FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION ZCCASENO.: l:_C, lDftf - ()b GENOA TOWNSHIPDEVELOPMENT & ZONING OFFICE (614) 899-(1725 PHONE, (614) 895-1255 FAX 511 1 S. OLD 3C HWY., WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43082, WWW.GENOATWP.COM TYPE: PROPERTY OWNER{s): D ORIGINAL PLAN SUBMISSION LeG-seQ (S,-sa:-1 X Sf\)rlb,) ' EFFECTIVE: 06/26/11 AMENDMENT TO AN APPROVED PLAN ADDRESS: T S-b.>f' ~s PHoNE: s 7s5 ma,x:fn tJl')~d . We-s :kcv: lie, Bl, <f3t>"8 2 --'-"(~-L..I -----=.d_o_,_v_-6=-=:....;~ ~-~-------_._I.{ <...,_11 5+ ADDREss: . o+()-.k: . G) 0,.-..... PARCEL NUMBER(S): _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ SUBDIVISION NAME (IF APPLICABLE}:-- -- - - - -ZONING DISTRICT{S): LOT NUMBER{S): 15<J5j3 %0 LOT SiZE:--- o PLANNED RURAL RESIDENTIAL CONSERVATION {PRRCD) o PLANNED COMMUNITY FACILITIES (PCF) 0 PRD (RESIDENTIAL) 0 PRD-V {RESIDENTIAL) )(PCD (COMMERCIAL) 0 PID (INDUSTRIAL-WAREHOUSE) PRESENT USE(S) : o RESIDENTIALJ{COMMERCIAL o PROPOSED UsE(s) (usEsEPARATE:HEETIFNECESSARY}: INDUSTRIAL 'Ss>e o INSTITUTIONAL o AGRICULTURAL o OTHER: o-{k <b.ed - :Bo.u-bO 'J\es--kur~,._=t BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION ON THE LINE BELOW, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE AND ACCURATE. I ALSO AGREE TO BE BOUND BY PROVISIONS OF THE ZONING RESOLUTION.OF GENOA TOWNSHIP, AS WELL AS ACKNOWLEDGE THE FQLLOWING: -9{ I HAVE ATTACHED OR ENCLOSED WITH THIS APPLICATION TEN (10) COPIES OF ALL MATERIALS WHICH ARE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR / - APPROVAL WITH THIS APPLICATION AND ONE DIGITAL COPY (PDF FORMAT), IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ZONING RESOLUTION, INCLUDING: o SITE PLAN(S), DRAWN TO SCALE THAT DELINEATES THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS AS WELL AS THE GENERAL CHARACTER OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA, UTILITY SERVICE, TRAFFIC PATTERNS, AND OTHER INFORMATION AS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING RESOLUTION. THE SITE PLAN SHOULD INCLUDE PLANS FOR LANDSCAPING, SIGNAGE, PARKING, LIGHTING, AND OTHER RELEVANT IMPROVEMENTS. o DEVELOPMENT PLAN TEXT, PROVIDING A NARRATIVE OF THE PROPOSED USE INCLUDING THE PROPOSED TIMETABLE {INCLUDING PHASING} FOR DEVELOPMENT AND SPECIFICALLY REFERENCING CONFORMANCE TO RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE ZONING RESOLUTION AND REQUESTING SPECIFIC DIVERGENCES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DIVERGENCE REVIEW SECTION. o I HAVE ATTACHED OR ENCLOSED A LIST OF NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET OF THE PROPERTY(S) FOR WHICH THIS APPLICATION IS SUBMITTED (CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE GENOA TOWNSHIP DEVELOPMENT & ZONING OFFICE). ALSO, PROVIDED IS A SET OF ADDRESSED AND STAMPED PLAIN WHITE BUSINESS SIZE ENVELOPES FOR EACH NAME ON THIS LIST. UPDATED ENVELOPES ARE REQUIRED IF A HEARING IS REQUIRED WITH THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. )(' $750 APPLICATION FEE FOR ORIGINAL, $400 APPLICATION FEE FOR AMENDMENT (CASH, CHECK OR CREDIT CARD- MAKE CHECKS ~- PAYABLE TO "GENOA TOWNSHIP"}. ~~c INCOMPLETE APPLICATION FORMS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Do NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE- FOR OFFICE USE 0NLY DATE RECEIVED: 1/zs / w 1</ · CoMPLETE APPLICATION: ' L TYPEOFPAYMENT: o CASH o CREDITCARD ~ CHECKNO. DCRPC HEARING DATE: ~ 1 ~?3 ~s o No RECEIVEDBY: ---=CL::.... ': :....4-'--5C-=---------- -- AJ.LI oP AMOUNT: 1P TCX:J- ACTION: crAPPRO\fEO o DENIES-/ ZC HEARING DATE: }J STAFFCOMPLETINGREVIEW: £"liz./ 2..o it{ rt CL-4..Jf? ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED NOTES: - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TYPE OF AMENDMENT: o MAJOR o MINOR DATE REVISIONS RECEIVED: - -- - COMPLETEAPPLICATION: o YES TYPE OF PAYMENT: o CASH o CREDIT CARD o CHECK NO. AMOUNT: _ o NO RECEIVED BY: -- -- - - - - - - -- -_ _ TRUSTEE HEARING DATE: _ _ _ ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED April25, 2014 Dear Members of the Genoa Township Board of Directors, Thank you for the opportunity to suggest zoning changes for the address of 5755 Maxtown Rd Westerville, Ohio 43082 which I hope will become the future use of"Lil Smoke Shack" in which we will be offering the freshest meat, fresh bread and fresh Ohio produce. I would like to propose the following for your consideration: 1) I would like to place a 6x7 Southern Pride 700 smoker as well as a 6x6 walk-in cooler on the east end of the building, surrounded by a 6 foot shadowbox fence. 2) I would like to use the north side of the building as a wa1kup window in which the pavement would be striped 6x4 with two flowerpots in each comer and two speed bumps on the east and west of the window. 3) I would also ask your consideration for outdoor seating on the paved west side of the building 3 tables and 6 chairs as well as 4 picnic tables (umbrellas included with all tables) on the north side of the grassy area. Further, I would like to have the ability to welcome walk up and bicycle traffic clientele from Home Depot, Fiflh Third Bank, Kroger and other establishments in the area to enjoy our open green vicinity. access 4) For our cyclists I ask for the ability for bicycle. which would include two bicycle racks to be located on the northwest comer of the pavement by the parking area. ·· 5) I would like to put a shed (8xl 0) on the northeast comer of the dumpster for paper products. 6) Signage exists and is preapproved to replace the lettering (Lil Smoke Shack.) 7) I would like to use the northern grassy area for com hole (in season) as well as 12 outdoor activities per season, i.e. Birthday parties, Art shows, Entertainment and a Farmer's Market. I thank you for the opportunity to present the changes above in the hopes that I can go forward with an exciting new business. Sincerely, c::: c/\l0a.. \ Susan T. Sturms s li2::s :;-;. :--· ._, ··-~ . .,_~"1: ·~~ -~llli ... .. ~ '11>1 --~ .:~ ]\ ~-- 'I: •'-" :~:· ~- 1 -z <>· {. ...·, -·..:.::--~-;~~-·..:;;.. .. - - '·--. -:-.-:-"'-. "''-~:-~-~~~4:~-~-;l;:. -. .. -~--:-.=:.~...; .t'- 3: ~ L. ~- ~ 3: ··-···· ·.;,.,... ~ . /:. !I' •-""~~'* _,. _ ~ -~"' 'l> -~ _, •·...:s.. ·= -§; -- -~~~~~- l ·--~ -- .$$ . ---~- .. .· :~ 'Ill c:;: } . .- ;.· ~ ~ ..... ~- . ·_- .... ~--- • Lh / I f - i / '' I I \ \\ --l \ I i i A)£) ~ i i I l ( '! 0 r;; r..yJ """' ':) 0 5 '"" / / /::' /~I 1/ /'\ // l )J ~ / / 6/ jl .l/ ~, ' ' i! I I \ / //~.·. I '·1. i 'I> I / / Southern PRIDE WOOD BURNING BBQ PITS & SMOKERS MODELS SPK-280, SPK-500 & SPK-700 INSTRUCTION MANUAL r-----·- 1\ b e._ l.YS: 1\J -4-i,_; S u "', ·-t j::_ lll ' l I ~ I X % r!-1 ~41 I ~ (5 _J WOOD BURNING BBQ PffS &SIIOKERS 472 South Mill Street, Alamo 1N 38001 PHONE: 618-997-9348- FAX: 618-993-5960 SALES: 800-851-8180 - - [email protected] SERVICE: 800-437-2679- SERVICE FAX: 618-993-0378- parts&[email protected] Delaware County Engineer Chris Bauserman, P.E., P.S. County Engineer Patrick E. Blayney, P.E., FACEC Chief Depray Engineer September 24, 2007 Genoa Township Zoning Board 5111 S. Old 3C Highway Westerville, Ohio 43082 Re: Pruposei/Developmentat · 5755 Maxtown Road Dear Zoning Board Members: The Delaware County Engineer's Office will not require a traffic impact study to be completed for the proposed development at 5755 Maxtown Road. This site was included in the original Traffic Impact Study completed for the Kroger/Home Depot commercial development. Please feel :free tc contact tbis office with any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Douglas W. Riedel, P.E. Deputy Development Engineer DWR:cd cc: Paul Dee!, DCRPC .Ti:mD.ecker···~t:-:_. ----.,.t. .. . 50 Channing Street, Delaware, Ohio 43015' E-Mail: [email protected] ___ ~bSite: WW'I! 4'·6" (54n) _____ - · ,... L~ . )' ....... ~ ,-ru ""' ,·..... --a 'f1 "''t a5 ~-=="'CC .. I ~ £:2. &> c:, ~ h QQk_ ~ ~ r~•n ~ 9U~~ ~~ ~ - -~--.__. ........ c:ourr~ s~~c:s tt:illJJrnmnHtV111'ltwmF" le14 • .,., ------- S rn() ~e ~a== ~ ... rn Ml~.- . ~ ....... 4111::- • '" .. - PMS 200 "' ' • • 0 '-~~- ..... L.e\lKr~ .. 'fq•' . ,., , ,. , j ()!i :II. . ....... /J: c ,;, , t · :··:· :. ~:....:::~ .... .':.'.::· . . . ·~·~:~:·.i··;_:.--' ' I . ·----' eGf ··J Exterior Store Fascia F: (614) 252-2494 -'"'· YES NO Scale· Salespersoni Drawn By: · EH: r - - -- - LK.----- - - - Client: I _./' /Li \ Smoke.. Sh~c.K -- ::. -·- ~ ~- -----........,...., L; / 5YYloke Shqc k:GROUND SIGN· PROI)OSAJ.~ - 5755 MAXTOWN ROAD - ----- - - - WESTERVILLE, OHIO 43082 ~-- -----------~~ . Mc,ii,\ ~f ,..~ IL!JI t'temJ 1 .. ~ ;;, - bvl. \C4<. ,, ~~'$\ .. .. ') ~ ' -t:tu .\, ..... . :JJlJI .,. "+!-!. . I. l. raa-J --- . . 4 ,, . {jf1b/o7. 5755 MAXTOWN ROAD WESTERVILLE. OHIO 43082 .. ·. + .. .. . ~1, ""')\. t ("_.(./ ------ ( J/V/ '' //.' ~~ .__.--•o ..... ·.·, ;g on _ _ _.. ' • . ·' .'. : 1ii\IRI1"~ L.e.~te"-? t. .~Joo.l :•.eu-.Ae. I' J'"ti!I!&..D F: :g;;l +I a,..... = S'~ \ ..... ~ !f.!Jf ~~ 11\,QIIOMowi ··; ·' .. ~~ <.•·2.-70" ~t0flo_,~~I&O,~Jtlk.4oo.,j,~(t00111<U>!I . . . . :~ Cofotn4IMO«!iioto I' • . '' . · ·2· •.9S . 3, 4 $ ':' 3 ..9$ ' ...,. w•hfiO(~""\ ~<».IS.,•~.JI.I>&awiiF~ u-r·~•\ ~:c!: ~!!~~"!:>~ 3,:.. 2.0 ,. · 3.7 ·~cdno · . ·. ::.2:.4:·5;:: .. ·.·2.95,. ... · · 190~~ rrlk. '•' ·:. • ,' : 3·.45 ... <{ ' ··;: ,;·~ r~""n''{\.7' ·;t~·· ·. ~... '·o ·:: ·- ·-~ u II! [!, ...... - - • . . M o • ' 00 /c.-! A.d~() 1~008 .......,..._ < l' ! • : ; <>-~~\:?(&, ~~~ • : !..! . . . .. CHANGEABLE. C.Q. PY. MENU._Sl.GN ; ..1'\h'")J~ ·;; ;~! 1\ ·:·.::. '• .. .. •'···· ·-·. ., ' •. (())~~ . l
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