IEP PROCESS FLOW CHART This flow chart illustrates the IEP referral process. Start at the top and follow the arrows down to guide you through the different phases in the process from when it is recognized that a student may need addi onal assistance and con nue through all the possible steps. It should be noted that there are areas where the process can halt depending on the student’s needs. Phase 1: Recogni on Student exhibits atypical needs as compared to peers. Phase 2: Pre‐Referral A Student Study Team composed of parents and school faculty meets to develop interven ons. The Response to Interven on (RtI) is then implemented. Successful interven on‐ Process stops Interven ons not successful‐ Move to referral Phase 3: Referral Student is officially referred for evalua on for special educa on services by the student study team. Phase 4: Assessment With the signed consent of the parents, the student is evaluated with a variety of assessment tools and strategies. The assessments must not discriminate and provide informa on to determine the unique needs of the student. The district has a meline of 60 days to complete assessments and hold an Individualized Educa on Plan (IEP) mee ng. Phase 5: Eligibility A mul ‐disciplinarian team of parents, general and special educa on teachers, administrators, and others meets and determines if the student is eligible for special educa on services. The student must have a disability that nega vely impacts his/her educa onal performance and the child needs special educa on services in order to access the curriculum. No disability is noted that impacts educa onal performance. Special educa on not required. Process stops. Student may con nue with interven ons in the general educa on program. Determina on that a disability impacts educa onal performance and eligibility is determined for special educa on services. Phase 6: IEP process (IEP and LRE) The IEP team develops the Individualized Educa on Plan (IEP). This document guides the special educa on program that will be provided for the student. The IEP team must also determine the Least Restric ve Environment (LRE) based on student need. Phase 7: IEP Implementa on (FAPE‐Fair and Appropriate Public Educa on) The en re team has the responsibility to ensure that the IEP is being implemented. Phase 8: Annual / Triennial IEP Each year the IEP team is required to meet for the dual purpose of evalua ng student progress under the current IEP and to develop the next annual IEP. Every three years, records are reviewed and assessments are again administered to measure progress and determined the LRE at a triennial IEP.
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