1 r • MOHOAY, MAtCH », ltS4 • • ; ^.,.7 - ' r • . '> -Man Slugged father AtNrflartford Of Bishops 'Gas' Station UTjCA :. ?; r - J -> S-C.V4 y- OlSmViR.DISPATCH .£-» Gallagher'AfmtMairnurn Agnes UeMiile Woman Severely Hurl Fuiidfof War Victim Dance Recilal In AttackwithMatehet ACID Vincent Valerio. 63, of 512 Mohaw\ w u held todayjISi^ on charge alter hia wife, M«.^Marion Valerio, At the Stanley o9, at>waaopen struck over the head with a hatchet laat bight ^i^l^M J,r n |NPI«MTIOS "**• The, Rer Luke V. Gallagher the past eight yejyjjt?-~*h* < *£*. i*stor of St. Francis—de~8aies >*al me go*J set MVbeen t\ih*t ^ Church. has been appointed area reached or surpassed each year j • j State Poflct were searching „ to.- chairman of th* 19M appeal for In announcing this year's ap- A f M i De Mi lie; noted dancer, _\ day for a man who slugged a the Bishops Fund for the Vicpeal. Bishop Foery pointed out » n d h f r A j n , „ r^ M i n # n« n ( « in their home and terioualy injured. that one out of every 60_of the Theater will be presented Wed Police were holding Valerio! : : •—Vgasolin* station attendant over tim» of War. world's families ar« refugees without ball under Section 1M l . i , . w% A_ bail 1031 needAy evening in the Stanley tha head and then robber fled inappara car Rev. HiaWalter Appointment by Bishop th* Jfuat after the would-be A. Foery. of " T h e * * are cold statistic* under sponsorship of R o l a n d of the City CoMrt- Act, which'* K C I g C Oretulfifl ently changed hia mind about de- the Catholic Dioce** of Syracuse, which are almost devoid of Che*l«y and the Gre*t Artists permits detention for 48 hourslrri A « J • ' m \« •" manding or taking any money. was announced today by the Rt. fer Investigation. Capt. Francis meanltg if we cannot sense their Series. Miss DeMille, who has It t u believed the assailant Kev. Msgr. Joseph B. Tcomey. dlimpact in terms of human trag- done the choreography for theGo**in of ths Detective Bureau Judge Stephen W. Brettoan of and hla companion got away in tcesan director of Catholic_ Charedy." he said. program here, also ha* earned said another charge would be Utlc*. went to Buffalo today to preferred this afternoon. a Mercury car: aaslst Judge JoKn Knight in th* new honor* in that field Thirty-eight million people me*. Mrs. Valerio wa* reported In trial of case* at th* Buffalo Urn Floyd Clemens, JO. of 1&3Q The appeal hae been aet for are adrift, hornet***, 4Je*l»lute She ha* don* th* choreography condition today In I t opening there tomorrow,— s trt It Is a fact so vast that the mind for the new Broadway au,cc»a* fair —atUadant»t thel *[***. °* *l*r: 21*27. culmlKlliaUtk HospiUV O^ W, B 1 Blumenstock Qajolin* Station. rating in a collection in all Cathgrows numb in try *** to gMsp The Girl In the Pink Tights," Falvo said she • wa* suffering H* w** exp*>l*d to remain te 47 Gene***. New Hartford, w u olic churches throughout the it. Yet each of those millions and reviews Credit her work a* from shock, concussion, lacer* Buffalo throughout th* w**k and next w**k, aiao, .—.. knocked to hia knees by. * blow L-nited States on Laetar* Sun.Le an Individual, a wait with acontrtbuUw th* TiKt ma back *hd i probably -Judg* Brannaa will return to on the head last night by anday. Max. 28. ptnrhed face and pleading eye* mediate listing among top At-poaaibl* fracture of th* akalL Buffalo Mar. S3 for th* trial of vldeattfled customer. A children's phase of th* apa~ gaunt, trembling man who hastractions. Valerio waa picked up m th* It waa ahortjy after 7.Cleroens peal. * collection on behalf of watched his children die; an aged Francois Jaroachy will be mu-500 block of Bleecker a short as tncom* tax oraaton cms*. •aid, that a medium height man, needy children over****, opened woman, racked with "cold, whosical director and Otto Frohllch tiro* after th* boating by Patroiwithout a hat, entered the ata- last week on Ash Wednesday in extend* her hand for alms. These assliUat conductor for the De-m*»_RA*C_OJI Taurlaand and T X t N A M t TO KNOW ( N tion and purchased 00 cent* the parochial schools of this ar*a. people Cry to us for aid, and weMille production' here. Other di Jo**ph D*r**io,-H* waa qu*»worth of oil. It will continue throughout Lent cannot ignore them." lectors: Musicsl arrangement*. tloned by District Attorney John Father Gallagher pointed out The relief program was estab Trud* Rittman, production de- M Uddy, Captain Oo*sln .and The man offered a $1 bill. Hahed as an enfergencv measure sign. Peggy Clark and~Motl»yT|Oth*Tr"m»rnP*r> of thf^buraau: Clemens turned to the cash reg- that the food, clothing and medicine bought with proceeds from The Bee, Luke V. GaUagker, at the end of World War 2 toorchestrations. Don Walker; co*> Patrolmen Henry Thomas and ister and made change. the dnve is distributed to all pa*tor of 8t. Francis do Sale* give assistance to th* millions of Motley and 11 g h.t 1 n g, Raymond Ball gave the Injured As he handed the dime to the those in need overs***, regard- Church, who I* are* chairman people dislocated from their tume*. it? LArAvrrra at. Miem tn\t P«Riry Clark. woman first aM.She waa sent \ man, Clemens was struck on the less of race, creed or color. Dur- of the l W appeal of the homes and countriei. The emerto th* -hospital..in the Hinckley head with an unknown—instru- ing the- past 10 years the fund BUhops'^Fund for the Victim* gency has never ended. Bishop The program} — h Wur* ambulanc* ment ..and fell to his knees. The has distributed more than to<$,Toery pointed out. The recent RslUd. (A4»ptrd rr'om ' Rri(a<J(<on") of War. M — r>«ltJkk-L<M»«.— Mr*.—Dominiek-7 - N HC*ft-tftTconflicts in Korea. TnJo-Chtna -ma*-tn*»- **tje* Ctrl tJdfJ*- m n k l i n daughter, had been with her and enteredra&-from~ a car inthe which an ^xoorr pound* oTiwh 7£*Te~rial. The national go*l aet this year and the Near Rait have cast new Tb» Her Puit.T J»n<« Mtlrhfll WitLlk_K$T -Qlhjr^mejj waa Jilting __:—. valued at more than- 212 million Is live mDllon dollar*. " "During nTTllorw adrift. Tfetfttrtl Jimf* Jameson parent*-and had gon*-Atp*tal _" dollars. Tbe S m i r r Rufu* *mith while there was an argument Cpl. Hugh T. Maher and * n d Mfmb#r« of \hr riann Gunn In th* kitchen. Her husband, INTERMISSION Trooper F. P. Hopkins, BCI. Domlnlck Nucclo, 17 of 761 Lansr>«.nr»i Trorti The Ucldta Xfk i*T WUT 4 WOUIITI. State Police were conducting the a. Ball'l CUJU Btrauaa ing, cam* in shortly after the «>mif/,«J# t-ai'P' investigation while uniformed siasult ind—took—th*— hatehet OHEOKINfl ACCOUITt V troopers were scouring the area from the hands of his father-in- -M»>»rt>*#r The car left in a westerly diTh» Bultfrri) Du»ty WorraJI law, police said. ~ riow#r*. - - - Kleiner fair*htld. THRIFTIWECK AOOOUNTSv rection. Jean: llouloase, Hunly Kellty, Polic* reported Valerio had —C3etnena. w,a* trsaUd by Dr. M —= • l^iajm*' T w e e —•• I f 1UNDINA ST. Th» B^* . -""- J a m n Jaml»»on recently bought the hatchet Preston R. Clark for bruises, but Two men-paid fines of 110 r. Grand Ttta d* Gala Capt. Chester Caaaletta, in 'he was .not injured seriously each In' City Court today aft«r Ballerina Genii* da Lapps Another step toward the establishment of a Mohawk The Premifr Jamea Jamleaon charge of th* uniformed fore* enough to require hospital treat- pleading guilty to disorderly conLOW tOST OAR LOANS fH. 44f!7 l*st nlgM, wa* an early arrival Flral SAIO|II • E>»lyn Ta>l<»r Valley Workshop was taken this noon at the Utica when ment. duct charges In an attempt to^ Imprraarlo Oajlmlr KoVif at lhe_ecen*. Dels: John Belmont He told New Hartford Police take two girls Into their car near member* of the Physically Hnnriirwppod Committp* Ha • Tha Maid Raimcnda Orirlil tAPF nPPOtIT BOXft and P. J. DeFaalo called mem» -T+ttr » » n * Blilflri Chief LeOrande Linger he—be^ the Central Fire Station. F31ia sees »f the family. OUtennnts •t lleVed he WAliId be able Id recdg- beth St late yesterday after- U;ned tu a pmmeaa repoit by BtlwaiU P. Naglc. letuetl Chor*phe«a and S f M H a •ywir TTrad'tuonai 8-ng. wer* taken at headquarter*, O i r n d a nix* the man and the automo- noon. manager of the percussion division of the Chicago Pneu- a. Hare* en Th e Mountain Captain Gossln s*ld h* was bile. DOCTOR ranard I at The girls were on their way .. m . ^ able to question Mrs?1 Valerio at A Mountalnttr Rufu* Smith horn Hit l>reams L. Franklin, the hospital. me from the movies and w e n t i m a t l c T o 0 ' Company. • TV WorraJI e r B . Or»*tTt into the fire station to report the Ilia Nelthbora B^ KMIer. Deputy Chief Vincent Klore. Nagle has Just returned from 1 incident. UfgL: Vincent Xa.FJetwrand 2 .^J^ijfrujg**^ Ey-Tasfo ., Paindxaei^ BaftM*^ JEaAriSAno pro,. hfaton, .where. a_,.workshopj J ! T^e>:',|^HleI, Veen uv*w*Si?«T•op>*: ahd^Joyph- Ha^j^or^iKlvinsT erallon h** fturua T h a . Bins«ra" sloh war* ciTftd In and particiM a number'"6t~yw*. nvmd'a CH-MIII Reliable" pharmacy. They quickly \n a patrol car, arrest- He told for AND TRUST COMPANY pated in th* questioning, taking Wary Lldtja Tranklln of the marked progress ed Meguil Angel Roque, 17, of CaJlmlr Koklc A single indictment, which was of statements and records. JoMph know that our skilled, Reg* being made there to assist the 1NTERM18SION sealed, comprised the interim re- 814 Park Ave., and George Ma- phystcally handicapped, w h o Danf<* p f k l n s A E S . JJ«Ol»3ft. tAS. 2«, of 400 ilsry, both of otherwise would be unsbl* to port of ths Onakla niiiU^JCGrand... "Ti yjiom *atd thejLJKgrsiJaborer*. ^ _ —HaroM Jury made' thirf mornTnr~-lHi 1UI!^"• r*~, ^A^uli^ «^T rhirgV7"b t*in high ethical standards ~l.tdli« Franklin and Rob^rl Cald»r MAIN OFFICE —.' Supreme Court Justice E. How-j ~ — Jh^jygjen^y^tfcjrjhj^^stabj limZU •11U lllll|lUi nn*?rw73**^uaTity iti|{r*>' them their choke of paying pay $10 1 Ish m en t Tf^ieTmT5rprogTaTTr!n KvfUn Ta>l"r *nd C'ajjnur Koktc \ Foremnn WarrtwfH W .Tnnft, ^>r^oii^to-i*l^for-10-d*^r-They^th*-Utic*r-*re*r-h**-the support *wti—rtiatrtwf-pftmri p o - :X?rlVfrlnJBiHgr Set vlut: «i«i>^ro iKVTSrnhjrkx. o l Ras* of 1+ Bonnie Brae, in handing"up paid of "many 6rganisalI6n»7 including Tree Parking «oin^-NRW^B*muN:vi_An tim». the presentment, explained that Four men were arrested in an-in_dustrial leaders, the Chamber IVm<'ni»trttf>r« _ _ _ D Bart. tion prit** at* alwy^Xak 85-year-old-woman, who neighthe grand jury still has other her case on disorderly conduct of Commerce. Community Chest, SOUTH Jamlf»«>n work before making a final re- charges at the John St. Hotel on County Welfare Department, Kifell Into Unadllla River here 8at* • • • • * •*« * ».••«• I^ctur»r o . Fodrt>ua, Genets 4t Amoid Avt»port* complaint of th*-bartender, An- w-anis Club and otheri. J. Mltrh'll urday afternoon, and drowned. TtanJit r . Haiard. SH* PlTltlftg - — - Diatrict Attorney John M. Lid- thony Giglio. Two of them _ U is est'imated that there_ are Th* body of Hrt. Alfred* Bagg dy later explained Ihst the partial W*N> f W M U'r\»n thi.-rftmpl.Tff.- at le*st MOO person* in OneHB Heir on ie>e*t¥=i1«3 Tradiflftnal waa-lQundLby_Ralph Wheeler, a D R U G STORE PEOPIJM OFFICBrepoit by. th«-grand Jury Volant withdrew " th* chargw County who would benefit direct J. niM'>rn*rv. .-formerly with dlstanJLr*iaIlve^-wAo-Waa: called J#rQ4Mt4*t^Tt **necessary at this time, due toagainst them. Two others, Carl ly by the program, once It was 4-—gr.MT>r 'Tt'Bowery HTTMfh Theatre. when ~neighbors neighbors - of Mrs Mrs. Bigg Poor Padfly. late of Bleeclter i t Second St. certain circumstances." He didCllbrith. 31, of 3 Maple, Clay established and in operation. J. Jamtf»^n; noticed she was missing. J KZ—trnt*Tg%n ahortly of Nlblo'i not elaborate. The final report X*mk$r s>««>r*4 D*f«*t| ~ Coroner Flsk Brooks, Oneorita. ^Tiarden. T. Taylor; and Charlew Clthriih guilty ? * ^ r r T - p r r - T r are suffering from - of the grand jury is _expected~To" vine, same address, who pleaded :_rimr»TffiS^*- Cer»eV«iie*) • M. Gfubb. Enill*h d«bulanlf ruled death wa* accldehtal due be made next week. to the charge, were given their physical defects which bars them _ r Because the indictment handed choice of paying $10 or going-to from taking a full time job in JLECTF.rL •>_ mrJHbgr,^f_Jh*. lllstete* N i b £ . " r h l H - w e t i h t llfier.|to ^ ^ J f Industry,— • -'ti-Trwr: j—Th* t$5d^waTTound just east up. today was sealed, the identity jail for 10 days. They did not excutlve committee) of the NaUnder the proposed workshop Ix>la Montn. P . Worrall; conehita, _ o.niy .fi»si to o f xh9 R t < 2 3 bridge. It was lyof the defendant named therein, pay and were taken to jail. Sgt. tional Agricultural Mme*tone uTroupa ARE YOU BUILDING A NEW HOME Barkfr and firout. must under the law remain secret Philip Elzehheck and Patrolmen program these persons would be ing face down about three feet J, Milrh»ll: Institute at the annual convenable to perform as little as two OR PLANNING A NEW HEATING-SYSTEM?-: until such time as the court di- Rocco A. Usandrelll, Joseph Ar from the river bank, 40 feet from Pione*rs and Emplra Quild*rS. rects that the indictment be curl and Pat Orslno arretted the hours dally in some worthwhile tion In Odoago recently w** Mrs. Bigg's hous*. If If* Natural Gas or OH H$at effort. The time each person Clareece A. Manx, OrlsJuuiy opened. This takes place usually quartet early this morning. Neighbor* w»r* reported to CALL would work would depend entirehave »ih Mrs. Bagf. outdoor* —after- -th* -defendant—ha*-been. Tallin—Tteeprealdent—of —1tnr lyoirhlg-or-her. physics*-endur^ about >:S0 Saturday afternoon. *-<-placed-tn custody of the authorianc*. Eastein Rock Product* Inc^ Later, when they could not loties. The estimate of the number — IHc*. cate her, they called Mrs. Wheel* The grand jury has been at NEW YORK <**—The head of who would benefit by the—pro work, since last Monday and at a "stockholders protective com- er and her mother. Mrs. Bertha that time there were about • 10 WASHINGTON, March 8 (^1— gram in Oneida County is based mittee" demanded yesterday that Phetteplace. After they searched, cases awaiting presentment be* / Congressional committe* nas on a survey mad* by various a brand new board of textile they called Wheeler, who located fore that Investigating group. reported after a study of 7iesJ»h sgencie*,—including th* County INTERNATIONAL experts be Installed as directors the body about a p.m. Mrs. Bsgg Is the widow of Mrs. Mildred B. Crumb of 1203 conditions Hhat-deafncss probably Welfare Department, the Comthis year, by the A m e r i o a n munity Chest and Planning William Bagg. former Engineer —Park, i* assistant-foreman, -Co. ha* received teo-ittentlon-ThAn! Counc - u u d c l h e r rehablUUtion at Chensngo Fsrme Corp, New MY oUitr major mcdirAl jnl>- gpoup8 CUranc* A, MUM, OrliWany Gordon V. Lyons of Rye. N. Y\, South Berlin, — eiiirged th« present board, dowfc lem — although there ar* more Th* body wss taken to th* W* Satrtt* Th* Mohawk Valley Work- Falls, vicepresident of the East inated by. associates of Boston — — — ^ — uian four million wholly or par shop, It was explained, will be a era Rock Products Inc., Utica, Temsett Funeral Horns to await All Maiat •( financier Frederic C. Dumalne tially deaf persons- in the United non-profit organization. In Blng- ha* been elected am^mbeToflJie Jr.. with "manipulation and p ^ i ^ e r a f * ™ l [ < ™ » t V ^ < ^ j g " STiTes—^^ be mad* by iier" son. Fran' L O S A N G E L E S W — It :-=UOtt€RSthe project became self- executive committee of the Na llticking." WRNA-CESr.:— d "More Is known about the pre ihamton, wasn't easy, but Milt Forrest has vention A Campaign of hopele .ne*sj«" ^ * 'rtlrejTArrny colonel, su u in ter f v s dial 3-9555 and control of many dts-j J [" K ^ , ' « >'"" Rec4 t tional Agricultural Ume.«tone In 205 NEY AVE at last found a use for his colTtnd despair seems to have beent^ho isjlying here from Clear 20 YEARS GAS HEATING EXPEDIENCE ords there show that the project eases than is being applied.*' Tne lection of 500 cracked table _ stitLite at Its recent annual con waged during recent months with water, Fla Trooperi Martin Dardis and tennis balls, which he calls the House Commerce Committee said resulted in a direct reduction of vention In Chicago. the apparent aim of convincing i'' a report yesterday. The com-more than $200,000 from the American Woolen stockholders Glen Burton, Norwich substation, welfare relief rolls. d d R Vo,v More-thaa 400 producers of agInvestigated. " ' ^ J t r t U * a~ graduate studTnT! ten "L"-** ^ ' summarized _ * . . ^ H testl» The State Employment 8ervice ricultural limestone and their that their compsny 1*__'4££<V" (R-NJ), at the University of Southern said Lyons. Office reported that during the California and an official of them o n e y received in extensive past year, many physically han- guest* attended -th* - session*, "In" our opinion. American Named Director Southern California Table Tennis hearings, but said its own con- dicapped have appeared and re-John M. Deely, president of theWoolen Co. Is not dead. Although ITHACA tfr— Prof. M. C Lee Lime Corp., Lee, Mass., was Assn. i clusions would cofne later. seriously wounded. It Is still very Bond, project leader of extension quested positions in industry and named president. It said there were problems of He bagan saving busted balls much alive. With some men of work in Agricultural economic* elsewhere. In th* hop* of finding a way toeducation, motivation and eco- Becsus* of the natur* of the Business sessions were ad- demonstrated ability in the tex- at Cornell University, ha* b*en repair them cheaply. When he nomics to be solved so that peo- disability the State Employment dre*sed by Prof. Chsrles E. Irvin tile field on it* board. It c a n - named director of extension of had no luck, he went to the ple would know the «*riy symp- Service found there wa* very lit of Michigan StAta College, Prof. in our opinion—make money and the New York State College* of chemistry department, which told toms of diseases, have the in-tie (hat could be done, primar C. J. Chapman, extension ipt' pay-drvidend*.'* Agriculture and Home Econom.him., thert..was no.,way J<L_XJ* rllnalior to do something about ciaiist *t U * Uaivaxsity at Wi*-\ ic* them for less than the price of r f c W a ^ ^ r i f t r * to aMora TEet^ bec*u»-of thr-htcir or three-hour-per-day Jobsof-intw» in consin, and Dixon L Harper, needed medical halp. new one*. dustry and other place* of em farms news director of prairie Then he heard that the chemfarmer station WLA Th*-conSHAW WALKER Fin F I I H ployment. " ist* were on the lookout for Office Open NipTT vention ended with an address by Under the proposed workshop Charles M. Henna, Chicago, at Yav can't fa*I a i t r s i l l A r * yaw tennis balls, which are larger, WASHINGTON^March *_^fl .vnai inS- fmpertawt-ptpars ai>* program, there would be a place the annual banquet. 'hastened to - give them Ids *To^kWn Tax Filing pretacted eeaintt first —Clarence Dye, 43-year-old rob- recertfi for:Jhe«e _ persons and the work Only intvtatad fllaa will aave prized store, because Ihey werel revenue T** mica-office-of the Internal ber from West Virginia, todsy Two sessions were devoted to irf#f9|* department wilt be open assigned to them would depend perfect for what the chemists panel discussions, one on op- wss added to the FBI's list of entirely on the individual's ablluntil 8 tonight and.every night wanted—balls to make models Utica Offlet Supply Co. erating problems ot -the industry '10 most wanted fugitives." showing the structure of atoms. this week, through Friday to as*Ity. __,—^... 1 ..-,. T -_and the other on,promolloo^of -- Dy* I* «ought by federal ausist persons m filtng their fed- „ For. example,.a person suffer . lime*ton* SOT toil treat rHfn*, UtoetUeev foe-*il^r*diy--cro**ifig — j era! tttcom* tax. ^ ^ =r—~^=Stabbed 2 4 ^Fhnw mg from a heart condition state line* to avoid prosecution YOKOHAMA, Japan (fr— An Edward V. Pronteau, deputy might be able to do only about It wa* announced at the meet- for two armed robberies In Aking that limestone~ comes first In 18-year-oW American soldier collector, said ^.. thec .w».i local unnc office on of work eearn day. jB-ye»r»oia American BO.UICI was W U IjW I . ^ W I , o«.^ «,, two ^^Q hours ^ourg O arn a a y uUn n - •-•» - • — — ^. , . , «o*a - » -j J worK 0> stabbed J4 times and left dead]«he second floor-pf the Post O f « ^ g - r i T i e — p r o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ t ChT r ^ ^ preservation-and—cwseryy »hieh eadedrwit " » '"-^"'^ ^t^-ona.^011 wttt be open allpossible. Ufcfci accomplice. on the floor of air-ATmy-mesajfl^ >""'"-• -«•*»•"•-*™ ^ *—* -~~^"~~ " ' tlon of th* soil. Farmers used hajl last night. The Arnw today d*7: Saturday. Deadline for flltng "The project als^ h&Ji the^nnip- M mil Hon tons of llmeslon* for ""According to-ITO!-fries,—Dy* aald the suspected slayer, an- returns Is Mar. 15. other serviceman, was being: Business wa* normtl today, port of the Oneida County Tu- each of th* three years last past na* twice served time In the hunted by military and Japanese j with no crowds waiting to ob*berculosis and Public Health As- a* compared to the n^td of 'more West Virginia 8t*te renltentlary sociation and the Infantile than 80 million ton* annually, as for robbery and burglary and p\>llce. ttain assistance. "' Paralysis Kounoa.tlon. They point estimated by agronomists of theone* escsped from that Instituout the Binghamton project ha* stat* agriculture colleges. tion. """" proven beyond doubt that It is a means of rehabilitating many -Th* Arittocrat ot polto victims. AnihTQditr Cloth«t that Have b*ea trested wrtk our dry deatv Also supporting the project here are members of the labor \r\q procttt emerge fretW, cleaner. What is believed to be the old-neer in 19U-43. LaBella also hasjgroupi and the Disabled ArnertOH MORI HEAT est engineering firm in New Yorkbeen in the City Engineering De- can War Veteran*. Amiltnie 1 o Aid in Trials r»«nwe— IfKTZLEll eltone 2 Admit GuUt, Binghamton Workshop Pay $10 FineJi IsMxplaixiedtXoJiroup- YOU CAN DO YOUR BANKING WITH STor^ HEABINQAIDS mioMit;ioiunr Jury Returns In Interim Report ^£7 Dies in Effort IiLEiiidiCatn imcA omcfc _ ^SULLIVAM^S Asks New Board For Woolen Firm Deafness Waits Congress Study am/ Munz Elected To Commil Ifcotiomij 'Taker* Found For Odd Collection Bockardt-Meat DRY CLEANING Robber Added To FBI List l; Fl Famous leddo-Highland COAL Merritt, LaBella to Mark Anniversary of Partnership M \ i r f New Lightweight. Low Cost MlilTU IIUUWI.I1 U r have l a tolh " ™ ! ^ , ^ " . ' ^ , r .. CtPhiU general committee, and others present. .P»rt«/raWp «rti»e*xja_y.^1,^ f ' . h ^ f e 0 ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ . ^ ! ] LslsUng in spearheading the Merritt and LaBella trace back:LaBella Is with the firm and Is In roject include John L Train, to th* first engineer, Charles C,'charge of field work. Another eon, ohn Wclntofth. Vincent Cottwi Brodhead. who opened his office Senatro D. UaBella, (s in the here In 178*. H* became a deputy j Proctor High School English De- and Leo Wheeler. m the state engineering depart-,partment and well known in ment and th* Taylor family took;amateur theatricals. I e* mwtm. ever Wa bostnes*; f Merritt ha* a. d*u«hter,_ Kr».: ^ m*1999 There were three generations of [Edward D. Drees, and ah* and Taylors; William B. and his(her husb*nd have thre* daughI lURfT INTO brother. Lorenxo M- Taylor; the ter* . J^har^s 8. Taylor, Thirty five y«ars S IW.RKHK j OH LESS ASH AH THE COAtT^ : THAT LASTS LONftEt PHONE UTICA 3-7SS4 \&*&tS$T ^r"~f1 O^ eee servic* w MeHawfc. rr»*kUrt e*H e«r Rwffate'a C»e*»»ee«i . •uoorr p\ju* IF m^99mt*m*emm?mmi&L iidrft*Taygucceasors to Brodhesd,-who also lor-Brodhead busine**, which inftcouired othe firm*, red other eluded also aereral oth«r hokl^ inn tfci Tmilil •Hnnw«e*«i engineer and retained .hla place Sine* that Urn* Merritt la the local firm of engineer*. Bella have bought out several Lorenio Tayler was a city engi- other firm*. neer and surveyor. Rocco M. La- Among them are th* Kemper* eUmmj feeUnga, reeUeea trritaoiaty Bella, of th* present flml and McLoughlin, ^W. O. Eton* and — all art wtU known to wonts Charles C Merritt jboth knew Sons, Etfic and Son, Horac* B. mffertet the dJatreaa offtmrtIocs TryCbarlea 8. Ballard and did »ome|8weet, A. L Williams • a i n t w eaused ehanga of life I work with firm." " 3.^!—^mgtneering firm* The Merritt- .Yea. In doctors' te*ta. LydU Merritt,cajm* her* In 1910 to LaBella office tn the First Na- Pmkhaa » Compound or Tahiets re* direct-the er*c't>o« of a freight jUonal Bank Building U a tre*t> * v e * Hca t S l r e W M W F a n t i t hous* and- th* laying out of jure trove of old maps. Including oasea! OoapieU or striktog relief I freight yard* for th* New York jthoe* mad* by Brodh**d, andjrf7 Wonderful, ^oo, for reBevtM I OeatreX Ha akw WM dty aBft-Jracorda. f^ of f o o portodr- W^k-m DUIKIO (. A Trtd W * ^ " T u H f e o ! N o Wg to empty! 11 boat* Mlt twoepe aa it cteona! Soeosry to \m\ 8o et«y lo buy I • UMIT10 OFMRI MAUTIFUl SW.95 HASSOCK STOW CHIST IN T1ADI K>t YOU« OlO ClIANIK Untitled Document r COUZENS FurnWurt Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 400 UftCXJft $T. www.fultonhistory.com Ph. 4-w4J1 UTKA McQUADE & BANNIGAN Inc. r Exclutlo* DteUr ^ tn torn n. ru— 47119 le PHONI . ILION 444 .%** ciamtttJ ••"St INC for r « K j S r » l laef**-^ -. ue« at aaupa*} ^. ^- < isai «tUT«m» Cwr. TJW#H - U W A * n*;Y.
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