Island Bay School 30th October 2014 WEEKLY NEWS Important Notices School Fair-‐ Saturday 1 November 11am-‐2pm Welcome Welcome to our New Entrant students who have started in K3 this term: Samantha Eng, Sophie Moore and Aka Mongkhonimuang ! New Entrant Mee@ng You are invited to a New Entrant Parents’ Mee7ng at Island Bay School on Tuesday 4th November 7.00pm – 8.00pm This is an opportunity to find out about; The New Entrant/Year 1 Wri7ng programme. How you can help and support your child’s wri7ng at home. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask any general ques7ons about New Entrant/Year 1 class programmes and 7metables Principal News ! Every year our wonderful Home and School Associa7on pulls together our school fair. It is always a colourful event that is well supported by the community. ! This year’s fair looks to be the best yet. The sheer volume and range of items available in the silent auc7on is staggering. Please read through the items in the aBachment included with this email. The sheets for bidding are in the foyer. Art Calendars/Diaries/Cards Orders for calendars, diaries, cards etc are due tomorrow, Friday, 31 October at the office. School Fair – 1 November 11am-‐2pm Just over ONE DAY to go! Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped make this year’s fair happen. If you volunteered and haven’t heard from us, sorry, yes we s7ll want/need you. Email [email protected] Have a great day on Fair day everyone! ! Clothing racks Does anyone have a clothing rack or two we could borrow for the fair? If so, please bring it (named) to the hall on Friday, or email Jus7ne at [email protected] ! Share! Share! Share! This helps to spread the word, and also supports all the generous people & businesses who have provided items for our silent auc7on and food stalls etc. ! Silent Auc@on – start bidding! Also aBached to this email is amazing list of items we have in the silent auc7on. They’re also on the wall outside the hall, with more s7ll coming! Share with your friends, as the more the bids we receive, the more money we raise for our school. ! Can’t make it on Saturday? Haven’t had a chance to volunteer or can’t make it to the fair but s7ll keen to contribute to our fundraising? We welcome and appreciate dona7ons of any size. Please hand in your generous dona7on to the school office in an envelope addressed to Home & School Chairperson. Our Home and School Associa7on are commiBed to modernising the top block playground and the funds raised will assist them to achieve this goal. The Board of Trustees is also commiBed to modernising classrooms and last night deliberated over two compe7ng designs for the full modernisa7on of Rimu block. The Board aims to make a final decision on a winning design at the November Board mee7ng. The project will be completed in two phases with a first minor works phase completed before July 2015 and the bulk of the major works in 2016. I will share the design with you when it is finalised. You will be excited by the scope and vision of our plans. Enjoy the sun and see you at the fair! Perry Rush (Principal) [email protected] ! Silent Auc@on – sheets are up now Island Bay School 6 Thames Street, Island Bay 1 Island Bay School 30th October 2014 Junior Floorball results played on 28th October Year1-‐2: IBS Monsoon lost 2-‐3 to Lyall Bay Panthers IBS Monsoon lost 2-‐4 to Worser Bay Lions Year 3: IBS Hurricanes won 2-‐1 against Miramar North Kererus Year 4: IBS Blizzard won 5-‐2 against Kilbirnie Aces IBS Cyclone won 9-‐2 against Kilbirnie Rockets Year 5: IBS Tsunami lost to Kilbirnie Titans Year 6: IBS Lightning lost 1-‐5 to Scots White IBS Thunder lost 3-‐5 to Worser Bay Blackhawks ! Celebra@on of our ICAS Achievers Congratula7ons to the following students who achieved outstanding results in the recent ICAS Mathema7cs and English assessments. Those that achieved High Dis7nc7on scored in the top 1% of pupils who par7cipated na7onally and Dis7nc7on, the top 10%. ! Mathema7cs Dis7nc7on ANTHONY SMITH, ISAAC HAYES, CORWIN HEATH-‐CAMERON, ISAAC CARRAN, NOAH LATHAM High Dis7nc7on OTIS BROWN, PERRY XIE ! English Dis7nc7on JOE BRYANT, LOUIS NEWTON, NOLAN PETERSON, LUCA WILES, PIA BRYANT, ALEXANDER BUYCK, ISAAC HAYES, MADELINE REDDELL, LILY ASHBY, ISAAC CARRAN, GEORGIA THIRKELL High Dis7nc7on REUBEN BALLARA, CORWIN HEATH-‐CAMERON, BEDE ISAAC HOOK, THOMAS MCCORMACK, RYAN STOCKS ! Next week will be celebrate the achievement of those awarded credit and merit. Important Dates: Term 4 Junior Swimming every Tuesday. Final week 19th December. 1st November -‐ School Fair 11th November -‐ Southern Zone Athle7cs ( ppt 18th November) 25th November -‐ Inter zones Athle7cs 15th December -‐ School Picnic 16th December -‐ Pornolios Out -‐Parent ,Teacher, Child Conferences ( Years 1-‐3 as appropriate) 17th December -‐ Year 6 Leavers Evening 18th December -‐ Final Day 2014 ! Community Notices New Ballet School A new Ballet School is star7ng in Miramar next year! Children from 3 years of age are able to enrol now to secure a place. 'Magical Movement' and 'Beginning Ballet' classes are all about fun, friends music and imagina7on. Check out website or phone Hannah Ross ARAD RTS on 021 207 6757 ! Miramar Chris@an School Mul@-‐Cultural Food Fair Friday 31 October 5:00 – 9.00pm. 41 Camperdown Rd, Miramar. There will be a variety of ethnic food stalls to 7ckle your taste-‐buds, plus a café / bakery, garage sale, auc7ons, along with plenty of games and entertainment for the children as an alterna7ve to Halloween. Come along for some good food and family fun! Island Bay School 6 Thames Street, Island Bay 2
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