For more information or to help us, please contact : (+33) 6 58 39 48 77 [email protected] A mutlidisciplary project, supported by INSERM federating researchers: • From CREATIS imagery laboratory (CNRS 5220, INSERM U1044, University Lyon1, INSA Lyon, UniversityJean Monnet (O.Beuf, Pr P.Croisille, H.Ratiney, M.Viallon) et du CHU de Saint-Etienne (Pr P.Croisille), • From Saint-Etienne Hospital and Jean Monnet University (AnesthésieRéanimation (Dr J.Morel, Dr L.Gergele) ; • From he exercice physiologie laboratory LEP (EA 4338 (Dr J.Morel, Dr L.Gergele) • From the Human Performance Laboratory University of Calgary (Pr G.Millet) • From the Excellent Center OPERA (Organ Protection and Replacement Institute: IHU Investissement d’Avenir) (Pr M.Ovize), CARMEN unity (INSERM U1060) dedicated to the understanding, discoveries of mechanisms, new treatments to care partially or entirely destruction of organs (of heart, kidneys, liver, brain) or damaged tissues linked to cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases ( FROM 7th TO 14th SEPTEMBER 2014 TOR DES GÉANTS WHY ? BACKGROUND Microstructurals and functionnal modifications induced by Ultra-endurance at the level of skeletal muscles and myocardium, as well as inflammation generated by such extremes training conditions, have never been explored using Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI). Post-extreme exercice recovery, and especially the redistribution of water into exercized muscles and myocardium has never been scrutinized coupling the exploration of both myocardium and skeletals muscles, and using advanced Heart architecture with MRI Several MRI and ultrasound studies have shown the existence of functional and biochimical alterations in the myocardium after prolonged intense sport performances. Published US studies (Nottin Circ 2009) demonstrated systolic and diastolic transient dysfunctions: decreased global and regional LV’s function, regional deformation anomalities with an increased ventricular’s torsion. Simultaneous and transient increase of cTnT (cardiac troponin T) and NT-proBNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) biomarkers has also been reported (Trivax J appl physiol 1985, STAKEHOLDERS THE DOCTOR Short axis images of infracted myocardium: inferior infarct’s zone (green area) show increase water content and thus inflammation into the infarct territotry. Our hypothesis is that inflammatory phenomena caused by the ultra-endurance are responsible of functional’s disorders observed post-performance. This study should allows to indentify a new model of human’s tissu stress, with resulting inflammation’s levels close of those observed post-trauma in intensive care, or post myocardial infraction. Testing innovating quantitative imaging methods (new non-invasive bio-markers), in conditions close of those met with fragile patients, hence difficult to include in clinical trials, will accelerate the transfer and the validations of newly developped methodology. Moreover, thanks to MRI, this study will provide new insights into the physiological mechanisms involved during Image of the tigh muscle by MRI showing water and fat’s distribution. To validate of innovative MRI methodologies and derived non-invasive biomarkers. To fasten the methodological transfer from bench to THE PATIENT Improved patient care and follow-up as well as patient management. THE ULTRA-TRAILERS An advanced answer toward remaining questions on the impact of the ultra-endurance on organs, skeletal and cardiac muscle. THE TERRITORY A national and international visibility and leadership. A support to regional scientific dynamism for Sport and Health. " The presence of key actors of imaging research from the Rhône-Alpes region, clinical referents' from Intensive Care, from sport and exercise physiology and from cardiology, warrantees the scientific value and the medical interest of this very innovative and original project " Dominique PELLA, Régional Deleguate INSERM, Rhône-Alpes
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