平成28年度 第1回免疫科学コアセンターセミナー “Fungal lipids and host immunity” Professor Maurizio Del Poeta Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Stony Brook University 2016年 9月16日(金) 11:00〜12:00 (艮陵会館2階大会議室) Although vaccines have been hailed as one of the greatest achievement in public health during the past century, the development of safe and efficacious vaccines against cryptococcosis, and fungal infections in general, has been a major hurdle mainly due to the lack of knowledge about mechanisms that underpin the protective immunity. We have gathered exciting results that have allowed us to develop an avirulent Cryptococcus neoformans (Cn) vaccine strain that totally protects the host from a subsequent infection with highly virulent Cn strains. The vaccine strain is characterized by deletion of the sterol‐glucosidase 1 (Sgl1) enzyme and cells and extracellular vesicles accumulate sterol glucosides (SGs), which are otherwise not detectable in Cn. The significance of these discoveries is three fold: first, Cn Sgl1 is the first sterol glucosidase ever been isolated in any living organism; second, since loss of Sgl1 produces a completely avirulent strain, Sgl1 could represent a novel drug target; and third, the newly developed sgl1 mutant can be used as an efficacious vaccine even in immunocompromised patients. 問合せ:免疫科学コアセンター 大学院医学系研究科基礎検査医科学領域 感染分子病態解析学分野 川上和義 (内線7946)
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