NTECL/C&M/IFB - 112/CS-1093 Section-IB SECTION – IB INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) (DETAILED) NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Limited Vallur Thermal Power Project PO: Vellivoyal Chavadi, Ponneri Taluk, Dist: Thiruvallur, Chennai -600 103 Tel. No.044-2799 5838 Fax: 044-27968799 INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) (Domestic Competitive Bidding) Ref. No.: NTECL/C&M/IFB - 112/CS-1093 Date: 22.07.2014 NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Limited (NTECL)a JV of NTPC & TNEB invites sealed bids, for its 2 X 500 MW + 1 X 500 MW Thermal Power Project at Vellivoyal Chavadi Post, Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur Dist. Tamil Nadu near Ennore from eligible bidders who fulfill the Qualifying Requirements stipulated below, for the following package: Description of work One year contract for coordination, movement and delivery of 46 lakh MT coal from collieries of MCL Talcher, Orissa to Paradip port handling at port and loading in ships at Paradip for NTECL Bid Security Rs.2,18,50,000/(Rupees Two Crore Eighteen Lakh Fifty Thousand Only) Contract period 12 (Twelve) months QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS: a) b) The average annual turnover of the bidder in the last 03 financial years ending 31/03/2014 should not be less than Rs.109.25 Crores. The bidder must have executed any of the following similar works in last seven years prior to NIT date. (i) (ii) (iii) Page 1 of 6 Single order value not less than Rs.87.40 Crore (or) Two orders (02) each of value not less than Rs.54.62 Crore (or) Three orders (03) each of value not less than Rs. 43.70 Crore Signature of Bidder NTECL/C&M/IFB - 112/CS-1093 c. Section-IB Similar works: The bidder should have executed contracts for movement of coal, involving the following: 1. Coal movement through Indian Railway rakes from Indian Mines to any place. 2. Coal handling at any Indian port, involving intra-port transportation, stack pile management, etc. I. For getting qualified under single contract criteria as in b (i) above, the bidder should have combined experience of both c.1 and c.2 in the single contract. II. For getting qualified under Two contracts criteria as in b (ii) above, with both the contracts put together, the bidder should satisfy both the conditions of c.1 and c.2. III. For getting qualified under Three contracts criteria as in b (iii) above, with all three contracts put together, the bidder should satisfy both the conditions c.1 and c.2. Note: a) Experience as the main contractor shall only be considered for satisfying the experience criteria specified in ‘QR’. The contracts should have been bagged from the utility for whom the coal is transported / handled and executed by the agency in its own name. The experience as a subcontractor shall not be considered for qualifying the experience criteria specified in ‘QR’. b) Activities like transport by road to destination, loading of coal into trucks or railway wagons, supervision of loading at collieries etc., on standalone basis will not be considered as relevant experience. BRIEF SCOPE OF WORK: One year contract for coordination, movement and delivery of 46 lakh MT coal from collieries of MCL Talcher, Orissa to Paradip port handling at port and loading in ships at Paradip for NTECL. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. Detailed specifications, Scope of work, Terms & conditions etc., are given in the bidding documents. Tender documents can be obtained on request along with requisite Tender fee (in the form of Demand Draft only) on any working day as per the following schedule: Page 2 of 6 Signature of Bidder NTECL/C&M/IFB - 112/CS-1093 Bid Document Sale Period Cost of Bidding document Section-IB up to 18.08.2014 Rs.10,305/- (non-refundable) in form of Demand Draft only, in favour of “NTECL” payable at “Chennai” Submission of Bids (Both Techno-Commercial Bid and 01.09.2014 up to 14:30 hrs. Price Bid) i.e. Envelope - I & II together Techno - Commercial Bid 01.09.2014 at 15:00 Hrs. Opening (Envelope - I) The date of opening of Price Bid (Envelope - II) shall be intimated separately to the bidders whose technical bids have been found to meet qualifying requirements stipulated in the tender document. ADDRESS FOR BID SUBMISSION Location of Tender box in NTECL Site office premises AGM (C&M), Contracts and Materials Dept., NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd, Vallur Thermal Power Project, Site Office: Vellivoyal Chavadi Post, Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District Chennai - 600103, Tamil Nadu. Tel. No. 044 - 27900575 Fax: 044-27968799 Contracts & Materials Dept. Hall, NTECL Office Complex. (Site Office) PRE-BID MEET: Pre Bid Meet Date & Time Venue for Pre Bid Meet 19.08.2014 at 14:30 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs (The bidder/s who purchased the tender document are invited for Pre Bid Meet ) NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd, Vallur Thermal Power Project, Site Office: Vellivoyal Chavadi Post, Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District Chennai - 600103, Tamil Nadu. The bids shall be received up to the due date and time specified above in the table. The Techno-commercial bid shall be opened on the date and time as stipulated above, in the presence of bidders who wish to be present. Only one authorized representative of the bidder shall be allowed for attending the tender opening. 2. The bidding documents shall be issued to all bidders upon their depositing the requisite cost of bidding documents along with request letter, without primafacie examination of qualification status. However, such issue of tender Page 3 of 6 Signature of Bidder NTECL/C&M/IFB - 112/CS-1093 Section-IB documents will not automatically mean that the bidders are considered qualified. The qualification status shall be examined by NTECL during the process of evaluation and the decision of NTECL in this regard shall be final. 3. The intending bidder shall submit the following documents along with their bid. These documents have to be kept in Envelope-I ,i.e. Techno-Commercial Bid: a) Income Tax Assessment order/ Up to date copy of Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of last three financial years ending 31st March 2014 duly audited by Chartered Accountant. In case where audited results for the last financial year is not available, certification of financial statements from a practicing Chartered Accountant shall also be considered acceptable. b) Copies of Work Orders / Award Letters of similar works covering awarded value, detailed scope of work / terms and conditions / bill of quantities along with proof of execution / completion certificate in support of above Qualifying Requirements. c) Copy of PF Commissioner. Registration with Regional Provident Fund d) Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by Income Tax authorities. e) Copy of Service Tax Registration Number issued by concerned authorities. 4. BID SUBMISSION & OPENING: The bids are invited for aforesaid work/s under “Single Stage Two Envelope” Bidding system.The bid documents signed and stamped in all pages are to be submitted in two (02) separate sealed envelopes as detailed below: ENVELOPE: I (Techno-Commercial Bid) ENVELOPE: II (PRICE BID) IT SHOULD BE CLEARLY SUPERCRIBED ON THE ENVELOPE WHETHER IT IS ENVELOPE - I OR ENVELOPE - II. THE CONTENT OF THE ENVELOPE SHOULD ALSO BE CLEARLY SUPER SCRIBED ON EACH ENVELOPE WITH THE NAME OF WORK, NAME OF BIDDER, BID REFERENCE AND DATE OF OPENING ETC. Page 4 of 6 Signature of Bidder NTECL/C&M/IFB - 112/CS-1093 Sealed Envelope-I and sealed Envelope-II shall be kept in another main envelope. The top of the main envelope must be Super scribed like >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENVELOPE - I (Techno-Commercial Bid) ENVELOPE – II (PRICE BID) Section-IB ENVELOPE - I and ENVELOPE - II ARE AVAILABLE INSIDE Shall be opened at 15:00 hours on the day set for submission of Bids. The date of opening of Price Bids shall be intimated separately to the bidders whose technical bids have been found to meet qualifying requirements stipulated in the tender document. 5. THE PRICE BID/S, OF ONLY THOSE BIDDERS, SHALL BE OPENED WHO MEETS THE SPECIFIED QUALIFYING REQUIREMENTS. 6. Price bids of those bidders, whose technical bids have been found to be not meeting the specified qualifying requirements by NTECL, will be returned unopened by registered post / speed post. 7. The Bidder or duly authorized representative/s of the Bidder/s, who presents during Bid opening shall sign in the Bid opening register. Only one authorized representative of the bidder shall be allowed for attending the tender opening. 8. NTECL shall not be responsible for any postal delays resulting in non-receipt of request for tender documents/ original tender documents, bids etc. sent by post / courier. 9. Notwithstanding anything stated above, NTECL reserves the right to assess bidder’s capability and capacity to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such assessment in the overall interest of NTECL and decision of NTECL in this regard shall be final. 10. NTECL reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids or split the work or cancel/withdraw the “Invitation For Bids” (IFB) without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case no bidder/intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action. 11. Tender documents are not transferable. 12. NTECL reserves the right to extend the date for submission & opening of bids at its sole discretion. Page 5 of 6 Signature of Bidder NTECL/C&M/IFB - 112/CS-1093 Section-IB Address for Communication: Addl. General Manager (C&M) Contracts & Materials Dept, NTPC Tamilnadu Energy Company Ltd Vallur Thermal Power Project Site Office: Vellivoyal Chavadi Post, Ponneri Taluk, Thiruvallur District, Chennai - 600103. Tel. No. 044 - 27900575 Fax: 044-27968799 Mob. No/s: 9445002642 / 9445002445 ******** Page 6 of 6 Signature of Bidder
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