CHIP SHOTS FOR CHILDREN CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORED BY THE OXFORD ORPHANAGE/MASONIC HOME FOR CHILDREN AT OXFORD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 600 CoLLEGE STREET OXFORD, NC 27565 (919)693-5111 613012014 We are looking forward to our fifreenth annual Chip Shots for Children Golf Tournament. It will be held on Friday, October 10, 2014 at the Club in Henderson, NC. Ker Lake Country All proceeds from the tournament will go directly to the support of the children at the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford. We are enclosing a brochure with information about schedule of events, directions, and contact phone numbers. Also enclosed is a form to submit with your payment and players names if you can come play golf with us. We look forward to another successful year and hope that you can player or sponsor. join us this year as a With warmest regards, Terry Mills Gilliland, Chairperson Chip Shots for Children Charity Golf Tournament NET PROCffiDS FROM THIS TOUKNAMENT BENEFIT THE O.O.A.A. ENDOWMENT FUND TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR HOME CONTRIBUTIONS DMUCTIBLE AS PRESCKIBED BY IAW. CHIP SHOTS FOR CHILDREN 15th Annual Charity Golf Tournament Presented by the Oxford Orphanage/Masonic Home for Children at Oxford Alumni Association Friday, October tO, 2OL4 At Kerr Lake Country Club, Henderson, North Carolina SPONSOR/PLAYER !N FORMATION Name/Company/Contact Address State Zip Code Amount Enclosed Phone Email S Player #1 Player #2 Player #3 Player #4 Sponsorship - (Please Mark) Event Sponsor - SS0OO.OO - Includes three foursomes for play, course advertising, and tee marker. Tournament Sponsor - S2(X)O.OO - Includes two foursomes for play, course advertising, and tee marker. Friend of the Children Sponsor - 51000.00 - Includes one foursome for play, course advertising, and tee marker. Corporate Sponsor - $SOO.OO Hole Sponsor - $2fi).fi) - - Includes one foursome, course advertising, and tee marker. Includes tee box marker with two lines, and course advertising. Associate Sponsor - Contributes to Chip Shots for Children by giving up to S199.0O in donations Golfing - 575.00 - Includes continental breaHast before tee time. Eighteen holes of golfing, Lunch after tournament. lf you want to sign up a team, include the names at the top and total price of 5300.00 Make Checks payable to: OO'MHCO Chip Shots for Children MailTo: Masonic Home for Children at Oxford 5fi) College Street Oxford, NC 27565 Tax Deductible Amount per Federal Tax Regulations - Acknowledgement letter will be sent. (|') --O F ct', F F-l .-l CJ ctt - TIJ a -a O et) q) E-- I ct', TL' EE f, H (L) l< =q) -f.-U t).o cl' qJ -L c--g - .e lO- a e E -f trJ rt U -aL .P )< F IL Y i z 6 ir 37N-.EP = 2 .i.,i g= s = s 9-5=4!?E X.= -rrrJ oin ==+ = n 56 F EiE -rrloo e,ttsa l !r-Y --t.F G a P= etr= -r! 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