Individual Education Plans or Multi Element Plans

Individual Education Plans or Multi Element Plans
A guide for parents/carers
What is an Individual Education Plan or Multi Element Plan?
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Multi Element Plan (MEP) is a document created to outline specific
action needed to meet the needs of a child with special educational needs.
It is a working document, which should help your child to improve his/her standard of achievement.
It should be in a simple format and should be understood by all staff and parents. Ideally, where your
child is taught by several members of staff, not only should those staff members have a copy of the IEP
or MEP, they should have also joined in the discussion of your child’s needs.
When can an IEP or MEP be used?
To plan the help for your child made through:
Early Years Action or Early Years Action Plus
School Action and School Action Plus
and for pupils with statements of Special Educational Needs.
What should be included in an IEP or MEP?
IEPs or MEP should focus on up to three or four key individual targets and should include information
 the short-term targets set for or by your child
 the teaching strategies to be used
 the provision to be put in place – this may be extra teaching time from a specialist teacher,
support from a teaching assistant, or the use of special resources.
 when the plan is to be reviewed
 what measures will be used to judge success
 progress made by your child towards the targets (to be recorded when IEP is reviewed).
How does an MEP differ to an IEP?
IEP’s and MEP’s contain very similar information. An MEP may contain additional information, eg where
your child sits in their setting, reactive strategies and what rewards your child responds well to.
March 2014
What are SMART targets?
In general, every target on your child’s IEP or MEP should be SMART, in other words:
states specifically what your child is going to learn
include measurable criteria for judging success
be achievable
and realistic/relevant
have given time limits
How should parents be involved?
As parents, you should be informed that your child has an IEP or MEP and you should be encouraged
to give appropriate help at home.
It should be explained to you that your child’s progress will be regularly reviewed and that you are
welcome to attend and participate in the meetings (at which your child may also be present).
What if my child’s needs change?
The IEP or MEP will be altered as appropriate and may be phased out if your child ceases to have
special educational needs.
What is a Group Education Plan?
When pupils in the same group, class or subject lesson have common targets and hence, common
strategies, a group learning plan can be drawn up rather then producing IEPs or MEPs for each child.
How to Contact Us
Carolyn Maw and Michelle Lowe (Support Workers)
Derby Parent Partnership Service
The Council House
Corporation Street
Telephone: 01332 641414 or e-mail: [email protected]
Other information sheets produced by Parent Partnership Service:
What Can I Do If I am Worried About My Child’s Progress?
School Action/School Action Plus
Statutory Assessment
Statement of Special Educational Needs
Notes in Lieu Of A Statement
Annual Reviews
How To Complain
March 2014
Copies of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice and the Special
Educational Needs (guide for parents and carers) can be obtained free of
charge from:
Department for Education
Telephone: 0845 602 2260
If you or someone you know, would like a copy of this information sheet in large print, on
audio-tape or in languages other than English, please contact us.
March 2014