's endorsement for candi- During the month of March, .•:!-rontro! Without look. They find It perfect f o r | " ' ^ * * m *m M m t date for Third Ward Commlt- all rehearsals and meetings will p m lite will be a mu-jthe actlvtUea In and out of thej _^_" , bwj teeman. Mrs. Tobin and Jack be held *t the home ndividuat Involved;hou*«. Career girls like the, Maclver were endorsed for Ernest Link, 8 Vanderbllt Place; criip tailored shirt dresses that ference in American versus ';•« people must Sixth District County Commit- it has been announced by the European taste in dress Is that launder l i k e handkerchiefs. daily contact with teeman and Cofnmttteewoman. general chairman, Mr. Charles l:al. Lack of •elf- Casual clothes, with a bit ofAmerican women would rather The door prize was won by iPeins. to the extreme, dash added, are popular with look smart than pretty. The Mrs. Peter Dacchille. British think we carry tills to ! The next rehearsal meeting • than a form of all ages. It is smart, fashlon-wbe, to extreme. They use the example TO ADDRESS HOLY NAiWE (will be on Monday at 7:30 P.M of the little black dress and the All members are urged to be a great respon- roll up your sleevs. This heavy standard black suit found In al- ISEUN - Joseph Oabrlel, 1 trend U casual clothes Ls to be Mont Holly. N. J., who is the present. -"K children. Teday. :-«• that thU J.'expected. The American way of [most every woman's wardrobe Trenton. Diocese union literaPATIENCE ON CDPA •• doei not not end » 3 i "»• Includes lots of outdoor ac- -even If black Is not a beeom- ture chaimjan and district The United States will con> Uvia l l clothes and suchl1 »- Cooking and entertaln-|lng color. ...lue its attitude of patience t i d has h come to t be b a It may be that American - J i K s u Includes l n * "toward the Cuban Government women give more attention to Press, ing Distributors Branch will of Premier Fidel Castro. This National adjust toi st » n<tard , thing. The "do yourielf" craie U with us to the choice of makeup, but it! speak at a meeting of St. Ce- became known after President •':-> u( life. s U j . With all thl* came the seems that most of them do celia's Holy Name tonight at Eisenhower, had considered the ••"•-win child'! probUoi* upsurge of casual clothes for look good in black. Almost any- 8:30 P.M. in St. Cecelia's Hall. deteriorating United Slates•' '"I if they receive one can, If the choice of make- All men of the parish are In- Cuban relations at a recenl men And women. •'•>• and affection from > vited. It U aaid that the big dif- up colors is right. White House conference. '••lv' Often a problem The United States, it was 'lint a new brother ROBBED ""»'•» into a famllj Pour wail understood, will do nothing tc WOODBRIDGE 1: •• was formerly only cabinets, a sander, an electric build up a crisis and •! Kxcept in exUtmt drill and $125 in cash were threaten no economic sanctions be lundled by stolen from the Acme Milling such as reducing Cuba's quots «ii the oldand Lumber Company! Avenel, In the United States suga: ou all market. " l he comes to love Monday or Tuesday. • 'ft »11 O f U J . g i r U||ddrr ff n n Rt i lounging meeU tne movlelk ^TerSatal CURRENT DIVIDEND •'•'• sister or brother '• t" the new situ- SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Grand Opening ; ;: 'i « l t older, he muit o unseifUh habit*. >M> t u p U y on a team : : " Uiat unltit h t l i •••' won't pt«y, Help 1 "'iiiiai to his sbor*.•^»r* him that 1,1llli »v not be an out'"')Il>»il player, he 1 ' well m ba»ketbaU.' •'""in the outstanding '"•v who succeeded "'mis of phyjleu! ' '""'a! shortcomlnii. 1 |lUv i'an be a good 1 h :s .inartneu 1 1 ; ' u«w theory, •'' i''ay shows more 1)111 "K their a m n d " ull| - s tutb ug e a '••'.'.iiiiiuun. Backward l!lil "» u r y their play "A »lti«r the bright! '•'""' to c«re test •!"i»-tHivf gamei and "„ ' " l 1 a " d g u t u l n g child 1 ;ilt ntm yo« want » ' child and nuuerats PER YEAR Compounded Seini-annually FIRST SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 555 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridg* ijcoftNUt o r oaovE AVENUE > Portable Typewriters OPEN Qeaned (A»r) Oiled PABtUNO , *t •loth Offlcei NIGHT TILL 9P.M. Platen Resqpfaced-New Ribbon Installed i • 1:95 (Does Not Include R*t»lm,or P*>ts) New Portables - Used Typewriters Main OAtti US ( U t t i t n t l , rerth Ambu, OWN DAILY « A. M. TO 4 P. M. 8AWHJDAV TILL NOON EVERY »ud Adding Macbinert ' • Woodbrtdgs Business Machine Co. 350 Awboy Avenue — ME «-0010 WooAbridge, New Jersey WOODBRIDGE Green S i Crrd« (Iselin) Intersection Routes 1 and 9 PERTH AMBOY 365 Smith Street 5 BLOCKS WEST OP RAILROAD STATION - FREE PARKING ON PREMISES AC BOTH STORES MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. • : • - . •••':•*••<?% PAG! TEN Tiie Crows Nest THURSDAY, MARCH 3, liam Ohvrro, 77 Mflin 8trrH; a| son lo Mr mid Mrs Alfred] RiTiichp. RdR Sylvia Plaop; ai son to Mr. and Mrs, Louis I>nk,; SOI Danfnnl Avpnitr . . fromTwlin, s dantthlpr lo Mr. and Mrs Raymond Tennenny, 223 rtcitina Strrpt: a daughter to Hurmlfmi Mold* Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas PopoThere's no need to panic vlch. 10 Klva Street; a son to when you find mold on your Mr and Mrs. Georue Stall, 242 houaeplfttit pots or soil. Wood Avenue; « daughter to That's the reassuring word i Hollywood News Sarah Anne's Cooking ABOUT YOUR HOI M NEW RECORDS By FRANCES B n It, takra a certain ,,,. Amirs Moorehrsd is lousing (in a trip to Martinique for the T Frlix iThf Cat) Brown skill and know-how •, Spencer Tracy and Peter OlenThe time has come to catch Job of rarvh,,' 2 tablespoons diced ulle film. up on the 45s Dot and Capitol These recipe* I have justi and birds. Tin,. have more of the top ones out Today's picture rfvlrw: picked at random from my flleJ dd flour,ipoint ln making thp I,,I, 1 lately than anyone etae we've Melt drippings. ON THE BEACH I hope you will enjoy them us seen, or heard. i salt and pepper; make a by not having the pi-,,,,, This Is a provocative film m u c n M j did. Ismooth pnslr Add milk gradu- and a knowledge of fin Here and There: n bon I. the end of the human In one recent review package jally and cook until thick. stir- way to cut different k lace, designed to Jolt the peoDot achieved the unusual with Karen Esposilo. rimmht-pr of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacko.| ilatn Rollrttf* from „ n m n n plant ring constantly. Add meat, meat. three good records In three. world and make 4 pies of the Mr. and Mrs. Edward Espofiito, 147 Bedford AVPIHIP. 1 cup flour from One Important requ, <? them think imushrooms, onion and green 1 8urrpy Lain1. Colonia, a senior Avenel, H sop to Mr. and Mrs.! Spencer H. Davis, who Is well Th e y w e r e yon Won't Be SaU»1-4 teaspoon salt bla platter. Never pni n , acquainted with the alarm that fled by Johnny Maddox, I Mh« jpeiJpers. trt Bucknell University where John Burger. Based on Nevll Bhutt's widely! 1 tablespoon shortening 402 Hudson <these green, white or yellow ior chicken on a small |ii, Heat thoroughly. Yon So by the Mills Brothers, sbf Lfc studying for the read novel, the picture U set In! About 6 tablespoons cold Boulevard. . . B daughter to Mr. molds can cause. A person who rounded wilh poutm and r by Don Cornell, on Of bachelor of arts, is on the and Mrs. Francis Runzczyk, 400 1964: the scene is Melbourne,! water [ Lurk? Srven Cooky and such. It is too mm i Dean's List. She is n graduate Crows Mill Rond . . from Se- knows that a mold Is a fungus strong vocal. > Australia. , 3-4 cup butter or margarine^ cup sir'tcd enrlcli-'d flpur peet the carver not | ( , •>., often leaps to the conclusion Dot also has out now Pat ef Woodbridee High School. Dealing with death from 3 3-4 oz. jar of deviled hum i waren. a son to Mr. and Mrs. -4 cup nonfat dry inllk der these conditions u that a fungus can make plant* Boones' smooth New Loren, Miss Valerie E. DfCa.w. 262 ladiatlon poisoning following a Stir flour and salt, cut in: E d w a r d Quackenbush, 173 -2 teaspoon baking powder ing platter should sick. one by Debbie Reynolds entitled Main .Street, Woodbridge. has wdden nuclear war. the popu- shortening add water to make! Woodbriditr Avenue. close to the corner, -2 teaspoon soda The ones you see on pots or Am I That E w j T« Forget, and been selected for theVreshmanlations in the rest Of the world a soft dough. Roll thin, cover; rrs and cords should -2 teaspoon cinnamon on flats of young plants can't a good thing by Jim Lowe Spphomore Spanish seminar at have already perished. Every- the center portion with thin; moved before the n -2 teaspoon nutmeg College. She harm plants. They grow on called He'll Have To Go. ' one in the Melbourne area is slices of butter, fold dough brought to the (Rblf -3 cup shortening organic matter in the soil or! Capitol stays at the top with _ doomed, and knows it. Yet life!from sides and ends to cover There must be a annti -3 cilp brown sugar container. jMavis Rivers on So Rare, good, - ^ • i goes on ln a rather routine way,! the butter, press with a rolling Doctors have found that pep- In some potting soils you find Til Tomorrow by the great Alaid carving set »in, -2 cup molasses jton program which will deal •-' HII the while the Australian| p i n to flatten. Then roll out. pronged fork and km[. 1 ejtg. beaten «lth Alejandro Casona's book, tic ulcers are on the Increase. tnanurn, straw or leaf mold, fred Newman, also good; ReGovernment is planning to; a n d repeat the process until all 1 teaspoon uratert lemon rind semi-flexible bladr iu,| , "Nuefltra Natacha." Miss L>- Modern living ^eems to be the Which helps the growth of member by Bette McLaurin, distribute "suicide" pjlls t6rjtne butter is used, putting as Casas Is the daughter of Mr. culprit. However, the combi- these non-harmful fungi as good, and Gene Barry's I Want 'when the time comes." jmuch ash possible on the dough; 1 cup grated carrot or raw of poultry shears, n.-u The Whole World To Love Yon, 1 and Mrs. Augusts DeCasas and nation of factors that bring on well as the plants. sweet potato ithe knife needs to bo sh, On The Beach" focuses on a:each time. Then roll the dough Also from Capitol, worth a a graduate of Woodbridge this condition can, for the most 1 cup rasins. chopped by» professional even Grow on Organic Matter cross-section of the .doomed, out in one large, thin piece and w n e n High. A sophomore French part, be avoided by susceptible Dr. Davis says some folks use mention, are Count Every Star P i cups quick rolled oals cutting beei showing how they variously spread thinly with the devilled major, she holds a Gertrude H. wople. ground corn, peat most or by Billy Adams, and another , anatt the inevitable end. ac- ham. Cut into strips 1 Inch Hale Music Schotarnhip. . . . The emotions you 'hide art othar plant material aa mulch smooth thing by Dean Martin J coiding to «Mh one's oharacter wide, 9 inches long. Roll up and, called Who Was That Lad;. saw back and forth more important in causing ul- In seedbeds or cold frames. 11 tails. Among them is an Amer- place on a baking sheet, B a k e | C ] n n a m o M and nutmeg MeLaurin and Adams arc new, Too Good To Keep: cers than those you express. These, too, support mold Inmb , !CRII submarme commander, a 10 minutes in an oven 500 fie- j j f n shortening. Add brown by the way. I may be In the dog house Even talking about your griev- growth, family man. and an atomic grees then reduce heat to 350 mm al molasses, egg and lemon for a while, but honestly this is ance to someone helps. Resent- So just be casual about the ATCO offers some new Bobby sc ipntist, not to mention a dis- and bake about 20 minutes o r | r l n d S U l t 0 h | e n ( j Add to dry any other meat. To en, too good to keep. I could not ment, the feeling of being moldy surface of your flower Darin records and he's sure to until crisp and brown. (ingredients and stir until mixed. be heard from more and more. ON DECK: For shuffle board, slpated beauty who has get to the Evanko dance Friday and BEAUTY deck tennis, or just plain to drinking heavily as 'she i Add carrots, raisins and ^ ^ wlth the bone night—I was out ol town, but the feeling of insecurity are by that you have organic matter broods about her empty, wasted Ham and E m In Ramekin. i rolled oats Stir until wellup. The cutting must via the Colonia grapevine we far the worst rousers of your In the soil, and that's good. of four ln a four-song 45 which sunning—thin cotton coverall life. 1 cup finely chopped cooked mixed The down should be is called This Is Darin—good ' Is the solution. By Haytnaker, flgalnBt beard that our photographer, stomach. These characters are porYou can even tell your Another new Darin thine In ray awning stripei, It take* ham stifff enoughh to cming t hold h l d Its It shape h t turkl.v v Windsor Lakls, was the life of trayed competently by Gregory friends that you're dabbling In That's The Way Love Is, a cruise with pleasure. 1-2 cup fin* bread crumbs o n t h ( . b a k l n t s h w t . c n t c k e n or a duck ls;," the party tor the testimonial You can dodge the feelings Peck. Avs Gardner, Toriy Perk- •el teaspoon minced parsley i pi,c« l n e b l l ( 1 D ] O p by teaspoonfuls on a M m e celebration for Committeeman which let an ulcer get started microbiology. Sources of peni- sounds so tike the S u'rent best-sellers, instru- Ins and Fred Astalre. 2 tablespoons butter or mar-, 1 1 ( l h t ) y R l r , l M e d c o o k y s h ( , e t and : p i a tter breast up, win, John Evanko at the Log Cabin by steering clear of situations cillin and streptomycin were style. Try it. mental and vocals, which will Atlantic has a bouncy garlne bake in a hot. oven '400 degrees [to the carver's right i» He not only took pictures, but that will cause the feelings. If found in molds, you know. lit the spot with some pops When Gina Lollobrigida fin-| 1-2 teaspoon dry mustard got out on the dance floor him- being the president of your The latter drug was discover- out worth trying called , l f l P ( , n m j m l t < i . f o r l t a t »n ,h p ; fof Rbout of ished "Never So Few," she said *n club or lions Club ed at Rutgers Agricultural Ex- Give Me A Rlnr by Clyde Me 1 lovers. telf with a succession of ladles and enough thick cream she'd be back, and hoped it; Platter. makes you worried and uncerall of whom were loud in his periment Station in a soil mold Then Mercury also has an would be soon. Now Metro's; NiCE aAVll to blend breaatbone. First cm praise. He mamboe'd with Mrs. tain — don't accept. Sound off that maybe didn't look too Delia Reese does something excellent Encoir of Golden Hits found the story for her — she's Eggs Approxl- second Joint and drums / WOODBRIDGE Stanley Lee. cut in on Mrs. Har-when someone abuses you. different from yours. to you with Someday on a new by The Platters — with great returning for ",Oo Naked in the Mix ham, bread crumbs, pars! ma tely $noo in cash and 50 gether. Carve Uiese if v •M Feist, tried a cha-cha-cha Take life as easy as you can Remember I'm willing to get release but we don't know the hits through the years — and World." ley. butter and mustard- Pl&cej bottles of liquor were stolen Next remove the win? With Mrs. Robert Gordon. "It and hurry as little as possible. answers to your garden ques- label and if you haven't bought they've been- on best-seller a layer of mixture into indi-jfrOm Kenney Acres. King it's time to slice ih, certainly must be fun to work If you become emotionally tions. Just send a card to Gar- it, why not try Ray Coniffs charts steadily for five years.j s h f l ! e y winters is wearing ividual ramekin dishes. Break George Road and Route 9 meat—from the top dim at that paper of yours with involved with a problem and den Reporter, College of Agri- Wonderful, with top chorus Eddie Haywood, dfiing Bre«ln'j o n e n a n d i n a c a s t s h e b l . o k e , a n egg into each dish. Sprinkle sometime Monday morning. A and orchestra work. Alone With Th* Breeie and|ft n , w r w h e n s h e s i a m m e d a with buttered bread crumbs. window was forced to enter the Chevrolet and Ford , wwnebody like Mr. Lekls find the tension piling up on culture. Rutgers University. put marks. Buddy CoUette and his Swing-j d o o r o n i t b u t n e r di! . e< . tor | n ! B 8 l t e m a n o v e n 350 degrees building. around!" was the report phoned you, drink a glass of milk. Your New Brunswick, N. J. By Felix (The Cat) Brown int Shepherds are two otherj.. R e a c n , o r T o m o r r o w . . ^ the'until the white of the egg is1 Jn by one admiring female. eating habits are important w Garden Laraln' (Well, it certainly is not mon- Avoid highly seasoned foods, Bigfer'n thr Jury Here ofarenote: some new 33'sMercurys, s cpn7vas'greaTsiwe s^e" was firm. appeal to just you out. which might!;in otonous, to say the least.) excess alcohol and tobacco dur Here's the reminder that worthy A young lawyer pleading his1 such pain "I call it method When we asked Windy on Mon,- ing times of stress. You woulc many of you have asked for. j u U n ala Le* (Capitol) is a Heywood is versatile on thejacting," said she. Shelley plays! Many homemakers consider f i m c g s e n a d ^ ^ nii-meA it a chore to use the last bits ft ( a r m f ,. to p r05 ecute a railway day morning how the party do well to omit these items It's about the courses and Peggy Lee selection of unusual- piano and those who like piano a dope addict of food, although they really ; c o m p a n y for killing 24 hogs. He classes that Rutgers offers to ly good tunes. Jack Marshall (like the writer* will be partial went, he replied: "Oh, you from your diet altogether. know wb,at these affairs alway can provide flavor for nianyj wart ted to impress the jury rfview. Don't think that a peptic help you brighten your green does the orchestra work with to this. The latter record h a s j T w t a y . t pWtun •re. I had to wait around for dishes. One thing t o i w i t n t n e m a K n itude of the ln. in Afro-Cuban beat behind as themes eleven Hollywood; THE M 0 L S E T H A T „ „ „ „ „ „ , -;delicious ulcer is a badge of high posi- thumb. hours until everybody was <inDer aDOUt l e n v e tion. It can happen to anyone If you're serious enough about hese great songs — from' fa- movies, and their treatment mHere derfuli™> ° ' | m e a Jury. is a pretty wonderfulj e h a p r e U y w o n m y ready for the pictures — sam your gardening to spend some mous musicals. Recommended. with flutes is certainly a high- little British comedy for your 1» •» use the meat in slices as .. Twe nty-four high, gentleIn any walk of life. old grind." Hmmmm. . , . money for tuition you may want Capitol also offers these, ly novel Instrumental selection. i . . i o 1.1.. lone: as it will slice, Try tneseimen,! Tu'irp the tlip number niimhpr there there m p n i Twice entertainment. Some neatly to enroll in a 15-week evening which yoil will want to try: aimed satire is mixed up in the recipes which feature leftover;jn t n e jUry-*)x." DOUBLE FEATURE course in basic horticulture. Mark Murphy's Hip Parade, a meats Lot of Truth to This Miss Carolee Clausan, 89! Indianapolis — The five offered Wednesday evenings, ocal with music and arrange- A man who went to the doc- wild and wacky plot. It seems| that the above-mentioned Main Street, Fords a senior a c h l l d r e n o f M r > a n d Mrs _ C o _ 6:30 to 9:10 beginning February \sY.U\. Y J. Leftover Slices of Meat ment by Bill Holman; The One tor's office was Somewhat sur- 'mouse" is the smallest country Beaver College, Jenkintown, will iumbus Bryant can be excused 3, the course will be given here Rose by Rose Maddox, a first prised when the nnrse told him • slices of meat in participate in the college's anIn the entire world—the Duchy j if they are nervous next tlmelat the College of Agriculture, lbum: Les Baxter's The Sacred to step in the next room and re- of'Grand Fenwick. The Fen- milk, then in bread crumbs or NOW THRU TUESDAY nual interclass play contest to move his clothes. they hear a fire engine's siren. Tuition a n d registration dol, which is via the motion MARCH 3. 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 be held tomorrow n i g h t . . . . Mr. wickians are in something of a corn meal and fry in deep fat. and Mrs. Lester Poulsen, Ave- The youngsters were chased amount to around $45, and a re- picture of the same name; and "But nurse," he stated in' a dither because their wine, the Devi! the slices by brushing whisper, "it's my The Greatest Epic nel, have named their new from their home by a fire. Theyjquirement for enrollment is a a new 33 by Glen Gray, which hoarse tiny country's mainstay, has them with a mixture of melted: daughter, born February 22 at went to the home of an uncle.'htgh school diploma. Registra- is excellent called Swingln' hroat." From Kl 1—Ask O|in.'.,r Of The Year! toto ovs *« competition butter, mustard and Worcester.; Decade—and which is a col- "Please do as I tell you,"'™" Railway Memorial Hospital, Jacob Ross, to spend the night,1 tion will end January 29. for WX :.<M 1 e shire sauce. March 14-18 Course "! * £Prime ^ ™ ? *£ ection of sounds of the great nwed-Uft nurse, "or I shall'* The Howard Keel Candy Ellen. Mrs. Poulsen was Early the next moming they Minister decides Creamed Meat and Mushroom | be forced to cancel your apformerly medical receptionist were routed from the uncle's^ The popular home grounds bands of the forties. his best bet is to declare war V-i cups diced cooked meat Susan Kohner pointment." short course, which has been for Dr, George Frederick. Mr home by another fire. Mercury also gets Into tlrt on the United States, knowing offered many years, is sched'/a cup dripping So, shrugging his shoulders, Poulsen is manager at Mutual act, In this column, With some the U. S. will win, and then bej uled for March 14-18, from 8:30 he went into the next room and '•3 cup flour Supermarket on Rahway Avenew long-plays. One interestthere sat a young fellow who forced to occupy Grand Fen- 1 teaspoon salt A. M. to'4:30 P. M. The total nue. . . . The third presenta ing album Is 11 Oldies But was looking very uncomfortable wick, to the general benefit of Pepper fee for this is $7 for residents tlon of the concert series sponcollection of and quite naked except for a the populace. of the state and IB.50, far nonsored by the Metiichfn Chapter P i cups milk The hilarious events that fol- 1 small caii mushrooms residents. of a flower pot filled with large parcel he held across his • of the Family Concert Associa low are purely delectable en- 1 tablespoon grated onion To be admitted you must be builders' sand and covered with knees. tlon is scheduled for March 12 Route 35, SOUTH \MBOY 16 years old and be able to read a plastic vegetable bag. Insert "Doesn't that beat every- tertainment. at Metuchen High School. The hing," said the man removing Peter Sellers plays three and write English. In the past cuttings in the sand. artists will be Betty Robbins both men and women have at- Keep cuttings away, from di- his coat, "I come here with a roles. He Is the Prime Minister, Alexander Azzilino, Herbert tended. Richardson, Pat Bagdi, Marie rect sunlight until they are sore throat and I have to take also the Grand Duchess, and, in addition, the zealous grand Send a card to Garden Re rooted, then put them in a soil m. Lande, George Bohachewsky t N porter, College of Agriculture, mixture containing one part "What are you . beefing field marshal who leads the and Angela Ditta. , . . The 1960 New Brunswick, N. J., if you humus and three parts garden about?" was the reply. "I just Fenwickians across the ocean Betty Crocker Homemaker of want more information on soil. came in here to deliver this for the invasion. He turns in a tomorrow at Woodbridge High either of these. delightful performance as all School Is Miss Elizabeth Ann Cuttings take about a month parcel!" In addition, there will three. David Kossuff features Cwlekalo, a senior. George P. to form enough roots for pot- OLD SOLDIERS find it Fast in the garden schools and classes in tings. ' • as the inventor of the superMarks, m , 274 CypreEs Drive You can reach over Marlboro, N. J. — Some old bomb, and Jean Seaburg several counties. You can get Colonia, assistant professor of Answer-Men in Person army mules not only never die, Information about these from daughter. government and librarian at The garden experts who sup- they don't even fade away. Jis your county agricultural agent, Union Junior College, will repply information that, appears Jack, a veteran of the First who is a member of the Rutgers resent his school at the annual in this column and answer the World War, is an example. His conference of Teachers of Gov faculty. If you don't know ypur questions you send in will be age is estimated at 55 — nearly eminent and Related Subjects agent's name and address, send among attractions at the In- twice the average life span of Saturday at Montclair State a card and I'll get the informaI//1 6 - 5 5 2 9 ternational Flower Show in a mules. College.... tion to you. New York, beginning Saturday « PERTH AMBOY • Although graying and rheu-' You can fire questions at matic, Jack still pulls a plow for A WALTKB KKALIE TIIHTHK L e m Plants Last But Not Least: Local renidents weekh Florists have a picturesque them across the counter at the his owner, J., Edward Naylor, Born at Perth Amboy GenSPECIAL RATES TO way of describing plants that Rutgers-Cornell booth on the of Marlboro. wal Hospital: From Fords, a GROUPS grow tall, with most of their thirtl floor of the Coliseum. , aon to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas leaves at the top. They call This will be the third year Bryan. 13 Montview Road: a Every Night of an exhibit by the two unithem "leggy." daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Except Monday If yours are this way, just versities. Research behind your Norman Peterson, 119 Mary 7:30 to 11 P. M. Tnt *trUn« blame the short dull days of :arden flowers will be featured Avenue... from Woodbridge, a Inform* tlon. winter that make phllodendron, lth a demonstration of the daughter to Mr. and Mrs. WilCteMto Obtained tiuiiday ii HnllcUys geranium, coleus, patience, wax effects of light, growth reguIM P M. tl> 5 P.M. !t'» mon convenient Per Column Inch begonia and others- want to lators and plant breeding. toun csiro when «« in*** rour Rutgers-Corneli Team , stretch out toward the light. Book with reservation; yet » Per 1,000 Donald B. Lacey, extension As was the case last year, tn agent ,„,(, n o morel AcStevens & 6th, South Amboy « * wal ttafcet price n «J) home grounds specialist, sug- there will be a crew of Rutger there. Residents! charge gests a way to rejuvenate such and Cornell garden specialist ungainly specimens. The first and county agricultural agent* Woodbridje, N. J. MI hand $t all times to answe step is surgery. WED. THRU SAT. Just cut back the plant and rour questions,. MARCH 2, 3, 4, 5 usq the cuttings to ptart new The only difference this yea Start advertising your The Story That Baffled plants. Feed the cut-back is the Increase ln the number o: at the tlut M-tMIl Printed Pattern 9061: Half parent plants with water-solu- fxperte to make mire thai Scotland Yard! tpday in the izes 14ft, 1611, W/i, 20H. 22W, ble fertilizer and place them in everyone who asks a quesUoi 4H. Site 16H dress takes 3\ a sunny window, gets an unhurried and complete yards 39-inch fabric. answer. — Co-Hit — New Ones Easy to Grow Send FIFTY CENTS in coins We'll keep score of the fre"THE BIG NIGHT" New shoots will soon develop or this pattern — add 10 cent* for etch pattem for first class and you'll have an attractive quently asked questions and Special Kiddie Show HI mailing. Send to 170 Newspaper busy plant to replace the over- give, the answer here in the Saturday Pattern Dept, 232 Wtsl m i l St, grown one. Here's Mr. Lacey's column after the show. THURS. THRU SAT. Bob Hope in and his new New York 11, N. Y. Print plnlnly easy way to start new plants MARCH 3 - 5 NAME, ADDRESS With ZONE, that you can call a bonus: SIZE *nd 8TVLE NUMBER. Mate a propagating case out Tidbits: RUGS CLEANED TO PERFECTION ISELIN PA 1-1155 Pick-Up & Delivery Service PrTnteTPattern Fisherman" MODERN HOME RUG CLEANERS MERCHANTS! YELLOW PAGES MAJESTIC ROLLER SKATING I 75< 40.000 f for LESS than 50c SOUTH AMBOY ARENA STATE THEATRE A New Thrill Awaits You... "Jack the Ripper" LOG CABIN LOUNGE FORDS FRANK PLAVHOISE "Alias Jesse James" RITZ Theatre Cuteret, N. 1. — Plus — "PARATROOPER" MON., TUES. MARCH 6, 7, S - . . ; • * Glenn Ford, DeM»k Htynolds In "THE GAZEBO" Extra Added Attraction Hnndar Matinrc Only Science-Fiction "SATELLITES IN THE SKY" WED. TWtU TUES. KAKC'H 9 THRU IS Fwt far All flie Family! f a i t fManey't "TOW TYLER" WALT DISNEY SHORT •SUBJECTS! r ; .., KI I-SMO NOW THRU SATURDAY MAHCI1 3, 4, 5 ENTIKE WEEK! TODAY THRU TUKBDAY! It j»u nev»r ttt , plrtuu In »»IU wt . . . Un-jury Peck AVA Gardner Fred AsUifC Anthony Pukiii in Ht«"ltJ Krancr'i "ON THE BEACH" — and — Kucuttonett of the Wai! BuMU Ctubbo (itJNFIGHTERS OF ABILENE" "JACK the RIPPER" auil "BATTLE <)l CORAL SEA" AND CARTOONS MUtUtte Saturday at 1 P. M. 8UNIMY, MON1J**, Match 6, 1, S "Gene Krapa Story" - Also•KDtiK QV BTBRN1SV" AND CARTOONS Matinee Sunday at 1 F, M. KREISEL "Rise aid Fall of LEGS DIAMOND" With Bay DMton and Karen Steel -4-D-MAN" With EorjtTt Un«ii>|-L_ SATUED^STBifiNEE Alw Selected SlurU SUkU at 7J» Kiddle Hatlnee laturdaj U 1 F. M. for your Listening and Dancing Pleasure STARTING TOMORROW Friday, March 4 Thru Sunday, March 6 »nd every Thursday, FrWay and Saturday Thereafter with "The East »\ie Kids" at 9:04 P. M. AND CARTOON Special Cocktail Hour Performance On Sundays From 3:09 P. M. MARCH « " 8 THE BAZEBO" " With DebWe »nd With HMT» MDII Carteret Press Edison Twp. & ^Fords Bea Caterini to BANQIKI8 • PARTIES LUNCHEONS "Where Food and Pun Arc Foremott" Evw The BANQUET FACILITIES FOR OVER 4«0! WEDNESDAY Thru MTCRDAV "The Big Flsharnan" MARVELTONES THREE FASTEST GROWING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS IN MIDDLESEX COUNTY' Log Cabin Lounge SHOW 486 8t. O«orie Avenue, Te4. MX 4-9791 CALL ME 4-1111 amulets and witch doctors to the ap-| parent origin of the practice of medicine by the Sumerlans of Mesopotamia. This was several thousand years before the birth of Christ. •It was not until the nineteenth century, for instance, that the practice of blood-letting by venesection was abandone. A new school of medical science called homeopathy developed about this time, and its techniques differed from those then being practiced by those whom the homeopaths called allopaths. So through the intervening years has more trial and error come in the,universal search for the ultimate. DEPTH BOMB, OR DUD? Doctor Talk By JOHN B. REMBERT, M.D. February 28, 1M0.hought to this problem for The bie struggle is now shap- Charles E. Gregory, Publisher Middlesex County at & whole. ing up in Washington between Independent-l<eader A blood bank where the the "ultra liberals" and the Green Street many, many organizations of morn oonservatlve leaders of Woodbridge, New Jersey Middlesex County could roalu our country over the Porand Dear Mr. Oregory: periodic donations (from which Bill — these "ultra liberals' they could draw when needed) arc the peopls who are de- I would like to take this op- might be a possible solution. '4 • portunity to thank the Indetmmtnpcl to socialite American The Colottia civic Improve* * Editor nni PnbUatar pendent-leader and the people medicine. If the present sysment d u b hopes that SOIM •'> tem of the practice of Amerl of Colonia^for their Instantane- public or medical official will <'' <-un medicine 1A abolished we ous support of a neighbor in read this letter and use tue inall will have suffered a tragic distress. defeat, with the American peo Thf neighbor was Robert fluence to solve the dilemma of * pip In thr long run suffering DuKRan. thr twelve-year-old Middlesex County residents. We the greatest loss. Thisls due to boy who has undergone an open as an organization will be glad to assist in any way possible. the fact that American medl heart operation and requited 43 Again we want to thank each pints of blood. The major prob cine and Its amazing proves We believe the search has been made is linked Irrevocably with thi lem of thi' Duicgan family wat and every person who hal opportunity of doctors to work not the blood as much as thi helped In some way to help in good faith by all who have shared In an atmosphere of freedom. convenient time and place foi Robert Duggfen. Yours truly, in it—and this certainly includes the Many readers will recall that donors to give the blood. Harry W. Morecraft, only a few years ago an all-out' Robert was in 8t. Franclf spiritual healers. Island, President attempt was made to socialize!f!?^*! If this is true, then it is difficult to Colonia Civic Improvement medicine In this country elephone calls were made to a through the passage of the ho local hospitals and blood Club, Inc. understand why the Middlesex County Murray -Wagner-Dlngell Bill — 'Mites requesting (hat the blood Medical Society has an avowed averbe accepted here and accredited the exponents of socialization sion to participating in the polio projwere defeated, but lived to open ,o the LOUR Island Hospital. their campaign again through The only blood bank receptive ect because some Doctors of Osteothe more subtle, more danger- to this Idea was located In Newpathy signified their willingness to ous Forand Bill. The Forand ark which maintained hoursi $ Bill, If passed will be the first most Inconvenient to a majortake part. Both groups are licensed by step by the llperato to take over ity of the willing donors. »J,MM in Specific* the New Jersey Board of Medical Ex—a bite at a time—American P It seemed we had reached a medicine. The Murray - Wag- stalemate until the Idea of aminers, whose examinations of the „, ..iimipting to express any ner-Dingell Bill was an at bus trip to a Long Island blood invested monthly ,:„, nt on the appropriations latter under the statutes must "contempt in one single step to bank was considered. The Co makes you an socialize medicine; the lates1 Ionia Civic Improvement Club "... ,1 certainly is safe to say sist of the same questions as are given immediately started a teleowner of any of attempt Is merely the opening pr..; to the medical candidates for license !((i,n<i»c Township municipal maneuver to take over Step-by phone campaign to contact, illing bus company which step. ,, , ll( . most explicit and work- to practice medicine and surgery. The >uld travel Interstate and conAs now proposed, the Forand osteopathic applicant shall be admit, -x, havr had the pleasure of Bill will provide tax-subsidized ct other Colonia civic groups ted to the regular examination at the in ninny vears. hospital, nursing home and id charity groups for avail surgical care for an estimated ile donors. same time and place the regular ex„„.«ho wishes to take the time, 16 million people — such a In a short week's time, the aminations are held. tremendous expense would be us and driver's services' were i n.visclv where the adminis"All examinations shall be both paid for by a Somputoory tax on onated by the Breza Bus Com on the , miHids to spend the commu73 million people. The social se- •any, telephone squads were scientific and practical, and of suffiNEW YORK curity tax is already scheduled tperatlng, the trip was made , , , „ , this year. The budget is cient severty to test the candidate's to reach nine per cent of pay- ,nd the blood was given. STOCK EXCHANGE .,mi specifically detailed In roll UP to $4800 — In the years This trying experience has'j fitness to practice medicine and surmphasized a problem which ,,,„! ,,f each department, and You don't have to have "big ahead. This means that every gery. If the examination is satisfacworker will pay $316 yer year ery possibly might arise again money" to own shares. Now ,.!,!(! an excellent opportunity with his employer paying an I the future in Middlesex there's a new, simple, thrifty tory, the Board shall issue a license ,; iv und appraisal. It shows ta. Monthly Investment Plan equal amount. The Foran4,Bil ounty. •entitling the applicant to practice with* its estimated cost, of $2 In this day of specialized that enables you to Invest > n Hi 1959 appropriations and medicine and or surgery in this billion for the first and second urgery, a person may be sent] comfortably—as your budget .-•..in niiitures. together'with the years, will necessarily send o any city in the United States permits. Stately J. Jitsfk trlbblis these taxes even higher. This tor a special operation that re, ; i-miMised to be spent in I960. Thus, both schools—under the statrequired increase to pay fo; luires blood transfusions. How[| ::r M\ John Evanko of the Ad- ute—appear to be equally tested, lisocialization, on top of the in :an the family replace this ,,.,;:,,!, committee estimates that censed and recognized. It is strange, TRENTON—School buses in der Schweiz geboren, kam als Health and Public Works, and crease already scheduled b; ilood if the patient is hundreds] Tells how your money buj'i need your favorite stock, how divNew Jersey have set up an Kind hierher. Und duch kann the Interstate Sanitation Com- law, will mean an even smalle f miles away? We sorely 1 umUvi as prepared is finally indeed, that both cannot conduct enviable record of extreme ich die 8prache Ooethes. Schll- mission. paycheck for everyone unde; some sort of "clearing house" idends are yours in cash or tor blood in our immediate to be reinvested, how you lers, Helnes und. iBeethovens ,,: i u-ht decrease will result together the proposed vaccination are in transporting thousands nlcht sprechen, ohne empflnd- It has been found that when social security. large volume of sewage lsl One of the chief objections t area. This "clearing house" pay customary commission of children to school each day. ;wi) iorul government tax. In project. would accept the vital fluid and During the 1968-59 school same Ohien xu beleldlgen, tch discharged at a particular point the Forand Bill is that it wi iransport or accredit it to the with no extra fees, dues, interest, assessments or penal•: MiU:,ii-ipal share of the total year, the pupil transportation kann nichteinmal Pennsylvania into a body of tidal water, it is] not help our indigent oldei necessary hospital. Possibly the ties, how you can discontinue Dutch. carried for some distance by citizens — remember most iij-whicii also includes the cost j system of New Jersey public Perth Amboy Hospital would be the Plan at any time. Mail he tidal currents. This spread Widening the Panama Canal «hoois again maintained a Das 1st eine bedauerllche if pollution is difficult to de- these indigent people are no ,he ideal location. •i.itiii^ our school system and lire coupon or call at the address covered by social security. Th record of no student fatalities. Luecke In melner Erziehung, es 1 _,. .. V . , , „ .. !-««n»H ni m utu/W\t. fatalities. We should give some serious! below. No obligation whattermine, and in most cases, it •; A,is $124 per hundred dolStatistics complied by the State Ut auch schlechte Polltlk indigent of our country now re ever. The time is coming when the United Department of Education show Haette ich deutsch gekonnt Is impossible to determine ac- ceive the care they neei i suit nt Ivlr. Evanko calcuWOOLEN IMPORTS curately. States must decide whether to widen 242^36 pupils transported dally haette ich in meinen deuUche through private, fraternal an President Eisenhower has • • iifio local purpose tax will As a result, the United States the Panama Canal or leave it as it is. by 3.055 school buses and 894 SUmmen erhalten. Doch will Corps of Engineers has built a religious organizations, or ar continued the 1959 quota andj helped by welfare program tarriff rates on imported woolWhile some people may not be aware Ich 8ie und mich nlcht laenger vehicles. model of Uve Hudson River, in- paid for by federal, state an i n•iiuctwn stands, U v U l come oi it, the Canal Is already too small lor These buses and other ve-iquaelen, sondwn nehw Bede' cluding the water areas of the local governments. This prc en' fabrics through calendar 1960. ! hides travelled approximately in der engllschtn Spriche fort.in' o! a requirement to provide our largest warships—such as the su 19 million miles during the setzen, die alg Bindeglied une Atlantic Ocean up to Pough- gram of help for the indigei The action left unaffected keepsie and from the Raritan citizen now costs us, the Amer: the President's request for a :>• I%D budget for $143,000 Of per carriers of the Forrestal class. If;«hooi7ear.Oniy"2l school bus He verelnt." River across to the West end of can taxpayer, about $4 billlo "peril point" finding by the. •; unpaid bills. This sum repre- these carriers must be moved from the accident* occurred' In '" which "'"'' VACATION:— Vacation credits Long Island Sound. The model yearly. Tariff Commission on imported property damage exceeded $100 •; - tost of labor, materials and Atlantic to the Pacific, they must now or medical care exceeded $15. would be transformed into covers about the area of a This problem of the Foran woolen and worsted fabrics inmoney to be paid estates of football field and reproduces Bill and the ultimate social tended "to find a more satisMembers, New York Stock •' for which commitments were make the long voyage around Cape Some 49 minor accidents were deceased public employees, in the tidal conditions of one day zation American medicin factory solution" of the many reported. Exchange ,he event death interrupts va- on the prototype in about should Mst.year but (or which payment Horn. problems arising under the of vital concern Although these 70 accidents Perth Amboy National fifteen minutes. cation plans, und,er the proevery American—It will vital quota arrangement. n made. The delinquency inOfficially, the Navy says that the constitute an increase of 17 Bank Bldg. visions of a bill before the When a dye solution is in- affect all our lives and the live Perth Amboy, N. J. HI 2-2«M ,in metexpenditure for wages new carriers are so much faster that over the 1956-57 school year, a Legislature. troduced into the model to of all future generations of HOME LOANS M. A. WEIANT, Resident Partner decrease of five pupils injured stimulate the average sewage Puuiic Works department of Americans. I urge you to write j Mortgage discounts, or premi they can make the long trip in less was recorded. Sixteen accidents The measure is sponsored b,y 30 Years In Perth Amboy discharges and the tidal cycles urns, charged (l( •^™™* under •• •">•»• ^-««->™i classified as "emergency" but time than the older carriers. More- resulted In property damage Assemblvmcui Vincent J. Pa- axe copied, some knowledge can to your Congressman now and•"""* Mercer, Robert J. Wagvoice your convictions on the ment-insured mortgage financMAIL COXJPON" only. :i Mr Evanko points out by "curi- over, the Navy maintains a complete Non-traffic accidents to pu- ler, Passaic, and Carmine Sa- be ascertained as to the extent Porand Bill — next week, next ing, are casting home buyers r of the pollution and where. A , !.. WATSON & CO, month, 1 $45,000,000 extra a month, or "just later" may be incidence occurred as last No- fleet in each ocean, and adequate pUs reveal they are caused by lno, Bergen. close study of the model work- too late! Representative Albert Rains P. A. National Bank Bld» As it presently has been lnPerth Ajnboy ><••'•, election approached." bases, Nevertheless, it may be desirable students slipping on the bus %rpreted- the law does not au- ings may eventually clean up says. entrance steps, fighting on the Please' mall me true "booklet New York Harbor. AID TO VIETNAM The Alabama Democrat, who thorize payment to the estate •< complete budget now is on file to widen the Canal so that it can han- bus, drivers' applying brakes Monthly Investment Flan A Senate investigation of is chairman of the House Bankf a deceased employee for vawithout bbllgatlon. quickly, sharp dbjecto protrud'•'• '"'flice of the Administrative Sec- dle any modern warship. ATOMIC ATTACK:— In the foreign aid in South Vietnam ing Subcommittee on Housing, ing from rails or seats, students ation allowance accumulated Name — n tin- Municipal Building. AmFrom the commercial viewpoint, the running Into the > side of the and not used. It has been in- event of a nuclear attack upon has led to the conclusion that made the estimate upon the reAddress — New Jersey, a special Commis- the program has been of major lease of a committee staff reterpreted, however, to provide '••'!•'• is afforded for study of the Canftl is large enough to handle prac-ibus. ibus or"losing their balance in that where the employee dies sion on Emergency Civil Gov- benefit to both South Vietnam port compiling discount figures; City :: n the 1 • "•'• prior to the public hearing, •tically all ocean-going ships as of t h e'th across the nation. te th driver driver made made ee while on vacation leave, pay- ernment would probably be- and the United States. 1 ment is permitted foi- the peri- come the standby government . _ . . . , . . . . sharp turn. w of final passage, o n March of vacation time not used of the State. '•i Kvanko promises that the bud- moment. On the other hand, as shi s Qf 21 accidents. 25 were prior to the employee's death. Such a commission is already ! at work studying proposed i ' f n t l y written is a "proposal" get larger, the Canal will not be able'caused by human failure such legislation carry on the Under State House to %— .. 1 *' 'OLLUTION:— Continued poj* functions oftoState, • •> subject to change "provided to handle them. There are several - T£13*$% county arid ti today which are too big for the school bus drivers backing into lutlon of waters surroundinj local government in New Jer! •" and satisfactory reason for Ships Canal already, j ither vehicles, and two by Manhattan Island, tncludmg sey. The nine-member body In:; -''" is presented. ither striking pupils rossingvehicles the road to enter the the Arthur Kill, Upper New cluded two Senators, two AsThe latest estimate was • school bus. Two others were York Harbor, East River and semblymen, a representative of • ! - »full and fair hearing will be would require over two million dollars aused by defective brakes, the executive department, the •:'" uiy who wish to discuss the to widen the Panama Canal, so that it Orville 0. Parrish, State Co- part of the adjacent waters ol Administrative Director of the Long Island Sound, will cause ^ '>! any of its aspects—and could handle Forrestal-type carriers. ordinator of Pupil Transpor- five governmental agencies tc Courts and three public memtation, State Department of 1)1 time is being allowed for •Congress may not be in a mood to vote Education, claims there is delve into its cause and effec bers. It is felt that no other authority would be available this year. U!on ')t such discussion or argu- this sum of money at the moment, and continuing need for school The agencies include during the first month of the authorities to teach safety r!l "s. when the hearings are chances appear against legislation to habits to all students riding New Jersey and New York State post-attack period. Governor Meyner has exW'-i-d the budget should reflect widen the Canal. Another complica- school buses. He says "many Departments of Health. Ne (Contlnued on Page 19) York City departments o: 1 pupils assume that ttye physical "'inking both oi the Town tion isj the hostility toward U. 8. occuappearance of the Bchool bus 11 '" snd that of individuals or pation of the Panama Canal Zone in in. itself serves to wave a magic G U M O I GIRLS '^iioii.s-a quality any budget Panama While there is little likeli-* wand over all traffic and that no motorist would even dare hood that the United States will grant p»ss this Invisible barrier." Ac:i " ""ly express the hopje tout Panama; sovereignty in the Panama cidents have proved otherwise REGULAR l1 be made of the opportu- Canal Zone^i recent demonstrations GERMAN;— Governor Robert BANKING HOURS: and other protests incurred by the B. Meyner claims if he could d th Monday Thru communists, have made the U. S, pos- speak. German he probably would have won more German Thursday ture there a delicate one. votes In his past two election '* " " > KttiHy /Vecciwry? A 24 hour service for your convenience. 9 A, M. to 2 P. M. In this connection it could be that campaigns for Governor of New Jersey Deposit large or small sums after hours — an expenditure of several billion dol'; ""'wtunate indeed that the Friday In a recent speech before the 111 a sqfety first service many of our commercial fonduct vaccination clinics lars might—several decades hence—be German Society of Pennsyl 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. vaoU, however, the Governoi "IIJni<K<' Township,in the war utilised by Panama, or another power. spoke briefly In the German -customers appreciate. explaining rj?: MtewaiM.J* If we, ever UM sovereignty in the ten- Oeuman descent on Ms fathei mile wide Panama Carfal Zone. ""'"I antipathy of one school and mother's side. Hig falluri Eventually, we believe", the expendito speak German fluently, he • U)«ard another school. ture will be nuuie, if only for.peace- admitted, constituted a de llJI " oi'the ages has sought time purposes. However, action does plorable omission in hi* edu lu enisle efficacious method cation. not apear to be imminent, and chances But he is reported to have Vl Uo " » of disease and trwt" ll ^ k - T h e search has tra- are against any action at all in the im- done »ll right with the following: 'll- gilt's of diffewnee, e * mediate future. Uncle Sam in this case "Herr President, Mttfliedw li estopped from ^action at the mo- der Deutachen Gesellaohift: ment because of a pinch ift finances- Bine kurze Bemerlcung luvor! The evince Meln accent mag sle wnuetierOur New Building. Comer Moore Avenue un % of opinion i s u dl*- though, ironically, we could widen the en. Ich bin deuttcher1 AbsUm8,nd Berry Street (OPP. Town |iftU> h I CAnal and then some, with the money mung von Vateri und v*n Mut- ffeaw, dad. d » t let Mn UgtHpemt* yoa tfae n as been ihroiagh ters Seiten. Mein OrowvaUir Member^ Federtl Bcterve System and Federal Oepoolt Insurance CorpomttoB 'he times of treatm^nv by we are spending on forefgn aid <?achvaeterUchtneiU ytedUMBr k»m tut DauUolUindt malne MuttAf. inj .'tuning NOW 40 1200 STOCKS Under the Capitol Dome FREE BOOKLET Own your share of American business T. L. WATSON &C0. 1 Bank Around the Clock USE OUR NIGHT DEPOSITORY! Woodbridge National Bank A PAGE TWELVE Chapter To Elect THURSDAY, MARCH 3. I960 Friendsliii Day Deabus-Petercsak Rites To Di$cim Budget , R^^uT'r^n Held Saturday in lords Blanchard. Second Ward, will, Mrs. Detibiu. » graduate off g give a detailed explanation FORDS—Our Peace | Perth Uw 1JW Township Budget of] at|ctrarch was the Lady sriungof SaturHigh School «nd . , FORDS—Election of officer* the next meeting of the Wtl-|dar for the wedding of Mi« Trenton Strfte TrtChers Colllam J Warren Association at'Haiel Verona meres**, daugh- legr. is a fourth grade teacher meeting of Ramot Chapter, the Liberty Tavern. 63S Klrwjter of Mr. and Mrs Stephen J. in the Cranford school syrtfln. • B'nai B'rlth Women, and Mrs. Road on Monday nightiprterecak, 108 Fifth Street, and Mr. Decibus is a graduate of Al Kles», nominating commit|Joseph Edward Decib;is, son ofjPerth Amboy High School, a| • tee co-chairman, has an' Nicholas Decibuj. 1 Orant veteran of the U. S Marine: Court. Metuchen. Rev. Mleels- jCorps. and Is employed at " and M. Joseph Duffy. Countyllaa* Konouka officiated at the UieWcholas Motors, Perth Amboy. Dand^Bregman. c t e r ( c w n o w i n discuss theldouble ring ceremony. ° u "''functions of their respective de-1 Given in marriage by ton • 1 7 D *1 HOPELAWN lni, ,iiii Seoul Troop 01 | spaciifttl supper to ( . Thinking Day" imci - i tinnal Fl'IWKjlOUp" ,i;Mniy Stnnkeiklc/ m . Margiirrt Pastor. Iron,) ,n charge ass.sUcl by M: Adiim. Miss Carol Sail, Huhy Pmick e r d Mis j.; ]';i: i ol onr mid t« » (inupc of table sen;; oilKinul Italian d a m - •• fuimrd by patrol i: : pal ml four enter|piiv,(i Firnch number iir plnivi by Robert H. Jamison,tf»ther. the bride wore a R°wri N ^ n O O ! ( I U J H I S „ third vice president, Mrs. 6 h e l - | O t l n T | k l ..iomas Lee. George of t&ffeU trimmed with Alenpj^hoidfrg. OtheriOon lace ending in a chapelt » j I n T ' _ w- nave Busy lime financial secretary. Mrs. Rets,' The maid of honor was Miss, PORDS—Mrs. Herbert Ludling secretary. Mrs. Har- r t rv n 1 William Chisman ;ir recording (Jane Stankovlch. Metuchen. wig. principal of School 7. anId Novak of the K;: vey Oluck. treasurer. Mrs f l O l U 0 2 ofllC iBridesmaids were Miss Rochelle nounced she is proud of the ac•fiiifid showed fiir-,',. •Leonard Narode. sentinel and rd Narode and C Buck. Edison, find Miss Mar- complishments of a number of i ni and Mexico .Mrs. Fred Strelt, counsellor. her classrooms Ello, Perth Amboy. Nominated for trustees were Si>(-ciiil K W S U Incluil' ; Declbu5 Jr., Perth j The 26 fourth grade memMM. A. Oingold, Mn. Richard HOPELAWN — Mrs. John Amboy.*brothrr of the brlde-Ws of "The Room 11 Book • Hiisr Siintucci. Mi.1* M,, .Milton, Mrs. L. Schwab. Mrs.'; .indak, Miss Linda : R. 8. SMlaJ groom, served as best man. Thejciub" have a complete working Mrs and Miss Janet Kuc Myron Shevell, Mrs. Daniel Km " beI nind charge circled y will of defense ushers were Charles Reick. classroom library under the NEW SCHOOL, NEW* OFFICERS: The new Fords Junior Hich School, compliant a • ' ihc following members l f tirrslShewn, Mn. R. Roth, and Mn.stamp* for the month of Mar«h Rahway: Kenneth Buck, Bdt- guldantt of their teacher, Mrs officer! of Its first Student Cunnril: l,rfl lo rl*lil, J»»r|.l. Ksrol l i m d c 71 tr<-a«»rrr: Jl Truop Committee, M: advlsrrs. Bert Wolf. It wat announced at a meeting |aon. and Stephen Peterwak, Anne Myers. The children condent; JiU Rhams (grade 8 ) , secretary; Lois Berlin, Itradr 8) president. Standing in It Lund, Mrs. Helen .»,; tributed more than ISO books In honur of Brotherhood of the Hopelacn Home and Edison, brother of the brid«. Charles Ptlns and .1. R. Williams. .Mrs. Bertha Kacsur, M: • Week, the anti -defamation School Association.held at the The couple left for a wedding of their own. devised a system Thomas, and Mrs Brf. trip to Bermnda For traveling of individual book cards, pertommlttee presented the book, agyi. t sonal library cards, and check"We arc all Americans" by B Bet-' A hot dog sale is planned for the bride chose a beige suft. out of books, and set up rules tye D. Wltoon to Uie l o w i n g ^ ^ ^ M_ [ The troop also hiked •, m(mth ^ and "fines" Puritan Dairy plant ; ; ] ^mS *U™Cht\ *""?• nouwrf later. Mrs. John Amboy. accompanied i, Fords, and Ediaon Township| S n w l n e r w U 1 "The learning derived from Btankewlcz and Mrs \ Free Public Libraries, The Bar-j The attendance prize was the Inception and gradual dewhere they were conch ron Library, Woodbridge, and won by Mrs. Sokobln's third elopment of their own library a tour of the plant in v - the library of Temple Neve grade and Mrs. Stew CieiT wft| reaches Into many areas. Eath PORDS—'Tlie best rule par- grades, in learning the mechaiiOUUr. '. Sholom, Metuchen. The edi- recipient of the special award. child reads according to his ents can follow in educating ics of arithmetic "with ['. P. Drive Chairmen i Thr follonlnn Kir"-tion is designed for young The next meeting of the as- AVENEL — Winners of the ability and taste, and is learn- their children today is to let and accuracy." H 50 boxes of cookies in ;. readers and Is colorfully illus- sociation will be held March Avene! Woman's Club's card ing how and why libraries func- teachers do the teaching," Sis- that "memorizing" has no place! Seeking Volunteers party held last Wednesday cookie sale (.•?.. ter M. Victoria, C.S.J., said in In the study Of arithmetic. "It; trated. tion," Mrs. Myers said. 31 with the second grade FORDS — Michael Volosln, were announced by Mrs. George Adam, Cindy A - : her address at the meeting of is a matter of recognition," he; DINNER IS SET mother's in charge of hospi Mrs. Oahan's sixth grade 30 Grant Avenue, chairman Mixa, chairman. The affair Cynli;! Kathleen Bilbao. ,n Our L*dy of Peace P.T-A said. The annual installation din- tality. took part in the Olympics in KEASBEY John held at the Woodbridge Trinity Sister Victoria, who is a Each class mother was given of the Cerebral PaUy Drive Second Ward ner will be held on April SO their classroom by research and which start! March 15 rePariah House was a great suc- with Mn. Milton chairman many Interesting reports about member of the parish school's a dollar to invest in any activi- quests volunteer help to teeman. today announced thar Now cess. On the faculty, said (hat the objee ty of their own choosing that the origin, the torch, contest*, The recipient of the Ameri-j John Cheega will be a camAt Amboys Drive-In Door prize winners were Mrs.' points used in scoring, past tives of Catholic education — would make it multiply, and make It a iuceet«. Chairman ^canlsm award was Norman paign manager for Julius E. James Mazza, Mrs. William to develop the whole man spiriA spec UI appeal is made to Mrs. George Pfeif. president.! records, and game sites. '"Freeman, Matson Road, Edi-j PERTH AMBOY — Today I7.so, Township Committee canTo Address O.K. The official postage stamp tually, intellectually and phys- announced the organization; residents ot the Shorecrest didate. aon. Mr. Freeman is presidentjthrough Tuesday are the play- Murphy, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Hill cannot be accom- raised almost $1,000 during the and Lafayette Estates area, ,,pf the Edison Chamber of]dates for "On the Beach" at the Mrs. Dale Scott, Mrs. George and the official symbol were teally Mr. Cheega, p presently r e s e y a; FORDB—Mrs. Sidney but workers are needed Drive-In Theatre, Hanaeri, Mrs. M. M. MacArthur displayed. Flags representing pUshed without the cooperation past month . Commerce, former president of Amboys member of the Keasbey Flre;Natlonal Tel Aviv Mrs. S. S. Semlnlck, Mrs of parents. throughout. Interested parties participating countries were the Edison Jewish Community starring Oregory Peck, Ava wlll be the gwst sp. :i may contact Mr. Volosln at Company, will manage Mr. Center, former president of joardner, Fred Astaire, Anthony George Evans. Mr*. Robert made as well as a graph show- "However," she continued,| Tuesday's meeting ol ii .• Izso's campaign In th&t area. Fischer. Miss Mary ham OaliVA 6-0904. Washington Park Civic Asso- Perklru, and Donna Anderson ing this years Olympic results "many well-intentioned par,He is a communicant of Our wood Chapter, Wpmnv.'. ciation, a member of the Shel- who makes her screen debut. sin, Mrs. George Rumage, Mrs. and a pencil sketch of Squaw |ent» unwittingly confuse their Lady of Peace Roman Catholic lean ORT. GLADYS E. SCANS 1 children and deter their progton Exchange C l u b , New The supporting feature la B. B. Matthews, Miss Qai' Valley, Cal. YOUNG AT HEART Cooper. Mrs. Henry Nelson Church, Fords, and Is a mem- A short business inn . "Gunfighttrs of Abilene" with ress with ieatii.r.g methods! 497 Lincoln Hlthwsj. Brunswick Junior Chamber of News articles were summarbe held. Anyone in\m--Natitucket, Mass. — After 30 Mrs. Andrew Galisln, Mrs. A ized and displayed on a bulletin that conflict with those em-i ber of the Holy Name Society, Commerce and Jewish War Buster Crabbe. Tel. U-S-1679 I years as town assessor, i He is a member of the Perth attending is asked to r.v.; ployed at school." Veterans, and a member of the The usual weekend bonuses] B. La Bonte. Mrs. H. A. Camp- board and in a scrap book. Amboy B.P.O.E. and Is the Baurer. LI 9-31 n . Mayor's Committee for Hospl-jwiH be offered—Kartoon Kar- bell, George Selover, Al Tarcz,! Mrs. Galian feels through Sister Victoria said that pat-, Mvi John owner of the popular Jiggj The second annual : j nival on Friday, Saturday and Leon Berry, William Hansen. these experiences a truer mean- ents can offer invaluable as-[*'.as a w ,tal Study In Edison. teim. Grimes doesn't Tavern. show and dinner will u The special award went to Mrs.' IMTS" j'oS7ph"Forwno. Sunday, and "The Woman ing of patriotism and brother- sistance to teachers In otherj --• Several members were hosat the Essex House N i think that he's too old. He is 92. Street. Eater"" at midnight Friday and A. W. Francis. hood has been gained. jways, such as; Mr, Cheega stated that "Mr. March 14. tesses* to students of Douglas Non-player awards were given Izso has overwhelming support Science Fair j By enforcing discipline at •.and Rutgers Friday after serv- Saturday. jto Mrs. Harry Jones, Mrs. Wil- The sixth grade, under thc|h e. "When children learn to in every district of the ward. I ices at the Hlllel Foundation. om 1 PLANNED liam Hansen, Mrs. Kane Kelley, direction of Mrs. Joyce Zashinj respect the afrthorlty of their will lead an active and aggres- WRONG SOLUTION ., Mrs. LJpcteln will be hostess ! The Navy plans to seek $975,- Mrs, Ray Helnrich, Mrs. F. A. is presently engaged in Lewlsburg, Pa. i sive campaign on his behalf." * t the board meeting tonight parents, they will more readily Richard Davis, 40, ol t ,at her home, Stonybrook Drive, 000,000 for six more Polaris Corcoran, J. T. Gardner and science fair, consisting of a recognize the authority of the submarines In a supplementary George Mroz. Pa., was accused of sf BETRAYED group of elementary science ex- teacher," she said. -*fenk> Park Terrace. budget request. Admiral Ar- Table winners included Mrs, periments which were viewed State unemployment t .; Toronto — 'It's not right to By supervising homework. lelgh A. Burke, Chief ot Naval Mazza, Mrs. John Mahon, Mlssjby all students on Tuesday. stual," a little boy exclaimed in sation while regular."Parents," she advised, "should Operations, to the Senate Joan Sipos, Mrs. Eugene Ma- The experiments Included: always make certain that their • Girl Scout* Mark a loud voice to a woman in a J ployed. H* was ordned Preparedness subcommittee re- gargol, Jr., Mrs. Frederick Rac, how a complete circuit of elec- children do their homework, department store. A store de,- restitution, began i fp;r-.. friendship Month vealed recently. Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Edward tricity can put on lights and but they should never do it for tective, hearing Uie words, tookj money, but soon !<• These would be In addition to Stem, Mrs. A. B. KenzenovlcJ ring bells: an electric crane: a them." the woman, Mrs. Mary Landry, His solution, an FH; FORDS — Girl Scout In- three Polaris submarines that Mrs. Hill, Mrs, H, T. Chesney, magnetized nail used to pick By consulting ith* teacher: 3l>. into custody. After brief testified recently, wu.termediate Troop 123 of Our are provided in the budget be- Mis. J. A. Anthony, Mrs. Cecil up objects; a telegrapn system "A child's grades are simply ai questioning, she admitted that apply for unemplojui' Lady of Peace neighborhood fore ' Congress. They would Scott, Mrs. James McHugh, with which the spectators can measure q/^ his achievement; she had stolen some goods. Thei pensation under talw ;•: took time out from service probring the total program toj Mrs. Sam Albrecht, Jr., Mrs. J. relay messages; proof that air they do not'indicate h]g capa little boy was her son. police in order to obtain ni" ' ject and badge work to observe A. Schleilnger, Mrs, Frank learned. off the original deb! International F r i e n d s h i p eighteen nuclear-powered sub- Schimpf, Mrs. Charles Schmidt- has force, weight, and that hotjeity," Sister Victoria Said, addalr expands; a plasticine dis- ing that through frequent conMonth at their last meeting. marines equipped to fire 1,200mile missiles. meler, Leon Berry, William play of the solar system revolv- sultation with the teacher par-..France was chosen as the Berry and Mr. Tarcz. ing around the sun; shortening ents can discover ways of im"theme, and Mrs. Prank Rogers. ON TEACHER PAY and lengthening of an air tube proving the child's work at - Arlington Drive, who was A House Education subcomchanges the pitch of sound: school. "raised In F#ance, spoke to the mittee has voted to exclude ICE TRAPS DUCK , Show Good Example girls about the country and funds for teacher salaries from Asheville, N. C. — When a water making fog and frost and By showing good example. CHOCOLATE CHEESE PIE is an ideal dessert choice for a . prepared a French breakfast a new pared-down school aid duck sleeping in a lake awoke has an invisible skin and con tains molecules; also a salt and "Nothing taught in the school •for them. large party buffet. This recipe makes two rich, delicious pies. recently, he found that his tall bill. rock garden made from mixed can be of lasting value, if it Mrs. J. P. Lucy is leader of The voice vote was taken at feathers were frozen in ice. Top them with whipped cream and dribble your favorite! chemicals. undermined at home," she sa: the troop assisted by Mrs. a closed meeting as Uie sub- By midafternoon, word of the chocolate sauce over each. ' A lecture has been prepared "No ideal, no habit, no attiCharles Hill. Chocolate Cheete Pie* committee began drafting of a duck's plight brought crowds, and a class notebook explain- tude inspired at school can take Pastry for two 8-inch pie shells. Bethlehem shipyard strike Is new bill designed to be accepta- a traffic Jam around city- ing the equipment used, pro' root unless It if nourished by owned Beaver Lake, and the expected to spread. ble to the House. cedures and results of the .ex- the patient example of loving 3 eggs Fire Department. The duck's| periment is on display. parents." 1 cup sugar dilemma Was solved by Harry A 3 packages (3 ounces each) cream cheese ; Anthony Pappachia. also a, Gutor. who used a Fire De- DROPPING OUT OF SIGHT L member of the school's staff, [ 1 4 cups whipping cream panment grappling hook to] Baltimore, Md. — As he was! 2 to 3 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted j haul himself in a small skiff about to get into his car, discussed the methods of teach-! ?a ing arithmetic, and recomb cup sifted flour across the 100 yards of ice U Charles J. Brill fell Into an mended that parents conscienPinch of soda e grounded fowl. The duck open manhole. He walked to a tiously assist their children, <4 teaspoon' salt as transferred to the opec police station and was taken to while they are In the early i 1 teaspoon vanilla a hospital to have a hip Injury aters of a lake. Line two 8-inch pie pans with the pastry and flute edge*. treated. fcLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Policeman, John Smith went Beat eggs until thick and fluffy. Add sugar, a tablespoon out to investigate and fell into at a time, beating after each addition until blended. Beat another manhole. He went to WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO. cheese and 1V« cups cream together until smooth and of the You Can a hospital for X-rays. Another consistency ot whipped cream. Add melted chocolaU and stir 18 GREEN STREET investigation, by a policeman until blended. Fold egg mixture Into the cheese-chocolate WOODBRIDGE, N. J. who managed not to fftll Into 'Perfect for special oc- miiturp. any more holes, showed that G Enclosed please find $4.00 (or one-year Soft together flour, soda, and salt. Add to the chees« m a and . and a welsomeone had removed the subscription to: ture. Add vanilla; blend. Pour the filling into the pie shell* heavy lld» and tossed them over come surprise anytime and bake at 325° P. for 45 minutes, or until cake tester will • INDEPENDENT-LEADER a fence. come out clean. Serve with whipped cream and chocolate at the . . , FLOWERS! • CARTERET PRESS sauce, if desired. Makes two 8-inch pits. Same CAT TALE Q EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON Time! Nantwich, England — Tlie congregation of the old parish • Floral Arrantementi To be sent to: church In Nantwich has one • Potted Plants member that 1* not human — NAME _ Almjl Open—I A.M. to It f.M. a cat named Holy Joe. • Cut Flowers After the Church belli peal The ADDRESS on the Sabbath, the big white Luuk into this fast, cumciueiii way ot and-black cat is usually ttiej transacting your banking business! You TOWN first to arrive for services. He can make all your deposits and withFlower Shop 119 Main St.. Woodbridfe |never misses a Sunday service 'and often turni up for funeral* 305 Ajnfeor A « . ME 4-1636 (Near A A P) drawals by MAIL. Call or write for PABKINti 114 KKAB 'too. bank-by-mall forms and information. Chairman 'Let Teachers do the Teaching', I\un Advises Parents in Talk to Our Lady of Peace P.T.A Many Win Prizes At Clnb Party Aid Westbury Park News KEB» UP WITH YOUR HOME TOWN NEWS LADIES... BANK BY MAIL WASH SHOP 30 Automatic Washers 10 Automatic Dryers WASHING WELL WAtSIJECK'S THE PINGRY SCHOOL 215 North Avenue, Hillside, N. J. announces Magic Dry Cleaners We are as near as your mail box Anniversary Special! INTERNATIONAL Your deposit! in your Mvlngi account h»rr rarn interest at the rate of ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS For Admission to Grades 3 11 Will Be Given On Saturday, April 2, I960, at 8:45 A. M. For Further Information Write or Call the School Telephone EL 5-t BANKING HOURS AT THE COLISEUM * A. M. TO 2:3t P. M. DAILY rRIDAV - J A M . T 0 M B T. M. AND 3 TO COtUMBUS CIRCtf, NEW YORK Attention GIRL SCOUTS MARCH 5 * TO HOURS: S*I L SUN MO P M. •• Complete Banking Servire WfIKD*YSW A.M. tAT. MAt I?IK 10 AM. lo » F M. ADMttlKXi » W O l d , - , WX lo. • Ohriatnia* ami Vacation .Clubs • SpaciouH I'urking \A»1 Now You (an Kant Your Merit Badres at Roller Skating Sessions Under the (iuidaact of ProfoKiloiial Teacher* at SOUTH AMBOY AHENA Beginning Saturday, March 12 A tas WiU l«*ve from Our 1*4j ot Peace Church In Fwdf »t 10:M A. M. fur a twu-houa skating KMIOU and will return at 1:00 I" H. fl tbarga include. U*t to M * MtniMltm of tkataa. I CUB SCOUTS AUO WESUPQKS For Informal Call Me and SAVE on your AUTO INSURANCE Because I can offer you nationwide auto iiuurauct quality coverage, coast-to-cotut claim aervloe, ea*y-pay plant, low rates. Check this great auto coverage by Nationwide — the company wtyi new Ideas for • new era I Call me and Sec. Call me and Savel Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. Call ROBERT N. MATH1ASKN tMfaM WB * " ME 4-6242 lie "i OVER 40 YEARS Ot SERV1CK TO 3AVKIf Hot Pwtraini SANDWICH GEORGE'S COFFEE SHOP Main «*W* * A * * 0 ' A»e. vroobiWn>OE The FORDS NATIONAL MNl MA6IC DRY CLEANERS 387 School Street Woodbridge The Friendly Hank of Ford*, /V*i«)'""" MEMBER FEDERAL BBtfERVK MEMBKB OfTODERALDEPOan1 THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 19B0 PAGE THIRTEEN fiioriS Farkas-CafanoC .died Held1 in helin Saturday Colonia Is Leaded , , • f.n-1 wedding trip in the Pooonos ill the fano, niece of Mr, find Mrs. the couple will reside In High' show oseph Michael Calano, West •innd- Park. - • " ti,,. colo'lla lenry Place, became the bride Mrs. Fnrkas Is a graduate of i Association f Robert Parkns, son ot Mr. COLONIA — Dr. Edward A. jell 'artenour, chairman of TlW [•ait Fund Drive here, hM .liiniincr-ri that Colonia lead* ilddlesex County with a tbtU i | f $2376.02 to date fronrihe ;-nrt Sunday house-to-hdS* >nvnss. More than 235 voll(k* •ITS participated and did1 lift. Woodbridge HIKII .School. The adn Mrs. Louis . Farkas, Cor- bridegroom, also a graduate of woii ,,i week's meeting reja Avenue, .at a wedding Woodbridge High School, Is a solemnized Saturday at 3 P. M.private music Instructor. ,,„„(- of Mrs Marat St. Cecelia's Church. Rev. rvith Amboy. Nirmlrn. ehmr- Thomas Dentlcf officiated ,, f,,iiowiiu will be t h e bride wore a gown of im,,i,mv which will ported Chantllly lace, embelr |,, v l ,i K o o s B r o t h - lished with seed pearls and sequins. Her fingertip veil of llM ! S <;. H. Chris iilc .1, K liilc ualon hung from a matching |i, lc |, Mrs. O leadplcce. She carried an old- COLONIA—Final plans for „ blk lashloned bouquet of white dance ot be held Saturday, Adorns, Mrs March 12, were discussed at a •Men Rnd orchid*. rs Mnrjorle Miss Joan Farkas, Bister of recent meeting of the School 20 i, Mudrnk. the bridegroom, WHS mnid of PTO executive board. Mrs u committee honor, Bridesmaids were the Richard Ashwell. ticket chairfollowlnif slate Mimes Janice Conklln, Arllnc man, announced that tickets! r election: Mrs Hruhl and Carole Perkins, Is- may be obtained from anyj li'tit; Mrs. Rllil- elln,, and Miss Judith Taylor member of the executive board, vcrretnry; Mrs Woodbridge. ' iVolunteers are asked to be at •,,,mrK treasurer. Peter Martuccl, Iselln, served :he American Legion Hall at . , business meeting as best man. Ushers were Ar- M A. M. on the day of the uroup pre- thur Kuhar. Gerald Cowell and dance to assist Mrs, Clyde Ed•• Women in Edward Kantor, Perth Amboy. rinRton In setting up. the ASM," and Arnold Orovlch, Hopelawn. Thomas Sullivan, PTO presiii talk on Upon their return from a dent, was in charge of the board meeting. Vincent Thar\\ md Mm. ner, chairman of the recent \ scene from (hl,,,(l paper drive, said that a profit Aristophanes. Mrs. Iverson Feted . ,'• i , v of t 1 2 h a d , , i r n ) t from Clar T«;„.,!., r teen netted. The ; piny. "The Wo uj I elephone t o . board voted to make the paper In these COLONIA — Honored yester- drive a semi-annual project to Mrs. Nie day for 30 yean of service with take place In October and June, A lft s. Mrs. Yaku the New Jersey Bell Telephone! t *t night's general meetn Mrs Company was Mrs. Jessie B.i' K at the school, Mrs. ElizaCurl beth Schiller, helping teacher Mrs. Daniels, Mr» Iverson, 77 Jordan Road. The luncheon was held at the spoke on "The- Reading Pro ,i Mrs Frank l o n g the Woodbridge . vnitivt* bonvd meet Bras* Horn In Elizabeth. Mrs. gram In Robert Mulligan, , Thursday. March 10 Iverson, an information oper- Schools." I' \I nt. the home 0! ator In Elizabeth, Is a member principal, announced that th •';, 713 Clark Stree of Elizabeth Council, H. O. Me -j registration date for those chil i N'. \ t ifKiilnr meet Cully Chapter, Telephone Plo- dren entering school next 8ep 'tember will be May 12 and 13 11, Mairh 24 at th neers of America. Dance March 12 Listed by PTO M\ Partenopc. »• Two solicitors. Mrs. JOHtt ilnrczk and her 13-yeftNBM -• in, Kenneth, made a total^f \\ 10 calls on homes In the Hilt lift Road area. -% ,; Amounts collected In dlfufc-' it sections were as folWwt: , ist Cliff and North Hill R6Afc» 173.15; Library area, %iS$k idfleld Road, $41.55; McttUf ne Road, $54.31; MiddleW Lvenue and New Dover SOU, COMMITTREMAN FETED BY FRIENDS: Above are somr of the guests and members of the committee at a testimonial affair held Friday at The Lo* 557.05; Country Club VUJaW, Cabin fOr'Commltteemaii John Evanko, Fifth Ward, Standing left to right, Commltt*«men David Miller, John Hughr* and Maynard Winston; Mayor $43.94; Water Street, fSMt; Frederick M. Adams, Mr. Evanko, Commltteeman David Nicola, Angelo Rossi, Samuel Blitz, Harold Feist, Police Chief John It. Euan, Buddy Harris. Jolonla Village south, $48-,M; Seated, Mrs. David Miller, Mrs. Maynard Winston, Mrs. Frederick M. Adams. Mrs. Sylvia Lentiwh, Mrs. Stanley Lee, Mrs, John R. Efan, Mrs. Buddy lolonia Village proper, tn&Jt! Harris, Mrs. Robert Broderick. Ihorecrest, $131.21; Lynn 01*8 and Dover Estates, $121,0Br»* mnn and Lake Avenues, Oak Ridge Height* Woodbridge Knolls, Video Park $27.90; Woods, $80.55; Canterbury VW* lage, $43,01; Dukes :Est»t«ti $98; Tag Day, $77.41. .< COLONIA — Dedication of and building commission of the Dr. Partenope says that. seven acres of land on Lake Church of tjjer Good Chepherd. total amount of donations ft* Avenue for the erection this Bethlehem Union Church 1 alized during February, Hewt summer of a new church, and member of the Council o: Month, wJU be published to. ttt» the announcement of ft merger Community Churches, and th near future. . with the Bethlehem Union Ihurch of the Good Shephen !hurch of Clark took place at belongs to the United Churd ceremonies Sunday sponsored of Christ. The two have a com on the new property by the blned membership of 100 per Church of the Good Shepherd sons. A new name will be select Sunday's program was ori- ed for the combined church. ginally planned as just a dedi\l;s Robert Weltnan COLONIA — Realizing the cation of the land, but the Rev ••(•imimunity P Importance of professional ' George A. Shults, pastor of the ,.,j,.m!. nnd the Citizen guidance in setting up an efChurch of the Good Shepherd, !. r-1-.rci by Dr. Edward fective youth program, the and the Rev. Jack . R. Irwln, i.i^oii of special Youth Activities Council of pastor of the Bethlehem Union !• .•ivrt Cnlle&e of EnColonia at its meeting last Church, decided to announce week, in the Civic ImproifSthe merger jointly. Rev. Irwin .<••> with Mrs. H l n - COLONIA — Miss Hazel E.jthe research laboratories of ment Club was told of several will return full-time to his • -n'k's m e t i n g were De Lisle, daughter of Mr. and I Merck and Company. Rahway experts who will advise the studies at Drew University, and r newly-formed group. M,-C;.!!hy a n d M l M Mrs. Wlnfleld 8. be Lisle, New Mr. Weston, a graduate of the Rev. Shults will be pastor Prank Krysiak, recreation 1'.. H'-f Dover Road, became the bride Dwlght Morrow High School of the combined congregation! commissioner of Linden, ^11 Of Roy Q. Weston, son of Mr. Engicwopd, and Drew Univers- TAKING PART IN DEDICATION CEREMONIKS Sunday xif new property on the Clark.liich will meet in the Bethle speak at an executive board and Mrs. George E. Weston, ity, Madison, and the University Colonla line rrcrntly acquired by the Church of the C.mid Shepherd are Heft to right) lem Church until the ne meeting Wednesday night ,>t Orudell, In a ceremony Satur- of Maryland, is employed as a Rev. Otorge A. Shults, pastor; Mayor Frederick M. Adams, Woodbridge; Kev. Benedict uildlng is erected. the Civic Club Donald Weuday at 4 P. M. In the New Dover chemist tor the same company W. Tannlrr. president of the New York Synod; and Commissioner William Maguire, Clark, The Church of the Good man, assistant executive directMethodist Church. Shepherd has been meeting in or, Council of Social Agenctei Olven In marriage by her School n since August, 1958, of Montclalr, and Dswid WM> 400 Boys Sign Up when it • wast>rganlzed. Rev. ! ner and a delegation from tfca \IA I'lie f'thlCS Com-> For Little Fellows Shults said his congregation Boys Club of Newark, will also Colon la Council as her maid of honor. A second1 had been seeking land for some work with the Colonia group. . \ . nit ions will meet sister, Miss Carol W. De Llxle, COLONIA—A total ot 400 time and several weeks ago i Mrs, Richard Koons and MFS. •:, !i. ii at the home of also of Colonia, was bridesmaid. boys signed up for the Little purchased sevn acrea in the Harold Barber, co-chairmeri -ot • •• • ::K I:I Mai SPVrln. 14 Joseph Pla*ko, Lexington. ISELIN _ The Girl Scout; Fellows League here a< the "800" block on Lake Avenue ' annual Juliet Low tribute the YACC ways and metes H'liii to dlsfusd the Mass., served as best man. leaders of UeUn 3 neighborhood COLONIA - M r s Harold Barend of the registration period Sixty feet of the property Is in committee, announced that •••'. : .illrjcd political ac Ushers wert Robert J De lisle. met on Monday night at the ber, neighborhood chairman of program at 7:30 in the Barron last Sunday. This Is the larg- Colonia, the remainder in Clark plans are progressing for (' miifil officers. This Plalnfleld, brother of the bride, home of Mrs. William Qutnn, Colonia Girl SJcout Group 4, Avenue Junior High School. A est registration that the major fund-raising project, - .. :.'l.t.M \ w k by the Co- and Richard C. Marshall, River- chairman, 114 Middlesex Ave- n a s announced that Girl Scout film, "Friendship Around the Study groups are now planLeague has ever had, accordTEX PERRY minstrel show to be put on by i < Civic Association tide, brother-in-law Sunday will be observed this World," will be shown. of the nue. ing to Larry Friedland, ning the design and size of the LEADS C. OF C : Mayor Ithe Oak Ridge Choral Group i ' fur its ''provisional irldegroom. building, and will meet with an chairmah. Seventeen Intermediate and Sunday, March 6. Catholic •••;' from th«' Council. architect in several weeks. It Frederick M. Adams installed May 13, 14 and 15. After a trip through NewjBrownle leaders attended the Scouts will attend the 8 A. M Although some parents who is hoped that excavation can Tex Perry as president of the Vacancies on" the board»Mv." . j MiicAmel, president England, the couple will makc|tNUineu session and social hour. Mass and communion accompanied their sons for start this summer, according to Iselln Chamber of Commerce. directors were tilled with the i v.i; c:,c wroup, and J o . completed (or Qto) John Vlanney'a iietr home at 101 West Jersey registration signed as parti:• .<••.'<:;. the group'* deleRev. Shults. Preliminary plans Others inducted were George appointment of Mrs. Murray ut Sunday. March 6. The School 20. Rev. Walter Rad7,lStreet, Elizabeth cipating League members, calls for an all-purpose room Legones, vice president; An- Heller as corresponding secre•••••• ' On- council, attended a Mrs. W*ston Is a graduate of|«lrb> will attend 8 o'clock Massj*°n. pastor, will officiate. ProtMr. Friedland said that many for worship and social meet- thony Salvamani, treasurer; tary and Lawrence Glassar, c> .:, .! i-x.-...:;tive board meetWoodbrldge High School and at St. Cecelia's and will be estants will attend the 11 A.M. more adults are needed for ings, an attached kitchenette Carl A. Fleming, Jr., secre- treasurer. . ••' ii.. ;i id M'H.day night at the ISELIN—"Meet Your Pastorin School 17 .of the U employed ax a technician in tervi'd a light breakfast afternext summer's program to be tary, und Howard Krommcs, James Lunny, program chair, 1. ;[• "' M.i.nii Levetas. Counwards in Uic V.F.W. Hall. Lin- Church of the Good Shepherd, is the theme of a meeting of a success. Three playing fields and five department rooms. executive secretary. In his j ' M * : . ; Mr. MacArgel's with Rev. George A, Shalts ,he Women's Guild of the First must be put in condition, and There Is no estimate yet of con- talk Mr. Perry proposed a man, reported an offer Ay coln Highway. several police reservists to start if in--: week, announcing conducting the service. Jewish Presbyterian Church when the three separate leagues ne,ed struction costs. A movie film was shown at three-point program, side- a rifle or pistol club for young r•iliii'.ia Village group's ac ipeclal guest was the pastor. Scouts will take part in the ser[First Presbyterian Church for Taking part in Sunday's cere- walks for the business area, people. adult coaching and support. •"' ia- :i'i»d aiiain. It wa» deyhe Brownies and Intermediate vice tomorrow night at 8:30 lev. Roger D. Sldener. Any Colonia resident inter- monies besides the pastors, were adequate parking regulations Establishment of a teen-agft '•[ '•' -ii funlier discussion Devotions were under the dlP. M. at Temple B'nal Jacob, Girl Scouts. It depicted Girl 1 ested should contact A. P. Donald P. Nutting, president, and a credit card system. panel to advise the Coufldl f'niticil's^ ethics c o w Scouts und Girl Guides in dlf- Avenel, with Rabbi Philip ectlon of Mrs. Harold Hanna Gonzales, FU 8-4947. Church of the Good Shepherd; was . discussed. Mrs. Hunter •' **•- failed for, so t o sslsted by Mrs. John Nieradka. Brand officiating. COLON1A — A speaker from ferent countries of the world, 1 Rev, Henry A. Weier, pastor, St. Wilson and Mrs. Jerome Al:.^hf« meeting was Rev. Sidener gave a report the Middlesex County Mental They also enjoyed seeing them- Colonia Scouts will also be Paul's Evangelical and ReAuxiliary Presents TO NOMINATE ROYALTY berts are co-chairmen of this, Health Association and. a filmjMlves on home movies taken at represented tomorrow night at in the book, "Shadow of the 1 Umtghty," which describes the COLONIA—Nominations fo: formed Church, the Bronx, $408 to Little League Various civic associations and on mental health. "Preface toj the Memorial Day parade, their ''•'- 'ju.smess included a reN. Y.; Mayor Frederick M. junior and senior high schools ife of Jim Elliott as written "King and Queen" will taki ^ Mr. Sevrin, budget Life." win be featured at theiChristmas party and two inves- Missionary to Deaf place tomorrow night at th< Adams, Woodbridge; Commis- ISELIN — A check of $408 are being approached for stig* y his wife, Elizabeth, '":i that his committee regular monthly meeting Tutti-'tltures. "The First Easter", teen-age dance at School 20. Al sioner William J. Maguire, was presented to Curtis Camp- gestions of teen-agers for this i::.t!v/inn the proposed day at 8 P. M or Schools 2 and) Intermediate Troops 157 and Addresses Assembly 'illA befilm, shown during the month, last week's affair, winners oi representing Mayor John J. O'- bell, treasurer of Iselin Little work. 16 PTO. Second grade mothers! 182 will hold a roller skating • '•••'•>'•>> budget. M n . Harold ISELIN — Rev. Croft PenU, 'lans are in progress for a tie slow dance contest were Connor, Clark; Committeeman League, by Mrs. Louis Basher, A committee composed ^p£ '•l'i.i tnude chairman of a will be hostesses. Elizabeth, missionary to the 'amity night dinner April 1 at im Penrod, Maureen Durette, David Miller, Colonia; Rev. treasurer of the Woman's Aux- Mrs. Alberts, Mrs. Lawrenpe 1 •""• to net together a At a recent executive boardiAprll 25. Anyone Interested may deaf, was guest sneaker at the i P. M., at which Rev. Ebenezer 'ommy Wacaster, Lynn Pater- Benedict W. Tannler, pastor, iliary. This money was raised Friedland, YACC president, ;<i dirwiory of name meeting, It was announced that contact Mr,s. Fred Wolf, 117 Iselln Assembly of God Church elson, Abboi^Offei, Africa, on, Bob G o l d e n , Sharo Emmanuel Evangelical and Re-by the unit through a series of Bernard McGarry, Mr. Lun|y; '•:ii:..ws of all residents the third polio shot will be given Worth Street, or Mrs. Joseph Discussing his work among the ill tell of his work in his na- [ichols. Donna Plcaro an( formed Church, Woodhaven, fund raising projects in less Howard Kay, Al San Giacomo :II:J*-I-S ol all Civic groups Wednesday, March 16, In the Rusbarsky, 9 Bender Avenue. will meet soon with Townsljlp deaf he stated that more than ive land. All members of the erry Smith. Lt. John Di An Queens, N. Y,; Jesse H. Louns- than a year. Iselln flrehouse, Green Street, Neighborhood 3 girls are half a million "hard of hearing" ongregatlon and their families Mild of the Township Aux bury, senior elder, Bethlehem There will be a meeting of officials to determine how mukb. •••-.- Ui.' C o u n c i l . decorating the window at Olrl rom 2 to 4 P. M, and from pdople in our nation depend ire invited. iary Police showed moving Union Church; and August the Women's auxiliary tonight support for the Council's r&7JO to 9:30 P. M, Only those Scout Headquarters, Wood- rholly or In part upon the sign Hostesses at the meeting were ictures of the Valentine Hop Otte, chairman of the propertj at 8:30 at the First Presby- reation program can be co< I I B CONVENES x who have registered for the bridge, for the month of March language as a means of com- Mrs. George Courtney, Mrs. terian Church of Iselln, where tained from the Township. ' • • " N I A - T h s Monda previous «hots will be accepted. munication. Warren Kleeman, Mrs. John a film on natural gas will be It ;iit!r Club met this A TB x-ray test sponsored by Charter Presented TO MEET MONDAY '* shown. The spiritual need among the House and Mrs. Joseph,Smith. of Mrs. the PTO will take place Tuesdeaf, he said, is great because Produced by Transcontinen- COLONIA — The Coloipa iKiiicity. Canterburj day, March 39, in the Colonia At Blue-Gold Dinner of their difficulty in communital Gas Pipe Line Corp., the 25- Club will meet Monday a $ 8 17 to 24 rrsent were Mrs. John Library from 2 to 5 P M. and cating with others. There are MEETING TUESDAY mlnute sound-color film fol- P.M. at School 16. This wlTl j » '•-. Mis John Bolen from 6 to 8 P. M. COLONIA - More than 120 lows explorers in their search a cancer dressing meeting and only about 250 ministers to the COLONIA—The Green Ridge ••"lil i- Van Ness, Mr fathers, sons and den mother* i -in members are urged to br^it( deaf In all denominations, he Clyic Association will meet deposits for natural '•'"I'-y. Mrs Edwar attended the annual Blue and white goods. i stated. Knights Hear Talk Texas and Louisiana^ Tuesday at the home of Mr Mr.s. Jolm McDermoti Oold dinner of Pack 46 at Koos Rev. Pentz was accompanied 8MONTHSTOPAY! and Mrs. John Symko, 31 •'•.ml A ParU'iiopi-. On 'Eastern Rite' Brothers. Mrs. Taylor's Den 4 by three deaf friends who sang Momlngside Road. A social afTime Payments for All Assigned Risk Insurance ISELIN—John arlnnell, Is- conducted the opening flag and gave their testimonies in Jalr will be planned. All mem elin, member of St. Cecelia's ceremony. Michael Asman, sign language. One thing that >ers are urged to attend. IICouncil. Knights of Columbus, chairman, greeted the crowd impressed the audience was the I also chairman of the New Jer- before everyone sat down and evident enjoyment displayed by 284 AMBO* AVENUE • ME 4-6242 I sey Chapter 4. K. of C, pre- enjoyed a roast beef dinner. the young men in oeing part of WOODBRIDGE sided at a meting of the chap- Brad Monell presented the the program. ter held In New Brunswick at new charter to Mrs. Andrew Rev. PenU interpreted the Dolch, president of the Moth- Billy Graham Crusade in New Columbian Hall. A talk on "The Origin of the ers Association of Colonia York. Eastern Rite" was given by which sponsors Pack 4«. A "Independently Owned for Individual Service." U*v. Nicholas Punak, pastor o.[ piaque was presented to H. OAKS TWIG TO MEET Fred Hannon, outgoing cubC O L O N I A—The Colonia SB Peter and Paul Church, Colonia Shopping Plaza New Brunswick. He spoke of master, in appreciation of his Oaks Twig of the Rahway Hosthe efforts of Pope John to many years of service to Pack pital Auxiliary will meet tonlghl Lincoln Highway - Route 27 • Colonia 48. L. M. Callahan then put'on at 8:30 P. M. at the home o. unite all churches. a magic .show. Out Di Bella Mrs. Jules Umoli. Election o. The chapter discussed arOpen 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. - Friday T i l 10 P. M. rangements for the annual cubmuter. spoke briefly and officers will take place, and State convention to be held In closed ihe program for the eve- bunny puppets will be made for I ^IJCII Sunday From 9 A, M. to Z P. M. I childrens' ward. ning. May In Atlantic City. 2 Area Churches Merge; New Site is Dedicated Experts to Aid Youth Council Miss Hazel E. De Lisle Bride of Roy G. Weston oiincil Ethics (iroup to ™™ Complete Girl Scout Sunday to be For Scout Week Marked by Colonia Units j f ^Women's Guild Minist Mental Health' Subject of Talk YOUNG MEN AUTO INSURANCE ROBERT MATHIASEN only ONE DRUG STORES There is only one WELCOME WAGON omenc, »-"ng good will in Fredric's Announcing Announcing REGISTRATION OPENING Beginning March 1,1990 for tbc Jl SECOND ANNUAL SESSION *"' ot tbr on Wagon In SUMMER READING CENTER BOOKKEEPING and ACC0UNTIN6 "A Service for the Independent Business Man" 2DT0S uud sincere thanks (o the voters pf PRESCRIPTIONS PERMANENT Fire District No. 9 for their confi- OUR MOST IMPORTANT SERVICE! MARCH SPECIAL! Plu* a new style for you by Predrlc in one of New J e r a y ' i moat efficient and beautiful salons. . . . A tremendous bargain for you at Unti For full particular* write: ME4- SUMMER BEADINp CEN ^ o Vox 31, Cplonla, Nor phone (eveniws tub) SOuth Orange 2-8239 or WAverly 3-WM iWrn^ David H. Mellow » 1 Eteab«th Av«Ul« beun, N. I Ubwtr «-«lT I wish to express iny appreciation dence in electing n»e to office. FREDERICK G. SILVA Fire Commissioner COLONIA LIBRARY For Children on an Elementary Thank You District # 9 Fredric's IN RAHWAY rv 1-17M HIKE, PROMPT DELIVERY K«|UUrtd PharnntUt Always oa Duty FU 1-8455 THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 PAGE f OURTEEN Women toLead Church Service ISLLIN PERSONALS ISELIN — The Women's MisBj GLADYS K S( AN'R Part Avenue, at dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stahli sionary Council of Iselln AsIt? IJnco'n and daughter, Janet, of Wayne; sembly of God, under the diTrt I Mr. and Mrs. Oebhardt SUhll rection of the president, Mrs. William R. Kirby, will have —Mrs. Hamilton Billings, Jrjand sons, Robert and Richard, charge of the eventni »ervice, aftd daughter. Miss DianaJBronx. and Mr, and Mrs, RobSunday at 7:45. Mrs. John Dodd. WriRiit Strcr-t; Charlesjert Morton. Teaneek. Waldheim will direct the song Benz, Coakiry Street, and Wll-i —Mi. and Mrs. Harold Maul service, Mrs, S. Dwidola will 11am Luft at'rndtd a surprise and daughter, Diane, Matawan. lead the testimony, and Mrs. birthday parly for Mi 5. Ml-'*we guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell will be the chael Romans I^ng Branch. ^Robert 8can)t. Lincoln Highspeaker. —Mrs. John Waterron and w a y _ The theme of the service. "So daughter. Jcanettc. of Clark. ~™ Junior 8end I You," Is to be Illustrated cnotrs o f First Presbyterian Were KuesUs of Mr. and Mrs.! In a bannelgraph stOTy told by ll p r w n t a c a n U * Hamilton Blllincs, Jr., W r j ? h t r ^ ™ Mrs Klrby, assisted by MiM ion Palm Sunday, April 10, ehStreet. Frieda ShortridRe and Mrs. Fred Fischle. Mrs. Richard - T h e W,,dbndge Junior _ j o h n 8 t«ad. son of Mr. and Workman will sing a solo. "Bo Motor Sporu Club met at Cic- M r s J o h n F s t e ( U , W M cone tteld'.n* Works. L i n c o l n . ^ w M i M fJm)a p ^ ^ Send I You." HiBhwa> The Missionettes, the junior daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. MC, will nlso assist in the - M r s Nlciiolas Paris:. Juliet pffifier. Longfellow Drive. Coservice as ushers and will sing Street, and Mrs. Thomas Knott. lonla, Saturday at St. Cecelia's j a special choral number. The Jr.. Raraay, were quests at MVghurch. jpublic Is Invited afternoon >.tea at thr home of —The next meeting of the The council consists of the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perry.' indies AuxUlary of Iselln Post. ijLadies Auxiliary of the AssemLinden. > VJ.W.. will be tonight at the blies of God. A report was - Mr. and Mrs. Dsniel Miller.,p Mt nooms. Offlwrs will be given at a recent convention, Jr., Mrs Daniel Miller. Hardingjeiecttd and secret pals revealed. held In Vlneland, that the; Kvemif, and Mrs Edwacd Oal-i New members welcomed into members of this organisation! lagher, Elmhurst Avenue, were igeBn Post, V.F.W., were Fred1 in New Jersey had given over guests of Mr. and Mrs. Williamiaerhardt and John SelU. J4.000 to missions during 1959. Rlngleb, Cliffwood Beach. | _ T h e children's fashion show —Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Cas- | g i v e n recently by the Junior sell and children. Ruth andiunlt of V.F.W. Auxiliary wa» HISTORICAL SETTING: The charm of American history 4-H Beaverettea Set Jack, Middlesex Avenue, werej is capturrd in this bedroom setting in Ash Lawn, the home Up Window Display dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. of James Monroe in Charlottesville, Virginia. The cotton I8ELIN—The Beaverettes 4-H Walter Ennis, Newark. tufted coverlet called "Minuet" is an authentic IT produc—The baked goods sale, spontion by Morgan-Jones of a spread handwovenMn 1812. Club met a t the home of 1U sored by a group of interested The four-poster was bought by James Monroe when he eader, Mrs. Uoyd Herayda. Talmadge Avenue and welmothers for the benefit of the was in France. comed new tnember Cartnela new School 24 at the WoodMessina. , bridge Oaks Shopping Center Five girls, Carol Isenberg.i was successful. The women are ISEL1N - The Fourth Ward Auxiliary to Hold Marlene Fuerer. Tonla and; planning to buy a movie pro- Republican Club met at the Ham, Cabbage Dinner AntUPollvene and Diane Harjector for the school. Iselln Public Library, Middle—Mrs, Michatl Wachter of sex Avenue, with Mrs. Frank ISEUN — The Ladies' Aux- ayda, set up the window disFiat Avenue is a surgical pa- Tagliareni presiding. iliary of Iselin Fire Co. District play In Tomaso and Bertagna's tient at Perth. Amboy General Joseph Smith, vice-president, ISELIN — A Purim message 9 net at the Green St. Fire- Real Estate 8tore, Oak Tree Hospital. welcomed new members and was delivered by Mrs. Bernardhouse and discussed plans for Road, fat the National 4-H week, March 5-12. —Oueste of Mr. and Mrs. Introduced John G. Schreiber, Prankel at a meeting of Slster- a ham and cabbage dinner, James O'Ronrke, Autri Avenue, Jr., Ward chairman, who spoke hood of Congregation Bethi The 17th anniversary of the 3everal of the girls are planwere Mr. and Mrs. Richard On the Fourth Ward Republi- Sholom at the Center. A co-!auxiliary will be celebrated at ning to attend the big 4-H Hayton and children, Gloria, can Organization. Mr. Schreib- ordinated educational activities a joint meeting with the fire dance, March 12 in St. James Hall, Jameaburg. Arthur and Robert, Spotswood, er also discussed the realign- committee meeting was set for company, March 23. formerly of helin. ment of election districts with' March 7 at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Daniel Raynolds and TO NOMINATE SLATE —Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke in the Fourth Ward. Norman Tucker, Worth Street. Mrs. Howard Hammett were In COLONIA — Nomination of and sons, Gary and Dennis, Mr. Sidney W, Blanchard, "Shushan Mikado", a musical charge og hospitality. officers will take place at a were dinner guests of Mr. andlthe organization's candidate comedy appropriate for the Mrs. Clarence Crane. Newark. for Fourth Ward Committee- festival of Purim, was present- Mrs. William Knott was hos-meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary , —Dinner guests of Mr. and man, spoke on his background ed under the direction of Mrs.tess at a silver tea at her home, Jewish War Veterans, Post 715. Monday. to be held Wednesday at the Mrs. William Vogt, Woodruff and qualifications.. Jerome Barru. Mrs. Martin home of Mrs. Edward Bollens, Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Fredj Mrs. Tagliareni Introduced Rogoff was piano accompanist. 158 McGulre Street, Menlo Rios and children, Patricia and Committeeman David Nicola, HOST TO GUESTS In the cast were Mrs. Albert Park Terrace". A joint social Stephen. Newark. Jr., Township Commissioner Bodin, Mrs. Richard Brief, Mrs. COLONIA — Mr. and Mrs. —GtSesU of Mr. a::d Mrs. who discussed the accomplish- Milton Eig, Mrs. Irving Kor- George Hall, Canterbury Lane meeting of the Post and AuxRobert Morton, Jr.. Homes ments of the Town Committee lund, Mrs. Abraham Lasky had as weekend guests Mrs iliary will be held tonight at 1 the Avenel Community Center} in behalf of the Ward. Mr. Ni-Mrs. Harold Lubell, Mrs. Rob-Hall's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs at 8:30 P.M.' cola stated that the Township ert Pruris, Mrs. Fred. Soffer and John Mitch of Irvington. tax rate is down two points and Mrs. Tucker. An original finale explained that the Township was written by Mrs. Soffer. WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO. | government has no control over Husbands of members were 18 GREEN STREET the County or School Board tax quests. Refreshments were | rate. He announced a special served by the hospitality com -I WOODBRIDGE, N. J. t ISELIN — The Chain O'-, meeting will be held March 21 • Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-year Hills Woman's Club will meet ;o discuss the budget. The mlttee. Tuesday at 8:30 P.M. at the In-figures may be studied at the subscription to: diana Avenue School with, Mrs. office of the Administration LUND IS SPEAKER V-w. ,. EJ »INDEPBHPENT-LEADER Walter Andraw* presiding. secretary in Town Hall before COLONIA — HftrriuLuiuL ill- I rector of elementary'education t Committee chairmen will re- the meeting. Q CARTERlPr PRESS -j? • f , port on the activity of their re-The Club unanimously en- in 'Township schools, was thet • EDISON TOWNSHIP FORDS' BEAtON spective committees; Dross club dorsed Mr. Blanchard as Re-guest speaker at a recent meet- I Ing of School 21 PTO. Mrs. G.I To be sent to' Mrs. Owen McMahon and Mrs publican candidate. Guido Devivi, hat sale, Mrs After the business meeting, R. Enz, chairman of ways and I Anthony Strada; membership Dr. Edward A. Partenope, Co- means, announced plans for I NAME < Mrs. Francis Burns and Mrslonla Heart Fund Chairman several fund-raising activities. John G. Schreiber, Jr.; family and Mrs. A. L. Gardner, Mid- Mrs. L. P. Lada, chairman of | ADDRESS , picnic, Mrs, Fred Silva and dlesex County Heart Fund the reading and library comMrs. Alfred Cowan; teen-age Chairman, showed a film and mittee, Is organizing a group to I TOWN dance, Mrs. Constant Shtsslas; spoke on the work of the Heart set up a school library. annual theatre party, Mrs Association. Dr. Partenope conIIIIIIIH^j Robert Deet'in. ducted a question and answer illlllllllllllRI Newsletters are being sent period. to non-members of the Club a part of the membership drive. GIRL SCOUT SUNDAY Each letter includes an invita- COLONIA — In celebration tion to the March 8 meeting. of Girl Scout Sunday thU week, Mrs. McMahon, program the following troop leaders and Scouts will participate in the chairman, announced a member of the Bui Association will 11 A.M. service of the Church of the Good Shepherd In School address the club on "Wills". Membership is open to resi- 17: Mrs. August Otte, Linda dents who reside in the Chain Brugh. Claudia Alt, Joyce Otte, O'Hills Park section of Iselln Mrs. Richard Koons, Mrs. Clyde I Guests are welcome at meet- Garland, Connie Scholtz, Lee| Alice Briant, Karen Koons. ings. The Whole Family will Go For These Delicious . . . LENTEN MEALS from PURITAN DAIRY Give sparkle to yenr lenten menus- Gub Endorses S. W. Blanchard with these enriched, Puritan Dairy Products. Purim Musical Comedy Offered Club Conducts Member Drive and \ erals for glowing health, they make a wonderful alternate for meat dishes. . . and they taste so good! For That Lenten Meal Pick-Up USE PASTEURIZED HOMOGENI/1 D SOUR CREAM TRY HEALTHFUL YOGURT Made of whole milk and recommended for good health a;»d long life. FAT FREE SKIM MILK Nourishing and healthful . . . a whole quart of milk with all the food essentials . . . minus the butterfat. In non-returnable glass jars thai m a k e wonderful refrigerator dishes. Y o u c a n build a w h o l e m e a l a r o u n d this i i ^ dairy product. U s e i t plain, i n salads, In * l l ( l « t d dishes, i n d e s s e r t s . . . a w o n d e r f u l Lenten tit.a! PURITAN DAIRY Try this creamy cheese as a part of your Lenten meals. It's delicious! Better have extra on hand for those in-between snacks. > \ too. ••'•• WHEREAS, the Girl Scouts of the United' States of America have rendered continuous service to their country and dbmmunities since their founding on March 12, 1912; and WHEREAS, we, the people of Woodbridge Township, are aware of the important contribution1 to community welfare being made by Girl Scout leaders through their work with the youth of the nation; and WHjEREAS, the Girl Scout organization has grown to more than 2'/2 million girl members and almost 800,000 adult leader$, who are each day living up to their Promise to Do Their Duty to God and Country, to Help Other People at All Times, and to Live by the Girl Scout Laws of loyalty, honesty, courtesy, cheerfulness, usefulness, kindness, and helpfulness to others: of SHOES All Puritan Dairy Products Available . f o r •v Home Delivery NOW IN PROGRESS by the ; V¥t rfelivw eottogt c h t f » witfi row milk. Ar jour Jjroctf'i, too. at Puritan Milkman Serving Your -Neighborhood To order, just dial: NOW, THEREFORE, I, Frederick M. Adams, Jiff virtue of the authority vested in me aa Mayor of Woodbridge Township, hereby proclaim March 6-12 of this year 1960 as Girl Scout Week and March 12 as the 48th Anniversary of the founding of Girl Scouting in the United-States of America. I therefore call upon all citizens to give the Girl Scouts now an.d in the coming years the fullest cooperation and support so that increasing numbers of girls may benefit from the splendid program of training in citizenship Which the Girl Scout organization offers. -1200 188 SMITH ST. PURITAN DAIRY ALL SALES FINAL — SALE ENDS MAtlCH 1Z Open This Thursday and Friday 'Til 9 P. FREDERICK M. ADAMS, Mayor Attest: 8. J. DurUgan, Township Clerk ' Full of the necessary vitamins and min- COTTAGE CHEESE Proclamation nutritious :——,, '„—.—,: \ . m "Tfce Home of Cream Top Milk" — , iiif OPe^BATUKDAY I A. &L TO) • ?. ¥ . ' . " BOUBB NEXT WEEjK: DAILY » TO « - TUESDAY tO 9 •••••••MIIIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIftlHHH Fayette and Wilson StreeU Pertid THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 ijUllor Williams to be wakcr at C.P. Dinner PAGE FIFTEEN ub-Juniors Set Members Listed AVENEL PERSONALS For 2Tag Days By Girl Scouts . u. a. Sen- field; James Deane, Madison Williams o( Township; Patricia Mazza of I,,, i lie principal 8outh River; Jeffrey Young, . jinmial NckoH Carteret; Leslie Morrit, Edison , x county Cere- Whltey Jensen and Prank «i,cintlon's cam- Baksa, East Brunswick; Sheila Monday night, Burnateln, New Brunswick; PaIlls 111! more tricia Campbell, Plscataway Township,- and Robin, Donald and and David Brewer, Edison. rt oi tne - T h e Ladles Auxiliary of AVENEL — Many new memAVENEL — Department HllS. MARTIN GUTOWSKI 14 George Street. Afenel' enel Fire Company 1 an- bers have been accepted into hairmen of the Sub Junior ME 4-1)51 Woman's Club of Avenel reounced a birthday dinner will Olrl Scout Troop 17 which tt wrted at the recent meeting —William Roeme, Fifth Avecelebrated • at Tuesday's led by Mrs. Lonnle Eldson and elrt at Miss Carole Paul's, ue, Is a patient at Patterson leetlng. Dinner will be served assisted by Mrs. Elisabeth La7.ar and Mrs. Arthur Shafferjr. >dnr Avenue, Woodbridge. icneral Hospital, Fort Maniromptly at 7:30. Invitations The troop meets In Westminsrtlss Marie Buonocore, vice louth. Mr. Roome Is greatly irosldent,. presided, Activities dssed by the children of thehave been sent to all members. ter Hall Saturdays from 10:10' w the last months of the cur- ivenel schools! He has been the The mode of the evening is A.M. to 12 noon. uard at the crossing In front nt club year were planned. 'Reminiscing of wearing ap- Patrol l lists new memteft the school for quite some Linda Kostevlckl, Mllltnwn ?;i:!,500 at a dinner Mnrch 18—lj members will 3arel in 1029." All members as Cynthia Comodeca, Lucretla held i t the will serve as mistress of cereparticipate In a Lilly Tag DayIme and has made many ire asked to wear short dresses Comodeca and Sherrle Warner; i,r •niionM School monies for the entertainment rlends. or the Crippled Children So»nd for each attending a head' Patrol 2, Barbara Lfczar, SuaaB at «:30 program, Robert Jedruslak of ciety. Miss Beverly Tobias is —Patty Egan, daughter o mnd will be presented. A prize Pavelec, and Sadie Scotafo; Perth Amboy will perform ai Mr. and Mrs. John Egan, Jr. •vlll be awarded for the most Patrol 3, Charlene Seboyt, P»t hairman. i mini Joseph J. accordion solo. Oeorge Street, Is homa con lutstandlng costume. Mrs, Ml-Walling, Shirley Butler, MarTray favors will be made for Amboy, will Acting u hostess and hosts garet Seybott, Linda Hennlngw valesctng after a tonslleotomj ;hael Potraa is chairman. the children patients at Rah,,f ceremonies for the klckoff dinner will be at the Perth' Amboy General —Tuesday the Junior Wonv and Theresa Staroskl. Other way Hospital. Miss Paul, public kpynotlng the members"rof t h e ' Upstreamers, members of the troop Include welfare chairman, Is in charge. Hospital. in's Club of Avenel meets at inn funds to bethe young adult group of cereBrownie Troop 35 meets the First Aid Squad building. Donna Eldson, Sheila Shaffery, , A musical act is being readied l t h i3. Douglas Mary Alice Thompson, Llnd* today at 4:30 at WestminsterThe home arts show and expalsy students. They will for entry in the Sixth Distric ,.„! fire chair- brat Rosse. Sheila Varga, Patricia Hall. also present demonstrations hibit will be the program which Music Festival which will be Iclpallty. will and exhibits of cerebral palsy Szoke, Linda Smith, Suaan —Avenel Fire Company meet.- tarts at 8:15 PiU. mun held April 28 in CranM d. Miss Davies. Virginia. Abel, Blatnt activities onlght at the flrehousq. Joyce Obropta," music ca&lr;nan —SubJunlor Woman's Club Folkowski, and Gall Nesbltt. —Tomorrow the PtBe , win feature Other speakers- Include Mrs. held a workshop meetmg at he mee"ts Wednesday at 7:30 P.M ,,,<! entertainment Spencer Oreen. Iselln, chairNew Jersey Council, Softs am Girl Scout Sunday, this week, home last night for t^ose par —Exempt Firemen's Associchildren «nd man of the house-to-house diDaughters of liberty meet will be celebrated by the girla tiolpatlng In the act. ation meets Wednesday at the „[ the cerebral vision, and Herbert Ulmer the Avenel school auditorium In their respective churohna. Miss ' Irene Ma]M< clvlci at 8 PAI. Tha flrit celebration flrehouse at 8 P.M. nested at the aa-executive secretary of the assoThe protestant girls, alon* with chairman; Joy Mayer, yout of the 1980 birthday club wi —Avenel-Colonia American the prqttttant gtrU from TrOop •ntment Center In ciation, who will give Instruc- TOP FRE8HMAN: Dr. Knttl J. Sehuelder of the State Dental Board Alumni, right, cooperation' chairman; Miss be held. Legion 248 Auxiliary meets 52 and Brownie Troop 35, win tions to workers and distribute presents an award and check to John W. Kiraly, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ktraly, Alwat Buonocore, publicity; Miss Paul —Sunday tha Rosary Socle Wednesday at the post home. participate In special aarVtoH ,i, the skU campaign materials. American home; Joan Maclve of 8t. Andrew*s-Church recelvi Colonia. Street, WoodbrMge, for having the highest flrit year scholastic average at Seton Hall Din' at the First Presbyterian shuffle," include point system chairman an Holy Communion In a body The film. "The 53 Minute College of Dentistry, Jervy City, as Dr. Merltte M. Maxwell, dean, smiles his approval. —The Third Ward Sixth •(.iiv and Manny Church of Avenel at 4 P.M. Valerie Oreco, art chairman District Democratic Club will Deadline," signalizing the fac the 8 AM. Mate. The group ',n,,m, Doris Moon The fourth lesson In a first gave their reports. regular meeting will take plac hold a card party open to theaid course held at the Avenel* , Allen Pado, Perth that every S3 minutes a victim An energetic writer is getting A scrapbook committee, Mar! Wednesday In the new chur. public Wednesday nlsht at Hf.ir/ of cerebral palsy Is born, will and Democratic Club Colonia First Aid Squad buildFitzgerald's. motes from stars about Elvis Degillio, Joanne Hunt an hall at 8 VM. Judy be shown. Ins will be participated In Sun* To Sponsor Dance Lesley's return from the Army Nannotte Vitale. were appoint —Monday the Firemen ho in'.!"' Brian Mrs. Joaeph Benedlk, North day. March 15 Investiture *erv Dean Martin's crack: "What MENLO PARK TERRACE — ed. Gerrle Manning and R<drill exercises at 7:30 P.M, Brunswick, Is chairman of th Wide setback cuts stock ices will take place with Ml.i Hamilton, The Menlo Park Terrace Demo- already?" berta Majewski were guests. the flrehouse. prices In London. parents' night celebrated. Mirhael Organek. dinner committee. She Is being Plans cratic Club will hold a spring Eileen Crawford, assisted by Mrs. Ernest Hamil- WOODBR1DOE dance Saturday, March 12, at and Sharon ton, East Brunswick; Mrs were made for a Progressive Acres, Woodbridge Allan Paro, Perth Amboy; Mrs Dinner for the Teenagers on Kenny Plainfleld. starting at 8:30 P.M. The Rhy,t assisted by theH. Edwin Btockwell, Metuchen; March 19 at a meeting of the thm Ramblers will provide muposed of Den- Mrs. Al Yudln. North Bran* Sunday School Staff of the sic. : n com p Mammon andwick, and Mrs. Edward Flrgau Woodbrldge Gospel Church, Misses Judith Prey and Bar- Mrs. Walter Mltchel is chair8outh Plain* Highland Park. bara Ernst are in charge, A man, assisted by the commitsplash party was also planned tee members as follows: Mrs. for April 23 at the Perth Am-Oeorge OToole, Walter Mitch el. Larry Kelly, Mrs. Jame boy Y.M.C.A. Rev. and Mri, Ira Hovey Foti, Barnett Welsman, Mrs. Nulty, Lynwood mlsslonarles to the Philippines, Thaddeus Scheldt Present also were Miss will speak at a missionary rally Bordelon, Theodore Ostefbye, MRS DAVID Blanche Van Syckfe, Mrs. W April 30 at the church. The Oeorge Demchak, Gordon Mai S»l Wwt tflBM Ion, Norman Oardner, Mrs W. Brundage, Mr. and Mr;Sunday School pupils send all %tmttn Russell Surgens, Mrs. L. M, M.4IM1 Samuel J. Henry. Mrs. Willla their birthday offerings to this Bitkower. Mrs. Ben Rose, Mrs work in the Philippines, LANCASTtR MUWft . •,',• iii::.:ium Gardner, O l d Ecker and Mr. Scheldt. WlnNat Boydman, Albert SchwartzA covered dish supper for tin bach. Mr. and Mrs. Bid Hoff>; , cupt.uii m the Air nen at cards were Mrs. Henry staff wUl be held in March man, a dance team from Shore !(.,-; v,-. wived his re and Mr. Scheldt. , .•, ,,-,: »ifk at the Me -Olrl Scout Week (Marc under the direction of Mrs. crest, will entertain. • A.i f'oicc B»«e with tru «-U> will be celebrated by 8 Runyon Ernst; the date to be waren and Port Reading troo announced. The school received an award r.y Brlmny, 556 Cliff with a window display of ham crafts at the Sugar Bowl. Thl from the Philadelphia Area •/,: ; ;s n years old. re1 in her gar-Sunday 'Olrl Scout Sunday Sunday School Association for bloom for a all Scout* are asked to attend achieving a 34,4 per cent Inthe church of their choice, In crease in attendance. T;ifd Mothers Night uniform. Catholic Olrl Scouts The Boys' Brigade played WOODBRIDGE—The "Wor met last week and their parents will meet at basketball with the Wayne Day of Prayer" sponsored t o! Mrs. Harper the Howard Johnson restau- Boys' Brigade Monday night In the United Church Women i were Mrs. John rant at 10 A M., after Maat, the Wayne gymanaslum and Woodbrldge Township will I Mrs, A. H. Bowerrfor a breakfast. All Girl Scouts'lost to Wayne by a score of SIheld at the First Congregagatlon&l Church, Grove Avenue, Howell, Mrs. Uw-'are invited to attend, | to 2t. Two home games are 1 tomorrow afternoon at ? with • ( ; : H v Mrs. William Hen-, student planned for Saturday. Nancy Cotter, a Hugh Basehart and >t Monmotith College, Long Each Tuejday and Thursday Rev. Klrtle as moderator. Rev. R. Sidener of First Pres;il H.dfour Branch, attended a conference during March at 6:30 A.Mbyterian Church, Iselln, wlll| f Sc waren Bridge Club In Washington, * special prayer meetings will be '•:/ly at the home of weekend with some of her clan-.held at the church by the men. speak on "Need of Prayer"; Rev. Nemeth, Woodbridge Pres.d Bnmdsge, Roselle, iTuesdays, 10 AM, to 11 A.Mbyterian Churcb, chose "Fruits - ov.vc Van Ideratlnr -Mrs. LeRoy Rodney cele-'»nd Thursdays 1 P.M. to 2 PM of Prayer" as his topic, and s W;im*rs were Mrs.i braud her birthday Sunday j "cottage prayer meetings" will Rev. T. Seamans of Woodbrldge H'IWI1!!. Mri. Harper family party at the home be held by the ladles In varlou Methodist Church will discus* 'Personal Approach to Prayer." relatives, Mr. and Mrs!homes. 0 (irarif stlllwell. The ' ' Cownn, Trenton. '. The Evangelist, Rev. Gordon Organist will be Mrs. Charles •t;iik- will be at Mrs - • T h e Frantics." an ln-,»- Anderson. Nyack, N. Y.. willMiller for the program "Prayer l.omvms on Wednes special meetings each Clinic", and worship service istnunental group, will perform. will be held in the sanctuary Mn, Martin 8ne«! tomorrow m g ht at the teen- evening April 3 to 10. the winter at|*> era dance at the Sewaren Rev. Kenneth Debus, who Isafterwards. teen-age commit- a missionary to the refugees in Ladies of the First Congrein Port Lauderdak. [School ~ :i-ce-iu visitors Mr.i1** ' o r Uw e v e l l t is Thomas!Oermany, will speak on Sun-gational Church will be host;I,; A Teenage Dinner Plans are Made "Lowest Price InYears!" SEWAREN NOTES Day of Prayer At Local Churcl ROAST ' • / . TOP or BOTTOM or TOP SIRLOIN >i ' '.:;, Wickberg of'Kopcho, Anthony Panko andlday evening at the 7 o'clock'**** jJack Ohler. Seventy-five young service. The public Is invited ATTEND FUNERAL formerly of P*<>P'« enjoyed the 'Sadie Ha- Tonight at 6:30 P.M. th« COLONIA —Many residents :"i» of M Matawan, U wklni Dance., last week. Win- y o u t n | r o u p g w U 1 meet g t the from here Journeyed to Jersey LANCASTER BRAND '•< at home after a ners of the salt* contest were c h u r c n to i e a v e for a gkatlng City Tuesday to attend a re'• Hivtrvlew Hospital, Irene Bkaieniki, Daniel Pan rally in Plalnfleld. quiem Mass for Mrs. Mary E. ko, flrit prize; Sharon Stueck, The Conquerors and Vitam- Felz, mother of John T. Pelz. "•>'•(• Van Iderstine Ronald Andersen, second prize. in's will meet Sunday at 6 P.N Sherwood Road, newly-elected k last Saturday at with William Peterson as son member of the Board of Educa- LANCASTER BRAND 'y and bridge honorT Israeli general cautions Syria leader. A Bible quiz on Luke 1 tion. Mrs. Felz died last week :!liday of Mrs. A. W.In border itrlfe. will be held. In Jersey City. The most beautifuL savory, swcuilenl Eye Round Roast 99 Round Steak > 99< Tomato Soup Pork&Beans WILL YOU Peas <"*« be ready for college Daule Bleach when HE is? Coffee • roast that ever graced a platted AH real, tender, juicy meat that sBces like butter, for Acme selects only the most perfect beef . . . right on t h * spot in the heart of the beef country! $ 10 1 Tuna Fish 4~ 49< Macaroni 4 45<Hash - 31< Sugar 7 8 Scotties While Rose Mueller's Elbow 3 Broadcast Comed Beef 5 47< 2 45< Jack Frost or Domino-Granulated Whit* or Pink iH n_:^^_ C l l , . i ! . . , •2_..,.U.L C>i..-J-.. aJ^.JL t»L By the end of this year you could save enough money to pay for yowr youngster's first semester at college. Make sure you'll have cash to cover education expenses by starting a savings program now. features <Jjair\j features IDEAL FRESH GRADE A LARGE WHITE Eggs 2 89 Velveera 2w79« J-rvtlts ana vegetables Lemon Pie TEXAS RUBY RED Grapefruit 6 £ 39 CALIFORNIA Broccoli VIRGINIA LEE 29 VIRGINIA LEE Burry's Ace Assortment The Spring* Institution \ Toasted Cocoanut »<«. Potatoes J-roste Lemons Fudge Shortbread <«• CALAVO Your Ctofcc 49 LARGE CALIFORNIA SUNKIST Oatmeal Cookies »°* c Cheese Ring Hot Cross Buns2i39< IDAHO BAKING THimSOAT, | 1 , » . | P . ll-.r*lDAY • A. M.»l fl M. : FANCY LARGE-26 lo 30 per poUd /•I • ohrimp SLICED 39 RUET OF Flounder Avocados 2»1S FlUETOf Haddock 5 I f box $3 89 PAGE SIXTEEN , MARCH 3, 1980 LEGAL NOTICKS LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICKS LEGAL NOTICES Mldrileiei County Snrrontr'i Cotirt tlon shall he made eltlier by written to a point of tntermtlcm of Bid] to u » plat* and point [request forwarded to the Municipaljeenttr'llne will) the center Una ol riret Dlitriet Felling W e * * NOTICE TCE LKOAL NOTICES I Clerk or the County Bourd of Bier-!". J SUte Hlehiav Rout* No. 51; morial Municipal F n l l i b i i u All . . .pernons . . . concerned . may^ ta *'|t1on» on fnrmi provided hy said thence (4) in a southwesterly dtrecnotlce that the Subscriber. Execu-| M r ("•Teri-'or'hv'ra'illng'l'n per-'! «on along the renter line of N.-J.{FIRST WARI>-SF,CON» HISTRICT he o'flre of the Miinir-lpal:<»tate Highway Route No_ 1T_ to the! All that tract between t h e p«nnirll e t c , nf Jennie CofTfy • ' ' k / » | w n ' '' ~ • " "of "' th* "**"raid ""' sylrnnln Railroad (on the east) and Jane Anne Coffey, deoeawii. intends cierk""nr"rtt,inVv' Board "of 'Elections P- 01*"'' o"f Intemersi™ the renter line of Amboy Avenue to exhibit final account to the Mid- , M1 „ , ,, Bnin.,wia.i«*««- «li» of N J fl J '7 „ , • „ , „ , , j,:|Ro te No. 27 snd ihe prolongation r n f h f M dd U dleflM County Court—Prolate ™"' ; , „ , , , , 1 ( , .]r , , , , ,r , , , , l l r l l l v J V u C*. , - • • _1. _ . — and between • " . l,™ uii t m UM U F L c r r F D "a a line h .r » F M I , H LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICK8 Mid the. Lehlfh VtDey Rout* No. 1, thence north- of W«tt Atenue; Uwnee In a_ general B erly along center line of Southerly direction along the c.enTlitr* Dtrtrlrt Pnlllnf PUte: rtre- Highway Rout* Ito hoiite, Cortelle Itreet, ForAi Railroad; thence southnrly along the PenniylTanla Railroad to h« Port Reading Railroad; thehre. 8KCO)tl> WARD— weaterlv along the Port Reading called Wotdbrldm FOUHTTI DISTRICT Railroad to the point or place of JTV'S ' JoTfeVtSorth ofthe ^ * l h « M l M i , on Friday, the isth day of, WI 1 P C m n t T BnBrrt of Elections iiortbVesterly of :he dividing llne! [ o n ,he north) rtrswn mltfwmy b«J olFlf B?£S'; thence March 1 (V o n ch.and 1M0, i t i r . the M.wme ' J ^ .being; t ' ^ j P e, nr| tt hP("Amlviv Nations! Bank Bulld-l^ **!" 51 "V *™ ind 4J« a« •*own and Rerond Streeta. and i , W P r n New ea'iterlT ment allowance-, '"V Woodhrldce Township Tv|pro]Vrttn(T io"»Mt1 rt'h'"AmhoV' V j'.'up to and J of Fifth Street crossing Ornnt Arek h"» f "• VI. thenre — ......... , n r 1,,,„,, , h t | n r | 1 I ( , l n ) ! j , , p , p ; n h , r , 2 torn '•""•" M»p, " 15|* ' h v t h e p e r t h Ambny ™tT llni'Ton Surrogate nu« to th» northerly line of Fords eMterly »lonK «!>1 ;>r->!one«tton of -he vrnthl NOTICE Dated Febnmry i«. MWO 1; thenre northerly Is hereby Riven Ui»t the nutrlet!"' nutrlet! 11 d l T l < l l n * l l n « r r " " 1 " « l h * / " " 1 Riven' ~Ui»t "wond 'nirtrirt Polllnj BI.LA irin to »n nntrlp pnlnt: p und Eiectlon " Bo»rd^ In and for tJ e : i ' r l T l l n l " Af'-IStniwherrr m i l School. Strawberry Ejecutrti. Township of Woodbrldae erll! sit ) thenc* easterlv nlonn the northerly - -*"• Turnplke^m A T f m i , . woodbrlflr* Andrew D Desmond. line of Ford« Terrnre M o a n d al«> n'nnt! w l d rtivuilne l l n e a p - , rex hereinafter designated on 17J Orore Street angle ee.ftt*r line nf Man- Avpnne TUESDAY N'OVKMHRR 8. 1<WO proxlm»te:v SM f r r ; Woodbrldw. N J , In said til* itmt llne; then-ej FIRST WARI>—THIRD DISTRICT northerly alonu said renter line between the hours of 7:00 A M s n point d 1 Attorney BeelnninK at the point where ttit (fi* rontinuir:? in '••itheasterlv dl"point 100 feet north of tiie north BOO P. M. F.mtern Standard Time, t - L 2/M, JS: 5'J, 10,'TO for the purpose of conductlnc a rectlon to s [>o!:i* •he center line!1""1'"1 l l n ' o' Amhoy Avenue Interof Chftin n H: Knnd whrre the •*"" 'he center line of Oiwe Street: OENTOtAI ELECTION 1 FOR BIOS to vote upon c*ndld»te§ for the fol-same is ;n'er«v""t >r. the prnion|>a-!" 'nre m a werttrly direction along tlon northwuterlv of the dlvldinn.'he center Ilnr of Oro»e Rtreet to offices: Thf Hourtnp Authority of the! line between Bl<wV- W7-O anrf WS-A, Mat'lwin Street; thence northerly 'nt of the Township of woodbridee will receive' said div.cllnv ;inr le'.iu the renter;"'one salti renter line in the center! Vice President of nlt«dj;of the b.ork between Pleasnnt Are- 5M ' lr o f Main Street: thence westerly! bids for the The modification ind repairs to i states nue and S m t h r.:r: Rnad. thenre ! »loni! w i i renter line of Main Street the pre present hea'lne fvsteir. »nd | Onlted_Sut e* Senntor (71 elonf «l(t prjiloncatlon a n : l ' o the renter line of the Garden Member of V. S. Hmise of ron«tnirtloTi of roirrrte pits In alone the center line of the nboveiState Piukwny; thenre mutherly Representatives, mentioned h'.f»-k< viutheasterlyi'long Mid renter line t o Its InterThe rrctlvM .v the offlcej T * 0 Freeholders (Pull Term! Bids crosalng Clinton street nnrl f on- ! *'ction with the renter llne of State Tern) 'tlmiln< throueh the rrnter nf B!ork«'HH:riwav Route No 15; thenon of the HmiitinF Authority of the] 3m-H nnd MJ-B i" :t:e iretterly llne northerly slons Mid renter line ro! of Westbur-. PfirV Srnion 2 3 . wld.l'« inirrovtlnn with the renter line' Standard Time, on "he 15th day o f ' point lielnc aiiprnxima'ely 105 5 feet "if W e " Pond Rosa thi-nre wutherly SECOND WARD—FIFTH northweftprlv 'mm winter Street; «lonr wild center line to lt< IntemepThe polling places for the March. Bids mint be »uhmltted In trlpll^ward* and eiertlon dlstrtru of thethenre iBi northrii>'i-rlv alons the 'Ion with the boundarr of t h e Clt»! rut* on Bid Forms furnished and|Town»hlp of Woodhridse »tr M [ «estrrly line of tt>s'h'irv Park, Sec- of Perth Amhoy; thence In a aerompanlfd by a Bid Bond ifollows tlon S 3 . ApproTinmply 370 feet to.Tinrtheastprlv direction alonir the. Proposed forms 0! Con^rwt Docu-' the dlvidlnc ilnr bi"*een Sections boundary l!ne to thp renter line; of roenui Inrhidlne Bpeclflotioas and: The lines, the eitent and the^J »nd 4. WeMhnry Tarlc. also thr Amboy Avenue; thencp northerly Drawings may he obtained «t theboundsrles of the FIRST WARD ar*:imo.it northprlv comer of 8ertlon ^ 3 ; a'.ont nalrt renter line t o t h e point office of the HoMS'.nK Authority. 10, BEGINNING at • point whcr» thelthence I 9 I sou'he.is'erly aloni; the'or olire of hednninir Bunu.i I*nt. Wfl9*hfli*». T* J . b y x t n U r lint of Woodbridgt Rlv»r ultoinortrnmerriv line 0; Wtotbury Pnrk. Third TIUtTlet Polllnr Plaee: K». daposltlnp *25 00 for each » t of'fcnown as Woodbridee Creek. Inter-1 Section r 3 . rr<^!'!v: Worth, Bond 11 School. Ross Street rtocumentf ao obtained secta the dlrldins; line bftween the'and Bedford Ptree 1 - to the most No bidder ahall withdraw his Wd'CUy of Perth Amboy and thp Tow D -|ea«ter;v cornfr o! Westhur PI8TRICT b hi r W d b d ' fof a period of sixty Second JHitrlct Pollingg Place S h l No. 4. Ayeuel (Itreet. »Tenel, poln School Ninth N THIRD WARD—THIRD DISTRICT BEOINNINO at the point of Intersection of the center line of WoodbrlrtEe Creek with the center line of District No. 12. LKSAL NOTICES —l R ' . «„• (ine of the'as Colonu BmileTard. ' "d Reading R»»ro«d R»»ro«d;ii»me 1. Intersected i,v ,d Reading ne of Mew Dover Rom! the W Tan Map; thenre easterly alonK the Se FOl'RTH WARO. ELECTION DISTRICT NllMBER > center line"of New' nnvpr Rond In- railed WoodbTldpe-Sewaren Road: ersects the center line of thence Bastorly along the center lino sey Onrrim Statp Parkway. the"center!**. » n d f r n m » Blrt l ' " l n " . l n i ; L' 8 1 niSTRICT Intersection of name" with"the center! ™ n ihe u\ ' jisniT' ill nuwinm Phll» ll » | Pj ll J 1 J n t ' 1 jRahway; thenre !'direction alonn thr -'"'tlierlv direction sequent Ing Avenue. ! « H n , New Jerwj. "of Nrw 'jersey Stateithe Township Tni Mnp. with' northeasterlv nlonf? the line of Fords " - • H i l l H S I T thence in erly aloim the nouthf. • THIRD W A R D Authority Terrace No. 1 cros-ilne Linden AveFOURTH WARD. ELECTION FIFTH DISTRICT ^"rtMlv direction nlonR the Block m and Blnrk ;,-, bridge nue to an unele point In said Ford* DISTRICT NIMRF.R TWO; fine ot New Jersey Stnteinorthenjt corner ,,f .. Attention Is eal>d to the fact thatjnn. Terrace No. 1 line; thence ensterlv and Ihe renter llne of Stnte HlRh- parallel with Woodland Avenue alons Beginning at the point of lnte-rser. Beginning at a point where t h e "", „ , . t , to a polnt'thenre toutherlv »lon c • not less than the minimum H.laj|es i Woodbj'.dcr O P ? . . . . . . . . . . tlon of the center line of Ayenel renter line of New wnT Route No. 35. Oorer Road In r n X V r he K line of the rl«ht llne of Block 4*7 to „ , . , Ne O and wages prevailing In the a r « ; t h e same Intersects Ihe c n : c r 'lnelproxlmately ISO (eet the line of f o r d ! Terrnce No I toStreet with the easterly right of way ( the Fourth MMrlrt Polllnc Place: Bar. d li b t w e e n 1 wtv of the Phlladelphln anrl'corner; t h e m e wesier:-. line between must be psid on this work ;of the Woitihrliie-Csrtere' Road; r west njmer ol Lo: II center line nf Mftrv Avenue: line of the Pennsylvania Railroad; tersects the boundary " enue grbool and Edison Towpahlpi j R^adlnx o\ Tbe Housing Authority of the'thence 121 in * wrstcrlv dlr«-rtlon!thenrc> I;>I «jirthen«t< thf northerly tloni; the renter thence northerly Uom \h' poinT r\in-iRe»dlnK R»Uro«n: thence I n . , " " t ^ j o i i l h e r l y nne_ of__BIo,k ?• 1 Township of Woodbridef reserves along --&'.•! \v, odl)rlil»;f-<'.irteM|rorthen^:Fr:v ilnr of nd""wu"th'westerly d i r e c t i o n ! l i n i n g »|png the line of Mary Avenup to a p\3lnt IOC the riBht to reiert anv OT all blds'Rond lo a ;>o'.nt where the same In- 405-A. 402-H. and 402-C to t] between the Permand to waive any Informalities in terwets the renter llne of Rahwsviter Hue of FU'ii'e -25 U. ! the bidding. iAvenne, Dieti'-'- I^I ncirtherlv aloptjliheiire i n i in a winliwesti center line of Amboy Awnue HOD8INO AtTTHOHITT OF THEitald center line of Rahway Avemieirectlon alone thf renter line llne o h d thf TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDOE !to a point wherf the yime Intersects,Route S25, to the line of h the north* and Fred A Olien. Chairman Ithe center line of Frefmnn Street: .Township, thence i H ) In B n line drawn E R Finn Executive Director thence Mi In i westerly »nd north-|erly fllrpr'ioii jinn? the dividing Street and 100 F'llwn anil 1.-L. ins.'vi'to 'westerly direction -..-- — - alone - • • - the . . center,between . . . . . rt northerly line Hne of Freemnn Street and 8t. Township *o the George's Avcmif1 to a point where'BeKlnnln^Fifth DUtrirt Poillnr Place: Bar the same taterwets thf renter line V ron ATenne Srhool of Stat* Hlahwuy Route No, 23;: The hi.c, the extent and the! °' •"«' ;[SU:" SHTRIFT S %\LT I point or place of beslnnlng. o. PIR8T M C »BQn.i"™ »">"« ; n r r f n t " nnt ot M i r t BEGINNING in the center line of! ^ * ,™*"I^l l I?T * f .? i JJTJl! ,.„„ . th . of, < J;lState Hlnhwav Route No 25 to a New Dover Road at a point In •he,. h ?* l l l" n ' n K ,. » t ,Bh ^ Tl l t e L3tr ^ i 1 , < " L ?thh lnt hett !hf lm MS J^PTITT P° * **"» interwcts NewdlvldliiB line between the Townshlpi'"* « " " " ' « ' " ^ . **' "J i 1 *M « ™M a ^ ! ? ! J m " a t ' v -' Hl.'hwnv Rome No. 4, of Woodbrldne and the Township ofWoodbrtdge Creek o nand running, 1 her " f A ^ ! s commonly known ... the CHrden Edtson and fnjm said befflnnlng;" "" "°" '? * « "«L5™*" !llne 8 1( FOURTH WARD. ELECTION DISTRICT NUMBER FIGHT: Beginning at a point where the oenter "line of New__Jer«y Slmt* r t l T H WA1D-FIFTH Beginning at a point A »nd :F, Writ of K x e . | s u , e P a r k W 3 y ; t h e n c e l t t l n a polm n n i n l i n i II In an easterly d l <"..B«*> " « * t «"" » "1K eutlon for the Ha.r o l I n l > " ™ ' % o t l i f r l v direction i l o n t sum ctntnlrectloii aions lh( crater lint ol » e « . „ , . . , „ „ , premises dated January 18th, I960. | ] l n f o f N > w , , r s , v K ! ! , t f niiihw»vlnnv.r HO»I( m ihe new fiarri^n »t»i» center line ol the northeriv"alonK thp "center" line"o*f Streei: thence soirherly nlcing the line nf the ren-, t li f Ash A h .strrpt s t t to t th Penns>'ivanla Avenue lo the center r enter FOURTH WARD. ELECTION DISTRICT NUMBER THREE Uon with the center line of theinne of Philadelphia and Rending R ^ f o » ^ p i New Jereev ( i s Route iH, thei, line < • irklr.. and being In the Township of Wood-: B | 0 ng t h e northerly boundary llne!imers«!loii of the said center Uiie'polnt running In a southerly dlrec- ™ . ^ e * ' " , J , . „ , No, 22—New lini,r DISTRICT NUMBER NINE: Avenel Street to the ortdge. in the County of Middlr«x! 0 f ,aid City of Perth Amhoy t o the of N J state Hl B hway Route S27ition slonc the center line of mid " o i ? l . - o r P l a " . O I f1'"1*1'' 0 ( beginning. BeglnnlnK at a point where the Sixth District Pcillliii Place: Fords section with the easterly and State or New Jersey !polnt or place of Bezlnning. . . . .. • ll of f DUtrict D f Kennedy K d Street S t t InterI t conter line of BEING all BBOINNWa at a point on the; Pourtri Ward to be known as sects the center line of New Doverl FIFTH WARD-SIXTH liiSTRM northerly side line of Mi:ton_Ave..| T h ( >1 ) M > l V , , „ , , . „ , ^ t h p | . 3. i The lines, Road, thence from said beginning Beginning at a pour. »i.. r t ' irhlch point is distant South Tl deboundaries of the SECOND WARD point southerly along t h e center boundary line between r !:•. •• | 1 minutes W West Oneh hungreec "* *»*nn«. l»«"n. New Jerwy. Une of Kennedy Street to a point Woodbrldge Township : s d SEVENTH DISTRICT dred dd fifty and twenty-eight huii- BEGINNING In the RarlUn Ri ;pK>louGaiioti southerly nlon^ the center line of of Intersection with the prolongs- sected by the center Mr.' ,' CJ W F,f,H Fir,t| dredtha (150.2B) feet from t h e InBeginning at a point where the at"the dividing line betwei'irthe'citycrosiilii^ the h Pennsylvania RitllrcmdjMattlson Street to the center llne ceme'r'TlneVthe tlon westerly of the dividing line Place; thence northern- >• Ne'wJewVTum*1« Bulldlnr, Avenel Street, Avenel, ^ " ^ " ^ • B F R ' K A U R ! tersection formed by thft aforesaid of Perth Amboy and the. Township a u d lRailroad Avenue or Middlesex-iof Orove Street; thence easterly! between block,, HTL and block 4TC; center line of Wood A-.r Kortnerly side lino of Milton Ave. or Woodbrldge and from said begin-! 1 * 6 ** Turnpike and alto along 5ald; pike intersects the dividing Hne he- K. J. Be"nn,ng"tT^n" 3 the bewe n l o n ? M i d renter Hne to the center thence easterly along the prolonga- Is t h e b o u n d a r y line b<"i and the Westerly side Une of Fulton nlng point running; thenre (1) | !dlvld!n(! line approxlmati'ly 820 feet<nnr tween the Townahlps of Woodb-ldge of ' • center llne of Middlesex Avenue tn-tion and the said dividing line be- s o n a n d Woodbrldfip Ti ••.-.. n THIRD WARDSt.; thence runnlnK (I) aloiiK siili! lU and Edison and from said beginning Wraects the center line of Route tween block 441L and block 477. t b e c e n t e r l i n e of Inn,,:. SIXTH DISTRICT Northerly side line of Milton Avc ii northerly directton along 'th'o'said.W «>' ! Kl« l>«]nt in said dlvldln ; ; nlor th Pr |y along'said rfnter line to •rosslng Middlesex Avenue and con-jthence easterly alo;.n South T7 decrees 32 minutes West llnulnx eiisttrly sloni! the dlvldlng;iine of Inman Avpniif •. Thirteen and elRlity-one hnnciredths line between block 477 »nd _block9|lnR llne between Woodhr (13.S1) feet; thence nmnlnn (2) 448J, M8K, 448L. 440M, 449G nnd ship and the City coutimiliiK Hong »&ld Northerly side 'ii f 449H to ii point where said dividing thence line of Milton Ave. South 81 degrees southeasterly , 1 C K ; X I line Intersects with the dividing bounary llne and 15r i01 minute. West Thirty-six nnd pro twenty-one hundrnlths (3(5.21) feet; ' ! l l n p between block 450 and block to the point of Interne-. thence running (3) North 8 decrees. ,OC5J44»H; thence southerly along the with the dividing ::• 59 minutes Wrst One hundred 1100) , K ! dividing line between block 450 nnd j Blocks 4«3 and 4O2 , wl cre ' feet to », point; thence (4) North J |block 449H t o a point where same:westcrly and wester 81 degrees 01 minutes East Fifty (50) !i e Intersects a westerly prolongation)dividing line to the n feet to » ix>lut; thence (5) South I! "_;]of the dividing Une between block;erly corner of Block : degrees J9 minutes East Ninety-nine 4491 snd block 450: thence easterlyjwestcrly along the : and aliteen hundredth* (90.16) feet along said dividing line betweenjOf Blocks 486-8, 4«K-H to a point In the Northerly side line way; thence westerly alone the saldi 1 block 4491 and block 450 and con-|468-l. to the moM : nterKerts t h t "aTong 'said y Une ot Westbury Park, B«'-j^,uihwe5ti'riy"direcUon j^,uihwe5tiriydir of Mtltan Are. and the point or the Garden State Parkway; thence westerly southerly boundary llne of the C l t y i l alvldlng i tlmilng easterly along a prolonga-j corner of Block 468-1. l n Jp3 (4) In a general northerly direction ttlon SECOND W A R f l h 111 11 4 1 1 n(1 bloc s place of BKHNNING. o r pU U c ( .off Jp3, said said point point heiUB heiUB uiiproxl| uiiproxl-|,. c n t f I . U U n ct 0 , h t of Rahwav to tbe center line of Ht I '"" » ' tlon of the last mentioned dividing erly tilon? tlie wester:- : lhtnc 105.5 feet northwesitTly from bediming along the center line of New Jersey mutely EKiHTII DISTRICT 448M 44B1 8 K a n J « line, to the center line ot Route 468-Ij to the soutiira<-rr l 1055 l t h t l y f Otorges Avenue; thence southerly, ' '« ' The foregoing description Is ln State Highway Route No. 4, to a Winter Street; tlu'iic-c ift> northeastSeventti District Polling Place: No.j Beginning at a point where aio"ng"center"li'ne|w,^t,e,rJy *l o n ' i . t n * _ ' ^ m ^ t l o n f d #21; thence northeasterly alone eald Block 467; thence n j ' •ccordince with a survey made by point where It Intersects the renter erly along the westerly line of West- II School, ROSI Street southerly line of Bio--. li 1R #27 h Vincent Rlchlan, Euginwr, Newark, line or Stat* Highway Rome No, bury Park, Section » 3 , upproxlinate,-! # ^ ^ ^ the ^ ^ center ^ ^ line' l ^of ^ ' ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ | npike^ Intersects isame lnter»ects the center line of' . N. J., dated April 30. 1959. nwinc i i u n o t n t'"1 u^ucrr cncc ucter line of New Dover Road; thence southwesterly comer • 25; thence (5) in a westerly illrec- ly 370 feet to Ihe dividing line t>P-j SKCOMI> WARD—FIRST DISTRICT, ^.-^ . " . t . n » u.r " • " > • ""« "'ior place Of beginning Being known and designated tlon along said center line of state tweeu Sectlone 3 ;iini 4, Westburj- T h < . s e c O n d Ward, First District. Ford Avenue and from said begin- g| I t n District Pollliii place- Fire Mlddlesei Avenue; thence In s gen- northwesterly along "the center line) thence contlnulnj; *.••.'.-: 6 point running northerly along!House, ™1 southerly^ theof New Dover Road to the point or I northerly Une qf Bio. -v Lots 28 and 29 In Block 529O on a H[ghway"Route~No.~25"to'the"eastp'rly Park, also the must northerly corn«r l f i h i i |[ comprise nil of Keasbey and all nlng the renter line of Ford Avenue tojXvenei Avenel Street and Route I,! center line of direction^ the said nl_ong_ Middlesex 475 and 476 crossing place of beginning. eertalnjnap entitled "M»P °J^JuL- line of Edison Township; thence (6) of .Section £ 3 ; thence i')t southeast-[ o f iSi the center line of N. J. State Hlgh-| W a r i l &oath 0 , t l w l f h l H h Avenue to the point or place of be- BEING a portion of District 1 andjState Parkway, Route . - ' ton Terrace, sltvuted In Woodbrtdge! In a southerly direction alon^ the erly iilong the nurtheu.st(Tly line of Valley RfiUroad tracks excepting 150 way Route No, 1J, now known asi ginning. THIRD >VARD— . . Township, MlddleBci County, N. J.,| a portion of District « ln the Fourth!l"e westerly alone the :. dividing line between Edison Toivn- Westbury Psrk, Section. 3 3 . crossing feet wide strip on the Easterly side U. S No. 1; thence easterly alongj BIHNO, » portion of District 4 ofWard to be « n o # n as Pourth Ward.tof Blocks 4fM, 493 4'.r. SEVENTH DISTRICT . ' owned and developed by John Bren- 'shlp and Woodbrlflge Township to Worth. Bond and Bedford Mreels t o , o , K l n Post Road, par-jthe center llne of t h e last men-j Beginning at a point ln the wett- the Fourth Ward to be known i s District 9 ' e min, Edwin G. Proser, which map a point where the same lnTrr.^er.tfl thi- most easterly curlier of W l ^ " center line of Fy:l.:f K described as follows: „. «„>!,.„,.. '""""" road *"•"* *" -— " ' • " "••• " ' c r i y n a e a f g t , t e n Island Sound Fourth Ward. District 4. Uloned to tthe center line of was filed la the Middlesex County the center Una of King Georne's Post bury Park, Section S 3 ; thence (10)j Beginning at the Intersection ofiN. J. State Highway Route No. 4,where the same Is Intersected by the Polling Place: New Fire House, Poltlnr Place: School « - 1 6 , Out-:»nd Clark Place; ' I f Clerk's Office on July 15. 1925, as look Avenue, Colonla, New Jersej.'westerly along the •••. Road and New Brunswick Avenue;southwesterly alonts the southeaster- ! t l > e Eatt^cy n n eOf K i B g Georges:known as Garden State Parkway; Auth Avenue, Iselln, New Jersey. • File No. «28, Map No. 1003. [Clark Place to the •.. thence (7) along the dividing line ly Hue of Westbury Park, Section 3 i P o s t J J ^ , , v i i h t n e southerly Bight;thence southerly along t h t center1 southerly line of the Port Reading Railroad Dock Property; thence (1) '. .' Being the premises commonly between Edison and Woodbrldge FIFTH WARD-FIRST DISTRICT ! w ° o d Avenue sod the to mi angle point In uilU line in the o t W a y I l n e o f U ) c L e i l l R h velleylllne of the last mentioned route to northwesterly along the southerly FOURTH WARD, ELECTION — known and designated as No. 14, Townships and along the center line rear of Lot IS, Block 395-E; thence R u ,i thence running Easterly!the renter line of the siild N, J.l Beginning a t t h e Intersection of;™t w een Edison «n,1 line of the Port Reading Railroad DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE: Milton Ave., Woodbrtdge Township,1 of Kini; George's Post Road and New (11) still southwesterly along the , a r O B ; g c t n e r i y n the center lines of Chain O'H!ilS! T o * D » h l P». "™ P° ! l i ' thence westt^Jy along the Dock Property to the point of InR on|f t h e n e o , t D e te". Turnpike; then Brunswick Avenue to a point In there.ir^llne of Lots 13, J*;}*/ B 1 ™*;hlgh Valley Railroad 150 feet, more .center line off the last mentioned • i - » . J, Beginning at a point where the Road and St. Georges Avenue; jheglnnlng. , valley more,center t tersection of the same with the, proThe "approximate amount of thejeenter line of Meadow Road which 395-E. approximately 161) feet to t h e 'h l g h center line of State Highway Routethence In a general westerly dlrec-',, 8 i l " ' District Fnllin; or plaf(, o f D f . ,„•!„,,:„„,() t 0 t n e longation southwesterly of the cens t 0 a p()iIlt mili olnt Judgment to the satisfied by saidalso murks the dividing line lictween northwest corner of Lot 11. l » o c k | l f l e sintersection #27 Interacts the dividing line be- tlon along the center llne of Chain •">"«. Inman of a line 150 feotiginning. ter llne of Turner Street; thence (2) llie Is the stun of Sis Thousand said Townships; thence (8) In a 395-E; thence (12) rolllns Place: northeasterly along the prolongation tween Edison Township and Wood- O'Hills Hoad to the Intersection| 395E; thence (12) ssoutheu.sterly o u t h m ee u s au r e sd ta t er l | ,rh t l y f from and!' ! Fifhth F i h District * Nine Hundred Thirty-four Dollarsjsoutherly direction along the center •o f bridge thence northerly [thereof with westFIFTH W.Uiii line of;School No. 14, Ford Avenue. curds Fords " 1 u t i l i s e Township, lowiiuiip; mence nonnenyi"'ereui wnn the tne prolongattou prc (W,934.00) more or less, together line of Meadow Road and along the 395-E, 402-A. 402-B, mid 40 -C to t ! , e ! K i n Q , p o s , R M l l \ n d [hf, gtVKNTH DISI Kl- r southwesterly and the center llne |a long the center line of State Hlgh-I«ny 0' the center llnei of Blocks! andt h f 811011 With the mats of this sail- ' dividing llne between Edison and center line of Route £ 2 5 (U. S, # 1 Kiunnthcriij Bioht .if w«v line nf ,v,.. said dividing line! Beginning at a ;• . THIRD WARD-FIRST STHim Pff'™!! northeister!y way Ro U t r J,J 7 Xo a point where!M7-O and 188-A, sa IXJIICI ikUC U L l i u u n -*f^>J IV. 1 Together with all and singular Woodbridge Townships to the Rarl- thence (13) in a northeasterly direc-lr^f^'^Uv ' the blocks he-center line of Inn:, '. „ " " • : , of the center line or Turner Street , , „ t ( n l l , mterwet* th* prolongation being the center of Valley °LZl«• Railroad; <t,^ thence. Beginning at the lntersectl W t h e 101 1 o t l l U r 6 c t l < 1 o ( t h e the rights, privileges, hereditaments tan Elver; thence (9) In B general thence (13) In a northeasterly 'northwesterly of ofihe theitlvldini/ d'lvldlng Mn. tween jtween Pleasant Pleasant*«» Avenue and Sdutlrteraecle the the ««itherly llne of the Port, ReadD . . H 'same I " the boundan * « " line be'north*ester!v y WwestTriv with betwten ^ . and appurtenances thereunto beMstfrlv direction along the lUrltan tlon along the center Hue ol Road, thence along said pro- Edlnon and Woodljr: 4 2 3 and 428 as khownlcilff 15fl feet measured at ing Railroad Dock Property with tween Woodbrldge T o w n h i d thl " . longing or In anywise appertaining. River t o the point or place of B«-line of St. George's Avenue; thence right distant Township Taijloniratlon Hie center Hne'^nd d T j l l and d alonn l ' d ffrom -i»ld angles to and parallel with the the westerly line of Staten Island tween Woodbrldge Township and the],,,, t h f woodhrlrtge The subacrlber reserves the right tob'lnntng. (14) lu a northerly and northeaster- Easterly line of King Georges Post Hound; thence (1) southwesterly Borougli of Carteret; theiu-ti ( 3 ) ; M i l l , , i , e e t 53 n,eure southeasterly <>f the above mentioned blocks. 'Him easterly iilon adjourn said tale from time to time southeasterly aloun said llouni!iiry i , p i ni;atlon anil the southeasterly croMlns Clinton Street at l u u u n Avenue ly direction along the center HUB of i;l IJIlt w l ( 1 ro O aloiiK Staten Island Kuiiiid to a Rond, the several courses thereof to 111 i - BUhJect only to such limitations or The lines, 6t. George's Avenue to the boundary the Eaaterly Une of Meadow Itoad; point, said point belnR the intersecthe eitent and the restrictions upon the exercise of boundaries^ or the THIRD WARD llne of the City of Railway; thence thence. Northerly along the Easter- tion of the prolongation easterly of such power aa may be spnlally pro- re: (15) In a northwesterly und uortli- ly line of Meadow Road 150 feet, the center line of Central Street Tided by law or rules of Court. BEQINNINQ at a point where theorly direction along said boundary more or leas, to the Southerly line with the west*rl» line of St&ten ROBBRT «. JAMISOS, icenter line ol Woodbrldge River orof the City of Rahway to the Una ofof1 King Georges Post Iload; thence, Island Sound; thence (2) northSheriff. Woodbrldge Creek Intersects the Clark Township, thence (16) In a Easterly and Northeasterly along the westerly along the prolongation of LBAVlTT, TAU.8Y A line or Stateli Inland Bound which westerly direction uloriB the dividing several oourses of King Utorxw; Post the center line of Central Street, KRXV8KY, Attorneys, point also marks the dividing line line between Woodbrldue Township Road to the point place of Ilp-'eusUTly and the center line of Cen p n orp t-L. a/ll, 18, 25; 3/3/60 193.63 between the City of Perth Amboy and Clark Towuslil|i to the bound- ii d the h Lelmii L l i Valley V l l Rnll-|tral R l l t l ^ W t, t t r lin f sese to th the center line of ginning and and the Township of Woodbrldge; ary line of Edison Township; thence gg iwure'n Avenue; theuce (3) south- ty and point or place of Beginning,Creemer Avenue; theiict »oiitliwest-'' io me dividing line betwren M l l t f **Wav. W Right of thence (1) In a general northerly (17) southerly along said boundary roaci R erly along the center Hue of Creeinerl-Secil ui. 3 anil 4 uf Wentbury V.crk .wuthi-rly »!OIIK NO1ICE westerly along the center line of! direction and along the center line line to the point or place ot Be- First District Polllnt Place: Bctiool Sewami Avenue to the center line Seventh District palling Plare: Avenue and Us pruloiigatlon to the|sald la-M point being Hie mJrthrrt ° r Edison No. I, Smith Street, Keasbey !• hereby given that the District of said Woodbrldge River or Wood- ginning. Hagamin llrlghts School, Hull; of Glen Cove Ayenue; thence H) Street, Port Reading. right of way of the Philadelphia turner of Section 3; thenre In u place of beglnnliii; Boction Boards In ifii for the brldge Creek to a point where the VI northwesterly along the center line and Readlni! Railroad; theuce wesi-[southcai!erl>- dlrtction along the S f v f n t l i District I'1 SECOND WARDTownslilp of Woodbridge will sit atsame Intersects the center line of if Olen Cove Avenue and the proAs nearly as ciui be ascertuitied, erly along said right of way line uijnortheHy line of Westbury P,ir* 8 l : li™l Ne. 21 — I""" SECOND DISTRICT places hereinafter dcslKiuiit-d "" the II1IKI) WABD— Woodbrldse-Carteret Road; the populatlou of the First Ward Beginning the dividing llne between Edison Section 3. croaaing Bond and Bed- ' "'iinla at the Intersection ofjlongatloii thereor northwesterly to TUESDAY, AJPRtl. 19, 196U, EIGHTH DISTRICT thence (2) In a general Westerly di-above cieated Is 13,5(58; the popula-the center line of the LehlBh Vulleyltlie center llne or Woodbrtdge Creek; Townthlp and Woodbrldge Towu-'fnrd Streets to the nortlieast corner botwoon the hours of 7:00 A. M and rection along the center line of the Beginning at a point In the Penn ship; thence noriherly along saldiof Wentbury P»rk, Section 3 tt,, Railroad with the center line ofjthence (5) la a genera! northerly FIKTB w.ll ' tion of the 8ccond Ward Is 14,059; .8:00 P. M., Enstern Standard Time, Woodbridge-Curteret Roud to «• point iylvtmla Kallroad where same Is ln-jdlvldlng llne or piaceibr --'J1-- " - - to - the • point ' " • Uie northerly c r n . T of the EIGHTH 111* 11tor the purlwse ofranductlnga where the same lnteraects the cen-the populatlou of the Third Ward Florida Grove Road; thence north- nnd northeasterly direction alous tersected by tht Port Heading Ratl-jof mg dt ti i" jc'lcmrleaf Cemetery; thrnce wiwth-; PBJMAHY ELECTION ter line of Rahway Avenue; thence is 13.917; the population of Itiejerly along the center line ot Florida the center line of Woodbrldee, Creek roiil. and from said beginning point gp BEING all of district 5 and a por-|wc5ierly mid parallel ulth IJeafnrd' A v e t ) u e where It l» , lot the nomination of candidates on(3) northerly nlonsi the renter line Fourth Ward Is 14,851 and the popu- Grare Road to the center line ofi to a point of Intersection of the e n l P ___6 _ In __ the . on of district FourtbJAvtiiue, aud slqnn the north*e»t*rly' l h e c center Hue of J"t ' the Democratic ticket and the nomi- of Rahway Avenun to a point where atlon of the Fifth Ward Is 14,493. West Pond Road; thence north-1 prolongation westerly of the center running northerly along tne Penn- tloi 10 h> be known westerly aloni! the center llne of Illie of Myrtle Avenue with the cen-sylvania Railroad to the center line Ward 'nd u k i . n n .at. Fourth « n » « i . » . » ! , Jim u( Cloverlear Ceineu-ry a D .i'ruui aald point ruuiiii nation of candidates on the Repulj- the same Intersects the center line VII Avenel Street; thence southeast- DUtrict 5 Jprcnlniately 1290 feet to an stijle !?* center Hue ol J^lloan ticket to be voted at the ensu- of Freeman, Street; thence (4) In a Attached hereto, made a purl here- West Pond Road to the center Hue ter line of Woodbrldge Creek; thence of erly the (6) Southeasterly along the prol uud easterly along l h lenteri Pulling puce; Bchool #1, OretnjDoliu Mm, thence'"aouii«rlv"»l"ii af«"«•"'• ProioattUou «•' ing General Election to be held onigenerul northwesterly direction along of and rouked EXHIBIT "A" Is aof State Highway Route No, 35; 1 line Avenel Street the center,Street, centerStrnl Iselln, lselln New N Jtr Avenel Street to the Tuesday. November 8, 1960, an here-the center line of Frceimui Street to map of the Towiuhlp or Woodbrldge thence southerly along said center luugatlon and the center line of line of Id mneiery approiiinatiilv 1 * l"'«»>1»'>r Hue 0 i . • of Hallway Avenue; ttiencej Myrtle Avenue to the center line of inafter listed, tuid for the election a point where the sam« Intersects showing Lue lines And the eitent line of Suite Highway Route No 35 feet to an „,)„> H i t h e w u t h w e s t e f 1 ' 0 " 1 " e i " 1 " ! ? s k > " ; , boutlierly alonii the center line of. Ash Street; thence (7) northeasterly FOURTH WARD, ELECTION to the center line of New Brunswick' of two members, one m.11 and one ,ht c e m e r l h , e (>f A m b < , y A v f . m i e . and boundaries of the First, Second, ly line ,if Cloverleaf Ome'.ery whti't,!!!!! e o°J, t ^ " i * 1"! •'.*„ • along the center line of Ash Railway Avenue to the center line DISTRICT NUMBER SIX: Third, Fourth, and Fifth Wards hert- Avenue; then™ southeasterly alont; urn! line In appriMiinatrlv 121 | H I nurth.1 » " woman of the local County x « ' U | h - ; a «"(57 liVTtinieraTTiprtherly'dU h l woman, Cminiy iEx«-u-|{ S4; said center line to the center line of street with th» center line of Home- of Nlelsou Avenue; Iheuce noiulitRouu U)utc S 4 ; thelK thelu g g at the the point point of of lnierea.,teri r „ y Inalxive mated. at lnier-jea.,terly from and uar^lle! with l'ie tlye Coinmlttt'e of thr DeiiHHTHtlcj rectlon j • T' tha section nf thp northerly rtgln of|eeuter Pennsylvania Avenue: thence south- stead Avenue: thence (8) southe»st- eusierly along the center Hue of center lino of of Raytior street, e n m Party from each electiun district, fur i , o y A v l I U f n P H I I H 1 1 1 tlle ne0 AnJ Attached hereto, made n part Here. erly along nald ceuter line to the; i-r;y ulonjj the center Hue of Home- Nlelson Avenue to the Woodbrldne w wuy line of the Philadelphia aud a term of one yt'tir, and two nicin-!,,.,,,,^ i,, stead Avenue to the center Hue of [ u 0tlie"c«uteV'"iin/oijoi 1 M ! n tw i,er P the map"show'ing'~th« Districts as are|center line of the Lehlgh Valley lllalr Road; thenct (9) northeasterly b«rs. one Irian and «nt woman, oflgj" 'George's Avenue; thence (6) In a; Railroad; thence southeasterly along aloni; the center Une of Blair Roud the locul County Kxi-nitlve Com- general northerly direction along thejhereufter divided. wild center line to the point or placeto the point of intersection with the mittee of the Kepuhltrau Parly center line of St. (Jeorge's Avenue to VIII (of beginning from each election district for a point where the same hiterstctfc, boundary line between the Town hereby! Second District Polling Place: ship of Woodbrdlge and the Bonnimi Th said five wards term cif one year. School No. 10, Clyde Avenue, Hopt- of Oarteret; thence. (101 easterly Republican and Deniurrattc Detaelection districts, to wit: and southeasterly (long said boundgat«e at Large (.hence (7) easterly and northeastcry line across the Central Railroad Republican and Demix-riitir Alter- erly along the dividing line between FIRST WARD—FIRST UISIIIK'T 1,hi Beginning In tlio center Hne uf the SECOND VVAHU—THIRD DISTKK T to the point of Intersection of aalrt nates at \MW the said City of Hallway and TownOHllih Ho«d; thenct northeasterly The Second Ward, Third District, Pennsylvania Railroad whurt the boundary line with the prolongaBnltert States Benauir ship uf WuiHlbrlilKS to a joint In the or ulac-e ut Iktliiullig. .. _. , One Member of U. S House of,center line of Itahwuy Hiver; thence Mine Intersects the northerly tine of shall be comprtsrd of all that tract tion northeasterly of the center Being a portion of Tnlrd Ward. O'Hlllii Koail to the Intersection of! Areout wltb the • Representatives [ill in a southeasterly dlrtxttun along the City of Perth Ambuy ami from lying Nerth "' the Lehlgh Valley line of Turner Street; thence (11) l-'lfth 'lfth D i t i t t b k Third[th District, to be known as Third[the tint u.'1 live center nn* nf the Hallway itlver laid b«nlnqln( point (1| Northerly Railroad tracks West of Craws Mill Two PrtthnMert (Kull rrrmi said pf" . (Wart, Suulh ol King Oaorg» PIMI tuuthwmiterly » l « g s p line Ol said One freeholder (Dneipltcd Tcrtm to the westerly line of the Boroijgh from tin pMiwr li •>< One Tovnshlp CoiniiiltteetnHn to of Oarteret; theuce (B) In a utiitrai to a point where prolongation aflRoad and East of the Edison Town- llongation and the center line ...>outtmrly and hciutheH^terly dltroi the center line of the block between,ship line, together with tbe follow Turner Street siffl the prolongation each of the Five Want, southwesterly Of the center line of 1 New and Second Surma liiursti:Ls lug described irm-t of land, to wit NOTll'K ] t l o n niuiiu the dividing Hue between the same, thence Westerly ahum l<ru- Beginning ut the Intersection ofTurner Street W tbe point of Interla hereby «lv*ii that qualified voters,tut Towiibhlp uf Wuodbrldge i n d tougutlon and along the. center line HIP Easterly llne of Klug OtMt^tt hectloii of the same with the southOf the Township of WmKlbruuir not uie Borougti of Carteret la the of the blocks between New ami Sec- Post Road with the Southerly Right erly line of Pott Readnlg KallroM i : already regltt*rtd In u i d Township s t a t t n Island Bcnmcl; thuice (10) In l " ond tttreeta to the center llnv of of Way Hue of the Lchigb Valley nock Yards; theuce (12) southeast*"*• under the. lawii of New Jersty t-,u»- u westerly or wcutliwettifrly dlrtoilon Amboy Avenue; thence Northerly ttnllroad: thence, running Easterly erly along tlie southerly line of tlie ernl»g perniaiiful rnjlbtrutlcin iii»y|aloni! sulil Stuten Ularid Kouiici to along the center line uf Amboy Avealong the Southerly line of the Port Reading Dock Propertytothe register with thr I'uViislUp ck.ik o f | n i c or jildre of BeglnnliiK. nue to » point 100 feet nurili of the high Valley Railroad 150 feet, more! westerly line of •Uten Island Sound ed Woodbrldge-Sewaren Road, with Weslliury I'ark ticctl ii C3, said Inmlter ! tbe amid Township of WchidhrldKtf >tt[ ul Chain ll'liili. IV northerly line of Green stieet; or lew, Ut a point, u l d point 1H>1HK iji<1 the point or place of beginning the center Hue of trie Wondbrldge his office at ttnv time the i-jk-llt and the thence Easterly and |>.iu!Iel to the intersection of * line 150 fert Flrtt DUtrict Polling Place: Scbuol Creek; ihtmce In a general North l. Aiirll .'0 Ittl, and rhur» boundaries of tt« POURTH WARD ^ Street and aloug » line 100 measured at right angles from and Nu, 9, West A««nue, Port Beading ' westerly direction along the center Aay. Septenibctr Tl, ll»6il. on wlilrhiare feet North thewlrom to the renter,parallel with the Easterly m,c <x line of WuudbUdge Creek to the liltter date the rMjluratluu bouk«> HEOINN1NO In thu ter line of line or the Pennayivaais Railroad; Kinj Qearges Post Road snd the THIRD WAB&r-MCONI) D18TKK T easterly Right of Way Line ol tne of ."•• will be cloeed untilarwr th« forth New lK>vrr Road at a Joint In thethenct Noriherly along tht tenter Southerly Right of Way line of the Beginning at a point In Bt. N J, Turnpike; thence In a general \ii>~>"JCiV"1';* n v t u u ' to piiint of mtereecut.il ooujla£ O«ntr»l Election on dividing Urn hctwteu the Townshipline of said ra.i'ro"° to the center Lehlgh VaUey Rsllroa4; thence, Georges Afenu* wbwr same U InNortherly and Nartheaaterly direcJS... Vs.. '•'" biundary line wltb the c«n'« -'"•- NOTfmber I. IBM. or «t Mlddiecei'o! wondhridge ind the Township of line of Fr»tmaD Street; lluacf Southwesterly and Westerly along a tersected by tUe PortBeadlnjj R*ll- tion along the Easterly Hue ol laid »*• . Oountv Bo»M of BecUon*. CltlaensKdnon «nd from Mid beglnaing Basttrlr ainng tht cenur line of llne distant 1M feet newured. at oad, and fwrt •/*) beginttlo* polot N. J. Turnpike, to tne point of In> l llldtng. d t n g 44. 44 Bvyard street, street New N wpoint intrunning i (11 Hi llu a an eatterl easterlydl 1 Freeman Sunet to thte center Hue right angles to and parallel with the Mrmctlon of tbe same with tbe cenJ r oulh loli;. M. ) . . »t "Jiy time b»- recttou along the center lui» of Newof Rahway AT<-uuei theuce Souther- latterly Uu» of Ktng Oefirges Poet llne uFst~OeotjM Avenue u> a point ter line of Olencove Avenue: tnence northtaaterly Hut of"Westbury Park."! west< the new Oarderi ly along the cenUr Hue of Rnliw.yRoad, Uu eeveral courtt* ttereof u> being itt IMt ea»t of W, 8 Highway In a general BasteriJ dlnikUon along Bectlon ten WMMtda;, April 10. ie«|, .. tpproiLniateiy j j s -....,..«• „> Parkway ovrrpuas; U»|ic« (1)AverJij* and th* ««nt«r line *r Berrytbe baterly Mat of Meadow Rued; Roiite Ho J; theAOe nerthar(y along the tauter line o< Qlenewe ATeoue to th» center llne of Worth «O« Tburaday, Be-pMaiber 23. 1»BOState , — aireet;!uolnt of 7 to the anlp^ the' point «' SW« d\WrtO» _ t i t following hours: Dally Kthe On rile n 8 w Parkway y Street and tbe prnlonguttun Soiitli- thence, Northerly along tne Easterly » Ho* which I* Ml feet euterly tai to the center line of gewaren AM-thence lu a general southwesterly Btiuud 1 glnntoi, Heft 8*'turday, from » A. M t« 4|aluiii! the center l i p of tbt Q»rdfn eailtrly thereof to tht umter line llne of aietdow Road 1 » f«et. more parallel wltb. &-•«.' Ulcliway Route nue. Kitnetune* called Old Uoad; direction along tbe outer line ol schu o | No I Place Ninth District P»l> % tf,, or a> the oftlc« of the Mtddls- BUtt Parkway brtd«:« *Bd tb« et»t of tht Wobdbrid«e Creek; thence or iete, to tin Southerly line of King I tbe tb center center thenoe Northerly »long tbe ««tt(»T Worth fltreet croatlng Owen Htr<n,t'~ In 'Ok Avenue, Iqula Civic Impi"'" Ns. I to a ,j Board of Election*, •fly approach thereto lo the centerSoutherly »luli» »ald Creek to tbe Ppat Bout; thence. BBWerly Hoc of W Atenue; thence line of Sewtren Afenue to tbe cen- and continuing southwesterly along man Avenue and hi NaiUinai B±nk Build' Illnu Innof New Dover Ro«d at origin, * bnunthirr •» th» «M* of r v i * « " iMrlx,»lonj ttte several eente/ .in* nfter lint of Central Avenue; tnence "•* — ' ' -"out thtucr \i) nunthirr •» t W » «M* V h * AmboV ». J .-_-_- . M^meS» ftiti Road laid B. J iionB thli utmei line of N t * 6ov«i .u), i!i»i|u« WeaVerh ^luuu of"clVS>iV»"o'"«««ldenM orliionB ta (it* paint « place of Beginning I Northerly boundary of Perth Amboy 10 a generall on.uerly Hd 1 l direction d i t i for'tnnalcr of rtgistra Hoad ,,,„„.,. f| , . *. il''!' '' :*'» THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1060 OakTre( PAGE SEVENTEEN Karmazin Keglers Defeat Widens r> , , . r> . . n ,i Margin Bob s in Fair to Hold Edge in K.ofC. Circuit TEAM STANDINGS W I, Oak Tree Drugs 51 18 Iselln Lumber 40>i 28V,, Frystock's 39 30 Cooper's Dairy 38 3i Mlfle's Excavating .. 31'i 3Tj St. George Pharm'y .. 26 % 42' j Shop-Rite Iselin ....... 25 44 Mary's Dress Shop .. 24'i iV.\, ISfcLIN — Oak Tree DIUKS continued to set a blistering pace in the 8t. Cecelia Women's Bowling League by trounclnR the Frystook Ramblers In three TEAM STANDINGS straight. The Druggists started L ****•****+#********************************* ' ,W TEAM STANDING* out with a 682-601 victory, then Stewart's 18 W addad two more 839-734 ani Bowl-Mor 12 ,, n n MONTH: The Woodbrldrr B.P.O. Elk» 2116 monthly Athlrdo Achlcvrmnit Award to a flfsemnr townKnrm&zln 11 706-613. „,„ presented to Dave HylamJ ot Colonla, who broke the Middlesex County Indoor mile record at LawM(tl Head Pins 8lsko & Fedor .._—_* 9 Oak Tree, which now holds Bee Qee in February whilr w m r i n i the rolort of Ht. IVter'n Itljch Srhonl. In the above picture, James Kelfj, Dave's Bob's _ __ 8 a ten and one-half game edge, ,,, |s nrxl to thr star mller while the Elki Youlh Activities Committee members, Joseph Varey, Aerbert LudwUBooth ( ( Alexander's & recorded the top team game ln »on and John Mesar participate In the presentation ceremonies. Fireplace L. J. Gerity the league with an 839 in the Hlggtn's Wdbgp. OMsmoblfe second dash. Lucky Strikes Almost ., Ceil Mellett, the DrugglBte' WOODBRiDOE — Stewart's, Maker's anchor, was outstanding, postalthough losing Van/Tassel's % ing games of 170, 201 and 143 the Lucky Strikes, Wdbge. Liquor 1 for a 514 series. Her teammate, tain their six-game lead in the Tobak's 7. Marie*''Render, hit for u lofty second-half of the Bowl-MoMr Urbftn'B , * 1 214 game and 482 set, while House League. Stewart's Mauro 1 Irene Walczak also posted a able to hold its margin as Bee « Ryan's 3 llone o'clock In a make-up game out the second half. After be- for last place in the llnal hall 462. Ruth tinhorn's 458 series Gee was dropping two to BowlState Jewelers was the best individual effort 3 1; Bt. Peter's remained In con- ing down by a point at the half, standings by posting d 36-20 Mor. Harry Burke for the Ramblers. 3 Jitentlon by letting back an ag- the victors came on strong In decision over Boston College. wooDBRnxm — i The St. George Pharmacy In the other matches, the 2 1 gruitve St. JoKph'i Uam, 30- the third and fourth period* to Richie Mesar staged a one Head Phis and Hlggen's also won two games from BoD'l (ft (?ot off to a fine start, subduing Determination, an important factor at times 2 3 37, edge 8t. Francis 22-18. man scoring show for Belrfiont came up with double wins over protect its two-game lead In 1 4 Bob Hcyier and Qfrry Miller The top man in the scoring Abbey by sinking eight field Iselln Lumber in the initial Fireplace and Booth's. overlooked completely while evaluating an ath- the local Knights of ColufrrtrtU game 735-671, but faltered in wen at peak form tor St. H 111 D G E—Both bracket* for Niagara « u Jim goals and a free throw for 1 HI I) Stewart's, after winning the lete, was instrumental in the United States' hockey intra Council Bowling League, (i st. Peter's won Peter's sinking point totals of Hegedus who sank nine points points, His teammates, Bob the next two, losing them to the first game 837-688, ran into team's stunning victory in the recent Olympics at The Plumbers have now won U Kume of the second- 10 and 0. The big guns for St while Tom Reiser trailed with Timlnskl and Brian Feeney. Lumberjacks, 875-594 and 639out of IB games ln the tecond trouble, finishing the second 620. e r to remain tied for JoMph't were Mike Btawickl six. Johnny Doros found the accounted for totals of 10 and game on the short end of an Squaw Valley. It has been proved that determina- half. Mary Kulesza and Ann Kocm Die St. James' with eight markers, and Tom range for nine counters for St. seven. Gerry flwiatko and Leo 876-725 total. Its total was lowJack Gels of the Plumbers led Francis and Tom Webb hit for Mills each pumped six digits zewskl were Iselln Lumber's est of the season. Difficulties tion and desire, a spark of nature's fire, can overmall JJ'BKUP. The tWO Rumage with seven. Into the nets for Boston Col- stars with totals of 464 and 453. still plagued the Soft Drlnkmen come lack of ability and physical stature. The U. S. the-attack with a 235-563 u .-.IT. will settle their Niagara was also Involved In five. BUI Harth added a 207 ln a big Lucille Qrogan chalked up n :-i!;iv afternoon at a dote game while rounding Belmont Abbey averted a tie lege. in the finale which they lost, team had it, and made the most of it to stun the 944 first game. Rudy Qalvanek 417 for the Pharmacists. 787-769. Bob's, the league's average Last-place Mary's Dress entire world of sports with their brilliant triumph. of ss leader, was the TVers' star •with Shop surprised Cooper's Dairy, The bright spots of the * • • * games of 206,203 and 185 Tor a winning two out of three games. match were John Johnson's 224 594 series. The Dressmakers were victor- single game and 543 set for the When Jack Rlley, a hockey coach at West Point, Slsko & Fedor managed, only ious In the first two, 817-M5 winners with Nick Buscreba's and 655-853 before dropping 195 game and 504 set tops for who was appointed to handle the Olympic sextet, a single win ln its match with the losers. the third 856-597. i dent about the task of picking skaters, he was criti- Urban'* but held on to sole posTEAM STANDINGS The big bowler for the Diess- Bowl-Mor with two victories session of second place ln the •^ TEAM STANDINflft M \U STANDINGS TEAM .STANDINGS St. James', a contender for Iselin Junior League makers was Dolores Miller, who over Bee Gee created a three- cized from here to California. He made his choices loop. John Palinsky lowed a W L bittern Division the title in the Saltern Division, W L accounted for a 439. Kay Smith way tie for second involving the from all walks of life including carpenters, busi- 220, Mel Oloffra a 217, and 4 0 W kept Its record clean by out- St. Cecelia Juniors 6 Bill DeJoy a 203 as Urban'! hit a 481 for the Dairymaids Head Pins. Both teams have 3 1 Barron Juniors shooting the Port Reading Im,- Knlcks ...„ 3 and was followed by Maryon Identical records of 12-12. The nessmen, lawyers and insurance agents, but he was totaled 932 ln the 3-1 triumph. .. i 1 St, James' 0 pala* 27-11. Big 5 , 3 Clancy, 424, and Iolene Master- House team started the match aware of each player's capabilities. The situation Gerityg in Sweep ,,, 2 2 Menlo Park Wizards .... Hawks with an 843-821 loss, but reand Tom 'oye 0 °' Ruts Rlley peter 406. Ed (Lefty) (ferity took the 2 2 Fords Bombers did not improve any when his team won only three Intermediate League 0,were the 8alnts' most accurate In the final match. Mlele's les bounded to take the succeedplace of his brother Andy as , 1 3 Wildcat* 1 1 conquered Shop-Rite twice. The ing games 818-775 and 861-802 'shooters with totals of 10 and 6. Falcons of five practice games against some fair midwest- the leader of the L. J. (ferity i 3: Colon!* Falcon* Localltes Excavators capped the terminal The big men of their respec! After trailing at the conclu....;!;,• .. 1 em colleges. However, he never lost faith in the quintet as the latter swept 3t. Andrew*' tilts 739-679 and 712-636, while tice teams were Harry Estelle three from Alexander's to move sion of two periods of play, the Bombers — Vlllanova Pt- Reading Impalu 6 dropping the middle game, 672- of the winners and George U. S. team and before the start of the Olympic Into a five-way tie for third. iWoodbridge Warriors took com- C, Y. O :i.i '.liu top team in! Western Division Kayser of the losers. Havry elimination, he confidently predicted that the Bob's, Foodtown, Oerity's, 'maad of the game in the sec- ISELIN—By making the most 661. ••> Little Basketball Westbury Warriors 3 Woodbrldge Okkmoblle and °!ond half to down the Hopelawn of a concentrated attack, the Ann Peterson with a 170 rolled a 228 high game and 571 Big Five moved up to the .500 ?ame and 474 set was Miele's set, while George also had high United States would finish first, Canada second, Almagi all hold records of 8 and :: , clean record. Wdbge. Warriors 2 ° Youth 31-21. level with a 3-3 record after best while Helen Anton fol- game and set of 191 and 538. K «nw elu« to be- Oolonla Hawks 2 and Russia third. The experts rated the U. 'S. no 7. The Oldsmobile pinner! The Barron Juniors tat alone overpowering the Hawks 56-14 lowed with a 188 and 451. The took two games from Ryan's Lose Big- Chance b: ;i scrappy Holy Avenel Presbyterians . 2 at the top of the Eastern Divl In the Iselin Junior Basketball Storekeepers' leaders were Jean The Head Pins, after winning better than fifth or sixth. Plumbing as John Yager 204, winch failed to suc-lColonla Boys Club 1 j:»ion after conquering the CoLeague. and George Kardos 201, led toe Frank 464 and Vickie Karausky the first two games' and a th.. Wildcat* racked!Keasbey Bombers 1 * . t • • lonla Falcons 2723 for their Ionia Falcon* 27-23 1 attack. 454. George Braden was the best (Continued on Pag* IS) ii an uvertime tes-'Heii Oiler* 0 3 second straight win stnoe U * Riley's determination soon spread to the hockey marksman on the floor for the •: the hard-fought'Wdbr*. swim Chrb Jim DeJoy came through for start of the second hair. Hop«l»wn Youth 0 3 High men for '.he Barrons Big Five parting the nets for If team, and they soon began to believe in ^themselves Almasi's as the left-handed points by way of nine field lead-off man had scores of 20S •MWH swprlseJ the WOODBRIDOE — The Co- were Bob Hayler and Richard after a lew differences of opinion. The U. S. team and 203 to inspire his mates to i-.im by taking a fl-Shorn,, Hawks. first-half cham- .Smlnk with totals of nine and goals. His production was the was not a big one by any standards. Little Bill a triple victory, Jim Vash of ;mtlal period but a p i o n l l n the Recreatlon BabeLigru. Tom Botger tosstd in 15 best during the one sided game. HLs teammates, Quinn and Mauro Motors tossed a consola::• WlldcaU in the Rutli Basketball League, ran f the Falcon*. or Rezplnskl, also got ln on the WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT Center over V.F.W. No. 2, Bt. An- Christian, one of the stars, weighed only 145 tion 202. .• .ufficiciu to balance Into opposl-j unexpected LEAGUE tome 4rew'« H N S . Nn. 3 o m J1re«td« pounds, but his determination more than made up scoring act tossing In totals of Harry Burke Insurance took ;• i': a-H ut me conclu- Uon from the Standing] U Of Februiry 13 Realty. UOn irom me /iveim Prtsbyrrcauy- 1_. - ^ f^y 16 and 12, respectively W two games from Majer's TavTwo-game winners: V.F.W, No, S for his /light poundage on the ice. ;!..• f.iM half. terlans and lost their first game k v I I O l i m f i V After rolling up a 20-4 lead White Blrchers .. 43 oy«r St. Andrew's H.N.8. No. 1, ern but remained in a three(.. >\s ihut to Uie front State powl .., « by a 32-21 tally. Both clubs nawj* ^ * " w x * i V / J In the opening period, the Big Otrdtn * • * • way deadlock for 14th place Kramer & Byrne ,_ 45 WOODBRIDGE SERVICE LEAGUE :i t..f third frame a n d h»ve 2-1 record* In the second y Five continued to trounce the Carport Swim CWT) 44 and dropped Mayer's Into a sixStandings as of February 2} : Viitanova made a half In the Western Division. When the U. S. vaulted into the semi-finals to way tie for eighth place. The 43 W L Hawks 10-6 ln the second, 4-2 Menlo Cleaners 40 Molnar'a Tavern , 19 g in tue fourth U> tie! A v e n e t r o m p e { i t 0 the from Confectionery ln the third, and 22-2 ln the Henlo meet Russia, they were not given much of a chance bottom thrse clubs are only two 39 Saturday NlterB ID • 8 White Birch .n 18-18 nl lh* j . 6 l n t h e f | m period but Co38 Julhia' Burners Wh 1J'4 fourth, Menlo Pharmacy y WOODBRIDOE — The anto dethrone the defending champions. Once again games out of third place. 33 Ivy League 14 13 S Mk iqnia rallied (or 13 points In the Merit Super Market The St. Cecelia CYO. which Mi Tom Karplnskl fired a 221 to iual Knights of Columbus 851 Dean'i Floor Coming 31 44 Wm. Perm „ 1 1 1 « D ' Fl :.i:iJau-d struggle lor; second to knot the score at 18Riley was called topon to instill a fighting spirit lead Tobak's Grocery to a ha* yet to win a game this sea- Cubs . 2S SO Hungarian C. Club _ ..- U IS it. James' Holy Name Society .. in tin; overtime pe- 18 »t the halftone Intermission. American Legion Post 411 -.. 19 99 Mayer's Tavern , 10 17 double win ; direr Van Tassel's Invitation Basketball Tourna- son in the Intermediate League, (ft 1714 into his club, and he did such a great Job that he (i lo mutcrialiiK w Tony Aclemo Honor Roll (200 or Better Gainei, Moot* 138ft sparked th* dropped two more, losing to the College Inn, and Fran* Bsumment will start tonight at the Hoaor Roll 600 or Better Seta) •u-nt on a scoring Hawks' rally with four field high game, 847, Wm. Peon: later remarked, "We were so keyed up to beat the gartner's 209, coupled with Nick Amboy Avenue court with two Bombers 61-59 and the Local- r. Kopcko 315-214—411, ? . Nora- a. Team Pejka 15S. T. Butktewtcz 193, M. mitihoui the tired goals for eight points. ites S3-29. itrom 238. K. Sohn 2J4, T. Crimi Ml, Russians, I was afraid that we might have left our Ballo's 200, led State Jewelers am« scheduled. Rayman 217. E. Wires 301, A. Tavor 134, J. Kuzmjak 131, M. Bral.-o and cllnc'i their to an odd game win over WoodHrubl paced the Bombers' at- J. After being outshot In the tar 233. Scuorco 204, P. I*ngyel 204, E. B«game back in the dormitory. League director Rev. Oustave tack ln the first game flipping victory since second Quarter, the PresbyterIndividual high games: J. MoClue bridge Liquor, despite Tony d«t»ky 203, F. Qrlfflo 202, W. Peter 201. M. Hrabar 233, J, Tobla* 303, i'l the second half. ians came on strong in the sec- Napoleon and James Keating ln 21 counters, while Mulqueen ton 201, J. Kollar 201. Czajkowskl's 202, 3. Pejka 187 (eg). announced that St. Mary's of Remits '••'•. who scored only ond half to dominate It by outplaced second among the vlcThree-game winners: White Birch, Perth Amboy will meet Our If you failed to witness the historic battle betnul during the r e | - producing 0-0 in the third Urious point producers with 16 en ov»r Menlo c;»»u«rs. Menlo BOWL-MOR SUNDAY N1GHI MIXED LBAUUE uiis the top marks- stanza and 5-3 in the fourth. Lady of Peace of Fords In tne Stark and Logenes ran their Pharmacy over Man's Floor Cover. tween U. S. and Russia by means of television last Standings as of February 21 Initial clash Bt seven o'clock. Ing. • extra sessiun pourW L Wally Morse and Joe Davis The second game Involves a totals to 21 and 20 for the CYO. Two-game winner*: American LeSaturday, there is no denying that you missed a ii big points. Braaa Bucket 45'4 1S\ were Avenel* top marksmen clash between St. Francis of The Localltes, who are only gion over Mem Super Market, Oar Hanlc'a 19th — 43 19 sports spectacle difficult to equal. We would not <V'id Derails Minkler den State Bawl over Kramer S one game off the pace set by Schwenzer Bros 41 31 sinking totals of 12 »nd 10 •uioviis high »corer» Aclerno was the best individual Metuchen and Our Lady of the front running Falcons, took Byrne, Carport over Cubs, White Daldone's Cleaners Mil 34ft venture to say that the U. S. skaters were superior Birch over Menlo Confectionery. Hungary of Perth Amboy. Lucas Market 38 36 the CYO with comparative ease <•• of nme and eight. production for Colonla. with 13 Woodbrldge Liquor 32 4Q FINAL SECOND HALF with their sticks since the Russians were capable WOODBRHXiE TOWNSHIP •'>'• Tiie Crusaders B Sc L Tire Co 29(4 43l,4 In by far the best-played The first round of elimina- after rolling out front in the FIRKMEN S LEAGUE 1 STANDINGS Woodbrldge Hardware — 23',4 48ft .i t.iiuotmg standpoint game, the Port Reading Hess ting will continue Friday night first period 28-13. contestants in one of their favorite winter sports. »s of February It Honor Roll W L with two additional games. 8t, Danko was the Falcons' ofW '"* U r s e n and Billy OUers upset the Colonia Boys , Men: A MlHos 201-201-314-«H. J. From where we sat in front of a 24-inch screen, it Wake Forest _„ 4 , 0 20 Lucas 213, a Suyder 213, H. N*dolMLi clusters of nln» Club 33-31 with a strong sec- Joseph's of Carteret engages fensive ace pumping ln seven P. B. A. 38 10 2 3 211. A. Magyar 203, B. Brtnkmao Holy Trinity at m e n o'clock, field goals for 14 points, while Woodbrldge Emerg. Bquad ._ 14 appeared as though the Soviet athletes were out- Presbyterian 14 ond-half finish. Avenel No. 1 30J. : Lafayette -.« X, 3 while St. James' takes on St. Schmidt and Dcrring each ac- Avenel EiempU — "'<--d up into , 14 vVqmen: E. Mlkos 510 set, A. Lucia hustled and outfought all the way. They found it Maryville Colonla held the upper hand Mary's in the second game at counted for 10. 1 3 Avenel First Aid •"••>»tion with a respect,81—503 eet, M. Dgros 188. Iselln Ei-Chteli .,_ . 10 AVENEL — Wake Forest be* Hesults difficult to cope with determination. u wrd after taking the 19-13 at the conclusion of the eight. lielln No. 1 _ Three-game wlnuert: Bohwenser first hair, but the Oilers racked Second round contests will came the second-hail* «ham: 4 Shell "' Manhattan by Bros, over Woodbrldge Hardwara. * * * * Hoaor Roll plons ln the Avenel Presbyup 11 counters In the third pe- take place Saturday night with ]>4 games: Hank's 19th over WoodTeam high game, 907, Avtnel No. brldga Liquor. terian Basketball League after riod to even the score at 24-24. the final* scheduled for Sunday 1: M Salvla 159. J. Kosak 189, M. Despite the ferocity of the action, the game was and Ronnie In the decisive fourth quarter, Two-game wlnneri: Brnss Bucket taking the measure of Latay* Hrabar 137, O. Arny 183, 8. Derew- over Luca« Market, Daldone's Cl««nafternoon. -i sank total* of 12 and Skv 223. exceptionally clean and the code of sportsmanship ette by a 57-45 score. The Wako the Port Reading club clinched ert over K Si L Tire Co. " the high riding Iona Individual high set, S. Derewtty the verdict by outscorlng their The top three team* at the 211-233-170—004. reigned throughout the contest. This we trace to. Forest club won four straight , BOWL-MOR SUNDAY NIGHT 'Hi" Juspers1 big man conclusion of the tournament games since the start o( the Individual high games: J. Hemath opponents 9-7. MIXED LEAGUE y wus, Mike Walker, will be awarded engraved tro- AVENEL—Wake Forest won 20«. C. Boblke 230, L. Raphael 200, the respect ,each team had. for the other. World second phase of the schedule, Standingi as o( February 28 D'Apolito Hlfh 'tuu-d the hoops . _ W. Ruaaell 193 leg). phies ln recognition of their the Avenel Presbyterian Senior Saturday afternoon Waka Richie D'Apolito, one of the Brau Bucket - «14 J8',ii problems were not their* for the time being. And, achievement. The tourney is be- Hi Basketball League chamBOWL-MOR 8PORTSMBN'S Forest will be given the opporHank's 19th « M better scorers ln the league who was the player to score two goals against Rus"' "it- lowest scoring ing fully sponsored by tlie pionship for the second straight LEAGUE Sw Bros _ . _ « 31 tunity to clinch the 19S0 tltto Standlngi as of Kebnuur 21 '' Ha- current season, was high man for Hess with 14 Knight* of Columbus and Holy year and accomplished the tueas Market - J9 38 W Daldone's Cleaners 37 li 37 la sia—Bill Christian, the 145-pounder. There is no by competing against Presby* feat In a big way by trouncing Alibi Bar ':>"i minded S | John's points, while John Samons fol Name Society. U Woodbrldge Liquor 32 43 doubt that the 3-2 victory will go down in the an- terian, the first-half chamPresbyterian, 80-18. VJ.W. No. 2 10 '•'•''i Notre Dame, 14-». lowed, striking H. Colonla' E * L Tire Co." MJ1 pions. V uv Tom Chmtel won the game Fords Sporting Center t Wopdbridge Hardware 25 ,4 "' top men ln the Richie D'Apollto was the big WU-No Slectrlc nals of the Olympics. Hank Trust, one of the Honor Boll individual scoring honors by star for Wake Forest sinking St. I,, .'•'luinn were Tom McK i H.N.B. NO. 1 1 Men: B. BuclUn 188-211-189—604 league's most consistent scorers, * • • * 7 nt, J. Matyl 285 (new high game), Tom Redllng flipping ln nine field goals and 20 points, while Hank Troat VJ.W. No. l .... was the big man offensively for & one free throw for 19 points. K Mlkos 224-205, H. StraWll 205-190, l AD<1 w tossed in 19. Also « : o r i n « i i ; 8 Flruldi ' " Healty ''HK-8'No'a After defeating Russia, the U. S. still had one Wake Forest with 23 points, • 1 H. Nftdolskl 210. 8. Ba»»rab 309, " The Menlo Park Wizards, the iVl v double flKures for the champs Honor t o l l (2M or Httter O u u i ) Barrett 204, J. Urban. " Hipped ln four remaining obstacle, Czechoslovakia, to overcome while Richie D'ApolltO' ana first-half champions In the BUI Blitak 243 (new n u o n high Women: K. Mlkoa 183. '"f Hie IiUh. were Richie Hansen 16, Roger game), Rlohie Hansen trailed with, Al Magyar 313-313. Jim Con Eastern Division, continued i: d Flwky 13, and Johnny Clark: 12. nlff 319, Dick Hardlih 213, Lou C&or Three - name winner*: Schweuatr before picking up a gold medal, Fatigued the next totals of 15 and 11, respectively. ' "l>' in the Utue their winning ways by posting BALTIMORE, Md.—A pair of High man for the Presbyterians do* 108, O. Thomas 203, Pet* Bit BroB over Duldoue'h Cleaners, Lucai Saturday morning after their hectic battle with Russia, Lafayette's leading point proa 38-30 triumph over St. An- iCeasbey lifters, Allan Palmer was Bub Boehmer, who ran his wlmU 201, Fuul Turek 200. Market over Woodbrltfise Liquor., M l t l fl) ur names on KuuIU ducer! were Joe Davis 10 and Two-B»i"« wlnuern: Hank's Wth drew's of Avtsutl. mid Al Pwo»kl. rcprowmtluv Riley's sextet could not get going against the Tex culton 18. ' . ism* wloaan: AUbl production Ut eight counter*. '""a m « u Holy Tbnt • • <• (Continued on'Page J8> Jim McDonald, the WUards' over WU-flu llectrlo, forit BporttM the Keasbey Eagle W. C. in the Presbyterian was handi""" 'irst game at 8'JO Czechs, and at the conclusion of two periods trailed Presbyterian primed itself ace, paced his team with 16 Baltimore Welglitlifting Cham- capped early In Uie gama when "•'"'i Hall t a k e 8 for the big playoff game Sat* counters. Richie Musi was next pionships, won second place three members of the starting on the Scoreboard 4-3. Strange as it may seem, the 11 »:30. at. Jqhns urday by posting an easy 75-4Q with nine. Bt. Andrew's leader honors in tjMlr respective divi- five fouled out. The replacelltl most perturbed person at Squaw Valley over tlie victory over Maryville. During "ittt 10:30,. and was BUM Uccl. who ran his inISI sions recently. ments could not cope with the ;"' l i >M with ManhatU. S. team's early showing was Nikolai Sologubov, the one-sided contest,. Bo$ dividual production to a lofty Palmer, competing in the well balanced Wake Forest atat U:30.. 18. tack. the Russian captain, who learned to respect and Boehmer set a league recWd py middleweight division, copped scoring 14 points. . . . . Iftrds Bombers found second place after a 250 pound Wake Forest asserted Its suThe ' U i *y 8tengel i admire the Americans' courage and determination. Boehmer eclipsed the hlgb will have lo the r»ng« against the Wildcats press, 230 snatch, and 200 elaan premacy ln the very first period 11)1 mark of 41 points set by<Bv4 * » * * . his team to win and at a consequence encoun- and jerk for ft 7S0 total. He to by outshoQtlng the Presbyter.Mezera last sewon. The Presby••'»" Uague pennant, tered little opposition romping regarded as one of New Jersey's larw 20-2. When the halftime As the dejected U. S. team rested in between the terian ace accumulated 6 l \ M . t « 8 P . M. ™0<1 point. Twelve to a on»-slded 11-90 decision. tup lifters ln his class. Monday Intermission roller} around, Making a big splash offensecond and third periods, Splogubov entered the" sinking 23 field goals. Wake Forest w u well on Its Poroskl, a rapidly improving « f. M. to » r. U. best ahooten <p:tttr. '"I of only Ii big sively lor Fords w u Bob Daley 123 pounder with » bright fu- way to the 1890 Utk as their dressing room and suggested that the Americans vllte'i floor wert Andy Petertta u # Jwlth la ibot* from the floor » A. M. for 1959. jSatttrday ture, made a press of 180 idvanariei fell, behind in the try oxygen to overoome their fatigue at an altitude Bwry smith with. clmUa of; Put Botttm and on* txm * « foul line for watch of 115 and a dean aruj worinf eolumn liVi. n point*, lit* two teammate" I ju M. t» 4 >• * tuafefi U A. M. •» 1 f. • uason. K Roemmittv of Ally A of 0,200 feet. Hi wanted our team to win and even lerlc of 110 for a 446 total. Wayne Bohacs and BUI Yacki h R U a Keasbey will defend it* teur went so far as to supply the .tanks. Much credit is ntdle Aroaro has rtldw m , , i. who hit 42 noui, tied for aecond plaa ohamplomhip in the New Jer- l Jx Qi'the eight Laurel ittUt* "••• <;f Washington laithonon with I* »nark»»- Joh' given to Sologubov'B oxygen for the brilliant third national' sey Senior WelghtUftum charo- he league at «: refflw ai races. 9« won m '•it the »nd ChWfcM' Deflew W AmP*1 AveriiM Tel. Ml 4-IMS WoodbrMie ~M every game from the| l on Umtk If »»,?•»• ,• (Continued m ?w W •even digits for th •tart of the season. .ale. Wildcat*. " , M Lucky Strikes Clobber 5 Clubs Tie 3rd Slot League Leaders Twice For On 8-7 Marie ;f: -.•?h Niagara, St. Peter's Post Wins To Share St. James League Lead Holy Cross Hawks Lose Hailed, 30-18 To Presbyterians J 5 Evens LOO Record P Strikes and Spares Opens at 7 Wake Forest ClinehesTitle Wake Forest Loop Champs KeasbeyEagle Lifters Score OPEN BOWLING ON ALL ALLEYS.. BOWL-MOR LANES THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 PAGE EIGHTEEN NOTICES Now Hear This 100 Lap Race At Teaneck nv THF Tf)WNSH]i<fwtih jsilsfiictnrv surrtj- t h e amount hrltlite In hereby itaiimntert u l . h r | « * « t « l a n f W ": ON PK-'TSHHRR 19.1'fl he dele rmlivtl -ftp r report «, me' Ton n f h l p Milk Inspector t n nmke •'* k : I " w " " s IJ H i Continued from Spurts Ca!<" ni< l n o p w t n r of t h i s l l uto K Klrl rih t vin of Wp-'hiir1. i' flion r '"';' l >"<t •"' hm nii.trlr'. ' . . r iii- " » ! :| urn'; <v''ter » Trip s t n r v llltj s i u i y • • • o f OlVITlDlC SDOrtSITianshiD u i V N J " I H « - aputvp f failed'tO end at the conclusion of th" final match. Several minutes later in the jubilant U. S. dressing room, the Russian coach, Analoti Tarasov, with tears in his eyes, walked up to Riley and kissed him on the , . rT ,:irr • •" •Ur t iwiint nr dHtrWtVAvenue to tl.' I"' ilnnlni! Township period scoring spree which sent Czechoslovakia miditet; trailing, 9-4, but in our opinion it was the Russian auto racing comes to a dust1 captain's presence in the dressing room which in- i»»Saturday at. the Teainck' spired the U. S. to a great victory, ;0( sunnt Armory with the season's , eighth prom-am on the paved; ' Oval Inside the bis North Jer! sey buildinc As a climax to the thror-1 *«>*Bonth speed campair;i thf pro-i gram will wind up in the HU• nual 100-lap c lamiJinnship rac« that follows six eaiiy-i • night qualifying events. The! NOTH i NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES IT.GA1. NOTICKR I.EO4I, NOTICES to the ordinance entitled I proved by the Township inilncer'therefor from the Board of Health «PP«n;ed ("Ordlnanr* providlnn for the wn-land the Bullrtlng In«ppctoT nf thf'ni iril« Township. ' WIHRTH eral rmiro-vemept of roa<l» in the Township, untl that the Top layer of, SECTION 1« The application for rfi,iiiiiV'i*iJMBFR ITownshlri nf Wcodbrlclgr. In the soil, to a depth of nix inches shall '»ld license sh»ll state: iiiniitui Countv of Mldd'.e«tx New Jersey, tolbr » t aside and retained to nr (Hi The name «nri nddr™ of ,:J, r.'lf! IIU.I:I I) .»•; ,.n nor;.li' r. t"":'! ti in ihnf uvrd Sirvoi, thei;m rii>l!.rlv dlrertlon n:r.,i-. llnr of Wcuhvirv I' wherf u Avenue IK Hl«li*» v northwesterly line ol in,"! 1 ','.'; ihe dividing imi ME, linn rrnvn:.'.!!. ,-nn Wood- to on fliMl* point; I- ,. . . heek H e w a s n l ^ftrst raw win br started at crelations attemptingAnatoli to cement — emotionally wasdiplomatic outwardly "8:30 P. M., after car wmups showing his respect for a coach and team which went all the way-on guts and determination. writ's action * • • * A iccord cash purse has bwnt .posted and Will bo augmented j We have always been an exceedingly courageous " by lap monies, of $5 per lap to I the driver who lpads at th? ener nation with an abundance of pride; therefore, it is of the various laps This money easy to understand how our hockey team followed provision is similar t<i the plan tradition to the hilt, They have all gone back to lit Indianapolis Speedway, where even patrons contribute their respective positions In life, but their exploits and name the laps whiiii they will be long remembered by the sport fraternity of sponsor. • Rscowh of past marathons the world. miinner provlden bv Attest: IB J. DUNIOAN. Township To be advertised In The Independ ent-Leader on M»n-h 3rd and March Notice of Public henrlng for final adoption on March School. Iwlln, New Jrr the uf mou or peraom who wtll h«ve line nf siildifrly nloni! ^iilrt rlcli the obllgttton of malntiilnlnii sold be mode and no soil sha Wootlbridtfe Townnanli" clean and wholesome Township u"d FOURTH WARD, El 11 MOT1CB 18 HKRBBT OIVEN thMJmoTed, under the c northerly ship: thenrr n DISTRICT the State Hl|-hw»y Depurtmfnt will Tdlnsnce, unless » permlf therefor The amounts or volt* and Beginning at a poll hold n pukltc hearing on Wednea- ia.ll have first been obtained as • ol » thp Iwt nwn ,,lacp:dividing II to i h f pnlnl "r place center line of New day. March U. 1940. on the proponed irovldefl herein, niiri no excavation amperes of electric current n Ihf point or ].lacf d vldln« gr»dt «tp«mtloti at HoMte V. 8. 1 iatl be mttdp mul no null phnll br vlll he rnnnrrtfd with utri \ SECTION 11 End. -,., and Woodbrldge Aven\ie, Edison moved except In conformity *' shall submit with his application!the Fourth Township, Middlesex County, u re- le provisions of thl* Ordinance. ,o he known as rciumi ""'"•w l K ) n Township nuil quired bv the Federal Highway Act SECTION 7. Am person, firm or thf annual license Ire required^ lntrl 5 show that the longer the cona h»«l - • (.fMfi;Town§lM>! thenct nor!! I of IBM, Public Law 677. Mth Con- irporatlon vlolatlnn any of the pro-hereby. Polllni; l'l»": unlrt boundary line to Avenue, IwHn, New Jersey. test the greater the possibility SBCTION 18. The annual license I New gress i H N lion with the cpnter . gtreet. of this Ordlnnnce shall be the Installation and operp During all the gala ceremonies at Squaw Valley, The hearing will be held In the lslons of an upset win but still InPhiladelphia and K«iu!:: ibject to a fine not eiceedlnit Two fee fOl'RTH WARH, ELECTION di ation of mechanical milk vending Municipal Building. Woodbrldge and FOIRTII HARD j thenrr easterly alone • ($200.00) Dollars, or lmDISTRirT NI'MWR TWO: stalled as favorites are such we were disapointed that not one of the high- Blmpaon Avenues. Nixon, at 10:30 undred DISTRICT NIHBF.R line of wild Railroad • lsonment In the County Jail for a machines or devices Is hereby fixed Beginning nt n point where thej stars as Len Duncan and Jim A. M.. tastem Standard Time, on erm not ruecetllni: ninsly (901 days at Fifty ($50,001 Dollars, which sum center line of New Bover Rood Insection with the renter : B e g i n nln|! at Ihf point priced commentators referred in any way to the Wednesday, March 25. I960 I*cy, the armory and circuit the discretion of the Magi "the "boundary line ti lf noriherlv northerly rlsnt ^Jersey State Highway !• d li between I ^ o n " o f th relation of details of design ifore whom such conviction w ind Edison T o w n s h i p s j ^ v " , , , ,,f the Philadelphia and; ,uil- # 1 ; thenre <champions last winter. Lacyman who revived the Olympics1 in 1896. So that his toThe Individual properties will not be i had. Each and every violation issued for one calendar year and all Kh TlL^M^TmT' won a 75-lap grind weeks ago at this hearing Such In- id non-conformance of this Ordl- letn5<?a lulled during any calendar .Dd"fmm .aid begmnm. point run- SJ d l n i l R.tlrond and '^t^ol name will not go unmentioned, we would like to available formation can be secured from the m « , or each day that any pro- •ear shall expire on Decembn 31st rung easterly alone Mid center line , l o n southerly of the center line o : to the point .OF pla>* .• at the Hempstead. L. I., SpeedDepartment when final jtslon of this Ordinance shall have if the year of issuance. The Board tn the renter line of New Jersey J . . M r n f r Avenue; thence northerly BEING all of DIMrl'i » if Health may require a new apway, proving his skill in gruelexpress our gratitude to a Frenchman, Baron ' been* violated shall be construed to plication before any ntw license Is Garten Sta£ Psrkw.y Route #4;!SS™*l5ir «ld prolongation of ' W ^ " ^ » ' » "«.f•»''•thence somhorly along the center, w n t e r m , t of Creemer Avcn> j «o know « : ^ r . t h ^ » r i Sinned: Ing tests while Duncan tria separate and distinct violation luued. line of said last , . Pierre deCoubertin, who started it all. Nb matter l h , ^ n^.^^.^^^^^^f^^^rS^^il!^ D .? !„ \ ,,n. o f » . d KENNETH D. RICE, Secretary thereof. umphed in the 1959 century ,, l w r S tfny slonK the c e n - : P a r i l T C T r « e M SUCTION 20. No license shall be W the pomt of Intersection with SBCTION 8. This Ordinance shall transferable from place to Dlnce nor the center line of James Plwe;[ n ( n c f n o r oreen where he rests today, it is our hope that his faith I.-L. 3/3. 10, 17/«0 Street to the lntfr-iUn, New Jersey ter l l n t o l here. I effect Immediately afMr pas- fiom person to person. :i of ChalnlI thence westerly alons the th enUT f the h center ter line line of ol Chain Bob Hamilton of Columbus i and publication as required by SECTION 21. Any person, firm line of James Pl County Surrogate'! Court FOURTH WARD. Kill i h , s I Place t to th the boiind(iry!o'Hllls b Road; thence tiortheas; in the Olympics has done more to bring a closer Middlesex NOTICE TO CREDITORS DISTRICT NL'MBUl SIM Ohio, last year's midwestern or corporation violating Any of the line between Edison and Wood- , l o m , the center line of I FREDERICK M. ADAMS, Charles SchwartEman, Executor of bridge Townships; thence northerly ' H H 1 S Road to the Intersection of; Beginning at a noli, O provisions of this Ordinance shall, relationship to all nations. champion, heads up an out-of{ Darld V. Brnon. deceased, by dlrec CommlUeeman-*t-L«Tge upon conviction, be punished by aalong aaid n e t o t ht e hl t hf f prolongation westerly said boundary » line y ° '"".center line of Ktnnedt tlon of Slmar E. Brown, Surrogate section contingent of challengpoint or place of beginning. : t e r line of Blocks 38VO and 3B8A. aecu the center line • * « • cen .Meat: fine not to exceed Two Hundred of the County of Middlesex, hereby of District 2 2 In In ^ ^t[Uii all of b s the center Road, thence from '-all [ U i i divining line belns; J, DUNIOAN, 11200.00) Dollars or ninety 190) daya| BBINO all ers who may whip east coast K F o t h ; b Pleasant Ave glrea notice to the creditor! of the' Eliminate competitive sports throughout this said David H. Bryson. to bring In rownshlp Clerk In Jail, or both. In the discretion of Fourth Ward to be Known as Fourth;,,, t h , block between Pleasant Ave- point southerly sinnr • favorites. Ward. District District .2. L„ ,i„e and South — Cliff - Road; . thence ...... m , Illne of Kennedy stre>' • Ward, . To be advertised In The lnde the Municipal Magistrate their debta, demands and claims ptsdtnt-LMder on March 3rd and SBCTION 21. In addition to the1 Polllni Place: School Jt22, New along said prolongation and » i o n g | o f l a t , r a e c t l o n with •:..• Reservations may be made troubled world and what have we got to reach a against the Mtate of the Mid dt- March 19th, 19M. with Notice of foregoing penalties for the violation Dorer Bosd, Colonia, New Jerwy. the center line of the above men- u o n w e g w r i y Of thp ,i . via phone during the week or under oath or affirmation nibllc Hearing for final adoption of this Ordinance, the Township tloned blocks, eouthe»s»erly f r o s s - j , ^ , , ^ . , , b l K . k 4 4 T I i „„,, mutual understanding among al\ men and women! ceaaed, within al> month* from thla date on March 15th. tseo. inK Clinton Street and c o n t i n u i n g | t h ( m ( . , , u t e r i T a |onp •: FOURTH WARD, ELECTION , ticket* can be picked up as Committee may, after a due and or they will be forever barred ol throush the center of Blocks M 7 H | t l o n i n i t n e W i< DISTRICT Nt'MBKR THREE proper lie»riUB «nd for good cause, early as 9 A. M. Saturday. i ree any action therefor against the aatd t o the westerly line o f . t w w n b]ocl 447L ami 388B NOTICE suspend the effectiveness of any Beginning at a point In the i\i\6-\nll parking is available for 3,500 Executor. ing line between Edison Township: estbury Park, Section # 3 , ssld J»SMcrosslng Mlddlesei Avni . Notice U hereby given that the license for a period not exceeding and Woodbrldge Township w h e r e W | ij i approximately 105 i e e t i y „!,,„; • Dated February 24th, 1M0. | p o n t e n ( ? t l n u l n ) ! e a i t < r l cars. 'ollowlng proposed ordinance wat thirty (Ml days. CHARLB8 BCHWARTZMAK, Introduced and passed on first read SBCTION » . la) The aaid hear- the snme la intersected by the cen- northwesterly from the northwest-,„„,, between block 1 " Executor. ing at a maetlng of the Township ing ahall be held on at least ten Mr line of Jnmes Place and from e r l y n n ( o f winter Street; t h e n c e j 4 W J M B K M R L 4 4 f l M said beginning iwlnt running eas'-jnortheasterly along the westerly >>nC| 449H l 0 , p o l n t w l l P r i ! . . . (Continued from Sports Page) Charles 8chwartot)»n, «aq., Committee of the Township of (101 d»ys notice delivered in person srly along tlie center lino of J a m e » 0 [ westbury Park, Section S 3 , » P - j u n e intersects with t:> 1330 Oak Tree Road, Woodbrldge, In the Countj of Mid or by registered mall. Place t o the center line of "New xlmately 370 feet to the d i v i d i n g u ^ f ^ j e n D i IK . k <=,, laelln, N. J., over Brass Bucket. Woodbrldge (bl The said hearing ahall be Jersey Garden State Partway R o u t e ;p,r O between Sections £ 3 and p . ! M . Oleaei, M«w Jetsey, held on the Is southrr-, lne M 9 H thence (Continued from SporU Page) Attorney. Hardware over E A. L Tire Co. day of March, 19M, and that wld conducted In accord...': ~!th th« # 4 ; thence southerly along the last-: westbury Park, said last point being dividing line between !,: I.-L. 3/), 10, 17, M/flO ordinance will be wken up for fur-procedure »nd rule* of evidence HIGHLAND PARK-The tor» chance to occupy second place line "•' center """*"" " " t h e northerly corner of Section Sp: block 449H t o » point * 8T, CECFI-IA'S K. OF C— governing the conduct of civil caws mentioned route to the NEW JERSEY STATE DEPART- ther consideration and final passage in the Superior Court of New Jersey. of Route #27; thence southwesterly thence southemterU' along the l n t e r M c t s a westerly "tlone, feU by the wayside and rid sfcries Involving Bruno 8amISKLIN : a meeting of said Township Com MENT OF CIVIL SERVICE along said renter line of Route #27 northeasterly line of Westbury Pars, rf t h e d i T l a l n i { | l n e „,„, ; Standings a of February 27 (O The good cause which . settled for a tie. The Head Pins' martino and Skull Murphy reilttee to be held at Its meeting EXAMINATIONS to the line of Edison Township; # 3 , approximately 335 feet m l a n ( J b l o c l ( 4 5 0 . .,,,,. W _ » m In the Memorial Munlclpi win warrant or sustain any mspen- thence northerly along t h e l a s t |Section center - -victories came on totals of 835- iumes when they collide in the Uelin Plumbini? line of Worth Street; \tigali t o the dlvldliiu . 46 Announced closing d»U for flllni Building In Wnonhritlge, New Jersey slon penalty shall consist of the mentioned t o t h e point or a general ss oou u t hjw je sj t e^t lj j 'j j M line to the p i n i ^ t h e n c 0 n feature match to a finish on 41 811 and 789-785, losing 867-748. thenc0 n a Mickey's Barber Shop .... applications March 18, I960. For ap m the 15th day of March. ISflO. at violation of one or more provlilons M9 9 II ,, nn dd Mock i i h . 41 Mauro Motors place of beginning. direction along the center line °'j tinulng easterly alon.1 plications, duties, and tnlnlmu of this Ordinance. :00 P.M. EST, or as soon therenftei Al Ballman led his teammates Friday night's wrestling proDuencheldt Insurance 39 qualifications, apply to Departmen aa said matter can be reached, a' SECTION TA The Ordinance BEING all of District 3 In t h e j W o r t n stnei cronstng Green Street, , o f t h e , u t m c n .,, . rolling high set of 540 and tied gram at Temple Hall. ,,,,,) continuing o u t h y « l ° n s i ,, llnnee tt 0 Kramer-Byrne Real EstAte 38 of Civil Service, State House, Tren which time and plnct all person: adopted September 20, 1955. by the Fourth Ward to be known as Fourth1,,,,,) continuing ssouthwesterly 0 t thhee c,nter ( , 37 Q g y i > station the prolongation ton, New Jersey, or 1100 Raymom who may be Interested therein wll Township committee of the Town- Ward. District 3. "Jack Nagy for high game with Their leud got its start injouwiey's " ' l t i southwesterly southwesterly oo(|#27- thence northeiMT!. 1 PoiilnVpiace: School #15, Persh. 37 Oak Tree Drugs said center line of Worth Street t o j c e n t e r m e o ( E o u ( 4 „ . Boulevard, Newark, New Jersey, o be given an opportunity to be heart ship of Woodbrldge entitled "An " - " - - »'-— - 196. For the Hearth team, John the Newark Labor Lyceum ring Kenney's Park Inn .... . 36 the intersection of same with t h e j ( e r 1 ) n e o ( N e w ^ ^ |(c , City Hall, Camden. New Jersey. Ordinance Regulating the Installa- Ing Avenue, Iselin, New Jersey, concerning the snmf. . 36 Masabrook. showed best in both jarly in January. Bruno, newest Shop-Rite—Iselln northerly risht of way line of ™i n o r thwesterly alonK ti-.c Candidates from Woodbrldge Town tion. Operation and Inspection of B. J. DUNIOAN. FOURTH WARD, ELECTION Philadelphia and Reading Railroad;; f N D Rosd , 0 ship who have filed applications wl .departments, with n 198 game start on the wrestling horizon, A & E Dairy Township Clerk Mechanical Milk Vending Machines DISTRICT NUMBER FOUR: thence southwesterly along sald! : 36>,2 receive no further notice to &ppe& Duffy's TV or Devices, Providing for the Li"and 560 set. .surprised Murphy with his un- St. George Pharmacy , 33 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE censing of the Same lor Revenue, unless they are not qualified. Dl-'.r. • • T 39 and Reading Railroad crossing the; a p o r t i o n o f District 4 In ' • • : • • . 32 n the final matcfc. Booth, usual talent and immediately Bell Drugs—Iselln These examinations will be heV INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND and Fixing Penalties for the Viola- center line of Middlesex Avenue tersects the center line of Route Garden State Parkway to the point, Ward t o b e k n o w n »s F, .:•:. ,v 30 Oliver's Tavern INSPECTION OF MECHANICAL Saturday, March 26. 1960. Clerk Ste tion Thereof", Is hereby repealed. still trying to recover the form Skull asked for a rematch. 29',i 42 42>,i nogr&pher and Clerk Typist- »t 9t Clccone Welding MILK VENDING MACHINES OR SBCTION 25. The provisions of #27, and from said beginning point or place of beginning. D i s t r i c t 9. • that led them to the first-half iThere was little improvement Iselln, Lumber M' 42>,i A. M. Applicants will report ' DEVICE8, PROVIDING TOR THE this Ordinance are declared to be running northeasterly along sold BEING a portion of District 6 In P o l l i n g P l a c e : School ; M S . ( center line of. Route 127 to a point the Fourth Ward to be known as look A v e n u e , Colonia, N>» Honor Roll (204 or Better Games) Perth Amboy High School, Sta OF championship, dropped a pair In Murphy In the second go. where the same Intersects the pro-Fourth Ward, District 6. John Rittersbacher 224, Gene Far- 8treet, Pfirth Amboy, New Jersey, , sentence, clause or phrase to Higgen's. The Electricians Aroused no little, Murphy de- ley 217, Don Smith 213. Ray Span- Open to citizens, 12 months resl TIES FOR THE VIOLATION; thereof ^hall for any reason be held longation easterly of the dividing Polling Place: School #18, Indiana BE IT FUKTHKR RES' •; line between block 4491 and block' Avenue, Iselin, New Jersey. lost by totals of 904-826 and manded another meeting which gler 210. Charles Damanskl 210. Bill dent In Woodbrldge Township. THEREOF the Townihlp Clerk i, to be Invalid or unconstitutional, hereby Is, directed to tn:. 807-785 with the victory com took place in Madison Square Klckvalsky 210, Joe Kirk 204, Ed Clerk Stenographer, 8»lnry, Con BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOW«- mien decision shall not affect the 450; thence westerly along said proJacko 203, Charles Olarrstana 205, tact Municipal Authorities for Sa: SHIP OF WOODBRIDGE. IN THE longation, continuing westerly along FOURTH WARD. ELECTION fled copies of this Resoli, validity of the remaining section, • • ins on a 771-743 tally, COUNTY OF MIDM.KSEX THAT: subsection, sentences, clauses and the dividing line between block Oarden In February. Murphy Charles Bastan 221. Harold Schaubel ary Rates. Middlesex County BV,R: ; DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN: Wally Sabo led the onslaughi came closest to proving his con- 207-202. SECTION 1. This Ordinance shall phrases of this Ordinance, but they 4491 and block 450 to a point where Beginning at the point of Inter- tions and the Mldtlli , Clerk Typist, Salary. Contact M' nlclpal Authorities for Salary Ratei be known and cited as the "Wood- shall remain In effect; It being the the same Intersects the dividing line section of the prolongation south- Commissioner of Eet::.-:: • for Higgeti Sign dropping tention that he is the much bet- Three-galne Results winners: 3t. George I.-L. 3/3. 10. 17/i brtdge Township Milk Vending legislative Intent that '.Ms Ordi- between block 450 and block 449H; westerly of the center line of Worth Middlesex County Cler.., Booth's to a tie for fifth place ter man when they met in New Pharmacy over Ciccone Welding. thence northerly along the dividing Ordinance." nance shall stand notwithstanding line between block 450 anil block Street with the northerly right of on file a copy In '.'.if Mickey's Barber Shop over KramerSECTION 2. To protect the lir»Uh NOTICE • in the standings. Wally rollei York, but still lacked enough Clerk's offlrt. Byrne Real Sstate, Shop>Rlte—Iselln 449H to a point where the same wny llnft. (if the PhllnrtPlplila arc! and welfare of the inhabitants of Notice Is hereby given that tl Date of Adoption: rv SECTION 16, This ordinance Reading Railroad; thence northeast a 215 game and 529 set. Tot) to beat the Italian strong boy. over Bell Drugs—Iselln. this Township, mechanical milk shall take effect Immediately after Intersects the dividing line between following proposed ordinance wi block 477 and blocks 449H. 4490, erly nlong said prolongation crossingi 1960, 'Scarpelletti showed best foi Murphy says he will turn the Two-game winners: Mauro Motors Introduced and passed on first read vending machines or devices shall adoption and publication In the Attest: Oreen Street and along the center over laelln Plumbing & Heating. 448M, 44BL, 448K, and 448J. thence t: Booth's with his 181 single an tide in Friday night's battle in Oliver's Tavern over Iselln Lumber, Ing at a meeting of the Townsh be Installed and operated In sccord- manner provided by law. D. J. DUNIQAN. westerly along the last mentioned line of Worth Street," still In a auce with the rules, regulations and FREDERICK M. ADAMS. Duerscheldt Insurance over Oak Committee of the Township •-536 set. dividing line to a point where the northeasterly direction crossing Byrtl Township Clerk, Temple Hall. standards herein prescribed and I.-!,. Oommltteemnn-at-Large same Intersects the center line of Street and continuing to the northTree Drugs, Qulgley's Esio Station Woodbrldge. In the County of Ml shall be sub)e« to Inspections as! In the individual averagi Attest: A companion feature will over Duffy's TV, Kenney's Park Inn dlesex. (few Jersey, held on the 1 herein provided. day of March, I960, and that sa • ^tussle, Mike Neshimku. ol bring together the Mighty over A & E Dairy. SECTION 3. No such machine or B. J, DUNIOAN, ordinance will be taken up for fu wnahlp Clerk -Booth's regained the leadershi] Zuma and the Zebra Kid. Other device shall be installed upon any BOWL-MOR THURSDAY NIGHT ther consideration and final passai public street, highway, sidewalk opr To be advertised In The Indeafter losing it to John Elek fo: bouts pair Sunl War Cloud at a meeting of said Township Cor ndent-Leader on March 3rd and WOMEN'S LEAGUE mlttee to be held at Its meetl: in or upon any public park, plaj- March 10th, 1M0. with Notice of . just one week. Mike is present with Bunding! as of February 25 ground or other public property. Chet Walllck, Pedro room In the Memorial Munlclp W L J y averaging 179 followed b; Morales with Ray Urvano and HECTION 4. No such machine or ubllc Hearing for final adoption on Child's-Electric 3»',4 36',iBuilding In Woodbrldge. New Jei device shall be Installed or operated arch 15th, 1960. sey, on the 16th day of March, 196 , r John Elek and John Johnsoi Merwln Marine 31 29 Kace with Miguel In miy residential zone as such Johnny Garden State Markets 36'.. 28'iat 8:00 P.M. 1ST, or as soon then zones are described In the Ordi- UPBRIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY 'with 178. Elek is ahead of John Perez. CHANCERY DIVISION Klnnsy Shoes .-,... M 32 after as said matter can be reachei nances of this Township. at which time and place all perm: MIDDLESEX COUNTY Ted's Tailor Shop 31 35 SECTION 5. Ho such machine or DOCKET No. C-H52-59. Kondor'a Service Station.. 30 36 who may be Interested therein w device shall hereafter be Installed STATE Of NEW JBRSEY: J»',i 38'i be given an opportunity to be hen ir operated any place within this i.. The Woodbridse Township Recreation Department B » » k e t - | M a u r o Uoton — to — Humbsrd's Cities Service... 26' 2 39'•,concerning the same. 'ownshlp unless and until the own•. ball Leaiue schedule for the week of March 7 ii a s follows:1 ' -Honor Roll B. J. DUNIGAN, HENBT HYAMS lessor, lessee or operator thereTownship Clerk and SOPHIE HYAMS. Individual high game, Edna Mlkos i SENIOR LEAGUE if procure* » license therefor from is wife, or MRS. HXNRY HYAUS. ORDINANCE va. AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE he Board of Health of this Town- Is wife, as the case may be: the * MONDAY Remits ship. THE REMOVAL OF SOIL FOR SALE ielrs, devisees and personal repraThree-game winners, Merwln Ma, Fords Boys Club vs. Booth Electric, at Barron, g P. M. OR FOR USE OTHER THAN ON SECTION 6. No license therefori ntatlven of Henry Hysms and his, rine. shall be Issued to any owner, lessor Morris Five vs. Phil's Shell, Barron, 9 P. M. Two-game winners: Child's Elec- THE PREMISES AND PROVIDING .essee or operator until he or they heir or any of their successors in fiamblers vs. Brown's Marine Railways, Fords, 9 P. M. tric, Klnney Shoei, Kondor'a Service PENALTIESTORTHE VIOLATION le an application and pay the ,ght. title and Interest. YOU ARE SUMMONED ind Tl THSJJBQI' , Si . . . Avenel A. A. vs. Woodbrtdge Eagles, Hopeiawn, 9 P. M. fetation. uired to answer the cumpuvlnt of B l IT ORDAINED by the Town- Icense fee herein prescribed. SECTION 7. No such machine COLJU TARAHEVITHH, etun.. In ship Committee of the Township o( WEDNESDADY Civil Action In the Superior Court, Vince Tesone, Little All Woodbrldge, In the County of Mld- mil be lnslalletl, operated licensed unless It is constructed so hanctry Division, and required to Morris Five v«. Woodbridge Eagles, Barron, 8 P. M. dleaei: American backflelder from SECTION 1. No person shall ex- a» to maintain a Temperature of rve upon Victor Samuel, PlainArty & George vs. Fords Boys Club, Barron, 9 P. M, Colonido Mines, led the Rocky cavate or otherwise remove any soil lot less than thirty-five degrees and ffs' Attorney, whose address Is 34 ommerce Street, Newark, 3, N. J.. , Phil's Shell vi. Brown's Marine Railways, Fords, 9 P. M. Mountain Conference in pass- (and for purpose of this Ordinance ioi more than forty-five degrees! 11 Answer to the Complaint within "soil" shall be deemed to Include, ahrenhelt at all times so as to pre~ Ramblers vs. Booth Electric, Hopelawn, 9 P.,M, ing, total offense and punting but not be limited to, any earth or n i t the formation of harmful bacdays after March 17, I960, e l ,erla In the milk mipply therein usive of that date, and It you fall LIGHT SENIOR LEAGUE during the 1959 football cam- earthy substance, sand, gravel, o do so Judgment by default may untalned. MONDAY paign. A tailback, Tesone passed soil, fill dirt, or the lite) for sale, or je rendered for the relief demanded for use other than on the premises .SECTION 8. No such machine the Complaint. You shall file your for 1,619 yards and seven Woodbridse Ramblers vs. Chinese Bandits, Fords, 8 P. M. from which the soil shall be tukeii >hitU be Installed, operated or .nswer with Proof of Service In touchdowns, ran for 592 and sxcept In connection with the con- Ir.ensed unless a thermometer Is no npllcote with the Clerk of the Colonia Rains vs. Hopelawn Indians, Hopelawn, g P. M. attached xa the cooling chamber '42 point* and averaged 42.2 struction or alteration of a building .hereof ax to revaal to itny proepee ourt, Ststi HOUM Annet, Trenton, TUESDAY on such premises, and excavation or J , in accordant with the Rules {yards on punts. He is a 5-foot-l .lve purchaser Of the milk tliereli ,f Civil Practice and Procedure grading incidental thereto, wlthoul Avenel Presbyterians vs. Woodbridge Owls, Barron, 9 P. M. first having procured a permit there :ontalned, or to the Townslilp In 178 pound senior from LouisThe object of said action 14 to Hopelawn Bombers vs. St. James' CYO, Hopelawn, 9 P. M. for lrom the Builillii!,' lneiiector oi ipector herein designated, the temp Quiet and Settle title to land* In ville, Col. jruture wltbltl said chamber. said Towuahlp, 'ownshlp of Woodbrldge, Middlesex WEDNESDAY SECTION 9, No such machine bounty. New Jersey known as Lou SECTION 2. The Building In Woodbridge Ramblers vs. Avenel Presbyterians, Fords, 8 P. M. ilull be licensed, installed or opcr 165 and 4M Block 937 ae laid down spector shall not consider any ftp Former heavyweight cham- plication for the removal of t>ol ated unless It Is so constructed nd shown on the Tax and The Hi Fi's vs. St. John Vianney, Hopelawn, 8 P. M. pion Flotrd' Patterson Is super- from the premises for sale or other m enable a prospective vendee tc THURSDAY wise unless IUHI until the owner ui recover, by a mechanical device, th< meat Map of aaid Towuahlp of vising the training of his the premises bhnll first Ille with the luules deposited when the milk Woodbrldge aforeuld presently In Hopelawn Indians vs. R. P. A., Barron, 8 P. M, supply Is eibsusted. younger brother, Ray, who also Building Inspector mi st. Said lands are known by the Colonia Rams vs. St. James' CYO, Barron, 9 P.M. , SECTION 10. Every milk vend Is a heavyweight and recently requesting such permission, togethei lug machine or device shall havi treet Number 110 Morrtsev Avenue, with a nutp of the premises showlni Woodbrldge, N. J. The Hi Fi's vs. Hopelawn Bombers, Fords, 9 P. M. turned professional. the present contour Hues of th<t-learly Indicated on the eiterloi You ana each of you, u your St. John Vianney vs. Woodbridre Owls, HopeUwn, 9 P. M. premises and the proposed contoui thereof and In clear view a concise interest may appear, ore mad* parmill accurate description of thi BABE RUTH JUNIOR LEAGUE Al Kaline and Harvey Kuenn lines and proposed contour grade: product being dlspeuwd by sail ies defendant because you claim, •r may claim to own ths same, or resulting from such Intended re MONDAY have played seven full seasons mova.1 of soil in relation to the to inui'lilne ur device. some p*rt thereof, or to have some nterest therein, or claim to hold a SECTION 11. A mechanical pography of the premises, and tin with the Detroit Tigers. Wildcats v«. St. Andrew's CYO, Barron, 7 P. M, suld proposed lontour lines mi automatic milk vending machine o. ien pr encumbrance thereon, Menlo Park Wharfs vs. Colonia Falcons, Fords, 7 P. M. 1. ORANT 8COTT, proposed grudes shall be subj«-t t devlre hot lodaud within a bulldlui Clerk of the Superior Court LEGAL NOTICES the lunpecllon and approvut of tin nr structure ahall be set back 8 i James' CYO vs. Fords Bombers, HopeUwn, 7 P. M. of New Jeraey Township Engineer and the liulld least four (4) fe*t from the proper! ,-h, 2/JS, 3/3, 3/10, 3/11 TUESDAY line and no such machine or devlci NOTICI Ing Inspector of the Township o NOTICt IS HEREBY OIVEN that Woodbrldge, No such penult f« ahull be Installed or placed In tin , Colonia Boys Club vs. Hopelawn Youth, Barron, 7 P. M. the following proposed ordinance soil remuviil shall be lwued unt nucrlor of any. premises in such i ', Port Reading Hess Oilers vs. Keasbey Bombers, Barron, f P. M. was Introduced and passed un firm. such 111;Lp has I'tcn filed, und untl manner, posllloft, pr location aj ti t unillLutefebtftrd or dsJiger to th. Wottfbrldite Warriors vs. Woodbridge Swim Club, Hopelawn, reading at a nutting of the Town- the proposed contour lines ship Oommltttt of the Township of Kradc* Have, been approved by tin * o or Us UMTS of said p premise: wBt* ." , 7 P. M. Woodbridge, l a the County of Mid- Tovutihlp Eiujlueer und Uie Build n)«chlUM br devices shall b . Colonia Hawks vs, Wthtbury Warriors, Hopelawn, 8 P. M. dlesex, held on the 1st day of March. ln# Iunpector of this Towuahlp. lit during the hour? 0 1900, and that aald ordinance will SECTION; 3. In the rtmovttl n&s provided, however, tlw *',> WEDNESDAY tit taken up lor further c-onniiletu- soil worn ttw peniili h«s bmn dm tliere shall be no blinking llgliu U Foil Reading liw>»l»» vs. Meiilot Park WbanU, Bwrtw, 7 P. M. tioo (or noaJ MMftg* at a tntetlng! irantfiil. Hit; uwnrr ur penum I HKUl'ION U. The uwner, laiuoi |«( aald TOwuthlp Committee to bl chargti lesiiee ur upertrtoi of said machine bo ruaduct the g g T, Fords Bombers vs. Colonia Falcons, Fords, 7 P. M. held at 1U meeting room In the hereby reuuired to op«u the aani atluns that there Ehall be nu shut - Barton Juniors v8, St. Andrew's CYO, llopelawn, 7 P. M. Municipal Building, Woodbrldge, declivities, pits or depressions, an for Inspection by the Township lit BK IT RE&OLVKD bv the TowtlN»W .Jeraey, on the IHh day of THURSDAY In such a manner that the urta Mhu suEi-iur during reasonable hours m Marcri, 1M0, at 8 o'clock P. M.. or be properly leveled off, clewed 1 jfteu u the Health Inspector deem slilp Committee of the Townihlp o | • St. James' CYO v». Wildcats, Barro», 7 P. M. as soon thereafter M said matter debris, aud graded to conform with lertumry to Insure full compliant Woodbrldge. In the Couuty of HldT dlesei, that there ahall be rearrang* . Avenel Presbyterians vs. Port Reading Hew Oilers, Fords, 7 can be reached, at vhlcti time uml the contour Hues and grades a& ap-with the provlslOUS of this Ord menu of the Ilectlon District* emplaoe all persona who may be Intel - proved by the Tuwushlp Engineer allce > • P .M . . , sited therein will be given an up- and Building Inspector of the Town- HECTION 13. The IW14 Inspect!) bracing the fourth Ward of the aald Township of Woodbrldgt and tb»t portunity to be heard concerning ship of Woodbrldjie. ,;, Westbury Warriors vs. Woodbridie Wanton, Fords, I P. N . Is hereby gmiittd the power: the Hfunustd reamagemenU shall the sanu. (a) To eMjnlui the coolli be u follows: (1) That there shall SECTION 4. The owucr uf the Kecibcy Bombers vs. HopeUwn Youth, HopeUwn, T P. St. B. J. DUN1OAN, pueuilws or the per*ou i n charge or chamber to deMnnlnii whether th rested a new Election District, To.wnjib.lp Clerk of uhe , ColonU Hawks vs, Colonia Boyt Club, HopeUwn, f P. M. the removal of will when Urn permit mUk tl«tdu oonulued Is free to b« known a* District 8, by reTovoanlp of Woodbridge, has been duly granted, shail uot|numful bacteris)! ISEUN JUNIOR LEAGUE ' arranging the boundary HUM de N«w Jersey rb) To eMtulne tfl coollu take away th» top layer of arable MONDAY AIT ORDINANCE RB8CINDINU THli soil for * depth of al] lncuw. cltarnber to deurmlne whether th scribing the now existing Ilectlon AirraoRiTT TO macs BONDS OR but aucli top lay» ojf arable, soil attacbed Ujeimomaur 1> KOUFSMI District number I and Section Dis/"' Hawk. vt. Knicks, Iselin No. 15, 7.15 P. M. ~ ~ AMOUNT OP to a depth Of six lndhti aliall be recording die temperature thtrtln trict number 0 to eflact the COO' • St. C«C*1U vi. Bl, Five, Iselin No, 15, 8:90 P. M, th* coolln aolldatlon of the iwo ailatlni elecORDINANCE sat aside for retention on the p n m (c) To tion district! into O M flection djaTUESDAY AMC* PROVIDTHI O»<R,AL IM- 1MS, and shall b* re-#pnsd over the .Imuiber tg tf*HnnUW that It t trki:: (1) ( ) Tb«t « sit* bouitdHy yU M IM praalsel when tht r u t ol the loll nutuuinad l» » cl»*n and wbols ' Or ROADB IN THI Bif F(vc vt. Hawks, Iselin No. 15, 7:15 P. M. ". . v . U Utt •l#ctton dU *»pw»Ung to* exUttOf dUWOODBRJIMK IN bai PMB removed, punuatit to levels! soma cofUUtlofii ISELIN INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE trict number i £rom Ut» iKti all machan! OF MTKDLE6IX, and contour line* approved by the l In or upon electlou district nuwber ( MONDAY i M w JlBflCI, TO B t PAID FOB BY Township Engineer and Building In. l or i wbethi .rearranged u n t o effect 1 oban»s said OimaSAX. TAXATION, APPROPKI- epector of this Tow»»bip. v$. Localities, iseUn No, ]fi, 9i0Q P. M, ,. ' of location In the bouudHT m* they opn»U . lay permit SUCTION UU.O0O THfBBPQK, AND T pvaoii holding seuaratlng the two ajoaweid efflstTUESDAY ". soffremoval shttU beggrauud or SK0T1OK U. I Z I S a THJ THK Ifl8uTNCK"b5|(i>r ISSUANCE OK AOTfcOBIZISa ISS K (i>r soffremov in« elfcUon diitrtoU nuinbtMd btM > . / B l t h In th7porttt«i < r f Bo»«t o« HgJtb in t w e d the the owner owner or or •ppllcant •ppllcant ahall ahall vt. Localities, Isclin No, 15, 8:09 P. M. ,, B O N D 8 O B N O T 1 B Q F THE T O W S - tawed, tM T t t n u w oi mA,m SSTrmtmiSeSki ™»aAMi;'|fli* vtui tht Townihip ciwt» Band M. CYO, lHlln No. 15, »:M P. M. . •';,'• » Lucky Strikes * * * • Old Mat Feud strikes & Spares Card Feature 1 ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH - COSTS SO LITTLE "THIS IS THE MOST CONVENIENT ELECTRIC APPLIANCE IN OUR HOME" and H runs ATTENTION: VOTERS OF FOURTH WARD CHANGES IN f6r a full month for I#M ihan a nickel DISTRICT LINES olook in Moh <tf yow SERVANT OF A GREAT m i l PAGE NINETEEN THURSDAY, MARCH 3, I960 T M 1.0 Mr 100 million nuy furnish the to the 00 men Joined the South Jer- Washington when it was In mt miles of vehicular travel, an property tax burdens of some sey Shrine Temple during 1959 danger of capture by the Conlmprovetntnt of more than t\x New Jersey farmers, claims to make It the ninth largest ederate forces durlni? the civil that the pro- ptr m t over 19BI. . . Some State Marketing Director Vtn- temple In Sbrinedom. . . Gifts war. ISELIN Air reservations 10 be academic 100,000 worktrn who became ton N. Thompson,.. At the end and, grants totaling $670,073 nvr IAF1TOL CAPERS:— Dan must be completed by SaturI! I" lATtB - INFORMATION prudent prM|S licit or dliabled In 1959 and of the year, the State Depart- including a $3««,078 award tor director of the day for the annual Chalh Wettlln, I3EUN - John O. Schreiber ,u- (or the worst Mltied over Into last year, re ment 1 tl N f«r U wariti Dmdilnt for adn: Tntttey of Institution and canoer research, were received New Jersey Milk Industry As- Hills Park Civic League Din- r.. Fourth Ward Republican U w h additional word 10 A. M. for Ui« Mm* wMk'f — Motorists «lvwj »41>MO,000 In dliamlUty Agencies was caring for 150,- recently by Rutgers, the State sociation, claims In 1890 ner Dance which will be held chairman a n n o u n c e d the Insurance payment* in New sM ,,,v srt a new hi persons In NPW Jersey's University. . , United States average factory worker had to March 12 at the "Ye Cottage County Board of Elections has U> Uranee publication Nixon, with certified deputy registrars in ',;.lVi-iin« more than Jersey. . . A Legislative study mental and other hospitals and Senator Harrison A. Williams work 25.5 minutes to earn the Inn", Route NOTE: Ne olanMw! ad* taken tter phone Commission for school building In correctional Institutions. bills Introduced milfs lt*t ye price of ft quart of milk, but to. music for dancing by the Fabul- the nine districts of the Fourth sort ke tent In. ' safety la requested In the 8aOarden State turkey growers tended children "•vitli 23.33 Will day it only requires 6.8 minutes alrs. Ward. Mr. Schreiber reminds Tetepbane HErenrr „ n Governor Rob- vlno bill pending In the Legis- expect to raise 163,090 turkeys migrant workers overcome basic of labor. . .Miss Velma O". Bank Larry residents that registration for For reservations •,';,:'has proclaimed lature. . . The State Division In 1960, the same as In 1959.. educational handicaps. . . On New Brunswick, recently won a Moran, chairman, or Mrs. AnPrimary election ends ' m is Boy Scout of ftiVDjoyment Security found Boating fatalities on New Jer- May 1, I960, the 99th annL 50-pound bag potatoes by thony Strnda. Mrs. Robert Bon- March 11. Ye r 185,0(ra non-agricultural sey waterways during 1959 In- versary of the New Jersey Brl guessing New Jersey's potato Rart, Mrs. John Jewkesr Mrs. .u',',ivrrM»ry * The following registrars have for New.Jersey residents during creased by 47 per cent over the pining 1959 the gade will be celebrated and re crop last year would roach 311 Alexunder Wertz, or Mrs. Rob been deputised: 1959, Agricultural zoning preceding year. . . More than rrt Deerlti. membered as the. first to reach million pounds. ';,-„ rnle in New J « From Iselln, District 1, Mrs, lm sectlra of Dark grey Persian female cat. Helm David, 65 Flat Street Cemetery. Ftve months old. In vicinity of District 2, Mrs. Marlon BwenIll sell son, 109 W. Francis Street, Mrs. separately. No reasonable Virginia Straullna, 73 W. Arrefused. HUntCT 8-5308. thur Place, District 3, Mrs. Lola Call Plalnfleld 7-2815 and reBiddulph, 45 Bender Avenue, and Mrs. Ruth Argalas, 3 3EWAREN — Corner lot. Adams Street, District 4, Mrs. RIDERS WANTED • ! 100. Nos. 254-255, Phyllis O'Rourke, 149 Auth — 1 Central Avenue and Vi Avenue, and Mrs. Helen Erb. ATTENTION COMMUTERS eet A.. J. Alexander. aattrreet. Talmadge Avenue. District Riders wanted Ridr w t e d to downtown f o r ( j 7.0503. 2' / 1"1 Frank. Stahl, 110 Michael New York City .from Iselln vlStroet and Mrs, Edith Blanch- dnlty. FUlton 1-17«. SERVICES 3/3' »|ard, 178 Rldgetey Avenue; Dlsjtrlct 6. Mrs. Helen E. Schreiber PAIOTING — INTERIOR AfCD BOU9E8 FOB BALE EX'l'EHlOR 128 Homes Park Avenue and PAPERHAMOMO — X Mis. Myrtle Tagllarenl, 182 Set Need Telephona MErcurj 4-18S9 HOME GUITAR LESSONS Worth Street; District 7, Mrs. AVENEL—Cape Cod. corner lot Insuced - Only first <d«»a4ra« REPAIR? of MS44S1S WA 5-2162 I Edna Smith, 181 Worth Street 60x100; Call REEL 2/18-S/tO* Ij Mrs. Florence Hlnllckey, AVENEL — Two-family, Park ME 4-4KQ Workmanship section; PARTS 33 Universal Avenue. CARTERET — Four-f amlly. In- INCOME T.AX RETURNS fe* Custom Homes Official Service 8Utlon District 8 (Menlo Park Ter- vestment; MART ASDRA8C1K, Prop. NOW a Flbtrjliss race) Mrs. Helen Kasavage, 6 CARTERET — Two - family, pared by qualified «CC0U6tfor ant. Long 'form $5.00. "** 1 " Pool You Can Afford ot and Ethel Street and Mrs. Claire four and tout, reasonable Conptetc Stock of Domesllo Jacobus, 33 Menlo Avenue; CHLOTT & KENELY AGENCY FUlton 8-T136. "*iux," «nm, '•KONI , ifht Industry SALES and SERVICE and Imported Wines "itCIDO." "BUTTON, District 9 (Colonial, Mrs. ElizaInsured IT Cook* Ave., Carteret 1SS A?enel Street. Avenel -JOHNIOS," "TID WllMAMI. beth Bliss, 230 MWwood Way Beers and Liquors KI 1-5615 MADAME BAND8 "UKGLnr "Rinmr «m Repair Estimates Fret! and Mrs. Gladys Lazur, 51 READER and ADVISOR 3/3 "OOLDKN C 1 . W Antannu In«»lln) Guernsey Lane. 574 AMBOT AVENUE Take 5 Yean to Pay I' i.rilniton Are. T. A, 1. C. O. 'Advice on all problems of !«•, TubM Vttitt Tttt at Ont Htort (irtrrft, N. J. Parti A Repairs on All ORDS. Two - family. Ideal open dally from 9 to 9. tfff, WOODBRIDOE. N. J. Car Riilloi 8erri«rt Promptlj Rl 1-64M Guaranteed 10 Years home for Investment. Best NO. 35, South Amboy. Vat fitt* Make* of Keels 451 School St., Woodbridre Heart Fund Donors mdltlon. Two-car garage, jther Information call No Upkeep ••mutant,,- -OCEAN c m : Phone ME 4-3081 Fail to Meet Quota 7,900. Call LI 8-6836. ," -H-I" 1-5262. Fot Appointment *th?r«. ISELIN — Many people were 3/3 3/3-S/1T* not at home Sunday when rk»tie r 411 ljpn if FURNISHED •JIRONINQ. PUlton 1-1536. as a result approximately On Pools Purchased Rooflnf and Bb**t Metal Work APARTMENT FOR RENT 3/! Heart Fund workers called and Before May 15! 685 ST. OEORGF. AVE. . VHIM'NTRY little over one-half of the Iselln Mr. Bonfiorno, Afent, MISCELLANEOUS WOODBRIDGE goal has been met, according SELIN. Three-room apartTaefcJe * Rciwlr , FOR SALE ment, heat, all utilities. wish*., to announce that to Mrs. Spencer Oneeii, chairflrpair* 4UT0, HOME. Mvate bath. Excellent locaMASONRY man. tM Meoree St.. Rab«af UrriCE KEYS of all iETTLING ESTATE. Rugs, SONNY'S RHYTHM F, M rt nnr Residents who were not a ;lon. Adult*. Call LI 8-7137.' DUPLICATED never toed, 9x12, $30.00; Types 3/3 KINGS home are asked to give their xl5, $35.00; Oriental, 9 i l J , s m s SOLD donations to any of the cap 11 GRAND AVENUE Are Available for Picnics, l 155.00. Other size*. OH. « w BUSINESS mH5 anil MOMS lei Skttti and l.»»n Momn tains as follows: Mn. O. Bates Port Reading N. J. mm, $20.00. Lady's or man'i (IIMTIHNS •kirprncd on Prcnlwi OPPORTUNITY Parties and Weddlnu Menlo Park Terrace, Mrs. B AlTCsndlU II <iT0M ItoMK* 7-Jewel Gruen gold wa^ih, ME 4-7495 Warm All Spring Paint Brookes, W o o d b r l d g e Oaki 1BRVICE STATION available, never used, with new-wrtph Reawnable Rate* SHIRK Industrial Rrhauit Sjitfni North; Mrs. G. Prentice, West Special:: INDl'ITlUl Mom Gnards Carteret area. Attractive op- guarantee, sacrifice $25.00t Alu For Information Call FOR TKtt, ESTIMATE!) sortunlty for good operator. wool booked rues. FU 8-20JL BPS—M hltr and Rtf. Colon Call ME-4-1145 or HE-I-J?t< Cintnni llOBM Minimum guaranteed gallonage KI 1-7878 3/1 for a limited time 1! in Ymlf lp*cUlt*»l««l I Judy Kenney, Iselln proper rates and weekly earnings Special—$5.98 II Mrs. O. Piegaro, Woodbri guaranteed. Must be well-quali- ALLWTN COACH-CARRIAGE,* V. I0I1 Too U r n SI* KMBOT AVKNUI ks South; Mrs. Emma Hul fied experienced operator. Call three-way, Navy blue. Mao WOOOBBIDGI or Ton Small .' T«l. ME 4-IM User BcndU. Maytag, 'Anwood 2-4400 days; FAn several other items. Exoellent FDIIT Intnred Opra Dill; I \, M. to ! P. M. Ttior, EIST, Contributions may also condition. Original total cort wood 2-9343 evenings. Over U Tear* of CLOBen tl'NDAYB Kenraon. Black||left with Mrs, Green at 3/ $115.00 — selling for $4O,PO. Tinnint «nd itone, «nd otHtri Trieste Street. ME4-M79. . 3/3 Extra Special Discounts Sheet Metal Work TERRI EXCLUSIVE ALL WOK.K On Movie Cameras IISPONSOR MOVIE NIGHT MISCELLANEOUS TORY. North Jersey, New Rooflnx, Mrtil Cellini* GUARANTEED And Projectors COLONIA—The Jewish Com- York, City, Long Island, avail Builder and Fprnact Work 100 Pulton Street Rebuilt Wxshen fot Bale munity Center of Colonla will able to manufacturer's repre- IF YOUR DRINKING bM l)ePICTLREvS MAKE Wujlllnt Machine Parti \o "illusion For E I U M W Woodbridce sponsor a theater-movie nlgW sentative. Now calling on metal come a problem, AlcohottM GOOD GIFTS 588 Aiden Street l!30 Stonr Slrrrt, Rahw»» April 6 at the Rahway theater, manufacturing plants. Liber Anonymous can help you. Wfl L K I I an* l.»o( Uhunr« Moilni mi Htotiff Rahway. The picture to, he terms. Commission. Give detail BI 2-1515. or write P. O. Bcp Uoodbridge. N. J. Phone H -8-«1« 1UJ Rshwaj »««., *»w«l. M«TION-Kinc tBIPPUU ot shown wiil be "Les Glrla.Jl At your operation "to Bo)c Wd. 2! 253. Wbodbrldge. . ' ..' i Hire, Prop. — 20 Yfs.'Elp. l i m k M >•* 0 > M r«rnll«r. the finish of the show, the) c/o this newspaper. Telephone HErcury 4-1246 Mg 4-0711 MK 4-5814 3/3-J/31 Auttortin) *|ent will be a drawing, and the hoi 3/3 COMTINKMTAI. VAN IKRVUt. . er of the lucky ticket will INC. GETTING E N O U G H HOT Itparsit Bmmi lot *uiti|* "i awarded a "Two-Days-fo • FEMALE HELP WANTED • WATER? Will guarantee to reTwo" holiday at the Hotel Coi CRATING • TACKING store your HOT WATER. S w cord, N. Y. The holder of t THREE WOMEN wanted In ings up to 70% of replacement SHIPPING this area for part-time aftwinning ticket need not runutun ol *»ftj cost. Work done on premise!. Solve Vour Heating ernoons or evenings. Must not rt present at the performance Telephone Today Twelve years experience. Call Funeral Home be employed elsewhere. Car win. Tickets may be obtain Office and WartbouM i'roblem ME 4-3«51 necessary. Good earnings. Call SCHAIBLE LIMESCALE RR : at the door or from the co34 Atlantk Street, Carteret CAMERA REPAIR HI 2-2822 bctw«m flm0-9:0n MOVAL SERVICE, ADami 2' HI 2-2822 between 8:00-9:00 chairmen Gilbert Kasdin (FT J. F. Gardner it Son T«L KI 1-564* of KI I -1592 PASSPORT PHOTO 5* Carterct Avenue 4JG9 for free estimate. 1-5413) or Mrs. Saul Strau A. M. and 5:00-6:00 P. M. 485 AMBOY AVENUE 3 J PHOTOSTATS To 2/25-3/3 (FU 1-5429). Proceeds of tl Carteret. N. J. LAMINATION event will go towards the Ce Woodbridge HAVING TROUBLE With you* (nmplete Heatin| FOR HIRE ter's building fund. /MRrcury 4-3540 sewerage? Electric SewerootInstallations FIVE-PIECE BAND — "THE er remove* roots, filth, Pnooe KD-8-J914 We're Specialists In TO HEAR LECTURER ALLEGROS". Ail occasions. and stoppage from clogged ISELIN — Frank Sheed, le • BEAR WHEEL ALIGN547 Amboy Ave. AGENT NATIONAL VAN Reasonable. Call Alan Porter, pipes, drains and sewers, No turer and publisher, will MENT and BAIANCi: Woodbridge, N. J. KI 1-4153 after 5:00 P. M. LINES sjuest speaker at a meting digging, no damages — rfcpld • BRAKE SERVICE Man., Wed. 10 to 8 2/18-3/10' and efficient. Call Tony'l St. Cecelia's Parochial PTA 1 ItS* St. Georie Ave., Avtnrl Thurt., Sat. 1U to 6 next Wednesday at 8:30 P. M., Plumbing and Heating. MB *••' «•+ LIFKT1ME <— S-4 Rooma—$20. HI. S3* FOR RENT Friday 10 to 9 in the school cafeteria. The 8007. 3/33;3l 5-8 Room*—$35. $40, $59 public is invited. llncoiiditioiiul STORE. 86 Washington Avenue, FUNEML HOURS Carteret. Call HUnter 6-2314. 100 YEARS YOUNG (iiiaranly H fox CO'CONIA - Miles M. Mer^ t u t Afenue and Warranty ritt, rfctlred farther and well gospel singer, of Bushy und Raising Plans fcnown Creek section of Anderson tl T«i Art., Ford* • ;* lUhwij At».. Arenel Sewlni Marhini'ii ROUND Told by Cub Leaders County, South Carolina, celeCarwud & Ilt\rr» BOUBIN VA-M1M ISELIN—Fund raising plans brated his 100th birthday last Ft*t Home Drmoustration ere discussed at a meeting of Tuesday. Mr. Merritt is an unAt No Obligation Cellar Waterproofing Klfrtric Sewer Srrvict •aders of Cub Pack 48 In the cle of Paskel Merritt, 72 AmRepairs on All Makes herst Avenue, Colonla. 'resbyterian Church. lliO Orchard Street Free Estimates Trlfphoot: Warren Rees, culjmaster, anSUCCESSFUL DANCE In Woodbrldfe It's th« Allied Sewing Machine Cranford, N. J. the theme for the next COLONIA — More than 150 MICrcurj 4-9594 Company iack meeting will be "New people attended a succesiful' Frank kreinel 611 COLONIA, N. J. H»IIH», Avtnm ersey", 621 LINDEN AVENUE dinner-dance held Saturday ^ iiutlbridf* Prespiit were Mr. and Mrs. night at The Pines by th« MUSIC STUDIO ; Whit, Chatck) Woodbrldie, N. I. Warren Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Springwood Swim Club, Wil0 Accitrdloa ames O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. liam Leahy, chairman, an-> ^UU.s „ T h e i r SALES • rtanu Carl Luna, Mr. and Mrs. Earl nounced that more such social Half Year Clearance • M I I , \ KHNTA1N Ossenfort, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- events will be scheduled u\ the SERVICE i Sale iam Roach, Mrs. Mario De near future. GOODS PUu. VATICANO RENTALS NOW GOING ON No lmtittB<!la, Myron Snyder., O«orge V M. | U mtnti ID pressed in SHOE SERVICE Albertson and William Leavy. Puhjtlve action ' Water Softener Salt HUT! k n l s t Sinn 1131 Algiers. Mrs. Luna was hostess. Formerly WhHe Rill* Soft Water Soap All U i k u ol • M i l l Vilun • Tup Oltodi Accordtom Swimming Pool Supplies 11 •euer Mnlc* B lawn Prlcn " Wrdnrwla,. All D i , Dome Civic league Dance TbHldMhl2 TobeHeldMurchl2 For Fourth Ward •t CLASSIFIED t- VICE DIRECTORY BUSINESS Fithiif Tackle Builders N - Music Instruction - - Radio & TV Service - - Swimming Pools Liquor Store Makwlnskl Builders WOOOBRIOGE Liquor Store ARTS RADIO & TELEVISION SWIMMING POOLS? General Contractors SIMONE'S Guitar Studio Carpentry - - Roofing & Silling - Lockmtti RUDY'S" WOOBBRIDGE KEY ft LOCKSMITH SHOP - Orchestra For Hire • T. R. S T E V E N S 1 '0 OFF MERMAID POOLS FHl Oil JOHN J. IITTINfi -Wash Machine Service- FUEL OIL Henry Jaiwen & Son Photography ^Vincent Keller - Mevlig & Tncklig - A. IN. HALL & SON \venel Appliance Service! Fmril llrietort -' LET US - Synowiecki from SERVICE • M m "IDEAL WAY" COAL FUEL OIL KEROSENE ME 4 - 1 4 0 0 Waterproofing TOWNE GARAGE CELLARS WATERPROOFED GALLARD'S PHOTO • FREE ESTIMATES FLYMN A SeN Sewing Machines - AVENEL PlinbiRg & Heating - COAL t OIL CO. Fwtltvre WHITER BROS. FU 1-4541 «Wt Our Hti lurt tl "'"' SOS St. G«ern Arenue at V. 8. Ulfbwa; 1, A»en«J (At id* «Mdbrl«|* Ctomlul ClffU) O I M i «. M. i« i r. M. la«4. l » t Pbim* MErenfl 4-86*8 livid a»d Rtpalre* At I.ownt Prlccil FOR QUALITY Ull| • • Tiumptt and otlicr iOitrununU Large Selection ot Choice • MuilcaJ AOCCIiKtrlct i l l MakM of iDitrunwnti and AmpUflwi Ctld Betr bjr \ht Vut AIM Imported Bwr 4-|»U rraaut tWt Deliv«rr TeL ME 4-2074 141 Avwwl Strwt wmm, N. J. Directory Ads •rting • Student Rtnul Plan , Mtjirtai • WINES • BEERS • CORDIALS \kwt\ tiultu Ciil Now for IntormaUoo HI *-894» SAMMY RAY'S Muiic w d Repair Shop iAM LAQDAIMJA, H o p . u\ N,w fining AYMI\«» FORDS, N. I. SERVISOFT OF § Gas and Oil Burners 741 St. George Avenue Woodbrldge Cull ME-4-394*, HI-2.731I ME 4-1815 L PIGMESE - 120A Main Street A. UPO Wi)0dl>rtd|« N«w J c r x y 4 Accordion l»in Street nll)ridgr, N. J. • New Installations Private Lessons on the Ll^ior Store SPECIAL!! Neolite Half Sole $1.85 • Remodeling Call ME 4-0750 AVENEL KK v Water Softeners Shoe Repair WOODBRIDGE Plumbing & Heating IM'.KSOH D. J . LEONARD . Music Instruction - WiytMt F i n . Shop Drujjs Printing BRAND NEW BRAND NEW $24.95 Charles Farr Plumbing & Heating Oellcatessei TREAT SHOPPE Service Stations - Radio & TV Service Upholstery Cleaning T.V. TUBES 40% OFF All M»ltei,oi Hi-Fi, BadlM and TekvUop CASH AND Plotur* Tub« Fre« EieotfMlc Swplfis . INC/1 E.J.Uptiolste^ervice iWwiM ' n»ur • A. M. to M r. M. B/icow ReadThe Directory Ads v; ME 411112 3 Your Service In This Space For Only 7 S A Moatk When it's No Job Too Large or Too Small Yes, call today . . . no fee for estimates. We'll rush a man to you bo help you plan, showIng you money-saving short-cuts. matter of formr see us When it comei to deviling ,q forfn {or forms) toexpedite your office operations, *e« us. We have the'"know how" to come up y i t h tuggeitiont that will <ave time and money, Yau.'U Advertise COLONIA, N, J. • '< 414 Ambor A n , <*t » ) WOODBMBQ1, K. 1, SRM/6-flOME. by Rellabli- HIM Mrlhod Free Estimate. All Work GntrantMd. -7442 Tel. FU l-l JERSEY '. Upholstery Cleaning In Your Nome WANHDS DIAL like the quality and tpejd of ow work PRESS THE WOQDBRIlXiE PUBLISHING CO. 16-20 Green Street Woodbridge . , . and pur prictil MIDDLESEX PRESS IS Green Strett, Woodbridge — : ME i,iui let v* quote on your, next job I t PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1%0 FREE 2 .GUYS "2 GUYS" TRADING STAMPS ATTENTION: GAS STATIONS, Etc. 1 Increase Sales — Cut Costs — (live "2 (iuys" Trading Stamps — l/owrst Cost Stamp Plan — Sec Store Managers for Details AT "2 GUYS" FOOD MARKETS Plus Lowest Prices!! Open Evenings till 10 P. M. — Sunday till 7 P. M. - Route 9, Woodbridge ARMOUR STAR - SWIFT PREMIUM LARGE SHRIMP CHUCK STEAK Dish" FRESHLY MADE Taylors "»• •Pork Roll GROUND ARMOUR'S STAR '"SWIFT PREMIUM CHUCK CROSS RIB ROAST ^ 7 j less. No fat cdded. Delicious for oven roast, Breaded VEAL STEAKS Us. Green - New Solid Head CABBAGE Hard Slicing m lb c / * ^ for lbs GRAPES 2 35 2 9 k Legs >IQL Back & Necks 2»*25< ' Breasts...™ WEEKLY BONUS SPECIAL!! ^ ^ * • C H I C K E N P A R T S Best Quality - Ready to Cook LISt1 49c c TOMATOES rr 2 29 Emperor - Sugar Sweet c BORDEN'S CREAM CHEESE 29 Birdseye "Corn on Cob Sunkist Lemonade ^ 1 0 for $ 1 Blue Star Pot Pies 5 for 89c Phprlrinr Phppcp •1 B a r s t'hkken. Beef, Turkey - 8-O1. VU- Mortons Macaroni 8 Cheese V VK K 7for$1 Gorton's Fish S t i c k s u& 4 9 c Excelsior Butter Beef Steaks vs- 3 f o r 3$> 1I 3for $1 ~ Blueberry — Potato — Apple Lucky Whip UllCuUdl All Flavors • GRAPEFRUIT 6-39I.alR* ft f*_ 5r 6-oi. OFF Pkg. BOILED HAM Purr Maid — lOO'i Pure — Qt. Container fc ** orangeJuice & Smoked Whiting 3 9 9'VCont Ib. Pure Maid — IOO'< Pur? — Qt. Container UllCuUU Land O'Lakes - Large Seedless GREEN PEPPERS Z l b 8 0 0 ( 29c Grapefruit Juice 27c 1 I" 4**1 Bologna, Spiced Lunrheon Meat. Pickled Pimento Ix»«f Old Fashionrd 1-oaf Extra Fancy (10c Off Coupon on Wrapper—Towards "2 Guys" Detergent • Cold Cuts I'kBS. CELERY Softer - Stronger - More Absorbent — For Household and Bath Sunkist ORANGE JUICE 4 75 Margarine V;ir IMk Pascal Nylonge SPONGES mmnm Milady Blintzes Swift's 79 Wings c Vjr ^^ • Pizza Pie Mix - 39c$nir.p.rl Ham Colored or Whit* IIIHWHWMM VIIUUUV VV" | \ I I Borden's Parmesian Grated Cheese --- 59c odldQS SACRAMENTO PEARS 3 *« 85 TOMATO JUICE Largo 46-oi. Can 4 9Ib. Drlirioun — ¥ntb M»d* 1'oUto - loletlaw - Mumroni 19 Ib. CONTADINA TOMATOES ROUND Rosedale Larir Z\<: C m large 2' i Ctin Burry's Ace Assortment - c ^ r 1 25c Nestle's Quick Chocolate i^ 38c Log Cabin Pancake Syrup a-A-css 53c Royal Gelatin ,zn «t 4 for 29c LAROSA Macaroni & Spaghetti -Sfiashettini a . ^ 2for39c Ne$cafe Instant Coffee v;- 1.17 N.B.C. Oreo i r c Creams 4Jib. Chicken Noodle Tomato Vegetable (ireen Pea TUBt SAT., MARCH STH , • r• LIPTON TEA LIPTON SOUP 41c 2?c 3Ic Tea Bags Bulk •«•. We Kewn Mft|l4* Uvtt 1.19 >» 83c KEEBLER Club C'rAckrrii—37r Town Huuht- <'iHikltii-;nt (.'rucktri fur Him lud llrt 3 IT HUDSON Satin Finish Napkins 2 for
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