1. Clarifications sought by M/s IILPL Sl. No. 1.1 Query Reply We understand that ICD-Loni is already operating at peak capacity as far as rake bases are concerned and are apprehensive that further base may not be given by NR. Will getting the additional rakes based at Loni be solely the responsibility of CWC or the successful bidder? Para at Sl.No. 8 of Article-5.4 (Instructions to tenderers) & Article-3 (Scope of work) (ref. page-33 of 60) of Exhibit-6 (Agreement) may be referred. We have studied the CWC CFS PG volumes and observe that there is a lot of imbalance in all the ports especially for Mundra and Pipavav. To bridge this balance, incumbent operator will have to pool additional volumes from ICD-Loni. Are operators allowed to quote different RFM (Rail Freight Margin) for CFS PPG cargo and non-CFS PPG cargo. No, there has to be only single % of gross margin to be quoted for all types of volumes in performa at Exhibit-5 of the RFP document. The definition of Gross Margin as per Article-2(vi) (Definitions) (ref. Page-7 of 60) and Article-1 (xi) (Definitions and Interpretation) of Exhibit-6 (Agreement) (ref. pg-30 of 60) of the RFP/tender document is quite clear in this regard and shall stand. Alternatively what is the discounting policy of CWC for attracting non-PPG cargo to reduce the loss of empty flat due to imbalance in PPG cargo. In order to give a better frequency for evacuation of CWC CFS PPG cargo CTO’s may use rakes other than the dedicated rakes running for CWC. In such a case will the same quoted margin be shared by CWC with the rake owner of the PPG cargo. Discount, if any, to be given, will be decided on market conditions. We understand there is a dispute between CWC and WWILPL over payment of access charges for containers railed on CWC RR/CFS PPG cleared containers. Please clarify whether TAC will be will be paid or not and whether it will be admissible expense for calculation of RFM. No access charges are currently being paid on the trains operated by CWC. 1.5 What is CWC policy on carriage of empty containers to minimize losses on account of dead freight. 1.6 Would CWC withdraw Customs NOC given for all the ports to ensure that cargo moves in the rakes deployed by successful bidder. Carriage of empty containers should be as a filler to minimize dead freight and the successful bidder alongwith CWC is required to do proper marketing in this regard. A prudent decision will be taken by the Corporation in this regard depending upon prevailing circumstances. 1.2 1.3 1.4 However, the successful bidder shall not hold the Corporation liable/raise any claims on account of any delays/refusal on the part of Railways for the enhancement/change of rake base. Such issued will be decided on merit and the decision of CWC shall be final. However, in future, if Terminal Access charges are payable, the same shall form part of operational expenses for arriving at Gross Margin as per Article2(vi) (Definitions) (ref. Page-7 of 60) and Article-1 (xi) (Definitions and Interpretation) of Exhibit-6 (Agreement) (ref. pg-30 of 60) of the RFP/tender document. 2 Clarifications sought by M/s HTPL Sl. No. 2.1 2.2 Query Gross Margin Calculation: Freight Charges as mentioned in Annexure-B & Annexure-C are based on the old Indian Rail Haulage Charges (IRH) i.e of Feb 2013. Please let us know the Freight Charges (CWC Rail tariff) based on the revised IRH applicable from 5th December, 2014 onwards. Please specify quantum of discount offered by CWC to the customers both on export and import streams, If so, will it be considered in the calculation of gross margin? 2.3 In Gross margin calculation Freight Charges are excluding taxes/duties whereas operational expenses are including taxes /duties. We suggest Taxes/duties to be included in Freight charges as well to avail CENVAT credit. 2.4 What measures will be taken by CWC to avoid under frame running ? 2.5 What will be CWCs policy on booking empty container on/under cost to avoid under frame running? Will CWC be open to book other CTO’s containers on their trains and vice versa for operational efficiency? If Yes, what will be the policy to ascertain the revenue? 2.6 2.7 In Operational expense to ascertain Gross margin; clarification & details are required to work out the Gross margin:a. What’s the Terminal Access charges paid by CWC to terminal operator b. What are the other charges paid by CWC to the Private Siding Owner? 2.8 Please provide monthly sector wise export & import traffic of CWC from April’14 – December’14 with breakup of 20’ & 40’ containers under different weight slabs to ascertain approx. gross margin. Reply CWC tariff will be based on Indian rail haulage charges as applicable from time to time. As on date, CWC tariff is based on IRH as revised w.e.f. 5th December, 2014 and CWC tariff is at par with the tariff of CONCOR. The user tariff published by the Corporation from time to time is fixed after giving due consideration to the market scenario, in order to ensure that the tariff is competitive as well as commercially viable. CWC’s decision with regard to tariff policy for hired rakes shall be final. The definition of gross margin as given in Article-2(vi) (Definitions) (ref. Page-7 of 60) of the RFP/tender document and Article-1 (xi) (Definitions and Interpretation) of Exhibit-6 (ref. pg-30 of 60) is quite clear in this regard and shall prevail. Vigorous marketing efforts are to be made both by CWC and the successful bidder to procure sufficient EXIM volumes to avoid under frame running. Carriage of empty containers should be as a filler to minimize dead freight. CWC would be open to have suitable arrangements with other CTOs for coloading on mutually agreed terms & conditions. Charges would be as per Article-2(vi) (Definitions) (ref. Page-7 of 60) and Article-1 (xi) (Definitions and Interpretation) of Exhibit-6 (Agreement) (ref. pg-30 of 60) of the RFP/tender document. No access charges are currently being paid on the trains operated by CWC. However, in future, if Terminal Access charges are payable, the same shall form part of operational expenses for arriving at Gross Margin as per Article-2(vi) (Definitions) (ref. Page-7 of 60) and Article1 (xi) (Definitions and Interpretation) of Exhibit-6 (Agreement) (ref. pg-30 of 60) of the RFP/tender document. For the period April 2014 – December, 2014: A) No. of Export containers moved from ICD-Loni toa) Mundra Port i) 20’ – 1099 containers with total weight 13964 MT ii) 40’- 842 containers total weight 17730 MT b) Pipavav Port i) 20’ – 276 containers total weight 2665 MT ii) 40’- 178 containers total weight 3014 MT c) JNPT i) 20’ – 1967 containers total weight 32295 MT ii) 40’- 927 containers total weight 18179 MT with with with with with B) No. of Import containers moved into ICD-Loni froma) Mundra Port i) 20’ – 125 containers ii) 40’- 183 containers b) Pipavav Port i) 20’ – 1224 containers ii) 40’- 2121 containers c) JNPT i) 20’ – 1790 containers ii) 40’- 1744 containers 2.9 3 Please clarify will CWC be open to operate the leased Container Trains from Other Terminal in NCR under the same contract. If yes then what will be the CWC policy for road bridging the container from ICD Patparganj to that any Other Terminal? CWC would be open to operate its container trains from other terminal in NCR or other locations and such proposals would be dealt on merit. However, the decision of CWC in this regard shall be final. Clarifications sought by M/s B2B Sl.No. 3.1 Query Empty containers: What is CWC policy on carriage of empty containers for reducing losses on account of running of empty flats? 3.2 Double stack: In case of double stack operation how would CWC calculate RFM? Reply Carriage of empty containers should be as a filler to minimize dead freight and the successful bidder alongwith CWC is required to do proper marketing in this regard. Gross margin would be calculated as per provisions contained in Article-1 (Definitions) of the tender document. The definition of gross margin as given in Article-2(vi) (Definitions) (ref. Page-7 of 60) and Article-1 (xi) (Definitions and Interpretation) of Exhibit-6 (ref. pg-30 of 60) of the RFP/tender document is quite clear in this regard and shall prevail.
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