THE HARLEM VALLEY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1968 lllXllXllllXXXXXXXlXlllXllllXXITIEXgXXTTTYTYYTYTTT jj What's What7* Hfifth™i<n> Baby? R^kv? Happenin' N N BY EILEEN DWYER The Seventh Annual Science Fair was held on Saturday, May 25. The chairman of the Science Fair was Vicki Culver. The assistant chairman was Susan Wells.. The other chairmen were: Eileen Dwyer, publicity; Mike Reynolds, layout; Dianne Giblin, hostess; Vivian Chodan, arrangements; and Patti Bida, office. The projects of the Science Fair were set up on Friday, May 24 in the various assigned rooms. Grades 10-12 set up their projects in Mr. DesChamps room. There were several categories for the grades 7-9. Grades 7-9 under Biology, with two per group, were set up in Mr. Riemer's room; Grades 7-9, with three per group, were set up in Mr. Waldinger's room; Grades 7-9, under Physical Science, were set up in Room 15. The judging took place from ten o'clock until one o'clock. The following judges generously donated their time: Mrs. Mary Suppon, Dr. Walter B. Lukens, Mr. Albert Anderson, Mr. Victor Smith, Mrs. Shirley Shoifet, Mr. Robert Meade, Mr. Richard Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth McEnroe, Dr. Daniel Kappel, Mr. Kent Kay, Dr. John Brinker, Dr. Carnes Weeks, Mr. Mike Sachter, Dr. Michael Badeen, and Dr. LaMastra. Some of the winning projects will be exhibited at a later date. The awards will be given out at the Awards Assembly on June 10. A birthday party was held at Jimmy Pratt's house for Rose Marie Marchi, Richard Marston, and Jimmy Pratt. Their birthdays were celebrated on this one occasion because they were May 8, 14, and 16, and they were so close together that their friends decided to give them one big party. Guests came from Amenia, Amenia Union, Sharon Valley, Millerton and Wassaic. On Friday, May 17, Sheila Coon at the 4H Dress Review held at Arlington Senior High School, was chosen as one of the 15 girls to represent Dutchess County at the District Dress Review. There were 389 girls participating in the Dress Review from Dutchess County. The 1968 Junior -Prom elections resulted in Richard Beaton as the king and a tie for the Queen—between Pamela Warwick and Donna Canevari. Congratulations!!! Friday, May 24, there was a dance at the American Legion Hall in Millerton. There was a crowd of 131 there and everyone had a blast!! The Ones played, with a new organ player. The highlight of the night was when the trophies for the dance contest donated by the NyConn Riders were awarded. The winners of this event were Gary Miller and Diane Gangloff. The couple who took second place, who also received trophies were Robbie Snyder and Patti Stanley. - Congratulations to the best dancers in .Millerton, Amenia and Wassaic. Other couples who were runnerkti i|^ «fj Jfi Cf* Jft I|J tj» «J» <^ Jft «f- «f» «J»ty*J"f"t*'f > *f* 1 f " f " f " f ' >. THE COUNTRY TAVERN t RESTAURANT Salt Point, N.V. Clinton Corners CO 6 8563 Closed Tuesdays Sat. Reservation Advised • tifi I|I ifi «|l ifi ifi >|« ift Jft iff Jf tiff ifi 'f"f' "f> 'T''^' 'f' 'f' «1» A « t ups were Mike Carr and Donna Sawchuck, Debbie Goggins and Donald Latrel, David Waldron and ? (partner's name unknown); and Frosty Ploof and Denny Parsons. Do you remember long ago when I put in a list of the Seniors who had been accepted at colleges? Well since then there have been a lot more acceptances, so I can tell you about a few of them. Harlem Valley State Hospital, Wingdale, announced the acceptance of Carol Lindsay, a senior at Webutuck Central. Carol is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lindsay of Millerton. She is an active member of Teen Aids, Chorus, Girl's Athletic Association and the Student Leader Corps. Dutchess Community College has announced the acceptance of the following Webutuck Central seniors to their freshman class of 1968. Carolyn Booth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Booth of Tower Hill Road, Millbrook. Carolyn is a member of the Drama Club, AFS Club and Girls' Athletic Association. She will pursue a career in Nursing. George Cooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cooke of Downey Road, Millerton. George is presently enrolled at the Occupational Education School and is a member of the Radio Club. He will enroll in the Electrical Technology Program. Donald Barlow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barlow of South Amenia. Donald participated in varsity basketball and is a member of the Radio Club. He will also begin his studies in the Electrical Technology Program. . James G. Burke, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Burke, Amenia, will study for a Business Career. Kathleen McEniff, daughter of Mrs. Helen McEniff, Amenia, is a member of the Drama Club. Kathy is interested in Elementary Teaching. Last week's picture was of Debbie and Charlene Goggins of Millerton. THIS WEEK'S little girl is now a freshman at Webutuck. She lives in Amenia.' Any ideas? Note :A lot of people have been donating pictures of friends, so don't be surprised if someday you open your paper and see your picture! Web Tide '68 is now completed. The whole staff worked real hard to make this an issue to remember and they should be proud of the great job that they did. The advisor of the "Web Tide '68 staff was Mrs. Theresa Bart el. The Editor-in-Chief was Linda Smith. Design was taken care of by Lee Hulst. Other staff members included Audrey Lewis, Assistant Editor; Pat Horton, Copy Editor; Debra Hersh, Business Editor; and Coeditors: Cindy Mylock, Barb Diester, Debby Schultz, Karen Haley, and Sue Beckwith. In the beginning of the Yearbook can be found the inscription: "A Time for Everything" The old cliches are time worn, yet perhaps the reason for their longevity lies in their truth of meaning. A time for everything does not imply the solitary recognition of giltedged memories. It signifies life itself. Good and Evil, Jqy and Sorrow.—No isolating walls or sugercoating happiness! Our theme embodies this idea. What we are trying to 'present'is a total picture of student activities and the actual life of a school. Not a presentation of ever-smiling faces but the human aspect . . . of inevitable failures and success. In a word, reality. And then comes the dedication. It goes like this: It is with great pleasure that the class of '68 dedicates this yearbook to a man who has offered us laughter when we were saddened, advice when we were confused, and the true value of sportsmanship when we were disillusioned. A great person with a* great love for life . . . Coach Richard Watkins. Soon the class of '68 will be leaving our sacred halls, but they leave their traces, in the form of a huge '68 painted in the middle of the driveway to Webutuck Central School. All of the seniors have signed their names to this memorial of the class of '68. The Dutchess County Scholastic League Track Meet was held at Franklin D. Roosevelt High School, Hyde Park, on May 25. At this meet, which was attended by the Webutuck track team, Bob Campbell won a gold medal in the discus, and a silver medal in the high jump. Gaynor McGhee won a fourth place in the triple jump, and fifth place in the broad jump. Bob Murphy got a fifth place in the 880 yard run. Jim Gordon tied for third in the 100 yard dash, but lost the medal when the two flipped a coin to see who got third and who got fourth. Webutuck's 880 Relay team won a fourth place. The track meet was won by Wappingers in the large school category, and by Red Hook in the small school category. Webutuck placed fourth out of seven schools. Mr. Pavliga was so pleased with his team that on the way home he treated them all to a malt. A lot of the track members Page 9 BECTON, DICKINSON g COMPANY ANTICIPATES STARTING A Third Shift Night Operation IN THE Production Department IF INTERESTED Please Call COLLECT 1-203-824-5487 set new records for themselves, and worked their hardest toward a victory. Around For More Details the Town . . . (From Page 2) venburgh, his brother and sister, Barbara and Peter. Birthday cake and ice cream was served for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scofield and children Ronald, Shelly and Gary of Bedford Hills, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haley of Main Street, on Sunday. Mrs. John Christopher and Lewis Potter of North Salem, N. Y., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude MacArthur. Mrs. Joseph McEnroe and Mrs. Mae Kain of South Amenia attended a Christening Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McEnroe of Dover Plains on Sunday afternoon, May 26. "~ FLY-UP AND BRIDGING PROGRAM On Friday evening, June 7 at the Webutuck High School the Brownies and Girl Scouts will hold a Fly-Up and Bridging Program beginning at 7:30 p.m. There will be approximately 200 girls participating in this program. The community is invited to attend. Mrs. William Fielding, of Barlow School is a patient at Sharon Hospital. At the present time she is improving. Get well wishes are sent to her at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Amundson of Lime Rock, Conn., spent Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pendergast. DOUBLE BIRTHDAYS Two birthdays were celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W^_C_ Pratt in Amenia Union on Sunday, May 26. A. barbecue was given for the birthdays of William Sprossel and Richard Rockwood, both birthdays are in May. Included in this birthday barbecue was a surprise baby shower for Nancy Rockwood. Many friends of all three; attended, and the weather was perfect for an outside barbecue. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 or Complete the Following Certificate Name Add ress To\ VII Telephone Number Hours Available: Full Time Part Time Mail T o : BECTON DICKINSON & CO. Graee Way, Canaan, Conn. 0 6 0 1 8 Many Other Positions Available An Equal Opportunity Employer
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