A BO U T U S Forte Wheels and Sendel Wheels are the exclusive high quality wheel brands of Tireco. Designing with Passion Manufacturing with precision and Designing with Passion is what you’ll find from all of our brands. Artistically created to match the current vehicle styling cues and give tasteful and timeless accents to improve the looks of your vehicle. Well thought out to be elegantly powerful and to add meaningful design which enhances a vehicle without overpowering it. We blend the best styling trends into a creative package that has passed globally stringent testing standards for strength and performance. We then package it in a box, ship it to a great dealer and plan that you (our true customer) will use it as much as possible and enjoy every second of the drive. Quality and Testing These wheel brands share our high level manufacturing technology and quality principles. As a private label manufacture that supplies many O.E. vehicle and trailer manufactures our items pass the most stringent demands of testing. All of our wheel products have tested and been approved by global quality and performance standards. SAE J2530, SAE 1204 and JWL are some of the most recognizable that we have passed. For some of our recent trailer wheels we have made the extra effort in design and manufacturing to pass both SAE J2530 and J1204 on the same wheel. To our knowledge we are the only manufacturer of trailer wheels that offer this level of certifications. Exceeding Expectations Our detailed approach in design and development helps us deliver excellent looking wheels with a value pricing approach. Some companies deliver self-imagined hype over substance at a very high cost. Some others focus solely on cheap at the expense of design or quality. Our focus is to consistently deliver great style with globally certified quality at a great value. We get there untilizing highly efficient manufacturing combined with a frugal marketing budget and a streamlined distribution network. Basically meaning all of the costs goes straight into the product and allows us to over deliver on design and quality which will ultimately exceed expectations. Select your favorite and enjoy On the following pages you’ll find our wheel items separated into quick view categories. You’ll be able to see many great choices that will enhance your vehicle and give great performance and long service. Once you’ve decided on the right look for you please send us an e-mail and we’ll direct you to the closest great dealer. After that its miles and miles of happy driving looking good at each stop. F OR T H E MO S T C UR R EN T C A T A L O G I N F O R M AT I ON P LEAS E GO O NL IN E T O www.fortewheel.com www.sendelwheel.com DISCLA IME R The content of this catalog is for informational use only. Tireco, Inc. is not liable for any typographical errors or misprints. 1 Sendel Off-Road Series wheels are engineered to maximize strength, durability, and performance in a good looking package. Extensive testing to the highest standards gives us the proof that these wheels can handle all of the abuse you can give them. Next stop, great looks. Our assortments of designs have options to help you create the look that’s great for you. Deep Lips, Ball Milled detail accents and Super Concave centers are the hottest looks and we have them all for you. S35 S3 4 S32 RE CO N / R EC O N - 8 SNI PE R SPOTTER Matte Black Gloss Black Milled RECON 17 x9 18x 9 20x 9 RECON -8 1 8x 9 20x 9 S31 Black Milled 18 x9 2 0x 9 18x9 20x9 S1 3 MI A 1 7x9 17x9 22x 9. 5 Black Machined 15x7 17x8 15x8 18x9 16x8 20x9 Gloss Black Milled 15x8 1 6x8 1 7 x8 S1 3 Matte Black 15x8 1 6 x8 1 7 x8 2 S35 RECON / RECON-8 Truck & Off- Ro a d Finis h: Ma t t e Bl a ck Availa ble Sizes: RE CON 1 7 x 9 1 8 x 9 2 0 x 9 RE CON - 8 1 8 x 9 2 0 x 9 Maximum Concave Center Extra Detail To Spokes Super Deep Lip 3 w w w. sendelw h e e l . c om Tr uck & Off- Ro a d Finish: G l o ss Bl a ck Mi l l e d Available Sizes: 1 7 x 9 1 8 x 9 2 0 x 9 S34 SNIPER Maximum Deep Lip Spoke Milling Detail Barrel Ridge & Spot Treatment 4 S32 SPOTTER Truck & Off- Ro a d Finis h: G l o ss Bl a ck Mi l l e d Availa ble Sizes: 1 5 x 8 1 6 x 8 17x8 Forged Look/ Window Milling Nice Lip Accents Concave Center Design 5 www. sendelw h e e l . c om S31 MIA Tr uck & O ff - R oad • H i g hl y d et a i l e d stro n g O ff- R o a d d e si g n • H i g h end mi ll i n g fo r e x tra a c c e n ts • Cavity milled front lip for real bead lock look Finish: Black Milled Available Sizes: 17x9 18x9 20x9 22.9.5 S13 Tr uck & O ff - R oad • G ood & s t ron g stre e t tru c k d e si g n • D et ai l ed mac h i n e a n d p a i n t c o m b i n a ti o n • G reat on or o ff ro a d l o o k Finish: Black Machined / Matte Black Available Sizes: Black Machined 15x7 15x8 16x8 17x8 18x9 20x9 Matte Black 15x8 16x8 17x8 6 Forte Luxury / Performance wheels are created for a more refined auto enthusiast. For that keen buyer that has an eye for the smallest details of fashion and fit. Exclusive designs with crisp and clean looks meant to enhance your vehicle’s looks, not take it over. Add in precision manufacturing and testing for the utmost in quality and durability. Great styling + excellent performance = Forte Luxury Performance Wheels. F 71 MI S T RE S S Silver / Machined / Gloss Black 18x8 20 x8.5 22 x 9 F7 0 J E K Y L L Black Mirror 16x 7 17x 7. 5 1 8 x 8 18x 8. 5 22X 8.5 HY D E Dark Chrome 18x 8 F 67 N I G H T MO V E S Black Mirror 17x7.5 18 x8 2 0x8 . 5 22 x8.5 22 x10 7 20x 8. 5 PAYN E Black Mirror 20x8.5 F6 8 PREDATOR Black Mirror 22x9.5 20x8.5 22x 8 . 5 F6 4 C A HO O T S Black Mirror 20x 8. 5 F6 9 22x 9. 5 F5 0 TWISTED Black Mirror 18x8 22x8.5 2 2 X9 . 5 STRESS Chrome 18x8 20x8.5 F4 5 REDRU M Black / Red Stripe 17x7.5 18x8 2 0 x8 .5 www. fo r t ew h e e l . c om L ux ur y P er fo r m a nce Finish: S i l ver / Ma ch i n e d / G l o ss Bl a ck Available Sizes : 1 8 x 8 2 0 x 8 . 5 2 2 x 9 F71 MISTRESS Maximum Concave Center Extra Large Caliper Clearance Cavity Back Spoke / Lip Treatment 8 F70 JEKYLL / HYDE Lu x ur y Pe r fo r mance • Ca vit y ba ck - deep lip des ign • Ex t r a elega nt s ingle dr ill • Refined conca ve for premium vehicles Finish: Black Mirror / Dark Chrome Available Sizes: JEKYLL Black Mirror 16x7 17x7.5 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 HYDE PVD Dark Chrome F69 PAYNE 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 Lu x ur y Pe r fo r mance • Ver y clea n det a iled s pok e des ign • Met a l ca p wit h cus t om ma chining • Extra long spokes / design carries through hub area Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 20x8.5 22x9.5 9 www. fo r t ew h e e l . c om f68 PREDATOR L ux ur y P e r f or man c e • Timeless and balanced split 5-spoke design • A d d ed d et a i l w i th m e ta l c a p Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 20x8.5 f67 NIGHT MOVES L ux ur y P e r f or man c e • Super elegant and long looking staggered option • Metal caps add value and continues the styling Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 17x7.5 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 22x10 10 F64 CAHOOTS Lu x ur y Pe r fo r mance • Ex t r a deep look ing forever lip • Ma chined s pok e fa ce a nd met a l c ap • Solid a nd s t rong look ing des ign Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 20x8.5 22x9.5 F50 TWISTED / STRESS Lu x ur y Pe r fo r mance • D eep dis h s et ba ck 5- s pok e des ign • Unique ma chining det a il on r im flange a dding t o dept h • Ex t r a det a iled met a l ca p Finish: Black Mirror / Chrome Available Sizes: TWISTED Black Mirror 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 22x9.5 STRESS Chrome 11 18x8 20x8.5 www. fo r t ew h e e l . c om f45 REDRUM L ux ur y P e r f or man c e • Sporty and aggressive 5-spoke design • A d d ed c ol or o f re d s tri p e a n d l o g o • G reat f or m u sc l e o r s p o rt e n th u s i a sts Finish: Black / Red Stripe Available Sizes: 17x7.5 18x8 20x8.5 12 Compact Performance Forte F-Sport and Sendel Compact Performance wheels have a wide range of styles and fits for the most expanding market segment in the industry today. “Compact Performance” is so diverse; it covers the smallest of cars from up to many mid-size cars. This segment is more of a genre in lifestyle than it is a defined collection of cars. To be able to deliver the best for this genre we have 11 unique styles, with sizes from 22” down to 15” and widths from 7” to 9”. Forte F-Sport and Sendel Performance… Check us out. F 73 GT-V Charcoal / Machined 16x7.5 17x7.5 18x8 F 70 HYDE Dark Chrome 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 F7 2 B L AC K -O UT Gloss Mirror 16x7.5 17x7.5 18x8 F6 7 F7 1 M I S T RE S S Silver / Machined / Gloss Black 18x8 20x8.5 22x9 F5 8 N I G H T M O VES D A RK F I V E Black Mirror 17x7.5 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 22x10 Black Mirror 17x7.5 18x8 F7 0 J E KYL L Black Mirror 16x7 17x7.5 18x8 18x8.5 22X8.5 F5 0 T W I S T E D Black Mirror 18x8 18x8.5 22x8.5 22X9.5 S T RE S S Chrome 18x8 F 45 REDRUM B lac k / Red Stripe 13 17x 7.5 1 8 x8 2 0 x8. 5 S30 Silver 16x7 17x7 S26 Black Mirror 18x7.5 20x8.5 S07 Hyper Silver Machined 15x7 16x7 17x7.5 www. fo r t ew h e e l . c om Com pa ct P er fo r m a nce Finis h: Ch a rco a l / Ma ch i n e d Available Sizes: 16 x 7 . 5 1 7 x 7 . 5 1 8 x 8 F73 GT-V Classic European Y-Spoke Extra Long Spoke Design Clean Spoke Accent 14 F72 BLACK-OUT Compa ct P er fo r m a nce Finis h: G l o ss Bl a ck Availa ble Sizes: 1 6 x 7 . 5 17x7.5 18x8 Deep Dish Lug Area Detailed Thin Spoke Design Maximum Caliper Clearance 15 www. fo r t ew h e e l . c om f71 MISTRESS Co m pa ct P e r f or man c e • Maximum concave center • E xt r a l a rg e c a l i p e r c l e a ra n c e • C a v i t y b a c k s p o k e / l i p tre a tm e n t Finish: Silver / Machined / Gloss Black Available Sizes: 18x8 20x8.5 22x9 f70 JEKYLL / HYDE Co m pa ct P e r f or man c e • Cavity back- deep lip design • E xt r a el eg a n t si n g l e d ri l l • R ef i ned c onc a v e fo r p re m i u m v e h i c l e s Finish: Black Mirror / Dark Chrome Available Sizes: JEKYLL Black Mirror 16x7 17x7.5 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 HYDE PVD Dark Chrome 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 16 F67 NIGHT MOVES C o m pa ct Per fo r mance • Super elegant and long looking staggered option • Metal caps add value and continues the styling Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 17x7.5 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 22x10 F58 DARK FIVE C o m pa ct Per fo r mance • Clea n det a ils t ha t a re ver y uncommon in a s ma ller wheel • Cus t om ma chined met a l ca p Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 1 7x7.5 18x8 17 www. fo r t ew h e e l . c om F50 TWISTED / STRESS Co m pa ct P e r f or man c e • D eep d i s h s e t b a c k 5 - sp o k e d e s i g n • U ni q ue mac h i n i n g d e ta i l o n ri m fl a n g e a d d i ng t o d e p th • E x t r a d et a i l e d m e ta l c a p Finish: Black Mirror / Chrome Available Sizes: TWISTED Black Mirror 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 22x9.5 STRESS Chrome 18x8 20x8.5 f45 REDRUM Co m pa ct P e r f or man c e • Sporty and aggressive 5-spoke design • A d d ed c ol or o f re d s tri p e a n d l o g o • G reat f or m u sc l e o r s p o rt e n th u s i a sts Finish: Black / Red Stripe Available Sizes: 17x7.5 18x8 20x8.5 18 S30 C o m pa ct Per fo r mance • Elega nt des igned wit h Europea n ins pir a t ion • Ex t r a clea n s ingle dr ill • Bea ut iful high s pa r k le s ilver finis h f or grea t look s in a ny s ea s on Finish: Silver Available Sizes: 16x7 17x7 S26 C o m pa ct Per fo r mance • St rong a nd s por t y s plit 5- s pok e design • Unus ua l t o s ee s ingle dr ill a pplications in t his s iz e • N icely conca ved hub a rea Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 18x7.5 19 www. sendelw h e e l . c om S07 Co m pa ct P e r f or man c e • Extra-long spoke detail for a smaller wheel • M ac hi ned p a tte rn c o n ti n u o u s th ro u g h t he c ap • C om mi t ment to d e ta i l s Finish: Hyper Silver Machined Available Sizes: 15x7 16x7 17x7.5 20 Forte SUV and Street Truck wheels have the right sizes and styles to compliment any of these slightly larger vehicles. Many folks need a SUV or a Truck to get their daily life done. People with Families or work that need more space than a compact car or CUV can deliver. If you’re one of these you deserve to be able to accent your ride with good looking wheels. Size and Style can go hand in hand and we have it at Forte wheels. F69 PAYNE B lac k Mirro r 20x8. 5 22x9. 5 F64 C AH O O T S Black M ir ror 20x8. 5 22x9. 5 F68 P RE D ATOR B la ck Mirror 20x 8.5 20x 8.5 F50 TWI STE D Black Mirror 18x 8 18x 8.5 22x 8.5 22X 9.5 ST RE SS Chrome 21 F67 N I G HT M OV E S Bl a ck Mi r ro r 18x 8 20x 8.5 22x 8.5 22x10 S13 Bl a ck Ma ch i n e d 15x 7 15x 8 18x 9 16x8 20x9 17x8 Matte Black 15x 8 16x 8 17x8 w w w. fo r t ew h e e l . c om F69 PAYNE SUV a n d S T Tr u c k • Ver y c l ea n de ta i l e d sp o k e d e s i g n • M et al c a p with c u sto m m a c h i n i n g • Extra long spokes / design carries through hub area Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 20x8.5 22x9.5 F68 PREDATOR SUV a n d S T Tr u c k • Timeless and balanced split 5-spoke design • A d d ed d et ail w i th m e ta l c a p Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 20x8.5 22 F67 NIGHT MOVES S U V a n d ST Tr uck • Ex t r a deep look ing forever lip • Ma chined s pok e fa ce a nd met a l c ap • Solid a nd s t rong look ing des ign Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 20x8.5 22x8.5 22x10 F64 CAHOOTS S U V a n d ST Tr uck • Ex t r a deep look ing forever lip • Ma chined s pok e fa ce a nd met a l c ap • Solid a nd s t rong look ing des ign Finish: Black Mirror Available Sizes: 20x8.5 22x9.5 23 w w w. fo r t ew h e e l . c om F50 TWISTED / STRESS SUV a n d S T Tr u c k • D eep d i s h s e t b a c k 5 - sp o k e d e s i g n • U ni q ue mac h i n i n g d e ta i l o n ri m fl a n g e a d d i ng t o d e p th • E x t r a d et a i l e d m e ta l c a p Finish: Black Mirror / Chrome Available Sizes: TWISTED Black Mirror 18x8 20x8.5 22x8.5 22x9.5 STRESS Chrome 18x8 20x8.5 S13 SUV a n d S T Tr u c k • G ood & s t ron g stre e t tru c k d e si g n • D et ai l ed mac h i n e a n d p a i n t c o m b i n a ti o n • G reat on or o ff ro a d l o o k Finish: Black Machined / Matte Black Available Sizes: Black Machined 15x7 15x8 16x8 17x8 18x9 20x9 Matte Black 15x8 16x8 17x8 24 Sendel does Trailer Wheels better than any other source available in the market. We have the largest selection of styles, finishes and load options. We back that with extensive testing in both the laboratory and field. We feel field testing is equally important to making sure your parts work great for a very long time. Precise Fitments, Strength, Durability and Corrosion Resistance are keys to why our products are the best items available. T13 T12 17.5” 16” 8 Lug 16” 6 Lug 15” 6 Lug 15” 5 Lug 14” 13” 12” ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü T11 ü ü ü ü ü ü T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T03 T02 TR8 S20 S02 S62 S67 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü *Items in Black = Aluminum 25 T05 T04 ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Items in Blue = Steel T13 T12 T11 T10 T08 T07 T06 T05 T03 T02 TR8 S20 T09 T04 S02 w w w. sendelw h e e l . c om T12 Tr ai l e r • Nice and long 5-spoke design • Spoke element staggers the strength pocket ridge Finish: Black Machined Available Sizes: 1 3x5 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 T11 Tr ai l e r • Highly detailed and aggressive strength pocket ridge • Enhanced machining shows off added strength Finish: B l a c k M a c h i n e d Available Sizes: 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 17.5x6.75 26 T13 Tr ai l er • Matching trailer design to our S13 truck wheel • Highly detailed and nice machine / paint combination Finish: Bla ck Ma chined Available Sizes: 12x4 13x5 14x5.5 15x6 T10 Tra i le r • Extra clean swirl spoke design • Multiple spoke options based on bolt patterns Finish: Bla ck Ma chined / Silver Ma chined Available Sizes: 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 T09 Tra i le r • Timelessly clean and un-busy design • Spoke options based on bolt patterns 27 Finish: Bla ck Ma chined / Silver Ma chined Available Sizes: 13x5 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 www. sendelw h e e l . c om T08 Tr ai l e r • Highly detailed rim strength adding block pattern • Multiple spoke options based on bolt patterns Finish: SM / SML S / MB / MB ML / B MLS Available Sizes: 13x5 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 T07 Tr ai l e r • Long and angular spoke design • Less busy from the lack of rivets or dimples Finish: Silver Ma chined / Blac k Machined Gr a y Ma chined / Ma tte B lack Available Sizes: 13x5.5 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 T06 Tr ai l e r • Timelessly clean and un-busy design • Spoke options based on bolt patterns Finish: Silver Ma chined / Blac k Machined Gr a y Ma chined Available Sizes: 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 28 T05 Tra i le r • Our only covered lug trailer wheel design • Added benefit of looks by hiding busy lug nuts Finish: Bla ck Ma chined / Silver Ma chined Available Sizes: 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 T04 Tra i le r • Very clean mostly machined finish wheel • Highly protected with our extra durable clear coat finish Finish: Bla ck Ma chined / Silver Ma chined Available Sizes: 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 T03 Tra i le r • Original classic trailer design • ABS caps available 29 Finish: Bla ck Ma chined / Silver Ma chined Available Sizes: 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 www. sendelw h e e l . c om T02 Tr ai l e r • Highly original Sendel design • ABS caps available Finish: Si l v e r M a c h i n e d Available Sizes: 13x5 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 S20 Tr ai l e r • Traditional hole look done even better • Removed accent rivets to aid visual appearance and make for easier maintenance Finish: Si l v e r M a c h i n e d Available Sizes: 14x5.5 15x6 16x6 S02 Tr ai l e r • Unique twisted spoke design • Uncommon detail option for a smaller trailer option • Matching ABS caps available Finish: Si l v e r / Vi rtu a l Ch ro m e Da rk Available Sizes: 14x5.5 30 SPECIALTY TRAILER CAPS • ABS plastic for corrosion resistance; aiding wheel life. • Pop-Tops for EZ lube bearing buddy access • Colors: All Chrome, All Black and chrome with black top STEEL TRAILER S67 St ee l S67 SOLID (NEW) St eel • Heavy duty 22.5 and 24.5 Steel • E-Coat white 7400lb load • Choose either Hub-Pilot or Stud-Pilot • Specialty low-boy use • E-Coat white 6005lb load Available Sizes: 17.5x6.75 Available Sizes: 22.5x8.25 24.5x8.25 S62 TRAILER 8 SPOKE St ee l TRAILER MOD St eel • E-Coat White or Galvanized • E-Coat Silver Available Sizes: 12x4 13x4.5 14x6 Available Sizes: 13x4.5 14x6 15x5 31 S63 15x6 16x6 15x6 16x6 www. sendelw h e e l . c om & S69 WINTER REPLACEMENT S64 • Standard Black / Hole design • Fits the most popular apps, Most dual drilled • White / Military Green S t e el INDUSTRIAL St eel Available Sizes: 14x6 15x6 16x6 16x6.5 S55 17x6.5 17x7 S55 OEM BEARING S t e el St eel • R aw • E - C oat Si l v e r / W h i te Available Sizes: 4X2.50 4X2.50 6X3.50 6X4.50 Available Sizes: 8X3.75 8X5.375 8X6.125 8X7 10x6 10x7 12x4 32 NOTES 33 STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY Every tire, tube and wheel supplied by TIRECO is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship subject to terms, conditions and limitations as stated below. If our examination of a warrantable product determines that the product has failed due to a defect in materials or workmanship, we will make a reasonable allowance toward the purchase of a new product at current prices or other adjustment within our discretion. Adjustments will be made on a pro-rata basis determined by the amount of usage or service received by the product and will be based on the most recent purchase price (proof of purchase is required). Terms, Conditions and Limitations Any product, no matter how well constructed may fail in service or become unserviceable due to conditions beyond the control of the manufacturer. Under no circumstance is this limited warranty a representation that a tire, tube or wheel failure cannot occur. This warranty is only applicable to products sold in and used on vehicles registered & operated in the United States, U.S. Territories, Canada and Mexico. In addition, this warranty is applicable to the original purchaser of the product and this warranty is not transferable. The costs of mounting, balancing and other associated services as well as any applicable Federal, State or Local taxes are not covered by this warranty. This limited warranty does not cover and TIRECO will not adjust any of our products against road hazards such as but not limited to cuts, punctures (whether repairable or not), snags, bruises, tears, impact breaks, etc. Products are also not warranted if damaged due to misuse such as but not limited to improper installation or mounting, misapplication, repair, overloading, improper inflation, excessive speed, racing, spinning, drifting, unintended offroad use, stone drilling, improper use of chains, use of non-approved or non-standard rims (as determined by the Tire and Rim Association), continued operation while severely under-inflated, misalignment or imbalance of wheels/rims, defective brakes or shock absorbers, abuse, accident or collision, willful damage, oil or chemical action, improper storage, fire or other excessive heat, vandalism, and water or other material entrapped inside the product. Specific Tire, Wheel and Tube Limitations & Exclusions: • Tire adjustments will be based on the remaining tread depth. Tires worn to 2/32” tread depth or to the tread wear indicator bars are deemed to have served their full useful tread life and are not adjustable for any reason. • Tires returned for out-of-round or ride disturbance conditions within the first 2/32 of tread wear will be credited for 100% of their value based on the average purchase price for the last six months. Tires returned for out of round beyond the first 2/32 of wear will not be considered for adjustment. Off Road, Agriculture, Specialty and Trailer tires are not eligible for out-of-round or ride disturbance consideration. • Tires that have been branded to note special classifications such as “B” (blemished) may not be considered for adjustment at TIRECO’s sole discretion. Tires marked with an “NA” (non-adjustable) are specifically excluded from this limited warranty. • For tires and wheels designed for and used on all classes of recreational vehicles, equipment trailers, horse trailers, cargo trailers and all other trailers, TIRECO may require a certified weight ticket for any warranty consideration. Specialty Trailer tires sold to Original Equipment manufacturers are specifically limited to a warranty of four (4) years from date of manufacture and any allowance made will be based on our Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP). Specialty Trailer wheels are limited to a warranty of two (2) years from the date of manufacture. • Loss of time, or use, inconvenience, or any incidental or consequential damage. • Tires which have been retreaded (other than those specifically mentioned in our Casing Warranty) or altered in any way are not warranted. • Tires that do not have a Department of Transportation (DOT) number; tires that fail due to the addition of aftermarket materials (tire fill, sealant, balancer, etc.); tires that have been modified by notching, buffing or cutting; tires returned for weather/ozone cracking after 2 years from date of purchase; tires with production dates six (6) years and older. • Cosmetic defects caused by weathering as well as used, reconditioned or blemished wheels are specifically excluded from this warranty. • Chrome plating and clear coat finishes are warranted against peeling, cracking and other cosmetic flaws for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase. • New wheels returned without all of the original packaging material in good condition including the original box will be charged a 15% restocking fee. • Tube adjustments will be considered on a case by case basis and must be claimed within the first 30 days after installation or one year from the date of purchase, whichever comes first. Please Note All tires/wheels returned to Tireco for warranty consideration are subject to inspection. Tires/Wheels that are found to not meet the warranty criteria (adjustable) will be disposed of at the time of inspection unless the tires have been previously requested to be returned. All tires returned to the customer will be done at the customer’s expense. To Ask Questions, Request Information or File a Claim Contact our warranty professionals at 1-800-937-9433 or via email at [email protected]. No claim will be considered unless submitted in accordance with our standard claim procedures. Claim Forms and all warranty related forms can be found on our website www.tireco.com. All product returns must be accompanied by a completed Return Material Authorization (RMA) form and number. Products submitted without prior authorization will not be processed and are subject to freight chargeback. Legal Rights All implied warranties, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly limited to the duration of this written warranty. All obligations or liabilities for indirect, incidental or consequential damages are hereby excluded to the extent permitted by law, including economic loss, loss of profit, loss of use of vehicle, loss of time, inconvenience, personal injury or death. Some states/provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply. This warranty gives the customer legal rights that may vary from state/province to state/province. This is the only express warranty applicable to items sold by TIRECO, and supersedes the terms of any previous warranty.
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