* &b No 10/03/2014-CA(HWF) /ert- Za+ GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION PROJECT APPRAISAL ORGANISATION Room No. 510(s), Sewa Bhawan, R. K. Puram, New Delhi-1'10066, Dated the 1{h September 201a OFFICE ORDER sub: Review of existing Guidelines for preparation of project Estimates for River valley Projects including use rate of Machinery and analysis of rates for some important items of works - Regarding To review the Guidelines on preparation of project Estimates for River Valley Projects including use rate of Machinery and analysis of rates for some important items of works as contained in guidelines "Guide Book on use rate, Hire charges and rransfer value of Equipment and Spare Parts-1988" and "Report of committee on cost control of River Valley Project- lg8'1" respectively, issued by central waler commission. being used nationwide by all the stakeholders for preparation of proiect estimates of River valley projects encompassing lrrigation, Hydropower, Flood control and water supply. a committee is hereby constituted. with the approval of chairman, cwc comprising of the following members: (i) (ii) (iji) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) Member. WP&P.CWC - Chairman Chief Engineer, PAO, CWC - Member Representative of lrrigation Dept., Maharastra - Member Representatlve of lrrigation Dept., Orissa - Member Representative of lrrigation Dept.. Karnataka - Member Representative Govt. ofArunachal pradesh - Member Representative of Govt. of Himachal pradesh - Member Representative of Govt. of Uttar pradesh Member Representative of NHPC - Member Representative of SJVN - Member Representative of THDC - Member Representative of NEEpCO - Member Representative of UJVN- Member Representative of Punatsangchhu HpA, Bhutan Representative of Mangdechhu HpA. Bhutan Representative of WApCOS, New Delhi - Member Sh. Atul Jain, Director, CWC - Member Director HPA, CEA - Member Director. CA(HWF) Dte.. CWC - Member Secretary The terms of Reference of the review committee are as follows: (i) Review and updation of the existinq Grrtlelines for preparation of project Estimates for River Valley Proiects. Review and updation of the methodolog, adopted for arriving at the l-lourly use rate of equipments and machtneries in .Guide book on use rate. Hire charges and transfer value of Equipment and Soare phrts-19g8, Review and updation of the analysis of rales for some imporlant itenrs of works as contained in "Report of Committee on Cqst control of River Valley project- 19g1,,. (ii) (iii) The committee after .lue deliberation will submit its reoort within .1 months. w>- (R. K Gufa) Chiet Engineer Tel: 011-26103561, Fax: 01 1-26101593 Copy for tnformation with a i'equest that a working level officer who is conversant with the required technical aspect may be hominated for participation in the deliberation: 1. 2. 3 Secretary, WRD&D. WRM& CAD, Water hesources Dept.. Govt of Maharashtra Principal Secretary. Dept. of Water Resources, Govt of Orissa Principal Secretary, Water Resources Dept., Govt of Karnataka Chie Engineer, Dept of Hydro power Development, Govt. of Arunachal pradesh 4. 5. Principal Secretary, Power. lrrigation, Govt. of Himachal pradesh 6. Engineer-in Chief. Head of Deptt.. Dept. of lrrigation, Govt. of Uttar pradesh 7, CMD. NHPC Ltd B. CMD. SJVN LId CMD, THDC tndia Ltd 1O CMD. NEEPCO Ltd 11 MD. UJVN Ltd 12. MD. Punatsangchhu HpA. Bhutan '13 MD. lvlangdechhu HPA. Bhutan 14 CMD, WAPCOS, New Delhi '15. Director HPA. CEA 9. ' It is proposed to hold the first meeting of the dommittee in the last week of October 20'14. Convenience for the same may be indicated. lt is also requested that works carried out by respective organisations may please be made available in hard and soft copy during the first meeting. Copy to: 1. 2. Chief Enqineer, PAO, CWC Sh. Atul Jain. Director. CWC Copy for Kind information to: 1. PPS to Chairman. CWC 2. PPS to Member. WP&p. CWC a-Ro' J6pv =y'- to the Director. sMD. cwc. New Derhi wit/r ,equest to upload in 4" pd\%u' cwc portar.
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