Tax Insights from Power & Utilities IRS guidance extends allocation method for mixed service costs to natural gas utilities October 23, 2014 In brief New IRS guidance extends the allocation method provided by Industry Director Directive (IDD) #5 regarding mixed service costs to natural gas utility taxpayers (LB&I Memo 2014-24930-1). In detail Background For utility companies, the capitalization of indirect costs, and in particular, of mixed service costs, has been an issue of disagreement with the IRS. Around 2001, many electric utilities elected to adopt the simplified service cost method (SSCM), also referred to by the IRS as Phase 1. In 2005, IRS regulations governing mixed service costs were revised to effectively prohibit utilities from using the SSCM to allocate mixed service costs to self-constructed assets for the 2005 tax year and thereafter. Because of this change, utility taxpayers had to identify a new method to allocate these costs under Section 263A. The IRS originally designated these new methods (Phase 2) as a Tier One issue and closely examined them. fewer resources to less significant issues. IDD #5 The ‘less significant’ issues were: The SSCM issue generally was resolved through an Appeals Settlement Position (ASP) in which IRS Appeals provided settlement percentages for different classes of eligible property. This ASP then was delegated to Exam. Exam received authority to settle these calculations in accordance with the percentages in the ASP. However, rather than issue a broadly applicable settlement for the new methods, on September 15, 2009, the IRS published IDD #5. This IDD applied only to electric utilities and provided instructions to IRS revenue agents to devote more examination resources to more significant issues and Consistent headcount ratio Production cost allocation ratio (provided only 50% of purchased power costs are included). The ‘more significant’ issues were: Generation mixed service departments Cost of working more slowly Overly broad or inappropriate cost drivers Imputed or estimated costs. Tax Insights New guidance Ever since IDD #5 was released, taxpayers expected the IRS to issue a directive extending IDD #5 to natural gas utilities and making some minor clarifications to the method. However, on June 26, 2014, LB&I released a memo (LB&I-4-0812-010) stating that the IRS was replacing its tiered approach to certain issues with the formation of Industry Practice Groups (IPGs), was withdrawing all previous IDDs, and would not issue new IDDs. It therefore was somewhat surprising to many observers that on October 14, 2014, the IRS released LB&I Memo 2014-24930-1, which essentially provides what was expected to be included in a future IDD. This new memo guidance applies to electric utilities, natural gas utilities, and combined electric and gas utilities. It is similar to IDD #5, with several differences. The first difference between the new memo and IDD #5 is that the memo’s language addressed to Exam teams appears somewhat stronger than IDD#5. IDD #5 identified issues as ‘less significant’ and ‘more significant’ in 2 terms of directing Exam to not to challenge methods identified as being relatively less significant to compliance priorities. By contrast, the new memo includes a clear statement that “Examiners should not challenge the reasonableness” of these issues. Thus, in accordance with the new memo, Exam should not challenge the reasonableness of: Consistent headcount ratios. The new memo explains which departments are to be allocated companywide. For example, fleet costs are to be allocated only to transmission & distribution (T&D) departments and not companywide. Production cost allocation ratios (provided only 50% of purchased power costs are included). This continues the IDD#5 exclusion for costs of temporary facilities, plus an exclusion for electricity or gas sold outside the taxpayer’s service area. Second, the ‘more significant’ language in IDD#5 has been replaced with a statement that the new directive does not apply to three of those issues: cost of working more slowly, overly broad or inappropriate cost drivers, and imputed or estimated costs. The fourth ‘more significant’ IDD#5 issue — generation mixed service departments — is not mentioned in the new memo. The takeaway It is important to note that LB&I Memo 2014-24930-1 is not a settlement or a technical analysis, but rather reflects an allocation of IRS resources. However, release of the new guidance indicates an IRS commitment to resolving this industry issue for both electric and gas companies with the same approach as first agreed to in 2009. The details of the new memo closely match IDD #5, with several revisions: Applicability to natural gas utilities Allocation of Fleet costs only to T&D departments Exclusion of purchased power sold outside the taxpayer’s service area No mention of generation mixed service departments. pwc Tax Insights Let’s talk For a deeper discussion of how this might affect your business, please contact: Power & Utilities Kurt Mars +1 (858) 677-2482 [email protected] Federal Tax Services Scott Rabinowitz +1 (202) 414-4304 [email protected] © 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the United States member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details. SOLICITATION This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. 3 pwc
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