Water Resources Development Directorate
District Project Management Unit, Bankura
Date: 1 1.08.2014
1. The Government of India has received a credit from the International Development Association / loan from
the International Bank for Reconstruction & Development towards the cost of West Bengal Accelerated
Development of Minor Irrigation Project(WBADMIP) and intends to apply a part of the funds to cover eligible
payments under the contracts for construction of works as detailed below. Bidding is open to all bidders from
eligible source countries as defined in the IBRD Guidelines for Procurement. Bidders from India should, however,
be registered with the Government of West Bengal or other State Governments/Government of India, or
State/Central Government Undertakings. Bidders are advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in
Clause 4 of the Instructions to Bidders to qualify for the award of the contract.
2. The District Project Director(Technical), DPMU, Bankura & The Superintending Engineer(A-1), Bankura (A-I)
Circle invites item rate bids in electronic tendering system for and on behalf of The Project Director. WB ADMIP,
the construction of works detailed in the table. The bidders may submit bids for all of the following works. Date of
release of Invitation for Bids through e-procurement 13.08.2014
3. The Bid document is available online and bids are to be submitted online through the e-tendering portal
https:,/-, only. Bids submitted manually will not be accepted. The bidders would be required to
register in the web-site which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the bidders are required to have Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized certifying authorities. Aspiring bidders who have not
obtained the User ID and Password for participating in e-tendering may obtain the same by registering in the
website: hops://
4. The Bidders are required to submit Original Bids Security in approved form to the office of the Superintending
Engineer (A-I) Bankura (A-1) Circle on or before the date and time of opening of Bids, either by registered post or
by hand, failing which the bids shall be declared non-responsive.
The above documents may be submitted in one envelope.
addresses on this envelope.
The number mentioned on acknowledgement of online submission of the hid by the bidder shall he
mentioned on envelope containing the documents as detailed above.
Bid Security: Rs.1,30,000. Bid Security will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding
document and shall have to be valid for 180 days beyond the validity of the bid.
The bidders shall not write their names or
5. The last Date and time for receipt of bids through the e-tendering portal httt?s:I/\v
is 18.09.2014 up to 14.00 hrs and will be opened on 24.09.2014 at 15.00 hrs. If the office happens to he closed
on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and
6. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The Employer shall not be held liable for any delays due to
system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the bidders of any hid updates. the
Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the bidder. It is the bidder's responsibility to verify
the website for the latest information related to the tender.
7. The address for communication is an under:
Page 4
Name and Designation of Officer : Superintending Engineer (Al) Bankura (Al) Circle & D.P.D (Tech),Bankura.
(a) Official Address D.P.D.(Tech) Bankura DPMU. WBADMIP, Pranahananda Sarani,
Kenduadihi, Dist.- Bankura, PIN- 722102.
Packs a Name of work Approximate value
No. of work (Rs.)
I/BANK/ All in one Bid for
6486 , 006-00
construction of '
AI/V1'/1415 /1 Karanjora choto bundh
S.F.M.I.S & Karanjora
Natun Bundh
S.F.M.I.S. at Bankura
blocks in the district
Bankura under
WBADMI Project., the
detailed locations are
described in Table I of
the Specification
Bid security Cost of document Period of
(Rs-) (Rs.) completion
1,30,000. Nil
from date of
Location details:-
No. -3951
1)Mouza - Karanjora J.L. No. 1, Plot
Dist. Bankura
G.P.-Karanjora , Block -Bankura 11 ,
2)Mouza - Karanjora ,J.L. No. 1, Plot No. -3025
G.P.-Karanjora , Block - Bankura 11, Dist. Bankura
Seal of office
The District Project Director (Technical),
DPMU, Bankura & The Superintending Engineer(A-I)
Bankura (A-I) Circle
Phone- 03242-244096
Email- [email protected]
Fax-- 03242-244096
dated -11 .08.2014
Memo no - 177/1(12)
Copy forwarded for information to :1. The District Magistrate, Bankura.
2. The Sabhadhipati, Bankura Zilla Parishad.
3. The Principal Accountant General, treasury Buildings, Kolkata -1.
4. The Director. Information & Cultural Affairs (I & CA) Department. Nabanna Building. 325 Sarat Chatteijee
Road, Shibpur Mandirtala Howarah/Kolkata 711102. He is requested to publish abridged tender notice in 3
National Daily News Paper. One in Bengali and one in English newspaper and one in Hindi newspaper.
5. The commissioner sale Tax, Kolkata.
6. The Commissioner Income Tax, Kolkata.
7. The Project Director, WBADMI Project, ICMARD Building (8 th Floor) , Kolkata - 67.
Page 5
8. The Additional District Magistrate & DPD (Administration).WBADMIP. Bankura
/he officer in charge. NIC. Bankura with request for publication of the same through District website.
10. The District Information Officer, Bankura
11. The Account Section of this Office.
12. Notice Board of this office.
e Disif t Project Dk-ec?r(Technical),
U, Bankura & The Super to ding Engineer(A-I)
Bankura (A-I) Circle
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