論文講座 専門医会セミナー.pptx

東海大学工学部 医用生体工学科 高原太郎 [email protected]
【宿題編について】 いきなり講義を受けてもOKですが、できた
ください。そうするとより効果的です。 【本編について】 なお、本編のスライド抄録に関しては、「臨
それも参照してください。 12月頃、演習用の本を出せる予定です。
【課題1】 Abstractの「目的」と、本文でのIntroduc>onの末尾は、
・ ・
(末尾) ここに入れるべき文を、以下の()内に入れましょう。
〜でした(be動詞過去形) それゆえに
The ( ) of this ( ) ( ) ( ) 決定すること
cine MRIの実行可能性(feasibility)を
絞扼 (strangula>on)の診断のために
to ( ) ( ) ( ) 小腸閉塞(SBO)を有する患者さんにおける
( ) pa>ents ( ) ( ). 【課題2】 Kwee TC [first author] をPubMedで検索し、Introduc>on
1)  疾病の頻度が多いことを述べる 2)  疾病の画像診断が占める重要性について述べる(早期診断とか、
予後との関連など) 3)  その疾病の従来の診断法を列挙して、その得失を述べる 4)  使用したい診断法の概要について述べ、どうしてこの研究に使えそ
うなのかを述べる Introduction
•  The incidence of esophageal cancer has increased dramatically over the
past 25 years in the United States as well as in several Western European
countries [1, 2].
•  After the diagnosis of esophageal cancer has been made with upper
endoscopy and biopsy, accurate staging is crucial for determining
prognosis and treatment planning [3].
•  CT plays an important role in assessing the extent of invasion of
surrounding structures by the primary tumor and in detecting distant
metastases [3].
•  18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) or
combined FDG-PET/CT may be of additional value in the detection of
distant metastases [6, 7].
•  EUS, CT, and FDG-PET(/CT), however, are of relatively limited value in the
detection of locoregional lymph node involvement [3-7],
•  Therefore, there is a need for an alternative imaging method for lymph
node evaluation in patients with esophageal cancer.
•  The recently developed concept of diffusion-weighted whole-body imaging
with background body signal suppression (DWIBS) allows diffusionweighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (DWI) and apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) measurements throughout the entire body [10, 11].
•  DWIBS also enables visualization and ADC measurements of lymph nodes
and may therefore be of value in determining nodal status in patients with
esophageal cancer.
•  The purpose of this study was therefore to determine whether DWIBS is
able to detect the primary tumor and accurately assess nodal status in
patients with esophageal cancer.
【課題3】 重要な接続詞を抜き出して、文の高次構造の理解につ
なげる 次頁の文章の中にある、以下の文字を見つけてマーク
Introduc)on Magne>c resonance imaging (MRI) offers high spa>al resolu>on and excellent soS-­‐
>ssue contrast, making it an ideal tool for the detec>on of parenchymal and osseous lesions. Furthermore, MRI does not use any poten>ally harmful radia>on. MRI may therefore be an aWrac>ve technique for the detec>on and characteriza>on of disease throughout the en>re body [1, 2]. Previously, whole-­‐
body MRI was hampered by severe limita>ons. Reposi>oning of the pa>ent and the surface coils to image the separate sta>ons of the whole-­‐body MRI examina>on led to exceedingly long examina>on >mes. Furthermore, anatomical alignment between separately imaged sta>ons was not maintained using this approach. This limita>on has been overcome by the development of the sliding table pla[orm, which allows sequen>al movement of the pa>ent through the bore of the magnet without pa>ent reposi>oning, while signal is received by either an integrated body coil or by a (more recently introduced) whole-­‐body surface coil design [1–3]. A whole-­‐body surface coil design yields superior signal-­‐to-­‐noise ra>o (SNR) and spa>al resolu>on compared with an integrated transmit-­‐receive body coil. Moreover, the use of surface coils allows for parallel imaging, which may be necessary for imaging >me reduc>on and for acquiring certain types of MRI sequences, such as diffusion-­‐weighted MRI (DWI). Of note, DWI has recently been implemented in a whole-­‐body MRI examina>on and is a poten>ally powerful tool for the detec>on and characteriza>on of various oncological and non-­‐oncological lesions [4, 5]. Thus, the use of a whole-­‐ body surface coil design is preferred to perform a whole-­‐ body MRI examina>on. The interest in the clinical applica>on of whole-­‐body MRI is rapidly increasing, as is well illustrated by the large number of publica>ons in this field over the past few years [6–17]. Furthermore, whole-­‐body MRI may be an excellent alterna>ve to whole-­‐ body positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) [6–8, 10, 12, 13], given its wider availability [18] and the lack of ionising radia>on [19]. However, most MR systems in rou>ne clinical prac>ce may not yet be equipped with an integrated whole-­‐body surface coil design. Moreover, for a large number of these systems, an easily available upgrade towards fully integrated whole-­‐body surface coil technology may not be available (yet). On the other hand, non-­‐integrated surface coils (some of which are capable of parallel imaging) are widely available. These surface coils, however, have only a limited anatomical coverage. Nevertheless, it may s>ll be possible to perform a whole-­‐body MRI examina>on using a non-­‐integrated surface coil. The aim of this study was, therefore, to introduce and qualita>vely assess a new and easy approach to performing a >me-­‐efficient and high-­‐ quality whole-­‐body MRI examina>on (including DWI) using a non-­‐integrated surface coil.