GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL OFFICE OF THE CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICER KOTULPUR ICDS PROJECT, P.O. KOTULPUR, DIST- BANKURA Ph. No: - (03244)241795, e-mail:- [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEMO NO. 275 / ICD / KOT DATE:- 08.12.2014. T E N D E R I N V I T I N G N O T I CE Sealed Tenders are invited from the bonafide contractor /Co-operative societies for, Carrying of Food-Stuff & other Artcles, from project godown to different AWCs of Kotulpur ICDS Project, Dist. Bankura. Tender Form along with schedule, Terms and conditions will be issued from the Office of the undersigned on all working days between 12.00 noon to 3.00 p.m. on and from 22.12.2014 to 05.01.2015. Filled up Tender Form along with necessary documents must be submitted on 06.01.2015 from 11a.m. to 1p.m. through the drop box kept at the office of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Bishnupur,Bankura. Tender Form submitted by post or courier must reach in time. No Tender will be accepted/entertained if reached beyond 1p.m. on 06.01.2015. All the received Tender papers will be opened at 3p.m. on 06.01.2015 at the office chamber of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate,Bishnupur.Those who will submit the Tender may remain present at the time of opening of sealed Tenders. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICER KOTULPUR ICDS PROJECT, DIST.BANKURA ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Memo No 275 / 1(33 )/ICD / KOT Date:- 08.12.2014. Copy forwarded for information and for the purpose of wide circulation to: 1. The Director of Social Welfare,Govt of West Bengal, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700064. 2. The Sabhadhipati, Bankura Zila Parisad . 3 . The District Magistrate, Bankura. 4. The Additional District Magistrate(Dev), Bankura. 5. The CMOH. Bankura. 6. The Distict Programme Officer,(ICDS ) Bankura. 7. The Sub-Divisional Officer,Bishnupur,Bankura. 8. The A.R.C.S. Bankura. 9. The M.L.A. Kotulpur A.C, Bankura. 10. The M.L.A,Indus A.C, Bankura. 11. The Sabhapati, Kotulpur Panchayat Samity,Bankura. 12. The Block Development Officer, Kotulpur Delopment Block,Bankura. 13. The Block Medical Officer Of Health, Kotulpur,Bankura. 14. The D.I.C.O. Bankura with request to publish this Tender Notice in 1 (one) Daily Bengali News paper for wide circulation. 15. The Office-in-charge N.I.C. Bankura with request to publish this Tender Notice in the website http://;( C.D. enclosed) 16-19 The CDPO,Joypur,Indus,Patrasayer,Sonamukhi. 20. The Inspector-in-Charge (IC), Kotulpur P.S, Bankura. 21. The Post Master, Kotulpur Post Office Bankura. 22. The BL & LRO. Kotulpur , Bankura. 23-30. The Pradhan,Kotulpur,M.M.Pur,Mirjapur,Lowgram,Lego,Gopinathpur,Sihar,Deshra. 31. The Notice Board of this Office 32. Tender File. 33. Office Copy CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OFFICER KOTULPUR ICDS PROJECT, DIST.BANKURA NOTICE INVITING TENDER CDPO, Kotulpur ICDS Project, Bankura, invites N.I.T. No- 275/ICD/KOT,Date-08.12.2014 for Carrying of Food-Stuff & other articles from bonafide Contractors/Co-operative. Tender Form will be issue on and from 22/12/2014 to 05/01/2015 between 12 noon to 3 p.m.(all working days) from the office of the undersigned.Last date of submission of Tender is 06.01.2015 by 1 p.m. at office chamber of the SubDivisional Magistrate, Bishnupur. For details contact at the office of the CDPO, Kotulpur. Sd/CDPO Kotulpur ICDS Project Kotulpur, Bankura
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