, • 1=fffifut . ~ ~ AIR PORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA F.No.A.32013/47/ 2013-DPC Dated : 21 / 08 / 20 14 The Regional Executive Director, . Airports Authority of India, Der'hi / Kolkat a / Che nna i / Mu m bai / Guw ahati The Airport Director, Airports authority of India, Kolkata /Chennai The ~~cutive Director, . FIU/ RCDU/IT/LM/I nte rnal Audit / NIAMAR The Principal' CATC, Allahabad Sub: Review DPC pro mot ion to the grade of Assistant Manager (Fi nance) on ' . th e basis of combined ·seniorlty. On recommendation, of .t he .duly constituted Revjew Departmental Promotion Committee; the Competent Authority has approved the promotion of the following Senior Supe rintende nt (Fi nance) to the, grade ofAssistant Ma nage rs (Fi nance) on regular the scale of pay of Rs. 206 00-4 65001- with effect from 30/06/ 2011 on notional basis basis as per the merqedsenlontv list of the feeder grade in terms of Corporate HRM circular no.07j2013 dated 20/09/2013" On promotion, they have been ' posted 'at the stations mentioned against their names: in Xl\iftq ..mft ,~ Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan f145G'I!Gi~1 ~ ~. ~ ~-q9000~ , Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi -110003 . ~ : ~h'~~~f, <;t.o Phone: 24632950 ' ~ : f,q. qq,~h'~Hf,f,O Fax: 91-11-24632 990 ' . ,' , , '/)2// _. ,..-' S. NO. 25 26 27 28 129 j 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ~ - -i 42 43 , 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 _. 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 NAME (Sj SHRIj MS.) SAKIR HUSSAIN P A INDU JAIN BINOD KUMAR UPADHYAY VUAY SHANKAR GIRl VINOD SONI PRADEEP KUMAR AGGARWAL BISHWANATH DAS GUPTA PARVESH SWARUP ADHlKARI MANOJ KUMAR SHAMIM AKHTAR ANSARI MANOJ KUMAR-II DHANANJAY KUMAR SINGH S. YOGABHAMA PRAVEEN KR. AYYANKEEZHIL AMITAVA DEBNATH YOGESH KUMAR SHUKLA KISHORE KUMAR JHA ASHISH KUMAR GURJEET KAUR KULDEEP KUMAR SABYASACHIPAN BRIJ MOHAN SINGLA ANIL KUMAR MANISH KUMAR KAIN RAVI KANOJIA UDAIYAN CHAKMA SHAILENDER KUMAR SHAH CHHOTTAN LAL MEENA ASHISH KUMAR SAlRA BANU KUTTY S.V. KAPILESHWAR S.K. DEB BARMA C.V. PARMAR MANISH KUMAR KASHYAP RIYAZ AHMED-II ._-_. FROM CALICUT CHQ RAU ER PATNA JAIPUR PALAM - TO I RAU SR SAFDERJUNG --RANCHI KOLKATA - ,-- . VADODRA CHQ RAU ER CHQ RAU ER CHQ REDlER RANCHI AHMEDABAD KOLKATA CATC KOLKATA PALAM KOLKATA RANCHI AHMEDABAD CHQ COIMBATORE CHQ TRICHY RAU ER LUCKNOW RCDU CATC PALAM RED"NR RAU ER RAU ER CATC CHQ___ _ CHQ lQjQ . - --' II ~! ._ .. . - --- RED/NR CHQ SAP AGARTALA CHQ AMRITSAR PORTBLAIR PALAM LUCKNOW LUCKNOW UDAIPUR AGARTALA SRINAGER JAI PUR RCDU VADODARA - , RAUWR AGARTALA RAJKOT PALAM RANCHI JAIPUR --- ., RCDU VADODRA INDORE RAU -_ NER .. __._ - - - . I NDORE JODHPUR _. _- RAU ER QjQ ~ Contd. i.S //3// Consequently the following transfers are also made: S. NO. NAME (S/ SHRI/ MS.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 K.M. SASI KUMAR/AGM(F) AJAY SRIVASTAVA/AM(F) P.K.5ARKAR/ AM(F)* KK KARUNAKAR/AM(F) PRATAMA SHAH/AM(F) J.G. RATHOD/AM(F) S MEENAKUMARI UMA SHANKAR SANGEETA SHELKE/ARAK EK PORKODI S N THAKUR KESHAB LAL KAR PRASANTA SARKAR D.B. SHARMA , O.K. SINGH VIVEK PANDEY R.H. JAMBHALE FROM TO TRIVANDRUM LUCKNOW GAYA COIMBATORE RCDU AURANGABAD CHENNAI CHENNAI AURANGABAD CHENNAI BAGDOGRA RAUER RAU ER PATNA JAIPUR LUCKNOW RAU WR MADURAI ----VARANASI KOLKATA --VISHAKAPATANAM PALAM RAU WR RAU SR MADURAI AURANGABAD BANGLORE RAU ER -- - - GAYA AGARTALA RAU ER UDAIPUR ---KANPUR NAGPUR * Transfer at his own cost. The above transfers on promotion are made in the publ ic interest. entitled for TA/DA and joining time as per rules. The y are They are required to assume the charge positivel y by 15/09/2014 failing wh ich it will be presumed that they have refused the promotion and they will be debarred for a period of two years without any further intim ation. These promotion shall be subject to the final outcome of the Appeal No. 970/2013 in the Hon'ble court of Madhya Pradesh and other pending court cases relating to inter se seniority issue. This is further subject to the outcome of the writ petition No. 1662/2008 in the Hon'ble Court of Delhi. They will be under probation for a period of one year from the date of join ing. The charge assumption report may be forwarded to HR Department through concerned RED/ED/Airport Directors. kwV n' B'~;JiJGtll '6 [VILAS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (HR) DISTRI BUTION: • • • • • • • • • The indiv idual concerned, OSD to Chairman. PS to Member (HR)/(Plng.)/(ANS)/(Ops.)/(Fin.)/CVO ED (Fin.) All HODs at CHQ. MIS/PAR/EH/Cash Section/SCT Cell/ES-I/EF/MPP, AAI CHQ. President Engg.(Guild)/GS lAAIOA/ GS, AAEU/GS AAOA(I)/GS SC/ST WA. Hindi Section for Hindi version. GM(IT) for uploading in AAI website • ~ Rt+II ~ q "{"F1 ~ AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA ' F.No.A.32013/47/2013-DPC. Dat ed ; 21/0812014 The Regional Executive Director, Airports Authority of India , . Delhi/Kolkata/Chennai/Mumbai/Guwahati The.Airport Director, Airports authority of India, Koikat a/Chermai The .Executive Director, FIU/RCDU/IT/LM/internai AuditlNIAMAR The Principal CATe, Allah ab ad < / l Sub: Rev iew DPC promotion to the grade of Assi s tant Manag er (Finance) on the basis of combin ed seniority. . .' On recommendation of-the duly constituted Review, Departmental Promotion Committee , the Competent Authority has approved the, promotion of the followinq Senio r Superint end ent (Finance) to the grade of AssistantM anaqers (Finance) . . on regular basis in the scale of pay of Rs . 20600-46 50 01- with effect from 31/1 4/2_° 09 on xiotional basis as per the merged seniority list of the feeder grade In terms of Corporate HRM circular no ,07/2013 dated ,2 0/0 9 /20 13'. On promotion , they nave been posted at the stations mentionod against their names :. S. NO. 1 .2 _ .3 NA M E, ( S/ Shri/ Ms.) . .FROM CV PATADE ' RAUWR SURENDER SHARMA CHQ ! SMITA K. PATIL . RAU, WR TO r I - _- BELGAWM - -- KHAJURAHO .. -- - _.. - - - ----- .. VVR - -RAU, --- -_.,- ~- , -" .. ..-.. , I .i :the above transfers on promotion are made in the public interest. They are entitled for TAiDA and joining time as per rules , . ' ~ They are required to assume the charge positively by , 15/09 /20 14 failing which it will be presumed that they have refused the promotion and they will be debarred far a period of two years without any further intimation . ' , . These promotion shall be subject to the final outcome of the Appeal No. 970/2013 in the Hon'ble court of ,Madhya Pradesh.and other pendtnq court cases relating to inter se-seniority 'issue.· This is further subject to the outcome of the writ petition No, 1662/2008 in the Hon'ble Court of 'Delhi. . , ..; 'They will be under probation fora period of one year from the date, of . joining .. iJvJ~ · ?-IIt Contd ...2 ~ lli~ 1fCR Rajiv q andh! Bhawan f14> ~ '( ui l l ~ ~, ~ f~C'~hqo~o~ .Saf~a rj u n g Airport, New De lhi -11 0003 ~: ~~~H~l;t,o' Phone : 24632950 \ . c,q,qq.~~q~c,c,o Fax: 91-11-24632990 tflcm : . I -2 The charge assumption report may be forwarded to HR Depart ment through concerned RED/ED/Airport Directors. ~\(nr~ [ VI LAS BJ~J~ ~G ] ':< 1/ f " EXECUTI VE DIRECTOR ( HR) DI STRI BUTION :- " • The individual concerned. • OSD to Chairman. • PS to Member (HR)/(Plng)/(ANS)/(Ops.)!(Fin.)/CVO • ED (Fin.) .: • All HODs at CHQ. • MIS/PAR/EH/Cash Section/SCT CeIIjES-I/EF/MPP, AAI CHQ. • President Engg.(Guild)/GS lAAIOA/ GS, AAEU/GS AAOA(I)/GS SC/ST WA. • Hindi Section for Hindi version. • GM(IT) for uploading in AAI website , L ••• ~ Ft4iI...,qt1"", :~ ' ' , AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA t Oatedi ,1 /0611014 .No .A.3 20 13 /47 / 20 13 - DPC I \..' The Airport Director, Airports authority Of India, Kolkat a / Chennet i The Regional Executive Director, Airports Authority of India, Delhi/Kolkata / Chenn ai / M umbai/ Guwahati ( The Executive Director, FIU/ RCDU / I T / LM / Internal Audit/NIAMAR The Principal CATC, Alla ha bad Sub: Review DPC promotion to t he gr ade of Assista nt Ma nager (Finance) un t he basis of combined seniority . On recommendation of the duly constituted Review Departmental Promotion Committee, the Competent Authority has approved the promotion of-the tollowinq Sen ior Superintendent (Finance) to the grade of Assistant Man agers (Finance) on regular basis in the scale of pay of RS. 20600- 4 6 500 / - with effect from 30/06/200 9 on notional basis as per the merged seniority list of the feeder grade In terms of Corporate HRM circular nO.07/20l3 dated 20/09/2013'. On promotion, 'they have been posted at the stations mentioned against. their names:IiIil S. NO. ' NAME (S/ Shri/Ms.) . 1 • KESHAB LAt KAR 2 PRASANTfA SARKAR '3 D.B. SHARMA 4 D.K. SINGH 1- 5 YASH PAL 6 JITENDER SINGH 7 S.B. SINHA 8 V. SREEKUMAR 9' VIVEK PANDEY 10 R.H. JAMBHALE ,.. , \ - These promotion shall be subject to the final outcome of the Appeal No, 970/2013 in the Hon'ble court of Madhya Pradesh and other pending court cases relatinq to inter sec seniority issue. This IS further subject to the outcome of the Writ petition No. 1.662/2008 " , in tile Hon'ble Court of Delhi. " ~~L{i~ {VILAS BHUJANG]),/) EXECUTi v E DI RECTOR ( HR) .. DISTRI BUTION: • , The individual concerned. • OSD to Chairman. • PS to Member (HR)/(Plng)/(ANS)/(Ops.)/(Fin.)/CVO . • ED (Fin.) • All HODs at CHQ. • MIS/PAR/EHfCash Section/SCT Cell/ES-I/EF/MPP, AAI CHQ. ' • President Engg.(Guild)/GS lAAIOA/ GS, AAEU/GS AAOA(I)/GS SC/':Jr WA. • Hindi Section for Hindi version. • GM(IT) for uploading in AAI website, ~ lli'tft'1lCA' Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan . f1 q)G Ni ~ 1 ~ ~, ~ fm;cfi-qqooo~ Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi ·110003 ~ : ~'lff,~~f, l;to ,Phone': 24632950 \~ : e:1J.qq .~~G~~~~o Fax: 91-t1-24632990 . ~ . ~ ~~I"1q"i"FI , ~ 'AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA J Dated : 21/08/2614 F.No .A.32013/47/2013-DPC The Regiona! Executive Director, Airports Authority of India, O e l h i lKo l k at a/ ~h e n n a i/ M u m b a i / G u wa h at i The Executive Director, -; FIUlRCOLl/lT/LMlInternal A ud it/NIA MA R The Airport Director, Airports authority of India , K o lk ata/Chennai ' The Princ ipal CATC , All ahab ad f Su b : Review OPC promotion to the grade of Assistant Mg,nag er (Finance) on the basis of combined seniority. ' On recommendation of the duly constituted Review Departmental Promotion Committee , the Co,mpetent Authority has approved the prom otion of the following Senio r Superintendent (F inance) to the grade of Assi s tant Manag ers (Financ e) on regu lar bas is in the scale of pay of Rs. 20600-46500/- with effect from , 31/12/2008 on notional basis as per the merged seniority list of the feeder grade 'in terms of Corporate HRM circular nO.07/2013 dated 20/09/2013 . " S. NO. 1 " 2 3 NAME (S I S h d /Ms. ) " , EK PORKODI . R. JAYASREE LALITHA KUJUR ' . ' , These promotion shall be ' subject to the 'final. outcome of the 'Appeal No. . 970/2013 in the Hon'blecourt of Madhya Pradesh and other pending court cases relating to inter se-seniority issue. This is further subject to the' outcome of the writ 'pentlon No. 1662/2008 in the Hon'ble Court of Delhi. ~ / 1. '~~'1/ [VI LAS 'BHUJANdj r~ EXECUTIVE DI RECTOR(HR) g I DI STRI BUTI ON : • • .~. ~ • • • The individual concerned. OSPto Chairman. . . " PS to Member (HR)/ (Plng)/(ANS)/(Ops.)/(Fin.)/CVO ED (Fin) . ' . ~ All HODs at CHQ. . MIS/PARjEH/Cash SeCtion/Sa CeIIjES-I/EF/MPP, AM' CHQ. President Engg.(Guild)/GS lAAIOA/ GS,AAEU/GS AAOA(I)/GS SC/ST WA. • • . -Hindi Section for Hindi version. ' • G~(rT) for uploading in AAi website -rim ~ Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan ' 'ti qH~ ,< ~11 ~~, ~ . ~-qqOOO~ ~: ~ b'q ~ t, l;t o ~ : ~q.qq:~~G~ =? f,~o Safda rjung Alrpprt, ., ,New Delhi -11 0003 . Phone: 24632950 Fax: 91-11-24632990 " ~ '~J~ . . " ~ AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA Dat ed : 21/08/2014 F.No .A .320 13!47/20 13-DPC· The Regional Executive Director, Airports Authority of lndia , ' . Oelh i/Kolkat a/Chen nai/M u m bai/Guw ahat i " The Airport Director, Airports authorHyof lnoia , Kolkat a/Chennai t The Executive.Director, FI U ~RCOUIIT /L Mllnternal Audit/NIAMAR , The Principal CATC , Allahab ad '. f Su b : Review ope promotion to the grade of Assis'tant Ma'n ager Winance) on the basis of combined seniority. to On' recommendation of the duly. constituted Review-Departmental Promotion Committee, the .Cornpetent Authority has approved the "promotion of the followinp , Seni o r Superintendent (Finance) to the grade of Assistant Manag ers (Financ e) on regular basis in the scale of pay of Rs. 20600-46500/- wiJh effect from 30/06/2008 on notional basis ' as per thejnerqed seniority list of the feeder qrade in ·terms of Corporate HRMcircular nd.07j2013 dated 20109/2913. NAME ( S/ Shr i / Ms. '. S. NO. , )6 V.U. MALKAR I A.1:< . SRIVASTAVA I l 3 4' 5 6 -i .. I . I O.K. BARIK '. ' j SUNITAP. OHAROOP 8 S.R. CHAKRAVARTY 9. KAMALAKANT D. NAIf\' , 10 n 12 .1T 14 15 . ~ . .SUNIL S ~HANKE . S.S. SHINDE I S.S. RAWAT " " ANUP KUMAR LALIT A R. RAO .. - - - 1 ~ MANJU LA BHATNAGAR · . . 7 _ A.C. BAWLE S.K. SETIA . S B UMASHAN KAR 17 i - - _._ -- - , _ . __ NAM~ S/Shr iLMs.L S MEENA KUMA R! . 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 JYOTI GROVER I RAM,ESH P.' MAKWANE I , I V.K . UNNtKRISHNAN - ~ ... -- ~ - C.K. SUNITHA . R.A. JUMOE SUNIL KUMAR ~ .-... .- - . _ , ----; Ij. . AX CHAUHAN MADAN LAL .- . .._- " B.B. SONAWANE SHRUTI S SARGANE ' .. - _. ~ SURESH KADAM • q " . ARCHANA BINDU ~ --~ SANGEETA ARK 1 ~ '1~ [''6 . ' lr-Jjj ' ontd . .2 "'1- '~ lliili l1cl'1 Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan fj4>G -< \rlll ~ ~, -;:ffl ~''lqOOO~ ' : ~ : · ~ 'tl. G ~ :< f,l;t,o Safdarjung Airpo rt , New Delhi - 110;003 Phone: 24632950 I . . m : ~'l.'lq.~~~:pt,f,O ~ Fax : 91-11 -24632990 " .. . -2 These promotion shall be subject to the final outcome of the Appeal No. 970/2013 in the Hon'ble court of Madhya Pradesh and other pending court cases relating to inter se-seniority issue. This is further subject to the outcome of the writ petition No. 1662/2008 in the Hon'ble Court of Delhi. , L· [V~~i EXECUTIVE DI RECTOR (HR) DIS TRI BUTI ON: • The individual concerned. • OSD to Chairman. • PS to Member (HR)/(Plng)/(ANS)/(Ops.)/(Fin .)/CVO • ED (Fin.) • All HODs at CHQ. • MIS/PARjEH/Cash Section/SCT Cell/ES-I/EF/MPP, AAI CHQ. • President Engg.(Guild)/GS lAAIOA/ GS, AAEU/GS AAOA(I)/GS SC/ST WA. • Hindi Section for Hindi version. • GM(IT) for uploading in AAI website ~,~ -~ . .. ' AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA , ' ! F.NcLA .32013 /47/ 2013-DPC Dated : 21/08/2014 The Regional Executive.Director, Airports Authority of India, Delhi/Ko lk at a/Ch en nai/M um bai/Guw ahat i The Airpo rt Director, . Airports authorityo! lndia ,' : Kolkata/Chennai ' ' , The Principal CATC , ' All ahab ad The -Executive Director, FI Ul RCDU /IT/LM/l nt ern al Audit/NIAMAR .,. Sub: Review DPe promotion to the grade of Assistant Man ager (Finance) on . the basis of combined seniority. On recommendation of the duly constituted Review Departmental Promotion . Committee. the Competent Authority has approved the promotion of the followin g Senio r Superintendent (Finance) to the grade of Assist ant Ma nag ers (Finance) on regular bas is in the scale of pay of Rs. 20600-46500/- with effect from 30/06/2007 on not ional basis as per the merged seniority list of the feeder grade. in terms of Corporate HRM circular nO.07/2013 dated 20/09/2013. ·5 . NO. 'NAM E (S/ Shri/ Ms.) 1 2 SUBHANKAR DEB 3 4 D.K . DEKA RAJEt\IDER BARUHA D.C .SAHA K.C. ARORA W6 9 ! JASVINDER KAUR , , JAGDISH KUMAR ARORA MV VISHWANATHAN 10 M.G . SIVAKLJMAR " 11 J .K. SHORE VA NAIK ' . 12 13 .14 . . RAMA SHANKARAN ·7 , 8 15 16 , ~ " MUNINDER SHAR MA PLJNN 'KUMA~ PARMM~IK ' P.S . CHAUHAN , f\ilANISHA A DALVI ~~C ontd., , 2 _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ----.:. ~TJi~~ Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan , f1q>G Ni ~ 1 ~ 3Rrn. ~ .~- 9 9 0oo ~ Safdar'jung Airport, ~ew Delh,i -110003 ~ Phone: , '.~qll-t----,---- : =?'6f,3=?f,lj,0' , ~ : ~9.~9.=?h'G~=?~~o , 24632~50 Fax: 91-11 -24 632 ~ 9 0 ,.' , L -2 - These promotion shall be subject to the final outco me of the Appeal No. 970/2013 in the Hon'ble court of Madhya Pradesh and other pending court cases relating to inter se-semontv issue. This is furthe r subject to the outcome of the writ petition No. 1662/2008 in the Hon'ble Court of Delhi. ~ J!\.~ B~~jA~G ] [ VI LAS ).. \ EXEC UTI VE DI RECTOR (H R) DISTRIBUTI ON :• The individual concerned. • OSD to Chairman. • PS to Member (HR)/(Plng)/(ANS)/(Ops.)/(Fin.)/CVO • ED (Fin.) • All HODs at CHQ. • MIS/PAR/EH/Cash Section/SCT Cell/ES -I/EF/MPP, AAI CHQ. • President Engg.(Guild)/GS lAAIO Aj GS, AAEU/GS AAOA(I)/GS SC/ST WA. • Hindi Section for Hindi version. • GM(IT ) for upload ing in AAI website , L ~
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