NISL NEWS 24 - The Netherlands International School Lagos

The Netherlands International School Lagos
13 A/B Walter Carrington Crescent
Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: +234 813 864 8489/08082211745
E-mail: [email protected]
Lagos, 7thof March, 2014
Easter celebration (school closes at 12 noon)
Easter Break
Friday 11th of April
Monday 14th – Friday 25th of April
Birthday calendar
Sarah Collins
19th of March, Year 2
From the Principal
What an exciting week again! All students and staff were back in school with great passion for another
period of learning at NISL. We started last Monday with a refurbished and extended classroom for juf
Claske’s group 3&4. The English class of Miss Maya has also moved to a beautiful new room, next to the
Library. Thank you to the staff, board and teachers for their involvement and positive cooperation in
making the necessary moves and changes.
More excitement came in the past two days during the camp for Year 3 & 4 and Group 5,6,7. They had a
fantastic camp, with a fun filled programme and many memorable moments. A huge thank you goes out
to the company who provided transport and security - Friesland Campina, as well as all parents who
provided braai meat, snacks and breakfast. Last but definitely not least, well done to the teachers juf
Eveline, juf Nynke and Miss Gretel. Thank you for organising such a brilliant camp for the children.
Enjoy your weekend.
Gerard Veneman
After School Activities
Please find attached the new overview of registered children for the various After School Activities for
this term. The soccer and swimming lessons are still on-going, while the new term for all other activities
is starting on Monday. This term of ASA will end in May and also be the last one of this school year.
Please follow our school procedure for registering. So if you haven’t enrolled your child(ren) yet and you
would still like to do so, please pass by Miss Grace in the office for registration.
Please note that it is not allowed to make any arrangements regarding ASA directly with the coaches, as
we need to have an overview of enrolments and payments. Thank you!
- Great education for our children! -
For any questions please contact juf Claske ([email protected])
IPC Personal Goals
As mentioned before, it is very important to us to ensure that NISL children develop individual qualities
and dispositions we believe they will find essential in the 21st century. We refer to these dispositions as
our personal goals. During January and February we focused on the personal goals of communication,
cooperation, enquiry, morality and resilience.
This Monday we will kick off with the new personal goal - respect.
We learn about the different needs of people, living things and the environment.
We show respect for the needs of other people, living things and the environment.
We behave properly towards other people, living things and environment.
School camp
On Thursday and Friday the children of Year 3 and 4 and groep 5,6,7 had a fabulous two days on their
school camp. On Thursday the children went to the Ikeja Saddle Club where they got to learn and
experience a lot about horses. Our friendly and helpful guides, under leadership of Mrs Micky Nijboer,
showed us how to groom, clean and saddle a horse as well as telling us all about their diet and weight.
We worked out that about 25-30 of our students would weigh the same as a big horse! After we had
ridden the horses the children had some free time under the big trees and made up all sorts of games
with their lucky horse shoes that they had collected earlier. The day was brought to an exciting end with
some night games played by torch light. All of the teachers from school joined us to play and we had so
much fun guessing their hiding places.
On Friday after a sumptuous breakfast we headed off for a day of fun and swimming at Federal Palace.
The children have had to be independent and respectful over these two days and despite all of the fun
and games they have been developing their social and emotional skills at the same time. We are very
proud of their excellent behaviour and thoughtfulness for others; please ask them to talk you through all
that they have done.
As with all school functions we would not have been able to arrange such a wonderful day had it not
been for juf Evelien and some of our super Mums who always step in to help. Khim McCall, Gillian Jones,
Memory Gumbo and Maartje Aleman we are very grateful for your help and generosity, a big thank you
also to Willemijn Hamaker our Chairlady of the board for helping us with arrangements for Federal
- Great education for our children! -
Class of the week – Reception
The past week has been an enjoyable one for the children in Reception. After experimenting and
practising the making of all types of lines, we made beautiful art pieces. We practised our cutting skills
and as a product we have colourful spiralled snakes hanging from our classroom ceiling! The children are
masters in the art of drawing themselves and they helped each other in making sure they drew all their
body parts during this activity.
During our music lessons this week we learned more about instruments from the brass and woodwind
section. We also took turns playing the xylophone, tambour, shakers and other instruments. We learned
new songs and our favourite one is the new circle time song: “How do you do?”
In Maths we enjoyed the games and activities where we had to add one or two to any number of dots on
the dice, cubes or ladybird spots. Guessing the mystery number in the feely bag, saying what is one more
- Great education for our children! -
and two more, and guessing the number their friend has written on their back were just as exciting! To
end off the week’s number work we practised our letter formation on the big wall outside and washed
the chalk off with water and paintbrushes.
In Language, we did alphabet work, unscrambled sentences, wrote words from the same family on
whiteboards and picture cards and enjoyed guided reading activities.
Reception decided that making ice lollies to enjoy after PE, has to be part of every Thursday’s daily
routine. These juicy ice shapes was definitely a highlight of the week and will be in the future too.
- Great education for our children! -