ILC Expands MQL product line.pages

GlobalBound Industries -­‐ Press Release
January 19, 2014
LUBETOOL Micro – Lubrica<on System Expands Product Line for Increased Flexibility
Popular Eco-­‐friendly Vegetable oil based air/oil coolant system for near dry machining opera:ons now offer users modular expandable packages.
I.L.C. LUBETOOL Micro – Lubrica:on Systems deliver precise minimal quan::es of air transported droplets directly to the machining cuLng edge. MQL systems are normally measured in milliliters per hour rather than liters per minute. During opera:on, LUBETOOL leaves very liPle residue and near dry chips. The reduced usage of lubricants has minimal impact on the environment with resultant cost savings.
The modular expandable LUBETOOL system is made up from the following components:
Reservoir (with oil filter), Air Regulator, Solenoid valve, Lube cycle frequency generator, Injector base and delivery tube, Pneuma:c Adjustable Injectors, Loc-­‐line delivery tube with discharge nozzles (flexible and rigid lines also offered and Magne:c nozzle holder (op:onal), Cabinet enclosure (op:onal)
Applica:ons include:
• Drilling, boring and tapping
• Various Milling opera:ons • Stamping metal forming and bending
• Chain Lubrica:on
Near Dry Machining
In the cuLng opera:on, the combina:on of expanding compressed air and high lubricity vegetable oil prevents heat build-­‐up to produce improved tolerances, bePer surface finishes along with increased tool life. These features eliminates spray mist as well as hazardous flood water waste disposal.
The system’s LUBETOOL vegetable oil offers maximum benefits, including high an:-­‐welding and E.P. (extreme pressure) characteris:cs. The system is also fully adaptable for use with the various commercial vegetable oil products on the market. Vegetable oils are non-­‐toxic to the environment. Features and Opera5onal Details
A single pneuma:c pump and base is available with a 0.5 liter container. Assemblies can be furnished with up to six manifold pump units with 1.2, 2.2 and 3.6 liter plas:c reservoir assemblies. Larger metal reservoirs are also available. Air operated pump injectors adjustable from 0.12 to 39 ml at opera:ng pressures of 75 to 90 psi. Electrical solenoid valves are available, 24 VDC, 115 VAC and 230 VAC
Special minimal lubrica:on applica:on nozzles are available for horizontal and ver:cal saw blades as well as circular saw and ver:cal blades. The system is extremely adaptable various air/oil configura:ons. LUBETOOL can be used in conven:on fluid lubrica:on applica:ons, e.g. chains as incorporated into many varied industries. Modular units can be combined for larger chain combina:ons e.g. strip feeds etc. Ordering LUBETOOL systems
Users order the system as a kit (see examples). System can be altered or expanded as required with unlimited system expansion combina:ons.
About I.L.C. S.r.l. (Impian5 Lubrificazione Centralizzata), Italy
Automa:c lubrica:on systems including centralized distribu:on systems including, progressive movement, volumetric, resistance (oil only) and minimal quan:ty lubrica:on systems. A full range of fiLngs junc:ons and accessories is offered as well as solu:ons to specialty applica:ons: Wind Power Sta:ons, Agricultural machinery and vehicle lubrica:on.
About GlobalBound Industries, LLC
The company provides consul:ng and design services incorpora:ng centralized oil and grease systems for all machine types. A full range of manual and automa:c lubricators as well as failsafe warning systems are available for sta:onary and mobile equipment. For addi:onal on I.L.C. products, catalogues, applica:on videos and technical date sheets, contact: [email protected] or telephone 704-­‐684-­‐0101 # # #