Portals to Summer Fun summer activity guide Also inside: Programs from the Johnston Library and Johnston Parks. Visit us on the web at www.johnston.k12.ia.us or call 278-0552 Johnston Community Education Staff Nancy Buryanek, Director of Johnston Community Education Ann Meiners, Secretary to Director Rita Brosnahan-Gerleman, Registrar/ Receptionist Kayla Badtram, Facilities/Program Coordinator Steven Conlan, KTC Coordinator Jana Jongewaard, Early Childhood Coordinator Lori Meyer, KTC Specialist Diane Ross, KTC Account Specialist Abbi Wych, Recreation Program Coordinator Deb Blanchard, JCE Aquatics Coordinator Jon Gibbs, Teen Coordinator/Special Events JCE Advisory Resource Council Steve Conlan, President Karen Carroll, President-Elect Willona Goers, Secretary Bill Carlson Trisha Lenarz-Garmoe Brian Town Matt Brown Steve “JJ” Johnson Shawna Berron Rose Williams Lois Kiester Dan Hudson Eric Melton Johnston Community School District Board of Education Greg Dockum, President Jill Morrill, Vice President Marci Cordaro Deb Henry Mike Farrell Brad Ortmeier Mark Toebben Jeremy Caracci (student representative) Administration Clay Guthmiller, Superintendent Tom Mitchell, Human Resources Executive Director Bruce Amendt, Associate Superintendent Academic Services Janice Miller-Hook, Financial Services Executive Director Gary Ross, Activities & Athletics Director Barb Rankin, Behavioral Programs Director & Y-Home Associate Principal Tim Kline, Buildings & Grounds Director Nancy Buryanek, Community Education Director Vickie McCool, Special Education Director Tony Sparks, Technology Services Director Nick Lavorato, Transportation Director School Principals Eric Toot, Beaver Creek Elementary Tim Salmon, Horizon Elementary Brent Riessen, Johnston High School Laura Kacer, Johnston Middle School Trisha Lenarz-Garmoe, Lawson Elementary Joy Wiebers, Summit Middle School Cheryl Henkenius, Timber Ridge Elementary Suzie Pearson, Wallace Elementary at a glance . . . City of Johnston Sport Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Mayor and City Council Paula Dierenfeld, Mayor Gerd Clabaugh David Lindeman Matt Brown Tom Cope John Temple Amusement Park Tickets . . . . . . . . . . 14 Administration Jim Sanders, City Administrator Cyndee Rhames, City Clerk Emily Price, Communications Specialist David Wilwerding, Community Development Director Teresa Rotschafer, Finance Director Jim Krohse, Fire Chief Eric Melton, Library Director John Schmitz, Parks Director Bill Vaughn, Police Chief Dave Cubit, Public Works Director Youth Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Guide Abbreviations JHS - Johnston High School JMS - Johnston Middle School SMS - Summit Middle School BCE - Beaver Creek Elementary HZE - Horizon Elementary LWE - Lawson Elementary TRE - Timber Ridge Elementary WAE - Wallace Elementary Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Early Childhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Youth and Teens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 S.A.S. Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Johnston Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Johnston Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 JCE Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 For programs starting after school is out, register your child based upon the grade they will be in next school year (2014/2015). For weather related cancellations, call 2780552. If before/after office hours of 7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m., dial extension 199 for a recorded message as to cancellations. JCE offerings can be found in the district’s quarterly newsletter, The Connection. This newsletter is mailed to all households in the Johnston Community School District four times per year. You can also go online at https://apm. activecommunities.com/johnston to see programs and to register. You can now place an upcoming program on your wish list and when it is time to register, you can get to your programs quicker by having them already in your wish list. JCE is a partnership between the Johnston Community School District and the City of Johnston “Like” Johnston Community Education, Johnston Community School District and/ or the City of Johnston on Facebook to get announcements and updates. “Follow” Johnston Community Education (@jcsd_commed), Johnston Community School District (@johnstoncsd) and/or the City of Johnston (@cityofjohnston) on Twitter. 2 Come explore what is happening this summer! Aquatics Pool Admission Daily admission, punch cards and season passes are good for open swim, lap swims and some special events. Season passes are good for one year from the date of purchase. 2 & under Daily Admission Youth (3-18) Adult Family Free $2 $3 --- Punch Cards --- $30 for 20 punches $50 for 20 punches --- Season Pass --- $150 $200 $250 Season Pass Descriptions Youth: For ages 3-18, Adult: For people out of high school, Family: For children (ages 0-18) and parent(s) living in the same household. The Johnston Blaze Swim Club engages in a multi-level competition program with United States Swimming that, like our training program, attempts to provide challenging, yet success-oriented competitive situations for swimmers of all ages and abilities. Anyone can become a member of the club if they have achieved level three of American Red Cross swimming lessons and can swim 25 yards unassisted. For more information, visit the Johnston Blaze website at johnstonblaze.com. Pool Times The pool times are listed below unless otherwise posted at the pool. Punch card, season pass or daily admission required for open swim and lap swim. The pool may be shared with other activities. Spring Hours (April 1-May 25) Open Swim Lap Swim MTW 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. SA 1:30-3:30 p.m. 1:30-3:30 p.m. SU 1:30-3:30 p.m. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Summer Blaze Sessions Session Summer Hours (begins May 27) Open Swim Lap Swim TTH 1:00-3:00 p.m. 1:00-3:00 p.m. SA Closed Closed SU 1:30-3:30 p.m. 1:30-3:30 p.m. JCE Introduction to Competitive Swimming Class This class will give your potential swimmer a chance to “test the waters,” before joining the Johnston Blaze swim club. Your swimmer will attend a series of practices. They will learn the four competitive strokes, starts, turns, and rules of the sport. Limited to 12 participants. If the class is full please put your name on the waiting list. For more information, please call the pool and ask for Deb at 986-0951. Day Date Time Location Cost Code 8/18-8/28 6:45-7:30 p.m. SMS-pool $36 4815.301 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 8/18-8/28 7:30-8:15 p.m. SMS-pool $36 4815.302 Summit Pool Closed The Summit pool will be closed on the following dates. Check the updated pool schedules (online and at the pool) for other changes. March 15-30 for roof construction April 20 May 12-25 (possible construction if March is too cold) August 1-10 for annual maintenance One Time Registration Fee (swim tee, swim cap, adm fee, USA membership) 9/4/13-7/26/14 $100 to be paid when register for first session of year Summer Session-Summit only (Up to 6 practices per week, AM/PM) 6/2-7/26 $255 4/28 Summer Session-Summit only (3 practices per week, AM only) 6/2-7/26 $140 4/28 Summer Session- Summit/ Birdland Practice (50 meter pool) 11 and over only. No transportation provided to Birdland. 6/2-7/26 $350 4/28 Opens Blaze Practice Times Ages 11-18 Please Note! Fee • Discount for second swimmer from same family/same session is $50 and third is $75 • Register as soon as session opens in order to be eligible to submit to swim in meets as the meets sign up beings prior to the swim session Ages 6-10 MTWTh Registration Dates MTWThF (6D) SA (6D) (F-A.M. pract. w/ 3D) (only 6/22, 7/6) Summit Pool MWF (3D) 8 & Under 7:30-8:30 a.m. 6:30-7:30 p.m. 8:00-9:00 a.m. 9 & 10 7:00-8:30 a.m. 6:30-8:00 p.m. 8:00-10:00 a.m. 11 & Over 6:30 -8:30 a.m. 6:30-9:00 p.m. 8:00-10:00 a.m. TWTh-Birdland 11 & Over Birdland 7:00-9:00 p.m. MF-Summit SA-Summit (F-A.M. pract. w/ 3D) (only 6/21, 7/5, 7/12) 6:30-9:00 p.m. 8:00-10:00 a.m. • Swimmers MUST swim the practices based on their registration. 3 Learn to Swim Classes Day For classes starting in June, registration will be: • Online: May 19 @ https://activenet011.active.com/johnston/ @ 6:00 p.m. • Walk-in: May 19 @ SMS Pool @ 6:00-7:00 p.m. • Phone-in: May 20 @ 278-0552 @ 7:45 a.m. For classes starting in July, registration will be: • Online: June 16 @ https://activenet011.active.com/johnston/ @ 6:00 p.m. • Walk-in: June 16 @ SMS Pool @ 6:00-7:00 p.m. • Phone-in: June 17 @ 278-0552 @ 7:45 a.m. Date Time No Class Code No Class Code MTWTh 6/2-6/12 11:15-11:45 a.m. 4803.301 MTWTh 6/2-6/12 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4803.302 MTWTh 6/2-6/12 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4803.303 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4803.304 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4803.305 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4803.306 MTWTh 6/30-7/10 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4803.307 MTWTh 6/30-7/10 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4803.308 MTWTh 7/7-7/17 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4803.309 MTWTh 7/14-7/24 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4803.310 MTWTh 7/14-7/24 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4803.311 MTWTh 7/21-7/31 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4803.312 6/2-6/12 11:15-11:45 a.m. 4804.301 Level IV Parent/Tot MTWTh 6/16-6/26 5:45-6:15 p.m. MTWTh 7/7-7/17 5:45-6:15 p.m. No Class 4807.301 MTWTh 4807.302 MTWTh 6/2-6/12 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4804.302 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4804.303 4800.301 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4804.304 6/30-7/10 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4804.305 Intro to Swim MTWTh Time Level III Learn to swim classes are $47 per class. Courses consist of eight, 30 minute lessons. If the course you want is full, you may put your name on a waiting list online or by calling the Johnston Community Education office at 278-0552. Descriptions of the Learn to Swim classes are available on the Aquatics web page at johnston.k12.ia.us under Community Education/aquatics. Day Date 6/16-6/26 10:45-11:15 a.m. MTWTh 6/16-6/26 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4800.302 MTWTh MTWTh 6/30-7/10 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4800.303 MTWTh 7/7-7/17 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4804.306 MTWTh 7/14-7/24 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4804.307 MTWTh 7/21-7/31 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4804.308 MTWTh 7/14-7/24 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4800.304 MTWTh 7/21/-7/31 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4800.305 Level V Level I MTWTh 6/2-6/12 11:15-11:45 a.m. 4801.301 MTWTh 6/2-6/12 11:15-11:45 a.m. 4805.301 6/16-6/26 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4805.302 MTWTh 6/2-6/12 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4801.302 MTWTh MTWTh 6/16-6/26 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4801.303 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4805.303 6/30-7/10 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4805.304 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4801.304 MTWTh MTWTh 6/30-7/10 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4801.305 MTWTh 7/7-7/17 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4805.305 MTWTh 7/14-7/24 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4805.306 7/21-7/31 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4805.307 MTWTh 6/30-7/10 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4801.306 MTWTh 7/7-7/17 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4801.307 MTWTh MTWTh 7/14-7/24 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4801.308 Level VI MTWTh 7/14-7/24 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4801.309 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4806.301 MTWTh 7/21-7/31 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4801.310 MTWTh 6/30-7/10 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4806.302 MTWTh 7/14-7/24 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4806.303 Level II MTWTh 6/2-6/12 11:15-11:45 a.m. 4802.301 MTWTh 6/2-6/12 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4802.302 MTWTh 6/2-6/12 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4802.303 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4802.304 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4802.305 MTWTh 6/16-6/26 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4802.306 MTWTh 6/30-7/10 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4802.307 MTWTh 6/30-7/10 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4802.308 MTWTh 7/7-7/17 5:10-5:40 p.m. 4802.309 MTWTh 7/14-7/24 10:45-11:15 a.m. 4802.310 MTWTh 7/14-7/24 11:20-11:50 a.m. 4802.311 MTWTh 7/21-7/31 5:45-6:15 p.m. 4802.312 4 Early Childhood Iowa Youth Chorus’ Beginnings - Birth to 18 months Zany Zoo Animals - Ages 3-5 In this 3 session camp for parent and baby, you’ll take the first steps toward bonding musically with your child and learn how to enrich your family’s life through active music-making. By engaging your baby in music early on, you will nurture your baby’s musical aptitude at a time unparalleled in importance in a child’s musical development. Bouncing, rocking songs, peek-a-boo games and instrument exploration will increase your child’s curiosity about music and begin to develop listening skills and a sense of beat. The class is taught by Lori Lindberg, early childhood music specialist with the Iowa Youth Chorus’ Beginnings Early Childhood Music Program. Parent/caregiver required to attend. A lullaby CD with 22 beautiful, soothing melodies from around the world is available for an additional $18 (optional). Day Date Time Location Cost Code TWTh 6/10-6/12 10:00-10:30 a.m. WAE-gym $36 0092.304 Learn about animals in a zoo with us! We will be reading stories, playing animal games, doing animal crafts, and making some animal looking snacks. The Blank Park Zoo, Iowa’s wildest adventure, will bring some live animals to visit on July 10. Date Time Location Cost Code 6/16-6/17 9:30-11:30 a.m. WAE-West $42 0092.305 Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/30-7/3 9:00-11:30 a.m. WAE-West $65 0092.306 Date Time Location Cost Code 7/8-7/10 1:00-3:00 p.m. WAE-West $50 0092.307 Date Time Location Cost Code 6/23-6/26 9:00-11:30 a.m. WAE-West $65 0092.308 Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 7/14-7/17 9:00-11:30 a.m. WAE-West $65 0092.311 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/23-6/26 9:30-10:30 a.m. WAE-art $60 0092.312 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/23-6/26 10:45-11:45 a.m. WAE-art $60 0092.313 Come join us for some basketball! We will learn fundamentals of the game, drills and even play a game the last day. This is a non competitive clinic and emphasis will be on having fun while learning skills. Class is taught by a Johnston High School basketball coach and players. Fee includes T-shirt. Limit 40 kids. Registration deadline is 6/28 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 7/21-7/25 6:00-7:00 p.m. HZE-gym $32 3065.308 Preschoolers Cooking! - Ages 3-5 Preschoolers learn to cook! Class includes story time, making snacks that relate to the stories, interacting with peers, and outside time. We will have fun reading Pete the Cat books by Eric Litwin. Join us as we have some groovy fun singing and dancing, doing Pete the Cat art projects, and even enjoy some outside time. Join us for a groovy week! Day Day Basketball Camp - Ages 4-5 - Boys/Girls Get Groovy with Pete the Cat - Ages 3-5 MTWTh 0092.310 5-6 year olds Lori from Polk County Conservation will kick these days off with a visit to the pond along with nets and tubs to explore what is living in the pond. Shoes that stay on the feet are required. We will do some walking so the ability to walk the field is also required. Day Code $65 4-5 year olds Pond Study - Ages 4-5 TWTh Cost Little Leprechauns: Irish Dance - Ages 4-6 Science is fun, exciting, educational, and out of this world! Join us for a fun filled class of science magic, mystery and mayhem. We will explore basic physics, chemistry, and biology through hands on experiences designed specifically for preschoolers. The class will be four days jam packed full of educational play, socialization, and experiments! Date Location WAE-West We will have fun introducing “wee ones” to Irish music, culture and dance. This class is designed to introduce young children to Irish dance through music, stretching, and fun. Class will include Irish themed music, stories, crafts, simple dance instruction and stretching and coordination activities. Preschoolers Love Science! - Ages 3-5 Day Time 9:00-11:30 a.m. Have fun with author Laura Numeroff as we share a new story each day. We will be making crafts, decorating cupcakes, singing songs, and having all kinds of fun. Laura has written If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and many other fun books. Have a social interaction/adventure time with peers. Children will have a play time, snack time, as well as outdoor time. Parents are not required to stay. Bring an extra set of clothing for your child as well as diapers if still being used. MT Date 7/7-7/10 If You Give a Cat a Cupcake, What Happens? - Ages 3-5 Fun for Two-Year Olds - Age 2 Day Day MTWTh 5 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/16-6/19 9:00-11:30 a.m. WAE-West $65 0092.309 Safety Town Little Ninjas - Ages 4-5 Children entering or eligible to enter kindergarten in the fall of 2014 will learn about all aspects of safety; fire, poison, strangers, traffic, home, cars, bus, playground and more via indoor classroom and outdoor activities. Books, songs, a visit to the fire department and practice training enable children to enjoy and understand what they are learning. Online registration will being on Monday, April 14. Phone, mail-in and walk-in registrations will begin on April 21. This class is an early childhood program that will teach the basic fundamentals of Tae-Kwon-Do and Karate. This class will focus on building self-respect, self-confidence, coordination of mind and body and self-discipline. Students must sign-up on or before the first class day of each session. Participants MUST be 4 or 5 years old. Session 1 - Daycares providing transportation: KTC, ChildServe, Oakmoor Day MTWThF Session 2 Day MTWThF Session 3 Date 6/16-6/20 Time Location 8-10 a.m. HZE Cost $38 Code 3073.301 Date Time Location Cost Code 6/16-6/20 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. HZE $38 3073.302 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/23-6/27 8-10 a.m. HZE $38 3073.303 MTWTh 6/23-6/26 Time 10:00 -11:30 a.m. Location Cost Code HZE $69 early $81 late 3071.301 3071.302 3071.303 MT 6/23-6/24 10:00 -11:30 a.m. HZE $49 early $58 late WTh 6/25-6/26 10:00 -11:30 a.m. HZE $49 early $58 late Date Time Location Cost Code 6/16-6/27 10:00-11:00 a.m. Lew Clarkson Park $38 3052.301 Cost Code WAE $22 2462.102 TH 5/15-6/19 6:00-6:30 p.m. WAE $22 2462.103 6/26-8/7 6:00-6:30 p.m. No class 7/3 WAE $22 3053.301 More information about preschool is available online. Go to www.johnston.k12.ia.us; click on the “About Us” tab, and under Departments, click on Community Education. From there, use the navigation on the left and click on “Early Childhood/Preschool.” Preschool is available as space allows for children who are three or four years old by September 15. *The Johnston CSD participates in the Iowa Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program which covers the cost of tuition for four-year-old children. ** Little Dragon Preschool is accredited with the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Little Explorers (2 year olds) The Little Explorers program is a lively and fun class that meets two mornings a week for the purpose of learning and developing social skills. It includes age-appropriate learning activities, story time, songs, snacks and center choice time. This class is for children who are two years old by September 15, 2014 This league is for children 4-5 years old. This program is designed to give children the opportunity to get a feel for the game of baseball/ softball. The main purpose is to teach children to hit the ball off a “T”, run the bases, to become familiar with being on the field, and most of all to have FUN! It is our hope that the league will be the first step for many children to become good ball players in the future. This is NOT a competitive league. There is NO score keeping. Every player hits in every inning. Games are held Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 10:00 a.m. at the Johnston Little League Fields (Lew Clarkson Park: 7501 NW 54th Ave.-across from Timber Ridge Elementary) Teams are chosen by draw, there will be NO requesting teams. Each player will receive a t-shirt. Parents are encouraged to be with their children while at bat and on the field if needed. Please bring a ball glove and water bottle. Please DO NOT bring a bat. Make-up date for any weather related issues: 6/30 10-11am Day Location 6:00-6:30 p.m. The Johnston Preschool curriculum is based on the Creative Curriculum for Preschool, Al’s Pals – Kids Making Healthy Choices, On the Road to Writing & Reading (Zaner-Bloser), Every Day Counts – Every Day in Pre-K Math and early literacy concepts. Hearing screenings for four year olds and vision screenings and language screenings for all ages are available. Field trips on school buses are included. Parent/teacher conferences are held twice yearly or as requested. T-Ball - Ages 4-5 Boys/Girls MWF Time 4/3-5/8 2014-2015 School-Year Preschool (3 & 4 year olds) Get ready for a great camp for the littlest of science tykes! Campers must have had one year of pre-school, or be entering into Kindergarten. If your child is entering their 1st year of Pre-School, and has a relatively strong science interest and background, this camp may also be appropriate for them. We will involve your child in a wide array of science topics including: All about H2O; Ears & Listening; Eyes & Sight; Energy & Motion; Outer Space Frontier; Shapes & Structures, Tactile Discoveries; Visible Light Spectrum; Wacky Weather! Please note this is not necessarily the order the topics will be delivered, as it varies according to Mad Science’s scheduling needs. Fun & Entertaining, Hands-On & Interactive, with Make-&Takes each day. Maximum 14 children. Early registration deadline: June 8 Last Day to register: June 22. Date Date TH TH Mad Science Big Jump Start Camp - PreKindergarten Day Day It is offered at Wallace West (the annex to Wallace Elementary School) located at 6600 N.W. 62nd Avenue. Registration for school year programs has already begun, however vacancies may exist in some programs. Call 278-0552 to find out. Project Ready for School Project Ready for School is a scholarship program for preschoolers and their families provided through Early Childhood Iowa. Families must live in the Johnston CSD and qualify according to income guidelines. Children can attend a quality preschool program of parents’ choice. Applications are on the district website, or call 278-0552 for more information. 6 Youth and Teen My Own New Biz: Start a Business with Crazy Ideas Ages 8-12 Tae-Kwon-Do - Ages 6 & Up This Korean art of self-defense is recognized as a beneficial method of improving health, balance, agility, and poise. Tae-Kwon-Do is also a philosophy of mental alertness and moral ethics that can serve to enhance anyone’s life, young or old. This program is a year around so sessions may be taken on an individual basis or ongoing. Instructor, Phil Dickey, a fourth Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, Fifth Degree Black Belt Karate, Renshi Instructor with Ryukyu Kempo Alliance, and a three-time Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee. Students must signup on or before the first class day of each session. Experience hands on creativity and out of the box thinking under the guidance of local educators and entrepreneurs. Participants focus on ideas, biz plans, spread sheets for determining costs and profits, marketing, packaging and selling their products at camp’s end. Sales profits will be divided between a local charity(group’s choice) and participants. My Own New Biz will give students the confidence to set up their own business. All materials and snacks provided. Please bring your own lunch each day. Min. 30 students Max: 100 students For questions please contact Kate at [email protected] Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/16-6/20 9:00-3:30 p.m. SMS-cafeteria $235* 3079.301 * Discounts for registering early. Register by 4/10 and pay $190, register by 5/1 and pay $215. Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/23-6/26 1:00-4:00 p.m. TRE $119 early $140 late 3071.304 3071.305 3071.306 MT 6/23-6/24 1:00-4:00 p.m. TRE $79 early $92 late WTh 6/25-6/26 1:00-4:00 p.m. TRE $79 early $92 late Time Location Cost Code 4/3-5/8 6:30-7:30 p.m. WAE $32 2461.102 TH 5/15-6/19 6:30-7:30 p.m. WAE $32 2461.103 TH 6/26-8/7 (no class 7/3) 6:30-7:30 p.m. WAE $32 3053.301 Create an acrylic painting on canvas and turn it into a mixed media masterpiece! Explore the many techniques used in painting with acrylics. Apply scrapbooking papers, fabrics, photos and more to create a one-of-a-kind work of art! Inspiration will come from masters such as Matisse and Picasso. Mrs. Pruitt will also show the techniques she uses in her own free-lance mixed media artwork. Materials included in the cost are two 16 X 20” Canvas, Scrapbooking paper, vintage photos, scrapbooking stickers, quotes, rhinestones and much more! For kids entering 2nd-4th grades next school year. If your child is entering 1st grade, and has a strong science interest and background, this camp may also be appropriate for them. This camp is All About: * Stepping into the shoes of a detective, by discovering the science involved in evidence gathering & analysis. * Children getting to handle spy equipment: Message decoders, metal detectors and night vision equipment. * Connecting “the dots” using science to help solve a crime. * Exploring Forensic Science in a hands-on look at a crime scene investigation. * Discovering the science behind locks, surveillance systems and burglar alarms. * Sharpening observational skills necessary to become a good detective or secret agent. * Taking Forensic Science into the realm of dinosaurs and fossilization. * Doing experiments involving human skulls (casts), facial recognition, and chemical investigation. Please note this is not necessarily the order the topics will be delivered, as it varies according to Mad Science’s scheduling needs. Maximum 18 children. Early registration deadline: 6/8, last day to register: 6/23 Date Date TH Canvas/Mixed Media Paint Class - Grades 4-8 Mad Science NO TRACE: COOL CASE Camp for Grades 2-4 Day Day Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/2-6/6 10:00 a.m.-noon SMS-art $100 3078.301 Youth Tennis Lessons - Ages 5 & Up Learn basic skills and rules of the game. Class sizes are limited. Please bring your own racket. Instructors are local high school and college tennis players. Please note: Tuesday July 1 will be the make up date for any rain cancellations. For weather information please call 278-0552 x199. Pee Wee Division: Ages 5-8 Day Date Time Location Cost Code T 6/3-6/24 6:00-6:30 p.m. JHS-tennis courts $40 3075.301 Th 6/5-6/26 6:00-6:30 p.m. JHS-tennis courts $40 3075.302 Junior Division: Ages 9 and older Day Date Time Location Cost Code TTh 6/3-6/26 6:30-7:30 p.m. JHS-tennis courts $60 3075.303 Summer FCS Workshop with Miss Belieu - Grades 7-9 Come spend a week in the kitchen with Miss Belieu! Students will learn table setting and spend a week learning to make breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack items from a kid friendly cookbook. Laundry and dishwashing will be part of daily activity cleanup. Cost includes all food and recipe book. 7 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 7/7-7/11 9:00 a.m.-noon SMS-FCS $100 3080.301 Show Choir Workshop - Grades 1-3 Bricks 4 Kids - Junior Robotics - Ages 5-7 This workshop is designed for students entering 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grades. What a fantastic chance for these young Johnston singers and dancers to get their first taste of show choir! Students will develop skills in vocal technique, basic choreography, facial expression, and personality projection. Professional choreographers and vocal instructors from the area have been hired to create an exciting and valuable experience! The workshop fee includes the cost of music, hired professional choreographer, hired vocal instructors, a camp t-shirt, a snack each day and pizza on the last day. A performance for family and friends will be held on Thursday June 5th at 11:00 a.m. Class size is limited to 90 students. Instructors: Hannah Ryan & Laura Fog Day Date Time Location Cost How would you like to create with Lego® Bricks, and program your creation with a laptop or netbook? The Bricks 4 Kidz® Junior Robotics camp offers all the building fun with Lego® Bricks, plus the challenges of computer programming. Using the WeDo software with drag and drop icons we offer an introduction into the world of computer-programming in an action packed week of fun with Lego’s®. All campers take home a mini-figure at the end of the week. Max 15. Early registration deadline: 5/19. Last day to register is 6/8. Day MTWThF Time Location Cost Show Choir Workshop - Grades 7-9 This workshop is designed for students entering 7th, 8th, and 9th Grades. Those new to the show choir stage will have a perfect opportunity to learn basic skills and those who have already participated in show choir will have the opportunity to polish their skills as well as help teach newcomers! Students will develop skills in vocal technique, basic choreography, facial expression, and personality projection. Professional choreographers and vocal instructors from the area have been hired to create an exciting and valuable experience! The workshop fee includes the cost of music, hired professional choreographer, hired vocal instructors, camp t-shirt, a snack, and pizza for the last day. We are offering two different camps this year so we can give more students an opportunity. Class size is limited to 90 students per week. A performance for family and friends will be held on both Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. Instructors: Hannah Ryan & Laura Fog Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/2-6/5 noon-4:30 p.m. (M-W) 9:00 a.m.-11+performance (Th) JMS $160 3054.305 Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/96/12 noon-4:30 p.m. (M-W) 9:00 a.m.-11+performance (Th) JMS $160 3054.305 Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/23-6/27 9:00 a.m.-noon BCE $180 early $162 3079.303 Date 7/21-7/25 Time Location Cost Code LAE $225 early: $202 3079.305 9:00 a.m.-noon For sibling discount call 278-0552, code 3079.306. Drawing & Painting - Grades 1-3 Learning about drawing and painting from observation can stimulate a young person to examine and contemplate subjects. Landscape and still life are emphasized, and a variety of drawing and painting materials are used. Class will travel to the Des Moines Art Center on Friday 7/18. Enrollment limited to 12. Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 7/14-7/18 9:30-11:00 a.m. TRE $80 3074.301 Drawing & Painting - Grades 4-6 Session 2 Date Date MTWThF **If you have 2+ children registering for same session, please call 278-0552 for a family discount Code for 2nd child discount: 3054.306 Day Day Day Session I Time 3079.301 Lights, cameras, Lego® action! Use Lego® bricks to tell your story complete with music, and special effects. In this unique and creative camp, students will plan, script, stage, shoot, and produce their own mini-stop motion animation movie. Working in teams, students will use Lego® components to build the set and props, and then shoot their movie using a camera. The teams will then use movie making software to add special effects, titles, credits and more. The last day of camp students will have a screening to impress their family and friends. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be your own movie producer! All students will take home a custom mini-figure, and certificate. Their movie will be mailed to them on a DVD for enjoyment at home on their laptops or computers. Maximum 15. Early registration: 6/27. Last day to register is 7/20. 6/9-6/12 Date HZE Bricks 4 Kids-Stop Motion Animation Movie Making-Ages 8-13 Code Day Code For sibling discount call 278-0552, code 3079.304. 8:00 - 11:00a.m. JMS $115 3054.303 +performance (Th) **If you have 2+ children registering, please call 278-0552 for a family discount Code for 2nd child discount: 3054.304 MTWTh Cost $225 early: $202 How do Lego® brick model-designers come up with their ideas? Where do they begin, and how do the ideas go from concept to completion? This camp will explore the creative process of model design. Campers will learn the function of different Lego® components and discover how those components work together to create all kinds of solid structures and moving parts. At the completion of the camp, each child will have the opportunity to present his or her own design. All campers take home a mini-figure at the end of the week. Maximum 20. Early registration deadline: 5/30. Last day to register is 6/22. This workshop is designed for students entering 4th, 5th, and 6th Grades. Plan on a super fun week of learning the basics of Show Choir! Students will develop skills in vocal technique, basic choreography, facial expression, and personality projection. Professional choreographers and vocal instructors from the area have been hired to create an exciting and valuable experience! The workshop fee includes the cost of music, hired professional choreographer, hired vocal instructors, a camp t-shirt, a snack each day and pizza on the last day. A performance for family and friends will be held on Thursday June 12th at 11:00 a.m. Class size is limited to 90 students. Instructors: Hannah Ryan & Laura Fog Date 9:00 a.m. - noon Location Bricks 4 Kids- Model Desinger 101 - Ages 8-13 6/2-6/5 Show Choir Workshop - Grades 4-6 Day 6/9-6/13 Time For sibling discount call 278-0552, code 3079.302. Code 8:00 - 11:00a.m. JMS $115 3054.301 +performance (Th) **If you have 2+ children registering, please call 278-0552 for a family discount Code for 2nd child discount: 3054.302 MTWTh Date Learning about drawing and painting from observation can stimulate a young person to examine and contemplate subjects. Landscape and still life are emphasized, and a variety of drawing and painting materials are used. Class will travel to the Des Moines Art Center on Friday 7/11. Enrollment limited to 12. **If you have 2+ children registering for same session, please call 278-0552 for a family discount Code for 2nd child discount: 3054.306 8 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 7/7-7/11 9:30-11:00 a.m. BCE $80 3074.302 Summer Spanish - Grades K-3 Teens in Action - Grades 6-8 Discover how much fun learning Spanish can be! An introduction to the basics of the language with an emphasis on everyday vocabulary, expressions and basic conversation. Students are also exposed to Spanish speaking countries through cultural and art activities. Packet of activities is included and will be sent home at the completion of the camp. Come and join in the fun! ¡ESPAÑOL ES FANTÁSTICO! Max: 30 students/class: Inst: Guelly Mendoza This program is designed specifically for teens to get involved with their surrounding community and make a difference! Each morning we will be going out into the community to focus on various projects around the area. We will do service type projects such as cleaning up parks, schools, working with area nursing homes, libraries, and a variety of other projects. Then in the afternoon its time for fun! After a sack lunch provided by you, we will have fun at water parks, minigolfing, bowling, field trips, and other activities. Come and join us and get involved! Please note that there are 2 sessions of this program. You may sign up for both, but be aware some activities and projects may be duplicated. Limit of 20 kids each session. Day Date Time Location Cost Grades K-1 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/2-6/6 9:00-10:00 a.m. HZE $50 3082.301 Grades 2-3 Code T/TH 6/3-6/26 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m. SMS Rm 135 $155 3069.301 Day Date Time Location Cost Code T/TH 7/8-7/31 7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m. SMS Rm 135 $155 3069.302 MTWThF 6/9-6/13 9:00-9:55 a.m. TRE $50 3082.302 Band Lessons - Grades 6-12 Explore Chinese Culture Summer Camp - Grades K-5 Summer is a great time for students to take private band lessons. This is the perfect time to catch up on missed work, work ahead if they aren’t feeling challenged enough, or just have a structured opportunity to practice and improve on their instrument over the summer. Indicate your instrument upon registering; band instruments only, please. Contact instructor prior to lessons at [email protected]. Minimum. 10 students. Maximum 16 students. Make-up lessons will not be available this session. Instructor: Kayla Crann Day Date Time Location Cost Children will experience Chinese culture through games, crafts, songs and learn basic Chinese with hands-on activities. This camp is designed for everyone, even if you have no previous Chinese experience. Min: 4 Max: 30 Grades K-1 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/16-6/20 9:00 a.m.- noon TRE $50 3082.301 Grades 2-3 Code W 6/4-7/9 10am-4:20* LAE $125 3076.301 *Call JCE at 278-0552 to set your lesson time. Lessons are one-to-one for 20 minutes. Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/16-6/20 1:00-4:00 p.m. TRE $50 3082.302 Flute Choir Workshop - Grades 6-12 These two workshops are designed for enthusiastic flutists looking to learn music written for large flute ensembles made up of their friends. Students will develop skills in flute playing, ensemble playing, musicality, and confidence in performing. Taught and conducted by a professional flutist who happens to be a Johnston alum, she is enthusiastic to share her knowledge with young flutists. The workshop fee includes the cost of music, hired flute instructor/ conductor, and a flute choir t-shirt color coordinated by group! A combined performance for family and friends will be held on Friday July 25th at 4:30pm lasting approximately an hour. For specific questions please contact Amanda at [email protected]. Reg. Deadline: July 16 Min. 4 Max. 20 We’re building the future one thinker at a time. Led by local educators, the weeklong Camp Invention experience immerses elementary children in hands-on activities that reinvent summer fun. Throughout the week, children work in teams to solve real-world challenges. Some activities include: Grades 6-8 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 7/21-7/25 2:00-4:00 p.m. JHS Aud. $75 3077.301 • Explore the science behind the five senses to design a bionic ear, eye, and hand • Experiment with circuits and gears • With inspiration from famous inventors, create your own invention • Build a motorized “morphing” vehicle to take home! • Design an epic, insect-themed pinball machine Grades 9-12 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 7/21-7/25 10:00 a.m. - noon JHS Aud. $75 3077.301 July 14-18, Summit Middle School, M-F, 9:00 am - 3:30 pm For students entering grades 1-6, Director: Kate Safris Kids Connection Before/After School Care and Full Summer Day Care To register: 800-968-4332 or www.campinvention.org Early registration and sibling discounts, see website for details. Presented in collaboration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Kids Connection (KTC) is the Johnston school district’s school-age childcare program which provides quality, caring staff to meet the individual needs of each child and fosters open communication. KTC offers both a balanced breakfast and an afternoon snack daily. Visit the KTC web page at johnston.k12.ia.us to view breakfast/snack menus, schedules for field trips, no school/early dismissal days and payment due dates. Summer 2014 and School Year 2014/2015 (Grades K-5) registration packets are available after March 24, 2014. New member registration begins March 31, 2014. Registrations must be submitted at the KTC main office which is located in the Johnston Adminitrative Resource Center, 5608 Merle Hay Road. 9 Enrichment Fun Camps Come Explore! Camp S.A.S. Camps Grades 6 and 7 Origami Week of Cost Code 5/26 (no camp 5/26) $125 3069.310 Participants will learn and begin to master the art of paper folding. Through practice and numerous different folding techniques they will be able to create simple one sheet creations to more difficult and intricate multi-sheet works of art. Lego Robotics 6/2 $135 3069.311 Students will learn to construct and program a LEGO robot using and RXT or NXT brick. We will discuss the potential uses of robots in the real world and each student’s robot will fulfill a specific need (eg: Walk a dog, help the disabled fix a meal, etc.). At the end of the week each student robotic engineer will showcase his or her robot at a “robotics symposium.” All equipment supplied. Grossology 6/9 (no camp 6/13) $125 3069.312 Ever wondered what happens to food as it rots? Do you know how many bug parts are allowed in peanut butter? Would you like to learn how to create wounds, bruises, and other movie special effects? Weird science is an opportunity for students to learn about all those questions that science can answer. Students will need to bring a large shirt (oversize button-up) to protect their clothing. All other equipment supplied. SAS Summer Camp will be held at Lawson Elementary (enter through door #14 by cafeteria) and will be open from 6:30am-6:00pm, offering breakfast every morning, social & game time, going on four fieldtrips each week, and serving an afternoon snack. Flip It 6/16 $135 3069.313 Participants will use basic principles of applied engineering to convert everyday items from their original purpose into something new. Having an eye for art and willing to try the unusual is a plus in this activity. Everyone in the camp will demonstrate a new application for a tin pail, and then will branch out on their own to convert items such as cupboards into window seats, ladders into bookshelves, discarded china into centerpieces, or shopping bags from old pants. Each participant will need one item to repurpose, and we will take a trip to our local Goodwill store for further ideas and items to upcycle. Come with your creativity cranked up and imagination ready to explore new uses for old things. Each student will be signed up for one of two fun camps offered each week. The fun camp time will run every morning from approximately 9:00am-11:30am. Each fun camp will need to have a minimum of 8 students and cannot exceed a maximum of 25 students in order to be offered. The weekly fee for each fun camp is $135. Four day camps are $125. These camps are only four days because camp is not held on Memorial Day & July 4th. Two weeks are also only four day camps as a special all day field trip is planned for each of those weeks at an additional expense. Picasso da Vinci 6/23 $135 3069.314 Students will learn that everyone can paint! We will explore the basic foundations of painting through a variety of painting mediums and styles. Just as the master of old did, we will be creating self portraits and breath taking landscapes. Fun Camp registration fees are due two weeks before each fun camp is offered in order to notify our instructors of any change in schedule. From Portrait Drawing to Rock Climbing, all of the fun camps offered throughout the summer will touch on a wide range of the students interests and possibly create some new ones. Tour of Japan 6/30 (no camp 7/4) $125 3069.315 Yuki Shozaki, a middle school English language teacher from Japan, will take students on a trip to her home country. During camp participants will learn Japanese language and games, as well as hear myths, legends and folktales from this ancient country. Participants will learn how to bow and how low to bow to certain individuals. They will also learn the respect embodied in the bowing and how respect enters into everything done in the Japanese culture. When camp is done, participants will be able to count to ten, greet each other, say good-bye and know other simple and usable phrases in Japanese. Camps are for students entering grade 6 or 7 next school year. Register at https://apm.activecommunities.com/johnston or call the JCE Office at 278-0552. Register for one camp/week, enrichment OR active camp per week. For questions, please contact: Rob @ [email protected] or 278-4889 Abbi Wych at 278-0552 Board Games and More 7/7 $135 3069.316 Get ready to put away Monopoly and Sorry! We are going to explore the many different worlds of Haunted Mansions, Superheroes, Deserted Islands, & Zombies through a variety of new and exciting games! These games will test your strategical thought, team work ability, and detective skills! 10 3-D Paper Model 7/14 $135 Dodgeball Bonanza 3069.317 Participants will learn to develop and bring to life 3 dimensional ideas just from paper, glue, & scissors! This camp will help teach the artistic techniques of cut and glue placement, paper rolling and creasing, in order to finalize a lightweight moveable object from pirate ships to robots! Illustration 7/21 $125 7/28 $135 Roller Skating 8/4 $135 3069.319 7/21 (no camp 7/25 Tour de Johnston 3069.320 7/28 Climb Iowa $135 8/4 $135 Social & Game Time 5/26 (no camp 5/26) 8:30-8:50 a.m. Breakfast $125 3069.321 8:50-9:00 a.m. AM Attendance 9:15-11:30 a.m. Fun Camps 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Lunch 12:00-12:15 p.m. PM Attendance 12:15-4:00 p.m. Fieldtrip 4:00-4:15 p.m. Snack 4:15-6:00 p.m. Social & Game Time 6/16 $135 6/23 $135 3069.331 *Subject to change* 6:30-8:30 a.m. $125 3069.330 Daily Schedule Code 6/9 (no camp 6/13) 3069.329 Students will learn the basics of rock climbing indoors! Challenging obstacles and team building will help the students climb and build confidence in themselves and others! This will be a fun and exciting camp reaching for the Summit! 3069.322 Special All-Day Field Trips 3069.323 Adventureland 6/13 $30 3069.332 Join us for an exciting trip to Adventureland, where you can enjoy all the rides, games, and water attractions that Adventureland has to offer! Please remember to bring sunscreen and wear appropriate clothing. 3069.324 Omaha Zoo Trip Participants will work through outdoor team building scenarios as well as learning & practicing their archery skills, hunting for treasures with geocaching, hiking trails, and learning basic survivor skills related to the outdoors. Soccer $125 Cost $135 3069.328 Ready to ride the trails?! Participants will ride timed trials through various obstacles and the numerous trails of Johnston! All participants will need to bring their bicycle, wear appropriate safety gear, and have a water bottle. Who will get to wear the yellow leader shirt?! Students will learn & build upon their knowledge and skills of Football by participating in a variety of Football related drills, practices, & games! Survivor $135 Week of 6/2 3069.327 Students will participate in a wide number of conditioning activities, ranging from aerobics, to obstacle courses, as well as many other types of fun new games! Don’t miss this chance to get fit, and have fun! Students will learn the fundamentals of the fast paced, fast growing sport of Ultimate Frisbee! Students will be taught a variety of ways to throw, catch, and play with Frisbees! Football 7/14 Fitness Participants will learn the basics of rock climbing indoors! Challenging obstacles and team building will help the students climb and build confidence in themselves and others! This will be a fun and exciting camp reaching for the Summit! Ultimate Frisbee $135 Students will learn & build upon their knowledge and skills of Basketball by participating in a variety of Basketball related drills, practices, & games! Active Fun Camps Rock Climbing 7/7 Basketball An introduction to critical reading that uses fairy tales and young adult literature to identify and explore themes and motifs in stories, teaching participants the tools needed to read at a deeper than surface level. Camp 3069.326 We will learn the basics of stroking and stopping, how to get back up if you fall down, squat all the way down and skate backwards. We will do obstacle courses and skating games for a fun and safe experience. 3069.318 Join professional storyteller, Maureen Korte, for a fun and movement filled week learning about, creating and presenting puppets from other cultures. Participants will learn about puppets and their special places in different cultures. Participants will also learn how these puppets are made and then create some of them themselves. Participants will learn how to use the puppets and then select a myth, legend or folktale from another culture and present it in a puppet show to their friends and family. We will create hand puppets, rod puppets, and shadow puppets. We may create pole puppets and pop up puppets as well as puppets made from found objects. All materials used will be washable and all paints will be water soluble. Fairy Tales: From Aesop to Harry Poetter $125 Students will learn and participate in various genres of dodgeball, working in both team and individual settings to further develop their skills all while having fun! From Editorial to Comic Books participants will learn and explore the basics to Illustration. We will explore the basic foundations of illustrating through a variety of drawing mediums and styles. Students will learn to inspire and be inspired through their artwork! Stories, Stage and Puppets 6/30 (no camp 7/4) 7/25 $30 3069.333 Come along with us on a journey through Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and have a chance to meet some of the world’s most interesting animals! Don’t miss this chance to hang out with friends, and be entertained by exotic animals from all regions of the globe! 3069.325 Students will learn & build upon their knowledge and skills of Soccer by participating in a variety of Soccer related drills, practices, & games! 11 Sport Camps Soccer Camps - Young Players Technical Skills Camp Both the sessions will be run by Matty Smith, the Johnston High School Girls Varsity Coach, and he will be assisted by members of the Johnston Girls and Boys coaching staff and players. Matty is an A licensed coach and has coached professionally in the Johnston and Des Moines area for nearly 20 years. All participants should bring a water bottle and a scocer ball. These camps are for boys and girls. Grades K-1 - Registration deadline: 6/2 Players will be encouraged to dribble the ball and participate in numerous games and activities that develop these skills and techniques in a fun filled and challenging environment. Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/16-6/19 8:45-10:00 a.m. JHS-stadium $32 3062.301 Grades 2-3 - Registration deadline: 6/2 Players will develop their dribbling and ball striking technique in a fun and challenging environment. We will work on dribbling moves to create space and beat a player and ball striking with the instep and the side of the foot in a series of scrimmages and game related activities. Boys Basketball Camp - Grades 1-12 Location Cost Code MTWThF 7/14-7/18 6:00-7:00 p.m. HZE-gym $32 3065.301 Day Date Time Location Cost Code 7/14-7/18 7:00-8:00 p.m. HZE-gym $32 3065.302 Grades 3-4 - Registration deadline: 5/23 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/2-6/5 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. JMS-gyms $122 3065.303 Grades 5-6 - Registration deadline: 5/23 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/2-6/5 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. JHS-gyms $122 3065.304 Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/2-6/5 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. JHS-gyms $122 3065.305 Grades 9-10 - Registration deadline: 6/27 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 7/21-7/24 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. JMS-gyms $122 3065.306 Date Time Location Cost Code TTHF 6/3-7/25 (no camp week of 6/30) 8:00-9:30 a.m. JHS-gyms $99 3065.307 MTWTh 6/16-6/19 10:30 a.m.-noon JHS-stadium $37 3062.302 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 7/28-7/31 9:00-10:30 a.m. JHS-stadium $37 3062.304 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 7/28-7/31 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. JHS-stadium $47 3062.305 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/23-6/26 6:30-8:30 p.m. JHS-stadium $47 3062.303 MTWTh 8/4-8/7 9:00-11:00 a.m. JHS-stadium $47 3062.307 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 7/28-7/31 6:30-8:30 p.m. JHS-stadium $47 3062.306 Grades 10-12 Boys - Registration deadline: 7/21 Players will be challenged to improve technically and tactically in specific areas of the game and encouraged to apply these to functions within the 11 v 11 game. The sessions will be run by Boys Varsity Head Coach Heath Weeks and members of the Johnston High School Coaching Staff. Heath is an outstanding coach who has led the Dragons to 3 consecutive final 4 appearances at the State tournament. Johnston Basketball Training (JBT) - Grades 9-12 - Registration deadline: 5/31 Day Code Grades 8-9 Boys - Registration deadline: 6/27 This camp is recommended for current high school players and those who are interested in playing at the High School level in the future. We will cover some of the key technical and tactical components of the game that will be required of players as they move through the program and apply what we have learned to game related and real game situations. This session will be run by Matty Smith the Johnston Girls Varsity Coach and Jimmy Frizzell Assistant Boys Varsity Coach. Grades 7-8 - Registration deadline: 5/23 Day Cost Grades 8-12 Girls - Registration deadline: 6/2 and 7/21 for August camp Players will be challenged to improve technically in specific areas of the game particularly their dribbling techniques and control in tight areas and encouraged to apply these techniques to functions within the 11 v 11 game. This is an excellent camp for current and aspiring Varsity level players and those players below that level who want to improve technically. Where applicable players will be grouped based upon ability and playing experience. The sessions will be run by Girls Varsity Head Coach Matty Smith and members of the Johnston High School Coaching Staff. Grade 2 - Registration deadline: 6/28, maxiumum 40 players MTWThF Location HS and Future HS Soccer Players Technical Tactical Training Camp All participants should bring a water bottle and a scocer ball. Grade 1 - Registration deadline: 6/28, maximum 40 players Time Time Grades 6-7 - Registration deadline: 6/27 The players will be taught some of the key techniques of the game and how they can be applied tactically in game related and real game situations. Players will be grouped where possible based upon ability levels. For example Select and Academy level players will train in the same groups if numbers allow. Boys will be introduced to the basic fundamentals of shooting, passing, ball handling, offensive moves, and defense. These camps are designed to progressively teach the appropriate skills for each age group. In addition to fundamentals, team concepts for offense and defense will be taught. There is a strong emphasis on sportsmanship and positive competition. Johnston’s coaching staff along with current and former varsity players will instruct the campers. All boys will receive a camp T-shirt. Boys in grades 3-10 will receive 2 T-shirts. Boys in grades 3-10 are asked to bring a sack lunch daily. Director: Bobby Sandquist Date Date Grades 4-5 - Registration deadline: 6/27 Players will be taught some of the key fundamental techniques of the game, dribbling moves to create space and beat a player, receiving the ball, and shooting and finishing in a challenging and relaxed environment. Players will be grouped where possible based upon ability levels. For example Select and Academy level players will train in the same groups if numbers allow. Participants need to register for camps according to the grade level they will be in for the 2014-2015 school year. Deadlines are set for each camp. If you sign up after the deadline, you are not guaranteed a camp T-shirt/ball. Day Day 12 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 8/4-8/7 6:30-8:30 p.m. JHS-stadium $47 3062.308 Johnston Dragon Baseball Camp - Grades K-7 Softball Camp - Grades 4-7 The Johnston Varsity Baseball Team and Coaches want to meet the future Johnston baseball players and teach them the fundamentals of baseball. Participants will receive instruction covering hitting, base running, pitching, catching, infield and outfield. Instruction will be more specific for the older age group. Campers should bring their glove and bat. Cleats are recommended. Be ready to have fun and truly learn about the sport of baseball. Call Johnston Community Ed for any weather-related announcements at 278-0552. Director: Michael Barta This 3 day camp for girls will cover a variety of advanced skills, drills, and live situations. Each camper will need to bring their own glove, water bottle, and if desired their own bat. The Johnston coaching staff and players will be instructing the camp. Director: Todd Merical Grades 4-7 - Registration deadline: 5/10 Grades K-7 - Registration deadline: 5/23 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MWF 6/2,4,6 9:00 a.m.-noon JHS-baseball field $52 3063.301 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTW 6/2-6/4 10:00 a.m. - noon JHS-softball fld $37 3057.301 MS Cross Country Camp - Boys/Girls - Grades 6-8 Learn fundamentals such as approach, delivery, hand position, release, spot bowling and spare conversions. Participants will be divided into age groups. Classes will take place at Plaza Lanes, 2701 Douglas Avenue in Des Moines. Taught by Plaza Lanes USBC Head Coach, Melody Gray, along with certified youth bowling instructors. Bowling is a letter sport at Johnston High School and is sanctioned by the IHSAA and IGHSAU. Emphasis will be on making running part of lifetime fitness. Participants do NOT need to be in shape in order to attend this camp!!! There will be two tiers of activities - one for beginners; one for experienced runners. Runners will also partake in a 5K race during camp designed by the coaches to have an experience of racing. There will be an anticipated guest speaker on one of the days for camp. Please come dressed for running in appropriate clothing and running shoes all week. Also, please bring a personalized water bottle!!! For more information contact Christopher Harken at chris.harken@ johnston.k12.ia.us Fee includes t-shirt, snacks, and participation award. Grades 3-8 - Registration deadline: 6/2 Grades 6-8 - boys/girls - Registration deadline: 5/31 Bowling Camp - Grades 3-12 Day Date Time Location Cost Code Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/16-6/20 10:00-11:30 a.m. Plaza Lanes $45 3068.301 MTWThF 6/9-6/13 8:00-10:00 a.m. JHS-stadium $82 3060.301 Grades 9-12 - Registration deadline: 6/2 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/16-6/20 10:00-11:30 a.m. Plaza Lanes $45 3068.302 Little Dragon Track & Field Camp - B/G - Grades K-6 Join coaches and athletes from the Johnston Track & Field teams for an introduction to the fundamentals of this great sport! Emphasis will be placed on having fun and building individual skills & fitness. The final day of camp will consist of a non-competitive Track Meet in which everyone will receive a medal for participation. Please bring a personalized water bottle!!! For weather related announcements please call 278-0552 x199. Volleyball Camp - Grades 1-12 Camp instruction will focus on the fundamentals of power volleyball. Individual skills will be stressed with attention to team concepts being introduced at the end of the week. Director: Rick Brooks Girls - Registration deadline: 5/22 Grades 1-2 - Registration deadline: 5/26 Day Date Time Location Cost Code TWTh 6/10-6/12 9:30-11:00 a.m. Summit-gym $30 3061.301 Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/16-6/20 9:30-11:00 a.m. JHS-gyms $45 3061.302 Grades 5-6 - Registration deadline: 6/2 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 6/16-6/20 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. JHS-gyms $45 3061.303 Date Time Location Cost Code MTWThF 7/14-7/18 12:00-2:00 p.m. JHS-gyms $57 3061.304 Date Time Location M 6/16-7/7 9:00-11:00 a.m. JHS MTWThF 7/14-7/18 9:30-11:30 a.m. JHS-gyms ThF 8/6-8/8 8:00 a.m.-noon JHS-gyms Cost $157 Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/9-6/12 6:00-6:50 p.m. JHS-stadium $32 3058.301 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/9-6/12 7:00-7:50 p.m. JHS-stadium $32 3058.302 Girls will be introduced to the basic basketball fundamentals of dribbling, passing, shooting, offense and defense. Games will also be played. Camps are instructed by the Johnston coaching staff and players. Director: Chad Jilek Grades 3-6 - Registration deadline: 5/16 Grades 9-12 - Registration deadline: 6/2 Grades 9-12: You will register for all 3 camps together. Please contact Coach Brooks if you have conflicts or questions. Day Time Girls Basketball Camp - Grades 3-12 Grades 7-8 - Registration deadline: 6/30 Day Date Boys - Registration deadline: 5/22 Grades 3-4 - Registration deadline: 6/2 Day Day Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/9-6/12 8:30-11:30 a.m. JHS-gym $67 3064.301 Grades 7-8 - Registration deadline: 5/16 Code 3061.305 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/9-6/12 12:00-3:00 p.m. JHS-gym $67 3064.302 Grades 9-12- Registration deadline: 5/16 Day Date Time Location Cost Code TWTH 6/3-7/31 8:00-10:00 a.m.* JMS-gym $35 3064.303 *The week of 6/3 camp will be from 8-9:30am 13 Amusement Park Tickets Tennis Camp - Grades 3-9 These camps will help boys and girls develop their tennis skills. Learn the proper fundamentals of tennis and game play. Instructors are High School tennis coaches, Leslie Shipp and Tim Brickley. Beginners, intermediates, and advanced players are welcome in each session. Participants will be divided into groups, based on skill level. Participants will receive a camp T-shirt if registered by 5/16. Class sizes are limited. Participants should bring their own racket. Please call Johnston Community Education at 278-0552 for weather-related class cancellations. Grades 3-5 - Registration deadline: 5/16 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/2-6/5 8:00-10:00 a.m. JHS-tennis courts $47 3059.301 Grades 6-7 - Registration deadline: 5/16 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/2-6/5 1:00-3:00 p.m. JHS-tennis courts $47 3059.302 Grades 8-9 - Registration deadline: 5/16 Day Date Time Location Cost Code MTWTh 6/2-6/5 10:00 a.m.-noon JHS-tennis courts $47 3059.303 Football Camps - Grades 5-12 Various amusement park tickets are for sale at reduced rates. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Johnston Community Education (JCE) office in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC) located at 5608 Merle Hay Road from 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., Monday-Friday. Visa/MC/cash/ checks/debit are accepted. Contact the Johnston Community Education (JCE) office at 278-0552 for more information. Participants will learn football fundamentals, skills and conditioning. Director: Brian Woodley Little Dragon Fit to Hit - Grades 5-6 - Registartion deadline: 7/25 Day Date Time Location Cost Code SA 8/9 8:30-10:00 a.m. JHS-stadium $17 3056.301 Middle School Fit to Hit - Grades 7-8 - Registration deadline: 7/25 Please check in at the house on north end of the stadium starting at 5:15pm the first night. Day Date Time Location Cost Code MT 8/4-8/5 6:00-8:00 p.m. JHS-stadium $27 3056.302 High School Fit to Hit - Grades 9-10 - Registration deadline: 7/20 Please check in at the house on north end of the stadium starting at 4:15pm the first night. Day Date Time Location Cost Code WThF 8/6-8/8 5:00-8:00 p.m. JHS-stadium $50 3056.303 High School Fit to Hit - Grades 11-12 - Registration deadline: 7/20 JCE Price Gate Price Adventureland (Altoona, IA) (cc/debit only) $32.00 Adult/Youth $57.00 2-Day Special (3 and under free) $40.00 Adult/Youth (3 and under free) Blank Park Zoo (Des Moines, IA) $9.00 Adult $5.00 Youth $11.00 Adult $6.00 Youth Lost Island Water Park (Waterloo, IA) $23.00 $25.68 Noah’s Ark (Wisconsin Dells, WI) $30.50 $41.52 Six Flags (Gurnee, IL) $43.00 Adult/Child (2 and under free) $64.99 Adult/Child (2 and under free) Six Flags (St. Louis, MO) $42.25 Adult/Child (2 and under free) $56.99 Adult/Child (2 and under free) Valley Fair + Whitewater Country Waterpark (Shakopee, MN) $31.00 Adult/Child (2 and younger and under 48” tall free) $44.99 Adult/Child (2 and younger and under 48” tall free) Worlds Of Fun/ Oceans of Fun (Kansas City, MO) $42.00 Good Any Day (2 parks/1 price) $49.99 Good Any Day (2 parks/1 price) Please check in at the house on north end of the stadium starting at 4:15pm the first night. Day Date Time Location Cost Code WThF 8/6-8/8 5:00-8:00 p.m. JHS-stadium $60* 3056.304 *Fee increased due to function following camp Junior Dragon Power - Grades 3-8 Junior Dragon Power is a conditioning program that emphasizes proper body weight exercises, weight lifting technique, core strength, flexibility, agility, speed, power and endurance. This program is designed to improve overall athletic ability that will enhance performance for all sports. Younger athletes will use little or no weight. Broom sticks will be used to perfect lifting technique. Director: Mark Tegels *Please use the north doors, keep drinks outside of the weight room, there is a water fountain available in the weight room. Wear athletic shoes/shorts/shirt. Boys/Girls Grades 3-8 - Registration deadline: 5/23 Day MW Date 6/2-7/9 Time Location Cost Code 3:00-4:00 p.m. JHS Wellness Center $67 3055.301 14 (2 and under free) (2 and under free) Saturday, May 3 2:00 - 7:30 p.m. Johnston Commons Merle Hay Road and Northglenn Drive-next to the Johnston Library To learn more about Kites On The Green and to register for the contests, visit Schedule: 1pm -2pm: Contestant Check-in 2:30-4:30pm: Kite Contests 4:30pm: Mass Ascension 4:30-5pm: Celebrity bol races 5pm: Awards announced 5:30-7:30: Music by Wade Krieg and Ron Kennebeck while kites fly in the sky www.cityofjohnston.com/ upcomingevents Amateurs welcome! Professionals welcome! Homemade kites welcome! Store-bought kites welcome! All ages can participate in the kite flying contests. Watch kite flying demonstrations by flyers from across the state throughout the event. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and enjoy the food, music and kites on the green! 15 JOHNSTON Bicycle Rodeo Check-in: 12:45 p.m. Safety • Rules of the road/trail Helmet Check • Obstacle Course Family Trail Ride Check-in: 12:45-1:45 p.m. Starts at Pioneer parking lot & ends at Van Dee’s. All riders will get a special treat. Three-mile and four-mile routes. Bicycle Round-Up Saturday, May 10 ! E E FR Pioneer parking lot (corner of Pioneer Pkwy & South Drive) All We Ages lco me ! 2014 Johnston Bicycle Round-Up Registration Form-RETURN TO CHECK IN TABLE on May 10 Adult Participant and/or Parent/Guardian of Minor(s) _______________________________________________________ Parent Email Address___________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________ City ___________________ Zip ____________ Home Telephone ____________________________ Adult participating in bike ride? yes ______ no_____ # adults participating ______ Minors participating in Bicycle Round-Up Child #1_________________________________________________Age________Participating in: Rodeo____ Bike Ride_____ Child #2_________________________________________________Age________Participating in: Rodeo____ Bike Ride_____ Child #3_________________________________________________Age________Participating in: Rodeo____ Bike Ride_____ Child #4_________________________________________________Age________Participating in: Rodeo____ Bike Ride_____ I ____________________________________________________________ (Mother, Father, or Guardian) Please Circle of all children listed above do hereby give permission and consent for my child to participate in the Johnston Bicycle Round-Up held on May 10, 2014. I hereby waive and release the City of Johnston, all sponsors, employees and all other volunteers from any and all acts, injuries, or damages arising out of my child’s participation in the Bicycle Round-Up. In case of emergency every effort will be made to notify parents. I hereby authorize the Johnston Police Department and volunteers to secure such emergency medical care and / or treatment as my child might require while under Johnston Bicycle RoundUp supervision. Johnston Police Department or volunteers may call an ambulance and have my child taken to the nearest hospital emergency unit if they believe an emergency situation exists. I agree to pay all the costs and fees for any emergency medical care or treatment for my child as secured under this consent. Signature of parent________________________________________________________ Date ____________ 2014 Photo Release I grant to the city of Johnston the right to take photographs of me and my family in connection with this event and publish the same in print and/or electronically. I agree that the city of Johnston may use such photographs of me with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including, for example, such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content. Signature of parent________________________________________________________ Date ____________ 2014 We encourage parents to attend with their child(ren) and to ride on the family trail ride. If a parent will not be attending this event with their child(ren), then this form must be completed and sent with the child to the event. If the parent is attending with their child, please complete the form and bring it with you to help shorten the registration process. Thank you. Day of the Event - Park in appropriate area. Please do not park in the rodeo/station areas. - Check-in at the registration table and don’t forget this form (FORMS TO BE TURNED IN DAY OF EVENT!!) - Obtain your tickets for the “treat” after the ride Johnston Parks Department • Johnston Police Department • Johnston Community Education • Johnston Public Library • Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business • Kyle’s Bikes • Van Dee’s Drive-In 16 Where’s J.D.’s Great Summer Adventure? You never know where JD might show up this summer! J.D., the Dragon mascot for the Johnston Community School District, will be taking off again this summer throughout the city of Johnston. Our problem—we just don’t know where J.D. is planning to go. Johnston Community Education would really like to find J.D. as J.D. is supposed to be helping out the city and school this summer. Can you help us find J.D.? J.D. has a website blog, Facebook page and Twitter account. The website/Facebook will show where J.D. has been and provides a photo of a J.D. sighting from within the community. J.D. may also send “tweets” with hints and other information that may help in his whereabouts. Help us find J.D. this summer and your family will be entered into a drawing to win a prize. Join us this summer to see where he travels. Rules A team is a family from one household. Should be at least one adult and one child. Each week a photo will be placed on the website and Facebook page about the latest sighting of J.D. Every family team that correctly identified J.D.’s location will result in a ticket being added to the drawing. The number of tickets that your team receives each week you participate will depend upon how you identify the location. Bonus tickets will also be available. All entries must be received, by email or in person, by 12:00 Noon CDT, each Tuesday for the prior week. (Example Week 1 entry is due by noon on Tuesday, June 3) New photos of J.D.’s location will be posted at noon each Tuesday. J.D. will be out of town and unable to attend the Jazz in July event. So he will do the drawing before he leaves town and the Johnston Library staff will contact the winners. All entries, including photographs, become the property of the City of Johnston. Participation provides the City of Johnston the permission to use photos and names to promote “J.D.’s Great Summer Adventure” via electronic and print media and/or for local media coverage. How to submit J.D’s location Option 1: Email your answer for J.D.’s location to [email protected]; correct answers earn one team entry into the prize drawing. Entry must include the subject line “J.D.’s Great Summer Adventure” and include your team name, address, phone number and the specific location of J.D. for that week. Option 2: Have your (at least one member of the team in photo) picture (1mb or less) taken in the exact location as J.D. is in photo and email it to us at [email protected] and earn five team entries into the prize drawing per week, per team. Website to help you find J.D. http://wheresjd.wordpress.com/ Option 3: Take your answer and/or your photos, and deliver them in person to the Johnston Public Library (J.D.’s drop box) to receive the appropriate number of entries. Forms will be available from library staff. For more information contact JCE at 278-0552 or the Johnston Public Library at 278-5233. Sponsored by Johnston Community Education, Johnston Parks Department and Johnston Public Library. 17 Johnston Public Library fizz! 2014 summer Reading fun….. ! m o o b For details on all the happenings at the Johnston Public Library www.johnstonlibrary.com - click on “Printable Calendar” 515-278-5233 Read! for kids Read for prizes! Kids....fizz, boom, read! Crafts …. Contests Weekly story times Special Programs Mad Science The Spoon Man Dan Wardell ISU Insect Zoo Pete the Cat Ben’s Bubble Show and Jason the Juggler more! teens....spark a reaction for tweens & teens Read. Win prizes. Teen Tuesdays just for 6th grade & up After hours Teen Summer Finale Food! Fun! Friends! and for adults Home based Brewing Family Stargazing Gardening Crock Pot Cookery J.D.’s Great Summer Adventure Read & win prizes! 18 adults...literary elements No rfol k D r. Stonecrest Dr. Esse x D r. ive ge Dr ebrid Ston y r Pkw d so Win Esse x D r. No rfol k D r. Coventry Cir. 9 ta D r. C t. t. ! Ne ir. Dr. NW 67th Ave. Windsor Pkwy Twin West Bl vd 7 @ Woodland Dr. Eagles Dr. Century Woods Cir. Galleria Dr. Maple Ln. Ironwood Ln. Garnet Ln. Elm Ln. Fir Ln. Larch Ln. NW 71st Ave. Enf ield Summit Dr. rid ge Pl. NW 62nd Ave. Stratton Dr. Ci r. Dr. Wickham Dr. Wooded Point Dr. Westfie ld Silverbirch Ct. Pk wy . 2n d Cowden Dr. Telfo rd Cir. Lenh am Dr. o rd terf Wa Ridgeview Dr. St. S t. Longview Dr. Ct. Hi l gh d an Br NW 70th Ave. Pl. rd Pl. NW 73 W7 NW 72nd Cir. N NW 73rd Cir. Huntington Cir. Carmel Dr. Catalina Cir. lC rme Ca NW a te wg eC ir. 6 ! | | leridg White Oak Ln. West Pkwy l. er P Win sh ire Ln . Sun cre st L n. Ve ri di an Ln . Gree n V ie w L n. Tr ac e C Enf ield Dr. McWilliams Dr. 1 @ w Sun fl o Agate Lane Vis Catalina Dr. Sun ri se L n . try un Co Vie w . Cir Ca nd Biscayne Dr. Ne wp o rt Laguna Dr. Ashton Dr. Enfield Cir. Ch es hi re L n . 97 th NW 74th Pl. NW Wickham Dr. NW 68th Ave. Sk ne yli d Ha zel wo o r. Parkway D water we ll Ct. am D ng Lo s ak O ey O xl De nto n P l. tD h o rt r. sc NW 53rd Pl. NW 54th Ave. Longview Dr. Oakdale Dr. Dr. do w 14 ! Windsor Pkwy. Thomas Avenue Cr e en t D r. Bro mle y Pl . . Ln int po ne Sto a Me r. nw Ha Pl. Dr. r. tD Dr. Brook Ridge Dr. te Wo o de d NW Ne wga 2 @ a te wg rs hu Ne d Lyn NW Ct. diff in Po Lo ng do ry be B d. lv Birc hw oo d Barnham Dr. ie df Ha Bo w r Du Ct. C ir. in gw m ha Hu nt e Ha r dw ke ic C on ur Tib Ct. Ct. o od te rga Bria Hardwicke Dr. r. Ci he r ld He at Ct. Talbot Pl. Sandford Pl. am Ch M ea g Bl to n vd . Be a vveerr W el in Wentworth ne w La Newbury Ct. Weybridge Windsor Pkwy. Black stone Nottingham Dr. Brandywine Dr. Chase Foxboro Rd. NW 62nd Ave. e Ct . Prairie Ridg B Pl. t. Dr ive Cir . Ashley Pl. Caldwell Cir. ! Ashley Cir. ! 1 8 @ Ashley Dr. Barnsley Dr. Newburn Cir. m ha at Ch Doc Brown Loop So u th th e Dr iv po ra St. St. St. 68 th Dr. dH oo NW 70th Ave. ills Dr. Lo ok Cla Ln . N Winwoo d Dr. St. od wo Do g S. W inw n o od r o Dr. th . w Ct Ha L n. st Cedar Cre 11 ! Dr. t. nC de r. Lin eD bin lum Co 2 ! Village Cir. ! 0 Pioneer Pkwy Linden Cir. Aspen Cir. Somerset Pl. Ashland Pl. t. Ch a Dic r les ke ns Ct. C rey Ca 3 W inw oo nd d Dr. Ct ale . Gr ee Blvd. 15 ! Northglenn Dr. NW 61st Ave. Gree ndale Pl. 16 ! D r. Glenn Cir. 4 5 @ @ 3 @ Meadow Cr e s t rk Mo rn ing Br sid e He ett A sh Dr. m in gw le y C ay t. Av e. ou t r. r. eD Vil la D Co tta g 750 NW ! er D Be av Gar ri ide Dr. Mo rni ngs son C NW 60th Ave. NW 61st Ave. 6 @ NW 62nd Ave. NW 63rd Pl. NW 64th Pl. Reed Mott Lane NW 66th Ave. Kensington Cir. Hi gh Po in t C ir. Johnston Dr. NW 55th Ave. NW 57th Ave. 1,500 t. Northglenn Way e 5 ! r iv NW 72nd Pl. 7 1s t NW 68th Ave. 4 ! NW 66th Pl. ! P l. NW 7 0th Pl. NW Meadow Cir. t. eS dg 8 ! Dewey Pl. NW 49th St. NW 3,000 rD 70 th B Beeaavveerr C Crreee kk r. 4,500 ave Private Drive Deerwood Cir. NW 64th Ave. 13Little League ! sM oi n ® 6,000 Feet Forest Cir. River De NW 65th Ave. Beaverdale NW 58th Ave. Rose Circle Sunshine Circle Prarie Place NW 59th Ave. e ri Pin NW 6 8th Pl. NW 66th Ave. Saylorville Lake rail Be Johnston-Urbandale Connection 70 th 68 th te Wil d Fl o we r Ct. kw Oa Country Ridge Ln. NW 78th Ave. NW North Valley Dr. Deer vie w 69 th ! Co r ry n. t L o Hi ck Ct. se Sun Redbud Ct. Ceres Cir. ! Terra Park12 Loop No r NW 63rd Ct. Hyperion Field Club 7 62nd Avenue Trail! 70th Avenue Trail Camp Dodge Johnston Corporate Limits Future Existing Trails Legend Parks and Recreation Facilities 59 th Ave. Created by City of Johnston Department of Community Development (2013) 6221 Merle Hay Road, P.O. Box 410, Johnston, IA, 50131-2033 (515)278-2345 Fax:(515)278-2033 ! NW 100th L n. Bay ern She ffie ld C i r. NW 61st Ave. e en c Ct. ! | vid Pro 10 ! NW 74th Ave. NW 76th Ave. Va lle y NW 96 th St. 95 th St. NW 107th St. N W 60th Ave. NW 106TH St. NW 106th St. Catalina Dr. Bre me n C t. Bre me n C t. NW 103rd St. NW 75th Ave. NW 106th St. NW 104th Ct. Bre me n Ct. NW 88th Ct. Silverstone Ct. Westfa le n C t. Westfa le n C t. Westfa le n C t. NW 103rd Ln. Ma nch e ster L n. NW 102nd St. Bra dfo rd L n. Bris to l L n . NW 87th Ct. NW 99 th Ct . NW 99th St. NW 99th St. NW 99th Ct. La ne Northglenn Dr. Esp an a de St. Ridgedale Ct. Dr. l et Av e. NW 98th St. Ct. a in NW 58th St. Rittgers Ct. NW 98th Ct. Cent ury Way West Cent ury Way E ast Wil lo w Cre st D r. t. Ha m Lynnwood Ct. Le wis ey Ct . Au br Hillcrest Ct. Ca r ro ll C Jules Vie w Ct. 54 th NW Beaverbrook e Blvd. S Gle ns to n e C t. N Gle n ston e C t. NW 100th St. Sap p hi re C ir. Ma rbl e C ir. NW 97th St. NW 97 th St. NW 96th St. Cedar St. NW 94th Ct. NW 95th Ct. NW 95th St. NW 93rd St. Verne Ct. NW NW 96th St. NW 96th Ct. Beech St. NW 51st St. Br ig ht Merle Hay Road Ct. NW 95th Ct. 95th St. Ash St. Peck ham St. Wilcott Ct. NW 93rd Ct. NW 94 th St. NW 94th St. Lon gview Ct. NW 98th St. West Pkwy NW NW 91st St. Coburn Ln. NW 51st St. ha m Pe ck r. or D NW 89th Ct. Stanmore Ct. Ca r 88th St. Sudbury Ct. ind s W NW 90th St. Dr. oo d be rw Tim St. Brook Ridge Ct. Kings Row Eagle Ridge Dr. NW 78th Ave. NW 89th St. St. Morningside Cir. Forest Dr. NW 54th Ct. Co bu rn NW 53rd St. Ca pit al NW 57th St. Monticello Ct. NW Murray Cir. Ln . Private Dr. | NW 56th St. NW 52nd Ct. NW 86th St. Long Meadow Ct. NW 92nd Ct. NW 92nd Ct. Oa k NW 92nd Ct. th 96 . Rd NW 91st Ct. NW NW 90th St. rd 93 NW 90th Ct. NW ro bo NW 89th Ct. t. NW 88th St. th C 87 th 1 04 St. Rosemead St. NW nd 92 NW 86th St. S t. NW x Fo NW 88th Ct. eerr RRiviv s s ee Stoney Creek Ct. 03 rd m 1 NW Ch at h a ekk rr e CC C or t ep NW 78th Ct. 19 P l. | 9 8th Ct. Dr . NW Pioneer Pkwy P l. n. th Ct. NW 95 le L NW 93rd St. . Cir Cra ba p p NW 94th Ct. t. d Cir. NW th 97 t. o od twoo St. gw Do C Br en C rto n Fu lle Ben tley Pl. C inte S Winwood Dr. ha m o ne p Sto Maple ir. C Tr ee Dr. Ct. ford Ro m C t. ey Gr k La r Terra ce Ct. t. C n r to Ba n C t. Ma nto od wo ir . Greendale Rd. Trail Ridge Dr. He nr y J a m Ja es C n t. Au e Ma st in C rk Tw t. Dr . Inte Merle Hay Road kk rreeee CC 5 9th NW 54th Ct. k Pec NW 54th Ct. pto n NW 54th Ct. t. NW Joh on nst T an u rb | Ha m NW 52nd Ct. on C NW 52nd St. d Ch el ie els Ch Four Pines St. Ct. pton Ct. NW 50th St. Co m ge Rid NW 51st St. n ic Sce Ct. NW 50th St. urt Co tine NW 49th St. r. NW 50th St. NW 48th Ct. NW 48th St. us Aug NW 48th St. err eeaavve NW 48th St. D on t. on d ay 5 9th dC kL NW Pine woo o od rthw No ve Dri Jac sW b le Ga ea ve r Dr. st th St. NW 56 NW 52nd St. | y lle Va River Bend Wil d Fl o we r Ct. re Oak C th St. NW 57 NW Beaver Dr. Hyperion Pointe Dr. y nn Wa No rthgle NW B | 12 ! Neal Smith Trail ir. 71 st St. Pl. s ld ie F ll Ba s on si s e nc Co s om ro t s Re nd ou r g ay Pl ea Ar c i cn Pi rs te el h S d re e v s re Co Ac 20 22.00 16 Green Meadows Greenbelt er cc o S *Rental information for Crown Point Community Center, Simpson Barn, and Dewey Park Picnic Shelter is available by calling 727-8091 or email: [email protected] Brenda Smith, Admin. Asst. 727-8091 [email protected] l ai Tr John Schmitz 727-8091 [email protected] g in sh i F Existing Park Feature ea JOHNSTON PARKS CONTACT INFORMATION: 3.14 10.34 21.25 160.88 15 Rittgers Oaks Open Space 14 Longmeadow Woods Greenbelt GREENWAYS 13 Prairie Pointe Crossing 12 Beaver Creek Natural Resource Area 11 Terra Lake 35.39 2.60 10 Providence Point NATURAL RESOURCE AREAS 5.00 2.51 7 Ceres Lake Open Space 10.52 8.75 8 75 6 Pointe P i t Vista Vi t 9 Adventure Ridge 0.75 5 Mo r n i n g s i d e P a r k 8 R ay Schleihs Park 9.80 4 Dewey Park 19.40 BB u Co NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS ld 7.00 e Fi 3 Johnston Commons Park p O en VB u Co 2 Crown Point is nn e T u Co 56.50 sc Di Ar 1 Lew Clarkson (formerly Creekside) nd Sa e ur COMMUNITY PARKS t Na www.cityofjohnston.com City of Johnston Parks & Recreation Facilities g in rk a P f ol G rts r ts e ac Sp rt Johnston Green Days 2014 18th Anniversary www.johnstongreendays.org Green Days is an annual community celebration held in Johnston, Iowa, next to the Johnston Public Library. The 2014 festival will be held June 19-22. The full schedule of events can be found at johnstongreendays.org. When the event was started in 1996, it focused on Johnston's agricultural and horticultural tradition. The Chamber worked with Johnston's many nursery and greenhouse operations, local garden clubs and other groups, to start this tradition and helped it grow to be one of Iowa's leading summer festivals. Sundae in the Park Today, the Green Days activities include a parade, carnival, children's activities, entertainment in the beverage garden, rib cook-off contest, Bill Riley Talent Search, bags tournament, 5K walk and run and much more! Green Days is organized by the Johnston Chamber of Commerce. FREE ice cream sundaes and music by Wade Krieg and Ron Kennebeck. Bring your blanket or lawn chairs. Sponsored by Johnston Community Education (JCE) and the JCE Resource Council. Sunday, August 10 6-8 p.m Green Meadows West gazebo ADMISSION IS FREE! Be Safe This Summer Johnston Police Department Top 5 Crime Prevention Tips 1. Keep your overhead garage doors closed whenever you are going to be out of immediate sight of your garage. 2. Lock your vehicle and remove all valuable property from it whenever your vehicle is going to be left unattended for any period of time. 3. Avoid placing outgoing mail in your residential mailbox and remove the incoming mail from your mailbox as soon as possible. 4. Keep your purse with you at all times when you are out. Avoid leaving it in a car, on the ground, in a neighboring seat or hanging on the back of a chair. 5. Never respond to an unsolicited phone call or email requesting personal or financial information until you have confirmed the requesting party is legitimate. Johnston Neighborhood Watch Program Johnston Running Club Neighborhood Watch is one of the oldest and most effective crime prevention programs in the country, bringing citizens and neighbors together to deter crime and safeguard communities with the goal of preventing crime before it happens. On any given day, and often without warning, you are subjected to varying levels of criminal activity taking place directly within your own community. The Johnston Neighborhood Watch program is about neighbors helping neighbors and partnering directly with the Johnston Police Department where you will be provided with the knowledge on how you can make yourself and your community safer. The Johnston Police Department meets regularly with neighborhood watch groups to answer questions, discuss current crime trends, and provide training and information on Crime Prevention, Home Security and other topics of particular interest to your group. The Johnston Running Club will host an informational meeting on our spring track program on March 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Johnston Middle School. Please email us at johnstonrunning@ gmail.com or visit our Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Johnston-RunningClub/298700510149462 The Johnston Running Club (JRC) is a non-profit organization committed to promoting the sport of running in our community. Our volunteer team of coaches work with area youth through our Johnston Youth Track and Johnston Youth Cross Country teams. For more information about the Johnston Neighborhood Watch Program or on how to organize one in your neighborhood, contact Sgt. Eric Spring at (515)252-1372 or [email protected]. To find out how to get involved with JRC as a volunteer, team sponsor, or as a youth athlete, please contact [email protected]. Contact the Johnston Police Department for more information on these and many other safety and crime prevention tips! 21 JOHNSTON SOCCER CLUB Summer Camps johnstonsoccer.org June 23 – 26 Skill Camp Morning: Urbandale Evening: Johnston focusing 100% on developing youth soccer. Based in Johnston, Iowa, the Johnston Soccer Club is a non-profit, professionally managed organization Johnston Soccer Club is home to 1,100 recreational soccer players and partners with Johnston Urbandale Soccer Club (JUSC) to provide competitive soccer to an additional 400 players. July 14 – 17 Skill Camp Morning: Johnston Evening: Urbandale August 11 – 14 Team Camp (U11 – U14) Evening: Urbandale For more details: juscsoccer.org Online Fall Registration Registration for the fall season will be open to children born on or before July 31, 2010. Players do not have to attend school in the Johnston School District to be eligible to register. Visit johnstonsoccer.org in May for complete fall registration details. Under 4 Little Kix Program The U4 Little Kix program is being offered to children who are born between 8/1/10 – 7/31/11 and is designed to introduce younger children to developing physical and social skills through soccer. Visit johnstonsoccer.org for details. 22 18 June 23rd - June 26th July 14th - July 17th August 11th - August 14th 2014 JUSC Summer Camps Accelerate Your Game... The JUSC professional coaching staff presents its annual program of fun, educational, and value for money SOCCER camps for club members and the soccer community at large. Visit our website and sign-up to join JUSC staff members John “Shedzy” Sheridan, Ozzie White, Kyle Nelson, Kara Hanlon, Chris Rennie, and Tim Dobberfuhl this summer for a.... MONSTER soccer experience. For a complete listing of camps and registration information check out our website: www.juscsoccer.org/camps Johnston Volleyball Club is a non-profit organization which emphasizes the skills of competitive volleyball, as well as team play. Skills covered will include passing, setting, attacking, serving, rotation, and rules. The clinics will focus on improving all skills, and new skills will be introduced that will help you play at a higher level. All clinic instructors are very experienced and include coaches from around the metro, including some current and former college players. Many are associated with the Johnston Volleyball Club. This clinic is not offered through JCE, please contact the Johnston Volleyball Club to register. Grades Time Location Cost Grades 3-6 and 7-8 boys and girls Sept/Oct 2014 JHS/JMS gyms $70 per player Visit www.johnstonvbc.com during the mid-summer months for more details. 23 Johnston Community Education For more information call 278-0552. One person per registration form please. Date ________ Name of Participant_____________________________________ JCSD Resident? Yes No May we take photos and/or video of the participant for use in JCE print/electronic publications? Yes No Does participant have special accommodation needs to enjoy JCE programs? Yes If yes, please provide more information: No Address__________________________________________________________City_________________ Zip______________ Home Phone__________________________ Date of birth__________________ Class Name Class Code Fee Grade in 2014-2015? (if a student) _____ School Attends? ________________ Gender of Participant? _____ T-shirt size: ____YS ____YM _____YL _____AS _____AM _____AL _____AXL Parent Name(s) Work Phone Number Cell Phone Number E-mail address Additional notes/requests: HOW TO REGISTER Mail Send your registration form & check by mail to: Johnston Community Education P.O. Box 10 Johnston, IA 50131 In Person Register in person at the Johnston Community Education office at 5608 Merle Hay Road in Johnston. Registration hours are Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. A drop box is available in the parking lot to drop off registrations before or after registration hours. Phone Phone-in registrations are accepted at 278-0552 when paying with a MasterCard or Visa. Online Online registration is available 24/7 at https://apm.activecommunities.com/johnston JCE is a partnership between the Johnston Community School District and the City of Johnston. JCE POLICIES Refunds • Refund requests must be made before the second class/program session is held. • No refunds will be made for trips and tours after the registration deadline. • There will be a $5 administration fee per class on all refunds. • Full fee returned if Johnston Community Education cancels the class. Cancellations • Johnston Community Education reserves the right to cancel classes. • Class will be cancelled if there is insufficient enrollment. • Listen to the Johnston Community Education office’s answering machine for inclement weather cancellations. Call 278-0552 after 4 p.m. then press #199 for a recording. JCE Programs & Inclement Weather For more weather-related information, visit: www.johnston.k12.ia.us/ communityeducation/jceweather.html Scholarships Scholarships are available to those who qualify. Please contact the coordinator in charge of the program you are interested in prior to registering. Scholarships are subject to approval.
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