Will your marmalade be judged best in Australia? Will

MarmalAshes Buninyong Marmalade
Association Inc
A not-for-profit Community Association.
Will your marmalade be
judged best in Australia?
Enter your citrus-based marmalade for
judging and selection at the
Buninyong Marvellous Marmalade Fair
to be held on Saturday 1st February 2014.
Expert CWA Judges will score your
marmalade and judge it in its Class.
You receive a Scorecard and Certificate.
Classes are for individual citrus (e.g.
orange, lemon, lime, etc.) as well as
combinations (e.g. Three-fruit).
There are Classes for marmalade made
by a man and Junior (16 & under).
The Selectors will also select the
Australian XI to tour to England. If
selected, your 2nd jar goes to the
International Marmalade Awards in
Cumbria (www.marmaladeawards.com).
Will your marmalade be
selected in the Australian XI
to tour England?
Buninyong, near Ballarat, has had a lot of fun with
marmalade over the past few years.
 Buninyong FoodWorks Supermarket, Learmonth Street
 Buninyong BP Service Station, Warrenheip Street
After Australia disastrously lost the Ashes in
2010/11, Buninyong light-heartedly challenged
England to something else they claim to have
invented… marmalade. Our challenge was
accepted. So we selected a Buninyong XI, 11 jars
of our best home-made - plus 12th jar - and these
were given a Mayoral send-off on their tour to
England up against the England XI at the
International Marmalade Awards in Cumbria to
contest the MarmalAshes.
Remember, each entry must include:
 2 jars of marmalade from the same batch
 completed Entry Form
 $8 entry fee per 2-jar entry.
Please make cheques payable to:
Buninyong Marmalade Association.
The MarmalAshes, a tiny inconspicuous jar, is
held in the Dock of the old Buninyong Courthouse
in exact replication of the Ashes at Lord’s in
England. After all, when Australia wins cricket’s
Ashes, Australians have to travel to England to
see the trophy we’ve won!
Label with your marmalade description, then
wrap your jars well to protect them with
newspaper or bubble-wrap. All entries become the
property of Buninyong Marmalade Association
and help to defray our costs.
For the past two Februarys an Australian XI has
been selected from our Marmy Army of
marmalade-makers around Australia (130 entries
in 2013) up against the England XI at the
International Marmalade Awards.
 So make your best marmalade soon.
Entries to arrive by January 24th, 2014:
PO Box Marmalade 563, Buninyong VIC 3357
… or Deliver by 24th January, 2014 to:
Further information: [email protected]
or www.buninyong.vic.au/marmalade
Supported by:
Buninyong Mt Helen Lions Club
Buninyong & District Community Bank®
And we have now won the MarmalAshes three
years in a row – a hat trick!
No doubt England, stung by their losses, will
… so we need your help to again beat our
friendly adversaries, the Poms!
MarmalAshes Buninyong Marmalade
Association Inc A0056934Y
A not-for-profit Community Association.
PO Box 563, Buninyong, Vic 3357
(03) 5341 3225 (January only)
[email protected]
ENTRY FORM – each entry is two jars
Jar 1 = 150-250g – tasted & judged in Buninyong
Jar 2 = 300-400g – if selected, will be sent to the
International Marmalade Awards in Cumbria.
We need you … our Marmy Army … to help
beat our friendly-adversaries the Poms
(please see over)
Complete both sections and post or bring with your 2-jar
entry(ies) and entry fee to Buninyong by 24th January.
Your First Name and Surname
Street/PO Box
Email (preferred) and/or Phone
Age (only if 16 & under)
Entry #
Made by a man?
CWA member?
Description of Marmalade (must be citrus-based)
e.g. Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon & Lime, Three fruit etc.
1 (two jars)
2 (two jars)
3 (two jars)
4 (two jars)
TOTAL ENTRY FEES = $8 multiplied by Number of Entries
Entry Fees are donated to Ballarat Hospice Care
… or
You may wish to nominate your local Home
Hospice - we will send your Entry Fee to them…
………………..write their name and address here
If you would like to nominate your local Hospice?
In 2013, $1,040 was donated to Hospice Care.
…………………………….. Postcode ………….………
……………………..……………….…..… Hospice
………………………………….………… Address