2014 Niagara Summit - The Automated Bear Trap

Niagara’s Greatest Innova0ve Hits Ed Merwin Director VYKON and Niagara Sales Leader Agenda Innova&ve Project Finalists Innova&ve Product Finalists More Innova&ve Projects More Innova&ve Products Ques&ons and Recommenda&ons WAWA Fuel Management WAWA, HVAC Concepts, J2, TPS Fuel Management System add to an already extensive FMS Fuel Management -­‐ Highlights •  Fuel tank monitoring system via TCP/IP to JACE at each site. •  Web Supervisor for data archiving, visualized by J2 Innova&ons FIN Builder. •  Enhanced Veeder Root TLS350 protocol by Tridium Professional Services. •  Fuel dispenser, tank monitoring, delivery tracking and inventory systems •  Combined with analy&cs and work order system to op&mized delivery dispatch. •  Innova&ve visualiza&on to provide real &me and historic views –  used by fuel suppliers, fuel equipment vendors and internal environmental compliance team. •  Crea&ve use of Niagara resulted in 50% opera&onal saving with new in-­‐house solu&on compared to 3rd party costs for legacy fuel management system Automated Bear Trap Alter Enterprise Automated Bear Trap •  A bear culvert trap with – 
Internet capabili&es, Repor&ng features, Image captures , temperature sensors. •  The JACE-­‐201 with NDIO IO-­‐16 talks to the supervisor via Cell or satellite dish. •  Supervisor records trap events, temperature inside and outside of the trap. Emails are sent when something is captured. •  Protocols U&lized: TCP/IP, Modbus, serial •  Systems Integrated: – 
Warn Winch, Vision X LED light (visible spectrum), Vision X LED light (Infrared spectrum ) •  Energy & Opera&onal Savings Data: – 
Est. mileage costs 140 mi x .63/mi x 70 = $6,174. Actual mileage costs 140 x .63/mi x 20 = $1,764. – 
Time saved was 50 trips x 3 hrs = 150 hours during a 70 day data collec&on period. •  Since its inven&on the ABT has helped save countless lives and dollars through pro-­‐ac&ve wildlife management. •  www.automatedbeartrap.com || www.facebook.com/automatedbeartrap Trust Tower World Trade Center UAE Helvar, BMTS Trust Tower World Trade Center •  Commercial Office Tower with the World’s largest DALI controlled ligh&ng •  .. and blinds system. •  Winner of the 2014 DALI award. •  Niagara Hardware & Soiware: AX Supervisor & 10 JACE s •  Approx 360,000 Points •  Graphics, monitoring and energy logging. •  Soijace communicate via Helvar driver to ligh&ng + blinds (DALI) •  Protocols U&lized: IP, DALI, BACnet, Niagara Network •  Ligh&ng Controls (DALI), Blinds Controls (DALI) and BMS (BACnet) •  Customized graphics for individual monitoring and control of ligh&ng and blinds – 
using the Helvar driver and Helvar graphic widget, individual feedback of levels and status to supervisor PC. Bedrock Hepta Control Systems Bedrock Hepta Control Systems Bedrock Highlights •  6 Web Supervisors, 98 Jace 6s, >200,000 Points •  18 Month Comple&on •  Protocols U&lized: Bacnet IP & MS/TP, LON, Modbus Protocols, OPC •  11 buildings measuring 3,179,083 sq/i spanning the Detroit Downtown Woodward corridor. •  Custom Soiware & Applica&ons: J2 Innova&ons -­‐ Fin Builder, Esight Energy and CSI3 Drivers –  J2 Innova0ons Fin Builder with close to 1,000,000 uxi’s in use. •  Effec&vely reduced overall energy costs (electric, natural gas, water and purchased steam) by 15-­‐25% on average depending on the u&lity. •  www.heptasystems.com Minneapolis Airport Harris Controls “With the flexibility of our open protocol, we can use any manufacturer of controllers, installed by any contractor and have it func0on seamlessly on the dashboard.” Steve Shuppert Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Airports Commission MAC Highlights Open Architecture Building Automa&on (OABA) controls 90+ buildings and more than 3million square feet of terminal space. WEBs AX Open, 250,000 Points Virtualized servers in a parallel configura&on providing complete redundancy, parallel SQL Servers •  Protocols: SNMP, Lonmark, BACnet IP, OPC, DH+, Modbus RTU, Modbus IP, Custom Script Programs •  Systems Integrated: • 
Sliding doors, Elevators, Escalators, Automated People Movers, Fuel Delivery Systems, Generators, Fuel Monitoring Systems, Baggage Handling Systems, Chillers, Boilers, UPS’s, PDU’s, Electrical Switch Gear, Automa&c TransferSwitches, – 
Tricherators, Glycol Handling Systems, Sump Controls, Ligh&ng Controls, Mufids (Airport Informa&on Displays), Airfield Ligh&ng, Electric Meters, etc. – 
•  Numerous custom applica&ons and soiware programs to support the system integra&ons •  www.harriscontrols.com. eIQ Pla[orm & The CATALYST Transforma0ve Wave Technologies eIQ CATALYST Highlights •  The eIQ Plaqorm is a web portal that brings together under a single website all CATALYST controls systems for a na&onwide network of affiliates and customers. •  The CATALYST is a comprehensive HVAC energy efficiency upgrade that converts Rooiop HVAC Units (RTUs) into dynamic part load systems, matching the energy use to the true needs of the occupied space. •  CATALYST-­‐equipped RTUs are interconnected with eIQ Plaqorm, a wireless rooiop network that allows each RTU to be monitored and controlled from any browser, smart phone or tablet. •  Efficiency and performance verifica&on tools, historic repor&ng, embedded and server-­‐based fault detec&on, remote diagnos&cs, alarms, alerts, and email no&fica&ons. •  Niagara Supervisor(s) Hosted within our eIQ Plaqorm via the AMAZON Cloud, NiagaraAX, JACE’s. •  Protocols U&lized: Sedona, NiagaraAX , Obix, Modbus, BACnet, LON •  Validated to reduce overall HVAC energy use by an average of 57% by the U.S. Department of Energy. •  www.transforma&vewave.com Eaton Electric Vehicle Charging Sta0on Ac0velogix EV Highlights •  Electric vehicle charging sta&ons from Eaton come factory supplied with a EVSE JACE •  Contain a OCCP driver developed by ALX that allows the EVSEs to communicate with third party hosted solu&ons from suppliers such as EVConnect, GreenLots, etc. •  Industrial, Commercial, Educa&onal, Technology, U&li&es and Local Government. •  Demonstrates Niagara value in non tradi&onal markets, •  Validates power of the Development tools used to build driver network •  Allows third party Hosted Solu&on Providers to manage devices. •  Pull up to Charging sta&ons and connect – 
Niagara network validates creden&als to charge vehicle via cellular, wi-­‐fi or wired network, •  Companies integrate with exis&ng Niagara network •  Or use hosted solu&ons to provide consumer maps & mobile apps. eBMS Video Door Entry Tyrrell Systems Video Door Entry -­‐ Highlights Niagara, Android and VOIP based telephony to create a video door entry solu&on. Appliance and driver in Niagara, easy to engineer and available using standard components. The appliance setup wizards make configura&on simple from web pages hosted on a JACE. The JACE IO allow for easy connec&on of locks to release doors Niagara engineers can setup the system with no knowledge of VOIP, trunks and hunt groups! Offer Video Door Entry solu&ons on exis&ng or planned Niagara projects. You can call from one apartment or office suite to another and in the case of hospital applica&ons, have bi-­‐direc&onal video for sign language. •  By using external trunks, you can be away from home and s&ll communicate with and permit access to communal areas for deliveries using your phone. •  Apartment blocks, prisons, hospitals and office facili&es where internal IT networks and WiFi can be used to create dedicated interface between loca&ons and entrances alike. •  This system beats the tradi&onal systems in price point, features and benefits, an en&rely new ver&cal market for Niagara. • 
SCC Sedona Compact Controllers SysMik SCC Highlights •  Sedona based controllers •  Providing real-­‐&me control (< 10ms cycle &me) •  Programming done using the WorkbenchAX •  SysMik’s Sedona based suite of System Func&ons. –  Alarming, Scheduling, and –  Trend Logging, –  SysMik’s unique Sedona Kits for Room Automa&on. •  Web server provides dedicated features for Web integra&on and visualiza&on. •  A user-­‐friendly Web Editor based on the PX Editor enables easy programming. •  www.sysmik.com Plug-­‐IT Energy Systems Technologies Plug-­‐IT Highlights • Plug-­‐IT is a wireless smart plug device • Provides control and power measurement of commercial plug loads via Wi-­‐Fi. • JACE Wi-­‐Fi driver for communica&on and set up of the Plug-­‐IT. • Plug-­‐IT can be scheduled to control on/
off func&onality for all equipment $350-­‐500 Cost per year $30-­‐80 Cost per year $30-­‐80 Cost per year Innova0ve Projects • Smart City Malta –  ESI • MSDLT –  Davis Industries • Nestle QA –  Commercial Control Services • Whole Foods –  Transforma0ve Wave Technologies Innova0ve Wireless • Pres0ge RedLINK –  Honeywell • eBox –  Magnum Energy • Enocean Gateway –  Control Network Solu0ons • WEMS –  SSI Innova0ve Visualiza0on Products • Fin Builder –  J2 • EasyLink –  QuickLink Solu0ons • DGLux5 –  DGLogik • Compass –  Alerton • Bas Maker & DVR –  BAS Services • Waterfall –  Phoenix Controls • Energy Vision –  Forest Rock • Niagara Energy Analy0cs –  Tridium Innova0ve Controller & Applica0on Products • PlantPRO 0.8 –  Conserve IT • Ascent ACM –  Alerton • Ligh0ng Stryker –  Honeywell Ques0ons or Recommenda0ons