The Role of Vaccination and Lab Monitoring in the Control of Poultry

11/7/14 Outline The Role of Vaccina2on and Lab Monitoring in the Control of Poultry Diseases Rocio Crespo •  Avian health and immune system •  Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry –  Types of vaccines –  Vaccine delivery –  Vaccine failure •  Lab Monitoring –  Tasks –  Serologic tests and interpreta2on Disease development depends… Specific Immune System e siv Pas unity
•  Primary Organs •  Bird’s condi2on –  Yolk sac: Maternal immunity –  Bone Marrow: Precursor blood cells –  Thymus gland: T-­‐cells (cell mediated immunity) –  Bursa of Fabricius: B-­‐cells (humoral/an2bodies) –  Health or state of wellbeing –  Level of protec2on/immunity •  Invading pathogen/organism –  Number –  Virulence or strength Defense System Against Infec2ons •  Peripheral lymphoid 2ssue Disease agents: • 
Deficiencies Toxins Viruses Bacteria Parasites Resistance: •  Good feed •  Intes2nal flora •  Immunity –  Local –  Systemic Vaccina2on –  Harderian gland –  Cecal tonsils –  Spleen –  GALT A
Im c2v
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y Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Elements of a Vaccina2on Program •  To trigger immune system so to produce an2bodies èfight invading casual organisms •  Vaccina2on is a way of obtaining a control result with a minimum of harm to the birds Age of the
First Vaccination
–  A natural invasion caused infec2on will be uncontrolled and has the possibility of causing severe damage Interval between
Number of
Type of
Route of
1. Stimulation & Maintenance of Protective Immunity
2. Development of Immunologic Memory
1 11/7/14 Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Requirements for Good Immune Response Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Types of vaccines •  Live and live-­‐a[enuated-­‐ either low dose or mild forms of disease organism Correct Vaccine
Good Nutrition
Healthy Birds
Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Live vaccines Disadvantages •  Vaccine agent is present in –  Humoral + cell-­‐mediated poultry popula2on –  Different classes of an2bodies •  Possibility of shedding of Rapid onset of vaccinal the vaccine agent protec2on •  Post vaccinal reac2ons are Easy mass applica2on possible No adjuvants needed No hypersensi2vity reac2ons Produc2on in big quan22es Advantages •  Create complex immunity • 
vaccines due to their inability to infect and mul2ply in the host. Use adjuvant to compensate –  Killed (whole unit)-­‐ high dose of dead pathogen –  Sub-­‐unit-­‐ purified an2gens extracted from the disease organism –  Conjugate-­‐ contain the an2gen bound to a compound to form a complex that is detectable by the immune system –  DNA-­‐ purified DNA for the an2gens that s2mulate an immune response to a disease organism No Stress
•  Inac2vated-­‐ Result may be weaker and shorter immunity than live Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Vector vaccines •  Recombinant-­‐ Incorporates DNA of the pathogen into another organism that will be delivered as a live vaccine Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Inac2vated vaccines Advantages •  No introduc2on of a “new living agent” •  No shedding of the vaccine agent •  No post vaccinal reac2ons •  Accurate individual vaccina2on Disadvantages •  Reac2ons of hypersensi2vity possible •  Slow onset of protec2on •  Humoral immunity only •  High labor costs for applica2on •  Expensive produc2on of high quality vaccines Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Individual delivery of vaccine Advantages Disadvantages •  Ocular •  Bi-­‐ or mul2valent an2gens •  No shedding of the vectored agent •  Accurate individual vaccina2on •  In ovo vaccina2on is possible •  Long-­‐lived immune response •  Poten2al to differen2ate between infected and vaccinated (DIVA). •  High labor costs for applica2on, if parenteral •  Effec2ve for systemic pathogens compared to respiratory/non-­‐systemic •  Slow onset of protec2on •  Previous exposure to carrier may compromise immunity of the vectored agent •  Expensive produc2on •  Possibility of crea2ng new pathogens •  Injec2on: wing web, subcutaneous, intramuscular –  Vaccine makes its way into the respiratory tract via the lacrimal duct –  Use only specific diluent –  Use only sterile equipment –  Into the wing by a special needle(s) –  Use specific diluent for live vaccines 2 11/7/14 Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Mass applica2on •  Drinking water –  All equipment used for vaccina2on is carefully cleaned and free of detergents and disinfectants –  Only cold, clean water of drinking quality is used –  Ensure that all birds drink during the vaccina2on phase •  Spray –  Delivered onto the chickens (or into the air above the chickens) Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Reasons for Vaccine Failure •  Administra2on of a sub-­‐op2mal dose of vaccine –  Poor vaccine quality (rare) –  Improper handling of the vaccine during transport and storage –  Errors in the vaccina2on technique •  Immune suppression –  Immune suppressive viral infec2ons –  Stress –  Mycotoxins •  High levels of maternal an2bodies •  Strong field challenge Laboratory monitoring Lab Tasks •  Organize disease control program •  Early warning systems Correc2ve ac2on can be taken before disease / produc2on losses •  Measure vaccine performance •  Diagnos2c services •  Research on infec2ons Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Vaccine Monitoring •  Ascertain whether the vaccine has work or “taken” •  Many cases birds react approximately 5-­‐7 days post-­‐vaccina2on by showing signs of illness – slight cough, lethargy •  Blood samples may be taken and sent to the lab for serology assays (detec2on of an2bodies) Basics of Vaccina2on in Poultry Reasons for Vaccine Failure •  The causa2ve agent is not covered by the used vaccine (e.g. IBV variants, AIV subtypes) •  Vaccina2on is too late –  Birds are already infected at 2me of vaccina2on –  Field infec2on occurs before development of vaccinal immunity •  Weaning of vaccinal immunity aher 2me Serologic Monitoring Tests Agglu2na2on test –  Simplest and least expensive –  Mul2ple avian species –  Qualita2ve (Pos / Neg) –  False reac2on è use as screening tool –  Examples: •  Salmonella Pullorum/Gallinarum •  Mycoplasma gallisep0cum (MG) and M. synoviae (MS) 3 11/7/14 Serologic Monitoring Tests Agar gel immune diffusion (AGID) –  Semi-­‐quan2ta2ve –  Difficult to interpret (especially weak posi2ves) –  Cannot be automated –  Example: •  Avian influenza Serologic Monitoring Tests Enzyme-­‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) –  Preferred method for commercial poultry –  Quan2ta2ve and easily automated –  False reac2on è may need confirma2on –  Species specific Serologic Monitoring Tests Hemagglu2na2on inhibi2on (HI) –  Gold standard for serologic assays –  Quan2ta2ve assay –  Highly specific –  Examples: •  Avian influenza subtypes •  Infec2ous bronchi2s serotype •  Confirma2on MG and MS •  Newcastle disease ELISA interpreta2on •  Mean Titer -­‐ Intensity of response –  Baseline 2ters •  %CV -­‐ Uniformity of response –  Excellent: <30% –  Good: 30-­‐50% –  Needs improvement: >50% •  Mean Titer Over Time -­‐ Persistence of response ✗  Poor vaccination / titers
ü Good vaccination / titers
4 11/7/14 Example for organized monitoring program in layers Serologic Tests Age
Day 1
- Transfer
box paper
-  Salmonella
-  Serum
-  MG
10 days
-  Droppings
-  Salmonella
– IBD – AI
Marketing Age
-  Serum
-  ND
box paper
-  Salmonella.
-  MG
Week 9
- Serum
- ND
Week 16
-  Droppings
- Salmonella
-  Serum
- MG
-  Droppings
- Salmonella
– IBD - AI
– IBV - etc
–ND – AI -etc
-  Serum
- ND
– AI – MG -etc
Week 45
- Serum
- MG
–ND – AI -etc
Week 62
-  Droppings
- Salmonella
-  Serum
- MG
Example for organized monitoring program in broilers Age
- Transfer
-  Serum
Week 22
Day 1
–ND- AI -etc
Summary • 
Avian immune system Role of vaccina2on Types of vaccines and delivery Vaccine monitoring – IBV – AI – IBD