É CO LE A RTHU R ME IG HE N S CHO O L OCTOBER 2014 THANKSGIVING LUNCH FOR ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF OCTOBER 10TH AT 11:30 A.M. 2014-2015 Oct. 3 (Fri) - Outdoors Club to Spruce Woods Oct. 8 (Wed) - CPF meeting 7p.m. Oct. 9 (Thurs) - Gr.6 Girls’ needles Oct. 10 (Fri) - Thanksgiving Lunch Oct. 13 (Mon) - Thanksgiving Day SCHOOL CLOSED Oct.17 (Fri) -Student Council fundraiser due Oct. 20 (Mon) - Mago The Magician Oct. 24 (Fri) - SAGE Conference NO CLASSES Oct. 27—Green Kids presentation a.m. Oct. 28—Nutritional snack for students Oct. 29 (Wed) - Earth Rangers Presentation Grades 5 and 6 -Picture retakes 11:00 -We Day Oct.30 (Thurs) - EAMS school dance for Gr.6-8 7-10 pm Nov. 3 (Mon) - P.D. Day NO CLASSES Nov. 5&6 (Wed/Thurs) - SSG Retreat Nov. 11 (Tues) - Remembrance Day SCHOOLS CLOSED Nov. 13 (Mon) - Student Led Conferences Nov. 14 (Fri) - Parent/Teacher Day NO CLASSES Nov. 28 (Fri) - P.D. Day NO CLASSES Dec. 22 - Jan. 2 CHRISTMAS BREAK Jan. 5 (Mon) - First day of Spring Term RUN WALK CYCLE It’s Active School Travel Week this week, October 6-10, 2014. The purpose of the event is to promote active travel to school. Active school travel refers to any form of transportation that requires physical activity (walking, biking, in-line skating). It is an opportunity to discuss the benefits of active modes of transportation. Active transportation to and from school offers many benefits to kids, schools and parents, including: Promoting physical activity, which helps students perform better in school and reduces the risk of childhood obesity Encouraging healthier lifestyles through active school travel Raising awareness of how walkable a community is and where improvements can be made Increasing time for social interaction Saving money from less car use Reducing traffic congestion around the school (creating a safer environment for students in pick up and drop off zones) Improving air quality around schools (fewer parents dropping off children by car) Encouraging action on climate change through reduced vehicle emissions Promoting environmental education for students The RCMP will be invited to provide extra safe eyes on the street during active School Travel Week, especially around the schools. We hope you will take this opportunity to participate in this worthwhile endeavour! LIFETOUCH PICTURES RE-TAKE DAY October 29th - 11:00 P.M. If you did not order pictures the 1st time around you can do so now. There will be no retakes for these pictures. OCTOBER SWIMMING DATES: Thursday October 16th: Leaving at 9:05 - 5D, 5K, JLS Leaving at 9:50 - 5GL, 6Lu, JLS Thursday October 23rd: Leaving at 9:05 - 6Co, 6Cr, JLS OC T O B E R 2 0 1 4 Page 2 THANKSGIVING LUNCH Our school will again be hosting a Thanksgiving lunch for all students and staff on Friday, October 10th at 11:30 a.m. in the gym. This event will be free of charge. Thank you to our School, Student Council, and the many donations from various businesses for providing some of the funds necessary to make this happen. CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH The next CPF Portage Chapter meeting will be held on October 8th at 7 pm in the school library. We are planning for a Halloween dance at ECVS on October 29th. Dancing, picture booth, activities, and crafts are being planned for this Spooktacular Event. We are always accepting new membership. Our email address is [email protected] Feb. 6 (Fri) - Parent/Teacher Day NO CLASSES Feb. 16 (Mon) - Louis Riel Day SCHOOLS CLOSED March 6 (Fri) - P.D. Day NO CLASSES March 30 - April 3 SPRING BREAK April 10 (Fri) - P.D. Day NO CLASSES May 18 (Mon) - Victoria Day SCHOOLS CLOSED FCC DRIVE AWAY HUNGER CAMPAIGN 29 (Mon) - Last Day For Students The Students for Change (SFC), EAMS’s social justice group, is collecting food for the June June 30 (Tues) - Admin. Day FCC Drive Away Hunger campaign and trying to raise awareness about poverty and hunNO CLASSES ger in our community. Until October 9th the group will share a fact about poverty and hunger on the morning announcements. They will also collect and weigh the amount of food that each homeroom collects each day. The class that collects the most until October 9th will receive an award for their efforts. STUDENTS FOR CHANGE The Students for Change are a group of grade 8 students looking to make the world a better place by raising awareness on different issues that concern them, the local community and the world at large. Throughout the year they will take on various campaigns and be responsible for organizing and implementing their plan. Your support for this group is appreciated. STUDENT SUPPORT GROUP NEWS We are in the process of selecting the Student Support Group Members for this year. This is a difficult task because we have many students who are interested in being involved and who could contribute positively to the program. This year, students were asked to apply if they were interested in being an SSG. In the next few weeks, information collected from homerooms about positive leaders in each grade and from teachers will be used to make selections for group members this year. The list of chosen SSG’s will be announced by the middle of October. This year, the training for SSGs will take place in November at Valley View Bible Camp. The training will focus on team building, communication skills, and helping skills. The SSG group is expected to help work towards having every student in our school feel that they belong and are valued. Each year, they choose and organize activities that promote positive school climate. I am looking forward to working with this group of students this year. HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The Home and School Association will again be selling Peak of the Market vegetable bundles as our fundraiser in November. If you don't wish to order vegetables for yourself you can always purchase some as a donation to the food bank (as indicated on the form) and they will be delivered directly to our local food bank. Watch for order forms to come out later in October. We will also be developing a new volunteer list for our 3 yearly activities (Peak of the Market Sale, Christmas Pancake Breakfast, and Student Variety Night). If you can help out with any of these events please complete the volunteer form your child brings home which also enters your child into a draw for some great prizes. The Home and School Assoc. holds 4 meetings per year. We try to incorporate the 3 F's of success - food, family, and fun in our activities. We may even have food at our next meeting which is scheduled for 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 18/14 in the EAMS library. Everyone is welcome. VOLLEYBALL Volleyball teams have been selected and have been hard at work practicing. This year we will have two boys teams and, for the first time in EAMS history, three girls teams. Thank you to our coaches Mrs.Bartinski, Mrs. Collett, Mr.Muirhead, Mr. Green, Mrs. Green, Mr. Boychuk, Mrs.Moffat, Ms.VanDeynze, Mrs.Goertzen, Mrs. Mills and Mrs.Rheault. Without your time and effort EAMS would not be able to offer so many students the opportunity to play and represent our school. League play will begin at the start of November, with our division tournament being held on October 18 (girls at YQS, boys at LVS). Come out and cheer on our athletes as they compete this season. COACHES NEEDED Looking for Basketball Coaches for EAMS Teams. We are still in need of 1 coach for the Boy's Team and 1 coach for the Girl's Team. The season tryouts start the end of November and the regular season goes until February. Please contact the school if you'd be interested . CURLING A SHOUT OUT to all curlers at EAMS! The roaring is back for another season! This year students are scheduled to play 10 games. The curling season runs from November to March and students must commit themselves to the full season. The season will begin with a curling clinic which offers instruction for both the beginning curler as well as those with more experience. It is a wonderful opportunity to brush up on or learn something new. Curlers will either curl Mondays or Tuesdays after school at the Portage Curling Club from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. Students are responsible for arranging their own rides to and from the rink. If your child is interested in joining, now is the time to start thinking of organizing your team! Sign up in the office mid-October! Students, please listen to announcements at the school for further information on starting dates and sign up dates. HOUSE LEAGUES House Leagues are up and running again! For those students and staff who are new to the school, House League is a yearlong tournament in which students and staff are divided into 8 Houses: Aaron Asham House Cindy Klassen House Jennifer Botterill House Steve Nash House Wayne Gretzky House Sandra Schmirler House Terry Fox House Mike Wear House Students remain in the same House League until they leave us after Grade 8. Throughout the year, students participate in dress-up days and whole-school, team-building activities. The first dress-up day will be for Halloween on Friday, October 31st. Students dress in costume and earn points for their House. CROSS COUNTRY The Cross Country Team had over 78 enthusiastic runners on the team this season. Students from grades 5-8 have been running at lunch to practice for their meets. So far this season the team has competed in 2 meets. The season kicked off with the race in Oakville September 16th at Morrison Sports Fields. The grade 5& 6's raced 2km and the grade 7&8's raced 3km. EAMS won all 4 races. Special mention to 1st-Grade 5&6 Boys Colby Irwin, 1st- Grade 5&6 Girls-Chanel Cabak, 1st-Grade 7&8 Boys Max Neill, 1st-Grade 7&8 Girls- Erin Owens. Other top 10 performers were Calli Owens, Reegan Vanstone, Natasha Rosset, Cienna Kirton, Hayden Mcleod, Carson Schepp, Riley Borody, Kristian Harley, Briley Wing, Hayden Mattice, Simone Crevier, Abby Vanstone, Kami Miller, Olivia Lovett, Rosie Wilson, Darren reamer, and Matt Boyachuk. The second race of the season was held in Republic Park on September 23rd. Once again EAMS teams won all divisions. Great performances in Grade 5& 6 Boys Colby Irwin, Grade 5&6 Girls-Chanel Cabak, 1st-Grade 7&8 Boys Max Neill, 1st-Grade 7&8 Girls- Erin Owens. Other top performers were Ty Funk, Ryan Botterill, Briley Wing, Kristian Harley, Riley Borody, Callie Owens, Natasha Rosset, Hayden Mcleod, Cienna Kirton, Reegan Vanstone,Darren Reimer, Matt Boychuk, Simone Crevier, Alyssa Mcleod, Abby Vanstone, Kami Miller, Olivia Lovett. Way to go to ALL runners! Our season wraps up with the Cities Championships in Republic Park, and the Provincial Chmapionships in Winnipeg. MEDIC ALERT NO CHILD WITHOUT Medic Alert's No Child Without Program is at Our School The No Child Without program offers a free Medic Alert membership to students who attend our school and are between the ages of 4 up to their 14th birthday. If your child has a medical condition, allergy or is required to take medication on a regular basis then you should consider a Medic Alert membership through this program. Medic Alert is your child’s voice in an emergency, Medic Alert membership; Gives emergency first responders immediate access to a your child’s medical information on their Medic Alert bracelet or necklet Enables first responders to quickly obtain up to date medical information by means of the child’s Electronic Health Record through the 24 Hour Emergency Hotline. Communicates with the parent or emergency contact upon activation of the Hotline Allows free updates of the child’s medical record as needed Medic Alert identification can alert school staff, friends, coaches and others about your child’s medical condition should an emergency occur. For further information come to the office for a brochure or go to www.nochildout.ca. To register your child you will need a No Child Without brochure from the office. If your child is already part of the No Child Without program and there have been changes to their medical condition, medications or emergency contact information, call MedicAlert at 1-866-679-3220 Ext 1 to update your child’s file. TERRY FOX EAMs had a motivational KickOff Assembly for the Terry Fox Walk which was held on Friday September 26th. The Assembly featured Brenda Kreuger from Terry's team who shared her passion for Terry Fox and his Marathon of Hope. The day of the Terry Fox Walk was a beautiful fall day and an assembly to was held to thank the coin collectors-Abby Vanstone and Simone Crevier, the coins counters-the Junior Life Skills Class. The winners of the Poster Contest were announced: 1st Ty Funk and Hannah Umperville, 2nd Ava Matthews-Mcully, 3rd Carson Schepp. A video tribute was made and then after a rousing warmup, everyone headed out for the walk which led everyone along Crescent Lake. When the students got back they enjoyed a BBQ and picnic lunch.Thanks to everyone who donated to this worthy cause! Our school was able to make a donation of over $1,200 SNACK A BIG THANK YOU to Mayfair Farms for once again donating a cool treat of a wheelbarrow full of watermelon for a hot September day! Thank you also to the fancy knife work of Dana Geisel, Jonita Johnson, Sara Thess, and Carole Lupkowski in preparing the snack. We are always looking for volunteers to help prepare the snack. If you have time to invest about 1 1/2 - 2 hours/month (and witness the smiles from the kids when they see food coming) we would greatly appreciate your help. Call the school to volunteer. LIBRARY NEWS The fish are on an extended summer vacation, but by the time you readc this they should have been scooped from their pond and returned to our aquarium. Congratulations to the winners of the “Terry Fox Word Search” Contest! They were: Waylon Beaulieu, Chase Fedak and Grady Mooney. Each of them received a book, a poster and a goodie bag of bookmarks, stickers, etc. One of the newest additions to our Library collection is the Divergent Series by Veronica Roth. It is very popular amoung older students. HEAR YE! HEAR YE! An invitation by Royal Decree to: The Scholastic“ Kingdom of Books” Book Fair November 13th, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. November 14th, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Do your Christmas shopping early - books make great gifts for students and teachers. Enter to win a Door Prize and enter our “Guess How Many” contest! CANADIAN RED CROSS BABYSITTER'S COURSE Emergencies sometimes do happen even to the best babysitters. The babysitting course teaches youth how to handle emergencies with confidence by providing the basic first aid skills to common problems. This course also covers a variety of important responsibilities such as feeding a baby, diaper changes, and caring for and playing games with children of all ages. Classes will be on Sunday, October 12th and 19th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. OR Sunday, November 9th and 16th from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Registration cost is $60 per student plus book cost. Students must be between 11 and 15 years old. For more information or to register please call Red River College, Portage Campus at 204-856-1914. RESULTS OF THE TERM 1 FITNESS TESTING: TOP SCORES Beep test: Grade 5 Boys- Kristjan Harley Grade 5 Girls- Jaelyn Duncan,Hayden Mcleod, Calli Owens Grade 6 Boys-Colby Irwin Grade 6 Girls-Natasha Rosset, Reegan Vanstone Grade 7 Boys-Ryan Robinson, Trent McBurney Grade 7 Girls-Erin Owens Grade 8 Boys-Max Neill Grade 8 Girls-Abby Vanstone Chin Ups Grade 5 Boys-Teagan Wollbaum Grade 5 Girls-Alex Sarna Grade 6 Boys- Ty Funk Grade 6 Girls-Chanel Cabak Grade 7 Boys- Trent Mcburney Grade 7 Girls- Erin Owens Grade 8 Boys- Max Neill Grade 8 Girls- Simone Crevier Curl Ups: Grade 5 Boys-Jacob Younka Grade 5 Girls- Czarina Castellano Grade 6 Boys-Tristen Dezeng, Riley Borody Grade 6 Girls-Chanel Cabak Grade 7 Boys-Ryan Robinson Grade 7 Girls-Keisha Cruz Grade 8 Boys-Joey Moffat Grade 8 Girls-Abby Vanstone, Simone Crevier Push Ups: Grade 5 Boys-Briley Wing Grade 5 Girls- Hayden Mcleod Grade 6 Boys-Ethan Pritchett Grade 6 Girls-Maddie Essery Grade 7 Boys-Donovan Anderson Grade 7 Girls-Madison Ballantyne Grade 8 Boys-Gabe Friesen Grade 8 Girls-Kyndree Majoros Sit & Reach: Grade 5 Boys-Julien Wermie Grade 5 Girls- Sydney Rumpli Grade 6 Boys-Josh Post Grade 6 Girls-Cassie Allard Grade 7 Boys-Cole Blight Grade 7 Girls-Erole Delloson Grade 8 Boys-Max Neill Grade 8 Girls-Kyla Jonas ÉCO L E A R T HU R MEI G H EN S CH O OL 201 River Road Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3W2 Phone: 204-857-3405 Fax: 204-239-5943 Our Website is: www.plpsd.mb.ca/eams ATTENDANCE OFFICER/SOCIAL WORKER EAMS is pleased to welcome Ms. Kelsey Bereza, a 3rd year Social Work student from U of M. Ms. Bereza will be working with us from Sept.29 until April as part of the School Division’s Student Services team. She will be here on Monday afternoons and Wednesdays mornings. A warm welcome to Ms. Bereza! STUDENT COUNCIL FUNDRAISING Student Council fundraising packages will be sent home with participating students this week. Catalogs include: “Snow Fun” (Christmas décor, gift wrap, cards, home décor, jewelry), ‘Chocolate Dream’, and ‘Gourmet Delights’. Orders will be due by Friday, Oct. 17th. Students can register online, if they’d like to have out of town friends/family purchase items. HALLOWEEN DANCE The student council will be putting on a Halloween dance October 30th from 7:00– 10:00 for students in grade 6-8. The cost will be $5.00 and tickets will be on sale the week leading up to it in front of the office. Students must pre-purchase tickets. No tickets will be sold at the door. COMMUNITY EVENTS Portage Regional Library: Storytime: Thursdays, October 9 - 30. Ages 3 - 6 EAMS 1:30 - 2:00 p.m. This is a child and caregiver session. October 24: PD Day at the Library. For children in grades 1 - 6 . 10 am. - 4 pm. Registration required. October 25: Pre-School Dance Party: Children ages 3 - 6. Registration is required. 10:00 - 11:00am. October 29: Hoots & Howls Hallowe’en Haunt . Students in grades 1-5. 6:45-8:00 p.m. Registration required. October 30: BOO! For students in grades 6—8. 6:45—8:00 pm. Registration required. October 31: Witch Way is the Candy? All day the library. All ages are welcome to drop by the library for a special Hallowe’en treat. Please call the Library for any information: 204-857-4271. Or go to www.portagelibrary.com SCHOOL POLICY OF THE MONTH ARRIVAL, DEPARTURE, SIGNING IN AND OUT Remember - the classroom doors are locked until 8:30 am. Students arriving after 9:00 must report to the Office, sign in and get a late slip before proceeding to the class. For signing out / early leaving - At times throughout the school year students may have to leave school early for appointments, etc. Please send a note to school explaining the early leaving to the Teacher or phone the school beforehand. ATTENDANCE AT SPECIAL EVENTS Attendance at school is always compulsory for all events. If, for some reason, attendance is optional, a special letter will go home explain this. ATTENDANCE Regular and punctual attendance is of paramount importance to all students. This is not only basic to satisfactory achievement but it is an important factor in June for determining exemptions. All students absenteeism must be covered by an explanation from the parent / guardian. This can be done either through a telephone call from the parent or guardian or a written explanation sent to the school. For lengthy absences, it is expected the home will contact the school prior to the start of the absence, whenever possible. FIRE DRILLS Fire drills will be held during the year, on a regular basis ten per year.
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