Topological insulators and mathematical science Harvard University Topological crystalline insulators and topological magnetic crystalline insulators Chaoxing Liu Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA Collaborated with Ruixing Zhang, Xiaoyu Dong (Tsinghua), and Brian VanLeeuwen cond-mat/1304.6455, Phys. Rev. B 90, 085304 cond-mat/1401.6922 Outline • • • • Introduction: topological insulators and topological crystalline insulators Symmetry induced degeneracy and surface states Topological crystalline insulators and topological magnetic crystalline insulators Summary and outlook 2 Topological states of matters • Band theory of metals and insulators Transport properties of materials are usually determined by bulk band gap and the position of Fermi energy in an electronic system. Ef Ef Eg Insulating Metallic 3 Topological states of matters • Topological phases of free fermions Topological phases are usually characterized by insulating bulk states and metallic edge/surface states in a free fermion system. e.g. quantum Hall effect 4 Symmetry protected topological phases • Time reversal (TR) invariant topological insulators (TIs) Topological phases due to the protection of time reversal symmetry, helical edge states 5 Topological insulators • Experimental observation of helical edge states in TR invariant TIs Bernevig, et al (2006), Konig, et al (2007) Hsieh, et al, (2008), (2009); Roushan, et al, (2009), H.J. Zhang et al (2009); Xia et al (2009); Y. L. Chen (2009) 6 Topological insulators • Kramers’ theorem 𝑬 𝐸 𝑘, ↑ = 𝐸(−𝑘, ↓) • 𝑘 = −𝑘 + 𝐺⃗ −𝝅 𝟎 𝝅 Non-trivial surface states protected by Kramers’ degeneracy 𝒌 7 Topological crystalline insulators • • Can degenerate points be protected by other symmetries? Gapless edge/surface states protected by crystalline symmetry, topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) SnTe, mirror symmetry Fu (2011); Timothy, et al, (2012) 8 Topological crystalline insulators • Experimental observations of TCIs SuYang Xu, et al (2012) Dziawa, et al (2012) Tanaka, et al (2012) 9 Topological crystalline insulators • How to find a practical and systematical way to identify which types of crystalline symmetry group can protect non-trivial surface states? Taylor, et al (2010), Fang, et al (2012), Slager, et al (2012), Jadaun, et al (2012) Most of these works are constructing bulk topological invariants based on bulk symmetry directly. However, surfaces can break crystalline symmetry of a bulk system. 10 Topological crystalline insulators • Our strategy: classification based on symmetry groups of surface states. Look for gapless surface states in a semi-infinite system � 𝒀 𝒌𝒚 � 𝚪 � 𝐗 � 𝑴 𝒌𝒙 11 Topological crystalline insulators • How to protect these degeneracies? • Degeneracy and symmetry Wigner, ... Different irreducible representations (type I) E.g. Mirror topological insulators Non-commutation relation, high dimensional irreducible representations (type II) E.g. non-symmorphic topological insulators Anti-unitary symmetry operator (type III) E.g. Time reversal invariant topological insulators, magnetic topological insulators 12 Summary of our approach • • • • Determine 2D space symmetry group of a semi-infinite bulk system with one surface Determine wave vector groups of each momentum in the surface Brillouin zone. Determine degeneracies of high symmetric momenta from representations of wave vector group. Determine possible non-trivial surface states and bulk topological invariants. Surface BZ Γ Bulk BZ 13 Topological crystalline insulators • Advantages of our approach We can guarantee the existence of surface states. We show how to use the representation theory of symmetry groups to classify different surface states. There are only 17 2D space group (wall paper group). Therefore, it is possible to get a complete study of all the possible groups. 14 Topological crystalline insulators • 17 2D space group, wall paper group Group P1 P2 P4 P3 P6 Pm Pg Cm Deg No No No No No I I I Group Pmm Cmm Pmg Pgg P4m P4g P3m1 P31m P6m Deg No No I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II 15 Type I TCIs • Degeneracy due to different representations of a symmetry group Pm group: a line in the Brillouin zone has symmetry 𝜎𝑦 : 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 → (𝑥, −𝑦, 𝑧) 𝜎𝑦 𝒌𝒚 � 𝚪 𝒌𝒙 16 Type I TCIs • • Two surface states will not couple to each other if they belong to different representations Corresponding to mirror Chern number, mirror topological insulators 𝐻 0 SnTe system: Timothy, et al, (2012) 𝐻= + 0 𝐻− 𝑬 𝒌𝒚 � −𝑿 � −𝑿 𝚪� � 𝑿 � 𝚪 � 𝑿 𝒌𝒙 17 Topological crystalline insulators • 17 2D space group, no anti-unitary operators Group P1 P2 P4 P3 P6 Pm Pg Cm Deg No No No No No I I I Group Pmm Cmm Pmg Pgg P4m P4g P3m1 P31m P6m Deg No No I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II 18 Type II TCIs • Degeneracy due to high dimensional irreducible representations, non-commutation between symmetry operations Eg. zinc-blende semiconductors 19 Type II TCIs • A special case, anti-commutation relation E.g. non-symmorphic symmetry; all the states are doubly degenerate at some special momenta; nonsymmorphic topological insulators 𝑅, 𝐻 = 0, 𝑆, 𝐻 = 0, 𝑅, 𝑆 = 0 If 𝐻 𝜙 = 𝐸|𝜙〉 and 𝑅 𝜙 = 𝑟|𝜙〉, 𝑆|𝜙〉 and |𝜙〉 are two orthogonal and degenerate eigen states. 𝐻𝐻 𝜙 = 𝑆𝑆 𝜙 = 𝐸𝐸 𝜙 𝑅𝑅 𝜙 = −𝑆𝑆 𝜙 = −𝑟𝑟 𝜙 → 𝑆|𝜙〉 is an eigen-state → 𝑆|𝜙〉 is different from |𝜙〉. 20 Non-symmorphic symmetry • Non-symmorphic symmetry group Two symmetry operations, 𝜎𝑧 : 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 → 𝑥, 𝑦, −𝑧 𝑐 𝑐 𝑔𝑥 = 𝜎𝑥 𝜏⃗ ∶ 𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 → −𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧 + , 𝜏⃗ = 0,0, 2 2 𝐴 𝐵 𝑐 𝑎 𝐴 𝑏 21 Non-symmorphic symmetry • Non-symmorphic symmetry 𝜎𝑧 𝑔𝑥 = 𝐶2𝑦 −𝝉 , 𝑔𝑥 𝜎𝑧 = 𝜎𝑧 𝑔𝑥 + 𝒕, When 𝑘 = 𝜋 0, 𝑘𝑦 , 𝑐 𝑔𝑥 𝜎𝑧 = 𝐶2𝑦 𝝉 , 𝒕 = 0,0, 𝑐 𝑜𝑜 𝜋 𝜋 , 𝑘𝑦 , 𝑎 𝑐 𝐶2𝑦 −𝜏⃗ 𝜙𝑘 = 𝑒 −𝑖𝑘⋅𝜏 𝐶2𝑦 𝜙𝑘 = −𝑖𝐶2𝑦 |𝜙𝑘 〉 𝐶2𝑦 𝜏⃗ 𝜙𝑘 = 𝑖𝐶2𝑦 |𝜙𝑘 〉 {𝜎𝑧 , 𝑔𝑥 } = 0 , 𝑐 𝝉 = 0,0, 2 𝒌𝒛 � 𝒁 � 𝚪 � 𝑼 � 𝐗 𝒌𝒙 22 Non-symmorphic symmetry • Non-symmorphic symmetry • Anti-commutation relation results in �. the degeneracy at 𝑍̅ and 𝑈 Surface states and topological invariant 𝒌𝒛 � 𝒁 � 𝚪 � 𝑼 � 𝐗 𝒌𝒙 Wannier function center R. Yu, PRB (2011) CXL, RXZ and BV , Phys. Rev. B 90, 085304 23 Non-symmorphic symmetry • Eg. Non-symmorphic symmetry 𝒌𝒛 � 𝒁 � 𝚪 � 𝑼 � 𝐗 𝒌𝒙 TI 24 Topological crystalline insulators • 17 2D space group, no anti-unitary operators Group P1 P2 P4 P3 P6 Pm Pg Cm Deg No No No No No I I I Group Pmm Cmm Pmg Pgg P4m P4g P3m1 P31m P6m Deg No No I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II I, II 25 P4m Group • Double degeneracy due to mirror and rotation symmetry operation (C4v) Bernevig’s group (2014) 𝒌𝒚 � 𝒀 � 𝚪 � 𝑴 � 𝐗 𝒌𝒙 26 P4m Group • Double degeneracy due to mirror and rotation symmetry operation (C4v) Bernevig’s group (2014) � : 𝐶4𝑣 symmetry Γ�, M � line has mirror symmetry Γ� − M Halved mirror chirality 𝜒 can be defined 27 Type III magnetic TCIs • Degeneracy due to anti-unitary symmetry operations Kramers’ degeneracy, spinful fermions, Θ2 = −1, TR invariant TIs. 𝐸 𝑘, ↑ = 𝐸(−𝑘, ↓) 𝑘 = −𝑘 + 𝐺⃗ 𝒌𝒚 𝒌𝒙 28 Type III magnetic TCIs • Other anti-unitary operator, magnetic group ℳ = 𝒢 + 𝐴𝐴 RMP, 40, 359, (1968) 𝒢 is the unitary sub-group 𝐴 = Θ𝑅 is an anti-unitary element, Θ time reversal and the unitary operator 𝑅 ∉ 𝒢. Herring rule � 𝜒(𝐵2 ) = 𝐺 𝐵∈𝐴𝒢 =−𝐺 Wigner (1932), Herring (1937) 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑎 ; 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑏 ; = 0 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑐 . RX Zhang and CXL (arxiv: 1401.6922) Δ real, reducible Δ = 𝑃Δ∗ 𝑃−1 , irreducible Δ ≠ 𝑃Δ∗ 𝑃−1 , irreducible 29 Type III magnetic TCIs • Magnetic topological insulators 𝝉Θ with translation operation 𝝉 and time reversal symmetry Θ. 𝝉Θ 2 = −1 can exist for both spinless and spinful fermions. Mong, Essin, Moore (2010), Fang, et al (2013), Liu (2013) Cn Θ with rotation operation 𝐶𝑛 and time reversal symmetry Θ. 𝐶𝑛 Θ 2 = −1 exists for both spinless and spinful fermions. Fu (2011), RX Zhang and CXL (arxiv: 1401.6922) 30 Type III magnetic TCIs • 𝐶4 Θ model Eg. 𝐶4 Θ with four-fold rotation symmetry 𝐶4 and time reversal symmetry Θ. 𝐶4 Θ 𝐶2 2 = 𝜔𝐶2 , 𝜔 = ±1 𝒌𝒚 𝒌𝒙 31 Type III magnetic TCIs • 𝐶4 Θ model RX Zhang and CXL (arxiv: 1401.6922) 32 Type III magnetic TCIs • 𝐶4 Θ model, surface states and Z2 topological invariants. Wannier function center R. Yu, et al (2011) RX Zhang and CXL (arxiv: 1401.6922) 33 Type III magnetic TCIs • Generalization to other Cn Θ symmetry Value of n single group double group mirror no no C2 Θ no no C3 Θ no no C4 Θ yes (Z2) yes (Z2) C6 Θ yes (Z2×Z2) yes (Z2×Z2) RX Zhang and CXL (arxiv: 1401.6922) 34 Type III magnetic TCIs • C6 Θ symmetry RX Zhang and CXL (arxiv: 1401.6922) 35 Δ1+Δ2+Δ3=0 mod 2 only two Δi s are indepedent {(0,0),(1,0),(0,1),(1,1)} Z2×Z2 topological invariant pair Type III magnetic TCIs • C6 Θ symmetry RX Zhang and CXL (arxiv: 1401.6922) 37 Summary and Outlook • • • We have presented a theory to explore different topological crystalline insulators by constructing non-trivial surface states. Our approach makes it possible to get a complete table for possible topological phases of different crystalline structures in a free fermion system. Our approach might be generalized to other systems, such as Weyl semi-metal systems, boson systems, superconducting systems, … 38
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