Letter from the IEB regarding the formation of a shadow governing

St. Ethelbert’s Catholic
Primary School and Nursery
‘Learning, achieving and growing together with Jesus’
Diocese of Northampton
Wexham Road, Slough, Berkshire SL2 5QR
Telephone: 01753 522048 Fax: 01753 552613
[email protected]
Headteacher: Mrs S. Murphy-Dutton
Monday 13th October 2014
Dear Parents
It is now just over two years since the Interim Executive Board (IEB) was formed with the purpose
of overseeing significant improvement in the quality of leadership, teaching and learning at St
Ethelbert’s School.
During this time some substantial progress has been made. A new Leadership team and
dedicated staff have focussed relentlessly on improving the spiritual and educational outcomes
for all our pupils. The excellent results from last school year's SATs are evidence of the significant
progress that has been made. The IEB and school staff are confident that, within the next few
months, the school will be removed from ‘Special Measures' by OFSTED.
It is now time to form a new shadow Governing Body to work alongside the IEB, and then replace
it early in 2015. The School has agreed with the Diocese and Slough Borough Council that the
new Governing Body will comprise of 10 people – 6 Foundation Governors, appointed by the
Diocese, 1 Local Authority Governor appointed by the Council, 1 Staff Governor, elected by the
staff, 1 Parent/Carer Governor elected by parents and carers and the Head Teacher.
It is likely that 4 of the 5 members of the IEB will be willing to transfer to the new Governing Body
thus ensuring considerable continuity.
Arrangements for the election of the staff and parent/carer Governors will be published shortly.
If you feel you might be interested in becoming a Governor of the school then any member of the
IEB would be happy to discuss the role. The role of School Governor is one of the most important
and rewarding voluntary contributions that anyone can make to the community. It does take some
time but is immensely challenging and rewarding. Please contact the school office if you are
The transition from an IEB to, initially, a shadow Governing Body is a very important milestone in
the School’s development. On behalf of the members of the IEB, I will keep you informed of
progress on a regular basis.
Yours faithfully - on behalf of the IEB,
Italo Cafolla
Italo Cafolla
Chair of the IEB