— — — ">- : - -J— i i i i l f . T-~,-i-'-Trt!s£jk.l asss — — ... Miidta . JKuini iyt"jjrl%'ifc - — • S v • • ' - - • -H?" i • § • mil>l| i j'-rjr" 3jg3^c=Seass •w • 'j'i".-u m > i " — w w m — — in ' • PTA Council To Have Worltshop The Hawkins. C u ty C w ; l l c r P-T. A. will hive a work^on o education tomorrow (Sridw morning. Registration will be»in Pt 10 o'clock and the program will f oj low at 10:30. J. O. Harville, county school superintendent, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Hugh Russell of Newport, president o f the district *-T^ A ^ will install new officers for the coming year. Mrs. Sterling Hicks of Mooresburg, president of the local council, urges attendance from each P-T. A. unit in the county. 4 •" • featisS Local Happenings FirVNOft I. SHEETS SOCIETY Business Phone: 4321 a=HS5==HStS! EDITOR Home Phone: S227 •ssssz Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Smith and | Bill Gardner of Atlanta spent the d-ughtcr. Gler.da, KingaporUMML- fir^^i^jh£_jiffifik..jbjei^..jiniJbL bit gie Smith, Persia, Route 3, M. S. mother, Mrs. F. L. Gardner. He re Lawson, M-. and Mrs. Eugene turned home yesterday morning. Jayncs, Paul Duncan and three Miss Bettye Gardner, who has been daughters, Eugene Duncan and living in Kingsport, returned here family, all of Newport, had the yesterday morning to live. pleasure of visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Horton Recil Duncan and family of New- had as their Sunday guests, Mr. port last Sunday. and Mrs. Hobert Simpson (Nina Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thacker and Horton) and son, Mike, of Kings daughter Phyllis, of Dayton, Ohio,! port; Marshall Horton of Asheville, were here recently for the wedding N. C , and Mrs. Marshall Horton of W. C. Brown. They were the and two daughters of Pressmen's guests while here of R. wrThack- Home, and Mr. and Mrs. Davis Legg of Rogersville. er. Keller Leonard was brought Mrs. Bert Arnott of Bulls Gap HCMH | home Monday from Takoma Hos- entered Laughlin Clinic, GreeneVeronica Denise Payne, to Mr. pital, Greeneville, where he had ville, on Monday, suffering from a and Mrs. Joseph Rogers Payne, undergone major surgery. He is severe cold and asthma. Rogersville, April 4. ' doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arnott and Lisa Ann Johnson, to Mr. and, Walter Carson, who was injured children, Charles and Charlotte Mrs. Ralph Kenneth Johnson, Bulls at International Playing Card and Jean, left Friday for their home in Gap, April 5. Label Co. on March 5, W3S rclGckSiHl Dixon, 111., after a two-week visit Anthony Vincent Harris, to Mr. from Lyons Hospital on April 4. with his mother, Mrs. C. B. Arnott and Mrs. Raymond Harris. Rogers- Carson has undergone surgery and other relatives in Bulls Gap. David Kammer leaves today to ville, April 6. twice for skin graft at HVCH, spend the Easter holidays with his Jeffery Scott Cinnamon, to Mr. Kingsport, since his accident. and Mrs. John Lee Cinnamon, PerMr. and Mrs. E. E. Cope of Port family in Chattanooga. sia, April 6. Mr. Frank Fulkerson, who has Charlotte, Fla., were visitors last Michael Dewey Johnson, to Mr. week of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cope been ill for some time, is able to and Mrs. J. C. Johnson, Rogers- of Route 1, Rogersville, enroute to be out again. ville, April 6. Miss Anne Testerman of Knox Greensburg, Ohio where they will Curtis Kendall Barton, to Mr. make their home. ville spent the week end here with ^ Miss Ailsie Rogan and Mrs. Pete Barton, SurgoinsMr. and Mrs. Amos Johnson are her mother, Mrs. Fred Testerman. ville, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Poates are visiting their son, Arnold Johnson, John Patrick Lee, to Mr. and and Mrs. Johnson at Sneedville home from a month's stay in OrMrs. John Hugh Lee, Rogersville, for a few days. Both father and son lando with his sisters, Misses Mary Miss Alice Phillips April 8. 5, are enjoying fishing In Clinch and Daisy Poates. En route home they attended a state convention of Deborah Lynn Testerman, to Mr. River. The groom-to-be is the son of and Mrs. Ralph Frank Testerman, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Rogan of Mrs. Willie Rhea Greene and the Masonic Order. Rogersville announce the engage- Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Straley of King- Rogersville, April 9. Miss Grace Legg, drove to CookeMrs. Thomas M. Ferrell (Grament and approaching marriage of sport. Marvin Edward Ringley, Jr. to ville Sunday to return the Greenes' ham Rogan), who came here foltheir daughter, Ailsie, t o James Mr. and Mrs. Ringley, Sr., Rogers- son, Eddy, to TP1, following his lowing fee death of her mother, A summer wedding is planned. ville, April 9. Andrew Straley of Kingsport. Miss Alice Phillips and her fi- O. Phillips, Jr. visit here for a few days on vaca; Mrs. Robert M. Rogan, on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield B. Hale, March 25, returned to her home in ance, David L. Bailey will arrive Jeffery Allen Johnson, to Mr. tion. I and Mrs. Grady Allen Johnson, David Armstrong, second son of Reidsville, N. C, on Sunday. Her here tonight from Hampton, Va., to Jr., cousins of the bride-elect will Russellville, April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Armstrong, is husband flew here on Thursday work out last minute details of give fee rehearsal dinner at their their wedding which will take place home on Friday evening. Mesdames LYONS confined to his home with pneu- and accompanied her home. Kimberly Ann Looney, to Mr. monia. Miss Mona Trent and Mrs. Dale Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Ernest McFadden, Ben A. Cunningham, Rena Mae Pierce and A. B. and Mrs. Hubert Looney, SurgoinsAllen attended the 23rd Annual the Presbyterian Church here. Hill, Route 4. ville, April 5. Conference of the Woman's Society They will be guests of Miss Phil- Long will give the bride's breakMr. and Mrs. Bart Greer of SurEarl Wayne Wallen, to Mr. and of Christian Service meeting last lips' parents, Mr. and Mrs. James fast on Saturday morning. A son, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edd goinsville, Route One, announce Byington, Route 2, Rogersville, Ap- Mrs. Eckel Wallen, Church Hill, week at Central Methodist Church the marriage of their daughter, Route 4, March 29: in Knoxville. Miss Trent is the ril 10. Laura Katherine, to Edward Alton Merry Alice Light, to Mr. and church and community worker for HVCH Smith. He is the son of Mr. and Harlon Light, Rogersville, the Kingsport District working in Vimus Craig Skelton, to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Calvin Smith of Rogersville. this area and Mrs. Allen was a delMrs. Homer Charles Skelton, March 31. The couple w m married in the Delores Jean Bernard, to Mr. egate from the Surgoinsville WoChureh Hill, March 22. Marshall Baptist Church, Marshall, Randall Keith Williams, to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie W. Bernard, Rog- man's Society of Christian Service. North Carolina, March 15, at 11:30 Mrs. Ben Crutchfield attended md Mrs. Glen B. Williams, Church I ersville, March 26. a.m. The Rev. Coleman C. Caldwell from the Rogersville Methodist was the officiating minister. Church. T. H. Johnson and Mrs. Annette Bv ELEANOR Mr. and Mrs. Paul Home and Smith, both close friends of the daughter, Barbara, of Chicago, and contracting parties, were the couShelton Stubbs reached his all- liaun, Mrs. Sue Britton, and Miss son, Lowell, of Manchester College important 16th birthday one day Lucile Massengill, all of Church ples only attendants. North Manchester, Ind., were the j last week and his mother, .Kather Hill. The bride is a graduate of Surgoinsville High School and is emweek end guests of Mr. Home's jne Stubbs, had a dinner party for ployed as bookkeeper at Boydfather, Henry A. Home and other i him on Sunday afternoon. Guests Susan and Ira Shclton left late Lawson Co., Rogersville. The relatives of Rogersville, Route 2. ; were the Shelton connection. last night for Keyser, W. Va., to groom is a graduate of Rdgersville Miss Mary Home and Henry \ spend the Easter holidays with High School and is a student at Home of Traveler's Rest, S. C. • Marge and Bill Towers were has- ! Tom and Martha Shelton and their East Tennessee State University. spent the week end with their : t e s s t o t n c i r c o u p i e s c i U D for S l , p . j two little girls, Teresa and JenniFor their wedding trip, the cougrandparents, the Rev. and Mrs. A. p p r a n d bridge last Fridav evening, fer. They will return home Sunday ple traveled to Gatlinburg. R. Fields, Rogersville, Route 2. j T h c K u e s t l i s t included eight. Hel- evening. Mrs. Margaret Brooks and daugh- e n R h e a a n d E d Testerman won ter, Mrs. Delia Home, of Travel-1 t n e t o i p s c o r e p r i z e f o r t h e m e m _ j j a m i 0 0 k i n g f o r w a r c ] to a pleaser's Rest, S. C were guests over , b e r s E l s i e a n d B i l l L o n g for the ant week end. Eleanor Lyle Hamilthe week end of their daughter., guests, and Berniee <Joferth won^att ton and her three children of Roand sister, Mrs. Walter Manis and bingo. j Chester, N. Y., and the Carl Lyles Mr. Manis of Surgoinsville. — j of LaFollette will spend Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Sheeler Luncheon guests of Mrs. Ray} night and a part of Sunday with and sons, David and Jim, of Oak Colboch today will b eMrs. Elcer Hazle and me . . . Marian Juett is Ridge, are here for a visit with her having a group offeeLyles' friends BUI and I had such a nice exparents, Dr. and Mrs. G. J. Lane. to dinner at Fain's Cafe on Sunday perience last week end that I'd Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Van Dyke, afternoon. Later the Eastman Porl i k e l o share it with you. VSt visitspent fee week end with her partrums and Hazle and I will go to ed friends in Houston, and they ents in Trenton. the Philip Chesaleys on the mountook us to the Cork Club to see John McMakin, son of Mr. and tain . . . Mary says the redbud and Mr. and Mrs. Smith Robert Goulet. The club is atop Mrs. Bill McMakin was christened dogwood are both blooming beautione of Houston's tall buildings; acFor the promotion of health, one you'd better keep the heat LOW. Sunday at the Methodist Church. fully there now. The dogwood trees tually it is on the two top floors. Arriving today (Thursday) for , should take systematic daily exer- on the mountain at my place in Here's a cookie recipe that one The top room is beautiful, for two fee Easter vacations with her par- ; « * . Walking; in the fresh air im- the country are barely showing fee walls are made of glass, and see- of my neighbors gave me; th« whole neighborhood loves it. ents Mr. and Mrs. E. A Cope, are P r o v e s t t e l ^ " P ^ ^ - ; ^ e n i s h wh.te faces of their ing the skyline of the city by night Sarah's Cookies Mrs. Roy Wyatt and children, Mike creases the peristaltic movements blooms . . . Eleanor and I will no from such a height was really won% cup shortening (ipart oleo) and Kafey Ann, from Richmond, of the intestines, which helps to doubt be haggard worshippers at derful. The owner of the club is V\ cup white sugar Va. Dr. Wyatt will be unable to ac- overcome constipation. When walk Glenn McCarthy, who built the ine the-chest should be held well > c h u r c h S u n d a v morning, we don t Vi cup brown sugar company his family due to other 1 Shamrock Hotel back in the 40's. plan to go to bed Saturday. We up to facilitate deep breathing. Vi tsp. vanilla committments. The Wyatts are on It i s taken for granted by most have so many things to talk about Round shoulder® and flat chests Cream the above until Light an furlough from their missionary duTexans feat the role that James are ugly and ungainly. They not and we see each other so little feat ties in Spain Dean played in The Giant was^op- iluffy. Add 1 egg and beat Sift it will take a night to get caught Joyce Bean, freshman a t Lees only make an unpleasant impres- up wife our talking. ied from McCarthy. If you remem- cup and 2 tbLsp. flour, %tsp. soda McRae College, N. C. recently vis- sion on beholders, but they are ber, James Dean always wore col- and V2 tsp. salt. Add sifted ingredMrs. benjamin Woods ients to first mixture. Stir in % ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben productive of disease. This posture ored glasses in the last half of the cup chopped nuts and 1 cup (6 oz.) Bean at Surgoinsville. Accompany- cramps the lungs and prevents film, and McCarthy is never seen of butterscotch bits. Drop by teaing her home were two of her col- proper breathing. A noted physiwithout them. When we saw him, spoon on GREASED baking sheet. lege friends, Martha Ashcraft of cian says feat a "round shouldered in a dimly lighted room in the mid375 for 10 mins Charlotte, and Phyllis Brown of person is one who is carrying his dle of the night, sho' nuff, dark Staunton, Va. Juanita Manis of cnest behind instead of in front of glasses! What thrilled me much him." He says further that "this more than seeing Robert Goulet Quarterly Meeting The Mount Carmel Methodist Christian and Miss Janet Woods. Church Hill visited Miss Bean and deformity not only gives a person her two guests on Sunday. was seeing some of the astronauts Of Baptist WMU Church was the scene of the March They wore medium blue streetCol. and Mrs. Frank Smith re- a weak and ungraceful appearance and their wives sitting two tables 16 wedding which united Miss Car- length dresses fashioned identical but lessens the breathing capacity away from us. After all, they're Set For April 18 olyn Green and Benjamin Woods to feat of the honor attendants turned home Tuesday from a visit and leads to inactivity of the upper to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, Jr. truly important to the history of The Holston Valley Associational in holy matrimony. with matching headpieces. part of the lungs, thus inviting tuMiss Terry Jo Rowlett, niece of in Evanston, 111. our'country. We saw John Glenn, | quarterly meeting of the Women's The Rev. Herman Christian and berculosis and other diseases, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kyle got home Scott Carpenter, Sam DevaU, and Missionary Union will be held in the Rev. Ted Jones performed fee the bride was flowergirl. She wore which arise from the lodgement of Friday from a several days stay in WaUy Schirrar. There may have the McPheeters Bend Baptist double-ring ceremony before an al- a floor length dress of sky blue germs in the inactive and weakenFlorida. been one or two others that were Church on Thursday, April 18, be- tar decorated with arch candelabra taffeta and chiffon and carried a ed portions of fee lung tissues." with them that are in training for ginning at 10 a.m. A covered dish holding burning white tapers, tall basket of rose petals. Sitting in a slumped, relaxed Billy Woods, brother of the future flights, but those were the luncheon will be served at noon. baskets of white gladioli, palms position with the chest flat, the This will be the celebration of bridegroom, was best man. Ushers only ones we recognized. John and greenery. shoulders hunched, is conductive the 75th anniversary of the WMU. were David Grey, Sammy Snapp, Glenn's wife is darling. She's much The bride was given in marriage and Buddie Green, brother of the to congestion in the abdominal reg- M°R€ VALUABLE MOtf smaller, prettier, and younger by her brother, Charles Green. She bride. ion. The relaxing of the abdominal looking than her ptetures. The oth- Rev. Burl Smiley wore a gown of white bridal satin muscles due to the bad posture Mav« you t t o p p t d t o con*.<»** f t * « f « M l Nuptial music was presented by er wives were unusually^attractive and Chantilly lace which was fash- Mrs. Blanche Click, pianist, and To Hold Revival above described, tends to cause *f vsrtlmt aconemy on * w voHx of yout too. One of the men at our table prolapse of all the viscera includ- Hon**? N o m a t t e r inSotO i t i» located • * * ioned with a scalloped neckline Miss Phyllis Bucher, soloist. remarked, "One thing those astro- At Hencrrd's Chapel ingfeeliver, kidneys and stomach. «»«• tt» oe* it. tho cnainen or# mot it Is and long pointed sleeves. The full A reception was held in the felnauts have is good taste." All in all The Rev. Burl Smiley, pastor of skirt extended into a chapel train. When one sits erect the chest is worth opprtoabty "Wto than o »«o» OOM lowship hall of the church. it was an unforgettable night for the Hickory Cove Baptist Church, " S u r , " y o u m o y t o y . " I a m not »h.nfclng} elevated, the abdominal muscles Her fingertip veil of silk illusion Assisting in serving were Mrs. a gal who hasn't been around will preach at revival services are tense and hold the organs in Of t t t t r n f — • » m S o t r T h , t o - w h s f * H was held in place by a crown of Wallace Rowlett, Miss Lois Tunmuch. And now to recipes. The which begin this Sunday at Hen their proper position, allowing fee fctmfly m«* T>*» f i r * tnouronco you Oro n o * seed pearls, sequins, and Chantilly nell, Miss Judith Hickman, and Iirst one is a food recipe for pim- aid's Chapel Baptist Church. free circulation of blood through •frying on your homo It orobobly no tanoor 1 ce. She carried a bouquet of ento cheese that I got from my SStWMfO . , . SOS f h o M Mto*mcroO) The Rev. Vefhon Field?n, pastor white rosebuds centered with an Miss Linda Shelton. Miss Randall fee body. Rowlett, niece of the bride, kept Sonar SUSSW Say toplacomtnt cost* of the Choptack Baptist Church Kitty, years ago. orchid with white satin streamers. the bride's book. Bad habits in sitting, standing Pot full information on tttu will be in charge of thc usic. pimento Cheese Mrs Robert M. BottenfieW, sisand walking cause congestions •MM art, uhy nat conouf ihrt ogonoy The wedding was directed by Services will begin each evening ter of the bride, was matron of . % lb. of rat cheese (You st 7:30 to which the chu-•h pastor, which bring on diseases of various M a r ? W t a r t « your itnnccond you MCUS Mrs. Dale Christian 1 .ofinr. She wore a floor length do know what rat cheese is, don't the Rev. Rubel Thompso sorts and are productive of head- no aWHOtion wrhatovo' Vow/ mturoncs The bride is the daughter of Mr. lw H - o ^ n of sky blue taffeta and chif- and Mrs. Luther Green of Church aches, backaches, and other dis- M a i l vrhathar laroo or tmoii W.II r» p v M you?) ly invites each and everyone. "o She wore a matching veil tressing symptoms. Improper pos- f t * ajraa cartful SfuS>. May wo u -*• youri Hill. She is a graduate of Church legg ; which was held in place by aHill High School and is attending 1 1 ture is conductive to indigestion as 2 tblsp. mayonaise Surgoinsville F */ . i of seed pearls. well as other bodily ills. Many ailLloyd's Beauty Training Center. Butter size of an egg To Elect Officers ments from which so many suffer -••srMiss Ann Pearson was maid of The bridegroom is the son of Mr. * Small can of pimentos, mashed would vanish if they discontinued and Mrs. Floyd Woods of Church The Surgoinsville P-T. A. will honor. She wore a light blue gown .w*att to taste their bad habits of carrying their HUl He is a graduate of Church Oook until smooth and put in a meet at the Surgoinsville High of taffeta and chiffon that was lungs in the back instead of m Hill High School and is now in the School tonight at 7 o'clock. An fashioned identical to that of the covered jar. I believe Kitty cooked front, raised their chest and U. S. Army stationed at Fort Bel election of officers for the coming matron of honor, hers in the top of a double boiler. their spines straight •ofr, Va. year will be held. Bridesmaids If y e * try this e*wr direct heat. Announcement Made Today Of Rogan -- Straley Troth Alice Phillips, David Bailey Will Be Married Saturday Smith--Greer Nuptials Take Place In Marshall, March 15 0^'° I^tf Bitsy's Recipes, Here and There Health a n d Beauty Mt. Carmel Church Is Scene Of Woods-Green Nuptials € • a, 666 F. J. 1 esterme Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com 4L
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