HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Donald Ruppert, Pastor 335-7551 – Rectory 335-4071 – Cemetery & Religious Education Offices JANUARY 11, 2014 – THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD REV. DONALD R. RUPPERT P. O. Box 1325 839 Church Street East Bernard, Texas 77435-1325 MOST REV. DAVID E. FELLHAUER BISHOP, DIOCESE OF VICTORIA P.O. Box 4070 Victoria, Texas 77903 Patsy Krenek – Parish Catechetical Leader Faith Formation email: [email protected] Faith Formation website: www.hcspirit.weebly.com Evelyn Vacek - Cemetery Administrator Cemetery e-mail: [email protected] Donna Cavness - Administrative Assistant NEW Rectory e-mail: [email protected] NEW Parish Web site: www.eastbernardholycross.com Diocese of Victoria Web site: www.victoriadiocese.org SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: By Appointment SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM ADORATION: From 7:30 AM Thursday continually until 7:00 PM Thursday SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: By Appointment After Pre-Baptismal Instructions Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Friday – 8 AM to 12 Noon – 1 PM to 4 PM Monday 12 Tuesday 13 6:00 PM Wednesday 14 7:00 AM Thursday 15 7:00 AM Friday 16 7:00 AM Saturday 17 2:30 PM Saturday 17 5:00 PM Sunday 18 7:00 AM Sunday 18 9:00 AM Sunday 18 11:00 AM No Service +Joe Preisler KJT & KJZT +Rosalie Konvicka Christian Mothers Wedding – Mills & Dusek +Lillie Fajkus +Della Chmelik Parishioners +Christine Hlavinka WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS CHURCH! LITURGICAL MINISTRY Wednesday – 7am – Julia & Sam Coker Thursday – 7am – Callie Dusek, Chloe Faltysek Friday – 7am – Caitlyn Fuechec, Kirbi Guthman Saturday, January 17 – 5:00 P.M. Mass Servers: Eric & Jonah Kubena, Hallye Mica Lector: Patricia Michulka Ushers: Dennis & Brenda Polak Eucharist: Host-Robert Michulka Cup-Daniel & Helen Pesek, Mary Ann Tichacek, Janice Polak Sunday, January 18 – 7:00 A.M. Mass Servers: Lane Kolafa, Lector: Ken Stavinoha Ushers: Kyle Mazoch & Charlie Minks Eucharist: Host-Helen Mica Cup-Janie Mendez, 1 Volunteer Sunday, January 18 – 9:00 A.M. Mass Servers: Jacob & Luke Minks, Layton Swoboda Lector: Henriette Jalowy Ushers: Lance & Karen Rejsek Eucharist: Host-Todd Swoboda Cup-Mary Ann Tichacek, Martha Prochaska, 2 Volunteers Sunday, January 18 – 11:00 A.M. Mass Servers: Austin & Hailey Henry, Joshua Mica Lector: Stephen Hlavinka Ushers: Donald & Kim Buxkemper Eucharist: Host-David & Lisa Pless Cup-Eric Youngblood, Denise Tovar, 2 Volunteers Mass Attendance Last Weekend: 743 Your Gift to God Last Weekend: $5,797.40 Christmas Flower Offering: $4,093.00 Parish Development: $3,239.00 Sanctuary Lamp burns this week for: Bennie & Martha Janik in memory of Arthur “Buddy” Dehnel & Debbie Dusek & Polly Graves. Fr. Robert Guerra, Joyce Baranowski, Edward Bartosh, Tammy & Shelby Bradford, Joe Burttschell, Frank & Gloria & Donald Buxkemper, Roy Demny, James Dusek, Syl & Joyce Dusek, Dan Gertson, Richard Henning, Mary Jochec, Morgan Jones, Cindy Konvicka, Oscar & Agnes Litvik, Oscar Litvik, Jr., Pete Pilcik, Ella Mae Seydler, Pat Smaistrla, John Weder Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins every Thursday after the 7:00 AM Mass and closes at 7:00 PM Communion to the Homes: January 11: Helen Mica, Donna Cavness January 18: Tim & Lora Faltysek, Monica Kubena Please call Evelyn Kramr at 335-4467 if you need to receive home communion. Altar Society: Bo Hundl, Dot Hillmann, Mary Ann Hillmann, Kay Malek Second Collection: January 25 – Church in Latin America – Prayer for Solidarity – Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, we ask you to give us unity and solidarity with the faithful in Latin America and the Caribbean. Grant us the grace to generously give our time, money, and talents to those in need. May we learn from the example of St. Juan Diego and share our faith in humility and love. We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ. Amen. CDA Community Calendars are in! Please pick yours up at Polak Petals or call Gail Guthman at 979-234-3273 for more info. KJT Society #40 & KJZT Society #30 meet on the second Tuesday of the month, January 13th at 7:00 p.m. at Riverside Hall. Please call Big Ed Marik at 335-6402 (KJT) or Sophie Korenek at 335-4873 (KJZT). KJT Youth Scholarship Fund – Frank & Gloria Buxkemper in memory of Debbie Dusek. RCIA begins Tuesday, January 13th at 7 p.m. in room 2 in the Religious Ed building. Polka Mass – Saturday, 5:00 PM on January 24 Flowers for this weekend: Bennie & Martha Janik in honor of their 65 th Wedding Anniversary. Third Bann: Matt Mills & Candice Dusek Parish Fund Donations: Cemetery Fund: Kenneth & Beatrice Wicke in memory of Debbie Dusek. Scholarship Fund: Gertrude Hillmann in memory of Danny Pless. Greg & Joyce Losack & Dustin & Tara Sliva in memory of Joe Preisler. Greg & Joyce Losack in memory of Debbie Dusek. Ray & Frances Dusek in memory of Debbie Dusek, Polly Graves, & Joe Preisler. A.C. & Donna Grahmann in memory of Debbie Dusek. Rosalie Chernohorsky in memory of Leo Pribyl & Debbie Dusek. Ivan Vacek & Family in memory of Debbie Dusek. George & Tammy Dotson in memory of Daisy Losack, Albertina Torres, Buddy Dutch, Debbie Dusek, Joe Preisler, Jerome Fishar, & Leo Pribyl. Mark & Rita Jochec in honor of Agnes Jochec’s 93rd Birthday. Vocation Fund: Don & Gloria Demny in memory of Danny Pless. Louis & Patsy Konarik in memory of Debbie Dusek. Albert & Margaret Smaistrla in memory of Richard Harris & Emil Petter. Applications for Scholarships are due February 13, 2015 The Catholic Family Fraternal of Texas – K.J.Z.T. is pleased to announce that scholarship applications for the year 2015 are available in November. More info in the vestibule. 2015 Flower Calendar in church – ready for you to sign up. Check out the Parish Google Calendar – eastbernardholycross.com – click on view calendar Also new email address for rectory office – [email protected] Blood Drive – Sunday, February 1 Pope Francis said: “Ecology is essential for the survival of mankind; it is a moral issue which affects all of us.” CDA #1108 Chicken Noodle Soup Supper and Raffle Wednesday, January 28 - American Legion Hall Dine in or bring your own containers to take home Bowl of Soup - $3 each - Chicken Salad Sandwich - $3 each Serving Begins at 5 p.m. - Pastries available Raffle Drawing for 69 Prizes at 7 p.m. (Raffle Tickets are available before the drawing) Discover Subiaco Academy More information in vestibule. American Legion Post #226 Annual Fund Raising & Scholarship Benefit Sunday, February 8 At the American Legion Hall, East Bernard Meal: 11 a.m. till BBQ Chicken Meal - Dine in or Drive thru Auction 12:30p.m. Everyone is Invited! Disciples on the Journey, Lent 2015 Make plans to join a small group this Lent to share faith using Disciples on the Journey (form below). Please put in collection basket. For more info, please call Patricia Michulka at 979-335-6107. Name______________________ Phone # ___________________ email__________________ English _______ Spanish ________ Teen & Family material available on line at on line at www.disciplesonthejourney.org Tues. mornings____________ Other_____________________ Tues. evening____________ Faith Formation Classes: 7th thru 12th Grade, Wed., Jan. 14, 2015, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Confirmation Sponsor/Candidate Meeting, Wed., Jan. 14, 2015, 7 p.m. Letters to bishop need to be turn in. Confirmation Spiritual Events: (1) Confirmation Retreat, Jan. 25, New Taiton, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Call or email Mrs. Krenek ASAP to register. (2) 2015 Diocesan Youth Spectacular, Feb. 15, Holy Family Church, Wharton. Registration forms were emailed and are available in church. Baptism Class – Monday, January 19th at 7 p.m. Please call to register at 335-4071. Help Needed to un-decorate the church! Monday, January 12th at 8 a.m. Men & Women Needed! Thank you in advance for your help! Knights of Columbus #2500 Fund Raiser – TRIUMPHS - Saturday, January 31 8p.m. to 12 a.m. - Riverside Hall Everyone Invited! Turn in raffle tickets to Vacek’s Hardware.
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