PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ASSIGNMENT TWO Question 1 The symmetry of crystals is described using space groups. Space group diagrams are used to describe the symmetry relationship between moieties (a circle in the diagram is used to represent a molecule or atom(s) or ion(s) with a + or – sign to indicate whether it is above or below the plane drawn; a comma within the circle indicates a change of chirality which only results from certain operators, such as a mirror plane or inversion centre). (i) Draw the space group diagrams for P-1 (triclinic), P21, P2/m, Cc, and C2/m (monoclinic). Give the number of general equivalent positions (Z) and list the symmetry operators that relate them (i.e. (x,y,z)…etc.). In each case write a short (no more than a few sentences) description of how you chose the origin and direction of axes, constructed the diagram (cell angle choice for example) and labelled the general equivalent positions. It is recommended that you check your diagrams by looking up the space group diagrams in the International Tables for Crystallography ( These were downloaded from They’re useful because they contain all the needed information but are in a nonstandard orientation relative to the international tables. As a consequence it is best to rotate these pictures by 90° clockwise so that they are consistent with the standard. You should draw your diagrams in the standard orientation (origin on top left) as used in the lectures. The conventional diagrams can be found on which is used as a reference whenever such diagrams are shown in a book or paper. P-1 P21 P2/m Cc C2/m (ii) For each of these space groups explain whether or not crystals of that space group could contain molecules of only one chirality (i.e. only one enantiomer). P-1 P21 P2/m Cc C2/m Centrosymmetric (inversion) so R and S present. Only a rotation element present so it is possible to crystallize only one enantiomer (R or S) in this space group. 2/m generates a center of inversion therefore centrosymmetric. R and S present. A glide plane implies that a mirror plane is present. This space group can therefore accommodate both R and S molecules and is therefore not chiral. However, it does not contain a center of inversion and therefore is also not centrosymmetric. It is therefore a polar space group. 2/m generates a center of inversion therefore centrosymmetric. R and S present. Chiral space group (iii) Can any of the above space groups be classed as being non-centrosymmetric and also non-chiral? Explain. See the Cc in the above table. (iv) In which of the above space groups (more than one in some cases) would molecules of the following symmetry be able to occupy a special position? In each case, clearly indicate the position of the special position [a specific coordinate in the case of an inversion, a line (e.g. 0, y, 0) in the case of a two-fold axes, a plane (e.g. x, 0, z) in the case of the mirror] on the space group diagram. a. -1 (inversion) b. 2 c. m d. 2/m P-1 P21 P2/m Cc C2/m Inversion present so a centrosymmetric molecule can crystallize on any one of the positions. Because the two parts of a screw axis are translated by ½ along the b axis, it is not possible to have the two halves of a molecule joined across this symmetry (compare with the other space groups in the list). 2, m and 2/m symmetry present. Because the two parts of a glide plane are translated by ½ along the b axis, it is not possible to have the two halves of a molecule joined across this symmetry (compare with the other space groups in the list). 2, m and 2/m symmetry present. One such position would be the origin (0,0,0) but others such as (½, ½, 0) and (½, ½, ½) are equally valid alternative sites. Only molecules with -1 symmetry can occupy special positions in this space group. A molecule with 2fold symmetry can crystallize on a 2fold axis. Anywhere along 0,y,0 for example (symmetry along a line). Other sites with 2-fold axes are also valid. A molecule with mirror symmetry can crystallize anywhere along a mirror plane. x,0,z for example. This molecule is centrosymmetric but it more specifically has 2/m symmetry. Therefore, molecules such as XeF4 and Benzene will be able to crystallize on sites where the 2-fold axis coincides with the mirror. One such site in this case is the origin (0,0,0) Also, CO2 can crystallize in a 2/m site but a RS diastereomer can’t. A molecule with 2fold symmetry can crystallize on a 2-fold axis. For example anywhere along 0,y,0 (symmetry along a line). Other sites with 2-fold axes are also valid. A molecule with mirror symmetry can crystallize anywhere along a mirror plane. x,0,z for example. This molecule is centrosymmetric but it more specifically has 2/m symmetry. Therefore, molecules such as XeF4 and Benzene will be able to crystallize on sites where the 2-fold axis coincides with the mirror. One such site in this case is the origin (0,0,0) It is possible for molecules with pure -1 symmetry to crystallize in this space group at say (¼, ¼, 0) but knowing this requires detailed knowledge of the space group and was not required. Also, CO2 can crystallize in a 2/m site but a RS diastereomer can’t. (v) For each of the space groups above, indicate whether you would expect systematic absences in the associated diffraction patterns and provide the expected systematic absence condition (clearly indicating absence or presence – either interpretation is fine) together with the symmetry related to it. Only the systematic absences associated with the space group symbol is required unless more is specifically requested. P-1 P21 P2/m Cc C2/m No symmetry elements with translation components or lattice centering so no systematic absence conditions. Only a 21 screw axis present. No symmetry elements with translation components or lattice centering so no systematic absence conditions. C centering and c-glide present in this space group. C centering present. So hkl reflections present when h + k = 2n (i.e. when h + k is even). So 0k0 reflections will be present only when k = 2n (i.e. when k is even). Systematic absence condition associated with the C centering: hkl reflections present when h + k = 2n (i.e. when h + k is even). For the c-glide, h0l reflections will be present only when l = 2n (i.e. when l is even). Though you were not expected to include this information, if you look at the space group diagram a 21 screw axis and an a-glide is also present. Therefore the following symmetry absence conditions also exist for this space group. For the 21: 0k0 reflections present only when k = 2n For the a-glide: h0l reflections present only when h = 2n Question 2 a) Draw diagrams to show the symmetry of the 4, 41, and 43 axes. What is the (symmetry) relationship between the 41 and 43 screw axes? Draw this in the same way that the 31 and 32 axes were drawn in the lectures. The result should look as shown below. A top view of these would also be acceptable if the translation component was also included in the diagram as shown below. The 41 is a right handed screw axis while the 43 is a left handed screw axis. 4 41 43 b) What would the expected the symmetry absence conditions be for the 4, 41, and 43 axes assuming that the rotation axis is parallel to the c axis of the unit cell. [Hint, use the last page of the symmetry absences lecture notes which lists the absence conditions for various symmetry operators] 4-fold axis no systematic absence conditions because there is no translation component. The 41 and 43 screw axes both translate the molecule by ¼ along the screw axis direction. Assuming that screw axis is acting along the z-axis (standard for tetragonal space groups) then the condition would be: 00l present only when l = 4n in both cases. Question 3 (a) Draw space group diagrams to compare space groups C2 and C21. The space group C21 looks identical except that the origin starts ¼ of the way along the a axis as shown on the right. However, it is not so easy to see this if you have inserted objects into the cell which is why a side view is recommended in (b) below if required. (b) From your diagrams, demonstrate that C2 and C21 are in fact the same space group, (while P2 and P21 are different). (hints: it helps to redraw the unit cell so that the ab unit cell face is in the plane of the page, then to extend by translation the C21 diagram followed by looking at the origins of the unit cell). The above is from a text book where they used different symbols for the objects but the shift along the a axis is the same indicating that they are the same space group. (c) What are the expected symmetry absence conditions for C2 and C21? The space group is C centered and has a 21 screw axis. For the C center: hkl reflections present when h + k = 2n For the 21 screw axis: 0k0 reflections present when k = 2n Question 4 The diffraction pattern of a crystal was found to have the following equivalent reflection conditions and systematic absences. I(hkl) ≡ I(h-kl) ≡ I(-hkl) ≡ I(hk-l) ≡ I(-h-kl) ≡ I(-hk-l) ≡ I(h-k-l) ≡ I(-h-k-l) Systematic absences: (hkl): no conditions Deduce, with reasons the crystal system (triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic etc) and lattice type (P, C, F, I). hkl no conditions implies P. What would have happened to hkl if you have C, I or F instead? The equivalent reflections imply that a mirror symmetry is perpendicular to each of the axis directions and therefore we have an orthorhombic system. Mirror perpendicular to a axis leads to: I(hkl) ≡ I(-hkl) Mirror perpendicular to b axis leads to: I(hkl) ≡ I(h-kl) Mirror perpendicular to c axis leads to: I(hkl) ≡ I(hk-l) Diffraction patterns are also centrosymmetric (Friedel’s law) and so the inverse of the above reflections are also equivalent: I(hkl) ≡ I(-h-k-l) ≡ I(h-k-l) ≡ I(-hk-l) ≡ I(-h-kl) You can come to the same answer by considering that orthorhombic has mmm symmetry. The point group for mmm has the following symmetry operators: x,y,z; -x,-y,z; -x,y,-z; x,-y,-z; -x,-y,-z; x,y,-z; x,-y,z; -x,y,z. Any general diffraction plane (not located on a mirror for example) will be related by the same symmetries resulting in the above equivalent reflection conditions.
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