OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF WORKS ACCOUNTS ANDHRA PRADESH :: HYDERABAD Present : P.Kesavarami Reddy Director of Works Accounts Proceedings No.DWA/Hyd/Sn.I/EC.1/2014-15/23 Dated:-16-05-2014 Sub: PS-A.P.W.A.S-Divisional Accounts Officers (W), Grade-II-Rectified and Revised Final Seniority List-Communicated-Regarding. Ref:1. T.O.Proc No.DWA/Hyd/Sn-I/EC-1/2012-13/219 dt:-06-06-2012 2. Representation of AP DAOs(W) Association dt:-03-06-2013 3. Government Memo No. 015114-C/303/WA-II/2013 of Finance(WA-II) Department dt:- 19-10-2013 4. T.O.Lr No.DWA/Hyd/Sn-I/EC-1/2013-14/447 dt:-18-11-2013 5. Government Memo No. 015114-C/303/WA-II/2013 of Finance(WA-II) Department dt:- 27-12-2013 6. T.O.Lr No.DWA/Hyd/Sn-I/EC-1/2013-14/527 dt:-16-01-2014 7. Government Memo No. 015114-C/303/WA-II/2013 of Finance(WA-II) Department dt:- 03-05-2014 8. Government Memo No. 15855-E/356/WA-II/2013 of Finance(WA-II) Department dt:- 19-10-2013 9. Government Memo No. 11179-A/216/WA-II/2013 of Finance(WA-II) Department dt:- 04-12-2013 10. T.O. Memo No.DWA/Hyd/Sn-I/EC-1/2014-15/13 dt:-07-05-2014 11. Representation of Sri S.Sreenath Rao & 27others 12. T.O. Memo No.DWA/Hyd/Sn-I/EC-1/2014-15/21 dt:-15-05-2014 13. Proceedings of the Review DPC Meeting dated 16-05-2014 *** It is informed that there was a dispute in the seniority between the rank promotees and direct recruit DAOs (W) Grade II. Sri M. Madhusudhana Rao, DAO (W) Grade filed OA No.1341/2005 before the Hon’ble A.P.A.T. The Hon’ble APAT in its order dated 22-1-2010 in OA No. 1341/2005 issued directions to the official respondents at Para 29 and 30 of the said order which is extracted below: Para 29 : As Already stated, the seniority list of Divisional Accounts Officers GradeII which has been finalized in the year 1996, did not take into consideration the objections raised by the applicant against the provisional seniority list issued in this regard, and therefore, it cannot be said that this list has become final. Moreover, as per para 14(e) of the circular memo dated 21-04-1999, the seniority lists finalized by various authorities, based upon the Court judgments in individual cases, which have become final, cannot be disturbed, and the seniority list of Divisional Accounts Officers Grade-II in question in the present case was not finalized by any Courts, and it is for the first time that this seniority list has come up for adjudication before this Tribunal. In these circumstances, the objection raised by the respondents in the counter in this regard is liable to be rejected and accordingly rejected. Para 30 : For the reasons mentioned above, the O.A is allowed, and the memo issued by the 1st respondent in No.29290, dated 30-12-2004, rejecting the representation of the application to recast the seniority list as per rules, is illegal, arbitrary and liable to be set aside, and accordingly, the same is set aside. The respondents 1 and 2 are directed to recast the seniority list of the Divisional Accounts Officers(Works) Grade-II as per rules and the directions of the Apex Court and also this Tribunal at the first instance, deciding the cadre strength year-wise and the quota of direct recruits and promotees before making further promotions. The respondents are also directed to fix the seniority of the applicant in the final seniority list based on the above directions, and grant him all consequential benefits, including promotion etc. This exercise shall be completed within six weeks from the date of receipt of this order. Keeping the above directions of the Hon’ble A.P.A.T, a Final Seniority list of DAOs(W) Grade-II together with approved annual panels from 1980-81 to 2010-11 has been published based vide this office proceedings1st cited. Subsequently the AP DAOs(W) Association vide reference 2nd cited have represented the Government for rectification and revision of approved panels and seniority on the following points 1. For inclusion of Emergency DAOs(W) 2. The SC/ST carry forwarded vacancies being kept vacant for years together without accommodating the employees from merit cum seniority 3. Removal of retired and expired employees from the panels 4. Filling up of Temporary posts with promotees 5. Implementation of Rule 16(h) of AP State and Subordinate Service Rules in respect of Direct Recruit DAOs(W) Government vide Memo 3rd cited, have called for remarks on the representation of the DAOs(W) Association and a detailed report has been submitted to the Government vide this office letter 4th. Finally the Government after careful examination of the entire case have issued instructions for rectification and revision of seniority in the cadre of DAOs(W) Grade-II on the following points vide reference 5th and 7th cited. 1. With regard to emergency DAOs(W) the Government have issued instructions to verify the records and Service Registers of Emergency DAOs(W) as per Rule 3 of AP DAOs(W) Special Service Rules issued vide G.O.Ms No.290 F&P dt:-1111-1982. 2. With regard to implementation of RoR, the Government have issued instructions to follow the RoR in promotions duly filling the roster points from eligible SC/ST candidates in first in case the roster points were utilised and filled up with the candidates from the merit cum seniority list in previous panels and also to follow the instructions in para 13 of G.O.Ms no.2 dt:-09-01-2004. 3. With regard to removal of retired and expired employees from the panels, the Government after taking the concurrence of the GAD have issued instructions that the panel consisting the names of employees who retired from service and who are not on the rolls on the date of approval of panels shall be removed duly accommodating eligible employees by seniority in the panel. 4. With regard to filling of temporary posts, the Government have issued instructions to take the temporary vacancies into account as per the Government sanction orders issued from time to time and revise the panels based on the available records. 5. With regard to implementation of Rule 16(h), the Government have issued instructions that since the issue is pending in the Hon'ble APEX Court the matter will be examined later duly consulting the GAD and LAW Department. The Government vide memo 7th cited, have also issued instructions permitting this office to adjust the remaining candidates in the deemed vacancies. Further some of the individuals appointed by transfer as DAOs(W) Grade-II from the PAO(W&P) organization have represented the Government for revision of seniority list of DAOs(W) Grade-II by placing them under the quota of Group-B in category VI(2) of AP Works Accounts Service 1998. In turn the Government vide Memo 8th and 9th cited have issued instructions to consider the request of the individuals by placing the matter before the review DPC to place them at their appropriate places in their respective panels by following the note 2 under rule 3 of AP Works Accounts Service Rules 1998 by placing them alternatively in the seniority list one by one from Group-A and Group-B. In pursuance of the above clarifications/instructions issued by the Government, a provisional seniority list of DAO (W) Grade II along with the Draft Panels have been communicated to all DAOs (W) Grade-II through this office memo 10th cited and directed to submit their objections, if any, in the provisional seniority list within (7) days. Accordingly the DAOs (W) in the reference 11th cited have filed their objections on revision of seniority list. The representations of the DAOs (W) have been examined with reference to rules and several orders passed by the Hon’ble A.P.A.T and Hon’ble High Court of A.P and also instructions issued by the Government. After examination of the above objections/representations with respect to rules, they have been disposed off as per the Rules through the reference 12th cited. The Review Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) met on 16-05-2014 and made recommendations. After examination of the recommendations of the Review Departmental Promotion Committee, it is decided to accept the revised panels suggested by the Review DPC from the year 1980-81 to 2010-11 duly taking into consideration of rota/ quota rule and communal roster as prescribed under the rules. Accordingly, final approved annual panels of DAOs (W) Grade-II from the year 1980-81 to 2010-11 (Annexure I) and the seniority list of DAOs (W) Grade II consisting of both for rankpromotees and direct recruits (Annexure II) are appended to this order is hereby confirmed in supercession of the earlier seniority lists. This order is available in the internet and can be accessed at the address To All Concerned -Sd/Director of Works Accounts A.P. Hyderabad The Commissioner of Printing & Stationery & Stores Purchases, Government Printing Press, Chenchalguda, Hyderabad for publication in the AP Gazettee with a request to furnish (10) copies. Copy submitted to the Secretary to Government (W&P), Finance (WA II) Department, Secretariat, Hyderabad Copy to the Notice Board.
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