CR 40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project Addendum No. 1 November 17, 2014 p. 1 CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project Addendum Number 1 November 17, 2014 The following Addendum supersedes all earlier Plans, Specifications, and Bid Documents. Revisions to Plans and Specifications: The wage scale to be used for this project has been added to the specifications in Division 2 Two line items have been added: #15 (Crushed Limestone for Approaches) and #16 (Geogrid) to the specifications in Division 2 These two line items have been added to the Bid Tab Crushed Limestone has been added to two drives on page 12 of the plans Attachments: Revised Division 2 of the specifications Revised page 12 of the plan set Revised Bid Tab Division 2: Bid Documents For County Road 40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project _____________________________________________________________________ OWNERS: ELKHART COUNTY, INDIANA, ACTING THROUGH ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 117 N. SECOND STREET GOSHEN, IN 46526 _____________________________________________________________________ Elkhart County Highway Department 610 Steury Avenue, Goshen, Indiana 46528 Phone: 574-534-9394 • Fax: 574-533-7103 11/17/2014 ROAD PROJECTS Bid Documents CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project _____________________________________________________________________ NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Elkhart County, Indiana, will receive bids up to 9:00 A.M. on Monday, December 1, 2014, for the County Road 40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project. It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that its bid is delivered on time to the Office of the Elkhart County Commissioners, County Administration Building, 117 N. Second Street, Goshen, IN 46526. Plans, Specifications and bidding documents may be obtained from the Elkhart County Highway Department, website at starting at 9:00 AM on Monday, November 10, 2014. Plans, Specifications and Bidding Documents may not be obtained prior to this date and time. Plans, Specifications and Bidding Documents will be available for inspection at the Elkhart County Highway Department Office, 610 Steury Ave, Goshen, Indiana starting on Monday, November 10, 2014. A pre-bid meeting will be held at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at the Elkhart County Highway Department, 610 Steury Avenue, Goshen, IN 46528. The pre-bid meeting is not mandatory, however attendance is recommended to receive the latest updates and have questions answered in the timeliest manner. Proposals shall be properly and completely executed on proposal forms furnished by the County in accordance with Revised Indiana Form 96 and shall be accompanied by the Contractor’s Financial Statement form taken from Form 96A for any proposal of $5,000 or more. The Contractor shall submit an itemized proposal of the approximate quantities and components of labor and materials to complete the contract. Said proposal shall be upon the standard bid sheets used by Elkhart County, and said sheet must contain an authorized signature of the Contractor, or the bid of the Contractor may, at the discretion of Elkhart County, be rejected and declared invalid. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a non-collusion affidavit as required by the Statutes of Indiana. Bids shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, bearing the title of the project and name and address of bidder. Bids will be accepted only from bidders who are sufficiently and currently pre-qualified by the Indiana Department of Transportation. Proof of pre-qualifications must be submitted with the bid. A current Contractor’s Financial Statement taken from Form 96A and the Indiana Department of Transportation prequalification certificate may be placed on file with the Board of County Commissioners of Elkhart County at the Highway Division annually in lieu of executing these documents for each project. All work may begin on January 1, 2015 and shall be completed by June 25, 2015. Delays in completion beyond that date shall result in liquidated damages levied against the Contractor by Elkhart County. The damage charges shall be one thousand dollars ($1000) per day beyond the above stated dates. A satisfactory bid bond (10% of bid), payable to the Board of County Commissioners of Elkhart County, Indiana executed by the bidder shall be submitted with each bid. Wage rates on this work shall not be less than the prescribed scale for wages as determined pursuant to the Provisions of IC 5-16-7. No bids shall be withdrawn after the opening of the bids without the consent of the Board of Commissioners of Elkhart County for a period of thirty (30) days after the scheduled time of closing. Said work shall be subject to all the provisions of the plans and specifications therefore herein above referred to including the completion date thereof and penalty clause as therein set forth. th Dated this 27 day of October, 2014 Board of County Commissioners of Elkhart County By Pauline Graff, Auditor 11/17/2014 ROAD PROJECTS Bid Documents CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project _____________________________________________________________________ 11/17/2014 ROAD PROJECTS Bid Documents CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project _____________________________________________________________________ 11/17/2014 ROAD PROJECTS Bid Documents CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project _____________________________________________________________________ 11/17/2014 ROAD PROJECTS Bid Documents CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project ITEMIZED BID TAB _____________________________________________________________________ County Road 40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project The approximate quantities for this contract are as shown itemized on the attached pages. If extra work is necessary due to shifting of any of the items of construction or if additional work is called for in accordance with these specifications, such work shall be paid for on the basis of the following itemized unit prices. In addition to the above, the said unit prices shall also be the basis of payment to the Contractor for actual quantities placed. The attached sheet (s) must be completely filled out and submitted with the sealed bid or Elkhart County may at its discretion, reject the bid and declare the same invalid. An authorized signature of the Contractor is mandatory upon the bid sheets. All other items necessary to properly complete this project or specifically outlined, shall be included within the line items provided and will be considered as incidental. The award of this contract will be based on the sum of the items listed below. No. Item Quantity Unit 1 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS 2 Inspection Equipment 1 LS 3 Earthwork 1 LS 4 Topsoil 100 CYS 5 Sawcut 24 LFT 6 No. 53 Compacted Aggregate for Subgrade Treatment 1000 TON 7 No. 2 Compacted Aggregate for Subgrade Treatment 100 TON 8 Geogrid for Subgrade Treatment 300 SYS 9 Excavation for Subgrade Treatment 300 CYS 10 HMA, Type C, Surface 9.5 mm 520 TON Unit Price 11/17/2014 Bid Amount ROAD PROJECTS Bid Documents CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project ITEMIZED BID TAB _____________________________________________________________________ 11 HMA, Type C, Intermediate 19.0 mm 1030 TON 12 HMA, Type C, Base 19.0 mm 1030 TON 13 Compacted Aggregate, No. 53, for Base 2080 TON 14 HMA for Approaches, Type A 20 TON 15 Crushed Limestone for Approaches 12 TON 16 Geogrid 5340 SYS 17 Asphalt for Tack Coat 4 TON 18 Structure Backfill, Type 1 190 CYS 19 RCP Pipe 18 IN 55 LFT 20 RCP Pipe 48 IN 120 LFT 21 RCP Pipe 30 IN 70 LFT 22 RCP Pipe 15 IN 40 LFT 23 Pipe End Section, 18 IN 2 EA 24 Pipe End Section, 48 IN 2 EA 25 Pipe End Section, 30 IN 2 EA 26 Pipe End Section, 15 IN 2 EA 27 Geotextile 30 SYS 11/17/2014 ROAD PROJECTS Bid Documents CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project ITEMIZED BID TAB _____________________________________________________________________ 28 Riprap, Revetment 15 TON 29 Mulched Seeding, R 14780 SYS 30 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, White, 4 IN. 3930 LFT 31 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, Yellow, 4 IN. 3930 LFT 32 Temporary Check Dam, Revetment Riprap 48 TON 33 Temporary Geotextile 40 SYS 34 Temporary Silt Fence 4060 LFT 35 Temporary Seeding 8680 SYS 36 Right of Way Marker 15 EA 37 Delineator with Post, D1 13 EA 38 Special Right of Way Conditions 1 LS 39 Maintenance of Traffic 1 LS 40 Barricade, III-A 48 LFT 41 Barricade, III-B 48 LFT 42 Road Closure Sign Assembly 4 EA 43 Detour Route Marker Assembly 16 EA 44 Construction Sign, Type A 4 EA $ 50,000.00 11/17/2014 $ 50,000.00 ROAD PROJECTS Bid Documents CR40 Reconstruction and Realignment Project ITEMIZED BID TAB _____________________________________________________________________ 45 Construction Engineering 1 LS 46 Mobilization and Demobilization 1 LS 11/17/2014 ROAD PROJECTS BID DOCUMENTS CR17 Between CR40 and CR38 Road Improvement Project ________________________________________________________________________ This Bid shall be so prepared as to properly indicate: One (1) total lump sum to furnish labor, materials, services and equipment to perform the work indicated in the drawings and as specified herein. The Award of this project will be based on the “Total” bid price as indicated below. NOTE: Any Item may be withdrawn by Elkhart County at any time prior to the placement of the material. ELKHART COUNTY BID TOTAL ______________________________________________________ dollars ($____________________________________________________________________) Acknowledge Receipt of Addenda No.(s) ___________________________. Submitted by: _________________________________________ Company _________________________________________ Authorized Signature Date: _____________________ Phone: _____________________ ATTEST: _________________________________________ 11/17/2014 Sec. 29, T36N, R6E Elkhart Township Elkhart County KIM WILFONG AND SUZANNE WILFONG +59 STR 13 40 Lft. of 15" RCP, 2 End Sect. Inv. UP = 825.65 Inv. DN = 825.00 PLAN AND PROFILE LINE 'CR40 PROPOSED' DENNIS L. SORG CREDIT SHELTER TRUST 50' incidental construction for pavement & shoulder transition App. PL Sta. 79+59.49, 35.00' Lt. 'B' Field Entrance (Crushed Limestone) 2' ) CR40 (existing App. Exist. R/W Proposed 12' K Line 'B' ed''PRB' Line 'CR40 Propos 12' Crushed Limestone for Drive to match Transition K End Project P.O.T. Sta 19+60.89 'PRB' = O.P.O.T. Sta 80+55.68 'B', 0.22 LT 2' App. Exist. R/W HERBERT L. MILLER & MARY H. MILLER HERBERT L. MILLER & MARY H. MILLER LEGEND: K Sec. 29, T36N, R6E Elkhart Township Elkhart County All R/W described from line 'B'. Line 'CR40 Proposed' to be constructed. Mainline Full-Depth Pavement (including shoulder) 165 lbs/yd2 HMA, Type C Surface 9.5 mm on 330 lbs/yd2 HMA, Type C Intermediate 19.0 mm on 330 lbs/yd2 HMA, Type C Base 19.0 mm on 6" Compacted Aggregate, Size No. 53, Base TBM "C" Set Benchtie in N. face of PP #536-989 on S. side of CR 40(existing). Elev.: 823.96 840 840 50' incidental construction for pavement transition 835 835 830 830 Profile Grade -0.91% 825 825 1.44% +19.49 EL. 825.00 820 815 End Project Sta. 19+60.89 'PRB' Elev. = 825.10 Existing Ground +20 Lt. Inv. = 825.00 820 +59 Lt Inv. = 825.65 Special Ditch Profile Left 815 18+00 19+00 825.2 825.20 805 826.2 825.65 805 827.1 826.10 810 827.3 826.41 810 20+00 Elkhart County highway department 610 STEURY AVE, GOSHEN, IN 46528 PH: 574-534-9394 FAX: 574-533-7103 WWW.ELKCOHWY.ORG RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL DESIGN ENGINEER DESIGNED: JLZ DRAWN: CHECKED: CHECKED: JAG DATE CMR JLZ ELKHART COUNTY HORIZONTAL SCALE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT VERTICAL SCALE PLAN AND PROFILE CR40 PROPOSED ROAD FILE 1"=20' DESIGNATION 1"=5' SURVEY BOOK SHEETS 12 CONTRACT 34 PROJECT Bid Form No. Item Quantity Unit 1 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS 2 Inspection Equipment 1 LS 3 Earthwork 1 LS 4 Topsoil 100 CYS 5 Sawcut 24 LFT 6 No. 53 Compacted Aggregate for Subgrade Treatment 1000 TON 7 No. 2 Compacted Aggregate for Subgrade Treatment 100 TON 8 Geogrid for Subgrade Treatment 300 SYS 9 Excavation for Subgrade Treatment 300 CYS 10 HMA, Type C, Surface 9.5 mm 520 TON 11 HMA, Type C, Intermediate 19.0 mm 1030 TON 12 HMA, Type C, Base 19.0 mm 1030 TON 13 Compacted Aggregate, No. 53, for Base 2080 TON 14 HMA for Approaches, Type A 20 TON 15 Crushed Limestone for Approaches 12 TON 16 Geogrid 5340 SYS 17 Asphalt for Tack Coat 4 TON 18 Structure Backfill, Type 1 190 CYS 19 RCP Pipe 18 IN 55 LFT 20 RCP Pipe 48 IN 120 LFT 21 RCP Pipe 30 IN 70 LFT 22 RCP Pipe 15 IN 40 LFT Unit Price Bid Amount 23 Pipe End Section, 18 IN 2 EA 24 Pipe End Section, 48 IN 2 EA 25 Pipe End Section, 30 IN 2 EA 26 Pipe End Section, 15 IN 2 EA 27 Geotextile 30 SYS 28 Riprap, Revetment 15 TON 29 Mulched Seeding, R 14780 SYS 30 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, White, 4 IN. 3930 LFT 31 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, Yellow, 4 IN. 3930 LFT 32 Temporary Check Dam, Revetment Riprap 48 TON 33 Temporary Geotextile 40 SYS 34 Temporary Silt Fence 4060 LFT 35 Temporary Seeding 8680 SYS 36 Right of Way Marker 15 EA 37 Delineator with Post, D1 13 EA 38 Special Right of Way Conditions 1 LS 39 Maintenance of Traffic 1 LS 40 Barricade, III-A 48 LFT 41 Barricade, III-B 48 LFT 42 Road Closure Sign Assembly 4 EA 43 Detour Route Marker Assembly 16 EA 44 Construction Sign, Type A 4 EA 45 Construction Engineering 1 LS 46 Mobilization and Demobilization 1 LS $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00
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