rage 4 Section 2 O f f i c e r s Installed By Purple H e a r t C h a p t e r and Unit i Reports H e a r d a t M e e t i n g o f Ladies' Auxiliary of J W V College Bound Pearl River High School Seniors R w a s a nigrnt of report! at the recent meeting of the U t i l e s Aux illary of the Fred Hecht Pout Fellowship, where she held the |M>B J.V.W, a t the Jewish Community of corresponding secretary tht Center. year. Cert Zeff, child welfare chairIn 1987. Judith studied in GuaU man, reported t h a t her vlBits to mala, as part of the exchang Rockland State Hospital and program. Letchworth Village were a huge Miss Fredericks Is the (taught success. Children were entertained of Mr, and Mrs Harold S, Frode with glfta, games and refreshicka, of 319 Hlauvelt Foail, Pear ments. Included a m o n g the donaRiver. tera were Jack Hauser and Regina Lubinsky. Others who helped make the visits a success were Bea Lipson, Pearl Grlffler, Lillian Fisher, Shirley Hauer, Arlene Btlowltz and Sophie Silver. P E T E R D. F O R T M A N N CATHERINE YANIGA Mrs. Hauer reported on the recent trip to Montrose Hospital, where almost 50 men were entertained with dancing, refreshments and gifts. Another visit la scheduled for June 10. Peter David Fortmann, a memCatherine Yaniga, a member of Other reports were a s follows: ber of the 1959 graduating class the 1959 graduating class of Pearl o! Pearl River High School, plans The chairmen of the rummage | Rier High School, will auend St. to attend Lehigh University, next sale, Lillian Fisher, Ruth luteal. Gert Zeff and Gladys Letln re' Francis Hospital School of Nura- fall, to study engineering. ported that the sale was a success. ling, Ponghkeepsie, next fall. His high school activities include Her high school activities Include president of the Senior Service The June dinner plans, undef chairman Belle Klepper, are althe intramural program, "Pirate | Club, lieutenant of the Traffic most completed. The affair will be Log", and Drill Corps. She also Squad, basketball m a n a g e r and held a t the Swiss Chalet on June p.-irtu ipated in the C.Y.O. and so- j participation in the National Honor 16. No tickets will be sold a t the dality at St. Margaret'a Church. j Society, Math Club, and spring and door, so members are requested to l fall tennis. Peter la an Eagle Scout Catherine is the daughter of Mr. call Mrs. Klepper a t SIT 5-2133 for and Mrs. Joseph Yaniga, of 256 and a m e m b e r of the C.Y.O. reservations. The "Com ona my South Middletown Road, F o r t m a n n is the son of Mr. and house" m a h jong parties will be River. WILLIAMS Mrs. Bernard G, F o r t m a n n J r . . of continued during the summer. Hos34 Bright wood Avenue, P e a r l tesses may contact chairman River. Gloria Weisberg a t E L 6-4353 for 0 arrangements. The post will hold a swim-dance p a r t y at Barter's Hotel on July 4. Scott H. Williams, a member of A hi-fi set will be awarded during the 1959 graduating class of Pearl the evening's entertainment. Ruth J a m e s R. Aselin received his deRiver High School, has enrolled at Isreal was the Ha-Ha winner, and gree of bachelor of civil engineerDean junior College. Franklin. Sylvia Silver won the early bird ing during Clarkson College of prize. Mass., where he plans to pursue a Technology's 66th commencement course in Liberal Arts next fall. The auxiliary voted Sydell Bad exercises Sunday at Potsdam. Inteersted in athletics Williams er, Gert Zeff and Anita Morris as Aselin. son of Mr. an:! Mrs. O. G. has played on the tennis and bowlAselin. Birch Street, Monsey, is a their first delegates to the newly ing squads while In high school. He formed Rockland County Council. member of the American Society lias also participated in the intraSylvia Wohlman and Muriel Hillof Civil Engineers. He graduated mural program. He was selected man were aeceptetd into the club. i to play in the 1959 Rockland County from Spring Valley High School in Refreshments were served at the j Tennis Tourney, a meet for which 1918. conclusion of the meeting. | only the 12 best players in Rock0 • ,—o j land County are selected. He is a S c h w a r t z U n i t Plans m e m b e r of the Methodist Youth B a r b e c u e on S a t u r d a y Fellowship. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lt. Scott is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Schwartz Post, American Harold L. Williams, of 179 Hunt Legion will hold a barbecue SaturMiss M a r g a r e t Ann Salvadore Avenue. Pearl River. day evening, June 13, on the patio received the bachelor of a r t s deof the home of Mrs. Anita Marcus gree in commencement exercises K E N N E T H THOMS on E a s t Allison Avenue, Pearl a t Agnes College, Decatur, Ga., River. Tickets may be reserved by Monday. calling Mrs. Alice Uslan a t N A 3Miss Salvadore is an a r t major. 2980 She is the d a u g h t e r of Mr. and \ n t h o n v Salvador^ 1 I f i F a i r L O W E L L B. H A N N A Kenneth Thorns, a member of the be held Saturday. J u n e 20. view Avenue, Pearl River. 1959 graduating class of Pearl River High School, will attend North Carolina State College, next fall to pursue a course, in nuclear engineering. Lowell B a r r y Hanna. a member In high school. Thorns was electof the 1959 graduating class of ed vice president of the Science Pearl River High School, has enClub, and participated in the Math rolled at Elion College. North CaroClub, Honor Society and intramulina, where he wili pursue a liberal ral program. He competed on the arts course next fall. school's bowling and soccer teams. His high school activities include He is a m e m b e r of the Luther soccer, golf. Ski Club, WashingLeague, toneers, bowling and the Traffic Kenneth is the son of Mr. and Squad. Lowell served a s treasurer Mrs. William Thorns, of 270 Holt of the Methodist Youth Fellowship. Drive, Pearl River. and belongs to the Order of DeMolay. Hanna is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hanna. of 87 North Main Street. Pearl River. The Installation of officers of the Chartci G Mullor Chapter and I'ntt. Military Onler Q | the Purple Htart" waa held Saturday at Herb's Wander Inn, Pearl River, Installing officer for the chap I ter was William Munz. past BOM mai.der of Zone 2. Officers installed w e r e : Commander Charles Rose; senior VtM commander, Arthur Conklin; junior vice commander. Robert P'dei-aen; adjutajit, Victor Preaioso; finance officer, Edward R a e s s a r t ; service officer. Georjpe Mazssutvo; chaplain, McCarretl l^eiper; Americanism. Eugene Prouty; welfare, F. B. Nidd; historian, Mike Flamik; judge advocate, Robert tV>«cher; sergeant-at-arms, Dominick J. Berardi; executive committeeman, Henry Reisaman. alternate Sam Yannazone; trustee. William Rohan. Mrs. Marguerite Prezioso, past JUDITH ANN HAINES president. Department of New York, was the installing officer for the unit. The Unit officers a r e . Mrs. Maude Hildreth. president; Margaret Glover, senior vice presiJudith Ann Haines, a Pearl Rivdent; Elizabeth Del Giglio. junior vice president; Marguerite Pre- er High School graduating senior, Marie will attend Rockland State Hospital zioso, secretary-treasurer School of Nursing in Orangeburg, Moehring, chaplain. Jeanne Kempton, patriotic in- to pursue a career a s a registered structor; Anna Rose, historian; nurse. While attending high school she Anna Doeseher, parliamentarian sergeant-at-arms, Mary Prezioso; I participated in the Photography Rose Yannazone, marshall; Edna Club and the Washingtonecrs. Judith is the daughter of Mr. Nidd, welfare; trustees, one year. Anna Doeseher. two years, Mary and Mrs. Charles Haines, of SicklePrezioso; three years, Marguerite town Road, Orangeburg. Prezioso; Margaret Glover was elected to the executive committee with alternate Elizabeth Del Giglio. To Lehigh Univ For Engineering Plans a C a r e e r In Nursing To Study Nursing A t Rockland S t a t e 0 Bridal Shower Is Given f o r A n i t a Landgren A surprise bridal shower was held on Wednesday evening of last week for Miss Anita Landgren of Roosevelt Street, Pearl River. The shower was held at M a r t e n ' s Falls Inn. South Pascack Road, Pearl River, and was given by Miss Jane Daly. After the many gifts had been opened and admired by all, refreshments were served in the dining room Those attending w e r e . Mis. jitwr. Burns. Mrs. Oke Boustedt. Mrs Joseph Bow. Miss Marilyn Gnant, Miss Gail Sherman. Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Mrs. Howard McKeon. Mrs. Edna Kornman, Mrs. Alfred Wieteeki, Mrs. Sylvester Daly, Mrs. Henry Landgren, all of Pearl Rive r ; Mrs. Gerd Lundin and Mrs. Willie Wahlin, a u n t s of the bride who are visiting from Sweden; Mrs. Philip Kessel, Mrs. William Dabinett, Mrs. George Hagler, Mrs. Howard Roberge. all of New Jersey; Miss Carolyn Weitmann. of New York City; Mrs. Fred Elig. Suffern; Mrs. Richard Williams. Stony Point. Those who sent gifts although unable to attend were Mrs. Fritz Holmstrand, Miss L o r e t t a Allen, and Mrs. Eric Klang, from New Jersey; Miss Margo Schracfc, Mrs. George Bastista, Mrs. Courtney Bright and Mrs, H a r r y Keller, all from Pennsylvania; Mrs. Howard Johnson. Mrs. Andrew Johnson. Miss Gale Klieman, of Pearl River: Mrs. Kenneth Baisley, of New r i t y . and Mrs. Dieter Pfing-st, of Maryland. Miss Landgren will be wed to Doyle Bright on S a t u r d a y . June 13. at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd. Pearl River. 0— Enroll at Dean Junior C o l l e g e H o p e s t o Become Liberal A r t s at Elon C o l l e g e Plans Journalism M a j o r a+ Hun+er Virginia Walsh, who will be a 1959 graduate of Pearl River High School, plans to attend Hunter College, where she will study education and journalism. An avid journalist while attending Pearl River High, she was on the staff of the "Pirates P a t c h " a literary magazine for three years, rising from the post of managing editor in her sophomore y e a r to editor-in-chief during her senior year. Virginia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s V. Walsh, of 11Z North Magnolia Street. Pearl River. The Rockland Business and Professional Women's Club held its second annual spiritual breakfast. Sunday at Rill Goodman's Restaurant, Nanuet. President K a t e Johnson served as presiding officer and Florence Blauvelt as chairman. The invocation w a s given by Rabbi Louis Frishman of Temple Beth El, Spring Valley. Guest Speaker, the Reverend Ernest Churchill, chaplain of Rockland State Hospital, spoke on placing trust in God and man's dependency on his fellowman. He felt that people become ill when they feel that nobody cares for them and they must face the world alone. "God made us to love people—money never loves us, nor does a beautiful home. When dominated by the world we live in we are no longer a nation. When we love God. everything" is peaceful" he said. The emblem ben^dictioin was led by Mae Lawlee, p a s t president of tft# ctufc. Florence Blanvelt dlsr u w e d the spiritual influence In the Artieriernn w a y of life as noted In ft United States Supreme Court Decision. Rockland State Chapel B e n a f i t Bazaar D a t e s FREDERICKS Socia! W o r k and Spanish M a j o r Judith May Fredericks, a graduating senior at Pearl River High School, will attend Centenary College for Women in Hackettstowr, N. J. next fail, where she will study social Work and Spanish. Her activities included bowling. Affliafion Club and the Europeon Bicycle Tour. Church activities included Sunday School, choir participation, and the Methodist Youth While House on (he Lake Hotel " F o r ihnxfi the who hcu" WAN?AD§ latest Dividend annua! rate KURLAND WHERE you sm^ff DOES moke a diffemme CADILLAC listen to Rockland County news over radio station W L N A - 1 4 4 0 on your dial 9 = 30 A . M . and 1 ;30 P.M. Mon.-Sat. PROVIDENT dfmnnd • C a t e r i n g for all affairs, conventions and meeting*. • Excellent cuisine. * Dietary observance. • Spacious air conditioned dining room seats 200, « C o m p l e t e _ p a r t y service: Cantor, Rabbi, organ. v#call#t. A benefit b a z a a r for the building fund of Our Lady Queen of Pence R C Ch*p»l a t Rockland S t a t e Hospital w « held in the chapel social hall Wednesday after noon. June 10, and will be held agmin the nig his of J u n e 12. 13 and 14, from ? p m. on. T h e b * » * r will 4M« be open w « i n « d * y \ J u n e 1". From 2 until ( i p. m., «ni s*»i» OB tt# M g h t i . •tfiftfl v«H#y, N, Y. t w B-Gi** irf J y o e IS. *0. and 3 1 . • U r t t a f a t : QPaC AiJ. tMM 7 o'clock. AULT rmmoi 2 LOCATIONS SALES i SERVICE Route J-W A *th Ave. NYtek ?-»•© SALES Funds R e c e i v e d T o d a y Earn f r o m July ADELE ALICE 38-40 NEW N STMET-HAVERSTRAW O i R A l SAVlMGi I N B l S * R I f t S y i A l O mm a Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com CtriTllt»Tins 1st ZIMMERMAN Insured up Geneseo Degree For N a n u e t G i r l to $10,000 Adele Alice Zimmerman of Nanuet received a bachelor of science degree with a major in speech education at the 88th annual Com- j mencement of the State University) Teachers College a t Geneseo on J u n e 7. During her college years, Miss Zimmerman was a m e m b e r of Agonian, Cathurnus, and a member of the Oh-Ha-Daih college y e a r - ' book staff. She will teach kindergarten in the Nanuet Public Schools, Nanuet, next fall. — 0 — Promote safety and* prevent sorrow—DRIVE SAFELY. -rj», Pearl River Savings & Loan Association 10 No. Main St. Pearl River, N. Y. Tel. PE 5-4023 ONLY FOOD FAIR CAN GIVE YOU "SAVINGS PLUS" Theatre Tickets « Record Albums B«t Seller Books Free With Merchants Green Stamps FOR FULL DETAILS GET YOUR . . . June 1 9 5 9 Playfair at Food Fair FRADELIS DINNERS FRESH FROZEN r-KifcU 5 H K I M H , r l M M i l t A N OR SWISS STEAK ea. FRADELIS ROAST each 7 9 C HALF CHICKEN DINNER BERTOU FAIRMOHI Olive Oil WHOLE STRAWBERRIES Super Fine pint can Fresh Frozen '-lb. pkg. 69° 45 La Perla OLIVE C0ND1TE When did you last add something lo your Provident savings account? If it •was last week, and you plan to make another addition NEXT p a y d a y . . . chances are that you know the value of regular saving! Save more and fcarn more of the txcellent dividends at Provident Savings and Loan, Savings accounts opened by mail. SELL IT THRU THE LDSMOBILE SAVINGS HOW DOES YOUR SAVINGS PROGRAM MEASURE UP? jSmfOmMp JUDITH DIVIDEND CURRENT ON Aselin G r a d u a t e s F r o m Clarlcson Miss S a l v a d o r e Receives D e g r e e BPW Spiritual Brea kfast H l er i' d June 11, 1950 fe^fcM** : :, 13 o i . jar OLIVE APPETI7ER 39 12 ox. jar 35 EHLERS INSTANT COFFEE 2 oi. Jar 3 9 ' 6 ©I. Jar 9 9 C Breath '0 Pine Disinfectant 12QZ 29 instant Simoniz Vista Bodysheen SAGE WINDOW CLEANER CLEANS W I N D O W S INSTANTLY 14 oz can A e r o s o l A i r Refresher Safety Bleach Has+k Starch Startlst Tuna £Z HesHe Ntsiea y M * Tea l a « Off Salt* Tea lags g Slue Suds Elastic Starch ^aho Cleanser WBUfrRtdi fnrif| 45' V/l 6f eaft 49 11 oi. JQ bat « * * * c *%T 45 Marti! Hanfc.es af 100 * 3 ow» ft « ; « • 4 ^ K«bler Crackerw * j &5C Keebier Saitlws 2 W6 9f too W 70 J>% Nabisco Sugar Wafers g 29 m 23' H juke 'n:^: £ ir C Mei Juke *122 I' • 39 J N J5 Hawaiian Punch—-? t S 35r * W firand Duchess Steals *£ 55 likes IW -ywNts a; e-3
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