No.14-1/2015-Sci.Estt - /0 0/ Government of Indio. Ministry of woter Resources. RD & GR Centrol Ground Water Boo~d, " Shujal Bhawan. NH-4, Faridabad - 121 ()() I. Dole: To Ti,e Regional Diiec:or. CGWB. \\'CR. Ahmedabad/ NWR, Chondigom/ NP-, Lucknowj SECR, Chennoil MER. Pelno/ CR, NogiJ:.J~1 NER, Guv./ohoti/ NWHR. Jammu/ SR, Hyderobodl SER, Bhubcneshworj WR. Joipur/ NCR. Bhopal I NCCR. Roipu:/ SWR, Bongalmel ER, Kolkcla/ I~R, TrivC:1dfv:11/ NHR, Dhoromsholo/ UR, De~~odun. The Oificer !nchorge. ~ CGwa, SUO. Pune/ Jodhpur! Belgoum/ Nohorh..:gani Agorlo!ol ShiHongl Ranchi! Delhi! Viso~hcpc:noml Allohabadl Srinogor. The Head of Office. CGWB, JNH. New Delhi Sub: The Adrninisl;-olor, CGW A, New Delhi. Senioriiy lisl of Scieniiiic dscipline Group 'A'. '0 ' {Gcze:!ed and Non Gozet!ed) & 'C' as on 1.1.20!5. Sir, The seniority list os on 01.01.2015 in respecl of Group 'A', 'S' (Gazeffed & Non Gazeffed) and Group 'C' officers and officials of the scientific disc ipline of the Centro! Ground Wafer Boord has been placed of the Boord's website www.cgwb for information: Group 'A' I. I Member 2. Reqional Direc tor (Scientific and Enaineerinal 3. Combined seniori ty list 01 Scienlist 'D', 'C' & 'B' 4. Syslem Analyst 5. Compuler Programmer Group'S' I Gazetted) 6. Assistanl Hydroqeoloqist 7. Assislanl Geophysicisl 8. Assistanl Chemisl 9. Assistanl Hydroloqisl 10. Ofticer Surveyor 11. Senior Carloqropher 12. Chief Draftsman Group'S' (Non Gazetted) 13. STA IHydrOaeoloayl STA (Geophysics) I 14. I IS. ST A (Chemical) I 16. Draftsman IGd.!1 Draftsman (Gd.lI) I 17. I 18. Head Surveyor Senior Surveyor 19. I Group 'C' laboratory.Assistanl 20. laboralory Aflendant 21. It is requested that the Head of offices shall verify all the contents like date of birth, qualifications etc. of the seniority list of the officers & officials under their control from the service book of the individual and in case of any discrepancy, the same may be informed to CHQ with proper documentary evidence, for further necessary action at this end. Representation, if any, received regarding the seniority, the same may be sent to this office by 28.02.2015 for further consideration. Representation received after the stipulated date will not be entertained. Yours faithfully, • "§~qefl3wrc ( SUNIL KUMAR) REGIONAL DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR (ADM INISTRATION) Copy to: 1. :rhe Officer Incharge (NDCl, CGWB, Faridabad. He is requested to please place the seniority list of the scientific discipline officers/ officials as on 01.01.2015 on official website of CGWB. 2. The library and Informati on Officer, CGWB, Faridabad alongwith a copy of the seniority list for library record. ~ ( SUNIL KUMAR) REGIONAL DIRECTOR AND DIRECTOR (ADMIN ISTRATION)
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