The IEP from A to Z: - Northshore School District

Brought to you by NSD and SEPAC:
The IEP from A to Z:
A Parent's Guide to Navigating the Northshore School District
Individual Education Program (IEP)
Wed, October 29, 2014
7:00 - 9:00 pm
NSD Administrative Center
3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell, WA, 98021
No Charge
Back by popular demand!
Due to the positive response
of this topic last February,
this will be a repeated
presentation. Bring a family
member or friend who needs
to hear this information!
The IEP Demystified -- Present Levels of Performance? Transition Plans?
Measurable Annual Goals? Prior Written Notice? What does it all mean?
Understanding the IEP is critical to your child’s school success. The Northshore School District and SEPAC
are pleased to present information on this important topic to provide clarity and to answer your questions.
Parents just starting an IEP or those currently with a program in place can benefit from this “beginning to
end” presentation covering the IEP and how its components interconnect to produce a comprehensive
plan. Attendees will leave informed, confident and ready to support a child through their IEP.
Presenters: Becky Anderson, Assistant Superintendent Special Services; Shannon Hitch, Secondary Special
Ed. Director; Kim Durkin, Elementary, Special Ed. Director; Adra Davy, Elementary Sp. Ed. Assistant
Director; Julie Trembath-Neuberger, Secondary Sp. Ed. Assistant Director; Kathryn Williams, SEPAC .
Visit or email [email protected].
If inclement weather, follow NSD procedures. No childcare provided.
These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. The district assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or
safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising
out of the distribution of these materials Including attorney's fees and judgments or awards.