AMCTM 2014 – FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT update, deadline extension 3rd U P D A T E 3rd U P D A T E International Conference Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing (AMCTM 2014) and AMCTM Short Courses St.Petersburg, Russia, 9 and 10-12 September, 2014 D.I.Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) An event of IMEKO TC21 “Mathematical Tools for Measurements” organised by VNIIM co-sponsored by VNIIM, EMRP Projects NEW04 and NEW06, EURAMET Focus Group Chairpersons: Anna Chunovkina (VNIIM, Russia), Franco Pavese (Chairman IMEKO TC21, Italy), Alistair B. Forbes (Scientific Secretary IMEKO TC21 and NEW06 Co-ordinator, NPL, UK), Markus Bär (NEW04 Co-ordinator, PTB, Germany). International Scientific Programme Committee: European Chapter: Anna Chunovkina (VNIIM), Franco Pavese (IMEKO), Alistair B. Forbes (NPL), Markus Bär (PTB), Jean-Marc Aublant (ISO TC69 Chairman and LNE), Emil Bashkanski (ORT, Israel), Eric Benoit (Université de Savoie, IMEKO TC7), Wolfram Bremser (BAM), Eduarda Filipe (IPQ), Nicolas Fischer (LNE, France), Rainer Göb (ENBIS), Jean-Marc Linares (Université Aix-Marseille II), Giovanni B. Rossi (DIMEC, Università di Genova, IMEKO TC7), P.P.M. Steur (INRIM) National Chapter (Russia): Anna Chunovkina (VNIIM), Valery A. Slaev (VNIIM), Roald E. Taymanov (VNIIM), Nikolay V. Hovanov (St.Petersburg State University), Segrey V. Muravyov (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University), Valery A. Granovsky (Concern CSRI Electropribor), Boris Y. Lemeshko (Novosibirsk State Technical University) International Chapter: Gregory Kyriazis (INMETRO, Brazil), Leonel Lira-Cortes (CENAM, Mexico), Katsuhiro Shirono (AIST-NMIJ, Japan), Tomomichi Suzuki (University of Tokyo, Japan), Rod White (MSL, New Zealand) Organising Committee: Anna Chunovkina (VNIIM, Russia, [email protected]), Franco Pavese (IMEKO TC21, Italy, [email protected]), Alistair B. Forbes (NPL, UK, [email protected]) The 10th AMCTM 2014 Conference is an IMEKO TC21 event that will be held in St. Petersburg, organised by VNIIM ( This will be the 10th Edition for the 20th anniversary since the beginning of the Series. First Announcement, UPDATE March 7, 2014 AMCTM 2014 – FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT update, deadline extension First workshop and 10th anniversary edition Torino (1993, 2003), Oxford (1995, 1999), in Berlin (1996), Lisbon (2000, 2005), Paris (2008) and Göteborg (2011). This Edition is co-sponsored by the VNIIM, by the EURAMET, the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (, within its EMRP ( Project NEW04 “Novel mathematical and statistical approaches to uncertainty evaluation” ( and Project NEW06 “Traceability for ComputationallyIntensive Metrology” (TRACIM) ( ), and by the EURAMET Focus Group “Software & Mathematical Tools for Metrology”. It also embeds for 2014 the VNIIM International Seminar “Mathematics, statistics and computation to support measurement quality”. The Conference ambition is to continue to play worldwide a role as a central opportunity for the metrological community to meet applied mathematicians and statisticians acting in the relevant fields and the software engineers producing adequate working tools. In addition, as an IMEKO event, it aims at broadening its cultural role in also bridging the gaps between fields today more and more interconnected to metrology, like those of testing (already permanent in the Conference title), decision making and risk evaluation—including economic and quality aspects— or non-physical quantities by proposing to the attention of the attendees methods for data analysis and modelling rarely or not yet adopted in metrology. Conference general aims • • • • • • • • To present and promote reliable and effective mathematical and computational tools in metrology; To understand better the modelling, statistical and computational requirements in metrology; To provide a forum for metrologists, mathematicians and software engineers that will encourage a more effective synthesis of skills, capabilities and resources; To promote collaboration in the context of EU and, in general, of International Programmes; To support young researchers in metrology and related fields, also through training; To address industrial requirements; To cover both fields of metrology and testing; To facilitate interaction with the decision-making and risk analysis fields. AMCTM 2014 Conference format In addition to plenary talks, AMCTM 2014 will be organised in two parallel sessions, to increase the opportunities of Oral Presentations. Posters Presentations are planned to be displayed since the first day. A Round Table discussion will complete the programme. A Short Course will be held on the day before the Conference (SEPTEMBER 9) General themes for the AMCTM Conferences Advanced statistical modelling: uncertainty evaluation, experimental design, optimisation, data analysis and applications, risk assessment, …; Metrology software: engineering aspects, requirements specification; software development, software examination, software tools for data analysis, visualisation, experiment control; best practice; …; Numerical methods: numerical data analysis, numerical simulations, inverse problems, uncertainty evaluation of numerical algorithms, applications to metrology and testing…; Data fusion techniques and design and analysis of inter-laboratory comparisons, namely those required by the Mutual Recognition Agreement. First Announcement, UPDATE March 7, 2014 AMCTM 2014 – FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT update, deadline extension Specific themes for the AMCTM 2014 Edition This 10th Anniversary, 2014 Edition, of the AMCTM Conference is planned to deliver a comprehensive range of topics in thematic sessions (examples of the contents are provided in parentheses), some in collaboration with the indicated Institutions and Projects (see current TC21 SIGs themes on • Fundamentals in metrology and testing (basic and new methods) • Probabilistic methods for data uncertainty evaluation (frequentist, Bayesian, etc) • Non-quantitative (qualitative & semi-quantitative), ordinal and nominal measurements and human factors • Non-probabilistic methods for data evaluation (possibility, interval, non parametric, etc) • Measurement models and data evaluation for non-physical applications • Decision making, risk analysis and economic aspects—ENBIS • Analysis of key comparison data (evaluation of inconsistent data, random effect • • • • • • • • • • model, fixed effect model, Bayesian model averaging, COOMET guidelines, etc)— VNIIM Seminar Analytical measurements—VNIIM Seminar Application of statistical methods in reliability and quality control—VNIIM Seminar Sessions on “Novel mathematical and statistical approaches to uncertainty evaluation”—EMRP NEW04 Uncertainty associated with numerical computation—EMRP NEW06 Generation of numerical standards for metrology software —EMRP NEW06 Continuous modelling and inverse problems—EURAMET Focus Group Mathematical methods and computational tools in dynamic measurements Calibration methods (issues in measuring specific quantities, ISO standards, etc) Quality management, measurement uncertainty, and models in Testing Industrial statistics and metrological traceability (equivalence, traceability, experimental design, process analytical technologies, etc) A number of invited Tutorials are planned for the Plenary Talks. Provisional list of invited speakers: Olga Bodnar (PTB, Germany) Eric Benoit (Université de Savoy, France; IMEKO TC7) Anna Chunovkina (VNIIM, Russia) Maurice G. Cox (NPL, UK) Nicolas Fischer (LNE, France) Alistair B. Forbes (NPL, UK; IMEKO TC21) Valery Granovsky (Concern CSRI Electropribor, Russia) Norbert Greif (PTB, Germany) Vladik Kreinovich (University of Texas, USA) Ilya Kuselman (INPL, Israel) Boris Yu. Lemeshko (Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia) Sergey Muravyov (TPU, Russia) Mikhail Nikulin (Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, France) Franco Pavese (IMEKO; TC21) Andrew Rukhin (NIST, USA) Igor Szajniak (Res. Centre for Monitoring and Diagnosis of Technical Systems, Russia) Robin Willink (New Zealand) Wolfgang Wöger (PTB, Germany) First Announcement, UPDATE March 7, 2014 AMCTM 2014 – FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT update, deadline extension Immediately preceding AMCTM 2014 September 9, 2014 AMCTM Short Course The full-day Short Course is intended for researchers in NMIs, calibration and testing laboratories and other researchers who analyse measurement data and use metrological software. Young researchers are welcome. GUM—Foundations and its implementation. Speakers: A. Chunovkina (VNIIM, Russia), M.G. Cox (NPL, UK), A.B. Forbes (NPL, UK), N. Greif (PTB, Germany), I. Szajniak (RCMDTS, Russia) W. Wöger (PTB, Germany) More later on: Call for papers to AMCTM 2014 Authors are invited to submit presentations intended for any of the proposed sessions, including those in collaboration. INSTRUCTIONS (read carefully) Authors intending to contribute with a presentation to AMCTM 2014 are invited to submit, for review by the International Programme Committee, an extended abstract (max 4 A4 pages) in English to the Conference Scientific Secretary in the MS Word or LaTeX style that can be downloaded from either or Authors can indicate their preference for oral or poster, and the preferred Session(s). However, the final decision is taken by the IPC. Submission of abstract for oral/poster presentations: NEW deadline Acceptance of submissions is foreseen by 2 May 2014. Late submissions may still be accepted as Poster only. 31 March 2014 For all submissions, an e-mail to [email protected] (with CC to [email protected]) is mandatory, indicating in the subject: “AMCTM2014 abstract”, and in the text the title of the suggested Session (taken form the above list) or TC21 SIG list. Working language of the conference is English. Reception of the abstracts will be confirmed by e-mail to the indicated author. Authors receiving communication by early May 2014 of acceptance of the presentation(s) will be asked to submit full paper(s) related to their oral or poster presentation not later than the end of the Conference. Following peer review, invited and selected submitted papers will be published by early 2015 First Announcement, UPDATE March 7, 2014 AMCTM 2014 – FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT update, deadline extension in the multiauthor book “Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology and Testing X”. For the first time this will be an e-Book: the main advantage is that a larger number of pages will be allowed to each published paper. Instructions for the preparation of full papers for the book will follow with acceptance of the presentation. Nine volumes on “Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools in Metrology” were already published by World Scientific ( based on the presentations. Tables of Contents of the previous volumes can be found at All volumes from AMCTM IV (2000) on are now available also as eBooks. Contest for the Best Oral, Best Poster, Best Young Scientist presentation For the first time, AMCTM 2010 introduces a contest concerning the presentations: –Best oral (not invited) presentation –Best poster presentation –Best young scientist (< 30 old) presentation (either oral or poster) The reward will be a valuable gift. The jury will be the IPC members present in St. Petersburg. Venue The AMCTM 2014 Conference venue will be the VNIIM, or at a nearby Hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia. For more information before the second announcement (May 2014) visit the website Registration fee AMCTM Conference— The expected approximate Conference registration fee to AMCTM 2014 for the three-day event is € 400 (Discount for IMEKO TC21 Members and Friends). Payment information will be supplied with Second Announcement. It covers coffee breaks, lunches, conference dinner and after-dinner city tour, and one free download of the e-book AMCTM X when published. The abstract and Conference Programme Booklet will be made available online in advance. Short Courses— Registration fee (September 9, includes materials): €100 (expected). See later at Accommodation A list of hotels close to the venue in St. Petersburg and at different cost levels can be found at Each participant has to arrange his/her own hotel accommodations in St. Petersburg, or can use the service of the Travel Agency indicated in the link. Public transportation information will be provided on registration. VISA IMPORTANT: Visa forms (tourism and business) can be found on the webpage Information and guidelines can be found by contacting the Conference Secretariat: [email protected] or the Travel Agency AMCTM 2014 Organisation: Scientific Secretary A.G.Chunovkina, VNIIM [email protected] Conference Secretariat mail address D.I.Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) Moskovsky pr.19, 190005 St. Petersburg, RUSSIA First Announcement, UPDATE March 7, 2014
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