Available online at www.ijntps.org | ISSN: 2277 – 2782 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NOVEL TRENDS IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH ARTICLE INFLUENCE OF IAA ON IN VITRO SHOOT ELONGATION OF EUCALYPTUS TERETICORNIS-103 ; A POTENCIAL PULP WOOD CLONE * Logeswari N and Kanagavalli J Department of Biotechnology,Vivekanandha College For Women, Tiruchengode, TN, India Article Info Article history Received 02 Feb 2014 Revised 01 Feb 2014 Accepted 09 Feb 2014 Available online 28Feb 2014 Keywords Eucalyptus tereticarnis, astringent, thrmogenic, antiseptic, deodorant. Abstract Paper is an essential commodity required for communication. Literacy pursuits, packaging and a variety of the applications. Wood is the principle source of cellulosic fiber for pulp and paper manufacture. At present, wood provides about 93% of word’s virgin fiber requirement, whole non-wood sources; mainly Bagasse, straws, and bamboo provide the reminder. Eucalyptus tereticarnis is a fast growing tree can reach 30 to 45 meters in hight and 1 to 2 meter in diameter. Eucalyptus oil is acrid and bitter and is a ruptured, astringent, thrmogenic, antiseptic, deodorant, stimulant, carminative, and digestive, cardio phonic, diuretic, expectorant, insect repellent, rubefacient and antipyretic. It is useful in healing flatulence; halptosis worm intestation cardiac debility, tuberculosis. Chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis, pyorrhea, burns, dyspepsia and skin diseases. The present study indicate that the in vitro culture of Eucalyptus tereticarnis clone 103 using WPM medium along 0.4mg/L auxin,produced superior quality and yield with higher micro shoot, when compare with the other MS ,Nicth media having various concentration of IAA. The result confirms 0.4mg/L auxin in WPM medim improved shoot elongation of micro shoot length and number of shoot that can improve the productivity. It deals with the influence of auxins in the in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticarnis clone103. The results of this study can be utilized for further research programs. This may lead to increased production of the Eucalyptus plants in the shoot period of time, because the Eucalyptus tree which is useful in medicinal, economical aspects. INTRODUCTION Paper is an essential commodity required for communication.literacy pursuits, packaging and avariety of the applications.The significance of paper and paper products in modern life is obvious number of manufacture product plays a more meaningful role in human activity.Paper provides a means of recording storage and dissemination of information.The world wide production of paper and paper board is around 300million tones of which 45% is used for printing and writing 40% for packaging and 15% for hygienic and health products. Chronology of Technology Development Paper derives its name from the reedy plant, “Papyrus” [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]and [12]. The ancient Egyptians produced the world’s first VOLUME 4 | NUMBER 1 | FEB | 2014 fibrous writing material by beating and pressing together thin layer of the plant stem. However complete defibering of true paper making was absent. After period of several centuries the art of paper making extended into Middle East and Later reached Europe where cotton and linen rags became the main raw materials. By 1680 the first paper mill was set up serapore in West Bengal. Characterstics of Wood Wood is the principle source of cellulosic fiber for pulp and paper manufacture. At present ,wood provides about 93% of word’s virgin fiber To whom correspondence should be addressed: Logeswari N Email: [email protected] |12 Logeswari N and Kanagavalli J, Influence of IAA on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103; A potencial pulp wood clone requirement, whole non-wood sources; mainly Bagasse, straws and bamboo provide the remainder. Botanically woods are classified into two major groups Software or conifer Hardwood or deciduos The yield of pulp is directly related to density Hardwoods tend to have higher densities man softwood.There contain a larger proportion of holo cellulose and les lingnin as compared to softwoods but a greater percentage of extractives. Eucalyptus Euclyptus belongs to predominantly southern hemisphere family, Myrtacease (Johnson and Briggs 1984) [13]. The genus Euclyptus consist of about 700 species. They are exotic fast growing tress introduced to india from Australia. Classification of Eucalyptus teretricornis Kingdom :Plantae Sub :Tracheiobiota Super Divison :Spermatophyta Divison :Magnolioplryta Class :Magndioprida Sub Class :rosidae Orders :myrtales Family :myrtaceae Genus :Eucalyptus Species :tereticornis Characterstics of Euclyptus teretricornis Eucalyptus teretricornis is a fast growing tree that can reach 30 to 45 meters in height and 1to 2 meter in diameter.They are used to plant poor sites as they come up in poorer site and give fuel and pulp wood at a quick rate. Eucalptus species and highly medicinal due to the oil in their leaves rotation age followed for Eucalyptus is 8 years and two coppice crops are taken.The replanting is done Eucalyptus species for suitable pulp production. Uses Wood is used as source for pulp manufacture.there has been a rapid increase in world production of chemical. Eucalyptus pulp from about 40,000 tones per year is early 1985 for continous pulp wood.Supplies it is important to have plantation of uniform bole size and quality.Henace it is desirable to develop reliable methods of propogation to reduce the upstream process variation. VOLUME 4 | NUMBER 1 | FEB | 2014 Medicinal Value of Eucalyptus Eucalyptus oil is a crid and bitter and is a ruptured astringent, thrmogenic, antiseptic, Deodorant, stimulant, carminative, and digestive, cardio phonic, diuretic, expectorant, insect repellant, Rubefacient and antipyretic.It is in healing flatulence;halptosis worm intestation cardiac debility , tuberculosis, chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis, pyorrhea, burns, and dyspepsia and skin diseases.Any internal consumption of the oil in excess will cause cardiac deabily, vomiting and diarrhea. In Vitro Propagation Practices of rapidly multifying stock plant material to produce a large number of progeny plants using modern plant tissue culture methods. Initiation. Multiplication. Elogatrion Establishment Begin with the selection of material to be propagared clean stock material that are free from viruses and fungi are important in the production of the healthy paints . Initiation Plant material in chosen for culture of explants begins and is dependent on the type of tissue used. The explants are then surfaces sterilizerd. This position of plant on growth medium containing sucrose and plant regulators Some are grown on simple media while other required complex media containing vitamin , amino acids etc. Multiplication Mulitiplication is taking tissue samples produced during first initiation and increasing their number following the successful introduced and growth of plant tissue through repeated cycles of this process, single explants can be increased from one too hundreads.If the tissue is grown as small parts called plantlets, hormones are often added that cause the plantlets to produce many small off shoots can be removed and recultured. Depending on the type of tissue grown, multiplication can involve different methos and media. Elongation In vitro shoots were elongated with the help of Elongation media and were incubated in the dark at |13 Logeswari N and Kanagavalli J, Influence of IAA on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103; A potencial pulp wood clone 24-26 C.Regenerated shoots were obtained after 5 weeks. Pretrnsplant This stage involves treating the plantlets/shoots produced to encoverage root growth and hardening.It is performed in vitro or in sterile test tube environment. Root growth does not always occur in the earlier stages in plant cell culture and is of course a require of succefful plant growth after initial stages.It is often performed in vitro by transferring the plantlets to a growth medium, containing auxin which stimulates root intiation.Some plant is micro propagated and grown in culture and normal cuttings are mode that is then rooted ex vitro. Micro propagation is an essential component of plant biotechnology.In offers a solution in which several hundre’s of identical plant cann be produced from the same amount of materials required to produce single new plant by traditional methods. Hardening refers to the preparation of the plantlets for a natural growth environment.Until this stage, the plantlets have been grown in ideal condition designed to encourage rapid plant growth. Due to lack of necessity. The plants are likely to be highly susceptible to disease and often do not have fully functional dermal coverings and will be in efficient in their use of water and energy, In vitro conditions are humidity and plats grown under there condition do not form a working cuticle and stomata that keep the plant from drying our. When taken out of the culture plants need time to adjust to natural conditions. This is done by moving the plants to a location high in humidity, such as green house with regular. Advantages • Produce disease free clones. • Rapid clonal multiplication of selected varities • Preservation of valuable germ plasm • Expedition of plant material from one country to another PLANT TISSUE CULTURE MEDIA Medium A Medium is defined as a formulation of organic salts and organic compounds (a part from major carbohydrates sources and plant growth regulators), used for nutrition of plant cultures. VOLUME 4 | NUMBER 1 | FEB | 2014 Lioyd And Mc Cown: Wood Plant Medium (WPM) Woody plant medium was developed for the shoot culture of tress and shrubs as Betula, Kalmia, Rosa and Rhododendron in 1980 . It has same NO₃⁻ and NH₄⁺ concentrations as Anderson’s medium more potassium and a high level of sulpahte ions; but the MS level of phosphate and CT, WPM medium is widely used for the propagation of ornamental shrubs and tress in commercial laboratories. Murashige And Skoog Medium (MS Medium) Murashige and skoog in 1962 [14], Originally set out to final an as yet discovered growth hormones present in tobacco juice. No such compounds was discovered instead, analysis of juiced tobacco and tobacco revealed higher concentrations of specific minerals in plant tissues than were previously known. A series of experiment demonstrated that varying the levels of these nutrients enhanced growth substantially over exiting formulations. Nitsch Medium The medium was developed by Nitsch and Nitsch in year of 1956, and frequently used for anther culture. Its concentration level between the WPM and MS were the tried in the experinment for the elongation of Euclyptus tereticorins. PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS The growth regulators required in shoot tip obtained synthetically or through fermentation process and added to plant tissue culture medium. They are termed as plant growth regulators. They growth regulators are • Auxin • Cytokinin • Gibberellinus • Ethylene • Abcisic acid Auxin Auxin is a compound that positively influence cell enlargement, bud formation and root initiation. They also promote the production of other hormones and in conjuction with cytokinins they control the growth of stems, root, flowers and fruits. Indole 3-Acetic Acid (IAA) The Indole 3-acetic in tissue culture auxins have been used for cell division and root differentiation. The auxins are commonly used in tissue culture are |14 Logeswari N and Kanagavalli J, Influence of IAA on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103; A potencial pulp wood clone IAA.IAA has also been used with other regulators to induce direct morphogenesis and for meristerm and shoot cultures. Auxins are capable ofinitiating cell division and are involved in the origin of meristems giving rise to either unorganized tissue or defined organs. Auxins are used for meristems or single node culture and then at very low rates in combination with a cytokinin. The rate of IAA is more rapid in the light and is accelerated by the presence of MS salts. AIM OF THE STUDY The object of the work is to study the influence of Auxin on shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis clone-103. To study the effect of various concentration of IAA in the three different media such as MS, Nitsch and Woody plant medium Monitoring the impact of auxin (IAA) on shoot elongation, shoot lengths and number of shoots MATEIALS AND METHODS Plant Material Nodul cutting Eucalyptus tereticornis clone-103 used for experiments, a number of myrtaceae family, The nodul cutting were collected from clonal multiplication area(CMA) maintained in Tamilnadu newsprint and paper limited(TNPL),Karur .Initially stock plants were cut at one o food above ground level after 2 years of growth to stimulate coppice growth. CULTURE MEDIUMMURASHIGE AND SKOOG (MS) MEDIUM (MSA) MACRONUTRIENTS Mg/L KNO₃ 1900 NH₄NO₃ 1650 CaCl₂ 332 MgSO₄.7H₂O 370 KH₂PO₄ 170 MICRONUTRIENTS Mg/L MnSO₄H₂O 17 ZnSOP₄7H₂O 8.6 H₃BO₄ 6.2 KI 0.83 CuSO₄ 0.16 Na₂.Mo.O₄.2H₂O 0.25 CoCl₂.6H₂O 0.25 Na2.EDTA.2H₂O 37.25 FeSO₄.7H₂O 27.85 VOLUME 4 | NUMBER 1 | FEB | 2014 Both Macronutrients and Micronutrients chemical was dissolved separately in beaker and then upto 1 litre with distilled water (which is used as a stock solution) MSB VITAMINS AND ORGANICS Inosital Thiamine HCL Nicotinic acid Pyridoxine HCL Glycine D-Biotin Calcium Pantothenate Sugrose IAA Mg/L 100 0.3 5.0 0.5 2.0 0.05 0.05 (20g/l) (0.1-0.5 mg/l) Pᴴ was adjusted to 5.6-5.8 with NaoH or HCl Nitsh Medium (NMA) MACRONUTRIENT KNO₃ NH₄NO₃ CaCl₂.2H₂O MgSO₄.7H₂O KH₂PO₄ MICRONUTRIENT MnSO₄H₂O ZnSO₄7H₂O H₃BO₄ CuSO₄ .5 H₂O Na₂.Mo.O₄.2H₂O Na2.EDTA.2H₂O FeSO₄.7H₂O NMC Inosital Thiamine HCL Nicotinic acid Pyridoxine HCL Folic acid D-Biotin Glycine Sugrose IAA Mg/L 950 720 166 185 68 25 10 10 0.025 25 37.3 27.8 100 0.5 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.05 2.0 (20g/l) (0.1-0.5 mg/l) WOODY PLANT MEDIUM WPA MACRONUTTRIENT Mg/L NH₄NO₃ 400 |15 Logeswari N and Kanagavalli J, Influence of IAA on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103; A potencial pulp wood clone CaCl₂ MgSO₄.7H₂O KH₂PO₄ CaNO₃.4H₂O K₂SO₄ MICRONUTTRIENT MnSO₄H₂O ZnSO₄7H₂O H₃BO₃ CuSO₄ . Na₂.Mo.O₄.2H₂O Na2.EDTA.2H₂O FeSO₄.7H₂O 96 370 170 556 990 Mg/L 29.43 8.6 6.2 0.25 0.25 37.3 27.8 WPC Inosital Thiamine HCL Nicotinic acid Pyridoxine HCL Cap Biotin Riboflavin Glycine Sugrose IAA 100 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.0 2.0 (20g/l) Hormone Indole- 3 acetic acid (IAA) (0.1-0.5 mg/l) Elongation MS medium MSA MSB Sucrose Ribiflovin Pᴴ Agar 40 ml 10 ml 20 g 2 mg 6.2 6g Nitsh Medium NMA NMB NMC Sucrose Pᴴ Agar 100 ml 100 ml 100 ml 20 g 6.2 6g WPM MEDIUM WPA WPB WPC 50 ml 10 ml 10 ml VOLUME 4 | NUMBER 1 | FEB | 2014 Sucrose Pᴴ Agar 20 g 6.2 6g APPARATUS REQUIRED • 100ml culture bottle with media • Surgical Knifes • Surgical forceps • Sterile cotton and filter paper All the above apparatus has to be autoclaved at 121ºC for 15 minutes STOCK PREPARATION Preparation of MS Stock The basal medium is prepared by mixing MSA constitute macro and micro amd MSB constitute Vitamins and organic nutrients together called as Murashige and skoog (MS medium.1962).The stock concentration of MS salts is 25x while organic is 50x and it is stored in brown bottle in the refrigerator to avoid variation in the concentration of the solution and to prevent microbial growth. Preparation of Nitsch Medium The basal medium is prepared by mixing NMA constitute macro and micro amd NMB constitute Vitamins and organic nutrients together called as Nitsch and Nitsch(Nitsch medium.1969)[15]. The stock concentration of NM salts is 10x while organic is 10x and it is stored in brown bottle in the refrigerator to avoid variation in the concentration of the solution and to prevent microbial growth. Preparation of WPM Medium The basal medium is prepared by mixing WPA constitute macro nutrients WPB micronutrients and WPC constitute Vitamins and organic nutrients together called as WP (LLOYD, G AND MC COWN medium.1981)[16]. The stock concentration of WP salts is 20x while organic is 100x and it is stored in brown bottle in the refrigerator to avoid variation in the concentration of the solution and to prevent microbial growth. Preparation of Hormone Stock The Hormone concentration was used in mg/L for this 10mg of hormone is taken and made up to 100ml in a standarding flask with distilled water eg: IAA METHODS |16 Logeswari N and Kanagavalli J, Influence of IAA on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103; A potencial pulp wood clone Initial Steps In Tissue Culture of Eucalyptus tereticornis Clone: 103 Sprouted branches of Eucalyptus clone103 with performed axillary buds were harvested and act into explants bearing nodel buds.Explant with their nodel buds is about 2 cm length, and it is kept under running tap water,alcohol and mercury chloride followed by washing 3-5 times with sterile distilled water. The media was prepared with various concentration of hormones and the buds were inoculated.The sprouts are produced after a perioid of 40 days and placed in multiplication medium (MS+0.2mg BAP) and after 4-5 subcultures.The clones were used for elongation experiments.The elongation medium prepared. The Pᴴ of t h media was adjusted to 6.2 using sodium hydroxide(or) hydrochloric acid .Then the media is boiled in a Kettie and the Metton media were dispensed in culture bottles upto the mark and were tightly capped.Then the culture media were sterilized by autoclaving at 121ºC for 15 minutes.Then the bottles are cooled and stored in a sterile media room to avoid contamination .Under sterile condition the well sprouted branches or buds were taken and the shoots were transferred into the culture bottles with various concentration opf IAA 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4and 0.5mg/L respectively. Elongation of Shoots Clusters of regenerated shoots attached to the explants were separated and transferred to MS, Nitsch, and WPM medium respectively containing various concentration of IAA for further elongation of shoots. Maintainance Culture Medium The culture were maintained in the culture room at 25ºC under the light intensity of 1350lux illumination(30-40um2S1) with a photoperiod of 16:18 hours, by cool white flurosent tubes for visible range. The in vitro studies were carried out for a period of four weeks and data’s were collected and results were tabulated. Statistical Analysis The percentage of response, number of shoots and number of shoot length were monitored as growth parameters. Data were recorded after 1 week of culture. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The present study was carried out to find out the impact of auxin concentration on invitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis clone 103. Micro shoots were sub cultured on three different media such as MS, Nitsch,WPM and medium having various concentration of IAA ranging from 0.0 to 0.5mg/ L. The culture were maintained in the plant growth room at 25± 1ºC with 16/8 photoperiod through out the experiments. The study was monitored weekly once and measurement was done with respect to number of shoots and shoot length After four weeks WPM medium was found to be effective for Eucalyptus tereticornis clone 103 with 0.4mg/L IAA ,when compared to all the medium tested (Nitsch & MS), as well as all the concentration tested (0.0 to 0.5). The optimum growth response of Eucalyptus tereticornis clone 103 were observed in WPM medium with 0.04mg/L IAA and the lowest growth response of Eucalyptus tereticornis clone103 was observed in MS & Nitsch at 0.4mg/L IAA. The control plants that were grown in WPM, Nitsch & MS with out IAA showed minimal growth when compared to plants grown in the medium with IAA. Fig 1. Shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis clone 103 in nitsch medium Fig 2. Shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis clone 103 in murashige and skoog medium VOLUME 4 | NUMBER 1 | FEB | 2014 |17 Logeswari N and Kanagavalli J, Influence of IAA on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103; A potencial pulp wood clone Fig 3. Shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis clone 103 in woody plant medium Impact of Auxin (IAA) on Eucalyptus tereticornis (c103) in different medium on the formation of number of shoot under invitro condition S.No Concentration of IAA mg/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONTROL 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Number of Micro Shoots NITSCH 5 7 9 10 10 8 MS 7 8 10 11 13 9 WPM 9 10 11 12 16 13 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 NITSCH 0.5 0.4 MS 0.3 WPM 0.2 0.1 0 CONTROL VOLUME 4 | NUMBER 1 | FEB | 2014 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 |18 Logeswari N and Kanagavalli J, Influence of IAA on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103; A potencial pulp wood clone Impact of Auxin (IAA) on Eucalyptus tereticornis (c103) in different medium on the formation of micro shoot length under invitro condition S.No Concentration of IAA mg/L 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONTROL 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Micro – Shoots Length(cm) NITSCH 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 MS 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 WPM 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.8 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 NITSCH 0.5 MS 0.4 WPM 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 CONTROL 0.1 0.2 CONCLUSION The present study indicate that the in vitro culture of Eucalyptus tereticarnis clone 103 using WPM medium along 0.4mg/L auxin, produced superior quality and yield with higher micro shoot, when REFERENCE 1. 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